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Vanilla Sky 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Vanilla Sky歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:Paramount Pictures 90Th Anniversary Memorable SongsVanilla(Step Mix)作曲:Ian Thomas、Dele Ladimeji作词:夏至编曲:Man Keung、Mica监制:Edward Chan、Charles Lee、King Kong @ Novasonic演唱:HotchaHotcha-Vanilla(Step Mix)R: 柔滑那构造形状诱惑不经意制造清新味道质感硬度喜欢冰冻香草雪糕W: 留住那份甜溶在舌尖温馨会发现咀边可感应身体的温暖室温跟心境高速演变ALL: 来谈谈溶化滋味酸软感令人麻痹香草色的惊喜请给我专利来尝尝柔软滋味体贴感近乎完美爱上幼细质地分享我口味C: 怀念某份甜糖份舔唇边给我纪念几多年前一起缠绵可惜相爱结果总太短R: 随便去或留溶掉快感总要接受W+R: 一口都足够W+C: 香草的色诱ALL: 根本不须天天拥有ALL: vanilla gala gala ooh…vanilla bai ya bai ya ah...vanilla gala gala ooh...vanilla bai ya bai ya hm…ALL: 来谈谈溶化滋味来尝尝柔软滋味何妨来谈谈你经历咀角竟突然麻痹窝心口感好比几款爱口味何妨来谈谈你品味掩盖得极为神秘试试当我知己分享你口味http://music.b***.com/song/8702804



wild madagascar vanilla是什么意思

wild madagascar vanilla马达加斯加野生香草vanilla 英[vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259] 美[vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259] n. 香子兰,香草; 香子兰荚; 香子兰精,香草精; adj. 香草的; 香草味的; 相对没有新意的,普通的; [例句]I added a dollop of vanilla ice-cream to the pie.我在馅饼里加了一块香草冰激凌。[其他] 复数:vanillas 形近词: manilla vanilin vanilly


vanilla “香子兰”一般用于颜色就是表示“兰色”了



Vanilla 对应的情侣另一个名字是什么





亮灰色 深军蓝 香草色

GACKT的《Vanilla》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Vanilla歌手:GACKT专辑:VanillaVanilla唱:Gackt词:Gackt C曲:Gackt C君は诚実なmoralist 绮丽な指でボクをなぞる仆は纯粋なterrorist キミの想うがままに 革命が起きる恋に缚られたspecialist 长い爪を立てられたボク爱を确かめたいegoist キミの奥までたどりつきたい君の颜が远ざかるah ボクがボクで无くなる前に爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ もっと 深く狂おしいくらいに惯れた唇が 溶け合うほどにボクは キミの Vanilla“ナンテ気取りすぎ”そんなcoolな君はplastic热い眼差しにはecologist その燃えるくちづけがもどかしい歪んでいく君の颜がah 仆がボクでいられマスように爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ もっと 速く苦しいくらいに 濡れた唇が 言叶なんてもう君と 仆 not Burning loveah いくつ朝を迎えれば ah 夜は终わるのだろうかah 空に散りばめられた ah 白い花に囲まれていく爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ“I"ve seen a tail.”悔しいくらいに キミにハマってるのにA crew sees cring knees,I wanna need. Not betray!!爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ もっと 君を狂おしいくらいに惯れた腰つきが 溶け合うほどに君は ボクの 番人だedit by icq:328083006http://music.b***.com/song/54411847

老外老说vanilla 是什么意思



意思是:像香草一样的人。重点词汇:vanilla英[vu0259'nu026alu0259]释义:n.香子兰,香草adj.香草味的短语:Vanilla Sky魂离情外天;香草的天空;香草天空扩展资料:近义词:plain英[pleu026an]释义:adj.平的;简单的;朴素的;清晰的n.平原;无格式;朴实无华的东西adv.清楚地;平易地n.(Plain)人名;(英)普莱恩;(法)普兰[复数:plains;比较级:plainer或more plain;最高级:plainest或most plain]短语:Chengdu Plain川西平原





跪求这首歌中文歌词 歌名《vanilla》歌手“ハルカトユミキ”真的挺好听虽然是日本歌曲







villain是指坏人、恶棍、坏蛋,vanilla意思是说普通的、 寻常的,两个词的意思正好相反,这样南方使用坏蛋,女方使用普通人,这是个不错的有创意的情侣网名!




标有vanilla的就是香草味~ 原味的是Original 或者plain






vanilla [vu0259"nilu0259] n. 香子兰,香草adj. 香草味的


,「香草」两字所指的香草应该是"Vanilla(音译:梵尼兰)",别名"香草兰",是一种「兰科」植物。叶片厚、有蜡质。 香味主是来源是其长长的「荚果」内的种子,因为产量少,因此是一种相当昂贵的香料,市面上以「乾豆荚」的方式销售,但在大陆应该相当少见,不易取得。 所以我们一般的冰激凌,其「香草」的香,是化学合成香料,远远不是天然"Vanilla"的那种优雅清新、馀味深远的香气所能比拟。采纳哦


维妮雅·梦拉 维妮雅·梦拉(Vanilla Mola)品牌是北京连洋鞋业有限公司旗下的意大利高档时尚女鞋品牌,定位在准奢侈品市场的高端女性客户群,目标消费群的高贵成熟女性。“时尚、优雅、品质、成熟”是维妮雅·梦拉品牌和产品的精炼概述。梦拉旗下的所有系列产品均选用欧洲优质皮革材料,秉承意大利一贯精雕细琢的优良工艺,将优美、纯粹、高雅而女性化的鞋履精品奉献给追求时尚个性的成熟女性。


vanilla  中文名称:香草   拉丁文: Vanilla planifolia   植物描述: 喇叭状的黄花能结出剑鞘般的绿色果实,繁复的曝晒腌渍手续后,香草豆才会呈现咖啡色外皮   植物属性: 兰香科草属   重要产地: 马达加斯加   精油萃取部位:果实香草豆(溶剂)   药学属性:强力抗焦虑,催情,促进循环;解肝毒,软化动脉血管;健胃,补肾,利尿,利胆   适用症候:所含儿茶素(cathechin)可防蛀牙;催情,祛胀气,激励;抗痉挛,通经   心理处方:卸下冷漠的面具,心满意足   使用禁忌:过量可能引起皮肤炎、头痛、失眠   专辑中文名: Vanilla    歌手: Leah Dizon   版本: 单曲(初回限定版)   发行时间: 2008年06月25日   地区: 日本   语言: 日语   简介:   唱片公司:Victor Entertainment   专辑介绍:   Leah Dizon的2008年第二弹单曲,找来了知名音乐人知野芳彦担任监制,他会与ha-j联手为Leah打造「Vanilla」。「Vanilla 」描写简单纯洁的爱,是一首散发R&B味道的舞曲,而「LOVE SWEET CANDY」则是一首中板reggae乐曲,旋律如波浪般充满动 感,表现出Leah可爱的一面。   专辑曲目:   01. Vanilla   02. LOVE SWEET CANDY   03. Vanilla (instrumental)   04. LOVE SWEET CANDY (instrumental) 开放分类: 音乐专辑,精油 香草 “vanilla”相关词条: 什么是相关词条 我来完善 “vanilla”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典): vanillaKK: []DJ: [] n. 1. 【植】香子兰;香草[C] 2. 香子兰浸液;香草精[U] a. 1. 香草的;香草味的 2. 平凡的;普通的;乏味的




任何英文字都可以做名.vanilla都算系名 不过冇乜人用. vanilla=香草/香精 甜可以做雪糕 vanilla可以译做云尼拿 英文嘅同音字就改少少串法:v变f ll变l都得. 参考: 我 英汉字典 其实...英文名就任你喜欢 如果你想问算唔算呢... 我就揾过D英文名既网就冇Vanilla 不过Vanilla呢个读音都几好听 做英文名都唔错 同埋有一队女子乐队叫Vanilla Ninja Vanilla既解释系 n. 1. 【植】香子兰;香草[C] 2. 香子兰浸液;香草精[U] a. 1. 香草的;香草味的 He loves vanilla ice-cream. 他喜欢香草冰淇淋。 2. 平凡的;普通的;乏味的 对唔住~帮唔倒你~><" 但系希望你可以揾倒一个好听既英文名啦~^^ Vanilla算系一个英文名 意思系:清新的女孩,香草。 同音字我就揾唔到 希望可以帮到你! 参考: 自己


"Vanilla"是一个英语单词,可以用作名词、形容词或动词。它的基本意思是"香草",但在日常口语和文学中,"vanilla"还可以用来表示某种东西或人非常平凡、普通、缺乏特色或创意。以下是"vanilla"的一些常见用法:作为名词时,"vanilla"表示香草,通常用来描述食品、香水等的味道或气味,例如:I love the smell of vanilla in the morning.(我喜欢早晨的香草味道。)This ice cream has a rich vanilla flavor.(这款冰激凌有浓郁的香草味道。)作为形容词时,"vanilla"表示平凡、普通或缺乏特色的,通常用来形容人、物或想法,例如:His speech was so vanilla that I fell asleep.(他的演讲非常乏味,我都睡着了。)The hotel room was nicely decorated, but a bit too vanilla for my taste.(酒店客房布置得很漂亮,但对我来说有点过于平凡。)作为动词时,"vanilla"表示给某物添加香草味,例如:The chef decided to vanilla the cream for the dessert.(厨师决定给甜点奶油加上香草味。)需要注意的是,"vanilla"的贬义用法可能会让某些人感到不悦或冒犯,因此在使用时需要注意语境和情境。


词典结果:vanilla[英][vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259][美][vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259]n.香子兰,香草; 香子兰荚; 香子兰精,香草精; adj.香草的; 香草味的; 相对没有新意的,普通的; 复数:vanillas例句:1.Lightly beat together the eggs and vanilla and stir them into the dough. 轻轻把鸡蛋和香草精混到一起,然后揉到面里。2.Add a couple drops of vanilla extract for a light and natural scent. 然后加入两滴香草精,这样可以增添一点自然清新的香味。

20 分Illustrate the principle of a solar oven ( 原理)

A solar oven is a way of using the sun"s power to cook. There are mainly o types of solar ovens: "concentrating" and "solar box cookers". Apart from the obvious need for sunlight and the need to aim the solar oven before use using a solar oven is not substantially different from a regular oven. However since they use no fuel they are free to run humanitarian anizations are promoting their use worldwide to help slow deforestation and desertification caused by the need for firewood with which to cook. A solar box cooker is an insulated box with a trparent top and a reflective lid. The top can usually be removed to allow dark pots containing food to be placed inside. The box usually has one or more reflectors with aluminum foil or other reflective material to bounce extra light into the interior of the box. Cooking containers and the inside bottom of the cooker should be dark-colored or black. The inside walls should be reflective to reduce radiative heat loss and bounce the light towards the pots and the dark bottom which is in contact with the pots. The inside insulator for the solar box cooker has to be able to withstand temperatures up to 150° C (302 °F) without melting or off-gassing. Crumpled newspapers wool rags dry grass sheets of cardboard e can be used to insulate the walls of the cooker but since most of the heat escapes through the top glass or plastic very little insulation in the walls is necessary. The trparent top is either glass which is durable but hard to work with or an oven cooking bag which is lighter cheaper and easier to work with but less durable. If dark pots and/or bottom trays cannot be located these can be darkened either with flat-black spray paint (one that is non-toxic when dry) or black tempera paint. The solar box cooker typically reaches a temperature of 150 °C (302 °F); not as hot as a standard oven but still hot enough to cook food over a somewhat longer period of time. It should be remembered that food containing moisture cannot get hotter than 100 °C (212 °F) in any case so it is not necessary to cook at the high temperatures indicated in standard cookbooks. Because the food does not reach too high a temperature it can be safely left in the cooker all day without burning. It is best to start cooking before noon though. Depending on the latitude and weather food can be cooked either early or later in the day. The cooker can be used to warm food and drinks and can also be used to pasteurize water or milk. Solar box cookers can be made of locally available materials or be manufactured in a factory for sale. They range from *** all cardboard devices suitable for cooking a single meal when the sun is shining to wood and glass boxes built into the sunny side of a house. Although invented by Horace de Saussure a Swiss naturalist as early as 1767 solar box cookers have only gained popularity since the 1970s. These surprisingly simple and useful appliances are seen in growing numbers in almost every country of the world. 参考: /wiki


my heart is still here我的心仍然在这里双语对照例句:1.Ms. jib, is your heart still available? jib小姐,你的心里面还有空间吗?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

milliflex quantum微生物快速检测系统可靠吗

鲎试验微生物快速检测系统为美国进口符合FDA GMP 要求的鲎试验细菌内毒素和真菌(1,3)-β-D-葡聚糖定量检测仪器。该系统具有以下特点: 1.功能强大:可以检测多种项目:细菌内毒素检测、真菌(1-3)-β-D-葡聚糖检测及酶联免疫试验等。 2.适合多种分析方法:动态浊度法,动态显色法和终点显色法。支持动态浊度法和动态显色法同时检测。 3.高通量:同时检测96个样本。 4.波长范围340-900nm, 能做紫外检测及可见光检测。 5.配备6位滤光片轮,标准配置含5个滤光片(340、405、450、540和630nm),满足各种鲎试验定量检测方法及酶标试验的需要。动态浊度法最佳检测波长为630nm;终点显色法最佳检测波长为405或540nm;动态显色法最佳检测波长为405nm。 6.温控可达50℃, 专利4-ZoneTM温控系统,封闭的检测空间,不受外界环境影响,升温速度快,孔间温度均匀一致。温度设置精度为0.1℃。 7.检测时间:动态浊度法和动态显色法为1小时;终点显色法最短16分钟。 8.灵敏度:细菌内毒素检测:0.001EU/ml;真菌(1,3)-β-D-葡聚糖检测:5pg/ml。 9.最低试剂耗用量:0.05ml。 10.检测容器为国际标准化96孔微板,最小化检测容器直径及厚度差异的影响;96个样品同时检测;配备多道移液器,可多至12孔同时加样;另可配备自动化操作系统,提高工作效率,消除人为误差。系统配备耗材为除热原除葡聚糖8孔独立包装板条,减少耗材使用量。 11.支持多波长同步测定;支持单、双波长动力学检测;可设参照波长,消除干扰。 12.具有震荡功能:4速震荡,可调时间,有利于样本和试剂均匀混合。 13.仪器生产商通过ISO13485:2003、ISO9001:2008质量体系认证;仪器通过CE认证;每台仪器均配有符合美国FDA GMP要求的质保证书。 14.系统配备功能强大的专业分析软件,可同时进行细菌内毒素和真菌(1,3)-β-D-葡聚糖检测;自动计算细菌内毒素和真菌(1,3)-β-D-葡聚糖含量,自动计算样品回收率,自动扣除样品对照;所有的数据可输出到MS Excel, 可以和医院LIS系统连接;支持多条标准曲线同步操作; 实验中读取的任何数据(包括动力学检测每一次读取的数据)实时备份。 应用范围: 1.临床人或动物体液(血液、尿液、腹水、脑脊液等)细菌内毒素和真菌(1,3)-β-D-葡聚糖检测。 2.药检方面:药典规定需要细菌内毒素检查的注射剂、生物制品、疫苗、血液制品的检测。 3.生产监控:制药企业原辅材料、中间产品、终端产品内毒素检测;细菌内毒素污染多点监测及注射用水前、后期验证及日常监测。 4.输血、输液等植入性医疗器械内毒素检测。 5.血站血液保存液、空血袋内毒素检测。 6.透析液、透析水、透析器内毒素检测。 7.干细胞悬液、细胞培养基等内毒素(热原)检测。 8.蛋白质、核酸等分子生物学产品如抗体、质粒等内毒素检测。 应用领域: 1.医院:ICU、血液科、肾内科、检验科、烧伤科、感染科(肝病科等)、儿科、消化科、呼吸科等 2.药品生产企业、医疗器械生产企业:研发部、生产部、质量部QC、化验室 3.药品检验机构 4.第三方检测认证机构 5.临检中心 6.科研单位、生命科学研究机构 7.疾病预防控制中心(CDC)及卫生监督部门 8.血站、血液中心 9.干细胞研究与治疗机构

There__millions of tourists going to visit this fairy-tale town.A,is B.are C.have D.has


treaty of Versailles是什么意思

treaty of Versailles 凡尔赛条约;凡尔赛和约;凡尔赛合约例句筛选1.The disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles were not openly violated.凡尔赛和约关于废除军备的条款没有遭到公开的破坏。2.Do you believe that the "war guilt"clause in the Treaty of Versailles wasjustified?你认为凡尔赛条约中的“战争愧疚”是正义的么?

AWK 出来的结果怎么传参KILL -9

kill -9 `jps |grep supervisor|awk -F " " "{print $1}" `

Cindy Lee Berryhill的《Trump》 歌词

歌曲名:Trump歌手:Cindy Lee Berryhill专辑:Naked Movie StarFlipsyde - TrumpetsCountin" trumpets on the wallFiery flame will kill us allAnd I hear trumpets ringing in my headBefore I go to sleepTakes me back way backWhen we were young and we were friendsNow I"m home aloneSmokin" cigarettes waitin" by the phoneSweet Virgina blue skies early mornin" sunriseI can see your spirit dancin" next to mineI know that you"ll never be the same againWe can just roll on down this road my friendI know that you"ll never be just never be aloneI know that you"ll be there when I will say goodbyeHold on tight baby lean when I leanBoth arms tight lady follow my leadLet your hair down feel it blow in the breezeI"m a" take you to a place that you"ll never believeRiding on the wind disappear in the skyNever ask why spread wings and flySunbathe in the sun rays and dreamListening to Dave play and Stevie singI know that you"ll never be the same againWe can just roll on down this road my friendI know that you"ll never be just never be aloneI know that you"ll be there when I will say goodbyeCountin" trumpets on the wallFiery flame will kill us allAnd I hear trumpets ringing in my headBefore I go to sleepTakes me back way backWhen we were young and we were friendsNow I"m home alone smokin" cigarettes waitin" by the phoneSweet Virgina blue skies early mornin" sunriseI can see your spirit dancin" next to mineI know that you"ll never be the same againWe can just roll on down this road my friendI know that you"ll never be just never be aloneI know that you"ll be there when I will say goodbyeFlipsyde - Trumpets

Dizzy Gillespie的《Kisses》 歌词

歌曲名:Kisses歌手:Dizzy Gillespie专辑:Digital At Montreux 1980KISS作曲:CHARA作词:CHARA/EMA编曲:成田真树/五十岚慎一CHARA:Lost a little faith today I thinkFeeling cheated by my foolishnessスキな子いるくせに キスしてたそれにもましてはじめてなんておどろいちゃうスキな子いるくせに キスしてたキスは数じゃ决まらないDon"t you know to listten to your feelingsOh~キスは数じゃ决まらないOh なんで (what you wish for)  なくしたのCHARA:Won"t put aside what"s genuineI am gonna take my time you konwスキな子いるくせに キスしてたI wanna walk on now, my paceI wander again now, unsureI wanna believe now, in timeキスしてたキスは数じゃ决まらないDon"t you know to listen to your feelingsOh~キスは数じゃ决まらないOh なんで (what you wish for) なくしたのDon"t you know to listen to your feelingsキスは数じゃないのよ Oh, baby...Oh, baby...终わり

the most pressing problem created by the rapid increase will be a shortage of food.


Reform the word and fill

Reform the word and fill意思对单词进行变形填空

求《你们是否依然情 while your lips are still red》的中英文歌词

While Your Lips Are Still Red By : Nightwish Sweet little words made for silence 甜蜜的话只为惬意的平静 Not talk 无须言语 Young heart for love 年轻的心为爱而生 Not heartache 无须悲伤 Dark hair for catching the wind 乌黑的秀发随风飘扬Not to veil the sight of a cold world 不要为冰冷的世界蒙上面纱Kiss, while your lips are still red 轻吻你那依旧红润的双唇 While he"s still in silent rest 趁着他还沉默的时候 Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled 在内心尚未被触及显露的时候停下吧Hold another hand while the hand"s still without a tool 牵起你的手,趁着它还没有躲开 Drown into eyes while they"re still blind 让泪水浸没双眼,趁着那依旧朦胧的视线 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 在这凋零黎明来临前的黑夜彼此依恋 First day of love never comes back 初遇的时光已一去不再 A passionate hour"s never a wasted one 激情的岁月永不消褪 The violin, the poet"s hand 提琴之弦,诗人之笔 Every thawing heart plays your theme with care 每颗溶化的心演奏着爱的主题曲Kiss, while your lips are still red 轻吻你那依旧红润的双唇 While he"s still in silent rest 趁着他还沉默的时候 Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled 在内心尚未被触及显露的时候停下吧Hold another hand while the hand"s still without a tool 牵起你的手,趁着它还没有躲开 Drown into eyes while they"re still blind 让泪水浸没双眼,趁着那依旧朦胧的视线 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 在这凋零黎明来临前的黑夜彼此依恋……

yet 和still的区别是啥

still和yet在意义上都作"仍然、还"解,在有些情况下,可以通用。 a.I have still a few more pages to read.(=I have a few more pages to read yet.) still一般与现在时态或进行时态连用,而不与过去时或完成时连用。 b.The money is still here if you want it. c.Are you still living in that room? d.It is eleven o"clock but Henry is still hard at work. yet几乎总是放在句尾,still一般放在句中。比较still和yet在句子中的位置: e.You must work harder yet.(=You must work still harder.) f.We have exported a lot of good,but we must export more yet. (=We have exported a lot of goods,but we must export still more.) still 出现在疑问句中,常表示"惊讶、生气"等情态。 g.What!Are you still working?I thought you had gone home. h.Is that fellow still here?I wish he"d go away.(生气) 试比较下面两句话: i.Isn"t William here yet? j.Is William still not here? 两句话都译成:威廉还没有来吗?但是,在表达情感的程度上却不一样:人们在期待着威廉,而他却没有来,这使得说话者感到十分惊讶,而且可能生气了。这里j句比i句表示的惊讶和生气程度更加强烈。 注意下面两句在意义上的不同: k.Is William still here?威廉还在这儿吗? 1.Is William here yet?威廉来了吗? k句表示威廉已经来过这里了,但说话者不知道他现在离开这里没有。I句表示人们在期待着威廉,但说话者不知道他现在来了没有。


卡西欧EFR-506手表的外圈有 OILLBS. U.S. GAL. LITRES. FUELLBS.这些英文表示是干什么用的?

是个计算尺功能的标尺,可以通过按键来完成一些换算,oil ,lbs:汽油,镑,gal:加仑litres:升fuel,lbs:燃料,镑。这个不知道是神马燃料。。US是美国,你懂得。大概就是说完成从重量到体积的换算,意思是有的地方加油可能是按照重量加的,你只知道需要加多少升,肿么办,你就把计算尺的标记对准你想要的升数上,那个oil,lbs位置就会算出你需要加多少镑。可能一般用不到吧,自己大体算算就是了。。





When a rare disease ALD threatened to kill the four-year-old boy Lorenzo, his parents refused t...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:C小题4:D 试题分析:文章讲述Lorenzo得了罕见的ALD,医生说ALD 还没有治愈的方法,但是他的父母不放弃,坚持实验,最后找到适合治疗这种病的方法。小题1:细节题:从文章第一段的句子:Doctors explained that there was no cure for ALD, and that he would probably die within three years.可知医生说Lorenzo 在三年内可能会死,是因为ALD 还没有治愈的方法,选C小题2:细节题;从文章第二段的句子; But doctors and the families of other ALD patients often refused to take them seriously. They thought the efforts to find a cure were a waste of time,可知其他ALD的病人认为Lorenzo父母的努力是浪费时间,选 B小题3:细节题:从文章第三段的句子:Despite the good results, scientists and doctors remained unconvinced. They said there was no real evidence that the oil worked and that the treatment was just a theory.可知科学家和医生相信Lorenzo"s Oil 只是在理论上有用,选C小题4:归纳题:从文章最后一段的句子:Finally, the boy"s father organized an international study to test the oil. After ten years of trials, the answer is: the oil keeps ALD children healthy.可知这种油做为ALD的疗法真的管用。选D

weaver的《Free will》 歌词

歌曲名:Free will歌手:weaver专辑:HandmadeFree willWEAVER作词:河邉彻作曲:杉本雄治木々を薙ぎ払う风がやめば云の切れ间に光が差した50亿年 この场所で全ての力を手に入れたんだ指を弾けば命が増えた扇いだ风は岚になった瞳を闭じればそこに映るこの星にある全てを见ていた街は今広大な大地を埋めた雨に打たれ群众は悲しみに触れ 声を合わす止まない叫び声「人のもとへ 本当の自由を」魂の叫びに気付いたのか意志を持つ者よ运命(さだめ)のない时を选ぶならば委ねようこの世界の未来はあなたの心に决められた明日に抗う为発明した言叶が「运命」かただの操り人形ではないあなたのその一言が响いた台本のない舞台で踊れるか?握りしめた自由でどこへ行くのか见守ってよう止まない叫び声「人のもとへ 本当の自由を」魂の叫びに気付いたのか意志を持つ者よ运命(さだめ)のない时を选ぶならば委ねようこの世界の未来はあなたの心に止まない叫び声「人のもとへ 本当の自由を」魂の叫びに気付いたのか意志を持つ者よ运命(さだめ)のない时を选ぶならば委ねようこの世界の未来はあなたの心に



每年有大量的游客去北京旅行的英语含millons of

每年有大量的游客去北京旅行。可翻译为: Every year, millions of tourists go to visit Beijing.




安装 PIL ,问题多多,现将出现问题,原因,以及解决方法总结如下: PIL 的官方版本,但是最后一次维护是2009年,现以宣布停止维护,可以运行在python2.7上。 Pillow PIL 的fork版本,还在继续维护更新,建议安装 Pillow 。 在安装Pillow之前,请卸载PIL 安装Pillow 依赖,下面安装是真对ubuntu14.04版本 下面介绍各包提供功能,以及需要的包版本限制(重要) 在我的 ubuntu14.04 中 openjpeg 版本过低,所以找到 openjpeg 的官方网站编译安装最新版的 openjpeg 完成依赖安装后,使用命令 sudo pip install Pillow 安装Pillow在我的ubuntu 14.04安装成功后,在导入仍然提示: [PIL - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] 这样的错误,在stackoverflow找到了解决方法:

求Reynard Silva的《The Way I Still Love You》歌词谢谢!

I Still Love YouVedo the singer:When I look over my shoulder I seeWhatcha you done to meBut inspite of all the things I achieve to doneI still love you, oh yeah

求一首“The way I still Love you”的简谱Reynard Silva的歌谢谢

love the way you lie歌词RihannaJust gonna stand there and watch me burn你是不是就打算站在那看着我五内如焚But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉Just gonna stand there and hear me cry你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie不过没关系,因为我连你的谎言都爱,连你的谎言都爱Eminem]I can"t tell you what it really is我说不出来它到底是什么I can only tell you what it feels like我只能告诉你它是一种什么感觉And right now it"s a still night in my wind pipe现在我的气管像被堵住一样I can"t breathe but I still fight while I can fight无法呼吸 但是我仍在尽力坚持As long as the wrong feels right it"s like I"m in flight就像被驾到高空一样没有任何感觉High off the law, drunk from my hate,借酒泄愤想要挣脱束缚It"s like I"m huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate我就像这溺水一样,越是挣扎就越窒息And right before I"m about to drown, she resuscitates me就在我马上要沉下去的时候,她拯救了我She f**ing hates me and I love it. 我爱她恨我的感觉。Wait! Where you going? I"m leaving you等等!你要去哪儿?我要离开你。No you ain"t. Come back we"re running right back.不,你不能走。

微博 遇到 account or ip or app is illgal,can not continue 怎么办 账号

20201 Target weibo comment does not exist 不存在的微博评论 1、微博平台错误代码分为两种:系统级错误代码(以数字1开头)、服务级错误代码(以数字2开头)2、下面分别是系统级错误代码与服务级错误代码的详细对照表系统级错误代码错误代码 错误信息 详细描述 10001 System error 系统错误 10002 Service unavailable 服务暂停 10003 Remote service error 远程服务错误 10004 IP limit IP限制不能请求该资源 10005 Permission denied, need a high level appkey 该资源需要appkey拥有授权 10006 Source paramter (appkey) is missing 缺少source (appkey) 参数 10007 Unsupport mediatype (%s) 不支持的MediaType (%s) 10008 Param error, see doc for more info 参数错误,请参考API文档 10009 Too many pending tasks, system is busy 任务过多,系统繁忙 10010 Job expired 任务超时 10011 RPC error RPC错误 10012 Illegal request 非法请求 10013 Invalid weibo user 不合法的微博用户 10014 Insufficient app permissions 应用的接口访问权限受限 10016 Miss required parameter (%s) , see doc for more info 缺失必选参数 (%s),请参考API文档 10017 Parameter (%s)"s value invalid, expect (%s) , but get (%s) , see doc for more info 参数值非法,需为 (%s),实际为 (%s),请参考API文档 10018 Request body length over limit 请求长度超过限制 10020 Request api not found 接口不存在 10021 HTTP method is not suported for this request 请求的HTTP METHOD不支持,请检查是否选择了正确的POST/GET方式 10022 IP requests out of rate limit IP请求频次超过上限 10023 User requests out of rate limit 用户请求频次超过上限 10024 User requests for (%s) out of rate limit 用户请求特殊接口 (%s) 频次超过上限 服务级错误代码错误代码 错误信息 详细描述 20001 IDs is null IDs参数为空 20002 Uid parameter is null Uid参数为空 20003 User does not exists 用户不存在 20005 Unsupported image type, only suport JPG, GIF, PNG 不支持的图片类型,仅仅支持JPG、GIF、PNG 20006 Image size too large 图片太大 20007 Does multipart has image 请确保使用multpart上传图片 20008 Content is null 内容为空 20009 IDs is too many IDs参数太长了 20012 Text too long, please input text less than 140 characters 输入文字太长,请确认不超过140个字符 20013 Text too long, please input text less than 300 characters 输入文字太长,请确认不超过300个字符 20014 Param is error, please try again 安全检查参数有误,请再调用一次 20015 Account or ip or app is illgal, can not continue 账号、IP或应用非法,暂时无法完成此操作 20016 Out of limit 发布内容过于频繁 20017 Repeat content 提交相似的信息 20018 Contain illegal website 包含非法网址 20019 Repeat conetnt 提交相同的信息 20020 Contain advertising 包含广告信息 20021 Content is illegal 包含非法内容 20022 Your ip"s behave in a comic boisterous or unruly manner 此IP地址上的行为异常 20031 Test and verify 需要验证码 20032 Update success, while server slow now, please wait 1-2 minutes 发布成功,目前服务器可能会有延迟,请耐心等待1-2分钟 - - - 20111 Target weibo does not exist 不存在的微博 20112 Not your own weibo 不是你发布的微博 20113 Can"t repost yourself weibo 不能转发自己的微博 20114 Illegal weibo 不合法的微博 20119 Weibo id is null 微博ID为空 20111 Repeated weibo text 不能发布相同的微博 - - - 20201 Target weibo comment does not exist 不存在的微博评论 20202 Illegal comment 不合法的评论 20203 Not your own comment 不是你发布的评论 20204 Comment id is null 评论ID为空 - - - 20301 Can"t send direct message to user who is not your follower 不能给不是你粉丝的人发私信 20302 Illegal direct message 不合法的私信 20303 Not your own direct message 不是属于你的私信 20305 Direct message does not exist 不存在的私信 20306 Repeated direct message text 不能发布相同的私信 20307 Illegal direct message id 非法的私信ID - - - 20401 Domain not exist 域名不存在 20402 Wrong verifier Verifier错误 - - - 20501 Source_user or target_user does not exists 参数source_user或者target_user的用户不存在 20502 Please input right target user id or screen_name 必须输入目标用户id或者screen_name 20503 Need you follow user_id 参数user_id必须是你关注的用户 20504 Can not follow yourself 你不能关注自己 20505 Social graph updates out of rate limit 加关注请求超过上限 20506 Already followed 已经关注此用户 20507 Verification code is needed 需要输入验证码 20508 According to user privacy settings,you can not do this 根据对方的设置,你不能进行此操作 20509 Private friend count is out of limit 悄悄关注个数到达上限 20510 Not private friend 不是悄悄关注人 20511 Already followed privately 已经悄悄关注此用户 20512 Please delete the user from you blacklist before you follow the user 你已经把此用户加入黑名单,加关注前请先解除 20513 Friend count is out of limit! 你的关注人数已达上限 20521 Hi Superman, you have concerned a lot of people, have a think of how to make other people concern about you! ! If you have any questions, please contact Sina customer service: 400 690 0000 hi 超人,你今天已经关注很多喽,接下来的时间想想如何让大家都来关注你吧!如有问题,请联系新浪客服:400 690 0000 20522 Not followed 还未关注此用户 20523 Not followers 还不是粉丝 20524 Hi Superman, you have cancelled concerning a lot of people, have a think of how to make other people concern about you! ! If you have any questions, please contact Sina customer service: 400 690 0000 hi 超人,你今天已经取消关注很多喽,接下来的时间想想如何让大家都来关注你吧!如有问题,请联系新浪客服:400 690 0000 - - - 20601 List name too long, please input text less than 10 characters 列表名太长,请确保输入的文本不超过10个字符 20602 List description too long, please input text less than 70 characters 列表描叙太长,请确保输入的文本不超过70个字符 20603 List does not exists 列表不存在 20604 Only the owner has the authority 不是列表的所属者 20605 Illegal list name or list description 列表名或描叙不合法 20606 Object already exists 记录已存在 20607 DB error, please contact the administator 数据库错误,请联系系统管理员 20608 List name duplicate 列表名冲突 20610 Does not support private list 目前不支持私有分组 20611 Create list error 创建列表失败 20612 Only support private list 目前只支持私有分组 20613 You hava subscriber too many lists 订阅列表达到上限 20614 Too many lists, see doc for more info 创建列表达到上限,请参考API文档 注意:这里只是一部分,其他的错误请考API文档g

英语silly seals是什么意思

是很早的一个电影上的吧 憨海豹

our dream will be realized

our dream will be realized我们的梦想一定会实现。

realize可以放在句末吗如your dream will be realize.

within the relati onship

my dear,you are anger in my heart . i tink i was will love to you ! 请给位翻译一下,有语法错误吗?

My dear,you are an angel in my heart.I think I was fall in love with you.

Nguyen Le的《Willow》 歌词

歌曲名:Willow歌手:Nguyen Le专辑:Miraclesjj72-willowby the bright leaves in the garden of my saviouras the parasol gently shades heri can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeahonly way i want to beonly thing i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveonly way i want to beonly one i want to seeonly way i want to liveonly one i want to loveby the old wood burning in the gardenas the moths fly in the flames like our little harlemi can see you when i want to where i am nowwith out old lives left behind uswe are new nowoh yeah    end


country : a district outside of cities and towns; a rural area.village: a small group of dwellings in a rural area, usually ranking in size between a hamlet and a town. countryside: a rural region. so you can say: a village in countryside 我住在农村是不是必须用countryside呀? Using countryside is correct but you do not have to use countryside. You can also say I live in a village, or you can say I am from countryside. 至于说边远山区,我们用rural



silly streak什么意思?


Ronald Mille手表是哪国的?

Ronald Mille罗纳德米尔是瑞士时尚轻奢腕表,致力于为潮流人士打造时尚腕表,不同于大多数传统的瑞士腕表的商务风格,Ronald Mille手表颠覆了传统制表行业,并以自己的名字与爱人的姓氏相结合,创建了独立设计师腕表品牌。

he is a sillyB怎么翻译




if people cut down the forest,they will have nowhere to live为什么后面不用介词in

用in读不通啊,没有地方去居住用toin即live in

Soon, there will be nowhere left to go句子的主谓宾是?

本句话为there be结构,句中主语是nowhere。nowhere可以作代词,意思是“没有地方,毫无特色的地方”。will be 是句中的系动词(有的语法书上也称之为谓语),left to go是表语,there是副词,在句中作状语。

as far north as Ohio and Illinois什么意思啊,如何结构

基于 as far as 这个结构,表达“远至...”之意, 在far 后面加个方位,就表示“向 XX(方向)远至.” Ohio (俄亥俄)and Illinois (伊利诺)是美国中西部的两个州.



在新西兰的Michael Hill买了个0.2的钻戒,戒指上刻了IOK MHJ 麻烦有人懂什么意

10K 是含金量, MHJ 是Michael Hill Jewellers 的缩写。新西兰消费法规定,两周内可以替换,若超过两周了你只能试试,因为不换也没办法。但本人觉得值得一试,换大的会再付钱,有一定的希望。记得待齐包装和发票。

Bill Conti的《Mickey》 歌词

歌曲名:Mickey歌手:Bill Conti专辑:Rocky Iii: Music From The Motion PictureMickey (Hawaii version)Gorie with Jasmine & Joann作词:ゴリエ美化委员会作曲:Michael Donald Chapman/Nicky Chinn编曲:カケガワヨウスケ ホンザワナオユキOahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Oahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Oahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Oahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Hey Mickey!恋するチャンスは无限大ぼやぼやしてたら负け犬だワンちょーSEXY よ 振り向いて Mickey想像なんかじゃ You Don"t know foreverLove is body で Everytime Kissやってすぐ good bye はヨロコビみょ~ MickeyOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey恋する乙女のおまじないOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey私だけを见てCome on! Do Mickey Do MickeyDon"t break my heart, MickeyHey Mickey!松浦ゴリエと申します (ペコリ)普通のかわいい巨乳です (ボイン)うで、ワキ、へそ毛は浓いめです MickeyMy name is Joann from Hawaii (Ahan)Ja Ja Ja Ja Jasmine, my blond is cute!ゴリエの引き立て役じゃろがい MickeyOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey恋する乙女のおまじないOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey私だけを见てCome on! Do Mickey Do MickeyDon"t break my heart, MickeyOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey恋する乙女のおまじないOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey私だけを见てCome on! Do Mickey Do MickeyDon"t break my heart, Mickeyおわり

Jennifer Lopez的《Still》 歌词

歌曲名:Still歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:This Is Me...ThenJennifer Lopez - StillWhen I sleepI have dreams about the way we used to kissAbout the way you used to hold meAnd say nothin would ever harm meWhen we first metOh how you charmed meMade me smile when I was downBig pimpin" around the townYou and meWhenever they"d see youThey"d see meA lover and a friend to me you wereHow did it endHow it hurtsTo not have you in my lifewhen I wanted to be your wifeYou never know what you haveTill its goneTreated you wrongFor so longNow you"re gone awayBut the love still lives hereStill...I still got love for youStill...After all we"ve been throughStill...I gave my heart to youAnd baby you"re the only oneThere"s other men than youStill...They can come close to youStill..Once I said I love youI knew you"d be the only oneA good man you were to meAlways there to careWould do anything in this world for meDidn"t matter, what, when, or whereYou were thereI never thought we"d part from the arguments we"d startWhen I just wanted to get some attentionAnd I"m sorry baby for bitchinIf I could take back the wordsThat I said to make you leaveI"d be down on bended kneesAsking you to please forgive meAll of the good times we had together (together)Do they mean something to youDo you ever wish we never split (never)Still got love for you...

Jennifer Lopez的《Villain》 歌词

歌曲名:Villain歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:LOVE?Jennifer Lopez - VillainJennifer... JLO...Now somehow you feel left outSomehow you"re feeling downGot an inch but took a mileOh noooooooooRight now your body"s in needCan"t replace what you had in meMy words are cutting deepOh noooooooooWatch me fall nowI"m colder than winterMy love you forgot,Let me help you rememberI loved you like you never beenSo overdosed on your own medicineThere"s no need to call me on the phoneTelling me how much your aloneEnemy of my state of mindNow I"m the villain how come I"m the villainI told you that you would need my loveI give you my all but that wasn"t enoughEnemy of my state of mindNow I"m the villain, I"m the villain... of your loveLalalalalalalalalaLalalalalalalalalaLalalalalalalalalaBaby, I"m the villain, Baby, I"m the villain... of your loveOh now you get the pictureOh oh now you wanna fix herOh now your screaming let"s go backI ain"t having thatBut now my love ain"t aroundIt"s behind walls that won"t come downBut now you wanna show up and turn my sour sweetYou gon" miss meWatch me fall nowI"m colder than winterMy love you forgot,Let me help you rememberI loved you like you never beenSo overdosed on your own medicineThere"s no need to call me on the phoneTelling me how much your aloneEnemy of my state of mindNow I"m the villain how come I"m the villainI told you that you would need my loveI give you my all but that wasn"t enoughEnemy of my state of mindNow I"m the villain, I"m the villain... of your loveLalalalalalalalalaLalalalalalalalalaLalalalalalalalalaBaby, I"m the villain, Baby, I"m the villain... of your loveohhhhhI"m the villain, Baby, I"m the villain... of your loveLalalalalalalalalaLalalalalalalalalaLalalalalalalalalaI"m the villain, Baby, I"m the villain... of your love




一亿一百万 MILLION是一百万的意思

15.5 million is___A,155,000 B,1,550,000 C,15,500,000 D、155,000,000

15.5 million 是15.5 个百万,15.5*100*10000 选C

150 million是1500万还是1亿5千万?

150,000,000 是一亿五千万 英文是三个零一个单位,第一组三个零后是thousand,然后是million,然后是billion,trillion.

10 million 是多少钱


million 的用法和hundred一样吗?

当然一样hundreds of 、five hundred之类的用法对million同样适用


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