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Hutchinson的浮游生物悖论“paradox of the plankton”是指什么?






有一首歌是韩国的里面歌词有shut up boy

MISS A 的bad girl good girl,昨天看SBS2010歌谣大战看到的,之前室友学习这个舞蹈天天在寝室放,昨天才知道叫这个名儿。


Shut up是小李子在《边缘日记》电影中的一句台词。敲敲门

王栎鑫的随便、油彩、shut up那里有下啊???

三首歌现在暂时没有完整版的下载(可能要等到专辑出来才有)只有栎迷在夏日甜心第三集里截取的音频(非完整) 至于哪首是《随便》?哪首是《油彩》?哪首是《shutup》?我也不知道。 == 栎迷截取的音频下载见此贴的13楼和14楼。




没有shutup命令,但是有shutdown命令,用于自动定时关机:用法: shutdown <-i | -l | -s | -r | -a> <-f> <-m computername> <-t xx> <-c "comment"> <-d up:xx:yy>没有参数 显示此消息(与 ? 相同)-i 显示 GUI 界面,必须是第一个选项-l 注销(不能与选项 -m 一起使用)-s 关闭此计算机-r 关闭并重启动此计算机-a 放弃系统关机-m computername 远程计算机关机/重启动/放弃-t xx 设置关闭的超时为 xx 秒-c "comment" 关闭注释(最大 127 个字符)-f 强制运行的应用程序关闭而没有警告-d :xx:yy 关闭原因代码 u 是用户代码 p 是一个计划的关闭代码 xx 是一个主要原因代码(小于 256 的正整数) yy 是一个次要原因代码(小于 65536 的正整数)-f:强行关闭应用程序-m 计算机名:控制远程计算机-i:显示图形用户界面,但必须是Shutdown的第一个选项-l:注销当前用户-r:关机并重启-t时间:设置关机倒计时-c "消息内容":输入关机对话框中的消息内容(不能超127个字符2、举例:关闭计算机 shutdown –s (方法:”开始”->”运行”->”shutdown -s”->”确定”)延迟3秒关闭计算机 shutdown –s –t 3(方法:”开始”->”运行”->”shutdown –s –t 3”->”确定”)取消关闭计算机 shutdown –a (方法:”开始”->”运行”->”shutdown –a”->”确定”)


silence是安静,没有任何声音,名词。shut up是闭嘴,让别人停止说话,动词


donw和up是一对反义词但shut down和shut up都是关闭的意思。且shut down:(使)(工厂,机器等)停工,关闭,停止运转 shut up:关闭,把(房屋等的)门窗全部关闭锁上;把---关(藏)起来; 住口,闭嘴。

uncle,cute, shut 中的的u 发音一样吗?

uncle,cute, shut 中的的u 发音不一样的是cute,u的发音: /juː/ ;其他的是 /ʌ/ 。

squeeze my eyes shut 什么意思?

用力揉眼睛 应该是表示难以置信的意思吧

jack squeezed his eyes shut. 中文解释。 squeezed啥意思? shut 啥意思。


cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 30 -c 这个命令符号是干啥的呢


Enough is enough! Just shut up怎么读?


huthaifa 怎么读



您好,英语 parachuting 和 skydiving 的区别在于:1)parachuting 强调的是从航空器跳下后,使用降落伞降落的这个动作,不强调原因,所以可以用在很多种不同的场景,比如救援,军事等等;2)skydiving 强调的是一种运动,也就是从航空器跳下后,尽量在空中控制下降的速度更多地给时间在空中做出涉及姿态的运动,比如滑翔姿势、造型、单人或多人组团形成的图像等等,然后最终使用降落伞降落。其目的仅仅是娱乐。所以使用了 parachuting 通常意味着下降速度很快,减少人在空中的时间,再使用降落伞着陆;而 skydiving 则是反过来的,尽量增加在空中的时间,再使用降落伞着陆。

Golden Parachute代表什么啊?


Golden Parachute 是什么意思啊啊?

golden parachuten.金降落伞(规定员工如被解职即可获得大笔补偿金的聘约条款) 黄金降落伞;金色降落伞;高额离职补贴例句筛选1.Chairmen were ejected, but not without a golden parachute.董事长被驱逐,而不是一个黄金降落伞。2.More than 75% of chief executives still have "golden parachute" severancedeals worth at least twice their annual pay.超过75%的首席执行官仍然享有值至少两倍年薪的“金色降落伞”遣散协议。


don"t tell anyone about the way you hold my hand我不会告诉任何人你牵我手的方式I don"t tell anyone about the things that we have planned我不会告诉任何人我们计划的事情I won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody. 我不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to push me down, they want to see you fall down.他们想要让我放弃,他们想要看你失败Won"t tell anybody how you turn my world around.我不会告诉任何人你是如何将我的世界颠覆I won"t tell anyone how your voice is my favorite sound我不会告诉任何人你的声音如何成为我的最爱Won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to see us fall, they want to see us fall.他们想看我们分手,他们想看我们分手Cause I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落Don"t believe the things you tell yourself so late at night 不要相信半夜时你告诉自己的话and you are your own worst enemy.你如果成为你自己最大的敌人You"ll never win the fight.你将永远不能赢得胜利Just hold on to me 只要你抓紧我I"ll hold on to you我也会抓紧你It"s you and me up against the world这是我与你和世界为敌It"s you and me 这是我与你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落

谁有lawson parachute的歌词翻译版?

don"t tell anyone about the way you hold my hand我不会告诉任何人你牵我手的方式I don"t tell anyone about the things that we have planned我不会告诉任何人我们计划的事情I won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody. 我不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to push me down, they want to see you fall down.他们想要让我放弃,他们想要看你失败Won"t tell anybody how you turn my world around.我不会告诉任何人你是如何将我的世界颠覆I won"t tell anyone how your voice is my favorite sound我不会告诉任何人你的声音如何成为我的最爱Won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to see us fall, they want to see us fall.他们想看我们分手,他们想看我们分手Cause I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落Don"t believe the things you tell yourself so late at night 不要相信半夜时你告诉自己的话and you are your own worst enemy.你如果成为你自己最大的敌人You"ll never win the fight.你将永远不能赢得胜利Just hold on to me 只要你抓紧我I"ll hold on to you我也会抓紧你It"s you and me up against the world这是我与你和世界为敌It"s you and me 这是我与你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落

Parachute Doré 歌词

歌曲名:Parachute Doré歌手:Alain Souchon专辑:Ecoutez D Où Ma Peine VientPeople look so small form up aboveBut the closer I get it starts to unfoldI"m getting closer, and it feels alrightI"m diving deeper, into your eyesAnd I would do my best not to crashSo crazy how i know you got my backI"m leaning forward, I"ll take the leadI said a second, ten thousand feetAs I"m calling form afarDiving faster than a shooting starI"m falling hard right into your armsI know that you will break my fallAnd it feels so good, knowing that youWill be my parachuteAll is blue, but when i close my eyesI discover fears that"s hidden deep insideI wanna go back, but it"s too lateUnless the wind will changeIt"ll slow my painsAs I"m calling form afarDiving faster than a shooting starI"m falling hard right into your armsI know that you will break my fallAnd it feels so good, knowing that youWill be my parachuteI"m never scared of flyingThis time i feel like dyingI"m almost thereI"m getting closeI travel farJust to get on to you, you ohAs I"m calling form afarDiving faster than a shooting starI"m falling hard right into your armsI know that you will break my fallAnd it feels so good, knowing that youWill be my parachuteAs I"m calling form afarDiving faster than a shooting starI"m falling hard right into your armsI know that you will break my fallAnd it feels so good, knowing that youWill be my parachute


don"t tell anyone about the way you hold my hand我不会告诉任何人你牵我手的方式I don"t tell anyone about the things that we have planned我不会告诉任何人我们计划的事情I won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody. 我不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to push me down, they want to see you fall down.他们想要让我放弃,他们想要看你失败Won"t tell anybody how you turn my world around.我不会告诉任何人你是如何将我的世界颠覆I won"t tell anyone how your voice is my favorite sound我不会告诉任何人你的声音如何成为我的最爱Won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to see us fall, they want to see us fall.他们想看我们分手,他们想看我们分手Cause I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落Don"t believe the things you tell yourself so late at night 不要相信半夜时你告诉自己的话and you are your own worst enemy.你如果成为你自己最大的敌人You"ll never win the fight.你将永远不能赢得胜利Just hold on to me 只要你抓紧我I"ll hold on to you我也会抓紧你It"s you and me up against the world这是我与你和世界为敌It"s you and me 这是我与你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落

Sean Lennon的《Parachute》 歌词

歌曲名:Parachute歌手:Sean Lennon专辑:Friendly FireLove is like an aero planeYou jump and then you prayThe lucky ones remainIn the clouds for daysIf life is just a stageLet"s put on the best showAnd let everyone knowCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather be with youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the groundLove is like a hurricaneYou know it"s on the wayYou think you can be braveUnderneath the wavesIf life is just a dreamWhich of us is dreamingAnd who will wake up screamingCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather be with youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the groundCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather be with youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the groundCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather it was youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the ground

parachute 歌词中文

I don"t tell anyone about the way you hold my hand我不会告诉任何人你牵我手的方式I don"t tell anyone about the things that we have planned我不会告诉任何人我们计划的事情I won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody. 我不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to push me down, they want to see you fall down.他们想要让我放弃,他们想要看你失败Won"t tell anybody how you turn my world around.我不会告诉任何人你是如何将我的世界颠覆I won"t tell anyone how your voice is my favorite sound我不会告诉任何人你的声音如何成为我的最爱Won"t tell anybody, won"t tell anybody不会告诉任何人,不会告诉任何人They want to see us fall, they want to see us fall.他们想看我们分手,他们想看我们分手Cause I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落Don"t believe the things you tell yourself so late at night 不要相信半夜时你告诉自己的话and you are your own worst enemy.你如果成为你自己最大的敌人You"ll never win the fight.你将永远不能赢得胜利Just hold on to me 只要你抓紧我I"ll hold on to you我也会抓紧你It"s you and me up against the world这是我与你和世界为敌It"s you and me 这是我与你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I won"t fall out of, 我不会掉落在爱情之外,我不会掉落I won"t fall out of love, I"ll fall into you我不会掉落在爱情之外,我将会与你相爱I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你Baby, if I"ve got you宝贝,如果我拥有你I don"t need a parachute我不需要降落伞You"re gonna catch me, you"re gonna catch if I fall down, down, down你会拉住我,你会拉住我,如果我降落,降落,降落大众广场舞曲网广场舞歌曲歌词大全。

音乐 you and me 的歌词翻译(parachute的歌)

歌曲名:You And Me歌手:Parachute专辑:The Way It WasLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?



有一句歌词是baby i dont need a parachute parachute 是一个男

《Parachute》-Timomatic 歌词:Yeah There"s something about you There"s something Bout you There"s something in your eyes tells me we"gon be alright I"m playing with fire Playing with fire That nothing can put out but i feel so safe right now baby Take me higher than I"ve been before so I can feel the foe Before you catch me yaya Count me in baby 1 2 3 4 Yes sweep me off this floor I know you"ll catch me With somebody like you somebody like you-ou-ou 【baby I don"t need a parachute】 I could fall from the moon But if I"ve got you-ou-ou Baby I don"t need a parachute With somebody like you somebody like you-ou-ou baby I don"t need a parachute I could fall from the moon But if I"ve got you-ou-ou 【Baby I don"t need a parachute parachute】 parachute You got me going You got me go-oh-ing you got me going hard fire blazing in the car burning this higher burning this high-i-er and you can"t stop me now ......满意望采纳哈!

Coldplay parachute 歌词

Love is like an aero plane爱情像只飞机You jump and then you pray你祈祷着想跳离The lucky ones remain幸运者们得以躲避In the clouds for days在白日的云层里If life is just a stage如果生命只是一个舞台Let"s put on the best show让我们上演最好的戏剧And let everyone know响遍世界每一个角落[chorus]Cause if I have to die tonight如果我今晚将会死去I"d rather be with you我希望身边的那会是你Cut the parachute before the dive剪断降落伞的线 在我们坠地之前Baby don"t you cry亲爱的 别哭泣You have to bring me down请将我牢牢抓紧We had some fun before we hit the ground让我们微笑着去拥吻大地Love is like a hurricane爱情像一场暴风雨You know it"s on the way你知道它正在来临You think you can be brave你觉得你无所畏惧Underneath the waves对于那些藏在风浪之底If life is just a dream如果生活只是一场梦境Which of us is dreaming我们之中谁正在梦游幻境And who will wake up screaming谁又哭喊着从梦中惊醒Cause if I have to die tonight如果我今晚将会死去I"d rather it was you我希望身边的那会是你Cut the parachute before the dive剪断降落伞的线 在我们坠地之前Baby don"t you cry亲爱的 别哭泣You have to bring me down请将我牢牢抓紧We had some fun before we hit the ground让我们微笑着去拥吻大地 不知道对不

sean lennon的《parachute》中文歌词。不要在线翻译不通顺的那种。

爱情像只飞机 你祈祷着想跳离 幸运者们得以躲避 在白日的云层里 如果生命只是一个舞台 让我们上演最好的戏剧 响遍世界每一个角落 [chorus] 如果我今晚将会死去 我希望身边的那会是你 剪断降落伞的线 在我们坠地之前 亲爱的 别哭泣 请将我牢牢抓紧 让我们微笑着去拥吻大地 爱情像一场暴风雨 你知道它正在来临 你觉得你无所畏惧 对于那些藏在风浪之底 如果生活只是一场梦境 我们之中谁正在梦游幻境 谁又哭喊着从梦中惊醒 如果我今晚将会死去 我希望身边的那会是你 剪断降落伞的线 在我们坠地之前 亲爱的 别哭泣 请将我牢牢抓紧 让我们微笑着去拥吻大地

Cheryl Cole的《Parachute》 歌词

歌曲名:Parachute歌手:Cheryl Cole专辑:The Brit Awards Album 2011Cheryl Cole - ParachuteI don"t tell anyone about the way you hold my handI don"t tell anyone about the things that we have plannedI won"t tell anybodyWon"t tell anybodyThey want to push me downThey want to see you fallWon"t tell anybody how you turn my world aroundI won"t tell anyone how your voice is my favourite soundWon"t tell anybodyWon"t tell anybodyThey want to see us fallThey want to see us fallI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downDon"t believe the things you tell yourself so late night andYou are your own worst enemy, you"ll never win the fightJust hold onto meI"ll hold onto youIt"s you and me up against the worldIt"s you and meI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI"ll fall into youI won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI"ll fall into youI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, down

Train的《Parachute》 歌词

歌曲:Parachute歌手:Train发行时间:2010-11-01所属专辑:《Save Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition)》I wanna take you with meTo life with no more yesterdaysWe can start again awake and so excitedAnd change the way we always pushWe always pullI"ll open up and be your ParachuteAnd I"ll never let you downSo open up and be my human angelAnd we"ll only hit the groundRunning...And when the world gets sharp and tries to cut you down to sizeAnd makes you feel like giving inOh, I will stay, I will rain, I will wash the words and pain awayAnd I will chase away the way we pushThe way we pullYou"re beautifulI"ll open up and be your parachuteAnd I"ll never let you downSo open up and be my human angelAnd we"ll only hit the groundRunning...runningAnd if it feels like we might dropIt will stopSo don"t look downIt wouldn"t be the same without youThis life is too good to give up onI"ll open up and be your parachuteAnd I"ll never let you downSo open up and be my human angelAnd we"ll only hit the groundAnd we"re gonna hit the groundRunningRunning

Sean Lennon演唱的Parachute歌词中文




creditable ;tool; parachute 这英语用谐音怎么读?


Sean Lennon的《Parachute》 歌词

歌曲名:Parachute歌手:Sean Lennon专辑:Friendly FireLove is like an aero planeYou jump and then you prayThe lucky ones remainIn the clouds for daysIf life is just a stageLet"s put on the best showAnd let everyone knowCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather be with youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the groundLove is like a hurricaneYou know it"s on the wayYou think you can be braveUnderneath the wavesIf life is just a dreamWhich of us is dreamingAnd who will wake up screamingCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather be with youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the groundCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather be with youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the groundCause if I have to die tonightI"d rather it was youCut the parachute before the diveBaby don"t you cryYou have to bring me downWe had some fun before we hit the ground



用英语给这两个词下定义:parachute. laywer使用定语从句

A u3010parachuteu3011 is a device that enables a person to jump from an aircraft and float safely to the ground. It consists of a large piece of thin cloth attached to your body by strings

英语谚语:Life is a shuttle 生活犹如梭子。 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Life is a shuttle 生活犹如梭子。 中文意思: 随机推荐10条英文谚语: One fool makes many 一人傻,傻大家。 One foot is better than two crutches 一只脚胜过两根拐杖。 One good head is better than a hundred strong hands 上百双有力的手,不如一个聪明的头脑。 One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters 一个好的母亲顶得上一百个教师。 One good turn deserves another 以德报德。 One half of the world does not know how the other half lives 贫富不相知。 One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls 深知底蕴,不以为怪。 One honest word is better than two oaths 两句誓言不如一句实话。 One hour"s sleep before midnight is worth three after 午夜前睡一小时抵得上午夜后睡三小时。 One hour today is worth two tomorrow 今天的一个小时抵得上明天的两个小时。 英语谚语: Life is a shuttle 生活犹如梭子。 中文意思:

电脑蓝屏出现A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to you :


turn down等于shut down

不完全一样,turn down 有调小的意思,如:Would you turn down your radio a little 你能把你的收音机关小点吗?而shut down/turn off 是关掉,关闭的意思如:Would you shut down/turn off your redio关掉你的收音机好吗?所以:turn off = shut down.

turn down,fall down,shut down,come down.分别什么意思

turn down :调小(音量,光线,煤水);fall down 倒塌; 跌倒shut down,关闭,停工,come down 传递;传给

一首英文歌 一开头就是oh yeah i wanna shut baby

  if ya gettin down 打印此页  歌手:5ive 专辑:invincible  If ya getting down baby  I want it now baby  Come and get it on baby  I want it not baby  I wanna take a little time  to refresh your mind  Coz the boyz are back in town, with a  fiffrent kinda funk  WHo"s got sthe funk?  We got da funk - right!  Everybody wanna boogie down tonight  Now trrow your hand up in the sky  Move "em from side to side  5ive  I got what it takes  The beat that brace the funky bass I"ll  give your body craze shakes (UHHHHHH!)  [Chorus]  Wiggi, wiggi, I"m gettin jiggi, open up the  door, I got the key to your city  You"re looking kinda pretty  Dance "til you drop and it don"t stop until  it goes pop  Dance how you wanna dance  Let"s all get down while we got da chance  I"ve still got 12 seconds on the clock,  that"s mine  And I ain"t gonna stop "til the shine shine  Line after line  I flow like rhyme after rhyme  Just like time after time  Keep it up "til you feel the heat  And get down once you feel the beat (UHHHHHH!)  [Chorus]  There ain"t no problems that we can"t fix  Cos we can do it in the mix  Noe if your man gives you trouble  W"ll be there on the double  Guaranteed we"ll be hittin" for six  (Come on)  If ya getting down baby  I want it now baby  Come and get it on baby  I want it not baby


检查/tuxedo/dev/release/bin目录下ULOG.040413 文件是否存在,不存在请手工创建文件并赋予写权限。如果存在检查文件是否有写权限。

set ws=createobject("") "cmd.exe shutdown -s -t 0",0 ,true 啥意思?


shuttle service是什么意思

shuttle service接送服务shuttle service[英][u02c8u0283u028ctl u02c8su025cu02d0vu026as][美][u02c8u0283u028ctl "su025dvu026as]n.短程运输; 例句:1.Walking alone use the free shuttle service 独自行动时使用学校的免费穿梭班车。


shutdown有各种参数可以选择,你可以用shutdown /?查看。



the system has been shut down

the system has been shut down系统被关闭


看区别的话,直接对比close和shut这两个单词的区别就可以了1.两者都表示逗关(闭)地,在很多情况下可换用.如:Close [Shut] the door.把门关上.He closed [shut] his eyes.他闭上了眼睛.Shops close [shut] at 5:30 关门.They shut [closed] the door on me.他们把我拒之门外.He closed [shut] his ears to our advice.他对我们的劝告充耳不闻.2.但要注意以下情况:(1) 两者的过去式和过去分词分别是 shut和 closed,都可用作形容词.如:The windows were all closed [shut].窗户都关上了.但 closed 可放在名词前作定语,而 shut 一般不这样用.如:a closed window 已关上的窗户(2) 表示逗结束(会议等)地、逗关闭(交通等)地、逗遮住(表面)地等,通常要用 close (不用 shut).如:The meeting closed at six o"clock.会议 6 点钟结束.She closed her face with her hands.她用手捂住脸.They"ve closed the road for repairs.他们已关闭这条公路,准备翻修.(3)表示逗禁闭地,通常用 shut(不用 close).如:He was shut in the bedroom.他被关在







义鹰本田踏板摩托,这个上面的shut和 open是啥意思




close shut有什么区别呢?

楼上的都说的的很详细了,我只想在补充一点,close比shut更正式一些,shut更倾向于口语化,比如shut up。而且close从语感上也比shut要抽象一些,可以用在一些比喻的句子里,比如The door to my dream of being an adventurer seems closed to me.


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: shut 英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子 另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思 另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花 close 英文解释是: to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门 close,shut这两个词的一般含义是“关”或“关闭”。 close 比较普通,有时可以和shut互换使用,但它更强调“不让某人或某物进入或通过”的意思,有时有“不接纳”的意思,但通常表示“关闭”这一动作 It"s Sunday, so all the shops are closed. 今天是星期天,所以这些店铺都关门了。 I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again. 我肯定没有办法再把箱子关上了。 2.shut 与 close 的含义差别在于,shut仅表示“关闭”之状态,不包含“不让进入”或“不接纳”的意思 As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he es into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. 它一旦从外面把门打开,便走进园子里等着关门。 3.在某些习语中,只有 shut 而不用close。 Shut up! 住口! He found every road to the acplishment of his desire shut against him. 他发现通向实现自己愿望的所有道路都被堵死了。 He shut his eyes to the severs reality. 对于这严峻的现实,他是闭着眼睛不肯看的。


turns on、waters、repairs、dusts、corrects、shuts turned on、watered、repaired、dusted、corrected、shut )


shut: 1、v.关闭;关上;合上;(使)停止营业,关门,打烊 2、adj.关闭;合拢;停业;关门 close: 1、v.关;关闭;闭上;;合上;合拢;(使)关门,关闭(一段时间);不开放 2、n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了 扩展资料   变形词不一样:   shut   第三人称单数: shuts 现在分词: shutting 过去式: shut 过去分词: shut   close   第三人称单数: closes 现在分词: closing 过去式: closed 过去分词: closed 比较级: closer 最高级: closest   词义辨析不一样:   close, shut这两个词的共同意思是“关闭”。其细微区别在于:   1、close指把门等关到让人不能出入的程度,只表示关上;   He did not close the door when he left the room.   他离开房间时没有关门。   2、shut指关严并紧紧闩住,强调与外界隔绝。   Shut the door so that the cat won"t get out.   把门关严,别让猫跑出去。


常用的:shut down关闭 shut up密封,住口(口语用) 不常用的:shut off 停止,关闭


shut没有比较级和最高级形式哦,形容词有比较级和最高级、 比较级一般是在形容词后加-er或者-or等,特殊的就叫more 而最高级就是在形容词前加the,也可以加must等来修饰。shut的用法大全:shut的用法1:shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。shut的用法2:shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。


shut英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花lock vt.1.锁,锁上(门等)(常与up连用):Don"t forget to lock (up) the back door.别忘了锁后门。2.把…锁藏起来;把…关起来(常与up连用):He locked up his diamonds in a safe.他把钻石锁藏在保险柜里。 简单讲,lock锁, shut关




shut英音 [ ʃʌt ] ; 美音 [ ʃʌt ] 动词 1.及物动词:关上(门、盖子、窗户等)2.不及物动词: (指门等)关上、能关闭3.及物动词: 使(开着的东西)关上;关上(某物)的门、盖等4.不及物动词: (尤指眼睛或嘴)闭上,合上5.及物动词:合拢(打开着的东西); 摺起6.[I,T](使公司等)停止营业(尤指暂时的)词形变化:时态:shut,shutting,shuts。同义词:unopen,closed;close;close;closed;exclude,keep out out。反义词:open,unfastened;open,open up;open,open up;open,opened;include,admit,let in。


open意思是:打开。shut意思是:关闭。重点词汇:shut英[u0283u028ct]释义:v.关闭,合上;把……关在;<英>(使)停止运作,(使)停止营业;禁止通行,封闭adj.关闭的,关上的;<英>打烊的,停止营业的n.关闭【名】(Shut)(俄)舒特(人名)[第三人称单数shuts;现在分词:shutting;过去式:shut;过去分词:shut]短语:Eyes Wide Shut大开眼戒;大开眼界;紧闭双眼;大开眼界台词语使用变化:shutv.(动词)1、shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。2、shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。3、shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。


1. Shut的过去形态和过去分词Shut的过去式是shut,过去分词是shut。这两个词是一模一样的,都表示“关闭”、“关上”,是shut(关闭)的过去时态和完成时态。下面我们来看看shut的应用场景。2. Shut的应用场景Shut可以用来表示关闭门、窗、盖子、盒子等物品,例如:Please shut the door.(请关上门。)She shut the window against the rain.(她为了防雨关上了窗。)此外,shut还可以用来表示停止做某件事情或者中断某个过程。例如:He suddenly shut up and refused to speak.(他突然闭嘴不肯说话了。)The factory was shut down due to the lack of funds.(由于缺乏资金,工厂被迫停产了。)3. Shut的常见用法搭配1. Shut up表示闭嘴、停止说话。例如:Shut up!(闭嘴!)2. Shut down表示关闭、停业。例如:The bar was shut down by the police.(酒吧被警察关闭了。)3. Shut off表示切断、断开。例如:The power was shut off due to the storm.(由于风暴电力被切断了。)4. Shut out表示阻止、拒绝。例如:He was shut out of the meeting room.(他被拒之门外了。)4. Shut常见的常见用法误区1. Shut up并不仅仅是贬义词,它在英语中常用来表示停止说话。2. Shut down和close的区别:Shut down通常用于指工厂、企业等的停业,close用于指店铺等的关门。3. Shut out并不仅仅是指“把某人踢出某个群体”,它还可以表示“挡住、阻止”。5. Shut引申出来的常见词组1. Shut in:关在家里,不出去。2. Shut off from:隔绝,与外界隔绝。3. Shut away:把某物或某人放到远离的地方。4. Bolt the door and shut the stable:关门放狗。6. 总结Shut常用于表示“关闭”、“关上”门、窗、盖子等物品;以及“停止做某件事情”、“中断某个过程”。此外,Shut还可以引申出很多常见的词组,如Shut in、Shut off from等。需要注意的是,Shut up并不仅仅是贬义词;Shut down和close的用法也略有不同;而Shut out也并不只是指“把某人踢出某个群体”。


shut过去式和过去分词:过去式:shut;过去分词:shutshut,英语单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关闭”。作形容词时意为“关闭的;围绕的”。作及物动词时意为“关闭;停业;幽禁”。作不及物动词时意为“关上;停止营业”。1.shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。2.shut既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。3.shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。短语搭配:shut off关掉 ; 切断电源 ; 切断 ; 关上;shut down停工 ; 使停业 ; 停机;shut window关上窗户;shut door关上门是;entirely shut[计]完全闭塞;ice shut冰之弹;shut shut关上。


shut的意思:关;关闭;关上;封闭;合上;安静;合拢;禁止通行;别说话。shut造句:1、They offer a virtual Internet addiction test that can help you determine whether it might be time to shut down, logoff or change your IM status to "away."该中心提供一种网络成瘾虚拟测试,这能帮你决定是否是时候来关机,登出账户或者改变即时通讯状态为“离线”。2、The ambulance"s rear door slammed shut, and the vehicle raced off to a hospital in the provincial capital of Chengdu, 50 miles away.救护车立刻关上后门,迅速驶离这里,飞奔向五十英里之外省会成都的医院。3、He shut the lid and pressed the lock, when away flew the trunk up the chimney with the merchant"s son in it, right up into the clouds.它真的飞起来了。嘘——箱子带着他从烟囱里飞出去了,高高地飞到云层里,越飞越远。4、You can"t shut it and walk away as if it had never existed.你不能关上门,然后走开,好像一切从未发生过。5、At the bakery, a heavy metal door swings open and then clangs shut quickly, and a man scurries away holding five round pieces of freshly baked bread.在一家面包店,一扇沉重的金属门突然打开,然后又很快地关上。一名男子捧着5个刚刚出炉的圆面包迅速离去。6、We were just trying to get her away because we didn"t know if they had shut the valves off to the pumps or anything.我们努力想把她救出来,因为我们不知道(工作人员)是否关闭了加油站的阀门。7、The young man walked sadly away, and when he reached the palace he shut himself into his room, and for the rest of the day refused to see anyone, even his wife.年轻人伤心地走了。回到宫殿后,他把自己关在房间里,之后,拒绝见任何人,甚至是他的妻子。


过去式:shut,过去分词:shut,现在分词:shutting。Shut作名词时意为“关闭”。作形容词时意为“关闭的;围绕的”。作及物动词时意为“关闭;停业;幽禁”。作不及物动词时意为“关上;停止营业”。 Shut 英:[u0283u028ct];美:[u0283u028ct] v.闭;关上;合上;(使)停止营业,关门,打烊 adj.关闭;合拢;停业;关门 第三人称单数:shuts,现在分词: shutting;过去式:shut;过去分词:shut shut的用法 1:shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。 2:shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。 3:shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。


shut - 关闭造句:1.I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.我不让自己去回忆那段会引起我太多痛苦的往事。2.To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude远离尘世,隐居与世隔绝地处于或好象处于修道院中;隔离3.When the engine is shut off, the intake manifold cools and a slight vacuum forms as a result.这是因为当发动机熄火时,进气歧管冷却而产生轻微的真空。——源于网页链接


  shut有关闭;合拢;停止等意思,那么你知道shut的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    shut的用法大全:   shut的用法1:shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。   shut的用法2:shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。   shut的用法3:shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。   shut的用法4:shut up作“别讲话了”“住嘴”解,似乎不是礼貌用语,但却符合英语习惯,是一个有较长历史的习惯用语,并不带有恶意或敌意,而是一个中性的习语。    shut的常用短语:   shut down (v.+adv.)   shut in1 (v.+adv.)   shut in2 (v.+prep.)   shut off (v.+adv.)   shut out (v.+adv.)   shut to (v.+prep.)   shut up (v.+adv.)    shut的用法例句:   1. Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut.   伯克匆匆地瞥了一眼菜单,然后啪地合上了。   2. I let myself out into the street and pulled the door shut.   我出门上街并拉上了门。   3. The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.   信封被人动过手脚,然后又用胶带封上了。   4. "I shut him out of the bedroom," says Maureen.   “我把他关在了卧室外面,”莫琳说。   5. If you keep your eyes squeezed shut, you"llmiss the show.   如果一直紧闭双眼,你就要错过精彩的表演了。   6. The front door is locked and all the windows are firmly shut.   前门锁上了,所有窗户都关严了。   7. You wouldn"t be here now if she"d kept her mouth shut.   如果她守口如瓶的话,你现在就不会在这儿啦。   8. Billy tends to keep things to himself more and shut himself off.   比利往往更多地将事情藏在心里,把自己封闭起来。   9. I was set to shut out anyone else who came knocking.   其他任何人来敲门,我都决意将其拒之门外。   10. Venerable dailies such as the Tokyo Times have shut down.   像《东京时报》之类的一些有名望的日报已经停刊了。   11. They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear.   他们被关在一个小屋里,没人能听到他们的动静。   12. Using silver tape, they taped all the doors and windows shut.   他们用银色的胶带将所有的门窗都封起来了。   13. The factory was due to shut for the festive period.   节日期间工厂将关门。   14. For God"s sake shut up. I can"t hear myself think!   看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了!   15. The strike shut down 50 airports, but most international flights were unaffected.   罢工迫使50个机场关闭,但大部分国际航班并未受到影响。




shut读音:英 [u0283u028ct]     美 [u0283u028ct]    v. 关闭;合拢;停止。adj. 关闭的;停止营业的。n. 关闭。Please shut the door behind you.请关上你身后的门。The office will shut down for christmas.圣诞节办公室将关闭。语法:shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。


v.关闭;关上;合上;(使)停止营业,关门,打烊adj.关闭;合拢;停业;关门n.关闭;焊接缝;闭锁音;冷塞例句:shut your mouth/face!(粗暴地要某人停止说话)住口,闭嘴a rude way of telling sb to be quiet or stop talkingshut up shop(informal)停业;关张;倒闭;打烊to close a business permanently or to stop working for the day




shut的读法为:[u0283u028ct]。shut,英语单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关闭”。作形容词时意为“关闭的;围绕的”。作及物动词时意为“关闭;停业;幽禁”。作不及物动词时意为“关上;停止营业”。基本用法:1、shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。2、shut既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。3、shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。短语搭配:1、shut off:关掉;切断电源;切断;关上。2、shut down:停工;使停业;停机。3、shut window:关上窗户。4、shut door:关上门。5、entirely shut:完全闭塞。双语例句:1、They should shut it down now.他们应该现在就关闭它。2、They shut us down.他们关闭我们失望。3、Shut your computer down,and turn it back on.关闭您的计算机上下来,打开它。


一、读音:英 [u0283u028ct]     美 [u0283u028ct]    二、意思是:v. 关闭;合拢;停止adj. 关闭的;停止营业的n. 关闭三、词汇搭配:shut a cottage 关闭乡村别墅;shut one"s ears to 充耳不闻四、例句:Please shut the door behind you.请关上你身后的门。扩展资料词汇辨析:shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。


shut的英语读法是英[u0283u028ct];美[u0283u028ct]。1、释义:(1)v. 关闭,合上;把……关在;<英>(使)停止运作,(使)停止营业;禁止通行,封闭。(2)adj. 关闭的,关上的;<英>打烊的,停止营业的。(3)n. 关闭。(4)【名】 (Shut)(俄)舒特(人名)。2、变形词:(1)第三人称单数形式为:shuts。(2)现在分词为:shutting。(3)过去式为:shut。(4)过去分词为:shut。例句:1、Just make sure you shut the gate.你务必关上那幢大门。2、They have warned residents to stay inside and keep their doors and windows shut.他们已警告居民待在屋内并关好门窗。3、Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn"t see it happen.露西闭上了眼睛,以便不会看到它发生。4、His eyes were shut and he seemed to have fallen asleep.他的双眼闭着,看上去像是已经睡着了。5、Daniel"s mouth opened, and then shut again.丹尼尔的嘴张开后又闭上了。6、Some of the shops are not shut until in the evening even on early closing day.即使在提早停止营业日,有些商店也要到晚上才关门。


英 [u0283u028ct] 播放读音 美 [u0283u028ct] 播放读音


shut英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花close英文解释是:to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门
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