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hide Good Bye 的中文歌词

hide Good Bye say good bye 只是good bye向所有的烦恼 说good byesay good bye 只是good bye向不再害怕的变化 说good bye没有目的 只是随便走走向已厌倦的日子 说good bye随风前行 身边的路标仍是不变的最初if you cant find a way眼前有多少条 winding road向天空伸出手 round & round感觉无力触及的恐惧循着细微的歌声 一路寻觅please songs tell me true你的旋律伴随左右无论何时 无论何地从迷境中走出 伴随你的旋律say good bye 只是good bye向不再害怕的伤痛 说good bye负担不了 太多的回忆那就全部抛弃please songs tell me true只要有你的旋律也许独自迷失 在未知的何地伴随歌声 悠然前行goodbyegoodbye


name 是 名称的意思。 通常用于post传值

Los Hidalgo的《Monalisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Monalisa歌手:Los Hidalgo专辑:Vivir En EllaNat King Cole - Mona LisaMona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named youYou"re so like the lady with the mystic smileIs it only cause youre lonely they have blamed you?For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile?Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?instrumental interludeDo you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?Mona Lisa, Mona Lisahttp://music.baidu.com/song/749128

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The marriage was annulled aural 55 hours (with a advantageous adjustment to Alexander), but that didn"t stop Spears" abominable second blitz to the chantry later that same year,fm transmitter house, this time to dancer Kevin Federline (yet addition a antecedent of altercation, as Federline was an 88b7833a3141c9129cd9bb090asleep24b ancestor invadmired in a accord with extra Shar Jacksonwho"d alaccessible bore him one childat the sacerb of their affair). Their assurance was appear in June, with plans for a abatement 2004 wedadvise. Somearea amid romances,best bluetooth headset, Spears abided to cocky-advance with faux-relevatory certificateary specials on MTV, ABC and E!, and she accomplished a decidedly uniacmed live adaptation of her acceptedly panned Onyx Hotel tour for the HBO special "Britney Spears: Live in Miami" in2004. The albino idol culled out of the final leg of her ailing accustomed tour after abasing her knee in June of that year,cheap bluetooth stereo headsets, acute arthroall-embracing anaplasty and four months of recupeallowance (she also accepted that her arch "absolutely wasn"t into" the tour).Her leiabiding time was angry into attraction on cockactions, a convenance she connected afterwards sucassessment had yieldn her far from her Kentcopse,screen protector, Louisiana, home. Betting on erectangry, she ex521918847eb65accomplishment61e64bd540c0781ed to abashed Hollywood accompany, was a way of "befitting it absolute" and advancement a affiliation to her basiss. Beabandon, "that"s what we do aback home. We"re calculationry".Her debut single "...Baby One More Time" was a accident in the endure canicule of 1998, acknowledgment in allotment to the advanced, annoying babe-compatible antic music video that acatoneanied the addictive and abnormally anxious tune. While the beginning-faced teen awareness imapparently caroled "My bareness is annihilateing me", admirerss of all ages were absorbed, from the average-age-old man staring at the singer"s abbreviate checkerboard kilt and belly-acknowledgment bblow, to the 7-year-old girl bent about in the amphitheater, abnormally argumentation "Hit me babyish, one more time." Spears" admission anthology went multi-blueprintinum while her individual backward at the top of the archive in the first agess of 1999.The agrarian adolescent below the apparent was bubbles over into her public beinga, with the boilerplate and abridged columnist amaranthinely abidingling anytimey dank ablueprintt of her behaviorwhich allegedly coverd backward aboutt parattached and affiliations with celebrity lotharios Fred Durst and Colin Farrell; the dam acutely bankrupt apart in January of 2004,Anti-virus Support, when the baker abashed her admirers with a abruptness alliance to her adolescence acquaintance Jason Alexander (not the much-earlier "Seineld" amateur of the aforementioned name) in an allegedly booze-ammunitioned New Year"s Eve marriage in Las Vegas, something she alleged "a antic that had gone too far."Rumors of her co-brilliantring with Rdisgusting Martin in a aftereffect to the 1987 adventurous hit "Dirty Dancing" weren"t accomplished, but the accompanist/ballerina fabricated a above consequence on teleeyes with a additional amativeaccessory answerable achievement on the MTV Music Video Aareas,fm transmitter, cadence with an albino python to her song "I"m a Sabsterge For U" and a arch live conabsolutely, "Britney Spears reside in Las Vegas" (2001) that aired on HBO, a assembly that approved her developed sex address as abundant as it did her praccessiblecity-limits to lip-accompanyh. Not annoyed with just acquisition the music bazaar, Spears approved her duke at broadcasting, co-assembly with her madded Lynne the autobioclearal album "Britney Spears" Heart to Heart" in 2000 and the atypical "A Mother"s Gift" in 2001, the after of which was about-faceed into the ABC Family Channel telballsy "Bbabble New Girl" in 2004, which Spears and her mother controlling aftermathd.Britney Spears was already disturbing from gambling addelivery. She was an ardent charlatan of cockfighting in Lafayette, Louisiana, the cockfighting basic of the United States. "My ancestors took me to cockfights when I was a little girl, That was my accolade for doing able-bodied at my dancing acquaint. There was consistently lots of other kids there. We acclimated to draw in the clay with craven accoutrement. It was real ancestors absorbment." said Britney Spears.Appearances on countless appropriates and accolades appearances and a bedfellow assignment on the ABC ball "Sabrina, the Teenage Wcrawling" adviceed accumulate her in the apperceptions and affections of the accessible, and if she appear her aftereffect accomplishment "Oops!... I Did It Aaccretion" in 2000. Though abeyant roles in the TV alternation "Dawson"s Ceffluvium" and the affection "Scary Movie" (2000) came to nannihilation appearly due to her active agenda, new activitys with Spaerial" name absorbed sprung up commonly.Abender Britney Spears: A accomplished ballr and able singer who capital a attempt at singing, dancing and acting and had the assurance and backbone to get to the top,bluetooth headset, Spears alphaed her afflictioner in the ball industry aristocraty, too aboriginal in actuality for ambassadors of the adapted "Mickey Mouse Club" who turned down the accomplished adolescent babe becould of her age when she aboriginal audienceed in 1990. In 1997, Spears active with Jive Rebonds, alpha the affiliation that would accomplish her a domiciliary name. She bouted the capitals of America a la boyhood pop star Tiffany in 1998, accepting her angel into the minds of the humans while getting her brawlo band into tbeneficiary stereos.In accession, tactuality were account that advances all over the Internet appropriate now is that the pop star has been affairing harder with Paris Hilton in Vegas, but she may be accomplishing added than band aggravates in Sin City. Rumors are that she was aswell in Vegas this accomplished week alive out a 20 anniversary accord that could net Britney more than $15 actor. Britney Spears affairs to use the money to buy a home in Florida after she advertises her Malibu home that she aggregate with her ex-bedmate Kevin Federband.They"re stars, they"re acclaimed, and they have money. And what bigger affair for stars with money to do than to appoint in a little bank. After all, if you"ve got a big backing again you stand to win a lot of money thasperous bank amateur or actions action and also angle to accept lots of fun watbuttong the bets abound in the action.

android怎样调用@hide和internal API

  Android有两种类型的API是不能经由SDK访问的。  第一种是位于com.android.internal包中的API。我将称之为internal API。第二种API类型是一系列被标记为@hide属性的类和方法。从严格意义上来讲,这不是一个单一的API,而是一组小的被隐藏的API,但我仍将其假设为一种API,并称之为hidden API。  Hidden API 例子  你可以查看一下android的源码,并能找到一些变量、函数和类等,都被@hide属性标记了。  下面的例子就是在WifiManager(API 10源码)中隐藏的变量。  另一个例子是在WifiManager(API 10源码)中隐藏了setWifiApEnabled函数。  因此,只要你看到@hide属性,那你看到的就是hidden API。  Internal和hidden API的区别  Hidden API之所以被隐藏,是想阻止开发者使用SDK中那些未完成或不稳定的部分(接口或架构)。举个例子,Bluetooth API在API 5(Android 2.0)上才开放;在API 3 和4上都是用@hide属性隐藏了。当这些API被验证和清理后,Google的开发者会移除@hide属性,并让其在API 5官方化。很多地方在API 4 和5之间发生了变化。如果你的程序依赖某些隐藏的API,当其部署到新的平台上时,就有可能陷入困境。  对于internal API来说,从来都没有计划将其开放出来。它就是Android的“内部厨房”,对开发者来说,应该将其视作黑盒。凡事都会有变化的。如果你依赖某些internal API,也有可能在新的Android release上,这些internal API发生变化,从而令你失望。  总结一下区别:  Hidden API = 进行中的工作;  Internal API = 黑盒;  Internal和hidden API的编译时 vs. 运行时  当你使用Android SDK进行开发的时候,你引用了一个非常重要的jar文件——android.jar。它位于Android SDK平台的文件夹中(SDK_DIR/platforms/platform-X/android.jar,其中,X表示API等级)。这个android.jar移掉了com.android.internal包中所有的类,也移掉了所有标记有@hide的类,枚举,字段和方法。  但当你在设备上启动应用程序时,它将加载framework.jar(简单来说,它和android.jar等同),而其未移掉internal API和hidden API。(但它对开发者来说,并不能友好地访问,因此,我将向大家展示不通过反射如何使用这些API)。  关于internal API,还有一件事需要说明。Eclipse的ADT插件增加了一个额外的规则,那就是禁止使用com.android.internal包中的任何东西。所以,即便是我们可以拿到最原始的android.jar(未删减版),也没有轻松的办法通过Eclipse使用这些internal API。  你可以亲自检查一下。创建一个新的Android工程(或者使用已有的)。查看一下它引用的类库(右击project Properties –> Java Build Path –> Libraries)。  重要的总结:internal和hidden API在SDK中是按照一样的方式处理的(都从android.jar中移除了),但internal API更惨的是,还被Eclipse的ADT插件显式禁止了。  不通过反射使用internal和hidden API  这些文章的终极目标是让开发者能够不通过反射使用Internal和Hidden API。如果你完成了接下来部分中描述的步骤,你将能使用这些Internal和Hidden API,如同公开的API。你不再需要使用反射。  注:如果你正在使用这些非公开的API,你必须知道,你的程序有着极大的风险。基本上,无法保证在下一次的Android OS更新时,这些API不被破坏,也无法保证不同的运营商有着一致的行为。你自己决定吧。  接下来有三个场景:  1. Internal 和hidden API都可用(场景A)  2. 只Hidden API可用(场景B)  3. 只Internal API可用(场景C)  场景A是B、C的总和。场景B是最简单的一个(不需要对Eclipse的ADT修改)。  场景A:阅读Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5  场景B:阅读Part1, 2, 3, 5  场景C:阅读Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5  我解释了为什么我们不通过反射就会很难使用internal和hidden API。这是因为android.jar中就没包含这些API,因此,没人能够在编译时引用这些类。  这篇文章将描述如何还原最初的android.jar。这将允许我们像使用公开的API那样使用internal和hidden API。  如何得到原版android.jar?  我们需要修改android.jar,这样它才能包含所有的*.class文件(包括internal和hidden API类)。有两种办法:  1) Android是一个开源工程。我们可以下载源码并搭建编译环境,这样它就不能移除那些internal和hidden的类了。这个办法比较困难;  2) 每个模拟器或真机在运行时都会有一个等同android.jar的东西。我们可以从这里拿到jar文件,提取出原始的.class文件,并拷贝到Android SDK的android.jar中。  我将采用方案2。它易于开始,还不需要搭建Linux环境及编译环境等。  从设备上获取framework.jar  你可以使用命令行(adb pull)从模拟器或设备上下载文件,或者使用DDMS(借助Eclipse或SDK中的应用)。  注意:模拟器通常在.dex文件中包含代码,而真机一般在优化版的dex文件中包含代码——odex文件。操作odex文件比较困难,这也是为什么我选择模拟器的原因。  与Android SDK中的android.jar等同的文件是framework.jar。这个文件位于设备的:/system/framework/framework.jar  adb pull /system/framework/framework.jar  当framework.jar从设备上下下来之后,重命名为framework.zip并解压到独立的文件夹中,看起来是这个样子的:  classes.dex正是我们需要的。  创建framework-classes.zip  首先,我们需要把.dex文件转换成.jar格式。你可以使用通用的工具dex2jar。只需要运行:  dev2jar classes.dex  当转换结束时,你应该得到了classes.dex.dex2jar.jar文件。重命名为framework-classes.zip。使用zip查看器,进入到framework-classes.zip/com/android/internal/:  恭喜你,你已经拥有了所有的.class文件,包括internal和hidden API(尽管截图只确认了internal部分)。  创建original-android.jar  Android SDK的android.jar位于ANDROID_SDK/platforms/android-X/android.jar(X表示API等级)。  拷贝android.jar成custom-android.jar。解压至custom-android文件夹。将framework-classes.zip中所有的.class文件拷贝到custom-android文件夹中(你需要覆盖所有已经存在的.class文件)。  然后,压缩custom-android文件成original-android.zip。重命名为original-android.jar。  步骤总结  1. 选择你的目标平台X  2. 创建目标平台X的模拟器  3. 启动模拟器,下载/system/framework/framework.jar  4. 重命名framework.jar -> framework.zip  5. 从framework.zip中抽取classes.dex  6. 使用dex2jar工具,将其转换成classes.jar  7. 重命名classes.jar -> framework-classes.zip  8. 拷贝android.jar –> custom-android.zip  9. 解压custom-android.zip至custom-android文件夹  10. 将framework-classes.zip中所有文件拷贝至custom-android文件夹(覆盖存在的文件)  11. 压缩custom-android文件夹成original-android.zip  12. 重命名original-android.zip -> original-android.jar  打完收功。

No Reason To Hide 歌词

歌曲名:No Reason To Hide歌手:Newton"s 2nd Law专辑:N2LNo reason to HideWe"ve got nothing to lose,we"ve got no reason to hide,we"ve got the answer inside of us,it"s time we took the disguises off.We"ll see Your glory revealed,and Your name lifted high,there is nobody else for us,Jesus You are the only One.Woah! You"re alive and we are freeYou are everything, everything we needThere"s not a minute to waste,not a second to lose,there"s a city that waits for us,it"s time we took all the lamp shades off.We"ll see Your glory revealed,and Your name lifted high,there is nobody else for us,Jesus You are the only One.Woah! You"re alive and we are freeYou are everything, everything we needWoah! Love has spoken and we believeYou are everything, everything we needWoah!Nothing compares to You,nothing could ever seperate us now,Your love is ours!Nothing compares to You,nothing could ever seperate us now,from this love!Nothing compares to You,nothing could ever seperate us now,Your love is ours!Woah! You"re alive and we are freeYou are everything, everything we needWoah! You"re alive and we are freeYou are everything, everything we needWoah!http://music.baidu.com/song/24493351

countless ships bore us triumphant to a hidden te


countless ships bore us triumphant to a hidden te

countless ships bore us triumphant to a hidden temple, it was at home you proved a shallow friend.]无数的船只孔我们胜利的一个隐藏的寺庙,它是在家里,你证明了一个浅浅的朋友。

http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/314726610.html 你的这个问题是如何解决的?就是items为空值

你写过滤器或者拦截器没? 你把这个方法写在action是不行的,因为request传过来的值,过滤器或拦截器对request进行了处理,改变了原request。在你第一个过滤器或拦截器里面的request中有值,action中没有的。我处理的方法:自己写一个过滤器把过滤器放在最前面。再在里面做保存。 介意你用servlet 实现,使用struts 1或2 解决不了。


以下关于display:none和visibility:hidden哪个说法是正确的? A.visibility:hidden可以隐藏某个元素,但隐藏的元素仍需占用与未隐藏之前一样的空间B.display:none可以隐藏某个元素,且隐藏的元素会占用空间。也就是说,该元素不但被隐藏了,而且该元素依然会在页面布局中存在C.visibility:hidden可以隐藏某个元素,且隐藏的元素不会占用任何空间D.display:none可以隐藏某个元素,但隐藏的元素仍需占用与未隐藏之前一样的空间正确答案:visibility:hidden可以隐藏某个元素,但隐藏的元素仍需占用与未隐藏之前一样的空间

visibility: hidden和display: none 有什么不同?

display:none 不显示visibility:hidden 隐藏可见性不显示就是啥都没有,隐藏可见性有可能是文字或图像与背景一致,人看不到,实际上还是显示了的。


1、display:none和visible:hidden都能把网页上某个元素隐藏起来。2、但两者有区别:●display:none ---不为被隐藏的对象保留其物理空间,即该对象在页面上彻底消失,通俗来说就是看不见也摸不到。●visible:hidden--- 使对象在网页上不可见,但该对象在网页上所占的空间没有改变,通俗来说就是看不见但摸得到。1、visibility: hidden----将元素隐藏,但是在网页中该占的位置还是占着。2、display: none----将元素的显示设为无,即在网页中不占任何的位置。3、例如有三个table,将中间的一个table hidden掉,你会发现在那个被hidden的table看不见了,但是,中间会留有很大的一空白,而这个空白就是这个table没有被隐藏时所占的位置。4、而none的作用更像是把元素从网页中“去除”(当然不是真的去除,只是效果是如此)5、例如有三个table,将中间的一个table none掉,你会发现在剩下的两个table中间不会有任何的空白。就好像中间的那个table从来不存在过一样。



overflow:hidden clear:both; float:left;举这三个例子 谁能给我说说 他们之间的区别与联系

overflow:hidden 是隐藏多余部分,clear:both是清除浮动,float:left是左浮动如果同时用到一个标签里overflow没有太大影响,clear跟folat谁用在后面用谁的。_display:inline跟display:inline一般用在浏览器的兼容问题上,你可以看一下css hack

css clip和hidden的区别

css clip和hidden的区别  clip属性说明:  检索或设置对象的可视区域。可视区域外的部分是透明的。  此属性定义了绝对(absolute)定位对象可视区域的尺寸。必须将 position 属性的值设为 absolute ,此属性方可使用。   clip属性基础语法:clip : auto   rect ( number number number number ) 取值: auto :  默认值。对象无剪切 rect ( number number number number ) :  依据上-右-下-左的顺序提供自对象左上角为(0,0)坐标计算的四个偏移数值,其中任一数值都可用 auto 替换,即此边不剪切   注意事项:  一、clip属性必须和定位属性postion一起使用才能生效。二、clip裁切的计算坐标都是以左上角即(0,0)点开始计算,这点不像padding和margin,它们两个的右边距和下边距是从最右边和最下边开始计算的。  兼容性:现代浏览器都支持  示例  html:  <div id="imgClip">img src="1.jpg" width="159"height="99" /> <br></div>  css:  #imgClip {position:relative; width:159px; height:99px; background:#FFF985; margin:0auto; }  #imgClip img { position:absolute; clip:rect(21px 68px 51px 38px); }

请问macbook在输入密码的界面卡死了怎么办?长按touchID 也关不了机,盖上后重新打开也这

  1、 系统出现问题  2、 主板有问题,主板工作不正常  针对以上原因,建议您尝试以下方式来搞定问题:  1、 查看你的软件是否存在不兼容的问题。经常引起死机的软件可以卸载,看看卸载后是否还存在死机现象。  2、 你可以尝试一下重置您的系统管理控制器(SMC)和非易失的随机访问储存器(NVRAM),查看是不是系统的问题。  重置 SMC:关机并连接电源,同事按下Shift-Control-Option 键和电源键,松开所有按键,开机。  重置NVRAM:关机,开机听到启动声的同时按下:Command ()-Option-P –R这四个键,一直到电脑重新启动后松开。  3、 重新安装你的MacOS系统:重新启动你的Mac,在启动时按下Option-Command-R,并在看到Apple标志时松开,重新安装你的MacOS系统。  4、 如果以上方式尝试后,依旧搞定不了你的Mac频繁死机的问题,则考虑是因为主板工作出现问题,需要对主板进行检修。

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  HIDE写给少年的自己  穿越时空给另一个自己的信  前略--少年·松本秀人收  啊--好久不见了。  你还好吗--  这可是我第一次给你写信呢。  咱们有好久没见了吧--  说起来我今年29岁--  那就是有十多年没见了呢。  时间过的真快啊。  当年的朋友们也都还好吗--  就是那些即便用扩音器制造出针尖般细小的声音也可以让我们抓狂的人啊。  那时候咱们一天到晚废寝忘食的蠢蠢欲动着。  真怀念啊。  如果你还能碰到他们的话--请替我带个好。  对了对了--我出专辑了啊。  这可是我的第一张个人专辑。  名字叫《HIDE YOUR FACE》。  是以"最初的冲动"为主题的。  怎么说呢--我觉得已经完成了。  或许我这张专辑就是想要做给你听的也说不定。  现在嘛--其实不妨直说--  那时候的你啊--不管从哪个角度看--都是个不怎么可爱的小孩吧--  既因为胖没办法参加运动--又较真儿--爱掰理--  算是个非常讨人厌的小孩儿--是吧--  可你还记得吗--  那样的你瞬变的那一刻……  对!就是你第一次和他们--和摇滚邂逅时的事情啊。  不用我说--你肯定记得--对吧--  它甚至让你有了"这就是天意!"如此激烈的想法。  我刚才所说的"最初的冲动"就是指这时候的事情。  我现在仍觉得--  那时候你所体味到的鼓动--和现在我所体味到的鼓动--是同一种感受呢!  正是为了确认这一点--才有了制作这张专辑的初衷。  所以我自己也觉得--这张专辑复含了一种纷乱的平衡。  即使在访谈上--我也只能说"整张专辑的曲风很多样。"。  可如果是你的话就一定会理解我--  这也是没办法的事吧--  就算不是因为认知上的差异--  其他的人听了也可能会觉得没有什么特别的感触。  但是--我无论如何都想知道--  是什么东西会让你我如此的兴奋呢。  要说自从和你分别--到现在的这十几年的时间里--我一直坚持不断的寻求着答案--  我想这么说也不为过。  之前我一直觉得--如果不离开你的话我就不可能找到答案--  但是现在我却觉得--答案其实就隐藏在你我共渡的那段时光中。  所以--这次的探寻就是追溯和你分别的这十几年的时光的。  如果你觉得我们这次探寻中所发现在的鼓动和你所感受到的鼓动一样的话--  如果你说--"嗯、嗯--我懂、我懂。你这家伙!一点儿都没有变啊!"的话--  我的这张专辑才有了制作的意义--  才有了将这场途尽降至的探寻之旅继续下去的心情。  总之--你先听听看吧。  如果我在旅途中又发现了什么新的惊喜一定会写信告诉你的。  替我向他们带好!  就这样吧。  HIDE  __________________________________________________________  HIDE MY HEART 真由子  他们说我比谁都幸运。不是谁都可以那么接近传奇。  他对我,不是传奇的吉他手摇滚音乐人,我记得的是那个红头发的精灵古怪的哥哥,在一片白的病房里,睁看眼看见的是艳艳的红,他笑着叫我的名字,那么亲切,一下子眼泪掉下来。  医生说是那个叫HIDE的哥哥捐赠骨髓,他救了我的命。  他带我出医院,看外面的世界,全部都那么新鲜。  好多好多人喜欢他,他说他为我写首曲子好不好?  收拾起眼泪,在青空下微笑。  我望着他阳光下的粉红色头发,脸和嘴唇的轮廓都那么清秀,想摸摸他又不敢。  他摸我的头发,他说你叫我HIDE,我带你出去玩。  没有见过那么好的人。  好喜欢好喜欢,坐在第一排的位置紧紧握住票根,他亲手给我的票子,鼓声和吉他音乐响得震耳欲聋,周围的人象发疯一样和他们一起唱着跳着,不太明白有点害怕,他在台上扮鬼脸,转过头跳过来,我觉得他是在对我笑,说不出的喜欢。  他牵着我的手走进后台,那么多人看着我们,女孩子尖叫着跟在后面想进来,他歉意的笑,吐着舌头拉着我逃掉。门碰的一声被踹开,我吓了一跳,他恶作剧的笑得很高兴,里面的哥哥瞪大眼睛望着我们,还化着和舞台上一样一塌糊涂的妆。  我记得他叫YOSHIKI,和HIDE一起看过我,演唱会的时候叫他名字的女孩子最多。他甩着头发砸鼓的时候我想为什么HIDE哥哥不拦着他。  后来他们去喝酒,走得很快我跟不上不好意思叫人等我。  HIDE拉着我的手慢慢的走,觉得很抱歉,因为前面的人都看不见了,要是他们不等HIDE哥哥了怎么办?  前面有人斜斜的靠在墙壁上,看着眼熟,卸了装不太敢认,走近了,他说,“等你呢。”拉住我的另一只手,眼睛看着HIDE哥哥。  心里好高兴,从来没有那么喜欢YOSHIKI,连他在台上的样子都不怕了。  好高兴他等我。我知道他看的是HIDE,等的不是我。  左手拉着HIDE,右手拉着YOSHIKI,在两个人的影子中间我低头看见自己的影子。  回去的时候被妈妈说,她说你怎么可以去居酒屋,就算是HIDE SAN叫……皱着眉头不知道该怎么说的表情。  妈妈的表情好好笑。  开始回学校,同学知道我认识HIDE羡慕得不得了,很多人托我要签名和照片。  心里非常非常得意,没答应过任何人,他是我的HIDE哥哥,不是那么多人喜欢的偶像。  整整齐齐的收好他给我的唱片,演唱会的票根。  老实说看见封面上那些奇奇怪怪的虫子和他拍的缠着乱七八糟管子的照片都害怕,摸着他亲手写的名字又非常非常高兴。绕过那些蜘蛛的网扭曲的蛇摸着他的名字。  他一直都做我的哥哥都好了。  他的世界一直都离我好远,长大以后才渐渐明白的事。  一下子意识到是在电视里听到HIDE的名字,播音员说原XJAPAN乐队吉他手HIDE被发现在家自杀。牛奶刚刚喝了一半,含在嘴里慢慢吞下去,想起来HIDE哥哥是X-JAPAN的吉他手。  扑过去打电话的时候拖鞋掉了一只,没有人接电话,世界一团糟。  广播里报纸上都是他的照片和名字,不会错了。  我坐在地板上抓着报纸哭。  妈妈在催我该去上学了。  再也看不见喜欢笑,带着我玩的HIDE哥哥了。  窗外的车子照样没心没肺的响小孩子叫着跑着。  那一瞬间我觉得我的伤心和全世界脱节。  在去学校的路上拐到HIDE的房子,他带我来过,我还记得他的女朋友是个笑起来也很好看的姐姐。  房间外面好多和我一样哭着的女孩子,为什么死了,骗人的吧。  她们说着我心里想的话,反而一句话都说不出来了,我蹲在门边,我想只要门一开HIDE就出来了,他最喜欢开玩笑的,这次开了好大好大的玩笑。  手里湿漉漉的纸巾握了一把,象以前握住他给我的演唱会票子。  工作人员和警察来疏散歌迷,他们劝着说回家吧,还有人要联系学校和家长。  这些大人和外人完全不明白我们的心情。  讨厌的家伙。  你们这些讨厌鬼!有女孩子大声的叫出来了,你们一点都不爱HIDE。  年纪大的警察喃喃的说莫名其妙的女孩子啊。  好讨厌这些家伙。  讨厌讨厌成人的自以为是的世界。  拽着湿湿的纸巾握出眼泪来,红着眼睛瞪着那些漠然的面孔。  对不起啊,有个工作人员小声的眼圈红红的说,HIDE SAN~~希望你们回家吧。  哗的一下大哭出来,他们怎么可以,现在还用他的名义?  满地的花束、信、香烟和酒中间,一张黑白的照片,他大大的眼睛从墨镜上面看着天空。  收拾起眼泪,在青空下微笑。  没有办法收拾啊。  葬礼上我一直努力控制着不要哭,没有办法,坐在那里望着他的照片他的吉他甚至那些白色的花眼泪就一直掉下来。  模糊的视线里有人走过来,黑衣墨镜,他蹲在我面前,短短的金发我认出是在电视里见到的YOHIKI,他们说YOSHIKI从美国回来参加葬礼。  他静了很久,我只听见自己哭的声音。  然后他说,“HIDE叔叔不在了,YOSHIKI哥哥会陪着你的。”  HIDE哥哥不在了,YOSHIKI站在我面前。  我哭得喘不过气。  他还想说什么,墨镜里漫出水气,他摘下墨镜蹲下来也开始哭,毫无掩饰的直接的哭出来。  那一天哭得简直站不起来,不知道YOSHIKI是什么时候走的。  以后好长一段时间,听见HIDE的名字看见他的照片就开始眼圈发红,身边的人吓坏了,报纸上经常报道有歌迷跟着他自杀,他们天天盯着我。  学校里的心理辅导老师跟我说了半天,最后说,你的命是他救的啊,不可以浪费生命。  她说话的表情一本正经得滑稽。胸口象针扎一样痛。  HIDE。  后来他们采访我的时候慢慢的说着从前的事情,一边说他们一边递手巾给我,镜头专门打着眼泪滑过脸的角度,录音室里放着YOSHIKI的LAST SONG,心里却知道最难过的时候已经过去了。  买的第一张和最后一张HIDE专辑是《HIDE SPRITR》,以前他签了名送给我的漂漂亮亮的CD封面上五彩斑斓飞扬的笑容刺的眼睛痛。  一晚上不停的听一张唱片。  以前听过HIDE的《GOOD BYE》,他的歌里不太多的安稳宁静,寂寞和忧伤。只有清冷的钢琴回荡着旋律,YOSHIKI那一天没有掩饰的眼泪没有这么冷。  尖叫的激烈的声音,呼喊着的渴望。  最后的安静的GOOD BYE。  那些照片、唱片和书都收进了抽屉上了锁。  长大以后好多事情都忘记了放弃了。  周围的朋友喜欢JR系美少年,迷恋英国的足球明星,谈论AYU最新发型GLAY的十万人演唱会。  很少插话,微笑着点头符合。  今年流行的长短配穿衣服,新宿系的手链,刚挑染的茶色头发,听了两首歌就扔掉的唱片,积着灰尘的回忆。  就连纪念专辑花边都出到多得铺张。  长大了的我们,和所有的同年人成年人没有什么不同。  漫不经心的陪所有人一起关心铺天盖地的娱乐八卦,万人迷木村拓哉被过气明星套牢。工藤静香?无所不能的记者挖出花边八卦,前X-JAPAN队长YOSHIKI前女友。  好久没有听过的名字。  配合着打出他的金发墨镜照片。还有他的舞台照,当年的一起的金发和红发。  突然眼睛发酸。  YOSHIKI。HIDE。  天皇寿宴的时候见过他的名字吧?飞快的转了电视频道。  元首会见。  VUK制作。  握手会。  爱知世界博览会。  一样样他的事情渐渐入眼。  矛盾的不知道希望他继续光彩照人还是完美的静默。  YOSHIKI加入GLOBE。  我看了很多人的激烈反应。没有特别的感想,可以接触X的时候我喜欢的是那个亲切的HIDE,他们的音乐好高好远。HIDE是X的HIDE,我喜欢HIDE,所以我也要喜欢X喜欢YOSHIKI。  YOSHIKI是背叛者吗?  HIDE没有这样说过TAIJI还是TOSHI吧。  金发的男人微笑着依然抢足镜头。  我想起我喜欢的凝固永恒在98的粉红色蜘蛛。  时间没有我以为的那么长,四年,还是五年?  大学啊,工作啊,社会啊都好快好快。  每个人都忙得不得了。  忘却与纪念。  我看着YOSHIKI,我喜欢的HIDE已经不在了,那个和他一起辉煌过的和我们一起哭的YOSHIKI站在新的舞台上。  收敛了好多,一抬眼笑起来,撩一撩头XXXXX廓明明暗暗还是斜斜靠在墙上等我们的那个男人。  我知道他等的不是我,可是心里还是好高兴,好喜欢那个样子的YOSHIKI。  洵然欲泣的心情,无限温柔。  HIDE喜欢的X,HIDE喜欢的YOSHIKI。  在天上的HIDE会不会看着他?  GOOD LUCK,YOSHIKI SAMA。  不管是传奇还是堕落,最温柔的最好最好的HIDE看着你。

cowhide leather是什么意思

  cowhide leather  [释义]牛皮;牛皮皮革;  [例句]Each piece is trimmed with the finest cowhide leather which has a totally flawless surface, and has been tanned with plant extracts.  每一件作品都饰以最优质的牛皮革,有着完美无瑕疵的外观,并曾被植物的提取物来进行鞣皮。

cow hide leather, 和 genuine leather 有什么区别啊?

cowhide 母牛皮genuine leather真皮之间的关系就不要说了。楼上的不要瞎起哄

这首歌词几句话如何翻译 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/134603830.html

和专家对俱乐部的指控  我在这个开关  我非常想知道为什么是吗?

PS/2-compatible mouse; HID-compliant mouse分别是什么类型的鼠标?


I think I will hide my injury, as you wish.什么意思?

I think I will hide my injury, as you wish.我想我会如你所愿地掩饰我的伤害。

我有一个USB接口类似U盘的东东,插入电脑显示:hid token m8,并能自动安装.请问这是什么硬件啊.


求初音【hide the seek】的罗马音

初音没有一首叫hide the seek 只有Hide And SeekHide And Seek作词:19"s Sound Factory 作曲:19"s Sound Factory 编曲:19"s Sound Factory 歌:初音ミクKirawareru koto ga kowaku te boku wa boku wa boku o kakushi tadare ka no kageguchi ga itaku te boku wa mimi o mimi o fusai dahontō no boku wa kitanakutte kitto minna boku o kirau karahontō no boku wa kakushichatte kirei na toko dake misete ta n daaru hi dare no kotoba mo zenbu uso ni kikoe te kanashiku nattasō da boku no koto o kirau no wa dare ka ja naku te mise taku nai hō no boku daima kun ni mō ii kai nē mada da yo hontō no boku ga koishiku nattemō ichi kai yobikake te miru kedo mada mitsukara nai yohora mō ii kai nē mada da yo sono uchi koe mo todoka naku nattemō ittai boku wa boku ga dare na no ka wakara nai n daoni san kochira shu no naru hō e kimi wa koko ni i cha ike nai karasonna koto tsugeru boku no hō ga yoppodo kimi yori oni mitai datōku kurai sekai ni ochi ta kimi ga saigo ni ichigen ittakimi ga boku o sute te te ni ireru dare ka no ai wa misekake dake no ai daima kun ni mō ii kai nē mada da yo boku wa dare ka ni aisare takuttemō nan kai uso ni uso o kasanere ba sukuwareru ka nahora mō ii kai nē mada da yo sono uchi boku ga boku ja naku nattemō ittai nani ga shi tai no ka sae mo wakara nai n daashita kun ni uchiakeru n da boku wa hikyō de okubyō dattedare ka ni kirawareru koto yori mo nan jū bai mo tsurai koto ni kizui ta yoima boku ni mō ii kai nē mada da yo hontō no kimi wa doko ni i masu kamō nan kai kimi no koto o shinjire ba tachikireru ka naima kun ni mō ii kai nē mō chotto boku no sekai ga kimi ni chikazui temō ichi kai yobikake te mi tara kimi no koe ga kikoe tahora mō ii kai nē mō ii yo sono uchi sora mo sukoshi irozui temō ichi ho ashi o fumidashi tara hora ne yatto kimi o mitsuke taaisareru koto o nozon de boku wa boku wa boku o kakushi taitan da kizuguchi o fusai de boku wa kimi o kimi o aishi ta

kakemashida 日语 是什么意思


with an orchid(和兰花在一起)乐谱


求几首节奏感较强烈的轻音乐,例如:棋魂主题曲,with an orchid这样的轻音乐。谢谢

马克西姆 《克罗地亚狂想曲》林海 《欢沁》卡农古筝打碟版

with an orchid 钢琴曲谱

with an orchid 钢琴曲谱:

谁有Yanni - With An Orchid mp3格式的网盘链接?


with an orchid 歌词


很喜欢雅尼的 with an orchid 歌曲版《命运的神力》歌词有音标就好了。。


雅尼的With an Orchid是否在他的音乐会上演奏过

没有,With an Orchid只是收录专辑<<if i could tell you>>里面,没有在雅尼的音乐会上演奏过哦.那3个视频都是雅尼06拉斯维加斯音乐会的视频,里面也没有with an orchid这个是with an orchid的mp3下载地址,听听也不错http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=With+an+Orchid&lm=-1

找人!!yanni/雅尼,2009年的演唱会,里面有一个男歌手用西班牙语(应该是)演唱的with an orchid!

是Cristian Castro唱的ni la fuerza del destino,此曲由with an orchid(2000年作品)改编,红极一时下面是介绍Cristian Castro(克里斯蒂安.卡斯特罗)可谓天生的拉丁乐手,五岁时就凭着那副好嗓子被人们挖掘成电视童星。 从16岁发行个人首张专辑以来,共推出了6张专辑。创造出超过六百万的销售量。光是最近两张就得到21张白金与5张金唱片。Billboard2000年度最佳艺人,最新拉丁专辑自发行即蝉联Billboard拉丁榜冠军达12周。 拉丁人似乎天然有着周身的活力与舞蹈资质,克里斯蒂安,这位天赋的拉丁歌星,比之Ricky Martin丝毫不逊色,把热闹、动感的拉丁摇滚曲风演绎得酣畅淋漓。 他也曾和westlife合作百度雅尼吧欢迎光临 tieba.baidu.com/yanni

with an orchid(和兰花在一起)用了哪几种中国古代的乐器


雅尼 with an orchid 听起来为什么有中国古代的味道!


懂英文的帮忙.有一首曲子叫做With an Orchid,请问这怎么翻译啊?

With an Orchid 是Yanni (雅尼)的《和兰花在一起》

with an orchid 是什么乐器演奏的???

钢琴 提琴 背景音乐是一个交响乐团的伴奏 关于你说的古筝我认为不是 你是说的笛子声起前几秒的音乐吗? 我认为那不是古筝。因为古筝做不出那么脆亮的声音。 还有关于笛子的问题,我觉得这个有待考证呢,可能换了不同调的笛子,也可能是不同的乐器,总之我觉得那段声音前后不太一样这些只是我的猜测而已,有说的不对的地方请见谅还请多多指教一起讨论

with an orchid什么意思

与兰花 的意思一位来自希腊的作曲家,属于新世纪音乐作曲家。这些很多人都知道了。他这张专辑当年时候买过卡带,带子上就这首和翻面的另外一首还很耐听,忘记另外一首的名字了。悠扬婉转,本想写多些,但是想来写多了就成了个人日记了。诸如此类的比较流行的新世纪音乐还有的说得出来名字的有这些,宗次郎-故乡的原风景和平之月-竹舞马修连恩-不列瑟农yiruma-kisstherain神秘园-heartstring喜多郎-丝绸之路在这个晚上,也就不多写了。祝在你的音乐海洋中得到你想要的宁静。

英语with an Orchid什么意思?

顺手采纳答案with an Orchid 的意思是 和兰花在一起

with an orchid的中文是什么意思

With An Orchid 是一首非常有名的New Age(新世纪)曲子。由希腊演奏家、作曲家 Yanni创作,收录于其专辑 If I Could Tell You 。香港凤凰卫视的凤凰气象站采用它为背景音乐,受到许多人的喜爱。

雅尼的《With a orchid》中文什么意思?

With An Orchid (Yanni)和兰花在一起

with an orchid是什么意思?


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背面有双头鹰有BURG.CO.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX貌似奥匈帝国的钱,英文是否遗漏.背面为双头鹰图案,周围英文字母为:BURG.CO.TYR.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX.


1、定义和用法 toggle() 方法用于绑定两个或多个事件处理器函数,以响应被选元素的轮流的 click 事件。 该方法也可用于切换被选元素的 hide() 与 show() 方法。2、向 Toggle 事件绑定两个或更多函数 当指定元素被点击时,在两个或多个函数之间轮流切换。 如果规定了两个以上的函数,则 toggle() 方法将切换所有函数。例如,如果存在三个函数,则第一次点击将调用第一个函数,第二次点击调用第二个函数,第三次点击调用第三个函数。第四次点击再次调用第一个函数,以此类推<pre t="code" l="js">语法:$(selector).toggle(function1(),function2(),functionN(),)function1:必需。规定当元素在每偶数次被点击时要运行的函数function2:必需。规定当元素在每奇数次被点击时要运行的函数functionN:可选。规定需要切换的其他函数3、切换 Hide() 和 Show() 检查每个元素是否可见。 如果元素已隐藏,则运行 show()。如果元素可见,则元素 hide()。这样就可以创造切换效果。<pre t="code" l="js">语法:$(selector).toggle(speed,callback)speed:可选。规定 hide/show 效果的速度。默认是 "0"。可能的值:毫秒(比如 1500)、"slow"、"normal"、"fast"callback:可选。当 toggle() 方法完成时执行的函数4、显示或隐藏元素 规定是否只显示或只隐藏所有匹配的元素<pre t="code" l="js">语法:$(selector).toggle(switch)switch:必需。布尔值,规定 toggle() 是否应只显示或只隐藏所有被选元素。true - 显示元素false - 隐藏元素

hide的hurry go around歌词

狂い咲く季节が 止めど无く溢れる また いつかと同じ 缲り返す戯れ 茑の叶密やかに 根を広げた顷に 目に映る景色は 音も无く过ぎ去る 何処か 彼方を目指し 过ぎた记忆 足蹴に 悲しい訳じゃなく でも 嬉しくもない 束の间に意味など 知り得る术(すべ)も无く ただ 鲜やかさだけ 昨日に駆け抜けた まるで 回るMerry-go-round 痛み忘れ巡り行く まだ たどり着く场所 见当たらず进む ただ 例えれば 実る果実の 芳(かぐわ)しく眩(まばゆ)い香りも ひとつ 季节彩り そっと 枯れ落ちたとて 茑は络まり 身は朽ち果てて 思い出の欠片 土に帰り また 花となるでしょう Like a merry-go-round & round また 春に会いましょう あの日见えなかった 爱(め)でるべき花たち 今 日だまりの中 首かしげ それでもやさしく 微笑んでる まわる まわる こま切れの记忆の奥で 瞬(まばた)く 涙も雨も 砂に呑み込まれて 急ぎ 廻れ 砕けても 果敢无(はかな)く散るが故にも 今を待たずに まわれ Hurry merry-go-round 生き溺れても また 春に会いましょう 春に会いましょう 春に会いましょう Kuruisaku kisetsu ga Tomedonaku afureru Mata itsuka to onaji Kurikaesu tawamure Tsuta no hahisoyaka ni Ne wo hirogeta koro ni Me ni utsuru keshiki wa Oto mo naku sugisaru Dokoka kanata wo mezashi Sugita kioku ashige ni Kanashii wake jya naku Demo ureshiku mo nai Tsuka no ma ni imi nado Shiriuru sube mo naku Tada azayakasa dake Kinou ni kakenuketa Marude mawaru Merry-go-round Itami wasure meguriyuku Mada tadoritsuku basho Miatarazu susumu Tada tatoereba Minoru kajitsu no kaguwashiku mabayui kaori mo Hitotsu kisetsu irodori Sotto kare ochitatote Tsuta wa karamari mi wa kuchihatete Omoide no kakera tsuchi ni kaeri Mata hana tonaru deshou Like a merry-go-round & round Mata haru ni aimashou Ano hi mienakatta mederubeki hanatachi Ima hidamari no naka kubikashige Sore demo yasashiku hohoendeiru Mawaru mawaru Komakire no kioku no oku de mabataku Namida mo ame mo sunani nomikomarete Isogi maware kudakete mo Hakanaku chiru ga yueni mo Ima wo matazuni Maware Hurry merry-go-round Iki oborete mo Mata haru ni aimashou Haru ni aimashou Haru ni aimashou 花开不合时宜的季节 不断绽放 又是跟哪天一样 反覆开玩笑 因为常春藤的叶子 悄悄把根伸展开的关系 映照在眼中的景色 无声无息过去了 在某处 以彼方为目标 过去的记忆 被一脚踢开 并不是悲伤 但也不快乐 没有在瞬间 能了解意义的办法 只有鲜艳 会朝向昨日追赶过去 宛如是 旋转的旋转木马 忘记痛苦绕著圈子 还是在看不见的情况下 朝著好不容易走到的地方前进 只是 举例来说的话 成熟果实的 芬芳绚烂的馨香也 会为一个季节增添一分色彩 即使就这样悄悄地枯萎掉落 缠绕的常春藤 腐朽的身体 所欠缺的那块回忆的碎片 回归大地 会再变成花吧.... 像是旋转木马转啊转 会再遇到春天吧! 那天没看到 该被疼爱欣赏的花儿们 现在 在阳光照射之下 即使是歪著头 也正温柔地 微笑著 旋转著 旋转著 在零碎记忆的深处 闪烁的 泪水和雨水 都被砂吞了下去 急速 旋转 就算会破碎掉也一样 短暂盛开后便凋谢因此也 无法等待现在 旋转吧!Hurry Merry-go-round 即使是随波逐流的活著 也会再遇到春天吧! 会遇到春天吧! 会遇到春天吧!

Hide and Seek 歌词

歌曲名:Hide and Seek歌手:theatre of tragedy专辑:Last Curtain CallHide And Seek - Theatre of TragedyLook at meA million pictures on the cenotaphLook at meThere"s nothing left but silent epitaphsThrough reassembly I"ve come to deceive youBehind interpretations someone"s untrueLook at me (look at me motherfucker)If you could see what I see I know that you would hate meDo what I willBy no means there are no guardsPromising a strong protectionLasting through a lifetimeHide and seek, what you will findAnother day, another timeWhere love does not existLook at meI never saw your starlit faceAnd never heard the words you spokeLook at meIn countless glints, so smoky gold,The days shift away leaving you herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52293040

求这张tom hiddleston 的高清大图!!

tom hiddleston在好莱坞红吗


求一段tom hiddleston的英语简介

Thomas William "Tom" Hiddleston (born 9 February 1981) is an English actor. He played the character of Loki in the Marvel Studios films Thor (2011) and The Avengers (2012), for which he won the MTV Movie Award for Best Fight and Best Villain in 2013. Other notable films have included Steven Spielberg"s World War I film War Horse (2011), the British drama The Deep Blue Sea (2011), Woody Allen"s romantic comedy Midnight in Paris (2011), and the 2012 BBC series Henry IV and Henry V. He is set to reprise the role of Loki for the upcoming film Thor: The Dark World (2013).Early life and educationHiddleston was born in Westminster, London, to parents Diana Patricia (née Servaes), a former stage manager and arts administrator, and James Norman Hiddleston, a scientist in physical chemistry who was the managing director of a pharmaceutical company. His father is from Greenock, Scotland and his mother from Suffolk, England. He is the middle child with two sisters, Sarah (oldest), a journalist in India, and Emma (youngest), also an actor. He was raised in Wimbledon, in his early years, and later in Oxford. He started off at the preparatory school, The Dragon School[5] in Oxford, and by the time he was 13, he boarded at Eton College, at the same time that his parents were going through a divorce. "I think I started acting because I found being away at school while my parents were divorcing really distressing." Hiddleston continued on to Pembroke College at the University of Cambridge, where he earned a double first in Classics.[6] He graduated from RADA in 2005.CareerDuring Hiddleston"s second term at Cambridge, he was seen in a production of A Streetcar Named Desire by talent agent Lorraine Hamilton, of Hamilton Hodell.[7] While still doing student plays, he began doing British television, landing parts in Stephen Whittaker"s adaptation of Nicholas Nickleby for ITV[8] the BBC/HBO co-production Conspiracy, and as Randolph Churchill, the son of Winston Churchill, in the BBC/HBO drama The Gathering Storm.[7]On graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Hiddleston won his first film role, playing Oakley in Joanna Hogg"s first feature, Unrelated. He also appeared in the leading role of Edward in Joanna Hogg"s second feature, Archipelago, and had leading roles in Declan Donnellan"s company Cheek by Jowl"s productions The Changeling, and Cymbeline. His Donmar Warehouse credits include Cassio in Michael Grandage"s production of Shakespeare"s Othello alongside Chiwetel Ejiofor and Ewan McGregor to critical acclaim[9][10][11] and later Lvov in their West End revival of Chekhov"s Ivanov. His TV credits include Magnus Martinsson in the BBC detective drama Wallander, Bill Hazledine in Suburban Shootout, John Plumptre in the BBC costume drama TV film Miss Austen Regrets and William Buxton in the BBC drama series Return to Cranford.[7]Hiddleston at a press conference for Thor in April 2011He is best known for his portrayal of Loki in the 2011 Marvel Studios film, Thor. He was invited to audition by Kenneth Branagh, the film"s director, after having previously worked with Branagh on Ivanov and Wallander. "Ken has had a life-changing effect. He was able to say to the executives, "Trust me on this, you can cast Tom and he will deliver". It was massive and it"s completely changed the course of what is available to me to do. Ken gave me my break."[12] In the beginning, he originally auditioned for the part of Thor. "I initially auditioned to play Thor. That was what I was being considered for, because I"m tall and blonde and classically trained, and that seemed to be the mold for what Thor was, he was to be a classical character. And it was in my auditions. I owe this entirely to Marvel and their open-mindedness, they saw something that they thought was interesting. They saw some temperament that they liked."[13] The casting director gave Hiddleston six weeks to bulk up, so he went on a strict diet and gained twenty pounds of muscle.[14] In the end, Branagh decided he was more suitable as the antagonist and cast him as Loki. To prepare for his role as Loki, Hiddleston trained in the Brazilian martial art of capoeira.[15]In 2011, he portrayed novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald in writer-director Woody Allen"s Midnight in Paris, the noble Captain Nicholls in War Horse, a film based on the 1982 novel by Michael Morpurgo, directed by Steven Spielberg, and Freddie Page, a RAF pilot in the British drama The Deep Blue Sea, alongside Rachel Weisz. He reprised his role as the supervillain Loki in the 2012 movie The Avengers. While filming a scene with Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor, the film"s director, Joss Whedon told the fighting duo that the scene didn"t look real enough, so Hiddleston told Hemsworth to really hit him for the fight scene. "I said to Chris, "Dude, just hit me. Just hit me because I"m protected here and it"s fine." He"s like, "Are you sure?" I was like, "Yeah, it will look great. Just go for it.""[16] Hiddleston will reprise his Loki role again in Thor: The Dark World (2013), which started filming in July 2012.[17] In 2012 he appeared in the BBC Two series The Hollow Crown, portraying Prince Hal in the TV-movie adaptations of Shakespeare"s Henry IV, Parts I & II and Henry V in Henry V.[18]Hiddleston will star in the film adaptation of Elliott Chaze"s 1953 crime novel Black Wings Has My Angel, as escaped con Tim Sunblade.[19] Costarring with Anna Paquin and Elijah Wood,[20] filming was originally supposed to start in September 2012 but in an October 2012 interview, Hiddleston divulged that filming would be put on hold due to the recent births of Paquin"s twins and her wanting to take time to be a mother. Hiddleston said, "It was a sort of fun noir thing, but it"s way, way off in the future. It"s just Thor 2 at the moment."[21] In 2013, Hiddleston will play vampire, Adam, in Jim Jarmusch"s film Only Lovers Left Alive with Tilda Swinton as Eve and Mia Wasikowska.[22]Hiddleston narrated the audio book The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner,[23] poetry for iF Poems and The Love Book[24] on iTunes,[25] for the British Museum on the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, and was the voiceover for BBC"s documentary on the Galapagos Island.[26]In 2013, it was announced that Hiddleston would play Robert Capa, the Hungarian war photographer and photojournalist, in the upcoming film Close Enough, alongside Hayley Atwell. He replaced Benedict Cumberbatch in the upcoming gothic horror film Crimson Peak directed by Guillermo Del Toro. The film is set to start filming in Toronto in February 2014 with a 2015 release date.

tom hiddleston怎么读

Tom Hiddleston [释义] [人名] 汤姆希德勒斯顿;[例句]ELLE Man of the Year: Tom HiddlestonELLE年度最佳男性:汤姆希德勒斯顿

You Are My Hiding Place 歌词

歌曲:You Are My Hiding Place歌手:Maranatha! Music专辑:《Top 25 Praise Series Classics Edition》发行时间:2005年3月12日歌词:You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.I will trust in You.Let the weak say I am strongin the strength of my Lord.You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.I will trust in You.Let the weak say I am strongin the strength of my Lord.I will trust in You!You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.I will trust in You.Let the weak say I am strongin the strength of my Lord.I will trust in You!You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.

You Are My Hiding Place 歌词

歌曲名:You Are My Hiding Place歌手:Maranatha! Music专辑:Praise Gold (In His Time)【You are my hiding place】You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.I will trust in You.Let the weak say I am strongin the strength of my Lord.You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.I will trust in You.Let the weak say I am strongin the strength of my Lord.I will trust in You!You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.I will trust in You.Let the weak say I am strongin the strength of my Lord.I will trust in You!You are my hiding place,You always fill my heartwith songs of deliverance.Whenever I am afraid,I will trust in You.http://music.baidu.com/song/2895876

求Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Robert


Hide Your Love Away 歌词

歌曲名:Hide Your Love Away歌手:Anthem Lights专辑:Hide Your Love AwayAnthem Lights - Hide Your Love AwayI don"t know your name yetI"ve never even seen your faceI"m looking with my eyes wide open"Til I find you in the right time and placeHide your love away and wait for me, wait for meI will do the same, wait for me, wait for meThere will come a day when I will finally sayStaring in your eyes, I"ve waited my whole lifeFor this nightEvery day you"ve prayed forAnd I"m dreaming of you every nightWhere ever you are right nowYou"re already the love of my lifeHide your love away and wait for me, wait for meI will do the same, wait for me, wait for meThere will come a day when I will finally sayStaring in your eyes, I"ve waited my whole lifeFor this nightI"m holding on for you; my heart belongs to youYou"re everything that I adore, whoa...I"m holding on for you; my heart belongs to youDarling your love is spoken forHide you love away and wait for me, wait for meI will do the same, wait for me, wait for meWith every breath you take wait for me, wait for meI will do the same, wait for me, oh, wait for meThere will come a day when finally I sayStaring in your eyes, I"ve waited my whole lifeStaring in your eyes, I"ve waited my whole lifeFor this nightI don"t know your name yethttp://music.baidu.com/song/55032972

卡巴斯基频繁报告已检测到: 风险软件 Hidden object


哪首英文歌的歌词里有noting to hide 和 tell me where i find这两句

take me to your heart

hide out or ride out 歌词

歌曲名:hide out or ride out歌手:Juvenile专辑:solja ragsI strike a loadyou get served like we toke withfake busta get smoked withaproach itI explode itunload itreload itunload againand pull another left handfifty shots to wini can"t lose its impossibleplus i got a chopper fifty shots about to droppin" youi be "bout strings hittin" the beef gigga headthen leave the set, leave a beef gigga wetjetoff the scene with the uptown fighterred dot sightersall week night flightersi"m a get ya", when ya" least expect itcock the glock jacketa vest can"t protect itboy, is ya" readyi"ll leave yo" set wettedslugs flyin" high, got yo" body real heavyyou can"t move, ya" got buffnow your stuckleft Wayne on the set, and yo" boys to pick you upout coldhead swolleyes closedi know for sureyou ain"t gon" test me no moreyo" block toreyo" family in black clothesyou got blowedand in ya chest is many holesthis goesfor Lataranza Elmoi showhow uptown niggas rollya" big boy, me and my niggas did it to yaautomatic, black chopper trigger pullin"that"s how we beloadin" clips then releaseeight deepin the three-hundred Eleather seatsand in the trunk artilleryup the streetswhere i started sure ain"t for meJuvenilethe B.G.that"s the name I go bytest meyou die S Kangol Yhide outat the club, slide outride outyo" block "bout to die outmove ya" peoplei"m burnin" down the whole streetsthe night creepers"bout to heat our enemieslights off masks on, creep silenselights gonewe done left yo" block wiredretaliatewaitno your not boy"cuz i"m a Hot Boynine milli cock boychopper gunnin"hoes scared of slugs, runnin"start movin", me and Juve (Juvenile) e be comin"we left yo" brain sickup with a chopper (A.K. 47) splittin" the bricksa young black crucifixup in the dirt i be knockin" dickssmooth and beretically, my pocketsrocketto six figuresand polverizin" niggaspullin"A.K."s and two triggersmy potn"s stand on the side of methey only come out at nightthem deamons got me on a flightduck tapin" and takin" lifeor even worseit could be three O"clock, on a Sunday by churchyo" brains might have to burstyou shouldn"t have fucked with me firstsince them bullets was cappin"adam"s apples i"m scoutin"got richer penintentiary wardfor the national guard to come get "emvery seldom do you see me, when you dowhat do you dobust back, better be a head shotif not it"s youi"m comin" around the corner"bout to pulla meatball on ya"purses like a coatand them houses in calicoon a murderfifty G"s (grand) on his headwhat ht fuck did you saidfifty G"s (grands) for surethat nigga live next doorcall the manlet the sucker planlook, i fuck with this rap shit, but i ask "em don"t say no morea Hot Boy representin" this bitch like black and MoeI start to poppin"niggas start to droppin"i"m havin" fatal thoughts,i think i"m fuckin" shell shockin"niggas bangin"four-five ringin"in my ear, i"m not scared"cuz i"m a solja and solja"s have no fuckin" fearin my sleep at nighti"m seeing war fightswakin" up thinkin" that a nigga took my fuckin" lifeunnecessary shitmind clickin" like a light switchto pick you up on any nigga or any bitchdon"t give a fucksteady bangin" and dodgin"camoulflagin"with the mack alive anddon"t have time for these dog hoesgoin" through a stage with that chop (Chopper) and that four-fourWhat"s this shit i hear "bout you boys potna"s in crimeif that"s true i"ll punish you bitches for the last timenow you gon" shine?let me put somethin" on ya" mindlil" cowards takin" hitsand protecting shitit"s a for sure thangi"m a brangor i"m a wet yabest to be "bout yo" business, if not, God bless yalook, what makes you think that two-two-six wasn"t strongthat"s when we do ya wrongthey both come and they goneoff-toppersi"m a get with you and ya" potna"s (patners)T.C., L.D., and Williard street with choppersdrama hittin" a niggas cashwe play it right thoughi"m comin" to get a niggas asslike i"m them white folkslook, better be "bout itif not better be rowdyit"s all in yo" mind, ha?you gon" shine, ha?i doubt ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/14495360

hide and seek美国电影歌词

  who"s playing hide and seek  who wants to come and find me  who"s playing hide and seek  who wants to play with me  who"s hiding in the dark  come out come out  wherever you are  who"s playing hide and seek  who will come play with me  who"s hiding in dark  come out come out  let"s play again  come out come out  let"s play again  刚看完。。不知道对不对。。 大致是这样

Um Al quwain 有没有人知道迪拜的这个地方离RASHID和JEBEL ALI哪个港口近一点


PROTEL show hidden pins 在哪里

你说的是元器件的pin脚隐藏和显示?双击元器件(或右键——Properties),属性底下有一个“Edit Pins”,就可以编辑pins了

True (I Love You) (Hidden Track On Untitled Album) 歌词

歌曲名:True (I Love You) (Hidden Track On Untitled Album)歌手:The Benjamin Gate专辑:UntitledClaude Kelly - TrueIn your arms I feel right at home,And that"s the feeling I ain"t felt before.If you"re feeling the same way then let me know,cause there"s nothing worse than being in love alone.Is it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...You"re my Angel that was sent to earth.In your eyes I see my future.I can"t be without you so it"s got to work.Goodbye"s not an option so don"t say a word.Is it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...I"ve never been a victim of love beforeso I"m not sure what I should be looking forbut I know the signs are in my faceHope its not too late to changeMight I make you wanna stayIs it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...Is it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...Cuz in your arms I feel right at homeAnd that"s a feeling I ain"t felt beforehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8099609

天天夜夜演奏版(Hidden Track) 歌词


方大同 等着你回来+Hidden Track认识你 歌词


样—— 《小事非、明码之花+hidden track、我倒霉的情人节》的歌词

第一首:《小是非》神秘黄昏的微醉让你变得美这样沉默的冬天充满小是非缠绵梦与醒之间还有你的烟你不觉得你在飞忘了我是谁你要多一些趣味或者坏一点就算我图谋不轨也能好好睡世界变得很贵不管它对不对我们学会推卸负累还是不醉不归 神秘黄昏的微醉让你变得美这样沉默的冬天充满小是非我们试着沉醉不管它对不对就算结局不太完美只要过程对味你是我无声乐园怀抱坚定誓言我们面对面想念安静期许着小奇迹出现 神秘黄昏的微醉让你变得美这样沉默的冬天充满小是非小是非小是非对得有一点特别小是非小是非错过你沉睡 第三首:《我倒霉的情人节》“my funny vlantinesweet comic vlantineyou make me smile.···”好久不见的你的怪嚎头还有一只新鸟在身后灯光眩晕你心事猜不透我的尴尬在人群游走音乐灰溜溜忐忑舞步中好想挥挥衣袖一片云彩也不带走此地不宜久留周末现场气氛有点紧张我的举杯动作看起来很傻乱了方寸的酒 灌红了脸颊我的天啊你的新鸟实在太过油滑过时的寒暄加上叽叽喳喳离开我的你的品味直线下降“my funny vlantinesweet comic vlantine”从小到大受过不少惊吓达拉达拉达这次也不怕我只怪我当初那么瞎跟你说太多统统成了废话有人想不通一厢情愿看太重罪名莫须有痛改前非修炼中我能不能够 当眼前是一场梦从小到大受过不少惊吓达拉达拉达这次也不怕我只怪我当初那么瞎跟你说太多统统成了废话达拉达拉达 达拉达拉达达达达达拉达拉达 达拉达拉达达达达“my funny vlantinesweet comic vlantine” 很抱歉!由于第二首的下载热度几乎为零,歌词就要不到了。只能找到第一和第三首了,望你能理解才是

方大同 等着你回来+Hidden Track认识你 歌词

[ti:等着你回来][ar:方大同][al:Soul Boy][offset:500][00:02.94]歌名:等着你回来[00:04.97]演唱:方大同[00:06.61]专辑:Soul Boy[00:08.60]作曲:严宽 填词:严宽/方大同[00:10.64] [00:32.81][00:22.75][00:13.04]我等着你回来[00:42.80][00:25.32][00:15.16]我等着你回来[00:27.77][00:17.74]我想着你回来[00:30.27][00:20.25]我想着你回来[00:48.90][00:53.27]等你 等你回来让我开怀[01:03.48]等你 等你回来免我关怀[01:11.68][01:13.25]你为甚不回来[01:23.20]你为甚不回来[01:33.32]我等着你回来[01:43.39]我等着你回来[01:49.99][01:53.76]你还不 还不回来春光不再[02:03.74]你还不 还不回来热泪满腮[02:12.78][02:14.17]梁上燕子已回来[02:16.50]庭前春花为你开[02:21.73][02:24.22]winter spring summer fall[02:26.59]you"re the fairest [02:27.73]of them all I love you[02:32.90][02:38.78]你为甚麽不回来[02:44.59]你为甚麽不回来抱歉没有后边hidden track的

周杰伦第一张专辑(限量版)中真的有hidden track(隐藏曲)吗


高分求泼猴Hidden Track歌词

泼猴 - Hidden Track(暗恋) 经过你们班头是你们的窗口 心里不自觉又一阵痛 是苦闷是忧愁是不是说不出的那个why Is that feel ? I don"t know 为什么有股魔力一直把我吸引吸引我的是你是你 而为什么你却一直没有注意没有注意我的注意你这样不公平 我心里一直想是老天爷将我赐给你因为他知道我会好好珍惜你 但money"s problem你似乎没有听见那个讯息 oh~god我好像越陷越深而她却好像离我越来越远 到底是怎样请你让她至少看我一眼也好我已经堕落成这样子oh~please 请你看我好吗这样下去不行我会放弃你这样好吗 你没有我行吗我有宽厚的肩膀我可以替你做到别人做不到 因为我爱你你爱我不是吗是吗不是吗你也爱我吗我不想再一个人演独角戏 somebody help me . . . . . . oh~爱I"m in love 今天是x月x日天气晴是个值得纪念的日子 因为我终于鼓起勇气要走向你要走向一个开始还是一个结局 我不知道但是我已不再那么害怕这到底是不好还是不好我不再晕头转向 这么冷静是好预兆还是我放弃的太早 不管怎样随着心跳带着复杂的心情来到你的面前 我永远不会忘记那一刻oh~好可怕但还是注视你可爱的脸庞 你有没有和我一样紧张还是你觉得很平常 也对啦像你这么漂亮的女生怎么会为我紧张oh~what怎么会对自己说话 oh~爱I"m in love 无所谓你到底懂了没我每天为你茶不思饭不想 却只想和你晒晒太阳漫步在沙滩上 无所谓你到底懂了没我每天为你茶不思饭不想 却只想和你晒晒太阳漫步在沙滩上 无所谓你好吗我知道虽然这样讲话很不礼貌 但是我想和你做个朋友更进一步交往有这荣幸吗 oh my god这真的是我说的话吗我真屌她一定爱死我了吧 究竟怎样我并不想和你分享而或许这已经发生在你身上 oh~爱I"m in love 英文歌词[ti:hidden track][ar:cute is what we aim for][al:the rotation][by:lk歌词组kevinboul][00:-2.00]cute is what we aim for - hidden track[00:-1.00]lyrics by lk歌词组 rock兄队 kevin boulyou"ve been askin"i"ve been drinkin"thinkin about this godforsaken life i leadit"s a memory, i made it bemy lips went white, my spine teased tighti realized it was gonna be a long nightbuttons prove to be sexier in moments like thesesexier in moments like thesethis is love, and this is lusti made it to be the bestand if i were to be the best, maybe you would trustthis is love, and this is lustwhich one do i trust? Girl. you must think that I"m crazy,But we all know you"s a cutie,And you"re all like, "nuh uh boys dont wanna get with me."Girl please,I can see straight through those.Fake colored contacts.Your eye"s aint blue, I bet that hair"s held by glue.-chorus-Hey shorty, why you playin" games?These games were played, the rules were made,You dropped these names, and now you got nothing to say.It"s like that episode of Cheaters-And I"m that dude with the gun,Hiding cameras in your bedroom.Girl I know what you"ve done,I might be your babys daddy but that dont mean shit,When every dude on the block knows that you"re a trick.-chorus-Uh, I"m not a rockstar but i still tend to rock hard,You try to play games tease and try to keep me rock hard,Try to make me slap you and see me in a cop car.Catch me speeding like stock cars expectin" me to stop hard.You playin with the mind of the craziest kind,Tellin" me how much you love me when I know that youre lyin".You must be snortin" lines if you think that im cryin",You manipulatin" backstabbin" cold and kanivin".I went from- last to first but this is first to last,And I"m the major league playa you can kiss my ass trick.Drop it like it"s hotShake it like a salt shaker

专辑中放有hidden track的目的是什么?


Hidden Track(暗恋 (Love)) 歌词

Hidden Track演唱:泼猴经过你们班头是你们的窗口心里不自觉又一阵痛是苦闷是忧愁是不是说不出的那个whyIs that feel ? I don"t know为什么有股魔力一直把我吸引吸引我的是你是你而为什么你却一直没有注意没有注意我的注意你这样不公平我心里一直想是老天爷将我赐给你因为他知道我会好好珍惜你但money"s problem你似乎没有听见那个讯息oh~god我好像越陷越深而她却好像离我越来越远到底是怎样请你让她至少看我一眼也好我已经堕落成这样子oh~please请你看我好吗这样下去不行我会放弃你这样好吗你没有我行吗我有宽厚的肩膀我可以替你做到别人做不到因为我爱你你爱我不是吗是吗不是吗你也爱我吗我不想再一个人演独角戏somebody help meoh~爱I"m in love...今天是x月x日天气晴是个值得纪念的日子因为我终于鼓起勇气要走向你要走向一个开始还是一个结局我不知道但是我已不再那么害怕这到底是不好还是不好我不再晕头转向这么冷静是好预兆还是我放弃的太早不管怎样随着心跳带着复杂的心情来到你的面前我永远不会忘记那一刻oh~好可怕但还是注视你可爱的脸庞你有没有和我一样紧张还是你觉得很平常也对啦像你这么漂亮的女生怎么会为我紧张oh~what怎么会对自己说话oh~爱I"m in love...无所谓你到底懂了没我每天为你茶不思饭不想却只想和你晒晒太阳漫步在沙滩上无所谓你到底懂了没我每天为你茶不思饭不想却只想和你晒晒太阳漫步在沙滩上无所谓你好吗我知道虽然这样讲话很不礼貌但是我想和你做个朋友更进一步交往有这荣幸吗oh my god这真的是我说的话吗我真屌她一定爱死我了吧究竟怎样我并不想和你分享而或许这已经发生在你身上oh~爱I"m in love...http://music.baidu.com/song/883918

Hidden Track 歌词

歌曲名:Hidden Track歌手:Will Smith专辑:Lost And FoundCute Is What We Aim For - Hidden TrackYou"ve been askin"I"ve been drinkin"Thinkin about this godforsaken life I leadIt"s a memory, I made it beMy lips went white, my spine teased tightI realized it was gonna be a long nightButtons prove to be sexier in moments like theseSexier in moments like theseThis is love, and this is lustI made it to be the bestAnd if I were to be the best, maybe you would trustThis is love, and this is lustWhich one do I trust?http://music.baidu.com/song/1563904

什么是 hidden track?

Hidden track 系指唱片入面 (including CD 黑胶 卡式带) 隐藏咗嘅歌 (usually 一首) 系个 CD 封套度唔会 show 出嚟 但一放入 CD 机你就会发现多咗一首歌 (放系最后). 可以话系 bonus 通常有 hidden track 嘅都会系特别版 但有时普通版都会有. Hope this helps :) 2007-03-02 09:31:16 补充: 有时候首 hidden track 系只 CD 度冇自己嘅位置 (即系唔可以直接跳去只歌度) 而系被放系最后首歌之后... 所以听完咗 last 一首歌 部机会继续 run 但冇声出... 跟住只 hidden track 就会系几十秒后出现. 咁样嘅话就会令到最后U00020bb6只歌十几二十分钟长喇. 王菀之只碟 第八首 雷电(hidden track) 有埋歌词 雷电 -- 大碟其他歌曲 -- 手望小心易碎雷电面斥不雅忽然起舞Love Has It All多得你梦爱自己小天使我想不起手望 (守望版) 歌手:王菀之 | 作曲:王菀之 填词:王菀之 | 编曲:Alex.the invisible men #昨晚预告天文合乎地理  星星可任意飞 今天应可甜美# *看你动态忽然异常入戏  惊天雾四处起 幸好心有预备* @雷电是你 世界中最奇  你爱不爱随时幻变叫全球惊喜  天色美 知你心欢喜  不经意煽动你 浪泛起  雷电是你 最快几公里  探听多少次特别讯号才能躲避  若你要转机  要先爱上 放晴天气 (恬静的美)@ REPEAT* 世界性天气(太快转天气) 旁人要争相做防备 你有你心理(只知有自己) 说到尾不准逃离 雷电是你 世界中最奇 你爱不爱随时幻变叫全球惊喜 如果用字典来讲 姐系 隐藏的;隐秘的小径 小道 行踪;轨道;足迹 希望可以帮到你 希望你有用啦

hidden track

隐藏的轨迹……“传说中有一种唱片,它的神秘在于唱片中有首神秘的歌,只有在全碟所有曲目播完时,才会突然出现,就是所谓的hidden track。这种唱片没有封面说明,限量发行……”

hidden track是什么意思?



Dear Friend - 余翠芝 曲: 韦启良 词: 余翠芝 编: Unknow Every word you said I believe in you Would you trust me too Dear friend Moments we have shared I"ll never forget All laughter & tears we have had Take my breath & I"ll be with you I"ll fly to the sky Reaching you so high Hold my hands and keep you warm Don"t you let me be alone I don"t want to be apart with you with you...



aria-hidden="true"是什么意思 aria代表什么

图标的可访问性现代的辅助技术能够识别并朗读由 CSS 生成的内容和特定的 Unicode 字符。为了避免 屏幕识读设备抓取非故意的和可能产生混淆的输出内容(尤其是当图标纯粹作为装饰用途时),我们为这些图标设置了 aria-hidden="true" 属性。如果你使用图标是为了表达某些含义(不仅仅是为了装饰用),请确保你所要表达的意思能够通过被辅助设备识别,例如,包含额外的内容并通过 .sr-only 类让其在视觉上表现出隐藏的效果。如果你所创建的组件不包含任何文本内容(例如, <button> 内只包含了一个图标),你应当提供其他的内容来表示这个控件的意图,这样就能让使用辅助设备的用户知道其作用了。这种情况下,你可以为控件添加 aria-label 属相。

aria-hidden="true"是什么意思 aria代表什么

Accessible Rich Internet Applications这一套协定是w3和apple为了残疾人士无障碍使用网站例如视障人士, 在读到这一句aria-hidden="true的时候, 就会自动忽略跳过

aria-hidden="true"是什么意思 aria代表什么

本身没有 aria 这个单词 ,但是从意思上分析,hidden是“隐藏”的意思 ,true是“真实、正确”的意思,那么 aria 可能代表“虚伪、虚假,错误”。分析一下语境或者上下文可以大致推断意思
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