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广联达保存时提示is not valid date and time是什么意思?


我的U盾到不管到谁的电脑上,登录后都是提示 is not a valid date and time

您好,这个情况有2种:1.可能是您电脑上设置的时间不对,请您查看电脑右下方的时间(年/月/日)是否为当前时间。或者打开电脑左下方“开始”-“控制面板”-“区域及语言选项”,把当前位置设置为“中国”2.专业版读取时间文件错误,请重启电脑再操作,如果不行,需要重安装专业版程序。 若您仍有疑问和意见,欢迎登录在线客服进行咨询,我们将竭诚为您服务!感谢您对招商银行的关注与支持!

PLSQL提示 is not a valid date and time怎么办

PLSQL提示 is not a valid date and time怎么办工具/原料PLSQL DeveloperWIN7方法/步骤右击右下角的日期和时间,选择【更改日期和时间设置】右击【更改日期和时间设置(D)...】右击【更改日历设置】日期格式中的短日期从yyyy/M/d修改成yyyy-M-d,确定后,重新打开PLSQL Developer,插入日期数据时,就不会出现这样的报错。END注意事项不只是Oracle会出现这种情况,当其他软件出现类似的提示时,也可以使用这个办法

怎样解决oracle报错is not a valid date and time

方法/步骤 1. 第一步,右击任务栏上的时间,选调整日期和时间(A),然后再点“更改日期和时间”进入日期和时间设置。 2. 第二步,点左下角的“更改日历设置”,然后进入区域选项。3. 第三步,将短日期和长日期的格式改为yyyy/m/d的格式,也就是说去掉星期,经过这样一改以后。再运行程序,OK!

谁知道Ovation这款USA Signature Al DiMeola 1769-ADII吉他香港卖多少钱???


Fifty years is a long time, although considerably

Fifty years is a long time, although considerably shorter now that my wife Jenny and I, are within a decade of our own 50th anniversary.五十年是一个很长的时间,虽然现在相当短,我的妻子珍妮和我,十年内是我们自己的第五十周年纪念日。


人民教育出版社小学英语配套教材《派斯英语》(2009)李雷和韩梅梅(《派斯英语》扉页)在该版本教材里,李雷和韩梅梅的故事有了续集里,韩梅梅嫁的是一个新人物Han Gang(韩刚),她的齐耳短发变成了成熟时髦的造型,在厨房中忙前忙后,照顾自己的两个孩子Han Keke和Han Xixi用餐。当然所有80后都会觉得韩梅梅应该嫁给李雷。但是你也懂,当年谈的对象 有最终结婚的吗?少之又少啊~

lilei 和 hanmeimei 真有这人这事啊?详细说说,尤其和人教版英语课本的关系。



漫画/王启峰 学生时代的LiLei(右三)和HanMeimei(右一)新教材中的他们渐入而立之年  “LiLei和HanMeimei该结婚了吧?”从2005年起,论坛里,类似话题的讨论就没有停歇过。这是关于英语教材中主人公故事的延续,包含着80后的集体记忆,和对青春、对爱情的理解。   近日,新教材《派斯英语》给出了答案,LiLei和HanMeimei和我们一样长大了,工作了,结婚了,为人父母了,然而,HanMeimei并没有嫁给LiLei。失望的80后网友们又开始新一轮关于L&H的讨论……   人物介绍   谁是LiLei和HanMeimei   LiLei和HanMeimei是上世纪九十年代人民教育出版社出版的九年制义务教育中学英语教材中的两个主角,LiLei剃平头,穿浅色T恤,HanMeimei有着秀气的齐耳短发。在书中他们好好学习,关心他人,可以说是当时中学生的楷模。   书里还有双胞胎女孩Lily、Lucy,英国小子Jim,惹人烦的玻利(Polly)鹦鹉,最有女人味道的老师“迷死高”(MissGao)……他们共同陪伴着80后读了6年中学。   由这套教科书衍生出的故事情节影响了一代人。有在外企工作的网友说,“员工要起英文名字,有个女同事取名为Polly,我听了很晕。没办法,第一印象太深刻了,觉得叫Polly的就是鹦鹉。”而书中的一些经典对话给80后们留下了深刻印象。有网友说:“每次有人问‘Howareyou?",全班甚至全校,不管是在什么场合,有多少人,总是会异口同声地说,‘Fine,thankyou,andyou?"”。   情感记忆   无数网友牵挂着他和她的故事   2005年12月15日,从天涯社区娱乐八卦版出现题为《八一八中学英语课本中为什么有一个奇怪的名字》的帖子开始,故事人物间错综复杂的关系就成了80后网友热衷八卦的事件之一,话题也逐渐由单纯怀旧转向了认真讨论LiLei和HanMeimei的关系,很多人都认为英语课本讲述的就是一个缠绵悱恻的爱情故事。   关于“早恋”的证据   经网友们“潜心研究”,发现了LiLei和HanMeimei之间的早恋证据。   -证据一有一课:“CanIborrowyourruler?”HanMeimei和LiLei坐在第一排,HanMeimei问LiLei借尺子,Jim在后面看着他们,十分“嫉妒”、“羡慕”。他旁边坐着Lucy,因为Lucy也不愿意看到面前的这一幕,“委屈”地低着头。   -证据二在课外劳动摘苹果的课文中,树上的HanMeimei和树下的Lilei“眉来眼去”,被冷落一边的Jim只好大叫一声:“Becareful!”而HanMeimei只是简单地报以“Thankyou”,又跟LiLei开始聊天。   关于80后的集体记忆   当这些猜测出现在网上后,大家才发现,原来在中学时代对LiLei和HanMeimei有过关注的人是如此之多,而L&H甚至成了80后关于青春记忆的标志性符号。   -在豆瓣,建立了“李雷都这么牛×了韩梅梅却不喜欢他”小组,小组成员将L&H二人的前世今生、档案资料作了详细分析。   -2006年,漫画设计师蔡凯用lileiandhanmeimei.com域名做了一个网站,专门做与L&H有关的产品。   -2008年,有网站以L&H为主角制作了探讨、表现男女一生的专题,将人性中“情欲”“爱欲”“食欲”等作以诠释。   -四个80后组建了“TheLiLei&HanMeimei"s”乐队,主唱Icier还给乐队名做了注脚:它是对中学英语的怀念、致敬及反抗。   后来的后来……   书中人物的人生安排,也是网友们热衷的话题之一,晴晴搜集网友们的编排,简要叙述如下:   后来,HanMeimei当然没嫁给LiLei,她离了一次婚,成了一个文风忧郁的女作家,笔名寒寐,足不出户,却在网络上颇受欢迎。   后来,LiLei当然也没娶HanMeimei,成了李老师,他在中学教语文,不过他还是很开朗。   后来,Jim还留在北京,成了道奇汽车公司的经理,他也真的追过HanMeimei,但没有成功,找了一个中国太太,婚后有了两个孩子,发胖了。   后来,L.G.Alexander教授回英国了,已经从出版公司退休,还在写东西,他每年来两次中国。   现在,Polly还活着,毛掉了一些,每天的乐趣是与Alexander教授说中文。   答案揭晓   他和她竟成“陌路”   3月26日,人教版培训机构专用教材《派斯英语》发布,首席编写顾问刘道义(九十年代人教版英语教材的中方主编)透露,这套新教材会让很多人觉得亲切,因为贯穿全书的情景人物是L&H系列,LiLei和HanMeimei伴随着昔日的中学生们一起渐入而立之年。   可是,网友们发现,《派斯英语》教材中,HanMeimei嫁给了一个叫HanGang的男人,有一个儿子叫HanKeke,一个女儿叫HanXixi。对这样的结果,网友们表达了大失所望的情绪。   -请问我是谁:Lilei变身路人乙Li叔叔。啊啊啊啊。请让我再次感叹,除了小叮当和大雄,还有谁和谁会永远在一起。   -wingsinsky:有情人未能终成眷属。   -思兼SRW:时隔近20年,人教版《EnglishPlus》揭露给我们一个残酷的结局。   -某网友还根据派斯英语的内容模拟了李雷的内心独白:“那天梅梅在家做饭,我从她家窗外经过,看到梅梅幸福地靠在韩刚身上,我心如刀绞!”“可可、西西吃饭了!”突然梅梅叫道。这声呼喊震动了李雷的心灵。“可~惜~?可惜!梅梅还是爱着我的呀!”李雷的嘴角有了温暖的弧度,他慢慢地走开了……  (责任我:刘海霞)



I think the moon can affect my moods. sometimes i



runtime error (运行时错误)就是程序运行到一半,程序就崩溃了。比如说:①除以零②数组越界:int a[3]; a[10000000]=10;③指针越界:int * p; p=(int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int)); *(p+1000000)=10;④使用已经释放的空间:int * p; p=(int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int));free(p); *p=10;⑤数组开得太大,超出了栈的范围,造成栈溢出:int a[100000000];


pussy英 [ u02c8pu028asi ]n. 猫咪;〈侮辱〉阴道;adj. 多脓的,似脓的shave英 [ u0283eu026av ]vt.& vi. 剃须,剃毛;vt. 剃,削去;修剪;切成薄片;掠过;n. 刮脸,剃胡子;修面;<口>侥幸逃过,幸免;剃刀,刮刀;everytime每次;每当;每到;

Time Stands Still 歌词

歌曲名:Time Stands Still歌手:Vhs Or Beta专辑:Bring On The CometsLight fails at dawnThe moon is goneAnd deadly the night reigns(Deceit)Finally I"ve found myselfIn these landsHorror and madness I"ve seen hereFor what I became a king of the lost?Barren and lifeless the land liesLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillI stand aloneNoone"s by my sideI"ll dare youCome outYou cowardNow it"s me or youHe gleams like a starAnd the sound of his horn"sLike a raging stormProudly the high lordChallenges the doomLord of slaves he criesSlowly in fearThe dark lord appearsWelcome to my landsYou shall be damnedLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe iron crownedIs getting closerSwings his hammerDown on himLike a thunderstormHe"s crushingDown the Noldor"sProudest kingUnder my footSo hopeless it seemsYou"ve troubled my dayNow feel the painLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Elvenking"s brokenHe stumbles and fallsThe most proud and most valiantHis spirit survivesPraise our kingPraise our kingPraise our kingPraise our king

怎么合理利用时间 How to Use Time Effectively

Today our topic is how to take full use of your spare time. In our life, some of students go to Internet bar and gradually get addicted to computer games. others may spend much of spare time in watching TV, which is a waste of youth. I think we should make the best of our spare time and try the best to beautify our life. Therefore, I think in the spare time, we can read books to enrich our knowledge. What"s more, doing some sports is a good choice. After all, a good body is the base of everything else. In addition, we can also take part in some classes for interests, like piano class or painting class. All in all, it is highly important that we make the most of our spare time.


在百度上找到的, 你看看,可能会有帮助的MIME 编码方式简介 Subject: =?gb2312?B?xOO6w6Oh?= 这里是邮件的主题,可是因为编码了,我们看不出是什么内容,其原来的文本是: “你好!”我们先看看 MIME 编码的两种方法。 对邮件进行编码最初的原因是因为 Internet 上的很多网关不能正确传输8 bit 内码的字符,比如汉字等。编码的原理就是把 8 bit 的内容转换成 7 bit 的形式以能正确传输,在接收方收到之后,再将其还原成 8 bit 的内容。 MIME 是“多用途网际邮件扩充协议”的缩写,在 MIME 协议之前,邮件的编码曾经有过 UUENCODE 等编码方式 ,但是由于 MIME 协议算法简单,并且易于扩展,现在已经成为邮件编码方式的主流,不仅是用来传输 8 bit 的字符,也可以用来传送二进制的文件 ,如邮件附件中的图像、音频等信息,而且扩展了很多基于MIME 的应用。从编码方式来说,MIME 定义了两种编码方法Base64与QP(Quote-Printable) : Base 64 是一种通用的方法,其原理很简单,就是把三个Byte的数据用 4 个Byte表示,这样,这四个Byte 中,实际用到的都只有前面6 bit,这样就不存在只能传输 7bit 的字符的问题了。Base 64的缩写一般是“B”,像这封信中的Subject 就是用的 Base64 编码。 另一种方法是QP(Quote-Printable) 方法,通常缩写为“Q”方法,其原理是把一个 8 bit 的字符用两个16进制数值表示,然后在前面加“=”。所以我们看到经过QP编码后的文件通常是这个样子:=B3=C2=BF=A1=C7=E5=A3=AC=C4=FA=BA=C3=A3=A1。 ------------------------------------------------------ 参考资料:我想你说的解码不成功的可能是QP编码


SAT=Saturday 的缩写, 周六的意思C/F 摄氏/华氏 (度数转换)TIME (目前时间)

timeo Danaos et dona ferentes是什么意思

"Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" is a Latin phrase from Aeneid (II, 49), written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC. It has been paraphrased in English as the proverb "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts(小心希腊人的糖衣炮弹)".其意思与 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年不安好心 大意一致

the daytime economy是什么意思?



time out暂停,时间到;超时[网络短语]Time out 超时,时出,暂停w Time-out 为每次回复所等待的毫秒数technical time-out 技术暂停


minimeter是毫米,1毫米等于0.1厘米。长度单位毫米mm,英文全称为millimeter,其英文读音为["mu026alu026au02ccmi:tu0259] 或者 ["mu026alu0259u02ccmitu0259] 。3.14m用英文读读作 three point one four meters。mm为常用得的长度单位。其它国际单位是“米”(符号“m”),常用单位有毫米(mm)、厘米(cm)、分米(dm)、千米(km)、米(m)、微米(μm)、纳米(nm)等等。长度单位在各个领域都有重要的作用。长度关系换算:1km=1000m=10000dm=100000cm=1 000 000mm1mm=1 000μm=1 000 000nm扩展资料:千米km英文全称:kilometer米m英文全称英文:meter分米dm英文全称:decimetre厘米cm英文全称:centimetre微米μm英文全称:micrometre纳米nm英文全称:nanometer


能教我下机票黑屏时间查询TIME 1)TKT

estimated time of departure是什么意思


estimated time of arrival是什么意思

estimated time of arrival预计到达时间;估计到达时间;到港日;预计到达日双语例句1. ETA : show Estimated Time of Arrival of copied files. 显示估计了到达时间被复制的文件.2. The announcement contains estimated time of arrival, local time and weather conditions. 通告包括预计到达时间, 当地的时间和天气状况.3. What is the estimated time of arrival? 估计到达时间是什么时候?*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

exchange 2007 outlook能收发,owa方式访问提示440 login timeout,如何处理,急!!!


It is time that we_____strong action against terrorism.

选B。 took。It"s time + that clause 时,从句中的谓语动词有两种形式,或者用动词的过去式(be用were);或者用shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略)。此句型为虚拟语气句型,表示“现在某人该做某事了”。例: It"s time (that)we went to bed. 我们该去睡觉了。 It"s high time that the article were published. 发表这篇文章是适时的。 It"s time you should do cleaning. 你该去打扫卫生了。

DALLAS DS12C887 REAL TIME 模块是做什么用的

在智能化仪器仪表中,往往需要走时准确的实时时钟为多通道数据采集、定时及实时控制提供精确的时间基准和同步信号。目前,实现实时时钟的方法主要有软件时钟(由软件计时实现)、硬件时钟(由硬件时钟芯片实现)、GPS时钟(由全球卫星定位系统提供)等。软件时钟具有硬件开销小、成本低、外围电路简单等优点。但由于时钟是靠软件延时实现的,运行过程中不仅要占用大量的CPU时间,而且计时精度低、走时误差较大,在智能化仪器仪表中很少采用。GPS(全球卫星定位系统)提供的实时时钟信号虽然具有相当高的精度,但由于GPS产品成本高,在普通智能化仪器仪表中很少采用。本文介绍一种较新的实时时钟芯片DS12C887及其与AT89C51单片机的软硬件接口。1 DS12C887的特点及引脚描述DS12C887是由美国达拉斯半导体公司推出的CMOS并行实时时钟芯片,它与目前微型计算机主机板中普遍采用的MC146818、DS12887时钟芯片引脚完全兼容,可以直接替换。DS12C887将时钟电路、晶振及其外围电路、锂电池及其相关电路等嵌装成一体,并具有与微处理器的并行接口,可方便地用于对时钟精度要求较高的智能化仪器仪表中。DS12C887的主要功能特点有:(1)内含锂电池。当外电源电压降到3 V以下时,时钟自动将电源切换到由芯片内部锂电池供电,在外电源断电的收稿日期:2002—05~20作者简介:宋雨潭(1972一),女,吉林长春人,工程师。情况下,时钟可以连续运行10 a而不丢失数据。(2)具有秒、分、时、日、月、年、世纪、星期计时及闰年自动校正功能。(3)可根据用户需要选择24/12 h运行方式和夏令时运行方式。(4)由硬件选择MOTOROLA和INTEL总线时序,便于和不同的微处理器相连接。(5)内含128字节掉电保持RAM单元,其中10字节用于存储时钟日历和报警信息,4字节用于状态控制寄存器,其余I14字节供用户存储需要掉电保持的信息和数据。(6)有3个可编程中断源,可与各种微处理器中断系统相连接。(7)有一个可编程方波信号输出引脚,根据用户需要输出不同频率的方波信号。DS12C887引脚排列见图1,DS12C887各引脚功能见表1。表1 DS1287引脚功能描述管脚号 标识符 主要功能MOTOROLA与I L总线时序选择1 MOT MOT=1:M I、[)R01 A总线时序MOT=0:INTEL总线时序2、3、16Nc 保留(空闲)2U 一224—11 AEO—AD7 双向地址/数据复用总线2 1381212887状态控制寄存器1381212887内部存储器组织见图2。下面着重介绍影响DS12C887功能和工作状态的状态控制寄存器A—D。VCCSQWNCNCNCTiiRESETDSNCR/WASCS地址 内容ooH 秒01H 秒报警02H 分03H 分报警04H 时05H 时报警06H 星期07H 日O8H 月09H 往0AH 寄存器A0BH 寄存器B0CH 寄存器C0DH 寄存器D0EH 用户数据区I I7FH 用户数据区图1 DS12(2887引脚排列(1)状态控制寄存器A(地址XXOAH)bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bitl bitoUIP DV2 DVl Dv0 RS3 RS2 RSl RSoUIP:数据更新标志位。UIP=1,数据更新转换将很快发生。UIP:0,数据更新转换将在244 以后发生。DV0一DV2:内部晶振控制位。为防止DS12C887内部锂电池在装入系统前被消耗,用户可以通过软件设置DV0一DV2将内部晶振关闭。只有当DV0=0,DV1=I,DV2:0时才打开内部晶振允许计时。RS3一RS0:SQW 方波输出和周期中断频率选择控制位。不同的组合用于选择不同的输出方波频率和中断周期。具体组合见表2。表2 周期性中断周期和方波频率选择表状态控制寄存器A不受复位信号的影响,除UIP位以外,其它各位均可进行读写操作。(2)状态控制寄存器B(地址)()(0BH)状态控制寄存器B用于控制DS12C887的工作状态。每一位均可进行读写操作。bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bitl KtoSET PIE AIE UIE WQWE D/M 24[12 溉SET:更新控制位。SET:0,芯片每秒走时一次。SET:1,禁止时间更新。当对芯片时间和日期进行设置时,应由软件将SET位置1,设置完毕时再将其清零。PIE、AIE、UIE:周期中断、报警中断、更新结束中断允许位。当某一位或几位为1时,允许芯片由IRQ引脚发出中断申请信号。SQWE:可编程方波输出允许位。当该位置1时,SQW引脚按状态控制寄存器A中选定的频率输出方波信号。DM:二进制/BCD数据格式选择位。DM =1,数据以二进制格式存储;DM=0,数据以BCD格式存储。24/12:24/12 h模式选择位。该位置1选择24 h计时方式,该位清零选择12 h计时方式。DSE:夏时制选择位。DSE=1。夏时制自动调整;DSE=0,不使用夏时制。(3)状态控制寄存器C(地址XXOCH)状态控制寄存器C的各位用于指示芯片的工作状态。bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bitl bitoIRQP PF VF 0 0 0 0维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com第3期 宋雨潭.DS12C887及其在智能化仪器仪表中的应用IRQF:中断申请标志位。当该位为1时,IRQ输出低电平,向CPU发中断申请信号。使IRQF=1的逻辑表达式为:IRQF=PF * PIE 十AF * AIE 十UF * UIE。PF、AF、uF:周期中断、报警中断、更新周期结束中断标志位。当某一中断条件满足时相应标志位被置1。Bit0一bit3:保留标志位。这些位读出值始终为0,并且不允许用户写入。(4)状态控制寄存器D(地址XXODH)D寄存器只有VRT位可用,该位用于指示芯片内锂电池的工作状态。正常时VRT=1,锂电池耗尽时VRT=0,此时读出的数据无效。该寄存器的其它各位均为厂家保留位,读出值始终为零,不允许用户向这些位写入数据。bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bitl bitoVRT 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 13812(2887与A 9C51单片机的接口AT89C51是美国ATMEL公司生产的具有MCS51内核的8位单片机产品。该单片机具有时钟频率高(最24MHz)、运行速度快、内含4KB EEPROM、P0口驱动能力强(最大20mA)等特点,在智能化仪器仪表中得到了广泛的应用。在某智能化仪器中13812(2887与AT89C51的接口电路部分如图3所示。+5 VI K502图3 DS12C887与A1 9c5l接El电路由硬件连接图可知13812(2887内部存储器起始地址为7F00H,时间、日历及报警信息分别存储在7F00H一7F09H单元中,状态控制寄存器A—D 的地址分别为:7FOAH、7FOBH、7F0CH、7F0DH。4 13812(2887编程由AT89C51和13812(2887构成的时问获取电路的初始89化程序如下:XBYTE[0x7F00十0x0B]=0x82;XBYTE[0x7F00十0xOA]=0xA0;XBYTE[0x7F00十0x0A]=0x20;XBYTE[0x7F00十0x0B]=0x02;/*所有的中断禁止,24 h制,BCD码格式*/以下为获取时间程序unsigned char data time-c~ tuW ,time-year,time—month,time-date,time-week;unsigned char data time-hour,time-minute,time-second;if((XBYTE[0x7F00十0x0A]&0x80)!=0){time-century=XBYTE[0x7F00+0x32];/*读取世纪*|t"ime-year=XBYTE[0x7F00十0x90];/*读取年份*/time-month=. XBYI"E[0x7F00+0x08];/*读取月份*/time-date=XBYTE[0x7F00+0x07];/*读取日期*/time-week=XBYTE[0x7F00+0x06];/*读取星期*/time-hour=XBYTE[0x7F00+0x04];/*读取小时*/time-m;nute=XBYTE[0x7F00+0x02];/*读取分钟*/time-second=XBYTE[0x7F00+0x00];/*读取秒钟*/}5 I]sl2C887应用注意事项(1)DS12C887具有报警中断功能。当报警中断时间写入相应的时、分、秒报警单元时,报警中断每天准时发生一次。当在三个报警单元中插入一个或多个不关心码(()0H—FFH十六进制数)时,可以设定较短的报警周期。例如:在时报警单元中插入不关心码,则报警每小时发生一次;在时、分报警单元中均插入不关心码,则报警每分钟发生一次;若在3个报警单元中均插人不关心码,报警1 S将发生一次。(2)当采用查 、报警中断和周期中断方法读取时钟日历信息时,需要由软件查询状态控制寄存器A的UIP位,当UIP=0时,数据更新结束,读取的数据有效。否则。当更新周期正在进行时(UIP=1)将造成读取数据错误。(3)在进行时钟日历校正时,首先要停止时钟运行,即将状态控制寄存器中B的SET位清零。(4)在保存13812(2887时钟芯片时,要通过软件将状态控制寄存器A中DV2一DVO设置为非010组合,关闭芯片内部晶振,避免锂电池耗尽。



C语言问题!OJ系统总是提示 run time error: segmentation fault

segmentation段错误A和B的数组太小了。。题目中说是小于250位,你直接定250位有点小而且你第一位是AA[1]那么如果输入的是249位,你最后一位就是AA[249],按照你的程序,还有个回车就是AA[250],而AA的下标是从0-249的,这样你就出错了。这道题你搞个整数256多好啊,再豪放点300更好。(128mb的空间限制呢,可以存128*1024*1024个char,不用白不用)最好把放在全局变量,这样消耗的是堆内存,程序在一开始会自动申请一部分空间来存全局变量如果存在函数里,那么存在了栈上,那么程序开始的后,如果没有手动扩栈,空间是一定的,容易栈溢出,就成stack error了

翻译 at the latest equal to the time period of shelf-life after receipt as defined on the CoA


shelf life staging time exposure time 是什么意思

shelf life staging time exposure time保质期时间暴露时间shelf life staging time exposure time保质期时间暴露时间

4fulltimeWD 车尾上的字母 车logo里好像有只老虎 这是什么车

VERTU 手机IMEI码查询:353154060147210

查询IMEI353154060147210 手机品牌Vertu 手机型号Signature Touch IMEI由15位数字组成,每位数字仅使用0~9的数字,其组成为:1、前6位数(TAC,Type Approval Code)是“型号核准号码”,一般代表机型。2、接着的2位数(FAC,Final Assembly Code)是“最后装配号”,一般代表产地。3、之后的6位数(SNR,Serial Number,出厂序号)是“串号”,一般代表生产顺序号。4、最后1位数(SP)通常是“0”,为检验码,备用。


#include <stdio.h>int prime(int a);void main(void){int InputNumber;int ReturnNumber;printf("Please input a number:");scanf("%d",&InputNumber);ReturnNumber = prime(InputNumber);if(ReturnNumber == 0)printf("The number is a prime ");else if(ReturnNumber == 1)printf("The number is not a prime ");return ;}int prime(int a){int divisor;int remainder;for(divisor = 2; divisor < a; divisor ++){remainder = a%divisor;if(remainder == 0 ){break;}}if(divisor == a)return 0;if(divisor != a || a == 1)return 1;}

翻译一段中文,关于free-time activities

Free-time activities After bustles about study work, the people may engage in theleisures activity When weekend, the people may engage in the outdoorsactivity, for example: Plays the basketball, kicks soccer and so on,my usual free time activities is playing basketball. Regarding theretired people, may fish, fly the kite, folkdance and so on, in brief,the people may have the very many leisures activity

for a long time he has been __ the causes of sleep


《The First Time》的歌词?

We were both young when I first saw you当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air我站在阳台上,空气里,浓浓的,是夏天的味道See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装See you make your way through the crowd看见你费劲地从人群中挤出来And say hello, little did I know That you were Romeo对我打招呼,呵,至少让我知道了你的名字叫“罗密欧”You were throwing pebbles你(对着我家的窗户)扔小石子儿And my daddy said stay away from Juliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点And I was crying on the staircase(可是这时)我却蜷坐在楼梯间里偷偷地抹眼泪Begging you please don"t go And I said在心底里祈求你不要离开 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是,我偷偷摸摸地溜到小花园去见你We keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knew我们压抑着声息,被他们发现我们就完蛋了So close your eyes, Love Story MV那么,闭上你的双眼escape this town for a little while逃避这个喧嚣的尘世,即使只有如此短暂的一刻Oh, oh, oh "Cause you were Romeo,正因为你的出现I was a scarlet letter我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩And my daddy said stay away from Juliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点But you were everything to me但我又怎么能够承受没有你的痛苦I was begging you please don"t go于是,我无时无刻不在祈求你不要离开And I said Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone我说,罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧Romeo, save me,they"re trying to tell me how to feel Love Story MV罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧 他们总在试图左右我的思想This love is difficult, but it"s real我们的爱情面对着重重的困难,却无比的忠诚坚贞Don"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this mess不要害怕,(我相信)我们终究会冲破困境It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我oh,oh I got tired of waiting,我厌倦了似乎无穷无尽的等待wondering if you were ever coming around渐渐开始怀疑你是否会如期出现在我面前My faith in you was fading曾经坚定的信念,也渐渐开始动摇when I met you on the outskirts of town当我再一次在小镇的郊外与你相会And I said Romeo save me, I"ve been feeling so alone我说,罗密欧,救救我,我再也无法承受这孤独的煎熬I keep waiting for you but you never come我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪Is this in my head, I don"t know what to think我脑子里乱糟糟的,一片空白,又像是一团浆糊He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring梦中的他此时正虔诚地跪在我的面前,捧出一枚戒指And said Marry me, Juliet, you"ll never have to be alone他说,嫁给我吧,茱丽叶,你再也不会是独自一人I love you and that"s all I really know Love Story MV我爱你,我只知道这一件事情I talked to your dad,go pick out a white dress我和你的父亲谈过了,快去挑选你洁白的嫁衣It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这是我们的爱情故事,宝贝请答应我Oh, oh, oh, oh噢,我不禁又想起了,We were both young when I first saw you我第一次看见你的时候,那时,我们还年轻

It is simply a matter of time中simply修饰睡啊

修饰 is。翻译为它只是时间问题。simply在这里是副词。副词一般修饰动词,这里是be动词is希望能帮助到你,记得采纳我的答案哦~

请求解答vietnamese ime的问题


site:域名 是用来查什么的?例如


The site you are accessing matched the timeout or

The site you are accessing matched the timeout or default actin. The URL翻译成中文是:正在访问的站点匹配超时或默认的ACTIN。URL

CFA培训哪家比较靠谱呢,还有谁能帮忙解释下Time-weighted return和 Money-weighted return区别呢?


real-time PCR 、quantitative RT-PCR 和absolute quantitative real-time PCR的区别

Q-PCR就是定量的PCR,这其中包含real-time PCRreal-time PCR指的是用可以实时检测信号的机器来做PCR,最常用的是roche的light cycler和applied biosystems的机器,一般就是在PCR反应中加dye或者probe,每一个cycle都读一下荧光强度Q-PCR还可以用其他的方法做,大部分其实都算作semi-quantitative,比如用普通的PCR机器做,保证在PCR的反应的线性区域的时候停止反应,这个时候得到的DNA的量应该是比较能够定量的(也经常有人添加含反射性元素P32的dCTP到反应中,敏感度比一般的PCR高)至于RT PCR,就是指reverse transcription的PCR,就是从RNA得到cDNA以后进行的PCR,跟real time没有什么直接关系至于absolute,其实就是在做Q-PCR的时候做一个已知浓度的DNA/RNA/cDNA的standard curve,然后根据未知浓度的样品PCR的结果在这个strandard curve的位置来估计未知样品的浓度






方舟生存进化永恒mod中有很多Prime生物,这些生物可能新手玩家不清楚在什么位置,下面给大家分享一些Prime生物召唤代码,下面一起来看看吧。永恒Prime生物召唤代码分享Prime Allosaurus(异特龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Allo/Prime_Allo_Character_BP.Prime_Allo_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Araneo(蜘蛛):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Spider/AZPrimeSpiderS_Character_BP.AZPrimeSpiderS_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Araneo Spiderling(小蜘蛛):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Spider/AZPrimeMinpiderS_Character_BP.AZPrimeMinpiderS_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Argentavis(阿根廷巨鹰):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Argent/Prime_Argent_Character_BP.Prime_Argent_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Argentavis TLC(阿根廷巨鹰进化版):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Argent/Prime_Argent_Character_BP_TLC.Prime_Argent_Character_BP_TLC"" 500 0 0 35Prime Baryonyx(重爪龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Baryonyx/AZ-Prime_Baryonyx_Character_BP_Aberrant.AZ-Prime_Baryonyx_Character_BP_Aberrant"" 500 0 0 35Prime Beelzebufo(魔鬼蛙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Frog/Prime_Toad_Character_BP.Prime_Toad_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Carnotaurus(牛龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Carno/Prime_Carno_Character_BP.Prime_Carno_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Carnotaurus Minion(牛龙进化版):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Carno/Prime_Carno_Character_BP_Minion.Prime_Carno_Character_BP_Minion"" 500 0 0 35Prime Chalicotherium(砂矿兽):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Chalico/Prime_Chalico_Character_BP.Prime_Chalico_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Daeodon(凶齿_):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Daedon/Prime_Daeodon_Character_BP.Prime_Daeodon_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Deinonychus(恐爪龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/DeinoNychus/Prime_Deinonychus_Character_BP.Prime_Deinonychus_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Diplodocus(梁龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Diplo/Prime_Diplodocus_Character_BP.Prime_Diplodocus_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Dire Bear(恐熊):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Direbear/Prime_Direbear_Character_BP.Prime_Direbear_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Direwolf(恐狼):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Wolf/PrimeDirewolf_Character_BP.PrimeDirewolf_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Diving Wyvern(飞龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Wyvern/Prime_DivingWyvern_Character_BP.Prime_DivingWyvern_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Dodo(渡渡鸟):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Dodo/Prime_Dodo_Character_BP.Prime_Dodo_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Dragon(喷火龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Dragon/Prime_Dragon_Character_BP.Prime_Dragon_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Phoenix(凤凰):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Phoenix/Prime_Phoenix_Character_BP.Prime_Phoenix_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Pteranodon(无齿翼龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Ptero/Prime_Ptero_Character_BP.Prime_Ptero_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Raptor(迅猛龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Raptor/Prime_Raptor_Character_BP.Prime_Raptor_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Rex(霸王龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Rex/Prime_Rex_Character_BP.Prime_Rex_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Rock Drake(岩龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/RockDrake/PrimeRockDrake_Character_BP.PrimeRockDrake_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Sabertooth(剑齿虎):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Saber/Prime_Saber_Character_BP.Prime_Saber_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Spinosaur(棘背龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Spino/PrimeSpino_Character_BP.PrimeSpino_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Therizinosaur(镰刀龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Therizino/Prime_Therizino_Character_BP.Prime_Therizino_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Tiger(老虎):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Tiger/Prime_Tiger_Character_BP.Prime_Tiger_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Thylacoleo(袋狮):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Thylacoleo/Prime_Thylacoleo_Character_BP.Prime_Thylacoleo_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Triceratops(三角龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Trike/Prime_Trike_Character_BP.Prime_Trike_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Woolly Rhinoceros(披毛犀):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Rhino/Prime_Rhino_Character_BP.Prime_Rhino_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Wyvern(飞龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Wyvern/Prime_Wyvern_Character_BP.Prime_Wyvern_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35Prime Yutyrannus(羽暴龙):admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint"/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Prime/Yutyrannus/Prime_Yutyrannus_Character_BP.Prime_Yutyrannus_Character_BP"" 500 0 0 35


1)interactive_timeout: 参数含义:服务器关闭交互式连接前等待活动的秒数。交互式客户端定义为在mysql_real_connect()中使用CLIENT_INTERACTIVE选项的客户端。 参数默认值:28800秒(8小时) (2)wait_timeout: 参数含义:服务器关闭非交互连接之前等待活动的秒数。 在线程启动时,根据全局wait_timeout值或全局interactive_timeout值初始化会话wait_timeout值,取决于客户端类型(由mysql_real_connect()的连接选项CLIENT_INTERACTIVE定义)。 参数默认值:28800秒(8小时) MySQL服务器所支持的最大连接数是有上限的,因为每个连接的建立都会消耗内存,因此我们希望客户端在连接到My SQL Server 处理完相应的操作后,应该断开连接并释放占用的内存。如果你的MySQL Server有大量的闲置连接,他们不仅会白白消耗内存,而且如果连接一直在累加而不断开,最终肯定会达到MySQL Server的连接上限数,这会报"too many connections"的错误。对于wait_timeout的值设定,应该根据系统的运行情况来判断。在系统运行一段时间后,可以通过show processlist命令查看当前系统的连接状态,如果发现有大量的sleep状态的连接进程,则说明该参数设置的过大,可以进行适当的调整小些。 问题: 如果在配置文件my.cnf中只设置参数wait_timeout=100,则重启服务器后进入,执行: Mysql> show variables like “%timeout%”; 会发现参数设置并未生效,仍然为28800(即默认的8个小时)。 查询资料后,要同时设置interactive_timeout和wait_timeout才会生效。 【mysqld】 wait_timeout=100 interactive_timeout=100 重启MySQL Server进入后,查看设置已经生效。

遥控器的英文缩写都是什么意思??? set???min???hour????timer????P?

set???设置min???分钟hour????小时timer????定时器P:不知你这是控制什么的遥控器,“暂停”、“播放”、“编程”都可以缩写成 P

All the tasks having been fulfilled ahead of time

这是语法里面的独立主格结构。如果不用having 而用have的话,就会出现俩个完整的句子并列而中间没有连词的状况,这是不允许的。所以为了同时兼顾句意完整,重点突出和语法准确,把相当不重要的句子谓语变成ing形式



excel里的字体,要求中文是宋体,同时英文是Times new roman,如何操作?


Few mortals could stick to that harsh a regimen 这


a visitor was walking around times square in new


For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Hank Crawford&Jimmy McGriff专辑:Road TestedI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say we"ll never ever partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe me, babyI"ve given you my heartI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever, whenever, whenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI"ve given you my heartFor sentimental reasonsI"ve given you my heart

For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Django Reinhardt专辑:Peche A La MoucheNat King Cole - (I Love You) For Sentimental ReasonsI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIll give you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say well never partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, Im never lonelyWhenever you are in sightI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIve given you my heartinstrumental interludeI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIve given you my heart

winner sentimental 百度云

全专资源 密码:hnxr 满意请采纳哦~

A Sentimental Man 歌词

歌曲名:A Sentimental Man歌手:Joel Grey专辑:WickedA Sentimental ManWIZARDI am a sentimental manWho always longed to be a fatherThat"s why I do the best I canTo treat each citizen of Oz as a son -Or daughterSo Elphaba, I"d like to raise you high"Cuz I think everyone deservesThe chance to flyAnd helping you with your ascent al-Lows me to feel so parentalFor I am a sentimental manA Sentimential ManinWickedStephen Schwartz

winner sentimental谁写的

作曲 南太铉 姜旭镇作词 南太铉 宋闵浩 李胜勋编曲 南太铉 姜旭镇

Christmas Time Is Here (Sentimental Season Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Time Is Here (Sentimental Season Album Version)歌手:David Huntsinger专辑:Sentimental SeasonChristmas time is here - diana krall (JAZZ)christmas time is here(Guaraldi/Mendelson)Christmas time is hereHappiness and cheerFun for all that children callTheir favorite time of the yearSnowflakes in the airCarols everywhereOlden times and ancient rhymesOf love and dreams to shareSleigh bells in the airBeauty everywhereYuletide by the firesideAnd joyful memories thereChristmas time is hereWe"ll be drawing nearOh that we could always seeSuch spirit through the yearSleigh bells in the airBeauty everywhereYuletide by the firesideAnd joyful memories thereChristmas time is hereWe"ll be drawing nearOh that we could always seeSuch spirit through the year

求 Sentimental Rain~爱の悲しみ 的歌词

《Sentimental Rain~爱の悲しみ》歌词:駆け足で过ぎてくヒト 雨 雨ねえため息も出ないくらいに速く 速く大切な想い出堕ちて 堕ちる 全て拾って集めたけど违うピースだらけで本当の本当に欲しかったものなのにどうしてもどうしても掴めないんだろう愿っても祈ってもあぁすり抜けて指の间を泳ぐ何回も何回も期待してはみたけど全然上手く奏でられないまま痛い目に声あげてそう泣いて泣いたら雨と共に流してそう笑って笑って明日をはじめよう辉きを求めてユメ 雨 雨ねえ何日続くか分からず迷い 迷う単纯な约束回り 回って 巡る守って抱きしめても苦いシール贴られて本当の本当に欲しかったものはそういつでもいつでも远<で光る追いついて触ってもあぁすり抜けて心の中消えて何度も何度もュメに见たけど全然上手く近づけないまま弱い手に声あげてそう叫び叫んで切ない雨に流したら笑って笑って明日を乗せよう本当の本当に欲しかったものなのにどうしてもどうしても掴めないんだろう愿っても祈ってもあぁすり抜けて指の间を泳ぐ何回も何回も期待してはみたけど全然上手く奏でられないまま痛い目に声あげてそう泣いて泣いたら雨と共に流してそう笑って笑って明日をはじめる光って光って希望の中へ笑って笑って明日を乗せよう

Track 1 / Sentimental Kills的歌词

- Sentimental Kills -Everytime when I fell asleepI wish I won"t pretend to sleepOh-No-Maybe I am a freakEverytime when I shed a tearHow I wish I won"t take responsibility to make you sorryBut the lazy days lie on my bedThe story goes on years go byThe shadow tells me Sentimental KillsEverytime when I fell asleepI wish I really have a beautiful dreamTo make me happyPlease save save save me

Sentimental Kills


The sentimental touch(真情的接触) 歌词

歌曲名:The sentimental touch(真情的接触)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:最爱爵士情歌1(爵色恋曲)The sentimental touch(真情的接触)贵族乐团The sentimental touchCan fill a heart with suchsweet madnessThe sentimental touchCan often leave too muchsweet sadnessWith your warm and tender kissThrilling my lipsWhat could I doIf my dream were made of thisWho was to blame outside of youThose hide-away cafesThe sentimental ways about youEnchanted by romanceI never had a chance todoubt youWhy do I still rememberNow that we"re miles apartThe sentimental touchThat broke a sentimental heartThose hide-away cafesThe sentimental ways about youEnchanted by romanceI never had a chance to doubt youWhy do I still rememberNow that we"re miles apartThe sentimental touchThat broke a sentimental heartThe sentimental touchThat broke a sentimental heart译文:真情的接触一个真情的接触能够使一颗心满怀如此甜蜜的狂野一个真情的接触往往能够驱离无数的甜蜜哀伤用你的温暖与甜蜜的吻颤动我的双唇我该怎么办若是我的梦中都是我们以往单独相处在浪漫咖啡吧的景象除了你 我还能怪谁你的真情接触魂牵梦萦在罗曼史之中我不曾怀疑过你为什么我仍然记得即使我们相隔遥远的距离一个真情的接触会使一颗善感的心破碎我们以往单独相处在浪漫咖啡吧的景象你的真情接触魂牵梦萦在罗曼史之中我不曾怀疑过你为什么我仍然记得即使我们相隔遥远的距离一个真情的接触会使一颗善感的心破碎

My Sentimental Friend 歌词

歌曲名:My Sentimental Friend歌手:Herman S Hermits专辑:The Very Best OfOn the floor the people dance aroundMoving close togetherBut there are all alone in the cornerThere"s a girl I once knewWho broke me in twoSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereI recall the way she used to feelWhen we heard a sad songTeh teardrops would fallAnd she hold me and tell meShe"ll be forever with meSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend..........

sentimental kills是什么意思??

直译:多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) 意为:多愁善感的痛苦犹如死亡般折磨着我----陈绮贞《sentimental kills》原词及翻译如下:Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I won""t pretend to sleep 我希望我不要假装睡著 Oh~no 喔~不 Maybe I am a freak 或许我是个怪人 Everytime when I shed a tear 每当我流泪 How I wish I won""t take responsibility 我多希望我不用为了 (让你感到抱歉)而负责任 To make you sorry But the lazy days lie on my bed 但是那些懒洋洋的日子在我床上 The story goes on 而这个故事继续 Years go by 年过一年 The shadow tells me 影子告诉我 Sentimental kills 多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I really have a beautiful dream 我希望我真的有一个美好的梦 To make me happy 来让我快乐 Please save save save me 请救救救救我

Sentimental Journey (2002 - Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey (2002 - Remastered)歌手:Kay Starr专辑:Movin"Doris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~

My Sentimental Friend 歌词

歌曲名:My Sentimental Friend歌手:温拿专辑:温拿三合一珍藏集On the floor the people dance aroundMoving close togetherBut there are all alone in the cornerThere"s a girl I once knewWho broke me in twoSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereI recall the way she used to feelWhen we heard a sad songTeh teardrops would fallAnd she hold me and tell meShe"ll be forever with meSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend over thereWe"ve been so long apartMake it go right to the heartOf my sentimental friend over thereBring the tears to her eyesHelp to make her realiseThe love we had was just beyond compareBut if the time is rightMaybe I"d hold her tightMy sentimental friend over thereSo won"t you please play a songA sentimental songFor my sentimental friend..........

求sentimental rain罗马音 花江夏树唱的!

駆け足で过ぎてくkakeashi de sugitekuヒト 雨 雨hito RAIN RAINねえneeため息も出ないくらいにtameiki mo denai kurai ni速く 速くFAST FAST大切な想い出taisetsuna omoide堕ちて 堕ちる 全てFALL FALL ALL拾って集めたけどhirotte atsumeta kedo违うピースだらけでchigau PIECE darake de本当の本当に欲しかったものなのにhontou no hontou ni hoshikatta mono nano niどうしてもどうしても掴めないんだろうdoushitemo doushitemo tsukamenain darou愿っても祈ってもnegattemo inottemoあぁすり抜けて指の间を泳ぐaa THROUGH THROUGH yubi no aida wo oyogu何回も何回も期待してはみたけどnankaimo nankaimo kitaishite wa mita kedo全然上手く奏でられないままzenzen umaku kanaderarenai mama痛い目に声あげてitaime ni koe ageteそう泣いて泣いたらsou CRY CRY雨と共に流してame to tomo ni nagashiteそう笑って笑ってsou SMILE SMILE明日をはじめようashita wo hajimeyou辉きを求めてkagayaki wo motometeユメ 雨 雨yume RAIN RAINねえnee何日続くか分からずnannichi tsudzukuka wakarazu迷い 迷うLOST LOST単纯な约束tanjuuna yakusoku回り 回って 巡るROLL ROLL ROUND守って抱きしめてもmamotte dakishimetemo苦いシール贴られてnigai SEAL hararete本当の本当に欲しかったものはそうhontou no hontou ni hoshikatta mono wa souいつでもいつでも远<で光るitsudemo itsudemo tookude hikaru追いついて触ってもoitsuite sawattemoあぁすり抜けて心の中消えてaa THROUGH THROUGH kokoro no naka kiete何度も何度もュメに见たけどnandomo nandomo yume ni mita kedo全然上手く近づけないままzenzen umaku chikadzukenai mama弱い手に声あげてyowai te ni koe ageteそう叫び叫んでsou CRY CRY切ない雨に流したらsetsunai ame ni nagashitara笑って笑ってSMILE SMILE明日を乗せようashita wo noseyou本当の本当に欲しかったものなのにhontou no hontou ni hoshikatta mono nano niどうしてもどうしても掴めないんだろうdoushitemo doushitemo tsukamenain darou愿っても祈ってもnegattemo inottemoあぁすり抜けて指の间を泳ぐaa THROUGH THROUGH yubi no aida wo oyogu何回も何回も期待してはみたけどnankaimo nankaimo kitaishite wa mita kedo全然上手く奏でられないままzenzen umaku kanaderarenai mama痛い目に声あげてitaime ni koe ageteそう泣いて泣いたらsou CRY CRY雨と共に流してame to tomo ni nagashiteそう笑って笑ってsou SMILE SMILE明日をはじめるashita wo hajimeru光って光ってSHINE SHINE希望の中へkibou no naka e笑って笑ってSMILE SMILE明日を乗せようashita wo noseyou

Sentimental kill歌词的翻译。

翻译的很好 但我觉得倒数2个save也是 救 的意思~

请问sentimental kills是什么意思


求sentimental kills的中文歌词

Sentimental Kills Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I won""t pretend to sleep 我希望我不要假装睡著 Oh~no 喔~不 Maybe I am a freak 或许我是个怪人 Everytime when I shed a tear 每当我流泪 How I wish I won""t take responsibility 我多希望我不用为了 (让你感到抱歉)而负责任 To make you sorry But the lazy days lie on my bed 但是那些懒洋洋的日子在我床上 The story goes on 而这个故事继续 Years go by 年过一年 The shadow tells me 影子告诉我 Sentimental kills 多愁善感很痛苦(可以杀了我) Everytime when I fall asleep 每当我睡著的时候 I wish I really have a beautiful dream 我希望我真的有一个美好的梦 To make me happy 来让我快乐 Please save save save me 请救救救救我吧

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Les Brown专辑:Best Of The Big BandsDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Max Greger & Orchester专辑:Happy Birthday - 80 Jahre - 40 HitsDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~

Sentimental Journey (Medley) 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey (Medley)歌手:The Geoff Love Banjos专辑:50 Sing-A-Long Wartime Hits潘迪华 - Sentimental Journey曲:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer词:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer编:Edward ChanGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesGot my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordLike a child in wild anticipationLong to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homeNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey home


sentimental 感伤,情绪化,多愁善感 之类的形容词

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Teddy Foster & His Band专辑:Yours Presents: We Ll Meet Again潘迪华 - Sentimental Journey曲:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer词:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer编:Edward ChanGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesGot my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordLike a child in wild anticipationLong to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homeNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey home

Sentimental Journey (Blues) 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey (Blues)歌手:Hugo Strasser专辑:Tanzalbum Des Jahrhunderts潘迪华 - Sentimental Journey曲:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer词:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer编:Edward ChanGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesGot my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordLike a child in wild anticipationLong to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homeNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey home

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Les Brown & His Orchestra专辑:Sentimental Swing: All Star Dance ClassicsDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Julie London专辑:The Very Best Of Julie London潘迪华 - Sentimental Journey曲:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer词:Bud Green/Les Brown/Ben Homer编:Edward ChanGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesGot my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordLike a child in wild anticipationLong to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homeNever thought my heart could be so yearningWhy did i decide to roamGonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey home

Sentimental Journey 歌词

歌曲名:Sentimental Journey歌手:Regina Carter专辑:I"Ll Be Seeing You: A Sentimental JourneyDoris Day - Sentimental JourneyGonna take a sentimental journeyGonna to set my heart at easeGonna make a sentimental journeyTo renew old memoriesI got my bag, got my reservationSpent each dime i could affordI like a child in wild anticipationI long to hear that "All aboard"Seven that"s the time we leave at sevenI"ll be waiting up for heavenCounting every mile of railroad trackThat takes me backI never thought my heart could be so yearningNow why did i decide to roamI gonna take a sentimental journeySentimental journey homedu du du ......Sentimental journey~The END~
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