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介词to的用法:后面跟名词或动名词,表示方向,表示时间,表示程度,表示对比,表示结果,表示目的,表示对象,表示适合,表示关联,表示原因等。 扩展资料   to的具体用法:   表明“方向或目的"”的时候,可以用to。   当表明“时间或两个时间点之间的时间”可以用to。   当将两种事物进行比较,作出偏爱选择时,要用to。   当表示“界限或端点”时,可以用to。   to可以是介词,也可以是结构助词。作介词用的时候,后面跟名词或动名词,比如:give the book to Tom.   作结构助词用的时候,是做不定式,也就是to do形式,后面必须跟动词原形。也可以理解为一种固定搭配,比如want to do,be going to do。   情态动词后不加to直接加v.(原)   行为动词加to do sth.(如:need)


介词to的用法:后面跟名词或动名词,表示方向,表示时间,表示程度,表示对比,表示结果,表示目的,表示对象,表示适合,表示关联,表示原因等。 扩展资料   什么情况下用介词to   表明“方向或目的"”的时候,可以用to。   当表明“时间或两个时间点之间的时间”可以用to。   当将两种事物进行比较,作出偏爱选择时,要用to。   当表示“界限或端点”时,可以用to。   to可以是介词,也可以是结构助词。作介词用的时候,后面跟名词或动名词,比如:give the book to Tom.   作结构助词用的时候,是做不定式,也就是to do形式,后面必须跟动词原形。也可以理解为一种固定搭配,比如want to do,be going to do。   情态动词后不加to直接加v.(原)   行为动词加to do sth.(如:need)   (表示时间)到,直到,在…到来之前,离…;例:from seven to ten.   (表示方向)朝,往,通向   (表示状态)紧贴着,紧靠着,对着;   (表示对象)对,对于,对…来说;   (表示比较)比,相对于;   (表示方位)在…方向[方位],处于…顺序;   (表示距离)离,距离;   (表示目标)到达,直到;   (表示结果)转换为,转变为,趋于;   (表示修饰)——的。


介词to的用法:后面跟名词或动名词,表示方向,表示时间,表示程度,表示对比,表示结果,表示目的,表示对象,表示适合,表示关联,表示原因等。 扩展资料   什么情况下用介词to   表明“方向或目的”的时候,可以用to。   当表明“时间或两个时间点之间的时间”可以用to。   当将两种事物进行比较,作出偏爱选择时,要用to。   当表示“界限或端点”时,可以用to。   to可以是介词,也可以是结构助词。作介词用的.时候,后面跟名词或动名词,比如:give the book to Tom.   作结构助词用的时候,是做不定式,也就是to do形式,后面必须跟动词原形。也可以理解为一种固定搭配,比如want to do,be going to do。   情态动词后不加to直接加v.(原)   行为动词加to do sth.(如:need)   (表示时间)到,直到,在…到来之前,离…;例:from seven to ten.   (表示方向)朝,往,通向   (表示状态)紧贴着,紧靠着,对着;   (表示对象)对,对于,对…来说;   (表示比较)比,相对于;   (表示方位)在…方向[方位],处于…顺序;   (表示距离)离,距离;   (表示目标)到达,直到;   (表示结果)转换为,转变为,趋于;   (表示修饰)——的。


介词to的用法:后面跟名词或动名词,表示方向,表示时间,表示程度,表示对比,表示结果,表示目的,表示对象,表示适合,表示关联,表示原因等。什么情况下用介词to 表明“方向或目的”的时候,可以用to。 当表明“时间或两个时间点之间的时间”可以用to。 当将两种事物进行比较,作出偏爱选择时,要用to。 当表示“界限或端点”时,可以用to。 to可以是介词,也可以是结构助词。作介词用的时候,后面跟名词或动名词,比如:give the book to Tom. 作结构助词用的时候,是做不定式,也就是to do形式,后面必须跟动词原形。也可以理解为一种固定搭配,比如want to do,be going to do。 情态动词后不加to直接加v.(原) 行为动词加to do sth.(如:need) (表示时间)到,直到,在…到来之前,离…;例:from seven to ten. (表示方向)朝,往,通向 (表示状态)紧贴着,紧靠着,对着; (表示对象)对,对于,对…来说; (表示比较)比,相对于; (表示方位)在…方向[方位],处于…顺序; (表示距离)离,距离; (表示目标)到达,直到; (表示结果)转换为,转变为,趋于; (表示修饰)——的。

to 作为介词时的用法



英语介词to的用法:后面跟名词或动名词,表示方向,表示时间,表示程度,表示对比,表示结果,表示目的,表示对象,表示适合,表示关联,表示原因等。一、什么情况下用介词to:表明“方向或目的”的时候,可以用to;当表明“时间或两个时间点之间的时间”可以用to;当将两种事物进行比较,作出偏爱选择时,要用to;当表示“界限或端点”时,可以用to。二、to可以是介词,也可以是结构助词。作介词用的时候,后面跟名词或动名词,比如:give the book to Tom.三、作结构助词用的时候,是做不定式,也就是to do形式,后面必须跟动词原形。也可以理解为一种固定搭配,比如want to do,be going to do.


介词in 是为了突出会议的具体环境,和参会者在这个会议中的具体动作,如站起来,上台、发言、记录。突出一个 "实体化"的 “在...上”,用在记叙事件的报道、小说中较多。He gave an exciting speech in the meeting.他在会上作了精彩的发言。介词at 表示会议得出的某些成果,达成的某些共识。是一个“概念化”的“在.....上”,用在公文、简报中较多。The two parties signed an agreement of cooperation at the meeting.双方在会上签署了合作协议。





to是介词,介词后接动名词 ,一定这样吗。不是还有have to do 吗? to的用法是什么??(希望详细一点)

一:表示相对,针对 be strange (common, new, familiar, peculiar, distinct, sensitive, immune, vulnerable, indispensable) to Air is indispensable to life. Aircrafts are vulnerable to interference caused by radiation. This injection will make you immune to infection. 二:表示对比,比较 1:以-ior结尾的形容词,后接介词to表示比较,如:superior ,inferior,prior,senior,junior The quarrel happened prior to my arrival. 2: 一些本身就含有比较或比拟意思的形容词,如equal,similar,equivalent,analogous A is similar to B in many ways. 3:表示一些先后顺序的形容词,如:second,subsequent,next,preliminary,preparatory Subsequent to the war,they returned to their hometown. 4: to也偶尔出现在个别动词之后,与动词形成固定词组,表示比较,如:prefer to,compare to,in contrast to compare to sth.表示比喻或比拟,而compare with sth.表示比较,如: World is usually compared to a stage Compared with his past,he has changed a lot. Prefer的正确句型是:prefer A to B或prefer doing A to doing B,但当prefer后接动词不定式时,表示比较的介 词to就要改成rather than ,如: The undaunted soldier preferred death to surrender. Many people prefer spending money to earning money. They prefer to pursue careers rather than remain home as house wives. 5: to与及个别的名词构成比较之意,如:alternative Going to an under water concert is a great alternative to going to dinner.三: 表示修饰关系 1: 表示回复,反应意思的词,如:answer to question, solution to problem,response to inquiry,reaction to proposal,reply to letter 2: 表示建筑构件的词汇,如: entry,entrance,approach,access,passage,exit,vent,path the approach to a bridge引桥 the approach to science Half of the population was estimated to have no access to the health service. The access to education 接受教育的机会 The access to medical care 享受公费医疗的权利 3: 表示人物职位和官衔的词,如:assistant to manager, ambassador to Spain, successor to tradition, heir to throne,deputy to the National People"s Congress advisor to the Prime Minister 4: 表示权利和许可的词汇,如:right,admission The employee finally got the admission to the boardroom. Everyone has an equal right to …….. 5: 表示栅栏或障碍的词汇,如:bars to development,the barrier to progress 6: 表示与书籍,文本相关的词,如:introduction to passage. 7: 表示恭喜或是祝贺,如: The director proposed a toast to the health of the guests. Let"s drink to Dick"s success in business 8: 另外还有一些名词符合这种用法,有的具有两者息息相关,缺一不可的含义.如:key to door,invitation to party, guide to action,limitation to life,accessory to school四: to还具有依据,伴随,和着节奏的含义,如:sing to piano, chance to the tune, stamp to the rhythm of the song, add salt to taste (一):表示相关联,相连接,如:be related to,be relative to,in relation to,be relevant to,link to Investigate all the facts related to the problem. People often linked walth to happiness. (二):表示反对和赞同。1:to引导的表示反对,抗拒,对抗意义的词组。Be opposed to,be oppsist to,be contrary to,be adverse to,be resistant to,be contradictory to,object to,oppose to,deny tp,be aline to These buildings are resistant to earthquake. They are to tally opposed to any changes being made in the plans. 2: to引导的表示同意,赞同意义的词组:consent to,subseribe to, The employer consented to give him a salary raise. 表示调整,使符合,使适应的含义,如:adapt to,commodate to, adjust to,conform to,habituate to,fit to,suit to,correspond to,cater to She tried to habituate herself to the style of plain living. Your action should conform to the interests of the people. They offered various foods to cater to the need of customers. His words doesn"t fit to his actions. Suit your writing style to the masses. 3: 表示投降,屈服,服从的含义,如:be subject to,be subordinate to,submit to,subject to,surrender to,give in to,confess to,admit to. The minority is subordinate to the majority少数服从多数 Countries nearby oceans are always subject to earthquake. He confessed to having robbed the woman of her wallet. We"re not the kind of people to yield to any military threat. 五: 表示趋势或倾向,如:tend to,be prone to,be inclined to,be apt to,be liable to He"s liable to seasickness. You are liable to come to wrong conclusion. 六: 表示对事情的坚持与执着,如:sick to,hold o,adhere to,cling to He still holds on to his original views. 七: 表示约束,局限,如:limit to,confine to,resrict to He"s confined to the house by illness. He confined his remarks to scientific mangement. 八: 表示一种习惯或是一种适应性,如:get (be) to,used to,be accustomed to Finally,the students got used to my teaching method. 九: 表示起因和原由,如wing to,due to,thanks to,attribute to,come down to The flight was cancelled due to the thick fog. The famous artist attributed his success to his wife. 十: 表示目的或结果,如:aim to,lead to,give rise to I aim to be an excellent college teacher. His conceit lead to his failure. These bad condition has given rise to a lot of crises 十一: 表示命运,注定,如:be doomed to,be destined to, All military adventures by the two super powers are doomed to fail.十二: 表示数量上的积累或增加,如:in addition to,add to,amount to In addition to relief supplies,he also presented with some money. The annual output of steel amounts to 1200 tons. 十三: 表示全身心投入的含义,如:be addicted to,contribute to,devote to,commit to He is determined to devote all his life to his. 十四: 表示展望或是回顾,如:look forward to反date back to The church dates back to the 13th century.十五: 表示方位概念.如:close to,next to I don"t like wool next to my skin. 十六: 表示依靠或借助,如:resort to,turn to,appeal to, He usually appeals to arms to settle the territory dispute. 十七: 表示有关注,关于: as to,with regard to 十八: 表示关注或重视,如:pay attention to,attach to, We should attach primary importance to job training. 十九: 表示依据或是根据,如:according to,in proportion to According to today"s newspaper,the match will be postponed. The lending countries subscribe towards capital stock in proportion to heir economic importance. 二十: 表示应该或必须含义的句式, 如: It"s time to get up. We are supposed to get here at seven. It"s up to this country to ban nuclear weapons. 常用词组 respond to(反应), appeal to(吸引), catch on to(理解), listen to (收听),used to(过去常常), give birth to,attend to(照料), see to(负责), be entitled to(有权), belong to(属于), come to(苏醒), stand up to(勇敢面对), help oneself to(请自便), refer to,to the point(切题), Train them to stand up to any severe test in hard. The ticket entitled you to a free meal in the luxury hotel. See to it that the children get a hot meal after their swim. You will catch on to the job shortly after wards. People usually refer to television for up-to-the-minute news.

求英语介词at of for to in 的全部用法





to 是表示一种方向的 for 是为了。。 表示目的of 是表示所以权的 XX。。。的。。


1.The place _______interested me most was the Children"s Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ___the Chinese Communist Party was founded?A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I"ll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we"ll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who"s C. which D. whose 14.I"m interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn"t such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much. A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I went D.I went with him19.I don"t like ______ as you read. A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels 20.He talked a lot about things and persons ______they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing. A. which B. that C. whom D. who 22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ___are women. A. them B. which C. whom D. who 23.You"re the only person ______I"ve ever met ______could do it. A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who 24.I lost a book, ______I can"t remember now. A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that 25.Last summer we visited the West Lake, _____Hangzhou is famous in the world. A. for which B. for that C. in which D. what 26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. it 27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when 28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong. A. which B. whose C. what D./ 29.This is the reason ______he didn"t come to the meeting. A. in which B. with which C. that D. for which 30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly. A. after which I have looked B. which I have looked after C. that I have looked after D. I have looked after 31.The reason ______he didn"t come was ______he was ill. A. why; that B.that;why C. for that;that D.for which;what 32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam. A.that B.which C.for which D.who 33.That is not the way ______I do it. A./ B.which C.for which D.with which 34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use. A. all of which B. either of which C. both of that D. both of which 35.I want to use the same tools ___sed in your factory a few days ago.A. as was B. which was C. as were D. which 36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them. A. who B. which C. that D. it 37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph. A. that B. which C. from that D. from which 38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done. A. that B. which C. who D. as 39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes. A. / B. why C. when D. whose 40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular. A. that B. which C. it D. though 41. --- Did you ask the guard _______ happened? --- Yes, he told me all _______ he knew. A. what; that B. what; what C. which; which D. that; that 42. I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm with the farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life. A. when; who B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which 43. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing. A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are 44. During the days ________, he worked as a servant at the Browns. A. followed B. following C. to follow D. that followed 45. Is oxygen the only gas _______ helps fire burn? A. that B. / C. which D. it 46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _______ he could see _____ was going on inside house. A. which; what B. through which; what C. through that; whatD. what; that 47. Is _______ some German friends visited last week? A. this school B. this the schoolC. this school one D. this school where 48. John got beaten in the game, _______ had been expected. A. as B. that C. what D. who 49. I have bought two ballpens, _______ writes well. A. none of them B. neither of them C. neither of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eaten _______ eaten up. A. are being B. has been C. had been D. have been 51. I still remember the night _______I first came to the house.52. I"ll never forget the day________ we met each other last week.53. Mr Black is going to Beijing in October, ___is the best season there.54. I will never forget the days _______I spent with your family.55. I"ll never forget the last day______ we spent together.56. This is the school ______I used to study. 57. Do you still remember the place______ we visited last week?58. Do you still remember the place_______ we visited the painting exhibition?59. Have you ever been to Hangzhou,_____is famous for the West Lake?60. Have you ever bee to Hangzhou, ______lies the West Lake?61. Tom will go to Shanghai,______live his two brothers.62. I live in Beijing,____is the capital of China.63. There was a time ______there were slaves in the USA.64. It is the third time ______you have made the same mistake.65. It was in the street _____I met John yesterday.66. It was about 600 years ago_ _ __the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.67. The moment _____I saw you, I recognized(认出)you.68. This is the very novel about____we"ve talked so much.69. This is the way____he did it.70. Who is the student _____was late for school today?71. Who _____knows him wants to make friends with him?72. What else was there in my brother____you didn"t like?73. He lives in the room____window faces to the south.74. He lives in the room, the window_____faces to the south.75. This is Mr. John for____son I brought a book yesterday.76. This is Mr. John for_____I bought a book yesterday.77. This is the hour_____the place is always full of women and children.78. And there is one point ______I"d like your advice.79. Winter is the time of year______the days are short and nights are long.80. I hope you will find this valley a beautiful place____you may spend your weekend.

法国歌曲 La Vie En Rose 玫瑰人生 为什么用介词en?




法语Faites comme moi中的comme是介词还是连词呢?

comme是连词 conjonction,词典上的缩写为conj. comme表示像,和……一样。moi是重读人称代词“我”,用在介词,连词等后面,表示强调说明。




before作连词,是从属连词连接时间状语从句, 在...之前,与after相反.例如: *He had been a soldier for three years before he came to our city . *She had learnt 2000 English words before she went to the USA. before 作介词,分三种: 1)表时间,这和上面相似. *She left the office before 9 o"clock. *I finished studying English before midnight. 区别就是:连词+从句;介词+名词. 2)表顺序,第一、第二、...,也与after相反 *ZhangHong goes before me. *There are five man before her. 3)表位置,(较不常用)也与after相反 *The car stops before my house. *The tall tree stands before our school gate. 一般英语里用in front of...ehind...来表示位置的前后. *The car stops in front of my house. *The tall tree stands in front of our school gate.

in spite of 既可作介词又可作连词吗

只能做介词 in spite of: 不顾,不管,尽管 例句与用法: 1. He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends. 他不顾朋友们的反对,继续他建造飞行器的计划. 2. In spite of the bad weather, we went fishing. 我们不顾恶劣的天气而去钓鱼.

in addition,in spite of这两个词组分别是什么性质的词组?怎么看是介词词组还是副词词组?

in addition 是副词词组 副词词组饰谓语in spite of 是介词词组 介词词组带介词


conveenience 是名词, of 是介词, 名词后面一般 是不会接介词的


for,for for

a minute前面加什么介词

大多加a,也有家the的。a minute 一分钟:如wait a minute 等一会the minute 一……就……

apear 后面跟什么介词

应该是appear吧?这是系动词,后面跟形容词作表语,形成系表结构.比如:She appears tough but actually she"s weak.她表面上强悍,实际上虚弱.


There are 40 students in the classroom,including me. included有介词用法:including + 宾语 = 宾语 + included. 所以上个例句可写成:There are 40 students in the classroom,me included. 选D 一楼貌似错了.

make a mistake后加什么介词

make a mistake in: 在...方面犯错误;在方面出错;犯错误 在...方面犯错误Are you diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control.若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?make a mistake about sb.: 误解某人 误解某人 make a mistake on+具体的东西(名词)He was absolutely inch-perfect in qualifying, when it was very easy to make a mistake on the tyres as we saw other drivers were doing.他几乎在排位赛上表现完美,而我们常常看到其他车手在轮胎上犯错误。

make a mistake后加什么介词?

1.make a mistake后面加in表示在...方面犯错误;在方面出错;犯错误 在...方面犯错误eg:Are you diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control.若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?2.make a mistake后面加about sb.表示误解某人 误解某人 3.make a mistake后加on+具体的东西(名词)eg:He was absolutely inch-perfect in qualifying, when it was very easy to make a mistake on the tyres as we saw other drivers were doing.他几乎在排位赛上表现完美,而我们常常看到其他车手在轮胎上犯错误。


dans一般是用在将来时。pour表示在某个时间期限内,多用在将来时态中pendant表示一个时间段 尤其是指过去的某一段时间,当然指未来的也可以。

法语介词“pour ”与“de”的用法!

Si vous avez besoin de moi à n"importe quel moment, vous pouvez me contacter.你用的是什么教材,错太多了,最后找个严肃些的教材学习。

怎么理解下面这句话中的介词短语“down the line”?是固定用法吗?这里的副词 further 是用来修饰它的吗

Cuts to local authority budgets since 2010 have resulted a significant decline of these services, despite strong evidence of their effectiveness in preventing crisis further down the line.意思是:自2010年以来,地方政府预算的削减导致了这些服务的大幅减少,尽管有强有力的证据表明这些服务在预防未来危机方面的有效性。further down the line: 意思是:随后的/下面的段落。 在时间上就是未来, 将来的时段。 例如:.We"ll make a decision on that further down the line. 我们将在以后的阶段对此问题作出决策。


pour 表示目的: Je ne fais pas cela pour le plaisir. 我干这个不是为了兴趣。 +名词 Il travaille pour moi. +代词 Il faut manger pour vivre. 要活就得吃饭。 +动词 faire un régime pour maigrir. 为了减肥而采取一种饮食制度。 +动词 à 表示目的: La Chine développe son aremement nucléaire à des fins défensives. 中国发展核武器是为了防御。 Cela est à vendre. 这是供出售的。 à 还常用做名词补语,如,salle à manger, machine à coudre.


graduated from后跟毕业院校名称,graduated in后跟毕业年份即时间。-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

英语There be 句型后面必须接介词短语吗



at,on, under,before,behind....


似曾相识 à Au revoir!   这也许是许多人所学的第一句法语句子。在这句句子中,revoir 是阳性单数名词;au 则是介词 à 和定冠词 le 的缩合形式。类似的句子还有:   - à demain!明天见!   - à moi, monsieur le président, deux mots !主席先生,让我说两句!   - à votre santé!祝您身体健康!   仔细琢磨之后,当可引导出以下结论:当介词 à 出现在一个省略句(phrase elliptique)中,并引导一个名词或代词时,所表达的多是招呼、愿望。   亲密接触 à 介词 à 引导状语/补语/间接宾语/直接宾语   1.引导地点状语:   Mon grand-père va à Paris avec nous.我的祖父和我们一起去巴黎。 (aller à)   Nous habitons à Shanghai.我们住在上海。 (habiter à / habiter)   Il est arrivé au Japon vers six heures du soir.他是在傍晚六时左右到达日本的。 (arriver à)   2.引导时间状语:   Alors, on se donne rendez-vous à deux heures de l"après-midi?那么我们下午2点碰面?   à la veille de Paques, il est tombé malade.复活节的前夜,他病倒了。   3. 引导结果或目的状语:   L"enfant invente des raisons à ne pas aller à l"école.这个孩子千方百计找理由不去上学。   J"ai passé toute la matinée à écouter des enregistrements.我花了一上午的时间听录音。   4.引导价格或数量状语:   Ces pommes sont à cinq euros le kilo.这些苹果5欧元一公斤。   Ils vivent à six dans un logement de deux pièces.她们6个人挤在两个房内。   5.引导方式、方法或工具状语:   Tous les jours, il va au travail à bicyclette. 他每天骑自行车去上班。   Il mange à la fran?aise.他的饮食习惯和法国人一模一样。   6.引导名词补语:   Hier, j"ai cheté trois tasses à thé。昨天我买了三只茶杯。   C"est un ami à mon oncle.这是我叔叔的一个朋友。   7.引导间接宾语:   Cette maison appartient à ma tante.这幢房子属于我姑姑。   Il a offert un gros bouquet de fleurs à sa femme.他送了很大一束花给夫人。   8.引导直接宾语:   虽然绝大多数的直接宾语是不需要介词引导的,但是,当动词的直接宾语为动词不定式形式时,我们则需要使用介词 à。例如:   Ils aiment à lire les bandes dassinées.他们喜欢上了看连环画。   8.引导直接宾语:   虽然绝大多数的直接宾语是不需要介词引导的,但是,当动词的直接宾语为动词不定式形式时,我们则需要使用介词 à。例如:   Ils aiment à lire les bandes dassinées.他们喜欢上了看连环画。   这就不对了,这不好说是直接宾语了, 因为直接应该没有介词否则不为直接。 应该是有的动词要求在后面的不定式动词用介词 à 引起, 恰当些   —— s"accoutumer, s"acharner, aider, aimer, s"amuser, s"appliquer, apprendre, s"apprêter, aspirer, s"attendre, chercher, commencer, consentir, demander, pousser, se mettre …… j"en ai marre, je m"arrête.

period 前面应该加什么介词




bring out中的out是介词还是副词啊

bring out中的out 是副词

household 加介词 household前加不加介词

household house.hold[`haJsu02cchold; ˋhaushould]名词1 (C)[集合称]家族,家眷,家属a large 大家族2 [the ](英)王室the Imperial [Royal] 皇室 [王家] (包含侍仆)形容词1 家族的,家眷的; 家庭的,一家的~affairs家事~goods家产,家当~stuff家庭用具,家当~arts家政 (学)2 切身的,听 [看,讲] 惯的a name [word]家喻户晓的名字 [字]3 (英)王室的the troops御林军(cf.guard n.2 e)

regard as 这里as是介词吗?



有2种介词:in和on。on sunday morning在周日早晨。不同情况下morning前所加的的介词:1、in the morning在早晨。2、early in the morning再大清早。3、this morning今天早晨。扩展资料at,in,on这些前置词在表示地点或时间时均含“在……”之意。at表地点时,指空间位置上的某一点;表时间时,指在时间上的某一时刻。in表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内;表时间时,指一段时间或与年、月、季节时间连用。on表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等;表时间时,指在某一天或某一天的某个时间,尤指在星期几。


西语中的preposicion有很多,a ante bajo con contra de desde en entre hacia hasta para por segun sin sobre tras我解释了每个介词的意义a的解释direccion de movimientolocalizacion en el espacio punto en el tiempomodocomplemento directo y indirectocausaante的解释posicion,con respecto a algobajo的解释lugar ,condicioncon的解释compania, instrumento ,modo contra的解释oposicionde的解释posesion, materia ,composicion ,tema, origen ,tiempo de sucede algodesde的解释punto de partida en el tiempo o espacioen的解释localizacion,modo,tiempo,precio,medio de transporteentre的解释ubicacion con respecto a algo,companiahacia的解释direccion aproximada sin limites exactos,ubicacion aproximada en el tiempohasta的解释limite en el tiempo y en el espaciopara的解释movimiento ,localizacion,inminencia de la accion,finalidad,uso,destinopor的解释movimiento,medio,tiempo impreciso,parte de dia,duracion aproximada de una accion,periodicidada,finalidad de una accion....segun的解释condicionsin的解释ausencia o carencia de algosobre的解释ubicacion en el espacio,tiempo aproximado,tematras的解释ubicacion con respecto a algo en el espacio

wo +介词的用法?



这是无主句,有时也会有人写,旧好比中文的“精彩” 用意个例子说明A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。 这句话读起来别扭的第一个原因,是因为它根本就不是一个句子。句首省略了this is 。这种用一个词代替一个句子的方式如果在书面语中出现,只能出现在高级英语中,因此我们以前的英语学习中从未遇到过。其形式类似于我们中文的“精彩”是“这句话真是精彩”的省略形式。 desire后跟着两个大的修饰成分,一个是to throw over reality a light,其中的a light 是被倒装到了over reality之后,正常应是throw a light over reality.不过这个便装部分与throw距离不远,看得还算懂。关键是第二个修饰成分。注意:从that开始直到句尾结束的长长的定语从句不是修饰其前的light的,而是修饰一开始的desire的。 第二个修饰成分中又来了一个倒装,由于作者为了强调never,所以将其提前,引发了定语从句中的倒装:正常语序应该是that might never be given away,倒装后系动词was被提前,given因为在情态动词might之后所以变成了原型give。A give way to B,是A让位于B,而A be given way to B, 则是A取代B。on the part of 之后的部分修饰后面的desire,what引导的从句现场阅读时可以看成一个名词。What从句中的不定式to recored exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower中又有一个避免头重脚轻的倒装,正常语序应该是to recored the structure and texture of a flower exactly and concretely。


这是无主句,有时也会有人写,旧好比中文的“精彩” 用意个例子说明A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。 这句话读起来别扭的第一个原因,是因为它根本就不是一个句子。句首省略了this is 。这种用一个词代替一个句子的方式如果在书面语中出现,只能出现在高级英语中,因此我们以前的英语学习中从未遇到过。其形式类似于我们中文的“精彩”是“这句话真是精彩”的省略形式。 desire后跟着两个大的修饰成分,一个是to throw over reality a light,其中的a light 是被倒装到了over reality之后,正常应是throw a light over reality.不过这个便装部分与throw距离不远,看得还算懂。关键是第二个修饰成分。注意:从that开始直到句尾结束的长长的定语从句不是修饰其前的light的,而是修饰一开始的desire的。 第二个修饰成分中又来了一个倒装,由于作者为了强调never,所以将其提前,引发了定语从句中的倒装:正常语序应该是that might never be given away,倒装后系动词was被提前,given因为在情态动词might之后所以变成了原型give。A give way to B,是A让位于B,而A be given way to B, 则是A取代B。on the part of 之后的部分修饰后面的desire,what引导的从句现场阅读时可以看成一个名词。What从句中的不定式to recored exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower中又有一个避免头重脚轻的倒装,正常语序应该是to recored the structure and texture of a flower exactly and concretely。

be moved后面加什么介词

be moved byI was moved by his speech.They were moved by the story.



为什么是move on to do.但是on是介词,后面不应该跟doing 吗

一般见不到to后面跟的动词不是原型的情况的前面的把TO去掉那和后面的意思大概就一样的,只不过DOING是正在做的,TO的是下一步要做的。 再比如goondoingsth.与goontodosth.就和这个差不多的,前者是说继续做正在做的事,而后者是说继续做另外一件事了,再看看别人怎么说的。

look at me 还是look me?加介词at吗?

look at me


介词短语作定语 修饰 宾语the reputation 在介词短语中 动名词短语 作介词宾语 在动名词短语中 one of toughest 作动名词的表语 只有d 符合语法 规则 所以其他选项 错



We will go on a trip (介词) the zoo.介词填什么?

We will go on a trip (in ,around) the zoo.


to discriminate


come in 进来come with 和谁一起来come by 乘什么工具来的come through 经历,脱险(就是经过了什么过程来了)

Doing it their way,和I send a warm wish their way,其中的“their way"前面为什么没有介词?

你好。没人回复你,就我来吧。Lingoes上的朗文词典有这么几条注释,希望对你有所帮助。1. 词组:in the same way/in different ways etc 例句:Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.  Animals communicate in various ways. 总结:way之前用in乃天经地义。2. 词组:(in) the right/wrong way  例句:I think you"re going about this the wrong way. 总结:我的老天,way前面不要in了,不过,这是词典上这么说的,很权威哟。3. 词组:(in) this/that way  例句:I find it easier to work in this way (=like this).  Sorry, I didn"t know you felt that way (=had that feeling or opinion).  The drugs didn"t seem to affect Anna in the same way. 总结:way前面的in可有可无,例句1和3有,2没有。然后我再给你摘录几个柯林斯词典上的例句和注释。1. I also used to love the smooth way in which the foreigner operated. 这句是从句,用了in which。2. I hate the way he manipulates people. 我讨厌他摆布别人。这句in which都没了。词典的解释是这样的:If you mention the way that something happens, you are mentioning the fact that it happens. 反正就是the way后面直接接个句子都可以呢。想想the minute充当连词的情况,我给你举个例子:The baby began to cry the minute he saw the tiger. 如果你看完了还没懂的话,可以追问。对了,没直接回答你的问题。不过,你可以看看这个解释和例句。 If you go your own way, you do what you want rather than what everyone else does or expects. 这里的go one"s own way就是“按自己的意愿行事”。例句:In school I was a loner. I went my own way. 在学校里我独来独往,我行我素。

英语知识 in on at to for of with等介词的用法,最好有例句,

介词 一、概念: [编辑本段] 介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词.在句中不能单独作句子成分.介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语.介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语. 二.相关知识点精讲 [编辑本段] 介词口诀:自从以当为按照,由于对于为了到;和跟把比在关于,除了同对向往朝;用在名词代词前,修饰动形要记牢. 1.表示地点位置的介词 [编辑本段] 1)at ,in, on, to at (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在……附近,旁边” in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在…范围之内”. on 表示毗邻,接壤 to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤 He arrived at the station at ten. He is sitting at the desk. He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. Jiangsu lies in the east of China. Russia lies on the north of China. Fujian is to the south of Jiangsu Province. 2)above, over, on 在……上 above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对; over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触. on表示某物体上面并与之接触. The bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He put his watch on the desk. 3)below, under 在……下面 under表示在…正下方 below表示在……下,不一定在正下方 There is a cat under the table. Please write your name below the line. 2.表示时间的介词 [编辑本段] 1)in , on,at 在……时 in表示较长时间,如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等. 如 in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January, in the morning, in the night, in one"s life , in one"s thirties等. on表示具体某一天及其早、中、晚. 如on May 1st, on Monday, on New Year"s Day, on a cold night in January, on a fine morning, on Sunday afternoon等. at表示某一时刻或较短暂的时间,或泛指圣诞节,复活节等. 如at 3:20, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of …, at the age of …, at Christmas, at night, at noon, at this moment等. 注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词.如:We meet every day. 2)in, after 在……之后 “in +段时间”表示将来的一段时间以后; “after+段时间”表示过去的一段时间以后; “after+将来点时间”表示将来的某一时刻以后. My mother will come back in three or four days. He arrived after five months. She will appear after five o"clock this afternoon. 3)from, since 自从…… from仅说明什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久; since表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,通常与完成时连用. He studied the piano from the age of three. They have lived here since 1978. 4)after, behind 在……之后 after主要用于表示时间; behind主要用于表示位置. We shall leave after lunch. Lucy is hiding behind an old house. 时间名词前介词用法口诀 年前周前要用in 具体日子却要禁 遇到几号要用on 上午下午又是in 要说某日上下午 用on换in记清楚 午夜黄昏用at 黎明用它也不错 at用在时分前 说“差”可要用上to 说"过""要用past3.表运动方向的介词: [编辑本段] across, through 通过,穿过 across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关; through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关. She swam across the river. He walked through the forest. 4.表示“在……之间”的介词: [编辑本段] between, among between指在两个人或两个事物之间; among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间. There is a football match between Class One and Class Two on the playground. The teacher is standing among the students. 5.表示其他意义的介词 [编辑本段] 1)on ,about 关于 on 表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的,或学术性的,可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读; about表示内容较为普通,不那么正式. There will be a lecture on economics this afternoon. He is writing a book on cooking. He told me a lot about his life in the summer vocation. 2)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具 by 以……方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具; with 表示用 …工具、手段,一般接具体的工具和手段; in 表示用…方式,用…语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等; He makes a living by selling newspapers. He broke the window with a stone. The foreigner spoke to us in English. 3)except, besides 除了 except 除……之外,不包括在内; besides 除……之外,包括在内. Except Mr. Wang, we went to see the film.(王先生没去) Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.(王先生也去了) 三.巩固练习 [编辑本段] 1. Taiwan is ________ the southeast of China.(in, on, to) 2. Go _________ the bridge _________ the river, you"ll find the shop.(across, through; over, above) 3. I go to school __________7:30 every morning.(in, on, at) 4. He would like to meet her __________8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow morning.(between, among ) 5. The Greens have lived in China ________ three years.(in, for, after) 6. We go to school every day ________ Saturday and Sunday.(except, besides) 7. He wrote the letter _________ ink.(by, with ,in) 8. She returned to her country _________five years.(in, after, for) 9. There is a big tree _________ our classroom.(after, behind) 10. I usually go to work _________ bike.(by, on, with) 其它常用介词 [编辑本段] 介词在英语词汇中所占比例很小,但它们的用法却非常灵活,复杂.下列为常用介词及含义: about 关于,附近,大约,周围,随身. I have bought a book about Shakespearean. 我买了一本有关莎士比亚的书. There are about fifteen trees in the picture. 图片里大约有十五棵树. above 在.上,高出,以上,超过,在...上游. The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机在云上飞行. I think the man is above sixty years old. 我想那人有六十多岁了. across 横过,对面,交叉,在...的对面. Can you swim across the river? 你能游过河吗? We live across the street. 我们住在街的对面. after 在...后面,依照. He went home after school. 他放学后就回家了. Read after me, please. 请跟我朗读. against 撞到,靠着,反对,违背, The car hit against the tree. 汽车撞了树. He is standing against the wall. 他靠墙站着. along 沿着,顺着. They are walking along the river. 他们沿着河行走. among 在...当中. He is the tallest among them. 他是他们当中个子最高的. around 在...的周围,在...那一边. They sat around the table talking the news. 他们绕桌而坐谈论新闻. There is a drugstore around the corner. 拐角处有一家药店. as 作为. He doesn"t like people treat him as a child. 他不喜欢人们把他当小孩子对待. at 在...时刻,在...点钟,在...岁时, 向,在...之中,按...速度,值(卖)...钱, He always gets up at six in the morning. 他时常早上六点钟起床. He shot at the bird but missed it. 他向鸟射击,但是没射中. The car goes at eighty miles an hour. 汽车以每小时八十公里的速度行驶. before 在...的前面(位置),在...之前(时间) He took a picture before the car. 他在汽车前照了张照片. He can"t finish his work before supper. 晚饭前他完不成工作. behind 在...的后面(位置), 落后于,不如, 迟于,晚于(时间) Are there any brooms behind the door. 门后有扫帚吗? All of us are behind him in mathematics. 我们数学都不如他. below 在...之下,低于, There are four lights below the ceiling. 天花板下面有四盏灯. The murderer run away below the police"s eyes. 杀人犯从警察眼皮底下跑了. beside 在...的旁边,在...之外,与...相比. He found the body beside the river. 他在河边发现了尸体. Beside yours, my computer is too slow. 与你的计算机速度相比,我的就慢多了. besides 除...之外, We are all here besides Bowe. 除鲍外,我们也都来了. between 在...两者之间, The relations between the two countries has improved since then. 两国的关系从那以后得到了改善. beyond 在...那边, The shop you are looking for is beyond the street, you can"t miss it. 你要找的商店在街的那边,你不会找不到的. but 除去. He has nothing but money. 他除钱以外什么都没有. by 被..., 在...的近旁 , 在...之前, 不迟于, 以...为手段. The classroom was cleaned by the students. 教室由学生们打扫干净了. Miss Lucy came to China by air. 露西小姐是乘飞机来中国的. down 沿着...望下. She walked down the street. 她沿着街道走. during 在...期间,在...时候. During the holiday, we went to the south. 我们假期去了南方. except 除...之外. He knows nothing except English. 他除英语以外什么都不知道. for 为..., 因为..., 至于... . He works for this company. 他为这家公司工作. She came back to the classroom for she had left her books in the classroom. 她返回到教室是因为把书留在了那里. from 从..., 来自..., 因为. Where are you from? 你是哪里人? He died from an accident. 他死于一场事故. in 在..., 在...之内,从事于..., 按照..., 穿着. He was born in 1992. 他生于1992年. I could finish the program in two weeks. 我可以用两周时间完成这个项目. He spend less time in reading. 他读书时间很少. The man in black jacket is our teacher. 穿黑夹克的那个人是我们的老师. like 象...,如同. The twins are like their father. 双胞胎像他们的父亲. near 靠近. There are some flowers near the house. 房子附近有一些花. of ...的,属于. This is a map of China. 这是一张中国地图. off 离开...,在...之外. The young man got off the train quickly. 那个年青人很快下了火车. I live in a village a little way off the main road. 我住在离大路不远的一个村庄里. on 在...之上. My book is on the table. 我的书在桌子上. out of 从...出来,在...之外. The dog run out of the house. 狗从房子里跑出来. outside ... 外边. They are waiting outside the gate. 他们在门外等着. over 在...之上,遍于...之上,越过. There is a light over the desk. 桌子上方有盏灯. He is over sixty years old. 他有六十多岁. past 越过...,过...,超越. The students walked past the post office. 学生们走过了邮局. It is ten past two. 现在是两点十分. round 围着...,绕过...,在...周围. We sat round the table. 我们围着桌子坐下. The earth goes round the sun. 地球绕着太阳转. since 自... 以后,自...以来. He has made great progress in English since he came into the college. 从他来到大学后,他的英语有了很大进步. through 经过...,穿过. They went through the forest. 他们穿过了森林. throughout 遍及...,在各处. The police searched for the criminal throughout the mountain. 警察搜山寻找犯人. till 直到...,在...以前. He didn"t come back till eleven o"clock. 他直到十一点钟才回来. We"ll be home till six. 六点以前我们都会在家. to 到...,向...,趋于. How long is it from here to the station? 从这儿到车站有多远? under 在...之下,低于. There are some footballs under the bed. 床底下有几颗足球. These students are under seventeen years old. 这些学生们不到十七岁. until 直到,在...以前, Please wait for us until we come back. 请等着我们回来. It was not until last week that I handed in mathematics paper. 直到上周,我才交了数学论文. up 在...上面,在...上. He went up the stairs. 他上了楼梯. upon 在...之上,迫近. It"s not polite to look down upon him. 蔑视他是不礼貌的. within 在...之内. You must finish the work within two weeks. 你必须两周内完成这项工作. without 没有,不,在...之外. We can"t do it better without your help. 没有你的帮助,我们就做不好. We couldn"t live without air and water. 没有空气和水,我们就不可能生存.

rage 这个词可以跟什么介词连用 分别是什么意思?

~ about 由于…而愤怒:He was in a towering rage about his lost watch. 他因丢了手表而暴怒不已。~ at 对…感到愤怒:He flew into a rage at the insult. 他因遭此侮辱而勃然大怒。~ of …的愤怒:He left in a rage of humiliation. 他羞愤离去with ~ 因愤怒:She was speechless with rage. 她气得说不出话来。

rage 这个词可以跟什么介词连用 分别是什么意思?

with regard toadv.关于;至于in this regard就这一点而言in regard to关于regard asvt.把…认作as regards至于,关于regard for对…的注意没,尊重;考虑到without regard to不考虑;不顾及in regard of关于…pay regard to重视;注意到regard highly器重;重视;尊重




on the coast 在海岸线上off the coast 离开海岸线,沿海


on the coast 在海岸线上 off the coast 离开海岸线,沿海

sit down at my table什么意思 ,为什么会有两个介词?

sit down 表示座下 一个动作 (要求)at my table 介词短语 表示方位

I have coffee at breakfast time (在这里为什么用介词at呀?)

at 在这里是构成固定词组啊,at breakfast ,相当于 at breakfast time,表示“在早餐中,早餐时候”。不懂可以追问。


介词短语 介词和动词的固定搭配: 同一动词和不同介词的搭配: look at (看) look for (寻找) look after (照顾) look over (检查) look (a)round (环视) arrive in +大地方 (到达) arrive at+小地方 (到达) hear of (听说) hear from (收到……的来信) spend +钱+on sth (花钱做某事) spend+时间+(in) doing sth. (花时间做某事) 同一介词和不同动词的搭配: ask for (要求) leave for (动身去) send for (派人去请) pay for (付钱) wait for (等待) agree with *** (同意某人) begin with (以……开始) help with (在……方面帮助) catch up with (赶上) get on / along with (与……相处) make friends with (与……交朋友) play with (玩……) 其它的介词和动词的搭配: listen to (听) e from (来自……) fall off (从……上摔下) try out (试验) knock at / on (敲) prefer…to… (比起……来还是……好) learn by oneself (自学) take care of (照顾) stop…(from) doing (阻止……做某事) help oneself to+食物 (随便吃……) fill…with… (在……里装满/充满) laugh at (嘲笑) worry about (为……担心) write to (写信给……) try on (试穿,试戴) 介词和形容词的常见搭配: be good at =do well in (在……方面好) be weak in (在……方面差) be good for (对…有益) be bad for (对……有害) be late for (迟到) be sorry for (为……遗憾,抱歉) be full of (充满) be busy with (忙于……) be angry with *** . (对某人生气) be angry at/about (for doing) sth. (对某事生气) be afraid of (害怕) be interested in (对……感兴趣) be different from (与……不同) be strict with *** . (对某人严格) be strict in sth.(对某事严格) be famous for (因……而闻名) be/ get ready for (为……作好准备) 许多介词和名词的固定搭配中不用"the"等限定词: by bike/car/bus/train/plane/air/land/road etc. on foot (步行) at night (在晚上) at work (在工作) at breakfast/lunch/supper (在吃早,午,晚饭) day after day (一天又一天) at times (有时) in surprise (惊奇地) on fire (着火) 1)at once 立刻 2)at last 最后 3)at first 起先,首先 4)at the age of… 在……岁时 5)at the end of… 在……之末 6)at the beginning of… 在……之初 7)at the foot of… 在……脚下 8)at the same time 同时 9)at night/noon 在夜里/中午 10)with one"s help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助 11)with the help of … 在……的帮助下 12)with a *** ile 面带笑容 13)with one"s own eyes 亲眼看见 14)after a while 过了一会儿 15)from now on 从现在起 16)from then on 从那时起 17)far example 例如 18)far away from 远离 19)from morning till night 从早到晚 20)by and by 不久 21)by air mail 寄航空邮件 22)by bike/air/train/bus 骑自行车/乘飞机/火车/汽车 23)by ordinary mail 寄平信 24)by the way 顺便说 25)by the window 在窗边 26)by the end of… 到……底为止 27)little by little 逐渐地 28)in all 总共 29)in fact 事实上 30)in one"s twenties 在某人二十几岁时 31)in a hurry 匆忙 32)in the middle of 在……中间 33)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快 34)in time (on time) 及时 35)in public 公众,公开地 36)in order to 为了…… 37)in front of 在……前面 38)in the sun 在阳光下 39)in the end 最后,终于 40)in surprise 惊奇地 41)in turn 依次 42)of course 当然 43)a bit (of) 有一点儿 44)a lot of 许多 45)a little 一点儿 46)on one"s way to 某人在去……的路上 47)on foot 步行,走路 48)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告 49)on the other hand 另一方面 50)at/on the weekend 在周末 51)on the left (right) 在左(右)边 52)on the other side of 在……另一边 53)on the radio 通过收音机(无线电广播) 54)to one"s joy 使……高兴的是 55)to one"s surprise 使……惊讶的是 1.表示时间的介词及介词短语ue004 in, at, on, before,after,till,since,for, fromto, until, by,in the middle of,at the beginning of, at the end of,at half past five,at night,in a week,in the morning,in class,at sunrise, in spring/summer/autumn/winter,on Sunday,on Saturday afternoon,on a winter evening,for a long time,for two months,after school,since liberation,before lunch,at the time of,at the age of. 2.表示地点的介词及介词短语ue004 in,at,into,to,on,beside,before,behind,above,under,outside,inside,up,from,far,from,near,across, off, down, among, past,between,out of,around,in the front of, in the middle of, at the back of,at the foot of,at home,at the gate,at the table,in the sky, on the ground,in a tree, in the south,in the sun,in the bed,on one"s way home,by the side of.ue004 3.介词和各类词搭配构成的介词短语ue004 1).介词与动词搭配ue004 arrive in/at到达 ask for要,请求ue004do well in在……方面做得好ue004give in投降go on继续ue004 hear from收到……来信 hear of听说ue004help"s B.with sth.帮助……做ue004 laugh at嘲笑 learn from向……学习ue004leave for离开一地去另一地ue004 talk to与……谈话 go in for从事,致力于ue004 put up穿上,挂上 take down拿下,取了ue004look at(有意识地)看 speak to对某人说ue004 send for派人去请ue004shout at大声叫喊,吼叫ue004take away拿走,带走think of考虑,关心ue004 turninto把……变成 wait for等候,等待ue004take off脱下,起飞ue004 turn on/off打开(关上)ue004listen to听 look after照顾,照看ue004 look for寻找 look like 看上去像ue004get to 到达 point to 指着……ue004 fill with充满,装满 begin with以……开始ue004deal/do with处置,对待ue004 meet with偶尔遇见,遭遇ue004 pass on传递 belong to属于ue004write to写信给……ue004call on号召,访问,邀请ue004die of死于…… depend on依靠,依赖ue004 *** ile at向……微笑 believe in信任ue004look out向四下看,到处看ue004 2).介词与名词搭配ue004 in time及时 in bed卧床ue004in life一生中 on time准时,按时ue004 in front of在……前面 on foot步行ue004by bus乘公共汽车 at home在家ue004in English用英语 in the middle在中间ue004 at night在晚上 at noon在中午ue004at hospital在医院 with a *** ile带着微笑ue004 of course当然(可以) in a hurry匆忙,急忙ue004in a minute一会儿ue004by the way顺便说说/问问ue004 at first首先,起初 at last最后,终于ue004at the meeting在会上 at least至少ue004on one"s way to在……的路上ue004 in the sun在阳光下in a tree在树上ue004in surprise惊奇地 at once立刻,马上ue004at the foot of在……脚下 at all压根儿ue004at dinner在吃正餐 at the table在桌子旁ue004at work在工作 at school在学校ue004at the back of在……后面ue004 at the beginning of在……开始 at the end of在……结尾ue004at the same time同时,然而ue004by hand用手,手工,亲手ue004 by the end of到……结束时ue004by train乘火车day by day日复一日ue004one by one一个接一个ue004 by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船ue004in a low voice大声地ue004in a word总而言之,一句话ue004in trouble处于困境 in fact事实上ue004in the street在街上in the end最后,终于ue004in space在空间 in no time立刻,很快ue004in order按顺序,整齐,正常ue004in order to为了,以便 in the day在白天ue004 in line成一直线in a short while不久ue004in all总共,总计 in town在城里ue004in silence不作声ue004 out of breath上气不接下气ue004out of sight消失,看不见ue004on duty值日ue004on the left/right在左/右边ue004 on the one handon the other hand一方面……另一方面ue004on the other side of在……的另一边ue004 on top of在……顶上 in the distance在远处ue004in public当众,公开地 out of work失业ue004 on the radio通过无线电广播 ue004to this day直到今天ue004to one"s surprise/joy使某人吃惊/高兴ue004 3)介词与形容词、过去分词和动词等搭配ue004 be born in出生于……be good at擅长……ue004be made of由……制成ue004 be angry with s B. 对某人生气ue004be angry at sth. 为某事生气ue004be pleased with s B. 对某人感到满意ue004 be satisfied with sth.对某事感到满意ue004be surprised at对……感到惊奇/诧异ue004be tired of讨厌……/厌倦……ue004 be interested in对……感兴趣ue004be proud of以……为自豪/骄傲ue004be full of充满…… take/catch hold of抓住ue004be sure of确信…… take part in参加ue004 break into 闯入ue004take care of照顾,关心,保管ue004 be busy with忙于……ue004be strict with对……严格要求ue004 catch up with跟上,赶上ue004 have nothing to do with与……无关ue004 go to school上学 go to bed/sleep睡觉ue004give a lesson to给……上课ue004 go to the cinema 去看电影ue004be kind to s B.对某人友好ue004say hello to向……问好ue004look forward to盼望,期待ue004 keep out of不让进入 go on strike *** ue004be used to习惯于……ue004 4.看似相同,但意义有别的词组ue004 英语中有一些介词词组和动词词组,它们从形式上看似乎基本相同,但在意义上却截然不同.要是我们在记忆上对这类词组不加以重视,使用时就很容易望文生义,甚至张冠李戴.为此,把这类词组归纳如下:ue004 1).介词词组ue004 (1) at table在进餐ue003at the table在桌子旁(=beside the desk) ue004 (2) at desk在读书或做作业ue003at the desk在书桌旁 ue004 (3) at school在校上学(指学生)ue003at the school在学校(指教职工) ue004 (4) in front of the bus在公共汽车的前面(不在车上)ue003in the front of the bus在公共汽车的前部(在车上) ue004 (5) at sea在航海中ue003at the sea在海边 ue004 (6) by day白天ue003by the day按日,论日 ue004 (7) behind time误期ue003behind the time落后于时代 ue004 (8) in class在上课,在课内ue003in the class在这个班 ue004 (9) in bed 卧床,在睡觉ue003in the bed在床上 ue004 (10) in prison坐牢ue003in the prison在监狱 ue004 (11) in red穿着红色的衣服ue003in the red负债,亏损 ue004 (12) in hospital住院(指病人)ue003in the hospital(因事)在医院 ue004 (13) in office在办公,执政ue003in the office在办公室 ue004 (14) in secret秘密,私下ue003in the secret参入秘密,参入阴谋 ue004 (15) in place of 代替,而不是ue003in the place of在……地方 ue004 (16) in case of万一,如果ue003in the case of就……来说,至于 ue004 (17) of age成年人ue003of an age同龄人 ue004 (18) out of office离职ue003out of the office离开办公室 ue004 (19) out of prison(因犯罪)出狱ue003out of the prison(因事)从监狱出来 ue004 (20) out of question毫无疑问ue003out of the question不可能,办不到 ue004 2).含有介词的动词词组ue004 (1) e out of hospital(病好)出院ue003e out of the hospital(因事)从医院里出来 ue004 (2) e out of prison(刑满)释放ue003e out of the prison(因事)从监狱里出来 ue004 (3) go to school去上学ue003go to the school(因事)去学校 ue004 (4) go to college上大学ue003go to the/a college去一所学校(办事) ue004 (5) go to bed上床睡觉ue003go to the bed去床边 ue004 (6) go to hospital去住院ue003go to the hospital(因事)去医院 ue004 (7) go to prison去坐牢ue003go to the prison(因事)去监狱 ue004 (8) go to sea当海员ue003go to the sea去海边 ue004 (9) go to court起诉ue003go to the court(因事)去法庭 ue004 (10) go to church做礼拜ue003go to the church(因事)去教堂 ue004 (11) keep house管理家务ue003keep the house守在家里 ue004 (12) take place发生ue003take the place代替 ue004 3).有无冠词,意义无多大区别的介词词组ue004 (1)at(the)most至多ue004 (2)at(the)first起初ue004 (3)all(the)day 整天ue004 (4)catch(a)cold感冒ue004 (5)in(the)future 将来ue004 (6)in(the)memory of纪念ue004 (7)go to(the)office 上班,去办公室ue004 (8)go to(the)market 赶集,去市场ue004 (9)on(a)holiday 在度假ue004 (10)(the)day before yesterday 前天ue004 (11)(the)most of 大多数ue004 (12)with(a) *** iling face 面带微笑


ON 1.动词+on a)动词+ on。介词on表示“凭借,产生某结果,接通”等意思:act on对…有作用, bring on促使;导致, call on拜访某人,count on依赖, carry on执行,depend on取决, feed on以…为生,figure on料想;推断, go on继续,have on穿着, insist on坚持,keep on继续, lean on依赖, live on以…为生, pull on迅速穿上,put on穿上, switch on接通(电源), take to喜欢;养成;轻易学会,turn on接通(电源), work on操作, wait on侍候。例如: This kind of medicine acts on the heart. 这种药对心脏有好处。 The fine weather brings on the crops nicely. 好天气促使庄稼长势良好。 We count on you to help. 我们有赖你的帮助。 b)动词+sb.(sth.)+ on +sb.(sth.)。on的意思是“以…,对…,在某方面”:base on以…为基础, congratulate on恭贺, fix on固定, have mercy on怜悯,have pity on怜惜, keep watch on监视, spend on把时间、精力花在某方面。例如: Theory should be based on practice. 理论联系实际。 Congratulate on your success in the competition. 恭喜你竞赛获得成功。 2.be+形容词+on的词组:be dependent on依赖, be hard on对某人苛刻,be impressed on对…印象深刻, be keen on渴望, be strict on对…严格。例如: We can"t just be dependent on our parents. 我们不能只依赖父母。 He is keen on going abroad. 他渴望出国。 3.on+名词构成的词组:on表示处于某种状态或在某个方位:on board乘(车,飞机),on call听候召唤, on duty值班, on earth到底, on fire着火, on foot步行,on guard在岗,on hire雇用,on holiday度假,on leave休假,on one"s knees跪下,on one"s way在…的路上,on purpose故意, on sale待售,on shore在岸上,on time准时, on the move行动, on the other hand另一方面, on the spot当场,on the tip of one"s tongue快要说出口, on top of在…的顶部,on watch值班。IN 1.动词+in a)动词+ in。in在短语中的含义异常丰富:believe in信任, break in碎成,bring in引起;产生;带来, call in下令收回, fill in填充,get in收获, hand in上缴, involve in涉及, lie in在于, result in导致, share in共享,succeed in成功, take in卷起;订阅, turn in归还当局。例如: He was so short of money that he had to call in the loans that he had made. 他很缺乏资金,不得不收回所有的款子。 Your failure lies in your laziness. 你失败的原因在于懒惰。 Orders are given to take in sail.已发布收帆的命令。 b)动词+sb./time/money+ in。介词in后接(doing)sth.:help sb. in帮助某人做某事, spare time/money in匀出时间或钱做某事,spend time/money in花时间或钱做某事,waste time/money in浪费时间或钱做某事。例如: She offered to help him in the housekeeping when I am not here.她提出,我不在家时她可以帮助他料理家务。 2. be +形容词+ in。in表示“在某些方面或穿着”:be active in活跃于,be absorbed in专心致志, be busy in忙碌, be born in出生于,be concerned in牵涉, be clothed in穿着, be disappointed in对…失望,be diligent in勤于, be experienced in在…有经验, be employed in任职于,be engaged in忙碌, be expert in某方面的专家, be excellent in在…优秀,be interested in对…有兴趣, be lacking in缺乏, be rich in富有,be slow in迟缓, be successful in在某方面成功, be skilled in精于,be strict in严于, be weak in弱于。例如: She was completely absorbed in her own affairs. 她完全专注于自己的事务。 More than one person has been concerned in this. 不只一人牵涉到这件事。 3. in +名词。 in表示“处于某种状态或在某些方面”等意思:in advance提前,in all总共,in balance总而言之,in bed卧床,in body亲自,in brief简明扼要,in case万一, in charge主管,in danger有危险, in debt负债, in despair失望,in force大量地;有效,in full全部地, in flower开花,in general一般说来,in itself本身, in love恋爱, in order井然有序, in person亲自,in public公开地, in progress有进展, in practice从实践上看, in rags穿着破衣, in research探索, in return作为报答,in ruins一片废墟,in short总之,in theory从理论上看, in trouble有麻烦, in tears眼泪汪汪,in time及时, in turn按顺序, in vain白白地,in view看得见。 注意下列几个词组中的in为副词:check in到达登记,cut in插嘴,count in包括,draw in时间接近, drop in顺路拜访, give in屈服, pour in源源而来。 AT 1.动词+ at。at表示“指向某一目标,到达某地”:arrive at抵达,call at访问某地, catch at(it)当场抓住, come at攻击, fire at向…开火,glance at瞟一眼, glare at怒目而视, grieve at忧伤,knock at敲,laugh at嘲笑, look at看一眼, pull at拉扯, rejoice at对…高兴,smile at向某人微笑, shoot at朝…射击, stare at怒目而视,thrust at刺向, tear at撕, tremble at颤抖,wonder at吃惊,work at工作。例如: Don"t let me catch you again at it.不要再让我当场逮住你。 We must “shoot the arrow at the target”. 我们必须有的放矢。 They trembled at the sight of the peasant"s spears.看到农民的梭标,他们阵阵发抖。 2. be +形容词/过去分词+ at。其中at表示“情绪、情感的原因,或对某物具有某种感情”:be angry at恼怒于, be alarmed at对…保持警觉,be astonished at对…吃惊, be bad at不擅长, be clever at对某事很灵巧,be delighted at高兴,be disgusted at厌恶, be disappointed at对…失望,be good at擅长, be impatient at对…不够耐心, be mad at狂热于,be pleased at对…感到高兴, be present at出席, be satisfied at满意,be surprised at吃惊, be shocked at对…非常震惊,be terrified at受到…的恐吓,be quick at对…很机敏。例如: They were overjoyed at his return to work. 他们对他重返工作感到欣喜。 They are alarmed at the growth of the liberation movement in the colonies. 他们对殖民地日益壮大的解放运动警觉起来。 3.at+名词构成的词组:at a distance在一定距离,at a loss不知所措, at a time一次,at all一点也不,at any cost不惜一切代价,at best最好也只是,at first起初,at hand手头,at heart在内心里,at home在家;无拘束,at last最后,at least至少,at most最多,at once马上,at present目前,at sea不知所措,at times有时,at will任意地,at work起作用,at worst最坏。 4.其它含有at的短语:work hard at勤奋工作,drop in at顺路拜访。 BY表示"到…的时候为止"含有"BY+时间"的句子,其谓语时态的形式为;动作动词常用完成时;状态动词常用一般时.




migrate后跟介词from, into, to, across, between, through等,例如 :⇒ migrate across the Atlantic⇒ The birds migrate along the coast.⇒ These swallows migrate between England and Egypt.⇒ migrate from Africa to Spain⇒ Fur seals migrate through the waters of Canada, Japan, the United States, and Russia.⇒ For hundreds of years white settlers have migrated to South Africa.⇒ In September they migrate to their winter haunts. 9⇒ Where do swallows migrate to?⇒ poor farmers who have migrated to the cities from rural districts



be sympathetic,be pathetic后面的介词分别是?例句,谢谢

have/feel/show/express sympathy for sb”同情某人“be sympathetic to sb.”同情某人“be pathetic to sb.”可怜某人“1. We should have sympathy for people in difficulty.我们对处于困境中的人们要有同情心.2. It is not enough to have sympathy for the disabled. We should learn to respect them.仅仅同情残疾人是不够的,我们应该学会尊敬他们。3. Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah are considered to be sympathetic to the al-Qaida terrorist network.4 His tears were pathetic to witness.他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。欢迎探讨词法语法问题。

lager scale用什么介词


英语中如何表达时间 年月 日 多少号!上午下午多少点多少分 用什么介词

你可以直接读数字: 7:00 读作:seven或seven o”clock 8:30 读作:eight thirty 9:15 读作:nine fifteen 10:30 读作:ten thirty 11:59 读作:eleven fifty - nine时间可以直接用基数词表示.表示整点时,可直接读小时的数字,也可在后面加上o”clock来读;表示零几分时,“零”一般读//. 或者借助past和to来表示 分钟小于或等于30的用past.past表示“超过”的意思,其中15分读作a quarter,30分钟读作half. 6:08 读作:eight past six 7:15 读作:a quarter past seven 8:23 读作:twenty - three past eight 9:30 读作:half past nine 分钟大于30的用to.to表示“差多少”的“差”,因此,分钟大于30的就要看看它与“小时”加“1”还差多少分钟.读“分钟”时,差多少分钟就读多少;读“小时”时要加“1”.其中45分钟是差15分钟,也要读作a quarter. 4:32 读作:twenty - eight to five 6:45 读作:a quarter to seven 11:58 读作:two to twelve 12:49 读作:eleven to one(12小时制) eleven to thirteen(24小时制) 随后就可以: 30分以内,分在前,点在后,past在中间; 30分以外,分用60减,点要加上1,用to来连接 月份/星期英语简写 一月JanuaryJan. 二月FebruaryFeb. 三月MarchMar. 四月AprilApr. 五月MayMay 六月JuneJun. 七月JulyJul. 八月AugustAug. 九月SeptemberSep. 十月OctoberOct. 十一月NovemberNov. 十二月DecemberDec. 星期一MondayMon. 星期二TuesdayTue. 星期三WednesdayWed. 星期四ThursdayThu. 星期五FridayFri. 星期六SaturdaySat. 星期日SundaySun. 日期的表达例句: 1.What"t the date today?It"s July 2,2003. 今天是几号?今天是2003年7月2号. 2.Labour was defeated in the General Election on 19th June 1970. 工党在1970年6月19日大选中败北. 3.They married on December 9,1913. 他们于1913年12月9日结婚. 4.It"s Monday the fifth of April. 4月15日星期一. 5.The case was heard in the High Court in February 1970. 这个案件于1970年2月由高等法院审理. 6.Where were you on the nights of February 4th and 7th? 2月4日和7日晚上你都在什么地方? 7.They lived toghther from December of that year until June of 1980. 他们从那年12月到1980年6月一直住在一起. 8.The paper he hands me has a 1975 date. 他签发给我文件写的是1975年的日期. 表达星期几的例句 1.What day is today?Today is Tuesday,May the thirteenth. 今天星期几?今天是5月13日星期二. 2.every Tuesday for the next few months 下几个月的每星期二 3.I"m terrible busy on Saturdays. 我在星期六特别忙. 4.On Monday nights,the pupils go to the cinema. 星期一的晚上,学生们去看电影. 5.I"ve never worked on a Sunday in my whole life. 我从未在星期日工作过. 1840年eighteen forty 1900年nineteen hundred 1992年nineteen ninety-two 2000年twentyhundred 2003年twenty zero three 注意:年份一般用基数词表示,写时可以用阿拉伯数字.读时一般先读前两位,再读后两位;整百的年份一般以hundred为单位. 例如:1840年读为eighteen forty,象1900年、2000年直接以hundred为单位. 年代表示方法: 八十年代 eighties 指的是1980-1989,可写为1980"s, 另外1980-1985可写为early eighties,1985-1989可写为late eighties. 例如: 1.in Stockholm in the thirties 三十年代在斯德哥尔摩 2.I went on a computer training course in the nineteen eighties. 我在八十年代进过计算机培训班. 在英语中,日期在前月份在后,即顺序为日月年,但在美式英语中,则月份在前日期在后,即顺序为月日年.否则会发生错误. 例如:10-7-86或10/7/86,在英式英语中是表示July 10th 1986(1986年7月10日),而在美式英语中,则表示October 7th 1986(1986年10月7日).




英文里用介词短语还是副词主要看文章的需求,副词修饰动词,do quickly. 介词短语大多修饰名词做定语 man on the bench.



spring festival前用什么介词,in?at? 无

in,介词,这个背过, In Spring Festival:在春节 in the Spring Festival:在春节 In Every Spring Festival:每逢春节 同时需要结合语境考虑,on为具体某一天,这个出现会小一些,大多数用法为in

英语。 在二十多年前____twenty years ago 前面介词用什么


我想找动词后有介词的例子,如come in, take out, go to ..等等,最好有列表

动词+onput on穿call on拜访have on 穿*depend on依据,依靠信任*rely on依据,依靠,信任operate on手术live on为生*insist on坚持congratulate on祝贺动词+tolisten to听get to到达reply to答复apologize to道歉*belong to 属于agree to同意*add to增加*refer to指向*lead to导致*turn to转向*admit to承认动词+atshoot at 射击shout at吼aim at瞄准knock at敲门laugh at嘲笑call at s.p拜访rush at冲catch at抓住动词+forlook for寻找ask for询问wait for等待answer for偿还/对…负责pay for付钱stand for代表search for搜寻动词+ofrob of抢劫die of死于动词+介词*care about关心,关注,在意,担心care for喜欢dream about梦到dream of梦想hear about听说hear of听到hear from受到来信look at看look for寻找look after照顾*look into 调查,检查*look up查找think about考虑think of想到*deal/do with处理*fall out(头发等)脱落*fall for上…的当,受…的骗对…信以为真*go out(灯)熄灭*mix up混淆,弄乱,拌和,搅匀*stay up不睡觉,熬夜*work out锻炼,制定出*put on weight体重增加*make up编造,捏造,杜撰*pay off成功,带来好结果*rule out排除*run after追,追赶*show up出现,露面*step up加紧,加强,促进*wish for盼望,期盼*reach out(手)伸出;伸出(手)*consist of由…组成由…构成*pick up拿起,捡起*lift up拿起,举起*contribute to是…成因之一/导致/贡献*contribute…to..捐献/投稿*bang into(不小心)撞着某物*turn into(使)变成*differ from和…不同,不同于*appeal to迎合,对…有吸引力*lead to导致(结果)*close down关闭,使停业,使倒闭*come across*发现,(偶然)遇见*give out发出(气味,热)释放,散发,分发*put forward提出(观点,议案)*set up创立,建立,创办*pick out找出,挑选*point out指出*focus /fix on集中,关注*end up以…告终*use up用光,耗尽*believe in信任,信仰,信奉*take up占据(时间,空间)从事于*take on接受,雇佣,担当(某一角色)*pay back报答,偿还(借款)*warm up(使)暖和起来;(使)热身*ring out(铃声、枪声等)突然响起*feed on以…为食,吃*carry out执行,实施,进行*get sth across转达*trick sb into doing sth诱使某人做某事*pass on传递*get along相处,进展*get through(电话等)接通*wipe out扫除,消灭*run out(of)用完,耗尽*figure out相出,理解,明白;计算出,*turn out结果证明,结果是*break down出故障,抛锚*burst in突然冲入*cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来*die from/of死于*glare at对…怒目而视*go on进行,发生*hunt for打猎;搜捕*hold up延迟,阻碍,搀扶,支撑,举起,抬起*log off下线,关机*meet with遇见,碰见*move on接下去,继续*queue up排队,列队*remind sb of让某人想起/提醒某人*set out提出,制定出

next 前需要加 介词么


next 前需要加 介词么

一般不需要 I would prefer him to be with us next season. 我更希望他下一个赛季和我们在一起。2. The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences. 三方将在下个月会面,以解决余下的分歧。3. China enters a new five-year plan period next year. 中国明年开始进入新一个五年计划期。4. He will soon be back in training for next year"s National. 他将很快回来为明年的全国联赛进行特训。5. I"m going to write him in on my ballot next year. 明年我要在我的选票上写上他的名字。6. He will be attending next week"s American Grammy Awards in feverish anticipation. 他将带着紧张兴奋的期待出席下周的美国格莱美奖颁奖。7. I shall be 26 years old on Friday next. 下周五我就26岁了.8. They are planning on a trip to Guyana next month. 他们计划下个月去圭亚那旅行。9. Until next payday, I was literally without any money. 到下个发薪日前,我真的没有一点儿钱了。10. I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person. 我和别人一样愉快。11. His next job is to get us to the World Cup finals. 他接下来的任务是带领我们闯入世界杯决赛圈。12. The next few weeks will be a period of readjustment. 接下来的几周将是适应阶段。13. Next summer"s exams would be straightforward to administer and mark. 明年夏天的考试在执行和评分上都将很简单。14. He was jailed in February 1992 and could be released next year. 他于1992年2月入狱,可能明年获释。15. And all the time next spring"s elections are drawing closer. 明年春天的选举即将来临。
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