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excel vba如果找不到Sheets页就创建并跳转

Sub tx()Dim x As IntegerFor x = 1 To Sheets.CountIf Sheets(x).Name = "aa" ThenMsgBox ("aa表已存在")EndEnd IfNext xSheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)Sheets(Sheets.Count).SelectSheets(Sheets.Count).Name = "aa"End Sub


你遇到了和我一样的问题,大部分的原因都是因为WPS自动升级更新后出现的故障现象,解决办法有两个,少部分人可以通过简单的调试 就能恢复正常:点击 表格的左上角,在选择 “选项”,在 视图 里边找到“工作表标签”,要选中它,确定保存后退出,然后关闭WPS,再打开这个文件试试。如果还不行,再试试这个,在WPS表格 - “开发工具”-“COM加载项”中取消 officeTab.TabsforExcel(Excel Teb)插件 试试。假如这个办法也不行,那么就只有最后一个方法了,卸载WPS,然后重新安装之前下载的那个版本的 WPS,然后在桌面“开始”中 找到WPS的文件夹,点击“ 配置工具” - “高级” - 在 升级设置 里边,把自动更新 给取消了,最后 确定 保存 就行了。我重装的是 WPS Office 2013抢鲜版 这个版本的,现在用的好好的,百度一下就能找到这个版本的WPS了。您千万别下载最新版的WPS,那个效果跟您现在是一样的。.在此,谢谢其他网友的信息帮助。


亲,请新建一个Sheet,命名为“汇总”(名字可以随便改)。然后按“Alt+F11”打开VBA编辑窗口,在左侧对应的Sheet“汇总”上双击,右侧空白处粘贴下面的代码。关闭VBA窗口。然后按“Alt+F8”打开宏窗口,选择刚插入的宏,点击“执行”。 1234567891011121314151617Sub hz() Dim bt, i, r, c, n, first As Long bt = 1 "表头有几行,这里的1就改成几 Cells.Clear For i = 1 To Sheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then If first = 0 Then c = Sheets(i).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Sheets(i).Range("A1").Resize(bt, c).Copy Range("A1") n = bt + 1: first = 1 End If r = Sheets(i).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row Sheets(i).Range("A" & bt + 1).Resize(r - 1, c).Copy Range("A" & n) n = n + r - bt End If Next End Sub



excel vba sheets如何用变量工作表



首先我们要有自己的excel数据,并且我们需要的是microsoft excel,WPS没有这些负责的功能。比如我下面举例的,我自己有205页的数据需要合并,如图所示。请点击输入图片描述看到这么多数据页要合并,如果是复制粘贴的话,工作量就很大了。我们现在开始合并,首先要在最前页新建一个工作表。如图:请点击输入图片描述在新建的sheet表中“右键”,找到“查看代码”,然后看到宏计算界面。如图所示:请点击输入图片描述请点击输入图片描述看到宏计算界面,我们就只需要把下面的代码复制进去,代码如下,效果如下:Sub 合并当前工作簿下的所有工作表()Application.ScreenUpdating = FalseFor j = 1 To Sheets.CountIf Sheets(j).Name <> ActiveSheet.Name ThenX = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1Sheets(j).UsedRange.Copy Cells(X, 1)End IfNextRange("B1").SelectApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueMsgBox "当前工作簿下的全部工作表已经合并完毕!", vbInformation, "提示"End Sub请点击输入图片描述做完上面的事情,然后只需要点击工具栏上面的“运行”下的“运行子过程/用户窗体”就可以了,合并完之后会有提示。提示完成之后就可以把宏计算界面关闭了。如图所示:请点击输入图片描述合并后的效果如下图,我们看到的是合并之后有8000多行,就是205页合并后的结果。谢谢。如有疑问,请留言。请点击输入图片描述请点击输入图片描述


ActiveSheet.Move After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count)

EXCEL 怎样把十二个SHEETS 既资料归纳在一个表中

更新1: 1. 首先每个sheet都系以月为单位 sheet1 =JAN sheet2=FEB... A栏=单位 B栏=JAN C栏=FEB D栏=MAR 如这张SHEET 为FEB 即各单位在FEB都有缴付租金 B栏为缴付JAN 尚欠的租金 C为缴付本月 D为预缴付MAR 2. 每一张SHEET 都只打在当月有缴付租金的租客 3.由于想方便 每个SHEET的栏位名称定义都系一致的 更新2: 问:请问你是否想把 12 个 Sheets 相加后在 Sheet 13 (总表) 反映全年各租户合共收到的租金? 答:系. 我在第十三个SHEET 改名为该年各单位收租概要 A栏会系单位 B栏开始会系JAN - DEC的本年有缴交租金并按照月份自动落入相对的月份中(LINK 十二个月的SHEETS) 然后最右边一个TOTAL 数 更新3: 问:请问假设如只有三个不同的租户及单位 分别是 AAA (单位名称是 A1 AAA 是指租户) BBB (单位名称是 B1) CCC (单位名称是 C1) 他们的单位名称都是排列在 12 个 Sheets 的 Row 1 Row 2 及 Row 3 吗? 注: Sheet 1 改名为 Jan Sheet 2 改名为 Feb Sheet 3 .......Sheet 12 如此类推. 答:其实系当某住户有缴交租金才出现于当月中 没有缴交就无 更新4: 我excel 用2003 Ki 1. 请问您可否展示有关 Sheet 1 Sheet 2 之 Columns 及 Rows 的栏名 列名及资料的摆放位置作为举例吗? 如: 当月已付租金 预缴及已缴付之前月份的租金之摆放位置 2. Sheet 1 是否包括不同的租客 Sheet 2....... Sheet 12 都是各自包括不同的租客吗? 3. 12 个 Sheets 的 Columns 及 Rows 所摆放的栏及列名称的位置都是一致的吗? 详细及清楚的资料是有助各位网友高手为你更快解决问题. 谢谢您的回复. 2012-09-24 06:44:04 补充: Ki 请问假设如只有三个不同的租户及单位 分别是 AAA (单位名称是 A1 AAA 是指租户) BBB (单位名称是 B1) CCC (单位名称是 C1) 他们的单位名称都是排列在 12 个 Sheets 的 Row 1 Row 2 及 Row 3 吗? 注: Sheet 1 改名为 Jan Sheet 2 改名为 Feb Sheet 3 .......Sheet 12 如此类推. 2012-09-24 18:52:52 补充: Ki 请问你是否想把 12 个 Sheets 相加后在 Sheet 13 (总表) 反映全年各租户合共收到的租金? 谢谢您的回复. 2012-09-25 06:34:23 补充: Ki 关于你的问题 我在下午回复你 请问你用的是 Excel 2007/2010 or 其他 Version? 谢谢您的回复. 2012-09-25 22:55:04 补充: 以下是用 Excel 2010 处理: 请把 Sheet 1 2 3 4 5 改名为 Jan Feb Mar Apr Consolidate (即合并) 请于 Sheet 1 的 A2 A3 …… A6 分别输入名称: 单位 A11 B11 C11 Total B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 分别输入: Jan Feb Mar Apr Total B6 输入 =SUM(B3:B5) Copy B6 至 C6 D6 E6 F6 F3 输入 =SUM(B3:E3) 拉下 F3 至 F5 Highligh A2:F6 然后按 Mouse 右掣 选 Copy 点选 ‘Feb" 工作页之 A2 再按 Mouse 右掣 选贴上. ‘Mar" ‘Apr" ‘Consolidate" 工作页是重复前述 ‘Feb" 之点选做法 结果 5 个工作页的格式是相同的. 于 ‘Jan" 工作页之 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 输入: 本月应缴 预缴 预缴 预缴 合共; 于 ‘Feb" 工作页之 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 输入: 尚欠租金 本月应缴 预缴 预缴 合共; 于 ‘Mar" 工作页之 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 输入: 尚欠租金 尚欠租金 本月应缴 预缴 合共; 于 ‘Apr" 工作页之 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 输入: 尚欠租金 尚欠租金 尚欠租金 本月应缴 合共; ‘Consolidate" 工作页之 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 同是输入合共. ‘Jan" 工作页: B3 至 B5 输入 100 0 0 于 B6 输入 =sum(B3:B5); C3 至 C5 输入 0 0 0; D3 至 D5输入 0 0 0; E3 至 E5 输入 0 0 0; F3 输入 =sum(B3:E3) 并 copy 至 F4 F5; B6 输入 =sum(B3:B5) 并 copy 至 C6 D6 E6 F6. ‘Feb" 工作页: B3 至 B5 输入 0 200 0; C3 至 C5 输入 100 200 0; D3 至 D5输入 150 200 0; E3 至 E5 输入 0 0 0; F 栏(Column) 及第 6 列(Row) 之公式与 ‘Jan" 工作页相同. ‘Mar" 工作页 B3 至 B5 输入 0 0 300; C3 至 C5 输入 0 0 0; D3 至 D5输入 0 0 0; E3 至 E5 输入 150 0 0; F 栏(Column) 及第 6 列(Row) 之公式与 ‘Jan" 工作页相同. Apr" 工作页: B3 至 B5 输入 0 0 0; C3 至 C5 输入 0 0 300; D3 至 D5输入 0 0 300; E3 至 E5 输入 0 0 0; F 栏(Column) 及第 6 列(Row) 之公式与 ‘Jan" 工作页相同. 请把 ‘Jan" 至 ‘Apr" 之 4 个工作页的 ‘本月应缴" 栏用颜色 Highlight. 点选 ‘Consolidate" 工作页之B3 点选上面 Menu Bar 之 Data > Consolidate 出现小视窗 Highlight ‘Jan" 工作页之 B3:F6 小视窗之 Reference: 下面出现 Jan!$B$3:$F$6 再按右旁的 Add 格内出范围 再点选 ‘Feb" 工作页 已自动 highlight B3:F6 按小视窗右旁的 Add ‘Mar" ‘Apr" 工作页之做法与前述相同 唯在 ‘Apr" 工作页里需要另点选左方之 Left column 再按 OK ‘合并" 工作页即展示 1-4 月份工作页相加后的数据结果. 2012-09-25 23:23:22 补充: Ki 我还记得 Excel 在未升级至 2007 前 我曾试过用较低 Verion 的 Excel 做过的 请你尝试在 Excel 2003 内搜寻类似 2010 我提及过的功能 我知道他们的做法是相同的 我肯定你一定是可以做得到的. 2012-09-26 06:28:59 补充: Ki 如加入 ‘May" 至 ‘Nov" 的工作页是如同 ‘Jan" 至 ‘Mar" 工作页的做法 ‘Apr" 工作页里需要另点选左方之 Left column 再按 OK 之做法则改在 ‘Dec" 工作页处理 这时‘Apr" 工作页的做法是与 ‘Jan" 的相同. 2012-09-26 15:08:17 补充: Ki 请问我这个做法 是你所需要的答案吗? 2012-09-30 14:45:02 补充: Ki 有关你的问题 因我不太明白 我尝试找另一位网友高手协助你解决 你可否把你的 sample file 直接电邮给该位网友高手吗? 因为这里的篇幅是有限的. 因还有 3 天的时间 请问你可否延长到期的时间? 谢谢您尽快的回复. 2012-10-01 21:02:10 补充: Ki 请打开你的电邮邮箱 (知识+) 并希望你参看内容后尽快回复之. 谢谢您的帮忙! 2012-10-02 15:15:43 补充: Ki 回答区的末段有错 以致不能于更新数据后 在 Sheet 13 展示正确答案 修改如下: 点 选 ‘Consolidate" 工作页之 A2 点选上面 Menu Bar 之 Data > Consolidate 出现小视窗 Highlight ‘Jan" 工作页之 A2:F6 小视窗之 Reference: 下面出现 Jan!$A$2:$F$6 再按右旁的 Add 格内出范围 再点选 ‘Feb" 工作页 已自动 highlight A2:F6 按小视窗右旁的 Add ‘Mar" ‘Apr" 工作页之做法与前述相同 2012-10-02 15:24:19 补充: 续上段: 唯在 ‘Apr" 工作页里需要另点选左方之 Top Row Left column Create Links to source data 再按 OK ‘合并" 工作页即展示 1-4 月份工作页相加后的数据结果. 请留意如属 Excel 2003 各工作页的单位名称必须放在同一行上 并且是对应同名的 各工作页的月份是放在同栏及对应的 否则合并后会出现错误的数据. 2012-10-02 15:32:18 补充: Ki 1. 请问你可否尝试以上经修改后的合并做法 然后在这里回复我? 谢谢您. 2. 我希望你尝试用 Excel 2007/2010 把各工作页的单位名称不放在对应的同列上 以比较 Excel 2003 合并功能的分别 以改善现时复杂的合并工作. 谢谢您的回复. 2012-10-02 17:37:01 补充: 汉钟离: 我又再次谢谢您的帮助! 2012-10-02 18:22:39 补充: Ki 请问你的问题是否已完全被解决了? 如果仍未被解决 你可以再提出发问的. 谢谢您尽快的回复. 假如在1月份预付3月份租金 算那一个月 或在3月份才付1月份租金 又算那1个月呢? 如在1月份付了全年租金 第13个表是分在1-12个月 还是全部都是当1月份呢? 是否所有表都不会列明每个单位的每月租金呢? 2012-10-01 14:40:40 补充: 回复意见相当清楚 与我之前的理解几乎完全相同 既然每表都有12个月的栏位 亦不须要去link每月租金了 由于要参照列位的单位 已是二维 再加上跨多表 便是三维 没有太多公式办法去应付跨多表的三维计算(很多公式是有8重限制) 可能要借用工作表的针对式设计 或辅助格 或含复杂公式的定义名称(此法相当复杂及要相当高程度) 最简单可能是用VBA 2012-10-01 14:43:29 补充: 容我想一天 如没有较佳办法 则祇可以提供VBA办法 2012-10-01 23:46:41 补充: FunP.Net/652588 请参考以上条link的附件 是将公式放在定义名称 按Ctrl + F3两键 可看到定义名称的内容 可以用Excel VBA来解决 之前读完个课程 课程有教到Excel VBA实用技巧 我觉得导师教得几好 有免费试睇 由基础到进阶都有 详细可以参考Excel VBA 程式编写基础班 systematic/vba thank you for your wer 但系我其实系想要将12个月既sheets 中揾个答案在第13个sheet 中显示出来 个答案要有可能sum出黎因为条公式太长>>>>=sumproduct((jan!a4:a100=sheet13!a4)*(jan!d4:d100)+(feb!a4:a100=sheet13!a5)+........(dec!a4:a100=sheet13!a15) 2012-10-01 01:49:09 补充: 可以延长发问 但你可能混淆左某样野 因为每一个月所记录的都系租客有俾过钱的,且只按日子顺序记录,单位排列并不是,而有些租客可能在某个月份无支付租金或在某个月份一次过支付全年或某几个月份租金 而在第十三个表中就会显示所有租客(eg A1:A100)及月份(egB2:M2) 我要既公式系要将每一个月(即系全年十二个月既支付租金既情况) 睇下有边个月未付或俾多俾少 好样跟进. 2012-10-01 01:54:40 补充: 补充: 1) 公式尽量简短 2)公式语法可以系十二个月既简法显示 3)每一个月既储存格位置名称都系一致的 2012-10-01 12:58:38 补充: 1月份预支3月份当然系3月份 3月份付1月份租金当然1月份 1月付全年租当然系付十二个月租金 系会有列明每个单位每月租金的 当月(eg.4月)付之前或之后的租金,在当月的该张SHEET (eg 4月) 在里面会有十二个月既格(eg B2:M2),会分开租客实际付哪一个月,eg 4月缴费其实付5月既租金... 2012-10-01 13:09:48 补充: 是否所有表都不会列明每个单位的每月租金呢? 其实有的 放在一个的sheet但因为唔想再link算吧 我会在第十三个表中做运算是否收多或收少的情况出现 (因为我用sumproduct 时公式太长所致) 想睇下仲有无其它简单的方法 2012-10-02 02:38:52 补充: 汉钟离: 已完成 谢谢你的答案 2012-10-02 02:39:28 补充: Sky: 谢谢你的回复~

Excel VBA Sheets选择问题

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Sheets("sheet1").Visible = not(Sheets("sheet1").Visible)Sheets("sheet2").Visible = not(Sheets("sheet2").Visible)End Sub

vba里面 cell和cells sheet和sheets有什么区别

cells和sheets都是对象名.是保留字段.比如 cells(1,1) sheets(1)等sheet可以指属性但不是对象名,也可以自己定位为变量名.比如 workbooks.sheetcell什么都不是.最多用来定义为变量名.

vba里面 cell和cells sheet和sheets有什么区别

cells和sheets都是对象名.是保留字段.比如 cells(1,1) sheets(1)等sheet可以指属性但不是对象名,也可以自己定位为变量名.比如 workbooks.sheetcell什么都不是.最多用来定义为变量名.


Dim wss As WorksheetSet wss = Workbooks(2).Worksheets"worksheet是对像类型"worksheets是这一类型的集合



worksheets 与sheets有什么区别

worksheets 与sheets区别:1、worksheets是指你当前非活动表,而sheets是当前活动表2、每个是Sheet是一个工作簿,各个sheet就构成了 sheets,也就是工作表了。如果你同时打开book1和book2,但你对book1进行操作的时候,book1所属的就可以写sheets,而book2就是worksheets。



sheets 香气可数?

sheets加了s肯定是复数,那么就是可数的。不过sheets的意思是【n.纸( sheet的名词复数 ); 被单; 一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸); 一大片(覆盖物)】The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture. 被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是酷刑。


1.被单, 褥单, 床单2.薄板, 薄片



SHEET 百度百科

名词 n. [C]1.床单My mother changes the sheets every week. 我妈妈每周换床单。 2.(纸等的)一张,薄板,薄片[(+of)]She wrote her name and address on a sheet of paper. 她把名字和地址写在一张纸上。 3.【书】帆4.【印】折帖;单张(纸)[P1]5.(尤指庸俗下流的)报纸,杂志6.整版邮票7.印刷品,复印品8.表格,单子9.(水,颜色等的)一大片[P1][(+of)]a sheet of flame 一片火海 及物动词 vt. 1.给...铺上被单;用裹尸布包裹;覆盖The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed. 小男孩正在学怎样给床铺被单。 2.使成大片不及物动词 vi. 1.(雨等)滂沱般落下It"s sheeting down. 正下着倾盆大雨。 2.成片流动;成片展开特别地,1、塑胶片机械类常用英语之射出成形关联用语,工程机电2、薄板冶金专业行业英语

sheet什么意思 解释sheet在英语中的含义?

2. 滑动、滑行:Sheet还可以指物体平滑地滑动或滑行。例如:The car was sheeting down the highway.(汽车在高速公路上飞驰。)Sheet是英语中的一个常用词汇,其含义十分广泛,可以用作名词、动词和形容词。下面将分别介绍其不同的含义。1. 薄的、扁平的:Sheet作为形容词时,意思是薄的、扁平的。例如:She put a sheet of paper under the door to stop the draft.(她在门下面放了一张纸以防止冷风吹进来。)1. 一张纸:Sheet最基本的含义就是一张纸,通常用于印刷、写作、绘画等方面。例如:I need a sheet of paper.(我需要一张纸。)1. 覆盖、铺盖:Sheet作为动词时,意思是覆盖、铺盖。例如:Sheet the bed with fresh linens.(用新的床单铺盖床铺。)

Reflective Sheeting反光膜可以用多少时间

瑞飞反光膜 具体的看型号不一样用的时间也不一样 普遍来看 大多在三年以上十年以下

dryer sheets是个什么东西



歌曲名:ULTIMATE WHEELS歌手:Kat-Tun专辑:ULTIMATE WHEELS「ULTIMATE WHEELS」作词∶Laika Leon/Jane Doe作曲∶Andreas Johansson/Anderz Wrethov歌∶KAT-TUN地平线の先を 夜明けが照らした止めどない 情热に导かれ吹きつける风さえ 追い风に変えてここに立つ 同じ场所を目指して伤つきながら 共に歩いた谁も汚せない Prideをこの胸に一人の时も 独りじゃないと知ったときから 迷いは消えたBaby, all for one 遥かな路(みち)Don"t look back 走り抜けてRide on, ride on, ride on, ride on beat 永久(とわ)に响けBaby, No! No! No! 独りじゃないAll for you ここにいるよ抱きしめて Never let you go, never let you go...悲しみの终わりは 不意に差し伸べた温もりが 教えてくれたね闇が访れても 立ち止まらないさ远くから 谁かが呼んでる时计の针は もう戻せない切り开くのさ 自分だけのStyleで一つの出逢い 未来を変えた生きる证(あかし)を 强く刻もうBaby, all for one 遥かな路(みち)Don"t look back 走り抜けてRide on, ride on, ride on, ride on beat 永久(とわ)に响けBaby, No! No! No! 独りじゃないAll for you ここにいるよ抱きしめて Never let you go, never let you go...Baby, all for one 遥かな路(みち)Don"t look back 走り抜けてRide on, ride on, ride on, ride on beat 永久(とわ)に响けBaby, No! No! No! 独りじゃないAll for you ここにいるよ抱きしめて Never let you go, never let you go...【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2495508



Debian 归档Wheezy,Jessie版本

2019 年 3 月 debian 发表声明 宣布系统的分支 Wheezy,Jessie 将归档,这导致其资源链接由原来的 deb.debian.org 转到 archive.debian.org, 最终结果是,许多依赖 debian:wheezy 或 debian:jessie 的 docker 镜像不能构建。 常见的异常是: Err[http://deb.debian.org](http://deb.debian.org/) jessie-updates/main amd64 Packages Failed to fetch [http://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages](http://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages) 404 Not Found 各位 Docker 镜像作者需要赶快采取应对措施。 参见这个 issue .

Watching The Wheels 歌词

歌曲名:Watching The Wheels歌手:John Lennon专辑:AcousticWatching The WheelsJohn LennonPeople say I"m crazy doing what I"m doingWell they give me all kinds of warningsto save me from ruinWhen I say that I"m o.k. well they look at me kind of strangeSurely you"re not happy now you no longer play the gamePeople say I"m lazy dreaming my life awayWell they give me all kinds of advicedesigned to enlighten meWhen I tell them that I"m doing fine watching shadows on the wallDon"t you miss the big time boy you"re no longer on the ballI"m just sitting here make the wheels go round and roundI really love to watch them rollNo longer riding on the merry-go-roundI just had to let it goAh, people asking questions lost in confusionWell I tell them there"s no problem, only solutionsWell they shake their headsand they look at me as if I"ve lost my mindI tell them there"s no hurryI"m just sitting here doing timeI"m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and roundI really love to watch them rollNo longer riding on the merry-go-roundI just had to let it goI just had to let it gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2177726

翻译the wheels on the bus歌词

The wheels on the bus go round and round 明天的轮子变成转来转去。Round and round, round and round 圆的,圆的,圆的。The wheels on the bus go round and round 公共汽车上的轮子转来转去。All through the town 遍及整个城镇。The driver on the bus says,“move on back!”世界里的司机写着 明天不要走路“move on back, move on back.”明天走往后走The driver on the bus says Tomorrow will back公车上的司机说:明天会回来的All through the town.明天又是穿过了小镇之上The people on the bus go up and down这个世界里的上面写着 明天不能有Up and down up and down明天没有 不能没有The people on the bus go up and down明天中的人们 上下之巅All through the town明天整个穿过城镇之上The doors on the bus go open and shut林芸芸上面写着 {开开关关}Open and shut open and shut开了又关 开了又关The doors on the bus go open and shut明天上面写着 开开关关All through the town没有整个穿过城镇的路上


你把单词写连了,应该是till the end,意思是直到最后


你把单词写连了,应该是till the end,意思是直到最后

So,cheer up, keep going,just now.语法有错误吗?

建议改为So cheer up and keep going right now。首先,这里有两个动词词组,为并列关系,要用and连接。其次,题主想表达“就是现在”的意思的话,用right now比just now更贴切。




主要原因是因为百度的图床都不好使,速度慢,不稳定等等各种原因。 我们的使用的开源图床是 Lychee ,总结两个字:简约! 首先要保证环境满足Lychee的条件,Lychee需要PHP5.5以上(这是句废话,毕竟上边都让你们装7.x的PHP了,但该提醒的还是要提醒一下) 设置权限, 注意你的路径,按我这个步骤走的话你需要把Lychee文件夹里的文件移动到你的IP目录下,也就是第5步的目录下,并且移动的时候有三个文件是需要手动修改的(index.html,.user.ini,.htaccess)千万别忘了! 之后点服务,重载配置,重启,ok结束 上边8步走完,基本就设置完了。 打开浏览器输入你的服务器IP。 如果都对了,那么恭喜你应该提示你输入MySQL的信息了。 之后还会创建一个账号,然后你就可以上传图片进行外链测试了。 对于搭建有什么问题可以下方留言问我。

求Ed sheeran《drunk》的歌词

I wanna be drunk when I wake up On the right side of the wrong bed And every excuse I made up Tell you the truth I hate What didn"t kill me It never made me stronger at all. Love will scar your make-up lip sticks to me So now I"ll maybe leave back there I"m sat here wishing I was sober I know I"ll never hold you like I used to. But our house gets cold when you cut the heating Without you to hold I"ll be freezing Can"t rely on my heart to beat it "Cause you take part of it every evening Take words out of my mouth just from breathing Replace with phrases like when you"re leaving me. Should I, should I? Maybe I"ll get drunk again I"ll be drunk again I"ll be drunk again To feel a little love I wanna hold your heart in both hands I"ll watch it fizzle at the bottom of a Coke can And I"ve got no plans for the weekend So shall we speak thenKeep it between friends Though I know you"ll never love me like you used to. There maybe other people like us You see the flicker of the clip when they light up Flames just create us, burns don"t heal like before You don"t hold me anymore. On cold days Coldplay"s out like the band"s the name I know I can"t heal things with a hand shake You know I can"t change as I began saying You cut me wide open like landscape Open bottles of beer but never champagne We"ll applaud you with the sound that my hands make. Should I, should I? Maybe I"ll get drunk again I"ll be drunk again I"ll be drunk again To feel a little love. All by myself I"m here again All by myself You know I"ll never change All by myself All by myself I"m just drunk again I"ll be drunk again I"ll be drunk again。

drunk- Ed sheeran歌词翻译


Ed Sheeran的《Drunk》 歌词

歌曲名:Drunk歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:+Ed Sheeran - DrunkI wanna be drunk when I wake up,On the right side of the wrong bed,And every excuse I made up,Tell you the truth I hate,What didn"t kill me, it never made me stronger at all,Love will scar your makeup lip sticks to me,So now I"ll maybe lean back there I"m sat here, wishing I was sober,I know i"ll never hold you like I used toBut our house gets cold when you cut the heating,Without you to hold i"ll be freezing,Can"t rely on my heart to beat itCause you take part of it every evening,Take words out of my mouth just from breathing,Replace with phrases like "when you leaving me?"Should I, Should I,Maybe I"ll get drunk, againI"ll be drunk, again, I"ll be drunk, againTo feel a little love.I wanna hold your heart in both hands,Now I"ll watch you fizzle at the bottom of a coke can,And i"ve got no plans for the weekend,So should we speak then? Keep it between friends?Though I know you"ll never love me, like you used toThere maybe other people like us, Will see the flicker of the clipper when they light our,Flames just create us, burns dont heal like beforeYou dont hold me anymoreOn cold days Coldplay"s out like the band"s nameI know i cant heal things with a handshakeYou know i can change, as I began sayingYou cut me wide open like a landscapeOpen bottles of beer but never champagneTo applaud you with the sound that my hands makeShould I? Should I?Maybe I"ll get drunk, againI"ll be drunk, again I"ll be drunk, againTo feel a little loveAll by myself I"m here againAll by myself You know I"ll never changeAll by myself All by myselfI"m just drunk, againI"ll be drunk, againI"ll be drunk, againTo feel a little lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13847071

Sheepskin Tearaway 歌词

歌曲名:Sheepskin Tearaway歌手:Peter Doherty专辑:Grace/WastelandsPete Doherty - Sheepskin TearawayShe opened her heartTo tearaway, (sheepskin tearaway)Was covered with scarsAnd full of heroinEveryone said from the startNot one single thing, could ever be OKShe listened any way...She just opened her heartThrough cast awayAnd how they held him so tight in the darkHe washed the heroinShe heard him sayAll my life I"ve been fightingAnd making the best ofAnd willing very bad luck,very bad luck, very... very bad luckTo theWho you"re fighting but nowhereIf nowheres here with youOn my skinAnd you can fight foreverBut if you killed them allYou"ll never winSo give me your surrenderThere are other waysTo kill the painBut things will never mend youIt"s like trying to dry your eyes and ?She opened her heartTo tearaway, (sheepskin tearaway)Was covered with scarsAnd full of heroinTearaway, sheepskin tearawaySheep, sheep, sheep, sheep, sheepSheepskin tearawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2912901



大家帮忙教我UGG Sheepskin care kit里面的3瓶该怎么使用?

这是翻译,应该是这样用的:1. 清新剂,去除异味之用2. 防水防污剂和真皮滋润霜,烘干以后可用它涂抹在表面,起到保护作用。3. 保护剂,喷在鞋外部, 以防雨水印痕什么的 如果用完后效果好,能说给我听在哪买?怎样买的吗?


sheepskin是羊剪绒面料,羊剪绒的特点 保暖性:在寒冷的冬天,特别是早上刚上车,它能让您的背部腰部以及臀部丝毫感受不到寒气逼人,保护您的身体。 透气性:羊皮最大的特点就是既保暖又透气,长时间与身体接触的部分不会产生不适,因为每一根毛纤维之间都有一定的空隙,使空气流通。 舒适性:优质的羊毛,手感滑润细腻,具有很好的回弹性,它的每一根毛纤维都会支撑着与身体接触的每一个部位,使您倍感柔软舒适。 装饰性:鲜艳的颜色稳重亮丽,精致的做工倍感高贵典雅,是现代汽车内部必不可少的实用装饰用品。 缺点:爱起静电,春秋两季的中午较热,没有地毯座垫吸热功能,使用寿命也较短,一二年后表面有赶毡现象、变形,保养护理不方便等。


"Sheepskin" 是英语单词,指的是绵羊皮。在口语中,有时也用来指代毕业证书或学位证书,尤其是指那些没有经过更深入的学术研究而只是因为完成了相关学习任务而获得的证明文件,因为这些证书看起来像是用羊皮制成的。绵羊皮革质地柔软,延伸性大,手感软而滑爽,粒面细致,皮纹清晰美观。绵羊皮革的毛孔细小呈扁圆形,由几根毛孔构成一组,毛孔清晰,排成长列,分布均匀。粒面平整、细致、强度较小,延伸性大,柔软丰富性好。我国的绵羊皮品种很多,现有的主要品种为蒙古羊皮、西藏羊皮、哈萨克羊皮、寒羊皮、同羊皮、新疆细毛羊皮、湖羊皮、滩羊皮、三北羊皮等。根据绵羊皮的用途及毛型特点,一般将绵羊皮分为三类,即本种绵羊,改良绵羊和杂交绵羊(湖羊、滩羊、三北羊因其品种独特,故单例加入叙述)。

Heart Between The Sheets的歌词和中文翻译(马克,特伦茨唱的)

是Heat Between The Sheets哦~Marc TerenziHeat Between The SheetsHa, Ha, Ha, HaaYeah, YeahI got a girl that boy you can`t imagine我有个女孩,男孩你们很难想象的She`s spending love and giving satisfaction她给予爱情 让人满意She blows my mind, her touch is just like fire, oh yeah她让人惊喜 就像火一样She makes the rules, one kiss can take you higher她定制规则,一个吻就能让你很highCome on, Come on, Come onChorus: No mater how they try to steel it from me不管他们如何想试着从我身边偷走This fire will burn eternally这火将永恒地燃烧What any gots the lean each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsNo mater how they try to tar us apartI know they will kill the flame in her heartAnd Baby everytime we manage to meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsSome people say that flames are no solutionSo with this love they just do a revalutionYou got a fight a fire with fireSo let it burn and live for your desireCome on, Come on, Come onChorus: No mater how they try to steel it from meThis fire will burn eternallyWhat any gots the lean each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsNo mater how they try to tar us apartI know they will kill the flame in her heartAnd Baby everytime we manage to meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsI promise you heat between the sheetsOh Baby, baby when the morning comesWe step outside to watch the rising sunThen you kiss my lips and I take your handLet`s go back to bed and we"ll started againCome on, Come on, Come onChorus:No mater how they try to steel it from meThis fire will burn eternallyWhat any gots the lean each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsNo mater how they try to tar us apartI know they will kill the flame in her heartAnd Baby everytime we manage to meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsLet it burn each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsI promise you heat between the sheets手动翻的 太长啦~~而且很重复的希望对你有帮助哦~


【 #英语资源# 导语】sheet有被单;纸;(薄)片;一片;铺盖;使成片等意思,那么你知道sheet的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】sheet的用法   sheet的用法1:sheet的基本意思是“被单,褥单,床单”,是可数名词。引申可指如床单一样薄的“薄板,薄片”、书写或打印用大小有一定规格的“纸”等,是可数名词,在句中多用作定语,常与介词of连用。   sheet的用法2:sheet可用作单位词“张”,变为复数时,如所修饰的名词不可数,则只变sheet为sheets,如所修饰的名词是可数名词,则sheet和该名词都要变成复数形式。   sheet的用法3:a sheet〔sheets〕 of作主语时,谓语动词的数须与of后的名词一致。   sheet的用法4:sheet还可指移动的或巨大的“一团,一片,一层”,是可数名词,常用于复数形式,常与介词of连用。   sheet的用法5:sheet偶尔也可用作动词,意思是“给…铺上被单,大片地落下”。例如:The rain sheeted down.大雨倾盆而下。 【篇二】sheet的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   a clean sheet   as white as a sheet   between the sheets   in sheets   sheet anchor   three sheets to the wind 【篇三】sheet的用法例句   1. Drop the dough onto a baking sheet with a teaspoon.   用茶匙把生面团舀到烤盘上。   2. His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.   他的头上缠满了一层层用床单撕成的绷带。   3. Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.   在报纸下面的一张纸上放着一个信封。   4. Vinyl can be laid in sheet or tile form.   塑料地板分为卷材和块材两种。   5. A gust of wind pried loose a section of sheet-metal roofing.   一阵狂风把铺在屋顶上的一块金属片掀起来了。   6. She took up a sheet and ratcheted it into the typewriter.   她拿起一张纸,把它哗哗啦啦地塞到打字机中。   7. He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper.   他打了个响指,威尔逊便递过一张纸来。   8. I should have simply Xeroxed this sheet for you.   我应该把这张纸给你复印一下就对了。   9. Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field.   在田里发现了她的尸体,全身赤*,裹在一条床单里。   10. Throwing back the sheet, he sprang from the bed.   他掀开床单,从床上跳了起来。   11. The streets were now in one fierce sheet of flame.   街道上现在是一片火海。   12. Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.   取一张擀得很薄的油酥面皮,上面刷上一层熔化的牛油。   13. Cover with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment.   用一张不粘烘焙仿羊皮纸包上。   14. Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor.   在地上铺一张报纸。   15. That date wasn"t down on our news sheet.   那个日期没有刊在我们的通讯简报上。

we need the sheets ()your bed.为什么from?at ,in为什么不可以


The sheets for you bed 空 washing A needs B are needing C want D are wanting 到底选哪个?

选择A.sheets"被单",为单数.need doing 主动表被动,相当于need to be done.

什么是extra-long twin sheets?

extra-long twin sheets是超长双人被单,可直译为“超长双片”。例句:1、The extra long bushing offers excellent load bearing characteristics.额外的长期套管提供出色的承载特性。2、We"re going to enjoy an extra long weekend.我们将要欢度一个特别长的周末。3、To predict water gushing is one of the principal problems faced in the surveying and designing extra long tunnels.涌水预测是特长超深隧道勘测设计及施工中面临的重要问题之一。


the sheets:床单,复数,所以谓语动词对应的也要用复数。The sheets for your bed。这些床单是给你的床准备的。

bedsheet和bed sheet是相同意思吗?

都是指床单吧,不过一般用bed sheet.sheet也有床单的意思。



《The Joker And The Queen》是Ed Sheeran演唱的歌曲。

《The Joker And The Queen》表达的是Ed Sheeran喜欢上了一个女神,或者说是暗恋,然后自己觉得配不上女神,开始加戏抒发自己的想法,认为自己不配。在这首歌里,坠入情网的少年面对心爱的人,感觉自己一无是处,像皇后驾前的小丑一样,可笑而无足轻重。因此,他决定放弃这不可能的爱情。世界竟是如此疯狂,在他绝望地放弃追求这一刻,皇后无视石榴裙下众多追求者,偏偏垂青于这个小丑,接受了他卑微的爱情。歌曲歌词How was I to know我如何知晓It"s a crazy thing实在太疯狂了I showed you my hand我让你看了所有底牌And you still let me win你依然让我赢了And who was I to say我又如何去说That this was meant to be我们是命中注定The road that was broken这条破碎的道路Brought us together竟让我们汇合And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明有成千上万个国王可以去爱And hearts和那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们愿意给你钻石戒指When I fold当我选择弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后I"ve been played before我曾被玩弄过If you hadn"t guessed如果你还不懂So I kept my cards closed因此我不曾泄露底牌To my foolproof vest以求万无一失的自保But you called my bluff但你发现我在虚张声势And saw through all my tells通过观察我所有表现And then you went all in然后你押上真心And we left together我们一同离开了游戏And I know而我知道You think that what makes a king你以为要成为我心中的国王Is gold要有黄金A palace and diamond rings宫殿和钻石戒指When I fold当我弃牌You see the best in me你却看到我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后And I know而我知道You could fall for a thousand kings你明明可以为成千上万个国王可以沦陷And hearts还有那些真心的人That would give you a diamond ring他们能够给你钻石戒指When I folded当我弃牌You saw the best in me你看到了我最好的样子The joker and the queen小丑和皇后The joker and the queen小丑和皇后

求kat-tun ULTIMATE WHEELS 罗马音歌词

ULTIMATE WHEELS作词 Laika Leon /Jane Doe作曲 Andreas Johansson / Anderz Wrethov编曲 Billy Marx Jr / Yukihide YT Takiyama地平线の先を 夜明けが照らした止めどない 情热に导かれ吹きつける风さえ 追い风に変えてここに立つ 同じ场所を目指して伤つきながら 共に歩いた谁も汚せない PRIDEをこの胸に一人の时も 独りじゃないと知ったときから 迷いは消えたBABY ALL FOR ONE 遥かな路DON T LOOK BACK 走り抜けてRIDE ON RIDE ON RIDE ON RIDE ON BEAT 永久に响けBABY NO! NO! NO! 独りじゃないALL FOR YOU ここにいるよ抱きしめて NEVER LET YOU GO NEVER LET YOU GO…悲しみの终わりは 不意に差し伸べた温もりが 教えてくれたね暗が访れても 立ち止まらないさ远くから 谁かが読んでる时计の针は もう戻せない切り开くのさ 自分だけのSTYLEでひとつの出逢い 未来を変えた生きる证を 强く刻もうBABY ALL FOR ONE 遥かな路DON T LOOK BACK 走り抜けてRIDE ON RIDE ON RIDE ON RIDE ON BEAT 永久に响けBABY NO! NO! NO! 独りじゃないALL FOR YOU ここにいるよ抱きしめて NEVER LET YOU GO NEVER LET YOU GO…BABY ALL FOR ONE 遥かな路DON T LOOK BACK 走り抜けてRIDE ON RIDE ON RIDE ON RIDE ON BEAT 永久に响けBABY NO! NO! NO! 独りじゃないALL FOR YOU ここにいるよ抱きしめて NEVER LET YOU GO NEVER LET YOU GO…





The cheese cake tastes so ____ that the kids ask for more. A.well B.good 说下原因,谢啦

B 好吃


wheel [wiu02d0l] n. 车轮;方向盘;转动vt. 转动;使变换方向;给…装轮子vi. 旋转;突然转变方向;盘旋飞行The mechanic has trued up a wheel. 机修工已经装准了一个轮子。

跑直还可以.请问我是否一定要做wheel alignment.就是好像四轮定位那个意思.谢谢.


请赐the ordur of cheese英文全文

你大概是打错一个字母了,应该是the order of cheese。Cheese, like oil, makes too much of itself. It wants the whole boat to itself. It goes through the hamper, and gives a cheesy flavour to everything else there. You can"t ell whether you are eating apple-pie or German sausage, or strawberries and cream. It all seems cheese. There is too much odour about cheese.I remember a friend of mine buying a couple of cheeses in Liverpool. Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horsepower scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a men over at two hundred yards. I was in Liverpool at the time, and my friend said that if I didn"t mind he would get me to take them back with me to London, as he should not be coming up for a day or two himself, and he did not think the cheese ought to be kept much longer. “Oh, with pleasure, dear boy,” I replied, “with pleasure.” I called for the cheeses, and took them away in a cab. It was a ramshackle affair, dragged along by a knock-kneed, broken-winded somnambulist, which his owner, in a moment of enthusiasm, during conversation, referred to as a horse. I put the cheeses on the top, and we started off at a shamble that would have done credit to the swiftest steam-roller ever built, and all went merry as a funeral bell, until we turned the corner. There, the wind carried a whiff from the cheeses full on to our steed. It woke him up, and with a snort of terror, he dashed off at three miles an hour. The wind still blew in his direction, and before we reached the end of the street he was laying himself out at the rate of nearly four miles an hour, leaving the cripples and stout ladies simple nowhere. It took two porters as well as the driver to hold him in at the station; and I do not think we would have done it, even then, had not one of the men had the presence of mind to put a handkerchief over his nose, and to light a bit of brown paper.I took my ticket, and marched proudly up the platform, with my cheeses, the people falling back respectfully on either side. The train was crowded, and I had to get into a carriage where there were already seven other people. One crusty old gentleman objected, but I got in, notwithstanding; and putting my cheeses upon the rack, squeezed down with a pleasant smile, and said it was a warm day. A few moments passed, and them the old gentleman began to fidget.“Very close in here,” he said.“Quite oppressive,” said the man next to him.And then they both began sniffing, and, at the third sniff, they caught it right on the chest, and rose up without another word and went out. And then a stout lady got up, and said it was disgraceful that a respectable married women should be harried about in this way, and gathered up a bag and eight parcels and went. The remaining four passengers sat on for a while, until a solemn-looking man in the corner who, from his dress and general appearance, seemed to being to the undertaker class, said it put him in mind of a dead baby; and the other three passengers tried to get out of the door at the same time, and hurt themselves.I smiled at the black gentleman, and said I thought we were going to have the carriage to ourselves; and he laughed pleasantly and said that some people made such a fuss over a little thing. But even he grew strangely depressed after we had started, and so, when we reached Crewe, I asked him to come and have a drink. He accepted, and we forced our way into the buffet, where we yelled, and stamped, and waved our umbrellas for a quarter of an hour; and then a young lady came and asked us if we wanted anything.“ What"s yours?” I said, turning to my friend.“I"ll have a half a crown"s worth of brandy, neat, if you please, miss,” he responded. And he went off quietly after he had drunk it and got into another carriage, which I thought mean.From Crewe I had the compartment to myself, though the train was crowded. As we drew up at the different stations, the people, seeing my empty carriage, would rush for it. “Here y" are, Maria; come along, plenty of room.” “All right, Tom; we"ll get in here,” they would shout. And they would run along, carrying heavy bags, and fight around the door to get in first. And one would open the door and mount the steps and stagger back into the arms of the man behind him; and they would all come and have a sniff, and then troop off and squeeze into other carriages, or pay the difference and go first. Form Euston I took the cheeses down to my friend"s house. When his wife came into the room she smelt round for an instant. Then she said:“ What is it? Tell me the worst.”I said: “It"s cheeses. Tom bought them in Liverpool, and asked me to bring them up with me.” And I added that I hoped she understood that it had nothing to do with me; and she said that she was sure of that, but that she would speak to Tom about it when he came back.My friend was detained in Liverpool longer than he expected; and three days late, as he hadn"t returned home, his wife called on me. She said: “What did Tom say about those cheeses?”I replied that he had directed they were to be kept in a moist place, and that nobody was to touch them.She said: “Nobody"s likely to touch them. Had he smelt them?”I thought he had, and added that he seemed greatly attached to them. “You think he would be upset,” she queried, “if I give a man a sovereign to take them away and bury them?”I answered that I thought he would never smile again.An idea struck her. She said: “Do you mind keeping them for him? Let me send them round to you.”“Madam,” I replied, “for myself I like the smell of cheeses, and the journey the other day with them from Liverpool I shall ever look back upon as a happy ending to a pleasant holiday. But, in this world, we must consider others. The lady under whose roof I have the honour of residing is a widow, and, for all I know, possible an orphan too. She ahs a strong, I may say, an eloquent objection to being what she terms ‘put upon". The presence of your husband"s cheeses in her house she would, I instinctively feel, regard as a ‘put upon", and it shall never be said that I put upon the widow and the orphan.”“Very well, then,” said my friend"s wife, rising, “all I have to say is that I shall take the children and go to a hotel until those cheeses are eaten. I decline to live any longer in the same house with them.”She kept her word, leaving the place in charge of the charwoman. The hotel bill came to fifteen guineas; and my friend, after reckoning everything up, found that the cheeses had cost him eight-and-six pence a pound. He said he dearly loved a bit of cheeses, but it was beyond his means, so he determined to get rid of them. He threw them into the canal; but had to fish them out again, as the bargemen complained. They said it made them feel quite faint. And, after that, he took them one dark night and left them in the parish mortuary. But the coroner discovered them, and make a fearful fuss. He said it was a plot to deprive him of his living by waking up the corpses.My friend got rid of them, at last, by taking them down to a seaside town and burying them on the beach. It gained the place quite reputation. Visitors said they had never noticed before how strong the air was, and weak-chested and consumptive people used to throng there for years afterwards.

cheers darlin 歌词

歌曲名:cheers darlin歌手:Damien Rice专辑:OCheers darlin"Here"s to you and your lover boyCheers darlin"I got years to wait around for youCheers darlin"I"ve got your wedding bells in my earCheers darlin"You give me three cigarettes to smoke my tears awayAnd I die when you mention his nameAnd I lied, I should have kissed youDamien RiceWhen we were running the reinsWhat am I darlin"?A whisper in your ear?A piece of your cake?What am I, darlin?The boy you can fear?Or your biggest mistake?Cheers darlin"Here"s to you and your lover manCheers darlin"I just hang around and eat from a canCheers darlin"I got a ribbon of green on my guitarI got a beauty queenTo sit not very far from hereI die when he comes aroundTo take you homeI"m too shyI should have kissed you when we were aloneWhat am I darlin"?A whisper in your ear?A piece of your cake?What am I, darlin?The boy you can fear?Or your biggest mistake?Oh what am I? What am I darlin"?I got years to wait...http://music.baidu.com/song/14492678


transcript 能表示"成绩单" 成绩单 school report transcript report card 比如: 随信附上一份我的成绩单。 Attached is a transcript of my academic record.

Reel Big Fish的《Cheer Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Cheer Up歌手:Reel Big Fish专辑:Cheer Up!Cheer Up - 张杰心 心手相牵 超越无限让我们欢聚这一天梦 百年梦圆 万众期盼让我们拥抱在这个夏天圣火的光芒升起在东方百年的梦想铸就这炽热的希望奥林匹克旗帜飘扬在心间在世界的主场托起神圣的五环Cheer Up China Cheer Up ChinaCheer Up China Cheer Up ChinaCheer Up China Cheer Up ChinaCheer Up China心 一往无前 全力冲线让我们胜利在这一天爱 亲密无间 溶化冰点让我们沸腾在这个夏天每一次飞跃都倾注着梦想用全部的力量挥洒生命的光芒每一次欢呼都承载着祝福用热情与真诚传递和平的誓言Cheer Up China Cheer Up ChinaCheer Up China Cheer Up ChinaCheer Up China Cheer Up ChinaCheer Up China心 心手相牵 超越无限让我们欢聚在这一天梦 百年梦圆 万众期盼让我们拥抱在这个夏天心 一往无前 全力冲线让我们胜利在这一天爱 亲密无间 溶化冰点让我们沸腾在这个夏天http://music.baidu.com/song/8904325

cheetah can run very fast

21-25 CDADC

Shall I compare thee toa Summer day??

我可否将你比作一个夏日——莎士比亚Shall I compare thee to a Summers day ? Thou art more lovely and more temperateRough winds do shake the darling buds of Maie, And summers lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm"d,And every faire from faire some-time declines,By chance, or natures changing course vntrim"d: But thy eternall Summer shall not fade, Nor loose possession of that faire thou ow"st,Nor shall death brag thou wandr"st in his shade,When in eternall lines to time thou grow"st, So long as men can breath or eyes can see, So long as lives this, and this gives life to thee.孙梁译文:能否把你比作夏日璀璨? 你却比夏季更可爱温存; 狂风摧残五月花蕊娇妍, 夏天匆匆离去毫不停顿。 苍天明眸有时过于灼热, 金色面容往往蒙上阴翳; 一切优美形象不免褪色, 偶然摧折或自然地老去。 而你如仲夏繁茂不凋谢, 秀雅风姿将永远翩翩; 死神无法逼你气息奄奄, 你将永生与不朽诗篇。 只要人能呼吸眼不盲, 这诗和你将千秋流芳!朱湘译文:我来比你作夏天,好不好? 不,你比他更可爱、更温和: 暮春的娇花有暴风侵扰, 夏住在人间的时日不多: 有时天之目亮得太凌人, 他的金容常被云霾掩蔽, 有时因了意外,四季周行, 今天的美明天已不美丽: 你的永存之夏却不黄萎, 你的美丽也将长寿万年, 你不会死,死神无法夸嘴, 因为你的名字入了诗篇: 一天还有人活着,有眼睛, 你的名字便将与此常新。虞尔昌译文:我应否把你和夏天比美? 你比夏日更其美好温和: 强风诚有吹撼五月可爱的花蕾, 夏之为期全太短暂匆匆忽过: 天上日照有时又何炎炽, 太阳的黄金脸色也复常被阴翡掩没: 美丽的事物终有一天会失去它们的美 丽, 只因它们遭遇不测或者自然之变的剥 夺。 但是你的常住之夏将要永不消退, 那为你所有之美也将无改观, 当你已在不朽的诗篇中和时间合一 死神便休再夸口你正在他的阴影中盘 桓: 斯世尚有人视息,我诗长存予君生命至 无极。梁实秋译文:我可能把你和夏天相比拟? 你比夏天更可爱更温和: 狂风会把五月的花苞吹落地 夏天也嫌太短促,匆匆而过。 有时太阳照得太热, 常常又遮暗他的金色的脸; 美的事物总不免要凋落, 偶然的,或是随自然变化而流转。 但是你的永恒之夏不会褪色, 你不会失去你的俊美的仪容; 死神不能夸说你在它的阴影里面走着, 如果你在这不朽的诗句里获得了永生; 只要人们能呼吸,眼睛能看东西, 此诗就会不朽,使你永久生存下去。梁宗岱译文:我怎么能够把你来比作夏天? 你不独比它可爱也比它温婉: 狂风把五月宠爱的娇蕊作践, 夏天出赁的期限又未免太短: 天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈, 它那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽: 被机缘或无常的天道所摧折, 没有芳艳不终于凋残或销毁。 但是你的长夏永远不会凋落, 也不会损失你这娇艳的红芳, 或死神夸口你在它影里漂泊, 当你在不朽的诗里与诗同长。 只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛, 这诗将长存,并且赐给你生命。黄杲昕译文:我可能够拿你同夏天作比较? 但是夏天不像你温和又亲切: 狂风会让五月的娇蕾抖又摇, 而夏天又是过于短促的季节, 有时候天上那眼睛照得太热, 它金色的面庞又常黯淡无光, 任哪种美色都难以永葆美色——意外或自然变化剥去其盛装。 可是你永恒的夏天不会凋零, 不会丧失你所拥有的那种美——一旦你在不朽的诗中获永生, 死神难吹嘘你在它影中徘徊: 只要世上有看书的人在呼吸, 这诗就存活并把生命给予你。无名译文我可否把你比作一个夏日? 你比它更亮丽更柔细 狂风吹落五月的花蕾 夏天匆匆已过 太阳是天上的眼散发炽热的注视 它金黄般的容颜有时会暗淡 任何美好的事物难免有朝云散 与年日随自然变迁远去 但永不凋落的是你的夏日 你不会失去属于你的美丽

THe wheel of the old wagon is nearly( )that of a modern car.


Big Wheel的《Swallow》 歌词

歌曲名:Swallow歌手:Big Wheel专辑:Identity Parade「Swallow」作词∶古内东子作曲∶古内东子歌∶古内东子欲しいものは何?って闻かれても 小さなものしか浮かばない私にとっても、きっと谁にとっても 大事なものは日常ゆっくり、ゆっくり、进めばいいでもあなたのスペースは大き过ぎて そこには何を、ねぇ置いたらいいの心はまだ空き箱のまま青い空がちゃんと青く また见えるようになるまであともう少し、もう少しなのそしたらどこへも行けるしょうがないことや解らないことは 消しても消しても溢れ出す泣きたくなったら 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んで忘れることが出来ないのなら せめて今は深呼吸して涙のつぶは 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んでしまおうこれから待ってるいろんなこと 楽しみ半分、不安も半分近くにあなたがいたらよかったな、なんて思うのはルール违反かな细いヒールでも真っ直ぐ 胸张って立ってみるよあともう少し、もう少しなのそしたらどこへでも行ける言いたいことや逢いたい気持ち 消しても消しても溢れ出す泣きたくなったら 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んで忘れることが出来ないのなら せめて今は深呼吸して涙のつぶは 苦い薬みたいにSwallow, swallow 饮み込んで変わろう【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/15290144

And look at this big wheel.的汉语是什么?


英语,【a big wheel】一个大车轮子?

a big wheel一个大轮子; 一个大人物双语例句1You told me he was a big wheel in new york? 你不是告诉过我,他是纽约的一个大人物吗?2The new director is a big wheel in his previous company but isnot so important now. 这位新主管在他前个公司是个大人物,但现在不是了。

big wheel中文翻译

Water wheel is a big wheel with blades around the rim . 水轮车轮子很大,轮缘周围装有叶片。 Some of the big wheels in the city attended the party 本市一些大人物出席了聚会。 Mr . banks is one of the big wheels in our pany 班克斯先生在我们公司是大人物中的一员。 I " m one of the big wheels in the . . 我是社会巨轮中的一份子在… … I " m one of the big wheels in the 我是社会巨轮中的一份子在 Santa , when you said the bigger wheels , is this what you meant 圣诞,你说要装大轮子,这就是你想要的吗 Or a truck with big wheels , 或者有个什么大轮子卡车 It has big wheels , vanes in the bon . brush aluminum grills in the sort of stubbly / chin 她装配了硕大的轮圈、发动机罩上的开口以及前唇上的铝制栅格。 You " re gonna put on a pttle evel knievel suit and sell some dimes and nicks on a big wheel 你将会穿上小号的evel knievel牌衣服,然后为某个大人物换零钱 You " re gonna put on a pttle evel knievel suit and sell some dimes and nicks on a big wheel 你将会穿上小号的evel knievel牌衣服,然后为某个大人物换零钱 It " s a big wheel and it looks pke an eye ‘ cos it " s got a black thing in the middle 嗯,原来是个又大又圆,看上去像个轮子似的东西,不过是用钢筋和塑胶铸造的。 It has big wheels , vanes in the bon . brush aluminum grills in the sort of stubbly coothardy chill 她的大轮圈,发动机罩里的叶片,还有那铝制的栅格实在是令人心寒。 She bought a big wheel of red carnations , and some pttle gentle - petalled primroses with shiny clark green leaves 她买了一个康乃的大花环和一些花瓣柔美并带著闪亮的暗绿色叶子的樱草花。 Mouse : let " s see , i have to get some swiss cheese , american cheese , provolone , and a big wheel of gouda . i may be pttle , but i have a very big appetite 看来我的弄些瑞士奶酪、美国奶酪,干酪和一大块高德干酪。别看我个字小,我胃口可大的很。 Mouse : let " s see , i have to get some swiss cheese , american cheese , provolone , and a big wheel of gouda . i may be pttle , but i have a very big appetite 我想,我得弄些瑞士奶酪、美国奶酪、意大利奶酪和一大块古德干酪。别看我个子小,我的胃口可大的很。

beep bepp,I am sheep是什么梗?



bebeiamsheep是歌曲《Beep Beep I"m a Sheep》。歌曲:《Beep Beep I"m a Sheep》歌手:black gryph0n、tomska、lildeucedeuce歌词:Beep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepYeah now some of you might be wondering,How exactly does one beep beep like a sheepTake it away,GabeStep one,Throw your hands upThen point them too the floor,Step twoHere"s what to do,Now get down on all foursStep three,Just bounce aroundIt"s easy follow me,Step fourGo crazy now,And beep beep like a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheep,I said beep beep I"m a sheep歌曲资料:《beep beep i"m a sheep》是由歌手:black gryph0n、tomska、lildeucedeuce演唱的一首歌曲,早在2017年就已经在网络上走红。唱片公司:Todd Bryanton,发行时间:2017-03-31,收录在专辑:beep beep i"m a sheep (feat. tomska & black gryph0n)。



Kosheen的《Let Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Go歌手:Kosheen专辑:ResistMatt Palmer - Let GoWe know it girl, he hurt you badIt"s in your eyes you"re still sadHe left you standing in the rainBut girl don"t let him winThere"s lots of love out thereSo many places you will goBut if you hold on to the pastThen time will move so slowSo baby let goYou"ve gotta let goCause the weight you carrySinks you down so lowBaby let goYou"ve got let goAnd I thought that you should knowYou"re beautifulJust let it goYou can cry or live in fearBut it won"t help, don"t ever waste your tearsOn someone whos not worth your timeBaby leave the hurt behindYou"ve got one life to liveSo take it as it comesThe more love that you giveThe closer you are to the oneSo baby let goYou"ve gotta let goCause the weight you carrySinks you down so lowBaby let goYou"ve got let goAnd I thought that you should knowYou"re beautifulDon"t give up don"t say goodbyeCause real love won"t make you cryJust let go and you will findThat love sets you freelove sets you freeDon"t give up don"t say goodbyeCause real love won"t make you cryJust let go and you will findThat loves all you needloves all you needSo baby let goYou"ve gotta let goCause the weight you carrySinks you down so lowBaby let goYou"ve got let goAnd I thought that you should knowYou"re beautifulSo baby let goYou"ve gotta let goCause the weight you carrySinks you down so lowBaby let goYou"ve got let goAnd I thought that you should knowYou"re beautifulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8745366


Rihanna - Diamonds Lyrics | MetroLyricsShine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯bai 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Find light in the beautiful sea 服 爱 嗯 的 来 特 音 则 比 有 特 服 偶 斯 一I choose to be happy 爱 初 字 图 比 哈 屁You and I, you and I 有 按 的 爱 有 按 的 爱We"re like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 来 课 带 们 的 音 则 斯 该You"re a shooting star I see 有 啊 额 书 听 斯 大 而 爱 斯 一A vision of ecstasy 额 位 人 额 v 欸 课 斯 的 斯 一When you hold me, I"m alive 问 有 和 偶 的 米 爱 木 额 来 vWe"re like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该I knew that we"d become one right away 爱 牛 咋 特 位 的 比 康 木 玩 热 爱 特 额 位Oh, right away 偶 热 爱 特 额 位At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays 爱 特 服 而 斯 特 赛 特 爱 服 诶 L 特 则 嗯 呢 而 级 额 服 桑 瑞 斯I saw the life inside your eyes 爱 斯 奥 则 来 服 音 赛 的 有 而 爱 斯So shine bright, tonight you and I 搜 不 热 爱 特 特 奶 特 有 按 的 爱We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Eye to eye, so alive 爱 图 爱 搜 额 来 vWe"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shining bright like a diamond 是 爱 宁 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shining bright like a diamond 是 爱 宁 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Palms rise to the universe 怕 奥 木斯 热 爱 斯 图 则 有 你 v 而 斯As we moonshine and molly 爱 斯 位 木 嗯 是 爱 嗯 按 的 猫 里Feel the warmth, we"ll never die 飞 偶 则 我 而 木 斯 位 偶 呢 诶 v 而 带We"re like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 来 课 带 额 们 字 音 则 斯 该You"re a shooting star I see 有 啊 额 书 听 斯 大 而 爱 斯 一A vision of ecstasy 额 位 人 额 服 诶 课 斯 大 斯 一When you hold me, I"m alive 问 有 和 偶 的 米 爱 木 额 来 vWe"re like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 来 课 带 额 们 字 音 则 斯 该At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays 爱 特 服 而 斯 特 赛 特 爱 服 诶 L 特 则 嗯 呢 而 级 额 服 桑 瑞 斯I saw the life inside your eyes 爱 斯 奥 则 来 服 音 赛 的 有 而 爱 斯So shine bright, tonight you and I 搜 不 热 爱 特 特 奶 特 有 按 的 爱We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Eye to eye, so alive 爱 图 爱 搜 额 来 vWe"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shining bright like a diamond 是 爱 宁 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shining bright like a diamond 是 爱 宁 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的So shine bright, tonight you and I 搜 不 热 爱 特 特 奶 特 有 按 的 爱We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Eye to eye, so alive 爱 图 爱 搜 额 来 vWe"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky 位 啊 而 比 有 特 服 偶 来 课 带 们 字 音 则 斯 该Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的Shine bright like a diamond 是 爱 嗯 不 热 爱 特 来 课 额 带 额 们 的

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《the wheel on the bus》英文儿歌内容是什么?

英文儿歌内容如下:The wheels on the bus go round and round,巴士上的轮子,转呀转,round and round,round and round.转呀转,转呀转。The wheels on the bus go round and round.巴士上的轮子转呀转。All through the town.穿过了小镇。The driver on the bus says,“move on back!”公车上的司机说:往后走!“move on back, move on back.”往后走!往后走!The driver on the bus says,“moveon back!”公车上的司机说:往后走!All through the town.穿过了小镇。The people on the bus go up and down.公车上的人们上上下下。Up and down,up and down.上上下下上上下下。The people on the bus go up and down.公车上的人们上上下下。All through the town.穿过了小镇。The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,巴士上的雨刷刷刷刷。swish swish swish, swish swish swish.刷刷刷,刷刷刷。The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish.巴士上的雨刷刷刷刷。All through the town.穿过了小镇。The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,巴士上的喇叭哔哔响。beep beep beep, beep beep beep.哔哔响,哔哔响。The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep.巴士上的喇叭哔哔响。All through the town.穿过了小镇。The baby on the bus goes“wah wah wah”,巴士上的宝宝哇哇哭。wah wah wah, wah wah wah!哇哇哭,哇哇哭。The baby on the bus says wah wah wah.巴士上的宝宝哇哇哭。All through the town.穿过了小镇。The mummy on the bus goes“shh shh shh”,车上的妈妈说嘘嘘嘘。shh shh shh, shh shh shh!嘘嘘嘘,嘘嘘嘘。The mummy on the bus goes“shh shh shh”.车上的妈妈说嘘嘘嘘。All through the town.穿过了小镇。The wheels on the bus go round and round,巴士上的轮子,转呀转。round and round, round and round.转呀转.转呀转。The wheels on the bus go round and round.巴士上的轮子转呀转。All through the town.穿过了小镇。All through the town.穿过了小镇。All through the town.穿过了小镇。All through the town.穿过了小镇。扩展资料《The wheels on the bus》是一首在英国耳熟能详的童谣。迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列收录了最受欢迎的100首迪斯尼童谣,它可是首当其冲,同时它也入选了廖彩杏书单。这首歌通过坐公车看到的各种景物,让孩子一点点认识世界。它的歌词简单押韵,曲调轻松活泼,风趣幽默,给人带来一种非常欢快的感觉。

翻译the wheels on the bus歌词


the height of heeds

刚才帮你在网页上搜索了一下,结果搜索的结果都是the heights of Lhasa,但我认为height在这里是不用复数的,所以帮你查了一下字典,字典上是可数的,也就是说the heights of Lhasa应该是没问题的 Lhasa:[ "lɑ:su0259 ]n.拉萨 意思是:拉萨的高度(说成是拉萨的海拔也是没问题的) height: 1.What"s the height of that wall? 那堵墙有多高? 2.What is the height of the mountain? 这山有多高?

英语作业题目里写着 “use ice breakers or cheesy pick up lines ” 是什么意思??


为什么是keep your healthy all the time不是make your hee

keep保持的意思 固定搭配吧



“storm earth and fire heed my call”是什么意思?

风暴 大地 和 火焰 听从我的召唤
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