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mouth house horse发音相同吗?


horse or world的or分别发什么音

or. зr

horse skirt shirt,哪个发音不同?

hair [hɛə]其他都是[ə:]

“house 、how、horse 的ou、ow、or那个读音不同

or读音不同,因为ou ow 都是哦,所以or不同


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:house[英][haʊs][美][haʊs]n.房屋; 全家人; (从事某种生意的)公司; (英国)下议院; v.给…提供住房; 收藏; 安置; horse[英][hɔ:s][美][hɔ:rs]n.马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马; vt.为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举; vi.欲交配,,用于母马; adj.马的; 骑在马背上的; 马拉的,使用马力的; 较大的,较粗硬的;希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳



horse 音标[ h?:s ] door 音标[ d?:(r) ] 可见horse中的or发音为[?:]而door中的oor发音为[?:(r)] 考虑到door中oor的[r]音可发可不发,所以可以认为这两个读音是一样的。






这两个单词中o的发音是相同的,发音都是[ɔː]。horse 英音[hɔːs] 美音[hɔːrs]floor 英音[flɔː(r)] 美音[flɔːr]

A horse is a useful animal 为什么这里用的冠词是a 而不是an

因为horse的音标是/hɔ:rs/,第一个音是辅音/h/,所以用a。同样,useful的音标是/ˈjusfəl/,第一个音是辅音/j/,所以也用a。用a还是用an取决于第一个读音是元音还是辅音,而不是第一个字母是元音字母还是辅音字母。如:an hour, a uniform, an umbrella.

a horse 还是an?

a horse,horse从音标上看不是元音开头

work、horse、for 三个单词里哪个单词or的读音与其他两个不同?

work 英 [w??k]horse 英 [h??s]for 英 [f??; f?]work 发[??]horse 与 for 发[??]

look a gift horse in the mouth是什么意思

look a gift horse in the mouth中文释义:对礼物吹毛求疵;吹毛求疵英文发音:[lʊk ə ɡɪft hɔːs ɪn ðə maʊθ]例句:Even though the watch Mary gave you is not an expensive one, you should be quite contented with it and not look a gift horse in the mouth.即使玛丽送给你的表是便宜货,你也该满足,不应该对礼物说短道长。词汇解析:1、gift horse英文发音:[ɡɪft hɔːs]中文释义:作为礼物的马例句:This is the gift Horse has for humanity, the understanding and expression of strength and power without the need to destroy or be destroyed.这是马给人类的礼物:了解强壮和力量并去表达,而没有去破坏或被破坏的需要。2、mouth英文发音:[maʊθ , maʊð]中文释义:n.嘴;口;需要供养的人;入口;开口例句:You wouldn"t be here now if she"d kept her mouth shut.如果她守口如瓶的话,你现在就不会在这儿啦。扩展资料mouth的用法:1、mouth的基本意思是人或动物的“口”“嘴巴”,还可喻指“口状物”,如河口,山谷口,洞穴口,容器口,喷口,钳口,(乐器等)吹口,炮口等。2、mouth常由of引起的短语作后置定语修饰非生命物体之“口”, mouth引申还可表示“说话”,往往都带有贬义。3、mouth还可表示“(河水)流入”等。4、mouth还可表示“人”“讲话的人,代言人”。5、mouth在口语中还可用以表示“怪相,鬼脸”。



谁的英文著作中有talk horse这个词

木马屠城记 Helen of Troy对talk horse 是吹牛、说大话。 没有甚么出处,很多小说的对话中,有用过 talk horse 这俚语, 没有甚么来源,其实你也知道答案了正如 talk cock, talk big 都是俚语替你找到你需要的资料,让你参考:Featured Books for "talking horse" Caboose Mystery (Pilot Books) by Gertrude Chandler Warner See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 39: " ... so he agreed to work for me around the station. He had to sell his talking horse, too." "Talking horse?" asked Benny. ... " Key Phrases: Old Beaver, Beaver Lake, James Alden, Little North Railroad, Benny Alden, Sid Weston, Curing Sneezes, big caboose, small caboose, little caboose, talking horse, back platform (see more) Key Phrases: Old Beaver, Beaver Lake, James Alden, Little North Railroad, Benny Alden, Sid Weston, Curing Sneezes, Golden Horn, Main Street, big caboose, small caboose, little caboose, talking horse, back platform (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Horse and His Boy (full color) (Narnia) by C. S. Lewis See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 21: " ... "I never thought of that. A free horse and a talking horse mustn"t steal, of course. But I think it"s all right. ... " Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, talking horse (see more) Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, Splendor Hyaline, Winding Arrow, Lord Darrin, talking horse (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Horse and His Boy (Narnia) by C. S. Lewis See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 21: " ... "I never thought of that. A free horse and a talking horse mustn"t steal, of course. But I think it"s all right. ... " Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Rabadash the Ridiculous, Ahoshta Tarkaan, talking horse (see more) Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Rabadash the Ridiculous, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, Splendor Hyaline, Winding Arrow, Lord Darrin, talking horse (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roar!: A Christian Family Guide to the Chronicles of Narnia by Heather Kopp See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 116: " ... the plains with another horse and rider— a talking horse, no less, and a girl! Canter A horse"s gait between a trot and a gallop Cob A short-legged, ... " Key Phrases: Grown-up Thoughts, Uncle Andrew, Prince Caspian, Kid Test, The Meaning of Everything, Ear Exam, seven noble lords, silver chair, mythical spirit, talking beasts, test your knowledge, last battle (see more) Key Phrases: Grown-up Thoughts, Uncle Andrew, Prince Caspian, Kid Test, The Meaning of Everything, Ear Exam, White Witch, Dawn Treader, Stone Table, Cair Paravel, Turkish Delight, Prince Rabadash, Reading Chair, Father Christmas, King Lune, Queen Jadis, Jesus Christ, Lillie Belle, Mere Christianity, Prince Rilian, Holy Spirit, Did You Know, Sea Serpent, Uncle Jack Says, Fast Fact Lewis, seven noble lords, silver chair, mythical spirit, talking beasts, test your knowledge, last battle, talking horse (see less) Featured Books for "talking horse" Caboose Mystery (Pilot Books) by Gertrude Chandler Warner See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 39: " ... so he agreed to work for me around the station. He had to sell his talking horse, too." "Talking horse?" asked Benny. ... " Key Phrases: Old Beaver, Beaver Lake, James Alden, Little North Railroad, Benny Alden, Sid Weston, Curing Sneezes, big caboose, small caboose, little caboose, talking horse, back platform (see more) Key Phrases: Old Beaver, Beaver Lake, James Alden, Little North Railroad, Benny Alden, Sid Weston, Curing Sneezes, Golden Horn, Main Street, big caboose, small caboose, little caboose, talking horse, back platform (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Horse and His Boy (full color) (Narnia) by C. S. Lewis See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 21: " ... "I never thought of that. A free horse and a talking horse mustn"t steal, of course. But I think it"s all right. ... " Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, talking horse (see more) Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, Splendor Hyaline, Winding Arrow, Lord Darrin, talking horse (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Horse and His Boy (Narnia) by C. S. Lewis See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 21: " ... "I never thought of that. A free horse and a talking horse mustn"t steal, of course. But I think it"s all right. ... " Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Rabadash the Ridiculous, Ahoshta Tarkaan, talking horse (see more) Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Rabadash the Ridiculous, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, Splendor Hyaline, Winding Arrow, Lord Darrin, talking horse (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roar!: A Christian Family Guide to the Chronicles of Narnia by Heather Kopp See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 116: " ... the plains with another horse and rider— a talking horse, no less, and a girl! Canter A horse"s gait between a trot and a gallop Cob A short-legged, ... " Key Phrases: Grown-up Thoughts, Uncle Andrew, Prince Caspian, Kid Test, The Meaning of Everything, Ear Exam, seven noble lords, silver chair, mythical spirit, talking beasts, test your knowledge, last battle (see more) Key Phrases: Grown-up Thoughts, Uncle Andrew, Prince Caspian, Kid Test, The Meaning of Everything, Ear Exam, White Witch, Dawn Treader, Stone Table, Cair Paravel, Turkish Delight, Prince Rabadash, Reading Chair, Father Christmas, King Lune, Queen Jadis, Jesus Christ, Lillie Belle, Mere Christianity, Prince Rilian, Holy Spirit, Did You Know, Sea Serpent, Uncle Jack Says, Fast Fact Lewis, seven noble lords, silver chair, mythical spirit, talking beasts, test your knowledge, last battle, talking horse (see less) Featured Books for "talking horse" Caboose Mystery (Pilot Books) by Gertrude Chandler Warner See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 39: " ... so he agreed to work for me around the station. He had to sell his talking horse, too." "Talking horse?" asked Benny. ... " Key Phrases: Old Beaver, Beaver Lake, James Alden, Little North Railroad, Benny Alden, Sid Weston, Curing Sneezes, big caboose, small caboose, little caboose, talking horse, back platform (see more) Key Phrases: Old Beaver, Beaver Lake, James Alden, Little North Railroad, Benny Alden, Sid Weston, Curing Sneezes, Golden Horn, Main Street, big caboose, small caboose, little caboose, talking horse, back platform (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Horse and His Boy (full color) (Narnia) by C. S. Lewis See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 21: " ... "I never thought of that. A free horse and a talking horse mustn"t steal, of course. But I think it"s all right. ... " Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, talking horse (see more) Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, Splendor Hyaline, Winding Arrow, Lord Darrin, talking horse (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Horse and His Boy (Narnia) by C. S. Lewis See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 21: " ... "I never thought of that. A free horse and a talking horse mustn"t steal, of course. But I think it"s all right. ... " Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Rabadash the Ridiculous, Ahoshta Tarkaan, talking horse (see more) Key Phrases: King Lune, King Edmund, High King, Cair Paravel, Grand Vizier, Mount Pire, Prince Corin, Queen Lucy, Prince Rabadash, Rabadash the Ridiculous, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Kidrash Tarkaan, Splendor Hyaline, Winding Arrow, Lord Darrin, talking horse (see less) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roar!: A Christian Family Guide to the Chronicles of Narnia by Heather Kopp See all pages with references to "talking horse". Excerpt - on Page 116: " ... the plains with another horse and rider— a talking horse, no less, and a girl! Canter A horse"s gait between a trot and a gallop Cob A short-legged, ... " Key Phrases: Grown-up Thoughts, Uncle Andrew, Prince Caspian, Kid Test, The Meaning of Everything, Ear Exam, seven noble lords, silver chair, mythical spirit, talking beasts, test your knowledge, last battle (see more) Key Phrases: Grown-up Thoughts, Uncle Andrew, Prince Caspian, Kid Test, The Meaning of Everything, Ear Exam, White Witch, Dawn Treader, Stone Table, Cair Paravel, Turkish Delight, Prince Rabadash, Reading Chair, Father Christmas, King Lune, Queen Jadis, Jesus Christ, Lillie Belle, Mere Christianity, Prince Rilian, Holy Spirit, Did You Know, Sea Serpent, Uncle Jack Says, Fast Fact Lewis, seven noble lords, silver chair, mythical spirit, talking beasts, test your knowledge, last battle, talking horse (see less) 希望对你有用处

myself horse是什么意思

应该是:自己的马 i-threw-myself-into-the-horse-trough我投身到马槽


就是指drawn by a horse, 马拉的,比如 a horse-drawn cart 马拉的车


hh is for a horseHH是一匹马horse英 [hɔ:s] 美 [hɔ:rs] n.马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马vt.为…备马;猛推或用力向上举vi.欲交配,,用于母马adj.马的;骑在马背上的;马拉的,使用马力的;较大的,较粗硬的第三人称单数: horses 复数: horses 现在分词: horsing 过去式: horsed 过去分词: horsed

horse trading 是什么意思?



您好亲这句话的意思是,这是我的马.大家基本都知道This Is是这是的意思,My是我的意思,Horse是马的意思,所以大致就是这样,希望对亲有所帮助。

horse haven什么意思

horse haven马还词典结果:horse[英][hɔ:s][美][hɔ:rs]n.马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马; vt.为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举; vi.欲交配,,用于母马; adj.马的; 骑在马背上的; 马拉的,使用马力的; 较大的,较粗硬的; 第三人称单数:horses过去分词:horsed复数:horses现在进行时:horsing过去式:horsed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Another could not mount his horse. 另一个不能跨上他的马。

dressage horse除了原意之外还有什么引申含义么?




horse o ll是什么意思

horse oil马油双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 马油例句:1.Production at bp"s showcase thunder horse oil and gas field will notstart until mid-2008, the company said yesterday, 18 months laterthan planned. 英国石油(bp)昨日表示,该公司“样板油气田”thunder horse投产日期将推迟到2008年中,较计划晚18个月。

wild horse是什么意思

wild horse野马;

horse but hole什么意思


wild horse什么意思?

wild horse 野马野马的意思不用我讲了吧?



horse style是什么意思

horse 英[hɔ:s] 美[hɔ:rs] n. 马; 骑马军骑兵; 脚架; 跳马鞍马; vt. …备马; 猛推或用力向举; vi. 欲交配用于母马; [例句]A small man on a grey horse had appeared. 骑着灰马男现 帮助请采纳 本题疑问


my horse 网络 我的马; 只求恬淡; 马儿; [例句]"I love my wife, my horse and my dog," he said, and that summed him up他说:“我爱我的妻子、我的马和我的狗。”他大致上就是这么一个人。


ahorse 一匹马 双语对照 词典结果: ahorse [英][ə"hɔ:s][美][ə"hɔ:s] adj.& adv.在马上(的 .—————————————— 很高兴为你解答! 如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

hobby horse,和 my hobby horse是什么意思?


horse-豱 ... 豱 豱 son是什么意思?

horse是马,son是儿子。如果表示马的孩子,应该是baby horse。





衣服行业英语 horse什么意思呀

a horse-like thing

Talk horse是什么意思?

谈论马,吹牛 谈论马”,而是“吹牛”。例如: 吹牛,说大话





little horse是什么意思

little horse 小马 (词典结果)little horse 小马座例句:1.Dear friends, do you believe in my little horse?亲爱的朋友,你相信我的小马吗?little adj.小的; 琐碎的; 娇小的; 幼小的; adv.不多,略微; 少许,一点; 短时间地; n.(表示否定)微少; 没有多少; 短时间; det.(数量上)微少的,少到几乎没有的; (a little)少量的,一些;horsen.马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马;vt.为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举;vi.欲交配,,用于母马;adj.马的; 骑在马背上的; 马拉的,使用马力的; 较大的,较粗硬




zebra英 [ˈzebrə] 美 [ˈzibrə]n.斑马adj.有斑bai纹的网络斑马笔; 斑马条码机; 美国斑du马复数: zebra zebrashorse英 [hɔ:s] 美 [hɔ:rs]n.马; 骑马的军人,骑兵zhi; 有脚的架dao; 跳马,鞍马vt.为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举vi.。。。欲交配,,用于母马adj.马的; 骑在马背上的; 马拉的,使用马力的; 较大的,较粗硬的网络黑马; 跳马; 房子第三人称单数: horses 复数: horses 现在分词: horsing 过去式: horsed 过去分词: horsed

ride a horse是什么意思




horse的复数形式是horses。horse  英 [hɔ:s]  美 [hɔ:rs]  n.马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马vt.为?备马;猛推或用力向上举vi.欲交配,,用于母马adj.马的;骑在马背上的;马拉的,使用马力的;较大的,较粗硬的第三人称单数: horses    复数: horses 现在分词: horsing         过去式: horsed          过去分词: horsed1、horse的基本意思是“马”,尤指未阉过的成年公马。引申可表示“骑马的军人,骑兵”,还可指撑衣服用的架子,即“衣架”。用于俚语可指“海洛因”。2、作“马”解是可数名词,在句中有时可用作定语; 作“骑马的军人,骑兵”解是集合名词,不可数,只有单数形式,但可与单数或复数动词连用。扩展资料近义词:stallion、mare一、stallion 英 ["stæliən]  美 ["stæliən]    n. 种马例:The stallion pawed the ground impatiently.种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。二、mare 英 [meə(r)]   美 [mer]    n. 母马;母驴;(月球等)表面阴暗处例:A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。







a horse什么意思?




horse的复数形式是horses。单词解释:horse|hɔ:s; 美 hɔ:rs|a large animal with four legs, a mane (= long thick hair on its neck) and a tail. Horses are used for riding on, pulling carriages , etc. 马例句:He mounted his horse and rode off.他跨上马骑走了。语法说明:单数名词变复数名词的规则变化。1. 一般在名词词尾加s。2. 以s,sh, ch及x结尾的名词加es构成其复数形式。3. 以o结尾,注意以下几点:(1)一般在词尾加es。如:tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes(2)如果是外来语或缩写名词,则加s。如:piano-pianos, dynamo-dynamos, photo-photos, kimono-kimonos, biro-biros。(3)有些以o结尾的名词,其o前是元音字母则加-s。如:studio-studios, radio-radios.(4)以oo结尾的名词只加s。如:zoo-zoos。4. 以“辅音字母 + y“ 结尾的名词,则先把y改成i,再加es。5. 下列以f或fe结尾的名词,须先将f或fe改成v,再加es。这些名词是:calf, half , knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf 等。如:wife-wives, wolf-wolves, calf-calves.6. 以下几个名词 scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief等的复数形式,可先将f或fe改成v,再加es;也可直接加s。


horse 马


horse的复数形式是horses。horse  英 [hɔ:s]  美 [hɔ:rs]  n.马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马vt.为?备马;猛推或用力向上举vi.欲交配,,用于母马adj.马的;骑在马背上的;马拉的,使用马力的;较大的,较粗硬的第三人称单数: horses    复数: horses 现在分词: horsing         过去式: horsed          过去分词: horsed1、horse的基本意思是“马”,尤指未阉过的成年公马。引申可表示“骑马的军人,骑兵”,还可指撑衣服用的架子,即“衣架”。用于俚语可指“海洛因”。2、作“马”解是可数名词,在句中有时可用作定语; 作“骑马的军人,骑兵”解是集合名词,不可数,只有单数形式,但可与单数或复数动词连用。扩展资料近义词:stallion、mare一、stallion 英 ["stæliən]  美 ["stæliən]    n. 种马例:The stallion pawed the ground impatiently.种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。二、mare 英 [meə(r)]   美 [mer]    n. 母马;母驴;(月球等)表面阴暗处例:A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。



H-O-R-S-E投篮比赛是美国一种极为流行的投篮游戏,实际上就是谁先得到5个字母谁先出局的投篮游戏。按照H-O-R-S-E投篮比赛的规则,参赛球员按照事先安排好的顺序出场,比如超音速队杜兰特先上场,他可以在场上任意一个位置选择投篮,如果他在这个位置投篮命中,那么另外两名球员就必须在相同的位置以相同的方式完成投篮。 如果另外两人不能够像杜兰特那样完成投篮,或者投篮不中,他们就会得到“HORSE”这个单词组合的首个字母H。假如杜兰特选择的投篮地点和投篮方式没能让他将球投中,他就会得到一个字母并失去主动权,由接下来的球员进行新的投篮位置和投篮方式的选择。如果有球员全部领到5个字母,他就被淘汰出局,比赛将持续到两名球员失败5次获得“HORSE”这个单词为止。


n.马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马; vt.为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举; vi.欲交配,,用于母马; adj.马的; 骑在马背上的; 马拉的,使用马力的; 较大的,较粗硬的; 这个百度下就出来了,虽然我英语不是很好,呵呵……希望能帮到你。


horse的复数形式是horses。horse  英 [hɔ:s]  美 [hɔ:rs]  n.马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马vt.为?备马;猛推或用力向上举vi.欲交配,,用于母马adj.马的;骑在马背上的;马拉的,使用马力的;较大的,较粗硬的第三人称单数: horses    复数: horses 现在分词: horsing         过去式: horsed          过去分词: horsed1、horse的基本意思是“马”,尤指未阉过的成年公马。引申可表示“骑马的军人,骑兵”,还可指撑衣服用的架子,即“衣架”。用于俚语可指“海洛因”。2、作“马”解是可数名词,在句中有时可用作定语; 作“骑马的军人,骑兵”解是集合名词,不可数,只有单数形式,但可与单数或复数动词连用。扩展资料近义词:stallion、mare一、stallion 英 ["stæliən]  美 ["stæliən]    n. 种马例:The stallion pawed the ground impatiently.种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。二、mare 英 [meə(r)]   美 [mer]    n. 母马;母驴;(月球等)表面阴暗处例:A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。 是什么意思

  green horse英 [ɡri:n hɔ:s] 美 [ɡrin hɔrs]  [释义]未驯马;  [例句]The grass dyed the green my field, the wooden horse has followed me to go all over the horizon.  小草染绿了我的田野,木马伴随我走遍天涯。


horse的复数形式是horses。horse  英 [hɔ:s]  美 [hɔ:rs]  n.马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马vt.为?备马;猛推或用力向上举vi.欲交配,,用于母马adj.马的;骑在马背上的;马拉的,使用马力的;较大的,较粗硬的第三人称单数: horses    复数: horses 现在分词: horsing         过去式: horsed          过去分词: horsed1、horse的基本意思是“马”,尤指未阉过的成年公马。引申可表示“骑马的军人,骑兵”,还可指撑衣服用的架子,即“衣架”。用于俚语可指“海洛因”。2、作“马”解是可数名词,在句中有时可用作定语; 作“骑马的军人,骑兵”解是集合名词,不可数,只有单数形式,但可与单数或复数动词连用。扩展资料近义词:stallion、mare一、stallion 英 ["stæliən]  美 ["stæliən]    n. 种马例:The stallion pawed the ground impatiently.种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。二、mare 英 [meə(r)]   美 [mer]    n. 母马;母驴;(月球等)表面阴暗处例:A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。


horse 英[hɔ:s] 美[hɔrs]n. 马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马vt. 为…备马;猛推或用力向上举vi. 欲交配,,用于母马

nag 马 horse的区别

nag马和horse的区别:nag常指老马或矮小的坐骑,horse尤指未阉过的成年公马。nag和horse的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同nagvt. 不断唠叨;指责;困扰,使…烦恼。n. 小马;驽马;竞赛马。horsen. 马。vt. 骑马。adj. 马的。二、用法不同nag不断指责或抱怨、提出要求的人(尤指女人) 。(常指老马或矮小的坐骑),(美国俚语)(尤指次等的)赛马。I have never seen a nag like this one.我从来没见过这样的矮小马。horsehorse的基本意思是“马”,尤指未阉过的成年公马。引申可表示“骑马的军人,骑兵”,还可指撑衣服用的架子,即“衣架”。用于俚语可指“海洛因”。作“马”解是可数名词,在句中有时可用作定语; 作“骑马的军人,骑兵”解是集合名词,不可数,只有单数形式,但可与单数或复数动词连用。The horse jumped the fence.那匹马跃过了栅栏。三、侧重点不同nag(美国俚语)(尤指次等的)赛马。horsehorse是马的总称,特指未阉过的成年公马。




horsen.马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马vt.为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举vi.欲交配,,用于母马adj.马的; 骑在马背上的; 马拉的,使用马力的; 较大的,较粗硬的




horse翻译过来是 马





horse是什么意思,cow是什么意思,leg是什么意思? (一个答案占一行hang)

?、牛 、腿


horse复数是horses。马的单词是horse,属于名词,名词由单数变复数的基本方法就是在单数名词词尾加s。例句:The horse responded well to his control.这匹马很听从他的指挥。horse词汇搭配:1、break a horse驯马。2、buy a horse买马。3、change horses换马。4、feed a horse喂马。例句:The horses were sent to the blacksmith to be shod.马送到铁匠那儿钉马掌去了。Our horses plodded down the muddy track.我们的`马沿着泥泞小路蹒跚而行。She trains horses.她是驯马的。The horses were continually pestered by flies.马不断地被苍蝇叮咬。






sheep 和 horse是什么意思?

羊和马 楼主好人

horse riding什么意思?




你取的英文名有什么特别的含义吗?能不能给我说一下啊? 有一种很深的味道吧 我叫 郭柯新。 所以叫Kelsey。有点像音译过来的。 有的就只是

trojan horse是什么意思?

The Trojan horse特洛伊木马The captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy. "The Greekshave gone and we"ve won," he said. "They"ve tried to capture our    city for ten years. Now they"ve given up and sailed away!"首领站在特伊洛城的高墙上。“希腊人已经走了,我们胜利了。”他说。“他们努力攻占我们的城市10年了。现在他们已经放弃并驾船离去!”"But look over there," a soldier said. "They"ve left a huge wooden horse."“但是看哪儿,”一名士兵说。“他们留下了一匹巨型的木马。”“Ah, yes," the captain said, "it"s too big. The Greeks didn"t want to take it with them. Get some help and pull it into the city."“哦,是的。”首领说,“它太大了,希腊人不想把它带走。帮忙把他拖进城里。”That night, in the main square of the city, all the Trojans celebrated.They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greek“haven"t laughed like this since my childhood, "the captain said. After the party, they locked all thegates of the city and then all went to sleep.那天晚上,在城市主广场上,所有的特伊洛人都在庆祝。他们围着木马载歌载舞,而且拿愚蠢的希腊人开玩笑。“我从小就没有这样笑过。”首领说。晚会后,他们锁上了所有的城门,接着都去睡觉了。By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.Suddenly a secret door opened on the side of the wooden horse.The horse was full of Greek soldiers! They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.到了午夜,除了这匹巨型木马外,主广场空荡荡的。突然,木马侧面的迷们打开了。木马里藏满了希腊士兵!他们一个个悄悄地从木马里爬出来。The soldiers opened the main gates. The Greek army entered the city.士兵们打开了城门。希腊士兵进了城。For ten years, the Greeks could not capture the city by fighting. In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.10年来,希腊人都不能通过战争攻下这座城。然而,在一个晚上,他们采取了一个聪明的计谋成功地攻下了特洛伊城。扩展资料:特洛伊木马故事背景希腊传说,特洛伊王子帕里斯来到希腊斯巴达王墨涅拉俄斯的皇宫作客,受到了墨涅拉俄斯的盛情款待,但是,帕里斯却拐走了墨涅拉俄斯的妻子海伦。墨涅拉俄斯和他的兄弟阿伽门农决定讨伐特洛伊,由于特洛伊城池牢固,易守难攻,攻战10年未能如愿。最后英雄奥德修斯献计,让迈锡尼士兵烧毁营帐,登上战船离开,造成撤退回国的假象,并故意在城下留下一具巨大的木马,特洛伊人把木马当作战胜品拖进城内,当晚正当特洛伊人酣歌畅饮欢庆胜利的时候,藏在木马中的迈锡尼士兵悄悄溜出,打开城门,放进早已埋伏在城外的希腊军队,结果一夜之间特洛伊化为废墟。


horse-and-buggy_百度翻译horse-and-buggy [英]"hɔ:s"ændb"ʌɡɪ [美]"hɔ:s"ændb"ʌɡɪ adj. 过时的,老式的 [例句]Even the common name , whooping cough , sounds like something from the horse-and-buggy era.即使是通用名称,“whoopingcough”(嗬嗬咳嗽),听起来也像是马车时代的东西。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
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