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Juradira歌词 中文意思

婉转地流逝的  季节  遇到风的声音  执意要  银色闪烁  黎明前的雨  只有尽头一下船泪    这条路漫长的足迹的话  难过的悲痛和泣き濡れ消失的日子还    juradira洋溢  那个白云的手中  再一次吧  无名的…    同匆匆去  光与影,  威胁你找到你遥远的憧憬的时候,  为什么呢?  现在一个人夜空抬眼    juradira射进  你的手肘星屑  来代替我的眼泪  现在就想结果    juradira最后  如果和你相遇的时候,  静静地奏起了  小爱的歌遥远的憧憬的时候,  为什么呢?  现在一个人夜空抬眼    juradira射进  你的手肘星屑  来代替我的眼泪  现在就想结果    juradira最后  如果和你相遇的时候,  静静地奏起了  小爱的歌

翻译She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet?


1 We admire him although he makes a lot of mistakes; after all he is a great man.英译中


初二英语write about a person you admire

The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always smiling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When I"m feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care. I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 o"clock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 o"clock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day. My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her.

write about a person you admire, Teacher Helen is the one that I most admire. She was the English teacher of mine while I was in junior high. In contrast to some teacher"s apathy, her vitality always refreshed the atmosphere in our classroom. Moreover, her enthusiasm and thoughtfulness still warmed my heart to this day. Helen"s charisma won everyone"s appreciation soon after she began teaching us. As she was not the first English teacher of us, everyone had a skeptical eye on her in her first class. Sensing our doubts, she began the class with a guessing-people game. She asked us to write about our characteristics on a small piece of paper, which afterwards was read to the class for us to identify the person. We had great fun that day due to her ingenuity to grasp what we wanted. Afterwards, the contempt students used to hold in her was nowhere to be seen. The energy and passion Helen possessed when teaching was unbelievable. With more and more days she spent with us, I noticed a distinctive quality of hers that truly amazed me. No matter what the weather was like and how she was feeling, she was always in high spirits when she entered the classroom, as if she was ecstatic to see us. Besides, she encouraged us to interact with her; therefore, the class was by no means serious and tense, but very enjoyable and inspiring. Helen used clever techniques to arouse our interest in learning English. Quizzes are the indispensable element of a class, but Helen added them with her own illustrations to make them more fascinating. She also printed many handouts, adorned with her amusing drawings, to provide the information missing in the textbook for us. In short, she had the magic to transform something painstaking into pleasure. Furthermore; lots of English songs were introduced to us in her class. Whenever we started a new lesson, she would come up with songs whose themes...

Mr Black, _ who we all admire, is a kind but strict teacher.A. the one B. one C. it D. as

the one 特指两者中的其中一个,而one泛指许多种的一个。根据句意:布莱克是我们敬佩的老师中的一个。因此选A

大学英语作文the person i admire most?

The person I admire most is my mum. She is a woman with long hair and she wears a pear of glasses.She is also a little short and thin. But she is really a kind woman.She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always *** iling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When Im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.  I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.  My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her. 我最敬佩的人是我妈妈.她长着长长的头发,戴着一副眼镜.她有点瘦有点矮,但她真的是一个和善的人.她是一位英语老师.她很受学生欢迎,因为她花很多时间上课,并且很有幽默感.学生们都喜欢上他的课.我的妈妈不仅是个好老师,而且是一个伟大的母亲.她对我很耐心并且说话是总是微笑着.我妈妈教会了我怎样独立思考并帮助我建立起自信.当我在学习上遇到困难时,是我的妈妈鼓励我直到我解决了难题.当我感到难过伤心时,仍然是我妈妈小心的照顾我.我记得去年有一次我半夜里发高烧,我妈妈以最快的速度把我送到了医院.当我打完针回到家时,已经是大约早上5点了.我妈妈只睡了两个小时,因为她要在7点时为我准备早餐,然后再去工作,她那天一定很累.我妈妈不是非常漂亮,但是我钦佩和爱着她.行不行?长的话自己缩减一下.,2,大学英语作文the person i admire most 要求要有原因跟效果!

admire 变成admired后是动词还是ADJ?

仍然是动词,你在词典里是查不到admired这样一个单词的。He is admired.你可以翻译成他受人尊敬,或者说他是受人尊敬的。但admired在句中的词性仍然应该是动词。






管理会计的专业术语预算(budget)是以数量形式对未来做出的计划。商业活动程序(business process)是在商务活动中为完成一定的任务而遵守的一系列步骤。首席财务官(chief financial officer)是企业高层管理团队成员,负责为企业的计划、控制活动以及编制财务报告提供及时和相关的数据支持。约束(constraint)是阻止企业和个人实现其目的的事项。控制(control)是为实现企业目标,保证企业各部门有效运行而制定的程序并获得反馈的过程。财务部长(controller)是企业高层管理团队成员,直接对首席财务官报告,负责向管理当局提供及时、相关的财务数据并编制财务报告。控制活动(controlling)是确保企业计划贯彻执行以及根据客观情况的变化对计划进行必要修改的活动。公司治理(corporate governance)是一种对公司进行指导和控制的系统。如果公司治理结构能够有效运行,那么既可以推进管理者视公司利益为工作目标,又可以实现公司对管理者业绩的有效监督。分权化管理(decentralization)是通过赋予各层管理者与其职责相对应的决策权实现公司决策权的分解。指导与推进(directing and motivating)是调动员工按照公司计划进行日常经营的管理活动。企业信息化系统(enterprise system) 是将企业全部数据整合在一个中央数据库,以便于全体员工使用的软件系统。企业风险管理(enterprise risk management)是为实现企业目标,对企业所面临的风险进行确认、量度和采取措施防范的过程。反馈(feedback)是会计报告和其他形式的报告帮助管理者进行业绩监督,以及使管理者着眼于未曾注意到的机会和问题。财务会计(financial accounting)是为公司股东、债权人、和其他外部利益相关者提供会计信息的活动。产成品(finished goods)是已经完工,但并未售出的产品。适时制(just-in-time)是根据市场需求进行采购原材料和生产产品的生产与存货控制系统。精益思想模型(lean thinking model)是为了有效利用资源,根据消费者的需求改进企业的生产流程,并将这一流程应用到商品生产过程中的五步骤思考方法。线性组织结构(line)是直接与企业实现相关的企业内部组织结构定位。管理会计(managerial accounting)是为企业内部管理者提供信息的会计活动。无增加值作业(non-valua-added activities)是消耗资源,但消费者却不愿意为此支付价格的作业。组织结构图(organization chart)是用以描述在企业内部各级管理者之间向谁报告、与谁沟通信息和对谁负责的组织结构图标。绩效报告(performance report)是将预算与实际执行情况相比较而得出的详细报告。计划(planning)是确定企业未来行动方案以及如何执行方案的活动。计划于控制循环(planning and control cycle)是指通过计划、指导与推进、控制,在返回计划的管理活动循环。原材料(raw materials)是用于生产产品的物资。萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(sarbanes-oxley act of 2002)是通过提高公司披露信息的可靠性和准确性以保证上市公司股东利益的法案。内部单位(segment)是指可以单独对其进行评估并拥有独立财务数据的公司内的任何部门,如产品生产线、销售区域、公司职能单位以及生产车间等。六西格玛管理(six sigma)是基于消费者反馈以及收集信息和分析技术实现企业持续改进的管理模式。辅助部门员工(staff)是与公司基本目标的实现有间接关系的职位。这些员工为基本部门员工或其他辅助部门员工提供服务和协助工作。战略(strategy)是能够使公司吸引更多消费者,在竞争中脱颖而出的“竞争计划”。供应链管理(supply Chain management)是为更好地满足消费者需要,对公司经营管理活动流程进行全程协调的管理方法。约束理论(theory of constraints)是强调解决制约系统中关键因素重要性的一种管理理论。价值链(valua Chain)是能够使公司的产品或服务增值的主要商业活动,例如研究与开发、产品设计、制造、市场营销、渠道分销和售后服务。在产品(work in process)是指部分完工,在出售给消费者之前还需要进一步加工的产品。管理费用(administrative costs)是指除制造成本和销售费用以外,与公司的一般管理活动相关的所有执行、组织及事务性费用。共同费用(common costs)是为服务多个成本对象发生的,但不能单独追溯到其中任何一个成本对象上的费用。例如一架波音747航班中飞行员的工资费用就是该机上所有乘客承担的共同费用。因为,如果没有飞行员,飞机就不能起飞,更谈不上有乘客塔乘该航班。但是,飞行员的工资中的任何部分都不能直接归属到任何一个塔乘这次航班的乘客上。加工成本(conversion cost)是产品的直接人工成本和制造费用之和。成本性态(cost behavior)是成本随业务量变化的反应性态。成本对象(cost object)是引起成本发生的客体。如产品、顾客、批次以及公司内部的职能部门及生产车间等。完工成品成本(cost of goods manufactured)是分配与特定时期完工产品的全部制造成本。差量成本(differential cost)是两个备选方案中的成本差异(又见增量成本)。差量收入(differential revenue)是两个备选方案中的收入差异。直接成本(direct cost)是能够直接追溯特定成本对象的成本。直接人工(direct labor)是能够直接追溯到每个产品上的人工成本,又称为“接触性劳动成本”。直接材料(direct materials)是能够直接追溯到每个产品上,并构成产品实体的材料成本。固定成本(fixed cost)是指在相关范围内,成本总额不随作业量的变动而变动的成本。单位产品的固定成本随作业量成反比变化。增量成本(incremental cost)是指因某一项管理决策的实施所带来的成本的增加量(又见差量成本)。间接成本(indirect cost)是不能够方便、快捷的直接追溯到特定成本对象上的成本。间接人工(indirect labor)是指不能够直接追溯到特定产品上的人工成本,如生产部门照看或打扫建筑物的人工成本、生产管理者的人工成本、材料保管人员的人工成本等。间接材料(indirect materials)是可以构成产品实体,但是不能直接追溯到特定成本对象的材料成本,如胶水和钉子等生产用零杂材料的成本。可盘存产品成本(inventoriable cost)与产品成本的含义相同。制造费用(manufacturing overhead)是指直接人工和直接材料以外的所有制造成本。机会成本(opportunity cost)是指因选取某个方案而丧失了选择其他方案可能获得的潜在利益。期间成本(period cost)是当期发生,并直接计入利润损益表的费用。主要成本(prime cost)是直接材料成本和直接人工成本之和。产品成本(product costs)是取得产品过程中发生的全部成本。在制造产品的过程中,产品成本一般包括直接材料成本、直接人工成本和制造费用。产品成本和可盘存产品成本的含义相同。相关范围(relevant range)是能使变动成本和固定成本性态存在的作业量范围。完工产品成本计算单(schedule of cost of goods manufactured)是用来显示直接材料成本、直接人工成本和制造费用在某一会计期间的发生额以及他们在在产品和产成品之间分配比例的计算表。销售费用(selling costs)是为满足客户需求,在将产品交付客户过程中发生的费用总和。沉没成本(sunk cost)是指已经发生,并且现在或未来的任何决策都无法改变其数额的成本。变动成本(variable cost)是指在相关的范围内,成本总额随作业量程正比例变动的成本,其单位产品的变动成本保持不变。完全成本计算法(absorption costing)一种包括所有制造成本的成本计算法。所有制造成本包括产品的所有成本,即直接材料、直接人工和变动制造费用以及固定制造费用。分配基准(allocation base)一种测量生产行为的方式,如把成本分配到成本对象的直接人工工时时数或机器工时数。用料清单(Bill of materials)一份显示生产产品必须的各种直接材料的数量的文档。成本动因(cost driver)一种产生间接成本的因素,如机器工时、已占床位、计算机时间或飞行时间。分批成本计算单(job cost sheet)为一份订单制定的表格,记录了计入本订单的原材料成本、人工成本、和制造费用成本。分批成本计算系统(job-order costing system)一种成本计算法,用于生产各种不同产品、服务的企业中,计算每周期内的成本。领料单(materials requisition form)一份详细的资料文件,具体说明需要从库房取料的类型和数量,并标明承担原材料成本费用的订单。多项预计间的制造费用分配率(multiple predetermined overhead rate)一种带有多项间接成本汇总的成本计算法,每一种成本库的预计间的制造费用分配率均不同,而不是整个公司只使用一个预计制造费用分配率。通常情况下,每一个生产部门被视为一个独立的间接成本库。正常成本制度(normal cost system)一份订单的间接成本由预定间接费用分配率乘以订单的实际分配基准得到。

英语the cost of their lives怎么翻译?

the cost of their lives 字面意思了‘他们以生命为代价"

Fairground Attraction的《Mythology》 歌词

歌曲名:Mythology歌手:Fairground Attraction专辑:The First Of A Million KissesVersaEmerge - MythologyAlbum:Fixed At ZeroI"ve looked right past the simple thingsWhat have my eyes missed?Stuck in a space where nothing seems to fitYou live a myth, obsessed with itQuiet as the soundI"m always asking what it meansAnd now I can"t stop twisting round and roundI"ve grown into thisThis myth with youI can"t stop twisting around this storylineDistorting my insidesI won"t forget I"m drenched in it"Cause I can"t stop twisting around this storylineTangled words were never mineI won"t forget I"m lost in itSlowly bending backwardsTil my days become misshapedYou deftly sway my thoughts with your fictitious waysNothing in me works the sameYou"ve got a lot to explainStill I"m askingAnd still I can"t stop twistingI"ve grown into this myth with youI can"t stop twisting around this storylineDistorting my insidesI won"t forget I"m drenched in it"Cause I can"t stop twisting around this storylineTangled words were never mineI won"t forget I"m lost in itKnots and crosses SkewsI fold in twoWith this road we takeI"ve lost all control of everything, especially meYou"ve lost everything especially meYou bite my tongue Now I believeI can"t stop twisting around this storylineDistorting my insidesI won"t forget I"m drenched in it"Cause I can"t stop twisting around this storylineTangled words were never mineI won"t forget I"m lost in it

low tire pressure是什么意思

low tire pressure双语例句1. Tire pressure low, rear right . Check tires. 轮胎气压低, 右后.

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Oh , what a tangled web we weave , when first we practice to deceive.

这句话是 Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet 说的. 他是18世纪晚期苏格兰著名的历史小说家和诗人. 这句话是他有名的一首诗 Marmion 里的一句. 含有这句话的那一段是: Yet Clare"s sharp questions must I shun, Must separate Constance from the nun Oh! what a tangled web we weave When first we practise to deceive! A Palmer too! No wonder why I felt rebuked beneath his eye; 这句话是讲有关deception, 就是欺骗, 大概意思是应由欺骗而编织起来的网是很复杂, 很难解开的.

smoke-free environment是什么意思

smoke-free environment词典结果smoke-free environment无烟环境

Tangled (Like A Spider In Her Hair) 歌词

歌曲名:Tangled (Like A Spider In Her Hair)歌手:Don McLean专辑:Homeless BrotherTangledI"m full of regretFor all things that I"ve done and saidAnd I don"t know if it"ll ever be ok to showMy face "round hereSometimes I wonder if I disappearWould you ever turn your head and lookSee if I"m goneCause I fearThere is nothing left to say to youThat you wanna hearThat you wanna knowI think I should goThe things I"ve done are way too shamefulYour just innocentA helpless victim of a spider"s webAnd I"m an insectGoin after anything that I can getSo you better turn your head and runAnd don"t look backCause I fearThere is nothing left to sayTo youThat you wanna hearThat you wanna knowI think I should goThe things I"ve done are way too shamefulAnd I"ve done you so wrongTreated you badStrung you alongOh shame on myselfI don"t know how I got so tangled up

大神来James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are usually associated with


你好,看到了你百度的回答,请问你有5 Professions for women virginia woolf 6 A visit to Walt Whitman


mireille enos什么牌子

mireille enos不是什么牌子,是一个美国演员。米瑞·伊诺丝(Mireille Enos),1975年9月22日出生于美国德克萨斯州休斯顿,美国演员。1994年踏入电视圈,主演过《谋杀》、《大爱》等影视作品。1975年9月,米瑞·伊诺丝出生在德克萨斯州,休斯顿,并在这里长大。米瑞·伊诺丝就读于杨伯翰大学,是耶稣基督后期圣徒教会的会员。米瑞·伊诺丝于1994年进入演艺圈。起初她的演艺道路并不是很顺利,后来在HBO的电视剧《大爱》中积累人气,后在AMC制作的悬疑剧《杀戮》中一举成名。2005年凭借出演老百汇经典剧目《灵欲宵春》(Who"s Afraid of Virginia Woolf)获得托尼奖最佳女演员提名。她也出现在众多电视节目中,尤其在《大爱》中出演的凯西,乔登-马奎特和双胞胎姐妹。

The Legacy -Virginia Woolf文章及翻译


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Virginia Woolf 说的“伟大的灵魂都是雌雄同体”的英文原文是什么?

A great mind is androgynous.

翻译One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. -Virginia Woolf


诺顿英国文学评论有关于virginia woolf的吗?


为什么说virginia woolf是运用意识流的大师

virginia woolf是运用意识流的大师她善于运用象征暗示等手法去反映人物心灵世界的微妙变化,表现生活的意义,人生的价值。意识流小说是典型的心理小说,人物的意识流动成为小说的绝对主体。《墙. 上的斑点》突破传统小说的套路,没有情节,没有环境,也没有结局,作者只抓住人物瞬间的没有行动的印象感觉和沉思冥想,将我们引入人物的精神世界。小说的叙述者面目模糊,从文中内容推测,可能是一-位女性,-位妻子,但这并不重要,重要的是她看到墙上的斑点以后所引|发的内心活动。这内心活动主要是通过自由联想的方式表现出来的,于是我们看到在作者的遐想中,既有迅即更迭的生活速写,又有浅尝辄止的历史点击,还有不时生发的迷惘、虚幻的人生感喟,以及或愉快或忧郁的情绪。有人曾经指责伍尔夫的小说过分关注自我和内心,缺乏社会性。其实,当我们读到伍尔夫发出的“该死的战争;让战争见鬼去吧"的心声时,读到她想像出的那个“没有教授、没有专家、没有警察面孔的管家”,也没有“尊卑序列表"的“十分可爱的世界”时,社会的"微尘”已然落到了作者的心灵上,并且激起了回响与反应。这说明,不描写社会生活,并不等于远离社会生活。通过人物的意识来折射现实,同样能表现出社会性。这正如伍尔夫自己所认为的那样:“小说就像一-张蜘蛛网。 也许只是极其轻微地黏附着,然而它还是四只脚都黏附在生活之上。”因此,从作者无拘无束的意识流动中,我们依然可以看到作者对于人生的思索,对于现实的不满,以及对于自由、理想的追求。传统小说中也有心理描写,但那些心理描写都是局部的,是依附于人物、情节或环境并为之服务的。意识流小说则将人物心理的意识流动作为独立的事件,置于作品的主体位置,表现出对传统小说的反叛性。

virginia woolf 的简介 百度百科有。 我写的毕业论文就是关于她的



fishing with birds全文 初二下学期第三单元课文

Wang Damin sits on the side of the river cooking a meal,with a large bird on his head.The bird is a cormorant,and Damin is a fishermanHe is over 65 now but still works every day.he is thin,and of average height,but he is very fit.Although he is an elderly man,he is strong enough to control his raft in river where he lives and works with his cormorants.Cormorants are large,black birds,about a metre long.They are good at catching fish,because they can swim well under water.Their large feet are used to push them quickly through the water.They can dive down 25 metres,and stay under water for up to two minutes.Damin does not require nets or a fishing rod to catch fish.That is done for him by his twelve cormorants.A fishing trip often begins in the late afternoon.Damin sets off on his bamboo raft with his birds.When he reaches the right place, he stops.A piece of grass is tied around the neck of each bird, so that it cannot swallow the fish. Then Damin pushes the birds into the waterand jumps up and down and bangs the water with his pole. The fish are frightened by this. At night,a light is hung from the front of the raft. This enables the fisherman to see better,and also attracts the fish. The cormorants swim down and catch the fish,and bring them back to the raft. Later some of the fish are sold, and the rest are divided between Damin"s family and the cormorants.Cormorant fishing is a traditional Chinese skill, probably more than a thousand years old. Damin enjoys his work, and he is teaching his grandson everything he knows. However, few young people are interested in doing this type of work in the modern worldIn fifty years, perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.



Fishing with birds课文怎么翻译

你把文章给出来帮你翻译先帮你翻译这一句Fishing with birds、用鸟钓鱼,

birds of passage是什么意思


泰戈尔.飞鸟集.第一首.flutter and fall there with a sign.如何翻译?Stray birds


以Save the birds 写一篇英语作文,字数80字左右.

您好:Yesterday afternoon, I was sleeping at home. Suddenly,a wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.  In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.  Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢

求jonathan clay 的《close to you》歌词 不是 Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现....这个

I think it"s time we should let it all on the tableYou got my heart running like a car on a cableWe let the world pass us byYou show me a life full of colorWe"ll take a walk outside watching as our words run for cover(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileI"ve got to be (got to be)Close to youI"ve got to be (got to be)Close to youBabada ba bada dadaBabada ba bada(Verse)I think we know There"s no way to stop what"s in motionBut I don"t mind Feeling such a beautiful emotion(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileOh, I"ve got to be (got to be)Close to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to youBabada ba dada dada Babada ba bada(Verse)Doesn"t take a song to sayHow I can"t stand when you"re awayOur world it turns to black and grayWhen you"re nowhere aroundI lose the clarity I"ve found(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileI"ve got to beClose to youI"ve got to beClose to youBabada ba dada dadaBabada ba badaMaybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeOh, I"ve got to beClose to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to youThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileOh, I"ve got to beClose to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to youDadada da dadadada


B 被动语态,鸟被枪声分散了 D be doing 有一直做某事的意思,分散只是一瞬间的事,而且该句也不是被动句 此处考点应为被动语态

feels tired是什么意思在这里,feels也是动词吗?

feels tired:感觉累了;feel在这里是系动词。


前面是中文翻译,后面是罗马文音译开始是甜蜜的 平凡无奇地吸引我总是那样先把话都说出来所有的可能性 都打开了 OH~爱情是什么 是什么 已经是修饰语的RED OCEAN我 BREAKIN" MY RULES AGAIN 你明知道厌烦的东西就算受伤 也无所谓 OH~你想要我 你对我着迷 你为我疯狂无法自拔 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN你想要我 你对我着迷 你为我疯狂你是我的奴隶 无法自拔 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN穿透你脑海的锐利目光我没有煽动 无法动弹 CHROME HEART是你选择的路 HO~沿着血管流淌着的我那数亿CRYSTAL最终才完成了蜕变的我这难道不是爱吗 HO~你想要我 你对我着迷 你为我疯狂无法自拔 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN你想要我 你对我着迷 你为我疯狂你是我的奴隶 无法自拔 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN一次接吻 是爽快的强有力的吸引二次接吻 火热地 像要爆炸的你的心脏YEAH~我拥有了你 YOU KOW YOU GOT IT YEAH~COME ON !COME ON !COME ON !COME ON !I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN在你梦里 我是支配你的魔法师 用我的咒语你再次勾勒着 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKINMY DEVILS RIDE 那样下去更加无法呼吸现在快活地过 怎么样 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN你想要我 你对我着迷 你为我疯狂无法自拔 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN你想要我 你对我着迷 你为我疯狂你是我的奴隶 无法自拔 I GOT YOU-UNDER MY SKIN 罗马文的:si jak eun dal kom ha ke,pyeo beom ha ke na e ke kkeol ryeoeon je na geu raet i meol jeo mal eul geol eoamo deol ga neong seong,yeol a dueo Oh-sa rang eun mueo da?mueo da!i mi su sik eo Red oceannan,Breakin" my rules again ar jan ha ji ru han geol?jo geom da chyeo do,goaen cha ha Oh-*neon na reul ueon hae neon nae ge neon nae ge mi chyeohyeo eo nal su eop eo I got you- Under my skinneon na reul ueon hae neon nae gyeo bba gyeo neon nae ge mi chyeoNeon na eui no yeoi I got you- Under my skinNe meo ris sok eul ba go deo neun nal ka ro un nun bichNa a ni go seon,um jik i ji do ah neun Chrome heartNe ga seon taek han gil in geol Oh-Hyeol goan eul ta go heo reo neun su eun gae eui CrystalMa chim nae si jan doin byeon sin eul kkeut eun naI geos do sa rang eun a nil ka? Oh-*RepeatHan beon eul ki seu oa ham kke-nal i seon deus han-gang han I kkeul rimDu beon eul ki seu,ddeu geob ge teo jyeo beo ril geos gat eul ne sim jang eulYeah~ neo reul ga gyeo ssa You know you got it!Yeah~ Come on! Come on! I got you- Under my skinNe kkum so ke nan neol ji bae ha neun ma beob sa nae ju mu neNeon da si geu ryeo ji go iss a I got you- Under my skinMy devils ride, neo neun sum eul go si eop jan a geu reoh ta myeonI jen jeul gyeo bo neun ge eo kkeol kka I got you- Under my skinNeon na reul ueon hae neon nae ge bba jeo neon nae ge mi chyeoHe eo nal su eop eo I got you- Under my skinNan na reul ueon hae neon nae ge bba jeo neon nae ge mi chyeoNeon na eui no yeoi I got you- Under my skin

TI-Nspire CAS如何求统计中的相关系数(correlation)?

先新建一个文档,“添加列表与电子表格”,在“A“列中输入x的数据,在”B“列中输入y的数据,输入好了就把当前操作格移到A1(跟Excel一样),按“menu”键选择“统计”菜单,再选中“统计计算”,从中选择一种回归方式(从线性回归到下面的选项都有回归相关系数),点击你选定的回归方式,在弹出的对话框中,“x数组”的值填写为 “a[]” (如果不是“a[]”,请改回,如果是的话就不用管) “y数组”的值填写为 “b[]” ,按Enter确定在表格的"C"列和“D”列就是统计的结果,往下翻到“r”对应的值,就是当前回归的相关系数。。。手打的,望采纳。。。

但我输入天堂岛礼品码时出现了redeem code expired是什么意思呀


After the ___of 17 British passengers, Mr. Blair continued to express his concern over the safety o

B. release 释放了17名英国乘客

Fire At His House 这首歌的歌词怎样翻译?


That Girl (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:That Girl (Album Version)歌手:Mark Whitfield专辑:Mark WhitfieldMatt Cab - That GirlBaby Looki"m tired of tryin"To convince you that I ain"t caught up lyin"When she walk past me I lookedSo whatBig dealI don"t understand how that could make you feelThat my love ain"t for realEveryday I thank the lord above that your with me(your with me)Tell me why would I throw that away(why would I throw that away)What can I do to prove that this is where I wanna be(yea)So I may look occasionallyYour the only one I needIf I wanted(That girl)Then I would be with(That girl)But that one ain"t for meShe"s fine as hell but she"ll always be(That girl)Nothin" more then (That girl)No matter what she do she don"t compare to youWhat chu yellin for(Why you screamin")Girl you act as if you just caught me cheatin"When you look at other men and don"t act like you don"tI don"t trip because I know that I"m the guy you come home to every nightEveryday I thank the lord above that your with me(your with me)Tell me why would I throw that away(why would I throw that away)What can I do to prove that this is where I wanna beSo I may look occasionallyYour the only one I needIKnow INeed youRight here with meOh IKnow INeed youNo other girl would doCause INeed youRight here with meOh I.......Need youWhoooooaIf I wanted that girlThen I would be with that girlBut that one ain"t for meShe"s fine as hell but she"ll always beThat girlNothin" more then that girlNo matter what she doShe just can"t be you

whatcha gonna do? that girl歌词是什么


求歌 that girl+歌词

That Girl - Noisettes

that girl歌词


the first express是什么意思

the first express第一列快车双语例句1Who will become the first express firm in Chinese market?谁将成为中国资本市场“快递业第一股”?2The first sedan car after China"s liberation as well as the first express highway, came into existence here.这里曾经拥有中国大陆的第一条高速公路和中国百强县的荣耀。

歌曲名: that girl。歌词:?


that girl什么歌?



don"t know

the airport express课文翻译!急


gossip girl目前所有精品笔记+经典语录

Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan"s elites. And who am I? That"s a secret I"ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。 Hey,上东区的贵族们,绯闻少女在此,我是你们唯一得到曼哈顿精英们丑闻的渠道。至于我是谁,那是一个我永远也不会说的秘密。你知道你是爱我的,XOXO,绯闻少女。 (每集都会有的话,每次听都撩人心弦、) Chuck: I love it when you talk dirty. Serena: You just love when a girl talks to you. Chuck: Actually, I prefer them when they"re not talking. ——我喜欢你说脏话的样子。 ——只要是女孩子跟你说话你都喜欢。 ——其实,我更喜欢她们不说话的样子。 (噢噢,chuck,chuck//、) Lily: Stay outta my life, Rufus R,离开我的生活。 (这话真的像欲擒故纵、) Blair: It"s enuff when I say it"s enuff. 我说够了才是够了。 (QUEEN B,气势出来喽、) Gossip girl: We all know one nation can"t have two queens. 我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王(一山不容二虎)。 (S,B因为太近,所以容易烧身、) Gossip girl: Here is an inside tip, little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall. Little J,给你一个小忠告,爬得越快,跌得越疼。 (小J,越往上爬,失去的越多,这叫"代价"、) Blair: No more excuses. Serena must have the hottest date ever. If he"s got plans, he"ll change them. If he"s got a girlfriend, he"ll dump her. If he"s out town, he"ll charter a G5 and fly home. Make it happen. 没有任何借口。S必须有最好的男伴。如果他有计划,他就必须改变计划;如果他有女朋友,他就必须甩了她;如果他不在NY,他就必须找一架G5然后飞回来。 (我喜欢这样的B,够味,够姐们儿、) Gossip girl: What is that we said about appearances? Yeah, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get. 他们怎么说表象来着?对了,表象可是具有欺骗性的。但是大多时候,眼见为实。 (我其实一直在纠结一句话,叫‘看见的卜是真的,听到的卜是真的"那何谓‘真"、) Chuck:Bdmit it,even for me,this is good. Blair:If you weren"t such aperv,i"m sure the DIB would hire you in asecond. Chuck:Defending my country?There"s afuture Inever imagined. Blair:With good reason. C:我觉得这太棒了。 B:如果你不是一个性欲成瘾者,我相信情报局会马上雇用你的。 C:保卫国家?我没想过。 B:可以理解。 (这样的C,让人著迷、) Dhuck:In the face of true love,you don"t just give,even if your object of your affection is begging you to,Bnd one day,I hope I"ll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me. D:在真爱之前,请不要放弃,就算你爱的人恳求你放弃。我希望有那么一天,我也能够幸运的找到肯为我做一样事情的人。 (这样的C,让人沉迷、) Chuck:I was scared.I was scared that if we spent the whole summer together,just us,then you"d see. C:我很害怕,我怕如果我们在一起一整个夏天后.你会发现. Blair:See what? B:发现什么? Chuck:Me.Please don"t leave with him. C:发现我。请不要和他走。 Blair:Why?Give me areason and"I"m Dhuck Bass"doesn"t count. B:为什么?给我个理由而"I am chuck bass"不算。 Chuck:"Because you don"t want to. C:因为你不想跟他走。 Blair:Not good enough. B:不够好。 Chuck:"Because Idon"t want you to. C:因为我不想你跟他走。 Blair:That"s not enough. B:还不够。 Chuck:What else is there? C:还有什么呢? Blair:The true reason,I should stay right where Iam and not get in the car.Three words.Eight letters.Say it.and I"m Dhuck:I was scared.I was scared that if we spent the whole summer together,just us,then you"d see. B:正真的理由啊,我应该不上车的理由!三个字,八个字母,说出来,那我就是你的了。 Dhuck:I.I. D:我.我. Blair:Thank you.That"s all Ineeded to hear. B:谢谢,我要听的已经够了。 (CHUCK,在真爱面前,伱又为何要畏惧、) B:whatever you"re going through,I want to be there for you. B:不管你去哪里,我都会跟随着你的。 C:you are not my girlfriend. C:你不是我的女朋友。 B:but Iam me,you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck.The worst thing you"ve ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything. B:但是我是我,而你是你。我们是恰克和布莱尔,布莱尔和恰克。你做过的最坏的事情,你有过的最黑暗的时刻,我都会伴随着你。 C:why would you do that? C:你为什么要这样做? B:because Ilove you. B:因为我爱你啊! C:well,that"s too bad. C:噢,那太糟糕了。 (chuck,我卜只一次想说,伱还是个孩子,还害怕爱,关怀对伱来说还太陌生,但请卜要拒绝爱、) Blair:Well you won.Pop the champagne. B:好,你赢了,开香槟庆祝去吧。 Chuck:I didn"t win. C:我没有赢。 Blair:Then why does it feel like Ilost? B:那为什么我会觉得我输了一样呢? Chuck:The reason we can"t say those three words to each other,isn"t because they aren"t true. C:我们无法对对方说出那些字的原因不是因为那些话是假的。 Chuck:Look i"d rather wait.Maybe in the future. C:我宁愿再等等,也许在未来. Blair:I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that. B:我猜那一定是极度痛苦的快乐吧。 (C,我相信,等伱真正意识到爱,伱会是最痴心的,後面,可以看出来、) S:Chuck,why did you do that? S:恰克,你为什么要那么做? C:{大大的深呼吸}Because Ilove her.Bnd Ican"t make her happy. C:因为我爱她,而我自己不能带给她快乐。 (没有人能代替了你,C、) Blair:I know you told Serena you love me. B:我知道你告诉司琳娜你爱我。 Dhuck:Serena heard wrong. D:司琳娜听错了。 Blair:Last year you told Nate,this year you told Serena.You tell everyone but me,why can"t you tell me? B:去年你告诉奈尔,今年你告诉司琳娜,你告诉所有人除了我,为什么你不可以告诉我呢? Blair:You can"t run,you have to stay here and here it this time.Dhuck Bass,I love you.I love you so much it consumes me.I love you and Iknow you love me too.Tell me you love me and everything we"ve done,all the gossip and the lies and the hurt will have been for something.Tell me it was for something. B:你不可逃走。你此时此刻必须流下来。恰克柏斯,我爱你。我如此爱你,以致快要被爱耗尽。我爱你而且我知道你也爱我。告诉我你爱我那一切都如我们所愿了。绯闻少女的谎言和伤害会变成某事而已。告诉我,告诉我那些事情。 Chuck:Maybe it was,but it"s not anymore. C:也许曾经我有爱过,但,再也没有了。 Chuck:You were right.I was acoward running away again,but everywhere Iwent,you caught up with me.So Ihad to come back. C:你是对的。我是一个一次次逃跑的懦夫,但无论我去到那里,我都在想你,所以我必须回来。 Blair:I want to believe you,but Ican"t.You hurt me too many times. B:我想要相信你,但是我无法做到。你伤害我太多次了。 Chuck:You can believe me this time. C:你这一次可以相信我。 Blair:Oh.That"s it? B:哦?就这样? Chuck:I love you too. C:我也爱你。 Blair:But can you say it twice?No i"m serious,say it twice! B:可不可以在说两次,我是认真的,再说两次。 Chuck:I love you,I love you,that"s three,four,I love you. C:我爱你,我爱你,这是第三次。第四次,我爱你。 (我发誓这段我看喽N+N遍,就哭喽N+NN遍,我爱这样的你,CHUCK/) C:I want you to be happy.However that"s achieved. C:我只要你快乐。不管用什么方法来实现。 B:What if we need game?What if without them we are boring? B:其实如果我们需要游戏怎么办?万一没了游戏我们会对彼此厌烦怎么办? C:We could never be boring. C:我们永远不会彼此生厌。 B:You say that but iknow you,you are chuck bass. B:你虽然这么说,但是我了解你,你是恰克柏斯。 C:I am not chuck bass without you. C:没有你我不是恰克柏斯。 (我没有语言来形容咯,我只是被感动、) B:Are you Ok? B:你好吗? {C一把拉住B的手.} C:I am now. C;现在好了。

that girl歌词


改为一般疑问句I Know the girl

Do you know that girl?

Tilly Smith, the 11-year-old British girl, who was called as “Angle of the Beach”, saved 100 to.

BDAB 1.B。主旨概括题。本篇文章主要是报道了一位名叫Tilly Smith女孩因在2004年的大海啸中利用自己在学校所学的有关海啸的知识而拯救了100多名游客,因此她被法国一家儿童报纸评位Child of the Year。2.D。细节判断题。由文章第一段可知它应当属于一家报纸。3.A。细节判断题。由文章的二段可知她能够利用她所学的知识,运用到实践中去。因此选A。B、C、D的表述不符合原文。4.B。细节理解题。由文章的第二段的“As she watched the waves suddenly begin to move back, and the sea was bubbling”可知。



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from shy girl to pop star

怎样速记英语文章From Shy Girl to Pop Star


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Who is that girl?


grir? 请详细描述您的问题

杀毒评测机构Virus Bulletin具体评测什么的啊?

杀毒评测机构Virus Bulletin主要是针对杀毒软件进行测评,只有达到诊断率100%、误诊率0%时才会给予通过认证,测试结果只有通过与不通过两种,今年测评结果国产杀毒软件腾讯电脑管家以100%通过率、0误报的优秀成绩通过,真是给国产杀毒软件做了一个表率。

西班牙语。puede usted ir al banco de lunes a viernes.



-肯定命令式:tú:sigue usted:siga vosotros,as:seguid ustedes:sigan-否定命令式:tú:no sigas usted:no siga vosotros,as:no sigáis ustedes:no sigan-简单过去时:yo:seguí tú:seguiste él/ella/usted:siguió nosotros,as:seguimos vosotros,as:seguisteis ellos/ellas/ustedes:siguieron 变法与VESTIR相同

谁能用“What will you buy for your mother’ birthday ”写篇作文,几句话就行!.

My mother is a beautiful woman and she quitely likes fiowers .Flowers to her is the same with water to fishes.As the flowers is so important to her that I will give a pot of flower when it comes to her birthday.

I recognized you _________ I saw you at the airpo


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方法如下:这个校园网应该是要通过路由器拨号才能连接上去的。因为校园网无法识别你的电脑IP地址,所以需要把IP地址更改了才可以正常上网。设置步骤如下:第一步,在win系统下找到客户端的IP地址和子网掩码,然后进入mac系统,系统偏好设置-网络。 第二步,选择wi-fi,网络名称选择自己客户端的名称,进入高级选项。 第三步,图中的yixun就是他们学校的客户端,每个地区的客户端都不一样,根据你们的选择置顶,然后选择第二项TCP-IP。 第四步,把配置IPv4改为手动,路由器我填的和IPv4地址一样,这里的设置就完成了。点击左下角的‘+"来创建一个新服务。 第五步,接口选为PPPoE,下边一项选为wi-fi,服务名称不用管,创建。 最后一步,选择我们刚建好的服务器PPPoE3,PPPoE服务名称不用管,账户名称和密码就是你在win系统下客户端的账户名和密码。配置好然后点击连接即可。

I recognized you __I saw you at the airport.

A 在机场看到你的那一刻我就认出你了

Macbook Air连不上校园网 网络界面如图


Flightless Bird, American Mouth (Twilight Soundtrack Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Flightless Bird, American Mouth (Twilight Soundtrack Version) 歌手:Iron & Wine发行时间:2008-11-03所属专辑:《Twilight Original Motion Picture Soundtrack》流派:影视原声 发行公司:华纳音乐歌词:I was a quick wet boyDiving too deep for coinsAll of your straight blind eyesWide on my plastic toysAnd when the cops closed the fairI cut my long baby hairStole me a dog-eared mapAnd called for you everywhereHave I found you?Flightless bird, jealous, weepingOr lost you?American mouthBig bill loomingNow I"m a fat house catCursing my sore blunt tongueWatching the warm poison ratsCurl through the wide/white fence cracksKissing on magazine photosThose fishing lures thrown in the cold and cleanBlood of Christ mountain streamHave I found you?Flightless bird, brown hair bleedingOr lost you?American mouthBig bill, stuck going down

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为什么Macbook Air连不上校园网?


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我自己截得歌词的图,你 就将就的看吧

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legacy first是什么意思

legacy first

imagine dragons 的 wirriors的歌词 与中文翻译

As a child you would wait ,and watch from far away .当你还是懵懂小孩,常等待并在远处观看比赛。But you always knew that you"d be the one work while they all play 但你早已心怀期待,决心登上舞台。In youth ,you"d lay---awake at night and scheme当你年少独自入睡,总在半夜突然醒来。Of all the things that you would change决心尽力改变一切,But it just a dream……但终究只是个梦罢了。。。Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town !我们是建立这座城池的勇士!Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们是建立这座城池的勇士,满身尘埃……The time will come when you will have to rise 当你已有实力问鼎,你的时代就会到来Above the best and prove yourself 击败最强证明自己Your spirit never dies你的斗志永盛不衰Farewell , I" ve gone to take my throne above对着大众挥手作别,我已让出我的华盖But don"t weep for me ,cause this will be the labor of my love不要为我落寞徘徊,因我内心依旧澎湃。Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town !我们是建立这座城池的勇士!Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们是建立这座城池的勇士,满身尘埃……Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town !我们是建立这座城池的勇士!Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town from dust我们是建立这座城池的勇士,满身尘埃……

BIOS中的UEFI first和legacy first的区别是什么?

对比采用传统BIOS引导启动方式,UEFI BIOS减少了BIOS自检的步骤,节省了大量的时间,从而加快平台的启动。以联想某预装Win8电脑为例用图文对照方式详解UEFI和Legacy模式切换过程中需要注意的每个设置选项及其含义。不同的电脑其BIOS设置界面也不相同,不过需要设置的选项是基本一致的,只是选项位置会有变化。1、OS Optimized Defaults系统默认优化设置切换到“EXIT(退出)”选项卡。如下图在一些预装Win8/8.1的电脑中,会有OS Optimized Defaults选项。没有预装Win8/8.1的电脑没有该设置选项。OS Optimized Defaults是一个“顶级”设置选项,开启该选项后,BIOS会自动将所有相关选项(即下文将要介绍的每个选项)恢复为预装Win8/8.1 默认启动方式所要求的标准设置。具体设置:切换到UEFI时:如果只安装Win8/8.1可以选择“开启(Enable)”,其他情况“关闭(Disable)”;切换到Legacy时:选择“关闭(Disable)”。一般来说,如果想在安装系统的过程中不那么折腾的话,建议选择Legacy模式。这里并不是说UEFI模式不好,而是对于普通用户来说,在UEFI模式下装机实在是比较繁琐。网上很多人都有这样的感慨:本来会安装系统的,看了这个UEFI下安装系统之后顿时不会了。

wonder girls 2Different tears英文歌词 英文版哦!

LZ,是这个么 Gave me 2 different tears, After all these years Tears of joy tears of pain like sunshine and rain So I hate you, so I love you So I hate you, so I love you I"m trying to figure out how to move on with my life Without you by my side Waking up with teary eyes I can"t do this no more Gotta erase you now So I think of all the pain you"ve given me Try to look at all the damage you brought to me No matter how hard I try I just can"t figure out why I keep thinking about how sweet you used to be Gave me 2 different tears, After all these years Tears of joy tears of pain like sunshine and rain So I hate you(But the love you gave me was so so good) so I love you (But the pain you gave me was so so bad) I"m crying over you still what does this mean do I Still want you back in my life After all these painful things you"ve done to me Why is it so hard to realize So I think of all the pain you"ve given me Try to look at all the damage you brought to me But the harder that I fight You come closer in my sight And I"m thinking about how sweet it could"ve been Why do I still feel this way when I know there"s nothing Left to say I should"ve never loved you in the first place Wanna erase you without a trace Try to tell myself that I need to hate you For the pain that you put me through But I for some reason why Still miss you no matter how hard I try
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