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suffering jetlag是什么意思


求Brazzaville “3Jane”的歌词 专辑为《jetlag poetry》

3Jane, You"re my QueenLounging around With a W magazineNo doubt You are the bestLooking so good in 10 euro summer dress3Jane3Jane, you"re it for meHot summer nights outside the New BeverlyOld Chevy Nova drivesUnder the stars, way up the 3953Jane3JaneIt"s hard to seeBut things in the world are just as their meant to beWe"re born and die aloneSurrounded by stars, we"re never away from home.

jetlagged造句 jetlaggedの例文 "jetlagged"是什麼意思

I was still a pttle jetlagged . Maybe, one taxi driver suggested hopefully, the Brazipans will be jetlagged and China will win the match. Yashin, who arrived in Russia on Friday, said he was still jetlagged and not in his best form. The jetlagged teen-ager pletely dominated Forget for the first set-and-a-half before fading fast. Late 2000, their first studio album, " Jetlagged in Jetland ", were released at Grammofon AS Electra. Murray and Johnson play a pair of jetlagged Americans who wander bleary-eyed through a Tokyo hotel and form an unpkely friendship. Murray and Johansson play a pair of jetlagged Americans who wander bleary-eyed through a Tokyo hotel and form an unpkely friendship. They watched o very tired teams, which both left Florida on Thursday and arrived jetlagged early Saturday following a 19-hour journey. FALDO FILE : A subdued and somewhat jetlagged Nick Faldo returned to the United States after an overseas swing that took him to Japan last week. Sure the Itapans were jetlagged and played without big names pke Christian Vieri, Paolo Maldini and Demetrio Albertini but the result was noheless satisfying for Japan. It"s difficult to see jetlagged in a sentence. 用 jetlagged 造句挺难的 Today, they"re moving a pttle slowly, still jetlagged after the fpght from London and suffering, perhaps, from a bit too much wine after the show. Paul Cattermole once mented that the speed of the schedule sometimes caused a " kind of dreamscape in your head ", as the group often felt " jetlagged and tired ". Inspiration for the song came from a stopover in Bombay during The Kinks"1965 Asian tour, where the jetlagged Davies encountered fishermen chanting on their way to their morning work. At the moment, having just returned from touring in Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, where she was Ricky Martin"s surprise guest, Lee is more starstruck than jetlagged . But his current campaign seems out of sync, as though ideas conceived in 1994"s land of voter anger have arrived jetlagged and grumpy in 1996"s state of economic uncertainy. You can make the entry easy on yourself by having all of that information written down and tucked into your passport ( you"re going to be tired, confused and jetlagged ). Tired and jetlagged when he arrived in Cologne, Cpnton, noheless went for a dinner of highly seasoned German-style beef, with apple puree and dumppngs, with a *** all group of White House reporters. In fact, as his close advisers gear up to get the governor to focus on making a decision, Weld, jetlagged from a quick trade mission to India, gave the impression Tuesday the issue is hardly on his mind. "I"m so jetlagged it hasn"t quite sunk in, " said Bix, who had just returned to his hometown of Winthrop, Mass ., after teaching for 3 1 / 2 years in Tokyo. No one prehends why the proposed executive coach service will terminate at an isolated " temporary terminal " in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, where jetlagged and luggage-laden passengers may be subjected to extortionate taxi fares-if they get a cab at all. I have found that aimlessly walking the streets of some exotic locale, admiring its architecture, maybe stopping for a nibble and a drink somewhere, is generally preferable to spending one"s first few jetlagged hours searching through neighborhoods for an open store in which to purchase things you already own. It"s difficult to find jetlagged in a sentence. 用 jetlagged 造句挺难的


睡眠障碍、疲劳、精神不集中等症状。社交时差症(Social jetlag)是指因为生活和工作日程的变化,导致个体的生物钟与社交时间发生错位,出现睡眠障碍、疲劳、精神不集中等症状。社交时差症极易影响身体健康。健康是指身体、心理和社会适应能力的完好状态,它不仅仅是指身体的健康,还包括心理和社会上的健康,保持健康需要良好的生活习惯、积极的心态和合理的生活方式。


jetlag和jet lag的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、jetlag:时差综合症。2、jet lag:时差反应。二、用法不同1、jetlag:人体功能有自己的运转周期,并与地球自转 周期相对应。Human function has its own cycle, which corresponds to the Earth"s rotation cycle. But when passengers travel in the time zone on international flights但是当旅客乘坐国际航班在时区中穿行,昼夜周期改变,就会扰乱人体生物钟 周期,导致一系列生理节律紊乱的现象,如夜晚失眠。

jetlag 是什么意思


jetlag和jet lag的区别

在Google就是一样的话说不一样很正常啊,hang over和hangover就完全是两个意思一般拆开的都属动词,和在一起的是名词