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Dirty作为形容词的意思是:“下流的,卑鄙的;肮脏的;恶劣的;暗淡的”;作为及物动词的意思是:“弄脏”;作为不及物动词的意思是:“变脏”。 不少的同学学习到dirty这个英文单词的时候,就产生了一定的学习障碍,觉得这个单词比较难理解,究竟这个英文单词是什么意思呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 单词发音: 英[u02c8du025cu02d0ti]美[u02c8du025dtu026a] 。 02 dirty work讨厌的工作 ; 卑鄙的工作 ; 下流勾当; DIRTY DOT污点 ; 较小的 ; 较小的污点; Dirty water脏水 ; 污水 ; 生活污水。 03 dirty air乱流 ; 脏空气 ; 污浊空气 ; 不稳气流; Is Dirty已更新; Dirty Desire疯狂幻想 ; 彬硕 ; 宇多田光 ; 李钟硕。 04 dirty trick鬼把戏 ; 以卑鄙的手段欺骗 ; 卑鄙手段; Dirty Color脏色; dirty arkose含杂质长石砂岩 ; 混浊长石砂岩 。 05 Why do you live in this dirty hole? 你为什么要住在这肮脏的洞穴里呢? Yes. I was dirty after my journey, so. 是的。我在旅行之后是肮脏的,所以。 But if someone pulls a dirty trick on you, should you do the same thing to him? 但如果有人拉扯一个肮脏把戏于你,你应该向他做同样的事情?




dirtyadj.恶劣的; 肮脏的; 卑劣的; 下流的; vt.弄脏,污染; 使名声受玷污; vi.变脏,污染[英][u02c8du025c:ti][美][u02c8du025c:rti]




adj.1.肮脏的2.下流的, 淫秽的3.卑劣的, 不公平的4.恶劣的vt. & vi.1.弄脏




的推de ta(第四声,第一声)。



spring 注解 Autowired 和 Inject 两个功能是一样的吗

Spring对于Bean的依赖注入,支持多种注解方式:@Resourcejavax.annotationJSR250 (Common Annotations for Java)@Injectjavax.injectJSR330 (Dependency Injection for Java)@Autowiredorg.springframework.bean.factorySpring直观上看起来,@Autowired是Spring提供的注解,其他几个都是JDK本身内建的注解,Spring对这些注解也进行了支持。但是使用起来这三者到底有什么区别呢?笔者经过方法的测试,发现一些有意思的特性。区别总结如下:一、@Autowired有个required属性,可以配置为false,这种情况下如果没有找到对应的bean是不会抛异常的。@Inject和@Resource没有提供对应的配置,所以必须找到否则会抛异常。二、 @Autowired和@Inject基本是一样的,因为两者都是使用AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor来处理依赖注入。但是@Resource是个例外,它使用的是CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor来处理依赖注入。当然,两者都是BeanPostProcessor。@Autowired和@Inject- 默认 autowired by type- 可以 通过@Qualifier 显式指定 autowired by qualifier name。- 如果 autowired by type 失败(找不到或者找到多个实现),则退化为autowired by field name@Resource- 默认 autowired by field name- 如果 autowired by field name失败,会退化为 autowired by type- 可以 通过@Qualifier 显式指定 autowired by qualifier name- 如果 autowired by qualifier name失败,会退化为 autowired by field name。但是这时候如果 autowired by field name失败,就不会再退化为autowired by type了。

spring4整合hibernate4,启动报错,Could not autowire field: private org.hibernate.SessionFactory

bean里没有配置链接数据库信息,如果配置了连接池的话 可以加<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" ></property>没有配连接池的话 可以在props标签里加子标签<prop key="hibernate.connection.driver_class" >com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</prop><prop key="hibernate.connection.url" >xxxxxxx</prop><prop key="hibernate.connection.username" >xxx</prop><prop key="hibernate.connection.password" >xxx</prop>

fishing wire ropes是什么意思?

fishing wire ropes 牵引钢丝绳,牵引金属线绳


chairwoman n. 女主席; 女议长

出道即巅峰,你想要的它都有——冰豹KONE PRO AIR无线职业版测评

德国冰豹,对于硬核的外设和 游戏 玩家来说,一定不陌生。当年凭借着细腻触感涂层、舒适手感造型以及炫酷灯效的魔幻豹,俘获不少忠实粉丝,那三款设计不同的军规版更是让不少人心向往之。不过,在之后,冰豹并没有在市场上激起太多的浪花,直到2019年被美国乌龟海岸收购,才算是真正地卷土重来。 冰豹的产品系列比较完整,鼠标、鼠标垫、键盘、耳机等,都有。其中,鼠标系列包括KONE魔幻豹、KAIN卡宴、BURST极光豹、LEADR钛鲨豹等型号。时至今日,外设的无线化趋势日盛,冰豹也是在自己曾经最辉煌的魔幻豹基础上,推出了自己的第一款无线鼠标——KONE PRO AIR无线职业版。本文为大家带来这款产品的体验测评。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR无线职业版包装正面包含品名、产品渲染图(黑/白)、三模(有线、2.4G无线、蓝牙)、DPI(19000)、重量(75g)等信息。值得注意的是,KONE PRO AIR的按键区是支持RGB效果的。随着电池续航的不断提升,在无线鼠标中应用RGB,不仅成为可能,而且很香啊~ 包装背面是冰豹KONE PRO AIR的侧视图,并且对鼠标外观、速度和专业表现等内容进行了展开描述。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR的TITAN泰坦光微动、热处理PTFE鼠标脚垫和PhantomFlex幽灵线等产品主题功能,也都在包装上有直观呈现。 然后就是100+小时的续航、75g的重量、1亿次的微动使用寿命、1680万种RGB色彩和19000DPI等信息。可以说,包装看完,基本上可以决定是否入手了。 拆开包装盒,可以看出,冰豹KONE PRO AIR的包装内容比较简单,除了鼠标本体,还有一根带刻度收纳线卷的1.8米鼠标线、一个2.4G无线信号接收器和一份说明书。 鼠标线USB端有冰豹的logo,使得这条线的辨识度比较强。带刻度线卷绝对是个好设计,这样的话,即便是有线使用,也可以让桌面保证一定的规整水平。尼龙材质包线质感很好,抗弯折能力也更强。 2.4G无线接收器比较袖珍,外端有“ROCCAT”字样,平时就不会跟别的鼠标接收器用混了。当然,关于接收器收纳,冰豹KONE PRO AIR有个贴心设计,就是在鼠标底部预留了收纳“坑位”,不用时,把接收器放进这个“坑位”就好,也就不容易遗失。 冰豹作为一家国际大厂,产品覆盖范围甚广,说明书上也对应多种语言进行信息说明。不过紧要处也搭配了图示,所以整体理解起来还是很容易的。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR的左、右键采用半透明消隐设计,键板打得很薄,方便光效开启时顺利透光。同时,键板底部则采用了BIONIC蜂巢结构,当鼠标光效启动后,就可以呈现更丰富的效果。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR采用泰坦光学微动,点击寿命可以达到1亿次。而且这次的无线版微动还做了微调,提升了触感和响应速度。光学微动区别于有的鼠标采用的机械微动在于,可以实现更高的精度,降低延迟,延长鼠标的使用寿命(传说中的可以传给孙子用)。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR的新泰坦滚轮系统采用一体成型铝合金材质和镂空设计,使得鼠标整体更为轻便。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR只有两个侧键(可用ROCCAT Swarm自定义),而且位于鼠标上顶部,不会与大拇指触按区冲突,因此使用时的按压手感很不错。 鼠标侧面有细密横纹,握持感很不错,而且左侧比右侧弧度更大,符合右手型人体工学设计。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR腕部有“ROCCAT KONE”字样,其实空间还蛮富余的,要是增加一个冰豹的“豹子头”logo,再加点RGB光效,感觉会挺不错的。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR背面前、后常滑动区域的防滑脚垫面积较大,中间传感器周围则有一小圈防滑脚垫用于保护。PTFE脚垫经事先热处理调校,上手就能获得很好的滑动感受。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR在德国设计,中国组装,可以看出模式切换键(无线/关/蓝牙)和配置文件切换键都做了内陷设计,平时使用时不会发生误触。无线接收器收纳仓是个很实用的设计,我之前就用过没有收纳仓的无线鼠标,有时候不用时,无线接收器真的就不知道放哪好。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR重量为73g,使用时还是能很明显地感受到它的轻便的。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR给我比较大的手感惊喜,我觉得比我之前用罗技G304和雷蛇炼狱蝰蛇V2X极速版的手感都要好,触发灵敏度和手部舒适性也更出色。寻觅良久,终于找到适合自己手型的鼠标,我还是蛮开心的。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR搭载了自有的Stellar Wireless技术,延迟和响应速度在 游戏 测试中,跟有线模式下没有可察觉的差异,应当说体验还是很不错的。而且,充满电后确实续航很给力,我已经用了一两个月了,天天RGB开启,高强度使用,但一直没充过电。难能可贵的还有,即便你没留神,哪天鼠标突然没电了,这时,只要充上10分钟,就又能满足5小时的使用时长。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR的一大亮点就是支持丰富的RGB光效(1680万色),并且支持多种模式。模式的切换通过ROCCAT Swarm实现,我们来看看光效: 色彩最丰富的就是智能化照明系统了,光效呈传动状。 波浪模式的光效呈现同色传递状态,不过延时比较低,几乎是同时同色。 关灯和全亮模式没啥好说的,就是固定住当前键板颜色或者关掉光效,达到省电效果。 心跳模式如其名,跳动频率就像心脏跳动的感觉。 呼吸模式比心跳模式稍慢一些。 闪烁模式则要快很多。 Battery Indication根据电量显示不同色,了解剩余电量也就比较直观。 冰豹KONE PRO AIR的PC端控制通过ROCCAT Swarm实现,这个软件在冰豹官网下载即可。 官网很好找到,不过下载软件时可能因浏览器不同而出现不同状况。比如,我刚开始用的某60浏览器,结果一直下载不动,我还以为要开加速器或挂VPN,毕竟冰豹服务器在德国嘛~后来又试了一下用Microsoft Edge下载,就很顺利下载下来了。 安装过程就很简单了,略去不提,需要注意的是,固件更新时需要连接线缆进行。 工具栏第一栏集成了DPI切换开关、Windows指针速度、照明等完整功能。比如,我们可以看到DPI分5个档位,最小DPI为50,最高为19000,几个档位的区别在单次调节幅度不一。而从底部的Game Profiles可以看出,冰豹KONE PRO AIR可以设置5组自定义配置文件,然后通过鼠标底部的配置文件切换键进行调用。 “设置”栏包括垂直滚动速度、双击速度、Windows指针速度、DPI切换开关等内容,相比主界面,要更为细致些。 “按键分配”栏,可以进行鼠标8个按键特别是6、7、8键的功能预设,并且可以设置对应键的精密度。 除了“基础预设”,也可以进行“Balanced Preset”、“精密度预设”、“媒体预设”等多项功能。 “照明”栏实现效果包括智能化照明系统、波浪、关灯、全亮、心跳、呼吸、闪烁、Battery Indication,这些光效在前文中也都得到了展示。 “高级设置”栏我觉得蛮实用的,除了可以查看鼠标剩余电量外,信号强度还会实时变化哟~比如上面的“Fair”,就还会变成“Good”、“Excellent”等等。当然,刷新率、角度咬合、距离控制单元、重置设置、Debounce Time和LED Time Out等设置功能,本身也能实现更具个性化的使用需求。 虽然是品牌的第一款无线鼠标,但冰豹KONE PRO AIR无线职业版确实是一出道就实现了高水准:颜值高、手感好、光效多、质量轻、续航长、延迟小、连接稳、设置功能丰富... 如果你的桌面无线化正在进行中,我觉得你完全可以考虑一波~

bad girl beast日文版罗马音歌词 一定要是罗马音啊!!!!!

楼上的说的是正确的是,确实是beast的bad girl罗马拼音+中文的翻译

请问一下They are the birthplaces of Chinese culture.是定语从句吗?请说明理由,谢谢!


My birthplace is Beijing.对Beijing划线提问.

Where is my birthplace?

her birthplace is Shanghai同义句 3句

Her birthplace is Shanghai. = (She was born) in Shanghai. = (She"s from) Shanghai. = (She comes from) Shanghai. 还可以变成:Shanghai is her birthplace.等.

实用英语口语:Asking About Birthplace 问出生地

  [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方?   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your mather born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming, werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   [情景对话]   Where were you born?   I was born in Guangzhou   Were you born in the city or in the country?   I was born in the country. My hometown is very beautiful   Where was he born?   He was born in Miami   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   Iu2019m now sure. I guess she was born in Beijing. Sheu2019s be good at Beijing dialect   Where was Mary born?   She was born in New York. She speaks English with New York accent.   Where was your father born?   He born in Kunming   Where was your mother born?   She was born in lijiang   You were in lijiang.werenu2019t you?   No. I was born in Kunming. Senior The stone forest   Do you know where was Jack born?   He told me he was born in the States   Do you know where was Alice born? I was born in lijiang   Really. thatu2019s a lovely place. I really like lijiang   [语法精练]   Where were you born?   你出生在什么地方   Where were they born?   他们出生在什么地方   Where were you born?   你们出生在什么地方   Were you born in the city or in the country?   你出生在城市还是乡下   Was he born in the city or in the country?   他出生在城市还是乡下   Was she born in the city or in the country?   她出生在城市还是乡下?   Where was he born?   他出生在什么地方?   Where was she born?   她出生在什么地方?   Where was it born?   它出生在什么地方?   Was lifang born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   李芳出生在北京还是天津?   Was wanghai born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   王海出生在北京还是天津?   Was wubin born in Beijing or in Tianjin?   吴宾出生在北京还是天津?   Where was Mary born?   玛丽出生在什么地方?   Where was Nacy born?   南希出生在什么地方?   Where was Henry born?   亨利出生在什么地方?   Where was your father born?   你父亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your uncle born?   你叔叔出生在什么地方?   Where was your brother born?   你弟弟出生在什么地方?   Where was you mother born?   你的母亲出生在什么地方?   Where was your aunt born?   你阿姨出生在什么地方?   Where was you sister born?   你的妹妹出生在什么地方?   You were born in Kunming. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在昆明,是不是?   You were born in Beijing. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在北京,是不是?   You were born in haerbin. Werenu2019t you?   你出生在哈尔滨,是不是?   Do you know where Jack was born?   你知道杰克出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Jimu2019s born?   你知道吉姆出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where Nacy was born?   你知道南希出生在什么地方吗?   Do you know where I was born? I was born in lijiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在丽江   Do you know where I was born? I was born in Kunming   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在昆明   Do you know where I was born? I born in xinjiang   你知道我出生在什么地方吗?我出生在新疆   [问出生地提高篇]   Everyone is proud of his or her hometown. Especially his or her own birthplace. Wherever we go, we should not and we not forgot our birthplace. A place where great person was born . so when we talk with foreign friends, we are often talk about our birthplaces or our hometowns. We are very interested in each otheru2019s birthplaces, at least it is a good topic for our conversation. Whenever we hear foreign friends talk about their hometowns, especially their birthplaces, the whole conversation if full of pride and happiness   [谈论出生地十大经典句型]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace lacated?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化吗?   Have you built a lot of new houses these years?   近年来盖了很多新房吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡去很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the future of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   [情景对话]   What is your birthplace?   I was born in luliang.luliang is a very beautiful place   Where is your birthplace located?   This located in the northeast of Yunnan   What is the climate like in your hometown?   Itu2019s not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   Its average temperature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   My hometown is still under backwood   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been setup in my hometown in recent years   Have you been a lot of new houses in these years?   Yes, a lot of new houses have been built these years   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   Yes, it is. It is very convenient to go to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus.   What do you think of the future of you hometown?   My hometown has developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwook at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the future.   [轻松演说]   I was born in luliang. Luliang is a very beautiful place. It is in the northeast in Yunnan. It is not very hot in summer and it is not very cold in winter. Itu2019s average tempetature is about twenty degrees to thirty degrees. My hometown is still backwood. I feel new hospitals and a lot of new factories have been built in my hometown in recent years. A lot of new houses have been built in these years. It is very convenient to my hometown. A new express way has been built between Kunming and my hometown. It only takes about two hours to go from Kunming to my hometown by bus. My hometown is developing and a very high speed. Although it is still backwood at the moment. I am sure my hometown will be more beautiful in the furture.   [语法精练]   What is your birthplace?   你的出生地是什么地方?   What is his birthplace?   他的出生地是什么地方?   What is her birthplace?   她的出生地是什么地方?   Where is your birthplace located?   你的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is his birthplace located?   他的出生地位于什么地方?   Where is her birthplace located?   她的出生地位于什么地方?   What is the climate like in your hometown?   你们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in his hometown?   他们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the climate like in her hometown?   她们家乡的气候怎么样?   What is the average temperature in your hometown?   你们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in his hometown?   他们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the average temperature in her hometown?   她们家乡的平均气温是多少度?   What is the economic situation like in your hometown?   你们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in his hometown?   他们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What is the economic situation like in her hometown?   她们家乡的经济状况怎么样?   What changes have take place in your hometown in recent years?   最近几年你的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in his hometown in recent years?   最近几年他的家乡有什么变化?   What changes have take place in her hometown in recent years?   最近几年她的家乡有什么变化?   Have you built a lot of new houses in these years?   今年来盖了很多新房吗?   Have you built a lot of hospitals in these years?   今年来盖了很多新医院吗?   Have you built a lot of new schools in these years?   今年来盖了很多新学校吗?   Is it convenient to go to your hometown?   到你的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to his hometown?   到他的家乡很方便吗?   Is it convenient to go to her hometown?   到她的家乡很方便吗?   How long does it take to go from Kunming to your hometown?   从昆明到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from Guangzhou to your hometown?   从广州到你的家乡要走多久?   How long does it take to go from naming to your hometown?   从南宁到你的家乡要走多久?   What do you think of the furture of your hometown?   你对你家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does he think of the future of his hometown?   他对他家乡的未来是怎么看的?   What does she think of the future of her hometown?   她对她家乡的未来是怎么看的?


应该是where is your birthplace?你的出生地在哪里?

英语作文 简介我国最长之河-长江 参考词汇:birthplace发源地 dragon

The Chang Jiang River is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. It drains one-fifth of the land area of the People"s Republic of China (PRC) and its river basin is home to one-third of the country"s population. The Chang Jiang River plays a large role in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous Yangtze River Delta generates as much as 20% of the PRC"s GDP. The Chang Jiang River flows through a wide array of ecosystems and is habitat to several endemic and endangered species including the Chinese alligator, the finless porpoise, the Chinese paddlefish, the (possibly extinct) Yangtze River dolphin or baiji, and the Yangtze sturgeon. For thousands of years, the river has been used for water, irrigation, sanitation, transportation, industry, boundary-marking and war.

英语作文 简介我国最长之河-长江 参考词汇:birthplace发源地 dragon

The Changjiang River is the longest river of China. The birthplace is in Qinghai Tibet Plateau.The Changjiang River flows through eleven provinces. Its total length is 6300 kilometers. It"s longer than the Yellow River.The Changjiang River is the third longest river all over the world. Seeing the past from the map,it is like a dragon.The Changjiang River has its own culture called Changjiang culture.


birthplace是名词,意为出生地;发源地;诞生地;发祥地。一、双语例句1.The town"s only claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of Elgar.小镇所以成名的惟一原因是,它是埃尔加的出生地。2.Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance.佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的发祥地。3.Shakespeare"s birthplace is often visited as a shrine.莎士比亚的诞生地常被人们当作圣地游览。二、birthplace用在影视原声中1、According to legend, this secluded monastery is not only the birthplace of Zen Buddhism, here trained the legendary Shaolin monks.传说,这个僻静的寺庙不仅是禅宗佛教的诞生地,这里培育了传奇的少林和尚。—《鸟瞰中国》2、On the island"s northern tip, in the Polol Valley, overlook the sprawling forest reserves of Hawaii"s lush northern region, the birthplace of Kamehameha the First.在岛的北端,波罗陆山谷上,俯瞰夏威夷北部繁茂的森林保护区,卡米哈米哈一世的出生地。—《10大名城旅游攻略》户口簿出生地指的是什么户口簿出生地指的是实际出生的地点,这个也是需要记载在户口本上的。户口本的第1页也就是户主的户别,那一栏当中是需要注明具体的户口的性质,也就是说包括有农业户口或者是非农业户口。



dash girl 尹恩惠 中文歌词谐音 是谐音哦!

dash girl毛里葡萄 怕儿跟嘎基 难 脑木那 帮帮套 靠勒儿但 套各儿定Gi Go 当当Hi 那栋t栋t乃嘎 汉堡n 其那嘎秒n 普劳沃哈嫩 西送乃堆安 苏马嫩 男m甲得累 dash go哦n在那 华料汉 为楚来 秀屏恩 鹏鹏都 哦呢儿 乃以儿 靠k炯阿奈都对 克嘎t 东东一龙角龙 Go民 那爱嘎脑p较一米 沃纳嫩高森 毛扽嘎t较基曼脑满 Bo秒n 某扽该 他儿啦叫 come on萨朗还要 乃改 他嘎瓦 作腰一龙 乃嘎 那都 奥赛卡角 bring on克带 乃 马m 怕打左摇乃卡斯米 空空 乃以p苏里 空空乃马迷 乃努尼 乃某扽该都 脑满 Bo秒n 空空 苏密麻Kiao 哦哦一赞 乃 马木儿 他 卡角嘎要You will be mine will be mineI will be your forever loverYou will be mine will be mineI will be your forever lover脑爱该慢 艘儿基Ki 难 萨朗爱 带喊 乃 卡m炯Bo要租儿盖 金喜木漏 乃脉料开 扑咚马恩木儿 他们 鹏宋 脑其极马要 图送乃努乃 毛m春 西送 西嘎嫩 克带漏 毛m戳扫图邦他洗 哦基某她儿 大难报内 love love乃家信满 萨朗汉难 一老儿组儿 某儿啦t较 No No萨朗爱 某扽高儿 怕妻儿来 一赞 票拿几 阿呢儿来克头漏k 沃乃t栋 唐西呢儿 萨朗还脑满 Bo秒n 某扽该 他儿啦叫 come on萨朗还要 乃改 他嘎瓦 作腰一龙 乃嘎 那都 奥赛卡角 bring on克带 乃 马m 怕打左摇乃卡斯米 空空 乃以p苏里 空空乃马迷 乃努尼 乃某扽该都 脑满 Bo秒n 空空 苏密麻Kiao 哦哦一赞 乃 马木儿 他 卡角嘎要You will be mine will be mineI will be your forever loverYou will be mine will be mineI will be your forever lover从四脑p西 他儿聊哦n 用花艘k 组因公哎 萨儿们脑木那 马嫩高儿 一儿开 满得老扫 难 报嫂那Go 西跑脑满 Bo秒n 某扽该 他儿啦叫 come on萨朗还要 乃改 他嘎瓦 作腰一龙 乃嘎 那都 奥赛卡角 bring on克带 乃 马m 怕打左摇乃卡斯米 空空 乃以p苏里 空空乃马迷 乃努尼 乃某扽该都 脑满 Bo秒n 空空 苏密麻Kiao 哦哦一赞 乃 马木儿 他 卡角嘎要乃卡斯米 空空 乃以p苏里 空空乃马迷 乃努尼 乃某扽该都 脑满 Bo秒n 空空 苏密麻Kiao 哦哦一赞 乃 马木儿 他 卡角嘎要You will be mine will be mine

急求super junior【super girl】歌词

SUPER GIRL 作曲 YOO, YOUNG JIN 中文词 爱比 看我 看看我 不要总是想着他 不爱 不爱 他不爱你 你的完美 胜过他 不要再盯着那手机 不要再那三心二意 你明白的 你清楚的 我超级的女孩 *有时候想起他送你的花 丢掉快丢掉吧 还有他那最迷人的微笑 忘掉快忘掉吧 他的温柔还会让你颠倒 醒来快醒来吧 你的好是多么神秘 请让我好好地保密 ** Oh My Super Girl 你是我的Baby Girl 他看不见你的美丽 平凡背后的魔力 Oh My Super Girl 我是你的Super Man 你的眼神让我着迷 为了你我什么都愿意 Oh--- Oh---Oh---Oh---My Love 看我 看看我 不要总是随着他 如果他说喜欢你 就算再忙也能够等到你 那一定是他说的谎话 那一定不是真心的话 Oh~别相信吧 离开吧 Oh~快到我的身边来 *Repeat **Repeat 开心地 难过地 答应你 都陪你 都陪你 准备了全世界最好的爱 最贵的爱 等你搬进我的心里来 幸福的权利不要放弃 全世界最完美的唯一 **Repeat 你是我最超级的女孩 (别再等待等待) 跟着我一起飞到未来 (爱情不用彩排彩排) 我是你最超级的依赖 (别再等待等待) 跟着我一起飞到未来 (爱情不用彩排彩排) Oh--- Oh---Oh---Oh---My Love 卟知道亲满卟满意

super girl 韩文版 罗马拼音或傻瓜拼音


brown eyes girl sign歌词

Micky: sexy loverkeu dae kyeo te i sseul ddaennan nu neul ddel su ga eo seokeu jeo haeng bo gan u seum man yeahHero: (keu eo ddeon a reum da um dopi gyo dyuel su eon neun geol)U-know: meo ri ggeut bo teo pal ggeut gga jineo mu wan byeo gae seo and (xiah I love you)nae ma eum eul mo du ka jyeo gat jyoAll: Hey girl keu dae kyeo te i sseul ddaena neun nam ja ro wan seong i tyue gohi meul ka jil su it jyoi je se sang a pe tang dang hae yo Hey girl (Hey girl)keu dae ma ni ma ji maksa rang eul si meul su it jyoi jen pyeon na ji ma yo With me EternallyMax: keu dae e ge ha go si peun malnam ja deu re ka seu mentan ha na e sa rang ma niU-know: (nam gyeo jyeo ci ul su eot jyo)Xiah: nae so ge teu reo wanae mo deun keo si tyuen keu daeMicky: (na e nun do pal geo reum do)Xiah: o jik keu dae reul hyang hae seo Hey girlAll: keu dae kyeo te i sseol ddaena neun nam ja ro wan seong i dyue gohi meul ka jil su it jyoi je se sang a pe tang dang hae yo Hey girl (Hey girl)keu dae ma ni ma ji maksa rang eul si meul su it jyoi jen pyeon na ji ma yo With me EternallyXiah: yong won han sa rang i ran keoncon jae hal su eot da gomal ha neun sa ram deulkeu reon mi deum jo cha eon neun geolHero: in saeng e dan nan beoncin sil han sa rang i o nyeonkeu ddae seo ya al ge tyue get jyo GirlMax: na reul ka jil su in neun Part of my heartAll: Hey girl keu dae ra neun se gyeo neuni jen ggeu teul al su eo seo yoneo mu ki peun pa da waca geun u ju ka reun keu dae nun bit Hey girl (Hey girl)tu ryeo un ke eon neun keolna keu dae kyeo te it da myeonteo ka jil pi ryo eo seo yo My dearAll: Hey girl keu dae kyeo te i sseol ddaena neun nam ja ro wan seong i tyue gohi meul ka jil su it jyoi je se sang a pe tang dang hae yo Hey girl (Hey girl)keu dae ma ni ma ji maksa rang eul si meul su it jyoi jen pyeon na ji ma yo With me Eternally

discrete tpm和firmware tpm区别

硬件TPM(dTPM,即discrete TPM) TPM硬件可以是独立的,比如中亚上卖的华硕的TPM硬件不到120元,插在有TPM硬件接口的主板上就能用; TPM硬件也可以是集成的/出厂自带的,不能拔下来。昨晚21点,宏碁正式召开2021全球秋季新品发布会,将环保理念和科技产品创新结合,以Earthion平台为基础推出了Vero环保产品系列、ConceptD7SpatialLabs超感空间裸眼3D版及搭载全新12代英特尔酷睿处理器的掠夺者圣盾7000电竞台式机。此次Vero系列亮点产品就是首款环保概念笔记本AcerVero蜂鸟·未来环保版,重1.8kg,采用15.6英寸16:9屏幕,拥有48Wh电池,搭载最新发布的Win11系统。最大的亮点就是采用PCR环保材质,机身和屏幕边框采用了30%的PCR塑料。键帽使用了50%的PCR塑料,还搭配了100%可回收的包装盒。此外,还有以下新品:TravelMate航海家·未来环保版,搭载第11代英特尔酷睿i7处理器并配备DiscreteTPM独立安全模组。

i need a girl音译

I need a GirlTae YangI"m tired of being aloneSick of being singleI think I need a girlI need a girl likeSaenggak eopneun maltuEorein aedeul malguNal gamssa.ana julGamanisseodo namjanomdeulJeonhwagil naemiljimanJarangseureopgae nae sajineulKkeonaebo.I.neun georeun girlGirl, I need a girlMweolhaedo eeppeunMom.maedo eeppeunGirl, I need a girlBaby, I need youGirl, you need me, tooChimaboda chungbajiga deo jal eo.oolineun geureon yeojaKimchi bokkeumbapeun naega jal mandeul eoDaeshin jal meogeul su itneun manado eoryeobo.I.neun yeojaNan geureon yeojaga jodeora(Know what I mean)Bukkeureo.oon cheok hamyeonseodoPyungso.aen joshinhan cheokhaedo gatchi isseumyeonHmm, y"all know what I"m talking aboutGirl, I need a girlMweolhaedo eeppeunMom.maedo eeppeunGirl, I need a girlNan eereon yeojaga jodeoraWaemoneun not issue but meoseul aneun gwiyeo.oon girlChwimineun dallado chwihyangeun gataeYounghwana eumakeul bol ddaemyeon mali tonghaneun girl(Yes! ) I love girls, girls I do adoreSarangdeul apaesun jijo.itgae nolayoNae apaesun aing nan mollayoAchimae nal kkae.ooneun moksori(Morning Kiss) Harureul shijak.hagoshipeoBamaeneun ni mureupae gidaeJajanggareul deuleumyeo ni kkoom kkugoshipeoDashi nae gaseumeul ddwigae haejweoDashi dalkomhan norael mandeulgae hajweoYou know don"t need no moreDanji geureongae anya nae mameul jugo shipeun saramGirl, I need a girlGirl, I get, gotta make you"re mineI"m treat you right, babyGirl, I need a girlMweolhaedo eeppeunMommaedo eeppeunGirl, I need a girlBaby, I need youGirl, you need me, tooGirl, I need a girlGirl, I need a girlGirl, nae maleul deudgo itniBaby, I need youGirl, you need me, tooGirl, I need a girl

求BEAST的《bad girl》音译歌词

B2ST - Bad Girl I"m heart sick, heal me, be crazy, can"t let you go Sad love song, my love"s gone, please baby, don"t go far So beast Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down Down, down, we gotta get down, I want ya, come to me, girl Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down Down, down, we gotta get down, I want ya, come to me, girl Niga tteonan jarie seupeumi gadeukhae Naman dugo tteona beorimyeon nan eotteokhae Shigani jinagado ni eolguri jakku tteo olla Meoriga binggeul binggeul doneunde Eojega majimak kiss, neol jabji mothan nae miss Modeunge kkumi gil please, nan geunyang babo baboga dwin geot gata Sorichyeo sorichyeo bulleo butjapgo butjapgo shipeodo Hey, hey, hey, girl, dorawa jweo please, my hate girl Amuri saeng gakhaedo maldo andwae, bad girl Jakkuman ni saenggage michyeo michyeo, bad girl Tteonaji mallago nege sorichyeodo Dwi dora bojido anhneun, bad girl G-O-N-E niga tteonani jal gadeon shigyedo stop gwaenhi Nae gwieseo deullineun like our story, so sick Hanttaeneun my, my lady niga eobseo ureo nan daily Ajik ni jarineun biweo dulge girl C-O-M-E Miweohan ji harumane geuriweojyeo Ni saenggage nae eolguri nunmullo beonjyeo Neol butjabeuryeo hamyeon neo ege daga galsurok deo Naegeseo meolli meolli ganeunde Dashi dolligin neomu nujeo borin geot gatae Ni moksori ga naegeseo jakku meoreo jineunde Sorichyeo sorichyeo bulleo butjapgo butjapgo shipeodo Hey, hey, hey, girl, dorawa jweo please, my hate girl Amuri saeng gakhaedo maldo andwae, bad girl Jakkuman ni saenggage michyeo michyeo, bad girl Tteonaji mallago nege sorichyeodo Dwi dora bojido anhneun, bad girl Yeotaekkeot niga haetdeon modeun mal Hansungan modeun geda geojitmal Ni mameul dwi dolliryeo halsurok Naegeseo han georeumsshik meoreojyeo ganeun neo Amuri saeng gakhaedo maldo andwae, bad girl Jakkuman ni saenggage michyeo michyeo, bad girl Tteonaji mallago nege sorichyeodo Dwi dora bojido anhneun, bad girl Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down Down, down, we gotta get down, na honjaman tto seulpeo hae... naege dorawajweo Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down Down, down, we gotta get down, I want ya, come to me, girl采纳哦


这个 蛮恏聼的 莪去找找看 韩语歌词 I Go by the name of CL of 2NE1 It"s been a long time comming But we"re here now and we about to set the roof on fire baby (Uh Oh) you better get yours cause I"m can the mine uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0~2NE1 uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0~you gotta ring the alarm uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0~we 2NE1 uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0~hey hey hey hey come in come in come in ub2e4ub978 uc138uc0c1uc73cub85c uc9c0uacb9uae30ub9cc ud55c uace0ubbfcuc740 uc774uc81c ub4f1uc744 uc9c0uace0 lalalala uac00uc2dd uc5c6ub294 ub098uc758 ucf67ub178ub798ub85c hahahaha ub2e4uc2e0 ub110 ube44uc6c3uc9c0 ubabbud558ub3c4ub85d NOW LET"S ucda4uc744 ucda4uc744 ucda4uc744 ucdb0uc694 wanna get down ubcf4ub2e4ud070 uafc8uc744 uafc8uc744 uafc8uc744 uafd4 uc138uc0c1uc740 ub0b4 ub9d8ub300ub85c ub2e4 ud560uc218uc788uae30uc5d0 ud070 uc790uc720ub97c uc704ud574 ud22cub098uc787~ud22cub098uc787~uc544~~ ub0b4ub208ube5buc5d0 ube5bub098ub294 ubcc4ub4e4ub85c ub0b4uc2ecuc7a5uc18duc744 ud0dcuc6b0ub294 uc800 ubd88ube5bub3c4 中文翻译 我的名字叫发光的2NE1 这是已经等了很久了 但是我们现在在这里 我们即将成立的屋顶起火婴儿(嗯噢) 您更好地得到你的事业我可以地雷 要以以以以电子u301c 2NE1 要以以以以电子u301c你爱环警钟 要以对,以向我们2NE1呀u301c 要以以以以电子u301c Hey hey hey hey come in come in come in不同的世界 现在的问题是现在才起 lalalala 没有碰到我的鼻音 不能在嘲笑你 NOW LET"S 舞蹈舞蹈舞蹈舞着蹈wanna get down 看着梦想 梦想 梦想 世界上能做到这一点对我的自由,自由是今晚今晚u301c u301c噢u301c u301c 鉴于在我的眼睛闪亮明星东西 鉴于这种内心深处的燃烧 罗马音译 I go by the name of CL of 21!It"s been along time comin" But we"re here nowAnd we bout to set the roof on fire babyYou better get yours cuz I"m getting mineuc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 2NE1uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 We gonna with me alonguc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 We 2NE1uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 hey hey hey heyCome in come in come in da reun sesan geu roJi gyeop gi man han go mi neun i je deun geul ji goRararara ga si geop neun na ui ko no rae roHahahaha dasin neol bi i je mo tha do rokNow let"s chumeul chumeul chumeul chwo yo wanna get down?Bo da keun kkumeul kkumeul kkumeul kkwo sesan geun nae mamDae ro da halsu it gie keun ja yu reul wihae tonight tonight ohNae nun bi che bit na neun byeol deul do Nae sim jang so geul ta eu neun je bul bit doYeong won ha jin an ke tji bu ti reul geon eop ji Oh~Nan mimimimimimimichi gosi peoDeo ppalli ttwittwittwittwittwittwittwittwigosipeoJeo nopeun bilding wiro jeo pureun haneul wiroKeuge soririririririri chigosipeoYou got that fire naui ga seu meul kungkungkungYou gotta drop it like its hot ji geum meom churyeohajima Ooooh that fire ne mo ri so geul bumbumbumI gotta drop it Like its hot meom chu ryeo ha jimaGet up get up get up myeot beon neo meo jyeo doMi teot deon sesan gi nal tto dasi bae sin hae doNanananan jeoldae uljiana babocheoreomEom meo meo meo nae sung tteol ji ma ra nam deul che reomNaega jeo kkeut kka ji de ryeo gal ge Follow Follow meSumi chaoreul mankeum dallyeojuneun na ui gaseumiWaenji nan silsimaneun ana jae mi jyoGeop nae ji ma ra Let it goBo da deonaeun naeilloLet let let let"s goNae nunbiche bitnaneun byeol deul doNae simjangsogeul taeuneun jeo bulbitdoYeongwonhajin anketji but ireulgeon opji Oh~Nan mimimimimimimichigosipeo Deo ppalli ttwittwittwittwittwittwittwittwigosipeoJeo nopeun bilding wiro jeo pureun haneul wiroKeuge soririririririri chigosipeouc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 2NE1uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 We gonna with me alonguc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 We 2NE1uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0uc5d0 hey hey hey heyMeoriga challangchallangchallangchallang daedorokEongdeongil sallangsallangsallangsallang heundeureoMeoriga challangchallangchallangchallang daedorokEongdeongil sallangsallangsallangsallang heundeureoMimimimimimimichigosipeoDeoppalli ttwittwittwittwittwittwittwittwigosipeoJeo nopeun bilding wiro jeo pureun haneul wiroKeuge soririririririri chigosipeoEonjena o neul cheo reom man jayur opgo sipeo 自己去这个贴吧看下吧、

有首歌,歌词里有‘find a girl ,sit down ’ 的

father and son It"s not time to make a change, just relax and take it easy You"re still young that"s your fault, there"s so much you have to know Find a girl, settle down, if you want to, you can marry Look at me, I am old, but I"m happy I was once like you are now, and I know that its not easy to be calm, when you"ve found something going on. But take your time, think a lot, think of everything you"ve got Stevens Cat For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not Chorus: How can I try to explain? when I do he turns away again it"s always been the same, same old story From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen now there"s a way and I know I have to go away and I know I have to go Verse: It"s not time to make a change, just sit down and take it slowly (I) (know) (I have) You"re still young, that"s your fault, there"s so much you have to go through (decision) (alone) Find a girl, settle down, if you want to you can marry (know) Look at me, I am old, but I"m happy (stay) (stay, stay) All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside (why?) (must) (you go and make this de- It"s hard, but it"s harder to ignore it. cision) (alone?) If they were right, I"d agree, but it"s them they know, not me Now there"s a way, and I know that I have to go away. I know I have to go. cat stevens 唱过,boyzone 也唱过,

我的iPhone6。设置中。为什么没有 Siri.选项?

可能你没有开启语音功能,可以通过设置进行开启。在iPhone 6主屏幕上打开设置专图标按钮进入属设置页面,找到通用栏目,点击打开在打开的通用设置页面中,可以看到Siri一栏,打开它进入Siri设置页面,这时系统默认是没有开启的,点击右侧的开关,想左滑动打开这时,系统在页面下方弹出一个警示窗口,是否打开Siri功能,确认的话直接点击启用Siri开启之后,我们也可以设置iPhone 6在接通电源的时候,不用按下HOME键,只要喊一句“嘿Siri”就可以调用该功能,只要打开右侧的开关即可当然,我们还可以设置Sori的性别,语言等等,让Siri变得更加亲民

Diddy - Dirty Money的《Change》 歌词

歌曲名:Change歌手:Diddy - Dirty Money专辑:Last Train To ParisChangeDiddy - Dirty MoneyYou told meThat you"d always be my loveYou showed meMy love just wasn"t enoughNow I"m on this trainThe tracks falling off of my brainIt won"t be longSay that you love me againYou know I"m always your friendSo what you want babeI promise I"ll changeI promise I"ll changeGirl I promise I"ll changeYou saidYou would always be in my armsGirl that"s what you saidYou said that you would always belongNow I"m on this trainThat"s falling off the edgeAnd I"m afraidA toll is at the endAnd I promise I"ll changeSaid that I"ll changeI know I told that I I"ll changeThat fact that you don"t love me love meBecause I"m still the sameThe sameThe sameThe sameI"m still the sameThe sameThe sameWhen you left me on that trainThe fact is girlI was way over my headYou gave me so much moreI gave you so much lessNow I"m wishing you the bestCause I swore I would change changeI swore that I would changeWhen you left me on that trainYou told meThat you would always be my loveYou showed meMy love just wasn"t enoughSay that you love me againYou know I"m always your friendSo what you want babeI promise I"ll changeI promise I"ll changeEven though I promised you everythingI am changedYou would always be in my armsI promised you the sameThat you"ll always be mineBut now I"m on that trainThat"s falling off the edgeAnd I"m afraidBut this time is still the endAnd I promised I"ll changeI swear that I will changeI promise I"ll changeThe fact is that you don"t love me love meBecause I"m still the sameThe sameThe sameThe sameI"m still the sameThe sameThe sameWhen you left me on that train

请问virtual ide disk是什么硬盘?


Inspiral Carpets的《Boomerang》 歌词

歌曲名:Boomerang歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Keep The Circle (B-Sides and Udder stuff)BoomerangJ-HypeNo matter where i go it"s impossiblealthough i try yeah i try to shake yait is some kind of force invinciblei try to hide but i can"t escape itand it keeps on pulling me back to youi wish i was dreaming and we were throughbut my head keeps going roundlike a merry go roundwith thoughts about youi leave then come running backcause i don"t know how to actwhen you"re not by my sideif it"s not meant to be thenexplain the fact thatno matter where i am atit"s only you on my mindi come back like a boomerangwe keep going back and forthyou push i pulland every day it"s the same old thingit"s gonna take a miracleto save me from coming back back to you agian

Radiohead的《Airbag》 歌词

歌曲名:Airbag歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfRadioheadAirbagOk ComputerIn the next world warIn a jackknifed juggernautI am born againIn the neon sign scrolling up and downI am born againIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn a deep deep sssleep of the inno$entI Am born againIn a faast German CarIm amazed that I survivedan airbag saved my lifeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universe

Radiohead的《Airbag》 歌词

歌曲名:Airbag歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok Computer (Collector S Edition)RadioheadAirbagOk ComputerIn the next world warIn a jackknifed juggernautI am born againIn the neon sign scrolling up and downI am born againIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn a deep deep sssleep of the inno$entI Am born againIn a faast German CarIm amazed that I survivedan airbag saved my lifeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universe

My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror.

我妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。我比大多数孩子更安静、更稳重。这就是为什么我喜欢读书并且在课堂更加努力地学习。我最好的朋友李渊也很安静,所以我们喜欢一起学习。我很害羞,所以对我来说交朋友不是很容易的事儿。但是我想朋友就应该像一本书—你不需要多而是精。同样也是没有必要的。我最好的朋友Larry 就和我有很大不同。他比我高并且外向。我们都喜欢运动,但是他更喜欢网球,所以他总是赢。然而,Larry 经常帮助我达到最好。所以我在网球上一直在进步。然而,Larry 很少用功,我总是比他获得更好的成绩,所以也许我更应该帮助他。我不关心是否我的朋友和我想的相同或是不同。我最喜欢的谚语是:一个真正的朋友能碰到你的手,并且达到你的心。我最好的朋友 Carol 是一个善良、快乐的人。事实上,她比我知道的任何人都快乐。去年我伤了我的胳膊,但是她哄我开心,让我感觉好些。我们可以谈论和分享每件事。我知道她关心我,因为她总是在那倾听。修改凯文的地盘

为什么英国以前叫British empire,现在成了united kingdom

United Kingdom 是正式国家名称, British empire可以视作对自己国家的自傲的称呼。在未有United Kingdom联合王国之前,不列颠岛上各以英格兰国、苏格兰国、威尔士国自称。British Empire最早出现于16世纪,作者们为英格兰国的建立出书立著的时候。鄙人认为可以把British empire 视为如同我国历朝的自称‘天朝上国"的这一类词语。

英文姓氏kidman可以作为first name使用吗? kidman这姓氏有什么含义?

Kidman 一般是姓氏,目前我没有看过谁把kidman当名字,美国影星Nicole Kidman (基德曼)Kidman Last name meaning: occupational name(职业名), probably for a goatherd (from Middle English kid(e) "young goat" + man "man"), but possibly also for a cutter of faggots (from Middle English kidde "faggot").

division director是什么意思

division director科主任双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 处主任2. 科室领导例句:1.Bradley Fisher has been named a Division Director and will be responsible for theGovernment Operations Division.如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

CPU virtualization 是什么意思

CPU虚拟化技术VT技术带给我们的最大改进是可以同时运行多个系统, 有了VT技术,就可以在一台服务器上运行多个操作系统,从而大幅降低成本。而对于我们普通消费者而言,VT技术在目前的应用还非常有限,相信只有很少数的用户会需要同时运行多个系统。 普及下知识: 所谓虚拟化,是指将单台电脑软件环境分割为多个独立分区,每个分区均可以按照需要模拟电脑的一项技术。它的技术实质是通过中间层次实现计算资源的管理和再分配,使资源利用实现最大化。虚拟化分区带来的最大好处是使同一个物理平台能够同时运行多个同类或不同类的操作系统,以分别作为不同业务和应用的支撑平台。 虚拟化有两种实施方式:传统的纯软件虚拟化方式(无需CPU支持VT技术)和硬件辅助虚拟化方式(需CPU支持VT技术)。纯软件虚拟化运行时的开销会造成系统运行速度较慢,有数据表明其引起的系统性能下降可能达5%-20%。所以,支持VT技术的CPU在基于虚拟化技术的应用中,效率将会明显比不支持硬件VT技术的CPU的效率高出许多。 现在CPU的VT技术就是:为了提升Windows 7的兼容性(因为目前多数软件都是基于XP或下开发的,),Windows 7为用户提供了一种称为XP模式的功能,这个XP模式可以让用户在Windows 7中运行基于XP系统开发的软件。 但是要想能运行这个XP模式,CPU必须要支持VT技术,且系统内存不低于2G。但是目前占处理器市场绝大部分份额的英特尔处理器,其平民级的CPU甚至连部分四核CPU都不支持VT技术,所以争论出来了.....给你们看一个网上问题的一些答案:CPU不支持VT(虚拟化)技术对使用WINDOWS 7有什么影响?答案01:使用Windows7的虚拟(windowXP)功能性能受损,无法最大限度使用CPU性能 有很多用户对window7没有太大的信心,希望能通过间接使用XP微软针对这一要求开发了虚拟系统,即可对XP进行操作,在适应了最新的操作系统后又可对小7进行操作,充分体现了微软研发团队对小7的信心 答案02:WINDOWS 7有一功能就是模拟WINDOWS XP模式。这是需要CPU的虚拟化功能的,E7400等CPU不具备。但是并不影响WINDOWS 7正常运行,只是不能使用这项功能。答案03:VT是提供Win7的虚拟机支持的,虚拟机模拟WinXP答案04:主要是不能使用虚拟XP功能,其他没影响,虚拟机也可以用VMWARE这类第三方软件代替答案05:没有虚拟化技术,你就不能虚拟xp使用,如果没有必要就不要考虑换WIN7使用 答案06:用处就是有些软件不能在windows7下使用,但是windows7可以模拟XP的环境,让软件在模拟出来的XP环境下运行,从而解决软件的兼容问题。提醒一句,不要对windows7有太大的幻想。答案07:能够安装 只是不能用虚拟技术罢了 。不用也可以的。你也不一定用的着虚拟技术。 从上面一些答案和收集一些资料来分析,个人觉我们也不必太过于去在意自己的计算机是否支持VT技术,因为并不是每个人都能用得到的,比如说对于普通游戏玩家和家庭用户,这个XP模式可以说几乎是用不到的,毕竟现在XP系统已老化,需要新的系统取代。而vstart系统因为损耗资源很大,没多少人接受。而Windows 7结合了XP和vstart得优点,功能强大且消耗低。现在通过先出的几个版本来看,效果不错,受到了很多用户欢迎。并且现在都有相当多的常用软件和相当多的游戏都能很好的兼容Windows 7系统了,可以这样说,虽然现在XP系统仍是主流,但是将来Windows 7必定会是XP的完美替代者,现阶段,游戏开发商和软件开发商将不得不考虑他们所开发的游戏和软件能否在Windows 7系统环境下完美的运行,所以我们大可不必过多的担心由于无法在Windows 7中开启XP模式而会影响到我们的正常使用,但是如果你是计算机发烧友、软件开发者或计算机专业技术人士,或者是企业用户,那么是否需要VT技术是非常值得考虑的。

橙光游戏hey girl①歌曲 英文歌 女声 慢调 其中有句歌词是“say hello”这句歌词

D. Brown feat. Dab - Say HelloHate to break it down to you like thisBut I gotta get this off my chestFirst let me say I love youAnd I put no one above you girlBut I"m getting tired of themSayin that we don"t belongBut it"s becauseThey"re thinkin we"re too youngFrom your mom and your popsTo my friends on my blockI wanna runawayYou know that I wouldI"d give you all I gotYou return every dropOne of these daysWe"re gonna fly awayGonna say bye bye to the worldJust for my girl to be with my girlGonna say bye bye to my friendsBye bye to my friendsI can"t let this be the endLet this be the endGonna say bye bye to the worldJust for my girl to be with my girlGonna say bye bye to my homeWe"ll be back when we"re wrongSay bye bye to the worldJust to say hello to my girlThey think we"re too young for loveI know that they"re wrongCan"t let out heartsBe prisoners to therir wordsLet"s escape right nowOn a star or a cloudTo a place we can walk hand in handAnd we"re gonna rock it outToo high to dropNever regret anythingI"ll do with you babeI"d give you all I gotYou return every dropOne of these daysWe"re gonna fly awayI felt so fall in loveNo one can pick us upJust they will leave us aloneSo we can stay foreverOur love is so strongIt makes us rebellionI can feel in love with usSo we can be togetherI do believe in loveAnd fairytale fairytale noThey"re goneAnd when they see usIt"ll be magicalBut until then

Gloria Estefan的《Lucky Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky Girl歌手:Gloria Estefan专辑:Original Album ClassicsKellie Pickler - Lucky GirlLucky girlShe got the diamond but I got the worldIt"s my oyster and it"s full of pearlsSo honey tell me who"s the lucky girlYou lucky boyDid you tell her she"s your second choiceCause I wouldn"t be your little toyAin"t no man inside her lucky boy.Guess you finally found someone who"sEverything that I couldn"t beWhoah oh oh oh oh oh ohI just couldn"t see myself asMrs. you can walk all over meSo tell me who"s the luckyTell me who"s the lucky girlLucky girlShe got the Gucci gown the veil and curlsI got your precious box set of MerleSo honey tell me who"s the lucky girl.Guess you finally found someone who"sEverything that I couldn"t beWhoah oh oh oh oh oh ohI just couldn"t see myself asMrs. you can walk all over meSo tell me who"s the luckyTell me who"s the lucky girlLucky girlShe got the diamond but I got the worldIt"s my oyster and it"s full of pearlsSo honey tell me who"s the lucky girl.

Touched Another Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Touched Another Girl歌手:natasha thomas专辑:Playin With Fire-Give RecorNatasha Thomas - Touched Another GirlAlbum: Playin With FireWritten: Ashe Watson/Don Curry/Clay GarrettWere you everything to meOr just all I knewShe was right there for the takingThe choice you wound up makin"Didn"t undestand it at the timeI guess your love for me was deafAnd mine was blindAnd I wasn"t even lookin"But there she wasAnd I couln"t help but noticeThe girl was only half dressedDidn"t think I"d ever change my mindBut baby you can"t turn back timeEver since you touched another girlI don"t even know you anymoreSo just show yourself right out the doorIt"s like you don"t exist inside my worldSince you touched another girlEver since you touched another chickAll your lies are really gettin" thickJust so you know I don"t give a shhhhhIt"s like you"ve been messin" up my worldSince you touched another girlBottom line is you can say your sorry until you"re blueBottom line is I don"t care no more about what you doAnd boy franklyI don"t wanna waste another breath on youAnd I really don"t know why I botheredAskin" why, listenin" to your excusesI wanna rewind, cause now I know the truth isI"m better off aloneEver since you touched another girlI don"t even know you anymoreSo just show yourself right out the doorIt"s like you don"t exist inside my worldSince you touched another girlEver since you touched another chickAll your lies are really gettin" thickJust so you know I don"t give a shhhhhIt"s like you"ve been messin" up my worldSince you touched another girlI can"t forgive this timeI"m done pretending to be blindI"m letting you goNothin" more to knowI gave you my heart and I gave you my soulYou just took it all and you just threw it allOut the windowEver since you touched another girlI don"t even know you anymoreSo just show yourself right out the doorIt"s like you don"t exist inside my worldSince you touched another girlEver since you touched another chickAll your lies are really gettin" thickJust so you know I don"t give a shhhhhIt"s like you"ve been messin" up my worldSince you touched another girlEver since you touched another girlI don"t even know you anymoreSo just show yourself right out the doorIt"s like you don"t exist inside my worldSince you touched another girlEver since you touched another chickYou just seen like very other dickJust so you know I don"t give a shhhhhYou need to get your ass up out my worldSince you touched another girl<END>

One Girl Revolution 歌词

歌曲名:One Girl Revolution歌手:Superchick专辑:Karaoke SuperstarsSuperchick - One Girl Revolution (Battle Mix)I wear a disguise I"m just your average JaneThe super doesn"t stand for model but that doesn"t mean I"m plainIf all you see is how I look you miss the Superchick within andI christen you titanic under estimate and swimI"ll be everything that I want to beI am confidence in insecurityI am a voice yet waiting to be heardI"ll shoot the shot bang that you hear round the worldI"m a one girl revolutionSome people see the revolutionBut most only see the girlI can lose my hard earned freedom if my fear defines my world,I declare my independence from the critics and the stonesI can find my revolutionI can learn to stand-alone...I"ll be everything that I want to beI am confidence in insecurityI am a voice yet waiting to be heardI"ll shoot the shot bang that you hear round the worldI"m a one girl revolutionI"m a one girl revolutionI"m a one girl revolutionCuz I"m a one girl revolutionCuz I"m a one girl revolutionand I"ll be everything that I want to beI am confidence in insecurityI am a voice yet waiting to be heardI"ll shoot the shot bang that you hear round the worldbe everything that I want to beI am confidence in insecurityI am a voice yet waiting to be heardI"ll shoot the shot bang that you hear round the world百度首席音乐群:Мy°musiс(群号:1051040)~

Everything But The Girl的《Missing》 歌词

歌曲名:Missing歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Top 10 - Hits Of The 90"SI step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Could you be dead?You always were two steps aheadof everyoneWe"d walk behind while you would runI look up at your houseAnd I can almost hear you shout down to meWhere I always used to beAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...I step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainLike the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...

Everything But The Girl的《Blame》 歌词

歌曲名:Blame歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:TemperamentalBlameYou can"t blame meLoveIf you pay meHopeKeep smiling through the daysHabit formingAnd I don"t care what you think of meNo I don"t care what you think of meGreedMoney greedyGoldDirty moneyFeel no shameYou take the blameNo means nothing to meEverytime I let goStay behind me loveAnytime I jump offBe there to pick me upLove is all we"ve gotI"m never going to give upIf love is all we"ve gotSkyDon"t let it fall onMeI try to climb you seeEvery night is longer and I care about you lessI"ve lost all sense of timeOpen clouds aheadEngulf with steady tide and I am floating high upEverytime I let goStay behind me loveAnytime I jump offBe there to pick me upI"ll die before I stopI"m never going to give upI"ll die before I stop〖哈哈!好挺不??〗BlameYou can"t blame meLoveIf you pay meHopeKeep smiling through the daysHabit formingAnd I don"t care what you think of meNo I don"t care what you think of meEverytime I let goStay behind me loveAnytime I jump offBe there to pick me upLove is all we"ve gotI"m never going to give upIf love is all we"ve got【THE★END】By:Fǚck уoυ

Everything But The Girl的《Driving》 歌词

歌曲名:Driving歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Original Album SeriesV6 - Drivin"作词:MIZUE作曲:森元康介编曲:COLDFEETさっきまでのハイな気分を引き止めてるモノは何?「まだまだこれから」って瞬间(とき)に常に付きまとう胜手気ままな性格を缚り付けるモノは何?全然平気なワケないじゃんむしろ急がなきゃ逃げ込むよりホントは抜け出したいんだろう?嘘くさい现実から 今すぐ君を乗せ...风を连れ...追い越す忧郁な日常(ひび)のBorderlineもう止められない 流线形のDrive真直ぐに...真直ぐに...本能だけが知っているTurning Point高速でつかめ 突き抜ける自由どことなく苛立つ自分をなだめても出口はないどっちつかずの优しさはたぶん今日限りそれとなくこだわるB.G.M漂う空気を借りて渋滞中のビミョーな関系マジで进みたいキモチイイだけなら何でもアリじゃない?それ以上望むコトがホンキさ君を乗せ...闇を斩り...露(あらわ)な感情を照らすHeadlightもう戻れない 进行形のUs真直ぐに...真直ぐに...行けるトコまで行けばいいんだその先のコタエ ソコにしかない君を乗せ...风を连れ...追い越す忧郁な日常(ひび)のBorderlineもう止められない 流线形のDrive真直ぐに...真直ぐに...本能だけが知っているTurning Point高速でつかめ 突き抜ける自由おわり

everything but the girl的歌词翻译


谁知道Darin唱的Everything But The Girl 的中文歌词

When I saw you I knew you were the one 当我看见你时就知道你是那个对的人 I want to orbit you like you"re the sun 你是我的太阳 我想要绕着你公转 But let me know before I come undone 但是在我破灭前让我知道 Am I the one for you 我是否是你所爱? I"m like a puzzle with a missing piece 我就像一个缺失的难题 I got a car but didn"t get the keys 我得到了车却没有得到车的钥匙 And only you can set my mind at ease 只有你能解放我的心思 So what am I to do 那么,要我怎么做? I have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but true 除了那个女子我已拥有所有,这是悲哀而真实的事实 And everything but the love I need to make it through 除了我必要的爱我完成所有 And every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realize 每一次我看着你的眼,我才明白 Just how much I love you 我有多爱你 Some say lady luck is on my side 有一天幸运降临至我身旁 And that my life has been an easy ride 人生变得简单 But they don"t know how many times I cried 但是没有人会知道我哭了多少次 Cause I am nothing without you 因为没有你我什么也不是 I don"t know how long I can keep it up 我不知道我能坚持多久 I need a sign to make it through 我需要一个动力继续下去 You gotta tell me now, you gotta let me know 你必须告诉我 So what am I, what am I to do 那么 我该怎么做

Best Of Darin 求Everything But The Girl 的歌词意思

  Everything but the girl——Darin zanyar  When I saw you I knew you were the one  当我看见你时就知道你是我要的那个人  I want to orbit you like you"re the sun  你是我的太阳 我想要绕着你公转  But let me know before I come undone  但是请在我消失前让我明白  Am I the one for you  我是否是你所爱的人  I"m like a puzzle with a missing piece  我就像一个遗失的难题  I got a car but didn"t get the keys  我得到了车却没有得到钥匙  And only you can set my mind at ease  只有你能真正了解我的心意  So what am I to do  那么,要我怎么做?  I have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but true  除了那个女孩我已拥有所有,这是悲哀的现实  And everything but the love I need to make it through  除了我必要的爱我完成所有  And every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realize  每一次我看着你的眼,我才明白  Just how much I love you  我有多爱你  Some say lady luck is on my side  有一天幸运降临至我身旁  And that my life has been an easy ride  人生变得简单  But they don"t know how many times I cried  但是没有人会知道我哭了多少次  Cause I am nothing without you  因为没有你 我便什么也不是  I don"t know how long I can keep it up  我不知道自己能坚持多久  I need a sign to make it through  我需要一个动力继续下去  You gotta tell me now, you gotta let me know  你必须告诉我  So what am I, what am I to do  我到底应该怎么做

谁知道Darin《Everything but the girl》的中文歌词?

  Everything but the girl——Darin zanyar  When I saw you I knew you were the one  当我看见你时就知道你是我要的那个人  I want to orbit you like you"re the sun  你是我的太阳 我想要绕着你公转  But let me know before I come undone  但是请在我消失前让我明白  Am I the one for you  我是否是你所爱的人  I"m like a puzzle with a missing piece  我就像一个遗失的难题  I got a car but didn"t get the keys  我得到了车却没有得到钥匙  And only you can set my mind at ease  只有你能真正了解我的心意  So what am I to do  那么,要我怎么做?  I have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but true  除了那个女孩我已拥有所有,这是悲哀的现实  And everything but the love I need to make it through  除了我必要的爱我完成所有  And every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realize  每一次我看着你的眼,我才明白  Just how much I love you  我有多爱你  Some say lady luck is on my side  有一天幸运降临至我身旁  And that my life has been an easy ride  人生变得简单  But they don"t know how many times I cried  但是没有人会知道我哭了多少次  Cause I am nothing without you  因为没有你 我便什么也不是  I don"t know how long I can keep it up  我不知道自己能坚持多久  I need a sign to make it through  我需要一个动力继续下去  You gotta tell me now, you gotta let me know  你必须告诉我  So what am I, what am I to do  我到底应该怎么做

Everything But The Girl的《Take Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Original Album SeriesTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me away

Everything But The Girl的《The Road》 歌词

歌曲名:The Road歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:The Language Of LifeTom Jones - The RoadI have wonder, a million milesSuffer, many timesFelt the weakness, when I was strongHeld sweetness when it"s was wrongI"ve touch tight and lowBut wherever I goThe road, always returns to youMy love, It still belongs to youSeen you crying, tears of rainI know, I cause you painLef you shatter on the groundBut what matters is here and nowCause all that I know is wherever I goThe road, always retunrs to youMy love, It still belongs to youAll the bridges that I"ve build are unbrokenAll the memories that live come with knowingEvery thing I"ve never doneEvery thing I"ve ever done

《everthing but the girl》歌词


Everything But The Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Everything But The Girl歌手:Darin专辑:The CollectionWhen I saw you I knew you were the oneI want to orbit you like you"re the sunBut let me know before I come undoneAm I the one for youI"m like a puzzle with a missing pieceI got a car but didn"t get the keysAnd only you can set my mind at easeSo what am I to doI have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but trueAnd everything but the love I need to make it throughAnd every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realizeJust how much I love youSome say lady luck is on my sideAnd that my life has been an easy rideBut they don"t know how many times I cried"Cause I am nothing without youI have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but trueAnd everything but the love I need to make it throughAnd everytime I look into your eyes, that"s when I realizeJust how much I love youI don"t know how long I can keep it upI need a sign to make it throughYou gotta tell me now, you gotta let me knowSo what am I, what am I to doOh,babyI have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but trueAnd everything but the love I need to make it throughAnd everytime I look into your eyes, that"s when I realizeJust how much I love youDo you know nowDo you know nowDo you know nowI love youI love youOh,I love youJust how much I love you

everything but the girl中文歌词

Everything but the girl——Darin zanyar When I saw you I knew you were the one 当我看见你时就知道你是我要的那个人 I want to orbit you like you"re the sun 你是我的太阳 我想要绕着你公转 But let me know before I come undone 但是在我消失前让我知道 Am I the one for you 我是否是你所爱? I"m like a puzzle with a missing piece 我就像一个缺失的难题 I got a car but didn"t get the keys 我得到了车却没有得到车的钥匙 And only you can set my mind at ease 只有你能了解我的心思 So what am I to do 那么,要我怎么做? I have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but true 除了那个女子我已拥有所有,这是悲哀而真实的事实 And everything but the love I need to make it through 除了我必要的爱我完成所有 And every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realize 每一次我看着你的眼,我才明白 Just how much I love you 我有多爱你 Some say lady luck is on my side 有一天幸运降临至我身旁 And that my life has been an easy ride 人生变得简单 But they don"t know how many times I cried 但是没有人会知道我哭了多少次 Cause I am nothing without you 因为没有你我什么也不是 I don"t know how long I can keep it up 我不知道我能坚持多久 I need a sign to make it through 我需要一个动力继续下去 You gotta tell me now, you gotta let me know 你必须告诉我 So what am I, what am I to do 那么 我该怎么做



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nike air fear of god 1不偏码,只是鞋口稍微紧了一点而已,里面还是很宽松的,如果是脚背正常的话,就按照平时的鞋码买就行啦,脚背高的人可以买大一码。 耐克联名fog1偏码吗 Nike Air Fear of God 1不偏码,鞋口很窄,内里很宽松(原装鞋垫),如果有想法跟条件换鞋垫的话,可以大半码,无论是压马路,还是厚袜实战都没问题,如果脚背不高的话,可以尝试正常码。耐克联名fog1脚感怎么样 Nike Air Fear of God 1脚感真的没得说,鞋垫下面就是Zoom气垫,和Kyrie 5形态差不多的分区的Zoom,再加上下面可见的那层,比喷泡的气垫感受明显多了!至于能不能打球,我的观点是只要你脚踝力量足够,穿什么鞋都能打。唯一的缺点是不耐脏,需要经常清理。 鞋底采用同心圆的设计,这种设计在老篮球鞋上出现的很多,防滑程度能算的上中规中矩。整块zoom气垫,不用上脚都能想的到脚感如何,鞋底后部的透明材料里还有单块的zoom气垫,也就是说后跟有双层气垫。亲身上脚实践的感受是脚感爆炸。整体靴型设计上脚非常有安全感,甚至会有一些压迫感。综上我以它为篮球鞋的前提下做出的评判,除了缺少一定的抗扭,这鞋非常棒。耐克联名fog1价格 在去年九月份迎来首次曝光,Fear of God 同 Nike 的联名鞋款基本上 “板上钉钉”!而之前 FOG 主理人 Jerry Lorenzo 还曾经 “否认” 过双方的合作。这一名为 Air FOG 的合作鞋款定价高达 $395 美元,折合 ¥2732 RMB。耐克联名fog1清洗要点 1、清洗时不能长时间浸泡,以免鞋子开胶。 2、在刷洗网面鞋子的时候,避免用过硬的毛刷或者用力过猛,更不能用指甲或利器伤害鞋子印刷图案的边角部位。 3、清洗完后,必须放在阴凉处风干,避免阳光直射。禁止暖气或者明火烘干,以免造成鞋子老化、开胶、褪色、严重变形。

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nike air fear of god 1这双鞋子的外形非常的酷,闪电形的大底配上炫酷的支撑,整体给人的感觉就是潮到不行,我们一起来看看它的开箱吧。 耐克联名fog1测评 Nike Air Fear Of God 1,一双发售定价高达 ¥2499 元的篮球鞋,在完整体验一番之后我得出的结论是:豪华的配置规格完全值得这个定价!鞋盒使用醒目的淡橙色,没有过多的装饰点缀但摆在那就会让人有一种高级的感觉。迫不及待的拿出鞋子,可以看到整双鞋都延续了 Fear of God 简约高街的设计风格。超高帮造型,简洁的线条和颜色搭配,完完全全就是一双高街时尚鞋款的外观。外底并没有什么复杂的纹理出现,同心圆的设计依旧十分简洁实用。后跟拉链处使用双层面料设计,防止脚踝直接与拉链接触而产生不舒适的脚感。同时使用皮质材料的 Logo 标识胶印在内层,简单的一处细节就能看出和其他球鞋截然不同的设计。取出鞋垫就能看到这双鞋是没有中底布的,鞋垫之下就能看到覆盖全掌的 Zoom 气垫。特别是后跟处拥有双层 Zoom 缓震,穿上之后能非常明显的感受到脚下 Zoom 气垫的软弹,我对天发誓,绝对非常明显!值得注意的是黑色与灰色的鞋面材质完全不同,黑色版本的鞋面使用麂皮与网面结合。而灰色的质感表现更加出色,鞋面全部使用优质的荔枝皮革打造。后跟的 “Fear Of God” 字样是 Fear Of God 所有鞋款的标准设计,说明这双鞋的规格和 Fear Of God 主线是相同的。鞋身两侧使用的三角形支撑,呈现出几何美感,依旧是简约,鞋帮处的支撑系统保证穿着安全性,并且设计了特别鞋楦带来更好的舒适度。耐克联名fog1货量 今年年底 Fear of God x Nike 成为整个球鞋圈最具重量级的收官之作,作为年底毫无争议的最强联名鞋款,这双 Air Fear of God 1 被不少人比作 Air Yeezy 之后的又一神作。近日美国著名球鞋店铺 Foot Locker 公布了这双鞋的发售店铺,在整个美国仅有三家店铺发售,分别在纽约、芝加哥和洛杉矶,足以看出这双鞋的货量之少。耐克联名fog1发售日期 这双鞋子正式发售将在 12 月 15 日,发售价格高达 $395 美元,国内也会有发售计划,但目前还未公布,国内的市场预售价格已经达到了夸张的 ¥17000 元左右,近期我们还会跟踪报道这双鞋的国内发售信息。耐克联名fog1日常保养 第一,应该把鞋放在一个较为干燥通风的地方,避免阳光直射,因为潮湿的环境下会引起鞋体的腐化,太阳光的暴晒会使鞋的一部分材料变质变色。但是放鞋的地方又不宜过于干燥,因为导致皮革的龟裂。因为潮湿的环境下会引起鞋体的腐化,太阳光的暴晒会使鞋的一部分材料变质变色。 第二,保存鞋的时候,应该在鞋内塞上柔软的纸团,这样做的目的主要是纸团可以将鞋子内部残余的水分吸收保持内部的干燥,而且有利于保持鞋形的固定,不至于在使用过后“垮掉”。 第三,在清洗方面。针对不同的材料应该有不同的方法。鞋的外底以及侧面非龙材料的部分,可以喷少许衣领净,过十几秒后拿软毛牙刷轻轻刷洗,但是刷洗的时间不宜过长,在刷完之后应该及时用温水或者凉水把泡沫冲走,尽量减少化学物品对鞋的侵蚀的时间。清洗过后应马上用干抹布将残余的水擦拭干净,如果清洗的鞋是可见试气垫的,则在以上工序完毕之后首先将气垫周围的水擦干净,以免使有些遇水时间长就分解的胶水发生化学变化导致开胶。

ERW Carbon Steel Pipe, no espiral 这是什么钢管呀?


friendes are those who open their hears to us.

friends are those who open their hearts to us那些对我们敞开心扉的人才是我们的朋友

求My Girl主题曲Never Say Goodbye歌词

超喜欢看My Girl我都看了3遍了


(a qim ba ra me sa ra ji nen bie ce rem) (lu ner de ming ji we ji nen ji nan gu ce rem) (ne nen a ni gir ba re se ne nen da re gir bir e nen de ga ya ha na bua) Never say good-bye love Please don"t leave me, my love (ma ji ma ne sa lang en go ne ya man he no a zu gi xi re) (he e ji gi xi re) I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye (ne ge do ra wa) (nu ner ga ma do ne e na un lun mu re yi ber ga rie bua do) (ler bu ri nen so ri e) (yi bie ri ran ger a ra sse ying we ni ran ger mi de nen de a ni e na bua) Never say good-bye love Please don"t leave me, my love (ma ji ma ne sa lang en go ne ya man he no a zu gi xi re) (he e ji gi xi re) I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye (ne ge do ra wa) What you gonna say Tell me what you gonna say I know what you are wishing Don"t tell me what I"m thinking You know it without you I"m nothing Crying every night begging you to be back to me (ne sa lang han da go de ga ji ma ra go) (e ta ge bu re do di ri ji an na bua) (en ze na ne gie te man yi se zun dan mar da yi ze na bua) Never say good-bye love Please don"t leave me, my love (ma ji ma ne sa lang en go ne ya man he) (no a zu gi xi re) (he e ji gi xi re) I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye Never say good-bye love Please don"t leave me, my love (ma ji ma ni sa lang en go na ya man he) (sa lang ha go xi pe ne pu za go xi po) I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye Never say good-bye love Please don"t leave me, my love I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye What you gonna say Tell me what you gonna say I know what you are wishing Don"t tell me what I"m thinking You know it without you I"m nothing Crying every night begging you to be back to me Never say good-bye love Please don"t leave me, my love I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye Never say good-bye love Please don"t leave me, my love I don"t say good-bye good-bye good-bye 如果我可以把这刻永远停留 把我们的思维翻向新的一页 到另外一个时间和空间去 我们就永远不会说再见 如果我能找到适合的语言我会说出来 那么当我看着你的眼神的时候 我就不会感觉到口吃 我们就永远不会说再见 如果我可以阻止月亮升起 白天就不会来临 我内心就不会感觉这么冷 我们就永远不会说再见 我希望我们的梦想都冻结 那我们的心就不会破碎 当我们让对方离开的时候。 如果我能永远的偷走这刻 画一张完美的笑脸 那我们的故事就不会死去 我们就永远不会说再见

诺基亚型号8800 Sirocco 与 诺基亚型号8800 有什么区别?

硬件上1 siro 的摄像头为200万,8800为50万2 siro的内存128m,8800为52m其他:8800SE的全称是Sirocco Edition 那么其中Sirocco一词具备特别的含义,它代表来自撒哈拉沙漠干热的空气和地中海湿润海风交会而产生的柔和气流,来体现这款手机在设计理念上追求的和谐与自然!SE就是以沙漠热风为设计灵感!大家在拿到SE的时候对他的第一印象就是面板和电池后盖有一个下陷!这就是NOKIA公司为了突出SE的主题,面版和后盖都有采用了气流状的漩涡设计!让8800SE更加的形象! 资料 Sirocco 资料







诺基亚8 Sirocco跑分多少

诺基亚8 Sirocco跑分多少?诺基亚8 Sirocco是目前诺基亚的最强旗舰,这款双曲面屏旗舰搭载骁龙835处理器,内置6GB大运存,外媒也曝光了一组诺基亚8 Sirocco跑分成绩,一起来看看吧!诺基亚8 Sirocco跑分多少外媒曝光了一组诺基亚8 Sirocco在GeekBench 4.1、安兔兔7、GFX 3.1等多个基准测试软件的跑分成绩。数据显示,在GeekBench 4.1测试中,诺基亚8 Sirocco多核跑分达6483分,超过了谷歌Pixel 2 XL,以及中端机诺基亚7 Plus;单核跑分更是高达1949分,超过了华为Mate 10 Pro,以及诺基亚8。而在安兔兔7跑分测试中,诺基亚8 Sirocco跑分超过20万+,达到20.7万分,甚至超过同样搭载骁龙835的一加5T。同时,诺基亚8 Sirocco在GFX 3.1曼哈顿1080p离屏模式下,跑分达到42分,跟谷歌Pixel 2 XL并列第一,超过一加5T、诺基亚8和Mate 10 Pro等多款时下热门旗舰。在GFX 3.1 Car scene 1080p离屏模式下,跑分为26分,也仅逊于诺基亚8。总的说来,骁龙835采用10纳米工艺,为八个Kryo核心架构,四个大核主频高达2.5GHz,四个小核主频为1.8GHz,辅以Adreno 540 GPU,其性能虽然不及三星S9系列,以及索尼XZ2双机搭载的骁龙845处理器,不过在当下还算不错,也算是一流旗舰水准。王者之心2点击试玩

Love Is The Mirage...(Bonus Track) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is The Mirage...(Bonus Track)歌手:KinKi Kids专辑:I Album -Id-Kinki Kids - Love is the mirage...作:Satomi作曲:松本良喜曲:十川知司透き通るようなな肌を今、滑り落ちてゆくLove is always the mirage…螺旋状の抒情歌(アリア)胸の隙に今夜もまた流れている胞の破片(かけら)爪の隙にづかぬままんでいるを打ちつける雨の切ない旋律(メロディ)部屋にき渡ればく激しい瞬(とき)にこの身(み)をただ委ねているしかないけど果てなくく 常の世界抱きしめた温度(ぬくもり)はきっと Unreal Proof透き通るような な肌を今、滑り落ちてゆくLove is always the mirage…たされぬ感情に踊らされてるだけのの Marionette孤独さえせないこの街の片隅で彷徨ってる崩れ落ちゆく の彼方抱きしめた脱けはきっと Unreal Proof色褪せそうな明な夜に今、ふたり堕ちてゆくLove is always the mirage…果てなくく 常の世界抱きしめた温度(ぬくもり)はきっと Unreal Proof透き通るような な肌を今、滑り落ちてゆくLove is always the mirage…

求Lil Wayne的Mirror (Bonus Track)这首歌歌词的人工中文翻译!!

Lil Wayne]With everything happening today今天发生的一切You dont know whether you"re coming or going你开始迷茫不知如何选择你的未来But you think that you"re on your way 但是最后还是决定要走自己的路Life lined up on the mirror dont blow it生活在镜中呈现,不要轻言放弃Look at me when Im talkin to you当我和你对话的时候请看着我You looking at me but I"m lookin through you你只是单纯地看着我而我却看透了你的灵魂I see the blood in your eyes我看到你眼中流动的血I see the love in disguise 我看到你的爱藏于伪装之中I see the pain here in your pride 我看见你为了尊严而忍耐伤痛I see you"re not satisfied 我看出来你很不满意And I dont see nobody else我看不到其他人I see myself I"m looking at the 只有我自己在盯着看Bruno Mars]Mirror on the wall, here we are again 墙上的镜子,我们再一次见面了Through my rise and fall走过了我的成败You"ve been my only friend我的生命中只有你这个朋友对我不离不弃You told me that they can understand the man I am你告诉过我他们能够了解我真正的为人So why are we here talkin" to each other again那么为什么我又一次站在这对镜子倾诉[Lil Wayne]Oh, I see the truth in your lies我在你的谎言中看到真相I see nobody by your side我发现没有人在你的身边支持你but I"m with you when you re all alone但是当你独自一人时我会一直陪在你身边And you correct me when Im lookin wrong我犯错时你会纠正我的过错I see that guilt beneath the shame我看到,内疚之下的羞愧I see your soul through your window pain我透过玻璃(此指镜子)看到自己的灵魂I see the scars that remain我看到了那无法磨灭的疤痕I see you Wayne, Im lookin at the..我看见了你, wayne,正看着...[Bruno Mars]Mirror on the wall, here we are again 墙上的镜子,我们再一次见面了Through my rise and fall走过了我的成败You"ve been my only friend我的生命中只有你这个朋友对我不离不弃You told me that they can understand the man I am你告诉过我他们能够了解我真正的为人So why are we here talkin" to each other again那么为什么我又一次站在这对镜子倾诉[Lil Wayne]Lookin at me now I can see my past 看着自己现在我能看到我的过去Damn I look just like my f-ckin dad该死的,我看起来就像我爸爸Light it up, thats smoke at mirrors点亮些,在镜子里都是虚幻的I even look good in the broken mirror在破碎的镜子里我甚至看起来更好I see my momma smile thats a blessin我看到我的妈妈微笑,这就是祝福I see the change, I see the message我看到了变化,看到了消息and no message could been any clearer没有别的消息可以更清楚的了So I"m stared with the man in the…所以 我凝视着那个镜中人[Bruno Mars]Mirror on the wall, here we are again 墙上的镜子,我们再一次见面了Through my rise and fall走过了我的成败You"ve been my only friend我的生命中只有你这个朋友对我不离不弃You told me that they can understand the man I am你告诉过我他们能够了解我真正的为人So why are we here talkin" to each other again那么为什么我又一次站在这对镜子倾诉uh…Mirror on the wall, here we are again 墙上的镜子,我们再一次见面了Through my rise and fall走过了我的成败You"ve been my only friend我的生命中只有你这个朋友对我不离不弃You told me that they can understand the man I am你告诉过我他们能够了解我真正的为人So why are we here talkin" to each other again那么为什么我又一次站在这对镜子倾诉(so why are we talkin to each other again)那么为什么我又一次站在这对镜子倾诉 此mv讲述的内容是自己和镜子中的自己,寓意较深,毕竟歌词翻译都是别人做的,仅作为参考,希望LZ可以自己看原文体会,感受这首歌的内涵。

Era的《Mirror》 歌词

歌曲名:Mirror歌手:Era专辑:The Mass / Era Ii / Era I【Mirror】浜崎あゆみ作词:浜崎あゆみ作曲:Yuta Nakano翻译:琉璃少年+Ayuvivian现在のこんな未来を仆は想像してただろうか?/我想过未来会像现在这样麽?现在のこんな未来を君は想像してただろうか?/你想过未来会像现在这样麽?现在のこんな未来を仆は望んでいたのだろうか?/我渴望的未来可曾是现在这样呢?现在のこんな未来を君は望んでいたのだろうか?/你渴望的未来可曾是现在这样呢?始まりなのかって?/这就是开始吗?终焉なのかって?抑或是终结?谛めたのかって?应该放弃吗?踏ん张ってんのかって?/还是坚持不懈?开き直ったかって?已经无所谓了吗?绝望したかって?或者已经彻底绝望?ただ前に进めと /你不是说过麽あなたが言うんじゃない /不如就这样走下去吧泣かないでいられるのは /我们不再哭泣强くなったから /只是因为我们变得更加坚强それとも..../还是别的什麽原因...

Girls Around The World 歌词

歌曲名:Girls Around The World歌手:Craig David专辑:The Story GoesBlake Lewis - Girls Around The World ( feat. Lil Wayne )All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world(I just want to be your man girlSo uh, gotta make you understand girl)It"s the way you flip your hairAnd those stylish clothes you wearWhen you walk into the roomAll my partners stopped and stared at you(All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)But they just want to use you up(All around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)It"s the tattoo on your backAnd that brand new Louis bagWith the matchin" high heelsI can"t help this girly swag"s the truth(All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)And I just want to give her love, oh(All around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)(Girl I) can"t get you off my mindYou"re like my favorite song (song)Just want to turn you onAnd rock you all night long "cause I (oh I)(All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)I just want to be your man (I just want to be your man)(All around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)Just to smell your perfume,got me throwin" up my handsSee you comin" see you goin",never met someone as bad as you(All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)Since you"re my favorite girl, yeah(All around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)I know just what you need,to make you look completeThis platinum wedding ring,"cause soon I got a thing for you(All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)I"m a take you around the world, oh baby(All around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)(Girl I) can"t get you off my mindYou"re like my favorite song (song)Just want to turn you onAnd rock you all night long "cause I (oh I)(All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)I just want to be your man(All around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)(Ah hah hah, yeah)OK I"m thinkin" of a master planNah, I"m lyin", shorty on my mindShorty like a fryin", pan, and I ain"t gotNothin" but sweat inside my handsSo I dig into my pocket, all my money is spentBut I don"t need a cent, "cause shorty pricelessI tell it like this, I been (all around the world)So baby I can take you (all around the world)I roll up, this is a hold upIt"s young money man, shorty made me smileWhen ain"t a damn thing funnyHe heh, but still don"t nothin" move but the moneySo baby if I move then we move with the moneyWhich is my favorite dishBut if I taste you that"ll probably switchAnd then we will probably switchNow I"m walking up the street, whistling thisCan"t get you off my mindYou"re like my favorite song (song)Just want to turn you onAnd rock you all night long "cause I (oh I)(All around the world, girls, all around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)I just want to be your man (I just want to be your man)(All around the worldThis goes out to girls all around the world)Can"t get you off my mindYou"re like my favorite song (song)Just want to turn you onAnd rock you all night long "cause I

You are my Beautiful girl是哪首英文歌的歌词?

如果没错的话应该是《Beautiful Girls》, Sean Kingston唱的 ,17岁,牙买加人,去年在美国电台很红的一首歌 我也很喜欢这首歌!!!! you"re way too beautiful girl 你实在太美了 that"s why it will never work 因此无人可及 you had me suicidal, suicidal 你令我走向毁灭,毁灭 when you say it"s over 当你说我们缘分已尽 damn all these beautiful girl 这些该死的漂亮女孩 they only wanna do you dirt 她们只会伤害你 they"ll have you suicidal suicidal 她们将让你走向毁灭,毁灭 when they say it"s over 当她们说分手的时候 see it started at the park,used to chill after dark 故事从公园开始,黄昏后有些冷 oh,when you took my arm, that"s when we fell apart 哦,当你挽着我的手臂,我们迷失了自己。 cuz we both thought,that love last forever 因为我们都认为,爱会永恒。 they say where too young,to get are self"s sprung 人们都说我们太年轻,太冲动 oh we didn"t care,we made it very clear 哦,我们不曾在乎,我们都明白 and they also said, that we couldn"t last together 人们也说,我们不会长久 see it"s very define,your one of a kind 很明显,你是无与伦比的 but your much on my mind, you often get decline 但我太挂念你,你常常被否定 oh lord my baby your driving me crazy 哦 神啊 宝贝你令我疯狂

girls on the dance floor 歌词

Girls on the dancefloor...Girls on the dancefloor...Girls on the dancefloor...I... I.I.I... I... I... I see you chillin" by the bar (bar)Why don"t you grab yer girls and come here with a star?Yup, up in VIP... drinks on meSwag on tight with a gangsta leadEverybody knows just who I areGirl, you know what it is?Follow me to da floorYou can bring a couple of friendsThey can drink a lil" mo(They can drink a lil" mo)They can drink a lil" mo(They can drink a lil" mo)They can drink a lil" mo(They can drink a lil" mo)Oh, you don"t hear me tho?Oh, you don"t hear me tho?They can drink a lil" moIf ya lookin" for me, I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)How easy to see I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)You know I love it when I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)That"s why this one"s for da... (girls on the dancefloor)Hey, girls... you know about the stereotypes?I take a shot of PetronTwo shots and it"s onThree shots four shots five shots... oh shit, I think I"m goneYou see that girl walkin by?She gimme them bedroom eyesLater on I"m a take that home and smack that bedroom thighsGirl, you know what it is?Follow me to da floorYou can bring yer friendsThey can bring a couple mo(They can bring a couple mo)They can bring a couple mo(They can bring a couple mo)They can bring a couple mo(They can bring a couple mo)Oh, you don"t hear me tho?(Oh, you don"t hear me tho?)They can bring a couple moIf ya lookin" for me, I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)How easy to see I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)You know I love it when I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)That"s why this one"s for da... (girls on the dancefloor)All mah girls hit the dancefloorI"m a get you drunk and make you lose controlGotta arch your back, swing your hairJust like that, I don"t careAfter here, I"m "bout to take you home (take your home)Yo... Sip a lil"Henn and I"m good to goGirls and good fellas, so remarkableWhen crock hits tho I"m out da doorSo, get your ass on the floor(Get your ass on the floor)So get your ass on the floor(Get your ass on the floor)So get your ass on the floor(Get your ass on the floor)Oh, you don"t hear me tho?(Oh, you don"t hear me tho?)If ya lookin" for me, I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)How easy to see I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)You know I love it when I"m with da... (girls on the dancefloor)That"s why this one"s for da... (girls on the dancefloor)

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