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新买的电脑Dell insprion one2330 558NJN 自带的window8系统为啥电脑运行特慢玩游戏各种卡




Touch Me (SMASH Cast Version featuring Katharine McPhee) 歌词

歌曲名:Touch Me (SMASH Cast Version featuring Katharine McPhee)歌手:SMASH Cast专辑:The Music of SMASHThis is first touch! あぁ 私の声も 闻こえなくなったそれでも ここにいる alivetouch Me!作词:仓木麻衣作曲:Yue Mochizuki编曲:Takahiro Hiraga止められない感情が わかってるけど 时々出て やけっぱちな「ほっといてよ」友达には「変わったよね」って言われるけど すいません....あと一歩がんばれないほらね 探りたくなる言叶「今日の味方は明日の敌」ほんの少し目を伏せただけなのに このままで终わっていくのかな?押したり引いたり もう头痛くなるほど じれったい 胜ち负けじゃないよ君といたい いつもいたい ねぇ 本当のところ わからないtouch me はしゃぐ声の裏には隠す涙が こんな私でも好きでいてくれるの?何も知らないのに...手に负えない 自分でももう身体中流れ出してく touch me!だから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!「駆け込み乗车は危ないのでおやめ下さい」とアナウンスが流れて友达には「バカだよね」って言われたけど 最终电车にもミスしたみたいほらね モロイ内面隠せない 今日のネタ 明日の笑い軽く演じてみる 梦物语 まだまだ そう 始まったばかり笑ったり泣いたり もう头痛くなる程テンパって 核心ふれずにホントのところは?う~ん本気でぶつかること避けたいだけ リアルな感情出しても「わかるよ わかる!」とかうわべだけの言叶はもう舍てて もう充分伤ついた....それでも期待させてよ 全部壊してよ ねぇ touch meだから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!笑ったり泣いたり もう头痛くなる程テンパってそれだけ 本気で 私たち ねぇ ホントのところはどうなの?全部壊しちゃうくらい 怖くないんだ守ってあげるなんて うわべだけの言叶は舍てて一日千秋 それでも期待してしまう あなたの优しさに touch meだから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!ぐるぐる巡る もう头痛くなるほどシミュレーションじれったい じれったい君といたい いつもいたい ねぇ 本当のところ わからないtouch me はしゃぐ声の裏には隠す涙が でも そう思ったりもしてくれるんだね核心ふれずに...手に负えない それでいてもう身体中に流れ出してく touch me!だから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!

instruction of mould changing和instruction for mould changing的区别

there are less people


同意 就是把priv的内容存到session里,然后通过session.getattribute("adminpriv")可以得到它,("adminpriv",priv+"")相当于键和值,另外priv+""是把priv转化为字符串


hello 大家好,今天我们要学习的单词是contribution,contribution是一个名词,意思是贡献、捐献、投稿,它的复数形式是contributions,也就是在后面加上s,同义词呢,是subscription和donation,他呢词根为contribute,词根contribute本身作为动词,就是贡献、捐献的意思,contribute加上名词性后缀tion,就变成了名词contribution;这里有一个巧记的方法可以分享给大家,con可以翻译为共同的,tribute又是礼物的意思,所以我们可以这样去记,大家共同会送礼物给别人就是奉献、捐献,contribution通常翻译为贡献,例如在下面这个句子中,His contribution could be key. 他的贡献可能是最重要的,接下来看看第二个例句,They may define their contribution too narrowly. 他们可能把他的贡献说得太狭隘了,现在来看看最后一句,翻译为捐献,My small contribution was lost in the grand total. 我的小小捐献在巨大的总额中小得几乎看不见,contribution这个单词你学会了吗?

simulink中solver configuration这个模块怎么用

matlab里仿真电路需要一个解决方案模块(solver configuration)来设置一些特殊的仿真信息比如说算法啊系数精度呀之类的,具体设置对初级的仿真没啥用处,你只要把那个solver configuration块放在电路图里连到电路图上就行了

Excel solver 线性规划求解方式选择了Simplx LP后,右边有一个Option选项,这个里面的东西都是什么意思?

我觉得条件不够吧,如果不假定a b c为正数的话,结果显然是无穷大,如果a b c 都非负,则最大值为99 假定你会solver哈,这个题目相当于最简单的一个例子 只有三个变量(在excel中我假设是A1 A2 A3) 目标单元格设为A4=78*A1+99*A2+88*A3,约束条件为A5=A1+A2+A3=1 在选项中,选线性模型和非负(假设 a b c非负),点确定后 点求解,最大值为99

prison sous haute tension什么意思?

prison sous haute tension翻译是高压监狱。高压监狱是一部电影,是美国运送全美最危险的罪犯而专设的飞机。卡麦伦(尼古拉斯u2022凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)坐上这趟飞机,不是因为他罪恶滔天,而是他为了赶在女儿生日那天,亲手给女儿一份礼物而申请的一次飞行。他在狱中表现良好,典狱官答应了他这个请求。然而,却有一个难题——在这趟飞机上,还押送着一帮杀人狂魔。警探非常留神随时可能出现的危险,但防不胜防的是,飞行过程中那帮暴徒还是挟持了飞机上全部的警察,卡麦伦也被迫帮他们完成逃脱任务。地面的联邦部队决定把飞机打下,把狂徒一网打尽,身陷险境的卡麦伦该逃出这个高压监狱?电影越来越不好看了.我是说这个年头的电影.难看的就不多说了,难得好看的几部,看完也会让人心生遗憾,总有些镜头、手法、意境,让人看地眼热,珠玉在前,再突破也太难,不突破也不好打个平手,只是在前人的光芒下兀自硬挺而已。

prison sous haute tension翻译

prison sous haute tension翻译是高压监狱。高压监狱是一部电影,是美国运送全美最危险的罪犯而专设的飞机。卡麦伦(尼古拉斯u2022凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)坐上这趟飞机,不是因为他罪恶滔天,而是他为了赶在女儿生日那天,亲手给女儿一份礼物而申请的一次飞行。他在狱中表现良好,典狱官答应了他这个请求。然而,却有一个难题——在这趟飞机上,还押送着一帮杀人狂魔。警探非常留神随时可能出现的危险,但防不胜防的是,飞行过程中那帮暴徒还是挟持了飞机上全部的警察,卡麦伦也被迫帮他们完成逃脱任务。地面的联邦部队决定把飞机打下,把狂徒一网打尽,身陷险境的卡麦伦该逃出这个高压监狱?电影越来越不好看了.我是说这个年头的电影.难看的就不多说了,难得好看的几部,看完也会让人心生遗憾,总有些镜头、手法、意境,让人看地眼热,珠玉在前,再突破也太难,不突破也不好打个平手,只是在前人的光芒下兀自硬挺而已。

Prison Song (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Prison Song (Lp Version)歌手:Graham Nash专辑:Wild TalesPrison SongThey"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,Following the rights movementsYou clamped on with your iron fists, Drugs became convenientlyAvailable for all the kids, Following the rights movementsYou clamped on with your iron fists, Drugs became convenientlyAvailable for all the kids,I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch right here in Hollywood.They"re trying to build a prison, They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison, They"re trying to build a prison(For you and me to live in)Another prison system, Another prison system,Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)Minor drug offenders fill your prisonsYou don"t even flinchAll our taxes paying for your warsAgainst the new non-rich,Minor drug offenders fill your prisonsYou don"t even flinchAll our taxes paying for your warsAgainst the new non-rich,I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch right here in Hollywood.They"re trying to build a prison, They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison, They"re trying to build a prison,(for you and me to live in)Another prison system, Another prison system,Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)They"re trying to build a prison, They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison, For you and me,Oh baby, you and me.All research and successful drug policy show That treatment should be increased,And law enforcement decreased, While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences,All research and successful drug policy show That treatment should be increased,And law enforcement decreased, While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world,Drugs are now your global policy, Now you police the globe,I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch right here in Hollywood.Drug money is used to rig elections, And train brutal corporate sponsoredDictators around the world.

prison sous haute tension的中文翻译是什么?

prison sous haute tension是法语表达,直译为"高压监狱"。意思是监狱的环境气氛十分紧张,犯人们内部关系复杂,存在高度的恶意竞争甚至暴力对抗的状态。这种监狱里的犯人大多长期处于精神高度紧绷的状态,随时可能发生严重的纷争甚至暴力事件。所以,对此法语表达的中文翻译可以是:高压力监狱关系紧张的监狱暴力频发的监狱治安状况恶劣的监狱例如:Les prisons sous haute tension nécessitent des mesures de sécurité renforcées.高压力监狱需要加强的安全措施。La vie dans une prison sous haute tension est très difficile.在关系紧张的监狱里生活是非常艰难的。总的来说,prison sous haute tension这个表达指的是一个环境极为紧张,暴力事件时有发生的监狱。犯人之间存在高度的敌意与猜忌,整体来说秩序很难维持,管理也十分棘手。所以该词汇的中文翻译应该能体现出监狱 Environment 气氛紧张,人际关系恶劣,治安状况堪忧的意思。如"高压力监狱""关系紧张的监狱""暴力频发的监狱"等表达方式。希望翻译的解释能清楚表达该法语词汇的意思和翻译方法。如果还有不理解的地方,请问,我很乐意提供更详细的解答。

java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create domain.Student: domain.Student Query: SELEC




html中selec option中怎么判断下拉框中VALUE的值

给select标签加一个onchange事件 在js里面用传入的值来判断onchange="show(this.value)"

Leak detection hole

*** Attention *** *** 各位注意 *** This electronic mail including attachments is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged material and information. 电子邮件及其附件仅仅是发送给署名地址的人或公司,里面包含了保密或法律所允许的材料与资料。Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this material and information may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. 未经许可打开邮件,复制,散发或使用该材料与资料将是违法的,是严格禁止的。If you are not the intended recipient and have received this mail in error, please immediately contact the sender and delete all contents of the e-mail as well as any copies made. 加入你无意中收到不是真正寄给你的邮件(收到寄错地址的邮件),请及时通知发信人,并且删除所有内容,以及收件时所做的拷贝件。Thank You! 谢谢!

system information leak怎么修复

1.在运行,输入"gpedit.msc"/(组策略)程序/ 计算机配置/管理模板/系统/系统还原/右边,关闭系统还原,双击打开它,启用。 2,在运行,输入"gpedit.msc"/(组策略)程序/计算机配置/管理模板/windows组件/ windows Installer/在右边会有一个"关闭创建系统还原检查点"双击打开它,选择启用。 运用cacls命令赋予当前用户完全控制权限后即可删除“System Volume Information”文件夹 命令如下: cacls "c:System Volume Information" /g everyone:f 以上是赋予所有用户对c盘System Volume Information文件夹的完全控制权限,可以删除了 命令详解请在命令提示符下输入: cacls /?



安装magento时出现下面错误提示: PHP extension "pdo_mysql" must be loaded. 求助



"compensation" 是一个英文单词,发音为 /u02ccku0252mpu025bnu02c8seu026au0283u0259n/,意思是为了补偿损失、付出代价或实现平衡而提供的补偿或报酬。它可以指金钱上的补偿,也可以包含其他形式的回报或补救措施。"compensation" 通常用来描述为了弥补或补偿某种损失、损害或牺牲而提供的回报或赔偿。它可以是为了平衡或弥补某种不公正、损失、伤害或责任而进行的行为或金钱上的补偿。在工作场所,"compensation" 通常指的是员工所获得的薪资、福利和津贴等形式的回报。在法律领域,"compensation" 也可以指根据法律规定向受到伤害或不公平行为的个人提供的赔偿。"compensation" 的概念还可以扩展到其他方面,如生态补偿、精神损失的抚慰、误工补偿、机场延误赔偿等。"compensation" 是指为了补偿损失、付出代价或实现平衡而提供的报酬、赔偿或补偿。它在各个领域中都扮演着重要的角色,包括工作薪酬、法律赔偿以及其他形式的补偿措施。英语是一种世界通用的语言,而英语音标是用来标示英语单词发音的符号系统。学习英语音标可以帮助学习者准确地发音英语中的各个音素和音节,提高口语表达和听力理解的能力。精通英语的益处1、提升职业竞争力:在全球化的背景下,精通英语可以帮助人们在职业发展中具备更多机会。许多国际公司和组织都需要拥有英语沟通能力的员工,具备英语能力可以提升个人在就业市场中的竞争力。2、拓宽人际交往圈:英语是全球通用的交流语言,精通英语可以帮助人们与世界各地的人进行交流和沟通。可以与不同文化背景和母语的人交友、建立商业联系,拓宽人际交际圈,增加机会和资源。3、享受文化、娱乐和旅行的乐趣:精通英语可以更深入地了解和体验英语国家的文化、艺术、音乐、电影、文学等。可以直接阅读英语的原版书籍、欣赏英语的电影、音乐和戏剧,更加丰富自己的文化娱乐生活。此外,旅行时精通英语可以更好地与当地人交流,便于解决问题和融入当地文化。

in the section 和at the stall的用法

in the section是指这个部分 ,at the stall是指在这个摊位。_热缭炀洌_n this section,you will hear a short passage,在这个部分,你会听到一个短文,He"s got a market stall.他有个市场摊位。_硎灸骋坏阄恢?,用 at,在什么里面用in。

JAVA中 baseSplitPane.setDividerLocation(0.5); 是什么意思?详细解释下. 一下是详细代码

你可以从JSplitPane基础的看起,下面给你列出:1.JSplitPane myJSplitPane=new JSplitPane(int newOrientaion,boolean new ContinuousLayout);newOrientaion:可选值为:JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLITJSplitPane,VERTUCAL_SPLIT2.常用方法:①、setDividerSize(int size)设置分割条的大小。      ②、getDividerSize()得到分割条的大小。      ③、setDividerLocation(int size)按照百分比设置分割条的位置。      ④、getOrientation获得方向。

Lilac (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lilac (Lp Version)歌手:Pure专辑:Generation Six-Pack「Lilac」作词∶Caravan作曲∶Caravan歌∶Caravanもう大丈夫さ 出ておいで何も怖くないから震える肩に光のかけら降り注いでいるのが见えるよもう大丈夫さ 泣かないで雨の匂いの歌を歌おう街はモノクロのパレード二人で抜け出して歩いて海まで行こうgood night もう おやすみ风に揺れる白い花good night good night おやすみ梦でまた会えるよララララ谁も知らないこと秘密を作ろうよ神様の目を盗んで夜の彼方へgood night もう おやすみ风に揺れる白い花good night good night おやすみ梦でまた会えるよ【 おわり 】





with soaring aspirations是什么意思




Aging poses a serious challenge to OECD(Organization of Economic Co-operation and.

(Aging) (poses) (a serious challenge) (to) [OECD(Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development)countries] 前半句成分划分应该没什么问题,不赘述in particular,典型的同位语引导词,后面how to pay for future public pension liabilities是同位语参考翻译:人口老龄化给经合组织国家带来了巨大挑战,特别是在如何支付未来几年公共养老金的问题上。满意请采纳


layout和configuration是近义词,layout 名词意思是布局,设计,安排,陈列;configuration 名词 意思是配置,结构,外形。

Bleeding The Orchid (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bleeding The Orchid (Album Version)歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:ZeitgeistSmashing Pumpkins - Bleeding The OrchidIf life is my weakness,Love is my song,If nothing means no one,then blank, I belongIf fear conquers easy,I can lead on,Milk from the flower,Blood from the dawnSo here we are, upon your stage,The laughs we shared,The dreams we saved.Bleeding the orchid,we"re bleeding the orchid,bleeding the orchidlessed my weaknessblessed my wrongsAs hate forms a sequence,Of one by one.As freedoms die easy,With suffrage the wantThere"s clouds in my shower,Ghosts in my armsYouth is where you areFaith some sinner"s childWe"re bleeding the orchid,We"re bleeding the orchid,Bleeding the orchidGilded art this silent march,Past triumph, thru alarmSo thus charmedDoes this will stand for much?But heart"s untouched,by heart"s unlovedBleeding the orchidBleeding the orchid,Here we are,Upon your stageThe love we share,The dreams we"ll save.They"re bleeding the orchiDThey"re bleeding the orchiDThey"re bleeding the orchiDThey"re bleeding the orchiDby zooe I HATE YOU!2009-88-18

求以"tradition and custom"为主题的英语口语情景对话,要三个人的,不少三分钟

英语聊天话题:英国留学情景会话第1章 习惯与风俗in the Departmental Reception for New StudentsDean: Erm, good evening everyone. May I extend a very warm welcome to the new students in the Department of Economics. 〔to the assistant dean〕 How many new students have been admitted to the department this year?Assistant Dean: A hundred and twenty this year.Dean: Well, thats a very good rise in numbers; and I see we have a large intake from China and Korea this year… so a special welcome to you too. Could I just ask you to get yourselves a drink and mingle as much as possible. Make most of the free food, this is probably the only occasion where you can get something from the Department for free, so enjoy….Zhao: Hello there, you aren"t Chinese, are you?Jung: No, I"m Korean actually… are you Chinese?Zhao: Yes… whereabouts are you from?Jung: Korea. I said.Zhao: I know that… I mean where in Korea are you from?Jung: Oh… sorry… Busan… it"s in the far Southeast. What about you?Zhao: Erm… I"m from Haikou, in Hainan….Jung: Oh… where"s that?Zhao: It is a big island in the South China Sea, between Taiwan and Vietnam. Remember a few years ago—that American reconnaissance plane that clashed with a Chinese fighter and was forced to land in China? Hainan was where it landed.Jung: Oh… I do remember, Hainan….Dr. Haynes: Hello… are you two Chinese?Jung: No. He"s Chinese. I"m Korean.Dr. Haynes: Oh… What do you think of Newcastle so far? Are you settling in all right?Zhao: Well, it"s very nice… I"ve already found a flatshare… and I"m quite comfortable, thanks.Dr. Haynes: That"s good. Why did you decide to come to this part of the country to study?Jung: Well… everyone goes to London… don"t you think? It"s full of foreign students! We"ll never get to know the real England there, and we"ll end up speaking our own languages as well.Dr. Haynes: Well you could be right there. What do you think of the local accent here? Has it been causing you any problems?Zhao: Well, I think it"s just a matter of getting used to it, isn"t it? I am quite surprised how different the accents are in a small country like England, but I have learnt to like them. Just like in Chinese, the northern accents are humorous, and the southern accents are, well, gentle.Jung: Do you have problems with our accents?Dr. Haynes: Not really… well sometimes, actually, yes… haha. Look… let me introduce you to some local students here… this is Tony Barry… he"s from Sunderland, which is about twelve miles from here… and Melanie Johnson… she"s from Washington, which is about ten miles away.Zhao: Washington?!Melanie: Yes… haha… that always confuses foreigners. It"s the original Washington… George Washington"s ancestors came from there.Jung: Oh!Tony: So, are you both Japanese, then?Zhao: No. I"m Chinese and he"s Korean.Tony: Oh… sorry… I haven"t met many people from your part of the world before. Do you lads like football?Jung: I do! I love Chelsea!Zhao: Yes… and I like Manchester United.Melanie: Why is it that foreigners always like those teams?Zhao: They are famous and they always win.Tony: Yes, but don"t you think that anyone can support a winner? I mean, here in England we think you should support your home team… that"s why when people say they support Manchester United we know they are not actually from Manchester! The real Mancunians support Manchester City!Jung: Well, we are foreigners. We don"t have a home team in the premier league. But I think you are right. From now on, we should support Newcastle. Which team do you support, then?Tony: Sunderland!Zhao: I"ve never heard of them.Tony: Well, everyone in Britain has! They have a long and proud history, even though they weren"t in the Premiership last season. That"s the point, if you are from Sunderland, you love Sunderland whether they are up or down… and not Newcastle… 〔looking at Dr. Haynes〕… they"re our local rivals.Dr. Haynes: What was that you were saying, Tony?在院系新生欢迎仪式上系主任:嗯,大家晚上好。请允许我向经济系的新生们致以热烈的欢迎。〔对助理系主任说〕今年录取了多少新生?助理系主任:今年有120个。系主任:嗯,增长了不少;而且我看见我们今年从中国和韩国录取的学生很多,对你们表示特别的欢迎。你们都拿杯喝的吧,尽情地聊。多吃点儿,都是免费的。这可能是你们唯一一次可以从系里拿到免费东西的机会,尽情享用吧。赵:你好,你不是中国人吧?俊:不是,我是韩国人。你是中国人吗?赵:对。那你具体从哪儿来?俊:韩国,我说过了。赵:我知道,我是说你从韩国的什么地方来?俊:噢,不好意思。釜山,在最东南面。你呢?赵:嗯,我是从海口来的,在海南。俊:噢,那是哪儿?赵:那是中国南海上的一个大岛,在台湾地区和越南之间。还记得几年前一架美国侦察机与中国战斗机相撞并在中国迫降吗?海南就是它降落的地方。俊:噢,我确实记得,海南。海因斯博士:你们好。你们俩都是中国人吗?俊:不。他是中国人,我是韩国人。海因斯博士:噢,你们现在觉得纽卡斯尔怎么样?都安顿好了吗?赵:很好。我已经找到了一个合租公寓,非常舒适,谢谢。海因斯博士:那很好。你们为什么来英国的这个地方学习呢?俊:人人都想去伦敦,你不觉得吗?那儿全是外国学生!我们在那儿根本了解不到真正的英国,而且大家到头来都说自己国家的语言。海因斯博士:你这么说也是有道理的。你们怎么看这里的口音?对你们有影响吗?赵:我想只要我们习惯了就好了,不是吗?像英格兰这么小的地方竟有这么多不同的口音,我很惊讶,不过我已经逐渐喜欢上它们了。就像在汉语里,北方口音幽默,南方口音,怎么说呢,温柔。俊:你听我们的口音有问题吗?海因斯博士:其实没有。可能有时候,实际上,有,哈哈。这样吧,我给你们介绍几个当地学生。这是托尼·巴里,他是从桑德兰来的,离这儿大概有12英里。还有梅拉妮·约翰逊,她是从华盛顿来的,离这儿10英里左右。赵:华盛顿?!梅拉妮:是的,哈哈。许多外国人都搞不明白,那是最早的华盛顿,乔治· 华盛顿的祖先就是从那儿来的。俊:噢。托尼:那么,你们俩都是日本人?赵:不。我是中国人,他是韩国人。托尼:哦,抱歉,我没见过多少从你们那个地方来的人。你们两个喜欢足球吗?俊:我喜欢!我特别喜欢切尔西!赵:是啊,我喜欢曼联。梅拉妮:为什么外国人总是喜欢这些队呢?赵:他们有名而且他们总赢。托尼:也对,但你难道不觉得一个赢家谁都可以去追捧吗?在英国我们认为应当支持自己的家乡队。所以,当人们说他们支持曼联,我们就知道他们不是真来自曼彻斯特!真正的曼彻斯特人支持曼城队!俊:我们是外国人。英超联赛里没有我们的家乡队。但是我认为你是对的。从现在开始,我们应该支持纽卡斯尔队。那你支持哪个球队呢?托尼:桑德兰!赵:我从来没听说过这个队。托尼:英国人都知道!他们有悠久而令人骄傲的历史,虽然他们目前不在英超联赛里。关键是,只要你是桑德兰人,你就会爱桑德兰队,无论他们表现好与坏,而不是纽卡斯尔队。〔向海因斯博士的方向看去〕他们跟我们是同室操戈的敌人。海因斯博士:托尼,你说什么呢?

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Walk Away [Album Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Walk Away [Album Version]歌手:Funeral For A Friend专辑:Tales Don"T Tell ThemselvesChristina Milian - Walk Away (Paula DeAnda Demo)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI saw you with your new girl just yesterdayAnd I feel that I must confessEven though it kills me to have to sayI"ll admit that I was impressedI guess I"d call it show of affectionGotta commend you on your selectionThough I know I shouldn"t be concernedIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes she rub your feetWhen you"ve had a long dayAnd scratch your scalpWhen you take out your braidsDoes she know you like to play PS2"Til 6 in the morning like I doI can"t explain this feeling (yeah)I think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved on (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayIt feels like my life from day to dayHoping maybe you"ll come backI know I tell myself not to be afraid to move onBut it seems I can"tThough my new man is giving me attentionBut it ain"t the same as your affectionI know that I should be contentIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes he kiss me on my foreheadBefore we layShow up on my doorstepWith a bouquetDoes he feel me in the middle of the dayJust to say baby I love you like you used toI can"t explain this feeling (I can"t explain) (yeah)I think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on) (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayIt"s so hard to express these feelings"Cause nobody compares to youAnd you know that she"ll never love you like I do(Yeah) I can"t explain this feeling (uh huh)I think about it everyday (everyday) (yeah)And even though we"ve moved on (yeah)It gets so hard to walk awayI can"t forget how we used to beI can"t explain this feelingI think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on)It gets so hard to walk awayMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

Walk Away (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Walk Away (Album Version)歌手:Kenny Rogers专辑:Love Is StrangePaula DeandaI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI saw you with your new girl just yesterdayAnd I feel that I must confessEven though it kills me to have to sayI"ll admit that I was impressedI guess I"d call it show of affectionGotta commend you on your selectionThough I know I shouldn"t be concernedIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes she rub your feetWhen you"ve had a long dayAnd scratch your scalpWhen you take out your braidsDoes she know you like to play PS2"Til 6 in the morning like I doI can"t explain this feeling (yeah)I think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved on (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI can"t forget how we used to beI guess I have to live my life from day to dayHoping maybe you"ll come backI know I tell myself not to be afraid to move onBut it seems I can"tThough my new man is giving me attentionBut it ain"t the same as your affectionI know that I should be contentIn the back of my mind I can"t help but questionDoes he kiss me on my foreheadBefore we layShow up on my doorstepWith a bouquetDoes he feel me in the middle of the dayJust to say baby I love you like you used toI can"t explain this feeling (I can"t explain) (yeah)I think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on) (uh huh)It gets so hard to walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI can"t forget how we used to beSo how do I express this feeling"Cause nobody compares to youAnd you know that she"ll never love you like I do(Yeah) I can"t explain this feeling (uh huh)I think about it everyday (everyday) (yeah)And even though we"ve moved on (yeah)It gets so hard to walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI can"t forget how we used to beI can"t explain this feelingI think about it everyday (everyday)And even though we"ve moved on (moved on)It gets so hard to walk awayI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember meI"m gonna remember you, you"re gonna remember me

Orlando,a city in Florida,__for its main attraction,Magic kingdom.



trillion 万亿。妥妥的,哈哈


one 1ten 10hundred 100 百thousand 1,000 千 以三个零一个逗号递增million 1,000,000 百万billion 1,000,000,000 十亿




billion的意思如下:billion的中文解释:1、当词性为量词时,意为十亿;无数的;大量的;亿万个;十亿英镑;一万亿。2、当作为人名时,可翻译为(法)比利翁。billion的读音:billion的英式发音为[ˈbɪljən];美式发音为[ˈbɪljən]。相关短语:1、Billion Chords吉他和弦查询;吉他和弦查询器;吉他和弦字典。2、billion electron volts十亿电子伏;十亿电子伏特;千兆电子伏。特。3、BILLION POWER东方倍力。4、the billion无边无际。5、Billion Reasons一千万个理由。双语例句:1、The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle.这条新跑道是一个价值十亿美元的废物。2、Worldwide sales reached 2.5 billion.全球销售额达到了25亿。3、The company posted a$1.1 billion loss.这家公司公布了11亿元的亏损。4、Imports totalled$1.5 billion last year.去年的进口总额达15亿元。5、The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.银河系由1千亿颗恒星组成。6、The total debt outstanding is$70 billion.尚未偿还的总债务额是700亿美元。7、Sales jumped from$2.7 billion to$3.5 billion.销售额从27亿元猛增到35亿元。8、Lending by banks rose to$10 billion last year.去年银行发放的贷款增至100亿元。9、New consumer credit fell to$3.7 billion in August.8月份新的消费信贷下降至37亿美元。10、There was a capital outflow of$22 billion in 1998.1998年的资本外流量为220亿元。

拥有1billion财产是什么感觉 知乎


英语中的数字换算成汉语的数字,我怎么不能分清啊? 例如:10million是=1000万,我怎么感觉是等于1亿啊?

那是你数学没学好,和英语没关系 1亿=10000万 不是 1000万

billion是多少?后面几个零? 中文怎么说?



3100000000 2100000000 757000000


billion跟million的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.billion意思:十亿,数以十亿计,大量,一万。2.million意思:一百万,大量。二、用法不同1.billion用法:billion在美国、法国指十亿,在英国、德国指万亿。billion用作名词的定语时复数形式仍为billion;与具体数字连用时复数形式为billion,其后不接of;与several, many等数目不很具体的词连用时复数形式可为billion(其后的of可以省略)2.million用法:million的基本意思是“百万”,也可作“百万个(人或物)”“百万英镑〔美元〕”解,用于比喻可指“许多”。million用作定语且有a或其他数词修饰时,一般要用单数形式,用在of短语前或表示不确定数字时常用复数形式。million指“钱”时可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。三、侧重点不同1.billion侧重点:侧重于金融行业或大型公司采用的数额。2.million侧重点:侧重于日常生活或小型集体应用的数额。


是的.1 billion是10亿,1.3当然就是1.3*10亿=13亿





1500 million 等于几多billion?

1.5 billion 1 million = 1 000 000 1 billion = 1 000 000 000 2007-05-18 09:45:25 补充: 1 billion = 10亿1 million = 100万所以1.5 billion = 15亿啦!! 1 million=百万. 1 billion=十亿. 1500 millions 等于1500000000 等于1.5billion. 中文=壹十五亿 由于﹕1 000 000 = 1 million 所以﹕1500million = 1 500 000 000 又由于﹕1 000 000 000 = 1 billion 所以﹕1500million = 1.5billion 1500milions =1500*1000000/100000000 =15bilions 是15亿

1 billion=?million

1 billion=1000million 10亿=1000个百万




billion就是 十亿啊前面加个10就是100亿啊,那就是100 000 00



between 100m and 1 billion 中文是什么意思

100 milion=1亿.1billion=10亿.句子的意思是:在一亿和10亿之间。


若您指的是美元兑换人民币汇率,您可以参考招行外汇“实时汇率”,请进入招行主页,点击右侧的“ 外汇实时汇率”查看,具体汇率请以实际操作时汇率为准。如需查询历史汇率,在对应汇率后点击"查看历史"。注:100外币兑人民币。(页面左侧的“外币兑换计算器”可进行试算)

100 million 等于1 billion吗??


billion, million到底是万,百万,还是亿?

1 million 是十万; 10 million是千万;10 thousand 是1万;1 billion 是十亿

1亿=1Billion 吗?



billion十亿啊,你记错了.MILLION百万啊,1000一个单位, 所以100万是这样表示的:1,000,000 如果是30 BILLION 就是300亿! 300 millon 是3亿,对吧!对

1 billion=?million

1 billion=1000million 10亿=1000个百万

1 billion=?million




《her love is my religion》歌词及其中文翻译

The Cab Her Love Is My ReligionI said her love is my religion,is my religion, is my religion, is my religionSome have them Bibles, and some go to churchWell I found my heaven, inside of herWe all need something to believe, gotta find our destinyI"ve got her and she"s got meI see her when I close my eyes, she"s my only G-d in lifeNever gonna say goodbyeCause I see the stars and the freckles on her faceAnd I"m seeing G-d every time she says my nameSo mother Mary pray for me whenever I"m so lostHer love is my religionSome have their crosses and their golden gatesWell she is the grace I wear when I lose my faithWe all need something to believe,the words we say before we sleepClose my eyes and she"s my dreamShe"s the truth inside my world of liesKeeping all my hope aliveNever gonna say goodbyeCause I see the stars and the freckles on her faceAnd I"m seeing G-d every time she says my nameSo mother Mary pray for me whenever I"m so lostHer love is my religionHer love is my religion, is my religion, is my religionI said her love is my religion, is my religion, is my religion x2Cause I see the stars and the freckles on her faceAnd I"m seeing G-d every time she says my nameSo mother Mary pray for me whenever I"m so lostHer love is my religionI said her love is my religion, is my religion, is my religion x2我说,她的爱是我的信仰,是我的信仰,是我的信仰,是我的信仰 有些人他们的圣经,有的去教堂 好吧,我发现我的天堂,里面的她 我们都需要一些东西来相信,要找到我们的命运 我有她,她有我 我看到她的时候,我闭上眼睛,她是我唯一的Gd生活 永远不会说再见 因为我看到她脸上的星星和雀斑 而我每一次她说我的名字看钆 所以,母亲玛丽为我祈祷,每当我很失落 她的爱是我的信仰 有些有自己的十字架和他们的金色大门 嗯,她是恩典,我穿的时候我失去了我的信仰 我们都需要一些东西来相信,我们说我们睡觉前的话 闭上双眼,她是我的梦想, 她是我的世界的谎言里面的真相 保持我所有的希望活着 我永远不会说再见...... 因为我看到她脸上的星星和雀斑 而我每一次她说我的名字看钆 所以,母亲玛丽为我祈祷,每当我很失落 她的爱是我的信仰 她的爱是我的信仰,是我的信仰,是我的信仰 我说,她的爱是我的信仰,是我的信仰,是我的宗教(X2) 因为我看到她脸上的星星和雀斑 而我每一次她说我的名字看钆 所以,母亲玛丽为我祈祷,每当我很失落 她的爱是我的信仰 我说,她的爱是我的信仰,是我的信仰,是我的宗教(X2)


《Between Science and Religion》(Thompson, Phillip M.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: z396书名:Between Science and Religion作者:Thompson, Phillip M.出版年份:2009-7页数:298内容简介:In exploring the role of Catholic intellectuals in engaging science and technology in the twentieth century, this book initially provides a background context for this evolution by examining the Modernism crisis in the first chapter. In order to unpack the subsequent evolution, Thompson then concentrates in separate chapters on the distinctive contributions of four specific Catholic intellectuals, Jacques Maritain (1882-1973), Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984), and Thomas Merton (1915-1968). All of these intellectuals experienced some degree of official restraint in their efforts but through their distinctive intellectual trajectories, they contributed to a different engagement of the Church with science and technology. In the final chapters, the book first reviews the changes within the institutional Church in the twentieth century toward science and technology. Finally, it then applies some key ideals of the four intellectuals to anneal and extend John Paul II"s approach of "critical openness" to suggest how the Church can now engage science and technology.

true religion是什么牌子?红得发紫的高端牛仔品牌

true religion是美国特别受欢迎的一个牛仔裤的品牌,这个牌子的牛仔裤设计的非常人性化,每一款穿上都像是量身定做,特别贴合腿型。下面我给大家讲讲true religion是什么牌子? true religion是什么牌子 true religion是一个来自美国加州的牛仔裤品牌。 True Religion的创办人兼设计师Jeffery Lubell,曾在2002年获选为最佳男性牛仔裤设计师,他曾说:「Denim is the staple of the American wardrobe」(美国人的衣橱里,一定少不了牛仔裤),他与他的妻子Kym对于True Religion的期望,就是希望能够建立起一个兼顾视觉与感官的牛仔品牌,而实穿中透露出性感,则是他们赋予牛仔装束的表情,从True Religion的忠实顾客名单中-Cameron Diaz(卡麦蓉狄亚)、Jessica Simpson(洁西卡辛普森)、George Clooney(乔治库隆尼)…等,不难看出好莱坞的众多艺人也以「实际行动」支持着Lubell夫妻的「牛仔梦」。而不管是走在星光大道的红地毯或是充满阳光的海边,你都可以穿著牛仔裤,True Religion想要传递的就是穿著者自我个性的表露。true religion怎么样 True religion牛仔裤,年轻那会迷牛仔裤,长草真实信仰好久,碰上老公追我,去逛了南京西路,这家店正在打折,部分款打五折,我这款25码断码,穿着稍大,七折后两千五百加,要是他不帮我付款,我就准备自己掏钱,结果他给我买了好感动,直到现在,这都是我最贵的一条牛仔裤,超级好穿啊。 True Religion Jeans,us本土牛仔品牌,来自加州,Logo是一手竖起大拇指。这条牛仔裤去年年初购于LA Ontario mill,店里几乎没人,品牌很低调,专做牛仔,价位比较高,基本都是三位数(美元)。这款牛仔裤应该是店里最便宜的了,原价好像是一百三四十刀,折后大概是70刀左右的样子,麻麻和我一人一条,不过这牌子的裤子长度都很长,感觉不太适合亚洲人的腿,而且喇叭裤较多,很有西部风格,Skinny的款式很少。裤子走线和绣花都非常独一无二,穿这么多年牛仔裤,细节处真的是做得最好的,而且穿出去逼格高!舒适感也被棒,跟Levis和CK比有过之而无不及。true religion为什么火 True Religion 成立于 2002 年,曾因为售卖一系列的中高端牛仔裤而出名。公司现在网站上的牛仔裤价格仍然保持在 199 美元以上,最贵的有 319 美元。坚持所有的制造程序皆在美国完成,人工的成本自然增加,但为了保持制作的水准,依旧不将代工东移。不管是裤面的抽须抓破线条、缝线的装饰处理,甚是在秋冬款式上,还出现了大面积的刺绣图腾,皆以手工完成,因此其细腻繁复的作工,是无法用机器取代的。牛仔裤怎么挑选 1、看布料好坏。第一、牛仔裤布料厚的质量较好,第二、如果是全棉面料,棉毛越长的棉质越好。 2、看做工好坏。做工也是衡量牛仔裤好坏的关键条件,直接影响到牛仔裤体验和品质。首先看牛仔裤缝纫线是否密集,整齐(线头多且断线的为质量较差)。其次,看裤脚和腰部缝线是否是双线,有无漏线情况。 3、看裤兜内布好坏。这里是挑选牛仔裤最不在意的地方,却也是检查品牌细节和质量的重点。如果裤兜内布用的是很次的下脚料(出现起球等现象),质量也不会好到哪里去。 4、看版型。把牛仔裤平铺在桌面上,看看牛仔裤左右两边是否对称。

with religion为什么不能加the?

with religion不能加the, 是因为 没有明确 哪个宗教。开心快乐每一天!

You Are My Religion 歌词

歌曲名:You Are My Religion歌手:Firehouse专辑:Full CircleTitle:You Are My ReligionArtist::FirehouseAlbum:Good AcousticsI"ve lost my faith in everythingI couldn"t believe in anythingUntil I put my faith in youIs it a sin is it a crimeTo worship somebody all of the timeAnytime, I would do anything for youPre-chorusI found my heaven right here with youBelieve in me forever, I believe in youChorus:Not just on Sunday, I love you every day andI fall to my knees every night I pray sinceYou"ve come and saved me for all eternityIn the name of the Father and the SonYou are my religionI wasn"t looking for a miracleDidn"t think that love was possibleBut your love has made me wholeAnd I pray that this will never endYou are my lover, my best friendYou took me in and saved my soulPre-chorusI found my heaven right here with youBelieve in me forever, I believe in youNot just on Sunday, I love you every day andI fall to my knees every night I pray sinceYou"ve come and saved me for all eternityIn the name of the Father and the SonYou are my religionChorus:Not just on Sunday, I love you every day andI fall to my knees every night I pray sinceYou"ve come and saved me for all eternityForgive me for the things that I have doneIn the name of the Father and the SonYou are my religion季末蜡烛2006 03 28 晨

folk religion是什么意思?

民间宗教包括信仰, 迷信及世代相传的文化仪式。它与"有组织宗教" 或"历史性宗教"相对因为后者有创立者, 教义, 理论以及神职人员。

New Religion 歌词

歌曲名:New Religion歌手:Alice Smith专辑:For Lovers, Dreamers & Me≡ 卐 Black Veil Brides - New Religion 卐 ≡album: Set the World on Firereleased on June 14, 2011Welcome to your lifeWe have got you in our sightsAnd thoughts of God are better left aloneIt"s in your head, black and blueWhat they told you wasn"t trueCome along and fight with the unknownThe Army"s grownWe"ll pray to all the wrong decisions (Whoa oh oh)This time you"ll show all you can be (Whoa oh oh)Grab your weapons nowWe"ll run against the crowdIn changing historyLet"s take the vow, we will show you howYour time has come for the new religionYour voice is proud, be your savior nowThe battles won for the new religionNo one can defeat what the congregation speaksBound together the flag that we defendThey made a fool out of youBut you knew just what to doRaise your fists up and stand until the end(Amen!)We"ll pray to all the wrong decisions (Whoa oh oh)This time you"ll show all you can be (Whoa oh oh)Grab your weapons nowWe"ll run against the crowdIn changing historyLet"s take the vow, we will show you howYour time has come for the new religionYour voice is proud, be your savior nowThe battles won for the new religion- solo -Come now and imagine with meTaking back a world that once was oursLet"s regain the powerAnd then we will end what we"ve begunLet"s take the vow, we will show you howYour time has come for the new religionYour voice is proud, be your savior nowThe battles won for the new religion" We are the unholyWe are the bastard sons of your media cultureOur minds, eyes and bodies were born of your exclusionAn illusion you hide behindYou don"t love a God, you love your comfortTo you we are filth, we are dirty, so be it!We are dirty and uncleanA congregation of the unseenTogether we will set this world on fireThis is the new religionAMENNN ! "



region reginal religion有什么区别?用在什么语境中?适用在什么范围?



077 religion ,Words Christianity Buddhi *** lslam Taoi *** Christian Buddhist muslim tao monk priest belief god Temple church teachings bible pray pope cathedral mosque shrine reincarnation atheist,Phrases Attend a church service Hold religious beliefs Believe in (a ) god/hell Have faith in Worship (a) god Life after death Go on pilgrimage,Beginner A: do you believe in god? B: not at all. I"m an agnostic. Go you? A; I"m not sure. Why don"t you believe there is a god? B; I think everything has a scientific explanation rather than a theological one. A: I basically believe in science over theology. I mean, I believe in evolution for example. However, there are many things that science hasn"t explained yet. B; I"m sure that science will explain everything eventually. I think that the strangest thing about religion is that so many religions people act in ways that their religion claims are wrong. A: for example? B; religions preach tolerance, but many wars are caused by intolerant religious fanatics. A; yes. Such people don"t appear to be acting in accordance with their religious beliefs., Intermediate A: hi! What are you watching? B: it"s a programme about islam. It"s very interesting. A: wow! So many people! Where are they and what are they doing? B: they are muslims on a pilgrimage to mecca. Muslims call this pilgrimage “haj”. A; why do they go there? B; muslims believe that every man who is able should go on a haj at least once in his life. Mecca is the spiritual centre of the muslim faith. A; when muslims pray, they face towards mecca. B; that"s right. Unfortunately, so many people go on the haj each year that there are often stampeds and people get killed. A: I heard about that. The pilgrims must walk around a large, sacred black stone. B; that"s right. That"s when accidents often happen. The Saudi government tries to limit the number of pilgrims, to reduce the chances of accidents. A: pilgrimages are mon in many faiths. B; yes. In England, Christian pilgrims might go to Canterbury and many Christians go to the Vatican on pilgrimages. A; isn"t there a place in france where people go to get healed? B: I think that place is Lourdes. There are many stories of people being healed after visting there. A; do you think that there is something magical about that place? B: personally. I think that people believe they will be healed and that faith causes a change in their mind that cures them. I don"t think place is magical in any way.


religion形容词为religious。religion形容词形式为religious,意思为“宗教的、笃信宗教的、虔诚的”。例句:His wife is very religious.他的妻子非常虔诚。He was always guided by his religious beliefs.他的言行总是以自己的宗教信仰为依归。He is an able, right-minded, and religious man.他是一个能干、正直、虔诚的"人。The article offended her religious sensibilities.那篇文章伤害了她的宗教感情。religion的含义:英 [ru026au02c8lu026adu0292u0259n],美 [ru026au02c8lu026adu0292u0259n]。第三人称复数:religions名词 宗教; 支配自己生活的大事; 教派; 心爱的事物。例句:1、Tennis is a religion with John.约翰打网球非常认真。2、Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India.佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。3、 He makes a religion of watching soccer.足球比赛他每场必看。4、She makes a religion of keeping her house clean and tidy.她认为保持房子整洁是她份内的事。religion的词典解释:1. 宗教信仰;宗教活动。Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief, such as praying or worshipping in a building such as a church or temple.e.g. ...his understanding of Indian philosophy and religion...他对印度哲学和宗教信仰的理解。e.g. Do avoid potentially contentious subjects such as religion, sex or politics.一定要避免可能引起争议的话题,如宗教、性和政治。。2. 宗教;教派。A religion is a particular system of belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this system.e.g. ...the Christian religion.基督教。
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