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injection volume是什么意思

injection volume注入体积;进样体积;进样量相关例句1. Manual partial filling of loops may lead to poorer injection volume precision.环的部分填补可能会导致较差的进样溶剂精密度.2. Yesterday, the injection of positive stimulus, 5 airline stocks across the board A sealed volume limit.昨日, 在注资利好的刺激下, 5家航空公司A股全线放量封死涨停.

web安全的sql injection是一个什么样的问题

sql注入是早期web开发,其实不仅仅是web面临的问题,注入者是利用sql的条件拼接来打破原有sql的逻辑结构以达到跳过权限验证。从而直接通过进入系统。比如一个登陆的sql:select count(1) from tb_account where account="" and pwd="";这个sql语句,很显然,早期在调用接口的时候,会将用户输入的用户名和密码替换到条件判断中,从而查询出是否存在该记录。但是如果用户在密码一栏输入的账户是1"or"1"="1密码是1"or"1"="1。那么将整个语句接起来就是 select count(1) from tb_account where account="1"or"1"="1" and pwd="1"or"1"="1",这个注入就将原有的逻辑打破了。达到注入的效果。

gold injection 什么意思

gold injection 金注入injection 英[u026anu02c8du0292eku0283n] 美[u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n] n. 注射; 注射剂; [医] 充血; (卫星等的) 入轨; [例句]They gave me an injection to help me sleep他们给我打了一针帮助我入睡。[其他] 复数:injections


fluent中udf初始化injection操作如下初始条件指的是初始时刻计算域所处的状态。通常需要人为指定。对于稳态问题,初始条件不会影响最终结果,但是会影响到计算收敛过程。若设定的初始条件与真实状态有较大差异时,可能会造成计算不收敛。对于瞬态问题,初始条件会直接影响计算结果。 在Fluent中进行求解计算之前,都需要对计算域进行初始化。Fluent提供了多种初始化方法:Hybird Initialization、Standard Initialization、FMGInitialization、Patch以及UDF宏。初始化的目的是为区域或边界指定初始值。


fluent 软件技术操作问题,建议去技术邻问问,里面都是行业领域大咖,希望能帮到你

injections 经济学概念


HPLC injection什么意思?

HPLC injection高效液相色谱法测定注射液



Rise Against的《Injection》 歌词

歌曲名:Injection歌手:Rise Against专辑:Endgame / Appeal To Reason / Siren Song Of The Counter Culture / The Sufferer & The Witness2.InjectionYou spend your days counting the hours you"re awakeAnd when night covers the sky you find yourself doing the sameIt"s a burden you"ve been burying in spite of all your prayersAs the light turns off inside your heart do you rememberWhat it"s like to careKnees are weak, hands are shaking, I can"t breatheGive me the drug, keep me alive, give me whats left of my lifeLet me goPull this plug, let me breathOn my own I"m finally freeLet me goThe trail of crumbs you left somehow got lost along the wayIf you never meant to leave then you only had to stayWith the memories that haunt us, I charish just the sameAs the ones that bring us closer to the sky, no matter how graveYet I fall through these clouds and she"s screamingGive me the drug, keep me aliveGive me whats left of my lifeLet me goPull this plug, let me breathOn my own I"m finally freeLet me goThis grip loosens but it never breaksWe carry nothing but a name you will forsakeYour words are always there to break my fallAnd now I find the comfort to see through it allGuide me through uncharted watersBefore we lose our way againWill you be my compassUntil forever, until forever endsKnees are weak, hands are shakingI can"t breatheGive me the drug,keep me aliveGive me whats left of my lifeLet me goPull this plug, let me breatheOn my own I"m finally freeLet me go (x3)


可以用 give 或者 take. give or take an injection(打针)。

我的汽车显示check injection这是什么故障


injection和injectable solution的区别

injection大的概念,指可注射的药剂,包括大输液、水针剂和无菌注射粉末等;injectable solution泛指可注射的溶液剂,如一般的小体积水针、药物经过处理后(增溶、包合等)经灭菌后形成的可注射溶液!

injection 是什么意思?


injectivity 和injection有什么区别,具体意思和用法区别。



infusion 英[u026anu02c8fju:u0292n]美[u026anu02c8fjuu0292u0259n]n. 注入; 灌输; 泡制,浸渍; 注入物;injection 英[u026anu02c8du0292eku0283n]美[u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n]n. 注射; 注射剂; [医] 充血; (卫星等的) 入轨;

bolus injection是什么意思

医学术语bolus injection[英][u02c8bu0259ulu0259s inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n][美][u02c8bolu0259s u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n][医]弹丸注射,单次快速静脉注射,快速浓注; 静脉注射例句:Therefore, double pulse bolus injection can be used in clinical practice. 因此在临床实践中,使用双脉冲团注即可。


injection 英[u026anu02c8du0292eku0283n] 美[u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n] n. 注射; 注射剂; [医] 充血; 入轨(卫星等的); 全部释义>> [例句]Following the chymopapain injection, the patient may experience increased back pain for several days to several weeks but may have immediate relief of leg pain.注射木瓜凝乳蛋白酶后,病人可体验到腰部有几天或几周的加重,但小腿疼痛却很快消失。


可以通过选择“Project”菜单 => Properties => C/...一.首先要下载CDT,Eclipse 2.1.2使用者,请下载这...Can You Feel My World?C:>注:-O3 旗标表示...

object-oriented design是什么意思

object-oriented design[计]面向对象设计[OOD]; 例句:1.This is a catalog of different object-oriented design patterns. 这本书阐述了各种面向对象的设计模式。2.The art of good object-oriented design includes defining minimal, clear, and cohesive public abstractions. 好的面向对象设计的艺术在于定义最小的,清晰的,有凝聚力的公共抽象层。3.In order for the enterprise information systems to efficiently cope with the highly complexity of business logic and to be adapted to the mutabilty of business environment, based on the structural analysis and object-oriented design methodology, a hybrid modeling approach is proposed for business processes. 为使企业信息系统的分析与设计能有效管理业务逻辑的高度复杂性,适应业务环境的易变性,该文在结构化分析与面向对象设计方法的基础上提出一种复合型的业务过程建模方法。

web project中,以SSM框架,已通过controller实现增删改查,如何在这个基础添加jsp页面?

<!-- 使用annotation 自动注册bean, 并保证@Required、@Autowired的属性被注入 --> <context:component-scan base-package="com.yihaomen.controller" /> <mvc:annotation-driven /> <mvc:resources mapping="/static/**" location="/WEB-INF/static/"/> <mvc:default-servlet-handler/> <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"> <property name="prefix"> <value>/WEB-INF/jsp/</value> </property> <property name="suffix"> <value>.jsp</value> </property> </bean>



我的BCB6.0出现Rule for project "Project 1.exe" is not specified

BCB进程锁死如果你在调试环境下产生了 EXE 文件同时你又关闭了这个EXE文件(非调试环境关闭)这个时候你的 调试环境锁死 只能在进程中关闭

subject中前缀sub 作什么解释

“在…方面”,“在…下方”:subalpine, submarine“往下”,“进一步”, “再次”:subdivide, sublet“分”,“分支”:subindex, suborder“次要”,“附属”,“从属”;“下级”:subcommittee, subplot“轻微”,“不完整”,“近乎”:subcolumnar“暗下”,“私下”:suborn, subvert【化学】“碱性”,“碱式”:subacetate【化学】“下”,“亚”,“次”,“逊”,“低”:subchloride, suboxide [亦作 su-,suc-,suf-,sug-,sum-,sup-,sur-,sus-]

workbench 为什么安装后只有一个模块project


the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies 请问这句话如何翻译?


练习图像投影变换(Reproject Images)

图像投影变换的目的在于将图像文件从一种地图投影类型转换到另一种投影类型,这种转换可以对单幅图像进行,也可以通过批处理向导(Batch Wizard)对多幅图像进行。与图像校正过程中的投影变换相比,这种直接的投影变换可以避免多项式近似值的拟合,对于大范围的地理参考是非常有意义的。图像投影变换功能既可以在数据预处理模块中启动,也可以在图像解译模块中启动。1)在数据预处理模块(Data Preparation)中启动投影变换操作步骤如下:ERDAS图标面板菜单条:Main→Data Preparation→Reproject Images命令,打开Reproject Images对话框(图5-21);ERDAS图标面板工具条:点击 DataPrep图标→Reproject Images命令,打开Reproject Images对话框(图5-21)。2)在图像解译模块(Image Interpreter)中也可以通过两种途径启动:ERDAS图标面板菜单条:Main→Image Interpreter→Utilities→Reproject Images,打开Reproject Images对话框(图5-21);ERDAS图标面板工具条:点击DataPrep图标→Utilities→Reproject Images命令,打开Reproject Images对话框(图5-21)。启动图像投影变换功能后在Reproject Images对话框中进行投影变换。下面以ERDAS中提供的西雅图影像数据为例,具体步骤如下:1)确定输入图像文件(Input File):seattle.img;2)定义输出图像文件(Output File):reproject.img;图5-21 Reproject Images 对话框(设置参数之后)3)定义投影类型(Categories):UTM Clark 1866 North;4)定义投影参数(Projection):UTM Zone 50(Range 114E-120E);5)定义输出图像单位(Units):Meters;6)确定输出统计缺省零值:Ignore Zero in Stats;7)定义输出像元大小(Output Cell Sizes):X:0.5Y:0.5;8)选择重采样方法(Resample Method):Nearest Neighbor;9)定义转换方法:Rigorous Transformation(严格按照投影数学模型进行变换)。如果选择Polynomial Approximation(多项式近似拟合)转换方法,还需设置下列参数:①多项式最大次方(Maximum Poly Order):3;②定义像元误差(Tolerance Pixels):1。如果在设置的最大次方内超出像元容差限制,可以选择依然应用多项式模型(Continue Approximate)转换;或者严格按照投影模型(Rigorous Transformation)转换。单击OK,关闭Reproject Images对话框,执行投影变换。

我想在ppt中插入一个flash但是在控件工具箱中找不到shock wave flash object控件


Politics__one of the subjects that I study Aare B is C were D was

is 学科名词

为什么大家都知道 东方project 的灵梦是无节操的 蕾米莉亚有一次失去了威严 什么的大家都是在哪知道的?


东方project所以人物的名字以上. 都有

东方project 一共有多少个角色,角色名字也要..



JeCat-Jabber使用Jabber 协议(XMPP) ,因此可以和包括 GTalk 在内的 其它任何 XMPP 即时通讯软件 聊天。 JeCat-Jabber项目的初衷在于演示桌面窗口 和PHP多任务处理,这两大 在长期在PHP程序员眼中几乎是“不可能”的任务。 同时 也是 PHP框架 JCAT 的演示项目,JCAT 是一款同时 支持 Web和 桌面 的 PHP框架,按照计划 将在稍后 发布。 (概述图片来源: ,内容来源: )

The All-American Rejects的《Move Along》 歌词

歌曲名:Move Along歌手:The All-American Rejects专辑:Move AlongThe All-American Rejects - Move AlongGo ahead as you waste your days with thinkingWhen you fall everyone sinsAnother day and you"ve had your fill of sinkingWith the life held in yourHands are shaking coldThese hands are meant to holdSpeak to me, when all you got to keep is strongMove along, move along like I know you doAnd even when your hope is goneMove along, move along just to make it through,move alongMove alongSo a day when you"ve lost yourself completelyCould be a night when your life endsSuch a heart that will lead you to deceivingAll the pain held in yourHands are shaking coldYour hands are mine to holdSpeak to me, when all you got to keep is strongMove along, move along like I know you doAnd even when your hope is goneMove along, move along just to make it throughMove along(Go on, go on, go on, go on)When everything is wrong we move along(Go on, go on, go on, go on)When everything is wrong, we move alongAlong, along, alongWhen all you got to keep is strongMove along, move along like I know you doAnd even when your hope is goneMove along, move along just to make it throughWhen all you got to keep is strongMove along, move along like I know you doAnd even when your hope is goneMove along, move along just to make it throughWhen all you got to keep is strongMove along, move along like I know you doAnd even when your hope is goneMove along, move along just to make it through(Go on, go on, go on, go on)Right back what is wrong we move alongRight back what is wrong we move alongRight back what is wrong we move along

The All-American Rejects的《Back To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Back To Me歌手:The All-American Rejects专辑:When the World Comes DownThe All-American Rejects - Back To MeHey youSo you never really found your wayStay trueDid you ever make it through todayI know that when I think about a day without itEveryday"s the sameYou wish that you could find someoneBut I"m the only one to blameCan"t you seeI beg and pleadCause when your eyes light up the skies at nightI know you"re gonna find your way back to meNo don"tDon"t you ever let a piece of me downCause time won"tGet back when I"m never aroundWhen we live between so many wallsThat I can barely breatheYou say that you just want someoneBut I"m the only one you needCan"t you seeI Beg and pleadCause when your eyes light up the skies at nightI know you"re gonna find your wayIf it"s meThat you don"t needAnd when the lights go out tonight I knowYou"re never gonna find your waySoon when I get you I won"t let you goOooh if I let youYou can take away all that I thought was wrongAnd if you hear me there"s not much to sayThere"s gotta be a better wayCan"t you seeI beg and pleadCause when your eyes light up the sky tonightI know you"re going to find your way back to meCan"t you seeI beg and pleadCause when the lights go out tonightI know you"re never gonna find your wayIf it"s meThat you don"t needThat when the lights go out tonightI know you"re never gonna find your wayIf you pace around the world to you and meAnd when your eyes light up the skies at nightI know you"re gonna find your way back to me

谁有The All-American Rejects的Stab My Back的歌词?急

歌曲名称:Stab My Back 专辑名称:Move Along 出版年代:2005年7月 发行公司:Interscope Records 语言类别:英语 歌手名称:The All-American Rejects 歌手类别:欧美乐队 Now we"re broken on the floorShe just wants me to share herIt hasn"t been this way beforeShe just wants me to dare herThe phone ringsAnd she screamsStab my backIt"s better when I bleed for youWalk on meIt never was enough to doCan"t get past herFalling fasterTrue.It hasn"t done a lot for youAnd every time he held u closeYeah were you thinking of meWhen I needed you the mostWell I hope that you"re happyThe phone ringsAnd she screamsStab my backIt"s better when I bleed for youWalk on meIt never was enough to doCan"t get past herFalling fasterTrueIt"s better when I bleed for youI hope that love he gave youWas just enough to save youYou nearly broke my heartJust look at what you"re tearing apartStab my backIt"s better when I bleed for youWalk on meIt never was enough to doCan"t get past herFalling fasterTrueIt hasn"t done a lot for youIt"s better when I bleed for youIt never was enough to doIt hasn"t done a lot for…

The All-American Rejects 的 i wanna 歌词

歌曲名:i wanna 专辑名:When the World Comes Down 感谢{我听音乐网}辛苦编辑Lrc歌词,并提供给大家分享 The All-American Rejects - I Wanna I never thought that I was so blind I can finally see the truth It's me for you Tonight you can't imagine that I'm by your side 'cause it's never gonna be the truth so far for you But can you hear me say Don't throw me away there's no way out I gotta hold you somehow I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you you wanna touch me too Everyday, but all I have is time Our love's a perfect rhyme I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you you wanna touch me too every way and when they set me free Just put your hands on me Take everything that I know you'll break and I give my life away so far to you Can you hear me say don't throw me away There's no way out I gotta hold you somehow I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you You wanna touch me too Everyday, but all I have is time Our love's a perfect rhyme I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you You wanna touch me too Every way and when they set me free Just put your hands on me Tonight I see it's just another day without you That I can't sleep I give it away, away all for you too Hear me say, don't throw me away There's no way out I gotta hold you somehow All I wanna do is touch you I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you You wanna touch me too Everyday, but all I have is time Our love's a perfect rhyme I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you You wanna touch me too Every way and when they set me free Just put your hands on me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you You wanna touch me too But all I have is time Our love's a perfect rhyme I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you You wanna touch me too Every way and when they set me free Just put your hands on me 出处见logo

The All-American Rejects的《Damn Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Damn Girl歌手:The All-American Rejects专辑:When the World Comes DownThe All-American Rejects - Damn GirlIf you feel like runnin todayYou know I"d understandYou don"t but you longIt"s easier to get awayWhen on the other handYou know I"m not much better without youI"m like your victim and all that you need is an alibiIts one thing about youI don"t wanna make you cryDamn girlDry your eyesYou stole my heart and then you kicked it asideNo girl you can"t seeWhen he"s inside you know there"s no room for meIf you can take a chanceFind you that better manA life seize from your quick diseaseYou"re givin all my lovin awayTell me to understandCuz you knowI"m not much better without youI"ll press your lips and I taste everyone that you"ve had tonightIts one thing about youI don"t wanna taste tonightDamn girlDry your eyesYou stole me heart and then you kicked it asideNo girl you can"t seeWhen he"s inside you know there"s no room for meAnd I used to think that I was all you would needNah nah nahThere you go again (Nah nah nah)Oooh you think that you could just push me aroundYeah there you go againYou lift me up and then you throw me back downDamn girlDry your eyesYou stole my heart and then you kicked it asideNo girl you can"t seeWhen he"s inside you know there"s no room for meDamn girlDry your eyesYou stole me heart and then you kicked it asideNo girl you can"t seeWhen he"s inside you know there"s no room for meAnd I used to think that I was all you would needIf you feel like running today you know I"d understand

American Rejects- i Wanna中英文 歌词

I never thought that I was so blindI can finally see the truthIt"s me for youTonight you can"t imagine that I"m by your sidecause it"s never gonna be the truthso far for youBut can you hear me sayDon"t throw me awaythere"s no way outI gotta hold you somehowI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youyou wanna touch me tooEveryday, but all I have is timeOur love"s a perfect rhymeI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youyou wanna touch me tooevery way and when they set me freeJust put your hands on meTake everything that I know you"ll breakand I give my life away so far to youCan you hear me saydon"t throw me awayThere"s no way outI gotta hold you somehowI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youYou wanna touch me tooEveryday, but all I have is timeOur love"s a perfect rhymeI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youYou wanna touch me tooEvery way and when they set me freeJust put your hands on meTonight I see it"s just another day without youThat I can"t sleepI give it away, away all for you tooHear me say, don"t throw me awayThere"s no way outI gotta hold you somehowAll I wanna do is touch youI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youYou wanna touch me tooEveryday, but all I have is timeOur love"s a perfect rhymeI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youYou wanna touch me tooEvery way and when they set me freeJust put your hands on meI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youYou wanna touch me tooBut all I have is timeOur love"s a perfect rhymeI wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch youYou wanna touch me tooEvery way and when they set me freeJust put your hands on me

Cockney Rejects的《15 Nights》 歌词

歌曲名:15 Nights歌手:Cockney Rejects专辑:Join The Rejects - The Zonophone Years "79-"8140 Nights -- August Burns RedYou"re living for today, but your future is looking bleakOne day it"ll all come crashing downNothing lasts foreverYou"ve only planned for the here and nowI said: Nothing lasts foreverLive fast, die youngLive fast and die youngIt"s what"s ahead, but just rememberSlow and steady wins the raceSo pick your head up and keep your mouth shut!!!You are the captor of originalityYou are the thief of authenticityRespect is something that you"ll never seeEverything you write all sounds the sameYou"re forsakenForsaken on this mountainThe bridges have turned to ashThis is your final hourThis is your great fall!!!You won"t make it out aliveSo say your dearest goodbyesYou are Goliath standing firm in your lightWe are David and you"re in our sightsYou are Goliath standing firm in your lightWe are David and you"re in our sights!!!Your dreams have come trueHave you forgotten the reason why?Life, death, dreams, wealth - nothing lasts foreverGreed, envy, gluttony will amount to nothingNothing lasts forever!!!The earth is about to quakeThe earth is about to quakeThe earth is about to quake!!!Brace for impactRun for the hillsBrace for impactIt"s a long way homeBrace for impactRun for the hillsYou"ll surely end hereGoliath, we"re screaming your nameGoliath, we"re coming for you!!!

reject doing 的用法对吗

可以。例子:she rejected telling me the truth.


两者都可以作为名词和动词使用,我想你主要还是想搞清楚作为动词使用时的区别。%D%A%D%A首先说清楚意思:%D%Areject作为名词时意思是“被拒绝的人或被抛弃的人或事物”,以及“被拒收的出口货物”。如reject china不合格的瓷器,rejects from an offcers training军官培训课程的不合格者。%D%A作为动词时的意思是“拒绝接受某人事物”、“抛弃某事物、摈弃、剔除”、“不给予某人/事物应有的爱、慢待”。如a rejected condidatebe 遭到拒绝的候选人,Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control我们进行质量检查时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。The child was rejected by its parents这个孩子没有受到他父母的疼爱。%D%A%D%Arefuse作为名词时的意思是“废料、废物、垃圾”,以及“厨房里、花园里、家里……的垃圾袋、堆、箱等”,如refuse disposal废料的处理。%D%Arefuse作为动词时的意思是“拒绝,回绝”、“不同意、不愿意帮助、不允许”、“拒绝接受一件礼物、建议、邀请”。如She refused him/his proposal of marriage她拒绝了他的求婚,Our application for wisas was refused我们的签证申请没有获得批准,The car absolutely refused to start这辆车完全发动不起来。%D%A%D%A这样看来,它们只有作为拒绝的意思是一样的,最主要的区别就是reject作为此意使用一般会用作被动语态两者都可以作为名词和动词使用,我想你主要还是想搞清楚作为动词使用时的区别。%D%A%D%A首先说清楚意思:%D%Areject作为名词时意思是“被拒绝的人或被抛弃的人或事物”,以及“被拒收的出口货物”。如reject china不合格的瓷器,rejects from an offcers training军官培训课程的不合格者。%D%A作为动词时的意思是“拒绝接受某人事物”、“抛弃某事物.......

ppp session reject是什么意思

ppp session rejectppp会话拒绝session英 [u02c8seu0283n] 美 [u02c8su025bu0283u0259n]n.开会,会议; (法庭的)开庭; 会期,学期; (进行某活动连续的)一段时间会话;会议;一段时间;对话复数: sessions派生词:sessional reject英 [ru026au02c8du0292ekt] 美 [ru026au02c8du0292u025bkt]vt.拒绝; 抛弃,扔掉; 排斥; 吐出或呕吐n.被拒绝或被抛弃的人或事物拒绝;驳回;拒收;排斥复数: rejects 过去式: rejected 过去分词: rejected 现在分词: rejecting 第三人称单数: rejects派生词:rejection rejective rejector


  reject是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和及物动词,可以翻译为拒绝、抛弃,等等。而reject具体要怎么使用呢?以下是由我整理关于reject的用法的内容,希望大家喜欢!   reject的用法   S+~+ n./pron.   He was afraid she would reject him because he was a foreigner.   他担心她会因他不是本国人而拒绝他。   The board rejected all our ideas.   董事会拒绝审议我们的所有意见。   They rejected his application for membership.   他们拒绝考虑他的成员资格申请。   Several publishers rejected the manuscript.   几家出版商都拒绝了这份原稿。   Choose the good apples and reject the bad ones.   把好的苹果挑出来,把坏的剔出去。   He rejected the old records.   他丢弃了那些旧唱片。   The patient rejected the transplanted heart.   病人的躯体排斥移植的心脏。   It is hard for me to reject religious beliefs.   要我抛弃自己的宗教信仰是困难的。   Some people reject the idea of a mixed economy .   一些人打消了发展综合经济的想法。   He rejected the idea of settling in England.   他抛弃了在英国定居的想法。   用于be ~ed结构   His request was rejected.   他的请求遭到拒绝。   The proposal was rejected as erroneous.   这个建议被认为不当而被拒绝。   He tried to join the army but was rejected because of poor health.   他想参军,但因身体欠佳未被接受。   The amendment was rejected by 207 voters to 143.   这项修正案以207票对143票被否决。   If people are unkind to him he feels rejected.   如果人们对他缺乏同情,他有被抛弃之感。   He was rejected from the factory.   他被那家工厂辞退了。   reject的例句   用作及物动词 (vt.)   He rejected their offer of a job.   他拒绝了他们给他的工作。   After the transplant his body rejected the new heart.   他的身体对新移植的心脏产生了排斥作用。   If the application is unfounded, the people"s court shall make an order to reject it.   申请不成立的,裁定予以驳回。   The supermarket rejected all spotted apples.   超级市场丢弃了所有的烂苹果。   用作名词 (n.)   The factory sells some of its better rejects cheaply, but it throws most of the rejects away.   这家公司廉价出售略好一些的次品,但将大多数次品丢弃。   He was a reject from the varsity team.

total line rejects翻译成中文是什么意思?

Manage internal site quality team to improve total line rejects.管理内部生产现场质量团队改善全部下线不合格率。Coordinate the definition and implementation of actions for customer claims, total line rejects, reduction of variability or process.协调客户问题,内部生产线质量问题,生产过程变差减少行动计划的制定和实施。

The All-American Rejects的《11:11 Pm》 歌词

歌曲名:11:11 Pm歌手:The All-American Rejects专辑:Move AlongThe All-American Rejects-11 11 PMby:COWCOWAll the windows,Swear to miss you,And the doors are cell block tight,Sweet sedation,Sweep the issues,And the clocks about to strikeDid it call you down,Are you back just yet,Waiting now please come set me free,And the only sound is a minute left.This could be, this could be the last timeIt"s a chance to fix mistakes,One more for the last time,Does it blow our dreams away,Don"t waste this chance with your smile10 seconds left on this dial,This could be the last time.Along the staircase,I dream to hear you,In a whisper quiet room,Space for thinking,Space to scream to,But the echoes sound like you,Not the stars at night,In a pitch black sky,I don"t know just wants to see youBut the time is right and it only fliesThis could be, this could be the last timeIt"s a chance to fix mistakes,One more for the last time,Does it blow our dreams away,Don"t waste this chance with your smile10 seconds left on this dial,This could be the last time.It"s only us,It"s only now,A simple wish,It"s so late tonight.This could be the last time,Now I"ve made our last mistakeOne more for the last time, (This Could Be) (This Could Be)Does it blow our dreams away,(This Could Be) (This Could Be)Don"t waste this chance with your smile (This Could Be (This Could Be)10 seconds left on this dial, (This Could Be) (This Could Be)This could be the last time. (This Could Be) (This Could Be)It"s only us,It"s only now,It"s so late tonight.

reject 这个英语单词怎么读

英:[ru026au02c8du0292ekt , u02c8riu02d0du0292ekt]美:[ru026au02c8du0292ekt , u02c8riu02d0du0292ekt]v.拒绝接受;不予考虑;拒收;不录用;拒绝接纳;(因质量差)不用,不出售,不出版n.废品;次品;不合格者;被剔除者;被拒收者


hello 大家好今天我们要学习的单词是reject,reject是一个动词还是一个名词,作为动词的意思是拒绝、排斥、抵制、丢弃,作为名词的意思是被弃之物或人、次品,reject的过去式是rejected,过去分词是rejected,现在分词是rejecting,第三人称单数是rejects,reject这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词可以划分为2个音节【re】和【ject】,第一个音节re的发音为【ru026a】,第二个音节ject的发音为【du0292ekt】,合在一起的话它的发音就是【ru026au02c8du0292ekt】,reject还有些近义词,例如,refuse、negative,我们再来看一下用法,reject通常翻译为排斥;例如,Patients often reject transplanted organs. 患者经常排斥移植的器官。还有下面这句,翻译为拒绝,例如,It lies with you to accept or reject the proposals. 接受或是拒绝这些建议由你决定。我们来看看下面这个例句,翻译为不同意,I would reject that contention. 我不会同意那种观点。reject还有些短语词组,例如,reject an appeal驳回上诉,reject ratio废品率、不合格率,to reject拒绝,reject这个单词你学会了吗?


那就要查中文字典了什么是项目item指 一个东西project指 一个项目差不多

select count(*) from sysobjects是什么意思



德国奥地利宝碟德国奥地利知名黑胶厂牌Pro-Ject在2010年推出Essential黑胶唱盘,简约风的设计,入门级的价格,却有着设计精美的唱臂以及Ortofon"s OM5e唱头,在黑胶风潮兴起之时,为大家提供一个优质的入门选择,成为Pro-Ject旗下的经典之作。现在,Pro-Ject推出了Essential第三代版本——Essential III,在细部设计上做了改进,让这款价格平易亲人的经典唱盘有着更好的性能。全新Essential III所使用的带动皮带的马达转轴(pulley),采用钻石切割的铝合金制成,而制造底盘所用的MDF材质,也经过优化处理,让共振的影响降到最低。此外,第三代Essential上所使用的唱盘轴承也比前代更为精准,容错率更低,让转盘转动更为稳定顺畅,忠实还原刻于黑胶上的音乐。

common object file format中文翻译

The pilers produce mon object file format object files 这些编译器生成通用对象文件格式对象文件。 > Coff mon object file format 通用对象文件格式> With a mon object file format coff based image containing an emitted 、基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像来加载> Common object file format 通用物件档案格式> Is used to create and manage a brary of mon object file format coff object files 用于创建和管理通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件库。 > Parameter to load a mon object file format coff image , evidence is bined 方法加载通用对象文件格式( coff )图像时,将对证据进行合并。 > Parameter to load a mon object file format coff image , evidence is inherited from the calng assembly 方法加载通用对象文件格式( coff )图像时,将对证据进行合并。 > Loads the assembly from a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly 加载来自基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > Loads the assembly with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > Assembly . load method byte , byte loads the assembly with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > Describes the microsoft brary manager b . exe , which creates and manages a brary of mon object file format coff object files 描述用于创建和管理通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件库的microsoft 32位库管理器( b . exe ) 。 > Loads the assembly with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly . the assembly is loaded into the domain of the caller 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > In windows xp , the operating system loader checks for managed modules by examining a bit in the mon object file format coff header 在windows xp中,操作系统加载程序通过检查通用对象文件格式( coff )头中的某个位来检查是否有托管模块。 > Describes the microsoft coff binary file dumper dumpbin . exe , which displays information about mon object file format coff binary files 描述用于显示有关32位通用对象文件格式( coff )二进制文件的信息的microsoft coff二进制文件转储器( dumpbin . exe ) 。 > Link is a tool that nks mon object file format coff object files and braries to create a executable . exe file or dynamic - nk brary Link是将通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件和库链接起来以创建32位可执行( . exe )文件或动态链接库( dll )的32位工具。 > Introduces nk , a tool that nks mon object file format coff object files and braries to create an executable . exe file or dynamic - nk brary 介绍nk ,这是一种32位工具,可将通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件和库链接起来,以创建32位可执行( . exe )文件或动态链接库( dll ) 。 > Loads the module , internal to this assembly , with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted module , or a resource file 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像或资源文件的模块(该模块相对于程序集是内部的) ,基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像包含已发出的模块。 > The msil and metadata are contained in a portable executable file that is based on and extends the pubshed microsoft pe and mon object file format coff used historically for executable content Msil和元数据包含在一个可移植可执行( pe )文件中,此文件基于并扩展过去用于可执行内容的已公布的microsoft pe和公共对象文件格式( coff ) 。 > What is more , the paper *** yzes vs undershoot and gives some effective countermeasures . in sofare design , first the paper discusses the integrated sofare development environment for texa instrument " s tms320c2xx dsp , which is characterized by mon object file format and run - time environment 该方法以集成开发环境中的公共目标文件格式coff ( monobjectfileformat )和运行环境( run - timeenvironment )为特色,是嵌入式系统软件开发方法的一次有益尝试。 >





subject matter是什么意思


reject puppy love (拒绝早恋) reject to pup

Denial puppy love


序列化的机制是,用于处理一个数据流中的对象,对象的流被称为所述内容对象的流化。对象可以操作的对流后读出,该对象还可以经过流化网络之间传送。序列化是为了解决在流中的问题时触发该对象上读取和写入操作。 序列化的实现:将需要被序列化的类实现Serializable接口,该方法不需要实现这个接口,实现了Serializable只是为了标注该对象被序列化,然后使用一个输出流(例如:文件输出流)来构造的ObjectOutputStream(对象流)对象,然后使用对象输出对象的writeObject(对象obj)方法可以将一个对象obj参数写入(即保存其状态),如果你想恢复的输入流。



after the project completed还是with the project completed

after the project completed。1正确,2错after后面到底用表示主动的现在分词还是表示被动的过去分词,要看after的逻辑主语是人还是物,after后非谓语结构的逻辑主语(即从意义上讲的主语而非真正主语,因为不是从句没有第二个主语的)就是后面主句的主语,既然后面主句的主语是I(我),人,我自己完成工作,因此用主动的现在分词另外以物作逻辑主语的例句供参考:After completed, the project was put into use soon. 项目完工后立即投入了使用。


形容词 ADJ的 全拼

请问这句话中: two of the three objecting Justice


connect the dots and color the objects accordingly是什么意思?


object assign 和 =

= 就是指针指向的赋值, Object.assign 取出参数对象的所有可遍历属性,拷贝到当前对象之中。 let c = Object.assign({},a)等同于


Object.assign() 方法用于将所有可枚举属性的值从一个或多个源对象复制到目标对象。它将返回目标对象。 当需要合并target和source对象,source 对象里面的键和target对象里面有相同键的话,则 覆盖值,若没有相同的键,就添加进去。返回的值是就是target修改后的值。 Object.assign()使用的是target 对象的[[get]],和source对象的[[set]],因此使用的时候会调用getter和setter。因此使用Object.assign()是 分配属性 ,而 不是复制或者定义新的属性 。 如果source是null或者undefined,使用Object.assign()话,不会改变target对象。也不会报错。 要将属性定义(包括其可枚举性)复制到原型中,请改用Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()和Object.defineProperty()。

Simulation of the gas-assisted injection molding process using a


double injection molding什么意思


injection molding是什么意思

注射成型双语对照词典结果:injection molding[英][inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]n.喷射造型法,喷射模塑法; 注压法; 注模; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

injection molding是什么意思

injection molding[英][inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]n.喷射造型法,喷射模塑法; 注压法; 注模; 例句:1.In injection molding, plastic material is put into a hopper that feeds into a heated injection unit.

injection molding是什么意思

injection molding[英][inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]n.喷射造型法,喷射模塑法; 注压法; 注模; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In injection molding, plastic material is put into a hopper that feeds into a heated injection unit..-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Insert Molding & Dual Injection & Overmolding三者的区别(&中文意思)! 谢谢~~~


injection molding是什么意思

injection molding[英][inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]n.喷射造型法,喷射模塑法; 注压法; 注模; injection[英][u026anu02c8du0292eku0283n][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n]n.注射; 注射剂; [医]充血; (卫星等的)入轨; 复数:injections例句:1.Following the chymopapain injection, the patient may experience increased back pain for several days to several weeks but may have immediate relief of leg pain. 注射木瓜凝乳蛋白酶后,病人可体验到腰部有几天或几周的加重,但小腿疼痛却很快消失

injection molding是什么意思

injection molding英[inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b]美[u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]n.喷射造型法,喷射模塑法; 注压法; 注模网络注射模; 喷射模塑法; 注塑机数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1In this study, optimum values of process parameters in injection molding of a bus ceiling lamp base to achieve minimum warpage are determined.在该论文中,确定了在公共汽车吊灯座的喷射造型法中,获得最小扭曲过程参数的优化值。

injection molding是什么意思

injection molding英 [inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b] 美 [u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]n.喷射造型法,喷射模塑法; 注压法; 注模注射成型;射出成形;射出成型;注塑成型双语例句1. Have a first - class injection molding equipment and production lines wooden racks. 拥有 一流 的注塑设备和木衣架生产流水线.2. Unreinforced, Super Tough, black polybutylene terephthalate resin for injection molding. 无加强, 超级强韧, 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯树脂注塑.3. Uses: general for injection molding machines, extruders heating industry. 用途: 一般用于注塑机 、 挤出机加热等行业.4. Apply to the injection molding, extrusion, casting, and so on. 适用于注塑成型 、 挤出成型 、 压铸等.5. Injection molding a produce the plastic products in batch. 注塑成型是批量生产塑料制品的首选方法.

no object file generated错误是什么意思

no object file generated没有生成对象文件.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

UL授权信Project Scope: UL/CUL或USL/CNL ,这两个有什么区别?

老美比较重视防火,中国的注重防触电,北美的加拿大注重视如何在产品既能发挥好原来的保暖作用,也能防止火灾,CUL /UL更加注明产品销往美国市场,CUL是专门销往加拿大地区的,CUL /US是可以在美国和加拿大地区均可以使用的。 他们本质的区别就是UL就是源于美国,然后再全世界范围内享有最高的声望,是全球最权威的产品认证机构,加拿大在本国国内也实行美国UL的标准,在实行的过程更具本国的实际情况繁衍出了认证标准的!两个符号都有了供应商可以同时销往北美的任何国家!


material 英[mu0259u02c8tu026au0259riu0259l] 美[mu0259u02c8tu026ariu0259l] n. 素材; 材料,原料; 布,织物; 适当人选; adj. 物质的; 肉体的; 重要的,决定性的; 辩证的,推论的; 全部释义>>[例句]What"s the strongest material you know of?你知道的最坚固的材料是什么?object 英[u02c8u0252bdu0292u026akt] 美[u02c8ɑ:bdu0292ekt] n. 物体; 目标; 宾语; 客体,对象; 全部释义>>[例句]But this mathematical object will live forever.但是这个数学物体将长存于世。

There are eight subjects in this term.(改为一般疑问句)


There are eight subjects in this term.(改为一般疑问句)

Are there eight subjects in this term?I don"t like English.What day is today?What do you like?What lessons do you have on Friday?Does he have seven lessons every day?Yes,of course.How do you feel now?What does Nancy usually do on Sundays?

objective function是什么意思

objective function意思是:目标函数According to the advantages and disadvantages of the human resource management outsourcing, thethesis establishes the object system of investment decision-making in human resource managementoutsourcing, including the set of condition, the set of result, the set of inhere function, the set of objectivefunction and the set of relations. (双语例句)依据人力资源管理外包的项目、外包的优势及风险,利用消错学理论与方法,本文建立了人力资源管理外包的投资决策的对象系统,包括条件集、结论集、固有功能集、目的功能集和关系集。

The adjective fat rhymes with "cat".这怎么翻译啊



我写过这种代码,首先我觉得JSONObject和request.setAttribute()没有关系。JSONObject只是一种数据结构,可以理解为JSON格式的数据结构(key-value 结构),可以使用put方法给json对象添加元素。JSONObject可以很方便的转换成字符串,也可以很方便的把其他对象转换成JSONObject对象。你们使用request.setAttribute()是同步返回数据吧?如何同步或者异步返回页面数据与数据结构没有关系。如果是同步返回数据,就使用request.setAttribute("key",jsonObject),如果是异步返回数据就使用流方式把jsonObject.toString 返回给页面。我觉得使用JSONObject的好处就是可以减少自己定义的bean。在页面上也可以类似于对象的形式使用返回的数据。对于你的第二个问题,如果我理解了你的意思,我觉得struts2 的属性驱动(直接定义参数使用get set方法获取参数)和模型驱动(使用bean 来获取参数)和JSONObject更不相干了,两者没关系的。
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