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my fair lady by john harle_marc almond的中英歌词

I"m an ordinary man  我是个平凡的男人  I"m an ordinary man  从来都要求得不多  Who desires nothing more  只想有个平凡的机会  Than just an ordinary chance  能过自己希望的生活  To live exactly as he likes  能做他喜欢做的事情  And do precisely what he wants  我是个普通的男人  An average man, am I  没什么古怪的念头  Of no eccentric whim  只想过自己的生活  Who likes to live his life  能够永远与世无争  Free of strife  做他觉得合适的事  Doing whatever he thinks is best for him  只是个平凡的男人  Oh, just an ordinary man  可如果女人进入了你的生活  But let a woman in your life  平静时光就此结束  And your serenity is through  她会把你的房子彻底地重修  She"ll redecorate your home From the cellar to the dome  然后会彻底修理你!  Then go on to the enthralling fun of overhauling you!  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  你就象面对一道高墙  And you are up against a wall  她心里想的可不一样  Make a plan and you will find She has something else in mind  你只好去做自己根本  So rather than do either You do something else that neither  不喜欢做的事!  Likes at all!  你想谈济慈和弥尔顿  You want to talk of Keats or Milton  他想谈的却只有爱情  She only wants to talk of love  你想去看话剧或芭蕾  You go to see a play or ballet  结果整晚替她找手套  And spend it searching for her glove  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  等于是去自找麻烦受  And you invite eternal strife  让别人去为婚礼付钱  Let them buy their wedding bands  让别人手牵手进教堂  For those anxious little hands  我宁可找牙医看牙齿  I"d be equally as willing For a dentist to be drilling  也不让女人进入我的生活!  Than to ever let a woman in my life!  我是个很温和的男人  I"m a very gentle man  沉着冷静天性善良无人抱怨  Even-tempered and good-natured Whom you never hear complain  全身都透着亲切和气  Who has the milk of human kindness By the quart in every vein  从头到脚充满了耐心  A patient man am I Down to my fingertips  这样的人永远都不会  The sort who never could Ever would  轻易对他人出言冒犯  Let an insulting remark escape his lips  一个非常温和的男人  A very gentle man  可要让女人进入你的生活  But let a woman in your life  忍耐是不可能做的事  And patience hasn"t got a chance  她虽然征求你的意见  She will beg you for advice Your reply will be concise  装做认真倾听的样子  And she ll listen very nicely  回头却自己乱做一气!  Then go out and do precisely What she wants!  你曾经是文雅的男人  You were a man of grace and polish  从不粗声大气打扰人  Who never spoke above a hush  现在你突然会乱骂人  Now all at once you"re using language  连水手听了都会脸红  That would make a sailor blush  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  就像拿刀子刺你自己  And you"re plunging in a knife!  让我们其他的男同胞  Let the others of my sex  打起领结去教堂结婚  Tie the knot around their necks  我宁可看新版西班牙语法书  I"d prefer a new edition Of the Spanish lnquisition  也不要让女人进入我的生活  Than to ever let a woman in my life  我是生活安定的男人  l"m a quiet-living man  照我的方式度过夜晚  Who prefers to spend the evenings  享受自己房间的宁静  In the silence of his room  最喜欢那安祥的气氛  Who likes an atmosphere as restful  就象没人打扰的墓地  As an undiscovered tomb  我是喜欢沉思的男人  A pensive man am I Of philosophic joys  享受凝神冥想的乐趣  Who likes to meditate, contemplate  远离凡世嘈杂的声响  Free from humanity"s mad, inhuman noise  一个生活安定的男人  A quiet-living man  但让女人进入你生活  But let a woman in your life  你就永无安宁的日子  And your sabbatical is through  她的朋友象千军万马  In a line that never ends Come an army of her friends  在她的耳边叽叽喳喳  Come to jabber and to chatter And to tell her  谈论着你的家长里短  What the matter is with you!  她会有个吵闹的家族  She"ll have a booming, boisterous family  成群结队拥到你面前  Who will descend on you en masse  她妈妈嗓门象瓦格纳  She"ll have a large, Wagnerian mother  说话声音能震碎玻璃!  With a voice that shatters glass!  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  我永远都不会让女人…  I shall never let a woman...  进入我的生活! my life!

fairy 怎么读

fairy英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] n.仙女;小仙子;小精灵adj.美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的






fairy [英]u02c8feu0259ri [美]u02c8feri n. 仙女;小仙子;小精灵 adj. 美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的 例句及用法1、Why fairy tales are we playing this song?为什么我们这首歌是童话故事?2Many fairy tales about this mountain spread among the local people,hiding huangshan in mystery. 当地流传着不少优美神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。3、This is surely a fairy story. 这肯定是一个童话。

【50分追加】《窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)》中希金斯毕克林的性格?

Higgins是个木讷 传统的教授吧。



女包 上面有一个女人头像,然後下面有一排英文,写著my fair lady


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My fair lady里面那首just you wait,求歌词!!万分感谢!

My Fair Lady - Just You Wait LyricsArtist: My Fair LadyAlbum: MiscellaneousGenre: MusicalSend "Just You Wait" Ringtone to your CellListen while you read!Songwriters: Alan Jay Lerner, Frederick LoeweJust you wait, "enry "iggins, just you waitYou"ll be sorry but your tears "ll be to lateYou"ll be broke and I"ll have moneyWill I help you? Don"t be funnyJust you wait, "enry "iggins, just you waitJust you wait, "enry "iggins, till you"re sickAnd you scream to fetch a doctor double quickI"ll be off a second later and go straight to the theaterOh ho ho, "enry "iggins, just you waitOoo "enry "igginsJust you wait until we"re swimmin" in the seaOoo "enry "igginsAnd you get a cramp a little ways from meWhen you yell you"re going to drownI"ll get dressed and go to townOh ho ho, "enry "iggins, oh ho ho, "enry "iggins, just you waitOne day I"ll be famous, I"ll be proper and primGo to St. James so often I will call it St. JimOne evening the king will say, "Oh, Liza, old thingI want all of England your praises to sing"Next week on the twentieth of MayI proclaim Liza Doolittle dayAll the people will celebrate the glory of youAnd whatever you wish and want I gladly will do"Oh thanks a lot" king says I, in a manner well bredBut all I want is "enry "iggins "ead"Done," says the king with a strokeGuard, run and bring in the blokeThen they"ll march you, "enry "iggins to the wallAnd the king will tell me, "Liza, sound the call"As they raise their rifles higher, I"ll shout"Ready, aim, fire"Oh ho ho, "enry "iggins down you"ll go"Enry "iggins, just you wait


fairy 英["feərɪ]美["fɛri]n. 仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘adj. 仙女的fairy tale 神话故事,童话;谎言 fairy story 神话;谎言 tooth fairy 牙仙子(是英国童话里的一个仙子) fairy land n. 仙界;仙境 n.仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘

My fair Lady简介...

更新1: story The story concerns Eliza Doolittle a Cockney flower girl who takes speech lessons from professor Henry Higgins so that she can pass as a lady. Higgins takes credit for Eliza"s success but she realizes that she can now be independent and does not need him. 2009-03-31 23:46:41 补充: en. *** /wiki/My_Fair_Lady ** 参考: based on website above Do you mean the movie - my fair lady?

fairy godmother是什么意思


【50分追加】《窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)》中希金斯毕克林的性格?

分类: 人文学科 >> 外国文学 问题描述: 谁能给俺描述下《窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)》中希金斯(Henry Higgins)毕克林(Pickering)的性格? 详细点啊~谢谢了 解析: 专注于学术的研究,不太关心人与人见的感情。一开始不惜牺牲女主角(忘名字了)的尊严,说是和朋友打赌,但实际上是他想实践他的理论知识吧,我感觉。后来,就陷入爱情之中了。



My fair lady的经典台词

rofessor Henry Higgins: Now, try it again. 希金斯教授:现在再试一遍。 Eliza Doolittle:The rine in spine sties minely in the pline. 杜利特尔:西伯牙的月主要下在砰原上。 Professor Henry Higgins: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. 希金斯教授:西班牙的雨主要下在平原上。 Eliza Doolittle: Didn"t I say that? 杜利特尔:我刚才不是税了吗? Professor Henry Higgins: No,Eliza,you didn"t “sy” that, you didn"t even “say” that, now every night before you get into bed, where you used to say your prayers, I want you to say “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain” fifty times. You"ll learn to get much further with the Lord if you learn not to offend His ears. 希金斯教授:不对,伊莱扎,你没有“税”(学杜利特尔的口音),你根本没有“说”。从现在起每天晚上睡觉前,用你平常做祷告的时间,我要你说50遍“西班牙的雨主要下在平原上”。如果你能学会不让上帝听得讨厌,你就会离他更近。 Eliza Doolittle: I sold flowers; I didn"t sell myself. Now you"ve made a lady of me, I"m not fit to sell anything else. 杜利特尔:我卖花,但我不卖自己。现在你把我变成了淑女,我就不适合再卖任何其他东西了。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mrs. Higgins: However did you learn good manners with my son around? 希金斯的母亲:你到底是如何跟我儿子学得如此举止大方、言谈得体的? Eliza Doolittle: It was very difficult. I should never have known how ladies and gentlemen really behaved, if it hadn"t been for Colonel Pickering. He always showed what he thought and felt about me as if I were something better than a common flower girl. You see, Mrs. Higgins, apart from the things one can pick up, the difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated. I shall always be a common flower girl to Professor Higgins, because he always treats me like a common flower girl, and always will. But I know that I shall always be a lady to Colonel Pickering, because he always treats me like a lady, and always will. 杜丽特尔:非常不容易。要不是皮克林上校,我永远不会知道淑女和绅士到底是如何待人接物的。他总是告诉我他对我的看法和感受,似乎我是一个有身份的女人,而不是一个普通的卖花女。你看,希金斯太太,除了那些人们能够学得到的特征外,淑女和卖花女之间的区别不在于她的行为举止,而在于她如何被对待。对于希金斯教授来说,我永远是一个普通的卖花女,因为他总是像对待一个普通卖花女那样对待我,而且他是永远不会变的。但我知道对皮克林上校来说我永远是一位淑女,因为他总像对待淑女一样地对待我,而且他也是永远不会变的。

fairy怎么读 fairy英文介绍

1、读fairy。 2、读法:英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] 。 3、释义:n.仙女;小仙子;小精灵adj.美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的。 4、例句:I think I was a fairy my previous life. 我想我前世是个仙女。

fairy godmother是什么意思

fairy godmother .恩人;救星 仙女教母;神仙教母;天使教母例句筛选1."By going to the ball, " said the fairy godmother.“到去球说,”仙女教母。2.The Magical Sapor combines my interests in cooking and dressing up as a fairygodmother into a set of seasoning wands.这个魔法调料盒激起了我做饭的兴趣,让我想装扮成一个带着调料魔杖的神仙教母。

my fair lady 影评

Audrey Hepburn is radiant and touching as the poor flower seller Eliza Doolittle who challenges her mentor"s makeover powers, before eventually passing for a lady in London society... She is skillfully transformed into an elegant lady by a speech professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) and taught to speak properly... From first frame to last, the film is slick, graceful, gorgeous to behold, with costumes and sets richly evoking the Edwardian era..."My Fair Lady" begins in London, on a rainy evening outside Covent Garden, where a "respectable girl" is selling bouquets of violets... Professor Henry Higgins, a phonetics and linguistics expert, confronts the "deliciously low so horribly dirty" Eliza Doolittle for the first time...In the best tradition, their first songs reveal their characters: "Wouldn"t It Be Loverly?" expresses Eliza"s own ideas of what she dreams, while in "Why Can"t the English Learn to Speak" Higgins sings his despair over the deterioration of the English language, and displays his hard, irritable, intolerant, and elegantly arrogant nature...Lerner and Loewe"s songs are shear delight as the story moves from Higgins"s wager with sympathetic Colonel Pickering (Wilfrid Hyde-White) that he can change the street girl with a strong cockney accent into a different human being by teaching her "to speak beautifully" and pass her off in an upper class lady within six months... Higgins and Pickering are both single men, and the housekeeper, Mrs. Pearce, has misgivings about the way in which they are proposing to amuse themselves without caring about the consequences for the "common ignorant girl."The songs are extraordinary in their ability to enrich our knowledge of the characters... Higgins" early song "I"m an Ordinary Man" confirms that he is a "quiet living man" without the need for a woman... Alfred Doolittle"s "With a Little Bit of Luck " not only states his general philosophy of life, but exposes the perfect portrait of a friendly scoundrel... Eliza"s father, who calls himself one of "the undeserving poor" is one of Shaw"s best comedy creations... When he arrives to protest at the immorality of Higgins and Pickering treatment of his daughter, it soon becomes clear that he just wants to gain something for himself out of the situation... Eliza, becoming subject to Higgins" intimidation, belts out her discomfort at the rude, selfish Higgins, imagining a king ordering his death, in "Just You Wait, "Enry "Iggins."The music is also a logical extension of the characters" feelings... When Eliza finally pronounces impeccably: "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain," Higgins can hardly believe what he has heard: ("By George, she"s got it. Now once again, where does it rain?"), and Eliza ("On the plain! On the plain!") and Higgins simply cannot be contained ("And where"s that soggy plain? ") Eliza responding: In Spain! In Spain! They sing a duet together to celebrate their success... The scene leads to one of the most triumphant sequences in musical history...Further, the stunning scene in which Eliza Doolittle appears in high society when she meets Higgins"s mother (the impeccable Gladys Cooper), and attends the Ascot races... She instantly charms a young admirer Jeremy Brett (Freddy) by her slightly odd manner of speaking, who later haunts Higgins" house ("On the Street Where you Live").The climax comes at the Embassy Ball, where Higgins" protégé, now "an enchanting young lady" charms everyone with her beauty... Her exercise is an unqualified success... Her waltz with the Queen"s son, and other dance partners, spreads throughout the audience about her identity...Henry and Pickering are ecstatic... They congratulate each other for their "glorious victory," ("You Did It"), but Eliza is hurt and angry at being ignored... They barely acknowledge her presence... She is no longer a part of any world... When Higgins returns for his slippers, which he has forgotten, Eliza flings them angrily at him, and voices her feelings: "Oh, what"s to become of me? What am I fit for?"In an attempt to find her true identity a frustrated Eliza encounters Freddy who declares his love for her, but she returns to the populated flower market outside Covent Garden, where no one recognizes her... Her own "miserable" father - tuxedo-dressed - gives her the cheerful news that he is about to get married...In the closing scenes, Higgins is upset to discover Liza has left him and is led to wonder why "can"t a woman be more like a man? Men are so honest, so thoroughly square." Eliza surprises Higgings with her decision to marry Freddie, and claims: "I shall not feel alone without you. I can stand on my own without you. I can do bloody well "Without you!"At his home, at dusk, Higgins ultimately recognizes Liza"s quality... He recalls Liza and realizes how much she has come to mean to him... Without her, he is lost and lonely... The climax is a great ending to a great musical..."My Fair Lady" has great style and beauty... The film describes what is common in many societies... That accent determines the superficiality of class distinctions... The motion picture is humorous, notably the wonderfully steamy bath in which Prof. Higgens" female staff cleanses the accumulated dirt of the street off Eliza Doolittle...With the dazzling splendor that director George Cukor offers: the designer"s eye for detail, the painter"s flair for color, the artist"s imagination, and the delicacy of handling, the film garnered no less than twelve Oscar nominations, and took home eight statuettes including Best Picture of the year, Best Actor- Harrison, Best Director- Cukor, as well as Best Art Decoration, Sound, Scoring, Costume Design, and color Cinematography...

急求窈窕淑女(my fair lady)赫本的电影中英文字幕的,谢谢


My fair lady,le monsieur cherche un bon


my fair lady想表达什么主题

my fair lady改编自萧伯纳的《卖花女》,作者用一个精心打造的贵族生活气息浓厚的故事,讽刺的是那个时代所谓的上流社会精神。

请问"My fair lady"的女主角的资料?


my fair lady


my fair lady 描写的是那个时代? 还有服装设计的风格是? 谢谢

是根据萧伯纳的戏剧《卖花女》(1902)改编而来,故事背景在英国维多利亚时代,19世纪末20世纪初。my fair lady 《窈窕淑女》拍摄于1960年代,分音乐剧和电影两种。音乐剧由奥黛丽赫本主演,曾获奥斯卡奖。至于服装风格该是根据英国上流社会穿着而定。

My Fair Lady 歌词

歌曲名:My Fair Lady歌手:Kcm专辑:vol.3-love affairThe Bird And The Bee - My Fair LadyI need someone to show a little kindnessIf he can turn his hat, a little blindnessI know that I might seem a little namelessAnd I can also be a little shamelessDo you know the way, I"m from out of townI need a place to stay, someone to show me all aroundA box of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hoursI will take it all with little grains of saltI make anything feel less like what it"s notJust say everything as if it"s not been heardI will listen hard, I"m hearing every wordDo you know the way, I"m from out of townI need a place to stay, someone to show me all aroundA box of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hoursDo you know the way, I"m from out of townI need a place to stay, someone to show me all aroundA box of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hoursBox of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hours and


My Fair Lady——《窈窕淑女》,改编自萧伯纳的戏剧剧作《卖花女》(Pygmalion),该影片由华纳兄弟影业于1964年出品,乔治·库克执导,奥黛丽·赫本、雷克斯·哈里森、杰瑞米·布雷特等主演。影片讲述下层阶级卖花女(赫本饰)被中产阶层语言学教授Higgins改造成优雅贵妇的故事,从头至尾洋溢着幽默和雅趣,片中有大量经典歌曲,奥黛丽·赫本的表演令影片闪耀特别的光彩。电影剧情: 卖花女伊莉莎·杜利特尔,长得眉清目秀,聪明伶俐,但出身寒微,家境贫寒。她每天到街头叫卖鲜花,赚点钱养活自己补贴父亲。一天,伊莉莎低俗的口音引起了语言学家希金斯教授的注意,教授夸口只要经过他的训练,卖花女也可以成为贵夫人。伊莉莎觉得教授说的话对她是一个机会,就主动上门要求教授训练她,并付学费。被嘲弄后,教授的朋友皮克林(为了成全伊莉莎)和他打赌,如果让伊莉莎以贵夫人的身份出席两个月后将举办的大使游园会而不被人识破真相,那么皮克林愿意承担一切试验费用和伊莉莎的学费,这激起了教授的斗志,希金斯欣然接受了挑战。他是不甘示弱的,他从最基本的字母发音开始教起。希金斯是个精力旺盛和讲究科学的学者,对每一件感兴趣的事都能废寝忘食。他胸怀坦荡、丝毫不怀任何恶意,但他又象孩子一样,毫不顾及他人的感情,对伊莉莎严加训练。 有一次,希金斯带伊莉莎去参加母亲的家宴时,年轻的绅士弗雷迪被伊莉莎的美貌和谈吐自若的神情深深打动,一见倾心,竟然丝毫也认不出她就是曾经在雨中向他叫卖的肮脏的卖花姑娘。希金斯已经40多岁,还未结婚,他从来看不上年轻姑娘,可在生活上竟然离不开伊莉莎了。他的衣服饮食和约会安排,全凭伊莉莎照料。然而使伊莉莎气恼的是希金斯简单粗暴的脾气。他教她温文尔雅的用语,却从不用温文尔雅的态度对待她。 6个月后,希金斯满怀信心地带伊莉莎和皮克林一起出席希腊大使举办的招待会。伊莉莎是以皮克林上校和希金斯教授的远房亲戚的身份参加这次大使的招待会的,她全力以赴,谈笑自若,风度翩翩,光彩照人。当她出现并受到女王与王子的青睐后,人们停止了交谈,欣赏着她令人倾倒的仪态。她的待人接物圆熟而老练,而又恰到好处,希金斯的第一个学生尼波姆克为听出她的出身用尽看家本领与伊莉莎周旋,却被伊莉莎弄得晕头转向,失败而归,希金斯成功了。伊莉莎在招待会上光彩夺目! 但当回到家里后,由于希金斯无视疲惫不堪的伊莉莎的存在,而是只顾和朋友庆祝打赌的成功,对未来充满恐惧的伊莉莎不被理解,伤心之下,愤然离开了希金斯的家。她在门口遇到了痴情的弗雷迪,在马场见过后追求不成,他便每天晚上几乎都来到伊莉莎窗下徘徊,默默地关注着伊莉莎,伊莉莎为他的痴心感动。 虽然希金斯态度暴躁,然而却是潜移默化,日久生情,在伊莉莎赌气出走之后因此变得十分苦闷,他到母亲家寻求帮助,却意外相遇,可两人却又吵了一架。伊莉莎表示要嫁给弗雷迪,希金斯既惊讶又生气,愤然离去。但是回家途中却又不可抑制地想起伊莉莎,认为伊莉莎已融入他的生命。

My fair lady 的作者是谁?

George Bernard Shaw

my fair lady是什么意思

《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)是六十年代百老滙歌舞剧,後拍成电影fair 的意思有:美丽的my fair lady 其实就是:我美丽的女士但是一般翻为:窈窕淑女

my fair lady这个句子什么意思??

My Fair Lady 就是电影《窈窕淑女》,改编自肖伯那的话剧《卖花女》,好像是赫本主演的..


相信不少人在观看英文动画片的时候,经常会看到fairy个英文单词,究竟这个英文单词是什么意思呢?下面让我们共同去了解这个英文单词吧。 简要回答 fairy这个英文单词的意思是:仙女、小仙子、小精灵、美丽的、可爱的、仙女似的。 详细内容 单词音标: 英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] 。 He truly is a hairy fairy godmother ! 他真是个多毛的仙女教母啊! Then the good fairy vanished . 然后,好心的仙女消失了。 (in stories) a creature like a small person, who has magic powers a good/wicked fairy (故事中的)小仙人,仙子,小精灵 see alsotooth fairy 善良的仙子;邪恶的精灵 The snail was the blue-haired fairy "s pet . 这只蜗牛是蓝发仙女的宠物。 They thanked the fourth fairy for her gift . 他们感谢第四个仙女送上的礼物。 If you "re isabelle , you think about fairy dust . 如果你是伊莎贝尔,你会想到仙女魔法粉。

my fair lady是什么意思?thx


fairy 是什么意思

fairy 翻译 英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] n.仙女;小仙子;小精灵adj.美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的复数: fairies双语例句1.She was like a princess in a fairy tale.她就像童话里的公主。2.Fairy tales weren"t just meant for children.童话故事不仅仅是写给孩子们的。


fairy [英]u02c8feu0259ri [美]u02c8feri n. 仙女;小仙子;小精灵 adj. 美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的 例句及用法1、Why fairy tales are we playing this song?为什么我们这首歌是童话故事?2Many fairy tales about this mountain spread among the local people,hiding huangshan in mystery. 当地流传着不少优美神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。3、This is surely a fairy story. 这肯定是一个童话。

英语My fair lady怎么翻译?


my fair lady是什么意思

My Fair Lady (电影片)窈窕淑女

On behalf of board of directors I appreciate you for providing the____information.

【答案】:D本题考查动词的语态。四个选项是request的不同形式,题目意为:“我代表董事会,感谢您提供所需信息” 。  requested information,被动语态表示被要求提供的信息。  

关于west life的uptown girl里的uptown和downtown

根据我的理解,downtown是市中心比较繁华的地区,uptown与downtown相对,是城郊,但是高级住宅一般是在市郊的。所以uptown girl指的是富家女那种的,住在downtown的一般不是特别富裕。

兄弟打印机出现DUST ON DRUM。Clean the corona wire locate on the



你的问题也是我的亲身经历,下面的方法是经过实际验证的:1、 打开菜单项“Capture”下的子菜单“Capture Options”选项;2、 找到设置面板中有一项“Capture all in promiscuous mode”选项;3、 “Capture all in promiscuous mode”选项默认是选中状态,修改该状态为未选中状态;4、 开始抓包。


For libpcap, the first thing youu2019d need to do would be to get DLT_* values for all the link-layer protocols youu2019d need. If ISO 9141 and 14230 use the same link-layer protocol, they might be able to share a DLT_* value, unless the only way to know what protocols are running above the link layer is to know which link-layer protocol is being used, in which case you might want separate DLT_* values.For the rest of the libpcap discussion, Iu2019ll assume youu2019re working with libpcap 1.0 or later and that this is on a UN*X platform. You probably donu2019t want to work with a version older than 1.0, even if whatever OS youu2019re using happens to include libpcap - older versions are not as friendly towards adding support for devices other than standard network interfaces.Then youu2019d probably add to the pcap_open_live() routine, for whatever platform or platforms this code should work, something such as a check for device names that look like serial port names and, if the check succeeds, a call to a routine to open the serial port.See, for example, the #ifdef HAVE_DAG_API code in pcap-linux.c and pcap-bpf.c.The serial port open routine would open the serial port device, set the baud rate and do anything else needed to open the device. Itu2019d allocate a pcap_t, set its fd member to the file descriptor for the serial device, set the snapshot member to the argument passed to the open routine, set the linktype member to one of the DLT_* values, and set the selectable_fdmember to the same value as the fd member. It should also set the dlt_count member to the number of DLT_* values to support, and allocate an array of dlt_count u_int+s, assign it to the +dlt_list member, and fill in that list with all the DLT_* values.Youu2019d then set the various *_op fields to routines to handle the operations in question. read_op is the routine thatu2019d read packets from the device. inject_op would be for sending packets; if you donu2019t care about that, youu2019d set it to a routine that returns an error indication. setfilter_op can probably just be set to install_bpf_program. set_datalink would just set the linktype member to the specified value if itu2019s one of the values for OBD, otherwise it should return an error. getnonblock_op can probably be set to pcap_getnonblock_fd. setnonblock_op can probably be set to pcap_setnonblock_fd. stats_op would be set to a routine that reports statistics. close_op can probably be set to pcap_close_common.If thereu2019s more than one DLT_* value, you definitely want a set_datalink routine so that the user can select the appropriate link-layer type.For Wireshark, youu2019d add support for those DLT_* values to wiretap/libpcap.c, which might mean adding one or more WTAP_ENCAP types to wtap.h and to the encap_table[] table in wiretap/wtap.c. Youu2019d then have to write a dissector or dissectors for the link-layer protocols or protocols and have them register themselves with the wtap_encap dissector table, with the appropriate WTAP_ENCAP values by calling dissector_add_uint().

Can I fly a kite under the power wire?

Can I fly a kite under the power wire? 我能在电线下面放风筝吗?No, you can"t不,你不能

The High Wire的《The Watch》 歌词

歌曲名:The Watch歌手:The High Wire专辑:Ahead Of The Rain (Extended Edition)Dr.Dre - The WatcherThings just ain"t the same for gangstas.Times is changing, young niggas is aging,Becoming old gees in the game and changing,To make way for these new names and faces, butThe strangest things can happen from rappin, whenNiggas get wrapped up in image and acting,Niggas get capped up and wrapped in plastic,Zipped up in bags when it happens, that"s it.I"ve seen "em come; I"ve watched "em go,Watched "em rise, witnessed it and watched "em blow.Watched "em all blossom and watched "em grow.Watched the lawsuits when they lost the dough.Best friends and money: I lost them both.Went, visited niggas in the hospital.It"s all the same shit all across the globe.I just sit back and watch the show. (The watcher)Chorus:Everywhere that I goAin"t the same as befo" (The watcher)People I used to knowJust don"t know me no more (The watcher)But everywhere that I goI got people I know (The watcher)Who got people they knowSo I suggest you lay low (I watch)I moved out of the hood for good, you blame me?Niggas aim mainly at niggas they can"t be.But niggas can"t hit niggas they can"t see.I"m out of sight, now I"m out of they dang reach.How would you feel if niggas wanted you killed?You"d probably move to a new house on a new hill.And choose a new spot if niggas wanted you shot,I ain"t a thug, how much Tupac in you, you gotI ain"t no bitch neither.It"s either my life or your life,And I ain"t leaving, I like breathing.Nigga we can go round for round,Clip for clip, shit, fo"-pound for pound.Nigga if you really want to take it there we can,Just remember that you fucking with a family man.I got a lot more to lose than you, remember that,When you wanna come and fill these shoes. (The watcher)Chorus:Everywhere that I goAin"t the same as befo" (The watcher)People I used to knowJust don"t know me no more (The watcher)But everywhere that I goI got people I know (The watcher)Who got people they knowSo I suggest you lay low (I watch)Things just ain"t the same for gangstas,Cops is anxious to put niggas in handcuffs.They wanna hang us, see us dead, enslave us,Keep us trapped in the same place we"re raised in.Then they wonder why we act so outrageous,Run around stressed out and pull out gauges.Cause everytime you let the animal out cages,It"s dangerous to people who look like strangers.But now we got a new era of gangstas,Hustlers and youngsters living amongst us.Lookin at us, now calling us busters,Can"t help but reminisce back when it was us.Nigga we started this gangsta shit.And this the motherfucking thanks I get?It"s funny how time fly,I"m just having fun, just watching it fly by. (The watcher)Chorus:Everywhere that I goAin"t the same as befo" (The watcher)People I used to knowJust don"t know me no more (The watcher)But everywhere that I goI got people I know (The watcher)Who got people they knowSo I suggest you lay low (I watch)(The watcher)EndDr.Dre - The Watcher


ACH即自动清算 (Automatic Clearing House)中心是美国处理银行付款的主要系统。ACH系统被广泛用于企业支付雇员的工资等业务,在美国普及率达26%,欧洲一些国家已达90%以上,在日本则近100%的企业实现了通过了自动清算房将工资直接存入雇员的账户。ACH系统的运作过程与纸质清算过程相似,只不过是以电子方式实施。在ACH的早期阶段,用磁带进行信息的传输,后来逐渐被远程通信所代替,并实现了实时交易。ACH的实用性强,可以满足高效要求。ACH交易结算一般只需1个工作日,能有效满足一般的时效性要求。 另外ACH收费低廉,比起电汇等其它支付手段,例如电汇(Wire)的手续费通常在$10-$25/笔,而ACH通常只有$1-$2。由于处理流程简单,价值链上各环节服务提供者收费低廉,经济实惠。简化了处理、提高了效率,使整个支付网络运作简单快捷。所以对于美国银行间的支付,首选的方式就是ACH支付。扩展资料:美国自动清算所主要进行5种形式的支付:(1)现金集中,就是大型连锁公司通过ACH将各地零售机构的资金向总部进行集中,便于总部对资金的利用;(2)雇员工资的直接发放;(3)财政部养老金及社会福利的直接发放;(4)固定金额资金的支付,如保险费、住房抵押贷款利息等;(5)企业间贷款的支付。在英国。1995年,BACS处理了2.2亿项业务,价值达1055亿英镑。在美国,ACH的使用每年以9%---22%的比例上升,在1995年处理了3.4亿项业务,价值达11.1万亿美元。ACH只用于国家之内,不同的国家所使用的数据传输格式不尽相同,国际间支付传输通过环球银行间金融通信协会(The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,SWIFT)实现。ACH特别适合中小型交易和固定支付,对于大型交易,由于是批量清算而非实时清算,其风险增加。参考资料来源:百度百科-ACH


《燃烧的电缆》([美国] 杰弗里·迪弗)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:akpc书名:燃烧的电缆作者:[美国] 杰弗里·迪弗译者:姚人杰豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:译林出版社出版年份:2012-7页数:403内容简介:纽约市阿尔冈昆电力公司控制中心的电脑屏幕上,突然显示出一连串“重大故障”的红色警示,紧接着市内多座变电站相续下线。五十七街公交车站不远处有一座变电站,一位刚抵达车站的公交司机注意到,变电站的窗户外面垂下一根电缆,距离地面只有十英尺左右。就在司机为此困惑不已的时候,变电站里突然发生爆炸,司机连同车上多位乘客受伤,最后一名刚迈上车一只脚的乘客当场惨死。与此同时,附近六个街区的电网陷入瘫痪。著名刑侦专家林肯·莱姆临危受命,接手这起疑似恐怖分子利用电网威胁整座城市的大案,他们必须尽快将凶手绳之以法,因为之前的变电站爆炸案只是凶手的一个小小试验,更大的破坏还在后面。果然,就在萨克斯等人全力追查之时,凶手再次以电为武器对一家星级酒店发动了袭击……作者简介:杰弗里u2022迪弗1950年5月6日出生于美国的伊利诺伊州,曾经当过新闻记者、民谣歌手和律师,以侦探小说闻名于世。迄今为止迪弗已出版长篇小说27部,短篇小说集2部,多次获得各类文学奖项,部分作品已被改编成电影。其小说已被译成25种语言,全球销售过亿册,畅销151多个国家和地区。


WIRE中文意思是线、导线、电报。wire 英[u02c8wau026au0259(r)] 美[wau026ar] n. 电线; 金属丝; 电报; (木偶的) 牵线,操纵绳,背后操纵的势力,秘密引线,秘密策略; vi. 拍电报; vt. 拍电报; 给…装电线; [例句]I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。[其他] 第三人称单数:wires 复数:wires 现在分词:wiring 过去式:wired过去分词:wired


F.I.R成军于2002年5月,为一女二男的组合,由创作制作人陈建宁Ian集合两位优秀的新生代创作歌手飞Faye、阿沁Real,历经一年多的创作历程,共同完成属于F.I.R.自有风格的全新创作,音乐内容涵盖Folk rock、Rock、Jazz、雷鬼…等曲风,并期望透过富有人文意涵的歌词,探究这一世代的人对爱情、社会现象、宗教、心理、哲学的观点,回归音乐新浪潮的文化涵养,希望藉此重燃“乐以载道”的摇滚精神。 Lead vocal主唱_Faye 飞 (詹雯婷) 生日:1981年08月27日 (处女座) 血型: B型 个性:直率╱随和╱独立但爱交朋友 嗜好:唱歌╱聊天╱旅游╱研究音乐 专长:唱歌╱乐器(吉他、口琴) 志愿:全创作型歌手 偶像:做自己比较重要,并没有什么过分崇拜的人 形容自己:好奇心重,矛盾(粗线条又容易紧张╱冷僻又热情╱敏感又迟钝╱固执又容易改变╱动作慢又急性子╱爱面子又懒得打扮╱喜欢新鲜感又怀旧╱精神上的洁癖) 最喜欢的歌手:Sting, Dave Mathews, Fiona Apple, Alana Davis, Alanis,U2 喜欢的音乐类型:Folk Rock, Acoustic Folk, Funk, Nu-metel, Fusion, Pop, Jazzy-Hip hop, Soul, Blues, 有感染力的电子乐 最大的梦想:入围或得到葛莱美,去音乐学校进修,和最爱的人在一起过平淡的生活 ●音乐经历 国中时代在别人眼中是个有点孤僻的小女生,其实内心深处沉静在音乐的世界里。喜欢上听音乐的感觉;也爱上了唱歌。用声音传达自我的同时,内心的梦想和渴望就从自己的声音中释放。还记得第一次站上舞台,我闭上眼睛专心的唱歌,就如同在自己家里一样的自然。没有紧张,只有一种莫名的安全感,那一天起,我就知道这个舞台有一天会是属于我的… 高中时因为喜欢唱歌加入了合唱团,从此便开始更深入钻研各种歌唱技巧和乐理,也因为身受西洋音乐影响,对外文产生浓厚的兴趣。大学选择辅大英文系就读,开始加入音乐性社团,也组过几个乐团。之后因为开始参加许多校际音乐比赛渐渐崭露头角,几乎都是常胜军。 受到音乐人注意之后,也与唱片圈有了接触。与其中之一的音乐制作人陈建宁老师保持着联络,在一次偶然的机会下,又遇到刚准备组团的陈老师,经过简单的试唱,便加入了F.I.R的列车,开始了艰辛的音乐之路。 比赛经历辅仁大学青韵奖歌唱比赛.个人组第一名.重唱组第一名.创作组第一名辅大广告明日之星第一名 Guitar(吉他手)_REAL 阿沁 (黄汉青) 生日:1980年03月11日 (双鱼座) 兴趣:素描&创作&逛书局&围棋 乐器:吉他&键盘钢琴&电脑编曲 乐团位置:原音吉他、E.Guitar(电吉他)、部分键盘乐器、部分音乐编曲、和声 最大优点:沉着 最大缺点:想太多 最大希望:永远有梦想 欣赏的偶像:小室哲哉&长尾大&原一博 欣赏的画家:天野喜孝&北条司 最讨厌的人:没有梦想的人&没有想法的人 最喜欢的音乐:可以激励人的音乐&日本电玩配乐 国外欣赏歌手:D.A.I、小事乐团、Aiko、化学超男子 国内欣赏歌手:伍思凯 ●音乐经历 *萌芽喜欢上音乐是在预期之外的事,国中时期原本对日本卡通漫画充满兴趣,当时其实立志成为一位职业漫画&插画家(曾经拿过全国西画第一名...自己发行过两本短篇漫画&插画)...就在喜欢绘画的同时,渐渐开始喜欢上日本的卡漫原声带和日本流行音乐...从当时的T.R.F、Globe、Mr.children、Glay、X-Japan等……知名音乐团体的卡通电视配乐开始,在内心深处便开始种下音乐狂爱的种子,虽然不全然是哈日族,但是很自然的日本式的流行文化在脑海里早就开始萌芽,也深深的影响了之后的音乐创作... *左手玩音符&右手拿绘笔:进入高中抱着对音乐的好奇,加入了吉他社。虽然同为艺术创作,听觉上的音乐似乎比起视觉来得更为震撼,于是渐渐将画笔放在一旁,也毅然决然婉拒了西画社社长的职务。虽然令指导老师失望而感到愧疚,但埋入了音乐的世界中我并不后悔(在升学的强大压力的高二,就开始了民歌演唱之路,这一唱就是五年多...)高中三年表演所累积的舞台经验对日后的音乐创作影响也相当大。虽然还没有开始大量创作,但是许多好听的melody已经在脑海里挥之不去。 *创作期&小室哲哉的魔力 在辅仁大学的三年里,我是一个课业的留级生,但绝对是音乐上的跳级生...一年内累积创作就有近100首,虽然不见得成熟,但当时让自己也吓了一大跳^^跟朋友组了音乐工作室,开始半正式跟音乐事业接轨...除了上课吃饭睡觉,几乎都是在作跟音乐有关的事...期间也同时钻研键盘乐器和各类编曲,早期创作有许多小室哲哉的影子。记得当时整个日本流行音乐还被小室哲哉垄断的时代...(P.S.与其说音乐受小室影响还不如说是被他的精神所感动)。 身旁的好朋友不只一次劝自己放弃音乐的路...但我都告诉他们至少要向小室哲哉这样努力过我才愿意服输...自以为讲出这一番话的自己很意气风发(却有人当我是疯了^^"")当时日本的音乐对华人地区来说还不是广泛被接受...似乎受到童年的影响总是喜欢日本音乐胜过西洋音乐...(当时似乎听日文专辑就被挂上哈日族的头衔^^) *与摇滚结缘vs长尾大 2000年春天偶然在唱片找到一张改变我很多的专辑...D.A.I.(Break of dawn),听完整张专辑我只有一个感想(怎么会有这么充满梦想的音乐),它彻底安抚了自己的心灵,重新被洗涤...(原来摇滚也可以有优美的旋律线条啊!) 制作人兼作诗人--长尾大。这三个字已经烙印在我的脑海里...从他的音乐里我听到他的人生态度...更激励了我想做出属于自我的音乐,就像很多人没有了披头四就等于没有了音乐一样…我开启了更广泛的音乐视野 Producer(制作&键盘手)_IAN 陈建宁 生日:1971年10月28日 (天蝎座) 乐器:吉他&键盘钢琴 兴趣:电影&创作&音乐 乐团位置:键盘乐器 部分音乐编曲 和声 最大优点:做事有策略规划&有耐力&沉着&坚持到底 最大缺点:太过严谨造成周遭人的压力 最大希望:在流行音乐历史上留下轨迹 欣赏的偶像:达文西 最喜欢的人:有理想&执着&有执行力的人 最喜欢的音乐:任何源自于内心的创作 国外欣赏歌手:STING 国内欣赏歌手:林强(小时候) ●音乐经历 *萌芽:由于母亲本身是音乐老师,亦是声乐老师,因此,自小深受古典音乐的薰陶。大学时期,结交了许多音乐上的同好,开始音乐创作的路程。不仅在自己学校参与大大小小的流行音乐比赛,更转战全省各大专院校以及当时极为流行的木船民歌比赛,总是常胜军,获奖无数,当今线上歌手王力宏、陈绮贞皆为手下败将。由于比赛坚持用自己的创作打败各家参赛者,因此受到许多唱片制作人的青睐,开启了日后流行音乐的生涯。 *流行音乐的工作:因为比赛声名大噪,在大学毕业前就已经认识了不少唱片圈知名制作人,大学毕业退伍后,即进入唱片公司,从制作部的小小助理干起,历经四年,由助理、执行制作、制作企划一路爬升为唱片制作人,应该可以说是业界中最快成长茁壮的新生代制作人。在成为制作人的这段日子中,对于创作的努力比起大学时代有过之而无不及,因此为许许多多知名歌手量身创作歌曲,卖歌无数。诸如张学友、刘德华、许美静、许茹芸…等,更因为张惠妹的一首“蓝天”,而使作品家喻户晓,窜升为最佳情歌创作者,还被圈内资深制作人,喻为“歌牛”。 成为制作人后,结合自身的创作以及本身在音乐制作上的要求细腻与严谨,三年中陆续为刘若英、周蕙、S.H.E、苏永康、梁咏琪、江美琪…数等歌手制作畅销歌曲,颇受好评。然而,制作毕竟是为人作嫁,仍有许多的理想与理念无法发挥,经过思考后,毅然决然停下所有的工作,沉潜了一段时间,花下投入业界以来的积蓄,盖了录音室,建立制作公司,签下自己的新人,同时也暂停了写歌与制作的工作,全新出发,为自己的音乐理想迈开步伐。 补充: 五月天主唱 阿信 【个人资料】 台湾第一天团乐队 五月天成员 五月天乐队主唱:阿信 本名: 陈信宏 别名:阿信 英文名:Ashin 生日:1975年12月6日 出生地:台北北投 身高:180cm 体重:74kg 血型:O型 星座: 射手座 嗜好:吃饭睡觉 乐器:吉他、 架子鼓 好友:刘若英 梁静茹 品冠 孙燕姿、 陈绮贞 丁当 陈奕迅 等 喜 爱的歌 手: 张雨生 , 披头士 (Beatles)、罗大佑、 伍佰 、Mr.Children、 王杰 喜爱的乐手: 中国蓝 (China Blue) 喜爱的卡通: 《火鸟》 《海绵宝宝》 《 军曹 keroro》《海贼王》 学历: 台北北投省国小6年7班(体育班) 台北省北投国中3年21班 台北省师大附中778班(美术班) 台北省 实践大学 室内设计学 系 接触音乐历程:So Band、Mayday 音乐经历:歌曲合辑、拥抱专辑制作 唱片公司: 相信音乐 【阿信的外号】 信王子、鬓角王子、Y信、吖信、雨男、主唱大人、 陈总 裁、 陈先 生、陈阿信、大宏、包子、某信、某包、陈姓少年、陈大主唱、陈小信、陈正妹、老陈、陈诗人、陈小包、陈包子、包子先生、包子同学、陈阿胖、杏红、 陈雪 梨、陈信、 上海 女婿、陈纯真

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On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:On The Wire歌手:Monty Are I专辑:Break Through The SilenceMonty Are I - On The WireSaw it coming from afarAlways knew it would be hardThe telephone is our best friendTransmissions do not ease the lonelyCircumstances mean so muchBeen so long without your touchLove ain"t made to bend, to bend, bendAnd the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies aboveI"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireIt"s easier to be naiveIt"s harder "cause I"m losing sleepAnd ignorance is our best friendInsomnia"s the death of dreamingSorry if my words seem coldTrying to be rationalAre you on the other end, end, end?"Cause the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireAnd if this rain has no mercyRain has no mercy, rain has no mercyGo, I"ll goAnd when the times become tryingTimes become trying, times become tryingExplode, explodeDon"t hang up before we take another stepMy lungs fill to take a final breath, a breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wire

Bird On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:Bird On The Wire歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Live In LondonLeonard Cohen - Bird On the WireLike a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free.Like a worm (fish) on a hook,like a knight from some old fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for thee.If I, if I have been unkind,I hope that you can just let it go by.If I, if I have been untrue,I hope you know it was never to you.Like a baby, still born,like a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for me.But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee.I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"Oh like a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」

Bird On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:Bird On The Wire歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Live In LondonLeonard Cohen - Bird On the WireLike a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free.Like a worm (fish) on a hook,like a knight from some old fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for thee.If I, if I have been unkind,I hope that you can just let it go by.If I, if I have been untrue,I hope you know it was never to you.Like a baby, still born,like a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for me.But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee.I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"Oh like a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」

On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:On The Wire歌手:Sisters Of Mercy专辑:A Merciful ReleaseMonty Are I - On The WireSaw it coming from afarAlways knew it would be hardThe telephone is our best friendTransmissions do not ease the lonelyCircumstances mean so muchBeen so long without your touchLove ain"t made to bend, to bend, bendAnd the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies aboveI"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireIt"s easier to be naiveIt"s harder "cause I"m losing sleepAnd ignorance is our best friendInsomnia"s the death of dreamingSorry if my words seem coldTrying to be rationalAre you on the other end, end, end?"Cause the static is the worst of enemiesLungs fill to take a final breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireAnd if this rain has no mercyRain has no mercy, rain has no mercyGo, I"ll goAnd when the times become tryingTimes become trying, times become tryingExplode, explodeDon"t hang up before we take another stepMy lungs fill to take a final breath, a breathScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireScreaming skies above, I"ve had enoughI"m standing in the rain, the rain, the rain, the rainStanding in the rain, the rain, the rainIt"s killing me to hear your voiceFacing that we have no choiceAnd fighting off the pain, the pain, the pain, the painFighting off the pain, the pain, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wireOn the wire, on the wire, on the wire



求through the wire的歌词和翻译,kanye west唱的

曲名:through the wire 歌手:kanye west Yo G they cant stop me from rapping can they?Can they huh?I spit it through the wire manTo much stuff on my heart right now manIll probably risk it all right nowIts a life or death situation manYall dont really understand how I feel right now manIts your boy Kayne to the....Chi-Town whats going on manI drink a Boost for breakfast, and Ensure for dizzertSomebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurpThat right there could drive a sane man beserkNot to worry the Mr. H to the Izz-Os back to wizzerkHow do you console my mom or give her light supportTelling her your sons on life supportAnd just imagine how my girl feelOn the plane scared as hell that her guy look like Ed MitillShe was with me before the deal she been trying to be mineShe a delta so she been throwing that dynasty signNo use of me tryna be lyinI been trying to be signedTrying to be a millionaireHow I use two lifelinesIn the same hospital where Big and Tupac diedThe doctor said I had blood clotsBut I aint Jamaican manStory on MTV and I aint trying to make a bandI swear this right here, history in the making manI really apologize how I sound right now manThis aint fair at all manThey got my mouth wired shut for like I dont knowthe doctor said for like six weeksYou know we had reconstru....I had reconstructive surgery on my jawLooked in the mirror half my jaw was missing and half my mouthI couldnt believe itBut im still here for yall right now manThis is what I gotta say yoYeah, turn me up yeahWhat if somebody from the Chi that was ill got a dealon the hottest rap label around but he wasnt talking bout cokeand birds it was more like spoken wordExcept he really putting it downAnd he explained the story about how blacks came from gloryAnd what we need to do in the gameGood dude, Bad night, Right place, Wrong timeIn the blink of an eye his whole life changedIf you could feel how my face felt you would know how Mase feltThank God I aint too cool for the safe beltI swear to God drive a two on the sueI got lawyer for the case to keep whats in my safe-safeMy dawgs couldnt tell if I, I look Tom Cruise on Vanilla SkyAll they heard was in accident like GEICOThey thought I was burnt up like Pepsi did Michael I must gotta angelCause look how death missed his ass Unbreakable,would you thought they called me Mr.Glass Look back on my life like the ghost of Christmas pastToys R Us where I used to spend that Christmas cashAnd I still wont grow up, Im a grown ass kidSwear I should be locked up for stupid shit that I didBut Im a champion, so I turned tragedy to triumphMake music thats fire, spit my soul through the wireKnow what im sayingWhen the doctor told me I had a um..I was goin to have a plate on my chinI said dawg dont you realize Ill never make it on the plane nowIts bad enough I got all this jewelry onCant be serious man

美剧火线(The Wire Season )里的女演员是谁

Amy Ryan吧,演的是Beatrice "Beadie" Russell?

Bird On The Wire 歌词

歌曲名:Bird On The Wire歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Field Commander Cohen Tour Of 1979Leonard Cohen - Bird On the WireLike a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choirI have tried in my way to be free.Like a worm (fish) on a hook,like a knight from some old fashioned bookI have saved all my ribbons for thee.If I, if I have been unkind,I hope that you can just let it go by.If I, if I have been untrue,I hope you know it was never to you.Like a baby, still born,like a beast with his hornI have torn everyone who reached out for me.But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrongI will make it all up to thee.I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"Oh like a bird on the wire,like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.「Created by WenChu(WC),20040829,Shanghai.....」

关于walk the wire


没有the wire的百度云资源了,可否分享下,谢谢





Beyond The Wire中文怎么设置?许多玩家在游玩本作Steam版时遇到了游戏没有中文的情况,下面带来具体的中文设置教程。中文设置教程打开这个目录/AppData/Local/WireGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/编辑Game文件,把下面两行代码粘贴进去然后保存。再打开游戏就是中文界面了。找不到Appdata文件夹的话就在运行里面输入%appdata%回车即可。[Internationalization]culture=zh-CN





有谁知道美剧the wire火线第三季12集片尾曲名字和歌手吗?谢谢

Solomon Burke 演唱的《Fast Train》配合一段蒙太奇

the wire 第五季哪里能看到啊?又名火线重案组,火线,监听风云

火线/火线重案组1-5季 链接; 更多资源------望采纳 备份; 马上提取--------持续更新

down to the wire是什么意思


over-the-wire 什么意思

over-the-wire 网络 线上; wire 英[u02c8wau026au0259(r)] 美[wau026ar] n. 电线; 金属丝; 电报; (木偶的) 牵线,操纵绳,背后操纵的势力,秘密引线,秘密策略; vi. 拍电报; vt. 拍电报; 给…装电线; [例句]I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。[其他] 第三人称单数:wires 复数:wires 现在分词:wiring 过去式:wired过去分词:wired

bits on the wire 什么意思

bits on the wire_翻译bits on the wire 逐位;

给美国写邮件申请经费,老外总是用the wire be processed,这里的wire是什么意思?

嗯 据我个人理解啊 我知道银行转账就是wire transfer 意思大致就是电汇 因为wire本身是电线的意思 那么这应该指代的是传统的银行账户到另外一个账户之间汇款的手续;那么在这里是不是也指的是电汇呢 应该还是有可能的。意思就是用电汇的方法把钱汇过去;因为国外跟国内银行之间都是可以相互汇款的 就是有手续费罢了当然 不排除这里有其他的意思的可能性 嘿嘿~

WATCH DOGS需要你的显示相容于DirectX 11,并且已安装Dicect Runtime


Justin Rutledge的 The Wire歌词是什么呀???~~

兄弟 你可以用金山词霸翻译 ~~

His first book net month is based on a true story.

His first book to be published next month is based on a true story.book不能是施动者,只能是受动者。也就是说,book本身不能出版自己,只能被出版,即由人来出版to be published。

reba mcentire的《fancy》, 谁能给一下歌词 谢谢了

I remember it all very well lookin" back It was the summer I turned eighteen We lived in a one room, rundown shack On the outskirts of New Orleans We didn"t have money for food or rent To say the least we were hard pressed Then Mama spent every last penny we had To buy me a dancin" dress Mama washed and combed and curled my hair And she painted my eyes and lips then I stepped into a satin" dancin" dress that had a split on the side clean up to my hip It was red velvet trim and it fit me good Standin" back from the lookin" glass There stood a woman where a half grown kid had stood She said here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Mama dabbled a little bit of perfume on my neck And she kissed my cheek Then I saw the tears wellin" up in her troubled eys When she started to speak She looked at a pitiful shackAnd then she looked at me and took a ragged breath She said your Pa"s run off and I"m real sick And the baby"s gonna starve to death She handed me a heart shaped locket that said To thine own self be true And I shivered as I watched a roach crawl accross The toe of my high heeled shoe It sounded like somebody else that was talkin" Askin" Mama what do I do She said be nice to the gentlemen Fancy And they"ll be nice to you She said here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me downLord forgive me for what I do, but if you want out Well it"s up to you Now don"t let me down you better start movin" uptown Well, that was the last time I saw my Ma The night I left that rickety shack The welfare people came and took the baby Mama died and I ain"t been back But the wheels of fate had started to turn And for me there was no way out And it wasn"t very long "til I knew exactly What my Mama"d been talkin" about I knew what I had to do but I made myself this solemn vowThat I"s gonna be a lady someday Though I didn"t know when or how I couldn"t see spending the rest of my life With my head hung down in shame you know I might have been born just plain white trash But Fancy was my name Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down It wasn"t long after that benevolent man Took me off the street And one week later I was pourin" his tea In a five room hotel suite I charmed a king, congressman And an occasional aristocrat Then I got me a Georgia mansion In an elegant New York townhouse flat And I ain"t done bad Now in this world there"s a lot of self-righteous hippocrates That would call me bad And criticize Mama for turning me out No matter how little we had But though I ain"t had to worry "bout nothin" For nigh on fifteen years I can still hear the desperation in my poor Mama"s voice ringin" in my ear She said, here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Here"s your one chance Fancy don"t let me down Lord, forgive me for what I do But if you want out well it"s up to you Now don"t let me down You Mama"s gonna help you uptown 中文版的大意有。但不是权威版的翻译

Nolita Fairytale的歌词

I know you know,We don"t seeAnd so our truths wait patientlyI walk the streets with a song in my headWe ebb and we flow soGot my toes on my pup at the foot of my bedMy heart always seems to knowTake the glitz backI want the soul instead"Cause I found some kind of fairytaleI used to hover outside my truthAlways worried bout what I"d loseTake away my record dealGo on, I don"t need itSpent the last 2 years getting to what"s realAnd now I can see so clearI hope you feel just like I feelI found some kind of fairytaleWant a garden by the ocean tideCause I lose my way searching for stage lightsBut Stevie knows and I thank her so"Cause it"s your seeds I sow and now I knowNolita flat on rent controlThat"s the life I chooseCan"t drag me to the fashion showThe poses that I see throughRuby"s in the afternoon"Cause I found some kind of fairytaleA nolita fairytale

使命召唤6锁定坦克时显示lock on required


barbie girl中文意思


At the party we found that shy girl _____ her mot


Electric Girl (Ac/Dc Mix) (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Electric Girl (Ac/Dc Mix) (Remix)歌手:张立基专辑:House PartyElectric Girl 张立基曲:陈内大藏 词:周礼茂碰上了她在寂寞狂雷雨夜爱上了她魅力高速地放射接上了她电力在无形拉扯跳上了她象电光的汽车引诱我她象是淡描轻写吻吻我至我身凋谢过了那一夜就是求求施舍也再去找电力牺牲者啊 热力似天火热炽啊 电量就似不死电池啊 若是你粗心大意啊 就象是我今天恨迟(Electric Girl)见了你她扮做短叹轻嗟引了你她慢慢将恋火暗射要了你她狠心把你去抛舍跳上了她象电光的汽车再碰到她又是在狂雷雨夜我看到她补充身体的放射接过了闪电就象狂流倾泻再次去找电力牺牲者

找一首歌,歌词有Im a 芭比girl,in the 芭比 world,好像是这样,节奏感很快

Barbie Girl - aqua

跪求马赛克乐队Dancing girl的歌词,爆好听

哈哈,乖乖,是说夏颖他们,mosaic,好的,歌词走起来:《Dancing girl 》         炎热的夏天 无聊的夜晚   寂寞的人群 都想找个伴   怀旧的party 霓虹灯旋转   跳舞的女孩 性感的摇摆        Evrybody in the bored night   忘掉一切只要跟着音乐一起摇摆        Evrybody in the bored night   Wow~wow~wow        Wow ~dancing girl   Wow ~dancing girl   Wow ~dancing girl   Wow ~dancing girl   Give me your kiss   Give me your soul
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