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saint laurent是加拿大那个城市



如果你要收藏经典包包,那肯定少不了 Saint Laurent,作为一个巴黎时装奢侈品牌,不断更新新的款式,简约 时尚 大方的设计,配上金色的YSL Logo,无论是休闲还是正式的场合都可以被携带。有独特标识的单品,经典出色,下面就让我介绍五款最经典的设计。 LouLou是以三十多年来的伊夫·圣洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)的密友和缪斯女神LouLou de la Falaise命名,LouLou是圣洛朗(Saint Laurent)设计中最受欢迎的手袋之一。它的标志是柔软但四角的结构,前翻盖闭合和缝V形饰面。LouLou已成为Saint Laurent经典手包,现在有更多尺寸可供选择,从小巧的挎包到超大尺寸的提包,足以容纳更多您的必需品。 对于初次购买者,我们建议从黑色或灰色的经典Puffer中号袋开始。无论什么季节,它都可以在任何场合使用。对于季节性变化,黑色永远是最百搭的颜色。 简单的Lou包是每个极简主义者最好的朋友。Lou以相机包为蓝本,具有柔软却又宽松的结构,外加实用的细节,例如外露的拉链扣和可调节的肩带。Lou还提供多配色被选择。 如果您正在寻找永不过时的日常包,黑色或奶油色皮革制成的Lou配金色LOGO是一个完美的选择。尽管它本质上是一款低调的包包,但奢华的外观(例如漆红色的麂皮绒和黑色麂皮)使您穿着的任何服装显得更有气质。 凯特(Kate)是圣洛朗(Saint Laurent)最知名,最迷人的手袋之一。凯特(Kate)是晚装搭配的绝佳选择,拥有像钱包式内饰和薄链式肩带。在大多数情况下,可以将皮带拆下,以将这个 时尚 的包包转变成手拿包。Kate手提袋最引人注目的功能之一是精致的链子流苏,流苏悬挂在标志性的YSL标志下方,每走动都会轻轻晃动。 这个包是我们夜间出入各种场所的必备单品,我们偏向于它的高级面料和华丽的珠宝色调。黑色绒面的触感配上金闪闪的LOGO,让整个包包在夜光的照耀下更加楚楚动人。 Becky手提袋是Saint Laurent配件库中用途最广泛的手提袋之一,非常适合那些需要一个包包可以从白天到夜晚使用的人。它具有矩形形状和菱形缝皮革饰面,中央饰有链带和YSL标志。这个包有两个单独的隔层和一个拉链口袋,可为您的必需品留出足够的空间。 白色皮革贝基(Becky)饰有金色LOGO,为秋冬的衣柜增添了一丝高冷的感觉。迷你Becky斜挎包延续了小巧的包包的优势,就像Lou一样,与相机的形状有几分相似,但是又可以装很多女生出门要用的小物品。 创意总监Anthony Vaccarello于2018年夏季将Jamie手提袋引入圣罗兰(Saint Laurent)的系列。此后,由于其独特的CarréRive Gauche quil缝,在圣罗兰(Saint Laurent)的手提包迷中已成为必购品之一。它拥有宽敞的内部空间,内部有一个拉链口袋,一个链带以及一个肩带皮革带垫,中间是YSL的标志字母组合。杰米(Jamie)最初有黑色和红色皮革可供选择,现在也有浅粉红色,可以巧妙地柔化深色秋冬装的边缘。 Jamie包独特的图形设计,柔软的皮革更让人爱不释手。它是由羊毛制成的平纹针织面料。无论是休闲场合还是正式场合,都可以经得起考验。

saint laurent怎么读

YSL全名:Yves Saint Lauret中文名:【伊夫圣罗兰】港台也有译为:伊夫圣洛朗。Yves Saint Lauret是法语,其正确发音:【Eve Sonn Lo"re-en】执服装界牛耳的 Yves Saint Laurent,用巴黎左岸创新、时尚的独特风情开创了色彩缤纷、浪漫高雅的 Saint Laurent 时代。自1964年推出第一个彩妆系列起,Yves Saint Laurent 品牌始终传达着高雅、神秘以及热情的 Saint Laurent 精神。


Saint-Laurent圣劳伦特双语对照词典结果:Saint-Laurentabbr.(French=Saint Lawrence) (法语)圣劳伦斯河;

saint laurent怎么读

saint 英 [seu026ant]     美 [seu026ant]    laurent[u02c8lu0254ru0259nt]


flying ,表示进行,正在飞的鸟 leaves,变复数,树叶 B notice sb (to) do/doing notice后面可以跟do,表示留意到全过程,do 是不定式省to的结果 也可以doing,表示留意到一瞬间,不是全过程.




这是回音啊还是这人有重度口吃啊? 你能往天上扔得很高吗?往天上?往天上? 你能往天上扔得很高吗?高,高,高. 你能扔得很远吗?很远?很远? 你能扔得很远吗?(扔得)像一辆赛车(一样快).

求BIGBANG intro 中文歌词

oh yes oh yes ( we back here )oh right I"m s BigBang the Big Boy what"s up broveare you ready or not we ready for showcan you fell in it uhput your hands up clap your hand up ( wut )put your hands up clap your hand up ( ye )ladies and gentlemen what"s up boys and girls等了很久 终于coming it"s show这是第一个按钮 是开启的第一扇门到现在准备的梦 ye gotta you know ( know )相似的 相似的音乐no (yes )it"s the it"s the new stylethis is the fiesta fiesta party 开始既然我来了 就别想呆在原地( oh )年龄无关紧要 小孩到大人happy to the hope 从早到晚 lady daywho"s the man with the Y.G representerwho"s the best that"s weho 如果知道我们是谁 say hoho 开始了 只属于我们的 showho we together now can"t stopones again go BigBang just don"t stopho 跟着我们喊 再大声点 let"s loudho get the jumpin higher oh we together now can"t stopone more time say wut just don"t stop----------------------------------------------------------------如有疑问请追问,百度HI等~VIP真诚为您解答所有疑问~BIGBANG IS VIP~~~!===========^-^BIGBANG知道团队^-^===========

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在某种程度上讲, opinion 相当于 point of view ,也就是说,view 不如opinion 正式,view可以更多的理解为看法, 而opinion 多用于 观察,思考之后的意见.转的...


皆有意见,建议,主张,观点的含义. opinion 意见,主张(比较主观) view 观察,意见(比较客观) point 要点(语势较强)


break into :强行进入,闯入,突然开始做(某事),成功打入,顺利进入break out :爆发,越狱,逃跑,摆脱,布满……break in to break out :一首歌名(女神异闻录5)break into break out :突围


看起来clock对象创建的不对,参考下面的代码:clock = pygame.time.Clock()对于python来说:不加括号的话,相当于直接将类名称赋予了变量。加括号的话是创建了一个新类,是正常调用。


在某种程度上讲, opinion 相当于 point of view ,也就是说,view 不如opinion 正式,view可以更多的理解为看法, 而opinion 多用于 观察,思考之后的意见.转的...

int b = new int();是什么意思,求大佬指教


break out与break into区别


intention 与opinion区别?

intention 是意图,意向,去做某事的计划(a plan or desire to do something)opinion 是意见,见解,你对某事的想法(your ideas or beliefs about a particular subject)

break up,break down,break in,break out,break into,break through怎么区别

break up:vt.开垦(破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱)例句与用法:1.He was breaking up under the strain.他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱.2.The Government has broken up the large private estates.政府把大片的私人地产分割开.b...

我有一个int 型变量,想用SetDlgItemText(hwnd,IDC_EDITWIGHT,string);输出到一个控件上


#include void main( ) { int a[5]={1


单片机称重程序里面的gapvalue一般是什么意思请问,wight=(unsigned int)((float)wight/GapValue)


路由器上的 Optical internet 闪红灯怎么办


population proportion是什么意思?还有point estimator of population proportion 是什么意思?

population proportion人口比例point estimator of population proportion点估计的人口比例 总体比率是高等数学的专用名词。你是从哪个词得到这个翻译?


pdf user guidesYou can view any PDF file on-line in your browser if you have the Acrobat Reader plug-in installed, or you can download any Acrobat file for viewing later on your local system with Acrobat Reader by right clicking on the appropriate PDF icon. Please select a product category: Cameras Dot Matrix Printers ESC-P Reference Manual Inkjet Printers Inkjet Multifunction Interfaces Laser Printers Projectors Scanners Stylus Scan SPC"s Sort by: Name Size Date Welcome to the Epson On-line User Guide support area, where you can download User guides for many of Epson"s current & past product range Note:The information in this area has been stored in Adobe Acrobat format for ease of distribution. If you do not have a current version of Adobe Acrobat, you can download this now from the Adobe website. Adobe Acrobat download on If you want to view manuals on-line in HTML format, try the Reference Guides to view on-line pages

translationenglish into chinese 怎么翻译快

translation from english into chinese 1.将下列各句译成汉语 translation form english into chinese 1.将下列短文译成汉语 the translation of english into chinese 1.从文化角度谈英语谚语的汉译

急求21世纪大学生英语读写教程第三单元,How to Change Your Point of V

第一单元Text ComprehensionII.1. It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died. The effects on Churchill were () he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief.2. He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems.3. His sister-in-lawu201fs painting inspired him to try his hand at it; his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need; and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas.4. The blank whiteness of the canvas made him feel he didnu201ft know where to begin. This nervousness was not typical of Churchill, who was known publicly as a brave and strong-willed person.5. Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight, and he could now see that he need not fear his “adversary”.6. He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter, just as he was a great politician.7. It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter.8. Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur; they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist.9. No, she considers that decade an artistically fruitful one.10. He meant that painting was like a friend who never betrayed or abandoned him. This seems to suggest that he often felt lonely, misunderstood and/or disappointed in his relationship with other people.VocabularyIII.1.artistic 2.overcome 3.infinite 4.plunged 5.mission 6.camgpain 7.revived8.distract 9.accustomed 10.retreat 11.precaution 12. disastrousIV.1. delighted with 2. bore fruit 3. kept Clementine company 4. rely on5. take refuge 6. awaken people to 7. pay the price 8. chanced upon; dated from 9. tried his hand at 10. fell upon; came to her rescueWord BuildingV.1. broadens the mind 2. weakened 3. sweeten Diet Coke 4.hardens 5. strengthen 6. deepen your understanding of the course materiall

i like to hang out with interesting and weird people是什么意思


如何把Intel 的Bios设置为U盘启动


Intel主板BIOS里的hard disk Pre-delay 是什么意思



英语compromise fingerprinting怎么翻译?

纰漏 指纹还有疑问,欢迎追问。


先把第7行(也就是 int c)删掉然后 select case 之后的代码应该这样写:select case truecase c<18.5msgbox ...此略,下同 c< c< c< else...end select其实你这代码更适合用if结构:if c<18.5 then...elseif c<24 then...elseif c<27 then...elseif c<30 then...else...end if



check in check into区别

check in 英[tu0283ek in]美[tu0283u025bk u026an]死去;记录,登记签到;归还经登记借出的东西;把…留给其他人照看 check into 英[tu0283ek u02c8u026antuu02d0] 美[tu0283u025bk u02c8u026antu] 到达并在…登记 ;调查

check in check into区别

check in 英[tu0283ek in]美[tu0283u025bk u026an]死去;记录,登记签到;归还经登记借出的东西;把…留给其他人照看check into 英[tu0283ek u02c8u026antuu02d0] 美[tu0283u025bk u02c8u026antu] 到达并在…登记 ;调查

求 Feint Boyinaband feat. Veela - Time Bomb

Feint & Boy In A Band feat. Veela - Time Bomb已经发送,请注意查收。若符合你所求的资源,还望及时采纳我的回答。PS:如果还有其他人需要这个资源的话,可以将鼠标移动到我名字上,在出现的头像下方点击“向TA求助”,求助时别忘记写下你的邮箱和你所求的资源名哦。

跪求这首歌高清的MP3 Feint Boyinaband - Time Bomb (feat. Veela)


Feint & Boy In A Band feat. Veela - Time Bomb 求歌词及中文翻译

歌词:ListenWaitingIt"s past one o"clock and I"m out of timeCan"t undo the lock and no key to findLooking all around at the stationAre we frozen?FeelingTo understand how I can hear your mindRacing on and on through the years of timeFuture is their home and I need toGet back to mineListen, I"ve done this oftenI"ve never had an issue with this machine in motionThe clocks in the walls are numbAnd I"ve been waiting here for so long, so longListen, I"ve got a problemAnd you"re the only one who knows this room has a functionStay eighty years aheadAnd live this life without you insteadFeelingTo understand how I can hear your mindRacing on and on through the years of timeFuture is their home and I need toGet back to mineListen, I"ve done this oftenI"ve never had an issue with this machine in motionThe clocks in the walls are numbAnd I"ve been waiting here for so long, so longListen, I"ve got a problemAnd you"re the only one who knows this room has a functionStay eighty years aheadAnd live this life without you insteadListen, I"ve done this oftenI"ve never had an issue with this machine in motionThe clocks in the walls are numbAnd I"ve been waiting here for so long, so longListen, I"ve got a problemAnd you"re the only one who knows this room has a functionStay eighty years aheadAnd live this life without you instead(取自于我只能找到歌词,没找到中文翻译,但希望答案还是对你有帮助。

#include using namespace std; namespace a{ class c{ public: c():i(0){} c(int j):i(j){} ~c(

修改后:#include<iostream>using namespace std;namespace a{ class c{ public: c():i(0){} c(int j):i(j){} ~c(){} int geti(){return i;} int seti(int j){i=j;} friend void func(c cp); private: int i; };}void a::func(c cp){ cout<<"fuck"<<endl; cout<<cp.geti()<<endl;}void main(){ a::c b(9); cout<<b.geti()<<endl; a::func(b);}

Tomcat问题The server encountered an internal error ()怎么解决?

struts 的配置文件没写好,你可以把Struts配置删除再试试



class C { C( C obj );//错误 C( C obj, int n );//正确 ... };为什么?

C(C obj) 编译器会认为你是要写复制构造函数,class C { C( const C& obj );};这样写就没问题。

The strong wind prevents the students ( )outdoor activities. 1fordoing 2with going3 into doing4from

4 from doingprevent sb( from )doing sth 阻止....干....


insert插入数据有以下几种方式其中insert into是标准语法,insert是mysql简化后的语法,一般推荐使用insert into。格式如下insert into 表名 value (值列表); -- 插入一条信息insert into 表名(属性列表)value(值列表);-- 插入一条数据,值列表要和属性列表一一对应insert into 表名 (属性列表)values (值列表),(值列表),(值列表)......;-- 在指定列插入多条数据,值列表和属性列表一一对应insert into 表名 values (值列表),(值列表),(值列表)......;-- 在所有列插入多条数据,值列表和表结构相符。insert into 表名 set 列名=属性名,列名=属性名...;insert into wx_student value (null,"lili2",1313455668,22,"郑州",10);insert into wx_student(sno,sname) value (null,"lili2"); insert into wx_student(sno,sname) values (null,"lili3"),(null,"lili4"),(null,"lili5"); insert into wx_student values (null,"lili6",1313455611,22,"郑州",10),(null,"lili7",1313455622,22,"郑州",10),(null,"lili8",1313455633,22,"郑州",10);insert into wx_student set sname="李四",sphone="1911412512";登录后复制loadload从文件中加载数据

Intellij IDEA不能自动缩进了,请问该怎么设置

在:Editor-Code Completion页里有个Case sensitive completion,可以设置只第一个字母敏感、完全敏感或者不敏感。打开设置(CTRL+ALT+S)搜索editor,找到“Code Completion”->点击Case sensitive completion后面的选择框,选中None,然后一路确定即可。

come to,come into,go into的意思

come to:达到, 继承, 复苏, 停止想起,共计come into 进入, 得到, 继承继承,取得 to 有到达某地的意思.比较表面.into表示动作,进到……里面的过程间里面... go into 进入,从事,参加;开始…生涯;深入研究;详谈

fly into a fury是什么意思






请介绍一下Intel CPU的发展史,现在发展到哪种程度了?世界上除了Intel、AMD还有什么CPU?

intel 最高的i7处理器 纯四核处理器 超线程技术 睿频加速 ! 除了这两大cpu厂商 现在的VIA威盛科技 主板芯片组著名生产商 也开始加入PC电脑处理器研发行列! 可以去网上看一下 最新技术!在现在的单核处理器中同样的频率 威盛生产的处理器要比其他的处理器更节能!但性能不受影响! 而且制造所产生的污染 最小!称为最绿色的处理器!-------------------------------------------------------中网传韵科技 祝您马到成功!诚信-专业-服务-发展

Intel Pentium M 760 和赛扬双核 T1600哪个好?

都是老笔记本了 前者太老了,后者还好用。

intel 奔腾m 1500mhz和celeron-m 4401860mhz那个cpu好一点


The police ___ him of stealing a car and put him into prison. A.warned B.charged C.accused

C 本题考查动词。根据句意:警察指控他偷车并把他投进监狱。指责,指控charge sb. with sth.或accuse sb. of sth.故选C。

She accused the man ___ breaking into the house.




Intel Pentium M(Dothan) 740(1.73G) 这个处理器是双核的吗?

PM不是双核的,现在大部分笔记本都用酷睿处理器,各方面性能都不错,酷睿处理器一般分3种阶段 T2***,T5***,T7***,T7***型号的性能最好,但价格也比较贵,一般只出现在近万元的高端笔记本中AMD的处理器在台式机方面发展得很好,但笔记本方面不是强项,建议还是买酷睿T5***系列的处理器

我的电脑处理器名称:Mobile Intel pentium M735,1700MHz(17*100) 核心类型:Dothan 是什么意思

Mobile: 移动级别系列 相对于台式机系列而言 笔记本系列的处理器 显卡 主板 都会由于机体空间 电压等限制做一些优化处理成为适应移动设备使用的硬件型号。 Intel:产品发布公司名称 Pentium:Inter旗下处理器系列之一 相对于现在最新系列 Core酷睿系列 和Celeron赛扬系列 M735:CPU具体型号 M仍然代表移动级别 735数字代表产品代号 一般数字越大 型号最新 性能最强 1700MHz(17*100):CPU 主频 主要代表CPU处理器工作频率 是CPU性能的衡量指数 Dothan:CPU内部核心类型 至于指令集 制程步进等都为 CPU内部具体参数 我来解释很繁琐 不好意思哈~~呵


setTimeout(Code,Timeout); 是从现在算起多少微秒后运行该代码(只运行一次)setInterval(Code,Timeout); 是每隔多少微秒运行一次代码,这个代码会不断的执行的,用上面的clearInterval会清楚这个计时器。Code是一段字符串,里边是js代码,Timeout是时间间隔,单位是微秒.<input name="txtTimer" value="10秒"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript><!-- waitTime=10000; //10 秒 timer=setInterval("OnTimer()",1000);function OnTimer(){ waitTime=waitTime-1000; if(waitTime==0){ window.close(); } txtTimer.value=waitTime/1000+"秒"; }//--></SCRIPT>第二个例子:<script>window.onload=sett;function sett(){document.body.innerHTML=Math.random();setTimeout("sett()",1000);}</script>


无论是window.setTimeout还是window.setInterval,在使用函数名作为调用句柄时都不能带参数,而在许多场合必须要带参数,这就需要想方法解决。经网上查询后整理如下: 例如对于函数hello(_name),它用于针对用户名显示欢 迎信息<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang="en-US"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>menu</title><style type="text/css"></style><script type="text/javascript">function aa (){var a = 1;var tmp = function (a){bb (a);}tmp(a);}function bb (a){return a + 1;}</script></head><body></body></html>



JS 的setInterval不能自动刷新

<html><head><title></title></head><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">function _fresh(id){var endtime=new Date("2011/8/05,12:20:12");var nowtime = new Date();var leftsecond=parseInt((endtime.getTime()-nowtime.getTime())/1000);_d=parseInt(leftsecond/3600/24);_h=parseInt((leftsecond/3600)%24);_m=parseInt((leftsecond/60)%60);_s=parseInt(leftsecond%60);document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=_d+"天 "+_h+"小时"+_m+"分"+_s+"秒";if(leftsecond<=0){document.getElementById(id).innerHTML="抢购已结束"; }}</SCRIPT><body><DIV style="color:#000000">距离团购结束还有<BR><SPAN id="time"></SPAN></DIV><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">_fresh("time");setInterval("_fresh("time")",1000);</SCRIPT></body></html>

setInterval 里的函数如何赋值

就是你要运行那个的定义的名字var time=scrollpt(o,scoll,3000);setInterval(time);


停掉原先的setInterval在重新设置setInterval。或者写一个方法 传入时间参数。



在C#中,setTimeout 和 setInterval 的区别是什么?


AS3 setTimeOut,setInterval,Timer 的区别和用法

1 settime out ,只会执行一次,设定时间后,只会发生一次,2 setinterval ,会无限循环,时间间隔设定以后3 timmer ,有限次数的执行我是石家庄海源劳保用品外贸部的雯笛,希望可以帮到你,


funation hello(){ var i=0;var timer = null;timer=setInterval( function () { if (i == 5) { clearInterval(timer); } alert("hello"); i++; } , 2000 ); }代码已通过测试


没办法重启,只能开启一个新的setInterval()。我也不知道你的代码具体是要干嘛的。<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <title>setInterval</title> </head> <body> <span id="num">0</span> <div> <input type="button" id="stop" value="stop" /> <input type="button" id="start" value="start"/> </div> </body></html><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">$(function(){$("#stop").bind("click", function(){ stopTime(); }); $("#start").bind("click", function(){ startTime(); }); var timer = null; function startTime(){ timer = setInterval(function(){ var num = parseInt($("#num").html())+1; $("#num").html(num); }, 1000); } function stopTime(){ if(timer){ clearInterval(timer); } }})</script>




可以用回调函数来实现:window.onload=function(){ s(function(k){ alert(k); });}function s(f){ var b=1; var a=setInterval(function(){ console.log("b的值"+b); if(b==3){ console.log("结束计时器"); clearInterval(a); f("获取到最终结果"+b); } b++; },2000);}



javascript 关于setInterval() 怎么不无限循环下去问题 求大师解释啊 下面就是我自己写的两段代码




JS的setInterval的使用 参数不能被周期性改变什么意思

setInterval(String, Number) 周期性的执行 String 里的代码。这么写的话 "foo(id)" 这个函数的参数 id 固定死了,所以说不能周期性改变。





js 如何设置 几秒后自动关闭setInterval

var a=window.setInterval(......)window.setTimeout("window.clearInterval(a)",5000); 怎么问题又变了??那就在setInterval中调用一个函数,在函数中进行记数并做判断,如果达到设定值,就调用clearInterval方法


在jquery下,最好把setInterval("AutoScroll()",2000);写成setInterval(AutoScroll,2000); 可以兼容 不然丢失对象。或者你把AutoScroll函数写在ready()外面,剩下的用你写的那个方法。
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