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迈克尔杰克逊的 thriller MTV中黑人女主角叫什么

Ola Ray


这张专辑原被取名为《Starlight》(星光)和《Midnight Man》(午夜男子),后改名为《Thriller》,因为迈克尔·杰克逊觉得这个名字带有畅销潜力,专辑的创作灵感来源于柴可夫斯基的作品《胡桃夹子》。在后期制作中,迈克尔·杰克逊由于不满歌曲的混音效果,而冒着被东家起诉违约的风险重新录制了整张专辑。在专辑中,有一首名叫《Billie Jean》的歌曲,它的主要灵感来源于一位19岁的湖人美少女。另外,歌曲本身还有一个目的,它暗示着迈克尔可能是故意把自己放在因父亲身份而被诉讼的位置上。杰克逊为这首歌曲工作了几个月,并确信他手上拥有了不同寻常的东西。另外,昆西·琼斯知道这张专辑专辑仍需要另一首爆炸性的,更令人激动的歌,因此不断缠着迈克尔再写一首,结果便出现了《Beat it》。同时,这张专辑也由布鲁斯·斯维顿(Bruce Swedien)、布莱恩·班克斯(Brian Banks)、洛德·汤普顿(Rod Temperton)、布鲁斯·坎农(Bruce Cannon)、David Paich、埃迪·范·海伦(Eddie Van Halen)、史蒂夫·卢卡瑟(Steve Lukather)共同为迈克尔·杰克逊创制。2001年,迈克尔·杰克逊在自己的新专辑《Invincible》发行后,就与合作伙伴——录音工程师布鲁斯·斯维顿一起重新混音加工了《Thriller》并重新发行。新版加入了许多制作人昆西·琼斯和Temperton的采访录音和一些从未发行的曲目:其中包括《Billie Jean》的原始样本、《Carousel》、原收录在《E.T.故事书》里的《Someone In The Dark》和一段从未公开的Vincent Price旁白。 以上信息来源参考资料

Michael Jackson的《Thriller》 歌词

歌曲名:Thriller歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:ThrillerThrillerMichael JacksonIt"s close to midnight and something evil"s lurking in the darkUnder the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heartYou try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make itYou start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,You"re paralyzed"Cause this is thriller, thriller nightAnd no one"s gonna save you from the beast about to strikeYou know it"s thriller, thriller nightYou"re fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonightYou hear the door slam and realize there"s nowhere left to runYou feel the cold hand and wonder if you"ll ever see the sunYou close your eyes and hope that this is just imaginationBut all the while you hear the creature creepin" up behindYou"re out of time"Cause this is thriller, thriller nightThere ain"t no second chance against the thing with forty eyesYou know it"s thriller, thriller nightYou"re fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonightNight creatures callAnd the dead start to walk in their masqueradeThere"s no escapin" the jaws of the alien this time(they"re open wide)This is the end of your lifeThey"re out to get you, there"s demons closing in on every sideThey will possess you unless you change the number on your dialNow is the time for you and I to cuddle close togetherAll thru the night I"ll save you from the terrors on the screen,I"ll make you seeThat it"s a thriller, thriller night"Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to tryGirl, this is thriller, thriller nightSo let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,Thriller here tonightThat it"s a thriller, thriller night"Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to tryGirl, this is thriller, thriller nightSo let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,Darkness falls across the landThe midnite hour is close at handCreatures crawl in search of bloodTo terrorize y"awl"s neighborhoodAnd whosoever shall be foundWithout the soul for getting downMust stand and face the hounds of hellAnd rot inside a corpse"s shellThe foulest stench is in the airThe funk of forty thousand yearsAnd grizzly ghouls from every tombAre closing in to seal your doomAnd though you fight to stay aliveYour body starts to shiverFor no mere mortal can resistThe evil of the thriller


这张专辑是世界历史上销量最高的一张专辑,其销量纪录至今无人能破。(销量达1.04亿,吉尼斯世界纪录认证数据).据2006年底统计,其正版专辑全球销量已超过7.5亿,被载入“吉尼斯世界记录大全”。 这张专辑在一向苛刻的葛莱美奖上也大放异彩,一举捧走了7项(12项提名)大奖,加上因《E.T.故事书》而获的“最佳儿童录音奖”,Michael在葛莱美上共拿走了8项大奖,创下了个人单年度得奖的最高记录!这个记录直到2000年才被老将Carlos Santana以《Supernatural》专辑打平。《Thriller》在当年其它各大颁奖典礼上也出尽了风头,在全球获得了超过140项大小奖杯,罕有地成为音乐史上商业与艺术的双赢之作……这简直就如同1997年电影界所向披靡的《Titanic》,然而不同的是:1982年的时候,没有全球网络,没有DVD,没有数码电视,没有超速调制解调器,而冷战的敌对因素也使它没有能力进入当年共产主义阵营国家的市场大门。 可是迄今为止,这个近乎荒唐的奇迹再没有在任何当代红星身上重演——无论是红得发紫的Teen-pop组合或歌手,炙手可热的Rap/Hip-hop巨星,还是叱咤江湖数载的摇滚老将。流行和完美的定义在那一刻被Michael Jackson以《Thriller》一举推向了辉煌与极致。 除了作为一张杰出的音乐作品,《Thriller》还具有更深的历史意义。据统计,80%的80年代的美国人听过这张专辑。在它发行的两年内,这张专辑是美国国内最重要的大事,其影响不仅席卷了音乐领域,还覆遍了舞蹈、时尚和电视。对现在许多20多岁或30岁的人来说,《Thriller》是推动他们走入美国流行文化的原动力。他的音乐,涵盖流行、放克、摇滚、节奏蓝调和说唱等多种音乐元素,轻松地把将要炸得四分五裂的音乐工业拯救过来。 它不仅突破了种族界限,还为后世的黑人艺人铺下了光明大道,更为他们指明了前进的方向。正如《时代周刊》所说,是它把黑人音乐真正带回了主流世界。现在许多当红黑人歌手都在各大访谈中毫不讳言Michael和《Thriller》带给他们的巨大激励与帮助。“毫无疑问,他把我们带回了我们应该属于的地方,”Quincy评论道,“以前的黑人音乐在社会上总徘徊在二流地位,但它的灵魂却是整个流行文化的马达。Michael把世界上所有的心灵联系到了一起。” 在它最初发行时,评论界(多数为白人)就对它偏爱有加。但他们后来和唱片公司的老板(也多数为白人)一样没有想到这种偏爱使《Thriller》之火燃遍了世界。 “他塑造了一种安全的——评论界称为‘大众化"——非种族挑衅性的音乐和形象,”科罗拉多大学的社会学副教授Jarl Ahlkvist说道,“也许那表明了一种渴望交流的意愿。我猜想这张专辑在美国和世界各地的成功是因为它吸引了占人数优势的白人听众群。青年们(无论是何种族)在俱乐部里、在大街上跟着它的音乐歌唱着,舞蹈着。Michael成为了黑人青年心目中的英雄和希望,成为了一个活生生的“美国梦”。如Quincy Jones指出的那样:“这样的胜利在以往从来没有发生在任何黑人艺人身上。”《Thriller》的成功告诉我们这样一条信息:心灵需要交流而非相互隔离。 2008年,《Thriller》得到了历史的认正,被列入美国国家宝藏,国会图书馆将这张专辑永久收藏......


thriller中文翻译如下:n.惊悚片;(尤指关于罪案或间谍的)惊险小说(或戏剧、电影)。Thriller,英语单词,主要用作名词,意为“惊险小说;使人毛骨悚然的东西;使人毛骨悚然的小说”。双语例句:But if I told you that this passage was an excerpt from a thriller, that fact might impact your answer。但是,如果我告诉你这段话摘自一篇惊险小说,这个事实可能就会影响你的答案了。Butt if I told you that this passage was an excerpt from a thriller, that fact might impact your answer。但是,如果我告诉你这段话摘自一篇惊险小说,这个事实可能就会影响你的答案了。“The Fear Index” is an escapist thriller to rank with the best of them, and as a guide to what hedge funds actually do, it is surprisingly clear and instructive。《恐惧指数》是逃避现实的惊险小说里最棒的作品之一。 而作为介绍对冲基金究竟是做什么的指南,它出人意外地清晰了然并启人深思。

thriller 是什么意思


The early bird will catch worms是什么意思


英语optical illusion什么意思?


bake roast grill fry stew steam有什么区别

grill:在烤架(用平行金属条制成的烹调用具)上烤. bake:用热量干烤,尤指在烤炉里. roast:用热量干烤,在烤炉里,或用煤炭. fry:干炸 vt.蒸,散发;用蒸汽处理 vi.蒸,冒水汽 stew: vt.炖,炖汤;焖;忧虑;受闷热 steam: vt.蒸,散发;用蒸汽处理 vi.蒸,冒水汽

Billy Talent的《Red Flag》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Flag歌手:Billy Talent专辑:666 LiveCast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayCast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayWell I"ve never seen us act like this,Our only hope is the minds of kids,And they"ll show us a thing or twoOur only weapons are the guns of youth,It"s only time before they tighten the noose,And then the hunt will be on for youThe red flag waving never meant the same…The red flag waving never meant the same…Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayCast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayLike the smallest bee packs a sting,Like a pawn checkmates a king,We"ll attack at the crack of dawnBuild a ladder if there"s a wall,Don"t be afraid to slip and fall,Speak for yourself, or they"ll speak for youThe red flag waving never meant the same…The red flag waving never meant the same…Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayCast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayLike a fire, don"t need waterLike a jury, needs a liarLike riot, don"t need orderLike a madman, needs a martyrWe don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayCast off the crutch that kills the pain,The red flag waving never meant the sameThe kids of tomorrow don"t need today,When they live in the sins of yesterdayWe don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!We don"t need them!

we will be landing at Airport为什么时be landing

这个结构是英语中的将来进行时,形式是:主语 + shall/will + be + 现在分词。它表示的是“将来某一时刻或某一阶段内将要发生的动作”。所以这句话的意思是:我们将要降落在机场了。

我朋友买的万宝路下面写着是英文smoking kills , 我买的万宝路花了130 盒下面写着:吸烟有害健康 戒烟可减


英文 ( will & will be)

如果用你的例子意思是: I will go to school. = 我将会上学去(去返学)...是表达一个行动go是将会在将来发生这预计事实(情况) I will be going to school. = 我将要出发去上学...是表达在短时间内会成全(或做出)be那going的行动。所以这句会在你出发前才跟另一个人讲或写这句时一定要附加指出这将要发生的处境...例如I will be going to school when the rain stops. will be亦表示将会成为配以noun的意思 例: I will be home = I will be at home (回到家中) I will be upset = 我将会不高兴。(由于某些将会发生或被动地而影响心情)。 这问题的文法理论标准答案还是请教老师或书本参考吧。 i will go to school. = 我将会上学去...是表达一个行动go是将会在将来发生这预计事实(情况) I will be going to school. = 我在某时间内 例如I will be going to school when you meet Mary on Sunday will be亦表示将会的意思 例: I will be home = I will be at home (回到家中) I will be upset if you cannot join us on Sunday= 我将会不高兴 如果你星期天不能来o 1. = 是将来一般时=future present tense. eg. I will go to school on sunday to playing football. (说明该时刻将会去.) 2. = 是将来进行时=future continuous tense. eg. I will be going to school when my father goes to work in the morning. ............................................(说明另一段时刻 我将会正在进行那事中.) eg. I will be waiting for you at school tomorrow. "Be"之后多是plement=补充说明 eg. I will be a teacher(n) next year. eg. When I get older I will be stronger(adj). I will go to school (我将会去上课) I will be going to school (我果阵会去紧学校) 参考: 我自已 I will go to school.说未来的事,但事先却没有安排,是随意的,是临时决定。 而I will be going to school.却比I will go to school有早已安排好的味道。 以下是一篇古德明先生的讨论,相信必能帮到你:I will be visiting London 、 I amvisiting London 、 I am to visit London 、 I amgoing to be visiting London 四 个 句 式 , 是 怎 样 用 的 ? 最 后 一 个 句 式 尤 其 难 掌 握 。 这 四 句 都 是 说 「 我 将 会 去 伦 敦 」 , 只 是 含 义 稍 有 不 同 。 末 句 文 法 没 有 错 , 但 连 用 两 个 进 行 式 动 词 , 说 起 来 颇 觉 累 赘 , 不 宜 仿 效 , 改 为 I am going to visit London 会 好 得 多 。 论 意 思, 这 些句 式 都是 说 未来 的 事, 分 别只 在 于语 气 。以 下 五句 , 第一 句 表示 「 早已 安 排好 」 ,末 句 表示 「 现在 才 下决 定 」, 中 间三 句 ,「 早 已安 排 好」 的 意思 依 次减 弱 :(1 )I am to visit London 。(2 )I am visiting London 。(3 )I will be visiting London 。(4 )I am going to visit London 。(5 )I will visit London 。此 外 ,你 还 可以 说 I visit London next week ( 我下 星 期会 去 伦敦 ) 之类 , 其「 早 已安 排 好」 含 义比I am to visit London next week 更强 , 但必 须 说明 事 情将 发 生的 时 间。 留 意 「 will / shall + 原 形动 词 ( infinitive ) 」表 示 临时 下 的决 定 ,其 余 各句 式 则都 是 说已 定 的计 划 。 希望帮到你!

Still waters run deep.Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. 什么意思


Billy Idol的《Rebel Yell》 歌词

歌曲名:Rebel Yell歌手:Billy Idol专辑:Idolize YourselfBelly Idol - Rebel YellBy ZipaneLast night a little dancercame dancing to my doorLast night my little angelcame pumping on the floorShe said "Come on babyI got a licence for loveAnd if it expires pray help from above"In the midnight hour she cried-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell she cried-"more, more, more."In the midnight hour babe-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell-"more, more, more,""more, more, more."She don"t like slavery,she won"t sit and begBut when I"m tired and lonelyshe sees me to bedWhat set you free and brought you to me babeWhat set you freeI need you here by meBecauseIn the midnight hour she cried-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell she cried-"more, more, more."In the midnight hour babe-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell-"more, more, more,"He lives in his own heavenCollects it to go from the seven elevenWell he"s out all night to collect a fareJust so long, just so long it don"t mess up his hairI walked the ward with you, babeA thousand miles with youI dried your tears of pain, babeA million times for youI"d sell my soul for you, babeFor money to burn for youI"d give you all, and have none, babeJusta, justa, justa, justa to have you here by meBecauseIn the midnight hour she cried-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell she cried-"more, more, more."In the midnight hour babe-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell-she cried"more, more, more,""More, more, more."Oh yeah little babyShe want moreMore, more, more, more moreOh yeah little angelShe want moreMore, more, more, more

Billy Idol的《Rebel Yell》 歌词

歌曲名:Rebel Yell歌手:Billy Idol专辑:Oe3 Zeitreise 1984Belly Idol - Rebel YellBy ZipaneLast night a little dancercame dancing to my doorLast night my little angelcame pumping on the floorShe said "Come on babyI got a licence for loveAnd if it expires pray help from above"In the midnight hour she cried-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell she cried-"more, more, more."In the midnight hour babe-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell-"more, more, more,""more, more, more."She don"t like slavery,she won"t sit and begBut when I"m tired and lonelyshe sees me to bedWhat set you free and brought you to me babeWhat set you freeI need you here by meBecauseIn the midnight hour she cried-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell she cried-"more, more, more."In the midnight hour babe-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell-"more, more, more,"He lives in his own heavenCollects it to go from the seven elevenWell he"s out all night to collect a fareJust so long, just so long it don"t mess up his hairI walked the ward with you, babeA thousand miles with youI dried your tears of pain, babeA million times for youI"d sell my soul for you, babeFor money to burn for youI"d give you all, and have none, babeJusta, justa, justa, justa to have you here by meBecauseIn the midnight hour she cried-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell she cried-"more, more, more."In the midnight hour babe-"more, more, more,"With a rebel yell-she cried"more, more, more,""More, more, more."Oh yeah little babyShe want moreMore, more, more, more moreOh yeah little angelShe want moreMore, more, more, more

和pull well yell still押韵的单词有哪些?

well smell will (将)yell yale still kill mill will (意愿)pull bull

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Once a satellite _______ into orbit round Pluto, scientists will be able to find a great deal. uff1f

once引导的时间状语从句 时态遵从主将从现的原则 主句用一般将来时 从句用一般现在时

William Orbit的《777》 歌词

歌曲名:777歌手:William Orbit专辑:Strange Cargo Ii「777」作词∶みーちゃん/K作曲∶草野よしひろ编曲∶草野よしひろ歌∶みーちゃん(瀬戸由宇真)CRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振った 裏と表金と女とワインの薫り溺れ好きとか嫌い 暧昧な感情论でむき出しの欲望にちょっとだけのSPICEやきもちは极上のKISSをすれば ほら新しいGAMEが始めるCRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振った 裏と表ボダンひとつで世の中を済ましてる部屋から行ける无限大のラビリンス笼の中に饱きたらDRIVEへと行こう车じゃ足リないから全て壊せる さあ戦车で 今飞び出せCRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振って 笑えよENDLESS GAME な777まだまだ欲しい もっと足リない人生最大のボーカーフェースココロの底の 裏と表银河 彼方大気圏を 超えてはるかに天王星 远くJACPOT 数字がならぶ礼束が宙を 舞い上がってく人生最高の日々に尽きることない欲望CRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振った 裏と表収録∶圣smiley学园~Ver.理系~Vol.2 -777/瀬戸由宇真/発売日∶2011/06/15LRC to make By∶Yoho888(Vine)终わり



I geuss so,The weather report says it will clear up latter.


谁知道这篇文章的完整部分?When you hear the word pyramid,you will probably thinkof those n Eygpt.

When you hear the word pyramid, you will probably think of those in Egypt. But do you know there is a pyramid in Paris, France? The pyramid is known as the“Louvre Pyramid” (卢浮宫金字塔) since it is the main entrance (主要入口) to the famous Louvre Museum*. In the 1980s, the French President invited I. M. Pei*, the Chinese-born American architect (建筑师) to design (设计) a new entrance to the Louvre Museum. When Pei first showed his pyramid design, it was a great shock to all. Most people thought Pei"s modern pyramid would destroy both the look of the museum and the the respect (尊敬) for ancient pyramids. Since it was built in1989, most people have changed their views (观点) although some still think it is an ugly scar (伤疤) on Paris" face. The Louvre Pyramid is 71 feet high, and around it are three smaller pyramids and seven triangular fountains. Different from the stone Egyptian pyramids, the pyramid is a large metal and glass one. It makes it more convenient to visit the museum. Now it has become a Paris landmark (地标).* The Louvre Museum卢浮宫 位于法国巴黎,是始建于12世纪初的皇家宫殿。目前是世界著名的博物馆。* I. M. Pei(Ieoh Ming Pei)贝聿铭(1917-) 美籍华人建筑师。设计了大量的划时代建筑,如肯尼迪图书馆、卢浮宫金字塔、香港中银大厦等。——《上海学生英语报》

All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill. 有情人终成眷属。典故来由是什么

这是英语谚语!历史演变,属于典故。一切都会好起来,JACK也会拥有JILL的。源自于一个英语童谣和故事,最初是法国大革命时期的歌谣,Jack和Jill暗指路易16国王和他的皇后玛丽,他们都是被断头的。 但是后来,歌谣传来传去,不再有原来的意思,更像是儿童诗歌。 诗歌是这样的: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after. Up got Jack, and home did trot As fast as he could caper He went to bed and bound his head With vinegar and brown paper


病毒分类 WINDOWS下的PE病毒 病毒名称 Trojan.KillAV 病毒长度 29530字节 危害程度 传播途径 行为类型 感 染 拿瑞星就可以杀掉

求VANILLA-H第42套 Hime Ayase 绫瀬ひめ的套图可用大量其他套图换~

到网上搜 cartoon tube 选择第一个 那里有很多动漫 二维 三维的都有 就是不知道有没有你找的 漫画的话有 网上搜E HENTAI 然后选择第一个 在里面输入你要的动漫的名字用英语 或用主角的名字 用罗马音 日语都行 中文的话后面加个Chinese

为什么there will be more pollution,而不是there will be more polluted


为什么crowded 和polluted 要加-ed?原句:Cities will be m


为什么是cities will be more polluted不是pollution,求清晰的解答



be lost in.

“有志者事竟成”的英文为“Where there is a will,there is a way.”在这些字母中出现e...


写篇有志者事竟成Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way 的英文作文?

This statement means that if you are really determined to do something,however difficult it might be,you will find a way of doing it at last.The point is that you must have the will if you are to succeed. Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact there is no strong will.Many people simply say that they want something,but they do not make any attempt to achieve it.Thus,instead of getting it,they use the weakest excuses to explain the situation away. On many occasions,too,people probably say much more than the truth about difficulties,making the objective impossible to reach.In fact,if one has the will to succeed,then the size of the obstacles will seem *** aller,and one can achieve one"s goals..

Where there is a will there is a way是什么意思

Where there is a will there is a way释义有志者事竟成例句1.What do you mean by that? Please, explain! --What I say means where there is a will there is a way. 你那样说是什麽意思?请解释一下!--我所说的意思是有志者事竟成。2.I will remember the motto, "Where there is a will, there is a way. 我会记住“有志者,事竟成”这句格言。

写篇有志者事竟成Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way 的英文作文?

This statement means that if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will find a way of doing it at last. The point is that you must have the will if you are to succeed.Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact there is no strong will. Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not make any attempt to achieve it. Thus, instead of getting it, they use the weakest excuses to explain the situation away.On many occasions, too, people probably say much more than the truth about difficulties, making the objective impossible to reach. In fact, if one has the will to succeed, then the size of the obstacles will seem smaller, and one can achieve one"s goals..


正确说法是Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。where引导了一个地点状语从句。



我在实体店买了一双new baillon的鞋 是新百伦new balance吗?

我最近买了两双new baillon,想哭5555555555555 不过穿上感觉还行,老公说臭脚,那时候我还不太怀疑,就是做工方面不咋地,我家里有双new balance 买的时候还说有点不一样,果然啊,,,,,那时候没穿那个new balance也没想太多,今天对比了一下,,,,,,,不要上当受骗了,他这价格150左右还可以接受,要是贵了建议看清楚了。。。。。

Vanilla Ninja的《Liar》 歌词

歌曲名:Liar歌手:Vanilla Ninja专辑:Traces of Sadness [Pony Canyon/Bros]Vanilla Ninja - LiarAlbum: Traces Of SadnessWe found a place to beSo far from despondencyBut you found a thousand waysTo shadow up my face-Your kisses turned from hot to cold-And I felt like a centerfold-Cheap "n" nasty with dirty men-Lookin" for love-That they never will getSitting in the dark just feeling lowI"m ruined to the heart - I"m on the roadTo nowhere - to nowhereIf you wanna lie to me againThere is a rotten place they call the endJust go there - and stay thereLiar (Oh oh oh oh-oh oh oh oh-oh oh oh oh-oh oh oh oh)You took a quick escapeBut left your lies in perfect shapeAs long as my memories liveI never will forgive you-So if we meet somewhere tonight-You"d better be set to fight-In the darkness of missing stars-You won"t see me-But you"ll feel me inside-The winds of change blow through my soul-And the warlords try to take control-I will never rely on you-And the pain will hit you-Shame on youLiar<END>





Blends香烟 Prince香烟 Blue Master香烟 Pall Mall 香烟 Dunhill 香烟分别是哪国的



英文翻译millie能成为一个好老师因为她从不轻易生气 Millie will be a great teacher because she doesn"t get angry easily. 如何才能成为一个好老师 一 要有社会责任感。 一旦选择了教师这个职业,不管你喜欢与否,首先要对得起良心,教师不是工人,也不是饲养员。我是教师,我就要对学生负责,不仅包括学习成绩,还包括学生的日常生活,行为习惯,做人教育。 春节,在走亲访友中了解一些地方的教学情况,从南来北往的客人中得知,目前发达地区与不发达地去的办学质量差别较大。有一个奇怪的现象是一些地市里最好的学校是民办学校。为什吗 *** 出钱,硬体较好的学校没有私立学校的教学质量好,在交流中我们认为问题的观健是老师的责任心不一样。在民办学校老师若不负责任,家长的一个电话你就有可能失业。在公立学校最大的好处是,老师拿的是公家的钱,走你一个学生我的工资不少一分,出了问题学校都著。我有一个亲戚谈到此非常气愤。他有一个14岁的男孩在县重点学校上初中,期末放假他去领孩子的通知书,没有。一问才知孩子已经一个月没到校上课了,家长感到不解,他每天吃过饭就走,放学就回来,没到校去哪了?老师说不是在家吗?原来小孩按时到的是网咖。学生一月未到学校,老师难道不通知家长吗?不管在哪所学校都是教师的失职,不配老师这个称谓。作为教师要有职业道德,责任心。从心里关爱我们的孩子,这是当老师的最基本要求。 二 要有渊博的知识,高尚的修养。 在资讯高速发展的今天,学生的知识来源不仅是书本,课堂。他们获取知识的途径很广,电脑,电视,报刊,杂志等。他们有了自己的思想,不再局限老师,课本。若我们老师不更新知识,课下被生问住,一次学生原谅我们,二次,三次呢?学生就会认为老师就这些水,他从心里看不起你这个老师,更不用说学好这一科了。 要想成为一个优秀的老师,不仅熟练的掌握整学科的知识,还要扩大知识面。孙维刚老师之所以让学生喜欢就因他渊博的知识。做为数学老师,他能从东周列国讲到解放战争,从拿破仑讲到斯大林。从尼克松说到雅各宾派专政,无一不显现他渊博的知识,学生也佩服的无底头地。 初中生对老师的评价也许是感性的,他们喜欢年轻,漂亮,活泼潇洒的老师。我们不具备这些条件怎吗办?我给自己的鼓励是: 如果你不漂亮,就用灿烂的微笑打动学生。 如果你不年轻,就用渊博的知识吸引学生。 如果你不活泼,就用高尚的修养感动学生。 三 采用丰富多变的教法。 一个老练的教师他驾驭课堂的能力并不是靠纪律来约束。而是用知识去打动。用丰富的形式去吸引。 从任教的第一天,我就努力想成为一个好老师,至今已16年教龄了,仍未达到这个目标。自己专科毕业,又进修了本科,是专业知识不渊博还是不能走进学生心里?我进行了反思。主要是因为我不了解学生需要什吗,喜欢什吗,教学方式单一,以成人的观点强加给学生,形成所谓的代沟。以后应多研究学生的心理,根据初中生的特点,设计丰富多样的教法,激发他们的学习兴趣。红烧肉虽好吃,不能天天吃,要学会不断创新,变换花样,创造快乐的课堂。 总之,一个教师首先具有强烈的责任感,还要有渊博的知识,高尚的个人修养,又能了解学生的心理需要,还能够灵活多变的改变教学模式。你离一个好老师的标准不远了。 怎样才能成为一个好老师? 把学生当朋友,不只是说说而已哟,要真的做到,我老班和同学称兄道弟,大家都很喜欢他,为了给他过生3个班的学生差点为他“打”起来,现在的学生都很喜欢没代沟,很会和他们一起玩,并且理解他们犯错的老师,只要学生服老师。上课效果就事半功倍了。 上课认真讲课啊,以学生的利益为重啊,时时刻刻为学生着想啊 怎样成为一个好的英文翻译 51voa. 怎样才能成为一个好老师呢? 该严厉时要严厉,该幽默是就幽默,平时多跟学生交流交流,要表现的很好相处,多举行令学生们感兴趣的课堂活动。老师是孕育祖国花朵的园丁,这是天职,要多多关心学生,不要刻意去偏袒某位学生,做到人人平等。 我怎样做才能成为一个好老师呢? 做一个好老师 ---中国教育网(供搞:黄帅) 如何做一个好老师,如何做一个学生喜欢的好老师,这个问题好难,的确,作好一个老师,尤其作好一个天地的老师,那会更难,来天地两年了,我深深地感到了这一点,这里有良好的教师队伍,有良好的教学氛围、有能干的领导班子,还有优质的教学理念。在这里每个老师都很能干。那么在天地应该怎样做好一个老师呢? 一、要爱业,爱业也就是敬业。而敬业与爱学生是分不开的。 不爱学生,就称不上敬业,不爱所有的学生,就谈不上敬业。去年我跟一年级的所有老师接手一年级,当时,一年级的上课时间是九点整,何不趁这个时间给孩子进行训练呢?本来我就想成立一个一年级的校体操队。我很想培养一支出色的艺术体操队,以后能代表我们学校去参加一些比赛,来为学校争一份光。于是我就利用前面的一个小时集中四个班级的学生进行体操训练。其实上个学期我的课也蛮多的,光课就有20节,还有学校的卫生、图书老师,又是一(4)班的副班主任,因为赵老师年纪比较大,我作为年轻人,要多干点,所以我经常帮助扫地,管理班级,一天下来,其实也挺累的,可是一想到要让体操队出成绩,再苦再累我也愿意。来天地的两年内,学校的艺术节,我都代表校体操队排练了质量好的节目,得到了大家的一致好评。并且参加了区里的两次比赛,都获得了最好的奖项,第一次获得了最佳展示奖,并代表上城区的两支队伍参加省里的53周年的省建队活动。第二次获得了上城区一等奖,并代表区参加市里的比赛。这二次的比赛可谓终生难忘,当时的比赛,我们抽签抽到是第二场比赛,第一支队伍比赛完,轮到我们的学生上场了,我们的学生表现了他们的良好素质,刚跳完,评委就看中我们,让我们代表区参加市里的比赛,我当时真是百感交加,真的,上一次也是这样,这说明我们的舞蹈的确很好,说明我们确实有这样的实力。 二、要爱学生,要让学生喜欢你。 春雨能温暖冰封的泥土,朝阳能扶蔚心灵的湖水,生命的歌声能唤醒一粒粒沉睡的种子。爱学生,就要像春风化雨般无声,让他成为莘莘学子心目中的一种看得见,摸得着的最为催人奋进的有效情愫,让他成为人的一生中一道最赏心悦目的亮丽景致。师爱是每个学生都应充分享受的权力,充分沐浴爱的霞光。留有死角的师爱是一种不公平的师爱,不成熟的师爱,因此我特别关注那些有“问题”的特殊孩子,我也有孩子,也许是因为我做了母亲,我特别能体会孩子的心情,孩子的感受。所以我从来没有因为他们差而去放弃,因为他们就像是一颗蒙着尘埃的珠子,作为教师的我有,有责任去发现他们,重视他们,为他们擦拭,帮他们发亮。也许他们的光是微弱的,但是我们要相信有光就会有希望。他们的接受能力差,我们要不厌其烦地一便又一便为他们讲解。让这些后进生不断取得进步,慢慢跟上班集体前进的脚步。我们班有个学生,开学第一天,我就知道他比较特殊,怎么特殊呢?我看他走路两只脚都不太协调。后来在体育课上,我发现他连跑步都不会。有一次在教跳绳过程中,他一个也不会跳,我不厌其烦地一遍又一遍地教,但却怎么也教不会,后来我就布置他回家练,再告诉他练习的要领。任务是会连续跳两个。底二天到校,我一看他果然会跳两个了,我欣喜若狂,比自己得了 什么大奖还高兴,我马上在小朋友面前表扬了他,并且在家长联络本上写上“熊金浩小朋友真能干,会连续跳两下绳子了,你真能干,老师相信,通过你的努力,明天你一定能跳三下、四下,看这他那憨汗憨的笑容,我的心里真像比吃了蜜还要甜,此时,我体会到了教师的一种成功感。 三、做一个漂亮的老师。 时代在变化,过去教师的穿戴总是和“艰苦朴素”,教师走在街上,或是参加社交活动,常常被人一眼看出。久而久之,“艰苦朴素”和“不修边幅”等同了起来,现在时代不同了,教师的穿戴应当端庄、得体,既体现职业特点和个人气质,又不失亲和力。21世纪是市场经济的社会,学校也逐渐走向了市场,任何东西都需要包装,难道教师就不要包装吗?同样教师也需要得体的包装,在学生面前,男教师擦亮皮鞋,刮干净胡子;女教师略施淡妆,佩戴合适的首饰,这很重要,仪表美之所以吸引人,是因为它涵盖了人作为社会人全部的美,将人内在之美与处在形象美有机的统一在一起。不仅给人以视觉上的享受,而且给人以人格上的尊重。人从头提倡要讲求仪表美,不仅是一个形象的问题,也是一种无声的语言。它体现对别人的尊重。对仪表美的具体要求是:教师的仪表能引起学生的注意,且能潜移默化地影响 著学生学习积极性。它是无声的教育,直接影响着学生的 情绪和教学效果。 青少年儿童,具有对暗示的强烈感觉时,对美的,表 示喜欢和羡慕,同时产生模仿和学习的欲望,对丑的产 生不愉快的情绪,不愿意接近它,采取回避态度。如果老 师注意了仪表美,衣着典雅,美观大方会给学生以美的薰 陶,美的启迪。同时学生对老师产生羡慕,敬重的情感, 愿意接近老师,产生向老师学习的动机。这样便为教 学创造了良好的条件。反之,如果老师的衣着不齐、蓬头 垢面,学生见了会产生不愉 *** ,甚至产生厌恶的情绪, 在这种情绪下上课,教师的教导,学生不会心悦诚服接受 的,教学效果一般是不会好的。比如,同是一位老师身穿 体操服给学生上体操课和穿着普通制服上体操课,学生的 情绪大不一样,前者学生会全神贯注,意气风发;后者, 学生神思恍惚,注意力不易集中,会影响学生学习情绪。所以我们要做一个漂亮的老师。 教师是阳光,学生则是含苞欲放的花蕾,我愿化为温暖的阳光,为他们带去温暖和光明,让他们 为大地增添更美的风采。 希望采纳 老师应该平等地对待每个学生,不要轻易生气 英文翻译 Teacher should treat student fairly, and shouldn"t easily get angry . 怎样成为一个好老师 就应该对学生要张弛有度的进行管理,用自身的人格魅力来引导学生,现在的孩子都讨厌说教,却喜欢你跟他说一些和他们生活相贴近的事情,时刻掌握学生的心态,对于学生喜欢的进行最大限度的支援,如果孩子们的想法过于偏激 ,作为一名班主任,你应该用她们的思维方式进行引导,多带孩子们做些活动,增强他们的凝聚力,让他们彼此之间活络起来,注意是他们感兴趣的活动哦,我觉得既然你担任班主任就该努力和孩子们打好关系,能揉入他们的生活,同时又能树立你作为老师的威信,这个尺度就需要你来掌握了,孩子们虽有时会叛逆,但也还是会喜欢那些真心对他们好的老师,所以,既为人师,就该尽自己的一份力,让他们健康成长!祝您成为受人爱戴的好老师。管理学生也要分层次的,首先,要确定一个好的班长和班委成员。这里不是指学习好,而是要聪明,大胆,敢说敢为,加上你的指导和帮助,可以基本保证班级大体平稳。其二,永远不要让学生知道你下一步要干什么。不要去做让学生都满意的班主任,有这一想法就错了,而是要做自己心里无愧的。其三,对问题学生没必要要求太严格,要给他们一个缓冲的时间,商定一个底线。让他们去坚持。不要太静静计较。适当宽容。其四,要让有前途的学生明确自己的目标,严格要求自己,而不去计较他人。

英文名可以取 illusion (幻觉)这个单词吗?




......pursuit less of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall. 结构分析

可以这样理解:pathological gambling” involves persistent,recurring and uncontrollable pursuit of money 病态赌博是持久性,经常性和不可控的追求钱pathological gambling” involves persistent,recurring and uncontrollable pursuit of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall.病态赌博是持久性,经常性和不可控的寻求承担风险意外收获的一种快感。两者都有, 但是 pursuit (less )of money ( than )of the thrill of taking risks。。。(意思两者比较,除了追求钱,更多的是追求快感。。。追求快感多过追求钱)** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

请问高手汽车音响上的这些接线代表什么意思:BAT+ ACC+ ILLB+ ANT




Drill Pipes

Considerable physical demands are made of the drill pipes. They must have sufficient longitudinal strength to withstand the thrust and pullback forces,enough torsional stiffness to cope with the rotational torque of the machine,and yet be flexible enough to negotiate changes of direction in the course of the bore. They should also be as light as possible to facilitate transportation and handling,whilst resisting damage due to abrasion and scoring.The length of individual pipes depends on the type of drilling machine and the space available. Typically,surface launched rigs will use pipes up to 4 or 5 metres long,whilst drill pipes for pit launched machines are often between 1. 0 and 1. 5 metres in length. Screwjoints are most commonly used,although bayonet fittings are found with some systems.Most drilling machine manufacturers offer their own proprietary brands of drill pipes,and there are also specialist companies producing a variety of alternatives. Obviously,it is important to ensure that the drill pipes are wholly compatible with the drilling machine,especially if the rig incorporates an automatic drill pipe handling system,and also with other components such as bore-heads,sondes,and reamers.

乐队travis-Love Will Come Through歌词翻译

如果我告诉你一个秘密 你不会告诉每一个灵魂 你会抓住它,让它还活着吗 因为这是烧了一个洞 我无法入睡 我不能独自住在这个生命 所以查 拿走它 不要看嗒-嗒-嗒-下 山上 如果这个世界没有转弯 你的心脏不返回 任何人,无论什么, 所以我,不要离开我 带我,不要离开我 宝贝,爱会到 这只是等待着你 你站在十字路口 highroads和lowroads的 我有一种感觉它是正确的 如果它是真实的我的感觉 没有使信 翅膀的声音的航班 鸽子的 拿走它 不要看嗒-嗒-嗒-下 山上 如果这个世界没有转弯 你的心脏不返回 任何人,无论什么, 所以我,不要离开我 带我,不要离开我 宝贝,爱会到 这只是等待着你 噢,看 拿走它 不要看嗒-嗒-嗒-下 如果这个世界没有转弯 你的心脏不返回 任何人,无论什么, 所以我,不要离开我 带我,不要离开我 宝贝,爱会到 这只是等待着你 爱情能战胜一切 爱情能战胜一切 爱情能战胜一切

lotion corps a la vanille vanilla body lotion这是什么牌子的护肤品 是身体乳吗


obey的过去式? learn的现在分词?kill,hunt的过去式

答案是:obey的过去式是obeyed,learn的现在分词是:learningkill的过去式是killed,hurt的过去式还是hurt u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 反病毒 解析: [病毒名]:I-Worm.Wukill [破坏方法]:这个病毒采用文件夹图标,具有很大迷惑性。该病毒运行后,会将自己大量复制到其他目录中。 一、 病毒首次运行时将显示"This File Has Been Damage!"; 二、 将自己复制到windows目录下并改名为Mstray.exe; 三、 修改注册表: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Sofare\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Run 以达到其自启动的目的; 四、 枚举磁盘目录,在每个根目录下释放下列文件: winfile.exe 病毒主体程序 ment.htt 利用IE漏洞调用同一个目录下的"winfile.exe",属性为隐藏。 desktop.ini 系统为隐藏。采用web方式浏览文件夹时,系统会调用该文件,该文件调 用ment.htt ,从而激活病毒。 五、 病毒修改注册表,隐藏系统文件、隐藏受系统保护的文件、隐藏已知的扩展名称。 这样,用户看不到ment.htt和Desktop.ini, winfile.exe被隐藏后缀明,又是文件 夹图标,用户极容易认为是文件夹而点击。 同时病毒在当前路径下生成的自身拷贝,名称采用上级目录,或者是当前窗口的标题, 增加隐蔽性。 六、病毒调用Outlook发送携带病毒的信件。 手工清除:(在没有杀毒软件的情况下) 首先:找到Mstray.exe(注意这个是系统 和隐藏的文件,所以大家应该知道怎 么才能找到它了,在系统文件夹下), 删除掉. 并修改注册表,去掉对应的启动项. 接着:利用的Windows的搜索功能,搜索所 有的: Winfile.exe,ment.htt, desktop.ini(注意:查看->去掉系 统保护,去掉隐藏) 删除!注意还得清楚不要删错了哦! 有些desktop.ini是windows原有 的文件) 最后:查找硬盘内所以的[*.exe]文件, (注意:如上),你会发现好多的文件夹 图标形式的.exe 文件,删除掉所有 这些文件.一切OK!





谁有julia sheer的you will never be的歌词

歌曲名称:You Will Never Be歌曲原唱:Julia Sheer所属专辑:Julia Sheer发行时间:2010-05-30歌词:How did we ever come to thisI never thought you"d beSomeone I"d have to miss...And there I was caught in your gameNeeding answers that never cameAnd we took a chance,You said you were strongStrong enoughBut you were wrong...And now I"m...Deafened by your silenceBlinded by the tearsIf you"re looking for forgivenessYou won"t find that hereCause you lied your way to heartbreakAnd now it"s all too clearThat you will never be...Look at herShe won"t ever compareYou can say you"re sorryBut I still don"t careWas she worth this messWas she worth this painYou can say it"s her faultBut you"re both to blameAnd now I"m...Deafened by your silenceBlinded by the tearsIf you"re looking for forgivenessYou won"t find that hereCause you lied your way to heartbreakAnd now it"s all too clearThat you will never be...Looking back it was all so easyI hope you know you"re my last mistakeDon"t come around and say you need meI won"t stayNow I know that you were so deceivingWas it fun for you to walk awayI hope you liked itCause she"s so damn easyYou won"t changeDeafened by your silenceBlinded by the tearsIf you"re looking for forgivenessYou won"t find that hereCause you lied your way to heartbreakAnd now it"s all too clearThat you will never be...That you will never be...

经典斯堪的纳维亚风格—丹麦Pernille Vest作品(组图)

细致的深色调与经典斯堪的纳维亚白色,传统与现代总能被欧洲人如此随意的完美结合。来自丹麦设计师Pernille Vest的一组当代室内设计。 Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图一) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图二) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图三) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图四) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图五) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图六) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图七) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图八) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图九) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十一) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十二) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十三) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十一) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十二) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十三)

Fever is a symptom of many illnesses.




My God, they killed Kenny 下一句是什么

Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastard!Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bast...的中文翻译_ Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastard! 哦,我的上帝!他们杀 了肯尼!你这个混蛋!

My God, they killed Kenny 下一句是什么


you are still my god是什么意思?


英语作文Where will I be in twenty years?



在音乐领域,Drill和Jersey Club这两个流派有什么不同?在这篇文章中,我们将探究这两个电子音乐类型的特点和差异。Drill是什么?Drill是一种起源于芝加哥的说唱音乐流派。它呈现出极为严肃和硬朗的风格,常被描述为“森林气息”的歌声和快速的鼓声。Drill音乐采用切片样本和钢琴运作等坚硬的元素,以及术语“Chiraq”等指代芝加哥的文化细节,使其独具特色。Jersey Club是什么?Jersey Club是一种 在美国新泽西州兴起的电子音乐类别。其节奏以强调3/4拍的快速时尚舞曲而著称,通常会出现手势舞蹈和混合搭配。Jersey Club常包括对电影、流行歌曲和其他各种文化元素的采样,使得整体风格充满了个性化和多样性。Drill和Jersey Club的共同之处尽管它们的根源不同,Drill和Jersey Club都具有响亮的鼓声、循环的旋律和律动的节奏。它们在激发舞蹈热情、在钢琴演奏方面的技术性和对社区等环境的关注方面都有许多共同点。Drill和Jersey Club之间的区别虽然Drill和Jersey Club之间存在许多共同之处,但它们之间仍然存在一些差异。Drill的风格比Jersey Club更加严肃和忧郁。Drill的歌曲通常较为低沉,同时会包括在“真正强调其文字的歌曲中”的而非突出音乐的元素。相比之下,Jersey Club音乐较为轻松、快速,特别强调说唱的节奏和意味深长的采样。结论综上所述,Drill和Jersey Club是两个截然不同的音乐类型,但它们都在当今电子音乐领域中扮演着重要的角色。这些音乐类型不仅让人感觉舒适,给人带来快乐,而且还反映了不同的社区文化和个人身份。

服饰英语的maille jersey 和knitted jersey 是什么意思?


be filled with后面加什么,5分求




i will try my best 和 i will do my best ? thy和do有什么区别?

通常情况下很多人都将这两种用法混在一起使用,但它们是有区别的:try my best 指尽最大努力去做 但不一定能成功、能做出来do my best 指你已经能做的事 只是尽自己努力把它做到最好try my best to do 这种用法是可以的。你说的be 是什么情况下使用,没明白你具体要问什么

Marillion的《Lavender》 歌词

歌曲名:Lavender歌手:Marillion专辑:The Singles "82-"88Track 3 from _Misplaced Childhood_I was walking in the park dreaming of a sparkWhen I heard the sprinklers whisper,MarillionShimmer in the haze of summer lawns.Then I heard the children singing,They were running through the rainbows.They were singing a song for you.Well it seemed to be a song for you,the one I wanted to write for you, for you, you.Lavenders blue, dilly dilly, lavenders green.A penny for your thoughts my dear,A penny for your thoughts my dear,I.O.U. for your love, I.O.U. for your love.Lavenders green, dilly dilly, lavenders blue.When you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you.A penny for your thoughts my dear,A penny for your thoughts my dear,I.O.U. for your love, I.O.U. for your love.For your love, for your love, for your love.

Marillion的《Lavender》 歌词

歌曲名:Lavender歌手:Marillion专辑:The Singles 82- 88Track 3 from _Misplaced Childhood_I was walking in the park dreaming of a sparkWhen I heard the sprinklers whisper,MarillionShimmer in the haze of summer lawns.Then I heard the children singing,They were running through the rainbows.They were singing a song for you.Well it seemed to be a song for you,the one I wanted to write for you, for you, you.Lavenders blue, dilly dilly, lavenders green.A penny for your thoughts my dear,A penny for your thoughts my dear,I.O.U. for your love, I.O.U. for your love.Lavenders green, dilly dilly, lavenders blue.When you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you.A penny for your thoughts my dear,A penny for your thoughts my dear,I.O.U. for your love, I.O.U. for your love.For your love, for your love, for your love.

Marillion的《Lavender》 歌词

歌曲名:Lavender歌手:Marillion专辑:A Singles Collection 1982-1992: Six Of One, Half-Dozen Of The OtherTrack 3 from _Misplaced Childhood_I was walking in the park dreaming of a sparkWhen I heard the sprinklers whisper,MarillionShimmer in the haze of summer lawns.Then I heard the children singing,They were running through the rainbows.They were singing a song for you.Well it seemed to be a song for you,the one I wanted to write for you, for you, you.Lavenders blue, dilly dilly, lavenders green.A penny for your thoughts my dear,A penny for your thoughts my dear,I.O.U. for your love, I.O.U. for your love.Lavenders green, dilly dilly, lavenders blue.When you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you.A penny for your thoughts my dear,A penny for your thoughts my dear,I.O.U. for your love, I.O.U. for your love.For your love, for your love, for your love.

Ludwig Donath&Ralph Williams的《Try Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Try Me歌手:Ludwig Donath&Ralph Williams专辑:She Loves MeLolita - Try MeSuper Eurobeat - Vol.60Lyric - ps2maxTake up my lifeCause the taste of your love has got meDo you know, my honey?Looking your way nowA kind of good treat in your armsI can try my loveYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky tonightNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with meNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with me yeahTalk in my mindJust stop looking around in your lifeDon"t give up my honeyTake all my heart nowJust beating for you all the timeYou can try me loveYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky tonightNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with meNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with me yeahNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with meNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with me yeahYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky tonightYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky...





Kyle Miller的个人资料,要详细点的

3D | Ksharp 真名: Kyle Miller 年龄:23 国籍:美国电脑硬件信息:操作系统:XP CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.73 EE 内存: 2.0GB DDR2 PNY 硬盘: 250GB Seagate 显卡: PNY NVIDIA 7800 GTX 声卡: Sennheiser U** 耳机: Sennheiser HD 650 显示器: 19" Other CRT 鼠标垫: Logitech mx510 鼠标垫: Steelpad 4D 键盘: Microsoft Internet Keyboard PROK 可能是他的名字的缩写 sharp是锐利的,时髦的,激烈的意思 凭借着过人的天赋,Ksharp从1.3时代开始就是北美CS最高水平的代表性人物,无论是过去梦幻般阵容的X3,还是后来的3D的全明星组合,Ksharp都是无可争议的王牌队员。他的AWP着实令人疯狂,惊人的反映和良好的操作感是其独一无二的商标。然而在经历了CPL2005冬季锦标赛的失意之后(三个加时苦战负于SK.swe),他选择了退役,当时这个消息令很多人感到失望。更多资料-


spill是溢出;泼出;洒落;散落;倒出;使(容器中的东西)倒出;迅速涌出;掉球;向…说出秘密溢出液;被溢出液;从马上摔下;职位空缺;木片;纸捻;液体溢出的意思。双语例句1、He was absolved from any blame for the oil spill.他被免予承担溢油事故的任何责任。2、Students began to spill out of the building.学生们开始快速涌出大楼。3、He was reluctant to spill her address.他不愿意透露她的地址。4、Hold the basin level in case the water should spill.把盆子端平以防水洒了。5、Steady your hand, or the soup will spill over.手别晃,不然汤会撒出来。6、The oil spill contaminated the river.泄漏的石油浸染了河流。7、Don"t spill coffee on the carpet.别把咖啡抛洒到地毯上。8、You"ll spill that tea if you"re not careful.你一不小心就会把茶水泼出来的。9、When fetching water, you should at lease try not to spill the water.你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来呀!10、And when you wake up spill your kisses, I am shivering inside it.当你一觉醒来泄漏你的吻,我寒颤之内。Spillspill英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为(使)溢出,流出;(东西)倒出,洒落;迅速涌出;(使)摔下;掉球;(非正式)向(某人)说出秘密;减少受风压力,作名词时意为“溢出液,溅出;溢出量;摔下;职位空缺;木片,碎纸;小塞子”。


spill是溢出;泼出;洒落;散落;倒出;使(容器中的东西)倒出;迅速涌出;掉球;向?说出秘密溢出液;被溢出液;从马上摔下;职位空缺;木片;纸捻;液体溢出的意思。双语例句1、He was absolved from any blame for the oil spill.他被免予承担溢油事故的任何责任。2、Students began to spill out of the building.学生们开始快速涌出大楼。3、He was reluctant to spill her address.他不愿意透露她的地址。4、Hold the basin level in case the water should spill.把盆子端平以防水洒了。5、Steady your hand, or the soup will spill over.手别晃,不然汤会撒出来。6、The oil spill contaminated the river.泄漏的石油浸染了河流。7、Don"t spill coffee on the carpet.别把咖啡抛洒到地毯上。8、You"ll spill that tea if you"re not careful.你一不小心就会把茶水泼出来的。9、When fetching water, you should at lease try not to spill the water.你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来呀!10、And when you wake up spill your kisses, I am shivering inside it.当你一觉醒来泄漏你的吻,我寒颤之内。Spillspill英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为(使)溢出,流出;(东西)倒出,洒落;迅速涌出;(使)摔下;掉球;(非正式)向(某人)说出秘密;减少受风压力,作名词时意为“溢出液,溅出;溢出量;摔下;职位空缺;木片,碎纸;小塞子”。


overflow 表示超出其容量而溢出边界的状况或数量。譬如,往容器里灌水,灌满了后,水就溢出来了;或者河里涨水,超过了河堤。 就用overflow, overflow既是名词,又是动词。spillage对应的动词是spill,spill也可作名词 和动词, 表示不小心或意外撒出盛器的东西(或行为),譬如说没有端稳或端平。Don"t jog me, or you"ll make me spill something! 别碰我, 不然我就把东西弄洒了.slop是指 如果液体从容器中流出,或者如果您在某处有液体,则会在容器的边缘出来,通常意外。I dropped the bucket, and water slopped out (of it). 我把桶掉在地上, 水都洒了出来.

Cypress Hill的《Pigs》 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:Cypress HillPink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.

Cypress Hill的《Pigs》 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:The CollectionPink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
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