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Jacket意思是“夹克,短上衣”。这个词通常用来描述一种轻便的外套,可以在春秋季节穿着,也可以在冬季作为内层穿着。以下是一些常见的用法及固定搭配:Leather jacket:皮夹克,一种由皮革制成的夹克,通常用于时尚或摩托车骑行。Denim jacket:牛仔夹克,一种由牛仔布制成的夹克,通常用于休闲或户外活动。Bomber jacket:飞行夹克,一种由尼龙或棉制成的夹克,通常用于保暖或时尚。Puffer jacket:羽绒夹克,一种由羽绒或合成材料制成的夹克,通常用于保暖。Suit jacket:西装外套,一种由面料制成的夹克,通常用于正式场合。Track jacket:运动夹克,一种由轻便面料制成的夹克,通常用于运动或休闲。Life jacket:救生衣,一种由泡沫材料制成的夹克,通常用于水上活动或紧急情况。总之,jacket是一个英语单词,意思是“夹克,短上衣”。这个词可以用来描述各种不同的夹克,包括皮夹克、牛仔夹克、飞行夹克、羽绒夹克、西装外套、运动夹克和救生衣等。在英语中,这个词经常和其他词搭配使用,形成各种固定搭配,需要我们在学习和使用中加以注意。







orange 和jacket的发音相同吗



"JACKET" 在英文中是指夹克、上衣的意思,与鞋子本身并没有直接的关联。可能是您看到了某个鞋子品牌或商家在宣传时把“JACKET”作为该鞋子的描述之一,用来形容该鞋子适合搭配夹克、上衣等服装。如果您能提供更多的上下文信息,我可以更准确地帮您解答。




jacket夹克夹克 [ jiā kè ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ jiā kè ]一种长短只到腰部,下口束紧的短外套:~衫。皮~。




名词 n. 可数1.夹克,上衣2.外罩,保护罩,隔音罩;【机】套




夹克。n. 短上衣,夹克;土豆皮;书籍的护封;文件套,公文夹vt. 给穿夹克;给装护套;给包上护封;短语:1、cooling jacket [机]冷却套管2、yellow jacket n. 黄马褂;小黄蜂3、dust jacket n. 书皮;包书纸4、heating jacket 加热套扩展资料:A jacket is a hip- or waist-length garment for the upper body. A jacket typically has sleeves, and fastens in the front.以下内容供参考:百度百科-jacket


jacket是夹克的意思。Jacket(夹克) 是一种轻便的外套,多用于春秋季节或旅游等活动中。它最初起源于欧洲军队,经过多次改良和升华,后来被时装设计师引入到时尚领域,直到现在成为广泛应用在现代社会中的时尚单品。夹克分为男士和女士款,不同的品牌、材质和款式造就了不同的时尚效果。夹克的材质一般为羽绒、面料、纤维等,其中最具保暖性能的是羽绒夹克,其轻薄、暖和受到更多人的青睐。随着人们对夹克的关注度逐渐加剧,追求个性化的人们还推崇对夹克进行个性化设计,个性化印花、立体雕刻等多种工艺应运而生,更好地满足消费者的需求和拓展市场。夹克除了外表的时尚性,还具有着重要的使用功能。不同类型的夹克在不同的场合有着不同的作用。在户外,特别是冬季户外运动中,夹克通常用于防风、雪、雨及低温保温,具有良好的耐久性、透气性和防水性。在运动领域,夹克也常常被运动员穿着,它的轻便性使运动员在比赛过程中可以更加灵活自如,从而提升比赛成绩。而在社交场合,夹克的时尚属性同样很重要,不同风格的夹克可以使人们在社交活动中展现不同的品味和气质。穿夹克的好处夹克可以防风、保暖,让您穿着舒适的同时,不易感冒和受凉。夹克可以有效遮挡风寒,保护您的身体免受强风吹袭。并且款式多样,可以匹配不同的服饰风格,让您看起来更时尚、更加精神。夹克轻便方便,便于携带和收纳,适合旅游和户外活动。更可以在多种场合穿着,如运动,社交和日常生活中等。








Jacket是一个英语单词,意思是“夹克,短上衣”。这个词通常用来描述一种轻便的外套,可以在春秋季节穿着,也可以在冬季作为内层穿着。以下是一些常见的用法及固定搭配:Leather jacket:皮夹克,一种由皮革制成的夹克,通常用于时尚或摩托车骑行。Denim jacket:牛仔夹克,一种由牛仔布制成的夹克,通常用于休闲或户外活动。Bomber jacket:飞行夹克,一种由尼龙或棉制成的夹克,通常用于保暖或时尚。Puffer jacket:羽绒夹克,一种由羽绒或合成材料制成的夹克,通常用于保暖。Suit jacket:西装外套,一种由面料制成的夹克,通常用于正式场合。Track jacket:运动夹克,一种由轻便面料制成的夹克,通常用于运动或休闲。Life jacket:救生衣,一种由泡沫材料制成的夹克,通常用于水上活动或紧急情况。总之,jacket是一个英语单词,意思是“夹克,短上衣”。这个词可以用来描述各种不同的夹克,包括皮夹克、牛仔夹克、飞行夹克、羽绒夹克、西装外套、运动夹克和救生衣等。在英语中,这个词经常和其他词搭配使用,形成各种固定搭配,需要我们在学习和使用中加以注意。


不是 夹克的 意思 吗





英语翻译 THE STORY OF AN EYEWITNESS by Jack London 短文翻译

一名目击者的故事作者:Jack London历史上从没有过城市被这么毁灭过.旧金山已经一去不复返了.除了记忆和一些远离市中心的房子,什么都没有留下.商业活动也停止了.工厂、宾馆、宫殿也已经没有了.在地震发生的一个小时...

南瓜灯的英语是jack-o-lantern 还是 pumpkin lantern?

南瓜灯(Jack-O"-Lantern 或者Jack-of-the-Lantern,前者比较普遍,是后者的一种缩写方式)希望对您有所帮助!

she is tom and jacks mother是共有还是各有?

She is Tom"s and Jack"s mother.她是汤姆和杰克的妈妈,言外之意是两个儿子共同的妈妈

Apples are _ favourite fruit. A .Jack B.Jacks C. Jack’s





As well as the main jacking station and particularly on longer and more complex drives where,for example,the length of the pipe string is such that its resistance to movement will exceed the capacity of a practical sized jacking frame,or where friction forces or ground movement factors will be difficult to overcome,lubrication of a pipe may not be sufficient in itself to allowsuccessful completion of the jacking operation. An option that should be considered before reducing the planned length of a pipe jack is the “interjack”station.An interjack station is a ring of hydraulic jacks within a steel framework that is inserted into the pipe string at strategic points. Each interjack divides the pipe string into more manageable jacking lengths. Each length,whether between jacking frame and interjack,interjack and interjack,or interjack and face,can be advanced individually and independently from the rest of the pipe string. It is the equivalent of having several smaller pipe jacks in operation at the same time in the one bore,with each interjack using the pipe length behind it as its thrust wall. The use of interjacks reduces the potential for pipe failures,since the maximum force on any individual “sub-string”depends on the number of pipe sections plus the friction factor over that length of pipe. Each interjack is controlled independently from the operator"s station and can, where necessary,be individually lubricated with the correct control and lubrication pump set- up.

jumping jacks是什么意思

jumping jacks杰克跳双语对照词典结果:Jumping Jacks[电影]天将天兵; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.You should be mindful of your neighbors with jumping jacks too, but youshould still try to do a few sets. 跳爆竹的时候也得注意一下对邻居的影响,但你也可以试着做几.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

jacks father repaired the car itwas broken改为同义句谢谢

可以改成Jack"s father repaired the broken car.或者用定语从句Jack"s father repaired the car which was broken.



Jack is the name of a game....


Tracy Jacks 歌词

歌曲名:Tracy Jacks歌手:Blur专辑:ParklifeTitle:Tracy JacksArtist:Blur Album:Parklife(Tracy Jacks) works in civil service(Tracy Jacks) it"s steady employment(Tracy Jacks) is a golfing fanatic(Tracy Jacks) but his put is erratic(Tracy Jacks) saw a Harley Street doctor(Tracy Jacks) who prescribed healthy living(Tracy Jacks) but he"s getting past forty(Tracy Jacks) and all his seams are splittingCHORUS:Every day he got closerHe knew in his heart he was overI"d love to stay here and be normalBut it"s just so overrated(Tracy Jacks) left home without warning(Tracy Jacks) at five in the morning(Tracy Jacks) got on the first train to Walton(Tracy Jacks) and stood on the sea front laughing(Tracy Jacks) threw his clothes in the water(Tracy Jacks) and ran around naked(Tracy Jacks) got stopped by the police(Tracy Jacks) and escorted back home whereEvery day he got closerHe knew in his heart he was overI"d love to stay here and be normalBut it"s just so overrated(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo oo(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo oo(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo oo(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo ooAnd then it happened on a Tuesday morningTracy Jacks bulldozed down the house he lived inSaying, "It"s just so overrated!"(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo oo(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo oo(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo oo(Tracy Jacks) oo oo oo ooEvery day he got closerHe knew in his heart he was overI"d love to stay here and be normalBut it"s just so overratedOo oo oo ooREPEAT TO FADEThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13968192


英语中有很多“Jack-” 短语,这些“Jack”意义多多,既可指人、也可指物。 every man Jack 每人;人人 All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them. 全体工人都要求加工资。 Jack of all trades and master of none 万事皆通而一无所长的人;“三脚猫” Jack-of-all trades “万事通” Jack on/of both sides 模棱两可,两面派 Jack at a pinch 临时拉来帮忙/凑数的人 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 谚语:只工作不玩,聪明的孩子也会变傻。 All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 谚语:有情人终成着属。 ball the jack 孤注一掷 before one can say Jack Robinson [口]马上, 突然; 一会儿 play the jack with sb. 欺骗(某人); 开(某人)玩笑 Jack and Jill 男男女女 Jack among the maids 向女人献殷勤的男子 Jack in the water 码头打杂工 cheep Jack 卖廉价货物的小贩 Jack in office 自命不凡的小官吏,官僚 一起呵_英语站 Jack is as good as his master. 谚语:伙计不必老板差。 Yellow Jack 指医学上的“黄热病” the Union Jack 英联合王国国旗 Jack of straw 稻草人 Jacks 可指“英镑” jack 千斤顶 lumberjack 伐木工人 Jack-a-dandy 花花公子 jackpot 意外的成功;发外财make one"s jack 发财

英语作文 给你的朋友Jack写一封信 内容包括劝说Mike每天锻炼身体、多吃蔬菜、水果,保证充足的睡眠少吃

作文要求是不是写错了,为何是给Jack写信劝说Mike啊?Dear Jack, I heard that you don"t have a healthy lifestyle. I think you should exercise every day. You must eat more vegetables and fruit. I know you like eating juck food, it is bad for your health, you should eat less. For sleeping, you should sleep nine hours every night. I think if you can do these , you will be in good health soon. What do you think of these ? Yours XXX

Michael Jackson的《Jam》 歌词

歌曲名:Jam歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:ImmortalWritten:M.JNation to nationAll the world must get togetherFace the problems that we seeThen maybe somehow we can work it outI asked my neighbor for a favorShe said laterWhat has come of all the peopleHave we lost loveOf what its aboutI have to find my peacecuz no one seems to let me beFalse prophets cry of doomWhat are the possibilities?I told my brother there"ll be problemsTime and tears for fearsBut we must live each day like it"s the lastGo with itGo with itJAMIt aint too much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toThe world keeps changin"Rearrangin" Minds and thoughtsPredictions fly of doomThe baby boom has come of ageWe"ll work it outI told my brothersDont you ask me for no favorsI"m conditioned by the systemDont you talk to meDont scream and shoutShe pray to God,To BuddhaThen she sings a talmud songConfusions contradict the selfDo we know right from wrongI just want you to recognize me in the templeYou cant hurt meI"ve found peace within myselfGo with itGo with itJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDon"t youIt aint too much for me toJAMUh-huhIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDon"t youIt aint too much for me toWhoo!Jam JamHere comes the manHot damnThe big boy standsMovin" up a handMakin" funny tracks with my manMichael JacksonSmooth criminalThat"s the manMike"s so relaxedMingle mingle jingleIn the jungleBum rushed the door3 and 4"s in a bundleExecute the planFirst I cooled like a fanGot with Janet then with guyNow with MichaelCause it ain"t hard to...JAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMJagonnetIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont stopIt ain"t too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toJAM(whoo whoo!)It aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toWhoo!It aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamWhoo!DagonnetJAMIt aintIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toJAMUh-huhIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMUh-huhIt aintToo much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me toJAMToo muchIt aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me to(muttering, then end...)http://music.baidu.com/song/12343708

jack has to exeruse,一般疑问句?

原句:Jack has to exercise.改为一般疑问句:Does Jack have to exercise?


近所有节目或新闻的结束部分都会放一些迈克尔·杰克逊的节目来纪念这位艺坛巨星,很多人在讲Michael的同时都会顺便提到他的绰号WackoJacko,为什么他会有这样一个绰号呢?首先看Wacko是什么意思,它是Wacky的变形,表示“古怪”的意思(的确迈克尔在我们很多人眼里有有点怪怪的)。为了和后面的Jacko一起更加押韵,所以用了Wacko而没用Wacky。在英语中有一个特点,喜欢将单词进小小的变形使其更加上口。比如我们加西分公司的同事Carol每次在电话结束时,她会将OK说成OkeyDokey, 在电视《 The Simpsons》中的 NedFlander则喜欢说okely-dokely。我在这里书店里甚至看到过一种英文词典叫《RhythmDictionary》,将所发音结尾相似的单词放在一起,据说这种词典主要是给诗人使用的。在汉语词典中,我暂时还没有看到将所有韵母相同的字词放在一起的词典。在中国,诗人或各种“顺口溜”的创造者需要从自己脑子所储藏的词库来凭记忆提取所需要的发音接近的词。当有人认为中国古诗被翻译成英文而失去韵味时,不知道又有多少英文作者辛辛苦苦地使用《RhythmDictionary》词典的写出的英语文章被译成汉语后又失去了原英文的韵律。在学习了多种语言之后,我发现尽管各语言千差万别,但有一个共同点就是都会在自己的诗歌、谚语与格言上尽可能地寻找押韵。这个语言上的“存异求同”的故事,不禁又让我又想起了在文化方面的另一个“存异求同”的讲话。1997年,我的一位在GE公司工作的好朋友结婚时,她将公司里的很多老外同事都请来了,于是,整个婚礼搞成了中英双语的仪式。只可惜她请的英文翻译只会照本宣科,将事先准备的稿子读一遍。而当那位朋友的老板,GE公司当时的二滩现场代表丹尼尔发表即兴讲话时,那位翻译只用了简单的一句“表达了良好的祝愿”而一语带过。我认为丹尼尔的讲话是非常精彩的一个在文化方面“存异求同”的讲话,他先介绍了自己当时刚到中国,中加两国各方面的差异是overwhelming,但是两国相同的地方都是追求一个幸福美满的家庭等等,只当可惜这么好的讲话没有被当场分享。

jack of all trades是什么意思



Last sunday, Mr.Lee got up very early to go fishing.He spent the whole day sitting beside the river but got nothing at the end of the day.Therefore, Mr.Lee was very dissapointed due to that he had to go home by dinner time.On his way home, Lee thought that his wife might be mad at him for bringing nothing back. So he bought a big fish at the market before he got home.At least, he was happy finally for what he could bring home.

哪位大佬有jack o nine tails的攻略




Whacko Jacko是什么意思

怪物 杰怪

迈克杰克逊卫“Wacko Jacko”称号的由来?





首先看Wacko是什么意思,它是Wacky的变形,表示“古怪”的意思(的确迈克尔在我们很多人眼里有有点怪怪的)。为了和后面的Jacko一起更加押韵,所以用了Wacko而没用Wacky。在英语中有一个特点,喜欢将单词进小小的变形使其更加上口。比如我们加西分公司的同事Carol每次在电话结束时,她会将OK说成OkeyDokey, 在电视《 The Simpsons》中的 NedFlander则喜欢说okely-dokely。我在这里书店里甚至看到过一种英文词典叫《RhythmDictionary》,将所发音结尾相似的单词放在一起,据说这种词典主要是给诗人使用的。在汉语词典中,我暂时还没有看到将所有韵母相同的字词放在一起的词典。在中国,诗人或各种“顺口溜”的创造者需要从自己脑子所储藏的词库来凭记忆提取所需要的发音接近的词。当有人认为中国古诗被翻译成英文而失去韵味时,不知道又有多少英文作者辛辛苦苦地使用《RhythmDictionary》词典的写出的英语文章被译成汉语后又失去了原英文的韵律。在学习了多种语言之后,我发现尽管各语言千差万别,但有一个共同点就是都会在自己的诗歌、谚语与格言上尽可能地寻找押韵。这个语言上的“存异求同”的故事,不禁又让我又想起了在文化方面的另一个“存异求同”的讲话。1997年,我的一位在GE公司工作的好朋友结婚时,她将公司里的很多老外同事都请来了,于是,整个婚礼搞成了中英双语的仪式。只可惜她请的英文翻译只会照本宣科,将事先准备的稿子读一遍。而当那位朋友的老板,GE公司当时的二滩现场代表丹尼尔发表即兴讲话时,那位翻译只用了简单的一句“表达了良好的祝愿”而一语带过。

Jack Chan是什么意思?



泰坦尼克看过没? 明白了吧

JACKASS 3D蠢蛋搞怪秀3 适合女生看吗?? 会不会很恶心??


Jackass17 你知道德语一共有几个字母吗


laughing jackass是什么意思

一般指笑翠鸟笑翠鸟(学名:Dacelo novaeguineae),翠鸟科一种,以其叫声似狂笑而得名。羽毛灰褐色,为林地留鸟,体长43厘米,嘴长8-10厘米。分布于澳大利亚东部、塔斯马尼亚岛等地,是澳洲的标志性鸟类之一。**********************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************


jackass 是骂人的话无疑。但是要看场景,譬如和好兄弟互称傻:逼也可以啊。




jackass的意思是公驴,愚人,傻子。Do you know who had this job five years ago? Gavin,and he worked for an even bigger jackass than he is.你知道5年前谁在干这份工作吗?加文,而且他老板比他还混蛋。《摩登家庭第六季》。Hey, Claire. What"s up? My fever,you orange jackass.Oh.Okay. So,obviously,you have my cold now.克莱尔,怎么了?我发烧了,你个带病的混蛋。好吧,显然你传染上了我的感冒。《摩登家庭 第六季》。Yeah, the line was too short. It"s over. I can"t be seen there. I wouldn"t want people to think I was a jackass.是啊,队排得太短了。他家没戏了,我不能被看见去那里进餐,我可不想让人觉得我是混蛋。a stupid person蠢人,愚人。a male ass or donkey公驴。例句:1、Some jackass had the same idea we did.看来有个也想到了我们这个法子。2、Candace, what is this jackass doing here.坎迪斯,这为什么会在这。3、You don"t have to be a jackass like me.不用像我这样看着这么滑稽。4、You"re making a very jackass of yourself.你让你自己看起来非常愚蠢。5、You"re a jackass. I don"t have to listen to this.你我没必要听你废话。6、You weren"t just being an unemotional jackass.你之前不是个没心没肺的。7、One of those jackasses left it to rot.那些中的某个留着它慢慢烂掉。8、Well, you have to, jackass, because there"s more at stake here than what you"d rather do.你必须演混球因为现在的情况比你想要做的事情更紧急。9、No. II was going to be a jackass, but I stopped myself.不,我本来是要当个但是我克制住了。10、I can"t believe this jackass is still on the run.真不敢相信这傻叉依然在逃。

小斗士4 里的MONK 和 JACK 的必杀


poufy jacket和va-va-voom分别怎么翻译?

poufy jacket:应该是带“蓬蓬袖”的夹克,就是肩部或下摆有很蓬松的褶皱va-va-voom: 1.lively, sexy, passionate 性感,时尚,富有激情的 2.good goods and fair fashion 质量上乘且走在时尚前沿

加勒比海盗里的jack sparrow的扮演者的真实姓名是什么?

中文名:约翰尼·德普  英文名:Johnny Depp  全 名:John Christopher Depp III  更多译名:尊尼狄普、强尼戴普  昵称:Mr. Stench(self-chosen)(臭先生)  性别:男  生日:1963年6月9日(星期日)  血型:B型  星座:太阳星座是双子座,月亮星座魔羯座  出生地:美国Kentucky(肯特基)州的Owensboro(欧温斯波洛)  教育:high school (dropped out)   Loft Studio in Los Angeles, California (studied with Peggy Feury)  身高:182 厘米  体重:70 公斤  家人:父亲(John Christopher Depp 城市工程师)、母亲(Betty Sue Palmer服务员)、姐姐(Christie Dembrowski个人经理)、兄弟(D.P. Depp编剧)  前妻:Lori Anne Allison (1983-1985)  妻子:Vanessa Paradis  儿女:女儿Lily-Rose Melody Depp(born on May 24, 1999)、儿子Jack Depp(born on April 9, 2002)  曾订婚的女友:Sherilyn Fenn、Jennifer Grey、Winona Ryder

加勒比海盗里jack sparrow为什么没有那个被诅咒的金币Aztec Coin?



JacksonAllowNull <pre class="md-fences md-end-block ty-contain-cm modeLoaded" spellcheck="false" lang="java" cid="n60" mdtype="fences" style="box-sizing: border-box; overflow: visible; font-family: var(--monospace); font-size: 0.9em; display: block; break-inside: avoid; text-align: left; white-space: normal; background-image: inherit; background-size: inherit; background-attachment: inherit; background-origin: inherit; background-clip: inherit; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); position: relative !important; border: 1px solid rgb(231, 234, 237); border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; padding: 8px 4px 6px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 15px; width: inherit; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; background-position: inherit; background-repeat: inherit;">/** JacksonHttpMessageConverter <pre class="md-fences md-end-block ty-contain-cm modeLoaded" spellcheck="false" lang="java" cid="n65" mdtype="fences" style="box-sizing: border-box; overflow: visible; font-family: var(--monospace); font-size: 0.9em; display: block; break-inside: avoid; text-align: left; white-space: normal; background-image: inherit; background-size: inherit; background-attachment: inherit; background-origin: inherit; background-clip: inherit; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); position: relative !important; border: 1px solid rgb(231, 234, 237); border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; padding: 8px 4px 6px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 15px; width: inherit; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; background-position: inherit; background-repeat: inherit;">@Component public class JacksonHttpMessageConverter extends MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter { /** //解决 /instances/%5Bobject%20Object%5D/actuator/metrics // https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin/issues/1517 objectMapper.addMixIn(InstanceId.class, InstanceIdMixin.class); String[] pwdConstructor = new String[]{".*password$"}; objectMapper.registerModule(new AdminServerModule(pwdConstructor)); //解决domain.values.Registration cannot deserialize from Object SimpleModule simpleModule = new SimpleModule(); simpleModule.addSerializer(Registration.class, ToStringSerializer.instance); simpleModule.addDeserializer(Registration.class, new RegistrationDeserializer()); objectMapper.registerModule(simpleModule); } /** /** private class MyBeanSerializerModifier extends BeanSerializerModifier { @Override public List<BeanPropertyWriter> changeProperties(SerializationConfig config, BeanDescription beanDesc, List<BeanPropertyWriter> beanProperties) { for (Object beanProperty : beanProperties) { BeanPropertyWriter writer = (BeanPropertyWriter) beanProperty; / 过滤允许为null的注解 / if (ObjectUtil.isNull(writer.getAnnotation(JacksonAllowNull.class))) { if (isArrayType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullArrayJsonSerializer()); } else if (isNumberType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullNumberJsonSerializer()); } else if (isBooleanType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullBooleanJsonSerializer()); } else if (isStringType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullStringJsonSerializer()); } } /* 防止Long精度丢失 */ // if(isLongType(writer)){ // writer.assignSerializer(new ToStringSerializer()); // } } return beanProperties; } private boolean isArrayType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return clazz.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isStringType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) || Character.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isNumberType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return Number.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isLongType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return Long.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isBooleanType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return clazz.equals(Boolean.class); } } private class NullArrayJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { if (o == null) { jsonGenerator.writeStartArray(); jsonGenerator.writeEndArray(); } } } private class NullStringJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException { jsonGenerator.writeString(StringUtils.EMPTY); } } private class NullNumberJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException { jsonGenerator.writeNumber(0); } } private class NullBooleanJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException { jsonGenerator.writeBoolean(false); } } }</pre> https://gitee.com/miaoyinjun/jjche-boot

Joe Jackson的《Target》 歌词

歌曲名:Target歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:La Legende Des Best SellersTargetEmbraceThis New DayYou flicker like a mile high neon signHot and cold so no one knows your mindI was gonna let you win but I won"t breakFor an hour I held the moon on a stringNow this moment left till the world beginsEverything is possible its beautifulWhen will you wake up see what"s happeningRight before your eyes noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeSo I look before I leap and I seeWolves are at the door with my enemiesI was gonna let them in but then you sayWatch the stars defeating my enemyIt"s too far for them to bring you to meAnd everything is possible it"s beautifulWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyes noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyeye Oh…h…h…If you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeI reached the waters edgeI wished that I could holdEverybody"s breath untilNo one has any leftYou take me to the edgeYou"re being called to followThe foot prints that I left behindListen up I"ll sing to you how I canOut of luck now time is all that we haveThink about yourself and you"ll kill all you loveI know our makers love all the mess the makeOut of sight behind these eyes you"ll stayWhere everything is possibleIt"s beautifulWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyeye noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyes Oh…h…h…If you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8056821

micheael jackson 到过中国哪里


Micheai Jackson原来是非洲哪里人嗄8:-I





hen的e和Jacket的e读音不相同hen读/ e/jacket 读/ i/

英国国旗为什么叫the union jack

Union指1606年英格兰和苏格兰的联合。Jack意为悬挂在船首表示国籍的小旗。 Jack是海军用语,指悬挂在舰首的旗帜,英国军舰舰首都悬挂国旗,因而得名。... 追问: 好像有个来源故事的,麻烦了 回答: 联合王国国旗(英国国旗)union jackJack是海军用语,指悬挂在舰首的旗帜,英国军舰舰首都悬挂国旗,因而得名。 The issue of whether it is acceptable to use the term "Union Jack" is one that causes considerable controversy. Although it is often asserted that "Union Jack" should only be used for the flag when it is flown as a jack (a small flag flown at the bow of a ship), it is not universally accepted that the "Jack" of "Union Jack" is a reference to such a jack flag; other explanations have been put forward [1]. The term possibly dates from the early 1700s, but its origin is uncertain. The word Jack may have come from the name of the James VI, King of Scots who inherited the English crown, causing the flag to be designed, that is Jac from Jacobus, Latin for James. The size and power of the Royal Navy internationally at the time could also explain why the flag was nicknamed the "Union Jack" considering the navy was so widely utilized and renowned by the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries it is possible that the term "Jack" did occur due to its regular usage on all British ships using the "Jack Staff" (a flag pole attached to a ship on the bow). Even if the term "Union Jack" does derive from the jack flag (as perhaps seems most likely), after three centuries, it is now sanctioned by usage, has appeared in official usage, and remains the popular term. The BBC website disregards the term "union flag" because of its "great potential for confusion", preferring union jack (in lower case)[2] The term "Union Flag", on the other hand, is the term preferred in official documents by vexillologists. The Merchant Shipping Act 1995[3] refers to the national colours of the United Kingdom as "the Union flag (commonly known as the Union Jack)". 追问: 这个来源故事可以是中文的吗



Joe Jackson的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:Night MusicLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/3463346

Jack Johnson的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Jack Johnson专辑:Sing-A-Longs & Lullabies For The Film Curious GeorgeTitle: LullabyArtist: Jack Johnson(feat. Matt Costa)Album: Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious GeorgeWhen you"re so lonely lying in bedNight"s closed it"s eyes but you can"t rest your headEveryone"s sleeping all through the houseYou wish you could dream but forgot to somehowSing this lullaby to yourselfSing this lullaby to yourselfAnd if you are waiting, waiting for meKnow I"ll be home soon darling I guaranteeI"ll be home Sunday just in one weekDry up your tears if you start to weepAnd sing this lullaby to yourselfSing this lullaby to yourselfLullaby, I"m not nearbySing this lullaby to yourselfDon"t you cry, no don"t you crySing this lullaby to yourselfCause when I arrive dear it won"t be that longNo it won"t seem like anytime that I"ve been goneIt ain"t the first time it won"t be the lastWon"t you remember these words to help the time pass?So when you"re so lonely lying in bedNight"s closed it"s eyes but you can"t rest your headEveryone"s sleeping all through the houseYou wish you could dream but forgot to somehowSing this lullaby to yourselfSing this lullaby to yourselfSing this lullaby, sing this lullabySing this lullaby to yourselfhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8033834

Janet Jackson的《Truth》 歌词

歌曲名:Truth歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:All For YouHow didi I get hereThink I know what I didAlways worked real hardMaybe I missed somethingI"m not into pointing fingersShowin who"s right or wrongI just wanna keep it realCause maybe I was don"t fine on my ownListenI had a career ebfore now didn"tI had lots of friends before now didn"tAnd I had my fans before now didn"tAnd I had my family before now didn"tEndGuess without youMy little life was nothingBut don"t swaeat ifLet"s say we disagree soArguing ain"t nevessary causeWe both have our consumed with jealousyBut the trut can set you freeDon"t act like you don"t know the truthCause deep down in your heart you doLet it doOon childThings are gonna get easterOoh child things willl be bright causetruth will set you freeconversations deepWhen you talk to yourselfThere "s no way to cheatCause you know can"t be no one elseWon"t trip out disappoin thenCause failure is true just not meStill I gotta do my jowCause you know my show can"t go on without meListenIt"s hard to beleveThe love be bewteen us is overIt"s sad to thind we couldn"t work if outBut how much is enough to pay forThis mistakeHope your love was sincereDo you know the truthFeel itLive ittruth itbelieve itYou want itAnd need itTo find itEmbrace itAnd never let it gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/13968672

Janet Jackson的《Truth》 歌词

歌曲名:Truth歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:All For YouHow didi I get hereThink I know what I didAlways worked real hardMaybe I missed somethingI"m not into pointing fingersShowin who"s right or wrongI just wanna keep it realCause maybe I was don"t fine on my ownListenI had a career ebfore now didn"tI had lots of friends before now didn"tAnd I had my fans before now didn"tAnd I had my family before now didn"tEndGuess without youMy little life was nothingBut don"t swaeat ifLet"s say we disagree soArguing ain"t nevessary causeWe both have our consumed with jealousyBut the trut can set you freeDon"t act like you don"t know the truthCause deep down in your heart you doLet it doOon childThings are gonna get easterOoh child things willl be bright causetruth will set you freeconversations deepWhen you talk to yourselfThere "s no way to cheatCause you know can"t be no one elseWon"t trip out disappoin thenCause failure is true just not meStill I gotta do my jowCause you know my show can"t go on without meListenIt"s hard to beleveThe love be bewteen us is overIt"s sad to thind we couldn"t work if outBut how much is enough to pay forThis mistakeHope your love was sincereDo you know the truthFeel itLive ittruth itbelieve itYou want itAnd need itTo find itEmbrace itAnd never let it gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2682824

jack squeezed his eyes shut. 中文解释。 squeezed啥意思? shut 啥意思。


michael jackson的全部歌曲都哪些?大神们帮帮忙

01. Billie Jean 04:54 02. Beat it 04:18 03. Thriller 05:14 04. Smooth Criminal 04:19 05. Bad 04:10 06. Dirty Diana 04:43 07. Black or **** 04:18 08. Men in the Mirror 05:21 09. Earth Song 05:04 10. Heal the World 04:36 11. They Don"t Care About Us 04:14 12. Who is it 04:02 13. Speechless 03:21 14. the Way You Make Me Feel 05:00 15. We"ve Had Enough 05:48 16. Remember the Time 04:02 Disc2 01. Whatever Happens 04:58 02. You Are Not Alone 04:59 03. Say Say Say 03:59 04. Liberian Girl 03:50 05. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 04:22 06. Don"t Stop "til You Get Enough 04:03 07. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You 04:15 08. Give in to Me 05:32 09. Dangerous 07:02 10. Will You Be There 03:41 11. Scream 04:43 12. You Rock My World 05:09 13. Stranger in Moscow 05:24 14. Rock with You 03:25 15. Got the Hots 04:30 16. Thriller Megamix 09:15 01. Scream - Janet Jackson 02. They Don"t Care About Us 03. Stranger in Moscow 04. This Time Around 05. Earth Song 06. D.S. 07. Money 08. Come Together 09. You Are Not Alone 10. Childhood [Theme From Free Willy 2] 11. Tabloid Junkie 12. 2 Bad 13. History 14. Little Susie 15. Smile 1. I Want You Back - The Jackson 5 (1969-Motown) 2. ABC – The Jackson 5 (1970 – Motown) 3. I"ll Be There - The Jackson 5 (1970 –Motown) 4. Got To Be There (1971- Motown) 5. I Wanna Be Where You Are (1972- Motown) 6. Ben (1972- Motown) 7. Dancing Machine - The Jackson 5 (1974- Motown) 8. Enjoy Yourself - The Jacksons (single version) (1976-Phil. Int.) 9. Ease On Down The Road - Diana Ross & M.J. (The Wiz - original Soundtrack)(1978 – MCA) 10. You Can"t Win - The Wiz song (12" UK single) (1978 – Epic) 11. Shake A Body – The Jacksons (early demo) (1978 –Epic) 12. Shake Your Body - (Down To The Ground) – The Jacksons (Destiny single edit)(1978- Epic) 13. Don"t Stop "Til You Get Enough - (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1979-Epic) 14. Rock With You - (Off The Wall - Special Edition)(1979 –Epic) 15. Off The Wall – (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1980-Epic) 16. She"s Out Of My Life – (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1980 –Epic) 17. Sunset Driver - (demo)(1982) 18. Lovely One – The Jacksons (Triumph, single) (1980-Epic) 19. This Place Hotel – The Jacksons (Triumph, track) (1980 - Epic) Disc Two 1. Wanna Be Startin" Something - (Thriller –Special Edition) (1983-Epic) 2. The Girl Is Mine - M.J. & Paul McCartney (Thriller - Special Edition) (1982- Epic) 3. Thriller – (Thriller - Special Edition)(1984- Epic) 4. Beat It – (Thriller - Special Edition) (1983 – Epic) 5. Billie Jean – (Thriller - Special Edition) (1983 –Epic) 6. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - (demo) (1982 – Epic) 7. Someone In The Dark - (The E.T. Storybook) (withdrawn) (1982 MCA) 8. State of Shock – the Jacksons & Mick Jagger (Victory, single) (1984 –Epic) 9. Scared of The Moon – (demo)(1984) 10.We Are The World - (demo)(1985) 11.We Are Here To Change The World - "Captain Eo" (1986) Disc Three 1. Bad -(Bad - Special Edition) (1987 – Epic) 2. The Way You Make Me Feel – (Bad - Special Edition) (1987 – Epic) 3. Man In The Mirror - M.J. and Siedah Garrett (Bad - Special Edition) (1988- Epic) 4. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You - M.J. and Siedah Garrett (Bad - Special Edition)(1987-Epic) 5. Dirty Diana – (Bad - Special Edition) (1988-Epic) 6. Smooth Criminal- (Bad - Special Edition (1988 – Epic) 7. Cheater – (demo)(1987) 8. Dangerous – (early version) 9. Monkey Business – (track) (1989) 10. Jam – (Dangerous - Special Edition)(1992- Epic) 11. Remember The Time – (Dangerous - Special Edition)(1992- Epic) 12. Black or **** – (Dangerous - Special Edition) (1991-Epic) 13. Who Is It (IHS Mix) – (CD single, remix by Brothers) 1993 Epic) 14. Someone Put Your Hand Out (Dangerous Tour/Pepsi exclusive) (1992-Epic) Disc Four 1. You Are Not Alone – (HIStory: Past, Present and Future Book 1) (1995- Epic) 2. Stranger In Moscow – (HIStory: Past, Present and Future Book 1 (1995 –Epic) 3. Childhood - Theme from Free Willy 2 (1995 – Epic) 4. On The Line – (ltd. ed. Minimax UK CD)(1997- Epic) 5. Blood On The Dance Floor – (Blood On The Dancefloor) (1997 - Epic) 6. Fall Again – (demo) (1999) 7. In The Back (track) (2004) 8. Unbreakable – (Invincible (track) (2001 –Epic) 9. You Rock My World – (Invincible) (2001-Epic) 10. Butterflies – (Invincible) (2002-Epic) 11. Beautiful Girl (demo) (1998) 12. The Way You Love Me demo(2000) 13. We"ve Had Enough (2004) * indicates previously unissued recording. Disc Five: Michael Jackson Live In Concert In Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour (Sept. 19, 1992) Set List 1. Jam 2. Wanna Be Startin" Something 3. Human Nature 4. Smooth Criminal 5. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You 6. She"s Out Of My Life 7. I Want You Back/The Love You Save 8. I"ll Be There 9. Thriller 10. Billie Jean 11. Working Day & Night 12. Beat It 13. Will You Be There 14. Black or **** 15. Heal The World 16. Man In The Mirror

麦克尔.杰克逊和JACKSON 5乐队有什么关系?

和 阿信与信乐团的关系一样,MJ从乐队单飞

求____Jack Johnson的中文歌词!.

我已经争取一位天使她不穿着任何的翅膀她穿着一个可以融化我自己的中心她面带一个可以使我想要唱的微笑她给我礼物藉由她的出现孤独的她给我每件事物我可以愿她在唇上给我吻正直的为回家她能制造在低气压时的短暂雷达反射我已经用我自己的眼睛见到它你开始很小心当你你已经得到好爱引起他们在低气压时的短暂雷达反射将会仅仅继续乘你是如此忙碌变更世界只是一个微笑能改变所有我的我们共享相同的灵魂哦表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶 哦哦哦哦 我们共享相同的灵魂哦表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶 哦哦哦哦我们共享相同的灵魂哦表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶 哦哦哦哦哦表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶表示惊讶 哦哦哦哦

Jack Johnson的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Jack Johnson专辑:Sleep Through The StaticJack Johnson - AngelI"ve got an angelShe doesn"t wear any wingsShe wears a heart that could melt my ownShe wears a smile that could make me want to singShe gives me presentsWith her presence aloneShe gives me everything I could wish forShe gives me kisses on the lips just for coming homeShe can make angelsI"ve seen it with my own eyesYou got to be careful when you you"ve got good loveCause them angels will just keep on multiplyingYou"re so busy changing the worldJust one smile can change all of mineWe share the same soulOh oh oh oh oh ohhhWe Share the same soulOh oh oh oh oh ohhhWe Share the same soulOh oh oh oh oh ohhhOh oh oh oh oh ohhhUmm umm umm uhhhhhhmmhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10273576



Joe Pass&Mickey Roker&Milt Jackson&Ray Brown的《Caravan》 歌词

歌曲名:Caravan歌手:Joe Pass&Mickey Roker&Milt Jackson&Ray Brown专辑:A Celebration Of DukeKitaro with Pages - CaravanOnce a long, long time agoSetting out to find our dreamsLost in memories of olden daysSometimes rising in the springGlowing, shining came the sunGolden day beams come through to me nowThose who know the firebirdTry to find forever the dreamsTry to find forever the way, my wayCaravan, journey in the skyAs the sun comes out from the dayCaravan, we know who we areWe discover where or whenCaravan, now we find a loveLove shimmering and soon our love is goneCome with me and take my handMemories of the past unfoldAnd with you I"ll live them once againFrom my beating heart, my handFeel my warmth and love withinAnd I wonder when the spring will comeDo we ever really know for sure?Will we travel on and on?Someday will be standing up but to live.http://music.baidu.com/song/8154290

请帮翻译Michael Jackson《will you be there 》中文歌词,TKS

Will you be there Hold Me (支持我) Like The River Jordan(就像约旦河) And I Will Then Say To Thee (然后我将对你说) You Are My Friend (你是我的朋友) Carry Me(支撑我) Like You Are My Brother (就像你是我的兄弟) Love Me Like A Mother (爱我,像一个母亲) Will You Be There? (你会在那里吗?) Weary (疲倦时) Tell Me Will You Hold Me (告诉我你能否支持我) When Wrong, Will You Skold Me(错误时你会责怪我吗?) When Lost Will You Find Me? (当我迷路,你会寻找我吗?) But They Told Me (但是他们告诉我) A Man Should Be Faithful (男人必须可靠) And Walk When Not Able (在不能行走时行走) And Fight Till The End (在最后的最后战斗) But I"m Only Human (但是我只是一个人) Everyone"s Taking Control Of Me (每人都在寻求控制我) Seems That The World"s Got A Role For Me (看上去我在这世界中有一个角色) I"m So Confused (我是那么困惑) Will You Show To Me(你能否向我展示?) You"ll Be There For Me(你会为了我在那里) And Care Enough To Bear Me (并且细心的承受我) (Hold Me)(支持我) (Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的头) (Softly Then Boldly)(温柔并且大胆) (Carry Me There) (在那里支撑我) (Lead Me)(领着我) (Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并且喂养我) (Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我然后释放我) (I Will Feel Blessed) (我会觉得幸福) (Carry)(支撑) (Carry Me Boldly) (大胆的支撑我) (Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻的举起我) (Carry Me There)(在那里支撑我) (Save Me)(拯救我) (Heal Me And Bathe Me) (治愈我并且沐浴我) (Softly You Say To Me) (你轻声对我说) (I Will Be There) (我会在那里) (Lift Me)(举起我) (Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻的举起我) (Carry Me Boldly)(大胆的支撑我) (Show Me You Care)(向我展示你的细心) (Hold Me)(支持我) (Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的头) (Softly Then Boldly)(温柔并且大胆) (Carry Me There) (在那里支撑我) (Need Me)(需要我) (Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并且喂养我) (Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我并且释放我) (I Will Feel Blessed) (我会觉得幸福) (Spoken)(开始讲话ing) In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair Will You Still Care? Will You Be There? In My Trials And My Tribulations Through Our Doubts And Frustrations In My Violence In My Turbulence Through My Fear And My Confessions In My Anguish And My Pain Through My Joy And My Sorrow In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow I"ll Never Let You Part For You"re Always In My Heart.

with u- janet jackson歌词的中英对照.

Janet Jackson - With U Lyrics with u- janet jackson 与你-珍妮杰克逊Strangely I feel a connection with you babe Oddly enough I crave for it to remain purely More authentic than I"ve been used to Surely this can"t be something that"s taboo cause you Got it like I like it and I feel the need to say Baby it"s forever and I really mean to Make you feel as special as I see you baby Never have I ever been around someone Who makes life so free and life so fun And as crazy as it may sound, I ain"t joking baby Cause when I"m in those arms of yours I"m so gone The things I like Can"t tell me it"s not right When I"m with you I lose myself and no one Can make me do What I can"t wait to do when I"m with you Really I get inspired off you baby Truly I feel alive from you And you"re the only No one else can duplicate you I"d leave the one I have I know It"s sad but damn you Got it like I like it and I feel the need To say baby it"s forever and I really mean to Make you feel as special as I see you baby Never have I been around someone Who makes life so free and life so fun And as crazy as it may sound I ain"t joking baby Cause when I"m in those arms of yours I"m so gone The things I like Can"t tell me it"s not right When I"m with you I lose myself and no one Can make me do What I can"t wait to do when I"m with you The times that we"ve shared together Are some of the best times of my life I wish you were the one I could be with forever Cause when I"m with you I don"t want tomorrow to come And if I had my way I"d spend every day and night in your arms So let me lay here And feel what happiness feels like And wish for it to last because Tomorrow it"s back to real life Until then I"ll just keep dreaming Cause when I"m in those arms of yours I"m so gone The things I like Can"t tell me it"s not right When I"m with you I lose myself and no one Can make me do What I can"t wait to do when I"m with you


  我直接贴了。。。。  你将就看吧  故事背景:  1888年–伦敦–白教堂区  阴暗的小街道终年被灰茫茫的雾幕所笼罩着,隐藏在这层雾幕底下的是伦敦百年来的奇案,  全英国人民无不希望这名对白教堂区治安投下震撼弹的恶魔–开膛手杰克早日被绳之以法。  为此福尔摩斯与华生誓言将开膛手杰克的神秘面纱给揭开。  苏格兰警场则派出干练的Lestrade警探带着大批警网试图终结这份恶行  威廉.古尔医生亦奉英女王之命前来提供科学上的帮助  伦敦街头的民众们–灯夫约翰.史密斯、明星日报的记者杰洛米.伯特、  巡佐古德烈中士以及神秘的女性史黛西,也为了重新寻回白教堂区的安定和平,  纷纷投入这场追捕的行动中。  此时不幸的消息传来–在伦敦街头展开血腥杀戮的开膛手杰克,  其真实身份正是这八人围捕行列中的其中一人。  随着每个人的不在场证明一一揭露,开膛手杰克的真实身分也呼之欲出,  然而教堂的第八声钟响是围捕团队的最终期限第八声钟响终了时,  这件案子将被正式列为英国百年来最大悬案。  开膛手杰克表面上装做协助团队搜索,  心中却计划着要如何利用天时与地利躲过这场追捕  –应该试图在没有目击者的情况逃离白教堂区,  抑或是不动声色的隐藏在人群中,待这场闹剧无疾而终?  这是2006年推出的两人对战推理游戏,目前排名在BGG第六十名左右  之前就很想入手,刚好看到有人想换游戏,所以就赶紧跟他连络  因为手上一直缺少一套两人对战的游戏,这样暑假回家时可以跟我弟厮杀个几场  这游戏同时获得以下大奖  2007年国际游戏奖  最佳双人游戏  2008年美国游戏杂志选拔最佳  最佳家庭游戏提名  游戏目标  扮演杰克的玩家的胜利条件-  1.过了8回合之后仍未被抓到  2.在"阴影"状态下走到出口  3.警察玩家宣告抓人时抓错了  扮演警察玩家的胜利条件-  使用一个非杰克的角色移动到跟杰克角色同一格  如果杰克是真的凶手,则警察获胜  如果抓错了,杰克获胜。  游戏流程  游戏总共会进行8回合  一开始杰克要从八张不在场证明卡中抽取一张,此人就是凶手,因为他没有不在场证明  1.选择人物并移动-执行能力  第一回合由八张角色卡翻开4张,警察先选一张,在版图上移动该角色并执行能力  接下来由杰克选2个角色移动并执行能力,最后警察移动剩下的角色并执行能力  第二回合翻开剩下的4个角色,杰克先选,警察选两个,然后杰克选最后一个  接下来回合依此类推。  简而言之,就是说奇数回合是  警察>小偷>小偷>警察  偶数回合是  小偷>警察>警察>小偷  2.杰克宣告身份是否被揭露  如果凶手是在路灯旁边格位或是在任何其他角色旁边,  就要把状态卡翻到现身(下图左边),反之则翻到匿踪(下图右边)。  然后扮演杰克的玩家将场中所有不符这个状况的角色  (比方揭示为现身,那么不符状况者就是场中所有本回合匿踪的角色)  都翻成洗脱嫌疑的状态 (棋子灰色的面朝上),  在接下来的游戏中该角色不可能是犯人了。  3.移除路灯  第1/2/3/4回合会分别移除1/2/3/4号路灯  4.回合结束  角色能力 (角色如未注明则能力一定要使用)  1.Sherlock Holmes:  移动一到三格。  移动结束后从不在场证明牌库最上层抽一张盖着放在自己前面。  2.John H. Watson:  移动一到三格。  选一个方向(角色指示物上有箭头),  该方向向前延伸直到碰到障碍物(建筑/路灯)为止,  在该范围的角色视为在路灯旁边(但是他自己不算站在路灯旁边)。  3.John Smith:  移动一到三格。  移动一个路灯板块到"已经关掉的路灯"格位。  可以选择在移动前或移动后执行能力。  4.Inspector Lestrade:  移动一到三格,移动一个警察哨(可自由选择要在移动前或移动后执行)  5.Miss Stealthy:[能力没有一定要执行]  移动一到四格。移动中可以穿过建筑物、街灯、花园。  但最后一定要停留在街道上。  6.Sergeant Goodley:  移动一到三格。  有三点移动点可以使用,可以将其他角色拉近,  三点可任意分配在一个或多个角色上。  可以选择在移动前或移动后执行能力。  7.Sir William Gull:(能力没有一定要执行)  移动一到三格。  可以不移动,直接跟目标角色换位置。  8.Jeremy Bert:  移动一到三格。  移动"关掉的地下通道"板块到"开启的地下通道"格位。  这能力可在移动前或移动后执行。  Tile及格子的说明  1. 何谓街道或建筑物:灰色空格或是有下水道口标示的格子都是街道,  其余格子都是建筑物。(人孔盖亦算街道)  2. 警察哨:两个警察哨需要放在4个出口其中两个,  杰克只能从另外两个没有警察哨的出口离开。  3. 下水道口:站在下水道口的角色,可以花一点移动点穿过下水道从另一个开着的下水道口格子出来。  盖着人孔盖的格子不能进入下水道也不能从下水道出来(可以停留在上面)。  4. 路灯:有路灯Tile在的路灯格代表灯是开着,可以照亮邻接的格子,  当该token被拿走就代表路灯熄了。  附送 在线的mr http://mrjack.hurricangames.com/

Jack Vidgen的《Yes I Am》 歌词

歌曲:Yes I Am(中英对照) 歌手:Sophie Zelmani I am tired, yes I am 我累了,是的我累了 I"m a coward, yes I am 我是个懦弱的人,是的我是的 Now I understand 现在我懂了 how long I"ve been a canting woman 这么久我一直是个伪善的女人 You say, that something"s wrong 你说,那有些不对劲 Today, and many more will e 今天,以及即将到来的那些日子 Though I really longed 虽然我真的渴望 I want you to leave me alone 我想你就让我去吧 la la la la. 啦 啦啦啦... I had to ask my friends 我不得不询问了我的朋友们 our excuses never ends 我们的借口永远没有底 I"m just a lazy, bored 我只是个懒惰,乏味的人 *** to selldom there are good results 这样很难有好的结果 la la la la. 啦 啦啦啦... I think about this all the time 我整天都在想这件事情 I can admit how bad it rimes 我承认这压韵很烂 I want you, yes I do 我想你,是的 我想你 music.baidu/song/11277436

michael jackson 的you are my life中文歌词

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