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1我的简历(略)优点:乐观向上、兴趣广泛、适应力强、上手快、勤奋好学、脚踏实地、认真负责、坚毅不拔、吃苦耐劳、勇于迎接新挑战   爱好:桌球,羽毛球,书法,写小说,看电影   2.自我分析个人特征:我的控制欲强,希望控制生活与学习环境,喜欢按照自己的想法来行事;我很自信,对待每一件事都充满信心,决定有能力将它做好,且做事有始有终,坚持到底;我很内向,在同学和亲人面前总是有所约束,不敢在大众面前显示自己的能力,显露自己的理念;我对未来充满了美好,相信自己将来一定有所作为。   人际关系:我平时喜欢与人交往,以诚待人。和同学相处采用“等边三角,中心突出”的政策,所以从小到大和同学朋友都保持良好的友谊,尤其是好多个知心朋友,更是经常保持沟通联系,这是我非常巨大的财富。   价值倾向:我渴望能力能受到肯定,有强烈的掌控支配欲,希望能享有不受拘束的发展空间。我有正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,并通过在大学的学习,使自己具备良好的的价值倾向。 “本人的学习经历”   主要列出大学阶段的主修、辅修与选修课科目及成绩,尤其是要体现 与你所谋求的职位有关的教育科目、专业知识。不必面面俱到(如果用人单位对你的大学大学成绩感兴趣,可以提供给他全面的成绩单,而用不着在求职简历中过多描述这些东西),要突出重点,有针对性。使你的学历、知识结构让用人单位感到与其招聘条件相吻合。   “本人的实践、工作经历”   主要突出大学阶段所担任的社会工作、职务,在各种实习机会当中担当的工作。对于参加过工作的研究生,突出自己在原先岗位上的业绩也是非常重要的。   “本人的能力、性格评价”   这种介绍要恰如其分,尽可能使你的专长、兴趣、性格与你所所谋求的职业特点、要求相吻合。事实上,“本人的学习经历”、“本人的实践、工作经历”同样在映证个人的能力、性格,因此,前后一定要相互照应。   “求职意向”   简短清晰,主要表明本人对哪些岗位、行业感兴趣及相关要求。   “联系方式与备注”








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Courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of netpiling, principle of netputers, operating systems, C , Java, netputer architecture, netputer networks, VB, photoshop   Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx No.1 Middle School of Qingyuan City, Guangdong   puter Abilities   A good understanding and working knowledge of netputers.   Have hands-on experience in PC operation.   Database programming and networking knowledgeor knowledge of networks.   Good at netputer operation of Windows.   Knowledge of php and asp programming.   English Skills   Have a good netmand on both spoken and written English; passed CET-4.   Scholarship and rewards   xxxx-6 won the third place in Jilin"s in   scientifical and technological works netpetition between universities/university students, or what? ...e.g. Jilin"s   netpetition among university students. Not clear as to what the   xxxx-5 won the title of Excellent League Member in the university.   xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent president in the dept.   xxxx-9 won the first place in Jilin in college student in national of math model netpentition If this is a national netpetition, it cannot be a   xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent Leader in dept.   xxxx-1 Awarded the “an Excellent Learner” scholarship from the university Activities   xxxx-now Leader of a web studio in the university   xxxx-now leader of a web studio in the dept.   xxxx-xxxx class president   xxxx Vice President of English club in the university   xxxx president of a volunteer association in puter Science dept. xxxx won the third place in web design contest from school   Work Experiences   xxxx-9—now work as a administratorin the Job Direction Center of University xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used Asp Access to design a web page for the Physics College of Physics   xxxx-10—xxxx-12 used Php Mysql to design a web for The Student Office of the University   xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used php Mysql to design a web for The Job Direction Center of the University   References will be supplied upon request.   Dear Sir/Madam:   Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.   According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in puter Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am netpetent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in netputer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.   During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can netmunicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional rmation you require, please contact me.I would welnete an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.   With many thanks   英文求职简历模板篇3   professional experience   virginia general hospital,suffolk,va   assistant personnel officer,1990-present   recruited and trained administrative and clerical   staffs,ancillary and works department staffs,professional and technical staffs.   supervised personnel assistant,personnel clerk and secretary. organized,revised,expanded and managed induction program. evaluated personnel.   conducted disciplinary and grievance interviews.   signed employees to contracts.   advised staff on conditions of employment,entitlements,maternity leave,etc.   southern charm stores,roanoke,va   assistant staff manager,1986-1990   recruited and selected employees.   hired personnel and referred for termination.   administered wages,salary and workmen"s pensation. developed staff in various job descriptions. performed inductions.   supervised personnel clerk.   served as interim staff manager at raleigh.   education   yale university,new haven,ct   bachelor of science in sociology,1996   cook college,los angeles,ca   personnel management exams,1985   references   available upon request.   clean layout makes resume easy to read.   unrelated work experience is omitted.   英文求职简历模板


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