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Instant-ngp linux部署及使用

参考地址: 注意:非GUI版本下执行该命令后训练不会停止,需要手动取消

instant skim milk powder是什么意思

instant skim milk powder速溶脱脂奶粉双语对照例句:1.One cup of plain low-fat yogurt has more calcium than a glass of skimmilk. 1杯低脂酸奶中钙的含量比1杯脱脂牛奶中的还多。

Could not instantiate Seam component

我的环境: jboss developer studio 2.0jboss-4.2.2.GA jboss-seam-2.1.0.SP1 JDK1.5 新建 Seam Web Project 项目,什么都没修改,直接部曙运行,访问,登录时报异常如下: org.jboss.seam.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate Seam component: at org.jboss.seam.Component.newInstance( at org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts.startup( at org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts.startup( at org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle.beginSession( at org.jboss.seam.contexts.ServletLifecycle.beginSession( at org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamListener.sessionCreated( at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.tellNew( at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.setId(

等一下 ,用于口语,用法语怎么说? attendez un instant? 法语助手查到的 Me

Attandez 就行了,说多了会显得啰嗦


IC介绍 许多人正在使用Oracle Instant Client,它提供一个部署基于OCI、OCCI、JDBC OCI应用容易和快速的方法。 通过添加更多的工具,Instant Client可以变成一个更加强大的工具,如下: 1. tnsping 2. sqlldr 3. tkprf 4. exp/imp 5. OCM 6. 你自己的工具 这IC介绍许多人正在使用Oracle Instant Client,它提供一个部署基于OCI、OCCI、JDBC OCI应用容易和快速的方法。通过添加更多的工具,Instant Client可以变成一个更加强大的工具,如下:1. tnsping2. sqlldr3. tkprf4. exp/imp5. OCM6. 你自己的工具这样做的主要优点是:1. 安装是一件轻而易举的事情,只要解压即可完成。2. 体积小,未压缩100MB到150MB或压缩50MB,它可以安装在USB盘上3. 不涉及到SA(软件架构)比较一个完整的Oracle安装需要大量的磁盘空间,而且还涉及到SA。IC需求1. 一个带有150MB+磁盘空间的Unix/Linux账号:hadoop@ 安装Oracle 11gR2的相同平台,一个具有读访问权限的账号:root@安装从Oracle官方网址下载安装包,下载网址:注:请根据操作系统版本下载相应的安装包,这里下载Linux X86-64安装包。instantclient-basic-linux.x64-注:下载Instant Client时需要创建一个Oracle账号才能下载。使用SSH客户端使用安装账号登录到服务器,在根目录下创建一个oracle目录:$mkdir /home/hadoop/oracle上传所有压缩包或至少basic和sqlplus两个包到你账号的根目录下oracle中。解压到当前目录下完成安装。$ cd /home/hadoop/oracle$$$ unzip$ unzip instantclient-jdbc-linux.x64-解压完毕后会在当前目录下生成一个instantclient_11_2目录。$ ll /home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2IC配置配置下面的环境变量到你的Shell配置文件中。$ vi ~/.bashrc跳到文件的末尾,添加下面这些环境变量:export RACLE_IC_HOME=/home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2exportORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexportTNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexportPATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexportCLASSPATH=$ORACLE_IC_HOME/ojdbc6.jar:./$ source ~/. bashrc或 $ . ~/.bashrc注:如果需要让所有用户都能使用,需要把上面的配置添加/etc/profile中。在$ORACLE_IC_HOME目录下创建一个tnsnames.ora文件:$ vi /home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2/tnsnames.oraorcl=(description=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=或ora =(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER =DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = wcdma)))SQL*Plus$ sqlplus kqi/kqi@或$ sqlplus kqi/kqi@orclSQL*Plus: Release Production onThu Nov 20 14:01:49 2014Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise EditionRelease - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Miningand Real Application Testing optionsSQL>ERROR:ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve theconnect identifier specified对于这种问题,排除添加的配置格式错误后。可能原因是读取的tnsnames.ora路径根本就不是$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin下。注:tnsnames.ora文件的查找路径顺序为:$HOME => $TNS_ADMIN => /etc =>$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/。现在我们已经有一个构建自己的Instant Client包的基础了。下面是Instant Client的核心文件(位于/home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2中):1.客户端代码库2. InstantClient数据共享库3.安全库4. C++调用接口库5. OCI库6. ojdbc6/5.jar:JDBC驱动(OCI和Thin)7. orai18n.jar:字符集转换和本地支持库Tnsping从安装Oracle的服务器上拷贝tnsping过来,执行命令:$ cd /home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2$ scp root@现在让在IC安装服务器上尝试运行下它:$ tnsping oraTNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version11. - Production on 20-NOV-2014 14:30:21Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.Message 3511 not found; No message file forproduct=network, facility=TNSMessage 3512 not found; No message file forproduct=network, facility=TNSMessage 3513 not found; No message file forproduct=network, facility=TNSMessage 3509 not found; No message file forproduct=network, facility=TNS运行后tnsping抱怨一些文件丢失,更具体的说一个消息文件丢失。现在,我们把该文件从Oracle安装服务器上拷贝过来,进入到instantclient_11_2目录:$ mkdir -p network/mesg$ cd network/mesg/现在从安装Oracle服务上拷贝tnsus.msb文件到该目录中:$ scp root@ ./让我们再尝试一次tnsping,结果如下:$ tnsping oraTNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version11. - Production on 20-NOV-2014 14:49:54Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.Used parameter files:Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the aliasAttempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = =1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = wcdma)))OK (0 msec)Sqlldr本节将添加另外一个工具sqlldr。首先,我们从安装Oracle的服务器上拷贝sqlldr到IC安装目录instantclient_11_2下。$ cd /home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2$ scproot@ ./尝试运行它:$ sqlldrMessage 2100 not found; No message file forproduct=RDBMS, facility=ULMessage 2100 not found; No message file forproduct=RDBMS, facility=UL首先我们需要在instantclient_11_2下创建rdbms/mesg目录。$ cd /home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2$ mkdir -p rdbms/mesg$ cd rdbms/mesg把ORACLE安装目录下rdmsb/mesg/ulus.msb拷贝到当前目录。$ scp root@现在,让我们再次尝试运行它。$ sqlldrSQL*Loader: Release - Productionon Thu Nov 20 16:40:10 2014Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or itsaffiliates. All rights reserved.Usage: SQLLDR keyword=value[,keyword=value,...]Valid Keywords:Exp/imp从安装Oracle服务器上拷贝二进制文件过来。$ cd /home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2$ scp root@ ./$ scp root@ ./尝试运行imp和exp,结果如下:$ impMessage 100 not found; No message file forproduct=RDBMS, facility=IMP: Release - Production on Thu Nov 2017:02:57 2014Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, OracInvalid format of Import utility nameVerify that ORACLE_HOME is properly setImport terminated unsuccessfullyIMP-00000: Message 0 not found; No messagefile for product=RDBMS, facility=IMP$ expMessage 206 not found; No message file forproduct=RDBMS, facility=EXP: Release - Production on Thu Nov 20 17:03:392014Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, OracInvalid format of Export utility nameVerify that ORACLE_HOME is properly setExport terminated unsuccessfullyEXP-00000: Message 0 not found; No messagefile for product=RDBMS, facility=EXP再从安装Oracle服务器上拷贝rdbms/mesg下的expus.msb和ipus.msb过来。$ cd rdbms/mesg/$ scproot@ ./$ scproot@ ./再次运行imp/exp工具错误提示消失,可以正常运行。Tkprof现在我们继续添加我最喜欢的工具tkprof。从安装Oracle的服务器拷贝tkprof到instantclient_11_2目录下。$ cd /home/hadoop/oracle/instantclient_11_2$ scp root@ ./$ mkdir -p oracore/mesg/$ cd oracore/mesg/$ scproot@ ./使用示例:$ tkprof test.trc test.outInstant Client Bundle现在,我们已经让所有工具都能正常工作。简单的使用工具压缩打包instantclient_11_2目录,这样你就获得你自己的Instant Client包。例如:$ cd /home/hadoop/oracle$ tar zcf instantclient_11_2.tar.gzintantclient_11_2正如你所看到的,打包成的instant client带有tnsping,sqlldr, exp/imp,tkprof工具,这让IC更加的功能强大。安装自定义的IC包步骤如下:1. 上传到服务器上解压缩2. 修改环境变量$ vi ~/.bashrc跳到文件的末尾,添加下面这些环境变量:export ORACLE_IC_HOME=/instantclient_11_2export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexport TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexport PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_IC_HOMEexportCLASSPATH=$ORACLE_IC_HOME/ojdbc6.jar:./$ source ~/. bashrc或 $ . ~/.bashrc3. 添加连接数据库的配置$ vi $ORACLE_IC_HOME/tnsnames.ora安装完成,现在就可以使用Instant Client中的工具啦!


1.搭建基础的场景:一个地板Plain,一个下落的立方体Cube,调整摄像机的角度和位置,加个平行光源DirectionalLight。同时给立方体加上刚体属性(Component -> Physics -> Rigidbody)。再按下键盘的E调整一下方块的角度以便落下时可以滚动一小段距离。搭建完成的效果如图所示:2 创建并填充预设在Preject窗口,右击:Create-> Prefab。此时Prefab为灰色。然后我们从Hierarchy窗口中将立方体Cube拖到Project窗口新创建的Prefab上。此时可以看到Hierarchy中的立方体变成了蓝色,Prefabs就完成了填充。然后你从Preject窗口中将创建的Prefabs拖入Scene窗口中,运行一下便可以看到两个一模一样的小方块。3.在脚本中创建Prefabs实例接着我们配合Instantiate函数,使用脚本代码创建多个Prefabs的实例。Instantiate:可以理解成克隆原始物体并且设置位置,角度。如果一个对象,组件,脚本实例被传入,将克隆整个对相的层次,以及所有子对象。下面便是具体的操作过程。首先在Project窗口点Create -> Javascript创建一个脚本[javascript] view plaincopyvar CubePrefabs : GameObject; function Update () { var instance:GameObject=Instantiate(CubePrefabs,transform.position,transform.rotation); //Instantiate用法,注意参数 //Pre 用来克隆的Prefabs //transform.position 脚本绑定对象的位置 就像this.transform.… //transform.rotation 脚本绑定对象的角度 就像this.transform.… } 4.写完脚本,我们要把它绑定到一个对象上。这时候,我们先删除Hierarchy窗口中的立方体。然后创建一个空的游戏对象(GameObject->Create Empty),放置到原来立方体的位置上。将脚本拖放到Hierarchy窗口中的新键的空对象上,让它来执行代码。5.在Hierarchy窗口中单击空对象,在它的Inspector窗口中就能看到绑定的脚本。然后我们把早前创建的Prefabs,也就是那个Cube,拖到脚本Pre右边的框上,完成了脚本中变量的绑定。然后点击一下运行按钮,便会出现成千上万个小方块喷涌而出啦~

instant music歌词 flcl

The soundtrack music behind FLCL.Listen FLCL Radio – Stream FLCL OST 1 & 2Download Hybrid RainbowFLCL Music VideosRide on Shooting Star MIDIAbout the Artists- The PillowsMusic Tabs (Bass)- Sleepy Head Music Lyrics– Blues Drive Monster- Carnival- Hybrid Rainbow– Sad Sad Kiddie– Advice– Nightmare– Come Down – Runners High– Ride on Shooting Star

instant 的用法和短语

instantn.1. 顷刻,一刹那[S1]An instant later the explosion occurred.一会儿之后,爆炸就发生了。adj.1. 立即的,即刻的The telegram asked for an instant reply.这封电报要求立即回复。2. 紧迫的,迫切的;迫在眉睫的The flood victims were in instant need of help.水灾难民急需救助。3. (食品)速食的;速溶的He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant.他常在一家中式快餐馆吃饭。4. 本月的

与instant of相反意思的短语是?

instanceof是Java的一个二元操作符,和==,>,<是同一类东东。由于它是由字母组成的,所以也是Java的保留关键字。它的作用是测试它左边的对象是否是它右边的类的实例,返回boolean类型的数据java 中的instanceof 运算符是用来在运行时指出对象是否是特定类的一个实例。instanceof通过返回一个布尔值来指出,这个对象是否是这个特定类或者是它的子类的一个实例。 用法: result = object instanceof class 参数: Result:布尔类型。 Object:必选项。任意对象表达式。 Class:必选项。任意已定义的对象类。 说明: 如果 object 是 class 的一个实例,则 instanceof 运算符返回 true。如果 object 不是指定类的一个实例,或者 object 是 null,则返回 false。



instant. aqua. suppiying是什么意思

instant:n.瞬间,顷刻;此刻;当月;速食食品,即溶饮料adj.立即的;迫切的;正在考虑的,目前的;即食的[例句]Their instant switching is handy , too.它们也能很方便的瞬间开灯。aqua:n.浅绿色,水绿色[例句]Do mermaid eyes.shimmering ocean blue and aqua green shadows dazzle against any eye color.微光的海蓝色和水绿色的眼影比任何眼影色都耀眼。suppiying:vt.供给;补充;弥补(缺陷、损失等);向…提供(物资等)n.供给物;储备物质;粮食vi.暂代他人职务[例句]u2022 For the iphone 5 lte we also believe this new facility will be used to supply displays.u2022我们认为龟山工厂还将为iPhone5LTE提供显示屏。

instance 与instant有关系吗


instant message是什么意思



instant on line celebrities 在线名人


oppouidinstant10189可能是指OPPO手机中的一个系统应用程序。OPPO手机的UI系统中,OPPOUIDInstant是一项系统优化功能,用于提高应用程序的启动速度和运行效率。OPPOUIDInstant10189可能是OPPOUIDInstant的一个版本号或者标识符。 具体来说,OPPOUIDInstant会对用户经常使用的应用程序进行预加载和缓存,以便在用户需要使用这些应用程序时,能够更快地启动和响应。这项功能可以提高手机的整体性能和用户体验,使手机更加流畅和易用。


instant eye and lip感觉应该是化妆品上的标签之类的,所以应该是速溶的(粉状),眼睛和唇部instant或者是意为瞬间,指效果快

the instant所接时态

其实就是“一…就…”的时间状语从句的引导词之一,所接从句的时态不能使用将来时态,而应该使用相应的一般现在、一般过去,如:I"ll come to see you the instant I reach.The instant he eated dinner, she came into.


设置为“Instant-Off”时,立即关机Soft-off by PWR-BTTN (软关机方式)缺省值∶Instant-off(立即关闭) 当在系统中点击“关闭计算机”或运行关机命令后,关闭计算机的方式。设定值有∶ Instant-off (立即关闭); Delay 4 Sec (延迟4秒后关机)。

oracle instant client怎么安装的

然后在系统环境变量中配置Path,添加instantclient的路径,即C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2; 增加环境变量: NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK TNS_ADMIN=C:Oracleinstantclient_11_2 最后,在“TNS_ADMIN”的路径下增加一个tnsnames.ora文件,这个文件可以直接从已安装的Oracle的目录中拷贝,或者使用如下示例: # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:oracleora90 etworkadmin nsnames.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. #sample ORCL_100 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = orcl) ) ) 配置完成后,启动PLSQLDev,登录数据库成功。

instant noodles是什么意思

方便面; 即食面;

用the instant造句一看到它你就喜欢它

you will love it for the instant look on it.


线程不安全的,代码繁琐,性能低。根据查询instantdate官网显示instantdate缺点是线程不安全的,代码繁琐,性能低。Instant(表示的是一个时间戳)可以精确掉纳秒 当用纳秒表示一个时间用一位Long类型是不够的,需要多一点的空间。

on the instant 和in an instant的区别

on the instant在.距离. in an instant 以一定的距离

urgent instant 和prompt 的区别 在线等答案

urgent 1. needing immediate attention, action or decision 需立即注意、 行动或决定的; 紧急的; 迫切的: an urgent message, case, cry for help 紧急的消息、 情况、 呼救 * It is most urgent that we operate. 咱们得马上动手术. * My car is in urgent need of repair. 我的汽车急需修理. 2.showing that sth is urgent; persistent in one"s demands 催促的; 坚持要求的: speak in an urgent whisper 低声催促. > urgency / -du0292u0259nsu026a;-du0292u0259nsu026a/ n [U]: a matter of great urgency 紧急的事 * I detected a note of urgency in her voice. 我从她声音中察觉到情况紧急instant1.[usu attrib 通常作定语] coming or happening at once 立即的; 立刻的: a new book that was an instant success 一出版就大获成功的新书 * feel instant relief after treatment 医治后随即感到舒服了 * instant hot water, ie as soon as the tap is turned on 瞬间致热的水(一开龙头水就热). 2. (of food preparations) that can very quickly and easily be made ready for use (指食品的制备)调制快速方便的, 速成的: instant coffee, ie made by adding hot water or milk to a powder 速溶咖啡. 3. [attrib 作定语] (fml 文) urgent 紧急的; 急迫的: attend to sb"s instant needs 满足某人紧急的需要 * in instant need of help 在需要紧急援助时.prompt1.done without delay; punctual 及时的; 迅速的; 准时的: a prompt reply 及时的答覆 * Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated. 即付发票款项则不胜感谢. 2.~ (in doing sth/to do sth) (of a person) acting without delay (指人)敏捷的, 动作迅速的: She was very prompt in answering my letter. 她给我写回信非常及时. * They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应.

on the instant 和the instant的区别?

1. on the instant 立即,马上;e.g. leave on the instant of six o"clock ( ie not a second later than six )六点整离开2. the instant ... 或者 the instant that ... 一 ... 就 ...;e.g. I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it.我一听到此消息, 便通知你了。

specialty instant什么意思?

instant 是立刻的、立即的、瞬时的意思,但也有速溶的意思,比如instant milk powder,速溶奶粉。而specialty是专业的、特色的意思。但是我们在看英文信息时,发现specialty instant总是和coffee联系在一起,就是通过特别工艺使加工而成的咖啡粉末可以速溶进水或牛奶中。而别的饮料或食品似乎很少这两个词连用。有instant noodles(方便面),instant food (即食食品)等。所以我认为specialty instant (coffee)这里主要还是用于速溶咖啡使用的,合起来可以理解为:专业的或特色的速溶(咖啡)。voila应为美国近几年速溶咖啡品牌

instant messages是什么意思

instant message[英][u02c8instu0259nt u02c8mesidu0292][美][u02c8u026anstu0259nt u02c8mu025bsu026adu0292]即时消息; Email and instant message alerts are one of the biggest causes of interruptions.邮件和即时信息的提示音是干扰的最主要来源之一。

Instant Crush 歌词

歌曲名:Instant Crush歌手:Daft Punk&Julian Casablancas专辑:Random Access MemoriesInstant CrushDaft Punk,Julian CasablancasI didn"t want to be the one to forgetI thought of everything I"d never regretA little time with you is all that I getLet"s run with it because it"s all we can takeOne thing I"d never see, the same way aroundI don"t believe it and it slips from the groundI want to take you to that place near the rushBut no one gives us any time anymoreYou used me onceYou made an offer for it, then you ran offI got this picture of us kissin" in my headAnd all I hear is the last thing that you saidListened to you brother, now listen to meI didn"t want to anymoreAnd we will never be alone againCause it doesn"t happen everydayKinda counted on you being a friendKinda given up on giving awayNow I thought about what I wanna sayBut I never really know where to goSo I chained myself to a friendCause I don"t know what else I can doSome more againIt didn"t matter what they wanted to seeYou thought he saw someone that looked just like meI saw my memory that just never diesWe worked too long and hard to give it no timeHe sees right through me, it"s so easy with liesCracks in the road that I would try and disguiseHe runs the scissors at the seam in the wallHe cannot break it down or else he would fallOne thousand lonely starsHiding in the coldTake it, oh I don"t wanna sing anymoreListened to you brother, now listen to meI didn"t want to anymoreAnd we will never be alone againCause it doesn"t happen everydayKinda counted on you being a friendKinda given up on giving awayNow I thought about what I wanna sayBut I never really know where to goSo I chained myself to a friendCause I don"t know what else I can doI don"t wanna start, don"t get upsetI"m not with youIt"s all I do when I"m with youAnd we will never be alone againCause it doesn"t happen everydayKinda counted on you being a friendKinda given up on giving awayNow I thought about what I wanna sayBut I never really know where to goSo I chained myself to a friendCause I don"t know what else I can do

java8 新特性 instant mysql 用什么类型存储 instant ?




I took an instant liking to you什么意思


in an instant 和for an instant的区别是什么,好像都是立即,马上的意思。





通过后缀aneous的来源就可以知道这两个词区别。instantaneous侧重描述事件发生的突然性instant侧重描述事件发生之快例子对比:1. 他的第一反应是跑His instantaneous response was to run. 这个时候用instant就不如instantaneous合适。2. 他马上就反应过来然后跑了His instant response was running away. 这个时候用instant就比instantaneous合适。


通过后缀aneous的来源就可以知道这两个词区别。instantaneous侧重描述事件发生的突然性instant侧重描述事件发生之快例子对比:他的第一反应是跑his instantaneous response was to run. 这个时候用instant就不如instantaneous合适。2. 他马上就反应过来然后跑了his instant response was running away. 这个时候用instant就比instantaneous合适。



instant message是什么意思

instant message 英[u02c8instu0259nt u02c8mesidu0292] 美[u02c8u026anstu0259nt u02c8mu025bsu026adu0292] 即时消息 [例句]Email and instant message alerts are one of the biggest causes of interruptions.邮件和即时信息的提示音是干扰的最主要来源之一。


虽然拼写接近但是没有意思上的联系。instant是方便快捷的,如instant noodles方便面。instance往往指一个实体。




should 是加在动词原形前的情态动词,instant 表示瞬时或瞬时的,只具备名词性和形容词性,前面不可能加情态动词。


s后的清辅音要浊化 所以t就要发d以此类推 p—b k—g f—v 我知道就是这些了



谁知道urgent 和instant的区别?

urgent 即刻的,紧急重要的,“主要强调重要性”instant 刹那的 ,立即的 “主要强调时间性”


Immediate 是立刻,马上的意思instant 是持续的,接连的,不间断的意思另一个为瞬间的,即刻的,猝发的

immediate 与instant什么区别

Immediate:立刻,马上instant :持续的,接连的,不间断


instant英[u02c8u026anstu0259nt]美[u02c8u026anstu0259nt]n.瞬间,顷刻; 此刻; 当月; 速食食品,即溶饮料adj.立即的; 迫切的; 正在考虑的,目前的; 即食的网络即时的; 瞬间; 即时复数:instants1For an instant his whole back was exposed.一瞬间,他整个背部都露了出来。2Last year, it introduced prime instant videos, an unlimited movie and TV streaming service similar to Netflix.去年公司推出Prime即时视频服务,这是一种与在线影片租赁提供商Netflix公司类似的无限量电影电视流服务。3The scene vanished in an instant.那景色顷刻之间便消失了。


instant名词义(常单)(也是形容词)是:瞬间刹那,词组on the istant:立即马上 Moment:片刻瞬间(可数)in a moment :马上立刻,无特殊区别

instant message是什么意思

instant message即时消息双语对照词典结果:instant message[英][u02c8instu0259nt u02c8mesidu0292][美][u02c8u026anstu0259nt u02c8mu025bsu026adu0292]即时消息; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Email and instant message alerts are one of the biggest causes of interruptions. 邮件和即时信息的提示音是干扰的最主要来源之一。

instant recognition 什么意思啊?


for instant中文意思

for instant中文意思 句子有错,应该是:for an instant 意思就是:一瞬间 ; 只是一个瞬间 ; 一会儿 若果你是要问:for instance 的话. 那麼中文意思是: 举个例 或是 例如.= for example 【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,并祝你进步!】


emergent自然发生的,强调突变,emergency theory of emotion 情绪应急论比如说你给110 打电话,人家问你怎么了,你可以说emergenturgent 急迫的, 紧要的,口语或者你聊天很常用,We have an urgent thing.我们有一件紧要的事情。exigent他带有一定的需求在里面,所以是有需求的紧急,exigent=requiring much effort instant片刻, 顷刻, 刹那I"ll be back in an instant.我马上就回来。长于in 搭配

add 1/3cup 35g of devondale instant milk power to 1/2 cup of hot or cold water是什么意思


请问IPS(instant power supply)是什么和UPS有什么区别?

IPS是即时电源UPS是不间断电源(Uninterrupted Power Supply)


come over here this instantShe drank the water instantly...

亚马逊有个$30 off instantly是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答 $30 off instantly的意思是 使用亚马逊联名卡支付,省30刀。面向美国人民的,和我们没关系。

亚马逊有个$30 off instantly是什么意思



Instantly, 立即,马上,突然



instantaneously 和 instantly 有什么区别

Instantly means at once or immediately. Instantaneously means happening or exerted with no delay in relation to something else.


C constant 持续的,增长的. remain + 形容词,排除AD,B意思不符.所以选C


(1) 连词immediately / directly / instantly和词组the moment, the minute意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as.如: The thief ran away the moment / directly he saw the policeman. [注意] a. immediately / directly / instantly也是副词,在句中作状语.如: I didn"t immediately realize how serious the situation was. b. 介词on / upon +名词 / V-ing也表示“一……就……”.如: Yao Ming was surrounded by the media on his arrival at the airport. On seeing the painting by Van Gogh, I fell in love with it at once. 区别不大,只是有各自的固定搭配


the instant = the moment 意为“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句。同义词:as soon as, instantly, immediately, the minute, the sceond

怎么分析下面这句话中“instant he fell”的用法?

the instant是连词引导时间状语从句,意思是一...就...。

greatly; instantly; ceiling 这英语在美音中怎么读,求谐音的~



instantly。n. (名词)某一时刻,顷刻,一刹那,一瞬间,瞬息,速溶饮料(尤指速溶咖啡)。adj. (形容词)立即的,即刻的,立刻的,本月的,当月的迫切的,迫在眉睫的,紧迫的,紧急的,速食的;即溶的;食物已配制好的,直接的,快速的,瞬息间的。adv. (副词)立即,即刻。adv例句:The man was killed instantly。那人立即被杀死了。

presently, currently, instantly, at the present

您好!presently,,当前currently,,当前,目前instantly,瞬间at the present,在目前但要注意,副词currently和presently均可表示“现在”,“目前”,但currently只能表示“现在”,“目前”[at the present time; now],是正式用词,强调在现在这一时刻正在流行,通用或存在;而presently还可表示“不久”,“一会儿”[soon, before long, later on]。如有不清楚的地方欢迎追问!望采纳,谢谢!

instant | instantly 这英语用谐音怎么读?


instantly ,immediately和at once

mmediately,instantly和at once这三个词都可表示"立即,立刻". 其中immediately指两个动作相继发生,暗示没有耽搁; instantly所表示的时间更短暂,后一动作在前一动作后瞬间发生; at once基本与instantly相同,但它多用于口语中,而且用法也更广. 它们和as soon as 在一般情况下可以互用.

关于instantly和the instant在“一……就”用法上的区别

instantly作为副词用于句尾;而the instant作为先行词引导从句,用法类似于the minute、the moment。举个例子来说,“我一到那里就给你打电话”既可以翻译为I will call you instantly when i arrive there.又可以翻译为 I will call you the instant i arrive there.总的来说,一……就……the instant使用的频率更多,而instantly作为副词更常用于强调一般句中具体动作的迅速。


[u02c8u026anstu0259ntli] adv. 立即,马上,立刻; 马上地; 即刻地; 立即地 conj. 一…就 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

关于instantly和the instant在“一……就”用法上的区别

instantly作为副词用于句尾;而the instant作为先行词引导从句,用法类似于the minute、the moment. 举个例子来说,“我一到那里就给你打电话”既可以翻译为I will call you instantly when i arrive there.又可以翻译为 I will call you the instant i arrive there. 总的来说,一……就……the instant使用的频率更多,而instantly作为副词更常用于强调一般句中具体动作的迅速.


instant1 [usually before noun] happening immediately 立即的;立刻的 immediate : She took an instant dislike to me. 她立刻就讨厌我。 u25ca This account gives you instant access to your money. 这个账户让你随时调动款项。 u25ca The show was an instant success. 演出一炮打响。 2 [only before noun] (of food 食物) that can be made quickly and easily, usually by adding hot water 速食的;即食的;速溶的;方便的 : instant coffee 速溶咖啡 instantaneousadj. happening immediately 立即的;立刻的;瞬间的 : an instantaneous response 即时的反应 u25ca Death was almost instantaneous. 当时生命垂危。 inu2219stantu2219anu2219eousu2219ly adv.作为英文的基本意思,instant的第一项解释同instantaneous的解释完全一致,意思也一样,但是,你看到1后面的括号了吗?它只能用在名词前。而instantaneous位置灵活一些。


通过后缀aneous的来源就可以知道这两个词区别。1640s (implied in instantaneously), formed in English from M.L. *instantaneus, from instantem (see instant (n.)) on model of spontaneous, simultaneous.意思是说aneous来自spontaneous和simultaneous。instantaneous侧重描述事件发生的突然性instant侧重描述事件发生之快两个例子对比:1. 他的第一反应是跑His instantaneous response was to run. 这个时候用instant就不如instantaneous合适。2. 他马上就反应过来然后跑了His instant response was running away. 这个时候用instant就比instantaneous合适。

英语instant vovabulary怎么翻译?


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《The Instant Economist》(Timothy Taylor)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 9aar书名:The Instant Economist作者:Timothy Taylor豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Plume出版年份:2012-1-31页数:272内容简介:The Only Economics Book You Will Ever Need.Economics isn"t just about numbers: It"s about politics, psychology, history, and so much more. We are all economists-when we work, save for the future, invest, pay taxes, and buy our groceries. Yet many of us feel lost when the subject arises. Award-winning professor Timothy Taylor tackles all the key questions and hot topics of both microeconomics and macroeconomics, including:* Why do budget deficits matter?* What exactly does the Federal Reserve do?* Does globalization take jobs away from American workers?* Why is health insurance so costly?The Instant Economist offers the knowledge and sophistication to understand the issues- so you can understand and discuss economics on a personal, national, and global level.作者简介:Timothy Taylor is managing editor of the American Economics Association"s Journal of Economic Perspectives. He won numerous teaching awards for his classes at Stanford University and was named a distinguished lecturer at the University of Minnesota. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.