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the girl from my dreams 的歌词

you are the girl of my dreamsin my heart i believeyou are the girl of my dreamsbaby of my dreamsall alone in my roomwishing that you were herewithout you in my dreamsi"m holding back all of the tearswithout you in my life i"ll never be satsfiedsometimes i feeli could have been better to youall i want is achancdto prove that my love is true without you in my life i"ll never be satisfied (music)baby let"s go back in timeto when our hearts would shine and i could hold you tightin my dreans at night 是不是这个?

Skirts & Boots 歌词

歌曲名:Skirts & Boots歌手:colt ford专辑:Every Chance I GetColt Ford - "Skirts & Boots".Well, every Friday night in AmericaAll the girls are getting all dressed upGot the game on, talking on the cell phonePolling out the pickup trucks.The boys are lined up for ladies nightThey can""t wait to get insideThey got one thing on their mindYeah.Skirts and boots looking so cutePat down front, what a honky-tonk moveAll the pretty girls on the dance floorShaking them hips back and forthBoys act crazy and the reason they doIs skirts and boots, yeah, them skirts and boots.Now they""re sitting at the bar shooting doubles downTrying to get their courage upSilver tongues smack talk, what you got, baby-doll?Everybody""s looking for love.Ricky took a right hook to the jawHe looked at the wrong one a little too longThe reason for it allYes sir.Skirts and boots looking so cutePat down front, what a honky-tonk moveAll the pretty girls on the dance floorShaking them hips back and forthThe boys act crazy and the reason they doIs skirts and boots, yeah, them skirts and boots.Come onIt""s the reason we pay a cover chargeIs laid every brick and every barIs the reason I play guitarWhoo.Skirts and boots looking so cutePat down front, what a honky-tonk moveAll the pretty girls on the dance floorShaking them hips back and forthBoys act crazy and the reason they doIs skirts and boots, yeah, them skirts and boots.Nice boots mama

the other participate cut up their credit cards in public 什么意思

the other participate cut up their credit cards in public另一个参与者切断了他们的公共信用卡cut up[英][ku028ct u028cp][美][ku028ct u028cp]切碎; 砍伤; 恶作剧; 使悲痛; 例句:1.The dots are synthesised in a paint-like colloidal suspension which is thencoated on to silicon wafers before they are cut up into chips. 这些量子点由一种类似涂料的胶状悬浮液合成,接着将其涂在未被切割成碎片的硅晶片上。2.I cut up the orange with a pocket knife. 我用小刀切开桔子。

the first feeling coming为什么是coming而不是to come?

都可以用啊。第一感觉正在来的路上,用coming第一感觉一定会来,用to come。

求英剧 Bad girls 第二第三季字幕




高级英语课文Hiroshima为什么说广岛是"最具活力的"城市 英文解释


My grandma _______ the life in the city in the first two weeks.

答案C考查与used有关的用法。句意“我奶奶在刚开始的两周不习惯城市生活。”used to do sth.“过去常常”;be used to do sth.“被用来做......”;used to doing sth.“习惯于......”。根据句意可知,是过去的时间,用was,选C。

There is no other choice, she saidin a harsh voicE.A.firmB.soft


电脑出现unauthorized wireless network card is plugge,怎么解决,还黑屏

1)先软后硬,重新安装操作系统,不要安装软件、补丁、驱动等,看看开机还有问题吗?如果没有在逐步的安装驱动、补丁、软件,找出不合适的东西就不要安装了。 请注意:如果还原系统或重装后,安装驱动、补丁、软件等东西时,一定要将影响你这次出事的东西不要在安装上去了,否则就白还原或重装了。 2)如果是硬件问题引起的,建议检修一下去。 3)另外就是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧? 如果是这个问题引起的,反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。 只要注意自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。 有问题请您追问我。

开机报错unauthorized wireless network card is plugged



显卡驱动程序版本低。DirectX runtime可能出错误了,无法继续进行游戏,是需要升级到最新的显卡驱动程序。drectx是一款专用于修复系统异常的工具。使用简单易上手,绿色免安装,适用多种系统提高修复软件的概率。


airpods无线耳机怎么充电?airpods蓝牙无线耳机没有电了该怎么办呢?下面我们就来看看airpods耳机充电的方法,需要的朋友可以参考下 01 Airpods充电并不难,从图中可以看出,Airpods耳机配件包括左右耳机、AirPods盒子、Lighting数据线等三个部分。 02 将AriPods 充电盒打开,在 AriPods 充电盒的底部有一个 Lighting 接口。 03 只要将AriPods 充电盒充满电,它就可以随时可以为 AirPods 充电。 我们可以使用数据线一端连接充电盒,一端连接电脑或使用 iPhone的充电器为它好充电,以便使用。 04 在给盒子充电过程中,我们可以根据盒子上指示灯颜色,判断充电状态。 05 绿色:表示电量已充满 琥珀色:充电盒的剩余电量不足以为AirPods充满电 白色闪烁:AirPods已经准备好通过设备进行设置,当你首次打开充电盒盒盖时,AirPods 就已准备好进行设置。 06 为 AirPods 耳机充电,只要将耳机放入充电盒内便可以充电啦。 07 如果想要查看他们的电量,可以从通知中心的插件栏中看到它的电量,如图所示。 08 充完电拿出来就好了哟。

系统警告安装最新的Directx Runtime是什么意思啊





ari sir的意思是指Ari先生。1、Ari的意思是:狮子,鹰。 Ari作为男孩的名字(也较少使用为女孩的名字Ari)发音为AHR-ee,AIR-ee。它是希伯来语和斯堪的纳维亚语的起源。2、sir的意思包含先生、阁下、爵士等多种释义,用作名词有长官的意思。因此也可以称呼警官为sir。 sir是一种称呼,在不同行业工作的人士均有称作“阿sir”的。英语的起源1、英语的起源到追溯到公元5世纪。那时候的欧洲大陆有着撒克逊人和盎格鲁人、裘特人,他们北渡海峡到了不列颠岛,通过武力征服了当时的部落,成为了岛上的主人。自此之后,他们自称盎格鲁·撒克逊人,开始使用的古日耳曼方言就成了盎格鲁·撒克逊语,这就是最早的英语,也就是古英语。2、随着时间的慢慢推移,北欧的诺曼人征服了今天法国北部的高卢地区,但他们的语言和文化却很快被当地说古法语的高卢人所替代,然后到了11世纪,诺曼人渡海北上征服了整个不列颠,但是在语言上去无法统一,所以古英语在这期间吸收了大量的古法语和法语化了的希腊拉丁语词汇,使英语的词汇和语法结构发生了巨大的变化。3、随后到了16世纪,进入了近代英语和现代英语的发展时期。这一时期的英语是以英王詹姆斯钦定《圣经》英译本和莎士比亚戏剧为代表的,但和现代英语还有相当大的不同,但是到了18世纪以后,英语的书面语就和现在我们看到的基本上一致了。



macbook air是视网膜屏吗

不是 貌似一体机才有 或者新款的

12寸r屏MacBook Air 值不值得等




macbook air和pro的区别

  MacBook Air(以下简称MBA)  MacBook Pro(以下简称MBP)  配备Retina显示屏的MacBook Pro(以下简称MBPR)  MBA优点:轻薄(最薄处只有0.3厘米),携带方便重量11英寸则为1.08Kg13英寸则为1.35Kg,续航能力较强,13英寸机型官方称可以达到惊人的12小时,开机以及从睡眠到唤醒的时间非常短。  缺点:性能不及MBP及MBPR强,显示屏没有MBPR的清楚,没有配备HDMI端口,11英寸机型则更是没有配备SDXC 卡插槽。  MBP及MBPR优点:性能强劲,可选配高达1TB的基于PCle的闪存,MBPR则配备绚丽的Retina显示屏,全新的13英寸MBPR配备有Force Touch触控板。13英寸机型标配8GB 1866MHz LPDDR3 内存,而15英寸则标配16GB 1600MHz 内存。  缺点:电池续航能力不及MBA强,但13英寸机型官方称也仍可达到10小时,15英寸机型则为8小时。

开机时出现startup repair

非正常关机造成的。电脑在正常运行的情况下突然断电,正在运行的程序、软件或文档都没办法进行及时的保存关闭,导致电脑瘫痪,再次连接电源重新启动电脑的时候就会出现“Startup Repair”的现象。解决方法:1、可以先等系统自动的修复一会,看看系统是否能够自动恢复,时间相对较长点,如果无法正常恢复,就需要把电脑关机重启,重启后按F8。2、在高级启动界面选择“安全模式”或者选择“最后一次正确配置”重启后,就能正常进系统了。扩展资料:注意事项那是修复系统的意思,重启后电脑就默认修复过了,按电源按钮关机就属于直接断电关机了,有可能会损坏系统。电脑系统就会有个自我修复程序,以后尽量不要直接断电关机,因为电源直接断电关机,硬盘里的悬空磁盘会突然降落,容易划伤盘片,导致硬盘损坏。如果不能进入安全模式,重装系统,BIOS都不能设置的话,送维修部,可能不单单是硬盘出状况了。

MacBook Air和MacBook Pro 的区别?

以下仅针对2020年下半年发布的M1版Macbook Air与Macbook Pro进行说明:这两个型号的M1处理器笔记本在功能上已经不存在任何差距了。性能上的差距也仅仅是一点主动散热与低配Air屏蔽一个GPU Core造成的。基本上无伤大雅。前几天刚在转转入了一台二手mba。在以上基础上,Air的续航对比Pro已经无法产生优势。 但Air胜在便宜2000块钱。所以纠结这两个版本的Macbook的,我统一推荐Macbook Air。 要么你有特殊需求还是继续选择英特尔版本。(别肛英特尔版本性能不行之类的,有些事儿就是只有英特尔版本能干。目前M1版软件适配依然谈不上非常成熟,只是基本的办公需求没啥问题。 专业的视频编辑,音乐制作,前后端开发,建模等领域基本上还是得要英特尔版本。 M1闪退家常便饭。)另外。今年春季发布会疑似会发布新的Macbook系列。 疑似12寸会复活,增加14寸 “M1x”处理器高配版本Pro机型。 所以多的等更新以后再来谈。

什么是no hair theorem?



IP20。ABB IRC5compact控制器是一种工业机器人控制器,用于控制机器人的运动和操作。irc5compact控制器的安全防护等级可以根据具体型号的不同而有所不同,但通常来说,该控制器的安全防护等级至少IP20。

Olivier Renoir的《Mong Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Mong Song歌手:Olivier Renoir专辑:Six SensesThis thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou know, the finer things in lifeCheck it outOoh that dress looks scandalousAnd you know another nigga couldnt handle itSo youre shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in your eyes so devilishUh you like to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd you cruise to the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, she like her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongListen, that girl so scandalousAnd I know another nigga couldnt handle itAnd shes shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in her eyes so devilishShe likes to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd she cruises through the crews like connect da dotsNot just urban she likes her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongGirl that dress looks scandalousI swear another nigga couldnt handle itSee ya shakin that thing like whos the ishWith that look in your eye so devilish, whatYou like to dance all the hip hop spotsCruise through the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, you like the popCause you be livin la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttIll make ya sing it againCuz she had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttUh, think Ill sing it againCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)

firm 和company 有什么区别

1)company是商界的任何一个从事商业的企业,可以是独资、合资或是股份有限公司。一般用company是针对的是某一个特定的公司。例如说“我们公司”这句话英文就该说“Our company”而不说“Our firm”,更不说“Our enterprise”。2)firm是任何的一个企业,可以是独资、合资或是股份有限公司。firm和company相比之下概念更广泛,一般来说,对一般企业的总称用firms多余companies。希望对您有所帮助。




1.在重新启动电脑后,启动虚拟系统,待虚系统完全启动完毕,插入USB设备,真系统会自动寻找适合虚系统下的相关USB设备的驱动程序(如果找不到驱动,可指定路径:C:Program FilesSunxVM VirtualBoxdriversUSBdevice)。不要拔出USB设备,关闭虚拟系统,重新启动电脑(一定要重启)。2. 电脑重启后,打开VirtualBox,选择虚拟系统后(注意,不是启动虚拟系统,而是选择),点击“设置”,打开“USB设备”的设置页,在前两个启用项前打勾,再点筛选器右边的第二个图标(带+号的),选中USB设备后,点击设置页下方的确定。3. 启动刚设置的虚拟系统,这时就可以在虚拟系统中看到USB设备了。4. USB设备在真系统与虚拟系统之间切换,只需右击下方的USB图标,选中该设备就行了。5. 虚拟系统能正常使用USB设备后,为了不与真系统抢USB设备,在“USB设备”的设置页面中,就可以删除筛选器中的USB设备了(别担心,删除后,已安装过一次的USB设备仍能与真系统之间切换使用)。 需要说明的,在虚拟系统中第一次使用的USB设备都要按前三步设置后才能在今后中使用

air conditioned前面加an吗?

应该是air conditioner空调吧。是可数名词,而且air第一个发元音,所以前面应该是加an.




virtualboxCreated 星期一 21 六月 2010对于usb接口的键鼠,virtualbox可以自动识别.移动硬盘可以通过分配数据空间的方式识别. 这些都不是大问题, 但一些特殊用途的usb设备, virtualbox就无能为力了. 比如现在很常见的网银盾, 我以前每次往支付定冲值都不得不切换到windows下. 最近发现可以用virtualbox实现, 不需要再切换系统了由于Linux默认采用udev管理usb设备, 而udev中没有virtualbox的相关权限, 所以usb设备不能被自动识别.一种比较容易的解决方法是禁用系统udev服务,而用libusb库管理1. 编辑/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit文件sudo vi/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit找到如下内容if [ ! -d /proc/bus/usb ]; thenmodprobe usbcore /dev/null 2&1 && mount -n -t usbfs /proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usbelsemount -n -t usbfs /proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usbfi将它们全部注释掉2. 将你的帐号加入virtualbox用户组sudo usermod -G <vboxusers <你的帐号3. 重启电脑, 现在virtaulbox中的设置面板里可以看到usb设备信息. 你可以在启动前挂载,也可以运行过程中过载, 就如同真实电脑上的usb即插即拔一样.4. 一旦挂载上usb设备, windows会提示你需要安装驱动, 后面的事就是按步就班了.在此之前,我也尝试过网上流传的另一种方法, 通过添加usb系统用户的方法, 但是始终无法识别. 这里也就不做过多讨论了.

安装Oracle VM VirtualBox后打开出错,请问是什么原因?

VirtualBox - Error In supR3HardenedWinReSpawn---------------------------<html><b>Error relaunching VirtualBox VM process: 5<br>Command line: "60eaff78-4bdd-042d-2e72-669728efd737-suplib-3rdchild --comment winxp --startvm 499b2a36-d9f9-47ea-b041-aba372dccb3c --no-startvm-errormsgbox --sup-hardening-log=D:windowswinxpLogsVBoxHardening.log" (rc=-104)</b><br/><br/>Please try reinstalling VirtualBox.<br><br><!--EOM-->where: supR3HardenedWinReSpawnwhat: 5VERR_INVALID_NAME (-104) - Invalid (malformed) file/path name.</html>---------------------------OK ---------------------------



是air-conditioned bus 还是 air-conditioner bus

应该用:air-conditioned busair-conditioned意思是:装有空调装置的。air-conditioned bus意思是装有空调装置的公交车。希望可以帮到你望采纳

virtualbox 共享文件夹 有大小限制吗

安装增强功能1点击正在运行的虚拟机菜单“设备”->“安装增强功能”2输入密码授权运行3第一次安装可能出现如下问题“The headers for the current running kernel were not found”4使用下面的命令安装:$sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)(其实build-essential linux-headers已经是最新的了,只是缺少dkms(Dynamic Kernel Module Support),当有新的kernal安装的时候,它能让kernal的设备驱动自动重新构建。)之后再运行命令:$sudo /etc/init.d/vboxadd setup5重启系统,再次安装增强功能,一切OKEND添加共享文件夹1点击虚拟机软件菜单 “控制”->"设置",选择"共享文件夹"项,点击“添加”按键2在宿主系统中新建一个文件夹用作共享目录,如新建目录“VMShared”,完整路径"D:VirtualBoxVMShared"3选择共享文件夹路径,点击“其它”,选择上一步建立的文件夹,并勾选“自动挂载”和“固定分配”END挂载目录此时还不能使用共享文件夹,需要运行挂载命令,例如将其挂载到自动生成的目录“/media/sf_VMShared/”下,“VMShared”为设置中显示的共享文件夹名称:$sudo mount -t vboxsf VMShared /media/sf_VMShared/查看宿主系统下的共享文件夹内容,与虚拟系统下的内容一致,文件夹共享成功卸载共享文件夹:$ sudo umount /media/sf_VMShared每次重启虚拟机都需要重新挂载共享文件夹,如果觉得麻烦可以将挂载命令写入一个shell脚本并赋予可执行权限,直接运行脚本文件挂载即可。$ touch mountSharedDir 建立脚本文件$ vim mountSharedDir 编辑脚本文件$ chmod 755 mountSharedDir 赋予可执行权限$ ./mountSharedDir 执行脚本脚本文件mountSharedDir内容如下:#!/bin/bashsudo mount -t vboxsf VMShared /media/sf_VMShared/

VirtualBox 错误代码无法打开,求大神解决。

首先 先看看自己的安装目录是否有中文,如果有中文 换个目录全英文目录安装,本人WIN7 64 旗舰,我的问题出现是因为破解了uxtheme.dll文件所以没办法打开,所以下载一个uxtheme.dll替换就好了,文件替换目录为C:WindowsSystem32 至于怎么替换 反正我是修改了 原来的名称 再把我的放进去 就不冲突了尝试了下楼主的办法,发现替换的dll,正在使用中,无法被替换。只好换了一个办法解决这个问题。请遇到这个问题的亲们,下载Virtualbox的旧版本即可。我是下载的4.3.16。系统是Windows 8.1 专业版。旧版下载地址:

虚拟机打不开为什么 virtualbox

今天碰到这个同样的问题。试了多次终于解决:1、卸载现在安装的版本;2、清理注册表;3、删除c:用户用户名下的两个文件夹“.virtualbox”、“virtualbox VMs”4、下载之前的稳定版本我选择的是VirtualBox-4.3.12-93733-Win。重新安装。解决了





direct labor cost中文翻译

Direct labor cost 直接劳动成本 The average direct labor cost occupies less than 10 % of the total cost while logistical expenses occupies 30 - 40 % of the total cost 产品平均直接劳动成本所占比例不到总成本的10 % ,而物流费用占总成本的比重约为30 % - 40 % 。 Analyze the direct labor cost , including measure the work hours , stipulate the standard work hours , maintain and readjust the standard work hours 生产人力成本分析,包括测量作业工时,制定标准作业工时,并定期维护变更标准工时 We are addressing the issues pro - actively and aggressively with the pursuit of value engineering throughout our new product design and development process to keep material and direct labor cost down by maximizing material consumption and utipzation . 集团已透过积极主动革新新产品设计和开发流程,尽量降低物料和劳工成本,为生产工程增值。


如果要说某个地方已经用了空调,用air-conditioned,比如an air-conditioned room(开了空调的房间);如果是形容某样东西有空调功能或单讲空调功能,则用air-conditional,比如air-conditional system(空调系统).

如何在Ubuntu 14.04中安装Virtualbox 4.3.20

  如何在Ubuntu 14.04中安装Virtualbox 4.3.20,安装方法方法一:下载.deb安装包根据你的操作系统类型,32位(i386)或者64位(amd64)到下面提供的的官方下载页面下载相应的.deb 安装包: 对于Ubuntu 14.10来说,下载Ubuntu 14.04的安装包。下载完成以后,双击打开下载好的安装包选择用Ubuntu软件中心打开然后点击安装按钮  方法二:添加Virtualbox的软件源来获得后续的更新;Oracle为Ubuntu Linux提供了一个官方的软件源,支持Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, and Ubuntu 14.04系统的安装为了添加软件源,请摁下键盘上的 Ctrl+Alt+T 打开一个终端,并运行下面的代码:sudo sh -c "echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list"对于Linux Mint来说,请以该系统基于Ubuntu发行版的名称替换$(lsb_release -cs)的代码部分,例如trusty, precise, raring, 等。然后下载和导入软件源密钥:wget -q virtualbox org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -最后,你就可以通过你的软件管理器来安装 virtualbox-4.3 或者通过运行以下命令来安装:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3  对于如何升级后续4.3.x的版本,仅仅通过运行软件升级命令就可以升级到最新的版本。

有首歌里面有一段 "her hair her hair……” 想不起来是谁的了,感觉有点想coldplay的风格

歌名:Five Colours In Her Hair歌手:McFlyMcFDo do do do do doo She"s got a lip ring and 5 colours in her hair" Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears" Her tattoo"s always hidden by her underwear. She don"t care. Everybody wants to know her name" I threw a house party and she came Everyone asked me Who the hell is she? That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. She"s just a loner with a sexy attitude" I"d like to phone her if she puts me in the mood. The rumours spreading now that she cooks in the nude. But she don"t care" but she don"t care. Everybody wants to know her name" How does she cope with her new found fame? Everyone asks me" Who the hell is she? That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. She was all I thought about" The girl I couldn"t live without. But then she went insane" She couldn"t take the fame She said I was to blame She"d had enough And shaved five colours off And now she"s just a weirdo with no name. Everybody wants to know her name. How does she cope with her new found fame? Everyone asks me" Who the hell is she" That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. 1 2 3 4 Do do do do do doo应该是这个~不是的话我就不知道了~

connector wire是什么意思

connector wire连接线; 双语例句1Electric components: This series include various kinds of terminal, fuse box, connector, wire bundle connection cables cigarette plug and socket for automobile, etc.电子元件:生产各种系列的接线柱、险丝座、插件、频连接线、车点烟插头及插座等。2Repair connector terminal or wire splice.维修接头端子或电线熔接处。

wire connector是什么意思

wire connector [词典] 接线器; [例句]If equipped, disconnect mirror harness wire connector.如果配备,断开镜子线束接头。

Personally I think it is the sales manager,rather than the sales girls,who___to blame


Personally I think it is the sales manager, rather than the sales girls, _______ to blame.


想听一下类似于I see fire或safeandsound的外国民谣

20 Years - The Civil WarsKingdom Come - The Civil WarsTip of My Tongue - The Civil WarsGold - Wake! OwlI Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For CutieLet Her Go - PassengerWings - BirdyThe Mortal Boy King - The Paper KitesOld Pine - Ben HowardKing and Lionheart - Of Monsters and MenThrow Me a Line - Al LewisWhite Winter Hymnal - Fleet FoxesDuet - Rachael YamagataSimple As This - Jake BuggThe Cave - Mumford & SonsAnother Love - Tom OdellHo Hey - The LumineersBig Parade - The Lumineers5 Years Time - Noah and the Whale

电脑型号 超磐手 SUPoX AMD 760G Series 台式电脑 操作系统 Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )



歌曲名:BROKEN MIRROR歌手:boom boom satellites专辑:BROKEN MIRRORBROKEN MIRRORBOOM BOOM SATELLITES作词:BOOM BOOM SATELLITES作曲:BOOM BOOM SATELLITESTVアニメ「ガンダムUC(ユニコーン)」主题歌Don"t be afraidNo one can tear us apartA look aroundYou"ll never feel aloneYou"re my twinWe never come to terms foreverWho"s gonna take you homeDon"t wanna stay so longAll of my life I"ve felt like dyingDon"t wanna stay so longI"m gonna fix your rulesYou better look aliveYou"re better off aloneYou better back off nowYou better back off nowDon"t wanna fall apartYou know I won"t back downNobody left to blameDon"t be afraidInto the hands of fateA look aroundThe other me is youYou"re my queenWhat do you think I have to followBeen waiting for so longWho"s gonna rise the roadI never knew love till I met youWho"s gonna rise the roadI"m gonna fix your rulesNobody hold you downYou"re better off aloneYou better back off nowYou better back off nowNever go back againYou better back off nowBefore the sky falls downTurning into dust and fade awayJust can"t seem to get you out of my brainI realizeWhat I am fighting forUntil the endI"ll live inside of youSo I can seeStanding in front of a broken mirrorWho"s gonna take you homeIt"s gonna feel real goodAll of my life I"ve felt like dyingIt"s gonna feel real goodI"m gonna fix your rulesYou better look aliveYou"re better off aloneYou better back off nowYou better back off nowDon"t wanna fall apartYou know I won"t back downNobody left to blameYou better back off nowTurning into dust and fade awayJust can"t seem to get you out of my brainYou better back off nowDon"t wanna fall apartYou know I won"t back downNobody left to blame

Slapshock的《Direction》 歌词

歌曲名:Direction歌手:Slapshock专辑:DirectionDirectionsLostprophetsSo pick me up off the floor,You will not see the town like me,I wont ask you again if this is real cosI"m walking out that door, I"ll leave,Always behind the war I know,Cos decisions have never been my strong point,But I don"t know what I want,Still the road is dark.In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those eyes.Is it starting again,In every town its the same (all these stories),Runs like a clock and around we golike some twisted carnival ringmasterpointing at me,Telling me that I"ll never make it,But how the hell would he know whenhe dresses like a tramp and looks like shit,When alls been said and done,I"ll still be hear having no fun.In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those eyes.Oh tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.So who"s idea was this? You knowI don"t like really like the dark that much,Its insane, the more, take the blame,Admit defeat and swallow your pride,Take a ride to the dark side.I don"t know what you say andI don"t mean to sound blas?In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those...In all this time I"ve had,I"ve seen the face behind those eyes

She Moved Through The Fair 歌词

歌曲名:She Moved Through The Fair歌手:Odetta专辑:One Grain Of SandLoreena McKennitt - She Moved Through The Fairarranged and adapted by Loreena McKennittMy love said to meMy Mother won"t mindAnd me Father won"t slight youFor your lack of kindThen she stepped away from meAnd this she did sayIt will not be long loveTill our wedding dayShe stepped away from meAnd she moved through the fairAnd fondly I watched herMove here and move thereAnd she went her way homewardWith one star awakeAs the swans in the eveningMove over the lakeThe people were sayingNo two e"er were wedBut one has a sorrowThat never was saidAnd she smiled as she passed meWith her goods and her gearAnd that was the lastThat I saw of my dear.I dreamed it last nightThat my true love came inSo softly she enteredHer feet made no dinshe came close beside meAnd this she did sayIt will not be long loveTill our wedding day.

急!20分悬赏Good charlotte的Riot girl的歌词翻译

她有刺青,和嘉定 She likes Minor threat she likes Social Distortion她喜欢的威胁很小,她喜欢的社会扭曲 My girl"s a hot girl我的女孩的一个热门女孩 A hood Rider, needs an attitude adjustment头罩竞速,需要调整心态 Christina, wouldn"t wanna meet her眼下,我也不想再见到她 She hates you Britney so you better run for cover她最讨厌你小甜甜,让你更好地运行作掩护 My girl"s a hot girl, a riot girl and she"s angry at the world我的女孩,是一块烫手的女孩,暴动女孩,她的嗔世界 Emergency call 911紧急呼叫911 She"s pissed off at everyone她的右脚踝送行人人 Police rescue, FBI警方救援,联邦调查局 She wants a riot, she wants a riot她要一场暴动,她要暴动 And everywhere we go, she gets us thrown out constantly我们在各地都去,她抛出不断 But that"s okay但还好 "Cuz I know, I know, I know my baby would do anything for me " 因为我知道,我知道,我知道我的宝贝会做我的 Yeah唉. Christina, wouldn"t wanna meet her眼下,我也不想再见到她 She hates you Britney so you better run for cover她最讨厌你小甜甜,让你更好地运行作掩护 My girl"s a hot girl, a riot girl and she"s picking on the world我的女孩,是一块烫手的女孩,暴动女孩,她的复苏,对世界 I said我说: Emergency call 911紧急呼叫911 She"s pissed off at everyone她的右脚踝送行人人 Police rescue, FBI警方救援,联邦调查局 She wants a riot, she wants a riot她要一场暴动,她要暴动 She wants a riot, she wants a riot她要一场暴动,她要暴动 oooh oooh oooh噢噢噢 oooh oooh oooh噢噢噢 Don"t ya know that all I really want is you不遐知道一切,我真的想的是你 I got it all and all I really want is you我明白了,所有我真的很想你 Emergency call 911紧急呼叫911 She"s pissed off at everyone她的右脚踝送行人人 Police rescue, FBI警方救援,联邦调查局 She wants a riot, she wants a riot她要一场暴动,她要暴动 Emergency call 911紧急呼叫911 She wants a riot, she wants a riot她要一场暴动,她要暴动 Police rescue, FBI警方救援,联邦调查局 She wants a riot, she wants a riot她要一场暴动,她要暴动

confusion girl中英文歌词。

中文:混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么我知道我们有过起伏有时我会像小丑但我从不知道你我从来没有真的有线索我会永远是那样的球员谁跑你周围的事业,是好的这是不够的你我从来没有我的最好因此,离开我是你的第一步现在,您尝试移动的,忘记混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么原因你会怪你是她的比赛的一部分获得的一个了这是这样的耻辱您只需打电话给我,当你独自我不期望从事音但是,这是什么意思是你跌倒远离我现在我的沉默讲一千字你撕我的世界之外但你从来没有真正听所有的眼泪你使我哭泣现在是时候说再见让你和我的背后是第一步现在,我会尽力继续前进,忘记混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么原因你会怪你是她的比赛的一部分获得的一个了这是这样的耻辱混乱的女孩你在她拼写但你不知道淋巴细胞的最后一刻这种技巧是假装混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么原因你会怪你是她的比赛的一部分获得的一个了这是这样的耻辱英文:Confusion Girl (Shame Shame Shame) LyricsConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfI know we had our ups and downsAt times I would act like the clownBut I never really knew youI never really had a clueI would always be the kind of guyWho ran around for you cause that was fineThat wasn"t enough for youI never did the best I couldSo leaving me was your first stepNow you try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame, shame, shame, shame, shame , shameYou only call me up when you"re aloneNot expecting my engaged toneBut this is what"s meant to beYou"re falling down away from meNow my silence speaks a thousand wordsYou tore my world apartBut you never really heardAll the tears you made me cryNow it"s time to say goodbyeAnd leaving you behind is my first stepNow I"ll try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame, shame, shame, shameConfusion girlYou"re under her spellBut you won"t know til the very endThis trick was just pretendConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame, shame, shame, shame, shameAnything but herself.

Confusion Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Confusion Girl 歌手:Frankmusik专辑:Confusion GirlFrankmusik - Confusion GirlConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfI know we had our ups and downsAt times I would act like the clownBut I never really knew youI never really had a clueI would always be the kind of guyWho ran around for you cause that was fineThat wasn"t enough for youI never did the best I couldSo leaving me was your first stepNow you try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shameYou only call me up when you"re aloneNot expecting my engaged toneBut this is what"s meant to beYou"re falling down away from meNow my silence speaks a thousand wordsYou tore my world apartBut you never really heardAll the tears you made me cryNow it"s time to say goodbyeAnd leaving you behind is my first stepAnd how I"ll try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shameConfusion girlYou"re under her spellYou won"t know til the very endThis trick was just pretendConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfYou"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame...

confusion girl中文歌词,是Frankmusik唱得!

试着翻译,未必准确Confusion girlNever gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herself处于迷惑中的女孩,从来不给予别人什么,也从不从别人那里拿走什么想要试图掩盖她自己曾经的误会想要成为另外一种人,什么样都好,只要是她自己。I know we had our ups and downsAt times I would act like the clownBut I never really knew youI never really had a clue我知道我们的生活都有过起起伏伏有时候我想扮演一个小丑但我从不曾真正的懂你我没有一点点真正的线索And I would always be that kind of guyWho ran around for you cause that was fineThat wasn"t enough for youI never did the best I could soLeaving me behind was your first stepNow you try to move on and forget我一直想要成为那样一种围绕着在你身边,给你快乐的人但那对你来说还远远不够我没有做的比现在更好的时候了把我抛在后面是你的第一步现在你试图离开前进并且忘记了Confusion girlNever gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herself处于迷惑中的女孩,从来不给予别人什么,也从不从别人那里拿走什么想要试图掩盖她自己曾经的误会想要成为另外一种人,什么样都好,只要是她自己。Cause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet swallowed up it"s such a shameShame shame shame shame引起了你可能的责备而你不过是她游戏的一部分吞下所有的羞涩羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩You only call me up when you"re aloneNot expecting my engaged toneBut this is what"s meant to be你只在自己孤独的时候想起找我并不期待我参与进去的声调但这并不是意味着我要的You"re falling down away from meAnd now my silence speaks a thousand wordsYou tore my world apartBut you never really heardAll the tears you made me crySo now it"s time to say good bye你沉溺于我对你的好现在我柔声细语对你说了千言万语可你把我的世界撕成了碎片但你从来没有真正的听到 我的眼泪在为你哭泣 所以现在是说再见的时候了And leaving you behind is my first stepAnd now I"ll try to move on and forgetWell离开你是我的第一步现在让我试着离开和忘记了就这样吧Confusion girlNever gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet swallowed up it"s such a shameShame shame shame shame处于迷惑中的女孩,从来不给予别人什么,也从不从别人那里拿走什么想要试图掩盖她自己曾经的误会想要成为另外一种人,什么样都好,只要是她自己。引起了你可能的责备而你不过是她游戏的一部分吞下所有的羞涩羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩You"re my confusion girlYou"re under her spellAnd you won"t know till the very endThis trick was just pretend你是我的困惑女孩你在她的咒语之下直到最后你才会知道这只是个假装的玩笑(这个玩笑只是用来逗你的啦)

谁有usher的I need a girl的歌词?谢啦!

yeah, YeahI need a, I want a[Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my life[P. Diddy]Yo, I"m internationally known on the microphoneI got it all, but I really need a wife at homeI don"t really like the zone, never spend the night aloneI got a few, you would like to boneBut, chicks don"t romance me, don"t tickle my fancyOnly Tiffany, Nancy; that"s not what my plans beI need a girl that could stand me, raise me a familyGo to trips at the Lancy, trip to the Grammy"s causeMost of these girls be confusin meI don"t know if they really love me or they usin meHere"s the money, or maybe you ain"t used to meCause you was depressed and now you abusin meThat"s why I need a girl that be true to meKnow bout the game, and know how to do to meWithout a girl on my side, shit I ruin meForget the word, it"s just you and me[P. Diddy & Usher]Now let"s ride.....[Chorus.:.Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my life[Loon]Yo, now I have had a lot of women in my lifetimeBut see it"s not a lot of women that got the right mindI done had pretty chicks with all the right featuresAnd hoodrat chicks that only rock sneakersCellphones and beepers, and know how to treat yaYou break her heart, she"ll walk out and leave yaI find a girl, I"ma keep herCuz now I"m gettin money and the game gettin deeperI want some real shit, I need somebody I can chill withI need somebody I can build withI need somebody I can hold tightWith the time and no full limits, no rightAnytime we together would feel so rightYou the girl I been lookin for my whole lifeGod bless me, I"m glad I got the insightIt"s cuz of you girl, now I understand life[Loon & Usher]I need a girl...[Chorus.:.Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my life[P. Diddy]I had a girl that would"ve died for meDidnt "preciate her so I made her cry for meEvery night she had tears in her eyes for meQuarter K"s, shorty took the whole ride for meFirst we were friends then became loversYou was more than my girl, we was like brothersAll night we would play fight under coversNow you gone, can"t love you like I really wannaBut everytime I think about your pretty smileAnd how we used to drive the whole city wildDamn I wish you would"ve had my childA pretty little girl wit Diddy"s smileThis shit is wildAll dem days that I reminisceAbout the way I use to kiss dem pretty lipsBut as long as you happy, I"ma tell you thisI love you girl and you"re the one that I will always missI love you, yeah[Chorus.:.Usher]I need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to make my wifeI need a girl who"s mine oh mineI need a girl in my lifeI need a girl to ride, ride, rideI need a girl to be my wifeNobody else cuz she"s all mineI need a girl in my life

一首英文歌叫《su××× girl》,前面有一个单词记不清了.

super girl?

求wonder girls (tell me) 中文谐音歌词 不要罗马的哦~

Tell Me Goodbye[GD]Letting you go...(here"s somebody...)Letting you go...(here"s somebody...)Yo I got this, yeahstill thinking about this thing alotyou got me shaken up(Please tell me there"s a way)And it got my head just spinnin" round round round round(Please tell me there"s a way)Don"t wanna take a fallIt"s best to break it upIt"s gonna be better for you, move on(Please tell me there"s a way)Uh huh we break it break itOr thought we make it make itAnd now we cover it up[太阳]Girl I swear KI米诺扩头oh一起BIO de摸 卡那西妈se那一呀库索oh 马模路他咩你哇摸 哦把来西嘎 e啦不米起哇哪一卡拉ha[大成]Baby爱惜太本大KE KI 组粗可特西马武and I"ve got nothing, nothing to say[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大KI西没他忒哦[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那搜oh uh wo ooh 波KO无哇苏嘞路扩头你急有你那路那啦baby[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]Girl you know KI米噶唉噶 啊酷西忒酷后度 波酷挖机扑无摸SE咩路哟 内个所被路扩托把摸嘿卡里撒E摸 那你摩卡抹蜜无锡那屋[太阳]Baby 扩诺哭泣比路嘎哈那嘞他新咖你 I"ll never find better, better than you[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大KI西咩他忒哦[ALL]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那所oh uh wo ooh 唢呐你一路扩头大开噶呀仨啥加纳一头 baby[ALL] oh,Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[TOP]Yo and it"s so, soSad it just ain"t happeningWish it could be betterSorry to scrappingBut I just can"t let yaShouldn"t be less than happyI said look at meI couldn"t live with myself seeing you lackingThe things you deserveBaby you was a part?Must believe that it hurtsthat lead this worldI feel the aching through my bodyit just takes a bigger part of meto be let you goI wish that one soul[大成]KI米诺扩诶SE粗那酷away...away- eh-eh-eh[胜利]卡在你卡KI开仨嘞忒有酷stay...stay- eh-eh-eh[太阳]扩嘞一就哇I can"t take it ,所诺纳米大don"t cry for me[大成]KI米诺他没 never look back again eh eh eh eh oh….[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大KI西没他忒o[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那所oh uh wo ooh,唢呐你一扩头大开噶呀仨啥家那一头baby[ALL]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]Tell me goodbye

本站歌词来自互联网 本站歌词来自互联网 上帝是个女孩God is a girl(中英文对照版) 歌手:Groove Covera


你可以给我发一下It Girl/It Boy - Jason Derulo(Cover)吗??


一首国语歌歌词有girl you are the cover


Cover Drive的《That Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:That Girl歌手:Cover Drive专辑:Bajan StyleCover Drive - That GirlYou turn your head to meI see there"s more in your eyesThat you hide, you hide, you hide it boyI"ve seen you heavy force swagging,your rude boy disguiseAnd you try, you try, you try, but ohAll the time you waste on acting upI"m not asking you to stop butWhen you"re ready for a love likeBaby I can make your heart stop, I, I, I, I, II, I, I, I, I"ll be good to youWhen you"re done with the tough talkWhen you"re ready for a real rush, I, I, I, I, II, I, I, I, I"ll be that, that girl, that girl, that girlStanding with all of your boys leaning low on your rideAnd you always got your eyes on meI know you want to come over, but won"t leave your prideBaby I could be your remedy, ohAll the time you waste on acting upI"m not asking you to stop butWhen you"re ready for a love likeBaby I can make your heart stop, I, I, I, I, II, I, I, I, I"ll be good to youWhen you"re done with the tough talkWhen you"re ready for a real rush, I, I, I, I, II, I, I, I, I"ll be that, that girl, that girl, that girlAll the time you waste on acting upI"m not asking you to stop butWhen you"re ready for a love likeBaby I can make your heart stop, I, I, I, I, II, I, I, I, I"ll be good to youWhen you"re done with the tough talkWhen you"re ready for a real rush, I, I, I, I, II, I, I, I, I"ll be that, that girl, that girl, that girl

undercover girl歌词

Vanilla Ninja — Undercover GirlRebel insideShe"s always in disguiseDestined to killWhat she thought was realYeah she"s a high-class babyWith some attitudeShe"S wicked and wildAnd makes you go blind and grindShe"s undercover girlThat"s all she"s gotShe"s taking you highAnd makes your heartbeat stopShe"s undercover girlThat"s all she"s gotShe"s making you flyAnd head go round and roundShe"s undercover girlUptown angelFancy neighbourhoodOverprotectedAlways knew what"s goodNow she has black bootsAnd the long blond hairShe steps in the roomAnd men turn to lousy fools

求许维恩-FHM 2009 十月号 Cover Girl(mv)高清完整版的网址,感激不尽


Come on girl 翻译

=================来吧姑娘================ (歌词大意)来吧姑娘,来吧女孩,来吧女孩,嘿。 来吧姑娘,来吧女孩,来吧女孩,嘿。 [ Taio ] 女婴你知道,我只是想带你到现场, 事情到你,一定会得到亚坤炎热, 我爱你如何摆脱那个战利品的俱乐部, 我只想把你,我,到我们, Homie希望党,但你知道没有人可以别人能做到, 我们可以做任何保持公共或如果您, 希望保持它的私营部门和便衣说,天气凉爽, 我只想留在涵盖与您联系。 [合唱] 现在我知道,你想,你已经指出, 很明显我需要公正作出决定, 布特"是我要去说, 告诉我,我得说, 告诉我,我得说, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你走开! 来吧姑娘,来吧女孩,来吧女孩,嘿。 来吧姑娘,来吧女孩,来吧,再进一个女孩, 嗨。 我可以看到你的眼睛看看,我知道你想要, 您flurty , flurty与我和我喜欢的方式来炫耀它, 您知道您的狗屎!和你自己的俱乐部, 我只想把你,我,到了我们, Homie希望党,但你知道没有人可以别人能做到, 我们可以做任何保持公共或如果您, 希望保持它的私营部门和便衣说,天气凉爽, 我只想留在涵盖与您联系。 [合唱] 现在我知道,你想,你已经指出, 很明显我需要公正作出决定, 布特"是我要去说, 告诉我,我得说, 告诉我,我得说, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你走开! 来吧姑娘,来吧女孩,来吧女孩,嘿。 来吧姑娘,来吧女孩,来吧,再进一个女孩, 嗨。 [露] 要采取咬? 来刺激我的食欲, 但让我在,你的塘,使我的头部旋转, 因此,来吧带我离开, 你最好带我离开, 您更好地击中当场 如果你想我可以让你弹出, 因此,让我们去,电,是否可以很好和缓慢, 来吧孩子,来吧孩子,来吧孩子! [合唱] 现在我知道,你想,你已经指出, 很明显我需要公正作出决定, 布特"是我要去说, 告诉我,我得说, 告诉我,我得说, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你离开我, 请你走开! 来吧姑娘,来吧女孩,来吧女孩,嘿。 重复) ( 8重复)

求INFINITE的歌曲cover girl的中韩对照歌词

Rap>ub9c8uc8fcud558uace0 uc2f6uc9c0 uc54auc544 uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 uc774ubcc4ub3c4不想去面对 即便那是多麼美丽的离别uc5b8uc820uac04 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c0uaca0uc9c0 ub2e4uc2e0 ubcfc uc218 uc5c6uaca0uc9c0总有一天还是会分离 不会再见uc774ub7f0 uc598uae30ud558uae30uc5d4 uc9e7uc9c0 love journey说这样的话 会缩短 love journeyud0c1 ud2b8uc778 uae38uac70ub9acuc5d0 uc218ub9ceuc740在通畅的道路上有著许多"love is pain" ubb38ud131ub3c4 ub2e4 ub118uc744"love is pain" 门槛也全都越过ud63cuc790 uac04ub2e4uace0 ub2e4 ub420 uc77cuc774 uc544ub2ccud130ub77c这可不是独自一人就能办到的事uc5b4uc0c9ud558uac8c uc7a1uc740 uc190 ub124uac70uc57c不自然地抓著的手 是你的ub108ub294 ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0 ub108ub294 uc815ub9d0 ube5bub098你太漂亮了 真的太过耀眼了ub9e4 uc21cuac04 ub108ub294 ub098uc758 Cover girl每一刻你都是我的 Cover girlub098ub9cc ubcf4uba74 uc6c3uc9c0 ud654ub97c ub0b4ub3c4 uc6c3uc9c0我只要看著就会笑了 就算在发火我也会笑吧uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc2ebub2e4 ud558uaca0uc5b4我怎麼会不喜欢你呢ub09c ud558ub098uba74 ub3fc ub09c ud558ub098uba74 ub2e4 ub3fc只要有我就够了 只要有我就全都足够了ub108ub3c4 ub2e4 uc54cuc9c0 ubed4ud55cuac78你也都知道吧 这麼明显uc644ubcbdud788 ubbffuc5b4 ub098ub9cc ubbffuc73cuba74 ub3fc完全信任我 只要相信我就够了uadf8ub7fc ub09c ub2c8 uac70uc57c ud56duc0c1那样我就永远是你的Rap> uc544ud30c ubcf8 uc801 uc5c6ub294 ucc99装作没有难受过的样子uc0acub791ud558uace0 ud6c4ud68cub0a8uc544ub193uc9c0 uc54auc740 uc801爱过了 不曾留下後悔uc0dduac01ud558ub2e4 ud53cud574 uc904 ud544uc694 uc5c6uc796uc544想一想吧 根本没有逃避的必要不是吗ub108uc640 ub098uc57c ub531 ub458uc774uba74 ub418uc796uc544 baby love ya你和我啊 只要刚好是我们俩就行了 baby love yauc544uc9c1ub3c4 uba38ub9acuac00 uacc4uc0b0uc744 ud574 ?到现在还在脑中计算吗 ?ubb50uac00 uc815ub2f5uc778uc9c0 ud63cub780uc2a4ub7ecuc6cc ud574什麼是正确答案 感到混乱吗uac04ub2e8ud574 uc808ub300 ub193uc9c0 ubabbud574简单来说绝对不能放手uc11cub85cuac00 uc544ub2c8uba74 uc548 ub418ub294 uac8c ud574ub2f5uc774 ub3fc回答"不是彼此的话不行"就可以了ud55c ub208 ud314uba74 uc54cuc9c0 (bebe) ub534 ub9d8 uba39uc74c uc54cuc9c0(bebe)如果你左顾右盼的话我会知道 (bebe) 用情不一的话我也会知道 (bebe)uadf8ub54cub294 ub098ub3c4 uc5b4uca54uc9c0 ubab0ub77c (ub108ub294 ub098uc758 Cover girl)到时候我也不清楚我会做出什麼 (你是我的 Cover girl)uc0acub791 ud558ub294 ub9ccud07c uc0acub791 ubc1buc740 ub9ccud07c付出了多少爱 接受了多少爱uc0c1ucc98ub3c4 uadf8ub9ccud07c ub354 ucee4 uc9c8uac70uc57c伤口就会那样逐渐加深ub09c ud558ub098uba74 ub3fc ub09c ud558ub098uba74 ub2e4 ub3fc只要有我就够了 只要有我就全都足够了ub108ub3c4 ub2e4 uc54cuc9c0 ubed4ud55cuac78你也都知道吧 这麼明显uc644ubcbdud788 ubbffuc5b4 ub098ub9cc ubbffuc73cuba74 ub3fc完全信任我 只要相信我就够了uadf8ub7fc ub09c ub2c8 uac70uc57c ud56duc0c1那样我就永远是你的uc774uac70uba74 ub3fc uc5b4ub824uc6b8 uac83 uc5c6uc5b4只要这样就好 没什麼困难的uc11cub85c ub9c8uc8fcud55c uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub6f0uc5b4uc900ub2e4uba74坦承相对的话ub098uc758 ubaa9uc18cub9acub85c ub108uc758 uc774ub984uc744 ubd88ub7ecuc8fcuba74 uc2dcuc791ub3fc就开始用我的声音呼唤著你的名字ub10c ub098uc758 ucc9cuc0ac ub098ub9ccuc758 Cover girl(ub098uc758 Cover girl ub0b4uac00 uac00uc9c8uac8c)你是我的天使 只属於我的 Cover girl (我的 Cover girl 唯我拥有)ub354 ud06cuac8c uc678uccd0 ub0b4 uac70uc57c (ud06cuac8c ub9d0ud574ub3c4 ub3fc)更大声的呼喊 你是我的 (说的再大声也没关系)ud0c0ub294 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5 ub124uac8c uc2dcuc120 uace0uc815我燃烧的心将视线锁定於你ub0b4 ub208uc5d4 ub108ub9cc ub2f4uc744uac8c (ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc5d4 ub108 ud558ub098ub9cc)我的眼中只容的下你 (我的心里只有你一人)ub09c ud558ub098uba74 ub3fc ub09c ud558ub098uba74 ub2e4 ub3fc(uae30uc5b5ud574uc57c ud574)只要有我就够了 只要有我就全都足够了 (要记住才行)ub108ub3c4 ub2e4 uc54cuc9c0 ubed4ud55cuac78(baby my girl)你也都知道吧 这麼明显 (baby my girl)uc644ubcbdud788 ubbffuc5b4 ub098ub9cc ubbffuc73cuba74 ub3fc完全信任我 只要相信我就够了uadf8ub7fc ub09c ub2c8 uac70uc57c ud56duc0c1那样我就永远是你的

Mr Hudson 的cover girl 歌词

Beauty is in the eyeBeauty is in the eyeThank you for this kissIt"s all I really wantedIf you believe thatDarling then you"d better runThank you for this kissThank you for this kissSo beauty is in the eyeOf the beholderIf you believe thatDarling I"m lookin at youOh oh ohIf you belive thatDarling I"m looking at youGo on believeing thatDarling you"d better runOh cause you"ll never be a cover ghirlJsut facing factsYour face isn"t rightAnd I"ll never want, never wantAnother girlNow I"ve seen you in this lightThank you for this kissThank you for this kissThank you for this kissIt"s all I really wantedIf you believe thatDarling you"d better runOh oh ohIf you believe thatDalring then you"d better runRun"Cause you"ll never beA cover girlJust facing factsYour face isn"t rightBut I"ll never want a cover girlWhen I"ve seen you in this lightYou"ll never be a cover girlJust facing factsYour face isn"t rightBut I"ll never wantNever need a cover girlNow I"ve seen you in this lightI"ll never be a gentlemenJust facing factsMy face isn"t rightAnd you"ll never wantNever want a gentlemanWhen you see me in that lightI"ll never be a gentlemanJust facing factsMy face isn"t rightYou"ll never want a gentlemanWhen you"ve seen me in this light

cover girl什么意思

cover girl封面女孩

Cover girl是什么牌子 Cover girl是什么意思

【导读】:Cover girl中文翻译过来就是封面女郎的意思,是美国的一个知名品牌,那么Cover girl是什么牌子?Cover girl是什么意思?下面就一起来看看吧! Cover girl是什么牌子 宝洁旗下的知名化妆品牌Cover Girl,COVER GIRL在美国,是不输给美宝莲的一个彩妆品牌。 COVER GIRL彩妆品牌即将进入中国这个事情上来做推测,宝洁的确很有可能在未来增加在中国运作的化妆品品牌。COVER GIRL在美国,是不输给美宝莲的一个彩妆品牌,这个牌子尽管很难撼动美宝莲在中国业已确立的市场老大地位。 Cover girl是什么意思 Cover girl 如果直译其义为封面女孩或封面女郎。而COVERGIRL则是美国一个知名的品牌。封面女郎COVERGIRL是美国著名彩妆品牌,也是宝洁公司旗下主要产品之一。自1961年在美国推出第一款粉底产品以来,Cover Girl是美国最受年轻女孩喜爱的时尚彩妆品牌。它的所有产品都经过严格的质量检验和防/抗敏感测试,是美国销量最大的。与此同名的还有一张音乐专辑。 Cover girl品牌介绍 封面女郎COVERGIRL的成长历程 COVERGIRL是美国著名彩妆品牌,也是宝洁公司旗下主要产品之一。自1961年在美国推出第一款粉底产品以来,COVERGIRL就一直致力于彩妆产品的研究,以满足广大消费者的需求。在四十多年的成长历程中,COVERGIRL一直备受广大消费者青睐,不仅是在美国占据领导地位的化妆品品牌,同时也是占据加拿大市场很高市场份额的化妆品品牌。 COVERGIRL的灵感来源于国际时尚杂志上的封面女郎,她们自信而漂亮的气质正是COVERGIRL所提倡的美丽标准。"从现在开始,让世界一同来见证属于你的自然美丽,就像封面女郎,随时随地散发着自然真我自信的风采!"这就是COVERGIRL一贯追求的目标。COVERGIRL是世界上第一个将自己产品的品牌与著名模特的名字和面孔联系在一起的品牌。与COVERGIRL签约的有莫莉·西姆斯等世界著名模特。COVERGIRL带给女性细腻而自然的妆容,从而使女性更加自信,使每个普通女性都可以和封面女郎一样自信,漂亮,并且充满魅力。 今天,全新推出的COVERGIRL封面女郎彩妆--世界级封面女郎变现真我的首选品牌来到中国它将带给中国女性一直梦寐以求的自然和谐妆容,其中水凝丝嫩粉底、持彩锁色唇膏以及纯美素然粉底液,是COVERGIRL向众多时尚女性推荐的塑造自信,自然和美丽妆容的必备产品。

意大利歌曲come prima(for the first time)的歌词(中意对照) 满意的加10分

Come Prima(For The First Time)For the first time, for the first time, I"m in loveFor the first time, for the first time, I found loveFrom the moment I saw you I was in raptureEvery moment after that I"ve lived in the cloudsCome prima, come prima, I can thrillCome prima, I love you and always willYou"re the first one, yes the the first oneYou"re my one-and-only oneCome prima, come prima, I"m in loveCome prima, piu di prima, t"ameroPer la vita, la mia vita ti daroSembra un sogno rivederti, accarezzarti!Le tue mani tra le mani stringere ancor!Il mio mondo, tutto il mondo sei per meE a nessuna voglio bene come a te...Ogni giorno, ogni istante, dolcemente ti diro:Come prima, piu di prima t"amero!Sembra un sogno rivederti, accarezzartiLe tue mani tra le mani stringere ancor !Il mio mondo, tutto il mondo sei per meE a nessuna voglio bene come a te...Ogni giorno, ogni istante, dolcemente ti diro:Come prima... piu di prima.... t"a-me-ro!只能找到这个了如果你还是想要中文版的话,而且不介意是我给你翻译的话,记得百度hi我

safety use fire这句话对不对?

It should be that "use fire safely"(safely 做副词,safety 是名词)

KOTOKO的《siren》 歌词

歌曲名:siren歌手:KOTOKO专辑:リアル鬼ごっこsiren作曲/编曲:高瀬一矢作词:KOTOKO呗:KOTOKO収録元:映画「リアル鬼ごっこ」 c/w注音:I"ve sound 音乐联盟谁(だれ)が与(あた)えた 儚(はかな)き生命(いのち)よ真夜中(まよなか)过(す)ぎまで光(ひか)る箱(はこ)の电子音(でんしおん)に悩(なや)まされて结末(けつまつ)见(み)ぬまま 远(とお)き国(くに)のpain火(ひ)の粉(こ)は闇(やみ)の彼方(かなた)で瞬(またた)く无数(むすう)の星(ほし)と 観赏(かんしょう)に耽(ふけ)た鸣(な)り响(ひび)く…きっと何処(どこ)かで か弱(よわ)き者(もの)の抗(あらが)う声(こえ)叩(たた)く痛(いた)みを擦(さす)り付(つ)けては また息吹(いきふ)き返(かえ)す行(ゆ)く先(さき)を悟(さと)らず形(かたち)なき神(かみ)に委(ゆだ)ねて名(な)も无(な)き者(もの)の言叶(ことば)が重(かさ)なる本当(ほんとう)か嘘(うそ)かはどうでもいい満(み)たしきれず壁(かべ)を汚(よご)す魔力(まりょく)を失(うしな)って舍(す)てるはずのpen心(こころ)に×(ばつ)を书(か)くには あまりに细(ほそ)くて上手(うま)くは握(にぎ)れなかった耳(みみ)をふさぐ…今日(きょう)も何処(どこ)かで悲(かな)しい雫(しずく)の砕(くだ)ける音(おと)梦(ゆめ)を见(み)るほど子供(こども)じゃないと笑颜(えがお)歪(ゆが)めて束(つか)の间(ま)の休心(きゅうしん)に触(さわ)らない神(かみ)を探(さが)した【神(かみ)を探(さが)した...】鸣(な)り响(ひび)く…きっと何処(どこ)かで忘(わす)れ去(さ)られた真実(しんじつ)の声(こえ)果(は)ての断崖(だんがい)へ向(む)かう仆(ぼく)らに最後(さいご)の警告(けいこく)常闇(とこやみ)に光(ひかり)を…守(まも)るべき天(てん)はその手(て)に【天(てん)はその手(て)に...】


concept输入模板参数,输出一个bool类型字面量。 例如: 输出: concept最后输出的结果的值类型是个纯右值,也就是个 字面量。 我们可以将concept的结果当成字面量使用,也可以用字面量替代concept的结果,在requires中使用。 例如,输入输出: 输出: 输出: requires分两种,一种是在template下面的,用来判断concept是否满足的,例如下面的例子: 一种是带表达式的,和一个函数形式类似,例如: 输出: 其中: 并不实际求值,只是判断{}内的表达式能否运行。再看个例子: 输出: 所以,对于requires(...){}来说,只要{}中的表达式能运行,就会返回真。 输出: requires(...){}主要用来判断表达式能否运行,返回一个bool字面量 当然,也可以直接在template中运用 输出: requires表达式中还可以再嵌套第一种requires 如果直接使用,会报错: 输出: 还可以这样用 这样用: 用来约束lambda表达式



FA是什么部门(first advantage)

First Advantage首优咨询First Move Advantage 优势 ; 先动优势first mover advantage 先行者优势 ; 先动优势 ; 先发优势 ; 先行优势First more advantage 以便获得先动优势 ; 以便得到先动上风相关例句:1.The first advantage matters for only a very few shows, most of them slick American dramas. 这第一个优势仅关系极少数节目,大多是魅力非凡的美剧。2.The first advantage I want to present is that to develop international tourism will enhance the economicdevelopment. 我想列出的第一点好处发展旅游业将会促进经济的发展。3.Only in this way can we grasp the "first advantage" and master the independent pricing right of the RMB foreign exchange rate to manage the foreign exchange rate risk more effectively. 只有这样,才能掌握“先发优势”,取得人民币汇率的自主定价权,更好的管理目前的人民币汇率风险。



英语作文how was your school tirp

Last weekend,our school held a school trip.And we had a great time.At 8 o"clock,we went to the park by the school bus.That day,the sun was shining and there were many trees and birds.Some of my friends were eating the food that they took.Some were taking to each others.And others were playing cards.Although we were very tired,we were more happy ,too.


takeinthechair还是takethechairin应当用take the chair in 其中的in是副词,所以需要把chair放在副词前面。
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