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英语candy girl 是什么意思?


1.The Garden Fairy

It was a hot afternoon and Wendy looked out of the classroom window. Then the teacher said the word "prize". Wendy sat up and listened. " Each student is going to grow a pumpkin. There is going to be a prize for the biggest pumpkin ," said the teacher. Wendy was happy, "I"m going to win!" she thought."I"m going to grow the biggest pumpkin! " "You can grow the pumpkins in your gardens," said the teacher. "You have four months." The teacher gave each student ten pumpkins seeds . "Oh no!" thought Wendy. " I haven"t got a garden. " Wendy"s family lived in a small flat. It had no garden. Lucy laughed at Wendy . "Ha ha! You haven"t got a garden!" she said. "You"re too poor. You can"t grow a pumpkin." Wendy was angry and sad. Then Wendy thought, "I can grow my pumpkin in a pot." After school she went to the shops. She bought a big pot. She went home by bus, and put the pot on the balcony. Now she was not sad or angry. She was happy. Wendy planted the seeds in the pot. She watered the seeds every night. A pumpkin plant grew. Wendy was very happy. She bought some more seeds and grew some flowers, too. Soon her balcony was very beautiful. A Garden Fairy saw Wendy"s flowers. She flew down and sat on a flower. "What a beautiful garden! I like it here," she said. The children"s pumpkins grew and grew. The children measured the pumpkins every week. John said, "My pumpkin is twenty centimeters high!" Tina said, "My pumpkin is thirty centimeters wide!" My pumpkin is bigger than John"s pumpkin. "But my pumpkin is the biggest," said Wendy. "It"s forty centimeters high and sixty centimeters wide. I"m going to win the prize!" "Bring your pumpkins to school on Friday," said the teacher. "We are going to weight them." The children were all excited. Wendy was not excited. She was sad. her pumpkin was not very big. On Thursday evening the Garden Fairy came to the balcony "Why are you crying, Wendy?" she asked. "I"m crying because I"m not going to win the prize tomorrow," said Wendy "I said my pumpkin was the biggest. But that isn"t true. It isn"t big enough!" "Don"t cry," said the Garden Fairy. "I can help you." "Look, the pumpkin is growing!" said the Garden Fairy. Wendy looked the pumpkin grew very quickly. "It"s as big as an orange!" said Wendy. "Now it"s as big as a football. Now it"s as big as a watermelon! Oh thank you, Garden Fairy!" Wendy went to school by bus on Friday. She carried her pumpkin. It was very heavy! The children looked at Wendy"s pumpkin. It was bigger than all their pumpkins. "I"m going to win the prize!" said Wendy. "My pumpkin is the biggest!" Wendy looked at John"s pumpkin. "Oh, yours is very small, John!" she said. She looked at Tina" s pumpkin. "Oh, yours is smaller, Tina!" She laughed. The Garden Fairy was there. She looked at Wendy and she was angry. Wendy"s pumpkin grew and grew. "It"s growing bigger and bigger. said Lucy. "We"re going to weigh all the pumpkins at three o"clock ," said the teacher. Wendy"s pumpkin was now enormous . It was bigger than Wendy. Suddenly there was a big Bang! "Look! said John. Wendy"s pumpkin has exploded !" Wendy was very sad. "You laughed and said your pumpkin was the biggest," said the Garden Fairy. "That wasn"t very nice!" "I"m sorry," said Wendy to Tina and John. "That"s all right ," said Tina. "Don"t cry, Wendy. Come to my house after school. We can play in the garden." After school, Wendy went to the Tina"s house. The Garden Fairy went, too. They all played in the garden. This is a pumpkin. It is round and it has a hard skin. Pumpkins can be different colours. They are usually orange, but sometimes they are yellow, white, green or brown. Pumpkins usually weigh between four and eight kilogrammes. Sometimes pumpkins can be very big. The biggest pumpkin in the world weighed 342 kilogrammes! Farmer Greenhand grows pumpkins. He plants the seeds in a greenhouse in the spring. In the greenhouse the ground is dark and warm and wet. Farmer greenhand waits for three weeks. The seeds grow into little plants. The plants have roots under the ground. They have leaves above the ground. Farmer Greenhand takes the plants to his field. He puts them in the ground. He plants them in little hills. He waters the pumpkin plants. The plants grow bigger and bigger. The leaves are heart-shaped. Now yellow flowers grow on the plants. The flowers are bell-shaped . The flowers grow into little pumpkins. The pumpkin plants need water and sunlight. The pumpkins grow very quickly. In the autumn the pumpkins are big enough. Farmer Greedhand picks them. He sells the pumpkins at the market.

Our First Time - Bruno Mars求中文歌词 帮个忙把

Bruno Mars - Our First TimeDon"t it feel good, babe?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Don"t it feel good, baby?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Cause it"s so brand new, babe这是如此新鲜的事,It"s so brand new, baby宝贝,我们没有经历过Don"t it feel good, babe?Don"t it feel good, baby?Cause it"s so brand new, babeIt"s so brand new, babyGirl, here we are宝贝,我们在这里In this big old empty room在这个又旧又空的大房间里Starin" at each other看着彼此Who"s gonna make the first move看谁先控制不住释放欲望Been doin" our thing for a minute度过我们的良宵之夜And now both our hearts are in it我们的心也沉浸在这个夜里The only place to go is all the way我们只是要一直这样下去Is that alright? Is that okay?这样可以吗?Girl, no need to be nervous宝贝,不用紧张Cause I got you all night整晚你都属于我Don"t you worry about a thing, no, no, no别担心Just go with it, go with it, go with it就这样开始吧And I will go real slow with it, slow with it我会慢慢来It"s our first time, go with it, go with it, go with it这是我们的第一次And I will go real slow with it, slow with it我会慢慢来It"s our first time这是我们的第一次Clothes are not required把衣服都脱掉吧For what we got planned我们可是计划好发生点什么Oh girl, you"re my desire宝贝,我有欲望Your wish is my command你的愿望也是我的需求Treat you like a princess我会对你像个公主Ooh girl, you"re so delicious宝贝,你让我眼都热了,你很美味Like ice cream on a sunny day就像太阳天的冰激凌Gonna eat you before you melt away, yeah想在你融化前把你吃掉Is that alright? Is that okay?Girl, no need to be nervousCause I got you all nightDon"t you worry about a thing, no, no, noJust go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first time, go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first timeDon"t it feel good, babe?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Don"t it feel good, baby?宝贝?感觉舒服吗?Cause it"s so brand new, babe这是如此新鲜的事,It"s so brand new, baby宝贝,我们没有经历过Don"t it feel good, babe?Don"t it feel good, baby?Cause it"s so brand new, babeIt"s so brand new, babyJust go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first time, go with it, go with it, go with itAnd I will go real slow with it, slow with itIt"s our first time 大致翻译了一下。

以"On Giving Birth Abroad"写一篇120词的英语作文.要求:为什么中国父母

以"On Giving Birth Abroad"写一篇120词的英语作文.要求:为什么中国父母 相关范文: 关于青少年是否应该出国的问题讨论,之前我们作文地带也提供过几篇类似的范文,观点大多都是主流观点,毕竟考试需要以正面的思想来对待,方能写出正面的作文,小J希望大家在今后的写作当中,一定要抛弃个人思想于作文题外,这样方可保证您的作文得到一个比较中层的分数。 Teenagers" Studying Abroad 1. 现在有很多青少年出国留学 2. 有些人认为这种做法是有益的 3. 我认为这种观点是不对的 【范文】 Recently it seems that among the students who choose to study abroad, there are more and more-teenagers who study in high schools or even elementary schools. Many people, especially the parents, think it will certainly do good to their chidren because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance. Moreover, the quality of overseas education is often higher, thus the child stands a better chance 本文来自作文地带 :joozone./ 谢谢您的支援! of entering a better university and getting a better job in the future. After careful consideration, I have to say the above view is more than biased. On the one hand, early independent life is not necessarily good, if the child cannot receive proper guidance and tender care from both teachers and parents. On the other hand, the educational quality is also a question—too many foreign schools aim at earning money. When the children e back, who can guarantee that they can adapt to the fierce petition here? We can see clearly that although teenagers" studying abroad may bring 本文来自作文地带 :joozone./ 谢谢您的支援! favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about. It seems necessary for young students to make a careful investigation before going abroad. 【点评】 第一段指出当前某种普遍的做法,之后分两点阐述人们支援这种做法的原因;第二段首句鲜明地指出自己反驳的意见,然后分两点来阐述理由;最后一段进行总结,并请当事人在做出决定前多加斟酌。 范文首句点题,指出青少年留学这一现象,并给出支持者的理由,即独立的生活会教会他们自信和坚持不懈,而且国外的教学水平会让学生进入更好的大学、找到更好的工作。第二段给出反对理由。首先,早期独立不一定是件好事。另外,太多的国外学校的目标是挣钱,所以它们的教学质量是令人质疑的。 本文来自作文地带 :joozone./ 谢谢您的支援! 末段总结说青少年留学可能会带来好处,但令人担忧的问题也很多。 第一段第三句中的stand a better chance of表示“有更好的机会做某事”。第二段首句中的biased表示“偏激的,存有偏见的”;第三句中的aim at表示“目的在于”;第四句中的guarantee表示“保证”,adapt to表示“适应”,fierce表示“激烈的”,修饰petition(竞争)。 以"on giving birth abroad"写一篇120词的英语作文.要求:为什么中国父母, On giving birth abroad 英语作文 When a baby disparities, greater disparity when raising children, the country has given subsidies in many countries do not look converted into yuan a lot, but if calculated as if the absolute purchasing power is to maintain the basic food and clothing, and some even are not enough, if only the State subsidy case in most countries in the respective countries, then maintain low levels, so so to see if the pressure is raising children in a foreign country is quite big. This pressure also resulted in foreign declining birth rate, the state in order to encourage additional people avoid aging society will give so many preferential policies. China"s per capita level of development and social welfare is far behind those countries, but China is not now, not enough people but too many people on this issue so inferior to Western countries preferential policies 以"my view on cell phone"为题写一篇120字英语作文,要求:在中国玩手机变 Nowadays,mobile phones have bee as indispensable tool in people"s lives.A proposed this idea,many people will ignore him,also some people will argue that the benefits of the mobile phone a lot,it can facilitate people"s contact,is beneficial to people"s life,there are many function can help people living there are o sides to anything,change an Angle to think will be better.But I think mobile phones there are drawbacks,affect people"s health: A,cell phone harm the eyes With cell phone too close to the distance,a long time looking at *** all font is easier to make the eye fatigue,headache,dry eyes,blurred vision Second,the mobile phone make you sick Aording to a study published in applied microbiology,found that about 20% to 30% of the virus in glass similar to *** art phone screen surface will be transferred to your fingertips,which can then be transferred to your mouth,eyes,etc. Three,the mobile phone to destroy focus ability Mobile phone seems to have a magic,people are like opium,continually check the menu screen,news,email,application,even if seldom see new and interesting information,continue to look at it.Mobile phones increase the people damage to its dependencies and the people work a centralized capacity. Four,mobile phone Bought a mobile phone,you don"t have time to relax.Mobile phone with you 24 hours a day,a text message,email,there is no way don"t you look at it . 以"face the exam"写一篇英语作文 individualistic pursuit of happiness there can be a plete reality shift. We often find that it is much easier to be happy when we are motivated in an effort to make the world better in tangible ways, by ing to the rescue of those who are suffering. Considering the many benefits of this kind of gesture, it is surprising that more of us don"t devote our lives, or at least some portion of our time, to serving people in need. We don"t have to wait for a tragedy to e together, as a munity or a nation, and offer ourselves to the 以"my mother"写一篇英语作文 My mother My mother is an educated woman, who has many good qualities. Like all other mothers, she is responsible and devotes most of her efforts to our family. She treats my father kindly and cares for her children whole?-heartedly. When my mother has spare time, she reads books and newspapers, so she knows many stories. After supper, I often sit in our living room, listening to her telling stories. She has a gift for telling interesting stories. My mother is a learned woman, so I often consult her whenever I have any difficulty in my lessons. Her explanations are very helpful, so she is not only my mother but also my teacher. Although she inspires me to study hard, she never allows me to study late at night. What"s more, she often takes me out to play on Sundays. When I am playing, she will remind me not to waste so much time or I will fall behind my class. Mother loves me very much but does not allow me to do anything wrong, such as *** oking, drinking, or gambling. Of course, she doesn"t do such things herself. She sets me a good example. She is the most wonderful mother in the world. 以"before and now"为题,写一篇英语作文 I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympa 以"Animals our friends"写一篇英语作文 Animal our friends I have a pet ,which is a cat.I call him Mimi.He is my favourite animal.He has white wools and o charming eyes.I like him so much.My father gave me the cat as a birthday gift last month.Now Mimi is three years old. He likes eating fish.Everyday I feed him with fish.Mimi doesn"t like going everywhere.He always lies on the corner of my bedroom,watching me doing my homework. 以"tips on healthy life"为题,写一篇英语作文 Health: 1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. 3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 4. Live with the 3 E"s -- Energy, Enthusia *** , and Empathy. 5. Make time for prayer. 6. Play more games. 7. Read more books than you did in 2008. 8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. 9. Sleep for 7 hours. 10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, *** ile. Personality: 11. Don"t pare your life to others". You have no idea what their journey is all about. 12. Don"t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 13. Don"t over do. Keep your limits. 14. Don"t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 15. Don"t waste your precious energy on gossip. 16. Dream more while you are awake. 17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 18. Fet issues of the past. Don"t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness. 19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don"t hate others. 20. Make peace with your past so it won"t spoil the present. 21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. 22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. 23. Smile and laugh more. 24. You don"t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. Society: 25. Call your family often. 26. Each day give something good to others. 27. Five everyone for everything. 28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6. 29. Try to make at least three people *** ile each day. 30. What other people think of you is none of your business. 31. Your job won"t take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch. Life: 32. Do the right thing! 33. Always speak the truth even if it leads to your death. 34. GOD heals everything. 35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 37. The best is yet to e. 38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it. 39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy. 以"Using mobile phone is good or bad?"写一篇英语作文! There are advantages and disadvantages for using mobile phone. firstly, it is good. Using mobile phone can enhance your munication with others. It is a good way to keep in touch with your friends , parents, clas *** ents,etc, and when in emergency, you can call your friends or 110 for help. on the other hand, it is not good. Phones have radiation. Too much radiation is bad for people"s healthy. Besides, people usually download games to the phone, it may cause them addict to the games. All in all, we should use phone properly , not too much.


媚儿=Mayer [音标:ma:ear]

英语commercial circle怎么翻译?


normally a forest fire and damage _____ cause can be extensive

答案是 A. itnormally a forest fire and damage (it) cause can be extensive虽然句子语法上有错,它其实是下面句子的缩短句:normally a forest fire and the damage (that) it causes can be extensive一般来说森林火灾和它造成的损害有可能很广泛

Jack has a long black hair错在什么地方

去掉a,头发hair是不可数名词. 很高兴为你解答! 多谢你的问题!

Ipad Air可以使用Pencil吗?

可以。1、虽然不能够使用Apple原装的Apple Pencil,但可以购买第三方的电容笔,实现手写的功能,不过在使用体验和精度上与Apple Pencil在iPad Pro上面的使用还是有不少差距的。2、目前只有苹果的iPad Pro系列的三代产品以及最新推出的2019款iPad mini和iPad Air这些iPad型号支持Apple Pencil,Apple Pencil也推出了两代的产品,在设计上有了一定的改进。由于Apple Pencil必须要ipad屏幕也带有感应层才能正常使用,所以ipad air的屏幕和pro的不一样,所以把笔在air上无法感应。但是,你可以使用自购的电容笔。不过它的精度与Thinkpad以及大量用电磁屏的机器是没法比的。iPad Air 简介苹果于2019年03月18日晚在其官网正式发布了全新的iPad Air 2019款。新款iPad Air采用iPhone XS同规格的A12仿生芯片,但仅支持第一代Apple Pencil。新款iPad Air搭载10.5英寸LED背光多点触控显示屏,支持P3色域显示和原彩显示;机身厚度为6.1mm。硬件方面搭载64位架构的A12仿生处理器和嵌入式M12协处理器;800万像素摄像头,30.2瓦时锂聚合物充电电池。新款的iPad Air与iPad mini在外观上都维持了此前的设计,也就是4:3的屏幕,但上下边框依然比左右边框更宽,同时底边框中集成了Touch ID的指纹识别模块,可以用于解锁与Apple Pay的支付。iPad Air保持了与前作几乎相同的尺寸,包括同样的6.1mm厚度,包括456克的无线局域网机型重量,依然小于一斤。而且实际上手会发现,重量被均摊开了。压手感很低。

后街男孩的poster girl中英文歌词

Poster Girl 拜金女孩 Jodie was a long way from home jodie 离开家很久了 She could make alone look pretty 她把自己打扮得很漂亮 Her attitude made a part of the landscape 她是一道亮丽的风景 Riding her bike through Alphabet City 骑着她的自行车穿过Alphabet城 She likes to party in the backseat 她喜欢在汽车后坐上面缠绵 Under the bridge on the Brooklyn side 在 Brooklyn 附近的桥下 Smoking cigarettes in the afterglow 在夕阳下回忆中吸着香烟Taking bets that the sun won"t rise 打赌,太阳还会不会升起She said, "what good is tomorrow without a guarantee?" 她说:“没人确定明天会发生什么She can lick her lips and smile 她 舔着自己的嘴唇然后微笑 And make you wanna believe 你会相信她说的一切That the consequences of your actions really are just a game 无论你做什么,这都只是游戏 That your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day “生活”只是一条枷锁,每天束缚着你 She says nothing"s forever in this crazy world 她说没有什么是永恒的,世界太疯狂了 Still I"m falling in love with the right now poster girl 但是我现在仍然爱上了这个拜金女孩Right now right now 现在,现在 Oooh Oh ohhJodie liked to shoplift in stores Jodie喜欢偷商场里的东西 Ride alongside the rich and famous 靠上富有的名人 Get in elevators, press emergency stop 走进电梯,按住紧急停止键 And make love on the floor "til the camera made us 在地板上作爱,一直到被监视器录下 And no woman in the world ever made me feel like my heart"s on fire 世界上没有女人象现在这样让我热血沸腾 Where she"d walk I followed (followed) 我愿意追随她无论她去哪里 When she left I cried 就算她把我抛弃让我流泪 没人确定明天会发生什么 我被她的手指玩弄 我开始相信 无论你做什么,这都只是游戏 “生活”只是一条枷锁,每天束缚着你 她说没有什么是永恒的,世界太疯狂了 但是我现在仍然爱上了这个拜金女孩 无论你做什么,这都只是游戏 “生活”只是一条枷锁,每天束缚着你 她说没有什么是永恒的,世界太疯狂但是我现在仍然爱上了这个拜金女孩 告诉我,你想从我这得到什么 我有你需要的一切 我感到呼吸困难 我愿意保证你的明天 无论你做什么,这都只是游戏 “生活”只是一条枷锁,每天束缚着你 她说没有什么是永恒的,世界太疯狂了 但是我现在仍然爱上了这个拜金女孩 无论你做什么,这都只是游戏 “生活”只是一条枷锁,每天束缚着你 她说没有什么是永恒的,世界太疯狂了 但是我现在仍然爱上了这个拜金女孩Right now right now 就是现在,现在 Right now ohhh ohh 现在 Poster girl 拜金女孩 Yeah yeah Poster girl yeah 拜金女孩来吧~来吧

there are a bag of apples on the chair为什么用are

Thereareabagofapplesonthechair.一句中为什么用are呢?是因为说话的人搞不清系词be应该随着abag使用单数呢,还是随着apples使用复数,结果就犯了语法错误。正确的说法应该是Thereisabagofapplesonthechair. 椅子上是一袋东西,是什么,是多少,都没关系。这句话如果一定要用are,可以这样说:Thereareapples inabagonthechair.



Brown Eyed Girls唱的Abracadabra 的歌词是什么?

BABY-G:这样下去我就会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:手握着你摸样的玩偶,下着诅咒请与她分手吧J.Aevery night I"ll be with you MIRYO:do you love her do you love her J.A:每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love me J.A:bring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A:为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:再也无法忍受了,这样下去我会失去自我到底为什么我心中会烙上你这个人NARSHA:拿着残缺的照片,我又下着诅咒请离开她吧。J.Aevery night I"ll be with you MIRYO:do you love her do you love her J.A每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love me J.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。MIRYO(RAP):I`m in the Voodoo lsland ,这是为了找回你的plan我每天在哭泣,这咒语参杂着对你的怨念,是我为你的最后的STEP再不愿想象你与她牵着手,接着吻的场面。BABY-G:LALALALALALALALLALALLALALALALALALALLALALALALALLA阿爸卡打不拉 这一切都如愿吧MIRYO(RAP):Let`s go uh uhuhuh! ha hahaha! YEAH我在对你念着咒文I`m like a supervisor 是统治你的 凯撒大帝 你无法逃脱J.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:这样下去我会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:我都感到惊讶,一向处事坦然的我,完全变了个人,竟然现在在主动去找你

Fantasy Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Fantasy Girl歌手:Johnny O专辑:Freestyle Megamix 1 (Non-Stop Dj Mix)Baby Bash - Fantasy Girl (Feat. Marty James)(Marty James:)A fairy tale, a piece of fictionTell me she"s make beliveGot a body you can haveShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real lifeShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real life(Baby Bash:)TV, movies and magazinesNovelas, game shows, and fancy dreamsLiving way lavish on fancy thingsHigh definition hd so cleanPlayboy bunny like the girl next doorShe"s Snow White, I"m Hugh HefnerFreshtastic Christian DiorWith a body of a timple I must exploreGirl I must incline quirking down lowWith that ass behindTell me is I dreaming or you just that fineIf you got imagination then imagine mine(Marty James: Chorus)A fairy tale a piece of fictionTell me she"s make beliveGot a body you can haveShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real lifeShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real life(Baby Bash:)Quiet like my night brand new moonLook at the allusion across the roomDay time night girl afternoonDoing the most so don"t chat perfumeNow how am I gonna handle thisiPhone, mac book, blue ray discAnd she look like she came a videoYou know the one dey say shawty get it lowSippin" sangria mama miaWelcome everybody to my fantasiaWay more styles than a fashionistaMy freak in a sheets my diamond diva(Marty James: Chorus)A fairy tale a piece of fictionTell me she"s make beliveGot a body you can haveShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real lifeShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real life(Marty James:)You can"t spell fantasy, without n-a-s-t-yBut you better be a real timeYou can"t spell fantasy, without n-a-s-t-yIt don"t matter when the clock strikesThat"s how the story go-go-go-goesGo work your magic oh,I got to have it oh,So let me sho-sho-sho-showAnd drop it right hereMake this money disapear (yea)(Marty James: Chorus)A fairy tale a piece of fictionTell me she"s make beliveGot a body you can haveShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real lifeShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl(all time that girl"s a beast)She"s like a real lifeShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasyShe a fantasy fantasy girl

Brown Eyed Girl Abracadabra 中文歌词

这样下去我就会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:手握着你摸样的玩偶,下着诅咒请与她分手吧J.Aevery night I"ll be with youMIRYO:do you love her do you love herJ.A:每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love meJ.A:bring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A:为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:再也无法忍受了,这样下去我会失去自我到底为什么我心中会烙上你这个人NARSHA:拿着残缺的照片,我又下着诅咒请离开她吧。J.Aevery night I"ll be with youMIRYO:do you love her do you love herJ.A每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love meJ.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。MIRYO(RAP):I`m in the Voodoo lsland ,这是为了找回你的plan我每天在哭泣,这咒语参杂着对你的怨念,是我为你的最后的STEP再不愿想象你与她牵着手,接着吻的场面。BABY-G:LALALALALALALALLALALLALALALALALALALLALALALALALLA阿爸卡打不拉 这一切都如愿吧MIRYO(RAP):Let`s gouh uhuhuh! ha hahaha! YEAH我在对你念着咒文I`m like a supervisor是统治你的 凯撒大帝你无法逃脱J.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:这样下去我会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:我都感到惊讶,一向处事坦然的我,完全变了个人,竟然现在在主动去找你------------------------------------------------------------------kugou出来的……^^

欢迎你加入我的生日可以用Welcometo you join in my birthday吗?

不可以这样表达。应该是:(You are)Welcome to my birthday party.不能说加入生日,而应该说加入生日派对。

Girl Like You 歌词

歌曲名:Girl Like You歌手:Child S Play专辑:Rat RaceSlim (of 112) - Girl Like YouI"ve been looking for a sweet, sweet lady.The type of lady that I might just marry.Sexy and cool, make the fellas drool.(Where you at?)She"s got to be so fine.Then a girl like you comes into my world.I got the trace that I"ve been searching for.Not too wild, got the perfect smile and you feel me.I need you in my life.Cause if you were my girl -I"d give you all you deserve, treat you as my queen.Now baby I"ll show you if you"ll be my sweet lady(If I had a girl like you)Girl you make my life complete (Like you)You make a better man out of me (Just like you)Cause you"re so real, you"re so beautiful.I feel like we"re in heaven (If I had a girl like you)I would never let you go (Like you)Oh, you"re so adorable (Just like you)Life won"t be the same, put that on my name, I"d give up the game(If I had a girl like you)Making my mind do what it takes, 24/7 tryna catch a break.I"m thinking of you, wishing you were here by my side.Would you be down tonight?(Going down on it, just you and me)I"ll fulfill your every fantasy baby, no need to fear, no need to run.Promise I"ll stay "til my dying day.Cause if you were my girl -I"d give you all you deserve, treat you as my queen.Now baby I"ll show you if you"ll be my sweet lady(If I had a girl like you)Girl you make my life complete (Like you)You make a better man out of me (Just like you)Cause you"re so real, you"re so beautiful.I feel like we"re in heaven (If I had a girl like you)I would never let you go (Like you)Oh, you"re so adorable (Just like you)Life won"t be the same, put that on my name, I"d give up the game(If I had a girl like you)Pretty eyes, sexy smile, smooth skin (So fine)Just the right attitude, so cool (Devine)And you"re so real, you"re so beautiful.Make it feel like we"re in heaven (If I had a girl like you)Hair done, nails done, let me feed (Pretty toes)Front, back, all around, yousa dime (F"sho)Life won"t be the same, put that on my name.If I had a girl (If I had a girl like you)Girl you make my life complete (Like you)You make a better man out of me (Just like you)Cause you"re so real, you"re so beautiful.I like the feel like heaven (If I had a girl like you)I would never let you go (Like you)Cause girl you"re so adorable (Just like you)Life won"t be the same, put that on my name, I"d give up the game(If I had a girl like you)

Rhapsody 和 Rhapsody of fire是同一支乐队吗?(意大利交响金属乐队)至今出过 多少专辑?

是同一个乐队 最初乐队叫Thundercross,之后改名为Rhapsody ,现在叫Rhapsody of fire 有9张录音室专辑 2张EP 一张现场和2张demo。 列表见下:Studio albumsLegendary Tales (1997)Symphony of Enchanted Lands (1998)Dawn of Victory (2000)Rain of a Thousand Flames (2001)Power of the Dragonflame (2002)Symphony of Enchanted Lands II – The Dark Secret (2004)Triumph or Agony (2006)The Frozen Tears of Angels (2010)From Chaos to Eternity (2011)[edit]EPsThe Dark Secret (2004)The Cold Embrace of Fear – A Dark Romantic Symphony (2010)[edit]Compilation albumsTales from the Emerald Sword Saga (2004)[edit]Live albumsLive in Canada 2005: The Dark Secret (2006)[edit]DVDsVisions from the Enchanted Lands (2007)[edit]DemosLand of Immortals (1994)Eternal Glory (1995)

Rhapsody of Fire和Rhapsody是同一支乐队吗?

是同一支乐队。之前是叫Rhapsody,后面由于版权问题。才改成Rhapsody of Fire。以下是详细介绍:1.意大利古典史诗交响金属乐队Rhapsody(狂想曲乐队)其前身为Thundercross,成军与1993年,成员包括了吉他手兼主唱Luca,键盘手Alex及鼓手Daniele Carbonera,而乐团的风格亦其来有自,核心人物Luca个人相当偏爱巴洛克音乐,并且热衷于弹奏melodic metal,他希望藉由音乐来散播正面的讯息,并呈现出古典音乐充满生气的能量。而第二位重要人物Alex,则可说是Luca的最佳拍文件,学古典音乐出身的他,受过严格的钢琴训练,再加上他家庭的影响,使得Alex带给人一种艺术家的高雅气息,除了钢琴之外,管风琴(organ)是他最爱的乐器,其次是大键琴(harpsochord)。 2. Thundercross在成军5个月后,即由Luca与Alex创作出了10首曲子,并开始在意大利做演出,当时是由Luca兼任主唱,原本一切进行的相当顺利,不过就在此时Luca却生了一场大病,经过了多个月后Luca才又恢复过来,而新任主唱Cristiano Adacher也随后加入乐团。不久后Thundercross录制了一张demo,由于团员过于忙录,所以并没有时间向意大利的摇滚杂志和唱片公司推销他们的音乐,尽管如此,乐团却很快地收到来自德国Limb Music Products & Publishing(LMP)的合约邀请,于是乐团加入了LMP,并将团名更为更贴近他们乐风的Rhapsody。由于版权原因于2006年更名为Rhapsody Of Fire(PS:本贴中不对Rhapsody与Rhapsody Of Fire加以区分,命名一律按Rhapsody,但要说明的是从《Triumph Or Agony》以后他们的作品封面均取Rhapsody Of Fire)。3. 1997年,Rhapsody首张专辑《Legendary Tales》的出现,不仅袭卷全欧洲,更带给全世界所有金属乐迷们无比的震撼!此张融合了classical、symphonic、epic及speed的史诗巨作,优美顺畅的speed metal曲式加上管弦乐的大合奏,不仅气势磅礴,原Labyrinth意大利第一高音主唱Fabio Lione的加入,更将乐团所欲展现的优美与壮阔感发挥到极致,让人享受一场古典与金属乐交锋的华丽盛宴! 4.乐队现任成员:Fabio Lione - Vocals ,Luca Turilli - Guitar ,Alex Staropoli - Keyboards ,Patrice Guers - Bass ,Alex Holzwarth - Drums 5.乐队过去成员:Cristiano Adacher - Vocals ,Andrea Furlan - Bass ,Alessandro Lotta - Bass,Daniele Carbonera - Drums




tomboy = pourgirl 行为似男孩的顽皮姑娘,3,男孩气的女孩,顽皮姑娘,2,pourgirl = 李准基 tomboy = 李宇春,2,假小子更符合中国人的语言习惯,0,



so busy,so tired,so much happy,good night,of cou


so tired as a dod

选B. so ... that 太 ... 以至于 , 是固定搭配。

请问 I feel that I’m so tired.这个句子是正确的吗?

应该是I feel I"m so tired。

i fell so tired.用英语给我提个建议。

you should have a good rest. You"d better listen to light music and take a shower. You will feel good after having a sound sleep


tired英语怎么读:"tired"在英语中的读音为/tau026au0259rd/。其中,发音符号的含义如下:"t"发音为清辅音/t/,与汉语中的"t"发音相似。"i"发音为短元音/au026a/,与汉语拼音"ai"发音相似。"r"发音为浊辅音/r/,英语中的"r"发音与汉语有所不同,发音时要注意舌尖卷起。"e"发音为短元音/u0259/,与汉语拼音"e"发音相似。"d"发音为浊辅音/d/,与汉语中的"d"发音相似。知识拓展:当人们感到疲倦或疲劳时,可以使用"tired"这个词来描述。以下是一些关于"tired"的例句:1、I feel so tired after working all day.(我工作了一整天,感觉非常疲倦。)2、She looks tired because she didn"t sleep well last night.(她看起来很疲倦,因为昨晚没睡好。)3、He was too tired to go to the party(他太累了,无法参加派对。)4、The long hike left us feeling tired and sore.(长时间的徒步旅行让我们感到疲惫和酸痛。)5、After a busy week,I just want to relax and take a break because I"m tired.(经过一个忙碌的一周,我只想放松一下,休息一下,因为我很累。)

阿眯头博客上的那首歌是什么 只听出一句歌词 I am so sick of love songs, So tired of tears ~~

求一首歌,韩文的有一句是i am so sorry but i love you bigbangone"s old a flame scream my name and i"m so sick of love songs

麻烦老师解答:She was so tired. So


im sorry,just so tired是什么意思


She was so tired that.... 是什么从句


the man was so tired

选择B The man was so tired,__but___ he still went on working. 这个让是如此的累,但还是继续工作. 上下句是转折关系,选择but

oh,l so tired.英语怎么读法

噢 爱骚特爱的

i was so tired ,so i fell a____at once

I was so tired, so I fell asleep at once.

so tired today

Ted _____ (seem) so tired today.What"s wrong with him? 答案:seems 中文:Ted今天看起来很累.他怎么了?

As引导的倒装,So tired as he was,对不对


so tired but happy这样说对吗?很累但感觉很充实怎么说

是可以的。更准确是:I"m so tired/exhausted but satisfied

-You look so tired today.-so I___A am B do


So tired, am i escaping? 什么意思


he was so tired和he looked so tired的区别?


Catch cold so tired 什么意思


什么歌啊fuck you, i am so tired for you, i am so tired with you ,by you, for you

we will rock you


I"m so tired我太累了双语对照例句:1.God, I"m so tired of italian opera. 天哪,我已经受够了意大利歌剧。2.I"m so tired for I work 11 hours every day. 我每天都是工作11个小时,真是太累了

so tired Iam还是 so tired am I?

第一个,So tired I am, 倒装句表示感叹!我真累!

so late,so tired,so hard.


sotired,sohot 翻译中文是什么意思

翻译为 如此的累,如此的热

I M So Tired 歌词

歌曲名:I M So Tired歌手:Kevin Ayers专辑:That S What You Get BabeI"m so tiredI"m so tired I haven"t slept a winkI"m so tired my mind is on the blinkI wonder should I get up and fix myself a drinkNo no noI"m so tired I don"t know what to doI"m so tired my mind is set on youI wonder should I call you but I know what you would doYou"d say that I"m putting you onBut it"s no joke it"s doing me harmYou know I can"t sleepI can"t stop my brainYou know it"s three weeksI"m going insaneYou know I"d give you everythingI"ve got for a little peace of mindI"m so tired I"m feeling so upsetAlthough I"m so tiredI"ll have another cigaretteAnd curse Sir Walter Raleigh he was such a stupid gitYou"d say that I"m putting you onBut it"s no joke it"s doing me harmYou know I can"t sleepI can"t stop my brainYou know it"s three weeksI"m going insaneYou know I"d give you everythingI"ve got for a little peace of mindI"d give you everythingI"ve got for a little peace of mindI"d give you everythingI"ve got for a little peace of mind

So tired i am和So tired am i哪句语法有问题 请详解


求Akiko演唱的so tired的歌词

They don"t know what I"ve been going throughWhat"s going on inside of me insanityDrive me crazy and to tell the truthI"m getting sick and tired of all the things you sayToo much pride and not a single one of youIs able to live in realityYou"re just lazy getting nothing doneI"m getting sick and tired of all the games you playI know I"m gonna make it keeping the faithI"m sure that with my angel I"m okayWhen I"m down he will come aroundI"ll be safe and soundBut they only making troubleLearn the alphabet you need some helpYou gotta get on out my time is qualityCheck yourself before you wreck yourselfI"m getting sick and tired go to the park and play


累的英语tired。这句话是正确的。网络释义:1、GUI。小词库:坐车、行路、累(GU)、百合花、几钱、五十蚊。2、Tired。A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()1.We are tired(累)now, but it is _______interesting day.3、so tired。A. So B. But C. Because D. And 33. We are so tired(累)these days because we have homework . A. too much.4、accumulate。(stream)奶油(cream)有屎(让音"S")公(cock)成累(accumulate)蒸汽(steam)让(seam)里。双语例句:1、即使我非常累,我也会坚持练习。I keep practicing even when I"m extremely tired.2、虽然她累了,但她仍然坚持游泳。Though she was tired, she still carried on swimming.3、当晚餐终于吃完时,亨利又累又饿。When dinner was finally finished, Henry was tired and hungry .4、在他们累之前完成这些活儿。Finish them before they get tired.

急求tired 构成的短语

1. be tired from sth 因某原因而疲倦He was tired from long studying. 他因长时间学习而感到很疲倦。She was tired from having sat up all night. 她因熬夜而疲倦。[注]有时可用介词with,但这在现代英语中已很少见。不过不管用哪个介词,在口语中可省略。如:He"s tired (from, with) running. 他跑累了。2. be tired of (doing) sth 厌烦(厌腻)做某事He is tired of boiled eggs. 他吃厌了煮蛋。I"m tired of watching television; let"s go for a walk. 电视我看腻了,我们去散步吧。3. be tired out 筋疲力尽I"m tired out; I"ll go to bed. 我已筋疲力尽了,我要去睡觉了。By the time we got there, we were tired out. 我们到达那儿时,已是筋疲力尽了。

so tired与too tired


TomBoy 和 TomGirl 的分别.


so tired是什么意思


so tired可以单独用吗



so tired意为好累。too tired意为太累了。二者意思相近,用法相同,可以互换。 造句为: 1.She was too tired to pedal back. 她太累了,没力气骑自行车回去。2.I was too tired and frightened to find fort in that familiar promise. 我既疲惫又恐惧,就连那熟悉的承诺都无法让我感到安慰。 3.By the time I get home, I"m too tired to do anything active. 我到家时累得无法动弹。 4.I was so tired that my eyesight grew dim. 我太累了,眼睛有点发花。 5.She was so tired, she could scarcely move her dragging limbs. 她是那么累,疲惫的双腿简直都挪动不了啦。

i feel so tired that i do not want to do anything


So tired is she that..... 还是So tired she is that.




啊啊啊啊im so tired是什么歌

翻译过来的话是 我是如此的疲倦知道

英语中,有的时候省略主语,有的时候如果直接说So happy. So tired. So surp



dx12支持的显卡有RadeonRX系列桌面显卡、Radeon R9系列桌面显卡、Radeon R7系列桌面显卡、Radeon R5 240桌面显卡、Radeon HD 8000O EM系列桌面显卡等。微软在2014年的GDC上正式发布了新一代的APIDirectX12(DX12)。虽然它并不像前两天外媒声称的翻版AMD Mantle API,但是其具体细节并没有被公布多少。还是可以看到DirectX12里面包含了一些新东西。微软将在Win10系统上正式带来DirectX12(以下简称DX12),而且DX12只会支持Windows10,因为DX12比DX9受欢迎多了。DX12的特性:DX12最重要的变化就是底层的API,这一点很像AMD Mantle,在硬件抽象层上走得比以往更深入,能够同时减轻CPU、GPU的过载(overload)。应用可追踪GPU流水线、控制资源状态转换(比如从渲染目标到纹理)、控制资源重命名,更少的API和驱动跟踪,可预判属性,等等。DX12大大提高了多线程效率,可以充分发挥多线程硬件的潜力。DX11在这方面受CPU性能的严重制约,主要是因为不能有效利用多核心。

0h,I’m so tired的意思


l am so you know?是什么意思

l am so tired. do you know?我很累了。你知道吗?双语对照例句:1.Do you know who am I? 你知道我是谁吗?2.So how do you pretend to know who I am? 但你为何要装着对我了如指掌呢?

I went to bed early these days . so tired 什么意思


女友用英语跟我说:In fact,I am so tired 我用英语该怎么回?

come on 宝贝。。。。。。。。。



So tired...good night 这样表达对吗?

口语没错,书面语要改改I am so tired.Have a good night.

好累 是写so tire 还是 so tired?


why is it so tired是什么意?


So tired i am和So tired am i哪句语法有问题 请详解

so tied am i 有语法问题,谓语放在主语前面是疑问句中的通常用法,而这显然不是疑问句,so+形容词+谓语+主语,这是一个表示强调的句型,主语置前以肯定的语气更能起到强调的作用,你多读几遍应该能发现前一句读起来比后一句更有气势

so tired i am that i get up late。这句话对吗?如果不对那“我太累了起床晚了”这句话该怎么说啊?

Too tired to get up late!

so tired

too tiredso tired very tired really tired rather tired fairly tired 相当累I feel terrible ad today

Velociraptor! 歌词

歌曲名:Velociraptor!歌手:Kasabian专辑:Velociraptor!Velociraptor!KasabianBlast offHe"ll try to shoot you with precisionTake your face offYoung disciple into lifeHe was hung up,By the meaning of existenceYou be let downSo don"t you fall in with theVelociraptor!He"s gonna find ya!He"s gonna kill ya!He"s gonna eat ya!You"re on the outskirtsOf his kingdomSo keep your head down!Veloci– VelociraptorShake downGo get your suitcaseCall a directorTell everyone in sightThis is an air raidYou wanna get laid?But he is closingHe ain"t toothless manVelociraptor!He"s gonna find ya!He"s gonna kill ya!He"s gonna eat ya!You"re on the outskirtsOf his kingdomSo keep your head down!Veloci– VelociraptorWoooooooaaaaah!There"s nothing to it!There"s nothing to it man!Woooooooaaaaah!There"s nothing to it!There"s nothing to it man!And now your lying hereWhile everyones asleepThey just wanna suckYour bloodBlast offOn the model for collisionGet scared nowCause theres nowhere left to hideAre you ready?Feel the scratching getting closerThere"s no foolinAnd you"re the only one aliveThe voodooThe vaccineThe boredomThe routineMaintaining your movementIts all got too muchFor the addictsThe manicsThe paperThe vapourThe pressure,of so called,Normal behaviourWoooooooaaaaah!There"s nothing to it!There"s nothing to it man!Woooooooaaaaah!There"s nothing to it!There"s nothing to it man!And now your lying therewhile everyones asleepThey just wanna suckYour bloodVelociraptor!He"s gonna find ya!He"s gonna kill ya!He"s gonna eat ya!You"re on the outskirtsOf his kingdomSo keep your head down!Veloci– Velociraptor

so tired was i after a whole day为什么是部分倒装?

This sentence uses partial inversion because the adverb "so tired" is placed at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the subject "I." Typically, subject-verb word order is used in English sentences, but in this case, the adverb is emphasized by being placed at the beginning of the sentence, resulting in partial inversion.


应该是拼错了吧 我猜的嗯嗯 楼上的说的不错,支持

so tired,两个动词为什么可以放在一起(名词,形容词,副词,介词短语)是那个词?

有时,当动词加ed或是ing,动词可以变成形容词。比如tire是动词疲劳,而so tired中的tired是形容词,为劳累的。

翻译中文谢谢,so tired。




so tired与too tired有什么区别?

要看用在什么地方了 可以so tired that…… 太累了以至于…… 后面跟句子 可以too tierd to do …… 太累了去做…… 后面跟短语
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