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Homecoming 回家 [Part 1: The death of St. Jimmy] 圣吉米之死 My heart is beating from me 我的心跳来源于我自身 I am standing all alone 我独自的站立 Please call me only if you are coming home 请仅在你要回家的时候通知我 Waste another year flies by 一整年的流逝是建立在 Waste a night or two 一日一日的流逝上的 You taught me how to live 你教我如何卑微地 In the streets of shame 在街头生存 Where you"ve lost your 哪里你已经失去 dreams in the rain 在雨中幻想 There"s no signs of hope 没有希望的曙光 The stems and seeds of the last of the dope 最后一个傻瓜的茎和种子(指St. Jimmy的依靠和希望) There"s a glow of light 有一束热光 The St. Jimmy is the spark in the night 圣吉米是黑暗中的火光 Bearing gifts and trust 承担着天赋和信任 The fixture in the city of lust 是这个欲望都市的支柱 What the hell"s your name? 你地狱的名字是什么? What"s your pleasure and what is your pain? 什么是你的快乐和你的痛苦? Do you dream to much? 你是否做太多梦? Do you think what you need is a crutch? 你是否认为你需要一把拐杖? In the crowd of pain. St. Jimmy comes without any shame 圣吉米不带任何耻辱地在痛苦中回来 He says we"re fucked up, But we"re not the same 他说我们都是混乱的,但是却各不相同 And mom and dad are the ones you can blame 父母是供你责备的 Jimmy died today 吉米今天死了 He blew his brains out into the bay 他在绝路上结束了自己的性命 In the state of mind it"s my own private suicide 是精神上的自杀 [Part 2: East 12th St.] 东方12圣 Well nobody cares 是的,没有人在意 Well nobody cares 是的,没有人关怀 Does anyone care if nobody cares? 如果没有人在意还有谁会在意? [x2] Jesus filling out paperwork now 耶稣正在东方12圣之上 At the facility on east 12th st. 用工具填写 He"s not listened to a word now 他没有听从于他人 He"s in his own world 他用他自己的方式 And he"s daydreaming 他有一个白日梦 He"d rather be doing something else now, 他宁愿现在做点儿别的什么 Like cigarettes and coffee with the underbelly, 像下体的香烟和咖啡(?) His life"s on the line with anxiety now, 他现在正生活在焦虑中 And she had enough, 她得到足够的 And he had plenty 他得到丰富的 Somebody get me out of here 某人带我离开那里 Anybody get me out of here 何人带我离开那里 Somebody get me out of here 某人带我离开那里 Get me the fuck right out of here 让我尽快摆脱那个鬼地方 So far away 如此遥远 I don"t want to stay 我不愿停驻 Get me out of here right now 现在就让我走 I just wanna be free 我只是想要自由 Is there a possibility? 这会有可能吗? Get me out of here right now 让我现在就离开那里 This life like aint for me 这种生活与我水火不容 [Part 3: Nobody likes you!] 没有人喜欢你! I fell asleep while watching spike TV 当我在喝完十杯咖啡以后 After 10 cups of coffee 看无着聊的电视节目我睡着了 And you"re still not here 你依旧不在那里 Dreaming of a song 梦见一支歌 But something went wrong 但是什么东西出了错 But I can"t tell anyone 但是我不能告诉任何人 "Cause no one"s here 因为没有人在这里 Left me here alone 让我独自一人在这里 And I should have stayed home 我本应该留在家里 After 10 cups of coffee I"m thinking 在喝完十杯咖啡以后我开始胡思乱想 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? Nobody likes you, everyone left you 没有人喜欢你,所有人离开你 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? They"re all out without you havin" fun 他们都离开你去享受快乐了 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? Everyone left you, nobody likes you 没有人喜欢你,所有人离开你 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? They"re all out without you havin" fun 他们都离开你去享受快乐了 (where"d you go..go..go..go..) 你将到何处去? Cheers...Ha..干杯……哈…… [Part 4: Rock and roll girlfriend] 摇滚女友 [written and sung by Tre Cool] (!!!这一段是Tre自己写的,并且亲自演唱地啊!) I got a rock and roll band 我组建了一个摇滚乐队 I got a rock and roll life 我得到了一种摇滚生活 I got a rock and roll girlfriend 我得到了一个摇滚女友 And another ex-wife 另外一个形势上的妻子 I got a rock and roll house 我得到一所摇滚房屋 I got a rock and roll car 我得到一辆摇滚汽车 I play the shit out the drums 我狂敲我的鼓 And I can play the guitar 我可以弹弹吉它 I got a kid in New York 我在纽约得到一个孩子 I got a kid in the bay 我在港湾(或绝路上)得到一个孩子 I haven"t drank or smoked nothing 在多于22天的日子里 In over 22 days 我喝了酒业抽了烟 So get off my case 我放弃了我的事业 Off of my case 放弃了我的事业 Off of my case! 放弃了我的事业 [Part 5: We"re coming home again] 我们又回家了 Here they come marching down the street 他们军队般整齐的走在街上 Like a desperation murmur of a heart beat 就像心跳绝望的低语 Coming back from the edge of town 从城镇的边缘归来 Underneath their feet 在他们脚下 The time has come and it going nowhere 时间流逝,无处可去 Nobody ever said that life was fair now 从来没有人说过生命是公平的 Go-carts and guns are treasures they will bear 婴儿车和手枪将是他们的财富 In the summer heat 在酷夏的烈日下 The world is spinning 世界静止了 Around and around 旋转啊旋转 Out of control again 再一次失控 From the 7-11 to the fear of breaking down 从7-11到灭亡的恐惧 To send my love a letterbomb 把我的爱用糖衣炸弹寄出去 And visit me in hell 到地狱与我相见 We"re the ones going 我们正在离去 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 I started fuckin" running 当我的脚一触到地面 As soon as my feet touched the ground 我就开始疯跑 We"re back in the Barrio 我们回到这个区域 But to you and me, that"s single town 但是你和我,这是一个单独的小镇 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Home 家 We"re coming home again 我们又回家了 Nobody likes you 没有人喜欢你 Everyone left you 所有人离开你 They"re all out without you havin" fun 他们都离开你去享受快乐了


Homecoming 回家 --greenday 绿日乐队[Part 1: The death of St. Jimmy] 圣吉米之死 My heart is beating from me 我的心跳来源于我自身 I am standing all alone 我独自的站立 Please call me only if you are coming home 请仅在你要回家的时候通知我 Waste another year flies by 一整年的流逝是建立在 Waste a night or two 一日一日的流逝上的 You taught me how to live 你教我如何卑微地 In the streets of shame 在街头生存 Where you"ve lost your 哪里你已经失去 dreams in the rain 在雨中幻想 There"s no signs of hope 没有希望的曙光 The stems and seeds of the last of the dope 最后一个傻瓜的茎和种子 There"s a glow of light 有一束热光 The St. Jimmy is the spark in the night 圣吉米是黑暗中的火光 Bearing gifts and trust 承担着天赋和信任 The fixture in the city of lust 是这个欲望都市的支柱 What the hell"s your name? 你地狱的名字是什么? What"s your pleasure and what is your pain? 什么是你的快乐和你的痛苦? Do you dream to much? 你是否做太多梦? Do you think what you need is a crutch? 你是否认为你需要一把拐杖? In the crowd of pain. St. Jimmy comes without any shame 圣吉米不带任何耻辱地在痛苦中回来   He says we"re fucked up, But we"re not the same 他说我们都是混乱的,但是却各不相同 And mom and dad are the ones you can blame 父母是供你责备的 Jimmy died today 吉米今天死了 He blew his brains out into the bay 他在绝路上结束了自己的性命 In the state of mind it"s my own private suicide 是精神上的自杀 [Part 2: East 12th St.] 东方12圣 Well nobody cares 是的,没有人在意 Well nobody cares 是的,没有人关怀 Does anyone care if nobody cares? 如果没有人在意还有谁会在意? Jesus filling out paperwork now 耶稣正在东方12圣之上 At the facility on east 12th st. 用工具填写 He"s not listened to a word now 他没有听从于他人 He"s in his own world 他用他自己的方式 And he"s daydreaming 他有一个白日梦 He"d rather be doing something else now, 他宁愿现在做点儿别的什么 Like cigarettes and coffee with the underbelly, 像下体的香烟和咖啡 His life"s on the line with anxiety now, 他现在正生活在焦虑中 And she had enough, 她得到足够的 And he had plenty 他得到丰富的 Somebody get me out of here 某人带我离开那里 Anybody get me out of here 何人带我离开那里 Somebody get me out of here 某人带我离开那里 Get me the fuck right out of here 让我尽快摆脱那个鬼地方 So far away 如此遥远 I don"t want to stay 我不愿停驻 Get me out of here right now 现在就让我走 I just wanna be free 我只是想要自由 Is there a possibility? 这会有可能吗? Get me out of here right now 让我现在就离开那里 This life like aint for me 这种生活与我水火不容 [Part 3: Nobody likes you!] 没有人喜欢你! I fell asleep while watching spike TV 当我在喝完十杯咖啡以后 After 10 cups of coffee 看无着聊的电视节目我睡着了 And you"re still not here 你依旧不在那里 Dreaming of a song 梦见一支歌 But something went wrong 但是什么东西出了错 But I can"t tell anyone 但是我不能告诉任何人 "Cause no one"s here 因为没有人在这里 Left me here alone 让我独自一人在这里 And I should have stayed home 我本应该留在家里 After 10 cups of coffee I"m thinking 在喝完十杯咖啡以后我开始胡思乱想 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? Nobody likes you, everyone left you 没有人喜欢你,所有人离开你 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? They"re all out without you havin" fun 他们都离开你去享受快乐了 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? Everyone left you, nobody likes you 没有人喜欢你,所有人离开你 (where"d you go?) 你将到何处去? They"re all out without you havin" fun 他们都离开你去享受快乐了 (where"d you go..go..go..go..) 你将到何处去? Cheers...Ha. .干杯……哈……


三、 1. Helen wants to visit my new home. 2. Go along this street then turn right at the traffic lights. 3. Miss Li"s home is next to the supermarket. 4. Get off the metro at the Moon Station. 5. I wait for my friend at the bus stop. (1. wants home 2. along street right traffic 3. next supermarket 4. off metro 5. friend stop)

all the way home 是什么意思

all the way home直接回家

all the way home 请【逐词】分析词性和修饰关系。


Children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional


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抱歉,语音没有应用程序的序列号,请购买正版Windows XP Home Edition来获取序列号。谢谢!

John___(promise)me to come home straightly.Yes,Id






英语短语:at one’s 和in one’s home 一样吗?请专业人士回答。

看语境。若上文提到home了。one‘s 就等于one"s home

用以下短语造句:at once,at a loss,at last,at present,at home

He was going to start at once.They sold the goods at a loss. At last they reached Shanghai. We don"t need it at present.He"s left the key at home.呵呵,很短吧!~~

用at once,at a loss,at last,at present,at home造句子

Go and bring me some food at once.i do this transation at a loss.i won the first prize at last.i live in my friend"s home at present.what are you doning at home last night?

为什么be at home前有介词,而be here前没介词?


you are caught up with your homework. you caught up with your homework.

Lost Stars - Begin AgainPlease don"t seejust a boy caught up in dreamsand fantasiesPlease see me reaching outfor someone I can seeTake my hand let"s seewhere we wake up tomorrowBest laid plans sometimesit"s just a one night standI"d be damned Cupid"s demandingback his arrowSo let"s get drunk on our tears andGod, tell us the reasonyouth is wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?Who are we?Just a spec of dust within the galaxyWoe is me if we"re not carefulturns into realityDon"t you dare let all these memoriesbring you sorrowYesterday I saw a lion kiss a deerTurn the page maybewe"ll find a brand new endingWhere we"re dancing in our tears andGod, tell us the reason youthis wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?I thought I saw you out there cryingI thought I heard you call my nameI thought I heard you out there cryingJust the sameGod, tell us the reasonyouth is wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?I thought I saw you out there cryingI thought I heard you call my nameI thought I saw you out there cryingBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?But are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dar


在我回家的路上。1. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests were given under low-sterss condictions,IQ was negatively correlated withleadership--that is,it predicted the opposite.研究发现,在测试在低压力情况下进行时,智商能够预测领导能力,而在高压力情况下,智商与领导力呈负相关,也就是说它会预测出相反的结果。2. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly tothe public,ranging in price froma few hunred dollars to more than $2500有二十多家公司将DNA测试直接卖给公众,价格从几百到2500美元不等。3. Toyota motor,for example,alleviated some ofthe damage from its recall crisis earlier this yearwith a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign,which directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.比如,在今年早些时候发生的召回危机中,丰田公司较快地开展了精心策划的社交媒介回应行动,包括在推特和社会新闻网站上与客户进行直接交流,从而减少了一些损失。4.Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.人们慢慢注意到机构的这一副产品,而把这种作用视为机构运作的指导性因素的过程则更为缓慢。5. In effect,the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.实际上,白宫宣布它可以使其他任何它不同意的合法州法律变得无效。

Please Call Home 歌词

歌曲名:Please Call Home歌手:The Allman Brothers Band专辑:Beginningsby Gregg AllmanCopyright 1970 Unichappell Inc. and Elijah Blue Music (BMI)Take one last look... before you leave,"cause oh, somehow it means so much to me.And if you ever need me, you know where I"ll be.So please call home... if you change your mind.Oh, I don"t mind.I guess I saw it comin"... day by day.But oh, I could not stand the failure.Before you leave, there"s just one thing I must say.Please call home... if you change your mind.Oh, I don"t mind.And I know, that you"re used to runnin".Oh you"re lost baby, and I ain"t funnin".But oh, when you call to me, well, I"ll come runnin"safe to your side... again I"ll confide... in you.So go on, I won"t say no more.My heart ain"t in it, but I"ll hold the door.But just remember, what I said before.Please call home... if you change your mind.http://music.baidu.com/song/8569504

It is (30 minutes ) from my home to school对括号里提问

How long is it from my home to school ? 应该是的

Will.i.am的《Go Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Home歌手:Will.i.am专辑:Go HomeGo HomeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard you can go home,Check it outMy mama told me Willie rock hardDon"t be no dummy, be a lil" smarterDon"t be like your Daddy, finish what you startedAha momma, I"mma rock hard, check it outFly Willy I"ll be a charterI won"t forget my placeGonna rock harderYou know I kill it, kill it baby leave the slaughterI will stand by, I promised mommaI"m a big baller, check it outI"m hip-hop hardRock a boulevardWillie"s in chargeI don"t need nobody nowI go on and onOn and onOn and on and on, on, on, onYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, or you can go homeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go homeCheck it outHard like a rock and rollA time bomb ticking – explodeBaby this is dynamoBaby back nowIt"s "bout to blowHard like geometry and trigonometryThis is crazy psychologyYeah baby, I"m back inWatch out now I"m going inYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or yo can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omeYou can go hard, you can go ha-a-ardOr you can go home, or you can go ho-o-omehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17442056

The Causes of Homeless People 的英语作文

VOICE ONE:No one knows exactly how many Americans do not have a permanent1 place to live. This homelessness continues although many efforts are being made to end it. I"m Mary Tillotson.VOICE TWO:And I"m Steve Ember. The problem of homeless people is our report today on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA.VOICE ONE:Homelessness continues to be one of the most important problems facing America. The most recent national population study said about one-hundred-seventy-thousand people do not have a place to live. But some experts say about two-million people in the United States have no homes. They say officials who count the population cannot find many people who live on the streets. Experts say homelessness is a temporary crisis for most people. But it is a continuing condition for others.

.--- Have you finished your homework? --- No. I ______ Good Voice of China on Zhejiang TV all d...

A 考察时态题。根据时间状语all day yesterday说明在过去的一段时间一直在做某事,强调动作的持续性和反复性,使用完成进行时。句意:—你完成家庭作业了吗?—没有。昨天我一直在看浙江台的中国好声音。故A正确。

when you come home 歌词


Come Home To Me (Album) 歌词

歌曲名:Come Home To Me (Album)歌手:Ernie Halter专辑:Franklin & VermontLet you gotoo easilydid I let you see me cryyou close the doorI didn"t calland it hurt so much for me to say goodbyeand now I"m on my ownstill waiting here alonecos I want you backand you know I can"t let goCome home to mecos you mean everythingbut you don"t know what you"ve got until it"s gone, nocome home to mesome things were meant to bebut the only thing I knowis I just can"t face another night aloneI wonder whois there with youand if you"re thinking of me nowit"s not too lateto try againwe can make it right the second time aroundtell me what to doI"m still in love with youand I can"t believe that you don"t need me tooCome home to mecos you mean everythingbut you don"t know what you"ve got until it"s gone, nocome home to mesome things were meant to bebut the only thing I knowis I just can"t face another night aloneIf there"s a chance for us I need to knowcos after all that we"ve been throughyou"ve seen a part of me I can"t let gocos no-one makes me feel the way you doCome home to mecos you mean everythingbut you don"t know what you"ve got until it"s gone, nocome home to mesome things were meant to bebut the only thing I knowis I just can"t face another night alonealone媛星编辑http://music.baidu.com/song/7407610

谁能帮我翻译一下Radical Face - Ghost中Welcome Home,Son 的歌词


dad will come home next week对划线部分提问?

爸爸要多久才能回家?How soon will Dad come home?


刚工作回家。form [fu0254rm]n. 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格vt. 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造vi. 形成,构成;排列work [wu025dk]n. 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;事业;工厂;著作;文学、音乐或艺术作品vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进vi. 工作;运作;起作用

come to my home


请问我刚到家用英文怎么说i just come home?

I just got home或者简单点just home


意思是:你什么时候回家?精 锐

英文歌男声结尾before we come home重复几遍的什么歌

感觉听过 我给你想想


Another summer day 又一个夏天Has come and gone away 来了又走In Paris or Rome... 在巴黎或者罗马But I wanna go home 但是我只想回家...uhmMay be surrounded by 可能被成千上万的人A million people I 所拥戴追逐 但我Still feel all alone 仍感到孤独I just wanna go home 我只想回家I miss you, you know 你知道我在想你And I"ve been keeping all the letters我保存所有That I wrote to you, 给你写的信Each one a line or two 每封只有寥寥数语I"m fine baby, how are you? 我很好 宝贝 你呢?I would send them but I know that 我会把他们寄给你It"s just not enough 但我知道这不够My words were cold and flat 我的话语是如此冷淡And you deserve more than that 你应该得到更多Another aeroplane, another sunny place, 另一辆飞机 另一个充满阳光的地方I"m lucky I know 我知道我是幸运的But I wanna go home 但我只想回家I"ve got to go home 我一定要回家Let me go home 让我回家!I"m just too far from where you are 我离你千山万水I got to come home 我一定要回家Let me go home 让我回家!I"ve had my run 结束了我的奔波Baby I"m done 宝贝 我已经完成I wanna come home 我只想回家And I feel just like I"m living 我觉得我过着Someone else"s life 另外一个人的生活It"s like I just stepped outside 看起来我离开了你When everything was going right 当一切都将好转的时候And I know just why 我也明白You could not come along with me 为什么你不会跟随我来This was not your dream 因为这不是你的梦想But you always believed in me... 但是你总是对我深信不疑Another winter day 另一个冬天Has come and gone away 来了又走In either Paris or Rome 在巴黎或者罗马And I wanna go home 我想回家I miss you, you know 你知道 我想你Let me go home 让我回家!I"ve had my run 结束了我的奔波Baby I"m done 宝贝 我已经完成I wanna go home 我想回家Let me go home 让我回家!It"ll all be alright 所有一切都会好的I"ll be home tonight 我今晚就到家I"m coming back home 我马上就回家THE END我真的很想回家

come home dj rad feat zoe mp3地址


come home from work什么意思


you must come home early.....early为什么要放到句尾

作状语,修饰come,用在它的后面。但come home 是词组,联系紧密,所以只能用在come home 后面。

come back home与come home的区别

come back home 是返回家 come back =returecome home 是回家 我水平有限诶,,,,只能想到这么多

well come to home和welcome home有什么区别?

home前面不可加介词 正确的句子应该是 well, come home

both cold come home哪个发音不同?

both [bəʊθ] cold [kəʊld]come [kʌm]home [həʊm]所以come中字母o的发音不同。




home意思有家,回家的意思,多数时候作副词使用,但home用作名词也是很常见的。比如我们常见的例子:I love my home. 我爱我家。I"m at home now. 我在家。这个时候home都是一个名词。但在“I"ll go back home tomorrow.”这样的句子中home就只能是一个副词了。因为come是一个不及物动词,home不是go这个动作的承受者,而只是表明了go的一个方位,作为一个地点副词。home用作副词的基本意思是“在家,回家,到家”,多用在be home, go home, come home, arrive home, bring home, hurry home等短语中作状语。

gray come home原唱是谁

就是海绵宝宝 小蜗不见哪一集的插曲

Adam Ho ft Thai Foon - Come Home歌词


i come home from school come home为什么不在末尾

come是谓语,home是宾语 from school是状语。

get home 和 come home有什么区别吗?


came home与went home d的区别?

1. 要点分析: 原题中came 和went分别是动词come与go的过去式。为分析方便,我们采用动词原形形式。come与go都是生活中常用的高频动词,做不及物动词使用。come表示到来、来到,go表示离去、离开。由这两个词的本义可知,它们主要的区别集中在动作的方向完全相反。2. 知识扩充: 具体将来,come home 的使用语境是说话人和听话人说话的当时就在家里,对于说话人而言,听话人离家回来就是来到家里come home。go home则是说话热和听话人都在家以外的地方,一方劝说另一方离开家以外的地方,然后朝家的方向走,这就是go home。3. 应用举例:Take your umbrella, Tom. Remember to come home before eleven.汤姆,带上伞。记得在十一点前回家。(两者现在都在家。)It"s dark. Let"s go home right now, or our parents will get worried.天黑了。咱们立即回家吧,否则父母会担心的。

steam游戏come home有中文的吗




come home come不是不及物动词吗?中间怎么不加to,对比come to my home

come home 这里home 是副词,所以前面不加介词to come to my home 这里的home是名词.所以加介词to . 祝开心!

速度与激情7插曲中有关come home的歌曲

不会是see you again吧,歌词里面强调了家的重要

come my home和come to my home的区别


James的《Come Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Home歌手:James专辑:James: The Best OfLene Marlin - Come HomeI just wanna lock the doorLeave it all outsideTurn off the lampsI just wanna hideDon"t bother look for meNot even sure that you wereSo I don"t have to tellI am not feeling well this staysJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeI just wanna stay in backStay right here for nowLeft it with my thoughtsI don"t know howI do face another dayAnd I tragedy for it yetSo I don"t have to show that I am not OK this wayJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah AhJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeMaybe I wanna come homeListened by John Lee from LK Lyrics Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/10300695

come home中间加什么?

什么也不用加come home 指人在家时说”回家“My mum often asks me to come home on time when I leave home every day .每天我离开家时我妈妈经常叫我按时回家。

come home ,be home ,arrive home, get home 表示到家,有什么区别,用法是什么


come home还是come to home?

home 是副词,前面不能用介词to正确的是 come home



Go home, Come home, Enter home的区别?

come home 是你在家里对别人说的 回家来go home 是你在一个不是你家的地方说 回家去enter home 不是固定用法,一般不这么用

come 和home中的o发音相同?



你这个问题,我们大家都想问,弄明白了,英语学习就容易多了。还有同一个单词有多种读法:use /juːz/ /ju:s/read /ri:d / 但其过去式和过去分词read/red/所以我们只好接受了,这是别人的语言,他们怎么说我们也就怎么说:home /həʊm/ come /kʌm/ some / sʌm/慢慢记,学一点记一点,日积月累,就要轻松点。

come/get home的区别和用法 求解释 谢!

come home 和get home表示动作未发生,come home用于第二人称,get home用于第一人称。arrive home表示动作已经发生,表动作。


是一款Fullbright工作室开发的“故事探索”游戏。?__he Fullbright Company发行的探索解密类的游戏,该作品被IGN给与了9.5分的好评,游戏给玩家带来很强的带入感,剧本完美、主题深刻。在整个探索过程中,你将看到一所精致的大房子,仔细研究房子中散落各处的各种物体,挖掘这个家庭的历史,每个物体都让人感觉到体温,非常真实。探索细节并不只是一些繁琐的重复劳动,将这幢房子细心梳理,会让你发现支线剧情和隐藏的小幽默。?_蜗肪绫竞团湟舳际怯蜗方缫涣魉肌K淙幻挥刑捞氐姆绺瘢凑媸档貌腥獭?

come home 和come to home的区别

come home是回家come to home是错误的说法

return home还是come home

return home: 返回家,一般没有感情色彩 come back home :回家,主要因为有个come,显出有个回家的强烈愿望,有“终于回来了”的感觉 go home:就是去家,没指出是自己本人回家还是叫别人去自己家 arive home很明显 强调到家了

come home come不是不及物动词吗?中间怎么不加to,对比come to my home

home前面不要要to的,home是副词,如bring home

come home 和come to home的区别

后者是没有的。home通常作副词。故come/go home.如home前加了冠词或物主代词,可加to。如come to my home.

英文歌曲 女歌手唱的 带i am come home come home 这歌词的是什么歌名

Diddy-Dirty Money- Coming Home 试听http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU2MzU3MDEy.html

come home come不是不及物动词吗?中间怎么不加to,对比come to my home

come home 这里home 是副词,所以前面不加介词to come to my home 这里的home是名词.所以加介词to . 祝开心!

一首英文歌是一个女生温柔地唱come home

  Come Home  演唱;One Republic    Hello world  Hope you"re listening  Forgive me if I"m young  For speaking out of turn    There"s someone I"ve been missing  I think that they could be  The better half of me  They"re in the wrong place trying to make it right  But I"m tired of justifying  So I say you"ll    Come home, come home  Cause I"ve been waiting for you  For so long, for so long  And right now there"s a war between the vanities  But all I see is you and me  The fight for you is all I"ve ever known  So come home    Oooooh oooh    I get lost in the beauty  Of everything I see  The world ain"t as half as bad  As they paint it to be  If all the sons  If all the daughters  Stopped to take it in  Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin  It might start now yeah  Well maybe I"m just dreaming out loud  Until then    Come home, come home  Cause I"ve been waiting for you  For so long, for so long  And right now there"s a war between the vanities  But all I see is you and me  The fight for you is all I"ve ever known  Ever known  So come home    Ooooooh oooooooooooooh    Everything I can"t be  Is everything you should be  And that"s why I need you here  Everything I can"t be  Is everything you should be  And that"s why I need you here    So hear this now    Come home, come home  Cause I"ve been waiting for you  For so long, for so long  And right now there"s a war between the vanities  But all I see is you and me  The fight for you is all I"ve ever known    Ever known  So come home  Come home  Come home, come home  I"ve been waiting for you    Come home

英语,【come home】【comes home】有什么区别?


go home,come home,come back home 在区别?


come home是地点副词吗?

home是地点副词,come home 是完整动作状态

come home 英语问题 简单 帮帮忙 ,谢谢~~!!



Oceanlab的《Come Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Home歌手:Oceanlab专辑:Sirens Of The SeaI don"t know why you feel we can"t just talk throughNot just walk throughAnd leave me hereYou leave a note and think that it"s a clean breakNo more heart achesYou made that clearI wish that I could backtrackStop time and turn the clocks backUnpack your bag while waving the flagTo keep you close to meCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headRewind the lines and find the hidden meaningsTen more screeningsOf our last fightSitting alone and knowing that I need youCause I remember our first nightI wish that I could backtrackStop time and turn the clocks backUnpack your bag while waving the flagTo keep you close to meCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headRunning away from the truth this timeAnd I wish that you knew what you left behindWhen you were running away and you left me up my mindRunning away from the truth this timeAnd I wish that you knew what you left behindWhen you were running away and you left me up my mindCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headCome homeYou know I didn"t mean to say the things I saidCome homeDon"t leave me here with all these thoughts inside my headhttp://music.baidu.com/song/939858

be home ,come home ,get home 区别

be home可以是was/were home(当时在家)、 am/is/are home(现在在家)、 have/has been home(已经回家,been用在完成时态里是“前往”的意思)。come home回家,get home到家。“俊狼猎英”团队为您解答,祝学习进步!

come home乐评

重新听了onerepublic的come home 。这首歌给人的第一印象应该就是温暖,是一首治愈的歌。从头到尾没有特别突出的高潮,像是一篇叙事文,娓娓道来。我一向觉得,听歌对语言的要求不高,能听懂歌词固然能更好地体会他的情感、内容的表达,但听不懂歌词,反而能让人更专注地听一首曲子的各种配乐,旋律,节奏。而且,我觉得听不懂的语言天生就带着乐感,不同的语言的咬字发音有不一样的美感,配上旋律,更是一种融合的美感。像有的歌翻唱就没有原版好听,大概是有这个原因的吧。come home这首曲子,头几次听,歌词根本没有入耳,但简单明了并且不断重复的come home,两个单词,配上胖子温柔的声线,特别能传递温暖的感觉。 今天配合mv再听了一次,mv没有很复杂,演员也没有表现什么夸张的情绪,大体意思就是一个青年,背井离乡,离开父母出门打拼,但年少气盛,工作生活都不如意,在外挥霍度日,但是虚荣心阻止他和家人联系,宁可在外做个流浪汉,甚至有过轻生的念头。直到有一天,这个流浪汉在马路上举起了i need a ride home的牌子,搭了好心人的车,终于回到家人身边。 音乐真的是很神奇的存在,也许人生来就带着乐感,乐感乐感,是不是就是音乐的情感呢?单看这个mv其实很简单,配上曲子却莫名的感人。想起上学的时候老师给我们放过猫和老鼠的静音版,简直无聊的要死,一部从头到尾基本没有台词的动画,配乐就充分表达了里面的各种情绪,角色的内心感受,真的很神奇。建议试试静音看这部片子,再看原版,背景音乐的伟大能体会的很真切。说到背景音乐,come home这首曲子也是美剧Gossip Girl S1E12的插曲,当Lily和Rufus终是分开的时候,歌曲渐起。gossip好看,配乐也是一大亮点,1R起家的apoligize也是从这部剧火起来的。看的时候顾着看剧情,没有体会背景音乐。这首曲子和这一幕真的是搭配的恰到好处。lily和rufus纠缠几十年,之间的爱多余恨,但人与人之间的关系充满着各种硝烟,时而会掩盖心中的爱,但唯有爱,才是心中的初念,能让人找回最初的自己和爱的人。lily和rufus虽然分开,剧终还是坦然相对,如果还有番外,是不是会和mv的结局一样大团圆呢。 我们听音乐有时候开心,有时候难过,听到中意的曲子,有时候是单纯的好听,有时候,是因为它表达了我们的情感,或许有些事情不遂心愿,但美丽的乐章能伴我们入眠。come home,my darling.

get home 与come home的区别

come home 表示一种通俗的回来,都可以使用;be home是一种状态,在家里;arrive home 是到家的那个时刻,强调一个点;get home 与come home 都是通用意思

go home get home come home be home的区别

go home 回家 指主人她自己回自己家 get home 到家 我到家了 come home来家 例如人家邀请你去他家就是这样.说有空来我家哦. be home在家 状态 我在家里.be````home .She is at home.

come home还是come to home

come home固定搭配



be home和come home的区别


为什么come后面可以直接接home,come from England就需要加一个from呢?

不同意思吧come home 回家come from England来自英国
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