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Issac Newtonuff081642-1727uff09uff0cthe great british scientist,was often so deep in his thoughts that he wo

Isaac Newton(1642—1727),the great British scientist,was often so deep in his thoughts that he would forget to eat his dinner. One day a friend of his came to dine with him.Dinner was put on the table but Newton did not come out of his study.His friend, who was used to Newton"s peculiar ways,sat down and waited for him.After waiting for quite a good while he decided that Newton must have been so deep in some new theory that he had forgotten all about his dinner.He therefore began eating the dinner without waiting for Newton and helped himself to the chicken which was on the table. When he had finished, he thought he would pay a trick on his friend.He put all the chicken bones back on the dish and covered them with the dish cover.Then he quietly left Newton"s house.He was quite certain that his trick would work. Several hours later,Newtou came out of his study,feeling very hungry.He saw the table had been set for dinner and so he sat down at his place.When he lifted the cover and saw the bones of the chicken,he was greatly surprised.He turned,looked at the clock,and saw that it was long past his usual time for dinner. “Well,well,”he said to himself,“I thought I had not yet dined,but I see I am mistaken.” Getting up form the table, he went back to his study and began to work again,thinking that he had eaten his dinner at the usual hour and forgotten all about it.牛顿(1642—1727),伟大的英国科学家,他经常在沉思中忘了吃饭。 一天, 一位朋友来与他一起进餐。饭已经摆在桌子上,但牛顿还没从他的书房出来。他的朋友已经习惯牛顿的古怪的作风,就坐下来等他。等了好长一段时间后,他确信牛顿一定是沉浸在一些新理论中完全忘记了用餐。他因此不等牛顿开始用餐,并自己把桌子上的鸡拿来吃了。 当他吃完了,他想和他的朋友开个玩笑。他把全部的鸡骨头放回盘子里用盖子盖住。然后他悄悄离开牛顿的家。他十分确定这个玩笑会发生效果。 几个小时后,牛顿从他的书房出来,感到很饿。他看到桌子已经摆好准备吃饭就在他的位置坐下。当他揭开盖子看到鸡骨头,非常吃惊。他转过头,看着钟表,看到已经过了他平常吃饭时间很长一段。 “好,好”他自言自语道,“我以为没有吃饭,看来我错了。”他从桌子旁站起来,回到书房又开始工作,他以为他在平常吃饭的时间已经吃过了,只是完全忘记了。

isaac和issac 有什么区别?是什么意思?怎么念?帮帮忙


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英国物理学家数学家牛顿(Issac Newton. 1643-1727年)曾提出了物体在常温环境下温度变化的冷却模型。如果

牛顿(1643-1727) - 英国物理学家,数学家。出生于林肯郡的一个小镇,英国,乌尔分割。在牛顿出生前三个月,他的父亲去世,母亲改嫁他人,两年后的牛顿离开他的祖母。牛顿的天才很早就显示。 牛顿的最佳开局在一所农村学校,12岁,离家戈蓝色文法学校。在盖蓝色,他在当地的宿舍,并最终和药剂师的继女从事药剂师。 1661年,这是19岁,牛顿进入剑桥大学三一学院学习。在那里,牛顿沉浸在学习和忽视的未婚妻,药剂师的继女嫁给别人。后来牛顿终身未婚。 在那个时代,大学教授亚里士多德的理论,但更感兴趣的是当代哲学家,如笛卡尔,伽利略,哥白尼,开普勒和牛顿对于。在1665年,他发现了二项式定理,同年他获得了文学学士学位。瘟疫爆发后不久,学校被迫关闭,牛顿回到家乡继续他的研究。在接下来的两年里,牛顿微积分,光学和万有引力做出了突出的问题。 1667牛顿回到剑桥。 1669年10月27日,牛顿被选为卢卡斯数学教授。 1672年起他被接纳为皇家学会会员,1703年当选为英国皇家学会主席,直到他去世。 1696牛顿任造币厂监督,在1699年,他被晋升为主任,在1705年,由于货币改革积极封爵。 1727年3月31日,牛顿患肾结石病医治无效,在伦敦郊区的肯辛顿公寓了,葬在伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂



Issac是什么意思,假如说I Issac又是什么意思,请详细点解释

是个名字,比如著名的英国科学家牛顿就是Issac Newton

Isaac 和 Issac这两个英文名是一样的吗

Issac 艾萨克isaac 伊赛克读音都不一样在歪果仁看起来就跟王 汪有什么区别一样吧


meaning "he will laugh"