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dense adj.密集的,稠密的broad adj.宽广的,清楚无误的... deep adj.深的,深刻的;ad...profuse adj.很多的,丰富的 bushy adj.浓密的,灌木一样的viscous adj. 粘的,粘性的 syrupy adj.糖浆的,似蜜糖的numerous adj.为数众多的,许多 massive adj.巨大的,大量的filled adj. 充满的;动词fi...



thick 的反义词是什么




fly的复数形式 flies chick 下雪的sn(o)(w)y 长裤p(a)nts this are nor shoe

thick还有哪些词性?有solid、 thick吗

作形容词时有solid、thick;作副词时只有thick。 词汇解析: 一、thin释义: 1、用作形容词:薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的。 2、用作动词:使瘦;使淡;使稀疏;变薄;变瘦;变淡。 3、用作副词:稀疏地;微弱地。 二、solid释义: 1、用作形容词:固体的;可靠的;立体的;结实的;一致的。 2、用作名词:固体;立方体。 三、thick释义: 1、用作形容词:厚的,有……厚;浓密的;粘稠的;浑浊的;迟钝的;明显的;粗壮的。 2、用作名词:最激烈处,最密集处,中心处。 用作副词:厚厚地;密集地。


thick 的音标是 [θik]是清辅音结尾


thick [θik]adj.厚的, 粗的


sick和thick读音的区别是开头的发音不同。sick开头发音是[s],发音时舌尖微微伸出于上下门齿之间。thick开头发音是[θ],发音时上下齿自然合拢,注意舌头不在牙齿之间。sick和thick的读音分别是[sɪk]、 [θɪk]。[θ]属于摩擦音、舌齿音及清辅音。发音时舌尖微微伸出于上下门齿之间,气流从舌齿间的窄缝中泄出成音。声带不震动。要注意与/ð/,/s/,/z/的区别,发这个音主要是舌尖与上齿之间的摩擦,所以千万不要紧紧咬住舌尖,应该是上齿轻触舌尖。[s]是辅音音标,属于摩擦音、齿龈音及清辅音。发音时上下齿自然合拢,嘴唇微开,舌前抬起,将口腔的空气从窄缝中泄出成嘶的音。thick用法:thick的基本意思是“厚的,粗的”,也可表示“稠密的,密集的,茂密的”,液体或糊状物“浓的,黏稠的”,汽、烟、雾或空气等“不清澈的,混浊的,浓的”,口音“很明显的,重的;不清楚的”。thick可作“充满的,布满的”解,还可作“荒唐的,不合情理的”解,作这两种解释时,常用作表语,并多与介词with连用。thick在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。sick用法:sick的基本意思是“有病的”,在英式英语中只用作表语,而在美式英语中则既可用作表语,也可用作定语,常用于修饰人,偶尔也用于修饰事物如sick leave(病假)。sick有时可指与“呕吐”有关的具体症状,如“恶心的,想吐的”。用于比喻可指“讨厌的”“渴望的”“心烦意乱的,恼火的”等。作“腻烦的,厌恶的”解时,常后接介词of。sick不受heavily修饰,表示“病重”,可用seriously。

thick的反义词 thick的反义词是什么

1、thick的【反义词】:sparse、thin 2、thick【基本解释】 adj.浓的,茂密的;厚的,粗大的;稠密的;不透明的。adv.密集地;不清晰地;太过分;频频地,时常。n.最厚的部分;最活跃或最激烈的部分;笨蛋;可可粉。 3、比较级:thicker最高级:thickest。


thick 英[θɪk] 美[θɪk] adj. 浓的,茂密的;厚的,粗大的;稠密的;不透明的 adv. 密集地;不清晰地;〈口〉太过分;频频地,时常 n. 最厚的部分;最活跃或最激烈的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉 [例句]He gives me a stack about an inch thick.他给了我一叠大约有一英寸厚的表格。


thick 英[θɪk] 美[θɪk] adj. 浓的,茂密的;厚的,粗大的;稠密的;不透明的 adv. 密集地;不清晰地;〈口〉太过分;频频地,时常 n. 最厚的部分;最活跃或最激烈的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉 [例句]His eyebrows , thick and slanted down toward the bridge of his nose , give him a stern look.眉毛浓密且向鼻梁倾斜,给人一种严峻之感。


thick的反义词 释义1:稀少的 sparse 稀少的2:薄的、瘦的 thin 反义词辨析 sparse adj. 稀少的 英语单词,形容词,意为“稀疏的;稀少的”。 thin adj. 薄的、瘦的 作形容词时意为“薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的”。 thick adj. 厚的、粗的 基本意思是“厚的、粗的”,也可表示“稠密的、茂密的”。


1、thick:英[θ?k]、美[θ?k]2、adj.厚的; 粗的; (询问或说明厚度)有…厚; 浓密的; 稠密的; 茂密的; 浓的; 能见度低的; 拥满; 迟钝的; 浓重的; 嘶哑的,不清的; 亲密的;3、n.最拥挤部分; 活动最多部分; 事物的粗大浓密部分;4、adv.厚厚地;5、[例句]The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify较厚的熔岩需要两周的时间才能凝固。


1、thick:英[θ?k]、美[θ?k]2、adj.厚的; 粗的; (询问或说明厚度)有…厚; 浓密的; 稠密的; 茂密的; 浓的; 能见度低的; 拥满; 迟钝的; 浓重的; 嘶哑的,不清的; 亲密的;3、n.最拥挤部分; 活动最多部分; 事物的粗大浓密部分;4、adv.厚厚地;5、[例句]The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify较厚的熔岩需要两周的时间才能凝固。


n. 最拥挤部分;活动最多部分;事物的粗大浓密部分adj. 厚的;浓的;粗大的adv. 密集地;浓浓地,厚厚地


thick 英[θɪk] 美[θɪk] adj. 浓的,茂密的; 厚的,粗大的; 稠密的; 不透明的; adv. 密集地; 不清晰地; 〈口〉太过分; 频频地,时常; n. 最厚的部分; 最活跃或最激烈的部分; 〈口〉笨蛋; 〈俚〉可可粉; [例句]For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup早餐我吃了一片厚厚的涂了糖浆的面包。比较级:thicker 最高级:thickest


thick的名词形式还是thick thick adj.厚的;粗的;(询问或说明厚度)有…厚;浓密的;稠密的;茂密的 n.最拥挤部分;活动最多部分;事物的粗大浓密部分 adv.厚厚地 比较级: thicker最高级: thickest 扩展资料   Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef   像牛肉一样,厚的金枪鱼排做到半熟即可食用。   Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick.   你一定要把面包片切得厚厚的。   Draw a thick black line across the page.   在此页上横画一条粗黑线。


adj.厚的 ; 密的 ; 茂密的 ; 密集的 ; 黏稠的 ; 不自由流动的 ; 愚钝的 ; 笨的 ; 浊的 ; 沙哑的 ; 亲密无间的 ; 交情厚的n.最激烈处 ; 最活跃的部分 ; 最密集处 ; 中心处adv.厚厚地 ; 密集地 ; 浓浓地 ; 强烈地

thick是什么意思中文 英语thick什么意思

1、thick,英文单词,主要用作形容词、名词、副词,作形容词时意为“ 厚的,有……厚;浓密的;粘稠的;浑浊的;迟钝的;明显的;粗壮的;(字体)粗体的;(气味)浓烈的;沙哑的;口音重的;思路不清的;大量的;(非正式)交情厚的”,作名词时意为“最激烈处,最密集处,中心处,(美、英、加)西克(人名)”,作副词时意为“厚厚地;密集地”。 2、例句:What if the juice was as thick as porridge?如果果汁的外观厚的想粥,那会怎么样?


厚的 浓的thick smoke 浓烟thick blanket 厚的毯子


thick 释义: adj. 厚的;浓密的;粗的;愚笨的读音:英 [θɪk] 美 [θɪk]    单词变形:1、形容词: thickish  2、副词: thickly  3、比较级: thicker  4、最高级: thickest双语例句:He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。扩展资料:近义词1、dense 读音:英 [dens]  美 [dens]    adj. 密集的;稠密的;浓密的Books with dense print can be difficult to read.印得密密麻麻的书阅读起来很困难。2、full 读音:英 [fʊl] 美 [fʊl]    adj. 满的;充满的;完全的n. 全部;极点adv. 非常;直接地vt. 使衣服宽松;增厚Hotels are often full in season在度假旺季,旅馆经常客满。


应该是adj.浓的,茂密的; 厚的,粗大的; 稠密的; 不透明的adv.密集地; 不清晰地; 〈口〉太过分; 频频地,时常


在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,如thick结尾不是重读闭音节,是清辅音结尾,所以其比较级直接加er比较级的构成规格:般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est;(1)单音节词,如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest;(2)双音节词,如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest2.以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st,如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest able→abler→ablest3.在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est,如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest fat→fatter→fattest4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词, 把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est,如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest5.其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most,如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful






thick中文是什么意思音标:[ θik ] 中文是C可adj.1.(opp. thin)厚的;(树枝)粗大的。2.浓厚的,黏稠的;混浊的。3.不透明的;不清晰的(声音沙哑,口齿不清等)。4.阴霾的,有浓雾的。5.(树林等)茂密的;(毛发)浓密的;密集的,挤满人的;充满…的。6.频频的,接连不停的(指雨,雪等)。7.混杂的(with); 众多的;丰富的 (with)。8.(器官,头脑)迟钝的。9.〔口语〕亲密的,知己的,友好的 (with)。10.〔英俚〕太过分的。11.显著的。


thick 翻译;粗的/厚的比较级thicker求采!!!!!


thickKK: []DJ: []a.1. 厚的;粗的How thick is the board?这块木板有多厚?2. 浓的,浓厚的;粘稠的;混浊的It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog.在浓雾天驾车很危险。3. 充满...的;长满...的[F][(+with)]The air was thick with smoke.空气中烟雾弥漫。4. 茂密的;密集的We saw a few cabins by the edge of the thick forest.我们在密林边缘看见几间小木屋。5. (口音)重的;(声音)浊的;口齿不清的6. 【口】(脑子)迟钝的;思路不清的;笨的That guy has a thick head.那个汉子脑子笨。7. 【口】亲密的,很友好的[F][(+with)]He is thick with my brothers.他与我兄弟过往甚密。ad.1. 厚厚地;密集地Don"t spread jam that thick.别把果酱涂得那么厚。2. 浓浓地;强烈地My heart beat thick in the course of the interview.在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。n.1. 厚的(粗的、密的)部分;最激烈的时候[the S][(+of)]They are in the thick of reforming the educational system.他们正积极从事改革教育制度。

越南语 thick是什么意思

越南语 thick是什么意思? 首先,越南人有发信息不标声调的习惯,还有为了便于输入,用替代词的习惯。这个词正确输入应该是 thích , 用K代替了h. 是喜欢的意思。

关于thick 这个单词 词性的问题

副词 ad. 1 .厚厚地;密集地Don"t spread jam that thick. 别把果酱涂得那么厚。



heavy smoke和thick smoke区别

heavy smoke和thick smoke的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、heavy smoke:浓重的烟。2、thick smoke:浓烈的烟。二、语法不同1、heavy smoke:heavy的基本意思是“重的”,通常指某物体很重,引申可指人在精神上感觉沉重,即“沉重的,沉闷的,忧郁的”,也可指天气“阴沉的”。2、thick smoke:thick的基本意思是“厚的,粗的”,也可表示“稠密的,密集的,茂密的”,液体或糊状物“浓的,黏稠的”,汽、烟、雾或空气等“不清澈的,混浊的,浓的”,口音“很明显的,重的; 不清楚的”。三、侧重点不同1、heavy smoke:侧重于表示发烟源的猛烈。2、thick smoke:侧重于表示发出的烟的猛烈。



英文单词thick 放在这个句子里面应该怎么翻译?



thick的反义词是slight。英 [slaɪt]  美 [slaɪt]    adj. 轻微的;纤弱的;微小的vt. 轻视;忽略n. 轻蔑;怠慢例句:He has a slight wheeze in his chest.翻译:他呼吸时胸部发出轻微的响声。短语:slight book 无足轻重的书扩展资料:thick的近义词wide 英 [waɪd]  美 [waɪd]    adj. 广泛的;广阔的;睁得大的;渊博的;偏离目标的adv. 张的很大地;广阔地;没有完全获胜把握例句:The paper has a wide readership.翻译:该报拥有广泛的读者。用法adj. (形容词)1、wide的基本意思是“宽的,宽阔的”,指某物从这边到另一边距离的多少。引申可表示“范围大的,广泛的,离目标远的”,有时还可表示“完全张开的”。2、wide可加表示数量的名词构成形容词短语。短语中wide位于数量词之后,整个短语修饰名词时常置于名词之后。

thicker than ??

比( )还厚


  thick的反义词  一、【反义词】  sparse、thin  二、【基本解释】  adj.浓的,茂密的;厚的,粗大的;稠密的;不透明的  adv.密集地;不清晰地;〈口〉太过分;频频地,时常  n.最厚的部分;最活跃或最激烈的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉  比较级:thicker最高级:thickest  易混淆的单词:Thick

thick fog的意思



thick读:[θɪk],意思是“厚的”。形容词时翻译为:厚的;粗的;(询问或说明厚度)有…厚;浓密的;稠密的;茂密的;浓的;能见度低的;拥满;迟钝的;浓重的;嘶哑的,不清的;亲密的。名词时翻译为:最拥挤部分;活动最多部分;事物的粗大浓密部分。副词时翻译为:厚厚地。例句:1、The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify.较厚的熔岩需要两周的时间才能凝固。2、Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef.像牛肉一样,厚的金枪鱼排做到半熟即可食用。3、As a result, today many forests have thicker vegetation.因此,今天许多森林有更厚的植被。4、He had thick glasses and his face was all lines.他戴着镜片很厚的眼镜,脸上布满了皱纹。5、The culture produced a thick, porous pottery.这种文化制造了一种厚的、有孔能渗水的陶器。




thick 英[θɪk] 美[θɪk] adj. 浓的,茂密的, 厚的,粗大的, 稠密的, 不透明的 adv. 密集地, 不清晰地, 〈口〉太过分, 频频地,时常 n. 最厚的部分, 最活跃或最激烈的部分, 〈口〉笨蛋, 〈俚〉可可粉 [例句]Sprinkle a thick layer of borax over the stain.向污渍上面洒一层厚厚的硼砂。保证正确率,望采纳如有疑问,请追问


thick的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.厚的;粗的How thick is the board? 这块木板有多厚? 2.浓的,浓厚的;粘稠的;混浊的It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog. 在浓雾天驾车很危险。 3.充满...的;长满...的[F][(+with)]The air was thick with smoke. 空气中烟雾弥漫。 4.茂密的;密集的We saw a few cabins by the edge of the thick forest. 我们在密林边缘看见几间小木屋。 5.(口音)重的;(声音)浊的;口齿不清的6.【口】(脑子)迟钝的;思路不清的;笨的That guy has a thick head. 那个汉子脑子笨。 7.【口】亲密的,很友好的[F][(+with)]He is thick with my brothers. 他与我兄弟过往甚密。 副词 ad. 1.厚厚地;密集地Don"t spread jam that thick. 别把果酱涂得那么厚。 2.浓浓地;强烈地My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。 名词 n. 1.厚的(粗的、密的)部分;最激烈的时候[the S][(+of)]They are in the thick of reforming the educational system. 他们正积极从事改革教育制度。


thick 英[θɪk] 美[θɪk] adj. 浓的,茂密的;厚的,粗大的;稠密的;不透明的 adv. 密集地;不清晰地;〈口〉太过分;频频地,时常 n. 最厚的部分;最活跃或最激烈的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉 [例句]He gives me a stack about an inch thick.他给了我一叠大约有一英寸厚的表格。


thick [θik]adj.厚的粗的;粗短的;粗壮的有…厚的密的,密集的,茂密的,繁密的稠密的;稠的,粘稠的;浓的多雾的;阴霾的充满的;布满的混浊的,不清晰的;沙哑的;口齿不清的(口音)重的;发…音的[口语]迟钝的,愚笨的,愚蠢的[口语]亲密的,很友好的[主英国口语]过分的;过度的【印刷】粗体的[古语]理解力差的adv.厚厚地;浓浓地密集地,稠密地弄得厚强烈地n.最厚部分;最激烈处;最活跃部分[口语]笨蛋,傻瓜[俚语]可可粉vt., vi.[口语] =thicken


thick 英[θik] 美[θɪk] adj. 1.厚的, 粗的 2.稠密的, 密集的, 茂密的 3.浓的; 黏稠的 4.很明显的, 重的; 不清楚的, 浓重的 5.充满的; 布满的; 拥满;挤满;弥漫 6.(询问或说明厚度)有…厚 7.能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的 8.能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的 9.迟钝的;愚笨的 10.嘶哑的,不清的(尤指因疾病或激动所致) 11.亲密的;十分友好的;过于亲近的 12."二“ adv. 1.厚厚地 形容词 adj.1.厚的, 粗的 She was still wearing her thick coat.她还穿着那件厚外套。2.稠密的, 密集的, 茂密的 Thick liquid pours much more slowly than thin liquid.稠的液体倒出来比稀的慢。3.浓的; 黏稠的4.很明显的, 重的; 不清楚的, 浓重的 Grandfather spoke with a thick Scottish brogue.祖父说话带有很重的苏格兰土腔。5.充满的; 布满的; 拥满;挤满;弥漫 The train was thick with students.车上挤满了学生。6.(询问或说明厚度)有…厚 7.能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的 8.能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的 9.迟钝的;愚笨的10.嘶哑的,不清的(尤指因疾病或激动所致)11.亲密的;十分友好的;过于亲近的 12."二“副词 adv.1.厚厚地



thick怎么读音 英语thick怎么读音

1、thick英[θɪk]美[θɪk],adj.厚的; 粗的; (询问或说明厚度)有…厚; 浓密的; 稠密的; 茂密的;n.最拥挤部分; 活动最多部分; 事物的粗大浓密部分;adv.厚厚地。 2、[例句]The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify.较厚的熔岩需要两周的时间才能凝固。


thick的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.厚的;粗的How thick is the board? 这块木板有多厚? 2.浓的,浓厚的;粘稠的;混浊的It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog. 在浓雾天驾车很危险。 3.充满...的;长满...的[F][(+with)]The air was thick with smoke. 空气中烟雾弥漫。 4.茂密的;密集的We saw a few cabins by the edge of the thick forest. 我们在密林边缘看见几间小木屋。 5.(口音)重的;(声音)浊的;口齿不清的6.【口】(脑子)迟钝的;思路不清的;笨的That guy has a thick head. 那个汉子脑子笨。 7.【口】亲密的,很友好的[F][(+with)]He is thick with my brothers. 他与我兄弟过往甚密。 副词 ad. 1.厚厚地;密集地Don"t spread jam that thick. 别把果酱涂得那么厚。 2.浓浓地;强烈地My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。 名词 n. 1.厚的(粗的、密的)部分;最激烈的时候[the S][(+of)]They are in the thick of reforming the educational system. 他们正积极从事改革教育制度。


读:英 [θɪk]    意思是: 厚的;浓密的;粗的;愚笨的adj. (形容词)厚的,粗的of relatively great distance or of a specified distance between opposite surfaces or sides稠密的,密集的,茂密的have a large number of units close together浓的,黏稠的(of a liquid or paste) relatively stiff in consistency; not flowing easily不清澈的,混浊的,浓的(of a vapour or the atmosphere) not clear; dense很明显的,重的; 不清楚的very noticeable; not clear in sound[P]充满的,布满的full of; covered withadv. (副词)厚厚地,密密地,浓浓地so as to be thick; thicklyn. (名词)[S]最活跃的部分; 活动最频繁的地点或时间the part, place, time, etc., of greatest activity


反义词thin读法:英 [θɪn]  美 [θɪn]解释:薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的使瘦;使淡;使稀疏变薄;变瘦;变淡稀疏地;微弱地细小部分用法:The Thin Red Line 细细的红线 ; 红色警戒 ; 细红线 ; 狂林战曲thin film [科技] 薄膜 ; 电阻元件材料 ; 工程师 ; 一种薄而软的透明薄片thin client 瘦客户端 ; 瘦客 ; 瘦客户机 ; 瘦客户扩展资料:thick读法:英 [θɪk]  美 [θɪk] 解释:厚的,有……厚;浓密的;粘稠的;浑浊的;迟钝的;明显的;粗壮的;(字体)粗体的;(气味)浓烈的;沙哑的;口音重的;思路不清的;大量的;(非正式)交情厚的最激烈处;最密集处;中心处厚厚地;密集地(Thick)(美、英、加)西克(人名)用法:Thick as Thieves 亲密如贼 ; 贼世至尊 ; 侠盗密码thick soup [食品] 浓汤 ; 汤羹 ; 详细翻译Pork thick soup 肉羹汤 ; 鱿鱼汤 ; 肉羹 ; 猪肠汤


1、thick,英文单词,主要用作形容词、名词、副词,作形容词时意为“ 厚的,有??厚;浓密的;粘稠的;浑浊的;迟钝的;明显的;粗壮的;(字体)粗体的;(气味)浓烈的;沙哑的;口音重的;思路不清的;大量的;(非正式)交情厚的”,作名词时意为“最激烈处,最密集处,中心处,(美、英、加)西克(人名)”,作副词时意为“厚厚地;密集地”。2、例句:What if the juice was as thick as porridge?如果果汁的外观厚的想粥,那会怎么样?


thick读音英[θɪk];美[θɪk]。释义:adj.厚的,有……厚;浓密的;粘稠的;浑浊的;迟钝的;明显的;粗壮的;(字体)粗体的;(气味)浓烈的;沙哑的;口音重的;思路不清的;大量的;(非正式)交情厚的n.最激烈处;最密集处;中心处adv.厚厚地;密集地n.(Thick)(美、英、加)西克(人名)变形:比较级thicker、最高级thickest双语例句We are at the thick of the fighting.我们处于交战的最激烈处。I applied a coat of paint thick to the wall.我往墙上涂了厚厚一层漆。The man has a thick Mexican accent.这个人有很浓重的墨西哥口音。

thick的意思 thick英文解释

1、thick,厚的,读音:美/θɪk/;英/θɪk/。 2、释义: (1)adj.厚的,有……厚;浓密的;粘稠的;浑浊的;迟钝的;明显的;粗壮的;(字体)粗体的;(气味)浓烈的;沙哑的;口音重的;思路不清的;大量的;(非正式)交情厚的。 (2)n.最激烈处;最密集处;中心处。 (3)adv.厚厚地;密集地。 (4)n.(Thick)(美、英、加)西克(人名)。 3、例句:That"s a thick piece of cake.那块蛋糕真厚。


厚的 浓的thick smoke 浓烟thick blanket 厚的毯子

谁能帮我分析一下 tickly cough ,chesty cough,dry cough 的区别


谁能帮我分析一下 tickly cough ,chesty cough,dry cough 的区别

tickly cough是喉咙眼很不舒服,好像被人挠痒的感觉,就是喉咙痒忍不住咳嗽chesty cough是指肺部有很多痰的那种咳嗽,听得到胸腔里面痰。dry cough也就是干咳了,没有痰。趁着药店还没有关门,快去吧:D


more beautiful, most beautifulmore interesting, most interestingmore quickly, most quickestless, leastmore careful, most careful


less least quickier quickiest

deep,thick,little 的比较级和最高级分别是什么?

deeper, deepest thicker,thickest less,least精——锐

Trickbaby的《Babu》 歌词

歌名: Ba Bump歌手: Black Eyed PeasYea (woo)Uh (woo)the shit (woo)ya…HeyThis is the beat that make you shake your rumpThat make your booty go ba-bump, ba-bumpIt"s that beat that make ya bump ya bump (ohh)Yea, just do what you wantUp in the club just do what you wantGet into it baby, get off your stumpGirlies on the dance floor wiggle your frontsWe got rhymes that always triumphThis is the beat that make ya bump ya bumpShake your rump rump shaky shake your rumpIts that beat that make ya bump ya bumpAnd only gettin" little booties little bit of hump (thanks)And if you got boobies baby keep em all plumpAnd if you got blunts s-smoke em if you wantGot a 6 - 4 get pump it in your trunkCuz we got biz that been boomin like… (ohh)Yea nigga don"t fruntCuz this beat got you running just like uh(run forest)Bump ya bumpAnd if you got money fellas keep it like TrumpFellas, huhWhip out your moneyand go get a Honeyand buy what she wantTake her to the ball and try to get her drunkBut if the girl"s UGLYThen get drunkThis that beat that make ya get crunkIt"s that beat that make ya bump ya bump (ohh)I"ll give you what ya want(Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh…)B to the U to the M to the PThat"s what we gave ya cuz that"s what you needB to the E to the P make ya bump (ooh)I"ll give you what you wantI come with rhymes that are dangerous like stunts (yea)Keep the girls screaming just like trumpets (yea)Keep the hits from smashing like pumpkinsGet ya drunk like it"s too, too much consumption (ohh)Throw the assume, there"s no room for assumptionWe the crew that keep the funk just funkingThe bump just ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bumping (ohh)We give ya what you wantSome that thing lil some one ofJust like your mamma nigga this beats ChunkyLook imma be real bluntWe punch up cops, no, we don"t get punk"dNever stagged near the dragon, keep it on jump (ohh)If you"re askin" it"s the year of the MonkeySo ba bump ba bump (ohh)Do what you want(Up in the club just do what you want)Give it to me baby, yea, get off your stumpBrothers on the floor just wiggle your frontCuz we got rhymes that always triumph, huhGot blunts s-smoke em if you wantThis that beat that make ya, you know the restIt"s that beat that make ya bump ya bump (ohh)I"ll give ya what you want, come on(Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh, Ye-eh-eh…)B to the U to the M to the PThat"s what we gave ya cuz that"s what you needB to the E to the P make ya bump (ooh)This is bumping, bumping, (oh) bumping, bumpingWhen it"s bumping in your trunk, it takes over me(This is bumping, bumping) and this is real (bumping, bumping)cuz I feelthe ba-bump bump ba-bumpThis is bumping, bumping, (Oh) bumping, bumpingWhen the base ba-bumps, ba-bumps it takes over me(This is bumping, bumping) you know I feel (bumping, bumping)so unrealba-da bump bump da-bumphttp://music.baidu.com/song/7537778

求首英文歌第一句是:I was quick wait a boy(babby)

iron & wine 的flightless bird, american mouth 绝对是这个~

Sugababes的《Side Chick》 歌词

歌曲名:Side Chick歌手:Sugababes专辑:Catfights and Spotlights-IslandSugababes - Side Chick(Catfights and Spotlights)if you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantif you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantWe could - just be - friendsYou know - How that - endsif you wanna call it love or call it lustBaby when it"s just usWe"ll be testing like there ain"t no stopping usOfficial is my definitionIf you don"t agreeThen that"s your griefThe fun will seizeboyit"s not attraction that is missing (the intensity is there)and the kissing is amazing (I just wish we would beware)we"re fine to show our feelings babeno games, I"m done with playing thoseWe should - just be - friends.if you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantif you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantWe could - just be - friendsYou know - How that - endsif you wanna call it fun, or call it teaseI"ll just separate degreesand really do it in my head, now trust meI really feel more ready to commit to this, pleaseIf that can"t beThen let me breatheBoyit"s not attraction that is missing (the intensity is there)and the kissing is amazing (I just wish we would beware)we"re fine to show our feelings babeno games, I"m done with playing thoseWe should - just be - friends.if you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantif you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantWe could - just be - friendsYou know - How that - endslet me tell you "bout a boy,He"s going la-latry"na get my ya-yabut he"s not commited, so i"ma tell him baby bye-byetreat me like a yo-yopapa that"s a no-noif we"re not official i"m so much better off soloboys are going crazy on a day to day basis (and it don"t stop)I just click and erase,Until they not try to trigger try"na get in my knickers (and you don"t stop)this shit is getting ridicilousif a boy"s ridicilousHe won"t pass my testNow put me on your speed dial and erase the rest (if you thought)We should - just be - friendsif you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantif you want a sly chick,On the Side Chick,It"s not you and IBoy you better get your head checkedBut if your mind"s rightThen we just mightSpend some time and we call it what we wantWe could - just be - friendsYou know - how that - Ends (oh..)http://music.baidu.com/song/1335340

关於一首英文短诗的问题(Emily Dickinson写的)

希望是一种带翅膀的东西~她栖息在灵魂之中~唱着没有歌词的旋律~希望永不停步~在那狂风中,希望的歌是最美的~只有在暴风雨才是最痛楚的<暴风雨>让这只小鸟局促不安希望也曾保留多少温暖~(希望)在最冰凉的土地~在最偏远的海洋~然而,在极度困境之中她也不会向我乞求一丁点(怜悯)我自己翻译的,比较白话~背后的意思是~要做一个有希望的人~希望不灭,自尊仍存~(we should learn to be a person of hope ~hope is something that makes us never say give up to others>第三段,我们应该学习希望的自爱精神~不屈的精神~<we should never give in to anything~and ask mercy of others


n. 野餐vi. 去野餐[ 过去式 picnicked 过去分词 picnicked 现在分词 picnicking ]We"re going on a picnic tomorrow.我们明天去野餐。Afterwards, we picnicked on the riverbank.之后,我们在河岸上野餐。

she is seriously sick


为什么iPhone手机里的照片复制到电脑上会有两个AAE文件和一个quick time电影

AAE文件是iPhone编辑照片时留下的缓存文件。AAE文件它的用处就在于帮助我们还原我们所希望看到的照片。quicktime播放器 是苹果公司开发的格式。

Dionne Warwick的《Deja Vu》 歌词

歌曲名:Deja Vu歌手:Dionne Warwick专辑:The Collection~Deja Vu~Dave RodgersMade by HandsomeCKSee you body into the moonlightEven if I try to cancelAll the pictures into the mindThere"s flashing in my eyesDon"t you see my condition?The fiction is gonna run it againCan"t you see now illusion?Right into your mindDeja vuI"ve just been in this place beforeHigher on the streetAnd I know it"s my time to goCalling you and the search is misteryStanding on my feetIt"s so hard when I try to be meOhDeja vuI"ve just been in this time beforeHigher on the beatAnd I know it"s a place to goCalling you and the search is misteryStanding on my feetIt"s so hard when I try to be meYeahSee the future into the presentSee my past lives in the distanceTry to guess now what"s going onAnd the band begins to playDon"t you see my condition?The fiction is gonna run it againCan"t you see now illusion?Right into your mindDeja vuI"ve just been in this place beforeHigher on the streetAnd I know it"s my time to goCalling you and the search is misteryStanding on my feetIt"s so hard when I try to be meOhDeja vuI"ve just been in this time beforeHigher on the beatAnd I know it"s a place to goCalling you and the search is misteryStanding on my feetIt"s so hard when I try to be meYeahSee you body into the moonlightEven if I try to cancelAll the pictures into the mindThere"s flashing in my eyesDon"t you see my condition?The fiction is gonna run it againCan"t you see now illusion?Right into your mindDeja vuI"ve just been in this place beforeHigher on the streetAnd I know it"s my time to goCalling you and the search is misteryStanding on my feetIt"s so hard when I try to be meOhDeja vuI"ve just been in this time beforeHigher on the beatAnd I know it"s a place to goCalling you and the search is misteryStanding on my feetIt"s so hard when I try to be meYeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7913272

have a quick tongue是英语习语吗



tongue [tʌŋ]n. 舌, 讲话的方式, 语言能力lick [lɪk]n. 舔; 打; 少许v. 舔; 鞭打; 卷过; 轻轻拍打
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