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Protecting the innocent 英语全文

呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈 Pansy wanted to write an article on detectives for the school newspaper.To get information, she interviewed Detective Ken. This is part of the interview. Pansy You say that you like working as a detective. Why? Ken Let me tell you about a recent case that I dealt with, Pansy.Mr. Li is a very rich man who lives alone and enjoys collecting things. He purchased a vase for 300,000dollars.He showed it to only two people—his friend Jill and Jenny. Then he locked it in the safe at his house.That night, someone stole it. Li reported the theft, and I went to his house to look for clues. Pansy Did you find any? Ken Yes, a black pearl earring near the open safe and, outside the open window of the room, I saw a lot of mud on the wet ground. Inside the room, the carpet was spotlessly clean. Pansy So what did you do next? Ken I interviewed Jill and Jenny.They both denied stealing the vase.But I noticed that Jill was wearing a black pearl necklace—but no earrings. Pansy So Jill was the thief? Ken I didn"t know. I needed proof. A good detective never jumps to conclusions.I showed Jill the earring, and she admitted it was hers. She said someone had stolen it from her house a month before.I checked her story. It was true. Pansy So Jill was no longer a suspect. But what about your other clue—the mud outside and the spotless carpet inside? Ken That told me that probably no thief broke into Li"s house.So I questioned Li and, in the end, he admitted stealing his own vase. He had bought insurance for it. The insurance company would pay him 300,000 dollars if the vase was stolen. Pansy And who stole Jill"s earring? Ken Li did that as well. He tried to make sure that Jill would go to jail instead of him. Pansy So now Li is behind bars. Ken Yes, and Jill is free.My job is to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty.That"s why I like working as a detective.

Protecting the innocent 英语全文



星际争霸2选手韩文名:uc774uc2e0ud615 (Lee Sin Hyung) ID:INnoVation出生日期:1993/07/25Bogus(星际1时期曾用)中文译:李信衡(李新恒)英文名:Lee Sin Hyung身高:179cm体重:60KG外号:卫星 卫星锅5简介INnoVation是目前世界上最好的人族选手之一。虽然在认知度方面略逊于教主Flash,但综合各届SPL、GSL成绩来看,INnoVation无疑是世界上最顶尖的人族选手。INnoVation出道时间较晚,曾用ID:BoGus 说起换ID的原因,竟然是因为他认为Bogus较“幼稚”,INnoVation很“帅气”[6],在BW时期,卫星以Bogus征战在SPL赛场,年龄很小的他虽身手不凡,但是在Flash时代,Bogus并不显得如此出众,他虽然也是很受关注的人类之一,但是成绩平平,一直在战队努力。他的战队是STX SOUL,在14年之前创建的,著名人物有星际女王Tossgirl , 脑虫卡姆哥(Calm)等人。具体的在百度百科里都有,总之是一名很猛的人族选手。

求Avril《滑板少年》《Innocence》《nobody’s home》 中英歌词


Convince him of my innocence 这个表达怎么理解!为什么这么表达

让他相信我的清白!convince sb. of sth. 劝说某人做某事,说服某人做某事


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