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扩展是:QQ Mail plugin for firefox 插件是:QQMail plugin超大附件扩展是:Tencent Storage plugin for firefox 用QQ邮箱发超大附件的时候,他会提醒你,直接就可以安装

the out man sat near the fire特殊疑问句


onmouseover事件 在firefox和谷歌上不触发

$("input").hover(function() { $("#div1").show(); },function() { $("#div1").hide();});

Dire Straits的《Skateaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Skateaway歌手:Dire Straits专辑:Love Over Gold / Making MoviesDire StraitsSkateawayI seen a girl on a one way corridorStealing down a wrong way streetFor all the world like an urban toreadorShe had wheels on on her feetWell the cars do the usual dancesSames old cruise and the kerbside crawlBut the rollergirl shes taking chancesThey just love to see her take them allNo fears alone at night shes sailing through the crowdIn her ears the phones are tight and the musics playing loudHallelujah here she comes queens rollerballEnchante what can I say dont care at allYou know she used to have to wait aroundShe used to be the lonely oneBut now that she can skate around townShes the only oneNo fears alone at night shes sailing through the crowdIn her ears the phones are tight and the musics playing loudShe gets rock n roll a rock n roll stationAnd a rock n roll dreamShes making movies on locationShe dont know what it meansBut the music make her wanna be the storyAnd the story was whatever was the song what it wasRollergirl dont worryD.j. play the movies all night longShe tortures taxi drivers just for funShe like to read their lipsSays toro toro taxi see ya tomorrow my sonI swear she let a big truck graze her hipShe got her own world in the cityYou cant intrude on herShe got her own world in the cityCos the citys been so rude to herNo fears alone at night shes sailing through the crowdIn her ears the phones are tight and the musics playing loudShe gets rock n roll a rock n roll stationAnd a rock n roll dreamShes making movies on locationShe dont know what it meansBut the music make her wanna be the storyAnd the story was whatever was the song what it wasRollergirl dont worryD.j. play the movies all night longCome slippin and a slidinLifes a rollerballSlippin and a slidinSkateaway thats allShala shalay hey hey skateawayShes singing shala shalay hey heySkateaway

firefox browser是什么意思

Firefox browser [词典] 火狐浏览器; [例句]This parameter starts an instance of the Firefox browser.这个参数启动一个Firefox浏览器实例。


通知所有侦听器,已更新 [某行, 某列] 处的单元格值。你要修改单元格内容啊?



js cookie expires为session是什么意思

var date=new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+30*60*1000); //设置date为当前时间+30分 document.cookie="key=value; expires="+date.toGMTString(); //将date赋值给expires

在配H3C的路由器时,有一条这样的命令,ip ttl-expires enable,不知道是什么意思,求解释

ip ttl-expires enable作用是tracert路径中的设备对tracert报文的ttl-1进行"回复ttl超时",使得源设备能记录途中设备地址。这条命令开启后,tracert的下一跳设备的地址就会显示。ip unreachables enable作用是目的设备回复“目的端口不可达”,使得源设备知道已到达目的设备,记录目的设备地址。这条命令是针对目的设备的,如果目的设备不配置,tracert只显示沿途设备地址,目标设备不会显示回显路径,你只会看到* * *




在asp页面中,通常会有这样的设置。 Response.ExpiresAbsolute=now()-1‘设置过期时间的绝对值为当前时间-1,即出来后就过期了

h3c s5500 交换机中出现这样一句:undo ip ttl-expires 请问这是什么意思啊

ip ttl-expires enable命令用来开启设备的ICMP超时报文的发送功能。undo ip ttl-expires命令用来关闭设备的ICMP超时报文的发送功能。缺省情况下,ICMP超时报文发送功能处于关闭状态。需要注意的是,关闭ICMP超时报文发送功能后,设备不会再发送“TTL超时”ICMP差错报文,但“重组超时”ICMP差错报文仍会正常发送。

php setcookie(name, value, expires, path, domain,

   setcookie() 定义一个和其余的 HTTP 标头一起发送的 cookie 和其它标头一样 cookie 必须在脚本的任何其它输出之前发送(这是协议限制) 这 需要将本函数的调用放到任何输出之前 包括 <> 和 <head> 标签以及任何空格 如果在调用 setcookie() 之前有任何输出 本函数将失败并返回 FALSE 如果 setcookie() 函数成功运行 将返回 TRUE 这并不说明用户是否接受了 cookie 函数定义 bool setcookie ( string name [ string value [ int expire [ string path [ string domain [ bool secure]]]]] ) setcookie() 参数详解 参数        说明 举例 name cookie的名字 使用 $_COOKIE[ cookiename ] 调用名为 cookiename 的 cookie value cookie的值 存放在客户端 不要存放敏感数据 假定 name 是 cookiename 可以通过 $_COOKIE[ cookiename ] 取得其值 expire   Cookie 过期的时间 这是个 Unix 时间戳 即从 Unix 纪元开始的秒数      换而言之 通常用 time() 函数再加上秒数来设定 cookie 的失效期   或者用 mktime() 来实现    time()+ * * * 将设定 cookie 天后失效   如果未设定 cookie 将会在会话结束后(一般是浏览器关闭)失效 path Cookie 在服务器端的有效路径   如果该参数设为 / 的话 cookie 就在整个 domain 内有效   如果设为 /foo/ cookie 就只在 domain 下的 /foo/ 目录及其子目录内有效 例如 /foo/bar/   默认值为设定 cookie 的当前目录 domain 该 cookie 有效的域名   要使 cookie 能在如 example 域名下的所有子域都有效的话 该参数应该设为 example   虽然 并不必须的 但加上它会兼容更多的浏览器   如果该参数设为 example 的话 就只在 子域内有效   细节见Cookie 规范中的 tail matching secure   指明 cookie 是否仅通过安全的 HTTPS 连接传送   当设成 TRUE 时 cookie 仅在安全的连接中被设置 默认值为 FALSE 或    例子 setcookie() 发送例子 复制代码 代码如下: $value = something from somewhere ; setcookie("TestCookie" $value); setcookie("TestCookie" $value time()+ ); /* expire in hour */ setcookie("TestCookie" $value time()+ "/~ra *** us/" " utoronto ca" );    注意 cookie 中值的部分在发送的时候会被自动用 urlencode 编码并在接收到的时候被自动解码并把值赋给与自己同名的 cookie 变量 如果不想这样并且在使用 PHP 的话 可以用 setrawcookie() 来代替 下面这个简单的例子可以得到刚才所设定的 cookie 的值 复制代码 代码如下: <?php // 输出单独的 cookie echo $_COOKIE["TestCookie"]; echo $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["TestCookie"]; // 另一个调试的方法就是输出所有的 cookie print_r($_COOKIE); ?>    要删除 cookie 需要确保它的失效期是在过去 才能触发浏览器的删除机制 下面的例子说明了如何删除刚才设置的 cookie 例子 setcookie() 删除例子 复制代码 代码如下: // 将过期时间设为一小时前 setcookie("TestCookie" "" time() ); setcookie("TestCookie" "" time() "/~ra *** us/" " utoronto ca" );    也可以通过在 cookie 名称中使用数组符号来设定数组 cookie 可以设定多个 cookie 作为数组单元 在脚本提取 cookie 时所有的值都放在一个数组种 例子 setcookie() 中使用数组的例子 复制代码 代码如下: <?php // 设定 cookie setcookie("cookie[three]" "cookiethree"); setcookie("cookie[o]" "cookieo"); setcookie("cookie[one]" "cookieone"); // 刷新页面后 显示出来 if (isset($_COOKIE[ cookie ])) { foreach ($_COOKIE[ cookie ] as $name => $value) { echo "$name : $value <br />n"; } } ?> lishixinzhi/Article/program/PHP/201311/21055

英语offer expires怎么翻译?






DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思?


Response.Expires=0 有什么作用


response.expires = 0 和 response.expires = -1的区别


爬虫 爬出expires=Thu, 01-Dec-1994 16:00:00 GMT什么意思?




response.expires = 0 和 response.expires = -1的区别



expires end(银行卡的)有效期直译为:到期结束expiresv.期满( expire的第三人称单数 ); 文件、协议等(因到期而)失效; 断气; 逝世


Cache-Control响应头信息包括:max-age=[秒] — 执行缓存被认为是最新的最长时间。类似于过期时间,这个参数是基于请求时间的相对时间间隔,而不是绝对过期时间,[秒]是一个数字,单位是秒:从请求时间 开始到过期时间之间的秒数。s-maxage=[秒] — 类似于max-age属性,除了他应用于共享(如:代理服务器)缓存public — 标记认证内容也可以被缓存,一般来说: 经过HTTP认证才能访问的内容,输出是自动不可以缓存的;no-cache — 强制每次请求直接发送给源服务器,而不经过本地缓存版本的校验。这对于需要确认认证应用很有用(可以和public结合使用),或者严格要求使用最新数据 的应用(不惜牺牲使用缓存的所有好处);no-store — 强制缓存在任何情况下都不要保留任何副本must-revalidate — 告诉缓存必须遵循所有你给予副本的新鲜度的,HTTP允许缓存在某些特定情况下返回过期数据,指定了这个属性,你高速缓存,你希望严格的遵循你的规则。proxy-revalidate — 和 must-revalidate类似,除了他只对缓存代理服务器起作用举例:Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate



document.cookie = "testcookie=yes;expires=60*60*24*365";


html中expires设定网页期限 一旦过期就要去服务器重新调阅。 什么叫网页过期?怎么算是过



超过了设置的时间后,数据应该是没有了的 对吧,可是在浏览器上还是存在,是不是timeout失效问题?回答楼上的:Session本身的保存机制,是通过服务器端保存,也就是你在向服务器请求时,会发过去一个SessionID,而服务器根据你这个ID查找他的应用程序池里边是不是有这个ID对应的数据,也就是Session是否过期。而浏览器存在的网页是你以前请求的Html.他会一直存在。

cookie 的expires:30 具体意味着什么? 是从产生cookie后30天自动删除 还是

应该是给cookie状态设置为过期,你可以参考:------------------------给cookie设置终止日期:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //获取当前时间 var date=new Date(); var expiresDays=10; //将date设置为10天以后的时间 date.setTime(date.getTime()+expiresDays*24*3600*1000); //将userId和userName两个cookie设置为10天后过期 document.cookie="userId=828; userName=hulk; expires="+date.toGMTString(); //--> </script> ------------------------------删除cookie:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //获取当前时间 var date=new Date(); //将date设置为过去的时间 date.setTime(date.getTime()-10000); //将userId这个cookie删除 document.cookie="userId=828; expires="+date.toGMTString(); //--> </script>




c#中 Response.Cookies["youwant"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(31);


具体代码如下:<?php $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $file_contents = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $file_contents; ?> PHP 独特的语法混合了C、Java、Perl以及PHP自创的语法。它可以比CGI或者Perl更快速地执行动态网页。用PHP做出的动态页面与其他的编程语言相比,PHP是将程序嵌入到HTML(标准通用标记语言下的一个应用)文档中去执行,执行效率比完全生成HTML标记的CGI要高许多;PHP还可以执行编译后代码,编译可以达到加密和优化代码运行,使代码运行更快。



DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思?

EXPIRES: 07-31-2011,具体意思是失效日期为2011年7月31日,表示该表格在2011年7月31日之前有效,过期无法申请签证。DS2019这个是去美国交换学者身份的一个表格。DS2019表是你去美国的最有先决条件的一张表格,在没有这张表格以前,你填写DS156 157 158。在签证面谈前, 所有申请人都必须填写DS-156电子签证申请表。所有年满16岁的申请人还需填写DS-157签证申请表。另外,所有申请F(学生)、J(交流访问学者)和M(职业技术培训学生)签证的申请人以及家属签证申请人(F-2、J-2及 M-2)还必须填写DS-158签证申请表格都是没有意义的。DS2019表是你要申请的单位给你签发一张包涵有你的个人信息和他们的同意许可,还有你赴美学习或者工作的单位信息的表格,上面会有你的SEVIS号码。它的作用就是告诉签证官,“我这个单位是要你的,我这边已经通过了你的申请”,相当于你被“邀请”了。那签证官才会明白你去美国是在什么地方做什么要呆多长时间,也才会考虑下一步核实的你其他个人信息。sevis是存放学生和交流访问学者信息的系统。这个系统用来存放有关非移民学生(持F和M签证)、交流访问学者(持J签证)及其家属(持F-2,M-2和J-2签证)准确、当前的信息,以便学校和项目赞助者能够在该学生和交流访问学者在美停留整个期间通过互联网向国土安全部和国务院发送必须提供的信息,并在情况有所改变时发送通知。相当于你在美国的身份信息,网上交钱后会有一个属于你就注册进入美国国家国土安全部的的认证信息里,会在线生成一个国土安全号码给你,类似于你在美国的外国人身份证号码。这个也是在签证是要有的。

建行龙卡信用卡 如何查看expires end



有效限期, 失效日期

evus 查看状态的页面 expires 显示的是 护照的到期时间吗? 还是签证的?



“response.expires=-1”的意思是,缓存已经过期,禁止缓存的意思。Response.expires 该属性指定了在浏览器上缓冲存储的页,距过期还有多少时间。1、在Asp页面首部加入Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "No-Cache"2、在HtML代码中加入<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0"></HEAD>3、在重新调用原页面的时候在给页面传一个参数Href="****.asp?random()"4、<body onLoad="javascriptocument.yourFormName.reset()">5、Content.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCaxheability,NoCache);Response.Expires的使用一般,response.expires写在页面的最上端,后面跟的是一个时间,就是过期的时间1、语法Response.Expires [= number]2、参数number距过期还有多少分钟。将此参数设置为 0 可使缓存的页立即过期。3、注释若此属性在一页上设置了多次,则使用最短的时间。4、Response.Expires的使用说明设置Response.Expires为负数或者0,就禁止了缓存。对Response.expires=0也表示立即过期,但如果client和server不在一个时区或者client的时间早于server上的时间,则不能立即过期。所以用负数或者用Response.ExpiresAbsolute=now()-1来表示立即过期,response.expires=1表示在1分钟后过期。

DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思?

同问,我的也是一样。form covers period: From 10-01-2011 to 09-30-2012. DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思? 我预约8月15日签证,是不是2019表过期?

Feel The Fire 歌词

Down in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Joe McElderry专辑:Wide AwakeJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire (Lp Version)歌手:Peabo Bryson专辑:Bedroom Classics, Vol. 2Joe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Stephanie Mills专辑:GoldJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:The Fatback Band专辑:Beach Party Dance Mix AlbumJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Robert Bradley S Blackwater Surprise专辑:New GroundJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Peabo Bryson专辑:Reaching For The SkyJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Joe Lynn Turner专辑:Rescue YouJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me



向某人要求什么,是require sb of sth 还是require sth. of sb

require sb sth , Require 是一个及物动词


Ask: 一般情况下“问”(往往期望答复);要求;ask for请求; ask after 问候 eg. The teacher asked me about my study. Require:要求(require of sb.;sth. require doing = require to be done)有时指上对下的“要求”。 eg.The task requires of us still greater efforts. The windows require repairing. = The windows require to be repaired. The court required that he should pay the fine.

向某人要求什么,是require sb of sth 还是require sth. of sb

看到几个回答有点误人子弟,忍不住说几句——requiresthofsb在某些复杂用法中是对的仅就固定用法来说,require 有三种常见搭配,(有些用法字典上查require是查不到的,但是你不能说这种用法是错的,语言的搭配是很复杂的,不能因为字典上或者参考书上没有,你就说它是错的): 1.require+thatclause+虚拟省should 2.requiresb.todosth. 3.requiresthofsb.that+虚拟语气省略should+do/be 解释为:对某人有某物的要求这种用法有两个变体:3-1 sth.berequiredsb.todo3-2 reuqireofsb.that (sth的部分由于过长,比如是个that从句,则句子倒装)下面是两个OG(新托福官方指南)的例子,需要注意的地方我加粗了: OG181Becauseoftheenormousresearchanddevelopmentexpendituresrequired ______intheelectronicsindustry,anindustrymarkedbybyrapidinnovationandvolatiledemand,suchfirmstendtobeverylarge.A.tosurviveB.offirmstosurviveC.forsurvivingD.forsurvivalE.forfirms"survivalTheanswerisB109.LegislationintheCanadianprovinceofOntariorequiresofbothpublicandprivateemployers______usuallyheldbymen. (A)thatpaybethesameforjobshistoricallyheldbywomenasforjobsrequiringcomparableskillthatare (B)thatpayforjobshistoricallyheldbywomenshouldbethesameasforajobrequiringcomparableskills (C)topaythesameinjobshistoricallyheldbywomenasinjobsofcomparableskillthatare (D)topaythesameregardlessofwhetherajobwashistoricallyheldbywomenorisonedemandingcomparableskills (E) topayasmuchforjobshistoricallyheldbywomenasforajobdemandingcomparableskillsTheanswerisA


您好:requiresbdoing中doing是主动形式表被动含义,是非谓语动词。理由如下:require doing sth 需要被做 = require to be donerequire接含有被动意义的非谓语动词时,不定式表示被动结构,而动名词表示主动结构

如何处理php服务器端requires ext-gd 报错



require do sth.require doing sth.


require没有副词。 Pancreatic abscess obviously requires drainage . 胰腺脓肿显然需要引流。 What was most required by citizens ? 城里的人最需要的是什么东西? My duties require clearer definition . 我的职责需要更清楚的说明。 In fact it requires at least n generators . 事实上,它至少要有n个元素。 It requires a lot of talking to convince him . 要说服他很费口舌。 It does not require an impediment to the flow . 它不会造成对流力的干扰。 The project requires a tremendous amount of money . 工程所需,不啻万金。 This argument requires a specific explanation . 这一论点需要具体的阐述。

单片机C语言编译错误: requires ANSI- style prototype?

单片机C语言编译错误:requires ANSI-style prototype是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、打开Keil后选择【File】下的【new】新建一个空白文档。将编辑好的程序源码复制到该文件中。2、选择左上角的保存按钮进行保存,将弹出保存对话框。3、选择保存路径和编辑文件名。记住,这里的文件名很重要,如果你是C语言程序的话,加上.c后缀,如果你是用汇编语言,加上.ASM后缀。这样,Keil就能自动识别你的文件类型了。4、现在你就可以将保存的文件添加到项目中了,项目文件要提前在[Project]中新建。右击选择【Source Group1】点击【Add Files to Group..。5、在弹出的对话框中选择[文件类型]为All files,这个很关键。然后选择你要添加的文件。点击Add添加。6、切换到[output]选项卡选中【Create HEX FILE】,就可以在编译成功后自动生成.hex文件。编译按钮在左上角3个按钮,从左到右依次点击,如果源码没错,都可以编译通过了。

单片机C语言编译错误:requires ANSI-style prototype

需要要把调用的子函数放到main前面,或者在main函数前面先把需要调用的子函数定义声明一下。requires ANSI-style prototype的意思是:需要ANSI样式原型。扩展资料单片机汇编指令是为解决某些特定的问题代码中必须嵌入汇编语言以代替C语言完成的单片机的编程,汇编语言对于程序调试是不可或缺的。它包括:算术操作类指令,布尔变量操作类指令,逻辑操作数指令,控制转移类指令。直接使用汇编指令编写单片机程序,对硬件的控制更加直接,可以直接操作物理地址,寄存器,端口等;其它更高级的语言对硬件的控制是依赖于类库来实现的。对于一些对程序大小和运行速度有非常严苛要求的项目,都必须使用汇编指令。C语言只是为了方便编写,与机器打交道的都是2进制代码。参考资料来源:百度百科-单片机参考资料来源:百度百科-汇编语言参考资料来源:百度百科-单片机汇编指令


1,词性不同。request可以做名词和动词,英 [rɪˈkwest],美 [rɪˈkwɛst],做名词表示要求;需要;所请求的事物;申请书。做动词表示(下级对上级的)请求;请求得到;索取;邀请[常接不定式或从句]。而require只能做动词,英 [rɪˈkwaɪə(r)],美 [rɪˈkwaɪr],表示需要;要求;想要;命令。例句1,They made a request for further aid. 他们要求再给一些帮助。例句2,These pets require a lot of care and attention. 这些宠物需要悉心照顾。2,作为要求的意思来讲,二者的强调点不同。request 强调非常正式,有礼貌地请求或恳求,有时含有担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味,多见于下对上的要求,也常用于通告中。require 强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律以及其他客观情况等而提出的要求,命令和规定。例句1,They requested him to leave. 他们要求他离开。例句2,The rules also require employers to provide safety training.这些规定还要求雇主提供安全培训。3,语法上的使用有所不同。require和request都可以接宾语 + to +动词原形,但require + 动名词时,主动形式的动名词具有被动意义,而 request无此种用法。另外require在表示要求,规定时多用于被动语态。例句1,They required me to keep silent. 他们要求我保持沉默。例句2,The letter requested us to leave the house within six weeks. 这封信要求我们在六周内搬出这所房子。例句3,All candidates will be required to take a short test. 所有候选者都要参加一个小测验。此处使用被动语态。例句4,The house requires repairing . 这个房子需要修缮了。


require是动词词性,通常用于及物动词和不及物动词,有需要,要求,命令,规定,想要等含义。也可引导宾语从句。 require的释义 vt.需要; 要求; 想要; 命令; vi.要求,规定; 第三人称单数:requires 现在分词:requiring 过去式:required 过去分词:required require的用法 1.require sth 需要,依靠 These pets require a lot of care and attention. 这些宠物需要悉心照顾。 2.require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 At the beginning of the new term, all students will be required to take a short test. 在新学期的开始,所有学生都要参加一次小测试。 3.require doing sth 需要做某事 This book is required reading for this course. 这本书是这本课程的指定读物。 4.require that + 从句 需要,要求 在require引导的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“should +动词原形”,should可省略。 The situation required that he (should) be present. 这种情形需要他在场。


requires是用在第三人称单数后 require [ri"kwaiu0259] vt. 需要,要求 vi. 要求,命令 vt. 需要,要求 vi. 要求,命令 词形变化 时 态:re·quired, re·quir·ing, re·quires 名 词:re·quir"er 形容词:re·quir"a·ble My duties require clearer definition. 我的职责需要更清楚的说明. The arduous task requires of us still greater efforts. 这项艰巨的任务需要我们做出更大的努力. Dentures require a strong fixative. 粘假牙需用强力固定剂. The concept of face and back loops requires an observer. 正面线圈或反面线圈的确定需要由观察者决定. She came in to apprise me that my presence was required. 她进来通知我(有事)需要我出面. To move house requires forward planning. 要搬家得先做好计画. Playing the piano well requires a lot of practice. 要弹好钢琴就得多练习. The plan requires careful thought. 这计划需要仔细考虑.


require 要求need 需要



requires 后动词要用原型?


require 和requires的用法疑问


单片机C语言编译错误:requires ANSI-style prototype


单片机C语言编译错误:requires ANSI-style prototype

单片机C语言编译错误:requires ANSI-style prototype是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、打开Keil后选择【File】下的【new】新建一个空白文档。将编辑好的程序源码复制到该文件中。2、选择左上角的保存按钮进行保存,将弹出保存对话框。3、选择保存路径和编辑文件名。记住,这里的文件名很重要,如果你是C语言程序的话,加上.c后缀,如果你是用汇编语言,加上.ASM后缀。这样,Keil就能自动识别你的文件类型了。4、现在你就可以将保存的文件添加到项目中了,项目文件要提前在[Project]中新建。右击选择【Source Group1】点击【Add Files to Group..。5、在弹出的对话框中选择[文件类型]为All files,这个很关键。然后选择你要添加的文件。点击Add添加。6、切换到[output]选项卡选中【Create HEX FILE】,就可以在编译成功后自动生成.hex文件。编译按钮在左上角3个按钮,从左到右依次点击,如果源码没错,都可以编译通过了。







主板的数据写的多显卡支持: CrossFire 是什么意思?我应该着怎样的显卡?

交火 就是支持多张显卡同时工作一起发挥最高性能。

cf登陆失败,显示crossfire error,怎么回事

crossfire error译成中文是:串扰误差。解决方案:1、检查网络是否正常,排除方法登陆网页查看,能正常登陆网页即排除网络原因,也可通过测速软件实测网络是否通畅;2、排除维护、更新,进入官网查看公告即可排除;3、排除显卡驱动过老过旧,更新显卡驱动至最新版后(也可以到官网查看配置,下载最新显卡驱动),查看能否正常登陆;4、排除电脑系统与游戏冲突,可重新下载重新安装游戏。5、按上述办法均不能解决的,请重做电脑系统。6、上述均无效的,重做电脑分区,重做电脑系统,重新安装游戏,顺序不可乱。



[穿越火线] crossfire.exe 是个什么文件?


华擎 B75 Pro3要运用到CrossFire选哪个显卡

上个华硕7770 总比你 cf 强!!!







CF提示crossfire.exe 玩不了怎么解决


crossfire.exe 应用程序错误

如果只出现一次,不要管它,一般没什么问题,如果屡次出现(如开关机时),以下方法也不是万能的,实在不行删除有问题的软件,重新安装,或者重装系统(不想自己慢慢试可以这样)内存指令不能read,这是在电脑使用中经常出现的问题,内存是主板上的存储部件,是CPU直接与之沟通,并用其存放当前正在使用的(即执行中)的数据和命令的重要部件。当你用键盘或鼠标输入某个命令后,CPU就会解释命令并将指令或程式载入到内存中,这样程序才能够被执行。而一旦内存发生问题了,程序就不能被执行,因此就产生了前面我们提到的“该内存不能为read或written”错误的警告。当然,出现了“该内存不能为read或written”的故障也不一定都是内存的问题,电脑中了病毒或木马以及运行的程序本身的Bug也会造成这种现象。很难分清究竟是什么原因造成的,一时半会不好排除,但没关系,按确定、取消,重启,即可。感兴趣的网友可用下述办法试着去解决: 1、打开的程序太多,如果同时打开的文档过多或者运行的程序过多,没有足够的内存运行其他程序,要随时关闭不用的程序和窗口。 2、自动运行的程序太多,关闭一些启动程序, 开始-运行-Msconfig---启动 ,除杀毒软件、输入法外一般的程序都可以关掉。 3、物理内存过小,加大物理内存;内存和主板没插好或其他硬件不兼容 重插内存或换个插槽 ;双内存不兼容 ,要使用同品牌的内存或只要一条内存 ;劣质内存条或内存条坏了 更换内存条;合理设置虚拟内存。 4、市电电压过大的波动,或者PC机上使用劣质电源,都会给内存带来损害,更换功率大、质量好的电源。 5、PC机箱内充满灰尘,或者PC工作环境相对潮湿,也会造成运行不正常。及时除尘。 6 、CPU、显卡散热问题 ,改善散热 。 7、硬盘有问题 ,扫描修复或更换硬盘 。 8 、驱动问题 重装更新驱动 。 9、非法操作,系统无法执行。 10、 软件损坏 重装软件 ;软件有BUG 打补丁或更新到最新版本 ; 软件和系统不兼容 给软件打上补丁或是试试系统的兼容模式 ; 软件和软件之间有冲突 如果最近安装了什么新软件,卸载了试试 。 11、 系统本身有问题 有时候操作系统本身也会有BUG,要注意安装官方发行的更新程序最好及时补上,必要时重装系统。 12、 病毒问题 杀毒 ;杀毒软件与系统或软件相冲突 由于杀毒软件是进入底层监控系统的,可能与一些软件相冲突,卸载试试 13、试打开CMD窗口输入如下命令: for %i in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 回车 for %i in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 回车 重启。


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