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组织关系介绍信主送单位是什么意思 你调往的那个单位 党组织关系介绍信的擡头和接收单位有区别吗? 接收单位是指你的最终落脚点。 擡头是指有转接权限的组织部门,一般是接收单位的上级或者再上级。 比如:大学毕业之后到某县水利局工作接收单位就是XX县水利局 擡头就是 *** XX县委组织部 个人档案该怎么调动? 调档比较好办,但越早办越好。 第一,先弄清楚你的人事档案是在原单位的人事部门存放,还是原单位所在地的人才交流中心存放。 第二,在海南开一个调档函(最好是具有人事聘用职能的国有企事业单位或是当地的人才交流中心出具调档函),拿着调档函去档案存放地取出来,交到开调档函的单位。 第三,调档函的格式比较简单,名称就是调档函,主送档案存放单位,内容就是因什么什么原因,兹有某某人前去办理转档有关手续,请予办理,落款,年月日,盖章。 请问党组织联起来的相关材料怎么写 一、组织关系转接 (一)请各院系在群共享中下载《毕业生党员登记表》 ,关于此表有以下要求: 1 、 所有毕业生党员信息都要按班级顺序填入表格 (不管组织关系有没有转出, 即有没有 开具介绍信) ,万一有组织关系未及时转出的党员, “台头”一栏空着, “组织关系去向”栏填 “待定” 。 2 、 要求所有党员组织关系必须转出我校。 因支教、 考研等原因档案暂留在我校的, 也要 求组织关系转到支教地等。 3 、 党员档案材料与其他档案材料不得不分开的情况下, 预备党员可将组织发展材料单独 用档案袋封好后贴上封条,并盖党总支的章后交给毕业生本人,由毕业生本人交给接收组织 关系地, 正式党员若不是接收组织关系地非要组织发展材料, 则最好不要单独封存以免遗失, 可让学生先问清楚接收组织关系地是否非要党员档案。 ( 仅限于组织关系材料与其他档案材料 不得不分开的情况,且院系应在登记表“备注”栏中做好记载) 。 4 、每栏都要登记清楚,不要将某栏如身份证号空着。 5 、此表请于 2010 年 9 月 15-20 日交纸质打印文档和电子档到组织部。因为有些毕业生 党员可能 6 月以后还有零星转组织关系的,所以无需六月交表。另外 9 月交表格到组织部时 将介绍信存根一并交到组织部。 (二)给毕业生办理组织关系转接前,请务必先让毕业生确定好转到何处,以及单位隶 属关系,特别是落实了工作单位的,先让学生本人问清工作单位是否建立了党组织,单位是 否接收组织关系。让他们尽量不要改来改去,以免浪费介绍信及人力。 (三)凡是党员所在单位已经建立党组织的,应将党员组织关系转移到单位党组织;单 位未建立党组织的,应将党员组织关系转移到单位所在地或其居住地党组织,也可转移到行 业主管部门党组织,或县以上 *** 人事(劳动)部门所属的人才(劳动)服务机构党组织。 (四)暂未落实工作单位的,应将党员组织关系转移到本人或父母居住地的街道、乡镇 党组织或父母工作单位党组织或随同档案转移到县以上 *** 人事 (劳动) 部门所属的人才 (劳 动)服务机构党组织,但转关系前一定要与转入单位联系协商,经同意后方可转。 (三) 、 (四)用通俗的语言说就是,落实了工作单位且单位接收组织关系的,让毕业生 先问清楚单位隶属关系,要转到工作单位所在的基层党委;未落实工作单位或工作单位不接 收组织关系的, 毕业生党员可将党员组织关系转移到本人或父母居住地的街道、 乡镇党组织, 或父母工作单位党组织, 或随档案一起转到人才交流中心等, 但要提前与转入党组织联系好, 对方同意才可转入。 建议和档案一起放在人才交流中心, 因为不论是正式党员还是预备党员, 人才交流中心都可以较好地管理,可以转正、缴纳党费等等。 (五)组织关系介绍信上的有效期,在黄石市内的,有效期为 30 天;到外省市的,有效 期一般为 60 天;考研的,为 90 天(考研的开具介绍信的日期统一写 6 月 25 日) 。 (六)毕业生离校通知单中组织关系一栏,是党员的,省内的由各院系开介绍信盖党总 支的章;省外的,由学生拿院系开具的介绍信到组织部办理好组织关系转接后盖组织部章。 (七) 组织关系转接的时间各院系可自行安排在 6 月 11 日前某个集中的时间段, 6 月 10 日 -11 日组织部将在科教大厦一楼大厅集中开具出省的组织关系介绍信。 (八) 《 2010 年毕业生党组织关系转出须知》要求各院系务必打印一份张贴到各院系宣 传栏或学生办公室门口给毕业生党员看一下,...... 资料管理 工程资料管理制度 1.总则 1.1为确保工程档案的齐全、完整、准确、系统,确保档案案卷合格率,使工程档案管理顺利达到《建设工程文件归档整理规范》(GBT/50328-2001)的要求,特制定本制度。 1.2基本建设工程档案资料是指在整个建设项目,从酝酿、决策到建成投产的过程中形成的有归档保存价值的文件资料,包括项目的提出、调研、可行性研究、评估、勘测、设计、施工、调试、生产准备、试运行、移交生产、竣工等工作活动中形成的文字材料、图纸、图表、声像材料和其它载体的材料。 1.3基本建设工程档案资料是国家、企业的宝贵财富,是勘测、设计、施工和管理人员的劳动结晶。依据《中华人民共和国档案法》,各级人员做好文件材料的立卷归档工作是各自的义务和岗位职责,各级人员应对自己负责的项目所形成的、具有保存价值的文件材料,认真做好立卷归档工作,并确保档案的完整性、准确性。 2 工程档案管理制度 2.1档案资料管理 2.1.1工程档案资料工作是工程建设过程的一部分,应纳入建设全过程管理并与工程建设同步。档案资料室集中统一管理本工程全过程的技术档案资料,对工程文件材料的形成、积累、收集、归档工作进行监督、检查,并负责工程技术档案资料的接收和移交。 2.1.2为了便于各个管理环节的衔接,档案资料室配备专职档案员,为更好地管理好档案资料,应配置必要的库房、档案装具、档案保护设施和办公设备。 2.1.3工程建设中,各种技术资料交由档案资料室统一管理发放,各有关部门和单位指定专人办进领用手续。 2.1.4设备到货后,由物资组汇同有关部门开箱验收后,设备资料(归档的发给施工单位的)统交档案资料室统一管理,造册登记并建立收发明细帐。各单项工程总体验收由档案资料室对其各种技术文件和竣工资料进行查验,各项工程竣工决算的最后付款必须由档案资料室对竣工资料签收合格后支付。 2.1.5购置技术资料、图书、标准由档案部门统一申请,经批准后按计划办理,或委托有关部门自行办理。凡购置技术资料、图书、标准的报销凭证,一律由档案室签收后方可办理报销手续。 2.2归档文件的质量规定 2.2.1凡合同、协议等文件材料均应为正本(即必须有各方代表符合规定的亲笔签名,有单位盖章栏目的还必须加盖单位公章归档,签字方不能用副本或复印件归档)。 2.2.2施工技术记录、工程签证单、试运记录、材料半成品试验单、设计修改通知单(含工程联系单)等表格和数据均应用70g以上的白色书写材料书写并原件(如表式为复印件,数据虽用合格材料书写也不能作为原件;验收签证单中的各方人员必须签名齐全,不能以盖章或打印件代替签名)归档。 2.2.3调试措施,方案和报告等均应为油印件或激光打印机打印件,不能用复印件或普通色带打印件,以保证字迹的耐久性。 2.2.4主送和抄送本单位的文件材料均应以红头文件(不能用复印件)归档。 2.2.5书写规定 A) 书写字迹工整,图样清晰。 B) 书写墨水应为碳素墨水,严禁用圆珠笔或铅笔书写。 C)文件书写格式应用横行排列,文件段落,章节编排,按有关文件编写要求;汉字简化应符合国家颁发的有关规定。 2.2.6书写材料的大小尺寸应规范,装订边空白间距应为25mm,装订边空白间隙内不能进行书写和留有信息。 3 工程文件收发及管理规定 为加强工程文件收发管理,理顺传递关系,并按工程进度作好工程文件的提供利用,特制定本制度。 3.1 工程文件接收 3.1.1各单位提供给工程部的工程文件(工程技术文件、图纸资料)由档案资料室统一接收;上级党政主管机关所发的行政及党务方面的文件由办公室统一接收。 3.1.2...... 中国银行业监督管理委员会行政许可实施程序规定的第二章 申请与受理 第九条 申请人应按照《中国银行业监督管理委员会行政许可事项申请材料目录和格式要求》提交申请材料。第十条 申请人向受理机关提交申请材料的方式为邮寄或当面递交至银监会办公厅、银监局办公室或银监分局办公室。申请材料中应当注明详细、准确的联系方式和送达行政许可决定的邮寄地址。当面递交申请材料的,经办人员应当出示单位介绍信和合法身份证件;申请人为自然人的应当出示合法身份证件。第十一条 由下级机关受理、上级机关决定的申请事项,申请人应向受理机关提交申请材料,并提交受理申请书,简要说明申请事项。前款提交的申请材料的主送单位应当为决定机关。第十二条 申请事项依法不需要取得行政许可或者申请事项不属于受理机关职权范围的,受理机关应当即时告知申请人不予受理,并出具不予受理通知书。申请事项不属于本机关职权范围的,还应当告知申请人向有关行政机关申请。第十三条 申请事项属于受理机关职权范围的,受理机关对照行政许可事项申请材料目录和格式要求,发现申请材料不齐全或不符合规定要求的,应在收到申请材料之日起5日内向申请人发出补正通知书,一次告知申请人应补正的全部内容,并要求其在补正通知书发出之日起3个月内提交补正申请材料。申请材料齐全并符合规定要求的,受理机关应在收到完整申请材料之日起5日内受理行政许可申请,并向申请人发出受理通知书。第十四条 在补正通知书发出之日起3个月内,申请人未能提交补正申请材料的,受理机关在期满后5日内作出不予受理申请的决定,向申请人发出不予受理通知书,并说明不予受理的理由。申请人提交的补正申请材料不齐全或者不符合规定要求的,受理机关在收到补正申请材料之日起5日内作出不予受理申请决定,向申请人发出不予受理通知书,并说明不予受理的理由。第十五条 在作出受理申请决定之前,申请人要求撤回申请的,申请人应当向受理机关提交书面撤回申请。受理机关应在登记后将申请材料退回申请人。第十六条 受理通知书、不予受理通知书、补正通知书应由受理机关加盖本机关专用印章并注明日期,并由受理机关交予或邮寄给申请人。 第一次主动联系外贸客户怎么写介绍信 简短、突出目的、吻合客户所需。每个客户基本上会收到N封邮件,长篇大论直接进垃圾箱;突出我方预达成交易目的,最好能在标题上精简体现;至于吻合对方所需,你可事先调查对方所需急需,所需的货物标准,对症下药,往往有雪中炭的效果。诚恳友好、融入其风格 如何办理外省建筑企业进黑龙江省投标备案介绍信,需要详细步骤和准备文件 投标备案 1、企业所在省(直辖市)级建设行政主管部门开具的出省施工介绍信(国家各部委的直属建筑业企业可凭上级主管部门介绍信)。 2、企业申请报告。 3、黑龙江省工商部门所发营业执照。 4、企业资质证书。 5、企业安全生产许可证。 6、黑龙江省地税部门所发税务登记证。 7、法定代表人委托书。 8、企业所在省(直辖市)建设行政主管部门出具的企业近三年施工或监理建设项目的工程质量证明及无安全事故证明;未拖欠农民工工资和分包单位工程款证明;市场十种行为证明。 9、《招标公告》或《投标邀请函》。 10、项目经理部或监理部成员一览表,并附一览表内成员的注册执业证书、岗位证书、职称证书、身份证。 说明: (1)以上材料验原件,收复印件。复印件需按所备材料顺序装订成册;企业所在省出具的出省施工介绍信需装订原件; (2)企业申请报告无固定格式,写明主送单位、申请单位及申请投标事项即可; (3)市场十种行为证明为“建设部第159号令”第二十一条之规定。 (4)招标备案须在招标报名截止之日前办理。 上海药明康德有限公司 党组关系转接 1、 党员在离校前,要求学校党组织开一份《中国 *** 组织关系介绍信》携带。 (1)、需跨省市接转的,组织关系介绍信擡头必须写:“上海浦东新区区委组织部”。 (2)、在上海本地区接转的,组织关系介绍信擡头则写:“上海外高桥保税区综合党委”。 2、正式党员只需有《中国 *** 组织关系介绍信》。 3、预备党员需有《中国 *** 组织关系介绍信》,同时携带本人的“入党材料”以备药明康德公司党组织为其办理转正事宜。“入党材料”本人可向原所在学校党组织商借,转正后由本人交档案保管单位,归入本人人事档案内。并请写好收、借条,防止遗失。 4、入职报到后,请及时与外高桥保税区综合党委办公室联系,并把《中国 *** 组织关系介绍信》交给所在部门的党支部书记,同时填写党员基本信息表。由书记交给药明康德党总顶或外高桥保税区综合党办后,给予正式登记接收


1、摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。2、不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。3、结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。4、用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。5、要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。6、除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。7、不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。8、缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。9.论文结构要清晰,重点突出自己的思想和内容,不要把别人的工作和自己的工作混淆在一起,一定要有自己的东西在里面。10.严格按照硕士论文书写规范进行论文撰写。论文的整体风格,编排要整洁清爽。论文常被用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果的文章。它既是探讨问题进行科学研究的一种手段,又是描述科研成果进行学术交流的一种工具。论文格式封面  论文常指用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果的文章。它既是探讨问题进行科学研究的一种手段,又是描述科研成果进行学术交流的一种工具。它包括学年论文、毕业论文、学位论文、科技论文、成果论文等,总称为论文[1]。论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准。直观的说,论文格式就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求。  结构  论文一般由题名、作者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献和附录等部分组成,其中部分组成(例如附录)可有可无。论文各组成的排序为:题名、作者、摘要、关键词、英文题名、英文摘要、英文关键词、正文、参考文献、附录和致谢[2]。  题目1.题名规范  题名应简明、具体、确切,能概括论文的特定内容,有助于选定关键词,符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原则。2.命题方式  简明扼要,提纲挈领。3.英文题名方法①英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语最常见,即题名基本上由一个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成;短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。②一般不要用陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义,且不够精炼和醒目。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因为疑问句有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。③同一篇论文的英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。④国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制,有的规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;有的要求题名不超过14个词。这些规定可供我们参考。⑤在论文的英文题名中。凡可用可不用的冠词均不用。  摘要  摘要是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜[3]。  摘要的规范  摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,要求扼要地说明研究工作的目的、研究方法和最终结论等,重点是结论,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,可以引用、推广。  关键词  关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作计算机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题分析,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。(参见《汉语主题词表》和《世界汉语主题词表》)。1.关键词规范  关键词是反映论文主题概念的词或词组,通常以与正文不同的字体字号编排在摘要下方。一般每篇可选3~8个,多个关键词之间用分号分隔,按词条的外延(概念范围)层次从大到小排列。  关键词一般是名词性的词或词组,个别情况下也有动词性的词或词组。  应标注与中文关键词对应的英文关键词。编排上中文在前,外文在后。中文关键词前以“关键词:”或“[关键词]”作为标识;英文关键词前以“Key words:”作为标识。  关键词应尽量从国家标准《汉语主题词表》中选用;未被词表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语和地区、人物、文献等名称,也可作为关键词标注。关键词应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用技术词条。2.选择关键词的方法  关键词的一般选择方法是:由作者在完成论文写作后,从其题名、层次标题和正文(出现频率较高且比较关键的词)中选出来。  论文正文  要点⑴引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义,并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。  〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出问题-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证方法与步骤;d.结论。  为了做到层次分明、脉络清晰,常常将正文部分分成几个大的段落。这些段落即所谓逻辑段,一个逻辑段可包含几个小逻辑段,一个小逻辑段可包含一个或几个自然段,使正文形成若干层次。论文的层次不宜过多,一般不超过五级。




Dear Li,With this letter i"m introducing my student Liu Ming to you who graduate from Guangdong Construction Vocational Technical institute.His major is environmental monitoring and management technology.In the school period study diligently,the result outstanding and participates in each kind of group activities positively.What"s more,he is a talented and ambitious young man.If you give him a chance,i think he will be a very good employee.Sincerely,Zhang Qiang希望对你有帮助

厦门旅游景点介绍信英语 厦门旅游景点介绍信英语范文

用英文介绍厦门市去书店买一本"魅力厦门"或者直接去抄:)里面啥都有,是一个老外写的,中英文都有.一篇关于厦门景点的英语作文(适用高一)Xiamen is China"s first four special economic zones, it is Taiwanese, southern Jiangxi, southern Hunan to the east to the sea, the Pacific Rim will be developed into an international harbor. "City at sea, the sea in the city," Xiamen is a graceful charm of the "Sea Garden." Island, reef, rock, temple, flowers, wood backed each other, the hometown of overseas Chinese customs, practices Fujian and Taiwan, coastal cuisine, exotic blend of construction, year-round spring weather is more of the charm of the sea icing on the cake. Beautiful scenery and pleasant weather, it can be said here is the best environment for cities. Surrounded by sea water, broad sandy beaches, warm sunshine, as a good ecological environment, Xiamen"s clean air, a habitat for hundreds of thousands of egrets, Xiamen has formed a unique natural landscape, since ancient times, Xiamen Egret is one of the major habitats, so Xiamen Also known as "Lu Dao"; in addition to the beautiful natural scenery, Xiamen"s urban environment is also very clean, is well-known tourist city.写一篇介绍景点的英语作文,80个单词就可以了介绍景点的英语作文开头可以介绍该景点的历史故事,中段部分重点介绍该景点可游玩的部分,最后一段对整个景点总结即可。介绍景点的英语作文双语范文如下:Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It"s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.鼓浪屿是厦门的一个小岛。就像水上花园。汽车和公共汽车是不允许开到那里的,这使得岛上非常安静,可以听到钢琴和小提琴演奏的音乐。Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.在这里,天空和大海在地平线上清晰地汇合。当你站在日光岩的顶端,你可以看到厦门的很多风景,当你站在它的脚下,你可以凝视美丽的花园围绕它。Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.鼓浪屿生产香蕉、椰子、甘蔗等。这里的人们热情、淳朴、勤劳,正在努力让这个岛屿变得更美丽,他们希望未来有更多的游客。Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits这就是鼓浪屿,一个美丽而诱人的岛屿,在这里,你会受到热烈的欢迎。重点词汇解释:1、scenicadj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的n. 风景胜地;风景照片双语例句:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景极其优美的一个地区。2、touristn. 旅行者,观光客adj. 旅游的vt. 在旅行参观vi. 旅游;观光adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱双语例句:A_assing_ourist_napped_he_ncident.一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。介绍厦门的英语作文Xiamen is located in Southeast of Fujian province,it is considered as the cleanest port city in China thus people call Xiamen "the garden on the sea" or call it "green island". Back to Song dynasty it started its administrative founding until now.There are a great variety of sights to witness in Xiamen.Gulangyu Island, the most beautiful island near Xiamen, has won great reputation for its Sunlight Rock and Shuzhuang Garden.South Putuo Temple, which is located at the foot of Wulaofeng and is deemed to be the most renowned Buddhist temple in Xiamen.Xiamen Botanical Garden, known as the Wanshi Botanical Garden,which has scenic spots such as the Morning Bell of Heaven, the Reading and Music Playing Cave, the Cloud Locking Stones, the Jade Scepter Rock and the Peace Stone. In the past decade, Xiamen has changed a lot with rapid advancing in agriculture,industry,science technology and education areas.


介绍信不可以当公函用。 介绍信是用来介绍联系接洽事宜的一种应用文体,是应用写作研究的文体之一。是机关团体、企事业单位派人到其他单位联系工作、了解情况或参加各种社会活动时用的函件,它具有介绍、证明的双重作用。使用介绍信,可以使对方了解来人的身份和目的,以便得到对方的信任和支持。 公函,正式的或官方的书信。公函是党政机关、人民团体、企事业单位间商洽和联系工作时使用的一种文体。公函的使用范围很广,平行机关或者不相隶属机关间联系工作是可以使用公函,上下级之间的联系、询问、答复工作时,也可以使用公函。








关于英文介绍信模板汇总9篇   在当今社会生活中,我们使用上介绍信的情况与日俱增,介绍信可以帮助对方了解我们的身份、来历,同时也赋予了我们一定的责任和权利。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一份恰当的介绍信呢?以下是我收集整理的英文介绍信9篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文介绍信 篇1   Dear ,   I want to take this opportunity to inform you that1 will be joining us shortly. She holds a doctor"s degree in genetics and has worked in this field for twelve years. It is exciting that she has decided to join our company in this transformation period.   She is a person who is good at time management and I have no doubt you will find a good partner in her.   1 is currently involved in a project which might be of interest to you, and she shall be contacting you immediately after her arrival. I am sure that you will soon join hands and make progress step by step.   Sincerely yours, 英文介绍信 篇2   Good morning, my name is xxx, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing xx uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.   in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.   i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of pp, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride. 英文介绍信 篇3 To whom it may concern,   I deem it a great pleasure to write this letter of reference on behalf of Mr Ma to support his application to study in your university.   I am the dean of Finance School in Tianjin Commerce of University boustead college of International Finance and Economics, and Mr Ma is one of my students majoring in International Finance and Trade. I have known his very well in terms of personality and academic performance. The intelligent nature and sense of logical analysis make his powerful in mastering complicated theories. In his active participation in the campus activities, he has demonstrated his intellectual independence as well as impressive ability. Additionally, he expresses his ideas clearly and has good analytical skills, which give me deep impression. To my surprise, Mr Ma finihed any tasks very excellently thanks to his agile mind and quick analysis ability.   Based on my appreciation of such an ambitious student who receives the challenge bravely, I strongly support hes decision of highis academic pursuit without reservation. And I sincerely hope my recommendation will receive your favorable consideration.   Yours Honestly,   xxx 英文介绍信 篇4   DONGAO KUAIJI Letter of Identification   TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Lei Li was working with the above mentioned company from 20xx to20xx. Even though she was majoring in Economics but she was working with us as a Lab Technician. Together with her studies Ms Li was doing part time job, as the intern in our company and from 20xx to January, 20xx she was a full time worker in the company. With her stay for this many days with the company she has learnt a lot and gained good knowledge in this field. During her stay in the company she was assigned the duties such as:   Preparing resources for testing and mixing chemicals for processing Liaise with the team to ensure tests and project is compliance with company policy andprogram.   Recording and maintaining reports for the director.   During her stay with us Ms Li has proved to be a good team player, was punctual and a good worker and we have no hesitation in commending her to any prospecting employer.   Yours faithfully   For and on behalf of DONGAO KUAIJI LIMITED 英文介绍信 篇5   Dear xxx,i am xxx.i am that a man is brave is xxx circle speciality is measured and maintained,graduate from the xxx college of auto industry of xxx.   i study specialized course diligently in the time at school, train ones own self-study been admitted to the time at school car steering xx and shone,repair the card in automobile g admitted to the automobile sale and after-sale service speciality of undergraduate course of self-study examination of the university of always load in jetta and fields lying fallow in rotation of the treasure of our company one is practised,receive the leaders trust, with the heavy repair shop of the audi now.   today, the automobile is fierce in competition , it is higher and higher to peoples demand.i like the automobile very much, i like the work of the automobile very much too.i can be competent at the company and hand over any post to me.i is it is it hope leader can give me chance to let me make contribution for company to progress to demand me offer some strength for beautiful tomorrow of the company,express gratitude to the leaders ks for your attention,thats all. 英文介绍信 篇6   Dear Mr.Smith,   Please allow me to introduce to you the bearer of this letter, Mr.Li Xiaobin, one of my best students who is going to study in your city at the beginning of next month.   Xiaobin graduated from Department of Physics, Fudan University this summer with distinction and is going to study in Stanford University for his master?s degree.I have got his accommodation arranged already.   I want to ask you such a favor as to act as his sponsor if it will not bring you too much trouble.He is an upright and honest young man and I am sure he won?t cause you any trouble.I will shoulder the responsibility in case anything does happen.Thank you for your kindness.Wish you happy and healthy.   Yours sincerely,   Liu Gang   此信的首段介绍了持信人与自己的关系,通报了其下月去收信人所在城市学习的消息。次段介绍了持信人的情况。第三段提出请对方担任持信人担保人的请求,并说明此举不会给对方带来任何负面影响。第四段是对对方的感谢和祝福。   首段的bearer表示“带信人,持信人”。第二段的accommodation表示“膳宿”。第三段的in case表示“万一”。   Directions:Suppose that your friend is going to a new university.Write a letter in about 100 words to introduce her to a friend there.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Linda”instead. 英文介绍信 篇7 Dear(对方名字):   how about you recently?from you letter,i learned you want to know   my hometown ,i am very happy introduce it to you.   my hometown is a very historical city,you konw,in this place many great person have their name konwn,the most famous is zhou nenlai,isn`t it?and now,our city is developing very fast,it become very modren ,too.you can find anything you want,the citizen is also very frendily and kind,there are many place you can go,no matter ancient or modren.   so,my frend,come on,i am waiting for you !! 英文介绍信 篇8   dear sir/madam:   how do you do!   it is my great honor to my clever students for xudandan write this recommendation letter. she not only hard work and have a good moral character and the strong will. if my suggestions can help you to assess her ability i will be very happy.   xudandan students attended the first one is yunnan qujing key high school. in recent years, our school has already entered the university graduates to 100%. because of her diligence study, she is evaluated many times model student, outstanding student cadres, etc. more important is, she had the diligence and good study habits, a because of her outstanding performance in the study, in each semester studies testing comes top.   xudandan students in learning strong exploring spirit, deep thoughts and opinions is unique, have the pursuit-of-truth spirit. remember in eleventh grade culture life a research study class, xudandan students in the study group on his behalf with the slide presentation to the class the ancient chinese traditional culture research results from the beijing olympic opening ceremonies video broadcast to the pre-qin times introduced by, from the book of changes , the tao-te to the idealist phylosophy of the original analysis, and much of the knowledge, fluent expression, let classmates and teachers deeply admit defeat. later in the exchange, that xudandan students love reading, especially for the pre-qin times of chinese classical quite have the research of chinese traditional art as a special love. from traditional culture can learn philosophy wisdom to guide their study and life, this for a modern students is very valuable.   xudandan students study hard, hard working hard, with excellent results. learning ability is stronger, class is good at listening to, independent thinking, often can put forward some valuable problem discussed with the teacher. study on notice to the knowledge integration and inductive method, after school time can also often focus on current events, and published his current affairs comments. since high school in all previous test made class and even the whole grade outstanding achievements. language the number three lessons especially math scores obvious advantages, almost every test can obtain the class the first. excellent win the teachers and students of praise.   at the same time, in the social sector, she showed her a strong leader and organization skills. as the class cadres xudandan students initiative, burden task, dedicated spirit. as the monitor of my class, xudandan students work at ordinary times initiative, a strong management ability, the teacher in charge at the leadership, independence bold to carry out all the class activities, from the campaign design, mobilization, coordinate to organizations to carry out, and then to activities of the summary after reflection, can arrange in order, participants to leave many enlightenment and deep impression, however, is that the teacher in charge teachers right-hand man, by the students of the love. not only eager to class management, to around the students care and help also give me a good impression: in class activities, xudandan students can help the students enthusiastically, in view of the students in studying in the ordinary weak links with guidance, and reasonable suggestion, make the results have been significantly improved. these activities improve the xudandan students social practice ability.   enter your school for further study has been xudandan classmate elusive goal, i believe, had the comprehensive quality and the solid foundation of basic skills, plus the your school first-class environment for education, students can have a nice xudandan development prospects. in view of this, i seriously recommend to your school xudandan classmate, sincerely wish she would be in the talents gathered on the platform of the talent show, march toward success!   referee:   single bit: xx xx secondary school   december 12, 20xx 英文介绍信 篇9 Dear Mr. Johnson,   I take great pleasure in introducing Mary Brown one of my classmates and best friends to you. She is going to pursue her education as a postgraduate in your university after her graduation here. She and I had lived and studied together for four years. No friend deserves so much love and respect as she does. Now that we have finished our study here we had to part with each other.   Will you please give her some guidance in regard to the entrance examination? Any information you can provide, as well as your introduction for him to meet the future tutor shall be appreciated very much.   Yours truly,   Emma    译文   亲爱的约翰逊先生:   很高兴地向您介绍我的同学也是我的"好朋友,玛丽。她毕业后想继续到你们学校读研究生。我们在一起生活和学习了四年。没有一个比她更好的朋友,可是马上要毕业了,我们也不得不面对分离。   你可以给她提供一些有关入学考试的信息吗?你如果能给她提供一些信息,能帮她安排和导师见面的话,我将非常感谢。   您真挚的:   艾玛   正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:   (1)简单地介绍一下被介绍人的身份和情况。   (2)说明事由,并要求对方对被介绍人提供某种帮助。   (3)对对方的帮助预先表示感谢。   (4)如果是熟悉的业务往来或老的工作关系,也可以附带询问一下工作上的近况和向对方致以问候。   (5)介绍信一般篇幅不长,前三个方面的内容常常可以放在一个段落里。 ;


  英文介绍信就是用英语撰写的介绍说明的信件,下面是我为大家整理的英语介绍信模板,希望对大家有帮助。   英语介绍信模板篇一   A formal letter of introduction to whom it may concern,   This is to introduce to you mr. gao, the bearer of this letter, who is the head of the overseas inspection group sent by qinghua uni 。 versity. we should be highly gratified if you would be kind enough to provide them with guidance and conveniences when they visit your company.   respectfully yours,   zhao,   director of guangmin co.ltd   英语介绍信模板篇二   Dear Sir:   It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fu-ping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school.   Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council"s project "The United States and the United Nations" Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997. His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities. With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant.   I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation.   Sincerely yours,   Chung Wei-kuo     英语介绍信模板篇三   Dear Mr. / Ms,   We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season. We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.   Yours faithfully 猜你喜欢: 1. 英文的介绍信范本 2. 英语个人介绍信范文3篇 3. 英文公司推荐信范文 4. 有关于英语的介绍信范文 5. 英文工作推荐信范文 6. 有关于英语版推荐信模版 7. 英语推荐信格式、常用句型以及范文 8. 英语工作推荐信范本




有关英文介绍信集合十篇   随着社会一步步向前发展,用到介绍信的地方越来越多,介绍信具有时效性的特点,是一种在限期内才具备有用性的一种专用文书。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一份恰当的介绍信呢?下面是我收集整理的`英文介绍信10篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文介绍信 篇1 Dear Anna,   I want to take this opportunity to inform you that Peter will be joining us shortly。He has worked in this field for twelve years and we are delighted that he has decided to join our company at this stage of our development。   He is a person of efficiency and responsibility and I have no doubt you will find a good partner in him。   Peter is currently involved in a project which might be of interest to you, and he shall be contacting you immediately after his arrival。I am sure it will be a happy and valuable experience for both of you。   Sincerely yours,   Henry 英文介绍信 篇2    1 文体介绍   正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:   (1)简单地介绍一下被介绍人的身份和情况。   (2)说明事由,并要求对方对被介绍人提供某种帮助。   (3)对对方的帮助预先表示感谢。   (4)如果是熟悉的业务往来或老的工作关系,也可以附带询问一下工作上的近况和向对方致以问候。   (5)介绍信一般篇幅不长,前三个方面的内容常常可以放在一个段落里。    例   (1)subject: introductiondear mr. / ms.,   this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketingspecialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business. we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to   reciprocate.   yours faithfully,   yang ning 英文介绍信 篇3   ear Professor:   Mr Ma requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for graduate   studies at your university. As his tutor when he prepared his project design for graduation, I am pleased to comply with his request.   I became acquainted with Mr Ma when I met him on my class,his excellent capacity for analytical thinking and ability to express his ideas orally and I remembered his name at once. But I was astonihed by his learning ability; he listened to my lesson with his thought, especially when I taught them some emphases and difficulties of the course.I was impressed by his unique views about these difficulties which reflected his thought and logic better than othis students.   I am glad to recommend this excellent boy who already possessed good quality and strong ability. I thisefore lend his my enthusiastic support and would appreciate you favorable consideration of his application.   Sincerely yours xxx 英文介绍信 篇4 Dear Professor:   Mr Ma requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for graduate   studies at your university. As his tutor when he prepared his project design for graduation, I am pleased to comply with his request.   I became acquainted with Mr Ma when I met him on my class,his excellent capacity for analytical thinking and ability to express his ideas orally and I remembered his name at once. But I was astonihed by his learning ability; he listened to my lesson with his thought, especially when I taught them some emphases and difficulties of the course.I was impressed by his unique views about these difficulties which reflected his thought and logic better than othis students.   I am glad to recommend this excellent boy who already possessed good quality and strong ability. I thisefore lend his my enthusiastic support and would appreciate you favorable consideration of his application. Sincerely yours xxx 英文介绍信 篇5   letter of introduction介绍信常用英语词汇:introduce 介绍   interview 面谈   allow 允许   references 证明书;    介绍信介绍信常用英语句型:   a letter of introduction will ensure you an interview. 一封介绍信可确保你得到一次面谈。 最难的事情,是为一个认识的人写介绍信。   do you have any references?你有介绍信吗?   漂亮的面孔就是最好的介绍信。   please allow me to introduce one of my best friends to you. 请允许我向您推荐我最好的朋友。   i take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer mr.li.很高兴能向您介绍这封信的持有者李先生。    英文介绍信范文示例:introduction   dear xxx,   this is to introduce mr.frank jones, our new marketing specialist who will be   in london from april 5 to mid april on business. we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to   reciprocate. yours faithfully,   johnny   尊敬的先生/女士,   现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克?琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月五日到四月中旬期间在   伦敦停留。 我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常愿意回报您的帮助。 英文介绍信 篇6   xxx People"s Republic of China Presents its compliments to the Embassy of Germany in Beijing and has the honor to request for the issue of entry visas of Germany for 此处写学员姓名的汉语拼音, who is leaving China on October, 3, 20xx.   此处写单位英文名称avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Germany the assurances of its highest consideration.   此处写英文单位名称,并盖章   July 5,xxx 英文介绍信 篇7   Dear Admission Committee:   Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. As her teacher, I am pleased to comply with her request.   I first got to know Miss Pan when she enrolled at university and I was the assistant director of her class at that time. 英文介绍信 篇8 Dear David,   I heard that you are seeking a house to live in. As it happens, there are some vacant houses in my neighborhood. Now, let me introduce something to you.   The neighborhood is located at No. 156, Lianhua Road. It is convenient to go to school because lots of buses pass there. As the renting poster says, you should pay 800 yuan each month for one bedroom. In addition, you will rent the house for one year at least, and the rental should be paid half a year. More importantly, the air here is very fresh and the surroundings are beyond description. I"m sure that you will be content with it.   Yours,   Li Hua 英文介绍信 篇9   Im an earnest person, always full of passion for any work I am assigned to. I have strong adaptability, eager to learn and ready for dedication.   Im an open-minded person with an excellent team spirit. I always want to improve myself and can face up to difficulties and challenges with great courage and   confidence. I have a lot of faith in the future. I really hope that I can join your   company and contribute to your business success as a competent employee. I   graduated this year from the major of financial management at XX university, with a bachelors degree. During my university study, I passed both Level 4 and Level 6 of the College English Proficiency Test, and obtained a qualification certificate for accounting professionals. In the university, I served as a leader of the Culture and Art Division of the Students Union, anchored several arts and cultural events and parties, and won the honorary tile of Outstanding Students Union Cadre. 英文介绍信 篇10 Dear Mary,   My colleague Jenny will go to the Department of Language and Linguistics to work as a visiting scholar for three months at your renowned university。I have always expected the two of you to meet, and this seems to be a perfect opportunity。   I have given your phone numbers to her and she may call you if she needs your help。I think she will have no trouble with her registration and accommodation。Perhaps you can show her around the campus or even the city when you have time。   I am sure that you will find an outgoing and intelligent girl in her just as you。You will become good friends in no time。 Your kindness will always be appreciated and remembered。   Sincerely yours,   Linda ;


英文介绍信(精选7篇)   现如今,我们都不可避免地要接触到介绍信,介绍信适用于单位与单位之间的工作来往所需,是一种较为正规的具有一定凭证作用的信件。那要怎么写好介绍信呢?以下是我为大家收集的英文介绍信,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。   英文介绍信 篇1 dear mr. / ms.,   this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketing介绍信格式specialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business.   we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.   yours faithfully,   yang ning 尊敬的先生/小姐:   现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。   我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。   您诚挚的"杨宁   英文介绍信 篇2 Dear Bob, 亲爱的鲍勃,   Yesterday I heard from you. I am very glad to be your pen friend. My name is Peter Zhang. I am sixteen years old. I live in...   昨天我收到了你的来信,我很高兴成为你的笔友。我的名字叫张彼德。我今年十六岁,我住在......   I am a middle school student, too. I like English and maths very much. I also like sports. I am good at singing. I know a little about America. Could you tell me something more about your country in your next letter?   我也是一名中学生,我非常喜欢英语和数学。我还喜欢体育运动,我很擅长唱歌。我对美国的了解不多,下次来信时能多跟我聊聊你们国家的事吗?   Please write to me soon.   期待着你的来信。   Yours   你的   Peter Zhang   张彼德   英文介绍信 篇3   1 文体介绍   正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:   (1)简单地介绍一下被介绍人的身份和情况。   (2)说明事由,并要求对方对被介绍人提供某种帮助。   (3)对对方的帮助预先表示感谢。   (4)如果是熟悉的业务往来或老的工作关系,也可以附带询问一下工作上的近况和向对方致以问候。   (5)介绍信一般篇幅不长,前三个方面的内容常常可以放在一个段落里。   例   (1)subject: introductiondear mr. / ms.,   this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketingspecialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business. we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to   reciprocate.   yours faithfully,   yang ning   英文介绍信 篇4   To it may concern,   This is to introduce Mr. and who are to make an investigation of [yjsjl] family condition on our instructions. We should esteem it a great favor if you would afford [them] the necessary information. With high respect.   英文介绍信 篇5   November xx, xxxx   To Whom It May Concern:   This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has July 1993 to Sept. 1994). Mr. Li"s main duties and responsibilities are as folloputer hardponets solved through the application of computer technology.   Write specifications for computer programs, and test and implement programs for netputer programmers and other system analysts for paticular system projects.   Mr. Li has mainly taken part in the folloputer netputer netpany. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Singature, Zhang Jianguo   Senior Engineer and Technical Manage Company Name, Address, Tex & Fax   英文介绍信 篇6 Dear Admission Committee:   Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. As her teacher, I am pleased to comply puter Science before college, she adapted quickly to the especially competitive environment in our department. At the end of the first year, she earned the 5th rank in her class, binatorial Mathematics”. This inquisitive and assiduous young an etimes the last to leave after my class, raising novel questions related to the subject. I found that she understood the knoe questions. But the folloputer Science and technology Peking University   Email: qmendation for Miss/Mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid.   Considered a promising student e courses in Database Principles and Management. Keenly a the beginning of the project.). From analyzing user"s requirements to designing the the detailed designing to the final programming, she an, friendly and helpful, and she has almend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council"s project- "The United States and the United Nations" Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997.   His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man pleted satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him petence and pleasant personality, mend his admission e guidance in regard to the entrance examination? Any information you can provide, as mend to you Li Ming, an outstanding graduate majoring in Business Administration.   I have been in charge of Mr. Li"s class since they puter science, munication ability and good command of English add a lot to his managerial skills.   I believe Mr. Li"s education and character undoubtedly qualify him to serve as an administrator in your company. I recommend him without reservation and believe you will find him a helpful and responsible staff member.   Sincerely yours,   Wang Hua   英文介绍信 篇7 Dear Colleagues:   As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leading university in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your PhD program.   In September, 20xx, Miss Zhang was my students in General Biology, the first professional course they take in the field. She likes it very much. I teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions. Miss Zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas. She never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical. Apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.   Upon ending of General Biology course, I asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of biology. I discovered Miss Zhang"s essay was so impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of references to Biology literatures. In essay Miss Zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. All of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability. I am gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clear understanding about General Biology, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay. Therefore Miss Zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it as model essay for granted.   I believe Miss Zhang"s industriousness, passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so I highly recommend her without any hesitation to you. And I will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your program.   Sincerely yours, ;


英文介绍信5篇   在不断进步的时代,各种介绍信频频出现,介绍信是用来介绍联系接洽事宜的一种应用文体,是应用写作研究的文体之一。那么一般介绍信是怎么写的呢?下面是我为大家收集的`英文介绍信,欢迎大家分享。 英文介绍信1 dear mr. / ms,   ing season.   we shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.   yours faithfully,   yang ning 英文介绍信2    1 文体介绍   正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:   (1)简单地介绍一下被介绍人的身份和情况。   (2)说明事由,并要求对方对被介绍人提供某种帮助。   (3)对对方的帮助预先表示感谢。   (4)如果是熟悉的业务往来或老的工作关系,也可以附带询问一下工作上的近况和向对方致以问候。   (5)介绍信一般篇幅不长,前三个方面的内容常常可以放在一个段落里。    例   (1)subject: introductiondear mr. / ms.,   this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketingspecialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business. we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to   reciprocate.   yours faithfully,   yang ning 英文介绍信3   Dear Bob,   亲爱的鲍勃,   Yesterday I heard from you. I am very glad to be your pen friend. My name is Peter Zhang. I am sixteen years old. I live in...   昨天我收到了你的来信,我很高兴成为你的笔友。我的名字叫张彼德。我今年十六岁,我住在......   I am a middle school student, too. I like English and maths very much. I also like sports. I am good at singing. I know a little about America. Could you tell me something more about your country in your next letter?   我也是一名中学生,我非常喜欢英语和数学。我还喜欢体育运动,我很擅长唱歌。我对美国的了解不多,下次来信时能多跟我聊聊你们国家的事吗?   Please write to me soon.   期待着你的来信。   Yours   你的   Peter Zhang   张彼德   点评:回信简洁明了,句子间的衔接自然、紧凑,文中作者把自己的情况大致向美国朋友作了介绍,达到了回信的目的。   戳我查看英语书信的写法 英文介绍信4   dear mr. / ms.,   this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketing介绍信格式specialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business.   we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.   yours faithfully,   yang ning 尊敬的先生/小姐:   现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。   我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。   您诚挚的杨宁 英文介绍信5   介 绍 信(存根联) ﹝201 ﹞ 介字第 号   因 _____________, (必填项)律师,依据《中华人民共和国律师法》有关规定,前往 (写明去向和事由)   北京大成(武汉)律师事务所   年月日 有效期限截止 年 月日   领取人(签名): 批准人(签名):   ——————————————齐缝章处—————————————裁剪线   北京大成(武汉)律师事务所   ﹝201 ﹞大成武汉介字第号   介 绍 信   ————————————————:   兹有我律师事务所 律师,依据《中华人民共和国律师法》有关规定,前往贵处 ,请予以协助支持   此致   律师事务所   年月 日 ;

求助用英语介绍信息与计算科学专业!!!急需 谢谢

信息与计算科学专业英文简历Name: Lee Sex: Male Date of Birth: 1985-04-18 National: Han Height: 171 Weight: 60 Native place: Hunan Current location: Hunan Education: Undergraduate Political landscape: Other Graduate institutions: Hengyang Teache rs College Graduation Time: June 2008 Studies by category: Computer category Professional Name: Information and Co mputing Science Educational background / training expe rience June 2006 - June 2007 in Hengyang City, Hunan Province soft考办curriculum lear ning network engineers network engine ers. September 2006 - 2007 9 headquarters in Beijing to study the red flag red flag li nux user base of Linux, Red Flag Linux s ystems management, Red Flag Linux net work management courses certified eng ineer linux red flag. Professional and specialty: Foreign Language: English Language: 4 Computer capability: the degree of exce llence in Putonghua: General Presentation and other professional e xpertise Main courses: basic computer (C progra mming, algorithms and data structures, database theory, the basis of software s ystems), based on object-oriented progr amming, computer graphics, computer networks, the scientific basis of informa tion theory, wavelet analysis, planning a nd optimization. Mathematics basic cou rses (analysis, algebra, geometry), proba bility theory and mathematical statistics ,mathematical models, physics, numeri cal analysis, such as the numerical solut ion of differential equations. Personal practice, work experience July 2006 - September 2007 Hengyang G old Online Computer and Technology Sa les (after sales) Job intentions Job type: Full-time monthly salary requir ements: I hope the candidates positions: System s Engineer / Network Management cand idates other positions: Internet / WEB /E-Commerce Development Hope that the work place: the work of o ther locations in Guangdong Province: S henzhen Personal autobiography 1) love of computer networks, skilled Ci sco, Huaweis router and switch configu ration, network management and struct ures of skilled and has access to nationa l information network of the Ministry of qualified engineers. 2) favorite free software development, s killed RedHat, Redfalg linux operating sy stems, proficiency in shell, Awk, Perl hig h-level programming, linux red flag has been the title of certified engineers. 3) like to DIY, familiar with the compute r hardware configuration, can be install ed independently, and specializes in har dware fault detection and exclusion. 4) are familiar with C / C + +, java progra mming language, to understand the sta ndard j2se. 5) are familiar with network security, fa miliar with windows platform and linux platform for a variety of network server configuration. 6) during the third city in the computer sales department and technical depart ment has a part-time one year, responsi ble for product sales and after-sales ser vice. 7) is currently a senior student, has appl ied for a separate attachment, attachme nt to school or work!

甘肃旅游景点介绍信英语 英文介绍甘肃景点

有关嘉峪关的风景名胜和旅游景点的英语作文,大约100字左右。Jiayuguan Pass is the first pass at the west end ofthe Great Wall of China and was built during theMing Dynasty.嘉峪关是长城西端的终点第一关,建在明朝。It is located 6 kilometers southwest of Jiayuguan Citywhich is in Gansu Province.它位于甘肃省嘉峪关市西南6公里处。It is located at the foot of Jiayuguan Hill, betweentwo hills of which the Pass lies, so earned the name“The First and Greatest Pass under the Heaven”.它位于嘉峪关山的山脚下的,处在两山之间,所以赢得了“天下第一雄关”的美誉。This is different from “The First Pass under the Heaven”,which is located at the east end of theGreat Wall near Qinhuangdao City in Hebei Province.这不同于河北省秦皇岛市长城东端的“天下第一关”。The Pass is located at the narrowest point of the western section of the Hexi Corridor,andJiayuguan often has the meaning of “Nice Valley”.嘉峪关位于河西走廊西部最窄的地方,嘉峪关经常有“美好的山谷”的意思。嘉峪关长城英文介绍It was also a must point of the ancient Silk Road.它也是古丝绸之路必过之处。The pass is trapezoid-shaped with a perimeter of 733 meters and with an area of more than 33 500 square meters.嘉峪关是不规则四边形的周长733米,面积超过多33500平方米。The total length of the city wall is 733 meters and the height is 11 meters.城墙的总长度是733米,高度为11米。There are two gates-with one located on each of the east and west sides of the pass.有两个门分别位于嘉峪关的东部和西部。每个门上有一个建筑。On each gate there is a building. On the building at the west gate, the Chinese inscription of“Jiayuguan Pass” is written on a tablet.在西门大楼上,中国字“嘉峪关”题写在一个碑上。嘉峪关南北两侧与长城连接。The south and north sides of the pass are connected to the Great Wall.每个角落都有一个炮塔。There is a turret on each corner of the pass. On the north side inside the two gates, there arewide roads leading to the top of the pass.北面两个门,里面有宽阔的马路能通向嘉峪关顶部。Jiayuguan itself consists of three defense lines—an inner city, an outer city and a moat.嘉峪关本身包含三条防守线:一个内城,一个城市和一个护城河。介绍甘肃酒泉英语作文甘肃酒泉英语作文如下:I love my hometown, jiuquan, because it is clear four seasons, the land is fertile, unique geographical location, known as "west longhai LanXinXian economy bring the" golden triangle "of reputation.Since China"s reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in my hometown.You see, spacious clean streets, traffic, very lively. You see, the shops on both sides of the street restaurant, dazzling, bustling, the business is thriving.West industrial park, a place building, agricultural and sideline products processing, biological pharmacy, seed selection, building materials, electrical and mechanical processing... Many products are exported to all over the world! The countryside surplus labor force were all here, we don"t have to go to a strange and distant city. All the purse drum, buy bridal chamber, by car, days over the more rich.Modern residential area, blocks of commercial housing, elegant and generous, strewn at random have send. There"s rockery, fountain, children"s amusement park, the old places, large shopping plaza, everyone in this comfortable life convenient, comfortable and cozy.My hometown has a long history, was the dynasty of ancient capital, has also been the ancient silk road is a shining pearl. She south qilian mountain, north pillow the ancient Great Wall, east even gold zhang ye, jiayuguan in the west, since ancient times is "a town" empire. All of these, let me proud!甘肃酒泉英语作文翻译:我爱我的家乡——酒泉,因为它四季分明,土地肥沃,地理位置独特,素有“西陇海兰新线经济带上的‘金三角"的美称。改革开放以来,我的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化。你瞧,宽阔干净的大街上,车水马龙,好不热闹;你看,街道两旁的商店餐厅,令人眼花缭乱,门庭若市,生意真是红红火火。西郊工业园区,一座座厂房拔地而起,农副产品加工、建筑建材、生化制药、种子精选、机电加工不少产品还远销世界各地呢!乡下剩余的劳动力全都到这里来了,大家再也不用去陌生而遥远的城市打工了。大家的钱袋子鼓了,置新房,开小车,日子越过越富足。现代化的居住小区,一幢幢商品房精美大方、错落有致。这里还有假山、喷泉、儿童游乐园、老人活动场所、大型的购物广场,大家在这舒适的环境里生活方便,舒心惬意。我的家乡历史悠久,曾是西凉王朝的古都,也曾是古代丝绸之路上一颗璀璨的明珠。她南依祁连山,北枕古长城,东连金张掖,西连嘉峪关,自古以来就是“兵家“必争之地。这些,都让我无比自豪!用英语介绍我的家乡临洮县的景点和特产临洮,古称狄道,兰州南大门,自古为西北名邑、陇右重镇、古丝绸之路要道,是黄河上游古文化发祥地之一,有“彩陶之乡”、“兰州的卫星城“、”兰州的后花园”的称号。 Lintao, ancient Didao, the South Gate of Lanzhou, since ancient times for the northwest of Longyou City, town, the ancient silk road routes, the upper reaches of the Yellow River is one of the ancient cultural birthplace, "colored town", "Lanzhou satellite city", "Lanzhou garden" title. 临洮县,隶属于甘肃省定西市,地处东经103°29"至104°19",北纬35°03"42""至35°56"46""之间,陇西盆地西缘,青藏高原东边,甘肃中部、定西市西部。东临安定区,北接兰州市,南连渭源县,西与临夏回族自治州东乡族自治县、广河、康乐县接壤。临洮县总面积2851平方公里,辖12个镇、6个乡,54.54万人 Lintao County, Gansu Province, belonging to the city of Dingxi, located in the east longitude 103 DEG 29"to 104 DEG 19", between latitude 35 DEG 03"42""to 35 DEG 56"46"", the western margin of the Longxi basin, Qinghai Tibet Plateau East, central Gansu, Western Dingxi. East Anding District, Lanzhou city of North, south of Weiyuan County, bordering the West and Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Dongxiang Autonomous County, Kangle County, guanghe. Lintao county with a total area of 2851 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 12 towns, 6 townships, 545 thousand and 400 people 临洮县获得了“全国田径之乡”、“中国花木之乡”、“中国民间艺术之乡”等称号。 Lintao County won the "national athletics village", "China Huamuzhixiang", "Chinese folk art village" title. 地方风俗 a local custom 民间绘画 Folk painting 临洮民间绘画以油漆家具最为驰名,民间家用木器箱、柜、桌等,都画着描金装饰画,以传统戏、花卉、二十四孝等为内容,由民间工匠绘制。临洮乡间盛行画棺木,画师以松、鹤、鹿、百寿图、前蟒后鹤、二十四孝、八仙等为内容,按死者身份绘画。 Lintao folk painting to paint the most famous folk furniture, household wood box, cabinet, table, painted with gold decorative painting, traditional opera, flowers, filial piety and other content, drawn by the folk craftsmen. Lintao country popular painting painter to the coffin, pine, crane, deer, Baishou map, crane, Ershisixiao, former Python after eight to the content of painting, according to the identity of the deceased. 刺绣剪纸 Embroidery and paper cutting 一些民间女艺人,精于花样刺绣与剪纸。在窗户、枕头、鞋面、肚兜上剪上或绣上花、草、鱼、虫、猫、兔、蝙蝠等动植物图案,以独特的风格、浓郁的乡土气息受人青睐,盛行不衰。 Some folk artist, skilled in embroidery pattern and paper-cut. In the window, a pillow, a vamp, stomachers cut or embroidered with flowers, grass, insects, fish, rabbits, cats, bats and other animal and plant pattern, with unique style, rich local flavor popular, popular. 砖雕木雕 Brick carving 许多民间工匠擅长砖雕、木雕,俗称“花雕”、“花板子”,题材多为梅、兰、菊、竹、孔雀牡丹、喜鹊登梅等,用于建筑物和棺木的装饰。寺庙建筑雕梁画栋,木雕砖雕极为盛行。有些能工巧匠长于制作戏剧头盔、头饰、玩具、彩灯、刻葫芦、印章等。 Many folk craftsmen at brick and wood, commonly known as "flower", "flower board", the theme are plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, peony, peacock magpie Mui, and coffin decoration for buildings. Temple building a richly ornamented building, wood carving is extremely popular brick. Some skilled craftsmen made longer than drama helmets, ornaments, toys, lamps, carved gourds, seal etc.. 民间戏曲 folk operas 临洮民间戏曲演唱较为盛行。每逢节日,城乡群众有搭台唱戏的习惯,剧种有秦腔、眉户、小曲等,尤以秦腔更为普及。 Lintao folk opera singing is more popular. During the festival, urban and rural masses have dataichangxi habits, Shaanxi opera, opera, etc. especially in small Mihu, Shaanxi is more popular. 民间音乐 folk music 临洮民间音乐主要以民歌、民间乐曲、花儿、丧事音乐、劳动号子等形式流行于人民群众中。民歌主要有小曲、小调、秧歌、酒曲等。 Lintao folk music, folk music, folk songs to flowers, funeral music, work songs and other forms of popular in the masses of people. There are folk songs, minor, yangko dance, yeast etc.. 民间舞蹈 Folk dance 临洮县民间舞蹈多数是集体舞蹈,随从社火表演,有龙灯舞、狮舞、旱船舞、太平鼓、高明灯等,用的道具有扇、花等,以锣、鼓击拍伴奏,动作粗犷,场面复杂多变,阵势浩大,气氛热烈,在东乡大石头、南乡南屏一带流行。 Most of the folk dance in Lintao county is a collective dance, after dragon dance, folk art performances, lion dance, dance, drum, Hanchuan high light, props for fans, flowers, Gong, drum beat accompaniment, action rough, complex scenes, the battle is vast, warm atmosphere, popular in Dongxiang, big stone Nan Xiang Nanping area. 旅游景点 Scenic spot 老子文化园,水泉山庄,战国秦长城遗址,佛归寺生态旅游园,西湖水上公园,临洮县博物馆, Lao Tzu Cultural Park, Fountain Hills, Warring States Qin the Great Wall ruins, Buddha Temple to ecological tourism park, West Lake water park, Lintao County museum,介绍甘肃的五十字英语作文Gansu is located in the hinterland of northwest China, in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, bordering Shaanxi in the east, Sichuan in the south, Qinghui and Xinjiang in the west, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia in the north and bordering the Mongolian People"s Republic. Take the initials of Ganzhou (now Zhangye) and Suzhou (now Jiuquan). Because Xixia once set up Gansu Military Department, Yuan Dynasty set up Gansu Province, referred to as Gan for short; Because most of the province is to the west of Longshan (Liupanshan), and Longyou Road was set up here in Tang Dynasty, it is also referred to as "Long". Lanzhou, the provincial capital. Gansu has complex and diverse landforms, including mountains, plateaus, plain rivers, valleys, deserts and Gobi, with complete types and staggered distribution, and the terrain inclines from southwest to northeast. The terrain is long and narrow, with a length of 1655 kilometers from east to west, a width of 530 kilometers from north to south, and only 25 kilometers at the narrowest point. The landform is complex, which can be roughly divided into six topographic areas: Longnan Mountain, Longzhong Loess Plateau, Gannan Plateau, Hexi Corridor, Qilian Mountain and the north of Hexi Corridor. There are various climate types in Gansu, including subtropical monsoon climate, temperate monsoon climate, temperate continental (arid) climate and plateau alpine climate from south to north. The annual average temperature is 0 ℃ ~ 15 ℃, the climate in most areas is dry, the annual average precipitation is 40 ~ 750 mm, and the arid and semi-arid areas account for 75% of the total area. The main meteorological disasters include drought, rainstorm, flood, hail, gale, sandstorm and frost, etc.


如果已经确定在市社保局工作,党员组织关系介绍信的抬头应写:中共威海市委组织部。 如果只是把人事档案寄存在市社保局,本人另有工作单位,这个工作单位在某个区的话,就在介绍信的抬头直接写:中共威海市XX区委组织部。 如果本人尚无工作单位,而是暂时回老家待业一段时间,就要把党员组织关系暂时转回老家所在地的居住地党组织,这样的话,党员组织关系转移介绍信的抬头就写老家所在地的县区委组织部。


warframe星际战甲即将在7月6日更新帕尔沃斯的姐妹版本,击杀姐妹BOSS可以获得信条系列武器,下面一起来看看warframe星际战甲帕尔沃斯的姐妹玩法介绍warframe星际战甲帕尔沃斯的姐妹玩法介绍Corpus 正在制造一种全新的对手:一个无论是生是死都听令于帕尔沃斯·格拉努的精英猎人姐妹团。在凶猛机械猎犬的辅助下,这些无情的刺客开启了 Corpus 侵略扩张的最新篇章,因此必须不惜一切代价来消灭他们。Tenno,这并不容易。帕尔沃斯的姐妹们拥有增强的力量和技能,并且装备了最新的 Corpus 高科技武器。作为你个人的对手,你的姐妹会在追捕你的同时,为她们自己争夺始源星系的星区。在“她的”地盘上完成一场任务,她将会对你的奖励进行征税。只有击杀或感化你的姐妹,你才能收回这些税款。要开始的话,你必须完成《内战》和《风暴的呼唤》这两个系列任务,并且在与帕尔沃斯的姐妹进行战斗之前,你必须击败当前处于活跃状态的赤毒玄骸。狩猎开启当你在格拉努虚空中达到等级 1 时,你的帕尔沃斯姐妹候选者会在任意一艘 Corpus 飞船上显露她的的踪迹。通过怜悯之击消灭她,随后这名姐妹就会在始源星系中现身。与你姐妹的机械化猎犬战斗来获取一个最先进的全新同伴,并揭示致她致命的安魂序列。在海王星比邻星域的最终对决中,你将有机会来彻底击败你的姐妹。感化她可以得到任务中的待命支援,或是一个额外的航道星舰舰员。击杀她可以获取最先进的武器装备,以及(希望有)一个令人眼花缭乱的幻纹。Tenno,一切由你来决定。CORPUS 科技的最新力作秉承她们的高科技地位,帕尔沃斯的姐妹们配备了 Corpus 军械库中八种最先进的武器。与赤毒需玄骸类似,生成姐妹的战甲将决定信条奖励武器的额外伤害类型(例如,由 Ember 生成的姐妹将有一件额外火焰伤害的武器)。你有能力为自己获取这些武器吗?信条 典客这款朴素的火箭发射器在董事会会议或休闲郊游时同样适用。瞄准发射的火箭是线导的,精确度更高,但飞行速度更慢。配备了获得专利批准的格拉努公文包系统,收起时自动装填。信条 纵横双枪用这对自动锁定追踪目标的双枪将敌人逐个击破。腰射模式与传统手枪无异。配备了获得专利批准的格拉努公文包系统,收起时自动装填。信条 斯派克斯用这把手枪快如闪电的弹道压制对手。爆头可加快装弹速度。信条 特拉经典特拉的帕尔沃斯式升级版。射速较慢但拥有更大的弹匣。次要射击可以将整个弹匣作为高爆炸范围的榴弹发射出去。信条 通量射线步枪由姐妹们改装过的通量射线步枪提升了射速和射程。充电系统已被弹匣取代以适应更高的电量消耗。信条 弧电离子枪Corpus 经典武器的特制变体。惊人的爆炸会反弹且拥有更高的射程,但代价是更低的火力和装填速度。幸存下来的敌人会被辐射耗尽生命。信条 循环离子枪这款重新设计的循环离子枪拥有一个折射能量盘,光束射击可以从主要目标上分离,最多击中附近的两个额外目标。信条 德特昂帕尔沃斯·格拉努的工程师们为这把已经十分凶猛的手炮增加了一种新的射击模式,在一次毁灭性的爆发中清空整个弹匣,使这把武器更加致命。




关于旅行社介绍信(精选12篇) 介绍信派人联系办理重要或保密事情,要注明被派人员的政治面貌、职务,那么你现在知道介绍信是怎么样子了吗?我在这里给大家分享一些关于旅行社介绍信,希望对大家能有所帮助。 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇1) ________________________单位负责同志: 您好!____________同学是我系专业20__级学生,今去贵单位联系专业实习事宜,请接洽。 专业实习是我系教学工作的重要环节,是学生习得实践经验,适应社会的有效途径,学院高度重视学生实习工作。为此,诚恳地希望贵单位给予大力支持和协助,使学生切实圆满完成实习任务。同时,在实习过程中,请按照贵单位规章制度的要求,对学生严格教育管理,并在实习结束时对学生的实习情况给予鉴定。最后,对贵单位为培养人才所作的重要贡献和对教育事业的大力支持,表示最衷心的感谢! 此致 敬礼! __学院 20__年X月__日 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇2) 医院: 我校级本科班学生将于年月中旬至年月中旬进行为期52周的毕业临床实习. 该学生入学四年以来,系统学习了中医学的各门基础和临床课程,并学习了部分专题,专病的选修课,而且在课堂教学中进行了课前见习和课间见习,初步接触过中医的临床实践.按教学计划,第五年为毕业实习. 毕业实习是培养学生独立分析问题,解决问题能力和科学思维力法,巩固和提高所学的基础理论和临床知识,技能,对学生进行综合训练的重要阶段.凡未参加毕业实习的和未通过实习考核的学生,一律不准毕业.为继承和发扬中医学,培养更多的中医人才,望贵医院能接受该生来实习为盼. 实习科目根据实习计划中要求由本人与贵院确定,实习结束后,请贵院各科室负责医师填写毕业实习鉴定表并由医教科审核盖章后交回我院. 此致! 敬礼! 广州中医药大学第三临床医学院 20__年月 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇3) _________________________: 兹介绍我系________________________专业20__届毕业生_____________同学去贵单位实习,望接洽。 毕业实习是我院教学工作的重要环节,是学生适应工作需要的有效途径,是提高人才培养质量的重要举措,是向社会提供人才的有效窗口。为此,学院高度重视毕业生实习工作,同时也诚恳地希望贵单位给予大力支持和协助,积极为学生提供实习场所,要求学生努力为单位服务,切实圆满完成学生实习任务,提高人才核心竞争力。在此,对贵单位为培养人才所作的重要贡献和对教育事业的大力支持,表示最衷心的感谢! 按照我院实习工作安排,毕业生实习按规定必须在岗实习10个工作日,实习时间从某月某日至某月某日。在接受学生毕业实习中,请按照贵单位规章制度的要求,对学生严格教育管理,并在实习结束时对学生的实习情况给予鉴定,谢谢贵单位的合作。 某职业技术学院某系 二0__年 月 日 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇4) 长治县煤炭局: 兹有我矿职工王志军、李正芳、崔建军、索增武、李华山、成晶、郭艳波、郭福明、张晓冬、王毅、张玉华、李金辉、宋建青、路明、郭志强、李小卫、申主红等17位同志前去贵局参加特殊工种培训,望贵局见信后给于办理有关学习事宜。 此致 敬礼! 介绍人: 20__年x月x日 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇5) 技术有限公司: 我公司委派下列工程师________人参加你公司_____________(地点)培训: 姓 名:______________职务:______________电话:______________ 姓 名:______________职务:______________电话:______________ 姓 名:______________职务:______________电话:______________ 姓 名:______________职务:______________电话:______________ 请予以接待。 此致 敬礼! 介绍人: 20__年x月x日 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇6) 尊敬的领导: 您好! 在我训中心担任数学老师期间工作认真,对学生非常负责,能够很好的与学生沟通。在与他接触过程中可以发现,他思维活跃,有很强的专业基础知识和创新能力。工作能力出色,团队合作能力强。 在讲课的过程中能照顾到绝大部分同学,面对学生的疑难问题时,他能够不厌其烦的给学生讲解,直到学生学会为止,受到了我们培训中心老师和学生的一致好评。 面对工作压力,从不抱怨;遇到困难他能先从自身找问题,做事成熟稳重,在授课的过程中他积累了丰富的代课经验。 因此,我愿意向贵单位推荐他,希望贵单位给他一个实现自身价值的机会,同时祝愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 介绍人: 20__年x月x日 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇7) 陕西省消防协会: 兹有我单位白少荣同志(身份证号:)、张 强同志(身份证号:)2人前来贵处参加20__年第七期全省消防行业特有工种职业技能培训,敬请接洽并予以协助。 此致 敬礼! 介绍人: 20__年x月x日 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇8) 营口市社会保险事业管理局站前分局: 兹介绍营口市诚信工程建设监理咨询有限公司牛大维同志等壹人,前往你处办理护理费登记。职工(自20__年1月在单位参加生育保险,单位不欠费,职工选择营口市妇儿医院为定点医院。 单位保证所提供的信息真实有效。 营口市诚信工程建设监理咨询有限公司 20__年x月5日 单位公章 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇9) ×单位(管理档案处的全称): 兹有(人名)的档案属于贵单位管理,现因本公司招聘(人名)到本公司任职,签订正式劳动合同(数字)年,从(日期)起生效,在此期间,本公司()(公司名)将负责管理该员工的档案,负责该员工与档案有关的各项事宜。(注:本公司为,具有保存档案资质)特此申请批准提档。 此致 ×公司 负责人: ×年×月×日 (盖上法人章) 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇10) 服务中心: 兹介绍我单位正式工作人员 同志(身份证号: )携带我单位有关资料原件,凭该同志有效身份证原件到贵单位办理泸州市政府投资工程建设项目网上招标投标注册确定及密钥购买事宜。之前,我单位在泸州市人民政府政务服务中心公共资源交易网“登记注册”时提供的资料数据与现所提供的原件一致,并对其真实性、合法性和完整性负责。 我单位用于接收贵单位相关交易信息的手机号码为: (仅限一个)。若该手机号码变更 ,我单位将及时书面告知贵单位,并承担因延误通知号码变更而导致的全部责任。 此致 敬礼! 单位名称(加盖行政公章): 年 月 日 (经办人有效身份证复印件粘贴处) 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇11) x公司经理: 兹有我单位x部门经理[这里有一个级别问题,一般是同级别的人员接待,如果有特殊情况也可以区别对待]前去贵单位办理事宜,请予协助为谢! 单位介绍人落款 本公司盖章 x年x月x日 关于旅行社介绍信(精选篇12) x单位负责同志: 您好!__同学是我院(系)专业级学生,今去贵单位联系顶岗实习(毕业实习、生产实习)事宜,请接洽。 顶岗实习(毕业实习、生产实习)是我校教学工作的重要环节,是学生积累实践经验,适应社会的有效途径。为此,诚恳地希望贵单位给予大力支持和协助。同时,在实习过程中,请按照贵单位规章制度的要求,对学生严格教育管理,并在实习结束时对学生的实习情况给予鉴定。 最后,对贵单位的大力支持,表示衷心的感谢! 此致 敬礼! __大学 院、系(盖章) x年__月__日
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