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高温;压力;热度;热烈的意思。heat是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“高温;压力;热度;热烈”,作及物动词时意思是“使激动;把…加热”。heat还有“分组预赛”的意思。双语例句:1、But I like the summer heat.然而我却喜欢酷热的夏天。2、No heat can pass through it to the outside.没有热量可以通过它向外泄漏。3、If so, some of the heat passes by conduction into your hand or foot.如果是这样的话,一部分热就曾通过传导而到过你的手上或脚上。heat的短语搭配heat wave[气象]热浪 ;[物]热波heat pipe[热]热导管 ;[热]热管 ; 热力管道 ; 散热器specific heat[热]比热 ; 比热容 ; 热容量 ; 比冲差双语例句:The fat in the fryer had heated all right .油炸锅里的食油已经热了。He built a fire and heated a pan of water .他生了火,烧热了一壶水。Plastics will soften when exposed to heat .塑料适当加热就可以软化。The central heating is on a time-switch .集中供热设备是定时开关的。The heat has taken the paint off the doors .门上的油漆受热而剥落。




很多朋友经常会在空调上看到heat这个按健,就想了解这个heat究竟是什么意思?它的功能又是什么呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 heat是制热模式的意思,启动heat这个制热模式,就可以启动空调的制热功能,可以让室内环境的温度提高。 详细内容 制热模式下可以升高室内温度,在室内温度变低百时使用。制热温度一般在14-27℃。 一般cool制冷温度值设定范围为20-30℃,为了保证空调 压缩机 正常运转,cool是制冷模式温度设定要比室温低,制热模式温度设定要比室温高。dry出湿模式,可以用处除湿气,保持室内的干燥。 空调分为单冷空调和冷暖两用空调,工作原理是一样的度,空调以前大多一般使用的制冷剂是氟利昂。 氟利昂的特性是:由气态变为液态时,释放大量的热量。而由液态转变为气态时,会吸收大量的热量。(即先吸热气化再液化放热)空调就是据此原理而设计的。 空调制热原理,压缩机吸入低压气体经过压缩机压缩变成高温高压气体,高温气体通过换热器把水温提高,同时高温气体会冷凝变成液体。液体在进入蒸发器进行蒸发,液体经过蒸发器后变版成低压低温气体,低温气体再次被压缩机吸入进行压缩。 这样循环下去,空调侧循环水就变成45-55度左右的热水了。热水经过管道送到需要采暖的房间,房间安装有风机盘管把热水和空气进行热交换实现制热目的。

heat是什么意思中文 heat的中文意思简单介绍

1、heat的中文意思有: (1)名词:热;温度;炎热天气;(建筑物、车辆等中的)高温,热的环境。 (2)动词:加热;变热;(使)变暖。 2、例句: (1)He could feel the heat of the sun on his back.他能感觉到太阳照射在背上的热度。 (2)You should not go out in the heat of the day (= at the hottest time) .你不应该在天最热的时候外出。 (3)Heat the oil and add the onions.把油烧热后加入洋葱。


英 [hiːt]     美 [hiːt]    heatn. 热度;热;热烈;激烈;发烧;v. (使)变热;(使)激动。We"ll heat some water to wash clothes.我们会热点儿水洗衣服。用法:1、heat用作名词的基本意思是“高温,炎热”,还可指“炎热的天气”或由高温而产生的“暖气”,引申可表示人们的情绪“激动”“热烈”“激烈”的状态或状况。heat用于体育还可表示“预赛”,获胜者可参加复赛或决赛。2、heat作“高温,炎热”或“激动,热烈,激烈”解是不可数名词,但其前偶尔可用不定冠词a修饰; 作“预赛”解是可数名词。3、at a heat的意思是“一举,一口气”; be on〔in〕 heat的意思是“(雌性哺乳动物)处于交尾期或发情期”, be on heat是英国用法, be in heat是美国用法; in the heat of the moment的意思是“在一时盛怒、心烦意乱等中”。


heat [hiːt] n. 高温;压力;热度;热烈vt. 使激动;把…加热






I can什么意思?

heat是什么意思空调 空调中的哪些单词意思

1、heat意思是制热模式。制热模式下可以升高室内温度,在室内温度变低时使用。制热温度一般在14-27℃。 2、一般cool制冷温度值设定范围为20-30℃,为了保证空调压缩机正常运转,cool是制冷模式温度设定要比室温低,制热模式温度设定要比室温高。




heat英 [hi:t]n.热,热度,高温; 热烈,激烈; (身体的)发烧,发热; 发情vt.&vi.使温暖,使热; 激发…的感情,使兴奋复数: heats过去式: heated过去分词: heated现在分词: heating第三人称单数: heats




我来温暖你。如果你我恨你的话就是 i hate you




  aa既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道heat做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来heat的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家学习!  heat作动词的意思   使温暖,使热;激发…的感情   heat作名词的意思   热,热度,高温;热烈   heat的英语音标   英 [hi:t] 美 [hit]   heat的用法:   heat的用法1:heat用作动词的基本意思是“(使…)变热”,引申可表示“激发某人的某种感情”。   heat的用法2:heat既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,表示“使…变热”“把…加热”,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。用作不及物动词时表示某物体自行变热,其主动形式常常含有被动意义。   heat的用法3:heat可用于被动结构。   heat的英语例句   1. Remove from the heat, add the parsley, toss and serve at once.   端离炉子,加上欧芹,颠起翻面后就立刻上桌。   2. They were all in top hats and cutaways despite the growing heat.   虽然天气越来越热,他们仍全部戴着高顶礼帽,穿着燕尾服。   3. Cook the sauce over a low heat until it boils and thickens.   以小火加热酱汁至其沸腾变浓。   4. I was simply staggered by the heat of the Argentinian high-summer.   阿根廷盛夏的酷热真让我大吃一惊。   5. When the fruit is mushy and cooked, remove from the heat.   当水果变软煮好后,就从火上端下来。   6. Despite the heat, he"d swapped his overalls for a suit and tie.   尽管很热,他还是脱掉工作服换上了西装和领带。   7. In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.   在发电厂里,热能将水转化成高压蒸汽。   8. Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve.   诸如氨气之类的物质在溶解时会释放出热量。   9. Never dry underwear over direct heat; it will weaken the fabric.   不要直接加热烘干内衣,那样会损坏布料。   10. A national poll shows the presidential race in a dead heat.   一项全国民意调查显示总统竞选相持不下。   11. Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun.   它的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。   12. The door was beginning to buckle from the intense heat.   门在高温高热下开始变形。   13. Geologists have studied the way that heat flows from the earth.   地质学家曾研究过热量如何散出地球。   14. As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with the heat and humidity.   他患有哮喘病,经不起高温和潮湿。   15. Grease two sturdy baking sheets and heat the oven to 400 degrees.   在两块结实的烤板上抹些油,把烤炉加热到400度。 heat是什么意思相关 文章 : 1. 萤火虫用英语怎么说 2. result的过去式和用法例句






  heat的中文意思   英 [hi:t] 美 [hit]   第三人称单数:heats第三人称复数:heats现在分词:heating过去分词:heated过去式:heated   heat 基本解释   名词 热,热度,高温; 热烈,激烈; (身体的)发烧,发热; 发情   及物动词&不及物动词 使温暖,使热; 激发…的感情,使兴奋   例句   1. The heat from the fire dried their wet clothes.   炉子的`高温烘干了他们的湿衣服。   2. The winners of the heats run in the chief race.   预赛中的得胜者参加决赛跑。   3. In the heat of argument I lost my self-control.   在辩论高潮中我失去了自我控制。   heat的单语例句   1. Heat the oil or butter in a heavy soup pot or Dutch oven over medium heat.   2. The body cools itself by circulating blood to dissipate heat through the skin.   3. But he was struck by an Achilles injury which forced him out of the Beijing Games right before his heat.   4. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterized by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.   5. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterised by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.   6. But then he had to protect his summer lettuce from the heat of the sun by hanging a piece of cloth to provide shade.   7. Even when Heat owner Micky Arison opened his comments by congratulating the Mavericks, fans were still booing commissioner David Stern.   8. Temperatures in the capital shot up to 36 C in a heat wave that will carry on for another couple of days.   9. California"s inland valleys have registered some of the highest temperatures during the heat wave, with highs of around 115 and lows of about 90 degrees.   heat的词典解释   1. 把…加热;使升温   When you heat something, you raise its temperature, for example by using a flame or a special piece of equipment.   e.g. Meanwhile, heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan.   同时,在平底锅里将西红柿和油加热。   e.g. ...a gas that absorbs the sun"s energy and heats the air above it.   吸收太阳能、使上方空气变热的气体   2. 热;高温   Heat is warmth or the quality of being hot.   e.g. The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods...   海洋储存热量,并在寒冷季节里慢慢地把它释放出来。   e.g. Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun.   它的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。   3. 炎热;高温天气   The heat is very hot weather.   e.g. As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with the heat and humidity...   他患有哮喘病,经不起高温和潮湿。   e.g. This heat is killing me.   这么热的天气真让我难受。   4. 温度;热度   The heat of something is the temperature of something that is warm or that is being heated.   e.g. Warm the milk to blood heat...   将牛奶热至人体温度。   e.g. Adjust the heat of the barbecue by opening and closing the air vents.   通过开关气阀来调节烧烤架的温度。   名词 heat:   a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature   同义词:heat energy   the presence of heat   同义词:hotness, high temperature   the sensation caused by heat energy   同义词:warmth   the trait of being intensely emotional   同义词:warmth, passion   applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity   同义词:estrus, oestrus, rut   a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race   utility to warm a building   同义词:heating system, heating plant, heating   动词 heat:   make hot or hotter   同义词:heat up   provide with heat   arouse or excite feelings and passions   同义词:inflame, stir up, wake, ignite, fire up   gain heat or get hot   同义词:hot up, heat up   例句解释   He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.   他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。   Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.   把热度调低吧,要不蛋糕就要 胡了。   Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.   水加热则成为蒸汽,冷却则成为冰。   We"ll heat some water to wash clothes.   我们会热点儿水洗衣服。   I can"t walk about in this heat .   我不能在这种酷热下走路。


heat的意思是热。一、发音英:[hiːt];美:[hiːt]二、中文翻译n.热;温度;炎热天气;(建筑物、车辆等中的)高温,热的环境;炉灶;强烈感情;压力;预赛v.加热;变热;(使)变暖三、形式第三人称单数:heats复数:heats现在分词:heating过去式:heated过去分词:heate四、短语搭配heat up 加热heat duty 热负荷heat pipe 热管五、双语例句1.The heat made me sweat.高温酷热让我大汗淋漓。2.Please heat the milk.请把牛奶加热。


heat是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“高温;压力;热度;热烈”,作及物动词时意思是“使激动;把…加热”。heat还有“分组预赛 ”的意思。例句:1、But I like the summer heat.然而我却喜欢酷热的夏天。2、No heat can pass through it to the outside.没有热量可以通过它向外泄漏。3、If so, some of the heat passes by conduction into your hand or foot.如果是这样的话,一部分热就曾通过传导而到过你的手上或脚上

heat是什么意思中文 heat的中文意思简单介绍

1、heat的中文意思有: (1)名词:热;温度;炎热天气;(建筑物、车辆等中的)高温,热的环境。 (2)动词:加热;变热;(使)变暖。 2、例句: (1)He could feel the heat of the sun on his back.他能感觉到太阳照射在背上的热度。 (2)You should not go out in the heat of the day (= at the hottest time) .你不应该在天最热的时候外出。 (3)Heat the oil and add the onions.把油烧热后加入洋葱。

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您好,如果这个提示是每次开机都有提示,那建议您带电脑去维修点做一下硬件检测,如果只是一 二次,那建议您看看电脑还有没有别的不正常的情况没有

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