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怎么区分sop soak drench steep saturate?


怎么区分sop soak drench steep saturate?

They are exchangeable literally. But you may find one is better than others in a given sentence. (That is part of the beauty of English language)You sop a piece of bread into the soup. But you do say: saturate a piece of bread into the soup.(the latter sounds too serious)


When minutes become hours  当分钟成为小时  When days become years  当日子变成年头。  And I don"t know where you are  我不知道你身在何处  Color seems so dull without you  离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡  Have we lost our minds?  我们已失去了理智?  What have we done  我们曾做过什么?  But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore  但一切似乎已不再重要。  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  你我彼此拥入怀中。  You picked me up to lay me down  你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。  When I look into your eyes  当我凝视你的眼,  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。  I"m drenched in your love  我沉浸在你的爱。  I"m no longer able to hold it back  可是,我再也不能找回你。  Is it too late to ask for love?  难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了?  Is it wrong to feel right?  难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的?  When the world is winding down  当世界,被风吹落。  Thoughts of you linger around  而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。  Have we lost our minds?  你是否忘记了我们的曾经  What have we done?  忘记了我们所做过的?  But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore  不过,一起似乎都不重要了  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  你我相拥入怀  You picked me up to lay me down  你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。  When I look into your eyes  当我凝视你的眼。  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。  I"m drenched in your love  我沉浸在你的爱中  I"m no longer able to hold it back  可是却再也找不回来。  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  You picked me up to lay me down  When I look into your eyes  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  I"m drenched in your love  I"m no longer able to hold it back、  (同上)

Gomez的《Drench》 歌词

歌曲名:Drench歌手:Gomez专辑:In Our GunCome and fight backNeed some help hereBail us outIn up to our necksDrenching never stopsFish us outThere"s a light there to steer itA fear that is peelingAnd soaking us upInto a slow-motion freezerDivision is leavingEverything stopsIt"s overexposureYou stop running off on meIt"s overexposureYou stop running offCome and fight backNeed some help hereBail us outIn up to our necksDrenching never stopsFish us outDid you forget what you came in for?Still shaking the rain offFresh from the stormSo we saved up the good stuffAnd scrapped for the liferaftPistols at dawnIt"s overexposedAnd only tit and teeth remainIt"s overexposedKeep your filthy hands offCome and fight backNeed some help hereBail us outHad it up to hereDrenching never stopsFish us out X4Fish us outFish us outFish us outFish us outhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3474710



If he had been drenched with snow, he would have

这个是虚拟语气,if引导的虚拟的条件状语从句,假设过去的情况,所以用了过去完成时,而且还是被动语态had been drenched,主句是假设过去的结果,固定结构would have done。例如,If you had followed my advice,you would have arrived earlier. 如果你当时听了我的建议,那你肯定当时到达的会早一点。



曲婉婷drenched的歌词 不是要她的中文和英文词,例如 I love you 爱拉乌油 这种哦~

When minutes become hours   当分钟成为小时   When days become years   当日子变成年头。   And I don"t know where you are   我不知道你身在何处   Color seems so dull without you   离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡   Have we lost our minds?   我们已失去了理智?   What have we done   我们曾做过什么?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   但一切似乎已不再重要。   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我彼此拥入怀中。   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼,   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱。   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是,我再也不能找回你。   Is it too late to ask for love?   难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了?   Is it wrong to feel right?   难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的?   When the world is winding down   当世界,被风吹落。   Thoughts of you linger around   而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。   Have we lost our minds?   你是否忘记了我们的曾经   What have we done?   忘记了我们所做过的?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   不过,一起似乎都不重要了   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我相拥入怀   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱中   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是却再也找不回来。   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我相拥入怀   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱中   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是却再也找不回来。

曲婉婷 - Drenched 的歌词是什么意思??

这首歌中文歌曲叫泛滥--余文乐唱的曲婉婷 - Drenched When minutes become hours当分钟成为时钟When days become years当日子成为年岁And I don"t know where you are我还是不知道你身处何处Color seems so dull without you失去你后的颜色变得很晦暗Have we lost our minds?我们是否失去理智What have we done?我们曾经做过什么But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore但这一切似乎不再重要When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back那条街上我们深情的互吻You held me in your arms, I held you in mine那条街上我们热烈的相拥You picked me up to lay me down你让我重振信心却又使我失望When I look into your eyes当我看着你的双眼I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听见你为了你我而轻轻的哭泣I"m drenched in your love我陶醉在你的爱里I"m no longer able to hold it back却再也无法找回Is it too late to ask for love?再觅爱情是否太迟Is it wrong to feel right?感觉良好是否错误When the world is winding down当世界放松下来Thoughts of you linger around对你的思念却不停萦绕


之前译过,顺手粘来了。觉得可以的话,给分哦,呵呵。Drenched 无法割舍的爱 2011-2-18 00:When minutes become hours When days become years 当分锺成为小时,每天变为每年 And I don"t know where you are Color seems so dull 我却不知你在何方,世界也变得暗然无光without you Have we lost our minds? What have we done? 什麽使我们失去理智,各奔东西But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore 这一切似乎已无关紧要When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back You held me in your arms, I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down 还记得我们相互亲吻,相互拥抱,你将我抱起放下When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I还记得我注视著你的双眼,聆听你内心对爱的呼唤I"m drenched in your love I"m no longer able to hold it back 我沈浸在你的爱中,久久不能自拔Is it too late to ask for love? Is it wrong to feel right? 是否想爱时已迟,感觉对时却错?When the world is winding down Thoughts of you linger around 当世界放慢脚步,回忆也开始滋长Have we lost our minds? What have we done? 什麽使我们失去理智,各奔东西?But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore 这一切似乎已无关紧要When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back You held me in your arms, I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down 还记得我们相互亲吻,相互拥抱,你将我抱起放下When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I 还记得我注视著你的双眼,聆听你内心对爱的呼唤I"m drenched in your love I"m no longer able to hold it back 我沈浸在你的爱中,久久不能自拔


中文名“滂沱大雨 当分钟成为小时在白天变得年我不知道你是怎么想的颜色看上去很平淡,没有你我们已经失去了决定我们做了什么但这一切似乎并不太重要了当你吻了吻我在这条街上,我吻着你你牵著我入怀,我把你抱在我的你把我抱铺设我失望当我看着你的眼睛我能听到你哭泣的一点你和我我已经湿透了你的爱我不再能够拿回来太迟了,问爱呢现在的感受是错的当世界接近尾声对你的思念萦绕我们已经失去了决定我们做了什么但这一切似乎并不太重要了当你吻了吻我在这条街上,我吻着你你牵著我入怀,我把你抱在我的你把我抱铺设我失望当我看着你的眼睛我能听到你哭泣的一点你和我我已经湿透了你的爱我不再能够拿回来当你吻了吻我在这条街上,我吻着你你牵著我入怀,我把你抱在我的你把我抱铺设我失望当我看着你的眼睛我能听到你哭泣的一点你和我我已经湿透了你的爱我不再能够拿回来 求采纳

曲婉婷的drenched 歌词的中文翻译

When minutes become hours当分钟成为小时 When days become years 当日子变成年头。 And I don"t know where you are 我不知道你身在何处 Color seems so dull without you 离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡 Have we lost our minds? 我们已失去了理智? What have we done 我们曾做过什么? But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore 但一切似乎已不再重要。 When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back 当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你 You held me in your arms, I held you in mine 你我彼此拥入怀中。 You picked me up to lay me down 你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。 When I look into your eyes 当我凝视你的眼, I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I 我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。 I"m drenched in your love 我沉浸在你的爱。 I"m no longer able to hold it back 可是,我再也不能找回你。 Is it too late to ask for love? 难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了? Is it wrong to feel right? 难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的? When the world is winding down 当世界,被风吹落。 Thoughts of you linger around 而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。 Have we lost our minds? 你是否忘记了我们的曾经 What have we done? 忘记了我们所做过的? But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore 不过,一起似乎都不重要了 When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back 当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。 You held me in your arms, I held you in mine 你我相拥入怀 You picked me up to lay me down 你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。 When I look into your eyes 当我凝视你的眼。 I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I 我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。 I"m drenched in your love 我沉浸在你的爱中 I"m no longer able to hold it back 可是却再也找不回来。 When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back You held me in your arms, I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I I"m drenched in your love I"m no longer able to hold it back、 (同上) 以上来自百度一下你就知道下面是神级的翻译版本When minutes become hours  当须臾化作长久   When days become years   当昼夜渐成四季。   And I don"t know where you are   你却依旧无处可寻   Color seems so dull without you   没有你,斑斓也失去了色彩   Have we lost our minds?   我们都疯了么?   What have we done   我们到底做了什么?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   但一切怀疑早已经 无关痛痒。   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   只因在街的那边,你我的那一吻  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥。   You picked me up to lay me down   希冀与失落 都源自于你。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的双眸,   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我能听到你的泪水里 有你我不能掌控的无奈。   I"m drenched in your love   不禁沉溺于你给的爱。   I"m no longer able to hold it back   让我再也不可能 将一切挽回。   Is it too late to ask for love?   是否对爱渴求已为时太晚?   Is it wrong to feel right?   是否这一切 似是而非?   When the world is winding down   可是当周遭尘埃落定。   Thoughts of you linger around   而我的脑海里只剩下你逡巡徘徊。   Have we lost our minds?   是我们都疯了么?  What have we done?   我们到底做了什么?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   但这一切早已经变得 无关痛痒   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   只因在街的那边 你我的那一吻。   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥   You picked me up to lay me down   希冀与失落 都源自你。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的双眸。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我能听到你的泪水里 有你我不能掌控的无奈。   I"m drenched in your love   不禁沉溺于你给的爱  I"m no longer able to hold it back   让我再也不可能 将一切挽回。

曲婉婷 drenched只歌 表达既意思

其实呢首歌系春娇与志明既主题曲! 呢首歌系讲番个故事中既男女主角! 春娇与志明系志明与春娇既续集 故事讲述本身佢地2个系男女朋友 一齐住。 佢地发现佢地之间其实出现好多既问题 于是暂时分开。 之后志明就比公司调派去北京做野 春娇就留系中国香港。 歌词当中个句: When minutes bee hours When days bee years And I don"t know where you are Color seems so dull without you 就系话佢地2个冇左对方既身边觉得好寂寞。 When you kissed me on that street I kissed you back You held me in your arms I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down 就系话佢地本身系相爱 但觉得比对方抛弃左 剩番自己一个。 之后故事就讲到 春娇都比人调左上北京做野 佢同志明都系北京揾到另一半。 佢地咁岩系北京见到对方 就发现自己其实仲系放唔低对方。即系下面既歌词: When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I I"m drenched in your love I"m no longer able to hold it back 之后佢地又系北京系番埋一齐 但志明冇同佢系北京既另一半分手 春娇觉得自己冇佢咁重要 于是想离开北京 去上海做野。就系下面既歌词: Is it too late to ask for love? Is it wrong to feel right? When the world is winding down Thoughts of you linger around 讲真 你唔睇呢套戏真系好浪费!! 呢套戏真系好好睇 好值得睇架!! 我自己都睇左4 5次- - 参考: mememe;) 由于这是电影插曲 所以我认为你看过<<春娇与志明>>后会更理解此歌? 不过其实我也没看过 所以以下的解释是我自己对歌曲的理解: 分开的两个人 不见面的时间 愈来愈长(When days bee years) 女主角己再不知从何找回男主角 她的生命亦因此显得黯然失色。 于是她在想: 是否因为彼此失去理性才导致分开? 到底彼此做过些甚么? 然而无论如何 好像如何做也不能挽回。 之后就是一大段的回忆 回想起当初二人的甜蜜(When you kissed me on that street I kissed you back) 不过正是因为有拿起才有放下(You picked me up to lay me down); 女主角发现男主角眼中的悲伤 但那时候的她已沉沦在这段爱情 并且再也不能制止自己。 总结: 大约是一对情侣因为某原因而要分开 然而女主角对此感到无奈而且不明白 并借此歌抒发自己对两人之间的分开的无奈还有对情人那份深深的爱。 2012-11-02 20:31:08 补充: 好似春娇与志明入面有个人去左北京公干... 参考: 自己


Drenched 曲婉婷When minutes become hours当分钟成为时钟When days become years当日子成为年岁And I don"t know where you are我还是不知道你身处何处Color seems so dull without you失去你后的颜色变得很晦暗Have we lost our minds?我们是否失去理智What have we done?我们曾经做过什么But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore但这一切似乎不再重要When you kissed me on that street,I kissed you back那条街上我们深情的互吻You held me in your arms,I held you in mine那条街上我们热烈的相拥You picked me up to lay me down你让我重振信心却又使我失望When I look into your eyes当我看着你的双眼I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听见你为了你我而轻轻的哭泣I"m drenched in your love我陶醉在你的爱里I"m no longer able to hold it back却再也无法找回Is it too late to ask for love?再觅爱情是否太迟Is it wrong to feel right?感觉良好是否错误When the world is winding down当世界放松下来Thoughts of you linger around对你的思念却不停萦绕


When minutes become hours  当分钟成为小时  When days become years  当日子变成年头。  And I don"t know where you are  我不知道你身在何处  Color seems so dull without you  离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡  Have we lost our minds?  我们已失去了理智?  What have we done  我们曾做过什么?  But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore  但一切似乎已不再重要。  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  你我彼此拥入怀中。  You picked me up to lay me down  你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。  When I look into your eyes  当我凝视你的眼,  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。  I"m drenched in your love  我沉浸在你的爱。  I"m no longer able to hold it back  可是,我再也不能找回你。  Is it too late to ask for love?  难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了?  Is it wrong to feel right?  难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的?  When the world is winding down  当世界,被风吹落。  Thoughts of you linger around  而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。  Have we lost our minds?  你是否忘记了我们的曾经  What have we done?  忘记了我们所做过的?  But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore  不过,一起似乎都不重要了  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  你我相拥入怀  You picked me up to lay me down  你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。  When I look into your eyes  当我凝视你的眼。  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。  I"m drenched in your love  我沉浸在你的爱中  I"m no longer able to hold it back  可是却再也找不回来。  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  You picked me up to lay me down  When I look into your eyes  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  I"m drenched in your love  I"m no longer able to hold it back、

曲婉婷的《Drenched》 歌词

Drenched词曲:曲婉婷演唱:曲婉婷When minutes become hoursWhen days become yearsAnd I don"t know where you areColor seems so dull without youHave we lost our minds?What have we done?But it all doesn"t seem to matteranymoreWhen you kissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cry for a bit more of youand I"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able to hold it backIs it too late to ask for love?Is it wrong to feel right?When the world is winding downThoughts of you linger aroundHave we lost our minds?What have we done?But it all doesn"t seem to matteranymore Ahaah...When you kissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cryfor a little bit more of you and II"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able tohold it baaaaackWhen youkissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cryfor a little bit more of you and II"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able tohold it backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23210318


林峰 - Drenched作词:曲婉婷作曲:曲婉婷When minutes become hoursWhen days become yearsAnd I don"t know where you areColor seems so dull without youHave we lost our minds?What have we done?But it all doesn"t seem to matteranymoreWhen you kissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cry for a bit more of youand I"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able to hold it backIs it too late to ask for love?Is it wrong to feel right?When the world is winding downThoughts of you linger aroundHave we lost our minds?What have we done?But it all doesn"t seem to matteranymore Ahaah...When you kissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cryfor a little bit more of you and II"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able tohold it baaaaackWhen youkissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cryfor a little bit more of you and II"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able tohold it backEND

Drenched 中文是什么意思

When minutes become hours  当分钟成为小时  When days become years  当日子变成年头。  And I don"t know where you are  我不知道你身在何处  Color seems so dull without you  离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡  Have we lost our minds?  我们已失去了理智?  What have we done  我们曾做过什么?  But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore  但一切似乎已不再重要。  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  你我彼此拥入怀中。  You picked me up to lay me down  你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。  When I look into your eyes  当我凝视你的眼,  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。  I"m drenched in your love  我沉浸在你的爱。  I"m no longer able to hold it back  可是,我再也不能找回你。  Is it too late to ask for love?  难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了?  Is it wrong to feel right?  难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的?  When the world is winding down  当世界,被风吹落。  Thoughts of you linger around  而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。  Have we lost our minds?  你是否忘记了我们的曾经  What have we done?  忘记了我们所做过的?  But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore  不过,一起似乎都不重要了  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  你我相拥入怀  You picked me up to lay me down  你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。  When I look into your eyes  当我凝视你的眼。  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。  I"m drenched in your love  我沉浸在你的爱中  I"m no longer able to hold it back  可是却再也找不回来。  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine  You picked me up to lay me down  When I look into your eyes  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  I"m drenched in your love  I"m no longer able to hold it back


vt 使湿透

《春娇与志明》 插曲 drenched, 这首歌表达了什么意思


曲琬婷drenched 我英文不太好 想学这唱 能翻译成中文么 例如:i like you 爱来客油 跪求!!!!!


曲婉婷 drenched 歌词,希望是有中英对照的…

When minutes become hours   当分钟成为小时   When days become years   当日子变成年头。   And I don"t know where you are   我不知道你身在何处   Color seems so dull without you   离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡   Have we lost our minds?   我们已失去了理智?   What have we done   我们曾做过什么?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   但一切似乎已不再重要。   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我彼此拥入怀中。   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼,   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。 I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱。   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是,我再也不能找回你。   Is it too late to ask for love?   难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了?   Is it wrong to feel right?   难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的?   When the world is winding down   当世界,被风吹落。   Thoughts of you linger around   而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。   Have we lost our minds?   你是否忘记了我们的曾经   What have we done?   忘记了我们所做过的?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   不过,一起似乎都不重要了   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。 You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我相拥入怀   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。 I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱中   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是却再也找不回来。   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我相拥入怀   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。 I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱中   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是却再也找不回来。

Drenched. 曲婉婷. 她这首歌.每句歌词的中文翻译是什么.

When minutes become hours当分钟成为时钟When days become years当日子成为年岁And I don"t know where you are我还是不知道你身处何处Color seems so dull without you失去你后的颜色变得很晦暗Have we lost our minds?我们是否失去理智What have we done?我们曾经做过什么But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore但这一切似乎不再重要When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back那条街上我们深情的互吻You held me in your arms, I held you in mine那条街上我们热烈的相拥You picked me up to lay me down你让我重振信心却又使我失望When I look into your eyes当我看着你的双眼I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听见你为了你我而轻轻的哭泣I"m drenched in your love我陶醉在你的爱里I"m no longer able to hold it back却再也无法找回Is it too late to ask for love?再觅爱情是否太迟Is it wrong to feel right?感觉良好是否错误When the world is winding down当世界放松下来Thoughts of you linger around对你的思念却不停萦绕




沉浸When minutes become hours   当分钟成为小时   When days become years   当日子变成年头。   And I don"t know where you are   我不知道你身在何处   Color seems so dull without you   离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡   Have we lost our minds?   我们已失去了理智?   What have we done   我们曾做过什么?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   但一切似乎已不再重要。   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我彼此拥入怀中。   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼,   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱。   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是,我再也不能找回你。   Is it too late to ask for love?   难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了?   Is it wrong to feel right?   难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的?   When the world is winding down   当世界,被风吹落。   Thoughts of you linger around   而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。   Have we lost our minds?   你是否忘记了我们的曾经   What have we done?   忘记了我们所做过的?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   不过,一起似乎都不重要了   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我相拥入怀   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱中   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是却再也找不回来。   When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我相拥入怀   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱中   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是却再也找不回来。


当分钟变成小时 当每日变成年 而我不知道你在哪 没有你颜色变得很平淡 我们是否失去我们的意志 我们做了什么?但这些已经不再是问题了 当你吻我在那街上我也在吻你。。。。。。。晕 翻译得好麻烦 英文歌词译成中文变得无意味 楼主还是好好学英文都是些简单单词


林峰 - Drenched作词:曲婉婷作曲:曲婉婷When minutes become hoursWhen days become yearsAnd I don"t know where you areColor seems so dull without youHave we lost our minds?What have we done?But it all doesn"t seem to matteranymoreWhen you kissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cry for a bit more of youand I"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able to hold it backIs it too late to ask for love?Is it wrong to feel right?When the world is winding downThoughts of you linger aroundHave we lost our minds?What have we done?But it all doesn"t seem to matteranymore Ahaah...When you kissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cryfor a little bit more of you and II"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able tohold it baaaaackWhen youkissed me on that street,I kissed you backYou held me in your arms,I held you in mineYou picked me upto lay me downWhen I look into your eyesI can hear you cryfor a little bit more of you and II"m drenched in your loveI"m no longer able tohold it backEND

drenched 中文歌词

When minutes become hours当分钟成为时钟When days become years当日子成为年岁And I don"t know where you are我还是不知道你身处何处Color seems so dull without you失去你后的颜色变得很晦暗Have we lost our minds?我们是否失去理智What have we done?我们曾经做过什么But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore但这一切似乎不再重要When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back那条街上我们深情的互吻You held me in your arms, I held you in mine那条街上我们热烈的相拥You picked me up to lay me down你让我重振信心却又使我失望When I look into your eyes当我看着你的双眼I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听见你为了你我而轻轻的哭泣I"m drenched in your love我陶醉在你的爱里I"m no longer able to hold it back却再也无法找回Is it too late to ask for love?再觅爱情是否太迟Is it wrong to feel right?感觉良好是否错误When the world is winding down当世界放松下来Thoughts of you linger around对你的思念却不停萦绕


When minutes become hours   当分钟成为小时   When days become years   当日子变成年头。   And I don"t know where you are   我不知道你身在何处   Color seems so dull without you   离开了你,一切的颜色,都如此黯淡          Have we lost our minds?   我们已失去了理智?   What have we done   我们曾做过什么?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   但一切似乎已不再重要。      When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街吻我,我吻回你   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我彼此拥入怀中。   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼,   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱。   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是,我再也不能找回你。      Is it too late to ask for love?   难道,现在让你爱我,太晚了?   Is it wrong to feel right?   难道,不应该让你知道我们的感觉是对的?   When the world is winding down   当世界,被风吹落。   Thoughts of you linger around   而我的脑海里却只有你在游荡。      Have we lost our minds?   你是否忘记了我们的曾经   What have we done?   忘记了我们所做过的?   But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore   不过,一起似乎都不重要了      When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   当你在那条街亲吻我,我吻回你。   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   你我相拥入怀   You picked me up to lay me down   你把我收入怀中就是为了把我放下。   When I look into your eyes   当我凝视你的眼。   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   我我能听到你的哭泣,不止因为你和我。   I"m drenched in your love   我沉浸在你的爱中   I"m no longer able to hold it back   可是却再也找不回来。      When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back   You held me in your arms, I held you in mine   You picked me up to lay me down   When I look into your eyes   I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I   I"m drenched in your love   I"m no longer able to hold it back、   (同上)      不错的歌。   I am drenched in your love.   是的。   DRENCHED。   找不回的曾经。

Drenched 歌词欣赏

歌手:曲婉婷 所属专辑:Drenched作曲 : Wanting Qu作词 : Wanting QuWhen minutes become hours当须臾化作长久When days become years当昼夜渐成四季And I don"t know where you are你却依旧无处可寻Color seems so dull without you没有你 斑斓也便失去了色彩Have we lost our minds?是我们都疯了吗What have we done?我们到底做了什么But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore但这一切怀疑早已变得 无关痛痒When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back只因在街的那边 你我的那一吻You held me in your arms, I held you in mine你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥You picked me up to lay me down希冀与失落 都源自你When I look into your eyes当我凝视你的双眸I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听到你的声嘶力竭 希望我俩能再有多一点点时间I"m drenched in your love我陶醉在你的爱里I"m no longer able to hold it back可是却再也找不回来Is it too late to ask for love?是否对爱渴求为时已晚Is it wrong to feel right?是否这一切 似是而非When the world is winding down可是当周遭尘埃落定Thoughts of you linger around对你的思念却不停萦绕Have we lost our minds?是我们都疯了吗What have we done?我们到底做了什么But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore~~但这一切怀疑早已变得 无关痛痒When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back只因在街的那边 你我的那一吻You held me in your arms, I held you in mine你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥You picked me up to lay me down希冀与失落 都源自你When I look into your eyes当我凝视你的双眸I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听到你的声嘶力竭 希望我俩能再有多一点点时间I"m drenched in your love我陶醉在你的爱里I"m no longer able to hold it back~~~让我再也不可能 将泪水忍住When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back只因在街的那边 你我的那一吻You held me in your arms, I held you in mine你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥You picked me up to lay me down希冀与失落 都源自你When I look into your eyes当我凝视你的双眸I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听到你的声嘶力竭 希望我俩能再有多一点点时间I"m drenched in your love我陶醉在你的爱里I"m no longer able to hold it back让我再也不可能 将泪水忍住

求-曲婉婷 drenched 中文歌词

Drenched 无法自拔 When minutes bee hours 分针画圆 时针绕圈 When days bee years 日积月累 转眼数年 And I don"t know where you are 在哪里? 我找不到你 Color seems so dull without you 世界失去了颜色 因为少了你 *Have we lost our minds? 我们是否因爱情疯狂? What have we done? 拥有哪些过往? But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore 现在看来都已不再重要 When you kissed me on that street 那条街上,热情在互吻中交流 I kissed you back You held me in your arms I held you in mine 彼此紧紧相拥 You picked me up to lay me down 你带着我走却又抛下了我 When I look into your eyes 以为你眼眸中的温柔 I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I 是企求我们有以后 I"m drenched in your love 无法自拔 我已沉溺在你的爱中 I"m no longer able to hold it back* Is it too late to ask for love? 渴望爱情是否太晚? Is it wrong to feel right? 感觉对了其实误判? When the world is winding down 当世界逐步迈向尽头 Thoughts of you linger around 徘徊不散 是想你的念头 参考: 绝情绝意乄雅



Drenched 什么意思

Drenched 的意思是:湿透了


adj. 湿透的; 充满的; v. 使湿透( drench的过去式和过去分词 ); 在某人(某物)上大量使用(某液体)

drenched是什么意思 曲婉婷

曲婉婷的歌曲《drenched》歌曲中drenched是沉溺、沉浸 的意思吧--------------------歌词:When minutes become hours当须臾化作长久When days become years当昼夜渐成四季。And I don"t know where you are你却依旧无处可寻Color seems so dull without you没有你,斑斓也失去了色彩Have we lost our minds?我们都疯了么?What have we done我们到底做了什么?But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore但一切怀疑早已经 无关痛痒。When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back只因在街的那边,你我的那一吻You held me in your arms, I held you in mine你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥。You picked me up to lay me down希冀与失落 都源自于你。When I look into your eyes当我凝视你的双眸,I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听到你的泪水里 有你我不能掌控的无奈。I"m drenched in your love不禁沉溺于你给的爱。I"m no longer able to hold it back让我再也不可能 将一切挽回。Is it too late to ask for love?是否对爱渴求已为时太晚?Is it wrong to feel right?是否这一切 似是而非?When the world is winding down可是当周遭尘埃落定。Thoughts of you linger around而我的脑海里只剩下你逡巡徘徊。Have we lost our minds?是我们都疯了么?What have we done?我们到底做了什么?But it all doesn"t seem to matter anymore但这一切早已经变得 无关痛痒When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back只因在街的那边 你我的那一吻。You held me in your arms, I held you in mine你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥You picked me up to lay me down希冀与失落 都源自你。When I look into your eyes当我凝视你的双眸。I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I我能听到你的泪水里 有你我不能掌控的无奈。I"m drenched in your love不禁沉溺于你给的爱I"m no longer able to hold it back让我再也不可能 将一切挽回。

drenched 什么意思
