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What is the hottest English...








Imagine a star up to twenty times larger, brighter and hotter than our own sun,怎么改写,更易懂?

Imagine that there is a star, which are 20-times larger,brighter and hotter than our sun.



the weather in wuhan is more hotter than ______in beijing为什么中间填that

代替the weather避免重复





schott nyc是什么牌子?schott nyc是什么档次?

schott nyc是一个以皮衣为主的品牌,这个牌子的皮衣都设计的非常好看,而且做工也特别好,所选用的皮质都是精挑细选的。下面我给大家讲讲schott nyc是什么牌子?schott nyc是什么档次? schott nyc是什么牌子 Schott NYC这个牌子的皮衣非常值得入手,很耐穿,质量特别好。 Schott NYC是由一对兄弟Irving Schott 和Jack Schott 所创造的美国皮衣品牌,不过他们可不是美国人,而是一个俄罗斯移民的儿子。1913 年时他们怀着对美国梦的美好向往在曼哈顿的一个简陋的地下室开始创业,令你想不到的是他们最初并不是做皮衣的而是从事雨衣的制作,然后在卖给街头的小摊贩,就这样日复一日的坚持,终于赚上了第一桶金。渴望创新的两兄弟在1928 年时将事业中心投向了摩托车运动,并且生产了第一款摩托皮夹克,Schott NYC 的皮衣上你会发现一个Perfecto 的字母标示,这其实是Irving Schott 本人最喜欢的一种名为Perfecto 雪茄的名称。实时证明他们的目光是准确的,为以后的辉煌奠定了基础。schott nyc是什么档次 Schott NYC是一个百年的皮衣品牌了,在皮衣中算档次很不错的了。schott nyc怎么样 Schott bros perfecto小羊皮皮衣made in USA,但是tag上面价格是税前加币价格,我是7折入的税后大概600加币不到。约rmb 3000的样子。性价比很高。皮衣真的是衣柜里少不了的一件单品,而且考虑家属还买了机车。。感觉不投资一件都不行了。 买之前考虑了很多牌子包括Sandro maje, allsaint (都随便拼的不知道对不对),这些牌子一方面加拿大买不合算,一方面觉得这些牌子有outsourcing,稍微有点质量concern。因为初衷是买一件穿10年都没问题的高品质皮衣。 最后选的schott nyc真的没有后悔,拿到时是惊艳的。Schott算是做手工皮衣起家,细节做的很棒,特别喜欢肩上的星星图样。小羊皮皮质细腻,内里也很完美。我选的是经典款,整体算是比较厚的,但并没有棉夹层,就是真皮皮衣的厚重感。那种皮衣搭配连衣裙的穿法应该是不太合适,会上面热死下面冻死,你懂的。这件感觉的出是真的为biker 设计,防风一流,一穿上在房间里瞬间出汗,室内22度这样。大概就是这样,我100斤选的S,刚好。皮衣怎么保养 (1)避免沾污工业油脂和化学溶剂.以防脱色。 (2)清洁时不宜硬擦,要用皮衣清洗液轻擦去污。 (3)定期上油保养。 (4)平时不要将皮衣折登存放.宜用衣架悬挂。 (5)防止尖利物刮碰损坏面革。 (6)不要在阳光下曝晒。 (7)存放时不要放卫生球等化学制剂,以免使皮质变质。 总之不差钱的话,Schott NYC的皮衣是很值得入手的。

fx的hotter summer里哪几句是宋茜唱的?





T PAIN ---Shottas even though im not ur man, n ur not my girl...ima call u ma shaaaawtycause i cant stand to see u be treated bad...i"ll beat his ass for my shaaawwtyn wre not doing nothing were not supposed to do cause ur my shaaaawtybabygirl u know i"ll be home...keep me as da ringtonesing it for me....etc

Eric Saade - Hotter Than Fire 中文歌词

eric saade:i"m dressing up for tonight, don"t need no list no invitei"m here to dance, dance, da-da-dance, dancewe headed straight to the bar,one drink became many morewe here to dance, dance, da-da-dance, dancemoving, moving i feel the vibe is getting loud yeahmoving, moving, and now the cloud is overcrowdedand at the top of the night,i caught her right in my sighti took a chance, chancechorus:she"s cooler than iceflyer than windhotter than firethis is the nighti"m burnin" withinshe"s hotter than firedevi say i"m flammable i"m tntlight it upshe"s hotter than firedevi say i"m flammable i"m tntlight it upshe"s hotter than fireeric saade:she rocks that outfit for mered dress h-o-t indeedso i advance-vance, advance-vanceher silhouette triggers deathshe"s got me catching my breathshe"s so advance-vanced, advance-vancedmoving, moving i feel the vibe is getting loud yeahwe"re meant to be, no doubt about itand at the end of the night,i"m leaving right by her sidei took a chance, chancechorus:she"s cooler than iceflyer than windhotter than firethis is the nighti"m burnin" withinshe"s hotter than firedevi say i"m flammable i"m tntlight it upshe"s hotter than firedevi say i"m flammable i"m tntlight it upshe"s hotter than firedev:i said i"m tntburning up get up out your seatthey try but can"t competecause i"m completei said i"m tntburning out get up out your seatthey try but can"t competecause i"m completeeric saade:she"s cooler than iceflyer than windhotter than firethis is the nighti"m burnin" withinshe"s hotter than firedev:i say i"m flammable i"m tntlight it uperic saade:she"s hotter than firedev:i say i"m flammable i"m tntlight it upshe"s hotter than fire

As summer ____(approach),weather became hotter



hot suff是韩国KBS电视台于2009年8月至10月期间播放的水木连续剧《拜托小姐》(韩文:아가씨를 부탁해)的主题曲,演唱者为davichi。Davichi成员简介 ░牛奶皮肤-姜敏京░ 姓名:姜敏京(正确中文名为:姜珉耿)。 韩文:강민경(Kang Min Kyung) 日文:カンミンギョン 生日:1990年8月3日 身高:167cm 体重: 48kg 家庭成员: 父亲, 母亲, 哥哥, 妹妹 血型: O型 星座: 狮子座 爱好: 听音乐 宗教: 基督教 学历:世花女子高中 庆熙大学后现代音乐学系在





when summer comes, the weather gets ( ).在( )hot的适当形式为什么要用hott

因为hot,是一个处于一种状态下的热,是一种感受性的热; hott,是指从外部获取热量,百被动地受到加热,而使温度上升。


hott=hot 热 辣 急躁的;激动的;猛烈的 热情的;热切的(性的)兴奋的;惹人想入非非的 (消息等)最新的;热门的【口】通晓的;兴趣浓厚的[F][(【俚】新近偷来的+on)] (爵士音乐)速度快,节奏强的(尤指在儿童游戏中)快找到目标(或答案)的[F]

it was one of the hottest days of the dry season 的阅读理解

The Water of Life It was one of the hottest days of the dry season.We had not seen rain in almost a month.The crops were dying.Cows had stopped giving milk.The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth.It was a dry season that would bankrupt several farmers before it was through.Every day,my husband and his brothers would go about the arduous process of trying to get water to the fields.Lately this process had involved taking a truck to the local water rendering plant and filling it up with water.But severe rationing had cut everyone off.If we didn"t see some rain soon...we would lose everything. It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of sharing and witnessed the only miracle I have seen with my own eyes.I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year old son,Billy,walking toward the woods.He wasn"t walking with the usual carefree abandon of a youth but with a serious purpose.I could only see his back.He was obviously walking with a great effort...trying to be as still as possible.Minutes after he disappeared into the woods,he came running out again,toward the house.I went back to making sandwiches; thinking that whatever task he had been doing was completed. Moments later,however,he was once again walking in that slow purposeful stride toward the woods.This activity went on for over an hour:walking carefully to the woods,then running back to the house.Finally,my curiosity got the best of me.I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey (being very careful not to be he was obviously doing something important and didn"t need his Mommy checking-up on him). He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked; being very careful not to spill the water he held in them...maybe two or three tablespoons were held in his tiny hands.I sneaked closer as he went into the woods.Branches and thorns slapped his little face but he did not try to avoid them.He had a much greater purpose.As I leaned in to spy on him,I saw the most amazing site. Several large deer loomed in front of him.Billy walked right up to them.I almost screamed for him to get away.A huge buck with elaborate antlers was dangerously close.But the buck did not threaten him...he didn"t even move as Billy knelt down.And I saw a tiny fawn laying on the ground,obviously suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion,lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy"s hand. When the water was gone,Billy jumped up to run back to the house and I hid behind a tree.I followed him back to the house; to a spigot that we had shut off the water to.Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle of water began to creep out.He knelt there,letting each drip of water slowly fill up his makeshift "cup," as the sun beat down on his little back.It was just last week he was punished for playing with the garden hose,and received a stern lecture on the importance of not wasting water.So,I"m sure that is why he didn"t ask me to help him. It took almost twenty minutes for the drops to fill his hands.When he stood up and began the trek back,I was there in front of him.His little eyes just filled with tears."I"m not wasting," was all he said.As he began his walk,I joined him...with a small pot of water from the kitchen.I let him tend to the fawn.I stayed was his job. I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so hard to save a life.As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly joined by other drops...and more drops...and more.I looked up at the sky.It was as if God,Himself,was weeping with pride. Some will probably say that this was all just a huge coincidence.That miracles don"t really happen.That it was bound to rain sometime.And I can"t argue with that...I"m not even going to try.All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm...just like the actions of one little boy saved a life.

it is the mosthottest day of the year有什么错?

it is the most hottest day of the year.这个句子错误的地方,使用了两次最高级,正确的是:it is the hottest day of the year.

英语阅读理解What is the hottest topic at your school recently??

.The hottest topic in Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School is money. 2.The team then put up a board saying "For Country Kids". 3.The writer think the activity is good for student. 4.It can make students know it "s hard to earn money,10,最近在您的学校最热门的话题是什么?在杭州涌金中学,它的钱。在学校举行的活动称为“赚钱”的最后一个周末。(被分成)30支球队被分为初级1和2初中学生约200。他们出去的时候,使销售things.What他们选择出售的钱?一些卖过报纸,有的选择瓶装水,一些出售的环保购物袋和竹篮。,胡庆余的团队决定在儿童活动中心门前卖了一些有益的书籍。他们认为父母想为子女购买的书籍。但不幸的是,他们遇到了城市管理人员(...,3,什么意思?,2,What is the hottest topic at your school? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle what they were selling”指的就是前文所讲的“ ice cream ”】感兴趣。,2,英语阅读理解what is the hottest topic at your school recently? what is the hottest topic at your school recently?in hangzhou yongjin middle school,it"s money. the school held an activity called "making money" last weekend.about 200 junior 1 and junior 2 students were divided into(被分成) 30 teams.they went out to make money by selling things.what did they choose to sell?some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets. hu qing"s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the children activity center.they thought parents would like to buy the books for their children.but unfortunately,they met urban management officers (***).the officers asked them to leave."we played hide-and-seek with the officers for the whole morning" said hu."finally we had to give up." wang bing and her team sold ice cream in a square.they didn"t meet any officers.but few people were interested in what they were selling.the team then put up a board saying "for country kids".( it) worked.more people came to their stall.a foreigner even gave them 100 yuan."he didn"t want any change.he said he wanted to help the children," said wang."we were touched." later that day they gave the 100 yuan and more to the "project hope" office. meng zhaoxiang and his team were luckier.they sold all their cakes in four hours,spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan.they made 40.5 yuan."it was not easy to make the money," said meng."some people just looked.others just tasted but didn"t i know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives."问题:1,what is the main diea of the text?(no more than ten words)2,what does the underlined "it" in paragraph 4 refer to?3,what is the writer"s attitude towards the activity?4what is the purpose of holding the activity?(no more than 12 words)

in the hottest running

答案是C.本题考查定冠词的用法.第一空特指真人秀"奔跑吧,兄弟(3)",所以用the,排除A和B.第二空考查"the only"表示"仅有的,唯一的";所以判断答案是C.

hottestgirls 什么意思

最性感迷人,最有魅力的女孩。还有就是hottest 是韩国组合2pm歌迷的称号。

英语作文 the hottest weather


Hottest Thing 歌词

歌名:Hottest Thing歌手:Usheri"ve been looking at youTurning brothers downSong after songWell its time for me to holla nowyour body is calling, don"t fight itOoh i like itYou"re dancing all aloneWhat"s that all aboutYou"re so fineBut it"s time for me to call you outwatch out, i"ll straight run up on yaGirl i want yaYou"re the hottest thingIn the club tonightHaving visions of making love tonightWith you constantlyTo the break dawnWe can shake the spotIf you say it"s onDancing so closeGot me up like whoaWe"re doing the mostIs living with you possibleyour body is saying you want toAnd i want you, oh babyMore than you know sugarIf only for one nightI"ll make you feelLike you"ve been to paradiseIt"s all up to you tell me something babyI know one thingYou"re the hottest thingIn the club tonightHaving visions of making love tonightWith you constantlyTo the break dawnWe can shake the spotIf you say it"s onBaby tell meWhat"s on your mindDo you think that i"m being too forwardOh baby by coming at you, this wayI can"t help myself, you"resay it"s on


vt.1.[主英国口语]2.加热,温热(食品)(常与 up连用):Just a minute,I will hot up your milk soon.稍等一等,我很快就能把你的奶热好。3.使激动,使活跃;使烦躁(与up连用):The talk"s atmosphere became hotted up.会谈的气氛变得活跃了。He was hotted up by her constant chatter.她的喋喋不休令他烦躁不安。

the hottest season的中文是什么


it is the most hottest day of the year有什么错?

it is the most hottest day of the year这句话把most去掉就行了,因为hot的最高级是hottest.




形容词的比较级与最高级 比较级:一般词尾加-er. 最高级:词尾要加-est. 一般情况直接加, 但也有特例: 词尾有e省去e, 如nice-nicer-nicest. 如遇“辅音字母+y”的单词, 变y为i再加-er, -est, 如easy-easier-easiest 遇到辅音重读闭音节, 末尾字母要双写, 再加-er, -est 举个例子big-bigger-biggest

Hottest在演唱会上唱给2pm的 thank you歌词大意是什么! 饭把歌词改了,所以不要把原译给我,谢谢

This is for my hottest我不知该如何说起任何话语都苍白无力我什么都说不出来因为太过感激不知如何是好我有哪里好千万人中选了我我能做的多么微不足道于是为你创作这首歌So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我什么也不能为你做只有你在一直付出So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我才能站在这里你爱着我我知道那有多艰辛你一直在那里真心不变只为了我为什么还停留该会有多么辛苦 为什么还继续在爱我不知道该如何回报你于是为你创作这首歌So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我什么也不能为你做只有你在一直付出So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you因为有了你的爱我才能站在这里你的那份心意和滑落的眼泪这一切我都不会忘记So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you我什么也不能为你做只有你在一直付出So I thank you thank you thank youAnd I love you love you love you因为有了你的爱我才能站在这里Thank you


形容词的比较级与最高级 比较级:一般词尾加-er. 最高级:词尾要加-est. 一般情况直接加, 但也有特例: 词尾有e省去e, 如nice-nicer-nicest. 如遇“辅音字母+y”的单词, 变y为i再加-er, -est, 如easy-easier-easiest 遇到辅音重读闭音节, 末尾字母要双写, 再加-er, -est 举个例子big-bigger-biggest,3,我觉得不是分字母的 只要掌握方法就好啦 双写:这个单词得重读闭音节,而且最后结尾得是辅元辅结构的,这样就要双写 去Y:以Y 结尾,字母Y 前是辅音字母的这样的词就要双写 第三条不对,好像没有这样的情况吧,2,以重读闭音节结尾,并且末尾只有一个辅音字母的词须双写这个字母 以辅音字母+y结尾的词要把y变为i 例词不对,应为biggest,与第一条相反,如果不是重读闭音节,或末尾不止有一个辅音字母时就不用双写了,1,英文单词得最高级哪些最后一个字母要双写?例如:hottest 哪些最后一个字母要去Y加I? 哪些单词前面有哪个字母后面得就不用双写 例如bigest


因为2pm是下午两点。而下午两点是一天中最热的时刻,所以我们叫hottest。hottest也总是给予2pm的崽子们最热辣的回应与爱。 并且崽子们自己也一直保持着野兽般的热度。 hottest什么意思

他是2PM的粉丝 因为如果是 他是最热的话 要是He is the hottest.



冠词问题 ______ hottest summer in _______ month of july a和the

两个都是the ...hottest是形容词最高级形式,前面一定要用the还有比较级也要用the后面是特指的 7月,也要用the.

hot 最高级是hottest还是hotest加不加the

the hottest 要双写t




hottest的意思是:adj. 热的,热烈的;热的( hot的最高级 );辣的;音乐;重视。In a year, July and August are the hottest.七月和八月是一年中最热的时候。It"s the hottest day I"ve had so far.这是迄今为止我经历的最热的一天。In Saarland, for example, the hottest issue seems to be whether towns, to save money, may have to close their swimming pools.譬如,在萨尔州谈论最热烈的似乎是各城镇可能会为了省钱而关闭游泳馆。It "s no surprise that the mobile space has become one of the hottest areas in advertising .毫无疑问,移动业务已经成了广告业最热门的领域之一。Currently 1998 is the hottest year on record .当前记录在案的最热一年是1998年。Herewith , an analysis of the activity by each automaker with a guide to its hottest models .以下我们谨对各大厂商的行动做一个简单的分析,并列出他们最热的几款车型。

hottest怎么读 英语hottest怎么读

1、hottest英[u02c8hu0252tu026ast]美[u02c8hɑtu0259st],adj.温度高的; 热的; 觉得闷(或燥、湿)热; 使人感到热的;hot的最高级。 2、[例句]On such a hot day, even water was nectar.这么热的天,清水都是甘露。

“Thanks! Hey,hottie, How do you always manage to


hey hottie什么意思

Mind blowing lectures 讲课令人兴奋 Ross: 我刚刚看到我的教学评估.有个学生是这么写的.我喜欢Dr.Geller 的课.他讲课令人兴奋!Dr.Geller,你绝对在古生物学系受欢迎.



hottie 是什么意思

hottie 美国一个俚语,意思是:热辣的美女



You’re a hottie with a smokin’ little body啥意思?


Degree的《Hotties》 歌词

歌曲名:Hotties歌手:Degree专辑:EgyptianHottie Ashley BallardI"ve been staring down the roadYou"ve been up the streetI think it"s about timeYou come talkin" to meI see the way you look at meYou see I don"t mindI know that you"ve been thinkin" aboutThe perfect opening lineIt"s a shame youKeep playin" your game causeI don"t wanna wait no moreYou can be my hottie, hottieNot just anybody, bodyEverybody knows how the story goesWe can have a party, partyYou, me, and nobody, bodyEverybody knows, how the story goesI was hangin" with my friendsYou were all aloneI thought you would talk to meBut you were on the phoneI don"t know the reason forWhy you"re so shyEven when I call your nameYou keep on passin" me byIt"s a shame youKeep playin" your game causeI don"t wanna wait no moreYou can be my hottie, hottieNot just anybody, bodyEverybody knows how the story goesWe can have a party, partyYou, me, and nobody, bodyEverybody knows, how the story goesFinallyYou come talkin" to meI want you in my lifeYou will see thatOnce upon a time not long agoThere was a guyWho was a showNow you realizeDon"t wanna wait anymoreNo more, no more noDon"t wanna wait anymore 4xYou can be my hottie, hottieNot just anybody, bodyEverybody knows how the story goesWe can have a party, partyYou, me, and nobody, bodyEverybody knows, how the story goesYou can be my hottie, hottieNot just anybody, bodyEverybody knows how the story goesWe can have a party, partyYou, me, and nobody, bodyEverybody knows, how the story goes

译:They are "tottall hotties"!



ホテルHO TE RU宾馆







请问hottie 是什么意思?





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cockpit usa空军皮加克和schott空军皮加克哪个好
