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Member 和 Shareholder的区别

2023-05-19 16:42:18
TAG: hold be ber 区别

Member 和 Shareholder的区别


For a Company, there is a very minor difference between Member(s) and Shareholder(s), but that difference which applies to only some of the situations is very important from the point of view of that member/shareholder.

1. Definition of "member".

A member is one of the Company"s owners whose name has been entered on the register of members of that Company.

The subscribers of the memorandum of association of a company are the deemed members of the company and on the registration of the same, their names are required to be entered register of members.

Every person holding equity share capital of company and whose name is entered as beneficial owner in the records of the depository shall be deemed to be a member of the concerned company.

2. Definition of "shareholder"

A shareholder is a person who buys and holds shares in a company having a share capital. They become a member once their name is entered on the register of members.

Many companies limited by guarantee do not have a share capital, and consequently, their members are not shareholders.

3. Rights of members and shareholders?

The rights of members are stated in the Companies Act and in the company"s memorandum and articles of association and those rights are not available to the Shareholder.

e.g. Right to a dividend:- Only Members of the Company are eligible for a dividend i.e. the money that a company pays to its shareholders from its profits. Generally the Company fixes a record date before distribution of dividend to determine the members who are eligible for the dividend, and only the name of the persons whose name appears in the Register of Members and in the Statement of Beneficial Owners as provided by the Depository(ies) as on the Record Date are considered as Member.

And therefore any Person who has bought the shares from an existing member of a Company but such share transfer is under process for registration and his name is not yet entered in the Register of Members, then he will not be considered as Member neither he will be eligible for Dividends.

4. Illustrations:

(1) A person can be a Member and Shareholder of the Company at the same time:

e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive and haven"t sold his shares to anybody.

(2) A person can be a Member but not a Shareholder of the Company at the same time:

e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive but he has sold his shares to Mr. Y on that day.

(3) A person can be a Shareholder but not a Member of the Company at the same time.

e.g. Mr. Y has 30 shares in FT Limited bought from Mr. X on 11th August, 2012, he has forwarded the Share Transfer Documents to the Company for registration of his name in the Register of members.



  deem做动词有认为;视作等意思,那么你知道deem的过去式是什么吗?以下是我为大家带来的deem的过去式和用法例句,欢迎各位同学们学习!   deem的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: deemed   过去分词: deemed   现在分词: deeming   deem的用法:   deem的用法1:deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。   deem的用法2:deem是及物动词,可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。   deem的过去式例句:   1. The crowd moved indoors for what were deemed the most desirable items.   人群为了被视为最值得拥有的物品涌入屋里。   2. Candidates deemed vote-worthy will be rewarded with campaign funds.   被认为有望获胜的候选人将会获得竞选资金。   3. Gershwin"s lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.   格什温的歌词在今天很可能被视为政治上不正确。   4. The evening was deemed a great success.   大家认为这次晚会非常成功。   5. He would support a use of force if the UN deemed it necessary.   如果联合国认为有必要使用武力的话,他会支持的。   6. He says he would support the use of force if the UN deemed it necessary.   他说如果联合国认为有必要使用武力,他将予以支持。   7. They deemed the young clergyman a miracle of holiness.   他们一心认为这年轻的牧师是神圣的奇迹.   8. French and German were deemed essential.   法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。   9. I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist.   我被视为是一名能干的速记打字员。   10. -- Ye that have deemed me holy!   —— 你们这些敬我如神的人!   11. He was deemed a traitor by his own people.   他被人看作是叛徒.   12. In legal contexts , equality is commonly deemed among " natural rights ".   在法律用语中, 平等被认为是 “ 自然权利 ” 的一种.   13. He deemed that it was his duty to help the needy.   他认为帮助穷人是他的责任.   14. He deemed it his duty to help.   他认为助人是他的责任.   15. Levchenko recoiled at what he deemed moral corruption.   列夫钦科把他所认为的道德上的贪污腐化视若蛇蝎.
2023-01-03 08:53:091

deem什么意思 大家可以看看

1、deem,v.认为; 视为; 相信; 2、[例句]French and German were deemed essential.法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:deems 现在分词:deeming 过去式:deemed 过去分词:deemed.
2023-01-03 08:53:181

英语问题请大家帮忙 请问英语中可以用 i deem that这样的用嘛?谢谢大家 我快考试了 网上说的也不清楚。

deem: (verb)(通常不用于进行时)to have a particular opinion about sth.认为,视为,相信She deems it prudent not to say anything.她认为什么都不说是明智的摘自牛津
2023-01-03 08:53:233


v. 认为, 相信 deem highly of 对...给予高度的评价I deem it my duty to help the poor. 我认为帮助穷人是我的职责。
2023-01-03 08:53:382


reckon和think没什么太大的区别.think用于平时口头、日常交流比较多,reckon书面比较多. deem:表示我(内心)已经决定了.有I decided的意思.(潜台词是,不需要再多说了,就是这样定了.
2023-01-03 08:53:542

be deemed as后接什么

be deemed as被翻译成被视为。as后面不跟句子,它是说明主语的补语,一般跟名词或形容词1.his job is deemed as important。2.Linguistics can be deemed as the science of language.语言学是研究语言的科学.
2023-01-03 08:54:061

deemed resident 什么意思

2023-01-03 08:54:113

deem to 是什么意思

2023-01-03 08:54:234


濒危包含接近危险的境地;临近死亡,临近灭亡等多重含义。由于人类对环保的不重视,对生态的破坏,导致有许多动物濒临灭绝,这种动物叫濒危动物。濒危英语说法1:endangered濒危英语说法2:be terminally ill濒危英语说法3:near death濒危的英语例句:它有权禁止任何有关于被视为濒危物种的国际贸易。It has the power to ban any international trade in a species deemed endangered.华南濒危动物研究所灵长类研究开发中心;The modified platelets were transfused to rabbits and monkeys.
2023-01-03 08:54:361

deemed cost 是什么意思

Deemed cost 是指计算中认为cost 来入账的,根据FIFO,或者Weighted average的方法来确认的。不会出现Carriage inwards。
2023-01-03 08:54:541

The board deemed it urgent that these files ____ right away

D 从时态上排除一下A和B C项 must+过去分词用于表示对过去的发生过的事情的推测 这样用是错的只能选D了 D D
2023-01-03 08:55:033


deem sb +n是可以的 如I deem him an eccentric.改成will be attached 原句主被动关系弄错了
2023-01-03 08:55:272

英语句子成分分析。she deemed not to say anything is prudent.

say 后面省了一个that
2023-01-03 08:55:373

those once-deemed-unattainable tasks for one

2023-01-03 08:55:532

The board deemed it urgent that these files ____ right away

2023-01-03 08:56:013


If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition——wealth, distinction, control, over one"s destiny——must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition"s behalf.倘若志向是受到推崇的,那么对于志向的回报----财富、地位以及对命运的掌控,一定会等价于为了志向而做出的牺牲。made on ambition"s behalf是后置定语,=which have been made on ambition"s behalf,修饰sacrifices。另外,be deemed worthy of 这里应理解为"被(公正)定为等值于...",意思是论功行赏。不能理解为"值得...",要注意先后顺序,是先sacrifices,然后再rewards。整句话大意就是一首歌里唱的:人间自有公道,付出总有回报
2023-01-03 08:56:133


您好,这里的几个语法翻译问题有:1)在英语中,河流通常用(女性)的代词 she,而不是(无性别)的代词 it;国家也是雷同的用法;2)哺育更为正确的英语单词是 nurture,而不是 feed;3)根据2008年的北京奥运会和2010年的上海世博会关于国内的(专有名词)的翻译的习惯,汉语的(黄河)的正确写法是 the Huanghe River;4)中华民族的“母亲”应该使用(从属介词)of,而不是用(所有格)形式,所以 the Mother of the Chinese nation;5)被称为除了用 is called 以外,还可以用 deemed(认为;视为);所以可以考虑翻译成:The Huanghe River was called/deemed as the "Mother" of the Chinese nation in the ancient history of China, and she nurtured thousands upon thousands of Chinese people/peoples.people 的复数形式 peoples 作为(民族,多个民族)的解释。
2023-01-03 08:56:326


可以。think的基本意思是“想,思索”,指使一件事情在头脑中不断地浮现或使这件事保持这种浮现的状态,可以表示“想”的动作,也可以表示“想”的状态。deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。 deem可以和think替换吗 一、指代不同 1、think:认为,以为。 2、deem:视为,相信。 二、用法不同 1、think:think的基本意思是“想,思索”,指使一件事情在头脑中不断地浮现或使这件事保持这种浮现的状态,可以表示“想”的动作,也可以表示“想”的状态。还可指“以为,认为”,指某事在头脑中形成一个固定的概念,即“想”的结果。 2、deem:deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。deem是及物动词,可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 三、侧重点不同 1、think:常用于经过客观分析。 2、deem:常用于主观想象。 deem的用法 1、deem是书面语,基本意思是“认为”,强调判断,常用于正式的书面公告,正式场合的演说、悼词中。 2、deem是及物动词,可接that从句,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。deem同think的意思相似,但主要用在比较严正或正式的场合。例如: I deem it wise to follow his advice. 句中的deem换成think会比较自然。 3、在法律的角度来说,deem是个不可缺少的词,用以假定一些东西的真实性不管是或不是。例如: Any person who has not given notice of objection before the prescribed day will be deemed to have agreed. 任何没有在规定日期前提出反对的人,都将被认为是同意的。
2023-01-03 08:56:551


元素1、The product"s creators never wanted to divorce the human element from the diagnostic process,just its infallibility. 这款产品的创造者们从来没打算将人为因素排除在诊断过程之外。2.The u.k. has nearly 100 metric tons of plutonium-dubbed "the element from hell" by some-that itdoesn"t know what to do with. 英国有近100公吨的钚--被称为地狱来的元素--并且不知道如何处理它。3.He told parliament that "any military element from syria moving too close to the turkish borderthat is deemed a security risk will be seen as a threat and will be a military target." 他告诉议会,“任何由叙利亚发出的被认为是安全风险的军事因素,如果距离土耳其边境太近,将会作为是对土耳其的威胁,并且将成为土耳其军事攻击的目标。”
2023-01-03 08:57:011


如适用,双方将申请豁免营业税的征收大众在本合同项下提供的服务。在征收营业税是不能获得予以豁免,发票金额应包括营业税对其提供的服务项目在中国大众都和F.R.德国作为款4.7(2)    如果大众提供服务,根据《中华人民共和国签订的合同期限超过六个月,发票金额建议你下载个360安全浏览器 上面带有翻译工具 能翻译多种语言 如果满意请采纳
2023-01-03 08:57:072


2023-01-03 08:57:162


2023-01-03 08:57:269


2023-01-03 08:57:597


版权持有人的两种基本情况变得有些复杂。首先,当一个工作的材料包括超过一人,或者当它是由各种子组件(如旋律和歌词)由不同的人,合作作品的问题,17 USCA第101提高。其次,当作者创建工作的另一个出版,无论是作为雇员或租用一个独立的承包商,工程问题,17 USCA第101提高。有些作品由多个作者特定的标签用来描述多个著作权要求,确定重要的法律问题。如果一个作曲家的音乐作品在1970年和1980年的填词人作者的歌词作者,单独或联合作者或他们的身份,一个或两个生产工作FO租赁的特性可确定著作权保护期满后,是否终止牌照其中一人的版权,有效地将终止许可的整个工作(O部分单独创作的那个人),以及法律责任,如果有的话,每个欠其他。如果音乐作品被视为一个新的工作时,被视为有关股既不是合作作品,也不是职务作品的特点是无论是集体的炒菜锅或编辑。 17 U.S.C.A. 望采纳
2023-01-03 08:58:262


claim~suggest~In my opinion~as far as i concern~
2023-01-03 08:58:354


【原文】 19·25: 陈子禽谓子贡曰:“子为恭也,仲尼岂贤于子乎?”子贡曰:“君子一言以为知,一言以为不知,言不可不慎也。夫子之不可及也,犹天之不可阶而升也。夫子之得邦家者,所谓立之斯立,道之斯行,馁之斯来,动之斯和。其生也荣,其死也哀,如之何其可及也?” 【译文】 陈子禽对子贡说:“你是谦恭了,仲尼怎么能比你更贤良呢?”子贡说:“君子的一句话就可以表现他的智识,一句话也可以表现他的不智,所以说话不可以不慎重。夫子的高不可及,正像天是不能够顺着梯子爬上去一样。夫子如果得国而为诸侯或得到采邑而为卿大夫,那就会像人们说的那样,教百姓立于礼,百姓就会立于礼,要引导百姓,百姓就会跟着走;安抚百姓,百姓就会归顺;动员百姓,百姓就会齐心协力。(夫子)活着是十分荣耀的,(夫子)死了是极其可惜的。我怎么能赶得上他呢?”
2023-01-03 08:58:513

英语 四级 六级 语法

2023-01-03 08:59:072


Indian chutney <dnt> in the </dnt> world most makes one which of hot sauce one becomes addicted, what receives welcome is the mango, Luo Wangzi and the nut, the red pepper chutney. Other tastes may also use the beet root, the shrimp, manufactures and so on curry leaf and eggplant. Uses in matching the barbecue, the fried cake and so on, the flavor is unique.Tanzania in roasted chicken Tandoor Chicken this is north India"s famous palace ingredients, will put in order a chicken first soaks by the yogurt and the spice salt will put in the Tanzania dry kiln to roast, after roasting, the chicken from now on presents the red condition, eats a belt hotness. Edible when matches by the green sauce material and the onion, is delicious.Sha Mosha Samosa Sha Mosha is the triangle ka explodes the stuffed dumpling, the internal stuffing material is potato spices and so on blending bean, anise, hot pepper, eats the quite spicy spot, regards as Indian"s dessert.Tully Thali Tully is India"s eating a fixed amo
2023-01-03 08:59:2015


2023-01-03 09:00:182


弃权. 缔约各当事方一致认为:此文本中所达成之要约,责任与义务,对于本协议之成立起着至关重要之作用。因此亦是本协议下重要的实质条款。任何一方.......
2023-01-03 09:00:273


就是你长期在其他国家工作,或者你持有2国国籍并且在该国生活工作 。就这么简单 1楼您没事儿吧? 想看这个人家都去政府官网看了。
2023-01-03 09:00:396


哥们,我来帮你翻译下,心情好的话就给我加点分吧,我也不容易,打这么多字!文章 21[ 不可抗力]不可抗力提及不能够被收费到职责的无法控制的州 " A " 或 " B". 举例来说,它包括天灾,像是一个台风, 对一个战争、地震、火、传染病、劳资争议、要求和原料的补给的缺乏、法律或规则的厉行和校订或改善的差劲天气,像是一个洪水或其他的灾祸、战争或一个州同等物, 经认可组织的决心,而且其他对上述的环境同等物.(以下," 不可抗力 ") 在事件中两者的宴会无法由于如此的不可抗力运行这份契约, 他们将被从所有的义务免除; 然而,如此的不可抗力不将是这契约的终止的因素。文章 22[危险,像是工业的安全负担]在事件中当职员正在为这契约的实行运行服务的时候,那里在一个国内而海外的商务旅行期间由于工业的灾祸或者违法的行为发生损害, 疑问的职员将依照过失的因素忍受职责。文章 23[机密]1. " B" 将不对被讲到在运行这契约期间被获得的生意、技术和售卖的第三者任何的秘密揭露除了为这契约的实行的目的的范围之外。 任何的秘密在相互的协议之上规定将藉由被在一份文件上或者在产品的表面上指出保持机密以极度的秘密转移; 然而, 通知或以合法的方式被如此的宴会得到的数据2. " B" 将不揭露从参与这契约的日期起被关心到 3(三) 数年的一个第三者的数据。 在如此的情况,计算保存机密的义务的时期的时间的点将是检验的日期。3.在事件中 " 一 " 藉着机密的义务的 " B" 被违反损害," B" 将偿还对 " 一 " 的所有伤害 .4. 秘密的揭发在法院或任何的决心同等物的政府的次序或裁判之上对他们或在任何的法律或法令之下不将被认为如这契约的机密的义务的一个违反; 然而,秘密的揭发将在最小的水平,而且疑问的宴会将限制对他们的义务的揭发使他们的数据保持机密的。OVER!
2023-01-03 09:01:051


《格列佛游记》的作者斯威夫特出生于爱尔兰的首都都柏林,父亲是一位定居在爱尔兰的英国人。他是一个遗腹子,由叔父扶养成人。他的代表作《格列佛游记》发表于1726年,被当作是儿童文学作品,实际上却是抨击当时英国社会堕落与腐败的讽刺小说。Author Swift of " dose tabulated Buddha"s travel notes " was born in capital Dublin of Irish, father whether one horbor Englishman in Irish. He is a posthumous son, the uncle brings up the adult. It was issued in 1726 that " dose tabulated Buddha"s travel notes " in his masterpiece, were considered to be children"s literary works, in fact but condemned at that time the British society degenerated the satire novel with the corruption.在这本书中,写得是主人公,一位外科医生格列佛的冒险故事,其中一些令人心惊肉跳。在小人国里,他成了庞然大物,刀枪不入,一连吞几十头黄牛仍填不饱肚子;在巨人国里,他变成了巨人们的玩偶,被玩弄于手掌间,并与苍蝇和蜂子展开斗争;后来,他来到神秘的飞岛国,这里的人利用鸟的下部的天然磁铁和海底下的磁铁的力量,随心所欲地移动,这同时也是一个可随时传唤鬼魂对话、专门搞些莫名其妙的研究的离奇国家;还有令人深感汗颜的慧骃国,在这个人马颠倒的世界里,更有许多不可思议的故事。读着读着,我仿佛随着格列佛一起走进了那个奇幻的世界。那些玩偶般的小人,高大威猛的巨人,长得像鱼的飞岛国居民,以及慧骃和耶胡们,都给我留下了深刻的印象。In the book, the main character is written, a surgeon Gulliver"s adventure story, some of which is Xinjingroutiao. In Lilliput, he became a monster, bulletproof, and a few dozen head of cattle still narrowly not fill bellies full; giant in the country, he has become giants of the doll, was playing in the palm of your hand, and flies and bees Son started the fight; later, he came to the mysterious flying island, where the birds use the lower part of the natural magnet and the seabed under the force of a magnet, want to move, which is also a ghost can be summoned at any time dialogue, the opportunities for specialized baffling The study of the strange country; also deeply ashamed of the Yin-hui, people in this upside down world, many of the more incredible story. Read read, as if I am Gulliver together into a fantasy world of that. Those little doll-like, tall and mighty giant, looks like a flying fish island residents, as well as the Yin and Yehuda hui, who gave me has left a deep impression on him.我觉得最特别的要数飞岛国的居民。他们的眼睛都长在一侧,而且是一个爱好乐器的民族,在他们的衣服上也有各自喜欢的乐器。那里的侍从必须要时刻敲打大臣们的脑袋,否则他们总爱异想天开。……读了这本书后,我很佩服格列佛的智慧、勇气和冒险的精神,他是个与众不同的男子汉,他一见到大海就抑制不住内心冒险的冲动。作为一名医生,他专门搭乘去各地旅行的船只,以为船员看病为由,去环游世界,到处冒险。I think should be residenting to fly to the island country most special. It grow eyes of them in on one side of,and it is pieces of nationality of liking musical instrument, have the favorite musical instrument on their clothes too. The attendant there must beat the ministers" head constantly, otherwise they always like having a fantastic idea. ……After reading this book, I admire a dose of intelligence, courage and adventurous spirit to tabulate Buddhism very much, he is a man out of the common, he can not inhibit the adventurous impulse of heart once seeing the sea. Persons of doctor, take ship that all parts travel specially he,it think crewman diagnose the illness as from, go to travel around the world, take risks everywhere.读了这本书以后,我渐渐觉得这些书其实很有意思,而且不会看不进去,反而读过几遍之后,越发爱上了这些书。书是人们进步的阶梯,在书的世界遨游是每个人的梦想。打开手中的书,一头扎进去吧,总有一天会发现其中的乐趣。After reading this book, I have thought gradually these books are actually very interesting, can see, enter, read, in the several, fall in love with these book more and more instead. The book is people"s progressive ladder, it is everybody"s dream to roam in the world of the book. Book to open hand, pitch, enter directly, can find the fun among them one day in the future.希望能帮得上你!
2023-01-03 09:01:112


按本合同项下要求或许可的所有通知,应采用书面形式作出及送达,并须甲收信方以电子邮件及传真发送或挂号信确认送达,凡以上情况送达者,于收件后将被视作已送达(给予对方通知)。in each instance shall be deemed given upon receipt 的意思是:凡以上情况送达(的通知),于收件后将被视作已给予对方通知。
2023-01-03 09:01:201


The roots of modern science fiction in China — brilliantly synopsized in the pages of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction — are to be found deep in the early decades of the twentieth century, much like those of the genre in the USA. 中国现代科幻小说的根源——在《科幻百科全书》的几页中有着精辟的概括——可以在20世纪初的几十年中找到,这与美国的科幻小说非常相似。The mode continues to attract a large Chinese readership, as exemplified by the existence of the magazine Science Fiction World, the planet"s most widely read SF publication. 这种模式继续吸引着大量的中国读者,例如《科幻世界》(Science Fiction World)杂志的存在,这是全球阅读量最大的科幻小说出版物。But of course, with historically minimal foreign commercial and intellectual contacts, either one-way or two-way, and shifting ideological banners, Chinese writers and readers came to explore radically different story spaces and themes, moods, and attitudes than their Gernsbackian brethren.当然,由于历史上很少有外国的商业和知识接触,无论是单向的还是双向的,以及意识形态的横幅变化,中国作家和读者开始探索与他们的格恩斯贝克兄弟截然不同的故事空间和主题、情绪和态度。Unfortunately, due to the exclusionary rigors of the foreign marketplace and the lack of a cadre of crack translators, English-language readers have been generally cut off from this parallel world. 不幸的是,由于外国市场的排他性和缺乏优秀的翻译队伍,英语读者普遍与这个平行的世界隔绝。Even veteran American fans would be hard-pressed to cite famous or representative works of Chinese SF, as opposed to recognizing French, German, Japanese, or Russian authors.即使是资深的美国粉丝也很难引用中国科幻小说的名著或代表作,而不是承认法国、德国、日本或俄罗斯的作家。But welcome cracks in the dam are appearing, most notably with the publication in English of The Three-Body Problem, the first in a trilogy by Cixin Liu, ably translated by the award-winning American SF writer Ken Liu.And given the fact that filmmakers currently have in development five projects based on various works by Cixin Liu, this could be a watershed moment for Chinese SF in general.但是大坝出现了令人欢迎的裂缝,最引人注目的是出版了《三体问题》的英文版,这是刘慈欣三部曲中的第一部,由获奖的美国科幻作家肯恩巧妙地翻译刘。还有鉴于电影制作人目前正在开发五个基于刘慈欣各种作品的项目,这可能是中国科幻小说的分水岭时刻。The novel opens in the midst of China"s Cultural Revolution, with a family tragedy in progress. A scientist deemed a counter-revolutionary is denounced at a show trial by his brainwashed wife, then murdered in front of a crowd that includes his young daughter, Ye Wenjie.这部小说在中国文化大革命期间开篇,一场家庭悲剧正在上演。一位被认为是反革命分子的科学家在一次展览审判中被洗脑的妻子谴责,然后在包括他的小女儿叶文杰在内的人群面前被谋杀。It is Ye Wenjie, richly adumbrated, who will occupy much of the novel"s center. We follow her through her maturation and her gradual involvement in a secret Chinese research program at a place called Red Coast Base. 叶文杰将占据这部小说的大部分中心位置,他受到了广泛的赞誉。我们跟踪她的成长过程,以及她在红海岸基地(Red Coast Base)秘密参与中国研究项目的过程。The exact transcendental and dangerous nature of this program is parceled out to the reader in measured fashion, in a series of flashbacks interspersed throughout what we might dub the realtime narrative, set in the present. But Ye Wenjie will figure in that contemporary telling as well, as an elderly woman, still pivotal to events.这个节目的确切的超越性和危险性是以有节制的方式分给读者的,在一系列的倒叙中穿插在我们可能称之为实时叙述的地方,以现在为背景。但叶文杰也将在这部当代小说中扮演重要角色,作为一位年长的女性,她仍然是事件的关键人物。扩展资料这部分内容主要考察的是状语的知识点:句子的一个重要修饰成分,是谓语里的另一个附加成分。从情况、时间、处所、方式、条件、对象、肯定、否定、范围和程度等方面对谓语中心词进行修饰、限制。在不同的语言中“状语”有不同的作用,中文状语是动词或形容词前面的连带成分,用来修饰、限制动词或形容词,表示动作的状态、方式、时间、处所或程度等;英语状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子;德语状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。状语一般由副词、介词短语、分词和分词短语、名词、不定式或相当于副词的词或短语来担当。其位置一般放在句末,但也可放在句首或句中。副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。副词一般在句子中做状语,He speaks English very well. 他英语说得非常好。其中的“very”是程度副词,用来修饰“well”。“very well”是修饰“speak”的程度状语。
2023-01-03 09:01:261

deem是什么意思 deem的英文意思

deem 英[di:m] 美[dim] vt. 认为,视为; 主张,断定; vi. 认为,视为,以为; 作某种评价; [例句]French and German were deemed essential法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。[其他] 第三人称单数:deems 现在分词:deeming 过去式:deemed过去分词:deemed
2023-01-03 09:01:411


deem sth adj可以这样用或者用it,真正的宾语后置,例句:He deemed it wise to refuse the offer. 宾语后置更常见
2023-01-03 09:01:472

被动词省略be:为什么是deemed而不是be deemed(句子是正确的)

2023-01-03 09:01:551


deem [di:m]及物动词 vt. [W]1.认为,以为;视作不及物动词 1.持某种看法,作某种评价
2023-01-03 09:02:013


deem意思 认为,视作;相信,认为,持某种看法;作某种评价, (Deem)人名;(英)迪姆。例句:I deem it wrong for adults to depend on their parents financially.我认为成年人在经济上依靠父母是不对的。2People in this country deem those who die for their jobs national heroes.这个国家的人民将因公殉职的人员视作民族英雄。3Any practices that do not conform to the stipulations of the contract will be deemed breach of contract.任何不符合合同规定的做法都将视作违约。
2023-01-03 09:02:121

be deemed suitable 什么结构

这是deem主动用法:I deem it my duty to remind her of it. 结构应该是:谓+宾+宾补变为被动句:It is deemed my duty to remind her of it. 结构就是:被动结构+主补所以 be deemed suitable 就是:be deemed (被动)suitable (主语补足语)
2023-01-03 09:02:321

什么是 deemed dividend

deemed dividend 认定的红利
2023-01-03 09:02:382

会计英语里面deemed distribution什么意思

2023-01-03 09:02:473

法律状态deemed withdrawal of patent application after publication 什么意思

deemed withdrawal of patent application after publication公布后被视为撤回专利申请deemed withdrawal of patent application after publication公布后被视为撤回专利申请
2023-01-03 09:03:001


意思是 一旦被认为不可能实现的
2023-01-03 09:03:061


v. 认为, 相信 deem highly of 对...给予高度的评价I deem it my duty to help the poor. 我认为帮助穷人是我的职责。
2023-01-03 09:03:282

the board deemed it"s urgent that these files ___right away.

should be printedurge以及其形容词urgent和名词urgency后面的从句用虚拟语气:should do。should可以省略。这里是被动语态,因此选should be printed。
2023-01-03 09:03:431

direct interest 和deemed interest什么意思啊?

2023-01-03 09:03:482


2023-01-03 09:03:571


========================马伯里诉麦迪逊案英文原文========================马伯里诉麦迪逊案马伯里诉麦迪逊(Marbury v. Madison)是美国宪法中最著名的案例之一,于1803年由首席大法官约翰·马歇尔主笔,检索码:5 U.S. 137 (1803)。此案例确定了美国宪法中的司法审查先例。案件事实威廉·马伯里(William Marbury)被即将卸任的总统约翰·亚当斯任命为太平绅士。参议院亦于1801年批准了这项任命。但是,由于官僚的疏忽,时任国务卿的约翰·马歇尔并未将正式的委任状投递给马伯里。继任的总统托马斯·杰斐逊指令其国务卿詹姆斯·麦迪逊不可将委任状投递给马伯里,因为他是由联邦党员,而非共和党员,执政时任命的。马伯里依据国会于1789年颁布的《司法法案》在美国最高法院一审起诉詹姆斯·麦迪逊,要求最高法院颁布训令状,指令麦迪逊将委任状投递给他。判词概要马歇尔在其判词中讨论了三个问题:(1) 原告有无权利获得其委任状? (2) 如果其有上述权利,且该权利受到侵犯,那么我国法律是否提供补偿措施? (3) 如果确有补偿,那么该补偿是否应是从本法庭颁布的训令状? 马歇尔对上述问题的回答与分析如下:(1) 有。总统的酌情权在其签署了委任状后便行终止。委任在国务卿加盖国玺之后便全部完成。投递仅为一个例行手续,行政部门并无酌情权。 (2) 是。作为一个法治而非人治的国家,如果美国不能对合法权利进行保护与补偿的话,那么就不配享有这个荣誉。太平绅士作为司法系统中的一员,并不像各部部长一样从属于总统的酌情权。所以总统于该案中的作为必须要经受司法审查。 (3) 不是。 马歇尔参考了国会于1789年颁布的《司法法案》,认为该法案确实给与了美国最高法院在颁布训令状案件上的“原诉管辖权”。后世有学者认为该论定并非无懈可击,因为《司法法案》原文可有多种合理的解释。继而,马歇尔又参照了美国宪法。宪法并未明文规定最高法院有该类案件的原诉管辖权,而是指出最高法院有上诉管辖权。据此,马歇尔得出结论,《司法法案》因违宪而无效,本案撤销。马歇尔在这个案件中写下的著名的一句判语,现在被刻在美国最高法院的墙壁上:"必须强调,确定什么是合法,是司法分支的职责范围" 
2023-01-03 09:04:033