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squirrel读:英 [u02c8skwu026aru0259l],美 [u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259l]。squirrel的意思是:松鼠。词典释义:松鼠;松鼠科啮齿类动物;松鼠的毛皮。网络释义:小松鼠;松鼠;花狸鼠。双语例句:1、Running madly about in a squirrel cage of activity.在一项单调乏味的活动中拼命地忙碌。2、The little squirrel has a bushy tail.小松鼠拖着个大尾巴。3、The squirrel has a store of food那只松鼠储有大量的食物。4、A nocturnal member of the squirrel family searches for fungi, its favorite food.一名松鼠家族的夜行成员在寻找它最喜欢的食物——真菌。5、I often can see squirrel when Lin and I walk in the park.当我和林在公园里散步的时候,常常能看到松鼠。


思 鸽薇肉


squirrel的意思是:松鼠。词典释义:松鼠;松鼠科啮齿类动物;松鼠的毛皮。网络释义:小松鼠;松鼠;花狸鼠。双语例句:1、Running madly about in a squirrel cage of activity.在一项单调乏味的活动中拼命地忙碌。2、The little squirrel has a bushy tail.小松鼠拖着个大尾巴。3、The squirrel has a store of food那只松鼠储有大量的食物。4、A nocturnal member of the squirrel family searches for fungi, its favorite food.一名松鼠家族的夜行成员在寻找它最喜欢的食物——真菌。5、I often can see squirrel when Lin and I walk in the park.当我和林在公园里散步的时候,常常能看到松鼠。

squirrel怎么读 英语squirrel怎么读

1、squirrel英[u02c8skwu026aru0259l]美[u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259l],n.松鼠;v.把…作为因素计入; 代理经营; 把…分解成。 2、[例句]The squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。




squirrel记忆方法如下:记忆方法一:谐音:是果肉 松鼠吃的是果肉。记忆方法二:分析:sq—“死去”的拼音首字母;u—装满;uf06c i—形状像蜡烛; rr— 形状像草;uf06c el—“恶狼”的拼音首字母。记忆方法三:联想方式:s:蛇;qu:去:ir:矮人;re:阿姨;l:1记忆方法:蛇MM去矮人阿姨家里去看一只松鼠。squirrel,英语单词,名词(n.)、动词(v.)。作名词时,意思是“松鼠;松鼠毛皮”。作动词时,意思是“贮藏”。单词发音(英、澳)/u02c8skwu026aru0259l(美)/u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259l/,/skwu025du0259l短语搭配Sun squirrel 太阳松鼠japanese squirrel 日本松鼠squirrel monkey 松鼠猴 ; 僧帽猴双语例句1. Squirrel: Can I help?松鼠:我能帮忙吗?2. This will really help your squirrel to bond with you.这将真正帮助您的松鼠债券与您联系。3. You do not talk to the squirrel in words, but you feels her vibrations, and you translate those vibrations into words.你不是用语言和松鼠说话,而是感受到它的振动,然后你把这些振动译成了语言。


squirrel翻译成汉语的意思是松鼠。松鼠,是哺乳纲啮齿目中的一个科,其下包括松鼠亚科和非洲地松鼠亚科,特征是长着毛茸茸的长尾巴。根据生活环境不同,松鼠科分为树松鼠、地松鼠和石松鼠等。与其它亲缘关系接近的动物又被合称为松鼠形亚目。全世界近35属212种,中国有11属24种,其中岩松鼠和侧纹岩松鼠2种是中国特有动物。松鼠的原产地是中国的东北部、西北部,东南部和欧洲,除了在大洋洲外,全世界都有分布。 松鼠的分布范围较广,在整个寒温带森林地区都能见到。在中国主要分布于东北三省、内蒙古东北部、河北及山西北部、四川、宁夏甘肃、新疆、湖南、贵州等省区的山区。国外从俄罗斯的远东、日本、朝鲜, 蒙古北部,向西一直分布到西欧。在针叶林里,松鼠并不是年年都很多,它的数量多少,是以冬季针叶树种子的多少为转移的,因为它的食物以种子和果实为主,所以种子有时会占到97%以上。松鼠的双语例句:1、If you"re a hawk, you want to swoop down on asquirrel and not get scratched in the face.如果你是一只鹰,你想要的是猛扑下来抓住松鼠,并且不被它抓伤脸。2、A Richardson"s groundsquirrel takes in the action from the second tee during the Telus Skins Game golf tournament in Banff, Alberta.在艾伯塔省班夫郡举行的TELUS高尔夫巡回赛中,一只理查森地松鼠正在做在第二发球的动作。3、Thesquirrel was diligent while the frog was lazy.松鼠很勤奋而青蛙很懒惰。4、They read thesquirrel Daily"s Business section, looking for an update on the upcoming acorn tax legislation.他们读着《松鼠日报》的商业版,寻找即将出台的橡果税法的最新进展。5、"Thesquirrel took a lot of time to build up enough courage to snatch the nut," she said.“松鼠花了很长时间才鼓起足够的勇气去抢坚果。”她说。6、Thesquirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。7、Thesquirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。8、Maybe they would wanly hand a baseball tosquirrel.或许他们想要给松鼠一个棒球。9、Watch them as they stand in line at the littlesquirrel coffee shop, discussing the acorn futures market.看着它们在小松鼠咖啡馆站成一排,谈论着橡子期货市场。10、The other problem for the redsquirrel is disease.红松鼠的另一个问题是疾病。

squirrel是什么意思 解析squirrel的含义及相关知识?



Squirrel是一个英语单词,指的是松鼠。它是一种小型啮齿动物,通常生活在森林、公园、城市等地方的树上。它们通常有长尾巴、灰褐色的皮毛和大眼睛,喜欢在树上攀爬、跳跃和储存食物。在英语中,squirrel这个词还常常用来形容一个人或者事物的行为或性格,表示他们像松鼠一样活泼、机敏或者好玩。例句:"She"s always squirrelly and can"t sit still."(她总是很活泼,坐不住。)定。)"Squirrel away"这个短语则表示储存或藏匿,例如:"She squirreled away some money for a rainy day."(她储备了一些钱以备不时之需。)


因为W=UIt,U=IR. 所以将U=IR代入W=UIt,可得W=Rt×I的平方. 将I=U/R代入W=UIt,可得W=〔U的平方/R〕×t变成疑问句,和否定句

Is she a girl? Yes , she is. No , she isn"t.


bird英 [bɜ:d] 美 [bɜ:rd] rhirty没有这个词thirty英 [ˈθɜ:ti] 美 [ˈθɜ:rti]


英 ["θu025c:tu026a] 美 [u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 网 络 三十; 三十分; 半; 三十岁 复数:thirties 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. NUM 数词(数字) 30 Thirty is the number 30. 2. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十多,三十几(指 30 至 39 之间的数字) When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees. Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties. 显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。3. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十年代(指 1930 年至 1939 年) The thirties is the decade between 1930 and 1939. 【搭配模式】:the NShe became quite a notable director in the thirties and forties. 她在三四十年代成了一位名导演。行业释义 英英释义 网络释义 体育 1.一局中得两分 双语例句 语源派生 1. There are thirty people in the classroom, counting the teacher. 把老师算上,教室里有30个人。 来自《简明英汉词典》2. It is about thirty miles between Nottingham and Sheffield. 从诺丁汉到谢菲尔德大约30英里。 来自《简明英汉词典》3. The drug put Simpson in a lull for thirty minutes. 药物使辛普森安静了30分钟。 来自《简明英汉词典》


1、读音:英 [u02ccθu025cu02d0u02c8tiu02d0n] 、美 [u02ccθu025cu02d0ru02c8tiu02d0n]

mean girls的女主角?大神们帮帮忙

Lindsay Lohan 中文名:林赛·罗韩,也有译为:琳赛·洛翰、琳赛·罗翰、林赛·罗汉、琳赛·罗汉 Lindsay Lohan 的昵称: LiLo,LL 出生年月:1986年7月2日, 出生地:美国纽约, 星座:巨蟹座 林赛·罗韩的身高: 5" 5" (1.65 m) 林赛·罗韩的体重:是个谜!忽胖忽瘦ing~~~ 林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 走红原因:2004年电影《贱女孩》(Mean Girls) 女主角,林赛·罗韩的穿衣风格成为引领美国女孩时尚风向标,It Girl 的代表人物,并且是吸毒、酗酒、同性恋等话题的话题女王,林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 忽胖忽瘦的街拍也成为最火爆的8卦话题,讨厌林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 的的人和喜欢她的人一样多。 林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 很年轻,但从艺生涯可是从3岁就开始的。林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 3岁时担任了福特汽车广告模特,并在包括必胜客等在内的60多支电视广告中露面。 林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 于1996年在电视剧“Another World”中奉献了她第一次表演,是该剧自开播以来第三位扮演Ali Fowler的女演员。其后不久,林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 被奥斯卡提名编剧南茜·迈耶斯 (Nancy Meyers) 相中,在其处女导演作品中扮演了一对不和的双胞胎 [林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 一人出演2角]。 林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 的首部电影长片是1998年的《天生一对》(The Parent Trap),重拍自1961年影片的同名电影,她在该片中的表现得到了广泛好评,并凭借该片获得了青年艺术家奖最佳长片女主演奖,以及最佳新人表现和青年影星奖提名。 在完成迪斯尼的三部电影合约后,林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 又回到荧屏,出演电视电影“Life Size”(2000) 和《小记者大侦探》(Get a Clue,2002)。她还在短命喜剧电视剧《贝蒂》(Bette,2000) 的试播集中扮演了角色Rose。2001年6月,林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 暂时离开了表演。一年后,她开始了新的音乐事业,于2004年12月发布了首张唱片专辑“Speak”,畅销货架。 但林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 并没有舍弃电影表演事业,在此之前,罗韩又出演了另一部小说改编剧本的迪斯尼影片,同由杰米·李·柯蒂斯参演的《辣妈辣妹》(Freaky Friday,2003),翻拍自1976年的同名影片。该片票房大赚,评论家也对林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 和柯蒂斯的出色表演赞不绝口。林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 因此获得了2004年MTV最具突破女演员奖,以及土星奖和又一次青年艺术家奖的提名。 同一年,林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 主演的《贱女孩》(Mean Girls,2004)令她真正一炮而红。走红后的罗韩负面新闻不断,可谓是好莱坞少年成名的典型案例。 ◆ 林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 的荣誉: 2004年度《People》杂志评选50位最美丽的人 "50 Most Beautiful People" 之一 2005年度《FHM》杂志全球100位最性感美女之第10名 2005年度《Maxim》杂志全球100位最热辣美女之第4名 2006年度儿童选择奖 (Kids Choice Award) 最佳女演员奖 2006年度《福布斯》杂志评选Top 20最会挣钱的超级明星之第18名 2008年度《Maxim》杂志全球100位最热辣美女之第9名 童年时曾为 Abercrombie & Fitch Kids童装 (A&F Kids) 和 Calvin Klein Kids 童装走秀。 ◆ 林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 的名言: 生命充满了风险,为什么不勇敢去冒险呢?(Life is full of risks anyway, why not take them?)


常见释义三十英:[u02c8θu025cu02d0ti]美:[u02c8θu025cu02d0rti]num.三十;三十几;三十年代;例句:There are thirty households in the village.全村共三十户。复数:thirties




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中英文歌词都要:杰克逊的you are not alone、hear the world、the man in the mirror,天使之城的angle,

You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 (你不会孤单)Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你永远在我心中 For you are not alone 因为你不会孤单 Heal the World 拯救世界There"s a place in your heart 在你心中有个地方,And I know that it is love 我知道那里充满了爱。And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow这个地方会比明天更灿烂。And if you really try 如果你真的努力过,You"ll find there"s no need to cry 你会发觉不必哭泣。In this place you"ll feel 在这个地方,There"s no hurt or sorrow 你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。There are ways to get there 到那个地方的方法很多,If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,Make a little space 营造一些空间。Make a better place... 创造一个更美好的地方...Heal the world 拯救这世界,Make it a better place 让它变得更好,For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。There are people dying 不断有人死去,If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。If you want to know why 如果你想知道缘由,There"s a love that cannot lie 因为爱不会说谎。Love is strong 爱是坚强的,It only cares of joyful giving 爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。If we try 若我们用心去尝试,We shall see 我们就会明白,In this bliss 只要心里有爱,We cannot feel fear or dread 我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。We stop existing 我们不再只是活着,And start living 而是真正开始生活。Then it feels that always 那爱的感觉将持续下去。Love"s enough for us growing 爱让我们不断成长,o make a better world 去创造一个更美好的世界,Make a better world... 去创造一个更美好的世界...Heal the world 拯救这世界,Make it a better place 让它变得更好,For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。There are people dying 不断有人死去,If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。And the dream we were conceived in 我们心中的梦想,Will reveal a joyful face 让我们露出笑脸。And the world we once believed in 我们曾经信赖的世界,Will shine again in grace 会再次闪烁祥和的光芒。Then why do we keep strangling life 那么我们为何仍在扼杀生命,Wound this earth 伤害地球,Crucify its soul 扼杀它的灵魂?Though it"s plain to see 虽然这很容易明白,This world is heavenly be God"s glow 这世界天生就是上帝的荣光。We could fly so high 我们可以在高空飞翔Let our spirits never die 让我们的精神不灭In my heart I feel you are all my brothers 在我心中,你我都是兄弟Create a world with no fear 共同创造一个没有恐惧的世界Together we"ll cry happy tears 我们一起流下喜悦的泪水See the nations turn their swords into plowshares 看到许多国家把刀剑变成了犁耙。Heal the world 拯救这世界,Make it a better place 让它变得更好,For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。There are people dying 不断有人死去,If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。You and for me 为你为我You and for me 为你为我You and for me 为你为我Man in the Mirror 镜中人   I"m Gonna Make A Change,   在我的生命中,   For Once In My Life   我将作一次改变   It"s Gonna Feel Real Good,   多么美好的感觉,   Gonna Make A Difference   我想带来变化   Gonna Make It Right . . .   我要把它作好   As I, Turn Up The Collar On My   当我竖起我   Favourite Winter Coat   最喜爱的冬衣的领子时   This Wind Is Blowin" My Mind   这种想法萌发出来   I See The Kids In The Street,   我看到了那些在大街上,   With Not Enough To Eat   饿着肚子的孩子们   Who Am I to Be Blind?   我是谁,是瞎子吗?   Pretending Not To See   装作没有看见   Their Needs   他们的需要吗?   A Summer"s Disregard,   一整个盛夏的漠视   A Broken Bottle Top   一个破碎的瓶塞   And A One Man"s Soul   和一个人的灵魂   They Follow Each Other On   正如你所见   The Wind Ya" Know   他们在风雨中相互扶持   "Cause They Got Nowhere To Go   因为他们无处可去   That"s Why I Want You To Know   那正是我想让你知道的   I"m Starting With The Man In The Mirror   我要从镜中之人开始作起   I"m Asking Him To Change His Ways   我要求他改变他所走的路   And No Message Could Have   没有比这   Been Any Clearer   更清楚的信息了   If You Wanna Make The World   如果你想要改善   A Better Place   这个世界,   (If You Wanna Make The   (如果你想去改善   World A Better Place)   这个世界) Take A Look At Yourself, And   那么,先审视自己,   Then Make A Change   然后作出改变   (Take A Look At Yourself, And   (审视你自己,然后   Then Make A Change)   作出改变)   (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah)   (呐呐呐,呐呐呐,呐呐,呐呐)   I"ve Been A Victim Of A Selfish   我曾是一种自私的   Kind Of Love   爱的牺牲品   It"s TimeThat I Realize   是时候让我了解这一切了   That There Are Some With No   有的人无家可归,   Home, Not A Nickel To Loan   无钱还债   Could It Be Really Me,   这是我吗?   Pretending That They"re Not Alone?   装作什么也没看见?  A Willow Deeply Scarred,   一株柳树上的疤痕   Somebody"s Broken Heart   一颗破碎的心   And A Washed-Out Dream   一个逝去的梦想   (Washed-Out Dream)   (逝去的梦想)   They Follow The Pattern Of   正如你所见   The Wind, Ya" See   他们在风雨中彼此扶持   Cause They Got No Place To Be   因为他们无处可去   That"s Why I"m Starting With Me   这就是为什么我要从自己做起   (Starting With Me!)   (从我做起!)   I"m Starting With The Man In The Mirror   我要从镜中之人开始作起   (Ooh!)   (噢!)   I"m Asking Him To Change His Ways   我要求他改变他所走的路   (Ooh!)   (噢!)   And No Message Could Have   没有比这   Been Any Clearer   更清楚的信息了   If You Wanna Make The World   你若想让   A Better Place   世界更美好,   (If You Wanna Make The   (你若你想让   World A Better Place)   世界更美好)   Take A Look At Yourself And   先审视你自己   Then Make A Change   然后作出改变 (Take A Look At Yourself And   (审视自己   Then Make A Change)   然后作出改变)   I"m Starting With The Man In   我从   The Mirror   镜中之人做起   (Ooh!)   (噢!)   I"m Asking Him To Change His Ways   要求他改变他所走的路   (Change His Ways-Ooh!)   (改变他的路-噢!)   And No Message Could Have   没有比这   Been Any Clearer   更清楚的信息了   If You Wanna Make The World   如果你想让世界   A Better Place   更美好,   (If You Wanna Make The   (如果你憧憬   World A Better Place)   一个美好的世界) Take A Look At Yourself And   先审视你自己   Then Make That . . .   然后作出…… (Take A Look At Yourself And   (审视自己   Then Make That . . .)   作出……)   Change!   改变!   I"m Starting With The Man In The Mirror   我从镜中之人开始   (Man In The Mirror-Oh Yeah!)   (镜中之人-是他!)   I"m Asking Him To Change His Ways   我要他改变他脚下的路   (Better Change!)   (最好去改善!)   No Message Could Have   没有比这   Been Any Clearer   更明了的信息了   (If You Wanna Make The   (如果你想令   World A Better Place)   世界更美好)   (Take A Look At Yourself And   (审视你自己,   Then Make The Change)   然后去改变)   (You Gotta Get It Right, While   (在你还有时间的时候   You Got The Time)   去完成它)   ("Cause When You Close Your Heart)   (因为即使你视而不见   You Can"t Close Your . . .Your Mind!   都无法阻止自己的心灵!   (Then You Close Your . . . Mind!)   (即使你封闭自己的……心灵!)   That Man, That Man, That   镜中之人, 那个男人,那个男人   Man, That Man   那个男人   With That Man In The Mirror   从他开始   (Man In The Mirror, Oh Yeah!)   (镜中之人)   That Man, That Man, That Man   那个人,那个人,那个男人   I"m Asking Him To Change His Ways   我要他改变自己的行为   (Better Change!)   (要改变!)   You Know . . .That Man   镜中之人……你可否知道   No Message Could Have   没有比这   Been Any Clearer   更明确的信息了   If You Wanna Make The World   如果你想让世界   A Better Place   更加美好   (If You Wanna Make The (如果你憧憬   World A Better Place)   一个美好的世界)   Take A Look At Yourself And   那就先审视你自己   Then Make A Change   然后去改善她   (Take A Look At Yourself And   (去审视自己   Then Make A Change)   然后作出改变)   Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!   Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,Na Nah   (Oh Yeah!)   Gonna Feel Real Good Now!   这将有多么美好!   Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah!Yeah Yeah!   Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,Na Nah(Ooooh . . .)   Oh No, No No . . .I"m Gonna Make A Change   我会作出改变   It"s Gonna Feel Real Good!   感觉真好!   Come On!   来吧!   (Change . . .)Just Lift Yourself   激励自我!   You Know   你知道   You"ve Got To Stop It.   你必须停止   Yourself!   你自己   (Yeah!-Make That Change!)   I"ve Got To Make That Change,   改变自己   Today!   就在今天!   Hoo!(Man In The Mirror)You Got To   你必须   You Got To Not Let Yourself . . .   必须让自己……   Brother . . .   我的同胞……   Hoo!(Yeah!-Make That Change!)   You Know-I"ve Got To Get   看到了吗-我已让那个人   That Man, That Man . . .   那个人,那个人……   (Man In The Mirror)   (镜中之人)   You"ve Got To   你必须   You"ve Got To Move! Come On! Come On!   你必须行动起来 来吧!一起来!   You Got To . . .   你必须……   Stand Up! Stand Up!   站起来!站起来!   Stand Up!   行动起来!   (Yeah-Make That Change)   (吔-作出改变)   Stand Up And Lift   行动起来,提升到崭新高度,   Yourself, Now!   就在此刻!   (Man In The Mirror)   (镜中之人)   Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!   吼!吼!吼!   Aaow!   嗷!   (Yeah-Make That Change)   (作出改善)   Gonna Make That Change . . .   去改变……   Come On!   行动起来!   (Man In The Mirror)   (镜中之人)   You Know It!   你很明确!   You Know It!   你知道怎么做!   You Know It!   你很明确!   You Know . . .   你知道……   (Change . . .)   (改变)   Make That Change.   作出改变。



您好,我在使用c8051f340单片机,进行keil调试时遇到一个问题:DIR VTREG后没有找到sin,sout虚拟寄存器。

单片机串行通讯在Keil环境中的调试技巧其中<sin>sout是指所选择芯片的串口输入输出寄存器,不同芯片可能会有不同的名字,可以使用dir vtreg查看,如如果没有,自己写程序,用串口助手调试就行啦。


  熟练的Master或者RTE会从JIRA中倒出一些数据进行改进分析,比如我们会观察各个迭代的故事点数完成情况。但是在JIRA中各个迭代是使用SprintID来代表的。如果Master/RTE想一下子找出各个迭代的Story列表,用来统计Story的完成个数、完成的点数、平均Story大小的趋势,还是挺不方便的。   不方便的主要原因是JIRA的界面上关于Sprint显示的都是Sprint的名称,SprintID没有直接显示出来,所以之前如果想知道SprintID的话就必须知道Sprint的名称,并且在JQL的输入框里输入Sprint=<Sprint名称>,然后JIRA会自动转换Sprint名称为SprintID。   这样做费时费力,而且一次只能查到一个Sprint的SprintID。如果我想查出某个团队之前的所有迭代的SprintID,就非常麻烦了。   今天就遇到了这样的问题,于是去搜索了一下。就算是在JIRA的官网上也只介绍了查询一个迭代的SprintID的方法( link ),没有查询多个迭代SprintID的方法。于是经过摸索,终于找出了一个比较简便的方法,能够批量查找SprintID。最终得到了一个团队各个迭代的Story数据,见下图: 那是怎么快速得到的呢,见下面的步骤(Chrome浏览器): 第一步、找到团队的迭代报告(Sprint Report),打开界面,如下: 第二步:按F12调出开发者工具(Developer Tool),然后点击页面元素选择按钮(红圈处) 第三步:选择迭代下拉列表(蓝色高亮处),窗口右边自动定位到相关的HTML元素上(右边高亮处) 第四步:点开右边窗口中对应的<select左边的黑三角(高亮块下边),如下图: 在这个图中,sprintID就是value=后面的数字,<option>中的文字就是对应的Sprint的名称 第五步:在select元素处点击右键,出现下面的右键菜单,然后选择 Edit as Html,将内容拷贝出来放入Excel表中 第六步:使用Excel公式将SprintID和Sprint名称提取出来 第七步:生成JQL,执行得到结果 如果自己不嫌拼JQL麻烦,做到第四步就可以了。这就是批量查找SprintID的小技巧。




团队的问题是,如何能快速知道没有拆sub-Task的Task是哪些呢? 如果使用JIRA原生的JQL进行查询会非常麻烦,在多方搜索以后寻找到一个插件: Scriptrunner 一般的JQL是如以下的写法: assignee = currentUser() Script JQL Functions允许使用像addedAfterSprintStart、fileAttached和hasComments这样的函数来扩展JQL功能。基本上,通过进一步查看Jira实例并挖掘出更具体的信息,使JQL功能更深入。例如,ScriptRunner JQL函数hasLinkType()就可以通过在括号里面输入特定的链接类型来找到带有这种链接类型的所有问题。 按照这个思路,查询有sub-Task的问题的函数可能就是hasSubtasks,语句如下: issueFuction in hasSubtasks() 那如果我们想进行的是反向查询,当想查询 没有sub-Task的Task集合 时,可以使用以下语句: Not issueFuction in hasSubtasks() 七月的第一天,元气满满!

简单的Linux问题:No such file or directory

tar xvf filename



Moumoon的Sunshine Girl英文版的中文歌词翻译

Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 点亮心情,这是美好的一天Make up, and dressed 精心打扮 身着盛装Are you ready to go? 准备好了吗?出发!Weather is great, it"s my holiday 天气真好,这是我的假日We gotta party all day long 要去聚会哦。一整天呢!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!Open the window shade, shut my eyes and feel the shine 打开百叶窗,闭上双眼,感受阳光Hummingbirds and tiny flowers telling me to step outside 蜂鸟和百花让我移足户外And I take a deep breath Start walking by the street 来一个深呼吸,徜徉街头Everything looks a little bit different today 周遭事物都有一些不同啊You see, Sunshine girl 哈哈,都是因为阳光女孩而改变Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 点亮心情,这是美好的一天Lights get brighter on the sea shore 海岸边,街灯如此明亮Set me free, it"s my holiday 放松身体,这是我的假日Step with the music all day long 随着音乐漫步,一整天呢!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!Time"s passing by so fast It never looks the same again 时间过得真快,一切变得如此不同Everyday by day I"m moving on, rhythmically step by step 日子一天天过,按照节拍一步步走I wanna see your big smile, it makes it all better 看见你的笑脸,一切变得如此美好Everything feels a little bit warmer today 周遭一切都更加的温暖呢Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 点亮心情,这是美好的一天Whistle a melody on the sea shore 海岸边,汽笛奏出乐章Set me free, it"s my holiday 放松身体,这是我的假日Step with the music all day long 随着音乐漫步,一整天呢!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!When the rainy days brings me down 阴雨天会使自己感到失落 Appreciate the moments in my life 但也要感谢生命中的这些时光Never forget little joys in a day 不要忘记那些点滴快乐Good times aren"t ever quite enough 好时光不会一直都有Just wanna have a smile on my face 只要时刻保持笑容And keep looking up to the blue sky 看看头顶上的蓝天 (来开始倒数)9 to the 8, I feel so great ,9、8,感觉真好7 to the 6, need my hair fix 7、6,整理好头发5 to the 4, what you waiting for? 5、4,你还在等什么?3, 2 and 1! Let"s go have fun! 3、2、1,一起去玩吧!Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 点亮心情,这是美好的一天Make up, and dressed 精心打扮 身着盛装Are you ready to go? 准备好了吗?出发!Weather is great, it"s my holiday 天气真好,这是我的假日We gotta party all day long 要去聚会哦。一整天呢!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl like it, 欢乐日,夏季天。阳光女孩最爱啦!Happy day Summer day Sun shines for you 欢乐日,夏季天。太阳公公对你笑!(自己翻译的 欢迎采纳)

苹果手机Airply 镜像搜不到易互动怎么办

首先必须保证手机和电视机连接同一个Wifi名称。然后从手机屏幕底部往上划拨,(有些机型可能是往从上往下划)然后找到屏幕镜像,点击屏幕镜像,待搜索到电视名称后点击连接,连接成功后就可以把整个手机的界面投屏到电视上了。(很多 人在这个地方. - -直无法连接上电视,一直在搜索或者点击连接就在那里转圈圈,其实是苹果手机的隔空投屏功能没有打开,这个时候只需找到手机设置,然后下滑找到通用设置,点开后找到隔空投送,然后点开隔空投送,勾选所有人就可以进投屏了)然后再点击你手机里面想要投的视频,如果上面的操作还是无法连接上电视,只需手机和电视机下载投屏软件也可以。

《Sunshine girl》歌词(英文的!!)

中英文歌词  sunshinegirl  阳光女孩  沐浴着闪闪亮的阳光   Makeupanddresswhenyou"rereadytogo  Weatherisgreatit"syourholiday  Wegottopartyalldaylong  Happydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYouHappydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYou  Mygirl微微的sky照耀着涡动  风吹的方向和以往不同只要伸个懒觉 就能感到会有什么好事发生  sunshinegirl  胸中藏着一个闪闪亮的太阳  害羞的月亮和不同的假日   跳舞的时候就要尽兴   Happydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYou  Happydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYou  回忆过去的景色   我也每天向前进只要嘴角上扬   就感到靠近happy和lucy  用闪亮的笑容说hello  玩具箱也溢了出来   谱成积极的调子   唱歌的时候就要尽兴  Happydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYou  Happydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYou  这个瞬间感觉不到时间   现在就想见你merciuhyeah  不管什么时候这样也不错   一直这样紧张也不错   然后笔直的向前看   ouhhyeah  胸中藏着一个闪亮的太阳   欢闹最重要的holiday  跳舞的时候就要尽兴感受着闪亮的阳光  Makeupanddresswhenyou"rereadytogo  Weatherisgreatit"syourholiday  Wegottopartyalldaylong  Happydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYou  Happydayssummerdayssunshinegirl  Ilikeit!  HappydayssummerdayssunshinesforYou

求题目是“sunshine girl”(阳光女孩)的英文诗

sunshine girlSunshine girl curious, enthusiasm, praise, treasure, hunting, collection, update... Sunshine is your life springs, is treasure, it and you opposing another kind of life elements, put her set in your body, the poles of energy after the outbreak of miracle, can you still eager to purely personal space, you desire to put the requirements and your breathing sunshine girl together in a box save, otherwise she existence is your burden 是这个吗

sunny girl这英语是什么意思?

是 阳光女孩 的意思

Sunny girl这英语是什么意思呀?


阳光女孩的英文到底是Sunshine girl还是sunny girl

Sunshine girl谢谢

阳光女孩sunshine girl 的歌词 The Baits 唱的 中文 英文都要

Sunshine Girl uadf8ub300 ubc24uc774 ucc3euc544 uc640ub3c4 Sunshine Girl ub0b4uac8c uba38ubb3cub7ec uc918uc624 uadf8ub300 ub9d0ud574uc918 ub208ubd80uc2e0 ud587uc0b4ub85c uc601uc6d0ud788 ud568uaed8 ud558uc790uace0 Tonight my beautiful beautiful beautiful my ladyYou"re my my lady You"re my my ladyub354ubca0uc774uce20(The Baits) Sunshine Girl Lyrics ub0a0 uc0acub85cuc7a1uc558ub358 uadf8 ubbf8uc18cub85c uc624 ub0a0 uc548uc544uc918 My beautiful beautiful lady uadf8ub300uc640 uc774 uc138uc0c1 uc548uc5d0uc11c uc228uc274 uc218 uc788uac8c My beautiful beautiful ladySunshine Girl uc5b4ub514ub4e0 uadf8ub300ub9cc uc788uc73cuba74 Sunshine Girl ub124uac8c ub2ecub824uac08uaed8uc624 uadf8ub300 ub098ub9ccuc758 ube5bub098ub294 ubcc4ucc98ub7fc ub0b4 uc0b6uc5d0 ube5buc744 ubc1dud600uc918 Tonight my beautiful beautiful beautiful my ladyOh oh oh my Sunshine Girl My my girl oh oh ohub0a0 uc0acub85cuc7a1uc558ub358 uadf8 ubbf8uc18cub85c uc624 ub0a0 uc548uc544uc918 My beautiful beautiful lady uadf8ub300uc640 uc774 uc138uc0c1 uc548uc5d0uc11c uc228uc274 uc218 uc788uac8c My beautiful beautiful ladyYou"re my my lady You"re my my lady

Sunshine girl 英文+中文 版的歌词 就是结合的那种 有示例

「Sunshine Girl ~English Ver.~」作词∶YUKA作曲∶K.MASAKI歌∶moumoonShine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 照耀我的心 这是美丽的一天Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go? 化妆 穿好裙子 你准备好了吗weather is great, it"s my holiday 天气很好 这是属于我的假日We gotta party all day long 我们去欢玩一整天Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 夏天里的快乐的一天 阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这一天Sun shines for you 阳光因你闪耀Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 夏天里的快乐的一天I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这一天Sun shines for you 阳光因你闪耀Open the window shade, shut my eyes and feel the shine 拉开窗帘 闭上眼睛 感受阳光Hummingbirds and tiny flowers telling me to step outside 蜂雀的叫声和娇小的花儿吸引着我出去走走And I take a deep breath 深呼吸一下Start walking by the street 沿着街道行走Everything looks a little bit different today 今天的一切都看起来有点不同You see, Sunshine girl 你看 阳光的女孩Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 照耀我的心,这是美丽的一天Lights get brighter on the sea shore 在海岸线的光线更加充足Set me free, it"s my holiday 放我自由 这是属于我的假期Step with the music all day long 一整天都跟着音乐的节拍行走Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 夏天里的快乐的一天 阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这一天Sun shines for you 阳光因你闪耀Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 夏天里的快乐的一天 阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这一天Sun shines for you 阳光因你闪耀Time"s passing by so fast 时间飞逝It never looks the same again 不会重来Everyday by day I"m moving on, rhythmically step by step 每天我都在前进 一步一步跟着节奏I wanna see your big smile, it makes it all better 我想看你灿烂的笑容 你的笑让一切完美Everything feels a little bit warmer today 今天的一切都有那么一点温暖Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 照耀我的心 这是美丽的一天Whistle a melody on the sea shore 在海边用口哨吹出悦耳的歌Set me free, it"s my holiday 放我自由 这是我的假期Step with the music all day long 一整天都跟着音乐走Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 夏天里快乐的一天 阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youWhen the rainy days brings me down 当雨天使我情绪低落时Appreciate the moments in my life 感激我生命中的每个瞬间Never forget little joys in a day 不要忘了每天的小快乐Good times aren"t ever quite enough 好景不会太长久Just wanna have a smile on my face 只是想在脸上常挂着微笑And keep looking up to the blue sky 可以一直望向蓝色的天空9 to the 8, I feel so great 九 八 我感觉好极了7 to the 6, need my hair fix 七 六 我需要整理一下头发5 to the 4, what you waiting for? 五 四 你在等什么3, 2 and 1! Let"s go have fun! 三二一 我们一起去玩Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day 下面的重复了Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go?Weather is great, it"s my holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you





谁能帮我翻译一下老鹰乐队Don Henley的歌曲Dirty Laundry

I make my living off the Evening NewsJust give me something-something I can usePeople love it when you lose,They love dirty laundryWell, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up hereI just have to look good, I don"t have to be clearCome and whisper in my earGive us dirty laundryKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em all aroundWe got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who comes on at fiveShe can tell you "bout the plane crash with a gleamin her eyeIt"s interesting when people die-Give us dirty laundryCan we film the operation?Is the heir dead yet?You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running betGet the widow on the set!We need dirty laundryKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re stiffKick "em all aroundDirty little secretsDirty little liesWe got our dirty little fingers in everybody"s pieWe love to cut you down to sizeWe love dirty laundryWe can do "The Innuendo"We can dance and singWhen it"s said and done we haven"t told you a thingWe all know that Crap is KingGive us dirty laundry!我靠晚间新闻为生。只要给我一些我能用的东西人们喜欢你输了,他们喜欢脏衣服。嗯,我应该是一个演员,但我结束这里我只是要看起来很好,我不清楚来在我耳边低语给我们脏衣服他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们把他们踢得到处都是我们有个泡泡糖的金发女郎,她五点来她可以告诉你什么是飞机失事与微光她的眼睛人们死的时候很有趣—给我们脏衣服我们可以拍手术吗?遗产继承人死了吗?你知道,在编辑部的男孩有一个运行的赌注把寡妇放在电视机上!我们需要脏衣服。他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来当他们僵硬的时候踢他们把他们踢得到处都是肮脏的小秘密肮脏的小谎言我们每个人的馅饼,肮脏的小手指我们喜欢把你切成大小。我们喜欢脏衣服。我们可以做“含沙射影”我们会跳舞唱歌当它所说的和所做的事,我们没有告诉你我们都知道废话是金给我们脏衣服!

CAD快捷命令的英文注解,如 L 是直线 英文为 line C 圆 circle I 插入块 insert……


dirty laundry是什么意思?

就是丑闻的意思。等同于dirty linen。希望有帮到你。







Pzk的《T-Shirt》 歌词

歌曲名:T-Shirt歌手:Pzk专辑:PzkShontelle - T-ShirtTrying to decide, trying to decide if I,really wanna go out tonight.I never use to go out without you,I"m not sure I remember how to.I"m gonna be late gonna be late but,all my girls gonna have to wait cause,I don"t know if I like my outfit.I tried everything in my closet.Nothing feels right when I"m not with you,sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m missing you.Ima step out of this lingerie,curl up in a ball with something Hanes.In that I lay, with nothing but your t-shirt on.Oh, with nothing but your t-shirt on.Hey, gotta be strong gotta be strong but I"m,really hurting now that you"re gone.I thought maybe I"d do some shopping,but I didn"t get past the door and,now I don"t know now I don"t know if I"m,ever really gonna let you go and I,couldnt even leave my appartment.I"m stripped down torn up about it.Nothing feels right when I"m not with you,sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m missing you.Ima step out of this lingerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I laywith nothing but your t-shirt on.with nothing but your t-shirt on.with nothing but your t-shirt on.Coz I miss you, coz I miss youwith nothing but your t-shirt on.Said I miss you, babynow I don"t know now I don"t know if I"m,ever really gonna let you go and I,couldnt even leave my appartment.I"m stripped down torn up about it.Hey hey, nothing feels right when I"m not with you.Sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m mising you.Ima step out of this lengerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I laynothing feels right when I"m not with you.Sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m mising you.Ima step out of this lengerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I lay(I would be in bed)with nothing but your T-shirt on.said I got nothing but your T-shirt on.hey,(cause I want to be close to you),with nothing but your T-shirt on.I remember when, you would like to see me,with nothing but your T-shirt on.hey,(nothing but your T-shirt on)let me tell you know (nothing but your T-shirt on)let me tell you know (nothing but your T-shirt on)with nothing but your T-shirt on.

Shontelle的《T-Shirt》 歌词

歌曲名:T-Shirt歌手:Shontelle专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 72Shontelle - T-ShirtTrying to decide, trying to decide if I,really wanna go out tonight.I never use to go out without you,I"m not sure I remember how to.I"m gonna be late gonna be late but,all my girls gonna have to wait cause,I don"t know if I like my outfit.I tried everything in my closet.Nothing feels right when I"m not with you,sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m missing you.Ima step out of this lingerie,curl up in a ball with something Hanes.In that I lay, with nothing but your t-shirt on.Oh, with nothing but your t-shirt on.Hey, gotta be strong gotta be strong but I"m,really hurting now that you"re gone.I thought maybe I"d do some shopping,but I didn"t get past the door and,now I don"t know now I don"t know if I"m,ever really gonna let you go and I,couldnt even leave my appartment.I"m stripped down torn up about it.Nothing feels right when I"m not with you,sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m missing you.Ima step out of this lingerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I laywith nothing but your t-shirt on.with nothing but your t-shirt on.with nothing but your t-shirt on.Coz I miss you, coz I miss youwith nothing but your t-shirt on.Said I miss you, babynow I don"t know now I don"t know if I"m,ever really gonna let you go and I,couldnt even leave my appartment.I"m stripped down torn up about it.Hey hey, nothing feels right when I"m not with you.Sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m mising you.Ima step out of this lengerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I laynothing feels right when I"m not with you.Sick of this dress and these jimmy choos.Taking them off cause I feel a fool,trying to dress up when I"m mising you.Ima step out of this lengerie,curl up in a ball with something hanes.In bed I lay(I would be in bed)with nothing but your T-shirt on.said I got nothing but your T-shirt on.hey,(cause I want to be close to you),with nothing but your T-shirt on.I remember when, you would like to see me,with nothing but your T-shirt on.hey,(nothing but your T-shirt on)let me tell you know (nothing but your T-shirt on)let me tell you know (nothing but your T-shirt on)with nothing but your T-shirt on.









求Diras Que Estoy Loco 白字歌词

Tu dirás que estoy locoLoco, loco, locoPensaras que estoy locoLoco de atar,Es verdad que estoy loco,Loco por poderte besar.Dime donde estas nenaDime a donde vas nenaPorque siempre...No lo dudes mas, chicaDéjate llevar chica (que la música te invita)Quiero verte aquí nena,Pegadita a mi nena Y tocar tu piel con sabor a miel (menta y canela)Déjame sentir, chicaLo mejor de ti, chica (la emoción se multiplica)Tu dirás que estoy locoLoco, loco, locoPensaras que estoy loco (Loco de atar)Y es verdad que estoy locoLoco por poderte besar.Dime de que vas, nenaDe que lado estas, nenaQue desperdiciar una noche así (es una pena)Déjate besar, chicaQue tu boca me incita,Y la mía te necesita.CORO (2 veces)Tu dirás que estoy locoLoco, loco, locoPensaras que estoy locoLoco de atarY es verdad que estoy locoLoco, loco, locoLoco por poderte besar.

求 mermaid girl 的歌词

I"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longI lived in an ocean, in a coral palaceGrown up in comfort sweet princessSugar and spices and all that"s niceThe missing ingredient was just your presenceOne day a witch gave me lovely legsTo come up to your sideI know this dreamy world"s a fairytaleBut could you kiss me hereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longBubbles sparkle and disappearInto the deep blue seaI know my life is a sad fairytaleSo could you wipe my tearsI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me long

Mermaid girl这首歌是出自哪里

Beatmania IIDX 18 Ryu☆写的

求 mermaid girl 的歌词 森永真由美的 英文的,要完整的

I"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longI lived in an ocean, in a coral palaceGrown up in comfort sweet princessSugar and spices and all that"s niceThe missing ingredient was just your presenceOne day a witch gave me lovely legsTo come up to your sideI know this dreamy world"s a fairytaleBut could you kiss me hereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longBubbles sparkle and disappearInto the deep blue seaI know my life is a sad fairytaleSo could you wipe my tearsI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me long

mermaid girl中文歌词

歌名:《Mermaid girl》歌手:森永真由美谱曲:中原龙太郎编曲:中原龙太郎歌词:I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.我在一个天堂般的世界De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起I lived in an ocean, in a coral palace.我住在海洋的珊瑚宫殿里Grown up in comfort sweet princess.是在舒适的环境中长大的甜美公主Sugar and spices and all that"s nice.酸甜苦辣都是那么的美The missing ingredient was just your presence.所缺少的,只是你的出现One day a witch gave me lovely legs.有一天,一位女巫给了我美丽的双腿To come up to your side.让我来到你身边I know this dreamy world"s a fairytale.我知道这梦幻般的世界是一个童话But could you kiss me here.但是在这里你能亲吻我吗I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起When the sun is gone, stars appear in darkness.当太阳落下 夜幕降临Noticed you"ve chosen another princess.我发现你选择了另外的公主Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.欧芹草 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香Dance alone with smile for you till sunrise.和你欢快的跳着舞直到天亮That day I gave her my clear voice.那天我将我清澈的声音交给了她Instead of a shiny day.而不是那耀眼的天I know this silent song"s a fairytale.我知道这首无言歌是一个神话Ah could you hear me please.你能听到我的呼唤吗I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.我在一个天堂般的世界De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起Bubbles sparkle and disappear.水泡迸发而消失Into the deep blue sea.在那蓝色深海中I know my life is a sad fairytale.我知道我的命运是一个悲伤的通话So could you wipe my tears.所以你能擦干我的眼泪吗I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.我在一个天堂般的世界De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起


  Environment is all the attention to the topic, also is a hot spot of all people. Good environment, good for our healthy growth, feel better, both study and life comfortable, everyone wants to live in a good environment. Therefore, to protect the environment, everyone duty.   When you are passing the trash can, you can pick up the cola bottles beside? When you see someone scribble carving in the tree, you will not to stop at the meeting? When you are in the stalls to eat small, can you come up with their own spare chopsticks instead of disposable chopsticks?   Now, a lot of people cut down a tree in the forest, the trees to make chopsticks, chairs, tables, etc., can cause soil erosion, flood will often and bring us unfortunately. We should act to prevent them.   In the supermarket, we can see a lot of people still use money to buy a pocket, although a pocket as long as 2 cents, but to protect the environment is every citizen"s responsibility and obligation. Even if the pockets don"t money, we should also have the mindset of environmental protection, environmental protection bag.   On my way to school, we saw someone throw rubbish on the road, disorderly spit phlegm, we should teach him methods: spitting in the tissue, then throw in the trash. We can"t learn the somebody else, be sure to write "environmental protection" moment in their heart, and reflect in action, starts from me, starts from the minor matter.   I believe that through the efforts of everyone, the environment will become better and better, "mother" will become more beautiful earth.   环境是目前所有人关注的话题,也是所有人关注的一个热点。好的环境,有利于我们健康成长、心情舒畅,无论学习和生活都特别舒服,所有人都希望生活在一个好的环境下。因此,保护环境,人人有责。   当你路过垃圾桶的时候,你会不会捡起旁边的.可乐瓶?当你看见有人在树上乱刻乱画,你会不会上前去阻止?当你在小摊吃小面的时候,你会拿出自己的备用筷子而不用一次性筷子呢?   现在,很多人在森林里砍树,把树木做成筷子、椅子、桌子等等,就会造成水土流失,洪水也会经常冲来,带给我们不幸的危险。我们应该立刻行动,阻止他们。   在超市里,我们会看到很多人还用钱来买口袋,虽然一个口袋只要2角钱,但是保护环境是每一个公民的责任和义务。即使口袋不要钱,我们也应抱有保护环境的心态,用环保口袋。   在上学的路上,我们看见有人在路上乱扔垃圾,乱吐口痰,我们应该教给他方法:吐在纸巾里,然后扔进垃圾桶。我们更不能学人家,一定要把“保护环境”时刻记在心里,并体现在行动中,从我做起,从小事做起。   我相信,通过大家的努力,环境会变得越来越好,地球“妈妈”也会变得更加美丽。

空调的英文air condition

空调的英文是"air conditioner"。【空调的定义和作用】空调(air conditioner)是一种用于调节室内温度、湿度、流速和质量等环境因素的设备。它通过循环处理空气,控制室内温度,使人们在不同季节保持舒适的生活环境。【空调的组成结构】空调主要由室内机和室外机两部分组成。室内机包括蒸发器、风扇和过滤器等元件,负责将冷/热空气送入室内。而室外机则包括压缩机、冷凝器和膨胀阀等,负责对空气进行冷却/加热并排出。【空调的工作原理】空调的工作原理基于热力学和制冷技术。首先,室内机通过蒸发器吸收室内热空气中的热量,使空气变得凉爽。然后,室外机的压缩机将低温低压的制冷剂压缩成高温高压状态,从而释放热量。最后,制冷剂通过冷凝器放出热量并变成液态,再通过膨胀阀降温变成低温低压状态,形成循环。【空调的种类和使用场景】空调根据不同的工作原理和使用场景可以分为多种类型,包括中央空调、分体式空调、窗式空调、便携式空调等。不同类型的空调适用于不同的场所,如家庭、办公室、商场、酒店、车辆等。【空调的优缺点】空调的使用给人们带来了许多便利和舒适,但同时也存在一些不足。优点包括能够调节温度、湿度等环境因素,提供舒适的生活和工作环境;缺点包括耗电量大、对环境产生负面影响、容易引起空气干燥等。【空调的环保与节能】随着环境保护和节能意识的提高,空调技术也在不断发展以减少对环境的影响。现代空调逐渐采用更加节能和环保的制冷剂、控制系统和设计结构,以降低能耗,并且一些新型空调还加入了智能控制和能源回收等技术。

英语翻译--Only One EarthWe have only one earth.But now,the envir

题目:我们只有一个地球 正文:我们只有一个地球,但是,现在,地球的环境正在变得越来越差. 正如大家都熟知的,当前没有充分的洁净水供人类饮用.所以,有很多人因为水而失去了生命.在许多国家,人们为了谋生不得不砍伐木材.这导致了水土流失.同时,我们也在污染大地,河流和空气.所以,我们不得不面对越来越多的洪涝灾害.现在我们已经到了刻不容缓的地步了,我们必须采取行动来保护我们的环境.我们可以种树并悉心呵护它们,以保持水分,同时也让我们的父母加入进来.我们不能扔垃圾罐,我们应该捡起来以循环再利用.我们今天的努力,会带来美丽的明天! 这是一篇很完整优美的文章,所以翻译的时候不应那么生硬,应该润色一下.比如题目,我们最好翻译成“我们只有一个地球”而不是“只有一个地球”,最后一句话我们也可以翻译成“我们今天的努力会换来更美丽的明天”,这样显得很优美. 我不知道现在的初中生有哪些单词不会读,所以就没有标出音标来,请谅解.

FT-IR Spectrometer 英文工作原理介绍


部门的副部长职位,英文翻译用什么比较好呢?Vice manganger 、Deptuy Director的区别?谢谢!



ANA抗核抗体;DSDNA抗双链DNA;SM粘蛋白 ;可提取性核抗原包括(ULRNP核糖核蛋白SSA抗干燥综合症ASSB抗干燥综合症B);ASO抗链球菌溶血素“O”;RF类风湿因子常用来自身免疫性疾病诊断


在M记的跑鞋矩阵中,Paradox是顶级支撑 高于inspire但paradox 的定位是给平足严重、大体重的穿的 如果你只是足弓较低,不是扁平足的话还是不要选paradox另外:由于机械缓震的技术限制,M记的支撑系列不如四大







Suicide的《Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Girl歌手:Suicide专辑:SuicideDestiny"s ChildGirlDestiny FulfilledTake A Minute Girl Come Sit DownAnd Tell Us What"s Been HappeningIn Your Face I Can See The PainDon"t You Try To Convince Us That You"re Happy (Yeah)We"ve Seen This All BeforeBut He"s Taking Advantage Of Your PassionBecause We"ve Come Too FarFor You To Feel AloneYou Don"t Let Him Walk Over Your HeartI"m Telling YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouSee What You All Don"t Know About HimIs I Can"t Let Him Go Because He Needs MeIt Ain"t Really Him It"s Stress From His JobAnd I Ain"t Making It EasyI Know You See Him Bugging On Me SometimesBut I Know He Be Tired He Don"t Mean ItIt Gets Hard SometimesBut I Need My ManI Don"t Think Ya"ll UnderstandI"m Telling YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouGirl, Take A Good Look At YourselfHe Got You Going Through HellWe Ain"t Never Seen You Down Like ThisWhat You Mean You Don"t Need Our Help?We Known Each Other Too WellGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouGirl, I Can Tell You"ve Been CryingAnd You Needing Someone To Talk ToGirl, I Can Tell He"s Been LyingAnd Pretending That He"s Faithful And He Loves YouGirl, You Don"t Have To Be HidingDon"t You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt YouI"m Your Girl, You"re My Girl, We"re Your GirlsWant You To Know That We Love YouEND

英语谚语:Men, at soome time, are masters of their fates 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Men at soome time are masters of their fates 中文意思: 人有时是自己命运的主人。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace 贫穷并不可耻,穷而不争气才可耻。 Poverty is the mother of all arts 贫困乃一切艺术之源。 Poverty is the mother of health 缺乏是健康之母。 Poverty is the reward of idleness 贫穷是游手好闲的报应。 Poverty is the root of all evils 穷困是万恶之源。 Poverty on an old man"s back is a heavy burden 老而贫穷,负担沈重。 Poverty shows us who are our friends and who are our enemies 贫困才能显出敌和友。 Poverty tries friends 贫穷考验朋友。 Practice is better than precept 身教胜于言教。 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。 英语谚语: Men at soome time are masters of their fates 中文意思: 人有时是自己命运的主人。


哥们 你知道出处吗 告诉下 谢谢了

Tori Amos的《Siren》 歌词

歌曲名:Siren歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Vancouver, Bc - December 3, 2007「SIREN」作词∶尾崎雄贵作曲∶尾崎雄贵歌∶Galileo Galilei昨日の晩から君は月を见てる朝日が升っても月は见えるの?声をかけても闻こえていないそんなところが仆は嫌いで好きだったカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝はいつだっけ寝ているうちに雨が降って止んでテレビからインチキ女の声がする「毛布の中で活きる革命家は死ねよ」そんな感じのこと话してた同じような日々をぐるぐる周り三周くらいして人は死んでゆく分かりきったこと言っているだけそれでもここから抜け出そうぜ决まったやり方で仆らは幸せになるかなれないサイレンが鸣って耳をつんざいたやっと君は月を见るのをやめた急いで散らばった欠片を集めて君の気付かないうちに隠した仆は毛布の中へ优しいだけの言叶が仆の口からシャワーのように吹き出して虹を作る七色に光る绮丽な虹を「汚い色ね」って君は笑って泣くまた降りだした雨の中かき消した虹の色は忘れて反射しあうガラスの欠片みたいに仆らは擦れ合ったサイレンが鸣いて耳をつんざいた触れ合った指はもうすぐ离れてく毛布の中からそっと片足を出して冷え切った部屋から早く出ていこうカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝いつだっけ ねぇいつだっけ外で月を见ようよ仆はそれを见ているよもうそれだけでいい本当にそれだけでいいいつもと同じ 君は月を见てるこれからどうしようかなんて考えてないバックミラー越し 君と目が合うサイレンの音から远ざかっていく【 おわり 】

Tori Amos的《Siren》 歌词

歌曲名:Siren歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Detroit, Mi - October 27, 2007「SIREN」作词∶尾崎雄贵作曲∶尾崎雄贵歌∶Galileo Galilei昨日の晩から君は月を见てる朝日が升っても月は见えるの?声をかけても闻こえていないそんなところが仆は嫌いで好きだったカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝はいつだっけ寝ているうちに雨が降って止んでテレビからインチキ女の声がする「毛布の中で活きる革命家は死ねよ」そんな感じのこと话してた同じような日々をぐるぐる周り三周くらいして人は死んでゆく分かりきったこと言っているだけそれでもここから抜け出そうぜ决まったやり方で仆らは幸せになるかなれないサイレンが鸣って耳をつんざいたやっと君は月を见るのをやめた急いで散らばった欠片を集めて君の気付かないうちに隠した仆は毛布の中へ优しいだけの言叶が仆の口からシャワーのように吹き出して虹を作る七色に光る绮丽な虹を「汚い色ね」って君は笑って泣くまた降りだした雨の中かき消した虹の色は忘れて反射しあうガラスの欠片みたいに仆らは擦れ合ったサイレンが鸣いて耳をつんざいた触れ合った指はもうすぐ离れてく毛布の中からそっと片足を出して冷え切った部屋から早く出ていこうカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝いつだっけ ねぇいつだっけ外で月を见ようよ仆はそれを见ているよもうそれだけでいい本当にそれだけでいいいつもと同じ 君は月を见てるこれからどうしようかなんて考えてないバックミラー越し 君と目が合うサイレンの音から远ざかっていく【 おわり 】

求ToriAmos《Strange little girl》的歌词(中英文)

有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正看着你有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正郁郁寡欢有一天 她跑到了城里离开了她的家和她的村庄要小心当你在那里的时候陌生的小女孩她不知道怎样在一个艰难的城市里生活在她明白自己已经受够了之前 没有花太多时间回到她封闭世界的家中她存活了 但是她觉得变老了因为她发现一切都很冰冷陌生的小女孩 你要去哪里陌生的小女孩你真的应该你真的应该离开我明白你真的应该离开有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正看着你有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正郁郁寡欢回到她封闭世界的家中她存活了 但是她觉得变老了因为她发现一切都很冰冷陌生的小女孩 你要去哪里陌生的小女孩你真的应该你真的应该离开我明白你真的应该离开One day you see a strange little girl look at youOne day you see a strange little girl feeling blueShe"d run to the town one dayLeaving home and her country fairJust bewareWhen you"re thereStrange little girlShe didn"t know how to live in a town that was roughIt didn"t take long before she knew she"d had enoughWalking home in her wrapped up worldShe survived but she"s feeling oldCause she found all things coldStrange little girl where are you goingStrange little girlYou really shouldYou really should be goingI know you really shouldBe goingOne day you see a strange little girl look at youOne day you see a strange little girl feeling blueWalking home in her wrapped up worldShe survived but she"s feeling oldCause she found all things coldStrange little girl where are you goingStrange little girlYou really shouldYou really should be goingI know you really shouldBe going



跪求Magic Tree House (Pirates Past Noon)主要内容(英语)


加勒比海盗中的 PIRATES YE BS WARNED ye bs 怎么解释?


求pirates 女海盗1和2~

收藏珍品Digital Playground经典大片~Pirates 2 Stagnettis Revenge(蓝光压制) 收藏珍品Digital Playground经典剧情大片~Pirates(神鬼奇航|蓝光压制)

求电影高清的(女海盗)pirates 1,pirates 2

portside pirates书名是什么意思

portside pirates.海港的港口附近地区的海盗portside[英]["pu0254:tsau026ad][美]["pu0254:tsau026ad]n.海港的港口附近地区,码头区; adj.左边的,左派的,<美俚>惯用左手的; 例句:1.The closest one is portside, atleast hundreds of meters away. 最近的一个是在码头区,至少有数百米那么远.2.We were greeted at the entrance of the brandywine room by a sparkling ice carving of the titanic withfour bottles of iceberg vodka leaning on its portside. 在白兰地包间的入口,我们接受了问候:闪闪发光的冰上刻着泰坦尼克号四个大字,四瓶冰山伏特加朝着船的左舷

all you need to supply are the pirates! 4211 什么意思?

  需要你提供的所有东西就是海盗!  (还是说的给孩子提供的海盗游戏,这句话就是个幽默的说法,海盗就是指孩子们)  need v.  做实义动词时,有两种用法:  1.need to do sth.需要做某事  e.g I need to study hard for th exam.我需要为了考试努力学习。  He needed to drink some water.他需要喝些水。  2.need doing sth. 需要被做某事(=need to be done sth.)  e.g The flowers need watering every day.花需要每天(被)浇水。  =The flowers need to be watered every day.  The classroom needs cleaning.教室需要(被)打扫。  =The classroom needs to be cleaned.  做情态动词时,通常只用疑问式或否定式。  其否定式常用于回答Must 的疑问句  e.g -Must I finish it today?  -No,you needn"t  其疑问式用于构成疑问句  e.g -Need I wear a coat?  -Sure,it"s cold.  这句话need是实义动词的用法,两者翻译时没什么区别,都是“需要”,主要要看句子的具体意思翻译。  这是个复合句。(复合句指的是含有两个或更多的主谓结构的句子,其中有一个(或更多)主谓结构充当句子的某一(些)成分,如主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、同位语等。主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句都属于复合句。)  整句话是主系表的结构。  all是主语 you need to supply 是修饰all的定语从句,that省略  are是系动词 the pirates是表语。


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no more pirates歌词中文翻译

歌手:kenny chesney 专辑:just who i am: poet better as a memoryi move on like a sinners prayer 我像一个有罪的祈祷者向前走着i let go like a levee breaks 像堤岸缺堤,让它而去walk away as if i don"t care 仿佛毫不在乎地走开learn to shoulder my mistakes 学会去承担我的错误i"m built to fade like your favorite song 像你最喜爱的歌一样,变得颓废gettin" reckless when there"s no need 在没有需求时变得鲁莽laugh as your stories ramble on 当你正在漫谈着你的故事时,我在笑break my heart, but it won"t bleed 我心破碎,但并没有流血my only friends are pirates 我唯一的朋友是海盗that"s just who i am 这就是我but i"m better as a memory than as your man 我更适合成为你的一段回忆,而不是做你的男人never sure when the truth won"t do 永远不会知道真理几时会说话i"m pretty good on a lonely night 在孤独的夜里我也过得很好i move on the way a storm blows through 在风暴肆虐的路上前进and never stay, but then again, i might.永不停步,可能吧i struggle sometimes to find the words 我奋斗有时是为了寻找几句话always sure until i doubt 总在怀疑过后我才相信walk a line until it blurs 直到它变得模糊时,我才走直路buildin" walls too high to climb out 建起围墙,高到不能翻越but i"m honest to a fault 我会坦然面对错误that"s just who i am 这就是我i"m better as a memory than as your man 我更适合成为你的一段回忆,而不是做你的男人i see you leaning, you"re bound to fall 我看到你在倾倒,但被束缚着,没有跌倒i don"t want to be that mistake 我不想成为错误i"m just a dreamer and nothing more 除了是个空想家,我并不是什么you should know it before it gets too late 你应该知道,不要太晚(而后悔)cause goodbyes are like a roulette wheel 因为离别就像赌盘上的轮子you never know where they"re gonna land 你永远不会知道它们会在哪里停下first you"re spinning, then you"re standing still 开始你惊惶失措,后来你静默地站着left holding a losing hand 只剩下失败的手but one day you"re gonna find someone 但会有一天,你会找到某个人and right away you"ll know it"s true 而且马上会知道这是真的that all of your seekin"s done 你的所有虚脱感是真的it"s just a part of the passing through 这只是时间流逝的一部分right there in that moment 在那一瞬间you"ll finally understand 你会忽然明白that i was better as a memory than as your man 我更适合成为你的一段回忆,而不是做你的男人better as a memory than as your man 变成你的回忆而不是你的男人希望采纳


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