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can you lend homework to me copy?这是什么意思?这样写对吗

for me to copy

After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______ .

答案B本题考查形容词作状语。形容词短语作状语。句意为:经过长途跋涉后,这三个人回到家,又累又饿。故用B(hungry and tired)。



I will go back home tomorrow 中文是什么意思


Let’s go ______ home. A. to B. his


back go home是什么意思

back go home是什么意思回到家

lt is time for me to go back home,

It is time for me to go back home.对应的中文意思:对我来说现在该回家了。

When you go back home用英语怎么读

首先,这是一个病句,要么是go home,要么是be back home,没有go back home的说法;其次,至于怎么读的问题就要问你是不是都认识这些单词,都认识还会读不出来麽?

shall we back home


what time do you go back home


英语。when we back home对吗?可以翻译成当我们回到家吗?和when we go ba

return 本就包含了back的意思,不能同时存在的。

求大神解释是否可以用 go back to home 请给出详细解释




It was time ____(go) back home.怎么填

It was time to go back home

When do you go back home?哪错了




back home和go home的区别

含义不同: go home 回家。 Back Home 回家;真爱守候。 用法不同: go home 回家去。 go home 是“动词 go + 副词 home”结构,在句中一般充当谓语 go back home一般指自己回家。 go home ≥go back home;加个back强调“回”家。 扩展资料   英语(English),属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的`日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地。   由于在历史上曾和多种民族语言接触,它的词汇从一元变为多元,语法从“多屈折”变为“少屈折”,语音也发生了规律性根据以英语作为母语的人数计算。   英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第二语言,也是欧盟的,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅少于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。

we go back home at 4:00 p.m.的意思?


have you go back home这句话对否

想了好久..大概是Have you gotten back home... gotten不完全爆破,变成成"gonn"这样的发音,再快一点,听起来就像没有后面的音一样..就变成go(当闭音节发音)...老外,特别受教育程度低的老外说话经常这样.. 英语很口语化的表达..就是..你到过家了吗?..或者..你是要回家吗?..非常不规范的表达方法..不过一般都听得懂就是了...

回家的英语可以用“come back home"或“go back home" 或“get back home 吗


go home, back home, return home有什么区别?


go back home中的 back 和home 是修饰谁的


Do you go back home,为什么back布加ing?

back是副词,没有ing形式 Do you go back home?你回家了吗?

go home 和 go back home区别?


go back to home 还是go back home

go back home

go back home 回家 还是 滚回家 ???

必然是滚回家了 单纯平和语气说回家不会用这个

go back china 还是go back to china , go back home 还是go back to home ,go back to school还是

go back to china , go back home ,go back to school只这三个中只有home为副词,前面不需要介词

go back home是延续性动词吗

go back home(回家)不是是延续性动词,这只能表示为“转身回家”的一个动作,可以瞬间完成,而延续性动词应该是“在回家的路上”,即“on the way home”。

go back to home还是go back home,说明原因

go back home,固定搭配

I am at a payphone trying to call home句子结构分析,介词短语

你想的复杂了,trying是因为非谓语才加的ingam 是谓语 try 是非谓语就这么简单或者可以这么理解I am at a payphone我在电话亭 trying to call home试图给家里打电话(修饰在电话亭做什么)



Do not bring bad mood home

Do not bring bad mood home不要把不好的心情带回家

lights will guide you home 什么意思


1.On his way back home he found a bag _________(lie) ON THE GROUND.

1.lying 2.was designed 3.has been on 4.sells will be sold 5.come 6.has lied laid 7.will be held 8.is seen to run


iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus不仅取消了3.5mm耳机接口,而且还用电容式Home键取代了原来的实体Home键。尽管苹果声称他们为新版iPhone内置了全新Taptic Engine来模拟实体Home键的力回馈,而且支持3当调节,但是始终无法还原实体Home键的触感。那么苹果究竟是为什么要取消实体Home键设计呢?事实上,有成千上万的iPhone用户几乎从来就没有使用过iPhone的实体Home键。根据Business Insider去年的一篇报道,特别是在中国,有大量的iPhone用户几乎都是用的是iPhone内置的AssistiveTouch功能来实现手机导航功能,而该功能原本是苹果专为残障人士设计的辅助功能。用户倾向于使用AssistiveTouch悬浮球功能的原因多种多样,其中最主要的就是为了避免实体Home键磨损或损坏,这样他们在转手卖掉的时候可以实现更高的成交价。iPhone Home键容易损坏传闻似乎已经深入人心,但事实上Home键经受住了大量严苛的测试,那么该传闻究竟是源自哪里呢?实际上早期的确有部分批次的iPhone Home键容易损坏,那时候iPhone还没有集成Touch ID功能。虽然这一问题很早之前就被修复,但是关于iPhone Home键容易损坏的传闻却并未就此终止。更有意思的是,在很多国家苹果的销售代表还专门帮助刚购买iPhone的用户启用AssistiveTouch功能,这进一步使得上述传闻流传快来。不管这是否是一个美丽的错误,苹果干脆顺水推舟,一刀砍掉了实体Home键,对于大多数担心Home键坏掉的用户,他们终于可以安心的使用iPhone了。(via: Phone Arena)

rural ;suburb; hometown;village 这几个英语怎么读?

中心 细细体会汉语用词词义的细微不同


原题i,lunch,usually,home,eat,at,连词成句I usually eat lunch at home.意思我通常在家里吃午餐。


I have to go home before lunch


i. have. lunch. at. home


原题ilunchathomehave连词成句I have lunch at home. 我在家吃午饭。

阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Every year, wildfires(野火) destroy much forest land. homes are br

小题1:Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefighter.小题2:They jump from planes.小题3:Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading.小题4:Because they won"t get hurt when they land ,or get blown by strong winds.小题5:To be a smokejumper,one needs to have proper height and weight, be able to live in the wilderness and love his/her job. 试题分析:Smokejumpers是特种消防队员,他们会从飞机上很快到达那些通过汽车或步行不能到达的出事领域展开扑救。目的是阻止火势蔓延。大部分的Smokejumpers都是男士,当然也有女士加入进来,他们对身高和体重都有严格的标准。在美国和俄罗斯,Smokejumpers还要进行野外生存的训练。小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefight.”理解可知。Smokejumpers就是特种消防队员。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“they jump from planes into areas that difficult to reach by car or on foot. they race to put out fires as fast as they can.”理解可知。他们是从飞机上降落到出事地点。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“their main goal is to stop fire from spreading.”理解可知。他们的目的就是阻止火势蔓延。小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Smokejumpers in the U.S. for example ,must be 54 to 91 kilograms, so they don"t get hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds.”理解可知。对体重要求是为了保护他们不会受伤。小题5:理解题,根据文中语句理解可知,要想成为一名合格的Smokejumpers必须要有合格的身高和体重,有野外生存。点评:阅读中注意短文后面的问题.然后带着问题再读短文,找出与答题内容相关语句,反复阅读,反复分析,然后确定答案.阅读中要善于从短文信息中总结推测出所需答案,注意所填答案与短文中相关语句的关系,与相关单词短语的关系.

Mike goes back home after John的 birthday party at ten P.M.。They say to each other


i went home after the party句子中为什么用went?

因为:用went,说明这件事情发生在过去。如果说的是将来,就用will go

i went home after the party这个句子是不是过去式?

I went home after the party.这个句子是一般过去式。意思是:晚会后我就回家了。

UI设计如何处理home indicator

UI设计处理home indicator方法如下所示:设置屏幕边缘系统手势与自带手势的优先级 返回的是一个枚举,控制该应用程序的首选屏幕边缘,在显示该ViewController时推迟系统手势。默认的是UIRectEdgeNone。

iPhone X隐藏HomeIndicator,以及底部手势优先级设置

在 iOS 11 中,ViewController新增了两个方法,可以隐藏底部黑色横条(官方叫 HomeIndicator ),以及避免底部手势冲突的方法。 返回BOOl类型,返回YES隐藏HomeIndicator,经过测试发现,只要触摸页面就会重新出现,不操作页面一会会自动消失。主要适用于视频类等长时间不对页面做出交互的应用使用。 返回的是一个枚举,控制该应用程序的首选屏幕边缘,在显示该 ViewController 时推迟系统手势。默认的是 UIRectEdgeNone 。

谁有小瀬村晶歌曲Light Dance -home的吉他谱

D A Bm A  Your little hands wrapped around my finger  G A  And it"s so quiet in the world tonight  D A  Your little eyelids  Bm A  Flutter cause you"re dreaming  G  So I tuck you in  A  Turn on your favorite night light  G Bm  To you, everything"s funny  G  You got nothing to regret  A  I"d give all I have honey  (A)  If you could stay like that  D A Bm A  Oohhh darling don"t you ever grow up,  G  Don"t you ever grow up  A D  Just stay this little  A Bm A  Ohh darling don"t you ever grow up,  G  Don"t you ever grow up  A G  It could stay this simple  Bm  I won"t let nobody hurt you  G  Wont let no one break your heart  A  No one will desert you  D A Bm A G A  Just try to never grow up  D A Bm A G A  Never grow up  D A Bm A  You"re in the car on the way to the movies  G A  And you"re mortified your mom"s dropping you off  D A Bm A  At fourteen, there"s just so much you can"t do  G  And you can"t wait to move out  A  Someday and call your own shots  G Bm  But don"t make her drop you off around the block  G  Remember that she"s getting older too  (G)  And don"t lose the way that you dance  A  Around in your PJs getting ready for school  D A Bm A  Oh darling don"t you ever grow up,  G  Don"t you ever grow up  A D  Just stay this little  A Bm A  Oh darling don"t you ever grow up,  G  Don"t you ever grow up  A G  It could stay this simple  Bm  And no one"s ever burned you  G  Nothin"s ever left you scarred  A  And even though you want to  D A Bm A G A  Just try to never grow up  G D A G  Take pictures in your mind of your childhood rooOOoom  D A  Memorize what is sounded like what your dad gets home  G D  Remember the footsteps, remember the words said  Asus4 A  And all your little brother"s favorite songs  G D Asus4 A  I just realized everything I had is someday gonna be gone  D A Bm A  So here I am in my new apartment  G A  In a big city, they just dropped me off  D A Bm A  It"s so much colder than I thought it would be  G A G D Asus4  So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on  G D Asus4  Wish I"d never grown up  A  I wish I"d never grown up  D A Bm A  Ohhh, I don"t want to grow up  G  Wish I"d never grown up  A  Could still be little  D A Bm A  Ooohh I don"t want to grow up  G  Wish I"d never grown up  A D  It could still be simple  A Bm A  Oh darling don"t you ever grow up,  G  Don"t you ever grow up  A D  Just stay this little  A Bm A  Oh darling don"t you ever grow up,  G  Don"t you ever grow up  A D  It could stay this simple  A Bm A G  Ooooh, I won"t let nobody hurt you  A D A  Won"t let no one break your heart  Bm A G  And even though you want too  A D  Please try to never grow up  A Bm A G A D  Ohhhohoh,ohhoh, don"t you ever grow up  A Bm A G A D -once  Ohhhoh,(never grow up) just never grow up



Green Green Grass Of Home 歌词

歌曲名:Green Green Grass Of Home歌手:Fron Male Voice Choir专辑:Voices Of The Valley: HomeThe old home town looks the same,As I step down from the trainAnd there to meet me is my mamma and my poppaDown the road I look, and there runs Mary,Hair of gold and lips like cherries,It"s good to touch the green, green grass of homeYes, they"ll all come to meet me, Arms areaching, smiling sweetly,It"s good to touch the green, green grass of homeThe old house is still standing,Though the paint is cracked and dryAnd there"s that old oak tree, That I used to play on.Down the lane I"ll walk with my sweet Mary,Hair of gold and lips like cherriesIt"s good to touch the green, green grass of home.Then I awake and look around me,At the four gray walls that surround me,And I realize .Yes I was only dreaming,For there"s a guard and a sad old padre,Arm in arm we"ll walk at daybreak,Again I"ll touch the green green grass of homeYes they"ll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak treeAs they lay me neath the green green grass of homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8210064

谁知道魂之利刃游戏曲 our way home 的歌词?

送上OP和ED歌词The Edge of Soul From: Soul Edge: Khan Super Session (BVCH-732) Music by: Bentenmaru Arranged by: KHAN, Kazunori Miyake Lyrics by: Suzi Kim Performed by: Minori, KHAN Lyrics TO LOVE! TO SHINE! We all need to shine on to see How far we"ve come on our journey How far yet to go searching for our star Deep in the night I pray in my heart For that special light To shower me with love To shower me with power To shine from above I gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on what I believed In from the very start I gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on deep in my heart TO LOVE! TO SHINE! TO LOVE! TO SHINE! Come strip down and face it, your all "Bout time you broke down your wall Free your mid, a brand new world Waits for you, you"ll find Nobody can just do it for you It"s time that you knew It"s up to you to love It"s up to you to shine The light true"n blue You gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on what you believe In from the very start You gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on deep in your heart You gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on what you believe In from the very start You gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on what you believe In from the very start You gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on what you believe In from the very start You gotta get to the Edge of Soul To carry on deep in your heart TO LOVE! TO SHINE! TO LOVE! TO SHINE! OUR WAY HOMEI", standin" here after all is said and doneWonderin" what I"ve undoneA new moon rises on the horizonLightin" the fields, smilin" my wayShe knows I"ll soon be goneFindin" my way back homeI"m given life in strange landsFindin" my way back homeTravellin" souls changin" changin" handsWe take so long sheddin"all the shells and stonesComin" down off our thronesIf only we,from the moment we are bornCould let it be, just let it freeFree roses from her thorns*Findin" our way back homeCan"t be too hard only if we knewTryin" to make it homeGot to be there inside of youFindin" our way back homeWe"re given life in strenged landstryin" to make it homeTravellin" souls changin" changin" handsIf only you knew for sureHow beautiful you could be, how pureLike I do*REPEAT

歌词 on my way back home I see a house on fire NBA 时唱的

breathe againHave you wounder how it feels when it"s all over.你是否想过一切结束时会是怎样的感觉?Wound how it feels when you just have to start?a new.想过要重新开始又会是怎样的感觉?Never knowing?where you"re going.从不知道你往哪里去?When you face a brand new day.当你面对崭新的一天?It used to be that way.过去曾经是这个样子?Now I just close my eyes and say.而现在我只闭上眼睛,说?I just want to?breathe again.我只不过想再一次呼吸?Learn to face the?joy and pain.学习面对那份快乐与痛楚?Discover how to laugh a little,cry a little,live a little more.探索怎么多去欢笑一点,多去哭泣一点,多活出自己一点?I just wanna face today.我只想活在今天Forget about?the woes of?yesterday.遗忘昨天的伤悲?Maybe if I hope a little,try a little more.或许如果我多期盼一点,多尝试一点?I"ll breathe again.我就能够真正再次呼吸?Starting out again is never easy.重新再出发从来就不是易事?Disappointments come and go but life still moves on.失望来来去去而人生依然继续?With a bit of luck.拥有那么一点运气It"s a brand new start.就会是个崭新的开始?That might?just work my way.那也许是适合我的方式?No need to walk away.不需要逃避?Don"t want to?live on life?replay.不想活在过往的重复里?Things will work out fine.事情自然会迎刃而解?If you can find the courage to look past the night.只要你能找到度过今夜的勇气?To see the break?of down.就会看见明日的破晓曙光over the rainbow 跨越彩虹somewhere over the rainbow way up high在高高的彩虹之上there"s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby当我还在摇篮中的时候我听说过有个地方somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue在彩虹之上是蓝天and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true只要敢于梦想,就不怕不会实现。someday I wish upon a star我许愿,某天我在星星上and wake up where the clouds are far behind me在身后就是云彩的地方醒来where troubles smelled like lemon drops那里没有烦忧way above the chimney tops在云端之上that"s where you"ll find me那是你可以找到我的地方somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly在彩虹之上 有青鸟在飞翔birds fly over the rainbow飞过彩虹why then, oh why can"t I?那么,我是否也可以这样if happy little blue birds fly beyong the rainbow如果快乐的小鸟也能飞跃彩虹why, oh why can"t I ?我为什么就不能

Java使用gradle配置gradle user home

gradle user home指定一个放库文件的目录。上面distribution只有第二项local installation directory是用本地gradle程序其余的都需要网络,自动下载。

如何在gradle配置java home

首先当然是到官网gradle.org下载最新的gradle版本了,这里我下的是1.1版本,最新是2.0,不过没影响我们使用下载完成后,放到任意的位置,我的是在D:/gradle-1.1,然后需要放到换进配置,步骤是右键“计算机”-“属性”,进入“高级配置”,选择“环境变量”,点击”新建“,配置”GRADLE_HOME“继续在此处选择“path”,进行修改,加入“;%GRADLE_HOME%in”,注意此处没有引号,记得前面要加分号,这样就配置好gradle的环境变量了在命令窗口输入”gradle -version“,进行验证,出现以下提示则表示成功接下来是构建一个java项目,可以随便建一个文件夹,如:D:javapro1,按照gradle的规约新建相应的文件目录,类似于maven的一样,如下最主要的是在该目录下新建一个gradle文件,build.gradle,文件内容只要一句话即可:apply plugin:"java"在命令窗口中,进入项目对应文件夹,输入gradle build,即可完成构建,然后可以在项目文件夹中发现多了一些构建完的文件,这时就完成了一个最简单的项目构建后面的一些基本命令就是clean、check、assemble等待,具体也可以直接查看官网文档

我的家乡英语作文my home town

My hometown is Anqiu City, Shandong Province. It is a beautiful county-level city. Now let me introduce my beautiful hometown to you.Located in the west of Shandong Peninsula, Anqiu is under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province. It is one of the first coastal counties and cities open to the outside world approved by the State Council. The city covers a total area of 1760 square kilometers, with a cultivated land area of 1.3 million mu. It governs 10 towns, 2 streets and 870 administrative villages, with a total population of 950000. Anqiu has a superior location, 110km away from Qingdao in the East, 200km away from Jinan in the West and 25km away from Weifang in the north. In the second year of the Zhongyuan Dynasty (148 BC), Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty set Anqiu County. Later, it was renamed Zhuzhi, moushan, Fu Tang, Jiaoxi, etc. In the fourth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty (971), Jiaoxi was changed to Anqiu. Anqiu City is one of the "national horticultural products (vegetables) export demonstration zone" and four provincial "safe vegetable base counties without pesticide residues" in Shandong Province; It is a "hometown of Chinese specialties" including peach, ginger and garlic, asparagus, strawberry, cherry and freshwater aquaculture; Jingyang spring wine, polyester curtain canvas, paracetamol, "Lufeng" brand canned fruit, paper machinery and other famous brand products are well-known at home and abroad.

英语小故事50字:曼谷,我的家乡Bangkok, my home town

Today, I am going to talk about Bangkok, my home town and the capital of my country, Thailand. There are many interesting places to visit in Bangkok, but first I want to tell you about our traffic problem. The streets are very crowded in Bangkok, so it can take a long time to get from place to place. It used to take me more than two hours to get to school by bus! I often slept on my way there! If you want to get somewhere on time in Bangkok, you must leave early. Lots of people take tuk-tuks to get through the traffic quickly. Tuk-tuks are like little cars with three wheels. Bangkok is next to a big river. It is interesting to visit the Floating Market on the river. At the market, people sell lots of fresh fruit and vegetables from their boats. In November, we have the Festival of Lights. Everyone makes lights during the festival. Then, after dark, we put them carefully into the river and watch them sail away. It is beautiful to see the river with millions of little lights on it. Thailandis famous for its food. Thai food is very hot like some Chinese food. So if you like Sichuan food, you"ll love Thai food! Many thanks, everyone, for listening to me.   英语短文参考译文:      今天,我打算谈论曼谷,我的家乡和我们泰国的首都.这里有许多有趣的地方可以参观,但是我想先告诉你关于我们的交通问题。      我们曼谷的街道非常的拥挤,因此从一个地方到另一地方要花费很长的时间,每天上学要乘2个多小时的公交车,我经常去的路上睡觉。      如果你想准时到曼谷的某一个地方,你必须很早就动身,许多人骑着“Tuk-tuks”在拥挤的交通中快速敏捷的穿行,“Tuk-tuks”像一辆小小的三轮车。      曼谷在一条大河旁边,去河上的集市非常有趣,在那个市场上,人们在他们船上卖着许多新鲜的蔬菜和水果。      在11月份,我们有个灯光节,在这个节日每个人都做一个小灯,之后,天黑了,我们小心的把它放在河里,并且望着它飘向远方,河里成千上万的小灯非常漂亮。

my home town 佛山的英语作文

Foshan is my hometown.It is the third biggest city in Guangdong.It has a history of more than 400 years.So, there are man history building ni Foshan,Zumiao Tempie,Liang Garden and so on.Baihua Plaza and Xinghua Shopping mall is the best shop in Foshan.If you want to stay in Foshan a day,Garden City Hotel and Foshan Hotel is a good choice.You also can visit beautiful sights in Jihua Park.In Xiqiao Mountian,we can cilmb mountain and have picnic.Welcome to Foshan.I am wait for you.

Tycial Food of My Home town 写一篇作文

In the north, it is a custom for Chinese New Year to eat dumplings.In ninghai, Chinese New Year has the habit of eating tangbao(方言叫汤包). How to make tangbao?Granny told me that food shortages is Severe in ninghai long times ago, so people had to turnip with flour skin and boiled to eat, so call tangbao.Its approach like a steamed dumpling filled with minced meat and gravy.Today, NingHai tangbao instead of water, put them in the steamer steamed .It is delicious when we eat it stick wih some vinegar .In my hometown, eating tangbao means that the annual lunar New Year holiday will be over.And tomorrow we should start a New Year"s work and life with a new mental outlook .I suddenly understand why I like eating tangbao so much, it not only delicious but also a strong homesickness .望采纳!谢谢!

Vienna Teng的《Homecoming》 歌词

歌曲名:Homecoming歌手:Vienna Teng专辑:亲陌爱人Vienna tenghomecomingit"s desert ice outside but this diner has thawed my earshot coffee in a clean white mug and a smile when the waitress hearsthat I was born in North Carolinanot an hour from her home townand we used to play the same pizza parlor pinballand there"s a glance in time suspended as I wonder how it iswe"ve been swept up just by circumstance to where the coyote liveswhere my days are strips of highwayand she"s wiping tables downholding on and still waiting for that windfallbut I"ve come homeeven though I"ve never had so far to goI"ve come homeI pay the check and leave the change from a crumpled ten-dollar billhead across the street where VACANCY is burning in neon stillwell the night eats up my body heatand there"s no sign of anotherand I find myself slipping down into that blackbut things are good I"ve got a lot of followers of my faithI"ve got a whole congregation living in my head these daysand I"m preaching from the pulpitto cries of a

是on the way home还是on the road home

on the way home是完全正确的第二个错了,没有这种形式为你解答.在回家路上:on the way home解释:home是作为副词用,意思是到家,前面就不需要加介词了.

Albert Aguilar的《Home Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Home Free歌手:Albert Aguilar专辑: Where to Go from HereSong: Be FreeArtist: Do As InfinityAlbum: Need Your Loveby:YAMANdoko made tsuzuitenda kono VOISU waatsui natsu no hizashi gayatte kurundasono ryoute hirogete sugu ni mitsuageyouhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari na mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kagae) kawaru sadekinai koto nante naiyume ni mabumita shuumatsukyou wa nan mo shinaikinou made no namida wadokka icchattatokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomattari shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjitemite hoshiiitsuka shika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikundanani datte narerunda yotokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomatte ni shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari no mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kangae) kawaru sahadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjite mite hoshiiitsukashika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikundahttp://music.baidu.com/song/19008549

Wayne Watson的《Home Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Home Free歌手:Wayne Watson专辑:Living RoomSong: Be FreeArtist: Do As InfinityAlbum: Need Your Loveby:YAMANdoko made tsuzuitenda kono VOISU waatsui natsu no hizashi gayatte kurundasono ryoute hirogete sugu ni mitsuageyouhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari na mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kagae) kawaru sadekinai koto nante naiyume ni mabumita shuumatsukyou wa nan mo shinaikinou made no namida wadokka icchattatokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomattari shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjitemite hoshiiitsuka shika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikundanani datte narerunda yotokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomatte ni shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari no mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kangae) kawaru sahadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjite mite hoshiiitsukashika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikundahttp://music.baidu.com/song/2879686

谁能给我解释一下这句话的意思 SCRIPT_HOME=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))

1:在Linux中readlink命令的作用是:输出符号链接值或权威文件名(通常使用的是-f参数),(-f, --canonicalize 递归跟随给出文件名的所有符号链接以标准化,除最后一个外所有组件必须存在。)2:$0代表当前运行的脚本。3:$(readlink -f $0) 表示的就是当前脚本在系统中链接的完整名称(包含脚本名称)。4:dirname命令去除文件名中的非目录部分。5:$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) 指的是去掉$(readlink -f $0) 的非目录部分,也就是得到当前脚本的目录路径。总结:整个语句运行完成下来的就是得到当前运行脚本的路径,并且赋值给SCRIPT_HOME变量。

amazing things at home为题写一篇作文?

The world is full of amazing things. Today, I"m going to talk about something amazing. We have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. They all choose sleeping to have a rest. But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories. The energy consumed is even more than watching TV. If you want to have a good health, I think you can"t sleep too much. Do you like animals? There are a lot of surprising things they can do. Goldfish are lovely kind of fish. Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years. Once, the goldfish called Freb had a very long life. It lived up to 41 years. It was the oldest goldfish in the world. Now, people take good care of the goldfish, and they can live more than 10 years. Animals are our friends, we should know more about them and give them a good home.

We are settled in our new home的are与settled

固定搭配啊 到英汉词典上查一下就知道了

we settled in our new home

个人认为可以这么说,因为settle既可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词:settle vi.定居;vt.使…定居 两句话表达的意思略有差别,楼主仔细揣摩

We are settled in our new home. 可以说 We settle in our new home 吗?



  《HOME》是一部关于世界环境的纪录片,拍摄者是扬-阿尔蒂斯-贝特朗,他准备了15年,拍摄了18个月,穿越了54个国家,拍摄了120个景点,《家园》就这样诞生了。以下是我整理的home纪录片观后感,欢迎阅读。   在百度搜索“环保 纪录片 震撼”,发现很多人推荐《家园》(HOME),并形容其为“唯美”“震撼”“或许是纪录片拍摄的极限”,将信将疑,找了个带中英文字幕的DOWN下来一看,果然被雷倒了:首先是构图,每一幅图都是精品;其次是配音,英文发音特别纯正浑厚;第三是配乐,女高音直达灵魂的深处。另外,本片以地球的发展史为主线,脉络清晰,从四十亿年前地球也即太阳系的诞生说起,一直谈到近20万年人类的诞生,继承了地球40亿年的丰富遗产,却在最近的50年内让地球失去了它精妙的平衡;本片解说词切中要害,饱含对地球的热爱以及地球遭受破坏的感伤。影片最后介绍了一些政府及非政府组织在环保方面的举措。放在家里52寸的液晶电视上观看效果很好。其中有说西伯利亚的永久冻土带已经遭受温室效应的影响,永久冻土已经不再“永久”,而且,冻土下面的甲烷正在并即将大量释放,而甲烷的温室效应是二氧化碳的20倍!整个地球处在一个临界状态,人类正在遭遇一个不可知的未来。热爱地球,关注环保,要悲观已经太晚,行动起来,从素食、节俭开始!(想想52寸的液晶电视、笔记本电脑都是不环保的呀L)   《Home》所有画面都是航拍的,让我以从未有过的角度注视地球:从两极到喜马拉雅,从亚马逊热带雨林到格陵兰茫茫冰原,从城市森林到戈壁沙漠;犹如魔法球的黄石公园大棱镜温泉、恍如外星的大峡谷、宝石花纹般的大堡礁……一系列波澜壮阔自然景观让人不得不感叹造物主的完美设计。航拍下,万里长城、上海摩天大楼、我居住的深圳、曾经到过的印度乌代浦尔的“湖中宫殿”,这些熟悉的景象,在全新的视角下带来了震撼的感受。   震撼的,更多来自于看到人类对地球制造的巨大伤痕:海地只有2%面积覆盖着树木的光秃秃山头、马达加斯加山坡上被雨水侵蚀得满目疮痍的深坑、只剩下20%冰川的非洲第一高峰乞力马扎罗……这一切,触目惊心!是否此前看到的美景有一天也会沦落至此?!   《Home》(中文译名:家园 / 地球很美有赖你 / 卢贝松之抢救地球)是一部法国制作的非盈利影片,于2009年6月5日世界环境日首播,并在全世界超过100个国家和地区通过电影、电视、DVD和互联网同步公映发行。而我刚好碰上了明珠台在香港地区的电视首播。   《Home》的导演是著名法国摄影师、生态学家、环境保护者Yann Arthus-Bertrand (扬·阿尔蒂斯-贝特朗),Yann Arthus-Bertrand专门从事空中摄影已超过30年,极具声望。他的空中摄影作品集《Earth from Above(空中看地球)》被翻译成24种语言,销售量超过3百万册;同名的免费摄影展在全球110个城市展出,观众达1.2亿人次。而《Home》便是Yann Arthus-Bertrand 30年空中摄影和环保工作的一次动态精华荟萃。法国著名导演吕克·贝松 ( Luc Besson, 《这个杀手不太冷》、《第五元素》导演) 则担任《Home》的制片。   整部影片拍摄时间跨度18个月(在上海的镜头中可以看到建设中和完成后的`"环球金融中心"),共计217天穿越54个国家120个拍摄点,使用装在直升机上的Cineflex高清摄影机拍摄了733盘录相带,样片总长488小时。影片拍摄得到巴黎春天集团(Printemps-Pinault-Redoute)1000万欧元的资助以及许多著名品牌的赞助,包括YSL, Gucci, Boucheron, Ellos, SomeWhere, Stella McCartney, Avenue, Alexander McQueen, Bottega Veneta, Sergio Rossi, Puma等。   让影片增色不少的电影配乐,是由法国著名作曲家Armand Amar创作,并由布达佩斯交响乐团和上海音乐学院打击乐团演绎。影片音乐中融汇了蒙古、亚美尼亚、伊朗等国的吟唱和器乐,使影片犹如冥想般舒缓又带着淡淡的哀伤,以另一种方式,传达了对地球家园现状的不安及深切怜爱之情。   我们居住的这个蓝色星球已经存在了45亿年,她孕育出来的万千物种长期一直相互依存。但只有20万年历史的人类,却快速掌控了这个星球并为所欲为,过度索取资源,打破了亿万年来的固有生态平衡。在《Home》里面,我们了解到:为了满足日益增长的食物需要,全球一半的谷物用于饲养提供肉类的牲口,生产1公斤牛肉就需要消耗1万3千升的水;为了生产纸浆而砍伐原始森林大量种植桉树,生物的多样性被人为破坏,快速生长的桉树,抽干了地下的水分,快速消耗地球的资源。 过去50年,人类对地球的改变,比前面20万年还要多,令这个美丽的蓝星球千疮百孔:大河断流,资源枯竭;冰川冰冠快速减少,气温上升,气候反常;森林消失,物种灭绝......   * 20%的世界人口消耗了80%的地球资源   * 全球军费开支多于援助发展中国家经费的12倍   * 每天有5千人死于受污染的食水,10亿人没有干净的饮用水   * 10亿人在饱受饥饿   * 全球超过50%销售的谷物用于喂食牲口与生化燃料上   * 全球40%耕地质量下降   * 每年有1300万公顷的林地给毁灭   * 1/4的哺乳动物、1/8的鸟类、1/3的两栖动物濒临绝种,生物品种的死亡率快于自然速度1000倍   * 75%的渔产品已耗尽或面临耗尽   * 过去15年的平均温度是有纪录以来的最高   * 冰冠的厚度40年来减少了40%   * 到2050年,可能导致多达2亿的气候难民   长此以往,电影《Wall-E》里面,整个地球变成垃圾场的命运将不再是科幻情节,也不再遥远,但人类有能力整体移居外星球的日子还遥遥无期,人类正在毁灭自己唯一的家园!   人类早已是地球的统治者,但不能再充当肆意妄为、目光短浅的独裁者,而应该作为地球的管理者,用智慧的远见,与其他所有物种去共同分享、去挽救去持续保育我们赖以生存的家园。让我们欣慰的是,许多国家、许多人已经在行动:以取之不尽的太阳能、风能替代不可再生的石油、煤炭;重植林木,建立起更多的自然保护区;有节制可持续再生地伐木和捕鱼;减少使用、替代、再用、循环、回收,做一个负责任的消费者……   正如《Home》影片最后所传达的信息:“现在已不再是悲观的时候,让我们立即联手,重要的不是我们失去了什么,而是我们剩下的还有什么。”是继续破坏直至毁灭还是行动起来拯救我们唯一的家园?答案就在你的一念之间。

NC5.6的Webservice 如何部署到NC_home 我直接在UAP项目导出modules,放在里面,重新部署EJB,还是不行?

楼主解决了吗?期待指点: qfwqf@126.com 183410280



I Wanna Go Home 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Go Home歌手:Lonnie Donegan专辑:Rock Island Line - The Singles Anthology<I Wanna Go Home>Artist: JamesAlbum: <Hey Ma>Made by 六爷In this bar, in this bar, I am dyingIn this bar, in this bar, I am dyingDisassociatedKeep off the grassI prefer you nakedThis too shall passNuance carefully weightedToo slow too fastToo slow too fastI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go homeKissing is forbiddenBiting leaves marksSex is overratedI need to danceCalmly understatedWell you always had classThis too shall...Hide is armour-platedOblivious to dartsThis too shall passI want to go homeI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go home, right nowI want to go homeI want to go homeIn this bar, in this bar, I am dyingIn this bar, in this bar, my heart"s dying, dying~The end~http://music.baidu.com/song/7652175


写作翻译网权威发布初三英语作文带翻译:My sweet home 我甜蜜的家,更多初三英语作文带翻译相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。 Most people has a sweet home,so have I.I think my home is sweet because it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents.   I can remember clear.Once I came back home late because my teacher didn"t want me leave until I finished my work.At that time,the weather became colder and the wind became stronger.I was so hungry and cold at that time!I felt I can"t take it any more,so I ran to my home quickly.When I got my home. I felt much more warmer and happiness than ever before!   That"s why I love my sweet home,Don"t you think so ?大多数人有一个甜蜜的家,我也有。我觉得我的家是甜蜜的,因为它是我最好休息地方也是我与我的朋友或我的父母一起玩耍的地方。 我能记得清楚。有一次我回家晚了是因为我的老师让我完成了我的工作后才可以离开。当时,天气变得更冷,风更大了。我又冷又饿!我觉得我不能再呆下去了,所以我迅速地跑回家。当我到家的时候,我感觉比以前更温暖和幸福! 这就是为什么我爱我的家,你不这么认为吗?

《Sweet Home》李是英戏外超会穿搭!传授3招穿成腿精

于Netflix漫改韩剧《Sweet Home》中饰演女打仔消防员的女星李是英,因一场与怪物打斗的戏,只穿一件运动内衣,露出强健的背肌、腹肌,如运动员一般的结实身材而成为焦点。其实李是英不管是不穿衣服还是穿衣服都好看,戏外的她经常在IG上分享穿搭,而且很懂得展现她那双超长的美腿,以下就来向李是英偷偷学习如何穿成「腿精」? 李是英因出演《Sweet Home》而再度翻红。(图/翻摄自IG) #下衣失踪 李是英的身高其实有169公分,属于高挑身形,但并不是那种竹竿身材,因为爱运动的关系,全身上下都是结实肌肉,如今已38岁依然保持着精实体态。从李是英的IG上观察,可以发现她很喜欢「下衣失踪」的穿搭技巧,利用宽松的上身衣装,来让下半身显得更纤细,同时也最喜欢搭配膝下长靴,不怕小腿肌现形,些微的高跟修饰,让身材比例变得更好。 李是英常利用「下衣失踪」的方式来凸显一双美腿。(图/翻摄自IG@leesiyoung38) #贴腿 喇叭裤管 但是韩国冬天天气这么冷,就算不怕冷也总不能天天都「下衣失踪」,若是穿着长裤的话,李是英则有八成以上都会挑选贴腿 喇叭裤管设计的裤型,利用逐渐加宽的裤管让合身的大腿部位显细,视觉上能让腿看起来更直、也有延伸的效果,休闲中带有复古韵味,而且随意搭配布鞋都很好看。 李是英特别喜欢喇叭裤型。(图/翻摄自IG@leesiyoung38) #牛仔裤 靴子 综观下来,不难看出其实李是英超爱穿靴子!不管是长靴还是踝靴都有可观的收藏,不过李是英的单品并不会穿一次就消失,而是能在不同天的穿搭中被重复使用,可说是非常好的穿搭教科书。因此她也很喜欢穿百搭的牛仔裤,而牛仔裤 靴子的造型,便成了最常出现的选择。 牛仔裤 靴子成为李是英最日常的搭配。(图/翻摄自IG@leesiyoung38)



home smeet home 什么意思

home sweet home家,甜蜜的家双语对照词典结果:home sweet home[英][hu0259um swi:t hu0259um][美][hom swit hom](用于表达在家里或回家后的喜悦和放松的心情)在家真好,幸亏在家,终于到家了; 例句:1.They put up a "Home Sweet Home" sign in the kitchen.2.The rest will have to wait "til I get Home Sweet Home

Sweet Home 新日暮里罗马音歌词

Carrie Underwood - Home Sweet Home You know I"m a dreamer But my heart"s of Gold I had to run away high So I wouldn"t come home low Just when things went right Doesn"t mean they were always wrong Just take this song and you"ll Never feel Left all alone Take me to your heart Feel me in your bones Just one more night And I"m comin" off this Long & winding road I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home Tonight tonight I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home You know that I seem To make romantic dreams Up in lights, fallin" off The silver screen My hearts like an open book For the whole world to read Sometimes nothing Keeps me together At the seams I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home Tonight tonight I"m on my way Just set me free Home Sweet Home Oooh I"m on my way I"m on my way Home Sweet Home Yeah I"m on my way Just set me free Home Sweet Hooooooome

求no place like home - kenny g 英文歌词

I can remember the day we met I still remember our first french kiss The moment when I knew that you makes me love to me The moment that I knew you always be the one, one Id be dreaming of... It was a long time ago when we fell in love And even longer ago when we both were young But its nice to know that as we grow old That our love still shines like gold Baby I, I can remember the way(way we laugh) the way that we laughed And you, you are my number one girl(and my friend) my best friend And crazy I would go through the ups and downs our feelings never change knowing in my hearts youll always be the one, one Id be dreaming of... It was a long time ago when we fell in love And even longer ago when we both were young But its nice to know that as we grow old That our love still shines like gold It was a long time ago(long time ago) when we fell in love(fell in love) And even longer ago(longer ago) when we both were young(so young) But its nice to know(nice to know) that as we grow old(grow old) That our(that our) love still shines(still shines) like gold(gold, gold, gold) It was a long time ago when we fell in love(fell in love) And even longer ago(longer ago) when we both were young(we were so young and) But its nice to know(nice to know) that as we grow old(grow old) That our love still shines like gold That angels stain no place like home

Home Sweet Home的日文歌词

※何処に住もうと 何処に行こうと育った町并みと见饱きた景色が なんだかんだやっぱ最高地元が心のより所 つまり home sweet homeきっと谁もが home sweet homeいくつもの思い出が光ってる 帰る场所はいつも决まってる※これがh.o.m.e.s.w.e.e.t.h.o.m.e.俺の地元はきっと俺の中に 常に共にある大切な场所にあの街、この街、どの街、行こうが帰れば気の合うダチが待ってる间违いなく アイ ラブ マイ タウン 爱着涌いちゃうbig shout out ”thanks!”to the 地元 感谢してます 毎度ありがとう町の支えがなけりゃちっぽけな俺は きっとここには居ないだろうほうだらぁ 间违っとらんだらぁ!だからココから海の向こう侧に响かすぐらいに発信home made 电波キャッチしてみり~ん?(※くり返し)世界地図を広げてみても どんなに地球仪回してもホームタウンよりやすらぐ场所なんてないそうだろう? yo people!离れていても忘れられない いつもの风景照らすday light俺にとっちゃ俺が育った町がやっぱno.1绝対!たとえ地元がなくても 気持ちは根付いているのさ友と元々ここの子でなくても 奥底の心で繋がってんの喋る言叶や発音を超えていこう! ここにあるのはそれより大事なもんこのまちの器にありがとう その気持ちを胸に今 旅立とう(※くり返し)たとえ风当たりが凄い强くても 风雪がまた俺を强くするたとえ离ればなれで辛くとも その辛さがまた俺を强くするそれほど地元は厳しく暖かい 受けた爱は决して忘れない暧昧な时代の最中に会い この巡り会わせ决して忘れない!(※くり返し)home sweet home どんな道もあの场所へと続いてるhome sweet home どんな时も変わらずにきっと待ってる

Home Sweet Home的平假名歌词


谁能翻译Home Sweet Home这首英文歌


Home Sweet Home 歌词

歌曲名:Home Sweet Home歌手:Motley Crue专辑:Live - Entertainment Or DeathHome Sweet Home作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK歌:BONNIE PINK君みたいになれるといいなって言うあなたこそ変わる気が无くてへこんだ车 へこんだ心埋めてあげたのは私だよ话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet Home俺はずっと先を见てるって言うだからこそ今がおざなり伤んだ壁と 痛んだ心しらばっくれたのはあなたでしょ话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet HomeDrive throughで君の分のfrench fly买って来たよと得意颜冷めててもへしゃげていても何だか胸が热くてたまらない话を闻いてって言えたなら灯りのともる场所Home Sweet Home话をしようって向き合えば二人の家はそこHome Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet HomeOh Home Sweet Home収録:「Dear Diary」 発売日:2010/10/06~おわり~http://music.baidu.com/song/10288718
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