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out there in the barn?


they saved what cattle ______ were in the barn A.that B.they C.there D.where


There are so many ingredients in this recipe! 这里用much为什么是错的?

一般 recipes 也只不过几个 ingredients. 好像 tomato, basil, garlic, artichoke, pasta, olive oil. 你看得出来很可数。 通常 ingredients 数目在二十以下,不然做个菜太难了。

There is no charge to awesomness or attractivness 怎么翻译


求教hereditary peers是什么意思?


It was where that bird dropped the acorn. 请问你这里的where改用here或there后有什么区别?

It was where that bird dropped the acorn.是省略的强调句型原句 where that bird dropped the acorn,there was something that was only an inch or two tall.变成对地点状语强调的强调句型即It was where that bird dropped the acorn that there was something that was only an inch or two tall.如果换成here或there 则是 完整的强调句型句子。不过须加that=that bird dropped the acorn here。对 here强调即It was here that that bird dropped the acorn

谁能帮忙翻译下 Eminem;Lloyd Banks 的 Where Im At

Eminem Intro]Yeah you got me,你也看到了I"m up now, it"s your loss我现在又回到了巅峰,这是你的损失suffered to you忍受着你给予我的痛苦History is like a the past历史就如同过去keeps repeating itself, what else can I say不停的重蹈覆辙,我还能够说什么you wondering why I act this way你大概纳闷为什么我会这样做never should have gave you the time of day早知道当初就不应该对你一心一意I guess you know what time it is now ay我想你应该明白现在我的意思了吧[Eminem]There must have been a gust of wind那股头脑风暴似乎永远在萦绕cause you change your mind everytime it blows让你改变想法,就如那墙头草and you just changed it a motherf-ckin again你丅他妈又变成了另外一个人you just said you just wanted some dick ‘fore i stuck it in你说过你被丅操之前只想嘴里含着我的大J8I would not had been such a prick to you我当时永远都不会亏待你的f-ckin men you say you dont trust em操丅,我说过我不会相信他们why do I hear the sound of toilets flushing艾,我怎么听见了冲马桶的声音some sh-t is goin down有一些狗屎被冲进了下水道you must"ve just not of been truthful from the start你一开始就没有真心地对待我see for me it"d be nothing to say you never had my heart在我的视角看来,你从来就不配得到我的临幸but I"d be lyin是的,我是在说谎f-ckin see why they call thi? bullsh-t a relationship*, ships sink为什么他们把谈恋爱叫做“坠入爱河”,我们的小船已经沉没了。*:英语中relationship的后缀ship是指xx的关系、社会联系,这里eminem使用了ship的另一本意,小船,把俩人的关系玩完了比喻成就如小舟倾覆一样。and you know its love as soon as you fall in it cause shit stinks你掉入这个火坑之后,你就明白了爱情的真正含义and it feels like everytime i f-ckin do i get jinxed每一次我他妈都被这爱欲所纠缠cupid must"ve put a curse on me丘比特似乎给我下了爱情的诅咒6 weeks have went buy and we only spoke twice过去的6个星期我们只谈了两次话I"m sittin in your driveway callin" you from the car我坐在车里,在你家楼下给你打电话suffice I think its safe to say you"re not at home你如果说你没有在家似乎还是合理的I"m callin your cell phone you answer我给你的手机打电话,你接了起来but I can tell though that your not alone但是我能够感觉到你正跟别的男人在一起how was I to know it should of been time to go a long time ago我怎么才能辨别以前和现在的区别I kept holdin on我一直痴痴地不肯放手its comical when I think back now现在回想起来,真是无比矫情why I couldnт get the hint我当时怎么就不明白你的暗示呢??.you feel the draft you were throwin I wasn"t catchin" your drift我将你扔弃的垃圾视若珍宝but theres a cold breeze blowin over me一股冷风穿透了我的身躯Im over you, success is the best revenge to pay you back我已经不再想你了,成功是赐予你最好的复仇and that payment is overdo但是我做的的确有些过火I overcame odds to get even我翻手为云、覆手为雨the sober me is shittin on the unsober you我自以为是的冷静曾经让你疯狂sickness in my stomach,我感到一阵反胃的恶心told you I was gonna be splitting, you don"t think I mean it我说过会跟你分手的,你当时还不相信呢meant it, everything I got, f-ck you我是认真的,操丅你妈,ain"t no secret no apologies you keep it你明白我不会对你有任何隐瞒和谎言now that I"m doing my thing and you peep it现在我在努力于自己的事业,你却横加阻拦the badder times all outweigh the recent我以前经历过的困境比现在要糟糕一千倍your energy who needs it你的精力没有用到正地方every rumour you hear you go believe it你会听信所有的流言point out the times you"ve seen it指出你所目睹的一切you stabbed me should linked it我早该预料到你的背叛的revenge i? mine, i need it, need a way out我的复仇需要一个方式发泄出来it"s my f-cking life, let her find a way to stay out这就是我的生活,让那个婊子滚出去bet you thought I"d break, aint that easy你以为我会被击倒的吧,才没那么容易呢bet you thought I need you a million time? before you need me在你需要我之前我曾经多么想念你的一切leave me everything that I gave to you你留下了我给予你的所有aint no freebies get your coat and go穿好你的衣服,滚出去the female pinnochio, money hungry, hopeless hoe你就是个女性匹诺曹,一个急需金钱无可救药的臭婊子。you f-cking with my focus so不要再试图引起我的注意go back to that trunk that played the role before滚回到你应该处在的位置上去吧love is like a cancer when you don"t leт go (go)如果你不放手的话,爱情会变成反噬你的癌细胞(放手)I"mma blow fo ‘sho我一定会雄起的unnecessary weight makes the boaт go slow这个小船上不必要的重量太过沉重I don"t need you sinking us我不想让你把大家都拖下水I hope you float, lying through my teeth I hope you don"t我希望你能够沉浮起来,不要像我一样满嘴谎言(drown, drown)(下沉,下沉)now the sound of every dope每个傻丅逼的闲言碎语bottles pop out while he smoke他吸烟的时候打开的啤酒瓶hit me pride that we broke我们分手的时候被深深刺伤的我的自尊let them girls crowding me go让那些姑娘们崇拜我吧if they got something to show如果她们的技术很好的话let em show me how I love, I"m never lonely让他们看看我的能力,我永远都不会孤单never even left a scar这些过往连一个伤疤也不会留下you fell hard, I"m laughing吃不消了吧,我却在放声大笑ha ha ha ha ha哈哈哈哈哈tyre smoke fancy car大丅麻,名车宝马nothing is what we are这并不是我们的全部no beginning no tomorrow彻夜狂欢到明晚[Eminem - Chorus]Cause I"m moving on, don"t worry about me我已经不在乎了,不要为我担心cause I"m gon be just fine without you, you"ll see你会明白的,没有你我也会生活的很好there aint no-one on this Earth right now I"d much rather be我不想成为这个世界上的任何一个人cause God-damn it I"m glad that I"m me操丅,我很幸运能够做回我自己I said if you could be where I"m at (bye bye)我说过如果你来到我的身边的话(再见)you"d wanna be you too你也会想要成为你自己的(I"m living without you)(没有你我也会生活的很好)If you felt the way I feel如果你能深切理解我I bet you"d be in as good a mood as I am我猜你和我一样心情愉悦but you don"t "cause you just feel like you但是你没有,因为你只是你。I said if you could be where I"m at (bye bye)我说过如果你来到我的身边的话(再见)you"d wanna be you too你也会想要成为你自己的(I"m living without you)(没有你我也会生活的很好)If you felt the way I feel如果你能深切理解我I bet you"d be in as good a mood as I am我猜你和我一样心情愉悦but you don"t "cause you just feel like you但是你没有,因为你只是你。

visit our store.nowhere else_____such good bargains.

you do find 肯定语气 ,倒装就是 do you find

what do you think about the bargain house? there"s some real _____in the sales


you should know where to bargain 是宾语从句吗?

是宾语从句,where 名词性从句做宾语。



there are some foreigners coming from five different countries,为什么用comin

coming from five different countries是定语修饰foreigners

求~she doesn"t live here anymore歌词翻译!

I hear your voice I touch your hair 我听到你的声音,我触动你的发丝I see the traces Everywhere 我看到满是我们走过的痕迹This house of ours We used to share 我们的房间我们曾经共同分享My dream has turned To nightmare 我的美梦变成了噩梦I sleep no more I dream no more 我无法再次入睡我无法再次梦想There"s nothing here To wake up for 这里已没有任何可唤醒我的东西I talk no more I sing no more 我不再交谈我不再歌唱Don"t function like I did before Because 不要再做我曾做过的努力,因为she doesn"t live here anymore She hardly calls at all 她已不在这里.她不再给我电话.Now when she"s gone I find myself lost Staring at the wall 从她走后,我发现自己已盯着墙壁迷失很久I drink again I smoke again 我又开始喝酒,我又开始抽烟There"s no one here To call my friend 这里没有人去呼唤我的朋友I swear again I"m mad again 我又开始诅咒,我又开始疯狂So troubled since I don"t know when Because 我不知何时开始变得如此糟糕,因为she doesn"t live here anymore She hardly calls at all 她已不在这里,她不再给我电话Now when she"s gone I find myself lost Staring at the wall 从她走后,我发现自己已盯着墙壁迷失很久She doesn"t live here anymore She hardly calls at all 她已不在这里,她不再给我电话Since she"s been gone there"s nobody here To catch me when I fall从她走后,这里已没有人在我跌倒时给我支持

The foreigners __there,but they __the food there at first.

used to do sth 过去常常做某事 I used to walk home.我过去常常走路回家be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 I am used to walking home.我习惯走路回家你说的被动语态be used to do,是被用来做某事,比如,the book is used to read.整句话意思是:那些外国人以前住在那儿,但一开始他们不习惯那里的食物

Somewhere Tonight (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere Tonight (Album Version)歌手:Highway 101专辑:Highway 101 Featuring Paulette CarlsonJaydee Bixby - Somewhere TonightOn a street at a busy cornerHe"s holding her handIn a car at the local drive inShe"s kissing her manIf you find it makes you feelA little lonely sad and blueAll you gotta do is remember,It can happen to youSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveI was riding in an elevatorA sad and lonely manThe doors opened and in walked an angelAnd took a hold of my handAnd when I looked into her eyesThere was nothing I could doAll you gotta do is rememberIt can happen to youSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveHeartache and heartbreakWill tear you in twoSo don"t make that mistakeThere"s love there for youThree years since that elevatorBrought her into my lifeNow I know that sooner of laterI"m gonna make her my wifeNow I know just how it feelsTo have all your dreams come trueAll you gotta do is rememberIt can happen to youSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveOh I am ready for loveOh I am ready for loveI am going to get me some loveI am going to get me some love

there people order their food and wait for a few minytes 是什么意思

there people order their food and wait for a few minytes有人为了他们的食物,等待几分钟重点词汇people人民; 人,人类; 居民; 种族; 居住于,布满; 使住满人,在…殖民; 把动物放养在order秩序; 命令; 次序; 规则,制度; 订购; 整理; 下订单food粮食; 食物,食品; 养料; 资料wait for等待; <非正> 注意; <非正>推迟直到到达; 观望形势后再作决定a few少许, 少数; 一点点; 些许

here"smyhomework 是什么意思


There is apairofslippersunderthebedAndafan英译中?

there is a pair of slippers under the bed and a fan 床底下有一双拖鞋和 一台风扇 (风扇不确定是否在床底下)

where are_? a.a pair of slipper b.a pair of slippers c.slippers d.the slippers


语法改错 It makes people feel there is no hope exists and there is no use of making any effort.


there are many species we don"t know e______ in the natural world

existing(that)we don"t know是定语从句,修饰species.句子的主干是There are many species _____in the natural world.根据句意应填exist(存在)的正确形式,句中已经有了谓语are, 所以应为非谓语.整句话直译为:有许多我们不知道的物种存在于自然界.

exist的用法 前面可以用there吗

可以用there,但是你说there exist something就不是很好了,因为1.there be是连在一起比较好,2,something exist连在一起比较好,因为习惯是把something 和exist连在一起用,而且something要在exist的前面,something exist也算是一二固定搭配吧。柯林斯英汉双解大词典 exist /ɪɡˈzɪst/ CET4 TEM4 ( existing, existed, exists )1. 【something exist】某物存在,这是第一个用法了。V-I If something exists, it is present in the world as a real thing.He thought that if he couldn"t see something, it didn"t exist.他认为如果他看不见某种东西,它就不存在。Research opportunities exist in a wide range of areas.研究机会存在于广泛的领域中。2. exist on靠。。。为生=live onSome people exist on melons or coconuts for weeks at a time.有些人一度数周靠各种瓜与椰子生存。

there exist 的用法和注意事项

there exist可以认为是there be的变形,be后名词是句子主语,be的单复数与句子主语一致。类似的如:There stands a man under the tree.树下站着个男士。There flows a river near our town.

There is always a dream___________in his mind that he will fly into space。为什么空格填existing


there happened to have

There happened to be two barbershops... 碰巧有两家理发店. 如果不加碰巧,原句是There are two barbershops... 加上碰巧 happen to,后面要加原型,所以要用 happen to be.


There isn"t any bread in the fridge. 冰箱里没有一些面包。

everyone是单数还是负数? 1.___ everyone ____ here? A. Are; at B. Is; at C. Is; / D.Is; in


There isn"t any camels in the zoo. 是There isn"t 还是There aren"t?

There isn"t any camel或者There aren"t any camels都可以如果不是应付考试,不必太在意这个


there+are+places+in+the+passage的意思是通道里有一些地方。重点单词:passage。一、发音英:[ˈpæsɪdʒ];美:[ˈpæsɪdʒ]二、中文翻译n.通道;走廊;(体内通气、输液等的)管路;章节;段落;乐段;(时间的)流逝,推移;通过;(乘船的)航程,旅程;通路;穿过;通行许可v.前进;通过;航海三、形式复数:passages四、短语搭配passage area 通道面积passage type 通道类型passage of time 时间推移五、双语例句1.These offices have narrow passages.这些办公室通道窄。2.I"ve highlighted the important passages in green.  我用绿色标出了重要段落。

the bus sets down and picks up passages here.

公共汽车到这停了下来,接走了乘客。set down这里的意思是“停脚,停车”的意思。当指人的时候是“停下脚步(歇息歇息) ”的意思。set down:【1】reach or come to rest 【2】put or settle into a position 【3】cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place而passages除了我们常见的“通路,通道;文章”之外,还有“passengers”也就是“乘客”的意思。. N-COUNT A passage is a long narrow space with walls or fences on both sides, that connects one place or room with another. 过道; 走廊例:Harry stepped into the passage and closed the door behind him.哈里走进走廊,关上他身后的门。2. N-COUNT A passage in a book, speech, or piece of music is a section of it that you are considering separately from the rest. 章节; 段落; 乐段例:He read a passage from Emerson.他读了一段爱默生的作品。例:...the passage in which the author speaks of the world of imagination.…作者谈论幻想世界的那个段落。3. N-COUNT A passage is a long narrow hole or tube in your body, that air or liquid can pass along. (人体内的) 道例:...cells that line the air passages.…沿着通气管排列的细胞。4. N-COUNT A passage through a crowd of people or things is an empty space that allows you to move through them. 通路例:He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets.他在拥挤的大街他为自己清出一条通路。

Sports, school are tiring. But there is a great way to unwind after all of those activities. ...

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是Camden这个城市的情况,在那你可以发现流行的趋势和一些著名的人物。文中详细的介绍了Camden的具有代表性的东西。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中原句There you can find fashion trends (流行,趋向) and famous people.(在那儿你可以发现流行的趋势和著名的人物),故选B。小题2:词义猜测题。根据文中原句含义But there is a great way to unwind after all of those activities. (但是在所有那些活动之后有一个很好的方式去放松。),因此可知此次意思应是D。小题3:细节理解题。根据原文第三段的描述,可以知道作者他们在那儿吃了中国炸面,故选B。小题4:推理判断题。根据文中描述Punks walked around with bright pink and green hair, broken clothes with safety pins, metal buttons(纽扣)and pierced ears and lips. Punk music shops played loud, heavy rock music.可知答案A的描述是朋克风格。


there 英[ðeə(r)] 美[ðer] adv. 那里; 在那里; 在那一点上; pron. 表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语); int. (表示满足、烦恼) 你瞧,好啦,得啦; [例句]There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。



there be句型是什么意思?

可以答:There are XX people in my family,意思是:我家有XX口人。There be句型的构成形式一般为“There is/are +某物/人+某地/时”,表示某地/时有某物/人时使用。There be后面的名词是句子的主语,倒装结构时使用。疑问句形式是将be或will/have/can/must等助动词、情态动词提至there之前,否定形式则直接在be或助动词、情态动词后加not,因此要表达“某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用“There be +名词+地点(时间)这一句型。There be句型的否定形式There be句型的否定句构成方式是将否定副词not放在be之后,如:There aren"t any pictures on the wall.墙上没有任何图片。否定句:There be句型否定句式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上“not”。(名词)=not a/an/any+n.(名词)。注意:not a/an+n.(可数名词单数);not any+n.(可数名词复数);not any+n.(不可数名词)。例如:There isn"t an orange in her bag.她的包里没有桔子。

There aren,t 和There isn,t 分别是什么意思

这是英语中的一种句子结构,英语中句子只有三种结构,第一种是主系表(it is red),第二种是there be,表示哪里有什么;第三种是主谓宾(最常见,I kick the ball)。在这里,你举的两个都是there be结构的开始,be的人称变化(is am are)是与后文中名词有关系的,如果后文是名词单数,或者不可数名词,都用is,相当于主系表结构中,主语是单数或者不可数名词。若后文是名词复数表示多个东西,就要用are,和主系表结构系词变化是一样的。there be 结构的否定形式是be+not比如:there is an apple on the table.(桌上有一个苹果) there is not an apple on the table.(可将is not 缩写成isn"t)(桌上没有一个苹果) there are two apples on the table..(桌上有两个苹果) there are not two apples on the table.(are not = aren"t)..(桌上没有两个苹果)


there 英[ðeə(r)] 美[ðer] adv. 那里; 在那里; 在那一点上; pron. 表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语); int. (表示满足、烦恼) 你瞧,好啦,得啦; [例句]There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。


there英-[ðeə; ðə]美-[ðɛr]释义n. 那个地方adv. 在那里;在那边;在那点上int. 你瞧








  在那里,往那边,像中文一样。  那里?  那里。中文那里能表达的基本THERE都能表达。  在那里, 往那里  We like the restaurant so much that we"re going to eat there next time.  我们很喜欢那家餐厅, 所以下次还要去那里。  那里, 那个  The girls there can sing and dance.  那里的女孩子都能歌善舞。  在那一点上, 关于那一点  There I have to disagree with you.  在那一点上我不能同意你的意见。  (用于表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生, 常用作be, seem或appear的主语)  There are a wall and a tree behind the house.  房子后面有一堵墙和一棵树。  Google 网络词典  There 隐藏摘要  那儿  【摘要】 There 那儿 Front 前方 Back 后方 Side 侧旁 Before 之前 After 之后 First left/right 第一个转左/ 右的路. 二、请问如何前往... Excuse me, How do I get to the . ... - 相关网页  there 隐藏摘要  那里  【摘要】 ... 红)/read(读)、there(那里)/their(他们的)/they"re(他们是)、weight( 重量)/wait(等待)、knows(知道)/nose(鼻子)、here(这里)/hear(听到)等。 ... - 相关网页  那里有三明治  【摘要】 3.the sand which is there音似the sandwiches. there(那里有三明治)。 4.take the bus home另一种解是:把车带回家。 Questions: ... - 相关网页  反义词:here


z(大写ZD的读音)儿上面是谐音,Z儿。英 [ðɛː]美 [ðɛradv.副词在那里;往那里;到那里;喂;…啦;有;那儿;那边;在那一点上;在那个方面excl.你瞧;好啦there is a big tree. 那有一颗大树。

There are是什么意思

There are的中文意思是有。there are  英 [ðɛə ɑ:]   美 [ðɛr e(r)]      有;双语例句1. There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.  除股价上升之外还有无形利益。2. There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital.  有报道称首都弥漫着不满的情绪。3. There are interesting hikes inland, but most ramblers stick to the clifftops.  内陆地区有一些很有意思的徒步远足路线,但多数徒步者都去爬悬崖陡壁。4. There are signs that the alliance is now fraying at the edges.  有迹象表明该联盟现正分崩离析。5. There are thousands of students absolutely gagging to come to this university.  肯定有成千上万的学生都渴望到这所大学念书。6. There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent.  仍有很多人对堕胎行为表示厌恶。

There be句型是什么意思?什么情况下用?

表示"存在" “有”。1、There be 句型的构成形式一般为“There is/are + 某物/人 +某地/时”,表示某地/时有某物/人时使用。2、There be 后面的名词是句子的主语,倒装结构时使用。3、疑问句形式是将be或will/have/can/must等助动词、情态动词提至there之前,否定形式则直接在be或助动词、情态动词后加not,因此要表达“某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用“There be + 名词+ 地点(时间)这一句型。there be读音:英 [ðeə(r) bi]   美 [ðer bi]  释义:有。例句:It"s a very tricky problem, but I think there are a number of things you can do.那是个非常棘手的问题,但我想有几样事你是可以做到的。扩展资料there be句型的解析:1、当动词be后所接的名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,be 应该取单数is;当其后所接的名词是复数的可数名词时,be用复数are。2、如果There be 后面是几个并列名词做主语时,动词be的形式和最靠近它的那个名词保持数的一致。3、There be 句型中动词be可以有一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时和完成时。4、There be 句型可以和各种助动词、情态动词连用。5、There be 句型也可以和这样一些的谓语动词连用:be going to 、seem to 、appear to 、used to、be likely to 、happen to ….6、there be 结构中除可以用be 外,还可以用其它动词。7、There be 句型的否定句有两种构成方式,一种是将否定副词not放在be 之后。


你好。there翻译成中文是:那里; 在那里。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

there are什么意思?

there are意思是有,用于表示某物或某人的存在。英 [ðɛə ɑ:]   美 [ðɛr e(r)]  There be 句型是英语中的常用句型,意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。There在此结构中是引导词,已经没有副词“那里”的含义,因此不用译出。There be 句型的基本结构:There is/are + 某物/某人 +某地/某时(表示某地/某时有某物/某人)There be 句型表示“有或存在”,但这里我们不用单词have表示“有”,该句型本身就能表示“有或存在”。there:英 [ðeə(r)]   美 [ðer]  adv.那里;在那里;在那一点上pron.表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语)int.(表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦1、There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used在许多地方有了改进,例如,鼠标的左右键都可以使用了。2、You don"t have to join in; there are more than enough people on the job already. 人够多了,您就不用插手了。扩展资料一、同类词:there is英 [ðɛə iz]   美 [ðɛr ɪz]  那儿有;有着There is a lamp on the table.桌子上有一盏台灯。二、反义词:There are的否定句句型:There are + not...There aren"t any cakes left.没有一点蛋糕剩下来。

is there 是什么意思

看用在句子的哪个位置,在句首的话是:这里有··· ···


there adv. 在那里;那里;在那一点上 pron. 表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语) int. (表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦


there中文意思:1、在,往哪里。在哪点上,方面。副词ad.1. 在那里;往那里;向那里She lives there.她住在那里。2. 在那时;在那点上;在那方面You"ve got a point there.你这句话有道理。3. (用以引起注意,加强语气等)瞧,你看There she is.瞧,她来了。There comes the bus.公共汽车来了。4. (与动词be连用)有,其实是全部倒装。There is a dog under the tree.树下有一只狗。There comes a bus.5. (与动词seem, appear连用)好像·..,看来·..这也是THERE BE 句型There seems to be something in what he says.他说的话似乎有道理。


1、are you there的中文意思是“你在那里吗?”。2、are you there也可以翻译为“你在听吗?”,打电话时的常用用语。3、are you there也可以翻译为“那儿有人吗?“。例句:1、Are you there? I saw your car outside.你在吗?我看见你的车在外面.2、Stu, is that true?. Are you there?斯图,是真的吗?你在那吗?扩展资料:1、are的中文意思是:vi.(用于第二人称单复数现在时,第一、三人称复数现在时)是;n.公亩(等于100平方米);例句:Jim and I are getting married 我和吉姆就要结婚了。2、you的中文意思是:pron.你; 你们,您们; 各位; 大家;例句:Getting good results gives you confidence 取得好的结果会给人以信心。3、there的中文意思是:adv.那里; 在那里; 在那一点上;pron.表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语);int.(表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦;例句:There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton 坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。


there 英[ðɛə] 美[ðɛr] adv. 在那里;那里;在那一点上 pron. 表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语) int. (表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦 [例句]There are two main reasons.这里有两个主要原因。





There 什么意思

那里 通常会用there is 或者there are的句型表示有什么东西


there    英[ðeə(r)]    美[ðer]    adv.    那里; 在那里; 在那一点上;    pron.    表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语);    int.    (表示满足、烦恼) 你瞧,好啦,得啦;    [例句]There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。



英语中there be通常怎么翻译什么意思

       There be 句型是英语中常用句型, 意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物。如:(1)There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。(2)There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。(3)There was not a moment to be lost. 分秒必争。(4)There are calls for the case to be retried. 该案有必要重审。(5)How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000? 5000美元本金的利息是多少?扩展资料:there,pron. (代词)(1)there用作代词时,通常与be构成“there be”句型,其主语一般为不确定的事物。(2)there be引导的句子中如果有两个以上的主语时, be应与最近的主语保持一致,有时也可与两个或几个主语保持一致,但there is也可接复数名词。there be的主语也可以是代词。参考资料:百度百科——there

there αre的意思是什么?

有的意思,表示人或物的存在,一般是指一个地方有什么东西。句型如:There are oranges.意思是,这里有一些橘子。


那儿 .there中文意思:1、在,往哪里。在哪点上,方面。副词ad.1. 在那里;往那里;向那里She lives there.她住在那里。2. 在那时;在那点上;在那方面You"ve got a point there.你这句话有道理。3. (用以引起注意,加强语气等)瞧,你看There she is.瞧,她来了。There comes the bus.公共汽车来了。4. (与动词be连用)有,其实是全部倒装。There is a dog under the tree.树下有一只狗。There comes a bus.5. (与动词seem, appear连用)好像·..…例句:1.I didn"t love it there. 但我不喜欢那儿。www.fortunechina.com2.Why does she sell so well there? 她在那里为何如此热销?

there are什么意思中文翻译



这儿 在这儿 的意思


  there英 [ðeə(r)] 美 [ðer]  adv.那里; 在那里; 在那一点上;  pron.表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语);  int.(表示满足、烦恼) 你瞧,好啦,得啦;  [网络]同音词; 主语; 三;  [例句]There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton.  坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。

翻译 there 的意思


there you are 是什么意思



there的中文翻译 副词 ad. 1. 在那里;到那里;向那里 She lives there. 她住在那里。 2. 在那时;在那点上;在那方面 You"ve got a point there. 你这话有道理。 3. (用以引起注意,加强语气等)瞧,你看 There she is. 瞧,她来了。 There comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。 4. (与动词be连用)有,其实是全部倒装。 There is a dog under the tree. 树下有一只狗。 There comes a bus. 5. (与动词seem, appear连用)好像...,看来...这也是THERE BE 句型 There seems to be something in what he says. 他说的话似乎有道理。 感叹词 int. 1. (表示满意、得意、鼓励、安慰、挑衅等)你瞧;好啦;喂 There, there. Stop crying. 好啦,好啦,别哭了。 名词 n. 1. 那个地方,那里 They have moved somewhere near there. 他们搬到了那地方附近。 there 1. 那里,那儿 PETS二级词汇大全-(T),写作指导,英... there adv. 那里,那儿 2. 在那里;在那点上 英语考试:四级考试大纲(S--T)(2)【... there ad.在那里;在那点上 there 那儿


那儿有,有。there"s读音:英 [ðeəz]   美 [ðerz]  释义:那儿有。语法:基本意思是“有”,指物质上的所有、身心上的具有或构成上的含有。引申可作“享有”“容许”“招致”等解。例句:I"ll need to talk with you, but there"s no hurry.我得和你谈谈,但不着急。扩展资料there"s的近义词:havehave读音:英 [hæv , həv]   美 [hæv , həv]  释义:有,持有,占有。语法:have用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。have的过去分词had还可与主语倒置,构成虚拟条件状语从句。例句:Come and have a meal with us tonight.今晚来和我们一起吃饭吧。

英语中there be通常怎么翻译什么意思?

有There be英 [ðeə(r) bi]美 [ðer bi]跟读网络有(句型)来源于网络例句1.How can there be things as such? 哪会有这种事?汉英大词典2.Could there be a mountain more precipitous than this? 山之险峻,宁有逾此?


there的读音  语法标注解释 there英音:[ðɛə]美音:[ðɛr]there的中文翻译  副词 ad.   1. 在那里;到那里;向那里   She lives there.   她住在那里。   2. 在那时;在那点上;在那方面   You"ve got a point there.   你这话有道理。   3. (用以引起注意,加强语气等)瞧,你看   There she is.   瞧,她来了。   There comes the bus.   公共汽车来了。   4. (与动词be连用)有,其实是全部倒装。   There is a dog under the tree.   树下有一只狗。   There comes a bus.   5. (与动词seem, appear连用)好像...,看来...这也是THERE BE 句型   There seems to be something in what he says.   他说的话似乎有道理。   感叹词 int.   1. (表示满意、得意、鼓励、安慰、挑衅等)你瞧;好啦;喂   There, there. Stop crying.   好啦,好啦,别哭了。   名词 n.   1. 那个地方,那里   They have moved somewhere near there.   他们搬到了那地方附近。   there    1. 那里,那儿   PETS二级词汇大全-(T),写作指导,英...   there adv. 那里,那儿   2. 在那里;在那点上   英语考试:四级考试大纲(S--T)(2)【...   there ad.在那里;在那点上   there   那儿   基本的旅游英语词语及句型 - 英语单词 背...

There is是什么意思


there are意思是什么

there are意思是有,用于表示某物或某人的存在。英 [ðɛə ɑ:]   美 [ðɛr e(r)]  There be 句型是英语中的常用句型,意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。There在此结构中是引导词,已经没有副词“那里”的含义,因此不用译出。There be 句型的基本结构:There is/are + 某物/某人 +某地/某时(表示某地/某时有某物/某人)There be 句型表示“有或存在”,但这里我们不用单词have表示“有”,该句型本身就能表示“有或存在”。there:英 [ðeə(r)]   美 [ðer]  adv.那里;在那里;在那一点上pron.表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语)int.(表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦1、There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used在许多地方有了改进,例如,鼠标的左右键都可以使用了。2、You don"t have to join in; there are more than enough people on the job already. 人够多了,您就不用插手了。扩展资料一、同类词:there is英 [ðɛə iz]   美 [ðɛr ɪz]  那儿有;有着There is a lamp on the table.桌子上有一盏台灯。二、反义词:There are的否定句句型:There are + not...There aren"t any cakes left.没有一点蛋糕剩下来。



are there是什么意思?求解释



there 英[ðeə(r)] 美[ðer] adv. 那里; 在那里; 在那一点上; pron. 表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语); int. (表示满足、烦恼) 你瞧,好啦,得啦; There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。


读音:[ðɛə iz]释义:有所为,那儿有。短语:(1)There milk is Mother 有奶就是娘(2)there she is 当兔子爱上猫 ; 兔子爱上猫 ; 第一弹 ; 她有(3)There still is hope 那是依然存在的希望(4)T There it is 比博普爵士乐(5)There she is again 她就像我那次一样例句:(1)There is no gainsaying his honesty. 释义:无法否认他是诚实的。(2)There is nothing to be gained by merely waiting. 释义:光靠等待是什么也得不到的。






there主要用作副词、名词、感叹词,具体释义如下:读音:/ ðeə(r) /表达意思:在那里;在那边;在那点上;你瞧;那个地方。固定搭配:Be There or Be Square不见不散;And Then There Were None无人生还 ; 一个都不留 ; 再无所有。例句1、There were just a hundred of them there.他们那里只有一百人。2、There are lots of people there who can actually help you.那里有很多人可以真正帮上你的忙。3、There she is on the left up there.她在那儿,在左边那儿。


一.读音:英 [ðɛː] 美 [ðɛr] 二.释义:1.adv.在那里; 那里; 在那一点上;例句:There"s a radio there.那里有一台收音机。2.pron.表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语);例句:Before you do anything,you must reckon with the danger that may arise therefrom.无论做什么事,都必须估计划处到可能因而产生的危险。表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦;例句:No, I"m afraid I can"t be very much help to you there.得了,那方面恐怕我对您不能有多大帮助。三:相关词组land there在那里着陆stay there 呆在那里the soda is put there 那瓶苏打水被放在那里了四.反义词here


there英 [ðeə(r)] 美 [ðer] adv. 在那里; 那里; 在那一点上 pron. 表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语) int. (表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦 报 错大家都在背: 新概念1美剧迷宝典零基础英语sweetpotato是什么? 双语例句词组习语同反义词更多资料1. There is ( but ) little hope. 没有什么希望. ( 比较:There is alittlehope. 还有一点希望.)来自《现代英汉综合大词典》2. No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there"s always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises. 不管你生活在哪里,你有多少岁,总有新东西要学习,毕竟,生活总是充满惊喜。来自金山词霸 每日一句3. There has been a busy start to polling in today"s local elections. 今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。来自柯林斯例句4. There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision. 对于这个决定的反应非常不一致。来自柯林斯例句5. There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio. 社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。来自柯林斯例句


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