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  Christina Aguilera 个人档案  原名: 克莉丝汀-阿奎莱拉 英文名: Christina Aguilera  国籍 : 美国  出生地点:Staten Island, New York, USA (美国纽约长岛)  生日 : 1980年12月18日  生肖 : 猴  身高 : 5尺3寸  星座 : 射手座  血型 : ?型  体重:N/A  三围:N/A  最喜欢的运动:棒球、排球  最喜欢的颜色:粉红、白  最喜欢的零食:Steak and potatoes  最喜欢的歌手:MADONNA、LAURYN HILL、PINK  最喜欢的休闲:唱歌、跳舞、购物、运动  最喜欢的电影:《花木兰》、《骇客帝国》、《美人鱼》  主要作品: Silent night、beautif  启发她音乐梦想的第一人:  茱莉安德鲁《真善美》  影响她音乐最大的歌手:  Whitney Houston、Etta James、Billie Hoilday  喜欢的男生类型:  强尼戴普、胡立奥、安立奎、班艾佛列克  喜欢的科目:  英文、科学  喜欢的歌手和组合:  Mariah Carey、Whitney Houston、Lauryn Hill、Brian McKinght、Korn、Fatboy Slim、Beck  喜欢的Disney卡通:  花木兰、小美人鱼  喜欢的食物:  肉(牛排)、马铃薯  喜欢的运动:  棒球、排球  目标:  学好西班牙文及钢琴  兴趣:  血拼、看电影、和朋友一起混、音乐、跳舞、运动  专辑:  《Headliners》2000  《In The Spotlight With Christina Aguilera》 2000  《Mi Reflejo》 2000  《My Kind Of Christmas 》2000  《Christina Aguilera》 1999  克莉丝汀-阿奎莱拉的星路历程  1980年12月18日出生于美国纽约Staten岛。Aguilera是在90年代末期大红大紫的几位年轻美国流行歌手之一。她有爱尔兰和厄瓜多尔血统,她的母亲是一位职业小提琴和钢琴演奏员,她的父亲是一位军人,他的职业需要使她们一家有机会来往于全球各个地方。最终,Aguilera一家在美国费城的维克斯福德镇落户,在这里,Aguilera开始在学校的各种表演会上露面,并在8岁时就首次在美国全国范围的明星选秀会上作为专业演员登台亮相。10岁时,Aguilera已开始为匹兹堡市的Steelers and Pirates俱乐部演唱美国国歌。  12岁时,她加盟了迪斯尼公司的米老鼠俱乐部,与未来的流行乐歌星JC Chasez、Justin Timberlake以及Britney Spears等人同台演出。在米老鼠俱乐部演唱了两年之后,Aguilera离开该俱乐部前往日本录制《All I Wanna Do》,这首与日本当地知名的流行歌手Keizo Nakanishi一起录制的歌曲很快引起了轰动,并成为畅销曲目。1998年年初,Aguilera重返美国并为迪斯尼公司制作的动画片《Mulan》录制了主题曲《Reflection》。此后不久,她就与RCA唱片公司签约,从而完成了由一名歌手向当红歌星的转变。Aguilera的第一张专辑是在与若干名资深作词家和制作人的合作下录制完成的,其中一首名为《Genie In A Bottle》的单曲在1999年7月刚一发行之后立即登上了美国流行音乐排行榜的榜首。当时,这支由英国词作家Pam Sheyne填词的单曲在五个星期里一直占据排行榜首位,并成为当年度美国销量最高的单曲。她的第一张专辑里还收录了其他几首以快速的舞蹈节奏为特点的曲目,包括《Love Will Find A Way》、《So Emotional》以及《I Turn To You》。同年9月,这张专辑荣登美国专辑排行榜首位。一个月后,《Genie In A Bottle》又有幸成为英国流行单曲排行榜的第一名。  2000年1月和10月,Aguilera分别以《What A Girl Wants》和《Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)》重返美国流行单曲排行榜首位,从而显示出她已成为Spears年轻流行歌手奖最大的夺标热门。此后,为了进军拉丁美洲流行音乐市场,Aguilera还特意发行了一张包括其畅销曲目《Mi Reflejo》和《My Kind Of Christmas》在内的西班牙语专辑。



求水月真兔的小说“ENDLESS RAIN”,网上怎么也找不到,,无比感激~

《Endless Rain》作者:水月真兔 is sent, hope u like it~and if its fine can u plz accept my answer here? thx~^^







the US-China relations中的“relation”为什么要用负数?






女生英文名Karen、Rena、Katrina 哪一个更好?

Karen 凯伦:涵义为“纯洁”Rena 蕾娜:涵义为“和平”Katrina 卡特琳娜要好听点吧英文名含义可以在百度上搜索“男子/女子英文名大全”

女生英文名Karen、 Katrina、Karin 哪一个更好?


女生英文名 Karen、Katrina、Kayla哪一个好?


女生英文名Karen、 Katrina、Karin 哪一个更好?



好处是自己狼人部分的血统可以觉醒,从而建立一种新的种族——吸血鬼+狼人。 K与E长得一样是因为二人都是二重身。 他们的说法是破除了咒语,月光石就

O Fortuna (Carmina Burana) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:O Fortuna (Carmina Burana)歌手:Pikku-Orava专辑:Tosi SeedeeO Fortuna(拉丁文) O Fortune(英译文) 命运女神(中译文)O Fortuna, O Fortune, 哦,命运啊,velut luna like the moon 如月亮般statu variabilis, you are changeable, 变幻无常,semper crescis ever waxing 时而满盈aut decrescis; and waning; 时而缺虚;vita detestabilis hateful life 可恨的人生啊,nunc obdurat first oppresses 先是坎坷et tunc curat and then soothes 后又平顺ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it; 如被命运玩于股掌;egestatem, poverty 无论贫贱potestatem and power 还是富贵dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice. 终如冰雪融化般消逝;Sors immanis Fate - monstrous 命运之轮,et inanis, and empty, 诡异虚无,rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel, 无情地不停转动,status malus, you are malevolent, 恶毒残酷,vana salus well-being is vain 将美满与幸福semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing, 转瞬摧毁成空;obumbrata shadowed 藏身阴影,et velata and veiled 迷离莫辨,michi quoque niteris; you plague me too; 亦将我折磨.nunc per ludum now through the game 此刻听凭运气dorsum nudum I bring my bare back 赤手空拳fero tui sceleris. to your villainy. 向你讨个公道Sors salutis Fate is against me 命运与我为敌et virtutis in health 摧残健康,michi nunc contraria, and virtue, 打击意志,est affectus driven on 无情打击,et defectus and weighted down, 残暴压迫,semper in angaria. always enslaved. 奴役我心.Hac in hora So at this hour 就在此刻,sine mora without delay 再莫迟疑corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings; 拨响悲伤的挽歌,quod per sortem since Fate 为被命运sternit fortem, strikes down the string man, 所击败的强者,mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me! 皆与我一同饮泣悲叹吧!http://music.b***.com/song/2898077


The appointed agency replies that they only sell ORIGINAL BL and BL SURRENDERED,don"t accept SEAWAYBILL.

be interested in. be fond of. be fascinated by. be keen on. take an interest in是同义词组吗?


请教英语高手eliminate 和dispose这两个词强调的部分有什么不同?谢谢




shanghai is a 什么 city in china

big and busy

he live ina big city划线提问a big city

Where would he like to live?

she括号live ina big city括号里填什么数?

填will应该可以。She will live in a big city

Chayo Y Su Banda Puro Sinaloa的《Soledad》 歌词

歌曲名:Soledad歌手:Chayo Y Su Banda Puro Sinaloa专辑:Chayosoledad Luke la tête en arrièrej"ai aimé ta vie alors aime la miennedis-le à cette ame qui décédeque l"on en reviens pasau fond de nous la ville est un désertsous les regards,les canonièresne te retourne passouris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arrièresoledad!souris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arriéresoledad!en haut des crêtes,crier à l"unniversque sous l"écume il y al"eau clairequi m"emporteraj"ecraserai mon corps sur vos repérescomme un tocsin sonne la guerreon me répondrasouris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arriéresoledad!souris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arriéresoledad!au pied du mur ta vie fera l"affairepalais ou cimetierre!cris!juste pour voirécoute le silence des frontièresc"est du dollar qui déséspéreparce qu"il n"entends passouris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arrièresoledad!souris ou saignesouris aux dramesla tête en arrié tête en arriére

In Coordination with是什么意思

In Coordination with配合


n. 从属;附属;主从关系


work in coordination with协同; 协调工作双语例句1“ We got to work hard on our side to make sure we reduce drug use and, at the same time, work with you in close coordination to defeat these drug traffickers,” said President Bush.布什说:“美国方面必须努力工作,确保减少毒品的使用,同时,美国还将同墨西哥加强合作,击败毒品走私犯。2And Ive instructed my national security team, as well as the intelligence community, to work with foreign counterparts to deepen our coordination and cooperation in ways that rebuild trust going forward.我已指示我的国家安全班子以及情报部门与海外同行合作,通过能够重建未来信任的方式深化我们的协调与合作。

In Coordination with是什么意思

In Coordination with协调配合;策应;与---协调;协同例句1.component enables you to navigate and manipulate data , in coordinationwith a.组件配合使您能够定位和操作数据。2.Preparation of service information in coordination with the AirworthinessDepartment.配合适航部门准备服务信息。3.Structure Emulation of a New- type Strings Truss in Coordination with Steeland Concrete钢-砼协同式新型张弦桁架结构仿真。喂,你以前好像提过这个问题了U0001f613U0001f613U0001f613U0001f613U0001f613


According to, Harmony means1.agreement; accord; harmonious relations. 3. Music. a. any simultaneous combination of tones. b. the simultaneous combination of tones, esp. when blended into chords pleasing to the ear; chordal structure, as distinguished from melody and rhythm. c. the science of the structure, relations, and practical combination of chords. while coordination means:同等,调和Harmony and corrdination differ in the use of the word:harmony is commonly used in music while coordination is not a word used in english to describe how the melody and harmony work together.不同点:HARMONY 可以用在音乐,唱歌里 但是coordination就不行. Harmony 在音乐里是和声的意思,和声和主旋律协调的意思. 但是coordination就没有. 它是常用在手和头脑,四肢的协调上的.


并列结构。并列结构 并列(COORDINATION)与从属(suBoRDINATION)是两种重要的表态手段, or, nor,while表选择关系:,是同等的重要.还是有主次之分。

经济学原理中的coordination problems是什么

coordination problems是“协和谬误”  协和谬误即某件事情在投入了一定成本、进行到一定程度而后发现不宜继续下去,却苦于各种原因而将错就错,欲罢不能

undercoordination 什么意思

coordination 英[k????:d??ne??n] 美[ko???:rd??ne??n] n. 协调; 和谐; [例句]This exercise improves your coordination, balance, timing and footwork.这项锻炼可以提高协调能力、平衡力、把握时机的能力和脚法。[其他] 形近词: foreordination superordination deordination



coordination 和 cooperation



coordination 协调cooperation 合作在博弈理论中它们所强调的不是同一件事,但并不相互排斥.coordination game 协调博弈,强调在博弈过程中参与各方使用某种相对一致的策略,以达到共赢为目的.参与者可以是个人或团队.cooperation game (or cooperative game) 则简单地指参与各方均以团队合作的形式博弈,强调在博弈过程中要进行团队合作和决策.


并列结构。并列结构 并列(COORDINATION)与从属(suBoRDINATION)是两种重要的表态手段, or, nor,while表选择关系:,是同等的重要.还是有主次之分。


协调; 和谐1. Interior decoration by careful coordination seems to have had its day. 精心搭配的室内装饰似乎已不再受欢迎了。来自柯林斯例句2. Intoxication interferes with memory and thinking, speech and coordination. 醉酒影响记忆、思考、语言与协调性。


“ 协调,协助”的意思


在 Zigbee 上面应该是协调器的意思




coordination美 [kou028a.u0254rdu026a"neu026au0283(u0259)n]英 [ku0259u028a.u0254u02d0(r)du026a"neu026au0283(u0259)n]n.协调;配合;协作;协调动作的能力 协调性;同等;配位例句筛选1.Sufficient coordination between banking and marketing executives should beenough to eliminate divergence of results .业务经理和市场营销经理必须进行充分合作借以消除结果上的南辕北辙。 2.The registration process identifies the specific protocol used for activitycoordination.注册过程标识用来协调活动的特定协议。


两者都可以表达最后,in conclusion有综上所述的意思,可表达对前面的总结。finally,终于,最后。没有那一层总结的意思,表达的是时间的前后。


ud658ud76c(it"s been raining since you left me) 中文名是欢喜

求Christina的《Monday Morning》的歌词及翻译

Monday Morning LyricsI can always find the time to lay out in the sandWatching as the waves roll by it makes me understandWhat it is to make a life that means a little moreSeems so easy to forget what we"re all looking forI don"t know where I"m going just yetSkipping work and I don"t need to excuse itLong as that floating feeling I get in the momentMakes it really worth itHey, forget about your Monday morningWe are never gonna be that boringHey, forget about your Monday morningSo, so ordinary same old storyEy, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, oI had a party, it went long, I told "em all to stayNeighbors calling to complain and rain on our paradeThey told me to use my head and keep my focus straightShame on all of you for being stiff and so straight lacedLet them keep talking, I don"t regretThey can"t help it, caught up in their mindsetLong as that floating feeling I get in the momentMakes it really worth itHey, forget about your Monday morningWe are never gonna be that boringHey, forget about your Monday morningSo, so ordinary same old storyEy, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, naki, nana, nani, naki, nanaNani, naki, nana, nani, naki, nanaNani, naki, nana, nani, naki, nanaSweet shot cherry popEverybody go to the beat, don"t stopKeep up body rock cardiac arrestIt"s a culture shockHey, forget about your Monday morningWe are never gonna be that boringHey, forget about your Monday morningSo, so ordinary same old storyEy, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o 以下是我自己翻的中文意思:我总是能抽出时间躺在沙滩上,看着海浪击打海岸时渐渐明白,那些让生命更有意义的事物是那么容易让我们忘记我们本来在寻找的东西我还不知道我要去到哪里,所以不去工作我也不去要解释。只要那一瞬间浮华的感觉还存在,一切都是值得的。嘿,忘记你的星期一早晨吧,我们永远都不要变得那么无聊。嘿,忘记你的星期一早晨吧,就像是腐朽枯燥的同样的故事。(Ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o)我开了个派对到很晚我叫他们都留下,邻居打来电话抱怨并想毁掉我们的心情他们叫我用用脑子并且把心放在正事上,其实你们才是不知羞耻的呆子让他们继续说吧,我不会后悔他们控制不住自己的想法,但只要那一瞬间的浮华的感觉还存在,一切都是值得的。嘿,忘记你的星期一早晨吧,我们永远都不要变得那么无聊。嘿,忘记你的星期一早晨吧,就像是腐朽枯燥的同样的故事。(Ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o)Nani, naki, nana, nani, naki, nanaNani, naki, nana, nani, naki, nanaNani, naki, nana, nani, naki, nanaSweet shot cherry pop(不知道怎么翻译成中文。。)大家跟着节奏不要停,收住心让身体跟着节奏摇滚这就是文化的战栗(意思是打破封闭的思想)嘿,忘记你的星期一早晨吧,我们永远都不要变得那么无聊。嘿,忘记你的星期一早晨吧,就像是腐朽枯燥的同样的故事。(Ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o, ey, o)---------------------------------------------------------------------有些地方中文翻译不出来英文原意,仔细看看英文应该能懂~有啥问题请追问~


中国镲——又称反镲,也有叫制音反镲的。它的名字标准叫“汉家儿”。中国镲之所以叫中国镲,就是因为它是从中国产生的,来源于中国的锵,它现在依旧保留着原始的锵上面用手捏住的圆形镲头。只是后来它被外国人发扬光大了,尽管外国人发现它的时间并不长。 在中国这个镲片的使用方法是:双手各持一个镲头,互相敲击。在锵传到西方后,诞生了这种改良的China镲片。它的音色很特殊,保留了一些原始的中国味。它的保准尺寸是18英寸。



Heinavanker的《Ave Maria》 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria歌手:Heinavanker专辑:Loomiselaul (The Creation) - Renaissance Works From Johannes Ockeghem And Estonian Sacred Folk Songs"Ave Maria"Michael BubleAve Maria Gratia plenaMaria Gratia plenaMaria Gratia plenaAve, ave dominusDominus tecumBenedicta tu in mulieribusEt benedictusEt benedictus fructus ventrisVentris tui JesusAve MariaNunc et in hora mortisIn hora mortis, mortis nostraeIn hora mortis nostraeAve Maria!


Rinai(林内)上海林内有限公司成立于1993年9月,由上海燃气(集团)有限公司、日本林内株式会社和日本株式会社琦酸三方合资组建,总投资额1500万美元,注册资金970万美元。以生产高性能的燃气热水器、燃气灶具、采暖炉、吸油烟机为主,公司秉承了日本林内集团90多年的技术底蕴,依托先进的设备、工艺和研发能力,始终坚持“以质量和诚意奉献于客户”的理念,正一步一个脚印地发展成为中国燃气具行业的先锋。上海燃气集团合资企业 上海林内有限公司 地址:上海浦东北路1520号 电话:(021)68466982 68466422(销售部) 传真:(021)68467179 邮编:201208 上海林内有限公司售后服务中心 地址:上海市浦东北路1500号 维修专线:10109100(限上海地区) 咨询电话:(021)68469990 邮编:201208

对于国家和某个国家的人,语言不清楚,例如:Russia;Russian China;Chinese


a great man in china杨倩英语作文?

Yang Qian is a Chinese sport shooter. She represented China at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo in summer of 2021, where she won two gold medals. Born in Ningbo, a port city in southeastern China"s Zhejiang province, she started shooting training at the age of 10. She is currently a third-year undergraduate studying economics and management at Tsinghua University in Beijing.


用of表示所属关系。 This is a map of China.这是一幅中国地图。

china man 是什么意思啊。那 america man 呢

中国人 美国人


combination 两者的结合,联合,简单的合并,1+1式的n.结合, 联合, 合并, 化合, 化合物integration 综合,整合,更全面,更完善n.综合



星际争霸1。08Original 和Expansion有什么区别



《Spark in Action》(Marko Bonau0107i)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:esbq书名:Spark in Action作者:Marko Bonau0107i豆瓣评分:7.7出版社:Manning出版年份:2016-1页数:400内容简介:Working with big data can be complex and challenging, in part because of the multiple analysis frameworks and tools required. Apache Spark is a big data processing framework perfect for analyzing near-real-time streams and discovering historical patterns in batched data sets. But Spark goes much further than other frameworks. By including machine learning and graph processing capabilities, it makes many specialized data processing platforms obsolete. Spark"s unified framework and programming model significantly lowers the initial infrastructure investment, and Spark"s core abstractions are intuitive for most Scala, Java, and Python developers.Spark in Action teaches you to use Spark for stream and batch data processing. It starts with an introduction to the Spark architecture and ecosystem followed by a taste of Spark"s command line interface. You then discover the most fundamental concepts and abstractions of Spark, particularly Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) and the basic data transformations that RDDs provide. The first part of the book also introduces you to writing Spark applications using the the core APIs. Next, you learn about different Spark components: how to work with structured data using Spark SQL, how to process near-real time data with Spark Streaming, how to apply machine learning algorithms with Spark MLlib, how to apply graph algorithms on graph-shaped data using Spark GraphX, and a clear introduction to Spark clustering.作者简介:Marko Bonau0107i has worked with Java for 13 years. He currently works as IBM Enterprise Content Management team lead at SV Group. Petar Zeu010deviu0107 is a CTO at SV Group. During the last 14 years he has worked on various projects as a Java developer, team leader, consultant and software specialist. He is the founder and, with Marko, organizer of popular Spark@Zg meetup group.



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illumina测序技术术语 lane和run是什么意思?

lane表示测序芯片上的一条流通槽,测序文库与试剂均在里面,测序信号的扫描也是按照一条lane上的一个tile进行. run翻译成中文是运行的意思,这里也是这个意思,就是机器运行一次的意思.

Is there a famous artist in China?

I most like the artist 我最喜欢的艺术家Van Gogh In March 30, 1853 July 29th, Holland) 1890 post Impressionist painter. He is the pioneer of expressionism, and deeply influenced the art of the twentieth Century, particularly Fauvism and expressionism. Van Gogh"s works, such as "starry night", "sunflower" and "a crow crop", is now among the world"s most famous, well-known works of art ranks.

Which is__country,china or japan?A.the largeB.the largercC.largerD.largest


last 和final 用法上有什么区别

last 有形容词与副词两个词性,而final没有副词词性,副词须变化为finally,at last=finally作为形容词,last是“上一个”“最后的”final是“最终的”比较强调决定性.比如说last season最后一个季节,强调次序,而final round决定局、决赛,强调最终的,决定性的.



Southeast China和Southeastern China哪种表述正确?为什么?

Southeast Chinaeastern是形容词,比如Eastern Foods望采纳~

Southeast China和Southeastern China哪种表述正确?为什么

这里填写应该填写 southeastern China, 原因如下:southeast后接地名时是一个固定的词,比如,东南亚(Southeast Asia,这里注意Southeast的首字母大写了,因为这是一个固定名次,就像英国是the United Kingdom一个道理)southeastern被用来指代一个国家的东南区域,比如你说的southeastern China,是中国的东南部分的意思。

:"china mather"表达"祖国母亲"是否正确?



FINAL 是最终,是通过一定时间,一定过程之后才能得出的最终。。LATEST 最新的 BOTTOM 是底部,比如瓶子的底部,水壶的底部。

final 与latest的区别和用法,求例句. 若两个词形容day,应该选择哪一个?

首先从词性上讲,final和latest是形容词,end是名词 从词义上说,final表示最后的,end表示结尾,latest表示离现在比较近的翻译成最新的最迟的. 例句:final:my final exam is on the way!我的期末考试马上要来了! end:she mary his friend in the end.她最终嫁给了他的朋友. latest: the latest one pay the bill!最后来的人付钱! 纯手打,望采纳~ 是否可以解决您的问题?

ordinary people什么意思


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求电影《美少女啦啦队5》即第五部:战到最后一刻里 女主角lina穿着蓝色衣服和灰色裤跳舞 那是什么歌?

绝对是Footworkin—Keke Pamle,我听了按照歌词在google上搜到的,现在百度上可以下载,我已经下载了,这是歌词,你可以对对看"Footworkin""FootworkFootwork[Verse 1:]I feel that cold wind blow (ready to heat it up)Late night Chicago Heights get lowSouth Side put on that show (feel the music)All my boys on the block say jukin (yeah y"all know)[Bridge:]Footworkin" in here tonightFeel the beat gettin" me excitedWe ridin" the hypeAnd I feel it comin" onFootworkin" it takes you highWanna know how we do in the ChiWhen we ridin" the hypeAnd I feel it comin" on[Chorus:]It ain"t no thing just work it out (footwork)Just bring your game show what you about (footwork)It ain"t no thing it"s time to work it outWatch ya feet work, watch ya head jerk, on ya tip toes kickin" up dirt with ya footworkFootwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it upFootwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it up[Verse 2:]Streetlights are comin" on (ain"t no stoppin")They hoppin" on the block (still goin" strong)I love to see them boys break looseWhen the beat drops, no I can"t stop, cause my heart is in the groove[Bridge:]Footworkin" in here tonightFeel the beat gettin" me excitedWe ridin" the hypeAnd I feel it comin" onFootworkin" it takes you highWanna know how we do in the ChiWhen we ridin" the hypeAnd I feel it comin" on[Chorus:]It ain"t no thing just work it out (footwork)Just bring your game show what you about (footwork)It ain"t no thing it"s time to work it outWatch ya feet work, watch ya head jerk, on ya tip toes kickin" up dirt with ya footworkFootwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it upFootwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it up[Break:]Keep the Shuffle in the RougeChicken Headin" in the LouAnd when I"m in the ATL we walk it out and snap it tooCause they Crumpin" in LA, and they Jittin in the D, but if you steppin" in the Chi, then yougotsta work ya feet[Bridge:]Footworkin" in here tonightFeel the beat gettin" me excitedWe ridin" the hypeAnd I feel it comin" onFootworkin" it takes you highWanna know how we do in the ChiWhen we ridin" the hypeAnd I feel it comin" on[Chorus:]It ain"t no thing just work it out (footwork)Just bring your game show what you about (footwork)It ain"t no thing it"s time to work it outWatch ya feet work, watch ya head jerk, on ya tip toes kickin" up dirt with ya footworkFootwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it upFootwork, and freeze, start it up start it upFootwork, and freeze, start it up start it upFootwork, and freeze, start it up start it upFootworkFootworkFootwork
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