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destination[英][u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定; 例:The stockmarket is a comparatively attractive savings destination.股市是一种相对有吸引力的储蓄目的地。




destination 英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n] 美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n] n. 目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语] 预定,指定; [网络] 目的地; 目标; 目的港; [例句]Spain is still our most popular holiday destination.西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。[其他] 复数:destinations


estination英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n]美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定网络目的地; 目标; 目的港The vanguard units have reached the destination.部队前锋已到达目的地。We want to be the destination for Chinese investment.“我们希望英国能成为中国投资者的目的地。www.fortunechina.comTo restore the cloned partition image, the destination virtual disk has to be presented to Clonezilla as formatted.要恢复克隆后的分区映像,必须将格式化后的目标虚拟磁盘提供给Clonezilla。 stopping places means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the ticket or shown in our timetables as scheduled stopping places on your route.“约定的经停地点”是指除出发地点和目的地点以外,在您的客票或者我们的班期时刻表中列明作为您的旅行路线中预定经停的地点。百度翻译例句库San Francisco is my final destination.旧金山是我的终点站。


destinations翻译成中文是目的地。英 [destu026a"neu026au0283nz]美[destu026a"neu026au0283nz] 释义n. 目的地,终点;抵达站(destination 的复数形式)。例句如下:1、Today"s special offer gives you a choice of three destinations.今天的特惠为您提供3个可选目的地。2、Venice is one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world.威尼斯是世界上最热门的旅游目的地之一。3、Mount Asgard and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.阿斯加德山和托尔峰是攀岩者的梦想目的地。4、There is no direct flight serving these two destinations now, while it takes around 5 hours to get there by car.现在没有直飞这两个目的地的航班,而开车到那里大约需要5个小时。5、When you were a child as you learned new things, your brain created more and more roads to different destinations.若你还是一个孩子,在学习新事物的时候,你的大脑会创造出越来越多通往不同目的地的道路。


destination英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n]美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定复数:destinations形近词:pectination festination festinatingWe want to be the destination for Chinese investment.“我们希望英国能成为中国投资者的目的地。To restore the cloned partition image, the destination virtual disk has to be presented to Clonezilla as formatted.要恢复克隆后的分区映像,必须将格式化后的目标虚拟磁盘提供给Clonezilla。

作文 it is show time !china.........

it is show time ! China"s tomorrow will be better.When people talk about China, they often think of many great Chinese people such as Confucius, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Yuan Longping and so on. All of them made a great contribution to making China better.  When people talk about China, they also think of many great places of interest such as the Great Wall, Mount Tai, Sun-Moon Lake and so on. They attract many tourists from all over the world and let them know more about China.  When people talk about China, they think of many great things of China such as the Four Great Inventions of ancient China, Shengzhou VI spacecraft, Chang"e I lunar probe (探月卫星) and so on.  So beautiful China is becoming stronger and stronger, China"s tomorrow will be better. Great China, I love you! 当人们谈论中国时,他们往往想到许多伟大的人民,如孔子,毛泽东,邓小平,袁隆平等。他们都作出了巨大贡献,使中国更好。当人们谈论中国时,他们也想到许多伟大的名胜古迹,如长城,泰山,日月潭等。他们吸引了来自世界各地的许多游客,让他们更了解中国。当人们谈论中国时,他们想到了许多伟大的事情,如中国四大古代中国,嵊州市六飞船,嫦娥一号月球探测伟大的发明(探月卫星)等。因此,美丽的中国正在成为强,中国的明天会更好。伟大的中国,我爱你!


作为开源代码库以及版本控制系统,Github拥有140多万开发者用户。随着越来越多的应用程序转移到了云上,Github已经成为了管理软件开发以及发现已有代码的首选方法[2] 。如前所述,作为一个分布式的版本控制系统,在Git中并不存在主库这样的概念,每一份复制出的库都可以独立使用,任何两个库之间的不一致之处都可以进行合并。GitHub可以托管各种git库,并提供一个web界面,但与其它像 SourceForge或Google Code这样的服务不同,GitHub的独特卖点在于从另外一个项目进行分支的简易性。为一个项目贡献代码非常简单:首先点击项目站点的“fork”的按钮,然后将代码检出并将修改加入到刚才分出的代码库中,最后通过内建的“pull request”机制向项目负责人申请代码合并。已经有人将GitHub称为代码玩家的MySpace。在GitHub进行分支就像在Myspace(或Facebook…)进行交友一样,在社会关系图的节点中不断的连线。GitHub项目本身自然而然的也在GitHub上进行托管,只不过在一个私有的,公共视图不可见的库中。开源项目可以免费托管,但私有库则并不如此。Chris Wanstrath,GitHub的开发者之一,肯定了通过付费的私有库来在财务上支持免费库的托管这一计划。是的,我们正是这么计划的。通过与客户的接洽,开发FamSpam,甚至是开发GitHub本身,GitHub的私有库已经被证明了物有所值。任何希望节省时间并希望和团队其它成员一样远离页面频繁转换之苦的人士都会从GitHub中获得他们真正想要的价值。在GitHub,用户可以十分轻易地找到海量的开源代码。





谁能告诉我国产的电脑液晶显示器什么牌子的比较好,本人比较喜欢made in china


Racial discrimination has still ____ in some parts of the U.S.A since it _____ after the Civil War. away with除掉,废掉之意,这是一个一般的现在完成时的考点,现在完成时后的时间状语为一般过去式



WENGER包到底哪里生产的,我怎么看像是MADE IN CHINA呢?

威戈旅行箱公司成立多年,厂房面积5000多平方米,现有员工200多人,是一家专业设计、生产各式箱包手袋皮具的专业生产厂,公司有多年的内销外贸经验,合作国家有中东,沙特阿拉伯,伊朗等,埃及,英国,法国等许多国家,并且为国内各大品牌进行贴牌生产,款式新颖,价廉物美,质量可靠,欢迎进行咨询考察!公司生产正品威戈(瑞士军刀)WENGER旅行箱 电脑包 背包系列,请关注 这是我看到的介绍,看看能不能帮到你,


M1设备更新: 张大妈上搜索关键字 最近购入了LG的34UC99 3440x1440 ,回来接到我的Mac mini 2018上边,发现字体太小了,有种能把眼睛瞅瞎的感觉.随即调整了分辨率,可是根据当前显示器的分辨,如果想实现HiDPI的效果,只能缩放到1720x720,这样字体又太大,空间利用率不够.设置为别的分辨率,字体又明显发虚.随即研究了下强制开启HiDPI. 根据DisplayProductID和DisplayVendorID在制定文件夹下,生成响应的文件. 下图是定制HiDPI分辨率后,与之前对比生成的ID. 在对应显示器和对应连接方式下,添加响应的文件,具体文件内容可参见 Scaled Resolutions for your MacBooks external Monitor 直接按照 one-key-hidpi 的操作. 我的显示器是34寸的21:9,原始分辨率为3440x1440. 初步设想的实际渲染2560x1080,显卡输出5120x2160,但是设置后,在屏幕左右两边有个黑边,不是完美状态. weiphone上的这个哥们给了个方案 关于MAC使用21:9准4K带鱼屏的HIDPI设置心得 ,上文的猜想也是这哥们的文章. 原文链接: RDM: Easily set Mac Retina display to higher unsupported resolutions Mac mini 2018 OS:10.14.4 LG 34UC99 2560x1080 5120x2160 最开始是使用了 syscl/Enable-HiDPI-OSX ,一直在开机苹果logo界面卡着不动,进不了系统最简单的办法是换个显示器,重新进入系统后,恢复一下. 后边尝试了 one-key-hidpi 后,一次成功.具体原因没有再追究.



Turn Me On (feat. Nicki Minaj) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Me On (feat. Nicki Minaj)歌手:David Guetta&Nicki Minaj专辑:Nothing But The BeatNorah Jones - Turn On MeLike a flower waiting to bloomLike a lightbulb in a dark roomI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come home and turn me onLike the desert waiting for the rainLike a school kid waiting for the springI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onMy poor heartIt"s been so dark since you been goneAfter all, you"re the one who turns me offYou"re the only one who can turn me back onMy hi-fi"s waiting for a new tuneThe glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubesI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onTurn me on

填空 Beijing is___big and Chongqing is ___biggest city in China.


Shanghai is larger than any city in China 改错

答案1:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.答案2:Shanghai is larger than any cities in China.

the large city in China,不用the in China large cit


Hangzhou is more beautiful thanuff08 uff09city in China


Shanghai is langer than other city in China

因为any是任何一个的意思 ,这是一对三以上比较级。而且如果你写cities,那any others又有何不可呢,但这是很明显的错误。Shanghai is larger than other city in China(是large吧)=Shanghai is the largest city in China

The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives.


初二英语作文 题目:the best city in china 不要太高深 通俗一

the best places in my cityShanghai is my favorite city. I like it because I was born in there, and a lot of my family members and my friends live there. The shopping in Shanghai is cheaper than here, but it"s expensive in China. I have a lot of things to do there, like: shopping, playing, going to my friend"s home… And there"re also a lot of places that are interesting. In Shanghai, people speak the same language as I do. I was there for 13 years! I left there on August, 18th, 2005. And I was there because I was born in there and I lived there. There"re a lot of people in Shanghai. The people are like me. We all speak the same language. The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly. And Shanghai is also and international city. It"s beautiful and fancy. There"re a lot of tall buildings. That"s why Shanghai is my favorite city. It"s my home city. I love Shanghai!!! I"d like to go back to Shanghai, but just for a visit. Although Shanghai is good, I"d like to live here because I"d like to study here. I only get a little homework and the air here is flasher than Shanghai. The weather is hot in Shanghai. And the best time of year to go there is spring, because in spring, the weather is cool and warm. But some people asked me:” Why don"t we go there in the fall? The fall is also cool and warm.” I don"t think so, because in Shanghai, the fall is still very hot. I"d like to recommend this place to other because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown. I hope if I ask my friends:” Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you like Shanghai?” The answers shouldn"t be:” No, I haven"t been to Shanghai. And I don"t even know anything about Shanghai!” Now, I"ll recommend you to go to visit Shanghai in summer vacation or winter vacation or spring break or every time you"d like, you"d want, because Shanghai is a very nice city. If you go there, you"ll soon like it!

Shanghai is larger than ____ city in China.



There are some cities in the west of China.把city 改成 cities .

A great city in China英语作文?

不知道你喜欢哪个城市,就以上海为例子写了一篇英文:China is a country with a rich and diverse culture, and its cities are no exception. One city that stands out among them all is Shanghai, often referred to as the "Pearl of the Orient." Located on the east coast of China, Shanghai is the country"s largest city, with a population of over 24 million people.Shanghai is a bustling metropolis that is known for its stunning skyline, historic landmarks, and vibrant culture. The city"s skyline is dominated by the Oriental Pearl Tower, which is one of the tallest buildings in Asia. Other notable landmarks include the Bund, a famous waterfront area that is lined with colonial-era buildings, and the Shanghai Tower, which is the tallest building in China.Shanghai is also home to a number of historic sites, such as the Yuyuan Garden, a traditional Chinese garden that was built during the Ming Dynasty. The city"s French Concession area is also worth visiting, as it features European-style architecture and a lively street culture.In addition to its landmarks and historic sites, Shanghai is known for its food, shopping, and nightlife. The city is famous for its xiaolongbao, a type of steamed dumpling that is filled with meat or seafood. There are also many shopping districts in Shanghai, such as Nanjing Road and Huaihai Road, which offer everything from luxury goods to local souvenirs. At night, the city comes alive with a variety of entertainment options, including nightclubs, bars, and theaters.Overall, Shanghai is a great city that has something to offer everyone. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or just having a good time, this city has it all. Its stunning architecture, delicious food, and vibrant nightlife make it a must-see destination for anyone visiting China.

英语作文:A city in China... 80字左右.非常急..谢谢

Shanghai is the largest city in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country. The Huangpu River passes through the city. There are many new constructions and buildings in the Pudong district including the famous Oriental Jewel Tower. Theer are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road, the main commecial road in the city. Millions tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai"s food, scenery, and life.

英语作文my favorite city in china


A great city in China英语作文怎么写?

A great city in ChinaChina is a vast country with a rich history and culture, and it is home to many great cities. Among them, one city that stands out is Shanghai.Shanghai is located on the eastern coast of China, and it is one of the largest cities in the country. With a population of over 24 million people, it is a bustling metropolis that never sleeps. The city is known for its vibrant nightlife, beautiful architecture, and rich history.Shanghai has a rich cultural heritage, and it is home to many historical landmarks and museums. The city"s most famous attraction is the Bund, which is a waterfront promenade that offers stunning views of the city skyline. Another must-see attraction is the Yu Garden, which is a beautiful traditional Chinese garden that dates back to the Ming Dynasty.In addition to its cultural attractions, Shanghai is also a major financial center and a hub for international trade. The city is home to many multinational corporations and has a thriving economy.Overall, Shanghai is a great city that offers something for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or business, this vibrant metropolis has it all.

用About my city in China写一篇作文 (用英文写)

I love China

求作文:What is your favourite city in china?

What is your favourite city in china?

Harbin is a beautiful city in __________ China.

northern是形容词(northern China),north是名词(in the north of China),所以选northern

I am from x city in xx Province of China,这句话语法对吗?

city of ...province, China

Shanghai is the bigger city inchinau3002

Shanghai is one of the biggest city in China绝对正确,希望采纳

a city of China 和a city in China 哪个对

a city of China


common指的是常见的, 通俗的 ordinary指的是普通的, 平庸的common较ordinary还是要高级一些




Common与ordinary的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.Common:常见的;通常的;普遍的;共有的;共享的;共同的;普通的;平常的;寻常的;平凡的2.ordinary:普通的;平常的;一般的;平凡的;平庸的;平淡无奇的二、用法不同1.Common:common的基本意思是“普遍的”“共有的”“共同的”,主要指因许多人〔物〕所共同具有或使用而常见,引申可表示“一般的”“平常的”,指普通、无特别之处,有时含有低劣粗俗之意。2.ordinary:ordinary的基本意思是“普通的”“平常的”“一般的”“平庸的”。指与一般事物的性质标准相同,ordinary在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。三、侧重点不同1.Common:强调“常见的”、“ 不足为奇的”。2.ordinary:强调“平常的”、“平淡无奇的”。


  common与ordinary的区别如下:common意思是“普通的;平常的;一般的”,指的是符合或具备全体所共有的特征。例如:common people 大众,平民,老百姓a common mistake 一般的错误,常见的错误common knowledge常识,大家都知道的事ordinary意思是“普通的,平常的, 平凡的,常见的”,和common非常接近,但含有“仅仅符合一般化的标准,并无非凡或独特之处”的意思。例如:an ordinary teacher 平凡的老师ordinary event 平常的事件

2015新款 13寸macbook pro retina,2.7ghz i5和2.9的区别大吗

2.7GHz和2.9GHz这两者相差0.2,这0.2的使用过程中,并没有感觉有提升。2.9GHz这一款只是闪存是512GB 而已,别的配置都和另外两种13英寸的rMacBook Pro一样。根据你的用途还是购买标配。 买了顶配,但你学习用的专业软件也不是很多,就算买了顶配性能完全是过剩的。(不差RMB的话,就顶配。)

国外客户要买我们的产品,但问我们要Annual report 和 financial background, 我们可以用什么理由不提供

就给他们一个公司信用评价就OK,类似这种都行,比如AAA诚信经营,阿里巴巴诚信通身份之类的。财务报告,自己出一个又不困难,每年销售多少还不是自己填。Financial background公司背景、历史、参考、财政,一般公司注册登记证上面都有这些资料。

annual report and financial report 的区别

annual report:年度报告financial report 财务报告







作文题目:smog in north China 词数要求:80~100词 写作要点:1,天气状况

This spring,many cities in China suffered haze weather.As we can see/As can be seen,whenever haze happens,the sky is grey,the visibility is declining,and the air quality is worsening,What causes haze weather is that the air close to the earth is quite wet,the wind speed is slow as well as various pullutants accumulate in the air.It"s reported that haze contains a lot of poisonous matters,which will do great harm to our lungs.According to experts,we should avoid outdoors activities,stay away from the crowd,and we should go to the countryside to breathe more fresh air in our spare time at weekends.

terminal connector是什么意思



1、_Complex是一种新增的数据类型,用来表示复数。C99 新增了复数类型(_Complex)和虚数类型(_Imaginary)。简单来说,C99 提供了三种复数类型:float _Complex,double _Complex,和 long double _Complex。对于 float _Complex类型的变量来说,它包含两个 float类型的值,一个用于表示复数的实部(real part),另一个用于表示虚部(imaginary part)。类似地,double _Complex 包含两个 double类型的值。C99 也提供了三种虚数类型:float _Imaginary,double _Imaginary,以及 long double _Imaginary。虚数类型只有虚部,没有实部。2、包含标准头文件 complex.h 后,就可以用 complex来代表 _Complex,用imaginary来代表 _Imaginary,以及用 I来代表虚数单位 i,也就是 -1的平方根。例如:#include <complex.h>double _Complex x = 5.2;double complex y = 5.0 * I;double complex z = 5.2 – 5.0 * I;3、注意:_Complex类型对于独立式环境(freestanding environment)来说是可选的。可选的意思是,不强制必须支持这种类型。而所谓独立式环境,是指 C 程序可以在没有操作系统的情况下运行。_Imaginary类型在任何环境下都是可选的。目前的编译器对这两种类型的支持都不太好。

A comparative study on food culture between China and America

A comparative study on food culture between China and AmericaAs we know, the people regard food as of fundamental importance. Every country has their own food culture. So this thesis mainly introduces the differences between China and Western culture from culture and differences.The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, you will be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine. Among friends, they will just order enough for the people there. If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests. If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish. Traditionally speaking, there are many prohibitions at Chinese tables, but these days not many people pay attention to them. However, there are a few things to keep in mind, especially if you are a guest at a private home. But you"d better remember these things:1) Don"t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. Instead, lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies, the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table! 2) Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table. 3) Don"t tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite. Also, in a restaurant, if the food is coming too slow people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone"s home, it is like insulting the cook.

original me歌词

不知道你要谁的descendents版:Mirror, mirror please believe I need to find a sign All of my life"s spent wondering Whose hiding behind this face of mine Confusion, illusion, a misinterpretation Of the original me I need a sign, a simple chime A windblown kiss across my mind Solitude in the craziness Of a world gone mad, a world behind Confusion, illusion, a misinterpretation Of the original me What big thoughts you have I can see them in your eyes When you pretend to laugh The reflection I see Reminds me Of somebody like me Chance the day and spring a laugh Don‘t stray off the beaten path Mental prostitution In this universal institution Confusion, illusion, a misinterpretation Of the original me Confession, agression, my time to end the session One bang and I"m free What big thoughts you have I can see them in your eyes When you pretend to laugh The reflection I see Reminds me Of somebody like me What big thoughts you have I can see them in your eyes When you pretend to laugh The reflection I see Reminds me Of somebody like me.All的:同上Cascada版:Throw me a melody I"ll write you a symphony La la la la la la la la la la Be on insanity Pleasure is guaranteed La la la la la la la la la la I"ll do what you want me to do Do you mind if I fake it? What"s the matter babe? It"s just a game Be who you want me to be Personality Goldilocks Cherry Listen a boob job completes it I"ll be your beauty queen Upgrading your self esteem But you"ll never meet the original me I"ll be your cover girl Living in your plastic world But you"ll never ever meet the original me So what"s the reason to love? Ain"t got no reason to show my all To you my baby She"s the other half of me Life in perfect symmetry But you"ll never meet the original me Baby our love is credible Never was physical La la la la la la la la la la To all the ladies with benefits Let"s take a good look at this bitch La la la la la la la la la la I"ll do what you want me to do For your entertainment What"s the matter babe? It"s just a game Be who you want me to be Personality Goldilocks Cherry Listen a boob job completes it I"ll be your beauty queen Upgrading your self esteem But you"ll never meet the original me I"ll be your cover girl Living in your plastic world But you"ll never ever meet the original me So what"s the reason to love? Ain"t got no reason to show my all To you my baby She"s the other half of me Life in perfect symmetry But you"ll never meet the original me Artificial coma Hugest skill diploma Put another perfume on You will be trapped in my aroma Here"s my transformation It"s a logical manipulation In your eyes I will remain A piece of decoration I"ll be your beauty queen Upgrading your self esteem But you"ll never meet the original me I"ll be your cover girl Living in your plastic world But you"ll never ever meet the original me So what"s the reason to love? Ain"t got no reason to show my all To you my baby She"s the other half of me Life in perfect symmetry But you"ll never meet the original me

求乌克兰实力女声 Arina Domski 美声新作 《Ti Amero》的歌词。 不是男生唱得哈!


Petra Berger的《Messalina》 歌词

歌曲名:Messalina歌手:Petra Berger专辑:MistressMessalinePetra BergerLe mani sue mi cercanoE il mio corpo freme giaQui nel buio un"ora e un"attimoE l"amore una realtaIl respiro suo che mi circondaE un fiume di poesie che mi tormentaMi bacera, lo stringero e sua saroUn corpo e un"animaSe amo essere amata che reato eSe un nuovo amore il fuoco ch"era spento accenderaLo sento gia bruciare dentro meIl desiderio ha un"animaMa non colpe o falsitaLe sue labbra lo ripetonoE se c"e un dubbio spariraFra I sospiri il cuore mio mi parlaLa vita e troppo breve per sprecarlaLascia che sia, lascia che sia e sua saroUn corpo e un"animaAmanti ormai coscenti di conplicitaSegreta ed invitante la sua bocca accende giaQuel fuoco ch"era spento dentro meIo donna (messalina) fino all"alba lo amero(Con il corp e l"anima) e di lui mi sazieroUn corpo e un"animaAmanti ormai coscenti di conplicitaSegreta ed invitante la sua bocca accende giaQuel fuoco ch"era spento dentro meUn corpo e u"animaSe amo essere amata che reato eSe un nuovo amore il fuoco ch"era spento accenderaLo sento gia bruciare dentro me

Disturbed的《Criminal》 歌词

歌曲名:Criminal歌手:Disturbed专辑:IndestructibleArtist: DisturbedTitle: Criminal(Malevolent criminal eye)(Motivation paints my mind)(Cross the invisible line)(And you"ll be paid in kind)GET IT!HA HACriminalAll the sufferingIt makes me think like aWhen we"re aloneIt makes me feel like aTentacle enough for meAnd burn inside in agonyWhat power will enable meTo carry my missionA hunger comming over meAs I learn to hide the agonyTo make a final remedyTo close the door once and for allIn a world that i dont want to knowWith a message that i never want to sendTo be free from all of thisI want you to quicken my endDon"t tell me I can not goWhen the wound in me refuses to mendDeliver me from all of this(it seems the whole experience is)Devil and cripplingThe pain is much more thenPhysical beyond beliefAnd i moan inside in agonyTo make this decisionDespair is hauling over meNo way to hide the agonyInbracing my calamityTo save myself once and for allNow you want to knowYou want a nameYou want to call me motherfcuckerYou want to say it doesn"t matterYou want to say it doesn"t matter nowNow that you wanna knowNow you wanna nameNow you wanna placeNow you wanna timeNow you want it allNowDon"t say that it isn"t soIm on a path that you"ll never comprehendSet me free from all of thisI need you to quicken my end

Criminal (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Criminal (Album Version)歌手:Disturbed专辑:The Sickness, Believe, Ten Thousand Fists, And IndestructibleArtist: DisturbedTitle: Criminal(Malevolent criminal eye)(Motivation paints my mind)(Cross the invisible line)(And you"ll be paid in kind)GET IT!HA HACriminalAll the sufferingIt makes me think like aWhen we"re aloneIt makes me feel like aTentacle enough for meAnd burn inside in agonyWhat power will enable meTo carry my missionA hunger comming over meAs I learn to hide the agonyTo make a final remedyTo close the door once and for allIn a world that i dont want to knowWith a message that i never want to sendTo be free from all of thisI want you to quicken my endDon"t tell me I can not goWhen the wound in me refuses to mendDeliver me from all of this(it seems the whole experience is)Devil and cripplingThe pain is much more thenPhysical beyond beliefAnd i moan inside in agonyTo make this decisionDespair is hauling over meNo way to hide the agonyInbracing my calamityTo save myself once and for allNow you want to knowYou want a nameYou want to call me motherfcuckerYou want to say it doesn"t matterYou want to say it doesn"t matter nowNow that you wanna knowNow you wanna nameNow you wanna placeNow you wanna timeNow you want it allNowDon"t say that it isn"t soIm on a path that you"ll never comprehendSet me free from all of thisI need you to quicken my end

Prozac+的《Criminale》 歌词

歌曲名:Criminale歌手:Prozac+专辑:Prozac+: The Best Of PlatinumArtist: DisturbedTitle: Criminal(Malevolent criminal eye)(Motivation paints my mind)(Cross the invisible line)(And you"ll be paid in kind)GET IT!HA HACriminalAll the sufferingIt makes me think like aWhen we"re aloneIt makes me feel like aTentacle enough for meAnd burn inside in agonyWhat power will enable meTo carry my missionA hunger comming over meAs I learn to hide the agonyTo make a final remedyTo close the door once and for allIn a world that i dont want to knowWith a message that i never want to sendTo be free from all of thisI want you to quicken my endDon"t tell me I can not goWhen the wound in me refuses to mendDeliver me from all of this(it seems the whole experience is)Devil and cripplingThe pain is much more thenPhysical beyond beliefAnd i moan inside in agonyTo make this decisionDespair is hauling over meNo way to hide the agonyInbracing my calamityTo save myself once and for allNow you want to knowYou want a nameYou want to call me motherfcuckerYou want to say it doesn"t matterYou want to say it doesn"t matter nowNow that you wanna knowNow you wanna nameNow you wanna placeNow you wanna timeNow you want it allNowDon"t say that it isn"t soIm on a path that you"ll never comprehendSet me free from all of thisI need you to quicken my end

Prozac+的《Criminale》 歌词

歌曲名:Criminale歌手:Prozac+专辑:MiodioArtist: DisturbedTitle: Criminal(Malevolent criminal eye)(Motivation paints my mind)(Cross the invisible line)(And you"ll be paid in kind)GET IT!HA HACriminalAll the sufferingIt makes me think like aWhen we"re aloneIt makes me feel like aTentacle enough for meAnd burn inside in agonyWhat power will enable meTo carry my missionA hunger comming over meAs I learn to hide the agonyTo make a final remedyTo close the door once and for allIn a world that i dont want to knowWith a message that i never want to sendTo be free from all of thisI want you to quicken my endDon"t tell me I can not goWhen the wound in me refuses to mendDeliver me from all of this(it seems the whole experience is)Devil and cripplingThe pain is much more thenPhysical beyond beliefAnd i moan inside in agonyTo make this decisionDespair is hauling over meNo way to hide the agonyInbracing my calamityTo save myself once and for allNow you want to knowYou want a nameYou want to call me motherfcuckerYou want to say it doesn"t matterYou want to say it doesn"t matter nowNow that you wanna knowNow you wanna nameNow you wanna placeNow you wanna timeNow you want it allNowDon"t say that it isn"t soIm on a path that you"ll never comprehendSet me free from all of thisI need you to quicken my end

the war between china and india


it’s____for an ordinary plane to fly to the moon

Key:1.impossible 2.worse 4.unusual 5.pleasure

为什么小米手机一直显示登录 China mobile?我附近没有这个WIFI啊,怎么关掉?

忘记网络就可以了 这个是免费wifi 但是要帐号的

苹果五怎么把wifi旁边的CHINA MOBILE改成中文

 1.需要登陆到路由器管理页面,无线设置里修改。  2.浏览器里输入192.168.1.1 输入帐号密码,登陆路由器管理页面。  3.在左侧找到无线设置-基本设置里,SSID就是WIFI名字,可以改成中文后保存。  4.但其实并不建议使用中文WIFI名称。因为有些国外如三星等手机老型号是不支持中文WIFI的。  5.苹果4S,三星老机型有可能搜索不到,或是搜索到的是乱码。而无法连接WIFI。

联想China Mobile,能连上Wifi,但是用不了,怎么解决,已经尝试过忽略再


china mobile的移动wifi怎么改密码


China MObile路由器WIFI哪里写着






请问这两个英文名分别给人感觉是怎样的:Sally,Sakina 谢谢~!

Sally文静 Sakina活泼


C字母大写指 中国,名词。C字母小写指 瓷器,词性有两个 : 1、名词 瓷器 2、形容词 瓷制的不懂再问,翻译小新!

黄大炜的《Terminate》 歌词

歌曲名:Terminate歌手:黄大炜专辑:David 黄Submitted by:LTXFF-TerminateDrop!All that is dead around meLifeless in the wake of catastropheBurning in my mind I am not deceivedJudgement into my own mortalityNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleedLighting the spark igniting the fuseDestroyed the lies and saw absolute truthFrom out of darkness and into the lightThe future is wide open and is on my sideNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleedYou can"t stop itYou can"t kill itAnd it won"t stop comingUntil you"re deadNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleedNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleed






china与chinese的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、china:中国。2、chinese:中国人,华裔,华人。二、用法不同1、china:china的意思是“瓷器”,指瓷器、瓷盘、瓷碗的总称或瓷料。a piece of china表示“一件瓷器”, a set of china表示“一套瓷器”。2、chinese:表示名词的属性,并不强调所有关系。In addition to being used as an attributive before the noun it modifies,还可以在句中作表语。三、侧重点不同1、china:是名词词性。2、chinese:是形容词词性。




china与chinese的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、china:中国。2、chinese:中国人,华裔,华人。二、用法不同1、china:china的意思是“瓷器”,指瓷器、瓷盘、瓷碗的总称或瓷料。a piece of china表示“一件瓷器”, a set of china表示“一套瓷器”。2、chinese:表示名词的属性,并不强调所有关系。In addition to being used as an attributive before the noun it modifies,还可以在句中作表语。三、侧重点不同1、china:是名词词性。2、chinese:是形容词词性。


china和chinese的用法区别在于:词义不同、用法不同、固定搭配的不同。1、词义不同China是名词,指中国;在“C”小写时china是指瓷器。Chinese作名词时指中国人,汉语;作形容词时指中国的,中国人的。2、用法不同China可以使用China"s或 of China意思都是“属于中国的”。China"s是名词所有格。一般是表示有生命的东西的名词(人或动物)的末尾加上"s即构成所有格,放在另一名词之前,作定语用。Chinese起修饰名词的作用,表示名词的属性,并不强调所有关系。它除了放在所修饰的名词之前,作定语用之外,还可以在句中作表语、宾语补足语等。Chinese是除了语言,国籍,其它表示“有着中国的特征、风味、文化、渊源、来历的”的也用。3、固定搭配的不同China:如China Sea(中国海);Chinatown(华人区、唐人街);China teas(中国茶)。Chinese:Chinese cabbage(白菜);Chinese lantem(灯笼)。china的造句及翻译:1、Every Chinese loves China.是中国人都爱中国。2、China is abundant with natural resources.中国自然资源丰富。3、It"s five years since he came to China.他来中国已经5个年头了。4、Welcome to China.欢迎来中国。


china 基本词汇 读音:英 ["tu0283au026anu0259]     美 ["tu0283au026anu0259]    n. 中国。n. [小写]瓷器。Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。China does a lot of trade with many countries.中国和许多国家进行多方面贸易。词汇搭配:动词+~bake〔fire〕 china 焙制瓷器break china 打碎瓷器make〔produce〕 china 制造瓷器形容词+~blue china 青瓷delicate china 精致的瓷器~+名词china vase 瓷花瓶






China,现为"中国"和"瓷器"的英文译名。 陶瓷最初的称呼是"Chinaware",直译:中国瓦。陶瓷产品,古称瓦器(古时凡以土烧制成的陶土器皿,皆可称"瓦")。China放在ware之前,可知China初无瓷器一义;后来省略ware,小写其字头,简称瓷器为china;获得瓷器之义,已经是晚清的事了。"China"一词的出现,不晚于辽朝、金朝、宋朝、不早于先秦;大致出现在隋唐时期。学界基本认定其作为瓷器的双关含义远远晚于"China"作为中国的本意,所以China最初的意思就是指中国。
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