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their philosophy 为什么是单数?

Philosophy当专业的“哲学”讲是不可数的,比如“He studies traditional Chinese philosophy”。Philosophy作为具体的“某人的信仰或者哲学”时,是可数的,如“the philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.”所以,这里,你要看一下上下文,philosophy到底是哪个含义。

谁有first daughter的英文观后感

First Daughter is a second helping of a twice-filmed (this year!) fairy tale about the romantic rigors confronting an American president"s daughter. You"ve seen it all before-better and recently-as Chasing Liberty. Liberty was the Secret Service code name for Mandy Moore"s character in that film. Katie Holmes operates in this one as Lucky Charm. There are other plot differences-well, one, anyway. Whereas Moore had the happy advantage of scenic globe-hopping, Holmes focuses on her freshman year in a California college. Both fall for the first attractive young man who hovers over them a few seconds, never suspecting that he"s a Secret Service agent in Papa"s employ hired to protect her. The horror! The horror! If you take this practical necessity as betrayal and can imagine being hurt by it, then you are probably too young to vote-or too pampered to be bothered. Marc Blucas (View From the Top) is the collegiately camouflaged Galahad in question and, with his quiet-strength intensity, steals the picture from his time-hogging leading lady (as did, incidentally, Matthew Goode from Moore before him-both sterling examples of acting with economy). They create out of cardboard characters to care about. First Daughter marks the screenwriting debut of actor Jerry O"Connell, who started writing it in 1999 with the idea of playing the Secret Service Samaritan himself, but, once the ball got rolling, he opted to stay on board to executive-produce. Jessica Bendinger and Kate Kondell, who penned Bring It On and Legally Blonde 2, did the script follow-through. Another actor, Forest Whitaker, took up the directorial reins-as he"s prone to do these days (Waiting to Exhale, Hope Floats). The most notable thing about his direction-and this becomes an annoyance-is that he begins a scene with actors reacting to the words of the preceding scene. It"s editing-made-easy, but it irritates. The most unusual aspect of First Daughter is that it elects to put Beetlejuice in the White House-Michael Keaton, who, truth to tell, is too short for that gesture. (Almost all the women tower over him.) Where Keaton truly falls short is, simply, in connecting with the character. Anyone who has seen him in, say, Clean and Sober knows he has talent to spare. Here, he seems to be walking through the part as if protesting the shallowness of the scripting. "That whole China thing was real good," he is told by one particular constituent, who plummets what little political depth that there is in the film. Actually, the line is uttered by a cloyingly politically correct character-Holmes" African-American roommate and sidekick. R&B singer Amerie, as lacking in acting skills as she is a last name, plays the part with a crowd-displeasing chip on her shoulder. As the first lady, the excellent Margaret Colin exudes her preconditioned charm and poise (she played Jackie O on Broadway in 1998 and won a Theatre World Award for it). What a pity she is in a perfunctory little picture that doesn"t go far beyond sitcom superficiality.记得采纳啊


看你想要表达什么了?last lady 渊源: 最早的 "First Lady" 的称谓是由 "first lady of honor", "first lady of the Admiralty" 演化而来,用来这些称呼指那些有影响力的杰出女性。1834 年更出现了 "first lady in (of) the land"的称呼。 爱德华-布尔沃-里顿在1851年引用了这一说法, "She was so beautiful and so good, and not proud she! Though she looked like the first lady in the land." "First Lady"第一次被用来指总统夫人是1849年, 托卡里-泰勒总统称赞多利-麦迪逊夫人时说道, "She will never be forgotten because she was truly our First Lady for a half-century." (希拉里-克林顿在她的1999年多利-麦迪逊夫人纪念银币发行仪式上的讲话中引用了这句话。) 19世纪下半期,人们则很少用 "First Lady" 来指总统夫人,直到20世纪, "First Lady"才开始流行。 1911年, 埃尔西-费格森主演的名为 "Dolly Madison" (又名"The First Lady of the Land")的戏剧在纽约上演。1941年普林德维尔出版"First Lady"一书。 《牛津英语词典》引用了《芝加哥论坛》的 "Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey discloses today what kind of first lady she will be." 在过去的二十几年中,由 "First Lady" 又派生了一系列的与总统有关的人或物的特殊称呼。最早是在1978年, 卡特总统夫人的爱犬被冠以 "first dog"("第一爱犬")的称呼。 那么,我们将来是不是该称呼某为女总统的丈夫为 "First Gentleman"("第一先生")呢

lady first怎么读

lady first 意思是女士优先,非常绅士的礼貌用语, 常常用于让别人先行音标是 ["leidi] [fest]中文谐音是 雷第 发斯特

求道枝骏佑 高桥恭平《My Girl》歌词

Ah you know what"s upGive it up give it up yeahI let you know she"s my babyGive it up give it up yeahI let you know she"s my babyなんて言おうとも何も変わらないさShe"s my girl she"s my girlShe"s my babe she"s my babe渡しはしないよ my loveYou know彼女と仆との间をCan"t you see邪魔は出来ないSo just stop just stop and go just go仆たちは离れない谁よりも近くで ah守ると决めたんだ yes离さない no渡さない いつまでもShe is my babyあの眩しい笑颜をただ见ているなんて出来ないから今引き寄せようListen up she is myもう谁にも渡しはしないForever and everShe"s my girlどんな时も変わりはしないForever and everずっと she"s my girl渡しはしない my babe谁にも譲れはしないぜ仆の ladyYeah そばにいたいこんな weekend重ね合う feelingそれが reasonそうなんて言おうがきっと一绪谁も邪魔は出来ないこの distanceどれだけ足掻いたって変わりはしない仆だけを见て仆だけを见てもう谁にも渡しはしないForever and everShe"s my girlどんな时も変わりはしないForever and everずっと she"s my girl

求you are my girl—金朝汉的韩文歌词

uae40uc870ud55c-You Are My GirlCuzz you are my girlYou are the one that I envisioned in my dreamsAnd when your aroundI cant express the way I feel insideCuzz you are the oneI didnt know that you would mean so much to meGirl your in my heartIm so thankful you were here for meYou are my girlWhen you walked into my life girlJust one look and you took my heart I didnt know that I could have these feelings for youThere so much that I feel inside meI cant believe how you make me feelNothing in this world could change my feelings for youCuzz you are my girlYou are the one that I envisioned in my dreamsAnd when your aroundI cant express the way I feel insideCuzz you are the oneI didnt know that you would mean so much to meGirl your in my heartIm so thankful you were here for meYou are my girlTheres so much that I feel inside meI cant believe how you make me feelNothing in this world could change my feelings for youCuzz you are my girlYou are the one that I envisioned in my dreamsAnd when your aroundI cant express the way I feel insideCuzz you are the oneI didnt know that you would mean so much to meGirl your in my heartIm so thankful you were here for meYou are my girllala lalala~


在执行与落实欧盟法律法规的实践中,无论是欧盟(比如德国和瑞士)还是国内的认证同行中间时常因为越来越名目繁多的欧盟法规表现形式和其内在的法律区别而困惑不堪。通过下面的比照分析,希望能够为认证界的同行提供一点有益的信息来准确识别欧盟指令与欧盟条例的异同,以及它们在不同历史时期书不同的编码差异。1英文 中文 德文EC Directive 欧盟指令 EG RichtlinieEC Regulation 欧盟条例(规程) EG Verordnung 2针对对象欧盟指令 首先针对每个成员国而不是当事人(组织或者机构)欧盟条例 广泛效应,无论成员国还是当事人(组织或者机构)3法规有效性欧盟指令 发布后通常给与成员国一定的时限,成员国有权选择并决定适合自己意图的形式和手段,并以国家法律法规形式的将欧盟指令落实到本国法规系统后方对具体的当事人(组织或者机构)发生法律效应欧盟条例 已经发布立即生效,无须经过欧盟成员国内以国家法律法规形式的落实措施,即条例无论对于成员国还是当事人(组织或者机构)具备同等法律效应4欧盟指令和条例的代码表述格式A过去例如: 旧版欧盟机器指令 98/37/EEC例如: 1971年第1408号欧盟条例: EEC/1408/71B当前(共存)例如:新版欧盟机器指令MD 2006/42/EC新版欧盟旧电器指令 WEEE2012/19/EU例如:2004年第1935号针对与食品接触材料的框架性欧盟条例: EC/1935/20042011年第11号塑料欧盟条例(FCM/1935/2004框架条例下的具体执行条例): EU/11/2011C未来趋势例如: 欧盟有害物质禁用指令 ROHS 2011/65/EU2011年第11号塑料欧盟条例(FCM/1935/2004框架条例下的具体执行条例): EU/11/2011




在执行与落实欧盟法律法规的实践中,无论是欧盟(比如德国和瑞士)还是国内的认证同行中间时常因为越来越名目繁多的欧盟法规表现形式和其内在的法律区别而困惑不堪。通过下面的比照分析,希望能够为认证界的同行提供一点有益的信息来准确识别欧盟指令与欧盟条例的异同,以及它们在不同历史时期书不同的编码差异。1英文 中文 德文EC Directive 欧盟指令 EG RichtlinieEC Regulation 欧盟条例(规程) EG Verordnung 2针对对象欧盟指令 首先针对每个成员国而不是当事人(组织或者机构)欧盟条例 广泛效应,无论成员国还是当事人(组织或者机构)3法规有效性欧盟指令 发布后通常给与成员国一定的时限,成员国有权选择并决定适合自己意图的形式和手段,并以国家法律法规形式的将欧盟指令落实到本国法规系统后方对具体的当事人(组织或者机构)发生法律效应欧盟条例 已经发布立即生效,无须经过欧盟成员国内以国家法律法规形式的落实措施,即条例无论对于成员国还是当事人(组织或者机构)具备同等法律效应4欧盟指令和条例的代码表述格式A过去例如: 旧版欧盟机器指令 98/37/EEC例如: 1971年第1408号欧盟条例: EEC/1408/71B当前(共存)例如:新版欧盟机器指令MD 2006/42/EC新版欧盟旧电器指令 WEEE2012/19/EU例如:2004年第1935号针对与食品接触材料的框架性欧盟条例: EC/1935/20042011年第11号塑料欧盟条例(FCM/1935/2004框架条例下的具体执行条例): EU/11/2011C未来趋势例如: 欧盟有害物质禁用指令 ROHS 2011/65/EU2011年第11号塑料欧盟条例(FCM/1935/2004框架条例下的具体执行条例): EU/11/2011

英语中怎么称呼未婚男士?是要Sir还是要Mr. ?




能也把Release My Soul 的Irc格式的歌词发给我吗,邮箱是 谢谢!


chemicals sirena的中文歌词

化学品-赛丽娜[瑞典]在黑夜里,你是我的陌生人让我们一起去完成我们的饮料吧我需要一些危险。我想飞走,因为没有梦想来,飞我的方式,因为我们不能在这里呼吸!幻觉我们在一个更好的生活幻觉我们在一个更好的生活我让这些化学物质通过我我让这些化学物质通过我让我旅行,感受我不安的灵魂走吧!窒息的恐惧,并释放自己,我亲爱的。我想飞走,因为没有地图这会使我们来,飞我的方式,我们会做的!幻觉我们在一个更好的生活幻觉我们在一个更好的生活我让这些化学物质通过我我让这些化学物质通过我飞得很高,这么高,不想回来,不想回来!幻觉我们在一个更好的生活幻觉我们在一个更好的生活我让这些化学物质通过我我让这些化学物质通过我我让这些化学物质通过我我让这些化学物质通过我那么高Chemicals - Sirena[瑞典] In the dark night, you"re my stranger Let"s go finish up our drinks I need some danger. I wanna fly away, Cause there"s no room for dreamers Come on and fly my way, Cause we can"t breathe in here! Hallucinations Of us in a better life Hallucinations Of us in a better life I let the CHEMICALS through me I let the CHEMICALS through me Let me travel, Feel my restless soul Let"s go! Suffocate the fears, and release ourselves my dear. I wanna fly away, Cause there"s no map that can lead us Come on and fly my way, We"ll make it up as we go! Hallucinations Of us in a better life Hallucinations Of us in a better life I let the CHEMICALS through me I let the CHEMICALS through me Flew high, so high, Don"t wanna come back down, Don"t wanna come back down! Hallucinations Of us in a better life Hallucinations Of us in a better life I let the CHEMICALS through me I let the CHEMICALS through me I let the CHEMICALS through me I let the CHEMICALS through me so high望采纳

California Girls (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:California Girls (Album Version)歌手:David Lee Roth专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: David Lee RothCalifornia GirlLucky 7Lucky 7 - California Girl老北京猪肉卷 制作献给亲爱的 AnitaRag top downStarlit sky, pretty little blue gleam in her eyeshes my california girlI saw her about a month agoLong blonde hair and a turned up noseHer eyes shined like a diamond ringshe looked at me and i gave her a smileasked her if we could hang for a whilejust cruise in my caddy with mecause she is so fineand i wanna make her minei hope tonight i will see her with the ragtop downstarlit sky, pretty little blue gleam in her eyeshes my california girlragtop downstarlit sky, pretty little blue gleam in her eyeshes my california girlsummertime is always the besthanging out chilling with my friendsdrinking juice making memoriesbut summertime will never by the sameuntil the smile falls on me againoohh yeahdo you know what she means too me?cause she is so fineand i wanna make her minei hope tonight i will see her with the ragtop downstarlit sky, pretty little blue gleam in her eyeshes my california girlragtop downstarlit sky, pretty little blue gleam in her eyeshes my california girlday dream bothers mewhen i cant be there by your sideminutes last foreverwhy sit alonewhen we can be togetherwith the ragtop downstarlit skyi hope tonight i will see her outwith the ragtop downstarlit sky, pretty little blue gleam in her eyeshes my california girlragtop downstarlit sky, pretty little blue gleam in her eyeshes my california girlmy california(california)california girl

some people deserve to be hi-fived in the face with a chair 到什么意思?


philip was among the first to settle in what os now a beautiful city,什么意


Nirvana主唱kurt cobain的遗书内容是什么?

To Boddah: Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complaind. This note should be pretty easy to understand.All the warnings from the Punk Rock 101 Courses over the years, it"s my first introduction to the, shall we say ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has been proven to be very true. I haven"t felt the excitement of listening to, as well as creating music, along with really writing something for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things,for example when we"re backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins. It doesn"t affect me in the way which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love and relish the love and admiration from the crowd,which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is,I can"t fool you, any of you. It simply isn"t fair to you,or to me. The worst crime can think of would be to pull people off by faking it, pretending as if I"m having one 100% fun. Sometimes I feeln as though I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on-stage. I"ve tried everything within my power to appreciate it, and I do,God believe me, I do, but it"s not enough. I appreciate the fact that I, and we, have affected, and entertained a lot of people. I must be one of the narcisists who only appreciate things when they"re alone. I"m too sensitive,I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm.But, what"s sad is our child. On our last three tours, I"ve had a much better appreciation of all the people I"ve known personally, and as fans of our music. But I still can"t get out the frustration, the guilt, and the sympathy I have for everybody. There is good in all of us, and I simply love people too much. So much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little sensitive unappreciative pisces Jesus man! why don"t you just enjoy it? I dont know! I have a of a wide who sweats ambition and empadny,and a daughter who reminds me to much of what I use to be.full of love and joy, every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I cant stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable self destructive, deathrocker she become. I have it good, very good,and I"m grateful, but since the age of seven, I"ve become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along and have empathy. Empathy only because I love and feel for people too much I guess.Thank you from the pit of my burning nauseas stomach for your letters and concern during the last years. I"m too much of a neurotic moody person and I don"t have the passion anymore,so remember, it"s better to burn out, than fade away. Peace, love, empathy, Kurt Cobain Frances and Courtney, I"ll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney for Frances for her life which will be so much happier without me. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU! 致巴达: 这是一个饱经沧桑的傻子发出的声音,他其实更愿做个柔弱而孩子气的诉苦人。这张条子应该很容易理解。所有的警告都来自于这些年来的‘朋克摇滚101",自从我第一次介入那包含着独立性、应当称为道德原则的东西之后,你们团结一致的拥戴已证明是非常真实的。我已经好多年都不能从听音乐,写音乐以及读和写东西中感到激奋了。对于这些事我感到了一种难以形诸文字的负罪感。比如说,但我们来到后台,灯火熄灭,人们狂躁的咆哮响起,这一切对我的影响就远不如对Freddy Mercury(“QUEEN”乐队主唱,1991年因艾滋病辞世。)影响那么大,,他似乎喜欢而且把玩那些从人群中而来的爱与赞美——那正是我赞赏与嫉妒的一切。 事实上我无法欺骗你们,无法欺骗你们中的任何一人。那对你对我都不公平。我能想起的最大罪恶便是欺骗人们,装模作样,做出一副我100%地快乐的样子。 有时候我似乎应当在出场之前有台打卡机。我尽了我全部的力量去喜欢这一切,我的确也喜欢。但这还不够。我喜欢这一事实,即我和我们乐队感染和款待了不少人。我太敏感了。我必须清度麻醉才能重获我在孩提时代曾有过的热情。在我们最后的三次巡演中,我对所结识的所有的人和我们音乐的歌迷都有了更多的欣赏,但我还是无法克服我对每个人都抱有挫折感、负罪感和同情。在我们所有人中都有善意,我就是太爱人们了!爱的太多以至于让我感到真的太他妈忧郁,一个略为忧郁的、敏感的、不领情的、双鱼座的耶稣式的人物! 我有一个女神般的妻子,她为理想和打动人而拼命努力,我还有个女儿,她让我回忆起我的很多过去,她对那些她遇到的人致以全部的爱和快乐的吻,因为每个人都那么好,而且不会对她有任何伤害。这也让我惊恐万分,以至于我只会瞠目结舌。我没法容忍那种想法,就是弗兰西丝将变成象我这样自我毁灭、走向绝路的摇滚歌手。 我快乐的拥有一切,非常快乐。我充满感激。可自打我7岁以来,我总的来说就对人类充满了仇视,仅仅因为人们似乎太过容易地友好相处,而且还会同情,同情!仅仅因为我觉得自己对人们有太多的爱与同情。从我那燃烧而令人欲呕的胃之深处感激你们所有的人,感激你们在过去岁月里所有的来信和关心。我是个太过反常和抑郁的小子!我已经没有任何激情了,所以要记住“与其苟延残喘,不如从容燃烧!” 和平,爱,同情。 Kurt Cobain Frances 和 Courtney, 我会伴你们到老 Courtney 请继续前行, 为了Frances ,为了她的生活 没有我她的生活会快乐许多。 我爱你们!爱你们!! 最后那句很有名气的样子——与其苟延残喘,不如从容燃烧采纳哦

为什么说Stella McCartney与现任老公 Alasdhair Willis 两人之间的爱情,要感谢一次会议?

我觉得应该是那次会议让Stella McCartney和她老公相识的

求only girl的歌词及中文翻译


谁有Nelly的air force one的歌词?急急急!!!,%7CNelly+Air+Fo%2E%2E%7C%D2%F4%C0%D6%BE%AB%D1%A1%B5%DA%B6%FE%BC%AF+%CD%C6%BC%F6&word=mp3,请用qq163.com听歌www.qq163.com请用qq163.com听歌77fug11ykkkkxx9ftk8899x7yy99/nan/YWRpazU$.mp3,,[Nelly]&lm=16777216

one direction -up all night中文歌词

这是英文歌词。翻不成中文的,很多都是西方的明星。。。[LIAM PAYNE:]It feels like we"ve been living in fast-fowardAnother moment passing by (U-up all night)The party"s ending but it"s now o-ur neverNobody"s going home tonight (U-up all night)[HARRY STYLES:]Katy Perry"s on replay, she"s on replayDJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shakePeople going all the way, yeah all the wayI"m still wide awake[EVERYONE:]I wanna stay up all nightAnd jump around until we see the sunI wanna stay up all nightAnd find a girl and tell her she"s the oneHold on to the feelingAnd don"t let it goCause we got the floor nowGet out of controlI wanna stay up all nightAnd do it all with you[EVERYONE:]Up all nightLike this, all night (hey)Up all nightLike this, all night (hey)Up all night[ZAYN MALIK:]Don"t even care about the table breakingWe only wanna have a laugh (U-up all night)I"m only thinking "bout this girl I"m seeingI hope she"ll wanna kiss me back (U-up all night)[HARRY STYLES:]Katy Perry"s on replay, she"s on replayDJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shakePeople going all the way, yeah all the wayI"m still wide awake[EVERYONE:]I wanna stay up all nightAnd jump around until we see the sunI wanna stay up all nightAnd find a girl and tell her she"s the oneHold on to the feelingAnd don"t let it goCause we got the floor nowGet out of controlI wanna stay up all nightAnd do it all with you[EVERYONE:]Up all nightLike this, all night, heyUp all nightLike this, all night, heyUp all night[HARRY STYLES & EVERYONE ELSE IN THE BACKGROUND:]Katy Perry"s on replay, she"s on replay(We"re gonna want to stay up all night)DJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shake(We"re gonna want to stay up all night)Up all night, up all night(We"re gonna want to stay up all night)[EVERYONE:]I wanna stay up all nightAnd jump around until we see the sunI wanna stay up all nightAnd find a girl and tell her she"s the oneHold on to the feelingAnd don"t let it goCause we got the floor nowGet out of controlI wanna stay up all nightAnd do it all with you[EVERYONE:]Up all nightLike this, all night, heyUp all nightLike this, all night, heyUp all night

Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the envionment(环境) is bad, it .

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:D小题4:D小题5:C 试题分析:这篇文章讲述的是环境的好坏直接影响我们的生活,环境太差的话,我们就会不舒服,就会生病,我们应该让我们的环境更干净整洁,使我们保持健康。小题1:细节题,根据文章地一段If the envionment(环境) is bad, it will affect(影响)our bodies, and make us not feel well.如果环境太糟糕的恶化,就会影响我们的身体,使我们不舒服。可知,当环境好的话,我们就会感觉很好。故选D小题2:细节题。根据文章They are very small and you can"t find them with your own eyes可知,细菌非常小,肉眼是看不到的。细菌能够使人们不舒服。故选A小题3:细节题。根据文章There are germs everywhere到处都有细菌。故选D小题4:细节题。根据文章If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it.如果你的手指被切了,一些灰尘会进入伤口,你就会感到很疼。故选D小题5:细节题。根据文章可知,环境的好坏直接影响我们的生活,我们需要提高我们的环境质量,环境好的话,细菌就会更少。细菌能够使我们生病。故选C 点评:本文结构非常明了,文意也很好理解,学生在答题中一定要认真细致的作答以求全对。对于文短题多的文章一定要将文章仔细的阅读完并理解,结合题目通过题目的关键词进行定位,分析好句子的意思,即可得出答案。

motorized circuit breaker是什么意思

motorized circuit breaker电断路器motorized[英][u02c8mu0259u028atu0259rau026azd][美][u02c8mou028atu0259rau026azd]v.给(车辆)装上发动机( motorize的过去式和过去分词 ); 使机动化; 用机动车装配(部队等); 使(部队等)机动化; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.China has 150 firms licensed to make cars and other motorized vehicles, and more than 500 bicycle manufacturers. 中国有150家公司获得授权从事汽车和其它机动车辆生产,名自行车制造商超过500家。

circuit breaker on是什么意思

  circuit breaker on的中文翻译  circuit breaker on  断路器  双语例句  1  Influence of 200 kA Breaking Capacity Test of Circuit Breaker on System Voltage  断路器200kA通断能力试验对系统电压的影响  2  Abnormal Reason Analysis and Countermeasures of 330kV SF_6 Tank-Type Circuit Breaker on Qinghai Electric Power Grid  青海电网330kVSF_6罐式断路器异常原因分析及处理措施

short circuit breaker 是什么意思?

短路的打破者 我也觉得式断路器

发电机控制柜上circuit breaker close翻译成中文是什么意思


moulded case circuit breaker是什么意思

moulded case circuit breaker塑壳断路器词典结果:moulded case circuit breaker塑壳断路器;模压外壳断路器; 网络释义1. 塑壳线路断开器2. 塑料外壳式断路器例句:1.A stock-specific "circuit breaker", which would do the same for particular shares, may also be enacted.针对股市的“停盘机制”对特殊股票同样有效,也会制定成法律。

miniature circuit breaker是什么意思

miniature circuit breaker[英][u02c8miniu0259tu0283u0259 u02c8su0259:kit u02c8breiku0259][美][u02c8mu026aniu0259u02cctu0283u028ar u02c8su025aku026at u02c8breku025a]微型断路器; 网络释义1. 微型断路器2. 小型电路断路器,跳菲3. 微型电路继电器4. 小型电路断路器5. 断路掣6. 微型电路断路器7. 小型断路器8. 跳菲,小型电路断路器9. 跳菲

Spring Cloud 中断路器 Circuit Breaker的应用

环境:Springboot2.3.12.RELEASE + cloud-netflix-hystrix2.2.10.RELEASE SpringCloud Circuit breaker(断路器)提供了跨不同断路器实现的抽象。它提供了在应用程序中使用的一致API,允许开发人员选择最适合应用程序需要的断路器实现。 支持的断路器类型: 要在代码中创建断路器(circuit breaker),可以使用断路器工厂API。当您在类路径中包含Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker starter时,将自动创建一个实现此API的bean。下面给出了使用此API的一个非常简单的示例: 通过引入下面不同依赖来确定使用具体的那个断路器 以上5种断路器是不同的实现方式,根据需要引入即可。 这里以Hystrix为例来使用 引入依赖 定义具有熔断功能的服务 Controller接口 CircuitBreakerFactory#create方法创建了CircuitBreaker实例 根据当前的CLASSPATH我们使用的是Hystrix,那么这里使用的工厂就是: HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory类 泛型参数:Setter就是用来配置Hystrix相关配置信息的(这里主要用来CommandKey与Setter进行绑定),HystrixConfigBuilder用来构建 HystrixCommand.Setter对象。 当执行HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory#configure方法时: 断路器具体的子类实现HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory 断路器工厂有了,接下来就是通过工厂创建具体的断路器对象了 通过上面的代码执行cbf().create("demo-slow")方法时执行了什么? 上面创建的是HystrixCircuitBreaker断路器,当执行run方法时: 完毕!!! 关注+转发 Sentinel 与 Hystrix 的对比 SpringCloud Hystrix实现资源隔离应用 SpringCloud Gateway 应用Hystrix 限流功能 自定义Filter详解 Spring Boot Security防重登录及在线总数 Spring Retry重试框架的应用 springboot mybatis jpa 实现读写分离 Spring容器对象BeanFactory与ApplicationContext你都清楚了吗?

circuit breakers是什么意思

circuit breakersn.<美>断路开关,断路器( circuit breaker的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Consider eita electric, a malaysian company that supplies circuit breakers and other products for high-rise buildings, with many of the components manufactured at two factories in japan. 提供断路器和其他高层建筑所需产品的马来西亚公司eita electric就是这样一家企业,因为该公司所需许多零部件是在日本的两家工厂生产的。

first and foremost 与last but not least这两个词用在同一篇作文


首先,其次,最后的表示法 first and foremost,sencond,third他们三是一套的吗

不是一套的,楼主 first and foremost是指所有当中最重要的也是第一个来提及的 一般说首先,其次,最后用 first,firstly second,secondly third,thirdly . finally

at first的同义词组和反义词组

同义 first of all,first and foremost,firstly,in the first place 反义at last ,after all ,last but not the least,


hareware 硬件 firmware 硬件和软件的结合体


first的用法可以作序数词或形容词,表示“第一”、“最初”的意思;作副词表示“开始时”、“初步”的意思。 first作序数词或形容词,就是“第一”,“最初”的意思 1.She won first place in the race. 表示名词的时候,前面的定冠词可以不用 2.This is the first time(that) i have heard of it. 这种句子,that引出的从句必须用现在完成时,如果主句的谓语用的was,那从句就必须用过去完成时。像下面的具体 3.That was the first time they had been alone together. 4.They haven"t the first idea what it means. 这里的the first意思是“最初的一点点”。用于否定句 first作副词是“开始时”,“初步”的意思 1.First think and then speak. 2.She lived in Beijing first and last about ten years. first的常用搭配 最初:At first 直接地:At first hand 乍一看:At first sight/glance/appearance 首先:First and foremost=first of all=first off=in the first place 第一次(作状语):For the first time 从一开始:From the first 从头到尾:From first to last 第一次,首先:Firstly

first and foremost the second place last but by no means least 这几个可以在开头作为强调吗

强调,分好几种,在一个句子中,可以把谓语提前表示强调,也可以在谓语前面加助动词(do 的几种形式),也可以提前表语你列举词,有的可以放在句首,有的可以在句中起连接作用,陈述观点,in my opinion i think /that in my eyes as far as i can see


  first表示 第一,最初; 头等的意思,那么你知道first的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了first的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   first的短语:   at first   1. 首先;最初,开始;初期   开始,雨果还想耐心一点。   at first Hugo tried to be patient.   first come, first served   1. 先到者先受款待(表示严格按先后次序办事)   售票实行先来先售予的原则。   tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.   first and foremost   1. 最重要的是,首要的是   德里首先是、也主要是一座军营城。   Delhi was first and foremost a barracks town.   first and last   1. 根本上;总体上   博物馆的好坏从根本而言与其管理者有关。   museums are first and last about curatorship.   first of all   1. 首先;最初   首先,让我先问你点事情。   first of all, let me ask you something.   first off   1. (非正式,主北美)首先   首先,我真的应该向你道个歉。   first off, I owe you a heck of an apology.   first past the post   1. (参赛者,尤指赛马)第一个到达终点   first thing   1. 一大早;首先   我明天一大早就得去接乔西。   I have to meet Josh first thing tomorrow.   first的短语例句:   1. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.   英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。   2. I picked first all the people who usually were left till last.   我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的人。   3. Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16.   他们的第一辆车于12月16日下线。   4. They were still arguing the toss about the first goal.   他们仍在为第一个进球争论不休。   5. It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.   最好先伸展一下僵硬的肌肉。   6. He won his first Derby on the aptly named "Never Say Die".   他驾驭着这匹名副其实的“永不言败”夺得了他的第一个德比马赛冠军。   7. Dig a largish hole and bang the stake in first.   挖一个大点儿的洞,先把木桩敲进去。   8. She made her first and only space flight last September.   她第一次也是唯一一次宇宙飞行是在去年9月。   9. Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate.   一些女孩的第一次排卵甚至可能出现在初潮之前。   10. Sylvia, camera in hand, asked, "Where do we go first?"   西尔维娅手里拿着相机问道:“我们先去哪里?”   11. The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.   这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜力。   12. In 1973, the first Open University graduates received their degrees.   1973年,第一批开放大学的毕业生获得了学位。   13. The first snow came a month earlier than usual.   第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。   14. It was at university that he first encountered Hopkins.   他第一次遇见霍普金斯是在上大学的时候。   15. She conceded just three points on her service during the first set.   她在第一盘自己的发球局仅失了3分。

第一,第二……用英语的多种表达方式 像first of all 这样的,

first; primary; foremost; first and foremost; firstly,in the first place; first of all; above all. 不太懂你的意思,嗯,这个都是关于第一可以用的替换.



I Surrender (To The Spirit Of The Night) 歌词

歌曲名:I Surrender (To The Spirit Of The Night)歌手:Samantha Fox专辑:4 HitsCeline Dion: I Surrender(Louis Biancaniello/Sam Watters)There"s so much lifeI"ve left to liveAnd this fire"s burning stillWhen I watch you look at meI think I could find a wayTo stand for every dreamAnd forsake this solid groundAnd give up this fear withinOf what would happen if they end, youI"m in love with you"Cause I"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"d make you give them all to meI"d hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderI knowI can"t survive another night away from youYou"re the reason I go onAnd now I need to live the truthRight now, there"s no better timeFrom this fear, I will break freeAnd I"ll live again with loveAnd know they can"t take that away from meAnd they will see... yeahI"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderEvery night gets longerAnd this voice"s getting stronger babyI"ll swallow my prideAnd I"ll be aliveCan"t you hear my call?I surrender all...(I"ll surrender everything)(To feel the chance, to live again)I reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"ll make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderRight here, right nowI"d give my life to live againI"ll break freeTake me, my everythingI surrender all to you(Right now)Right now(I"d give my life to live again)I"d give my life(I"ll break free, Take me)Take me, take me(my everything)My everything(I surrender all to you, right now)Right now(I"d give my life to live again)I"d give my life to you babyI"ll break free, yeah free

高洁丝2017的广告音乐叫什么名??歌词是girls come on cant fool me

应该是Girls come on every movement是原创音乐Let"s move on但是还没有音频

高洁丝最近的广告英文歌歌词是girls come on cant fool me什么歌

bother me Baidu cloud, thank you!

It,s big blue.Birds fly in it.What is it.


Mr.lonely I have nobody to call my own girl so lonely…中文意思具体怎么翻译,有谁知道?

孤独战神 科比I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 Cant believe I hadda girl like you 不敢相信我会拥有你这样的女孩 And I just let you walk right outta my life, 而我居然让你离开我的生命 After all I put u thru u still stuck 我这样对你但你仍如此坚持 Around and stayed by my side, 陪伴著我为我停留 What really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby 但真正伤我的是我让你心碎,宝贝 Yeah 唉! I woke up in the middle of the night 我在半夜醒过来 And I noticed my girl wasn"t by my side, 我才发觉我的女孩已经不在我身边 Coulda sworn I was dreamin, 可以跟我说我还在作梦吗 For her I was Feenin, 当我感觉到她 So I had to take a little ride, 我就觉得很开心(爽)(有high的意思) Back tracking ova(over) these few years, 回想这些年来 Tryna figure out what I do to make it go bad, 尝试找出我做错的事 Cuz Ever since my girl left me, 从我的女孩离开我后 My whole life came crashin 我的一生都毁了 Lonely I"m Mr. lonely, 寂寞,我是寂寞先生 I have nobody for my own 我一无所有 I"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody for my own 我一无所有 I"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 Yo(You), this one here, 你!你这个人阿! Goes out to all my playas(players) out there man, ya(you) kno (know) 男人你知道的!喜欢在外面搞鬼当花花公子 That got that one good girl dawg 兄弟!你拥有了一个好女孩耶 That"s always been there man like 但男人总是这样 Took all the bullshit 不懂的去珍惜 Then one day she can"t take it no more and decides to leave 然而有天她不再留恋就决定离开了

求love girl-cnblue的中文音译

告诉我 告诉我 把爱说出来 告诉我 告诉我 传达你的爱love me love me 投入我的怀抱 love me love me 我只爱你一个你微笑时我就像傻瓜一样 我看到你时你就像美丽的娃娃一样心脏扑通扑通跳得厉害 因为你我每天每天都很幸福我只想要你 哦 我的爱只看着我一个吧 就算世界都变了我也只爱你一个oh my love 看到你才跳动的心 任何时候我只拥着你一个L-O-V-E girl~ )牵起我的手 fly (L-O-V-E Girl~)相信我fly highL-O-V-E Boy~)yes,我们能飞向天空L-O-V-E Boy~)I want take u there babytell you tell you 把爱说出来 tell you tell you 传达你的爱love you love you 牵起我的手 love you love you 永远爱着你像你给我听的音乐一样 像你给我听的甜蜜的哼唱一样一分一秒都十分珍惜 想要每天都听到 爱你 爱你 爱着你I want you oh my love 只爱我一个吧 因为爱你所以别人变了也无所谓oh my love 想着你的小小心思 任何时候我只抱着你一个L-O-V-E girl~ )take take take my hands L-O-V-E girl~ )uh uh grab grab grab my handsL-O-V-E boy~ )yeah yeah yes, we can fly to the sky high highL-O-V-E boy~ )I want take u there babyL-O-V-E girl~ )疯狂的心跳声音听到了吗? can U feel my beatL-O-V-E girl~ )L-O-V-E boy~ )对我来说不是你就不行 只有你make me laugh you make me laughL-O-V-E 、girls~

some birds什么in the blue sky?

are flying一些鸟在天空中飞用现在进行时

If I a bird, I’d fly to the...


If I ____(be) a bird,I would fly in the blue sky.


求英文歌blue bird(不是滨崎步唱的)

over the rainbow 歌词: Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There"s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true Someday I"ll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That"s where you"ll find me Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why, then oh why, can"t Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why, can"t I? ============================ 在彩虹之上,有个很高的地方 有一块乐土,我曾在摇篮曲中听到过 在彩虹之上的某个地方,天空是蔚蓝的 只要你敢做的梦,都会实现 有一天,我会对着星星许愿 然后在云远天高的地方醒来 在那里,烦恼像柠檬汁一样溶化 远离烟囱的顶端 你就可以找到我 在彩虹之上的某个地方,青鸟悠然飞翔 青鸟越过了彩虹 那么,我为何不能? 如果快乐的小青鸟儿 飞过了彩虹 那么,我为何不能?


hair and make up 头发(发型)和化妆

karachi airport造句 karachi airportの例文

Skies were clear at the time, Karachi airport officials said. Several other passengers were treated at Karachi airport for minor injuries. We landed at Karachi airport , and people cheered and clapped their hands. Jack Thomas, 29, was picked up at Karachi airport Jan . 4. Customs officials have arrested 31 people at the Karachi airport this year on drug charges. Bhutto told reporters at the Karachi airport as she wiped her tears with tissue paper. U *** ani and a mando team raced to the Karachi Airport and seized control of the tower. "Due to the hijacking threat, a red alert has been imposed on Karachi airport . PJBf arranged for a billboard, which was erected near Karachi airport to highpght the celebrations. They agree and are been sent to Karachi Airport to finally catch a fpght back to India. It"s difficult to see karachi airport in a sentence. 用 karachi airport 造句挺难的 Sept . 5, 1986 _ Hijackers seize Pan Am jumbo jet carrying 358 people at Karachi Airport . Coaption forces have begun instalpng munication system and other facipties at the Karachi airport , Pakistani authorities said. In March 2015, Qadeer was barred from leaving the country from Karachi Airport at the last minute. *June 2014, a multi-agency operation against Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, at Karachi Airport . September 5, 1986 _ A Pan Am jumbo jet carrying 358 people hijacked on ground at Karachi Airport . He reportedly told investigators six other conspirators sppped through the Karachi airport Aug . 7 and on to Afghanistan. Sept . 5, 1986 _ A Pan Am jumbo jet carrying 358 people is hijacked at Karachi Airport . "We have lost contact with an aircraft, " said Mohammed Sapm, at Karachi Airport . At least 29 puters will be installed at the Karachi airport and pnked to the FBI system, Jadoon said. A Pakistan International Airpnes aircraft was missing Monday in southwestern Baluchistan, a control tower official at Karachi Airport said. Sharif ordered the Karachi airport to prevent the landing of the airpne, which then circled the skies over Karachi. Syed Kamal Shah, inspector general of popce for Sindh province, said the crash at Karachi airport was an accident. Last week, Pakistani authorities allowed the coaption to use the Karachi airport to fly in troops and supppes destined for Afghanistan. Popce said Ashraf has confessed his role in scores of terrorist activities including a rocket attack on the Karachi airport in February. A Pakistani spoke *** an said Sadik was arrested on his arrival at the Karachi airport from Nairobi on the day of the in bombings. A *** all chartered aircraft with seven people on board was missing Monday in southwestern Baluchistan, a control tower official at Karachi Airport said. Immigration officials who noticed he did not match his Yemeni passport photograph stopped him at Pakistan"s Karachi airport , and he was questioned. Thomas, 29, was picked up at Karachi airport on Jan . 4 as he was preparing to board a fpght to Hong Kong. During the 1940s there was a large black coloured hangar at the site of Karachi Airport , constructed for the Ayub Khan in the 1960s. The News reported that Sadique was detained on Aug . 7 at the Karachi airport by immigration officials because he failed to match his passport photograph. It"s difficult to see karachi airport in a sentence. 用 karachi airport 造句挺难的 Prosecutors say after di *** issing army chief Gen . Pervez Musharraf, Sharif ordered that the general"s plane be denied landing rights at Karachi airport . Jack Thomas, 29, was picked up at Karachi airport on Jan . 4 as he was preparing to board a fpght to Hong Kong. Jack Thomas was arrested at Karachi airport on Jan . 4 after officials identified him as a terror suspect for allegedly receiving terrorist training in Afghanistan. Court papers say Safarini led the group who boarded the plane while it was parked at Karachi Airport in Pakistan on Sept . 5, 1986. The five Latvians had pved in Karachi for the last o months, but their passports did not have Karachi airport "s arrival or departure stamps. In a brief statement Sunday, Pakistani Foreign Ministry spoke *** an Tariq Altaf said Howaida arrived at the Karachi airport from Nairobi on the day of the bombings. Ud-Din said he expected that about 10 C-130 transport planes and o to three Jumbo planes will operate through the Karachi airport daily. Jack Thomas, a 29-year-old former cab driver from the southern city of Melbourne, was arrested Jan . 4 at Karachi airport . Justice Yaqub Ap was appointed the Chairman of the Karachi Airport Enquiry Commission in 1969 and in 1971 the Chairman of Special Court for Ganga Hijacking Case. The government source said the suspect was detained at the Karachi airport because immigration officials noticed he did not match the photograph in the passport he was carrying. A Kuwait Airways passenger jet made an emergency landing at Karachi airport on Tuesday after developing engine trouble on a fpght to India, a Pakistani official said. In 1995 customs popce arrested 87 foreigners, including five Americans, trying to *** uggle heroin through Karachi airport , said Nasir Hussein Shah, deputy collector of customs. Customs popce last year arrested 87 foreigners, including five Americans, trying to *** uggle heroin through Karachi airport , said Nasir Hussein Shah, deputy collector of customs. The suspect, identified as Mohammad Sadik Howaida, was arrested on his arrival from Nairobi at the Karachi airport on August 7, a Foreign Ministry spoke *** an said. The PIA jumbo jet en route to New York returned to Karachi airport after the cockpit alarm indicated one of the engines had caught fire, the spoke *** an said. Popce said the four took part in a plot to park a pickup loaded with high explosive along the route of Musharraf"s motorcade near the Karachi airport . "" Sindh Agriculture University, ""( Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas highway and is about 200 km from Karachi airport pnked with super highway to Hyderabad. It is easily accessible from Mapr Cantonment, Karachi Airport , Super Highway, Karachi University, Gupstan e Jauhar, Scheme No . 33, and other areas. In an interview with The Associated Press, Ahmed said he was parked at a hotel near the Karachi airport when three young men approached him and demanded his keys. A 24-year-old American man, Stavros Petkovits, was arrested at Karachi airport last May with 2 kilograms ( 4.4 pounds ) of heroin. It"s difficult to see karachi airport in a sentence. 用 karachi airport 造句挺难的

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将转义字符()当作普通字符对待,比如:string str = @"C:Windows";如果我们去掉 @ 的话,应该是:string str = "C:\Windows";@ 字符串中,我们用两个连续英文双引号表示一个英文双引号,如下字符串的实际内容为:="=,字符串长度为 3。string str = @"=""=";@ 字符串中可以任意换行,换行符及缩进空格都计算在字符串长度之内。string str = @"<script type=""text/javascript""> <!-- --> </script>"; Console.WriteLine(str);由于 @ 的这种特性,我们常将其应用到 SQL 字符串中。string sql = @"select * from tbl";@ 只在连续一段字符串中有效,@"abc" + "\",用 + 将两个字符串连接起来,第二个字符串中没有用 @ 标识,其中的 就成为转义字符。Second:在 C# 中,我们用字符串 " " 表示回车换行符。string str = "第一行 第二行";但是我们更推荐 Environment.NewLine(名称空间为 System),Environment 是类,NewLine 是字符串属性,用于获取当前环境中定义的回车换行符字符串。string str = "第一行" + Environment.NewLine + "第二行";在 Windows 环境中,C# 语言 Environment.NewLine == " " 结果为 true。

JJ的Still moving under gunfire的歌词以及汉语翻译

还在炮火的袭击 在脆弱的谎言吗 当没有人在吗 我要战斗,直到世界末日 到我的膝上哭泣 我就起床了,起来(耶,耶!) 还在炮火的袭击 在夜晚的天空 在敌人隐藏吗 我要战斗到死 直到天亮 和阳光会照耀我(耶,耶!) 圣、圣… 阳光将光照你了 只有你和我 阳光,都是从你那里来的… 还在炮火的袭击 在脆弱的谎言吗 当没有人在吗 我要战斗,直到世界末日 到我的膝上哭泣 我就起床了,起来(耶,耶!) 还在炮火的袭击 在夜晚的天空 在敌人隐藏吗 我要战斗到死 直到天亮 和阳光会照耀我(耶,耶!) 还在炮火的袭击 在脆弱的谎言吗 当没有人在吗 我要战斗,直到世界末日 到我的膝上哭泣 我就起床了,起来(耶,耶!) 还在炮火的袭击 在夜晚的天空 在敌人隐藏吗 我要战斗到死 直到天亮 和阳光会照耀我(耶,耶!) 圣、圣… 阳光将光照你了 只有你和我 阳光,都是从你那里来的… 饶舌乐。 注意,注意 规则 不要让你的意图 不怜悯 对每一个他自己的。 (为什么为什么大胆的)。 时尚和选举 这一切都是表达 你是怎么做的?你吗 你如何发挥你的计划 为什么(为什么) 使你的人。 还在炮火的袭击 在夜晚的天空 在敌人隐藏吗 我要战斗到死 直到天亮 和阳光会照耀我(耶,耶!) 还在炮火的袭击 在脆弱的谎言吗 当没有人在吗 我要战斗,直到世界末日 到我的膝上哭泣 我就起床了,起来(耶,耶!) 还在炮火的袭击 在夜晚的天空 在敌人隐藏吗 我要战斗到死 直到天亮 和阳光会照耀我(耶,耶!) 圣、圣… 阳光将光照你了 只有你和我 阳光,都是从你那里来的…


  仅速度而言,USB3.0和FireWire800相差不大,但是从稳定性,容错的角度来说,FireWire800针对视频的传输要优越得多。  【USB3.0和FireWire800相关知识】  一、Wire800  FireWire,中文直译为"火线",是苹果公司赋予数据传输技术的名字。用于高速外围设备的连接系统,原称IEEE 1394,或者简称1394,是国际工业标准(高性能串行总线)之苹果版本,于1996年基本开发完毕,并自1999年开始放置于苹果电脑上,例如Power Macintosh,随后于2000年扩展至笔记本系列 (PowerBook),自2001年已经普及于所有新产苹果电脑。  二、USB3.0  USB2.0的最大传输带宽为480Mbps(即60MB/s),而USB3.0的最大传输带宽高达5.0Gbps(500MB/s)。而5Gb/s的带宽并不是5Gb/s除以8得到的640MB/s而是采用与SATA相同的10 Bit传输模式(在USB2.0的基础上新增了一对纠错码),因此其全速只有500MB/s。  三、数据传输方面的差异。  1、连接设备差异。  FireWire可连接外围设备和计算机。而USB只能通过连接别的系统才可以使用。  2、音频、视频传输的差异。  FireWire凭借其强大的传输性能-可传输音频、视频、时间码,甚至是可用来控制机器的特性,FireWire现已成为数字音视频设备、外部硬件及其他高速外设产品的理想接口。  【音频、视频编辑的经验分享】  1、尽量脱离移动硬盘操作。  把视频、音频原文件复制到硬盘,并且把目标文件,即制作、加工后的文件首先保存到硬盘,然后再复制到移动硬盘。  这样兼容性好,出错率低。  2、如果没有专业的显卡、采集卡,建议尽量不要使用专业的编辑软件,否则编码过程速度非常慢,而且编辑后的效果也不理想。

苹果MacBook Air(MC233CH/A)系统怎么操作?

北京苹果维修中心 ,提供部分快捷操作,如需快速熟悉mac os ,我们可以教您一、开机时按下 滑鼠按键弹出抽取式媒介(2.4f1版以前的BootROM可能不包括退出CD片) opt键在配备「NewWorld」韧体系统的机种上叫出「OpenFirmware」开机系统选择功能。 cmd-opt键按住这两个键,直到电脑发出二次声响,就会改以MacOS9开机。 cmd-x(有时只按住x键)如果MacOS9和MacOSX在同一个开机用的硬碟区段(partition)上,按这个键会强迫以OSX开机。 cmd-opt-shift-delete跳过原定的启动磁碟,改以外接磁碟(或光碟机)开机。这个按键的主要作用,其实是强迫电脑不要从预设的启动磁碟读入系统档案,所以会产生从其他 磁碟开机的「副作用」。如果您的Mac是配备SCSI介面的机种,它会从编号(ID)最高的磁碟机往下搜寻,直到找出可以开机的磁碟区段为止。至於在配备IDE介面的机种上则 不确定它的搜寻顺序。 cmd-opt-shift-delete-#从指定ID的SCSI磁碟开机(#代表SCSI编号)。 cmd-opt-p-r清除系统参数记忆体(PRAM),必须按住不放,等发出两次响声之後再放开。 cmd-opt-n-v清除NVRAM,类似在OpenFirmware中做「重置全部」(reset-all)的动作。 cmd-opt-o-f开机时进入openfirmware。 cmd-opt-t-v强制QuadraAV机种使用外接电视机当作显示器。 cmd-opt-x-o以唯读记忆体中所烧录的系统软体开机(仅适用於MacClassic机种)。 cmd-opt-a-v强制电脑辨识苹果AV显示器。 c使用光碟开机。如果原先设定由OSX开机,但光碟机里没有放置开机光碟,则可能会改由OS9开机。 d强制以内建磁碟机开机。 n按住n键直到萤幕上出现Mac标志,电脑会尝试透过BOOTP或TFTP以网路伺服器开机。  r强制PowerBook重置萤幕设定。 t强制配备FireWire介面的机种进入外接磁碟模式(FireWireTargetDiskmode)。 shift关闭所有延伸功能(OS9或OSX之下的Classic环境)。 shift关闭登入项目,同时也会关闭所有不必要的程式核心(kernel)延伸功能(也就是所谓安全开机模式,仅适用OSX10.1.3或更新的系统版本)。 cmd开机时关闭虚拟记忆体(VirtualMemory,仅适用OS9或OSX之下的Classic环境)。 空白键开机时启动延伸功能管理程式(OS9或OSX之下的Classic环境)。 cmd-v开机过程中显示控制台讯息(仅适用OSX)。 cmd-s开机後进入单一使用者模式(仅适用OSX)。 cmd-opt-c-i先将系统时钟设定为日期1989年9月20日,然後以这个按键组合开机,就可以看到萤幕上显示特殊的系统小秘密(仅适用於MacIIci机种)。 cmd-opt-f-x先将系统时钟设定为日期1990年3月19日,然後以这个按键组合开机,就可以看到萤幕上显示特殊的系统小秘密(仅适用於MacIIfx机种)。 二、萤幕上出现小Mac笑脸时按下 空白键开机时启动延伸功能管理程式(OS9或OSX之下的Classic环境)。 shift关闭包括MacsBug(一种程式设计师工具程式)在内的所有延伸功能(OS9或OSX之下的Clas_sic环境)。 shift-opt关闭除了MacsBug之外的所有延伸功能(OS9或OSX之下的Classic环境)。 ctrl中断开机过程,进入MacsBug除错模式。 三、系统画面出现後按下?? cmd-opt当OS9或OSX中的Classic环境连接磁碟机时,可以重建磁碟机的桌面档案。 opt不要开启任何系统视窗(MacOS9)。 shift在系统档案(Finder)启动时暂时不要开启系统视窗。这些视窗并没有被真的关闭,只要您重新开机,这些视窗都就会照常出现(MacOSX)。 shift不要执行任何「启动项目」软体(MacOS9)。 四、在系统画面中按下 按住opt键,再以滑鼠游标 按视窗上的关闭方块关闭所有的系统视窗(除了弹出式视窗之外); 按cmd-opt-w键也可以获得一样的效果。 cmdshift-opt-w关闭所有的系统视窗(包括弹出式视窗)。 cmd-右箭头键在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,开启一个档案夹。 cmd-opt-右箭头键在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,重复开启档案夹、以及其下所包含的多层档案夹。 cmd-左箭头键在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,关闭一个档案夹。cmd-opt-左箭头键在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,重复关闭档案夹、以及其下所包含的多层档案夹。 cmd-上箭头键开启上一层档案夹。在MacOSX中,如果事先并未选定档案夹、而且没有开启任何视窗,这个按键会开启现在使用者的专属目录。 cmd-opt-上箭头键开启上一层档案夹,并关闭现用档案夹。 cmd-opt-shift-上箭头键将桌面变成现用视窗,并且选择最上层磁碟机。 cmd-下箭头键开启选取的项目。在MacOSX中,如果事先并未选定档案夹、而且没有开启任何视窗,这个按键会开启桌面档案夹。 cmd-opt-下箭头键开启选取的项目,并关闭现用的档案夹。 opt-滑鼠按键按条列档案视窗中的小三角形图像时,可以显示或隐藏下层档案夹中的内容。 tab键选择名称以下一个英文字母开头的档案夹。 shift-tab键选择名称以上一个英文字母开头的档案夹。 cmd-delete把选取的项目搬进垃圾桶 五、在系统画面中的「视窗」选单中 cmd-选取项目关闭视窗。 cmd-shift-选取项目将弹出式视窗归位。 cmd-opt-选取项目展开选取的视窗,并关闭其他所有视窗。 ctrl-选取项目展开选取的视窗,并隐藏其他视窗的内容。 ctrl-opt-选取项目启动选取视窗,并展开所有的其他视窗。 六、系统启动完毕之後 在有电源按钮的机种上 电源按钮在萤幕上显示包括「关机」、「睡眠」、以及「重新开机」按钮的对话框(请参阅下一节)。 cmd-ctrl-电源按钮强制重新开机。这种方式非必要不建议使用,因为有可能损坏磁碟上的资料内容。 ctrl-cmd-opt-电源按钮快速关机。 cmd-电源按钮启动程式除错软体(如果已事先安装的话)。较早期的Mac(例如MacII时代的机器)需要先安装由PaulMercer所写的除错延伸功能(debuggerinit)来使用这个功能;不过这个功能在配备68040处理器的Mac机种上,已经成为系统韧体内容的一部份。 cmd-opt-电源按钮让後期型式的PowerBook和桌上型Mac进入睡眠状态。 cmd-opt-ctrl-电源按钮重新设定电源管理程式(PowerManager;仅适用PowerBook500系列)。 shift-fn-ctrl-电源按钮重新设定电源管理程式(PowerManager;仅适用PowerBookG3与G4系列)。 七、在没有电源按钮的机种上 ctrl-退片按钮「退片」按钮位於新款USB键盘的最右上角,平常用於退出光碟片。按下这个组合可以在萤幕上显示包括「关机」、「睡眠」、以及「重新开机」按钮的对话框(请参阅下一节)。 cmd-ctrl-退片按钮强制重新开机,正常状况下不建议使用。 ctrl-cmd-opt-退片按钮快速关机。 cmd-退片按钮启动程式除错软体(如果已事先安装的话)。较早期的Mac(例如MacII时代的机器)需要先安装由PaulMercer所写的除错延伸功能(debuggerinit)来使用这个功能;不过这个功能在配备68040处理器的Mac机种上,已经成为系统韧体内容的一部份。 cmd-opt-退片按钮让後期型式的PowerBook和桌上型Mac进入睡眠状态。八、在所有机种上 cmd-opt-esc强迫退出目前使用中的软体。 cmd-shift-0让後期型式的PowerBook与桌上型Mac进入睡眠状态,不过在OSX上不适用。如果在可以配备三部软碟机的Mac机种上(如MacSE),这个按键可以退出第三部软碟机中的碟片。 cmd-shift-1或2弹出内藏或外接软碟机中的碟片。在可以配备两部软碟机的Mac(如MacSE或MacII)上,则是依次退出两部软碟机种的碟片。 cmd-shift-3拍摄萤幕图片 cmd-shift-4拍摄使用者定义的萤幕区域。在MacOS9中,如果在选定区域时按下Control键,则拍摄的内容会被储存在记忆体中的剪贴板里,可以直接在其他软体中「贴」上文件。 cmd-shift-大写固定键-4如果按下大写固定键(也就是「capslock」键),则可以拍摄使用者选定的视窗内容(仅适用於MacOS9或OSX下的Classic环境)。 cmd-ctrl-shift-3将萤幕图片拍摄至记忆体剪贴板。 cmd-ctrl-shift-4将使用者指定的萤幕区域拍摄至记忆体剪贴板。 cmd-ctrl-shift-大写固定键-4将使用者指定的视窗内容拍摄至记忆体剪贴板(仅适用於MacOS9或OSX下的Classic环境)。 cmd-tab切换执行中应用软体。 cmd-space切换使用的语言系统(如果已安装一种以上的语言系统)。 opt-F3、opt-F4、或是opt-F5开启MacOSX的「系统预置」视窗(仅在「系统预置」尚未执行的时候才有作用)。 cmd-F1在MacOSX中侦测显示器。 cmd-F2在MacOSX中切换萤幕同步显示内容。 F12退出CD或DVD(在(在MacOSX10.1.2或以上的版本中须按住不放)。如果光碟可以被退出,按这个键就会退出。如果不能退出(例如正在使用中),则按键没有作用。 F14让萤幕变暗(适用於G4Cube、iMacG4、或许还有其他机种)。 F15让萤幕变亮(适用於G4Cube、iMacG4、或许还有其他机种)。 cmd-ctrl-shift-0在执行MacOS9的PowerBook上,强制硬碟停止转动。 opt-「清除垃圾」选单指令不显示「有档案已经锁住」警示,直接清除垃圾桶内容;锁住的项目也会被删除。 九、在睡眠/重新开机对话框 S键睡眠 R键重新开机 esc键取消 cmd-.(英文句号)取消Return或Enter键关机电源按钮取消(可能仅适用於MacOS9.2.x) 十、在其他对话框中 esc键取消 cmd-.(英文句号)取消 Enter键预设按钮 Return键预设按钮(如果同时没有其他文字栏位会用到return键) cmd-d不储存(在储存/□取消/□不储存对话框中) 十一、在有「fn」键的键盘上 fn-backspace往前删除字元十二、滑鼠按钮option-以滑鼠游标按另一个应用软体的视窗切换到另一软体,并隐藏现用软体。 cmd-拖移视窗拖移视窗,但不将该视窗切换至最前方(该应用软体必须支援视窗在对话框之後运作的功能)。 cmd-拖移视窗内容在系统视窗中,利用滑鼠游标来搬动视窗的内容。 cmd-以游标按视窗标题栏显示该视窗在硬碟中所在位置的路径(基本上仅适用於系统档案视窗,但某些软体也支援这个功能)。 option-按视窗标题栏两下以隐藏视窗内容隐藏所有视窗的内容,仅馀标题栏显示在萤幕上(MacOS9或Classic环境)、或将视窗全部隐藏至Dock中(MacOSX)。 option-视窗标题栏中的缩放方块将视窗放大至全萤幕。 option-视窗上的黄色按钮将所有的软体视窗隐藏在Dock中(仅适用MacOSX)。 option-视窗上的绿色按钮将视窗放大至全萤幕(仅适用部份软体)。 十三、仅适用MacOSX的Dock项目 cmd-滑鼠按钮显示项目在系统视窗中的位置。 cmd-opt-滑鼠按钮启动某一软体、隐藏其他软体ctrl-滑鼠按钮(或以滑鼠按钮按住项目不放)显示项目特色选单cmd-拖移项目至Dock停止目前的Dock项目移动,以便将其他文件图像拖移到应用软体图像上。 cmd-opt-拖移项目至Dock强制Dock上的软体开启拖移上去的文件。 十四、控制条板 opt-拖移整个控制条板移动控制条板。 opt-拖移某个控制条板模组重新安排模组的顺序。 opt-将模组拖移至垃圾桶解除安装某一模组。 opt-将模组拖移至条板以外的地方将模组档案拷贝到拖移的位置。 ----《Mac上的快捷键巧用》----- 一、启动电脑时的巧妙使用 1.启动时,同时按住「option」键可以重建桌面,此操作最好每月做一次; 2.启动时,按住「shift」键可以关闭所有系统功能扩展; 3.启动时,按住鼠标可以推出软盘以避免将其用作启动磁盘; 4.启动时,按住「shift+option+delete」键可以忽略启动磁盘,并自动寻找另一个介质做启动盘; 5.启动时,按住「option+P+R」键可以重设「选配器」和「控制板」,这种方法对於使用时间较长(半年以上)且系统有问题的电脑会有意想不到的效果; 6.同时按住「shift+option+电源键」可以重新启动或关闭电脑; 7.在鼠标不能动时,同时按住「control+电源键」可以强行启动电脑。 二、使用显示图像或文件夹工作时的巧妙使用 1.鼠标边按图像或文件夹可以打开图像或文件夹; 2.用鼠标拖曳图像或文件夹可以移动到所需位置。 3.按住「option」+鼠标拖图像或文件夹可以将图像或文件夹拷贝到其它文件夹中,而不是移动; 4.在拖曳图像或文件夹时将图像或文件夹拖至窗口上端的菜单栏可以取消对它的移动或拷贝; 5.按住「shift键」+整理窗口可以整理所选图像。 6.按住「return」或「enter」键可以编辑所选图像或文件夹的名称; 7.按任一字母键将选择以该字母开头而命名的图像或文件夹; 8.同时按住「shift+tab」键将按字母顺序选择上一个图像或文件夹(注:中文名称以第一个字的汉语拼音的第一个英文字母为准); 9.按方向右键或方向左键将选择左面或右面的图像或文件夹;按方向上键或方向下键将选择上面或下面的图像或文件夹; 10.按「shift」+点按所需图像或文件夹可以选择多个图像或文件夹,或用鼠标拖曳到封入所需图像或文件夹而选择多个图像或文件夹。 三、使用文件对话框时的巧妙使用 1.打开对话框时(如使用「文件」菜单下的「打开」或「存储」等命令时同时)按「.」或按「esc」键可以取消该命令; 2.同时按「苹果键+方向上键」或点按桌面图像可以上移一层。按「方向上键」或「方向下键」可以选择上一个或下一个项目; 3.按「option+打开替身」可以显示而不是打开替身的原文件; 4.「tab」键使目录或名称框成为现用; 5.按「command+N」键可以建立新文件夹;「return」或「enter」或「O」键可以打开所选项目。 四、使用窗口工作时的巧妙使用 1.按「command+W」键或点按窗口关闭格(位於窗口左上角)可以关闭当前文件夹窗口; 2.同时按「option+command+W」键或「option+点按窗口关闭格」可以关闭所有文件夹窗口; 3.按「command」键+拖曳窗口可以移动该窗口但不使其成为现用窗口; 4.连续点按两下文件夹的标题行即隐藏显示该文件夹,再连续点按两下即恢复显示; 5.按「option」键+打开或「option」键+连按图像可以打开该图像後自动关闭该窗口。 五、在一些选项中的巧妙使用 1.按「option」键+清倒废纸篓可以跳过「清倒废纸篓」警告和删除「废纸篓」内已锁定的文件; 2.按「command」键+拖曳图像可以在移动图像时更改当前设置「整齐排列」(仅在「显示」控制板内); 3.在插入磁盘时,按住「command+option+tab」键可以在插入时自动抹掉磁盘内容; 4.在「选配器」内,按住「tab」键可以使下个列表成为现用。按住「shift+tab」键可以使上个列表成为现用; 5.按「option」键+使其它程序成为现用(从「应用程序」菜单内选取或点按其中一个窗口)可以在切换到其它程序时隐藏该程序窗口; 6.同时按住「command+option+esc」键可以强行退出死机程序; 7.同时按住「command+shift+3」键可以把当前屏幕上的内容转变成一个图像,「command+shift+4」可以选择一个区域拍屏,此图像可以在Photoshop软件中打开使用,也可以打印输出; 8.按住「command+G」键可以在连接其它计算机时选定「客人」; 9.如果安装WordScript,按「command+方向右键」可以设置为英语,按「command+方向左键」可以设置为系统语系。 10.按「command+space」键可以设置为「键盘」菜单内的下一个语系(比如:英文切换到中文,中文切换到英文); 按「command+option+space」键可以设置为当前语系内的下一种语言(如果此语系有多种语言的话)。

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Power Book G4是PPC的处理器,系统最高只能支持到Mac OS 10.4,无法支持windows系统;QQ可以下载老的版本,支持PPC的版本才可以,其它软件也必须是支持PPC或者Universal的才能用。所有软件,只要是支持的都不需要什么助理软件,直接可以安装。

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关于 Power Nap 功能处于睡眠状态时,您的 Mac 能通过 Power Nap 功能执行定期检查新邮件、日历及其他 iCloud 更新之类的操作。接通交流电源后,借助 Power Nap 功能,还可以在 Mac 进入睡眠状态后执行备份到 AirPort Time Capsule 的 Time Machine 备份和下载 OS X 软件更新之类的操作。当兼容的 Mac 进入睡眠时,Power Nap 仍会执行以下操作:邮件 - 接收新邮件。通讯录 - 通讯录会随着您可能已在其他设备上所做的任何更改而更新。日历 - 接收新邀请及日历更新。提醒事项 - 提醒事项会随着您可能已在其他设备上所做的任何更改而更新。备忘录 - 备忘录会随着您可能已在其他设备上所做的任何更改而更新。您 iCloud 帐户中的文稿 - iCloud 会将您对文稿所做的任何编辑推送至您的 Mac 笔记本电脑。照片流 - 照片流会更新来自 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 的新照片。查找我的 Mac - 定位丢失的 Mac 笔记本电脑,即使它处于睡眠状态也能找到。请求 VPN 域 - 公司电子邮件会安全地更新。移动设备管理 - 远程锁定和擦除电脑。 将 Mac 插入交流电源插座时,Power Nap 可执行更多操作:下载软件更新使用 Time Machine 进行备份执行 Spotlight 索引编制继续在后台下载 Mac App Store 项目,包括软件更新更新“帮助中心”内容Apple 无线支持和第三方无线基站时唤醒可以使用 Power Nap 功能的 Mac以下 Mac 电脑可以使用 Power Nap 功能。其中某些电脑可能需要安装 SMC 更新才能使用此功能。笔记本电脑需要安装 OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 或更高版本。台式电脑需要安装 OS X Mavericks v10.9 或更高版本。

light clay和air dry clay的区别

light clay轻黏土,air dry clay是石塑黏土。超轻粘土又称为弹跳泥、轻泥。诞生于德国并逐渐传遍整个欧洲,乃至全球,是一种无毒、无味、无刺激性的新型环保手工创作材料,成分主要是发泡粉、水、纸浆、糊剂。超轻粘土众所周知质地轻,干后像泡沫片一样,一般风干30-60分钟即可自然干燥,不易变形、开裂。

苹果ipadAir的Lightning 接口有哪些功能

这个就是数据接口 充电和usb 查看原帖>>

苹果30pin数据线和lightning数据线有什么区别?哪个好 pad air用哪个

苹果的Lightning数据线是分30Pin跟8Pin的。8Pin是30Pin的升级、改进版,4S及之前的iPhone是用的30Pin的接口,而现在从5S开始是用的8Pin的。传统的Micro-USB接口说白了只有两个功能:1、充电;2,同步数据。而且,这么小的接口是不能通过iPad所需的2A电流的。但是苹果的30针Dock接口功能却远不止这两种,它包括充电、高速数据同步、音频输出、回放控制等等。这还只是9年前的版本就有的功能。而在近几年,苹果又给30针的Dock接口新增了大量功能,比如高清视频输出、照片导入、USB 输入等。不过在这些年苹果在往这个Dock接口上增加功能的同时,也在取消一些功能。比如对火线(FireWire)标准的支持。真假的辨别,就是看在数据线接头内是否嵌有苹果MFi认证的芯片。有这类芯片的,只有苹果原装的牌子还有就是那些通过苹果MFi认证的牌子。我自用的移动电源跟数据线是iWALK爱沃可的,他们就是拥有苹果MFi认证的,至于为什么选择他们,应该是因为他们的产品设计时尚,而且好用,价格不贵哈。希望能对你有所帮助,望采纳~

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关于好朋友的英语格言,像a good firend is like a mirror(一个好盆友就

All the splendor 1 in the world is not worth a good friend .(Voltaire , French thinker) 人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。 (法国思想家 伏尔泰) A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。 A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。 A friend exaggerates a man"s virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。 A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 囊中有钱,不如朝中有友。 A friend is a second self. 朋友是另一个我。 A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真友。 A friend is never known till a man has need. 不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。 A friend is not so soon gotten as lost. 交友慢,失友快。 A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 广交友,无深交。 A friend without faults will never be found.没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。 A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend. 开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。 Better lose a jest than a friend. 宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。 Choose an author as you choose a friend. 选书如择友。 He that has a full purse never wants a friend. 只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。 Life without a friend is death without a witness. 在世无朋友,死后无证人。 Thy friend has a friend and thy friend"s friend has a friend so be discreet. 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。 To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。

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