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adherence; admire;naturally 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法..







adherence[英][ədˈhɪərəns][美][ədˈhɪrəns]n.坚持; 依附; 忠诚; 密着; 例句:1.Wal-mart changed its management, ordered staff training and created a compliance team to monitor adherence to regulatory issues such as licensing, consumer protection and product safety. 沃尔玛撤换了管理层,下令开展员工培训,并组建了一个合规团队来监督公司对监管要求的遵守程度,比如执照、消费者保护和产品安全等

adherence是什么意思啊There"s no adherence to any fact.

没有遵守任何事实 中adherence是遵守的意思 ... 呵呵 就是这样

We must adhere to the principle of making study

学以致用 [词典] learn in order to practise; apply what one has learned; learning in order to practice; learning for practice; [例句]我们必须坚持学以致用的原则。We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose.

Whether facing any difficulties, do not give up. Adhere to the faith 这句话有没有问题?


advocate的形容词形式是什么 adherent的动词形式是什么


“与坚持梦想者同行"翻译成英语怎么说? and adhere to the dreamer counterparts 这样翻译对吗?


英语中stick to,cling to,adhere to有什么区别

stick to 主要是坚持的意思,坚持做某事常用. cling to 抓住 形容某人的行为常用. adhere to 常用于土壤临近,挨着某地.

cling to , adhere to都有黏着,缠着某人,有什么区别呢?

cling to:1. 紧握不放The small child clung to its mother. 那小孩紧紧抓住母亲不放。 2. 忠实于One should cling to one"s friends. 对朋友应该忠实。 3. 坚持After so many years, she was still clinging to the hope that he could return. 许多年过去了,她仍抱着他会回来的希望。 adhere to1. 粘附Mud adhered to our shoes. 我们的鞋上沾着泥。 2. 坚持She adhered to what she had said at the meeting. 她坚持她在会议上说过的话。 3. 拥护;支持We decided to adhere to the program. 我们决定支持这个方案。 细细品味,含义还是少有不同

cling to , adhere to都有黏着,缠着某人,有什么区别呢?

cling to: 1. 紧握不放 The small child clung to its mother. 那小孩紧紧抓住母亲不放。 2. 忠实于 One should cling to one"s friends. 对朋友应该忠实。 3. 坚持 After so many years, she was still clinging to the hope that he could return. 许多年过去了,她仍抱着他会回来希望。 adhere to 1. 粘附 Mud adhered to our shoes. 我们鞋上沾着泥。 2. 坚持 She adhered to what she had said at the meeting. 她坚持她在会议上说过话。 3. 拥护;支持 We decided to adhere to the program. 我们决定支持这个方案。

英语中stick to,cling to,adhere to有什么区别

stick to 主要是坚持的意思,坚持做某事常用.cling to 抓住 形容某人的行为常用.adhere to 常用于土壤临近,挨着某地.


adhere to ...遵循,依附; 坚持如:They failed to adhere to our original agreement.他们未能遵守我们原定的协议.He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting.他坚持他在会上所说的话.

英语中stick to, cling to, adhere to有什么区别


(坚持)insist on ,adhere to,stick to区别?

没那么复杂 insist on 保持立场 adhere to 黏合,遵守 (书面语,比较正式) stick to 粘了个啥啥啥,照办啥啥啥(是不是感觉很口语) 如果是对话中提到,用stick to;说明书上提到,用adhere to;

adhere conform做遵守讲有什么区别

adhere v.表示“遵守”。它的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到(不可违背)Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。 comfort--->comfortable adj.(为人们带来舒适,方便)Email is a convennient,highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that ____ well to human needs.为人们带来舒适,方便,符合人们的利益

adhere to 与insist on ,persisit in ,persevere in的区别

我简单说说吧~都可以理解为坚持,但用法,使用场合等却各不相同. adhere to 强调遵守规程 信条等,有恪守的意味; insist on 强调坚持,主张,但不一定是积极的,有固执的意味; persist in 倾向于持续性的坚持,有执意的意味; persevere in 这个程度最深,有不屈不挠,坚持不懈的意味,多是坚持积极的东西.

adhere to与什么词相近


请大神帮我剖析下这句“ creations and experiences to which others adhere.”

My definition revolves around the concept of “stickiness” – creations and experiences to which others adhere. to which... 定语从句修饰前面的creations and experiences, 也就是others adhere to the creations and experiences说的是上传分享的内容,包括个人创意(creations) 和个人经历(experiences),需要能吸引他人,或对他人有"粘性",才能被称为有意义的内容(meaningful uploading)

comply with 和 adhere to在意思上有什么区别呢?


adhere to is victory什么意思

adhere to is victory坚持就是胜利———————————此句adhere to不地道 双语对照例句:1.His first-round defeat does not mean victory is impossible. 他的首轮失利并不意味着胜利已没有可能。2.No candidate will cruise to victory without serious setbacks. 没有哪一个候选人能够不遭遇严重挫折而轻松赢得胜利

Adhere to the是什么意思?


adhere to the 是什么意思

adhere to the坚持

persever adhered insisted和upheld的区别

1.persever 坚守Then while we live, in love lets so persever 活在人间我们的爱百折不回2.adhered v. 坚持; 附着; 黏附( adhere的过去式和过去分词 ); 支持 粘附; 依附; 遵守They adhered to the contract. 他们遵守了合同。3.insisted v. 坚决宣称,坚持认为( insist的过去式和过去分词 ); 坚决要求 坚持; 坚持要求; 坚持的I insisted that we should have a look at every car. 我坚持我们每辆车都应该看一下。4.upheld 英 [ʌpˈheld] 美 [ʌpˈhɛld] v. 维持; 支撑; 支持( uphold的过去式和过去分词 ); 赞成;被支持; 前场; 维护The Court of Appeal upheld the appellants "convictions. 上诉法院维持了对上诉人的原判。



(坚持)insist on ,adhere to,stick to区别?

adhere属正式用语, 语意比 stick强, 指“自动地或义务地忠于一理想、事业、领导人等insist on强调 坚决认为

adhere to 与insist on , persisit in , persevere in的区别

我简单说说吧~都可以理解为坚持,但用法,使用场合等却各不相同。adhere to 强调遵守规程 信条等, 有恪守的意味;insist on 强调坚持,主张,但不一定是积极的,有固执的意味;persist in 倾向于持续性的坚持,有执意的意味;persevere in 这个程度最深,有不屈不挠,坚持不懈的意味,多是坚持积极的东西。

adhere to后加什么

adhere to后面直接跟something,adhere to something是固定搭配,用于正式场合,意思是“坚持、信守”. 例句:For two months he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet. 两个月来,他严格坚持无脂肪少盐的饮食. The glue would not adhere to the metal surface. 这种胶水不会粘附在金属表面.

英语词汇辨析adhere to等的区别

谁记的笔记啊?太省略了。opinion, belief两词不是与前面的短语相等,而是用来做例子怎么用的:Adhere to the belief that communism must be victorious. :-)Adhere to the opinion that all governments are bad.



adhere to后加什么

adhere to doing sth




是的adhere 英[ədˈhɪə(r)] 美[ədˈhɪr] vi. 坚持; 附着; 黏附; 追随; vt. 使粘附; 遵循,坚持; 追随,依附



求教adhere 和cohere的不同之处

基本意思:coherev. 附著,粘著,凝聚make two surfaces cohere使两个平面粘合adhere粘附,紧粘[(+to)]There were several pages that adhered to each other.有几页书粘连在一起了。延伸意思:They adhered to the contract.他们遵守了合同。We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose.我们必须坚持学以致用的原则。A sentence that does not cohere is hard to understand.前后不连贯的句子很难懂。 adhere, 本意是将一个物体粘附于另一个物体上,又延伸为,粘附于某事,执着于某事的意思.cohere, 最大的不同是,这个单词有个"相互"的意思,相互粘合,相互匹配. 例如: co-operate: 相互合作, 我觉得"CO-"就有相互的意思.以下两句话,个人觉得这样翻更合适.make two surfaces cohere使两个平面相吻合.A sentence that does not cohere is hard to understand.一个句子,前言不搭后语,就很难理解.基本上,你可以将两个都当作一样的意思,附着,连接。在使用上,我的习惯使我这样的判断:1。当两样相等的物品,事,等的附着,连接,我会用cohere。我也把这个字当作一致来使用。2。当两者不一样的时候,用adhere吧!

adhere 的英语意思

adhere [əd"hiə] vi. 坚持;依附;粘着;追随vt. 使粘附[ 过去式adhered 过去分词adhered 现在分词adhering ] vi.坚持;依附;粘着;追随stay, stand on


キャラメル*ソルトの魅力的なhalf & halfでいつもlife styleを満吃してたいbe with youお気に入りのメロディ 刺激的な恋爱涙したぶんだけ爱の味が深まってくanywhereどんな道も babyanytime君へ向かう ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere思いっきり生きているって感じたい もっと自由に小さな魔法みたい かかるたびに変わっていけるのこの瞬间はね 二度とこないってことね素敌な君 离れたくない can"t take my eyes off of youanywhereどんな道も babyanytime君へ向かう ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere±0で走る babyこのまま风を感じて ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere少女に戻れるの溢れてるこのときめきサイドミラーに映るのは 过ぎ去ってく私が见える...助手席にもたれて君とキスをしたらまた恋に落ちてくそう何度も...そう永远に...Can"t take my eyes off of you...anywhereどんな道も babyanytime君へ向かう ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere±0で走る babyこのまま风を感じて ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere中文:翻译来自MKL加入牛奶糖*盐的富有魅力的half & half想一直满满享受这份life style be with you令人喜爱的melody刺激感的恋爱惟有泪水的部分让爱的味道更深刻anywhere 怎样的道路 babyanytime 都朝你前进 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere你曾说过要尽情地生活着想要更加 自由地感触每次都宛如实施了小小的魔法就能可以改变一般这样一个瞬间 不会再一次地来临的哦美丽的你 让我不想离开can"t take my eyes off of youanywhere 怎样的道路 babyanytime 都朝你前进 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere以±0奔跑 baby就这样感受着清风 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere回到少女时代的溢出的这份心潮澎湃我仿佛能看到在后视镜里映射出来的过去的我...如果和依在副驾驶上的你接吻的话就能再次坠入爱河这样多少次...都化作永远...Can"t take my eyes off of you...anywhere 怎样的道路 babyanytime 都朝你前进 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere以±0奔跑 baby就这样感受着清风 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywherekyarameru*sorutonomiryokutekina half & half deitsumo life style womankitsushitetai be with youokiniirinomerodhi shigekitekinarenainamidashitabundake ainoajigafukamattekuanywhere donnamitimo babyanytime kimiemukau ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywhereomoikkiriikiteiruttekanjitaimottojiyuunitiisanamahoumitai kakarutabinikawatteikerunokonosyunkanwane nidotokonaittekotonesutekinakimi hanaretakunai can"t take my eyes off of youanywhere donnamitimo babyanytime kimiemukau ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywherepuramaizerodehashiru babykonomamakazewokanjite ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywheresyoujonimodorerunoafureterukonotokimekisaidomiraaniuturunowa sugisattekuwatashigamieru...jyosyuusekinimotaretekimitokisuwoshitaramatakoiniotitekusounandomo...soueienni...Can"t take my eyes off of you...anywhere donnamitimo babyanytime kimiemukau ready?low kara high nikaeteall my life... anywherepuramaizerodehashiru babykonomamakazewokanjite ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywhere

How many bottles are there on the table? 是什么意思?

直译是 问你桌子上有几个瓶子 其他意思的话 你是不是要有前缀还是后面有什么提示啊?

there 【 】 many bottles of juice. 这里应该填is还是are!?为何~


are there any areas you feel are not covered adequately in the book 请分析一下这个句子

有没有是你认为本书没有涉及到的地方呢?you feel 可作为后置修饰areas,也可以当成是插入语。are not covered中的are是表被动的,简单点就是areas are (not) covered in the book.

< >a lot of junk food on the table. A.there are B.there is



我的翻译是: A large number of careers are (now) laying increasing emphasis on specialization. there are great many careers increasing emphasis on specialization可改成: There are a great many careers laying increasing emphasis on specialization. great many前必须有a,是固定词组,表示大量的. 此处加个laying比较好,因为increase不和emphasis搭配.此处的laying作定语,修饰前面的careers,increasing作形容词,修饰后面的emphasis.

fruit 到底是可数还是不可数 There are many kinds of fruit 还是fruits 是用is还是are

你这个用fruits,按照我的经验,要用fruits的时候都会出现kinds of,所以这个就是用fruits的标志. 既然用了复数,当然用are. 以下是复制来的例子分析,挺不错的,请看看. 转自北京四中 A: fruit指“水果”时,为集体名词,只用单数,不用复数.如果指不 同种类的水果或事情的结果时,则用复数fruits.试比较: ①I"d like to go and buy some fruit. 我想去买些水果.(不用fruits) ②Do you like fruit? 你喜欢吃水果吗?(不用fruits) ③I like to eat bananas,apples,pears and other fruits. 我喜欢吃香蕉、苹果、梨子以及其它水果.(不用fruit) ④the fruits of the earth 大地的产物 the fruits of our hard work我们的劳动成果 【注】我们只能说 a fruit shop,不能说 a fruits shop. 【注】fruit作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式.如: ①I advise you not to eat fruit that isn"t ripe. 我劝你不要吃没有熟的水果. ②Green fruit is not good to eat. 没熟的水果不好吃.

如何理解There were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both takepride.

全句翻译:现在,詹姆斯·迪林汉姆·杨夫妇俩各有一件引以为豪的东西。这里有一个定语从句 in which they both take pride,修饰的是 two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs,前面的介词 in 原先位于从句的句末(which they both take pride in [the two possessions]),按英语的写法习惯一般将句末的介词提到引导词前面。

There is some furniture.所有不可数名词用作复数时谓语动词都用单数形式么?


There is some furniture.还是There are some furniture.


相干性(coherence )和相关性(correlation) 有什么区别和联系?

相关性(Correlation,或称相关系数或关联系数),显示两相关变量之间线性关系的强度和方向。在统计学中,相关的意义是用来衡量两个变量相对于其相互独立的距离。相干性(Coherence),与相关性计算得到的信息非常相似,都是衡量两个变量之间的相关程度,只是相干性多用于频域计算,可以在基于频率上给出更多的信息,而相关性多用于普通的数组计算和时域信号。相干性 (coherence) 是指为了产生显著的干涉现象,波所需具备的性质。更广义地说,相干性描述波与自己波、波与其它波之间对于某种内秉物理量的关联性质。思考1、输入波的波,在辐照度干涉仪输出点侦测到的,经过时间平均后的辐照度,以延迟时间 的函数形式绘制。假设将延迟时间改变半个周期,则干涉会从建设性转换为摧毁性,或从摧毁性转换为建设性。黑色曲线显示出干涉包络线,这是相干度的曲线。2、在光学里,时间相干性可以用干涉仪来测量,例如,迈克耳孙干涉仪或马赫-岑得干涉。干涉仪先将输入波复制,延后 时间,然后将输入波与复制波结合为输出波,再用辐照度侦测器来测量经过时间平均后的输出波辐照度。3、在相干时间内,波的辐照度显著地涨落不定。假设延迟时间为 ,则一个无穷快的侦测器所测量出的辐照度也会显著地涨落不定。对于这案例,可以手工计算辐照度的时间平均值来求得时间相干性。

为什么There are still many problems to be solved 的翻译

补充下楼上的。to be done这个形式表示将来。因此to be solved表示还未被解决。如果是已经被解决就直接be solved就好了。另外,there be 结构不要翻成“那里有……”的形式,太生硬了。直接翻:“还有很多问题有待解决”或“仍有很多问题亟待解决”(正式)或“还有好多问题要搞定”(口语)

真正的勇敢都包含谦虚wherever true valor is found,true modesty will there abound

the best valor always contains modesty

真正的勇敢都包含谦虚wherever true valor is found,true modesty will there abound

Modesty do not contradict valor. Much valor are needed to succeed in the complicated arena, they also need other"s help, and modesty will help them get more help.

英汉互译: 1.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后; 2.Where there is a will,

1. Modesty helps one to make progress; conceit makes one lag behind. 2. 有志者,事竟成。

it"s night time here,night cuties什么意思


it"s night time here,night cuties什么意思

it"s night time here,night cuties这是晚上的时间在这里,晚上的美眉双语对照例句:1.It"s been here since last night. 从昨晚开始这辆车就一直停在这里。


这句话的确是倒装句。表示地点的词语here(这里)被置于句首,从而引起主语和动词的倒装。正常语序应该是: Some kiwi fruits are here for you.

where did the name adder come from


Here is some kiwifruit for you. 对吗?

对,Here is some kiwifruit (不可数名词)for you. 这是给你的一些猕猴桃。

there is considerable debate about这句话中为什么不加冠词a

你的提问很好。我觉得这不是语法,而是习惯的问题,我网上可以查到不少文献有用 "a considerable debate" 的说法,比如: "...there has been a considerable debate in contemporary analytic metaphysics in connection with the notion of truthmaker as attempting to capture a basic insight into the way truths depend on reality. ""There have been three kinds of cases, which have generated considerable debates in recent years: indeterminacy, meta-metaphysics, and contextualism/relativism, particularly in connection with practically significant issues regarding gender, race, and sexuality."上面这两段来自同一篇论文。如果你谷歌搜索 concern , 你会同样找到has been considerable concernhas been a considerable concern的两个说法。对我来说(英语是我第一语言),对抽象不可数名词如 concern, anger, consternation, 等等,比如there has been considerable angerthere has been considerable consternation个人偏好是 不用 冠词 a ,但这仅是个人看法。

there is no denying that的that可以省略吗

1 在口语中,there is no doubt 的there is 经常被省略.还有:it is no wonder经常是no wonder. 2 连接词 that 不能换成其他连接词,否则可能会彻底改变原句的意思.

there is no deny to do 有这句式吗?


There is no denying that recent few years “has” witnessed ...这里用has对吗?

There is no denying that recent few years “has” witnessed ...这里用has对吗?对, 主语few years 看成一个整体, 距离也是这样 200 miles is a long way.

there is no denying that 后面还可以加原因状语从句吗?


There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.

from bad to worse 是习惯性表达,表示从坏到更坏的意思(worse是bad的比较级),含有本质上变得越来越糟糕的意思,一般用以形容某种情况你说的worse and worse already也是可用的,表示同级程度加深,非习惯性用法OK?

there is no denying that 和 There is no doubt that 能互用么,或者说能替换么?

There is no denying that 不容否认、、、、、、There is no doubt that 毋容置疑/毫无疑问、、、、、、这二者一般可以互相替换,都可以用来表示【不容怀疑或否认的情况】;但是,而这也稍有不同:There is no denyi...

there is no denying that 和 There is no doubt that 能互用么,或者说能替换么?

There is no denying that 不容否认、、、、、、There is no doubt that 毋容置疑/毫无疑问、、、、、、这二者一般可以互相替换,都可以用来表示【不容怀疑或否认的情况】;但是,而这也稍有不同:There is no denying that 【多使用于书面语和正式语体】。There is no doubt that 【使用更普遍更通常】。祝你开心如意!

There is no denying the fact that 是什么意思

There is no denying the fact that ...生词本不容讳言 报 错大家都在背: 新概念1 美剧迷宝典 零基础英语sweetpotato是什么?双语例句1. There is no denying the fact that he is guilty of murder. 4他犯有谋杀罪这个事实是不容否认的.来自互联网2. There is no denying the fact that China has made a rapid progress in every aspect. 不容抵赖这个事实,中国已在各个方面都取得了飞速的发展.

There is no denying that… 什么意思


there is no denying that.是什么意思

there is no denying that.不可否认。双语对照例句:1.There is no denying that china will protect its own interests through trade and investment. 不可否认,中国需要通过贸易和投资来寻求本国的利益。

There is no denying the fact that 是什么意思

There is no denying the fact that无可否认,双语对照例句:1.There is no denying the fact that china is still a developing country. 不可否认,中国仍然是一个发展中国家。2.So there are snags aplenty, but there is no denying the fact that health reform has comefurther this year than it has in decades. 因此,困难还很多,但不可否认的事实是,今年医疗改革已经比它在过去几十年走得更远了。

为什么是there is no denying that you can never be too careful


there is no denying that是什么意思

there is no denying that不可否认的是网络释义1. 无可否认2. 毋庸置疑例句:1.There is no denying that china will protect its own interests through trade and investment. 不可否认,中国需要通过贸易和投资来寻求本国的利益。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

There is no denying the fact that 是什么意思

译:不可否认的是 。。。。。。

求教英语老师或英语学霸:There is no denying that与There is no denying the fact that有没有区别?

参考答案:There is no denying that 意思是不能否认的是......There is no denying the fact that 意思是不能否认的事实是......二者意思接近。祝您学习进步,阿弥陀佛!

英语作文中常用一个句子there is no denying that还是it is no den

是it is no denying that

there is no denying that.是什么意思


英语作文中常用一个句子there is no denying that还是it is no denying that来着?

两个句型都能用的, it is no denying that it is fact There is no denying the fact there is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy. it is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy.,9,

英语作文中常用一个句子there is no denying that还是it is no denying that来着

两个句型都能用的, it is no denying that it is fact There is no denying the fact there is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy. it is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy.

there is no denying that...不可否认的是... 造句

There is no denying that + S + V ... 即:There is no denying that + Subject + Verb... S:主语 V:动词 n.名词 v.动词 prep.介词 adj.形容词 adv.副词 conj.连词

There is no denying.是什么意思

There is no denying.的意思是 :无可否认。

there is no denying that 翻译是什么?

there is no denying that的翻译是不可否认。重点词汇:no adv. 不,完全不n. 否定的回答;(复数 noes)(投票表决中的)反对,否决int. (用于否定的回答或陈述)不,没有adj. 没有;不是det. 没有,无;不准,禁止短语no wonder 难怪 ; 怪不得No Doubt 不要怀疑 ; 很可能同根词词根: noadv.nowise 决不,毫不She had no money coming in and no funds. 她既无固定收入也无存款。I was twenty-two – no, twenty-one.我那时22岁。—噢不,21岁。
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