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jacky 什么意思

求推荐MICHAEL JACKSON抒情慢歌 类似the way you love me;human nature

fall again,迈迷?

Jackson C. Frank的《Relations》 歌词

歌曲名:Relations歌手:Jackson C. Frank专辑:Jackson C Frank「relations」作词:mft作曲:中川浩二编曲:中川浩二歌:水瀬伊织(钉宫理恵)夜の驻车场でアナタは何も言わないままラジオから流れるメロディ私は今日を振り返るのあの海 あの街角は思い出に残りそうでこの恋が游びならば割り切れるのに 简単じゃない「じゃあね」なんて言わないで「またね」って言って私のモノにならなくていいそばに居るだけでいいアノコにもしも饱きたらすぐに呼び出して壊れるくらいに抱きしめて终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8031670

Saint Vitus的《jack frost》 歌词

歌曲名:jack frost歌手:Saint Vitus专辑:vWinter is comingYou"d better take careFor then I"m releasedAll mortals bewareLock your windowsSaint VitusBolt all doorsAnd hope it keeps me outYou better hope some moreLiving things witherYour bones feel my coldI silently slitherTurning young into oldBodies lie brokenOne moment with meAnd frostbite sets inNights,they grow longerWhen I"m aroundYour world is smotheredUnder frozen groundExposure to meBrings on certain deathIf you don"t believeJust look at your breathhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14191413

jack frost是谁

杰克冻人即Jack Frost,是梦工厂动画《守护者联盟》里的主角,由克里斯·派恩为其配音,电影中守护神之一,前世为救妹妹而溺水身亡。角色原型为欧洲英国民间传说中的雪精灵,守护黑夜和美梦。冻人的出现意味着秋天即将结束,冬季来临。角色资料在动画电影《守护者联盟》中,杰克冻人以前的名字叫做‘杰克",是和妹妹等家人一起生活在丛林里面的,每天无忧无虑。后来,杰克为了挽救妹妹的生命,在冰河上用拐棍挽救了妹妹的生命,自己却沉入了冰冷的河水之中。杰克的手够不到冰面,而月光清晰的在杰克的视线里,这时候杰克的头发变白,杰克变成了所谓的“冻人”。之后,“杰克冻人”成为一个传说,但并不为人们所相信,因此刚出现的时候不能被人们所看见。


回答和翻译如下:Jacket,packet.夹克衫,口袋。( 音译:杰克得,派克得。)


这是因为在历史上最初这个行业的人留下了名声。Locksmith:锁匠。 即最初做锁匠的这个人叫Smith并留下了好的名声。中国也有这样的用法,例如:张小泉剪刀。




马修·福克斯(MatthewFox)电视作品  《迷失,Lost》(2004至今)饰杰克·谢泼德(JackShephard) 《ATokenforYourThoughts》(2003)饰Rockstar马修·福克斯《猎杀,Haunted》(2002)饰FrankTaylor《面具之后,BehindtheMask》(1999)饰JamesJones《五人派对,PartyofFive》(1994)饰CharlieSalinger(多季固定演出(1994年—2000年))《新鲜人宿舍,FreshmanDorm》(1992)饰DannyFoley(首次在电视系列剧中固定演出)《IfIDieBeforeIWake》(1993)饰CharlieDeevers《机场妙事多,Wings》(1992)饰TyWarner(客串)电影作品  《刺杀据点,VantagePoint》(2008)饰KentTaylor《极速赛车手,speedracer》(2008)饰RacerX《呛烟高手,Smokin"Aces》(2007)饰BillSecuritySuper《加油!马歇尔,WeAreMarshall》(2006)饰RedDawson《等著你回来,MyBoyfriend"sBack》(1993)饰BuckVanPatten(第一部主演的剧情长片)


Jack (人名) 解释:杰克


BODINEWe never found anything on Jack. There"s no record of him at all.OLD ROSENo, there wouldn"t be, would there? And I"ve never spoken of him until now, not to anyone.(to Lizzy)Not even your grandfather. A woman"s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But now you all know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me, in every way that a person can be saved.(closing her eyes)I don"t even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory.


影片编剧为JAMES CAMERON,他取材自下列史实,其中男女主角故事为杜撰。但也有类似的真实事件: 中国日报网站消息:据《每日快报》和《太阳报》报道,电影《泰坦尼克号》中虚构的爱情感动无数人。但鲜为人知的是,当年泰坦尼克号上,曾真的上演一出荡气回肠的“生死恋”:美国绅士爱德华和美女作家海伦在搭乘泰坦尼克号时一见钟情,1912年4月14日当船撞冰山并沉没时,海伦登上救生艇,但爱德华却随船沉入大海。93年后,2人永别时的定情物将可能以1.2万英镑高价拍卖,令这一真实版《泰坦尼克号》故事终于浮出水面。

泰坦尼克号(Titanic)两位主角Jack Dawson,Rose DeWitt Bukater.的人物分析,最好是英文的,谢谢





  一提到Jack,不少人会立马想到泰坦尼克大船上的Jack Dawson,亦或是海盗船上的Jack Sparrow,看看此文,没想到Jack会有如此多的 俚语 用法,一起学习一下吧。  1、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.   只工作不玩,聪明的孩子也会变傻。   2、All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill.   有情人终成着属。   3、every man Jack 或every Jack one是“每个人”、“人人”的意思。   All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them.   全体工人无一例外地要求增加工资。   4、Jack of all trades and master of none   万事皆通而一无所长的人   5、a Jack on both sides   模棱两可,两面派   6、Jack at a pinch   临时拉来帮忙的人   7、Jack among the maids   讨好女人的男子   8、钱(=money)   Jack would be a gentleman if he had money.   低微的人有钱也会成为绅士。   9、老兄,伙计(=dude,man)   Jack is as good as his master.   伙计不比老板差,卑贱者未必不如高贵者。   10、Jack in the water   码头打杂工   11、cheep Jack   卖廉价货物的小贩  12、a Jack in office   自命不凡的小官吏,官僚   13、Jack the lad   (青少年帮派中的)头号人物   14、外行,生手,惹麻烦的人   Ted is a total jack.He doesnu2019t know his head from a hole in the ground.   特德完全是个外行。他脑子里空空如也。   15、侦探,警察,宪兵   Has that Jack been around asking questions again?   那个侦探又附近打听探问了吗?   16、Yellow Jack指医学上的“黄热病”   His elder brother died of Yellow Jack in the West Indies.   17、the Union Jack   英联合王国国旗   18、Jacks are common to all that will play.   乐器对于所有想要弹奏的人都一样。(Jacks是古时类似钢琴的弹奏乐器。)   19、a Jack of straw   稻草人   20、to make one"s Jack   赚很多钱   21、(学生考试作弊用的)夹带   Did you use any jack at this exam?   这次考试你用夹带了吗?   22、烟草制品   That shop sells all kinds of jack.   那家商店经销各类烟草制品。   23、微不足道的事物   This new television program isnu2019t worth jack.   这次新的电视节目没有什么可值得一看的东西。   24、一份烤干酪二明治   Are we having Jack again for dinner?   晚饭我们还吃烤干酪三明治吗?   25、面值五英镑的钞票,五英镑   Iu2019ll bet you a jacks.   我敢跟你赌五英镑。

jackson browne的 stay的歌词 谁有

歌词Now the seats are all emptyLet the roadies take the stagePack it up and tear it downThey"re the first to come and the last to leaveWorking for that minimum wageThey"ll set it up in another townTonight the people were so fineThey waited there in lineAnd when they got up on their feet,They made the show, and that was sweet,But I can hear the sound of slamming doors and folding chairsand that"s a sound they"ll never knowNow roll them cases and lift them ampsand haul them truses up and get"um up them ramps"Cause when it comes to moving me, you know you guys are the champsbut when that last guitar"s been packed away,you know that I still want to play.So just make sure you got it all set to gobefore you come for my pianoBut the band"s on the bus,and they"re waiting to go.We gotta drive all nightAnd do the show in Chicago... or Detroit.I don"t know, we do so many shows in a row.And these towns all look the same.we just pass the time in the hotel roomsand wander around backstage.Till those lights come up, and we hear that crowd,and we remember why we came.Now we got country and western on the bus, R & B, we got disco in 8-tracks and casettes in stereoWe"ve got rural scenes and magazinesAnd we"ve got truckers on CBWe got Richard Pryor on the videoWe"ve got time to think of the ones we loveWhile the miles roll awaybut the only time that seems too short is the time that we get to playPeople you"ve got the power over what we doYou can sit there and waitor you can pull us through.Come along, sing this songYou know that you can"t go wrong"Cause when that mornin" sun comes beating downyou"re gonna wake up in your townBut we"ll be scheduled to appeara thousand miles away from herePeople stay just a little bit longer We want to play -- just a little bit longer Now the promoter don"t mind And the union don"t mind If we take a little time And we leave it all behind and sing One more song Oh won"t you stay just a little bit longerPlease, please, please say you willSay you willOh won"t you stay just a little bit longerOh please, please stay just a little bit moreNow the promoter don"t mindAnd the roadies don"t mindIf we take a little timeAnd we leave this all behind and singOne more song

janet jackson -rope burn 歌词的中文翻译


《火炬木小组中》Jack Harkness到底是什么人


jack plant造句 jack plantの例文 "jack plant"是什么意思

Metz became the first leader of the party in 1987, and served until 1994 when he was replaced by Jack Plant . Undeterred by his mother"s disappointment over bringing home only beans, Jack plants them and a gigantic beanstalk grows overnight. In the second half, the Saints came back into the game with Alf Milward and Jack Plant , who shot " low and hard " past Robinson to plete a " football lesson " for the Southampton players. Jack plants the bean in the forest near the location where the giant was discovered, and the bean grows into a huge beanstalk leading Jack into the world of the giants, a magical world where a single day passes for every year that passes on the ground below. It"s difficult to find jack plant in a sentence. 用 jack plant 造句挺难的


Jack and the beans is based on true story?!!不过那不是真的发生的故事啊?

jack and beanstalk的英文简介

Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale, closely associated with the tale of Jack the Giant Killer. It is known under a number of versions. Benjamin Talbart"s moralized version of 1807 is the first appearance in print, but Joseph Jacobs popularized it in English Fairy Tales (1890). Jacobs"s version is most commonly reprinted today and is believed to more closely adhere to the oral versions than Tabart"s, because it lacks the moralizing of that version. The story was made into a play by Charles Ludlam.【Plot summary】The story tells of a boy named [[Jack wwwww rrtrrr (hero)|Jack]] who was sent to market one day by his mother to sell their last possession, the cow. As Jack was on his way he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic" beans for the cow. Jack accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket. Jack"s mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window.As Jack slept, the beans germinated in the soil, and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning. When Jack saw the huge beanstalk, he immediately decided to climb it. He arrived in a land high up in the clouds that happened to be the home of a giant. When he broke into the giant"s castle, the giant quickly sensed a human was near:Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he "live, or be he dead, I"ll grind his bones to make my bread. However, Jack was saved by the giant"s wife and as he escaped from the palace, he took a bag of gold coins with him. Jack desired to seek out more treasures from the castle in the clouds and climbed once more up the beanstalk. This time he stole a hen which laid golden eggs. Again he was saved from harm by the giant"s wife.Jack disregarded being nearly discovered by the giant twice and decided to go up the beanstalk a third time. This time, he stole a magical harp that played by itself. The instrument did not appreciate being stolen and called out to the giant for help. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk, but Jack managed to get to the ground before the giant did. Jack, seeing an axe on the ground beside him, immediately chopped the beanstalk down. The giant fell to earth, hitting the ground so hard that it split, pulling the beanstalk down with him. That was the end of the giant and the beanstalk.【Origin】In Walter Crane"s woodcut the harp reaches out to cling to the vineThe origin of Jack and the Beanstalk is unknown, although the author was almost certainly British or German.[4] The earliest printed edition which has survived is the 1807 book The History of Jack and the Bean Stalk, printed by Benjamin Tabart, although the story was already in existence sometime before this, as a burlesque of the story entitled The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean was included in the 1734 second edition of Round About Our Coal-Fire.In the usual version of the tale, the giant is unnamed, but many plays based on the story name him as Blunderbore; a giant of that name also appears in Jack the Giant Killer.The giant"s "Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!" was included in William Shakespeare"s King Lear.【Variants】Other tales of this type include the Italian Thirteenth and the French How the Dragon was Tricked.The Brothers Grimm drew analogies between this tale and the German The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs, where the devil"s mother or grandmother acted much like the wife in this tale: a female figure protecting the child from the evil male figure.The tale is unusual in that the hero, although grown, does not marry at the end of it but returns to his mother; this is found in few other i love you tales, although some, such as some variants of Vasilisa the Beautiful, do feature it.【Controversies】The story portrays a hero unscrupulously hiding in a man"s house, playing on his wife"s sympathies in order to rob and finally murder the owner of the house. In Tabart"s moralized version, a fairy woman explains to Jack that the giant had robbed and killed his father, thus transforming the acts into justified retribution.Jacobs dropped the justification on the grounds that it had not been in the version he had heard as a child, and because children knew that robbery and murder were wrong without being told so by a fairy tale.Many modern interpretations have followed Tabart and painted the giant as a villain, terrorizing smaller folk and often stealing items of value, so that Jack becomes a legitimate protagonist. For example, the 1952 film starring Abbott and Costello blames the giant for Jack"s ill fortunes and impoverishment, as he has been stealing food and wealth from the smaller folk of the lands below his home, including the hen that lays golden eggs, which in this version originally belonged to Jack"s family. In other versions it is implied that the giant had stolen the hen and the harp from Jack"s father. However, Brian Henson"s 2001 TV miniseries Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story is an alternative version of the tale which abandons Tabart"s additions and significantly vilifies Jack, due to Henson"s disgust with Jack"s morally questionable actions in the original story.

jack and the beanstalk 的大意

杰克和豌豆茎是一个童话故事一个小男孩顺着豌豆藤爬上了天。。。。 Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor. The only thing they have is a milking cow. Jack goes to the market to sell the cow. On the way to the market he meets a kind man .The man tells Jack that he will buy his milking cow for some magic beans. Jack returns home and shows his mum the magic beans. When he tells his mum about the beans she is angry .She throws them out of the window. The next morning Jack wakes up to find a giant beanstalk outside his window. Jack climbs the beanstalk. At the top of the beanstalk he sees a beautiful castle. He goes into the castle and he hears a giant. He hides in the cupboard. Before the giant finds him ,Jack takes the hen and harp with him. The giant chases Jack down the beanstalk ,Jack chops the beanstalk. The hen lays more and more golden eggs. Jack and his mother lives happily. 下载地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODc4ODk5MDQ=_rss.html



jack and beanstalk 有什么寓意?能用英语来总结下吗

The story tells of a boy named Jack who was sent to market one day by his mother to sell their last possession,the cow.As Jack was on his way he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic" beans for the cow.Jack accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket.Jack"s mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window.As Jack slept,the beans germinated in the soil,and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning.When Jack saw the huge beanstalk,he immediately decided to climb it.He arrived in a land high up in the clouds that happened to be the home of a giant.When he broke into the giant"s castle,the giant quickly sensed a human was near:Fee-fi-fo-fum!I smell the blood of an Englishman.Be he "live,or be he dead,I"ll grind his bones to make my bread.However,Jack was saved by the giant"s wife and as he escaped from the palace,he took a bag of gold coins with him.Jack desired to seek out more treasures from the castle in the clouds and climbed once more up the beanstalk.This time he stole a hen which laid golden eggs.Again he was saved from harm by the giant"s wife.Jack disregarded being nearly discovered by the giant twice and decided to go up the beanstalk a third time.This time,he stole a magical harp that played by itself.The instrument did not appreciate being stolen and called out to the giant for help.The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk,but Jack managed to get to the ground before the giant did.Jack,seeing an axe on the ground beside him,immediately chopped the beanstalk down.The giant fell to earth,hitting the ground so hard that it split,pulling the beanstalk down with him.That was the end of the giant and the beanstalk.简单的:Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor.The only thing they have is a milking cow.Jack goes to the market to sell the cow.On the way to the market he meets a kind man .The man tells Jack that he will buy his milking cow for some magic beans.Jack returns home and shows his mum the magic beans.When he tells his mum about the beans she is angry .She throws them out of the window.The next morning Jack wakes up to find a giant beanstalk outside his window.Jack climbs the beanstalk.At the top of the beanstalk he sees a beautiful castle.He goes into the castle and he hears a giant.He hides in the cupboard.Before the giant finds him ,Jack takes the hen and harp with him.The giant chases Jack down the beanstalk ,Jack chops the beanstalk.The hen lays more and more golden eggs.Jack and his mother lives happily.

jack and the beanstalk告诉我们什么道理


michael jackson-scream 的中文歌词?

SCREAM 嘶喊 译:allenkids SCREAM 嘶喊 (Michael) Tired of injustice 受够了不公平 Tired of the schemes 受够了阴谋诡计 Kinda disgusted 真的太讨厌了 So what does it mean 这是什么意思 Kicking me down 他们要击倒我 I got to get up 我必须重新屹立 As jacked as it sounds 它就像听起来那样低俗 The whole system sucks 整个事件都一样的恶心 (Janet) Peek in the shadow 躲在暗处的偷窥者 Come into the light 到日光下来吧 You tell me I"m wrong 你说我是错的 Then you better prove you"re right 那你最好证明自己的正确 You"re sellin" out souls but 你们正出卖灵魂 I care about mine 我却更珍惜自己的 I"ve got to get stronger 我必须更加坚强 And I won"t give up the fight绝对不会放弃抗争 (Michael) With such confusions 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品(Janet) You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言 (Both) Somebody please have mercy 好心人请发发慈悲 "Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊 (Michael) Tired of you tellin" the story your way 受不了你自顾自的编造故事 It"s causin" confusion 它造成的混乱还不够吗 You think it"s okay 你却希望这样最好 (Janet) Keep changin" the rules 你跟别人玩游戏 While you"re playin" the game 却不停的改变规则 I can"t take it much longer 我再也不能忍受了 I think I might go insane 我觉得我都要疯了 (Michael) With such confusion 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品 (Janet) You find your pleasure scandalizin" every lie 用谎言中伤他人是你的乐趣 (Both) Oh father, please have mercy "cause 哦, 天父,请发发慈悲 I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop F*ckin" with me 别再强奸我 Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊 (Janet) Oh my God, can"t believe what I saw 哦,我的上帝,简直不敢相信 As I turned on the TV this evening 今天晚上我打开电视所看到的画面 I was disgusted by all the injustice 我对这一切的不公待遇感到厌倦极了 All the injustice” 这一切的不公待遇 (Michael) All the injustice这一切的不公待遇 (News Man) 新闻主播 A man has been brutally beaten to death by 一个男子被粗暴殴打致死 Police after being wrongly identified as a 他被警察误认为是 robbery suspect. The man was一个抢劫疑犯。 这个男子是an 18 year old black male一名18岁黑人男子 (Michael) With such collusions 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品 (Janet) You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言 (Both) Oh brother please have mercy哦 兄弟 请发发慈悲 "Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 (Repeat 6 times) 重复六次

Michael Jackson的《Scream》 歌词

歌曲名:Scream歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:King of PopSCREAMMichael JacksonTired of injusticeTired of the schemesKinda disgustedSo what does it meanKicking me downI got to get upAs jacked as it soundsThe whole system sucksPeek in the shadowCome into the lightYou tell me I"m wrongThen you better prove you"re rightYou"re sellin" out souls butI care about mineI"ve got to get strongerAnd I won"t give up the fightWith such confusions don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou try to cope with every lie they scrutinizeSomebody please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamMake you just wanna screamTired of you tellin" the story your wayYou"re causin" confusionYou think it"s okayKeep changin" the rulesWhile you"re playin" the gameI can"t take it much longerI think I might go insaneWith such confusion don"t it make you wanna screamYou find your pleasure scandalizin" every lieOh father, please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop fuckin" with me"Oh my God, can"t believe what I sawAs I turned on the TV this eveningI was disgusted by all the injusticeAll the injustice"With such collusions don"t it make you wanna screamOh brother please have mercy "cause I just can"t take ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/56540785

Michael Jackson的《Scream》 歌词

歌曲名:Scream歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:History - Past, Present And Future - Book IScreamMichael JacksonTired of injusticeTired of the schemesKinda disgustedSo what does it meanKicking me downI got to get upAs jacked as it soundsThe whole system sucksPeek in the shadowCome into the lightYou tell me I"m wrongThen you better prove you"re rightYou"re sellin" out souls butI care about mineI"ve got to get strongerAnd I won"t give up the fightWith such confusions don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou try to cope with every lie they scrutinizeSomebody please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake you just wanna screamTired of you tellin" the story your wayYou"re causin" confusionYou think it"s okayKeep changin" the rulesWhile you"re playin" the gameI can"t take it much longerI think I might go insaneWith such confusion don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou find your pleasure scandalizin" every lieOh father, please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop fuckin" with meMake me wanna scream"Oh my God, can"t believe what I sawAs I turned on the TV this eveningI was disgusted by all the injusticeAll the injustice"With such collusions don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou try to cope with every lie they scrutinizeOh brother please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7997170

Janet Jackson简介

名字:Janet Jackson  本名:Janet Damita Jo Jackson  译名:珍妮杰克逊,珍娜杰克森  生日:1966年5月16日  身高:162cm  星座:金牛座  出生:美国印第安纳州  父亲:Joseph Walter Jackson  母亲:Katherine Esther Jackson   家族:2个姐姐、6个哥哥 。Maureen (Rebbie), Sigmund (Jackie), Tariano (Tito), Jermaine, La Toya, Marlon, Michael and Steven (Randy).  排行:老幺  婚姻:第一次婚姻与 James Debarge (1985年结婚 、2个月后离婚)。第二次婚姻纪录与 Rene Elizondo (1991年秘密结婚 、1999年分手、2000年申请法律诉讼)。  宠物:狗狗 Puffy * All For You专辑献给Puffy的话: Puffy , I Love You. I Miss You. You Will Always Be In My Heart *  最喜欢的商店:宠物店,书店  身上刺青:4个  最喜欢的电视节目:Nick at Nite  最喜爱的演员:Al Pacino 与 Glenn Close  最喜爱的食物:南方传统食物 与 墨西根食物  电视作品:好时光(Good Times), 小淘气(Diff"rent Strokes)...等等 。  电影作品:马路罗曼史(Poetic Justice), 随身变2 (Nutty Professor II: The Klumps)  喜爱歌手:Ella Fitzgerald, Marvin Gaye, Steve Wonder, Prince...等等  名人崇拜者:N SYNC, Justin, Ne-yo, Aaliyah, Usher, J.Lo, P!NK, Mya, Ciara, Missy Elliet, Nicko Kidman等等 。  亚洲名人崇拜者:安室奈美惠,张惠妹、陈冠希、宇多田光,李玟…等等 。  唱片总销售:超过一亿四千万张 (根据2007年EBony资料统计)  专辑发行数量:11张

justin timberlake和janet jackson超级碗上的合作到底发生了什么

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 首先,没错,那次著名的裸胸事件中,janet的胸罩和外衣的确是缝在一起的 而没有哪个女人在穿衣时会不知道自己衣服的设置 想必你已经知道是怎么一回事了吧 看图 http://www2.chinadaily.c*.cn/entertainment/2006-12/23/xin_53120323110070347003.jpg 注意justin手中那块布 外媒普遍认为,这次事件是janet自己一手策划,而当时的justin正处于事业上升期,为了挽救janet江河日下的事业,janet自己导演了一场露乳秀,以博关注 后来大家也看到了,如果真的是janet不小心衣服走光,怎会遭到世界各路媒体千夫所指,这件事也被外媒评为娱乐圈中影响最恶劣的丑闻之一。各路明星的走光事件和表演意外一直层出不穷,大家几乎见怪不怪,唯有这次影响极坏,可见此次事件的预谋性


JANET JACKSON很NICE!而安室则相对会弱点,不过她的舞姿很老练!

Janet Jackson的《Moist》 歌词

歌曲名:Moist歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:Damita JoMoist---Janet Jackson---You"re feelin" in itYou"re ticklin" itYou"re swimming in itYou"re gonna get itYou"re feelin" in itYou"re ticklin" itYou"re swimming in itYou"re gonna get itI"m insatiableAnd it"s all your faultSo much lust involvedTo get me offMy water fallsYour sexuality (breeds)A storm inside of me (seas)A touch is all I needTo make me scream ObscenitiesEvery time you whisper in my ear I get arousedYou begin to slowly unbutton my blouseKissing on my skin my heart"s racing nowI want you boyFeel my rain comePouring soakingLonging your lipsBaby oohYou make it so moistWhen my ocean"s overflowingAfterglowingTake me ooohYou make me so moistRow it just like thatHope you like drowning in itYou won"t have a life jacketMy thirst is quenchedOoh baby we"re so drenchedOur body"s rhythms areSo cataclysmicGot me twistedFeeling your anatomy breaking me downSucking on my (mmm) with ice in your mouthHurry and undress me take me right nowI"m wet for you boyCaught up in the waves of passion up and downLove the way you movin?my body all aroundBoy you know you make the rain come downYou know how to make my rain come downCaught up in the waves of passion up and downFeel my rain comePouring soakingLonging your lipsBaby oohYou make it so moistWhen my ocean"s overflowingAfterglowingYou"re feelin" in itYou"re ticklin" itYou"re swimming in itYou"re gonna get itTake me ooohYou"re feelin" in itYou"re ticklin" itYou"re swimming in itYou"re gonna get itYou make me so moistYou"re feelin" in itYou"re ticklin" itYou"re swimming in itYou"re gonna get itMusic......You"re feelin" in itYou"re ticklin" itYou"re swimming in itYou"re gonna get itBoy you "bout to make the rain come downFeel my rain comePouring soakingLonging your lipsBaby oohYou make it so moistWhen my ocean"s overflowingAfterglowingTake me ooohYou make me so moistLove the way you movin?my body all aroundFeel my rain comePouring soakingLonging your lipsBaby oohYou make it so moistWhen my ocean"s overflowingAfterglowingTake me ooohYou make me so moistBoy you "bout to make the rain come downFeel my rain comePouring soakingLonging your lipsBaby oohYou make it so moistWhen my ocean"s overflowingAfterglowingTake me ooohYou make me so moistMoist---End---http://music.baidu.com/song/2599686

Jack Nimble 歌词

歌曲名:Jack Nimble歌手:Angus Stone专辑:Smoking GunJack be nimble, Jack be quickJack jumped right over the candle stickSee that flame he jumped had a name called hellWhere the Devil"s child drank blood from his old man"s wellJack lived simple with his lady JillTill he come on home his heart she stoleHe caught her messing with another manSo he got his gun and shot them downThe ghost of Jill lying there all aloneHe lost his mind beneath the stairsAll aloneJack be nimble, Jack be quickJack jumped right over the candle stickThe ghost of Jill his broken crownAll aloneSee the crows stalk the groundAll aloneWe were younghttp://music.baidu.com/song/25138774

Michael Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Michael Jackson歌手:Technicolour专辑:PeopleHere come old flattop他穿着肥大的衣服he come grooving up slowly 他慢慢地进入状态He"s got Joo Joo eyeball 眼珠叽里咕噜地转He one holy roller 他是唱诗班的明星He got hair down to his knees 他的头发垂到了膝盖Got to be a joker 这个自以为是的家伙he just do what he please 只喜欢干自己高兴的事He wear no shoeshine 他不擦鞋油He"s got toe jam football 他有胶皮足球He got feet down through his knees 他可以跪地哀求He"s got Wonky finger 他爱瞎胡闹He shoot Coca-Cola 他抛掷着可口可乐罐He say "I know you, you know me" 他说“我认识你,你也认识我”One thing I can tell you is you got to be free 我想告诉你的是你得释放自己Come together right now over me 立刻一起到我这儿来He bag production 他有一堆玩意儿He"s got walrus gum-boot 他有海象胶皮统靴He"s got Ono sideboard 他有洋子牌餐桌He one spinal cracker 他爱漂亮女人Hold you in his armchair 把你抱坐在他的扶椅上You can feel his disease 你就能感觉他的病态Come together right now over me 立刻一起到我这儿来He roller coaster 他爱玩过山车He"s got early warning 他早有预兆He"s got muddy water 他爱趟浑水He one Mojo filter 他爱用魔力滤器He say "One and one and one is three" 他说“1+1+1=3”Got to be good looking 你必须要打扮得漂亮"cause he"s so hard to see 以免被他忽视Come together right now over me 立刻一起到我这儿来http://music.baidu.com/song/2905733

Give Me Everything(Afrojack Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Give Me Everything(Afrojack Remix)歌手:Pitbull专辑:Give Me Everything: The RemixesBY Elsa:DMe not working hard?Yea right picture that with a kodakAnd better yet, go to times squareTake a picture of me with a kodakTook my life from negative to positiveAnd I just want y"all know thatAnd tonight, let"s enjoy lifePitbull, Nayer, Ne-YoTonight I will love love you tonightGive me everything tonightFor all we know we might not get tomorrowLet"s do it tonightDon"t care what they sayAll the games they playNothing is enoughTill they handle love (Lets do it tonight)I want you tonight, I want you todayI want you tonightGrab somebody sexy tell ‘em heyGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightGet busy tonightCuz to more and more to do bad before and for PriusDesperate tonightI can make you my queenAnd make love to you eanlessThis is insane, the way the name growin", money keep flowin"Hustlers move aside, so I"m tiptoein, keep flowin"I gotta locked up like Lindsay LohanPut it on my life babyI can make you feel right babyI can"t promise tomorrowBut I promise tonightDaleExcuse meBut I might drink a little bit more than I should tonightAnd I might take you home with me if I could tonightAnd I think you should let me cause I look good tonightAnd we might not get tomorrowTonight I will love love you tonightGive me everything tonightFor all we know we might not get tomorrowLets do it tonightDon"t care what they sayAll the games they playNothing is enoughTill they handle love (Lets do it tonight)I want you tonight, I want you todayI want you tonightGrab somebody sexy tell ‘em heyGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightReach for the starsAnd if you don"t grab em, at least you"re on top of the worldThink about itCuz if you slip I"m gonna fall on top of you girlPut on ‘em ball when they sleep at the Macy"sAnd it ain"t no secretMy granny"s from Cuba but I"m an AmericanTied over money like SeacrestPut it on my life babyI can make you feel right babyI can"t promise tomorrowBut I promise tonightDaleExcuse meBut I might drink a little bit more than I should tonightAnd I might take you home with me if I could tonightAnd I think you should let me cause I look good tonightAnd we might not get tomorrowTonight I will love love you tonightGive me everything tonightFor all we know we might not get tomorrowLet"s do it tonightDon"t care what they sayAll the games they playNothing is enoughTill they handle love (Lets do it tonight)I want you tonight, I want you todayI want you tonightGrab somebody sexy tell ‘em heyGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonightGive me everything tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/18089951

求JACKSON5的can you feel it 歌词

can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!if you look aroundthe whole world"s coming together now.can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!feel it in the airthe wind is taking it everywhere.can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!all the colors of the world should belovin" each other wholeheartedly.yes it"s alright,take my message to your brother and tell him twice.spread the word who tried to teach the man who is hatin" his brother,when hate won"t do"cause we"re all the same yes the blood inside of me is inside of you.now tell me!can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!can you see what"s going down, you can feel it in your bonesevery breath you take,is someone"s death in another place.every healthy smile,is hunger and strife to another child.but the stars do shineand promising salvation is near this time.can you feel it now,so brothers and sistersshall we know how.now tell me!can you feel it,tell me can you feel it,can you feel it!talk now can you see what"s going down open up your mind. all the children of the world should be lovin" each other wholeheartedlyyes it"s alrighttake my message to your brother and tell him twice.take the news to the marchin" menwho are killin" their brothers,when death won"t do.yes we"re all the sameyes the blood inside my veins is inside of you.now tell me!can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!


使用JSON从后台向前台传输数据的时候,当数据本身含有一些特殊字符,会导致JSON数据的解析出错。使用下面的方法对即将向前台输出的json字符串进行处理,可以解决键盘上能输入的所有特殊字符问题。//当文本中含有如下特殊字符时,此方法可以成功处理,让其在前台被正确解析,注意:此法不能处理单引号public static String stringToJson(String s) {StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ();for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {char c = s.charAt(i);switch (c) {case """:sb.append("\"");break;// case "\": //如果不处理单引号,可以释放此段代码,若结合下面的方法处理单引号就必须注释掉该段代码// sb.append("\\");// break;case "/":sb.append("\/");break;case "": //退格sb.append("\b");break;case "f": //走纸换页sb.append("\f");break;case " ":sb.append("\n"); //换行break;case " ": //回车sb.append("\r");break;case " ": //横向跳格sb.append("\t");break;default:sb.append(c);}}return sb.toString();}//注意,下面的方法是在把你的数据文本接入json数据字符串之前使用,预先对文本做处理后在接入JSON字符串//处理文本中的单引号 和 斜杠public static String StringDanYinToJSON(String ors) {ors = ors == null ? "" : ors;StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(ors);int i = 0;while (i < buffer.length()) {if (buffer.charAt(i) == """ || buffer.charAt(i) == "\") {buffer.insert(i, "\");i += 2;} else {i++;}}return buffer.toString();}




使用JSON从后台向前台传输数据的时候,当数据本身含有一些特殊字符,会导致JSON数据的解析出错。  使用下面的方法对即将向前台输出的json字符串进行处理,可以解决键盘上能输入的所有特殊字符问题。    //当文本中含有如下特殊字符时,此方法可以成功处理,让其在前台被正确解析,注意:此法不能处理单引号  public static String stringToJson(String s) {  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ();  for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {    char c = s.charAt(i);  switch (c) {  case """:  sb.append("\"");  break;  // case "\": //如果不处理单引号,可以释放此段代码,若结合下面的方法处理单引号就必须注释掉该段代码  // sb.append("\\");  // break;  case "/":  sb.append("\/");  break;  case "": //退格  sb.append("\b");  break;  case "f": //走纸换页  sb.append("\f");  break;  case " ":  sb.append("\n"); //换行  break;  case " ": //回车  sb.append("\r");  break;  case " ": //横向跳格  sb.append("\t");  break;  default:  sb.append(c);  }}  return sb.toString();  }    //注意,下面的方法是在把你的数据文本接入json数据字符串之前使用,预先对文本做处理后在接入JSON字符串  //处理文本中的单引号 和 斜杠  public static String StringDanYinToJSON(String ors) {  ors = ors == null ? "" : ors;  StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(ors);  int i = 0;  while (i < buffer.length()) {  if (buffer.charAt(i) == """ || buffer.charAt(i) == "\") {  buffer.insert(i, "\");  i += 2;  } else {  i++;  }  }  return buffer.toString();  }

这几天在夜店经常听到一英文歌,几个人合唱的的,歌词里有一段什么什么Michael Jackson,


求michael jackson的whatever happen歌词中文翻译


jackhole造句 jackholeの例文 "jackhole"是什麼意思

Carolla and partner Daniel Kelpson are the heads of Jackhole Productions. Universal Media Studios, BermanBraun, and Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel"s own Jackhole Industries. The music video was shot by Will Burke and it was released on Jackhole Records, with official credits as " Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum featuring Jimmy Kimmel ". From there he continued to work with Jimmy Kimmel"s Jackhole Productions, writing for " Crank Yankers ", and " Jimmy Kimmel Live ! ". "" Daniel Kelpson ""( born June 28, 1964 ) is an American television / film producer and co-founder of Jackhole Productions, an entertainment group formed with partners Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla. :: : : : : : Ever see someone die of an allergic reaction after a contemptuous sneering jackhole decided to " prove " that their allergy was in their neurotic inferior subhuman pttle head, and spp an allergen into their food? Stern has worked with Jimmy Kimmel"s production pany Jackhole Productions on shows such as " Jimmy Kimmel Live ! ", " The Man Show " as segment director, and " Crank Yankers " as director and supervising producer. """Jimmy Kimmel Live ! " ""is an first program to air immediately following ABC"s coverage of Super Bowl XXXVII . " Jimmy Kimmel Live ! " is produced by Jackhole Productions in association with ABC Studios. Jimmy Kimmel, whose pany, Jackhole Industries, produces the film, has insinuated in a Television Week story that " Joe Schmo " producers at Stone Stanley Entertainment, Kimmel"s former production partners at " The Man Show, " stole the premise from him . ( Stone Stanley"s folks deny this .) It"s difficult to find jackhole in a sentence. 用 jackhole 造句挺难的

Johnnie Walker和Jack Daniels哪个好喝一点?

Jack Daniels 为主成份是玉米,而Johnnie Walker是从大麦麦芽为主制成的(换句话说,它只是蒸馏过的啤酒)。Jack Daniels比较甜,因为玉米中含有较多的糖。Johnnie Walker 有混合一股烟熏的蘇格兰威士忌风味,而Jack Daniels是通过糖枫木炭过滤前老化的。睡前不宜喝甜, 可以喝一点Johnnie Walker, 是直接喝,, 兑可乐就失去品酒意义了,

Michael jackson在布加勒斯特演唱会第一首歌叫什么名字啊?好激情喔!

........ ................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................scream>?

Brian 和 Bryan 一样么?Jacky 和 Jackie 一样么?


jackass造句 jackassの例文 "jackass"是什麼意思

No one was going to call him a jackass and get away with it. " 没人能乱叫他“公驴”而不受惩罚的。 The intrusion of a cottonmouth was the only thing that could separate us from the cool waters of jackass junction . 只有一条棉口水蛇不速而来才会使我们不敢在笨驴口阴凉的水里游泳。 Drop your hands ! drop them ! hands , you jackass 放下手!放下!你的手, *** ! Jackass , would i be asking if didn , t have the authority *** ,我没资格会问你吗? And this is all you jackasses got to show for it 这些就是你们这些蠢货给我看的吗? About the same time my jackass best friend got arrested 就在我最好的朋友被捕的时候 " on a rock , yawning pke a jackass “他在巖石上,像傻子一样张大嘴打呵欠” You jackass . you can " t buy girls pke you do food 你真 *** .不能把女孩当成饭一样来买 He may be a jackass , but he plays pretty good 他看起来很驴,但他打的很好 Could you repeat that ? - open your ears , jackass -请您重复一遍好吗? -你聋了吗,蠢驴 It"s difficult to see jackass in a sentence. 用 jackass 造句挺难的 Well , will you look at that . it " s a jackass - in - the - box 看看那里,那个在盒子里面的蠢人 You jackass . . . you can " t buy girls pke you do food 你真 *** . . .不能把女孩当成饭一样来买 Man , we still in this place , you jackass 但我们自己还在这,你这白痴 If you jackasses are going to make us take the goddamn sats 如果你这 *** 要在我们交易之前 Serial means more than one , jackass 连环杀手意味著不止杀一个,笨蛋 Has to act pke a childish jackass , too , 行为举止也都要像小傻瓜一样 Who could *** ell gold pke a jackass can *** ell water 他能闻到金子的味道就像驴子能闻到水一样 Has to act pke a childish jackass , too , 行为举止也都要像小傻瓜一样 Ever hear of a breath mint , jackass 没听说过清凉薄荷糖吗,傻子? And bob saget thinks i " m a jackass 并且鲍伯?萨吉特认为我是个白痴 I was thinking what a bonehead play that old jackass made 我在想那头老笨蛋把东西都让我们保管 I " ve lost my house . nicole thinks i " m a total jackass 我失去了我的房子.尼科尔认为我是个笨蛋 - tickets , please . - yeah , he " s a jackass 请给我票对,他是个蠢猪 Tickets , please . - yeah , he " s a jackass 请给我票对,他是个蠢猪 And hop in my boat and take it for a pleasure cruise , you jackasses 然后搭我的游艇兜两圈,笨蛋 And hop in my boat and take it for a pleasure cruise , you jackasses 然后搭我的游艇兜两圈,笨蛋 Of the whole damn family and have some real problems ? jackass 的桌子下 *** 搞点真正的麻烦?蠢货 Of the whole damn family and have some real problems ? jackass 的桌子下 *** 搞点真正的麻烦?蠢货 Fisher could be a jackass ? it went hand in hand with his size 这个蠢驴蠢的和他的型号成正比。 I don " t know why alan is often making a jackass of himself 我真不明白为什么阿兰总是做一些蠢事。 It"s difficult to see jackass in a sentence. 用 jackass 造句挺难的 You " re makin " a jackass outta yourself , sam 你在做蠢事,山姆 - what the hell was that ? - some jackass -他是谁? -一个傻子 I bepeve " jackass " was mentioned 我想有人提到了“ *** ” ? What the hell was that ? - some jackass 他是谁? -一个傻子 You sure that jackass is gen . lee 你肯定这个 *** 是李将军? - jackass . - mom , what " s happening 糟糕。妈妈,发生什么了 You don " t want to look pke a jackass 可不能穿得像个傻瓜 Yo . you steal my pen , jackass 天哪!你偷了我的笔, *** ! Let " s make it official then , jackass 那么推广它呀,笨蛋 Jackass . - mom , what " s happening 糟糕。妈妈,发生什么了 Go away , you jackass ! no , no , no 滚开你烦死了不要啊 Ever heard of a ghost , jackass 没听说过鬼吗,傻子? It " s called good writing , jackass 这叫好笔法,蠢货 What " s up with those jackasses 这群傻子想干嘛啊 Exclusive ! you big jackass 唯一? !你个蠢货! That guy " s a total jackass 那家伙就是个浑蛋 You think i " m a jackass 你以为我是傻子吗! - do it . - psten , jackass -来啊-听著, *** There " s nothing to pare you with . you " re dumber than the dumbest jackass 没有什么能跟你们比你们比最蠢的驴还要蠢 Do it . - psten , jackass 来啊-听著, *** It"s difficult to see jackass in a sentence. 用 jackass 造句挺难的

michael jackson小时候的one more chance的歌词,难道没有人知道吗????


如何理解guilty of being innocent of being jack sparrow

guilty of being innocent of being jack sparrow 有罪无罪的被杰克·斯帕罗

为什么在加勒比海盗第一级里jack sparrow在月光下都不变成骷髅?


二战后,摆脱了英国殖民统治的国家是? CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW


医生用听诊器听取病人的心肺等状况,这属不属于骨传导? CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW


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关于Captain Jack Sparrow的名言

World"s still the same, there"s just less in it.

地震波是次声波吗?次声波对人体有害吗?生活中有哪些次声波? CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW

在自然界中,海上风暴、火山爆发、大陨石落地、海啸、电闪雷鸣、波浪击岸、水中漩涡、空中湍流、龙卷风、磁暴、极光等都可能伴有次声波的发生.在人类活动中, 次声波的波形诸如核爆炸、导弹飞行、火炮发射、轮船航行、汽车争驰、高楼和大桥摇晃,甚至像鼓风机、搅拌机、扩音喇叭等在发声的同时也都能产生次声波某些频率的次声波由于和人体器官的振动频率相近,容易和人体器官产生共振,对人体有很强的伤害性,危险时可致人死亡。地震波不是次声波。

加勒比海盗2里Jack Sparrow 究竟还得是什么债?还有开头那个军官为什么想要那个compass,让Will去偷?


加勒比海盗3中Jack Sparrow从Davy Jones所困之地出来时那些螃蟹石头是什么意思?


加勒比海盗Norrington第一次见到Jack Sparrow的刺青

那个刺青是代表他是海盗啊 是一个P

加勒比海盗Jack sparrow的父亲就是那个法典的监护人是谁啊

在《加勒比海盗3》中值得一提的一位客串者是本片中扮演杰克船长父亲Captain Teague的老牌滚石乐队吉他手基思·理查兹Keith Richards。这位63岁的乐坛传奇是Johnny Depp扮演杰克的灵感来源。由于平时Keith Richards的打扮和气质就很像海盗, Johnny Depp本人又是摇滚爱好者并是Keith Richards的歌迷之一,于是Depp坦诚之前扮演杰克船长有很大程度是模仿Keith Richards的风格,这次第三集就派这位老先生出镜客串了一把,虽然戏份不多,也并非什么重要人物, 但由于其在美国人心中“神圣”的地位, 一出场就获得热烈掌声和口哨声。这可是整场电影中间唯一一次有人鼓掌。而且19日首映式上他出现的时候也曾引起全场骚动, 动静不比Depp来时小多少。同时,两人已容登最新一期滚石杂志封面,看一看,真的有父子相哦!

加勒比海盗中jack sparrow 船长常说的savvy? 这句话在欧美国家口语中常用吗?不懂的

不常用,据我了解是来自于海盗口头禅。 和see?意思相近

Captain Jack Sparrow

“I"m Captain Jack Sparrow” 看完第五季才知道“sparrow”是小麻雀的意思,尽管从第一部就觉得他很猥琐,很怂。但这一点不影响对这个人物的喜欢。知道船长名字里的含义后,才开始明白为什么他这么有魅力——尽管自己只是一只“小麻雀”,却有一个“船长”的梦。刚开始看《加勒比海盗》的时候只有一个感觉——混乱。人物关系的混乱,场景中物品摆放的混乱,一打起来就更混乱了。习惯性追求确定性的我总是在问:“威廉是好人吗?”“巴博萨是好人吗?”“杰克船长怎么这么坏?”“伊丽莎白到底喜欢谁?”……慢慢看下来才发现这些问题根本就没有一个准确的答案。人的好坏也确实没有一个绝对的标准,喜欢的人不止一个又有什么稀奇? 真实的世界原本的样子就是这样——无序、混乱、瞬息万变。所以我们才会想要追寻确定性的存在。追求对事态的发展有一定的掌控能力,以此来降低我们的无力感。稳操胜券之如杰克船长左手握着琼斯的心脏,右手拿着刀,却还是失去了威廉。生活中的博弈,难就难在时刻保持积极的心态,又必须时刻准备着接受最坏的结果。 不得不提的还有这部电影刷新了我对“背叛”的理解。受中国传统文化的影响,我深信耍诡计、欺骗以及背叛等行为是可耻的。可是当我看到杰克船长耍诡计的时候却觉得是可爱的,伊丽莎白想去救威廉,拿着杰克船长的罗盘却指向了杰克的时候是幸福的。 如果伊丽莎白亲吻杰克不算背叛威廉的话,那她将杰克锁在船上的时候,被自己喜欢的女人背叛的时候杰克是理解的。作为观众,我也一点不觉得伊丽莎白“婊”,相反,我很敬佩她的勇敢,敢于面对自己的心。我们所有的背叛,只要不违背自己的心,应该都是可以被原谅的,至少能被自己原谅。 很多时候,其实,我都希望自己能够有一个杰克船长那样的罗盘,帮我分辨清楚什么是我最想要的,便可以义无反顾地启航了。以前,哀怨不已的是自己没有;仔细想想才发现,其实我们每个人都有。只是在打开的一瞬间,你是否相信那就是你最想要的?

加勒比海盗中的Jack sparrow船长的原型是那位?

任何虚构的人物都是有其原型的,假如从这个角度上说,的确存在着加勒比海盗中的一切人物,包括周润发演的那个中国人海盗,都是有他们现实中的原型人物的。既然你只是问他,我也就只回答他的原型(因为他的传说很多,所以有些居然是前后矛盾的观点):黑胡子(绰号,Blackbeard),真名爱德华·蒂奇(Edward Teach,或Edward Thatch,1680年-1718年)生于英国布里斯托尔,是世界航海史上最臭名昭彰的海盗之一。历史学教授林德利·巴特勒说,相传黑胡子是个身材高大瘦削且颇具领袖魅力的人。“虽然没有关于黑胡子身高的详细纪录,但他的身高在当时似乎超过常人,”巴特勒说。关于黑胡子的逸闻很多,最著名的就是他的一身行头。巴特勒说,有记载称,上阵之前,他通常全副武装,长长的黑发中插着一根根缓慢燃烧的炮捻子,为的是震慑对手。据说黑胡子还是个颇有道义感的海盗,他并不想夺人性命,希望能不开枪征服对手。尚未发现有任何史料显示,黑胡子有杀人和虐待俘虏纪录。 黑胡子为人敢于冒险,残酷无情,以人的头骨为旗号,曾在英国皇家海军服役,拥有船长的证书。年轻的黑胡子最初便在英国庇护的海盗船上当水手,后来将原来的船长霍尼戈尔德赶走,自己当起了海盗头。1715年他指挥着有40门火炮的“复仇女王”号出海时主动攻击普通海盗不敢惹的英国皇家海军,“黑胡子蒂奇”从此一战成名,整个大西洋两岸陷入“连皇家海军都无法确保安全”的心理恐惧。短短五年间,被黑胡子抢劫的船只却多达40艘,他的故事到处流传。黑胡子在北美英国殖民地北卡罗来纳州的一些港口城市低价销赃,但他的最大嗜好不是金钱而是将人折磨致死。1718年,黑胡子率领的海盗船在维吉尼亚海岸的沙洲被英国皇家海军军舰拦截。在血腥的战斗中,海盗一方几乎获胜的时候,黑胡子本人连挨了五枪、被刺二十刀,死在了英军梅纳德(Maynard)船长的手下。梅纳德船长把黑胡子蒂奇的人头挂在军舰的旗杆上宣示胜利。相比,他的传说还有着确切的一些影子的话,飞翔的荷兰人那条被诅咒的海盗船则是真的一直飘在水手的传说中,一直没有消失,也一直没有确定的历史。飞翔的荷兰人(德语:Fliegender Holl01nder;英语:The Flying Dutchman。又译作漂泊的荷兰人,彷徨的荷兰人等),是传说中一艘永远无法返乡的幽灵船,注定在海上漂泊航行。飞翔的荷兰人通常在远距离被发现,有时还散发着幽灵般的光芒。据说如果有其他船只向她打招呼,她的船员会试图托人向陆地上或早已死去的人捎信。在海上传说中,与这艘幽灵船相遇在航海者看来是毁灭的征兆。在德文里(fliegend)是用来表示一种持续飞行的状态,形容受诅的荷兰人永远飘流在海上,四处航行,却始终无法靠岸的悲惨宿命。关于飞翔的荷兰人的故事在航海传说中有很多个版本,与之相关的是福肯伯格船长(Captain Falkenburg)的中世纪传奇故事,他以自己的灵魂为赌注与魔鬼掷骰子,被诅咒在北海不停往返直到审判日。飞翔的荷兰人第一次在书中被提到是在乔治·巴林顿《Voyage to Botany Bay》(1795年)一书的第6章: 译文:我对海员崇敬幻影的迷信常有耳闻,但从未对这类记录给予太多信任。据传一艘荷兰军舰在好望角之外失事,船上无人生还。同行的船只经受住了暴风,随后抵达好望角。整修后返回欧洲的途中,他们在相同的纬度遭到猛烈的暴风雨的袭击。值夜的一些水手看到,或者在想象中看到,一艘船满帆向他们驶来,仿佛要将他们撞沉:一名水手尤其确定这正是在前一场暴风中沉没的船,或者是她的幻影。但暴风雨稍停的时候,黑云似的船就消失了。幻影在海员心里挥之不去,等船靠岸,故事也就像野火般在人中传开了,幻影也被称作飞翔的荷兰人。根据一些来源,这艘幽灵船的船长原型是17世纪的荷兰船长伯纳德·福克(Bernard Fokke)。福克因从荷兰到爪哇航行的离奇神速而出名,当时的人因而怀疑他与魔鬼为伍以达到如此的速度。对飞翔的荷兰人的第一次详细的描述应该是布莱克伍德杂志(Blackwood"s Magazine)1821年五月刊上的一篇文章。事件发生的地点是好望角: 译文:她是一艘阿姆斯特丹船,于70年前起航。她的主人是亨德里克·范德戴肯(Hendrik van der Decken)船长。他是一个坚定可靠的海员,就算与魔鬼为敌也会按自己的意见行事。从来没有哪个他手下的船员有任何抱怨,虽然船上的具体情形外人无从知晓。故事是这样:在好望角转弯的时候他们正试图在恶劣天气中通过桌湾。然而,风越来越大,不断的向船冲击,范德戴肯在甲板上咒骂大风。日落稍后,一艘经过的船问他是否不打算当晚入港,范德戴肯回答“如果我进港,就让我永世受诅咒,因为我将在此迎风航行直至审判日。”他确实一直没有进港,人们相信他仍在海面上大风中航行,每次有人遇到这艘船,她都有恶劣的天气相伴。19到20世纪之间在外海上有很多起对“飞翔的荷兰人”的目击事件。威尔士亲王乔治(后来的乔治五世)的目击是最著名的几次之一。1880年,在他十五岁时,他与兄长威尔士亲王阿尔伯特·维克多(其父是后来的爱德华七世)一起正由辅导老师达尔顿(John Neale Dalton)陪伴,乘4000吨的轻巡洋舰巴坎堤号(HMS Bacchante),进行为期三年的航行。在澳大利亚悉尼和墨尔本之间海面上,达尔顿写到: 译文:在早晨4点“飞翔的荷兰人”出现在我们的船首方向。它像幻影般发着红色的光,照亮了200码以外双桅船的桅杆和船帆。她从船首左侧靠近时,在舰桥上值班的军官和后甲板上的见习军官显然都看到了她。见习军官立刻被派往前甲板,但到达时她在附近出现过的痕迹已经消失的无影无踪了,连在地平线上都找不到她的任何踪迹。10点45分,早先发现飞翔的荷兰人的海员从前桅中部顶横桁坠落到前甲板上,摔得粉身碎骨。



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由于不知道您所需要的是什么,所以我直接将对话打出来英文:Rose:It"s getting quiet.Jack:It"s going to take "em a couple of minutes to get the boats organized...I don"t konw about you,but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this.Rose:I love you,Jack.Jack:No...Don"t you do that.Don"t say your goodbyes.Not yet.Do you understand me?Rose:I"m so cold.Jack:Listen Rose.You"re going to get out of here.You"re going to go on and you"re going to make lots of babies and you"re going to watch them grow and you"re going to die an old,an old lady,warm in your bed.Not here.Not this night.Not like this.Do you understand me.Rose:I can"t feel my bady.Jack:Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happend to me.It brought me to you.And I"m thinkful for that,Rose.I"m thankful.You must do me this honor.You must promise me that you will surveve...that you won"t give up...no matter what happens...no matter how hopeless.Promise me now,Rose,and never let go of that promise.Rose:I promise.Jack:Never let go.Rose:I will never let go,Jack.I"ll never let go.中文:萝丝:越来越安静了杰克:它们船肯定要选安排几分钟才来。我不知道你怎么想,但我打算写了一封严厉的谴责新信白星邮轮公司,投诉这发生的一切。 萝丝:我爱你,杰克。杰克:还不到说这个的时候。不要说再见,还没有到时间,你明白吗?萝丝:我很冷杰克:萝丝,你听我说,你会脱险的,你会继续活下去,还要生好多孩子,看着他们长大。你死的时候会是个高龄的妇人,躺在温暖的床上。不是这儿,不是今晚,也不是这么死。明白吗?萝丝:我的身体冻僵了。杰克:萝丝,赢得那张船票是我一生中最幸运的事情,是它让我见到了你,我是满心感激的,萝丝,非常感激的。杰克:你要――你要――你一定要为我做这件事――你要保证活下去――你不能放弃――不管发生什么事情――不管多么绝望――萝思,现在就发誓,不放弃这个誓言。萝丝:我保证。萝思:我保证,我不放弃,杰克,我永远不放弃。







小题1:在电影《Titanic》中,Jack 和Rose在轮船上彼此一见钟情。______________________________________

小题1:In ( the film ) “Titanic”, Jack and Rose fall in love with each other on the ship.(一般过去时态也可)小题2:Can/Could you tell me how long you have been in China?小题3:Are you patient enough to teach me how to send e-mails?(Do you have enough confidence to teach me how to send e-mails?)小题4:Smoking isn"t allowed in public (places), so more and more people will choose to give up smoking. 小题5:Look, what great progress your daughter has made! 小题1:考查时态。根据句意可知,用一般现在时或一般过去时皆可。Fall in love with sb.“和某人相爱”。故填In ( the film ) “Titanic”, Jack and Rose fall in love with each other on the ship.。(一般过去时态也可)小题2:考查宾语从句。tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”。How long引导的是宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述句语序。be in...“在......”。故填Can/Could you tell me how long you have been in China?。小题3:考查固定句型。形容词+enough to do sth.“足够......做某事”。teach sb. how to do sth.“教某人如何做某事”。have confidence to do sth.“有信心做某事”。故填Are you patient enough to teach me how to send e-mails? (Do you have enough confidence to teach me how to send e-mails?)小题4:考查固定用法。sb. be allowed to do sth.“某人被允许某事”。in public“在公共场所”。more and more“越来越多的”。choose to do sth.“选择做某事”。故填Smoking isn"t allowed in public (places), so more and more people will choose to give up smoking. 小题5:考查感叹句。修饰名词时,用what引导感叹句。progress是不可数名词,great修饰progress。make progress“取得进步”。故填Look, what great progress your daughter has made!。


ROSEuff1aI love you JackJACKuff1aNo... donu2019t say your good-byes, Rose. Donu2019t you give up. Donu2019t do it.ROSEuff1aIu2019m so coldJACKuff1aYouu2019re going to get out of this... youu2019re going to go on and youu2019re going to make babies and watch them grow and youu2019re going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?ROSE uff1aI canu2019t feel my bodyJACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.JACK: It brought me to you. And Iu2019m thankful, Rose.Iu2019m thankfulJACK: You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.ROSE:I promiseJACK:Never let goROSE:I promise. I will never let go, Jack. Iu2019ll never let go



rose 和jack 的故事是真实的吗




谁能告诉我《泰坦尼克号》中出现you jump,i jump时jack对rose说的话

目测只有两次..这是第二次You Jump, I JumpA1: Jack, this is impossible. I can"t see you. s杰克,这行不通的。我不能见你。B1: I need to talk you.s我有话跟你说。A2: No, Jack, no. Jack, I"m engaged. I"m marrying Cal. I love Cal.s不行,杰克,不行。杰克,我已经订婚了,我要嫁给卡尔,我爱卡尔。B2: Rose, You"re no picnic. All right, you"re a spoiled little brat, even but under that you"re the most amazingly astounding, wonderful girl--woman--that I"ve even known and...s罗丝,你不是顶好相处的,甚至有点娇宠。但内心里,你是我所见过最脱俗,最好的女孩...A3: Jack. I...s杰克,我...B3: No, let me try and get this out. You"re… You"re ama…I"m not an idiot. I know how the world works. I"ve got ten bucks in my pocket. I have nothing to offer you and I know that. I understand. But I"m too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can"t turn away without knowing you"ll be all right. That"s all that I want.s不,先让我说完,你是...我不笨,我也知道人情事故。我身上只有十块钱,没有什么可以给你,这我了解。但我已不能自拔。你跳,我就跳,记得吗?我要确定你幸福,才能掉头。我没别的要求。A4: Well, I"m fine. I"ll be fine, really.s我很好,我会很好,真的。B4: Really? I don"t think so. They"ve got you trapped, Rose. and you"re going to die if you don"t break free-- Maybe not right away because you"re strong, but sooner or later that fire that I love about you, Rose... that fire is going to burn out.s真的吗?我不相信。他们把你困住了。罗丝。若不挣脱就会死掉。也许不是现在,因为你很坚强。但迟早我爱的那一把火,那把火总会熄灭的。A5: It"s not up to you to save me, Jack.s你救不了我的,杰克。B5: You"re right. only you can do that.s你说得对,只有你能救你自己。A6: I"m going back. Leave me alone.s我要走了,别再找我了。大概会有一点点不一样,凑合吧。。。第一处:I saw my whole life as if I had already lived it—an endless parade of parties and cotillions yachts and polo matches always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great precipice with on one to pull me back, no one who cared or even notice. Don"t do it. Stay back. Don"t come any closer. Come on. Just give me your hand. I"ll pull you back over. No! stay where you are. I mean it. I"ll let go. No, you won"t. What do you mean, no, I won"t? Don"t" presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don"t know me. Well, you would have done it already. You"re distracting me. Go away. I can"t. I"m involved now. You let go and I"m going to jump in there after you. Don"t be absurd. You"ll be killed. I"m a good swimmer. The fall alone would kill you. I would hurt. I"m not saying it wouldn"t. To tell you the truth I"m more concerned about the water being so cold. How cold? Freezing. Maybe a couple degrees over. You ever, uh…ever been to Wisconsin? What? Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing out on Lack Wissota. Ice fishing is, you know, where you— I know what ice fishing is! Sorry. You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I, uh…I felt through some thin ice and I"m telling you…what that cold, like right down there it hits you like thoughts of knives stabbing you all over your body. You can"t breath, you can"t think—at least not about anything but the pain. Which is why I"m not looking forward to jumping in there after you. Like I said…I don"t have a choice. I guess I"m kind of hoping you"ll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here. You"re crazy. That"s what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss, I"m not the one hanging off the back of the ship here. Come on. Come on, give me you hand. Yon don"t want to do this......其实印象当中you jump,i jump应该只出现了一次,类似的话大概就是rose跳海的这句Which is why I"m not looking forward to jumping in there after you.














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