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“I·m into you.”是什么意思?




INTO YOU是个什么品牌啊?

非常负责任的说,INTO YOU是个很优质的国货品牌,公司在上海,是2019年12月31日成立的,主要经营彩妆,品类很全,价格很亲民∞,买全套彩妆才几百块钱,我非常喜欢它家的品牌理念:INTO YOU 为“你”而生,为“美”而生,追求自由,坚持个性,探索自我。它家的每个产品从起名字就能看出来是精心设计的,比如四事烟火,比如水折光,是一个有内涵的品牌。

INTO YOU是做什么的?

INTO YOU的中文意思是心慕与你,是一个以彩妆为载体,年轻、时尚、设计大胆并不断打破常规的新生代品牌,主要在线上经营彩妆,INTO YOU 从“YOU”出发,聚焦唇部产品,希望通过色彩和有趣的体验为女性打造独特、自我的个性妆容和造型,强调女性自由意识、尊重女性独特个性、探索女性无限力量。

INTO YOU的品牌理念是什么?

INTO YOU的全称是“ INTO YOU心慕与你”,是2019年12月31日成立的国货彩妆品牌。INTO YOU 从“YOU”出发,聚焦唇部产品,希望通过色彩和有趣的体验为女性打造独特、自我的个性妆容和造型,强调女性自由意识、尊重女性独特个性、探索女性无限力量。品牌以“BRAVE、CONFIDENT、INDEPENDENT、FREE-WILL、FEARLESS”为基因,鼓励女性冲破束缚并活出精彩自我。

into you品牌怎么了

intoyou品牌控价,tb店铺想做活动回馈粉丝或者涨销量,intoyou不同意用小号暗搓搓问价,问完再举报要求恢复价格或者下架,很多已经买到划算的价格的用户被迫退款,店家和消费者为品牌方的行为买单。新品联名款罐装唇泥,送各大博主套盒,官方店只能单买,区别对待。intoyou简介:INTO YOU 心慕与你 的中国彩妆品牌。是一个以彩妆为载体,年轻、时尚、有态度并不断打破常规的品牌。品牌致力于不断创新,打破市面上美妆产品在形式和内容的单一,开创唇泥新品类,为消费者带来更多潮流与创新的彩妆产品。申请人名称:上海心慕与你品牌管理有限公司。



attend into 有这种用法吗 还是attend to 或attend in?

没有atten into和atten in形式,只有attend to:attend to注意;照料;致力于

move up through the company into different posts

是定语从句. “to move up through the company into different positions”是用来修饰“opportunity”的,所以此句为定语从句. 而且不是有“to”就是目的状语从句,这里的to指的是未发生的事

I’m Joan Croft. I have to say that I came into nursing by chance.

1.What was John"s first job?, It was office work._ 2.Why didn"t Joan like her first job? _ She did not like staying in the same place with the same people around her all day and every day.___ 3.Why didn"t Joan go on with her second job? The singing group broke up .___ 4.How did Joan find out the information about the nursing job?; She saw an advertisement in a paper._________ 5.What was Joan"s plan for the future? Get married sometime, Continue to be a nurse

into nursing

into 是介词 后面要接动词的ing形式(动名词) 去掉之后意思不完全一样,这是现在完成时,have+过去分词的形式,表示我现已经得了感冒 如果去掉have 则是一般过去时,表示过去某个时间得了感冒

away into 是什么意思

lay into英 [lei u02c8u026antuu02d0] 美 [le u02c8u026antu]<非正>攻击 双语例句1. She used to lay into Gareth about how much he spent. 她以前常常责备加雷思花钱如何如何厉害。来自柯林斯例句2. Greenidge soon went , leaving Richards to lay into the bowling. 格里尼奇不久离开了, 剩下理查德继续奋战保龄球.来自互联网3. Don"t lay into your drum kit at midnight in a residential area. 午夜时分,不要在居民区敲打你的架子鼓.来自互联网4. Why did you lay into your son? 你为什么打你的儿子?来自互联网5. He is raring to charge into the fray and lay down the law. 他急切地想管管这场闹剧,教训他们一顿。来自柯林斯例句查看更多例句>>柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典1. PHRASAL VERB 痛打;攻击;抨击 To lay into someone or something means to start attacking or criticizing them. A mob of women laid into him with handbags and pointed shoes... 一帮女人用手提包砸他,用鞋尖踢他。She used to lay into Gareth about how much he spent. 她以前常常责备加雷思花钱如何如何厉害。英英释义Verb1. hit violently, as in an attacksynonym: lam into,tear into,lace into,pitch into请采纳~

英语come into和go into区别是什么?

u2002类似“come true”、“go/come into effect ”等搭配也是这么构成的: a dream comes true. The regulations go/come into effect ... 英语老师们在教“固定搭配” 时,大多也将“固定表达”包含在其中。但其二者是有区别 ...

英语come into怎么翻译?

na.归入;开始;得到;缔结网络进入;继承;加入变形第三人称单数:comes into;现在分词:coming into;过去式:came into;

in space与into space的区别

in space在空间里与into space进入空间

divide into和 divide off的区别

dive into 跳入... dive into the sea 跳入海中dive off 从...跳水 dive off the rock 从岩石上跳下

字典里的短语,第34,我没看懂,如下图。什么叫buy your way into/past?



把....从高处扔进(可以是主动的扔进,也可以不小心掉进)He dropped a coin(硬币) into the beggar"s plate.I dropped the paper into the dustbin(垃圾桶).She dropped her pen into the water.

break the door into对吗

break into the door

I threw it (across )the kitchen,and it landed in the fridge.across为什么不能用into

回答和翻译如下:I threw it (across )the kitchen,and it landed in the fridge.across。In 等于Into。所以是可以使用的。我把它扔到厨房里,它落在冰箱里了。


onto 与 on to 的用法区别1. 两者都用作介词,合写一词的 onto 在意上相当于 to+on,即表示某物向另一物运动(to),然后停落在另一物之上(on)。使用时两者常可换用。如:He jumped onto [on to] the horse. 他跳上马。He put the dictionary onto [on to] the desk. 他把字典放到桌上。2. 以下情况的 on to 不能合写为一词(onto):(1) on 为副词时。如:We must walk on to the next village. 我们必须继续走路去下一个村庄。Pass this on to the next person after signing it. 签名之后请把它传给下一位。(2) on 后的 to 为不定式符号时。如:He went on to tell us an interesting story. 接着他给我们讲了个有趣的故事。He had to hang on to avoid being washed overboard. 为了不至于被冲入水里,他只好紧紧抓住不放。in和into都可作介词,与“里面”有关,但用法有别。in是表示物体位置的静态介词,表示“在……里面”,其反义词是out.They are sitting in the room. 他们正坐在房间里。The boy is in Class 2,Grade 3. 这男孩在三年级二班。into是表示动作方向的动态介词,表示“到……里面去”,常与表示动作的动词(如come,go,run,rush等)连用,其反义词为out of.He ran into the room just now. 刚才他跑进了房间。They all jumped into the sea and swam to the island. 他们都跳进了海里,向那个岛游过去。有些动词(如put,fall,throw等)既可用in,也可用into,这时in同into一样,也表示动态。Can you help me put these things in the basket? 你能帮我把这些东西放到篮子里吗?The boy fell in the water. 这个男孩掉进水里了。in还可用作副词,意为“在家、往里面”,而into不能。Is Tom in? 汤姆在家吗?May I come in? 我可以进来吗?祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

come in和come into用法区别,最好有例句,谢谢



bring into 1. 把…拿入, 带入(某处)2. 使达到…3. 使清楚地被人理解〔知道〕4. 使开始生效 bring to 1. 使(某人)苏醒2. 〈航〉(使)停驶3. 把…带给(某人), 带往(某处)4. 使用于…; 使加入, 参与…5. 使达到…6. 使(某人)面临〔对付〕某种困难


词性不同,enter是动词, into是介词。例:They entered the building. They went into the building. 他们进入了大厦。

in to和into,有什么本质上的区别,各怎么用,说的详细一点,麻烦了!!!

in to和into的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、in to:到。2、into:到…里面。二、用法不同

it climbed on to the pavement and crashed into that post...climb on是爬到人行横道上,可以说通呀,为

注意区别:climb on:只表明:在某物表面爬climb onto:则有一个从下往上爬,并爬到某物表面的过程再如:They are in the classroom. 他们在教室里。They walked into the classroom. 他们走进教室。(从外面走到里面)希望对你有帮助

in to和into的区别是什么?

in, to, on和off在方位名词前的区别 1. in表示A地在B地范围之内。如: Taiwan is in the southeast of China. 2. to表示A地在B地范围之外,即二者之间有距离间隔。如: Japan lies to the east of China. 3. on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻。如: North Korea is on the east of China. 4. off表示“离……一些距离或离……不远的海上”。如: They arrived at a house off the main road. New Zealand lies off the eastern coast of Australia.

bring into是什么意思

bring into linev.使排齐,使一致; 协和双语例句1. He managed to bring the whole Committee into line. 他设法使整个委员会取得了一致的意见.来自辞典例句2. Soon the expansion of trade will tend to bring the two countries"price ratios into line. 由于贸易的扩展,很快就会把两国的价格比率拉平.如有疑问,请追问!


《Into The Breach》将在下周的EPIC平台免费送出,可能一些玩家还不太了解这款游戏领取的方法,下面一起来看看吧。《Into The Breach》EPIC平台免费领取领取地址:领取时间:9月3日23:00-9月10日23:00游戏介绍:控制来自未来的强大机甲打败外星威胁。这款回合制策略游戏由《FTL》作者制作,游戏中每一次的救世尝试都会带来一个新的随机生成挑战。保卫城市居民的建筑可为你的机甲提供动力。保卫他们免受维客(Vek)侵扰,谨慎开火!完善你的策略敌人的所有攻击都在简单的回合制战斗中进行。每个回合,你都需要分析对手的攻击,想出完美的应对之策。打造终极机甲找到强大的新武器和独特的驾驶员,来对抗各个Corporate-Nation群岛上维克(Vek)的侵扰。另一个机会永不言败。当你被打败时,回到过去发送帮助,拯救另一条时间线!

into the wild(《荒野生存》) 双语字幕 人人影视 高清下载链接


英文歌曲into the wild的中文翻译


Into the Wild里面让Chris决定回家的那段话是什么?

我曾经历了许许多多 "i have lived through much, 现在 我似乎明白了什么是幸福 "and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. 在乡下恬静的隐居 "a quiet secluded life in the country, 尽可能对人们做些简单而有用的善事 "with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, 尽管那些人们并不习惯我为他们做了这些 "and who are not accustomed to have it done to them. 做一份真正有用的工作 "and work which one hopes may be of some use. 最后休息 享受大自然 读书 听音乐 "then rest, nature, books, music, 爱戴周围的人 "love for one"s neighbor. 这就是我对幸福的诠释 "such is my idea of happiness.

fly up into the sky

这句话基本没有什么语法点 很简单的句型 I 主语 want to fly up 谓语动词 into the sky 状语 want to do 想要做某事 want 后跟不定式 fly up 飞上 飞出去 into the sky 进入天空用into

英语to soar into the sky怎么翻译?

to soar into the sky 翻译成‘飞向天空"或者‘直上云霄",也可以翻译成‘在天空中翱翔"看文章意境了。

lower into

本句为长难复杂句,因此在翻译时候宜分割为两个句子,使语意更加简洁、清晰. 分割方法如下: 1.We have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe. 2.are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit ai the bottom. 3.补充完整: (1)We have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe. 我们必须把很长的钻杆一节节地钻入地下,然后再从地下拉出来. (2)drill pipe are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit ai the bottom. 钻杆顶部安装的发动机带动钻杆旋转,它的底部装有钻头.

Scientists (科学家) are trying to make the deserts (沙漠) into good land again. They want to b

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:D小题5:A 试题分析:本文讲述了科学家们在试图把沙漠变回农田,他们想把水引到沙漠,人们就可以在那里生存种植作物了,但沙漠一直在增多。植被可以防风固沙,留住雨水。小题1:推理判断题。Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.此句可以看出是人类制造了沙漠,并且其它几项与文意不符,故选C。小题2:推理判断题。They are learning a lot about the deserts.他们在研究很多关于沙漠的事情,可以推断出答案为D。小题3:推理判断题。more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts. Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.从文中这些句子可以推断出A、C、D都是正确的,故选B。小题4:推理判断题。Plants don"t let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants don"t let the wind blow the earth away. When a little bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. 这些句子表明答案为D,上三项全包括。小题5:标题归纳题。综合全文内容,这篇文章谈论的是沙漠问题,故选A,其它几项是片面的。

get into(上车)的同义词组是什么?

get onhop in

求get ,get back ,get down,get ...for,get into, get to,get off,get on,get out of 的意思和用法。

别的我相信你都应该自己能figure out他们的意思的,就是get into意思是进入,如“get into that college"当然在不同的context下,这些词组都有n多的意思和用法。 get on有“to be successful"的意思,也与“get along”意思相同。Hope this helps.

1.get in ,come in ,enter , go in . get into ,go into, come into.请说说这几个词组的意思,并说说

get in 1.收割, 收获 The farmers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe.庄稼熟了, 农民正在收割。2.插话 She talks so much that you can"t get a word in.她讲话时滔滔不绝, 你一句话也插不进去。3.到达 What time does the train from London get in?从伦敦来的火车何时进站?4.当选 She finally got in after 10 years" continuous effort.坚持不懈地努力了十年后, 她终于当选了。The Prime Minister"s support got the official party man in.首相的支持使那个执政党的党员当选了。5.被录取;被接受入学1.进来, 进入; 来到, 到达 The door opened and the teacher came in.门开了, 老师走了进来。2.上市 As soon as the fresh vegetables come in, we put them on sale.新鲜蔬菜一到, 我们就上架开卖。3.(潮水)涨 The children got ashore before the tide came in.涨潮前, 孩子们就上岸了。4.当选; 就任; 上台 The party came in at the last election.上次大选中该党获胜执政。5.(天气)开始变得 It"s coming in chilly; we had better go home.天冷了, 咱们还是回家吧。6.(赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次)7.(赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次)8.参加讨论 9.在…中起作用;参与 10.到达;被收到11.变时髦;时兴;流行 12. 可提供;可利用 13.被推行;开始被采用enter 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.进来,进入, 进去 More and more people entered and the train was crowded.越来越多的人上了火车, 火车非常拥挤。The train entered a tunnel.火车进入了隧道。2.参加, 加入3.登记, 登录 She is entering her 25th year.她现年25岁。The librarian entered a new book in the catalogue.图书管理员把一本新书编入目录。4.1 成为…的一员;加入;开始从事 2 开始参加;开始进入;着手进行 3 报名参加,为…报名参加(考试、比赛等)4 登记,登录,输入(姓名、号码、细节等)5 (正式)提出go in 1.进去, 进入 He went in by the back door and found himself in the kitchen.他从后门走进去, 发现自己到了厨房。2.开始, 开始工作 What time does the theater go in?电影院几点开演?3.攻击 The infantry went in.步兵进攻了。The bombers will go in soon.轰炸机很快就要出动。get into1.进入 They will get into London this afternoon.他们今天下午会到伦敦。The bus got me into the village at two o"clock.两点钟时公共汽车把我送进村子里。2.陷入 Again they got into difficulties.他们再次陷入困境。Haines got into a rage.海恩斯勃然大怒。This mistake may get him into difficulties.这一错误将使他陷入困境。3.养成 The boy has got into the habit of washing his hands before meals.那男孩已养成饭前洗手的习惯。go into1.进入 They went into the hall together.他们一道走进大厅。2.从事 They want their son to go into medicine.他们要儿子从事医学工作。3.进入(某种状态) He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。4.调查, 着手处理 We should go into the matter thoroughly.我们应当对此事进行彻底调查。The problem was gone carefully into by the engineers.工程师们认真地研究了这个问题。This problem will need to be further gone into.这一问题还有待进一步研究。come into1.进入 Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me?你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?2.加入; 参加 Several new members have come into the club since last year.自去年以来, 又有些新成员加入了俱乐部。weigh 名词 n.1.重量, 分量 The pillars couldn"t support the weight of the roof.这些柱子无法承受屋顶的重量。2.砝码, 秤砣 If you put on another a pound weight the scale can be balanced.如果你再放上一个一磅的砝码, 这个秤就能平衡。3.重物 He can lift heavy weights because of his strength.他力气大, 可举起重物。4.负荷, 负担 The full weight of decision-making falls on her.决策的重任全落在她的肩上。5.重要性; 严重性; 影响力 Recent events further added weight to their country.最近发生的事情更增加了他们国家的影响力。及物动词 vt.1.使…变重 The net is weighted to keep it below the surface of the water.这个网加了坠因而可没入水面以下。2.偏袒 Circumstances are weighted in his favour.情况对他尤其有利。

get into 后接名词还是形容词?比如说是get into dark还是get inti da


讲讲get into…herself?这是什么鬼?

请注意该句可以翻译成:这位妇女尽其可能靠近她的孩子们,甚至尝试自己爬进箱子,但是那个箱子太小了。此处的...kept as near as she could she could to...and..get into...herself有“尽她所能靠近...”及“自己进入...”的意思。希望能够帮到您!

create /get into的相同用法是什么

create 是及物动词,意思是创造、创建、发明、造成:get into 是 “不及物动词+介词”,意思是 “进入”、“从事”、“致力于”。二者无论在结构上还是是表达的意思上,都没有共同点,所以特别是相同的用法。

get into the bed语法正确吗?


form 与get into区别

form是形成,get into是进入

get into 和enter 区别

你好 这两个词意思基本是一样,一般都不用区

get on 和get into和那些交通工具搭配?越具体,越多越好!!

get into一般都是小汽车的 car taxiget on 是 bus train plane subway 等

get into的近义词


急。。。have got into什么意思


get into the spirit什么意思?


get into=?【一个词】


请问短语get into,come into的区别

get into 1.(使)穿上I can"t get into these shoes. 这双鞋我穿不上。 2.(使)陷入He got into debt. 他欠下债务。 3.学会I"ll soon get into the way of things. 我不久就会学会处理事务的方法。4.对…发生兴趣come into 进入, 得来, 起来, 继承(财产)例句:She came into a fortune when her uncle died. 她叔叔死後她继承了财产。Several new members have come into this corporation. 这个公司又有新人员加入。A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了。

get into,come into,step into各是什么意思


get into后跟什么?

get into 有几个意思常用的是 陷入,get into trouble还有学习,get into training还有穿上,get into the suit进入get into the house

get into在英语中会连读吗?


请问get in,get into有什么区别

get in 英 基本释义1.收割, 收获 </SPAN>2.插话 </SPAN>3.到达 </SPAN>4.当选 </SPAN>5.被录取;被接受入学 </SPAN>1.收割, 收获 The farmers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe. 庄稼熟了, 农民正在收割。2.插话 She talks so much that you can"t get a word in. 她讲话时滔滔不绝, 你一句话也插不进去。3.到达 What time does the train from London get in? 从伦敦来的火车何时进站?4.当选 She finally got in after 10 years" continuous effort. 坚持不懈地努力了十年后, 她终于当选了。 The Prime Minister"s support got the official party man in. 首相的支持使那个执政党的党员当选了。5.被录取;被接受入学 get into 英 基本释义1.进入 </SPAN>2.陷入 </SPAN>3.养成 </SPAN>1.进入 They will get into London this afternoon. 他们今天下午会到伦敦。 The bus got me into the village at two o"clock. 两点钟时公共汽车把我送进村子里。2.陷入 Again they got into difficulties. 他们再次陷入困境。 Haines got into a rage. 海恩斯勃然大怒。 This mistake may get him into difficulties. 这一错误将使他陷入困境。3.养成 The boy has got into the habit of washing his hands before meals. 那男孩已养成饭前洗手的习惯。

关于get into一系列词组的问题




get into反义短语是什么

你好,很高兴回答你的问题,get into的意思是进入;陷入它的反义短语是get out of希望我的答案能被你采纳

get in和 get into的区别

get in到达;收割;当选;被录取

请问短语get into,come into的区别

get into 1.(使)穿上I can"t get into these shoes.这双鞋我穿不上.2.(使)陷入He got into debt.他欠下债务.3.学会I"ll soon get into the way of things.我不久就会学会处理事务的方法.4.对…发生兴趣come into 进...

get into表示“参加,加入”的用法?

be involved in 包含在...; 与...有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做) be involved with 涉及 become involved in 卷入, 陷入 get involved with 给...缠住1.get into:进入 ,陷入例句:.They will get into London this afternoon.他们今天下午会到伦敦。 The bus got me into the village at two o"clock.两点钟时公共汽车把我送进村子里。 You"ll get into trouble. 你会遇到麻烦的。2。get involved in: 被卷入,陷入 例句:I got involved in the trouble.3.get involved with. 牵涉进去。例句:.Don"t get involved with George again.别再跟乔治有牵扯。

get into和get onto区别?

get into指把。。。变成。。。,get onto指把。。。弄在。。。上面



get in和get into的区别!!

get into 后面都要加宾语

get in 与get into ,get out of的区别和近义词

get in 英 基本释义 1.收割,收获 2.插话 3.到达 4.当选 5.被录取;被接受入学 1.收割,收获 The farmers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe.庄稼熟了,农民正在收割. 2.插话 She talks so much that you can"t get a word in.她讲话时滔滔不绝,你一句话也插不进去. 3.到达 What time does the train from London get in?从伦敦来的火车何时进站? 4.当选 She finally got in after 10 years" continuous effort.坚持不懈地努力了十年后,她终于当选了.The Prime Minister"s support got the official party man in.首相的支持使那个执政党的党员当选了. 5.被录取;被接受入学 get into 英 基本释义 1.进入 2.陷入 3.养成 1.进入 They will get into London this afternoon.他们今天下午会到伦敦.The bus got me into the village at two o"clock.两点钟时公共汽车把我送进村子里. 2.陷入 Again they got into difficulties.他们再次陷入困境.Haines got into a rage.海恩斯勃然大怒.This mistake may get him into difficulties.这一错误将使他陷入困境. 3.养成 The boy has got into the habit of washing his hands before meals.那男孩已养成饭前洗手的习惯. get out of 基本释义 1.离开; 下2.停止; 改掉; 戒掉; 脱离,摆脱,克服; 避免做某事3.从…得到,获得 1.离开; 下 The meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon. 会开得太晚了,他想早点离开. 2.停止; 改掉; 戒掉; 脱离,摆脱,克服; 避免做某事 It is not easy to get out of a bad habit. 改掉坏习惯是不容易的. He has already got out of danger. 他已脱险. Her sons were experts at getting out of housework. 她的儿子们很会逃避家务活. He tried to get out of paying his share of the bill. 他试图逃避支付账单上他那一份儿. My illness got me out of having to see him. 我的病使我不用见他. 3.从…得到,获得 Somehow we have to get the information out of him. 我们必须用某种方法从他那儿得到情报.



get into造句?

go into进入(某处);住进(医院等);进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资;开始某一职业;身着(丧服等)get into产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等)例句使用:1、We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。2、I must reduce to get into that fine dress. 要想穿上那件好衣服,我就得减肥。3、He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他因偷车而麻烦缠身。4、He got into gourmet cooking. 他对烹饪有了兴趣。5、Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?6、The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律将于明日午夜生效。7、She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday. 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产。

get into和go into的区别

"Get into" 和 "go into" 通常有相似的意思,即进入某个地方或状态。然而,它们在语境中的使用有所不同。"Get into" 常用于强调动作或行为的开始或进展。例如:- I"m getting into yoga. (我开始练瑜伽。)- He got into trouble for cheating on the exam. (他因为考试作弊而陷入了麻烦。)"Go into" 则更强调完成动作或行为所需要进入的状态或环境。例如:- Let"s go into the details of the proposal. (我们来详细讨论这个提议。)- He went into the hospital for surgery. (他为手术进入了医院。)此外,“get into”还有其他的一些用法,例如描述愿意或热情地投入某个活动或状态,或表示某个东西被放进或穿上等等。

英语中get in 和get into哪一个表示上车(小汽车等)。U000233b4清楚别来误导我

Why don"t we get in the car and drive home? 我们为什么不上车,开回家去呢?He saw them get into the car and on an impulse he followed them. 他看见他们钻进汽车,一时冲动之下他跟了进去。两个都行的。into强调动作的“进入”。get in比较常用些。


go into进入(某处);住进(医院等);进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资;开始某一职业;身着(丧服等)get into产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等)例句使用:1、We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。2、I must reduce to get into that fine dress. 要想穿上那件好衣服,我就得减肥。3、He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他因偷车而麻烦缠身。4、He got into gourmet cooking. 他对烹饪有了兴趣。5、Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?6、The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律将于明日午夜生效。7、She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday. 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产。

get into可以怎样使用?

go into进入(某处);住进(医院等);进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资;开始某一职业;身着(丧服等)get into产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等)例句使用:1、We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。2、I must reduce to get into that fine dress. 要想穿上那件好衣服,我就得减肥。3、He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他因偷车而麻烦缠身。4、He got into gourmet cooking. 他对烹饪有了兴趣。5、Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?6、The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律将于明日午夜生效。7、She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday. 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产。

get into和get in有什么不一样

go into进入(某处);住进(医院等);进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资;开始某一职业;身着(丧服等)get into产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等)例句使用:1、We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。2、I must reduce to get into that fine dress. 要想穿上那件好衣服,我就得减肥。3、He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他因偷车而麻烦缠身。4、He got into gourmet cooking. 他对烹饪有了兴趣。5、Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?6、The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律将于明日午夜生效。7、She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday. 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产。

get into是什么意思

get into的意思是进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于。get into第三人称单数是gets into,现在分词是getting into;过去式是got into;过去分词是gotten into。短语搭配1、get into trouble陷入麻烦;陷入困境;遇到麻烦;被捕。2、to get into debt负债;欠债。3、get into debt借债;欠债;负债累累。双语例句1、She failed to get into art college。她未能进入艺术学院。2、What"s the best way to get into journalism?进入新闻界的最佳途径是什么?3、I want you to get into a whole new state of mind。我想让你进入一种全新的心态。4、They tried to get into the club but were refused admission。他们试图进入俱乐部,但遭到拒绝。5、It"s not easy for somebody to get into the building unobserved。进入这栋大楼而不被发现很不容易。


getinto读音发音:美 /ɡet u02c8u026antuu02d0/。一、意思:进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于。可作为get into的近义词有put in ,set foot,find ones way to,to move into,run into,be cought into,be lost in,fall into,slip into,plunge into,get stuck in,come down with。二、例句:1、He"s started to get into trouble at school.他开始在学校惹麻烦了。2、She failed to get into art college.她未能进入艺术学院。3、What"s the best way to get into journalism?进入新闻界的最佳途径是什么?4、I want you to get into a whole new state of mind.我想让你进入一种全新的心态。5、They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.他们试图进入俱乐部,但遭到拒绝。6、It"s not easy for somebody to get into the building unobserved.进入这栋大楼而不被发现很不容易。

get into是什么意思?

go into进入(某处);住进(医院等);进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资;开始某一职业;身着(丧服等)get into产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等)例句使用:1、We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。2、I must reduce to get into that fine dress. 要想穿上那件好衣服,我就得减肥。3、He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他因偷车而麻烦缠身。4、He got into gourmet cooking. 他对烹饪有了兴趣。5、Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?6、The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律将于明日午夜生效。7、She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday. 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产。

join in与get into的区别

join in 加入;参加get into 进入;陷入前者一般是主动性的,自愿加入,乐意加入后者则会带有被动的意思,陷入...中,不是自己愿意的,后接的通常是不好的。比如get into trouble

fall into和get into的区别?

—— 英文:fall 掉进, 落入。get into 进入。

get into a fight with是什么意思?


get on与get into的区别


go和go into的区别

getinto与gointo的区别:1.两者在含义上不同:gointo意思是指进入(某处)、住进(医院等)、进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资、开始某一职业;身着(丧服等);getinto是指产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等);2.两者在语法上不同:gointo在语法上是用来表达某人采取的一个动作或者是做的某件事情而言的;但是getinto在语法上是来表示的是一种状态,一种兴趣而言。3.两者在句子中充当的成分不同:getinto在句子中通常是用来表示有被动的含义,是发生的某件事因此促使了某种的行为的发生;而gointo在句子中通常用来表示主动的含义,是某件事情主动吸引,并因此产生了兴趣。扩展资料:Ican"tgetintotheseshoes;they"retoosmall. 这双鞋太小了,我穿不进去. Howdidshegetinto(iestarttaking)drugs? 她是怎麽吸起毒来的? Idon"tknowwhat"sgotintohimrecently;he"sbecomeverybad-tempered. 不知道他最近怎麽了,脾气变得坏极了.Thelorrywentintoaspinonapatchofice. 卡车在一片冰地上打滑了.
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