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height怎么读 英语height怎么读

1、height英[hau026at]美[hau026at],n.(人或物的)身高; 高; 高度; 高地; 最佳点; 更好; 极端。 2、[例句]His height was a decided advantage in the job.干这项工作,他的身高是明显优势。


height 英[hau026at] 美[hau026at] n. 高度,海拔;高地;身高;绝顶,顶点 名词复数:heights [例句]Height has a lot to do with genetics.身高很大程度上取决于遗传基因。2.They fly below parachute height. 他们在低于降落伞的高度上飞行。3.Then the students were asked to estimate the height ofthe tallest redwood tree in the world. 然后接着这些学生被问到这种世上最高的红木可能有多高。4.Taking advantage of those anomalies proved difficult atthe height of the credit crunch. 这些畸形产品的出现也证明了信贷危机高峰时市场有多困难。5.Use color to enhance the illusion of height. 利用着装颜色来造成一种高个子假象。

height是什么意思 height如何翻译

1、height,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“高地;高度;身高;顶点”。2、短语搭配:orthometric height铅垂水准标高 ; 正米制高度。star height星高。binary height二元高度。echo height回波高度 ; 反射波高度。Total Height总高 ; 总高度 ; 高度 ; 全高。barometric height[气象]气压高度 ; 气压计高程 ; 气压计高度 ;[气象]气压表高度geoidal height[测]大地水准面高 ; 大地水准面高度 ; 大地水准面差距 ; 水准面高。tooth height[机]齿高。antenna height[电讯]天线高度 ; 天线高。




height[英][hau026at][美][hau026at]n.高度,海拔; 高地; 身高; 绝顶,顶点; 复数:heights例句:1.Height has a lot to do with genetics. 身高很大程度上取决于遗传基因。2.Adjust your workstation and chair to the correct height. 把你的办公座、椅调到一个合适的高度。3.In general, arugula grows to about 2-3 feet in height with creamy white coloredible flowers. 总的来说,芝麻花可以长到2-3英尺高开出乳白色的可食用的花。4.More optimistic market watchers point out that these rates are still well belowthose at the height of the financial crisis. 更为乐观的市场观察人士指出,这些利率目前仍然远低于2008年金融危机高峰时的水平。5.Americans apparently identify power with height and follicular retention. 显而易见,美国人将权力定义为个子高和毛囊持久健康。

help me 还是heip to me

help me



microsoft yahei bold是什么字体

微软雅黑 粗体



Medusa will turn cars and their owners to stone.

turn to和 turn into是一样的用法。

their home

如果说这个家是指个人的家庭,那就用they lose their homes 如果说这个家是指公共的家园,那就用they lose their home

in their homes的表达对不对


go home和in their homes的HOME一词有何区别呢?

in their homes?? 我没见过! 我只见过at home!不知道你是怎么制造的

最后一句话中their new home为什么不是复数homes?


一:Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand,and the baby crocodiles only live

(一)鳄鱼把它们的蛋产在树叶或者沙石下,而幼鳄则指居住在炎热的地方它们大部分时间在印度 澳大利亚 非洲以及美洲的河流或者湿泥里度过。鳄鱼的尾巴短而有力,尾巴在鳄鱼游动时就会起到作用 同时尾巴也是有力的武器 因为鳄鱼一旦甩动尾巴就可以立刻将一个成年人或者甚至是一个体积庞大的动物击倒。在它坚硬鳞片的保护下 鳄鱼可以远离危险,鳄鱼只能看见它正前方的物体因为它的头无法左右移动在进食完以后 鳄鱼无法清理自己的口腔 因为它的舌头不能上下摆动。而鳄鸟则会追随在鳄鱼左右吃掉它嘴里剩下的食物 同时帮它清理口腔由于有着坚硬的而又锋利的牙齿 鳄鸟能够捕捉到的食物有很多----也许会是一条鱼 一只动物 在、甚至一个不幸的人,鳄鱼会把它的食物摁在水里 直到其死去。(二)一年 莫尔夫妇被邀请去参加一个在宾馆里举行的圣诞宴会。他们把车亭子外边外边就走了进去。以前莫尔先生从没有喝醉过,因此他很注意平时的喝酒的量,即使他的朋友一直要求他多喝一点。在宴会中 莫尔夫人发现她忘了带自己的包包,因此她就叫她得丈夫去外面的车上给她拿。莫尔先生照做了,但是在他回宾馆门口的路上他听到他隔壁车子的喇叭响了。他以为也许是某个人需要帮助于是拿着包包走了过去。他发现一直小黑熊坐在驾驶座上载按喇叭响。当莫尔先生回到宴会时他告诉他的朋友们有关这熊的事,但是理所当然的人们不相信他因为人们觉得他喝醉了。当莫尔先生带着他们出来去证明这事是真的时,他发现那部有熊在里面的车子已经不见了。在接下来的一周里有很多关于莫尔先生发现的熊的笑话最后莫尔先生在报纸上登出一则广告“如果有人在圣诞节晚上看见一只黑色的熊在世纪宾馆的外观按喇叭 ,请通知。。。”两天后,一位理查德斯夫人打了电话给他说道她和她的丈夫把在那天晚上把他们的宠物熊遗忘在世纪宾馆外面的车上几分钟,在那时候熊按了喇叭。理查德斯夫人并不觉得这有什么不对她说“我们的熊喜欢按喇叭,同时我们也并不介意它那么做当我们不在驾驶汽车的时候”。

初一、一道英语阅读题、超简单、Lucy,Tom,Mary and Jack put their coats on the?

露西、汤姆、玛丽和杰克把他们的衣服放在桌子上.它们是白色、蓝色、红色和黑色.我们现在知道男孩们的外套不是红色,女孩们的外套不是黑色.鲁西的外套是什么颜色的?杰克说:“我不知道,但是我知道她的不是蓝色的,而且我的外套是白色的.”那么,他们的外套都是什么颜色的? 这是一道简单的逻辑问题 Lucy"s coat is red. Tom"s coat is black. Mary‘s coat is blue. Jack"s coat is white.,8,Lucy"s coat is———red Tom"s coat is——black Mary‘s coat is——blue Jack"s coat is——white,1,lucy—red Tom—black mary—blue,0,Lucy"s coat is———red Tom"s coat is——black. Mary‘s coat is——blue Jack"s coat is——white,0,red black blue white,0,初一、一道英语阅读题、超简单、 Lucy,Tom,Mary and Jack put their coats on the table.They are white,blue,red and black.We know that the boys"coats are not red and the girls" are not black.What color is Lucy"s coat?“i don"t know.But I konw it is not blue,”Jack says,“My coat is white.” Then what color are their coats? Lucy"s coat is——— Tom"s coat is—— Mary‘s coat is—— Jack"s coat is——

Hurricanes are killer windsuff0cand theiruff08destructionuff09power lies in the physical damage they can do

应该用形容词 因为作定语 有的也用名词作定语如apple tree

英语their baking skills怎么翻译?

their baking skills他们的烘焙技巧;他们的烹饪技巧;

He () in their school rock band 今晚就要

take part take part in 词组参加 加入的意思

求 Heiko 的miles away 中文和英文歌词

Heiko 的miles away 中文和英文歌词:I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里Too much of no sound 太多的安静Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远I"m alright 我很好Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远……

Superstars enjoy their popularity at the cost of privacy为题写的作文


what would be their ideas其中be能放在句尾吗?

如果这是一个整句的话,不能。如果是从句的话(就是一个句子被另一个大句子包着),可以的。例如,Do you konw what would thier ideas be? 在这里,要用陈述句语序,动词放在主语后面。

既然不及物动词不能接宾语,为什么下面这句话中shivering后接了宾语Shivering in their wet clothes?

及物动词后只是不能直接跟宾语,要跟宾语需要借助于介词,也就是说介词可以带宾语,比如,look 是不及物动词,不能跟宾语,但look at 就能跟宾语,句中shivering不及物动词不跟宾语,但宾语 their wet clothes 不是动词shilvering的宾语,而是介词in 的宾语,汉语意思是穿着他们的湿衣服而发抖。

You could potentially make their day

高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!这句话的意思是:你可能让他们的一天变得很开心。make one"s day 让某人的一天变得开心/美好potentially 副词,

min-height:2em什么意思 ,margin:0 0 40px 0 能表示居中吗?

min-height:2em :最小高度为2em margin:0 0 40 0 指距下40个像素.不是表示居中

skin是不可数名词,为什么在他们的皮肤中缺是in their skins,请高手指教!!


Some parents are just too protective. They want to ______ their kids from every kind of danger,...

C 试题分析:考查动词。根据上句Some parents are just too protective. 可知下文要说父母们想庇荫孩子们不受到任何伤害。shelter做动词可表示“保护;庇护”。spot“弄脏,认出,发现,定位”,warn“警告”,assist“帮助”。选C。

量他们的体温take their temperature,temperature要不要加s?



与字体大小有关,比如:font-size:15px; line-height:2;(行高是字体大小的两倍)这样的话文字一定会垂直居中显示的

A balanced view of their advantages and disadvantages和 Neutral的区别是?

打个比方,你的两个朋友吵架了,Neutral是啥都不管,看着他们吵,就像二战瑞士是中立国一样。A balanced view of their advantages and disadvantages是上去欠架,还跟他们讲道理,平衡他们的对错得到他们都信服的观点,然后,他们又是朋友了。

many even feel that they lose face if their guest

“你有几个孩子?他们多大了?”那个身为数学老师的来宾问道。 “我有三个儿子。”史密斯先生(应该是Mr·Smith)说,“他们的年龄的乘积是72,总和是街道的编号。” 那来宾走过去望了街道入口,回来说:“这问题(的答案)是不确定的” “是的,的确如此。”史密斯先生回答,“但我还是希望长子有一天能在斯坦福的竞争中胜出。” 请说出那些男孩的年龄,并说出原因。 应该是3,3,8 因为街道编号未提及,我们不妨设编号为A,A就是三个岁数之和,各种组合如下 1,1,72(A为74) 1,2,36(A为39) 1,3,24(A为28) 1,4,18(A为23) 1,6,12(A为19) 1,8,9(A为18) 2,2,18(A为22) 2,3,12(A为17) 2,4,9(A为15) 2,6,6(A为14) 3,3,8(A为14) 3,4,6(A为13) 由此可见,各种组合的和除了14有重复,其余的都是单一的,因此街道编号是14,来宾才不能确定答案是何种组合。 但最后史密斯先生说到“长子”,就证明年龄稍大的是一个,而非有两个,因此不是“2,6,6”的组合,而是“3,3,8” 另外,这道题也可以根据“斯坦福大学的竞争”,先把大儿子的年龄定位在20岁之下,即可以把前三种组合省略掉。 纯属个人推断,建议参考一下,假如回答不正确,请告诉我,谢谢!

many even feel than they lose face if their gues

Many even feel that theylose face if their guests have eaten up all the food.许多人甚至认为,如果他们的客人吃了所有的食物,他们就会失去面子。

Some parents use social media to(  )their kids and to monitor their activities.

【答案】:B词组辨析。A项:检查;B项:沟通;C项:站在;D项:申请。Communicate with交流。句意:一些家长使用社交媒体来与他们的孩子交流,监督他们的活动。故本题正确答案选B。

arduino 程序验证的时候一直出现error: #error ("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!");

In the SSD1306.h you need to define line 51 (#define SSD1306_I2C_ADDRESS 0x3C) and line 69 (#define SSD1306_128_64) . In the latest versio its line 55 and 73.The code should look like this after you changed it:#define SSD1306_I2C_ADDRESS 0x3C // 011110+SA0+RW - 0x3C or 0x3D// Address for 128x32 is 0x3C // Adress for 128x64 is 0x3D (default) or 0x3C (if SA0 is grounded)#define SSD1306_128_64// #define SSD1306_128_32// #define SSD1306_96_16

歌词:i will rape their women

Channie ,其实 我是个柚子鬼李旭Jaaa、Dear Molly、DesertRose 等人赞同是在神庙卓戈对丹妮莉丝说的那段话。多斯拉克语wiki/英语/汉语Ma rizhaan anni, vezh fin asaja rhaesheseres, maan anha valloshak azh akka(And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world, I will also pledge a gift至於我的儿子,骑著世界的骏马,我也要赠予他一份礼物)Maan anha vazhak jin ador shiqethi finaan neva ave maisi mae(I will give him the iron chair that his mothers father sat upon. 我会将他母亲之父坐过的铁椅子赠予他)Anha vazhak maan Rhaeshis Andahli. Anha, zhey Drogo, atak jin. (I will give The Lands of the Andals. I, Drogo, will do this.我将会把安达尔人之地赠予他。我, 卓戈, 在此起誓实践此事。)Anha vidrik khalasares anni jim, finaan nakhoe rhaesheser, majin adothrak hrazef ido yomme Havazzhifi Kazga ven et vo khal avvos. (I will take my khalasar west to where the world ends and ride wooden horses across the black salt sea as no khal has done before. 我将引领我的卡拉萨西行, 前往世界的尽头, 骑著木马横渡黑色咸水, 立下古往今来没有卡奥做过的事)Anha vaddrivak mahrazhis fini ondee khogar shiqethi ma vohharak okrenegwin mori. (I will kill the men in iron suits and tear down their stone houses. 我将杀掉铁衣服的人, 拆掉他们的石屋)Drogo: Anha aqorisok chiories mori, vazzafrok yal mori, ma afichak vojjor samva Vaesaan Dothrak. (I will rape their women, take their children as slaves and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak. 我将强暴他们的女人, 取他们的子女为奴, 带著他们无用的神像回到维斯.多斯拉克)Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy, anha, Drogo ki Bharbosi. (This i vow Drogo son of Bharbo. 我, 巴勃之子卓戈, 在此立誓)Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy hatif Maisi Krazaaji kash shieraki vitihiri asavvasoon. Asavvasoon! Asavvasoon! (I swear before the mother of mountains as the stars look down in witness. As the stars look down in witness.我在圣母山前起誓, 以天上众星作为见证! 以天上众星作为见证! 以天上众星作为见证!)

求Stefanie Heinzmann《Digging in the dirt》的歌词

手机天天动听都搜索不到的 你去慢摇网搜索

Stefanie Heinzmann的《Revolution》 歌词

歌曲名:Revolution歌手:Stefanie Heinzmann专辑:MasterplanStefanie Heinzmann - RevolutionImagine a world where every city is clean.No poor on the streets and the people are free.Imagine a life where you can do as you please.Nothing to stop you from living your dream.They say you can accomplish anything.So why not make this a reality?We can rebuild societies.C"mon all you got to do is believe.Right now we are all too distant,too blind and too resistantto see the situations we must solve.Our lies and cries and misconceptionsthrow us in the wrong direction.But if we change, a revolution could evolve.Imagine a feeling that"s so unreal.It"s a natural high from the clarity.We can all change societyif we just focus and start to believe.Unnatural disasters off the streetsclear our minds and let the world breathe.This could all come if we work as one"til we all unite and we get our jobs done.Right now we are all too distant,too blind and too resistantto see the situations we must solve.Our lies and cries and misconceptionsthrow us in the wrong direction.But if we change, a revolution could evolve.Over the years friendships have died.Wars have been fought and tears have been cried.Enough with the hate, let"s learn to forgive.Rekindle the love and never regret.Colors will fade if we don"t take a stand.The world will turn gray if we"re not hand-in-hand.Let"s stop our fighting, let"s see eye to eye.It"ll be alright, keep our hands up high.Right now we are all too distant,too blind and too resistantto see the situations we must solve.Our lies and cries and misconceptionsthrow us in the wrong direction.But if we change, a revolution could evolve.Right now we are all too distant,too blind and too resistantto see the situations we must solve.Our lies and cries and misconceptionsthrow us in the wrong direction.But if we change, a revolution could evolve.http://music.baidu.com/song/1470910


thein 英["θi:u026a(:)n] 美["θi:u026a(:)n] n. 咖啡因,茶碱; [例句]Mr Thein Sein has also appealed to exiled dissidents to come home.登盛先生也呼吁持不同政见的流亡者返回家园。


with covert resistance to their influe...的中文翻译with covert resistance to their influence attempts 具有隐蔽性对他们的影响尝试

In New Zealand,people lives in the houses with their doors ________north. A.face B.faced to.

C with their doors facing 是独立主格结构。face 与doors是主动关系,故用现在分词作补足语,north如果作名词用,前面需要用to the;如果作副词用,前面不需要介词和冠词。

mei ka chei cha la ga是哪首歌?

2ne1 - 最走红 (I am the best) ub0b4uac00 uc81cuc77c uc798 ub098uac00 (X4) nae ga je il ja la ga 我是最红的 Bam Ratatata Tatatatata (X4) Oh my god ub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc8fduc5ecuc8fcuc796uc544 (alright) nu ga bwa do nae ga jom ju kyeo ju ja na (alright) 不管谁看着,我都超厉害 (alright) ub458uc9f8uac00ub77cuba74 uc774 ubab8uc774 uc11cub7fduc796uc544(alright) dul jj"ae ga ra myeo ni mo mi se reob ja na (alright) 如果排第二,当然是不干(alright) ub10c ub4a4ub97c ub530ub77cuc624uc9c0ub9cc ub09c uc55eub9cc ubcf4uace0 uc9c8uc8fcud574 neon dwi reul tt"a ra o ji man nan ap man bo go jil ju hae 你虽紧随其后 但我只看着前面光速奔跑 ub124uac00 uc549uc740 ud14cuc774ube14 uc704ub97c ub6f0uc5b4ub2e4ub140 I don"t care ne ga an jeun te i beul wi reul tt"wi eo da nyeo I don"t care 飞奔于你坐的桌子之上I don"t care uac74ub4dcub9acuba74 uac10ub2f9 ubabbud574 I"m hot hot hot hot fire geon deu ri myeon gam dang mot tae I"m hot hot hot hot fire 我是不好惹的 I"m hot hot hot hot fire ub4a4uc9d1uc5b4uc9c0uae30 uc804uc5d0 uc81cubc1c ub204uac00 ub0a0 uc880 ub9d0ub824 dwi ji peo ji gi jeo ne je bal nu ga nar jom mal ryeo 在我倒转一切之前拜托谁阻拦看看 uc637uc7a5uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 uac00uc7a5 uc0c1ud07cud55c uc637uc744 uac78uce58uace0 ot jang eu ryeo reo ga jang sang keu ma no teul geol chi go 推开衣橱穿上最靓丽的衣服 uac70uc6b8uc5d0 ube44uce5c ub0b4 uc5bcuad74uc744 uaf3cuaf3cud788 uc0b4ud53cuace0 geo ul e bi chin nae eol gu reul kk"om kk"o mi sar pi go 把映在镜子里的我的脸 仔细抚看 uc9c0uae08uc740 uc5ecub35f uc2dc uc57duc18duc2dcuac04uc740 uc5ecub35f uc2dc ubc18 ji geu meu nyeo deol si yak sok si ga neun yeo deol si ban 现在是八点而约好的时间就是八点半 ub3c4ub3c4ud55c uac78uc74cuc73cub85c ub098uc120 uc774 ubc24 do do han geo leu meu ro na seo ni bam 让这夜晚为高傲的脚步扭转 ub0b4uac00 uc81cuc77c uc798 ub098uac00 (X4) nae ga je il ja la ga 我是最红的 ub0b4uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ub0b4uac00 uc880 ub05dub0b4uc8fcuc796uc544(alright) nae ga bwa do nae ga jom kk"eut nae ju ja na (alright) 连我都被自己震撼(alright) ub124uac00 ub098ub77cub3c4 uc774 ubab8uc774 ubd80ub7fduc796uc544 (alright) ne ga na la do i mo mi bu reop ja na (alright) 你也羡慕着我吧(alright) ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc740 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubcf4uace0 uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc740 ub530ub77cud574 nam ja deu reun nar do la bo go yeo ja deu leun tt"a ra hae 男士们都向我回头看 女士们都跟随我 ub0b4uac00 uc549uc740 uc774 uc790ub9acub97c ub9e4uc77c ub118ubd10 ud53cuace4ud574 nae ga an jeu ni ja ri reul mae il neom bwa pi gon hae 我坐着的位置每日被觊觎到烦 uc120uc218uc778ucc99 ud3fcub9cc uc7a1ub294 uc5b4ub9acubc84ub9acud55c Playa seon su in cheok pom man jap neun eo li beo li han Playa 别像个高手似的摆姿态 我说那个傻乎乎的玩家 ub10c ubc14ub78c ube60uc9c4 ud0c0uc774uc5b4ucc98ub7fc ubcf4uae30 uc88buac8c ucc28uc5ec neon ba ram pp"a jin ta i eo cheo reom bo gi joh ge cha yeo 你像个泄气的轮胎 只能窝囊的被甩 uc5b4ub5a4 ube44uad50ub3c4 ub09c uac70ubd80ud574 uc774uac74 uacb8uc190ud55c uc598uae30 eo tt"eon bi gyo do nan geo bu hae i geon gyeom so nan nae gi 我拒绝所有的比较这是谦逊的话语 uac00uce58ub97c ub17cud558uc790uba74 ub098ub294 Billion dollar baby ga chi reul no na ja myeon na neun Billion dollar baby 因为如果论价值 我是 Billion dollar baby ubb58 ucacc uc544ub294 uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc54cuc544uc11c uc54cuc544ubd10 mweol jj"om a neun sa ram deu leun da a la seo a la bwa 稍微懂一点的人看了之后总会明白一些吧 uc544ubb34ub098 uc7a1uace0 ubb3cuc5b4ubd10 ub204uac00 uc81cuc77c uc798 ub098uac00? a mu na jap go mu reo bwa nu ga je il ja la ga ? 要不随便抓个人问吧 ub0b4uac00 uc81cuc77c uc798 ub098uac00 (X4) nae ga je il ja la ga 我是最红的 ub204uac00? ub124uac00 ub098ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uc798 ub098uac00? nu ga ?ne ga na bo da deo ja la ga ? 是谁说你比我红 No no no no!Na na na na! No no no no!Na na na na! No no no no!Na na na na! No no no no!Na na na na! Bam Ratatata Tatatatata Bam Ratatata Tatatatata Bam Ratatata Tatatatata Bam Ratatata Tatatatata Oh my god

韩语歌Ne Ga Chei Cha La Ga Chei Chei Chei Cha La Ga是什么歌?一般在酒吧里有



For many years, the white leaders of South Africa used laws to keep the different races in the country separate from each other. They called this policy apartheid. The term means “separateness,” or “apartness” in Afrikaans, a language spoken in South Africa. The policy was in place from 1950 to the early 1990s. It led to political and economic discrimination against the country"s nonwhite majority.Racial segregation, or separation, was allowed by law and practiced in South Africa before 1948. In that year, however, the National Party came to power and passed laws to extend the policy. It was this government that gave the policy the name apartheid.The Group Areas Act of 1950 divided South Africans into three major groups: white, black (Bantu, or African), and Colored (those of mixed descent). People of Asian descent were later designated as a fourth group. The act set aside separate areas in cities for each group. Members of each group were not allowed to live, operate businesses, or own land in areas other than those assigned to them.To restrict the presence of blacks in white areas, the government strengthened what were known as “pass” laws. These laws required nonwhites to carry documents giving them permission to be in restricted areas. Other laws forbade social contacts between the races, authorized separate public facilities, established separate educational standards, restricted each group to certain types of jobs, and denied nonwhite participation in the national government. The government also created ten African homelands. In 1970 every black African was made a citizen of one of the homelands.Opposition to apartheid developed both within South Africa and outside it. With the support of some whites, black African groups in South Africa held demonstrations and strikes against apartheid. The African National Congress (ANC), led by Nelson Mandela, was one such opposition group. Mandela was jailed in 1964 for his activities. There were many instances of violent protests. The best known were the riots that took place in a neighborhood known as Soweto in 1976.Other countries criticized South Africa for the policy of apartheid and forced the country to withdraw from international organizations. In 1985 the United Kingdom and the United States restricted trade with South Africa. This action resulted in minor reforms, including the end of pass laws.In 1989 a new government led by President F.W. de Klerk ended the segregation of certain public facilities. The following year the government legalized the ANC and released Mandela from prison. The government then changed many of the apartheid laws. In 1993 a new constitution gave blacks and other racial groups the right to vote. The following year all races were allowed to vote in a national election. Mandela was elected president. These developments marked the end of apartheid.


He is a yes man! 他是位好好先生

Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their ____________ for world conquest.

B) ambition



定语从句,有道题:"Can you name three countries( )Chinese is used as one of their languages.


Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways


为什么英文里要their lack of 而不是they lack of 表示他们缺乏…

lack 作动词时,后面直接加名词,没有任何介词,所以第一道题应该只能选A.lack 作名词时,有词组(the) lack of sth. 表示缺乏某物,此时lack不可数(因为表示抽象概念),所以第二道题应该只能选A.而lacking是形容词,并且有词组:be lacking in sth. 也表示缺乏某物,可是第三道题可以填“lacking in”,可惜没有。那么只能用动词lack后面直接加名词这种形式,而且,由于无主语,因此,要用v.ing形式,所以本题应选C.

Lady gaga 《Scheibe》歌词外加翻译

GaGa歌词翻译有很多种,有官方的也没有官方的,而且貌似这首歌官方也没给翻译,- -狗屎的翻译=..=很困难啊lz还是不要抱太大的希望= =因为没有网站会翻译德文也没什么中国的monster会翻译= =如果有翻译的话GA吧早就有了要不。。给你一个SB版翻译?(请慎重选择!!)歌手:LADY GAGA 歌名:Schei08e(狗屎) 歌词: I don"t speak German, But I can if you like. Oh! 我不会说德语,但如果你喜欢我也能! Ich schleiban austa be clair es kumpent madre monetere 我在外面拉屎时被月光照耀 aus-be aus-can-be flaugen begun be uske but-bair 澳洲是我理想的便坟 Ich schleiban austa be clair es kumpent madre monetere 我在外面拉屎时被月光耀 aus-be aus-can-be flaugen begun be uske but-bair 澳洲是我理想的便坟I"ll take you out tonight 今晚我要带你出去 Say whatever you like 说些你喜欢的 Schei08e-schei08e be mine 命中狗屎是我的 Schei08e be mine 狗屎是我的 Put on a show tonight 今晚展示一下 Do whatever you like 你所喜欢的 Schei08e-schei08e be mine 命中狗屎是我的 Schei08e be mine 狗屎是我的 When I"m on a mission 当我在执行任务的时候 I rebuke my condition 我就责备我的身份 If you"re a strong female 如果你是为超女 You don"t need permission 你不需要许可 I wish that I could dance on a single player 我但愿我能独自一人狂舞 I wish I could be strong without someboby there 但愿我能在没有人时能坚强 I wish that I could dance on a single player 我但愿我能独自一人狂舞 I wish I could be strong without Schei08e yeah 但愿我能想拉屎一样用全力 Oh oh oh oh oh. Without the schei08e, yeh. 都在外面拉狗屎,耶! Oh oh oh oh oh. Without the schei08e, yeh. 都在外面拉狗屎,耶! Oh oh oh oh oh. Without the schei08e, yeh. 都在外面拉狗屎,耶! Oh oh oh oh oh. Without the schei08e, yeh. 都在外面拉狗屎,耶!这完全是SB版,仅供参考,并非绝对的对- -,

scheibe中文歌词 lady gaga的


scheibe歌词lady gaga


kidnapping an heiress歌词

Born into money it"s not a crimeYou can fool the people all the timeNine hundred dead in JonestownRescued from a shopping mallHeiress with a little girls soulDo you think we"ll make the papers?And we"re searching for your daughterAnd we"re searching for your daughterOn Saturday the childhood endsStrange way to make new friendsShe"s lying in the basementBlack boy, white girlBlack girl with a blindfoldWhich one will be your loverAnd we"re searching for your daughterAnd we"re searching for your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)Lock her up for sixty daysChange her hair, change her nameSmile for the cameraFriendships about trustIf we trust you then you"re one of usLive together, die for each otherAnd we"re searching for your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)And we"re searching for your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)Born into money it"s not a crimeYou can fool the people all the timeNine hundred dead in JonestownGet down, stay down(Put a bullet in your head)It"s only moneySmile for the cameraHow could you not defend your honour?(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)And we think we"ve found your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)And we think we"ve found your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)





Do video games make their users violent?

It depends on yourself.

有首英文歌开头是男的唱的hei girl~后面是女的唱的

Mad Eye《Hey Girl》  hey girl   something i want you know   from the first day i saw you in the show   hey girl   maybe you don"t know   for you,i will sacrifice my soul   and i   let you go   coz i   love you so   and i   making joke   but you   will never know   ...............................   lalalallalalalala   hey girl...............

They have to be careful not to come across as disppionted in their child

他们不得不担心看上去不对他们的孩子失望 come across as 是词组 看上去似乎是

reach out from the middle of their bodies。

1.B.return n.返回 2.可能是A,但不知所云,they指什么?请检查一下原题. 找到了:One day,a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people live.They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.On their return from their trip,the father asked his son,“How was the trip?” “It was great,Dad.” “Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked. “Oh yeah,” said the son. “So,tell me,what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father. The son answered,“I saw that we have one dog and they had four.We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden,and they have a creek that has no end.We have imported lanterns in our garden,and they have the stars at night.Our patio reaches to the front yard,and they have the whole horizon.We have a small piece of land to live on,and they have fields that go beyond our sight.We have servants who serve us,but they serve others.We buy our food,but they grow theirs.We have walls around our property to protect us; they have friends to protect them.” The boy"s father was speechless. Then his son added,“Thanks,Dad,for showing me how poor we are.”

what information do they require to meet their decision-making needs?


我很矛盾 用地道的英语怎么说 还有take their toll是什么意思啊

楼主,你说的我很矛盾,是不是不是指处于两难境地.若是的话,可以说I am in dilemma. take their tollThe thunder storm took its tolls on human lives. 暴风雨造成了人命的损失.Toll 就是指收费的意思, 像是高速公路上的收费站就是叫 Toll station. Take its toll 是一个片语, 在电视新闻上常听到. 字面上是说对某样东西收费, 其实指的就是造成某些东西的损失, on 后面接的名词就是指损失的东西. 最近美国是龙卷风跟暴风雨的季节, 所以新闻上常可以听到播报员这麽说, "The thunder strom took its tolls on human lives."

take their toll是什么意思

  take their toll中文:遭报应,付出代价。  例句:  In the early weeks,the lack of sleep and extra domestic chores also  take theirtoll,say mental health experts.  心理健康专家说,在最初的几周内,睡眠不足以及新增的家务活也会产生一定的影响。  The two women traditionally are fighting for the affections of the same  man,andyears of arguments finally take their toll.  这两个女人向来都在跟同一个男人争宠,数年的争执终于要她们付出代价。  Frustrations,worry,depression and disappointment ultimately take their  tolland low self-esteem is often the individual result.  挫折、忧虑、抑郁和失望最终会消失,而到最后每个人往往看低自己。  But I knew the terror of those shellings and the pressure we"d been  under sincewe got to Bastogne could take their toll in other way.  但我知道这些炮击以及自巴斯通以来累计的压力可能会以别的方式爆发。

take its toll和take their toll分别怎么用啊,他们区别是什么

用法一致,主要就是take的主语不同而已。主语是it或者相当于it的名词,必然是take its toll;如果主语是they或者相当于they的名词,选择后一种take their toll 即可。

我很矛盾 用地道的英语怎么说 还有take their toll是什么意思啊


invited sb to ( ) their birthday party take part in 还是 join in

选 join in。take part in, join和join in 都有“参加”的意思,可是它们之间还有很大的区别: take part in take part in 意为“参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如movement, revolution, meeting, conference, conversation, war等)”。例如: Switzerland didn"t take part in this war. 瑞士没有参加这次战争。join意为“参加(某组织),加入(某处任职),参加到某个人群中去,从而成为其中一员”。例如: She joined a health club. 她参加了一个健身俱乐部。 join in sth. / doing sth.意为“参加”,后面接的宾语一般是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或V-ing。例如: Can I join in the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗?





一首轻快男生英文歌歌词有hei baby结婚有时会放

Marry you —Bruno Mars 歌词:It"s a beautiful nightWe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youWell I know this little chapel on the boulevardwe can gono one will knowOh,come on girlWho cares if we"re trashedgot a pocket full of cash we can blowshots of patronand it"s on girlDon"t say no no no no nojust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahand we"ll go go go go goIf you"re ready,like i"m ready"Cause it"s a beautiful nightWe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby,i think i wanna marry youI"ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like ooohSo whatcha wanna do?Let"s just run girl.If we wake up and you wanna break up that"s cool.No, I won"t blame you;It was fun girl.Don"t say no no no no noJust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahAnd we"ll go go go go goIf you"re ready,like i"m readycause It"s a beautiful nightwe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youohJust say i dotell me right now babytell me right now baby,babyJust say i dotell me right now babytell me right now baby,babyohIt"s a beautiful nightwe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry you 望采纳!!

Do you admire o___ for their good memory?填什么


英语the cost of their lives怎么翻译?

the cost of their lives 字面意思了‘他们以生命为代价"




《Wuthering Heights》(Emily Bronte)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1efPVQm3u2VDUDGijgIBjJQ 密码:x68p书名:Wuthering Heights作者:Emily Bronte豆瓣评分:8.7出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd出版年份:1992-5-1页数:272内容简介:Introduction and Notes by John S. Whitley, University of Sussex. Wuthering Heights is a wild, passionate story of the intense and almost demonic love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, a foundling adopted by Catherine s father. After Mr Earnshaw s death, Heathcliff is bullied and humiliated by Catherine s brother Hindley and wrongly believing that his love for Catherine is not reciprocated, leaves Wuthering Heights, only to return years later as a wealthy and polished man. He proceeds to exact a terrible revenge for his former miseries. The action of the story is chaotic and unremittingly violent, but the accomplished handling of a complex structure, the evocative descriptions of the lonely moorland setting and the poetic grandeur of vision combine to make this unique novel a masterpiece of English literature.

Wuthering Heights 歌词

歌曲名:Wuthering Heights歌手:Kate Bush专辑:The Kick InsideWuthering HeightsKate BushOut on the wiley, windy moorsWe"d roll and fall in green.You had a temper like my jealousy:Too hot, too greedy.How could you leave me,When I needed to possess youI hated you. I loved you, too.Bad dreams in the night.They told me I was going to lose the fight,Leave behind my wuthering, wutheringWuthering Heights.Heathcliff, it"s me Cathy.Come home. I"m so coldLet me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me Cathy.Come home. I"m so coldLet me in-a-your window.Ooh, it gets dark! It gets lonely,On the other side from you.I pine a lot. I find the lotFalls through without you.I"m coming back, love.Cruel Heathcliff, my one dream,My only master.I without you moorsToo long I roam in the night.I"m coming back to his side, to put it right.I"m coming home to wuthering, wuthering,Wuthering Heights,Heathcliff, it"s me Cathy.Come home. I"m so coldLet me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me Cathy.Come home. I"m so coldLet me in-a-your window.Ooh! Let me have it.Let me grab your soul away.Ooh! Let me have it.Let me grab your soul away.You know it"s me CathyHeathcliff, it"s me Cathy.Come home. I"m so coldLet me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me Cathy.Come home. I"m so coldLet me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me Cathy.Come home. Iso coldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2673064

Wuthering Heights 歌词

歌曲名:Wuthering Heights歌手:坂本隆一专辑:CinemageOut on the wiley, windy moorsWe"d roll and fall in green.You had a temper like my jealousy:Too hot, too greedy.How could you leave me,When I needed to possess you?I hated you. I loved you, too.Bad dreams in the night.They told me I was going to lose the fight,Leave behind my wuthering, wutheringWuthering Heights.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Ooh, it gets dark! It gets lonely,On the other side from you.I pine a lot. I find the lotFalls through without you.I"m coming back, love.Cruel Heathcliff, my one dream,My only master.Too long I roam in the night.I"m coming back to his side, to put it right.I"m coming home to wuthering, wuthering,Wuthering Heights,Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Ooh! Let me have it.Let me grab your soul away.Ooh! Let me have it.Let me grab your soul away.You know it"s me--Cathy!Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!http://music.baidu.com/song/996931

Wuthering Heights 歌词

歌曲名:Wuthering Heights歌手:White Flag专辑:Freedom Of Choice: Yesterday S New Wave Hits As Performed By Today S StarsOut on the wiley, windy moorsWe"d roll and fall in green.You had a temper like my jealousy:Too hot, too greedy.How could you leave me,When I needed to possess you?I hated you. I loved you, too.Bad dreams in the night.They told me I was going to lose the fight,Leave behind my wuthering, wutheringWuthering Heights.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Ooh, it gets dark! It gets lonely,On the other side from you.I pine a lot. I find the lotFalls through without you.I"m coming back, love.Cruel Heathcliff, my one dream,My only master.Too long I roam in the night.I"m coming back to his side, to put it right.I"m coming home to wuthering, wuthering,Wuthering Heights,Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Ooh! Let me have it.Let me grab your soul away.Ooh! Let me have it.Let me grab your soul away.You know it"s me--Cathy!Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!Let me in-a-your window.Heathcliff, it"s me--Cathy.Come home. I"m so cold!http://music.baidu.com/song/2604543

初二英语 loss是什么词 过去是为 loss their lives 翻译


有一首外国歌曲有一句歌词是hei hei ,set me free(大概的音),是一个女的唱的,歌曲有点快


Tokio Hotel的《Heilig》 歌词

歌名:Heilig中文译名:神圣演唱:Tokio Hotel(东京旅馆)翻译:不明ich halt mich wach...... für dich我为你保持着清醒wir schaffens nicht beide...du weisst es nicht我们无法一起完成, 你并不知道Ich gebe mich jetzt für dich auf我为你忽略了自己mein letzter Wille hilft dir raus我最后的意志代替了你bevor das Meer unter mir ..........zerbricht在我的心海破碎之前ich glaub an dich你是我的信仰(我相信你)Du wirst für mich......... immer heilig sein你对我来说永远是神圣的Ich sterb"............. für unsere Unsterblichkeit我的死亡,是我们的永生meine Hand ................von Anfang an我的手从一开始über dir........ich glaub an dich就在你面前,我相信你du wirst für mich...........immer heilig sein你对我来说永远是神圣的du brichst die kaelte..........wenn du sprichst当你说话时,驱走了严寒mit jedem hauch von dir................erloest du mich用你每一丝气息,拯救我wir sehen uns wieder...........irgendwann不知何时我们再相见atme weiter.......wenn du kannst如果可以的话,继续呼吸吧auch wenn das meer.........unter dir zerbricht当你的心海破碎之时ich glaub an dich你是我的信仰du wirst für mich........immer heilig sein.......你对我来说永远是神圣的Ich sterb"............. für unsere Unsterblichkeit我的死亡,是我们的永生meine Hand ................von Anfang an我的手从一开始über dir........ich glaub an dich就在你面前,我相信你du wirst für mich...........immer heilig sein你对我来说永远是神圣的heilig sein神圣的heilig sein神圣的heilig sein神圣的ich schau durchs meer.........und seh dein licht........über mir我的视线穿越那片海洋,看到你的光芒,笼罩在我之上ich sinke.......ich sinke......weg von dir我渐渐下沉,下沉,远离了你schau........mir nicht mehr.............hinterher然后,再也看不到自己glaub an dich相信你ich glaub an dich你是我的信仰du wirst für mich........immer heilig sein.......你对我来说永远是神圣的Ich sterb"............. für unsere Unsterblichkeit我的死亡,是我们的永生meine Hand ................von Anfang an我的手从一开始über dir........und irgendwann fuehrt das meer dich zu mir就在你面前,也许有一天,那片海就会将你带到我身边ich glaub an dich我相信你du wirst für mich........immer heilig sein.......你对我来说永远是神圣的du wirst für mich........immer heilig sein.......你对我来说永远是神圣的The endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/11117996

These dolls represent a royal family in Japan about ()years ago, in Heian period.()

These dolls represent a royal family in Japan about ()years ago, in Heian period.() A.13,000 B.300 C.1,300 D.1000 正确答案:C


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