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关于Into the Wild的几个问题

他的目的地是阿拉斯加 而并非其的吧是就是在阿拉斯加 废弃的巴士就像那一片原理工业的荒野 主人公只是需要一种经历 来实现自己一直的梦想 徒步旅行到阿拉斯加 但是死于食物中毒并不是他所期望的 那个时候他是多么想在他的家人身边啊 动物的死尸他野外生存必然的 关于你说的逃避我引用别人说的“里斯的父母,在很大程度上,造成克里斯厌世的心理。他的厌世不是普通的厌世,不是逃避也不是自杀解脱,而是一种对人类文明社会的严重唾弃。他的父母代表社会中大部分人,他们是商人,他们以钱为命,他们势力狡猾,夫妻之间的关系冷漠虚伪。他们只想拥有更多更多美好优良的物质和生活享受,却早已把人间最温暖的东西迷失在日渐一日对物质和金钱的追求中。克里斯说,他只是不明白为什么人与人之间的关系会如此冷漠,并且这个年轻的男孩渴望得到答案,却在不断地伤害中绝望。而人类社会中的那些体制和秩序,大部分是否有存在的价值,也正是造成冷漠和隔阂的问题所在。所以,克里斯选择走向荒野,来到荒野他开心地大喊有人在这儿吗,于是自己回答到,当然没有。是的,克里斯向往的是一个大自然的干净纯粹,没有人类工业社会的沾污,他渴望在此暂时得到心灵的解脱。”

《Into the wild》——哪怕只有一次,也要证明自己

大学时候,我在图书馆翻看旅行游记,其中序言提到了这部小说《荒野生存》,也译为《阿拉斯加之死》,后来,小说被改编成电影。在月亮星辰的陪伴下,我在被窝看完了这部电影,之后便久久不能忘怀。◆◆◆◆◆ 克里斯多夫刻于木板上的独白: "有些人认为他们不需要爱 他们静静地走向一个虚空的世界 试图断绝和过去所有的联系 大海唯一给我们的恩赐就是无情的海浪 有时,不经意地,使我们感受力量 现在,我对大海知之甚少 但我知道,这就是它所存在的方式 我还知道,在生命里这是多么重要 不必真的很强壮,却要觉得自己强壮 哪怕只有一次,也要证明自己 哪怕只有一次,也要在原生态中去发现自己 独自一人面对冰冷的石头 只靠你自己的双手和大脑 你还年轻,不要一直游戏于血与火之中 你知道吗,这就是事实 我决定就这样一直活着 自由和单纯的美因太美好而总是匆匆流逝.. 有些人会问,为什么现在行动,为什么不等等呢 回答很明了,世界不会等你 我曾经历了许许多多 现在,我似乎明白了什么是幸福 在乡下恬静的隐居 尽可能对人们做些简单而有用的善事 尽管那些人们并不习惯我为他们做的这些 做一份真正有用的工作 最后休息,享受自然,看书,听音乐 爱戴周围的人 这就是我对幸福的定义 但只有你学会原谅 你才能去爱 只有你去爱了 上帝的光芒才会照耀你" 这部由真实的故事改编的电影,无论别人如何解读主人公的死,我始终偏执地认为,主人公死在了通透,死在了开始懂了爱,有了软肋,宿命般的。这意味着你曾经苦苦追求的生活,即当下的日子不能再给你提供任何新鲜的供给,只能依靠回忆来支撑以后的日子。过于通透对于一个人,尤其是一个敏感脆弱的人来说,人生的抛物线在此刻,在地心引力的作用下,开始向地表坠落了。当一个人还有梦想,对未来抱有希望,还想去看看远方,他的灵魂会带他去到任何地方。 克里斯托弗改名换姓,捐掉财产,烧掉现金,丢弃车子,横穿美国大陆,来到阿拉斯加荒野,回归生命,探寻生活的真实。路途一切的一切没有让他停下脚步,甚至在不毛之地度过了寒冷的冬天,当春天的绿色就这样悄然来临,世界一片生机。 克里斯托弗终于明白了生命存在的意义,也许一切源于爱吧,于是,他开始踏上返程的路。 夏天的热情让大地炽热,让河流奔腾,却阻挡了克里斯托弗回家的路,他望着来时路,只能看着对岸挂在树上的帽子,却不能渡河,回归人类社会。我想,就在那一个时刻,最初的对未知的新鲜感不再,对人生着的迷茫不再,对年轻的自己的放逐不再,看过了一切生命的表现形式,一切转变为对家人和故乡,对人类社会的眷念,是的,他学会了宽恕和原谅。克里斯托弗已经有了软肋,心里滋长出了爱,危险已经降临。 其实刚看完这部电影,我当时突然心疼一个人,克里斯托弗的姐姐,两个在同样的家庭环境中长大的孩子,发现自己的父亲除了自己家,还在外面偷偷养育着另一个家庭的时候,整个人生的溃堤可想而知。面对弟弟,姐姐无能为力,只能眼睁睁的看着克里斯多夫的背影,放任远去。 也正是因为长时间无法从痛失亲人的阴影中走出来,这部影片从获得小说改编拍摄权到征得家人同意,耗时10年,直到他们摆脱悲伤。克里斯托弗的姐姐当时是如何扒开自己最深处的回忆,像外界讲述弟弟的生前,不得而知。 现代中国的社会充满极度时尚和空虚的娱乐,却忽略了年轻一代人对社会,对人生意义的拷问,作为整个社会,整个时代的实验室里的小白鼠,好像并没有人在意他们何去何从。于是,越来越多的年轻人走向自然,去问山川,去问河流,不惜去到千里之外,山峰之巅,海洋之底,不问来时路,去冒生命的险阻,去找自己生着的意义。 在我还是一只被关在鸟笼中的麻雀,不敢飞往外面的世界的时候,我认识了这么一位朋友,便是如此中的一员。刚经历过残酷的高考升入大学,突然发现人生竟是如此虚无迷茫,又与周围环境格格不入。这位朋友大二休学,独自踏上全国的流浪旅行,不知道多苦多累,也许人生百态,处处都是对过去无情的冲击,但是身心一定充满了孤独的自由。 原来有人如此真诚坦率地面对自我,叩问生活,这对当时的我带来很大的冲击。放纵不羁,无拘无束,随意挥霍自己,一切都和自由,和灵魂靠的那么近,该是青春要有的模样。也是因为这位朋友的关系,我开始接触摇滚乐并爱上了她。 不懂摇滚的人永远不会明白,那是一个人在迷惘的青春和人生里,为自己找到的信仰稻草和最忠实的情人。 她真实,绚烂,如出浴的少女,生命的一切模样,尽在她无限温柔的眼波里。对于我来说,我印象里的她,是:夕阳的橙色慢慢地,在云层和天际浸染开来,渗透成丝,弥漫成雾霭,倒影于黄昏的海面,和轻绵的沙滩上。一位女子的气息扑面而来,从一头到那头,一路奔来,应该是没有任何修饰的,一缕薄纱倾泻在永恒定格的时光里,映在如梵高炽热的向日葵般的光影里。 而这总是出现在我如真似幻的梦境里。 她让我明白人生着的不同形态,我开始反观来时路,开始站在高空重新审视自己生存环境的存在。 拥有独立健全的人格,成长为自己喜欢的样子,那是我所希望的自己。 没有多少人生来含着金汤匙,自幼在蜜罐里长大,没有多少人一开始就清楚地知道自己存在的意义,没有多少人生来众星捧月,带着光环,那些在岁月成长出来的女子才最弥足珍贵。 多少青年人因为《阿拉斯加之死》开始找到心灵共鸣,因为《在路上》而开始踏上远去的旅程,我想有那么一天,我也会带着自己,走遍山川湖海,找自己。



I saw Mary ____ the house. the door and go into open the door and to go into .

A 本题考查非谓语动词。感官动词see sb do sth看到某人做某事,表示动作的全过程。句意:我看到玛丽开门并进了那个房子。

Lightly into the meeting room A the lady walked B did the lady walked

Lightly <> into the meeting room A the lady walked B did the lady walked选项是 A答案说B不对,walked 要用原形,因为walk的时态did已经呈现了,所以,walk不能用walked。

求another、the other、other、others的含义、用法与区别 inside、outside与into、out的区别

another与other的区别。 ①Some students like English and other students (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。 【解析】other表示“别的”,“另外的”,只能与复数名词连用。但other前有冠词the即可与单数名词连用。如: I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black. 我有两枝钢笔。一支是蓝色的,另一支是黑色的。 ②John did better than all the other players in the sport. 在那项运动中John比所有别的运动员都出色。 【解析】the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。如: We must think more of other comrades. 我们必须多想想别的同志。 ③ This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another. 这件衬衫我穿太大。请另外拿一件我看看。(一般商店不会只有两件衬衫) 【解析】another, the other作代词的用法。The other表示“两个数量中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为俩;another表示“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。如: His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse. 他父母都在一家医院工作。一个是医生,一个是护士。(父母为两个人) 其他习惯用法one another, from one…to another, the other day = a few days ago,every other day/ week/year, some…, others…,如: I met Mr. Smith in the park the other day. 前几天我在公园里碰见了Smith先生。 While at the university, he went to the library every other day. 在大学时他每隔一天去图书馆一次。 Some people like football, others like volleyball. 有些人喜欢足球,有些人喜欢排球。 They are very different from one another. 他们互相之间差别很大。 When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects with them. 当美国人从一个地方迁移到另一个地方时, other指另外的人或物;other泛指别人,可与some连用;the other 指两个中的另一个,常和one连用;the others表示其余所有的人或物;another则泛指另一个。 回答者:萧萧羽禺 - 魔法学徒 一级 4-15 15:41 other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他的人。 也可以做代词,但是做代词时一般不以原形出现,一般用以"the other"或者以复数形式“others”出现。 others 和some对比使用时, 是“有些”的意思而不是做“其他”讲, 如:Some cleaned the windows, others mopped the floor. 有的擦窗户, 有的擦地板。 the others 是“其余的”意思, 表示在一个范围内的其他全部, 如: This dictionary is better than the others. 这本字典比别[其余]的好。 the other 是其中的“另一个”, 如:Give me the other one; not this one. 给我那一个, 不是这一个。 两个中的“另一个”是“the other”; 不定数目中的“另一个”是“another” , 如:This glass is broken. Get me another. 这个杯子坏了, 给我另拿一个来。(在许多杯子中的一个) any other 刚指其他一切的什么、、、 another 指另一个,没有固定的范围。比如:this dress is dirty,please change another one for me.这件裙子脏了,再给我换一件吧。 either指的两者中哪个都可以。如:which dress do you want,the yellow one or the blue one? 你想要哪件裙子,黄色的还是蓝色的? 回答可以是either is ok.哪件都可以。in和inside都表示静态,如果一句话中有并列时,前面用的是outside,后面就用inside。 一般in表示在某个空间内,而inside还有掩盖、受保护的意思。 inside是语气很强的介词。它常用来强调某 人或某事所在地含有某种特殊情况,比如: Inside the castle we"ll be safe from the enemy. 在上句中,说话人可能想到的是城堡上厚厚的城 墙,或城堡是一个非常坚固的地方。当然,某人 也能把一个相当普通的地方说成是一个牢不可破 的堡垒,比如: He barricaded himself inside the house and started firing at the police. 有时说话人想强调某个地方的空间非常狭窄,比如: It was hot and stuffy inside the prison cell. inside也可用于与外面的事情(something outside) 作对比: It was quite hot outside the cave but when we were inside, we started to shiver. 除需要特别强调以外,通常都用in。例如, 用于建筑物或建筑物内的房间:in the house, in the office; 用于有围栏或围墙的地方:in the garden, in the courtyard, in the park; 用于交通工具: in the train, in the car, in the bus; 用于江河湖海:in teh sea, in the river, in teh water。 还可用于饮料,如: There"s a fly in my lemonade. 尽管人们在 There may be beetles in the lawn 或in the carpet中用in,但是在One sits on the lawn或on the carpet中却要用on。 当谈到服装时,用in和用inside在句子意思 上就出现了有趣的区别。通常用in. 但是,人穿着衣裳感到不舒适或感到受到约束(如 同身处囹圄),这时用inside 就会非常生动有效地 表达此种感觉,例如: The little girl felt like a prisoner inside her starched new dress. Mary felt like a packaged chicken inside her corsets. 当然,有时用in和inside都不合适,例如: She was kept in/inside the walls of the prison. 此句的意思是她和水泥一起被填进了墙里。这种 情况可能有,但是不会经常出现。inside的用法 inside可用作多种词性,能作形容词,副词,名词,介词。如: Have you looked through the inside pages of the newspaper?(你看了这份报纸里面几版了吗?) (outside的用法与inside相同) inside是语气很强的介词。它常用来强调某 人或某事所在地含有某种特殊情况,比如:Inside the castle we"ll be safe from the enemy. 在上句中,说话人可能想到的是城堡上厚厚的城墙,或城堡是一个非常坚固的地方。当然,某人也能把一个相当普通的地方说成是一个牢不可破的堡垒,比如: He barricaded himself inside the house and started firing at the police. 除需要特别强调以外,通常都用in。例如,用于建筑物或建筑物内的房间:in the house, in the office; 用于有围栏或围墙的地方:in the garden, in the courtyard, in the park; 用于交通工具: in the train, in the car, in the bus; 用于江河湖海:in teh sea, in the river, in teh water。 还可用于饮料,如: There"s a fly in my lemonade. in是介词,介词后面必须接名词,代词或者动名词,即doing。 in 常用意思:在..., 在...之内,从事于..., 按照..., 穿着...。 例如:He was born in 1992.他生于1992年。 out是副词,意即“在外”。它们在英语教材中与动词搭配较多且意义丰富。in,out后面必须加位置。如in the classroom, out of window等等; inside,outside则不用。如It is raining outside. 具体语法解释我也说不好,只要你能明白怎么运用就好了。

She was seen to go into the supermarket by me a moment ago.改为主动.I___ ___ ___ in to the

saw her go

fall in love和fall into love的差别


fall in love和fall into love的差别


Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Lacuna Coil专辑:Dark AdrenalineLie!Lie!Broken mirrorSeven years of stolen luckI tried to fix you one more timeBut I must let it dieThe dream that we"d surviveCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Blind man"s wisdomCross my heart but it"s a lieI kept us going the last timeYou used one of your nine livesI gave up all of mineCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI.... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!In the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedSet it freeLost ambitionAnd now I won"t look backI"ve turned my back, I"m off the groundSet it freeSuperstitionAnd now the air I breath is poison freeI"m freedom boundSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI.... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Lie!

Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Lacuna Coil专辑:Dark AdrenalineLie!Lie!Broken mirrorSeven years of stolen luckI tried to fix you one more timeBut I must let it dieThe dream that we"d surviveCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Blind man"s wisdomCross my heart but it"s a lieI kept us going the last timeYou used one of your nine livesI gave up all of mineCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI.... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!In the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedSet it freeLost ambitionAnd now I won"t look backI"ve turned my back, I"m off the groundSet it freeSuperstitionAnd now the air I breath is poison freeI"m freedom boundSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI.... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Lie!

解释 driving while black driving while intoxicated driving while distracted?

这些都是美国的俚语,大多都是缩略词,不理解也很正常哒,因为咱们跟他们的思维方式不太一样嘛。这就要牵扯到一丢丢美国的文化了:①driving while black(DWB),这主要是一个带有种族色彩的词,意思就是黑人驾驶的时候被白人警察无缘无故拦下甚至是歧视的情况;②driving while intoxicated(DWI)也就是俗称的酒驾(drunk-driving);③driving while distracted{TWD是其中的一种“texting/tweeting while driving”在驾驶时发短信/刷推特(微博)}分心驾驶。我也不太清楚是不是把driving放到前边会起到强调或者提示的作用,其实说白了也就是 black driving,intoxicated driving和distracted driving,没什么特别的结构。

Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Liz Horsman专辑:Heavy HighI feel you all around meThough you"re no more in this spaceYou"re nowhere to be foundThere"s not a breath of you in hereLeaving us behindI just can"t do it all the wayAnd Nothing can describeThe feeling of dancing with this painI toss and turn and thenI roll on your side of the bedI touch your absent faceNo tear will ever bring you backI"m broken insideAnd I wish I could go where you wentI"ll fall asleep until I see youAt the other endHow can I stand alive with only half a life?How can I love so hard with only half a heart?Where do I go from here?How do I breathe in here?I guess it must be trueI am intoxicated byYou...I try to store awayPictures and little souvenirsI found a tone to say I"ll be okayLook, I"m still hereLying is my wayTo keep these feet walking aroundWhile my soul insteadHas found a way to reach your groundHow can I stand alive with only half a life?How can I love so hard with only half a heart?Where do I go from here?How do I breathe in here?I guess it must be trueI am intoxicated byYou...By you...I guess it must be trueI am intoxicated by...How can I stand alive with only half a life?How can I love so hard with only half a heart?Where do I go from here?How do I breathe in here?I guess it must be trueI am intoxicatedBy you...I am intoxicatedIntoxicatedBy...You...欢迎光临 天下网

Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Michael Brook专辑:Night SongThe Cab - IntoxicatedAnd I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.In a room full of frozen faces,In a moment of fractured time,We eclipse in a conversation,As the words they pass us by.With you, we could be the only ones here."Cause I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated-toxicated.Your eyes like a shot of whiskey,Warmed me up like a summer night,Can you tell that I need you with me?Let me drink you down tonight.No, I don"t just want any pretty face,Wanna wake up next to yours each day,And baby, won"t you be my saving grace, tonight, tonight.With you, we could be the only one"s here."Cause I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.Feel like I black out, pass out, everytime that we touch,And if it hurts in the moment then it must be love,Want your heart, bitter, straight, no chaser,I wanna feel it in my head when I wake up.And I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.

The Intoxicated Lady是一部中国电影的英文翻译,请问这部电影的中文原名是什么?谢谢!



intoxicated音节划分:inu25aatoxiu25aacatu25aaedintoxicated英 [u026anu02c8tu0252ksu026akeu026atu026ad] 美 [u026anu02c8tɑ:ksu026akeu026atu026ad] adj. 喝醉的,极其兴奋的 v. 使喝醉( intoxicate的过去式和过去分词 );使陶醉;使激动不已;使欣喜若狂 网 络 喝醉的; 如痴如醉; 沉醉; 醉酒的

the detectives went into the building and waited

C in into 和 for 都只作介词,本句需要用副词作地点状语,所以选inside.在楼内等.



turn sth to和turn sth into有什么区别?

into 有强调“进去”这个动作

把一个东西扔到哪里英语用 threw ,to?,into? onto? out?还是什么

后面用哪个词是由后面的宾语决定的,比如throw a ball to methrow the ball into a box

英语 turn to和turn into都有变成的意思,那么这两个变成有什么区别


throw into、throw on、throw at、throw away的区别是什么?

1、throw to把?投向? throw at 向?投去throw away扔掉,丢弃 quite adv.cause做名词的时候和reason没什么区别。2、throw,英语词汇,基本释义为投掷、丢、抛。名词 n. 投掷、投距,射程。3、语言的交流与掌握大量的词汇、句型、语法是两回事。就语言本身的知识来说,我们已经过关了。我们缺少的就是在交流中来运用英语,只有在交流中我们才能与对方进行思维密码的相互破译。4、学会两种语言的传译能力。这是衡量口语水平的一个最重要标准。因为英语不是我们的母语,我们天生就有自己的母语。很多人都认为学好外语必须丢掉自己的母语,这是不对的。例句1、But establish manpower and material resources, and financial resources needing to throw into a great quantity like the brand.而创建品牌一般需要投入大量的人力、物力和财力。2、At after quarter match and the sun of the 2 compete he throw into of that overcome a ball is a good example.在季后赛和太阳的第2场比赛时他投进的那个制胜一球就是个很好的例子。3、After each throw into the basket, the ball out to climb a ladder again start the race.每次投球进篮后,要爬梯子将球取出再重新开始比赛。4、The draw CARDS and their original CARDS combination, every component pair of card, can throw into the brand pile.把抽到的牌和本人本来的牌组合,但凡组成一对的牌,就能够丢入牌堆里。5、Well, as I said we"re continually looking for little bits here and little bits there to throw into the default UI.

throw into,throw on,throw at,throw away的区别

throw into投身于throw on穿上:投射(光线,阴影)在。。。上throw at投向,投掷throw away扔掉:浪费,错过

throw into,throw on,throw at,throw away的区别

throw into投身于throw on穿上:投射(光线,阴影)在。。。上throw at投向,投掷throw away扔掉:浪费,错过


意思不同。break名词有裂口、缺口、裂缝、骨折、短课、课间休息的意思。split名词有开口、开衩、破裂、分裂的意思,作为短语break in to是破门而入的意思而split in to则是分成……的意思。两个短语意思不同。split与break还有短语为:split up和break up,如是男女分手的话可互换,split up和 break up都可以解释为分手。

She found she _____(fall) down into a very deep hole.

直接填falling是不行的1) 这里其实是个宾语从句 she found (that) she was falling down...省略了that, 后一个she 做从句中的主语, 另外宾语从句中要求谓语齐全, 必须是fell 或者 was falling而联系语境, was falling 正在深坑中掉落要更好2) find确实可以做感官动词但要是这样, 第二个she必须换成宾格即She found her (或者herself) falling down...find + sb(宾格) + doing

a businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown. as it was the rush hour and she


Into The Sea 歌词

歌曲名:Into The Sea歌手:As Cities Burn专辑:Hell Or High WaterAs Cities Burn - Into the SeaAnd it"s alright, it"s alrightAnd it"s alright, it"s alrightEverybody is a failure in this lightAnd it"s okay, it"s okayAnd it"s okay, it"s okayUnderneath it nobody"s back is straightAnd I"ll try to stop it whenI saw your posture start to bendBut honey it was not mine to liftGo throw yourself into the seaGo throw yourself intoThrow yourself into the seaAnd it"s alright, it"s alrightAnd it"s alrightI can"t make it rightSomebody put a bad lens in your eyeAnd you try to shed your skinwhen you saw yourself in it so thinBut you only shed your bloodWhen you climb out, you can"t climb back inGo throw yourself into the seaGo you throw yourself into the seaThough we don"t need a mountain movedWe just want to move ourselvesTake us somewhere, take us somewhereAnywhere elseGo throw yourself into the seaGo throw yourself into the seaIt"s alright, it"s alrightIt"s alright, it"s alrightGo throw yourself into the seaGo throw yourself into the seaThough we don"t ever see you move,slowly the wind turns you to sandin the hands of children on the shore

jump into和jump off的区别

He flew into a rage and common sense went by board.

去掉a rage 里面的arage 的意思是愤怒,表示一种情感,是不可数名词

the coodinator flew into _____rage,and common sense went by the board.

应该是B吧,fly into a rage是大发雷霆的意思。

Also,yourpaternal or maternal instincts come into



bring into1. 把…拿入, 带入(某处)2. 使达到…3. 使清楚地被人理解〔知道〕4. 使开始生效bring to 1. 使(某人)苏醒2. 〈航〉(使)停驶3. 把…带给(某人), 带往(某处)4. 使用于…; 使加入, 参与…5. 使达到…6. 使(某人)面临〔对付〕某种困难

all factors to take into account 的语法


“舞出我人生”的英文歌。1.歌词:When I step into place,I feel my feet......2.歌词:Softly as a chil

start with something new

lead的用法,lead sb to do和 lead sb into doing意思一样吗

This turned shopping into a public and democratic act.分析句子成分。

主语是this谓语是turned... into宾语是 shoppinga public and democratic act 是宾补,用来解释shopping 变化的结果。



come into the flat throught thin wire

come into the flat throught thin wire通过细铁丝进入平台

翻译短语:1:fall into pieces 2:set .... on fire 3:put ease

1:fallintopieces =破碎;崩溃2:set....onfire=令...情绪激动; 放火烧...;3:put...atease=使...无拘无束; 让...放松(心)请采纳

“enter”与“enter into”有什么区别?

1. 在下列情况,其后通常不接介词 into:(1) 表示进入某一具体的东西时:The train entered the tunnel. 火车进入隧道。He entered the room quietly. 他悄悄地进了房间。The bullet entered his head. 子弹射入他的头部。偶尔可见 enter into a room 的用法,但很少见。(2) 表示进入某一组织或某一机构时:He entered the army last year. 他去年参军了。Then he entered a famous university. 后来他进了一所名牌大学。(3) 表示报名参加考试(比赛等)时:All his friends entered the examination (race). 他所有的朋友都报名参加了考试(比赛)。【注】也可说 enter for an examination。2. 下列情况,enter 后通常接介词 into:(1) 表示开始做某事时:He entered into business (politics) at the age of 25. 他25岁时开始经商(进入政界)。The two old men entered into a long conversation. 两位老人开始长谈起来。(2) 表示讨论、研究或处理某问题时:Let"s enter into the subject of taxes. 咱们来讨论一下税款问题。We need not enter into details. 我们不必讨论(研究、处理)细节。(3) 表示领会或体会时:He didn"t enter into her mood. 他不体谅她的心情。I can enter into your feelings at the loss of your wife. 我能理解你失去妻子后的心情。(4) 表示进入某种状态时:The two countries entered into a state of war. 这两个国家进入战备状态。(5) 表示进入某具体东西且强调深入其内时(若不强调则可不用):The arrow entered into his head. 箭射进了他的头。We entered into a woody mountain. 我们进入了一片山林里。

enter 与enter into 有什么区别

1. 在下列情况,其后通常不接介词 into:(1) 表示进入某一具体的东西时:The train entered the tunnel. 火车进入隧道。He entered the room quietly. 他悄悄地进了房间。The bullet entered his head. 子弹射入他的头部。偶尔可见 enter into a room 的用法,但很少见。(2) 表示进入某一组织或某一机构时:He entered the army last year. 他去年参军了。Then he entered a famous university. 后来他进了一所名牌大学。(3) 表示报名参加考试(比赛等)时:All his friends entered the examination (race). 他所有的朋友都报名参加了考试(比赛)。【注】也可说 enter for an examination。2. 下列情况,enter 后通常接介词 into:(1) 表示开始做某事时:He entered into business (politics) at the age of 25. 他25岁时开始经商(进入政界)。The two old men entered into a long conversation. 两位老人开始长谈起来。(2) 表示讨论、研究或处理某问题时:Let"s enter into the subject of taxes. 咱们来讨论一下税款问题。We need not enter into details. 我们不必讨论(研究、处理)细节。(3) 表示领会或体会时:He didn"t enter into her mood. 他不体谅她的心情。I can enter into your feelings at the loss of your wife. 我能理解你失去妻子后的心情。(4) 表示进入某种状态时:The two countries entered into a state of war. 这两个国家进入战备状态。(5) 表示进入某具体东西且强调深入其内时(若不强调则可不用):The arrow entered into his head. 箭射进了他的头。We entered into a woody mountain. 我们进入了一片山林里。

enter和enter into的区别

1. 在下列情况,其后通常不接介词 into:(1) 表示进入某一具体的东西时:The train entered the tunnel. 火车进入隧道。He entered the room quietly. 他悄悄地进了房间。The bullet entered his head. 子弹射入他的头部。偶尔可见 enter into a room 的用法,但很少见。(2) 表示进入某一组织或某一机构时:He entered the army last year. 他去年参军了。Then he entered a famous university. 后来他进了一所名牌大学。(3) 表示报名参加考试(比赛等)时:All his friends entered the examination (race). 他所有的朋友都报名参加了考试(比赛)。【注】也可说 enter for an examination。2. 下列情况,enter 后通常接介词 into:(1) 表示开始做某事时:He entered into business (politics) at the age of 25. 他25岁时开始经商(进入政界)。The two old men entered into a long conversation. 两位老人开始长谈起来。(2) 表示讨论、研究或处理某问题时:Let"s enter into the subject of taxes. 咱们来讨论一下税款问题。We need not enter into details. 我们不必讨论(研究、处理)细节。(3) 表示领会或体会时:He didn"t enter into her mood. 他不体谅她的心情。I can enter into your feelings at the loss of your wife. 我能理解你失去妻子后的心情。(4) 表示进入某种状态时:The two countries entered into a state of war. 这两个国家进入战备状态。(5) 表示进入某具体东西且强调深入其内时(若不强调则可不用):The arrow entered into his head. 箭射进了他的头。We entered into a woody mountain. 我们进入了一片山林里。

谢谢大家帮忙解决英语问题。Your ship goes into ______ time part every day if you make a five-day jour


break out into

break out laughing 这种说法没有问题,同样表示突然的大笑 burst into tears 等于 break into tears 也是表示突然大笑

burst into tears= burst out crying对吗?


burst into laughter, burst out laughing. 二者用法


burst out crying 和 burst into crying 有什么区别?

burst into是一个很好的词组.意思是:爆发成;突然……起来.号啕大哭目前来看还没其他说法的,基本都是burst into tears.特别介绍几个相同意思的词组,brust out,break into均可表示“突然……起来”的意思,区别在于burst into及break into后必须接名词,而burst out后须接动名词或接into再接名词.

burst into和burst out的区别

二者的读音不同、释义不同、用法不同。burst out读音:英[bu025cu02d0st au028at]美[bu025cu02d0rst au028at];burst into读音:英[bu025cu02d0st "u026antuu02d0]美[bu025cu02d0rst "u026antu028a];burst out释义:闯出; 突然 ... 起来; 大声叫喊; 突然发生;burst into释义:闯入; 突然发作。 burst into和burst out的区别 1、burst out 用法:burst out后常接-ing的动名词形式,若接名词,则其前通常加介词into。 短语:burst out laughing 突然笑了起来。 2、burst into 用法:burst into后常直接接名词。 短语:burst into tears 突然哭起来;burst into song 突然唱起歌来。 例证: 1、Sheburstintotearsandranfromthekitchen. 她突然哭起来,跑出了厨房。 2、Theclassburstoutlaughing . 全班突然大笑起来。 burst短语的用法 1 . be bursting to do sth 急于要做某事。如: He was bursting to tell her the news. 他急于要告诉她这条消息。 2 . burst forth 突然出现,突然爆发出,突然喊出。如: A broad smile burst forth on his face. 他顿时笑容满面。 A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd. 人群中突然发出恐惧的`叫喊声。 "Why don"t you behave? " he burst forth. “你为什么不放规矩一点呢? ”他大声喊。 3 . burst into 突然闯入。如: Don"t burst into my bedroom without knocking. 请不要不敲而贸然闯入我的卧室。 突然……起来。如: She burst into tears . 她突然哭起来。 The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers. 全场发出了雷鸣般的欢呼。 注:这样用的 burst into 后通常接具有动作意义的名词。

burst into laughter,burst out laughing.二者用法 为什么不同?求详解,

亲:这样解释吧: into +抽象名词 out+动词的ing 这是英语词组搭配所决定的. 例如:He burst into cry at the news. He burst our crying at the news.

burst into和burst out的区别

burst into和burst out的区别是意思不同、用法不同。burst into意为突然进入到某种状态或发生某种情况,其后通常要接名词。burst out意为突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况,其后通常接动名词。 扩展资料 例句:She read the letter and promptly burst into tears.她一看信眼泪就夺眶而出。He burst into the room without knocking.他没敲门就闯进了屋子。She burst out laughing ─ she couldn"t help herself.她突然大笑起来——她控制不住自己。

The little girl pretended___when her mother came into her room.为什么空格处

如果是 to have been,就是 to have been asleep

Into Your Arms The Maine 歌词翻译

歌曲:Into Your Arms歌手:The Maine专辑:Can"t Stop Won"t StopThere was a new girl in town.在城里有一个新的女孩She had it all figured out. (Had it all figured out)她都想通了。 (如果这一切想通了)And I"ll state something rash.She had the most她最惊人的....微笑,我会说出一些轻率的话I bet you didn"t expect that.But she made me change my ways. (She made me change my ways)我敢打赌你没有想到她让我改变我的方式。 (她让我改变我的方法)With eyes like sunsets baby.And legs that went on for days像日落时天的婴儿和腿的眼睛I"m fallin" in loveBut it"s fallin" apart.我陷入了爱里 但是爱变成碎片I need to find my way back to the start.When we were in love.我需要找到我的方式回到我们恋爱时Oh things were better than they are.OH 有些事情比他们本身要好Let me back into.Into your arms.让我回到你的怀抱Into your arms.你的怀抱She made her way to the bar.她按照自己的方式I tried to talk to her.我试图与他谈话But she seemed so far. (She seems so far)Outta my league.但是她好像始终没有听见我的言语I had to find a way to get her next to me.我不得不去找一种让她靠近我的方式I"m fallin" in loveBut it"s fallin" apart.我陷入了爱里 但是爱变成碎片I need to find my way back to the start.When we were in love.我需要找到我的方式回到我们恋爱时Oh things were better than they are.OH 有些事情比他们本身要好Let me back into.Into your arms.让我回到你的怀抱Into your arms.你的怀抱Oh she"s slippin" away.OH她逃跑了I always freeze when I"m thinking of words to say当我想要说话时 我总是冰冷无法言语All the things she does.Make it seem like love.她做的所有事情 使它看起来像爱情If it"s just a game. (Just a game)如果这只是一个游戏Then I like the way that we play.我却喜欢我们游戏的方式I"m fallin" in loveBut it"s fallin" apart.我陷入了爱里 但是爱变成碎片I need to find my way back to the start.I"m fallin" in love我需要找到我的方式回到我陷入爱情里的时候But it"s fallin" apart.但是它成了泡影I need to find my way back to the start.When we were in love.我需要找到我的方式回到我们恋爱时Oh things were better than they are.OH 有些事情比他们本身要好Let me back into.Into your arms.让我回到你的怀抱Into your arms.Into your arms.Into your arms你的怀抱希望能帮助你 嘿嘿

put in 和pour into的区别


pull into是什么意思及反义词


《The Outsiders》 作者S.E.Hinton

1、The Outsiders 局外人2、内容介绍:《局外人》是加缪的成名作,也是存在主义文学的代表作品。它形象地体现了存在主义哲学关于“荒谬”的观念;由于人和世界的分离,世界对于人来说是荒诞的、毫无意义的,而人对荒诞的世界无能为力,因此不抱任何希望,对一切事物都无动于衷。《局外人》以“今天,妈妈死了,也许是昨天,我不知道”开始,以“我还希望处决我的那一天有很多人来看,对我发出仇恨的喊叫声”结束。小说以这种不动声色而又蕴含内在力量的平静语调为我们塑造了一个惊世骇俗的“荒谬的人”:对一切都漠然置之的莫尔索。3、作者介绍:阿尔贝·加缪(Albert Camus,1913~1960),法国作家、哲学家。1957年获得诺贝尔文学奖。1960年在一次车祸中不幸身亡。加缪是荒诞哲学及其文学的代表人物,他的代表作《局外人》与同年发表的哲学论文集《西西弗的神话》,曾在欧美产生巨大影响。加缪的文笔简洁、明快、朴实,他的文学作品总是同时蕴含着哲学家对人生的严肃思考和艺术家的强烈激情。其哲学和文学作品对后期的荒诞派戏剧和新小说影响很大。评论家认为加缪的作品体现了适应工业时代要求的新人道主义精神。萨特说他在一个把现实主义当作金牛膜拜的时代里,肯定了精神世界的存在。

Intoxica (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxica (Lp Version)歌手:The Centurions专辑:Bullwinkle Pt. IiThe Cab - IntoxicatedAnd I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.In a room full of frozen faces,In a moment of fractured time,We eclipse in a conversation,As the words they pass us by.With you, we could be the only ones here."Cause I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated-toxicated.Your eyes like a shot of whiskey,Warmed me up like a summer night,Can you tell that I need you with me?Let me drink you down tonight.No, I don"t just want any pretty face,Wanna wake up next to yours each day,And baby, won"t you be my saving grace, tonight, tonight.With you, we could be the only one"s here."Cause I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.Feel like I black out, pass out, everytime that we touch,And if it hurts in the moment then it must be love,Want your heart, bitter, straight, no chaser,I wanna feel it in my head when I wake up.And I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.

你好,请问谁有leona lewis的breaking into pieces的歌词?

"Breaking Into Pieces"Waiting for the key to turnFor your footsteps on the floorI feel my heartbeat racingBut there"s no one at the doorIt"s 3 o" Clock in the morningAnd I don"t know where you areDo you ever really think of me at all?Oh, more than words can sayI miss you each dayyou"re not around, it"s more than I can takeMore than you"ll ever knowMore than I"ll ever showYou"re not around more than I can takeOh I"m breaking into piecesCause I know that you"ve moved onBaby, how can I go on nowWhen all we had is gone?Oh I"m breaking into piecesAnd I"m falling one by oneWill you come back, back to me and thenPut me back together again?I remember when I met youFor the first time I just knewYou were all I ever wantedI could feel you through and throughYou held me tight and made me wishThis night would never endNow those memories are all that I have leftOh, more than words can sayI miss you each dayYou"re not around; it"s more than I can takeOh I"m breaking into piecesCause I know that you"ve moved onBaby, how can I go on nowWhen all we had is gone?Oh I"m breaking into piecesAnd I"m falling one by oneWill you come back, back to me and thenPut me back together again?

who introduced the “Western tradition” into American literature?



1、translate是什么意思中文翻译2、translate是什么意思3、translate用法translate是什么意思中文翻译 translate是我们在英语中常用的动词,那么translate做动词都表达哪些意思呢?下面我为大家带来translate的英语意思解释和英语例句,供大家参考学习!translate作动词的意思: 翻译;转化;解释;被翻译translate的英语音标: 英 [tr_ns_leit] 美 [tr_ns_let, tr_nz-, _tr_ns_let, _tr_nz-]translate的时态: 现在分词: translating 过去式: translated 过去分词: translatedtranslate的英语例句: 1. It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images. 它可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。 2. The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate. 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。 3. I can read Spanish but can"t translate into it. 我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语. 4. These jokes would be far too difficult to translate. 这些笑话也许极其难译. 5. We must make efforts to translate our ideal into reality. 我们必须努力把理想变为现实. 6. She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel. 她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说. 7. It"s often difficult to translate poems. 翻译诗歌在许多情况下都是困难的. 8. Please translate this article from Chinese into English. 请把这篇文章从汉语译成英语. 9. We should translate this sentence in passive voice. 我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子. 10. Can you translate this article for me? 你能替我翻译这篇文章 吗 ? 11. Can you translate from French into English? 你能把法语译成英语 吗 ? 12. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. 将下面几段译成中文. 13. I couldn"t read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate. 我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。 14. When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can. 我改编东西的时候,会尽可能忠实地将意思表达出来。 15. Reforming Warsaw"s stagnant economy requires harsh measures that would translate into job losses.translate是什么意思translate的意思如下:vt.翻译;用简单易懂的语言解释;解释;诠释;使转变;使转化;翻译;转译;调动;转移;调换的教区;将调至另一教区;把调至另一教区;(天主教)移葬(圣徒遗骸);使肉身不死而升天;平移;使出神;使心荡神移。vi.担任译者;从事翻译工作;可译;可翻译;被翻译;意味;意为;转变;转化;(飞机、导弹)转移。1、A translator who uses an HTML editor and a word processor has to translate twice-—once for each tool.使用HTML编辑器和文字处理程序的翻译人员必须两次翻译两次每种工具各一次。2、The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process,it couldtranslate into a sense of possession.这项研究还表明,一旦触摸成为过程的一部分,它可以转化为拥有感。3、Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world.许多家长看到,这些课堂上学习到的知识转化为现实世界所发生的事情。4、She took me along to translate.她拉上我一起去翻译。5、how would this translate to manufacturing?这将如何转化为制造业?translate用法translatetranslate的用法如下translate:1、translatetranslate的基本意思是“翻译”translate,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”、“解释”解。2、translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。3、translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。4、translate后接介词into表示“把...翻译成...”、“把...转化为...”translate;后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把...)从...翻译成为...”;后接介词to表示“调某人到...”。扩展资料:translate 英 [tr_ns"le_t],美 [tr_ns"le_t] v. 翻译;解释;转移;调动例句:I need to translate it into English.翻译:我必须把它译成英语。短语:1、translate a book翻译一本书2、translate a computer"s answer翻译计算机的答案3、translate an article翻译文章4、translate well译得好5、translate easily容易翻译

Justin kicked the ball into his own was__his stupidity__we own the game.

表因果用due to

9. Justin kicked the ball into his own goal. It was____ his stupidity___ we won the game.


英语transform symlinks into referent file怎么翻译?

将符号链接转换为引用文件tranform … into … 的意思是将…转换为… 。symlink是symbolic link的缩写,意思是符号链接。referent file的意思是引用文件。

请帮忙解释一下这个句子,挺难的 tighten into a hard line

我的译文:“站在我身边的爱德华的笑脸逐渐变得严肃起来”。turn into a hard line: 逐渐变得严肃/阴沉。

Jump into the Fog 歌词

歌曲名:Jump into the Fog歌手:The Wombats专辑:Jump Into the FogThe Wombats - Jump Into The Fog.What a great achievement it was to get a hotel room this lateI bet they charge by the hour hereThe kind of place where you should bring your own UV rayIt""s not a big problem with me, loveYou don""t look that hygienic anywayI""m only here becauseI want to twist the structure of my average day.We feel nothing so jump into the fogAnd I hope that we hit the ground uprightWe feel nothing so jump into the fogI just hope it""s your bones that shatter not mineWe feel nothing so jump into the fogAnd I hope that we hit the ground uprightWe feel nothing so jump into the fog.What a great achievement it wasTo find someone who shirks such little self-restraintI""m a non-believer but I believe in these dirty little wicked gamesSnakes and ladders abandoned here loveThe climb""s too rough to slide back down againI""m only here because I feel the day deserves a truly sordid end.We feel nothing so jump into the fogAnd I hope that we hit the ground uprightWe feel nothing so jump into the fogI just hope it""s your brains that splatter not mineWe feel nothing so jump into the fogAnd I hope that we hit the ground uprightWe feel nothing so jump into the fog.I""ve made some bad decisions, I""ll admit that freelyIt""s just that life tastes sweeter when it""s wrapped in debaucherySo drop your map, drop your plans, drop that five-step programBecause there""s not an ounce of faith in this leapIt""s clear you feel nothing so jump into the fog with me.Jump in, jump in,.

I am sure I can persuade him into letting us stay in the hotel for the night.

【答案】:C【答案】C【解析】四项选择都有“说”的意思,但只有talk sb.into表示“说服……做……”:He talked me into coming here.他说服我来这儿。其余三项均不合题意。sav的同义词speak…口中说出话语;说话。 talk…融洽地说话;谈话。sav…发出声音说出来;说。tell…对人说话;告知。speak和say speak是“使用语言”,say是“说出语言”,所以speak English是“说英语”,而say English是“说出英语这个词”。

stay up far into the night是什么意思


Mary used to stay up until far into the night ,___?



convertinto的意思是:使转变;把转化成;折合。convertinto的意思是:使转变;把转化成;折合。convertinto的例句是Sugarisconvertedintoalcoholthroughtheprocessoffermentation.糖经过发酵变成酒精。一、网络释义点此查看convertinto的详细内容 折合...折叠门foldingdoor折合convertinto折合率conversionrate... 抵充...按照,依照[accordingto]折充;抵充[convertinto;compensate]6)箭靶的中心:~的(di4)。... 折充...按照,依照[accordingto]折充;抵充[convertinto;compensate]6)箭靶的中心:~的(di4)。... 抵当折...挫伤,挫折[blunt;deflate]折合;抵当[convertinto;discountinprice]损失;减损[lose;sufferthelossof;reduce]...二、例句Sugarisconvertedintoalcoholthroughtheprocessoffermentation.糖经过发酵变成酒精。Theoldbarnweboughttoconvertintoflatswaspracticallytumblingdown.那个旧谷仓我们买下想改建住房的,实际上已经快塌了。convertinto的相关临近词Converti、convert、Convertedmeasurements、convertfromareligion、convertedbalancesheet、convertedoutputsignal、converttoChristianity、convertnotesintogold、ConvertedMerchantShip、convertedKalmanfilter、convertedsofiswitching、converttoor-thodoxy点此查看更多关于convertinto的详细信息

If only i hod wings wings as white as yours up into the sky i need surely fly...

If only i had wings, wings as white as yours, up into the sky i need (这个字错了,在这里应该写 will 的) surely fly...只要我有翅膀,像你的(翅膀)一样洁白的翅膀,我一定会飞向蓝天……

move on/ move in/ move into

move on 继续前进 继续进行 往前走 move in 搬进 迁进move into 后面一定接房子之类的物体 词 因为 into是 到...里 进...中



初二:cut in(还是into) the line


求类似pick up. put off. bring into. 之类英语固定词组的所有词组及解释

(1)in English (2) in red (3)in turn (4) in ink (5)in return (6) in 1987 (7)in spring (8) in March (9)in the morning (10)in line (11)in front of (12)in the front of (13)in a hurry (14)in need of (15)in the tree (16)in use (17)in the sun (18)in touch with (19)in time (20)in no time (21)in cash (22)in trouble (23)in the east (24)in the end (25)in a low voice (26)in the middle of (27)in charge of (28)in a word (29)in thirties (30)in one"s twenties (31)in the face (32)in the corner (33)in surprise (34)in advance (35)in 3 days (36)in this way

integrate with/ into有什么区别吗?

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?

integrate with/ into的区别是神马?

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?

integrate with/into区别

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?

integrate with还是integrate into有什么区别呢?

integrate with/into区别:作用不同、意思不同。从意思上来讲,integrate with=integrate into,都是“结合”的意思。但是使用时候主语与对象的关系区别,因此意思上也有些微妙区别。A integrate with B A与B结合,A/B两者是对等关系,两者相互融合。A integrate into B A融入到B,A/B两者有点包容关系在内,B范围比A要广。简单点讲,就像数学中并集与交集的区别。They need to stop making themselves conspicuous and integrate into society.他们需要停止让自己引人注目并且融入社会。They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。Do you really want to integrate with us?你们真的想和我们联合吗?

step intoTheDreamIand拼音的意思是什么是什么意思?

step into The DreamIand踏入梦境

get into the the back seat of the car

当然不是喽. get on 有往上走的隐含意思,bus一般来说比地面高,所以是get on/off. 电梯和人所站的平面是一样的,所以就是get into/out.
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