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what matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard.怎么理解?to the storyteller作什么成分?

重要的是,这个故事是讲故事的人听到了, 故事

hair hear here 怎样区分

hair 头发hear 听见here 这里

请问Christmas in My Hear的歌词

楼主啊~~~是heart 不是 hear 啊~~我最爱的 Sarah Connor 啊~~

有首女的唱的英文歌,歌词里面好像有hurt、还有in my heart之类的,请问是叫什么名字啊?

There You Will Be ?

找一英文首歌,其实里面好副歌部分从这句开始is 什么 什 么in my Heart when i ....

是不是开头只有音乐 比较舒缓的节奏 整体调子比较东方 中间是一个女声重复吟唱的什么in my heart 额 电脑里有 不知道放哪了。。。

Rilkean hear 歌词

歌名】Rilkean Heart   演唱】Cocteau Twins   专辑】Milk & Kisses      Rilkean heart, i looked for you to give me transcendent experiences   To transport me out of self and aloneness and alienation   Into a sense of oneness and connection ecstatic and magical   I became a junkie for it   I came looking for the next high      And i"m sorry i"ve been putting the search on the wrong place   I understand that you"re confused, feeling overwhelmed   Well that"s a feeling state from then, the reality      With cleaning up my emotional life and getting in touch with   myself I"m beginning to ground   myself in my own sense of being as an entity One entity on the planet,   Becoming truly self reliant   And become connected with something beyond me   That is where i have to go      I"m so sorry i"ve been putting the search on the wrong place   You"re lost and don"t know what to do   But that"s not all of you   That"s your reality today   And that is all okay      I understand that you"re confused, feeling overwhelmed   Well that"s a feeling state from then, the reality      Rilkean heart      You"re lost and don"t know what to do   But it"s not all of you   That"s your reality today   And now it"s all okay      I understand that you"re confused, feeling overwhelmed   Well that"s a feeling state from then, the reality      Rilkean heart Rilkean的心,我看着你给我超越经验 运输箱出于自身和孤独和异化 成一体感和连接欣喜若狂和神奇 我成为贩毒它 我来寻找下一个高 和对不起我已经把搜索错误的地点 据我所知,你感到困惑,感到不知所措 那么这是一种感觉状态,此后,现实 随着清理我的情感生活及取得联系 我自己开始向地面 我在我自己的意识作为一个实体的一个实体,这个星球上, 成为真正的自力更生 并成为与一些超越我 这就是我必须去 我很抱歉,我已经把搜索错误的地点 你失去了,不知道该怎么办 不过,并非所有的你 这是您今天的现实 这是所有好 据我所知,你感到困惑,感到不知所措 那么这是一种感觉状态,此后,现实 Rilkean心 你失去了,不知道该怎么办 但不是所有的你 这是您今天的现实 ,现在,它也是所有奥凯 据我所知,你感到困惑,感到不知所措 那么这是一种感觉状态,此后,现实 Rilkean心

settle in her heart什么意思

settle in her heart安顿在她的心里


谁唱的?有很多名字都叫这个,先给你其中一首 You"re gonna move that truck on the highwayThe rain is coming down and you"re on the run.You gotta feel the breath in your body.We gotta keep on running til" we see the sun.Ohww it didn"t burn out, but It burns much the same.And when you told everybody "i"d fall in the flame"If you love someone, love them all the same.If you love someone, love them all the same.You love somebody, love them all the same.You gotta love somebody, love them all the same.I"m trying to put it all back together.I"ve got a story and I"m tryin" to tell everybody.I got kerosene in a desire.I"m trying to start a flame in the heart of the nightOhww it didn"t burn out, but It burns much the same.And when you told everybody "i"d fall in the flame"If you love someone, love them all the same.If you love someone, love them all the same.You love somebody, love them all the same.You gotta love somebody, love them all the same.If you love someone, yeah.If you love someone, love them all the same, the sameIf you love someone love them all the same,if you love someone love them all the same .You love somebody, you gotta, you gotta love somebodyAll your heartbeatAll your heartbeatAll your heartbeat

Mr. Lonely Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Mr. Lonely Heart歌手:Oma Heard专辑:The Complete Motown Singles, Volume 4: 1964「Mr.Lonely Heart」『孤独的人』机动战士ガンダム MSイグルー2 重力战线OVA第1卷「あの死神を击て!」エンディングテーマ歌 - 横田はるなまた 宇宙から『再次 从宇宙中』一つの声 消えた『一个声音 消逝了』飞び散るのは 幼き梦『那飞散而去的是 幼小的梦想』时代の刃に その心砕かれ『让时代的利刃 切碎的心灵』何を信じて こんな远くへ『究竟坚信着什么 行向远方呢』ねえ Mr.Lonely Heart 『喂 孤独的人啊』闭ざされた瞳に 今 『你那紧闭的眼瞳 现在』何が见えますか『能守望着什么呢』ああ 永久のようで『啊 如永恒般』一瞬の光に『被一瞬的光芒』焼かれた生命よ『所燃尽的生命啊』まだ 闻こえる『又一次听见了』 使い舍ての鼓动が『那被随手抛弃的心跳』风は运ぶ『随风而去的是』 行き场もない苍の魂『没有归处的苍蓝灵魂』ねえ Mr.Lonely Heart『喂 孤独的人啊』烟立つ惑星では 悲しむ术もない『在烟雾弥漫的星球中 却连悲伤的时间也没有』ああ 许されることを知らないまま『啊 能被宽恕却无法得知的』消えゆく生命よ『渐渐消逝的生命啊』终わりもない旅の途中で 落とされた『在无尽的旅途中 坠落而下的』美しいあなたのヌケガラ『是你那凄美却没有灵魂的身躯』ねえ Mr.Lonely Heart『喂 孤独的人啊』约束を交わそう 破れないように そっと『和我交换约定吧 无法破除般的坚定』もう何ひとつ 失うものはない『已经不存在 可以失去的东西了』锁を外したら その足で『挣脱枷锁 只凭双腿』ねえ Mr.Lonely Heart『喂 孤独的人啊』闭ざされた瞳に 今『你那紧闭的眼瞳 现在』何が见えますか『能守望着什么呢』ああ 许されることを知らないまま『啊 能被宽恕却无法得知的』消えゆく生命よ『渐渐消逝的生命啊』ゆきなさい『安息吧』http://music.baidu.com/song/7382735

MR lonely heart的歌词 需要罗马音

「Mr.Lonely Heart」『孤独的人』机动战士ガンダム MSイグルー2 重力战线OVA第1卷「あの死神を击て!」エンディングテーマ歌 - 横田はるなまた 宇宙(そら)から『再次 从宇宙中』mata sora kara一(ひと)つの声(こえ) 消(き)えた『一个声音 消逝了』hitotsu no koe kieta飞(と)び散(ち)るのは 幼(おさな)き梦(ゆめ)『那飞散而去的是 幼小的梦想』tobi chiru nowa osanaki yume时代(とき)の刃(やいば)に その心(こころ)砕(くだ)かれ『让时代的利刃 切碎的心灵』toki no yaiba ni sono kokoro kudakare何(なに)を信(しん)じて こんな远(とお)くへ『究竟坚信着什么 行向远方呢』naniwo shinjite konna tooku eねえ Mr.Lonely Heart 『喂 孤独的人啊』nee Mr.Lonely Heart闭(と)ざされた瞳(ひとみ)に 今(いま) 『你那紧闭的眼瞳 现在』tozasareta hitomi ni ima何(なに)が见(み)えますか『能守望着什么呢』naniga mie masukaああ 永久(とわ)のようで『啊 如永恒般』aa towa no youde一瞬(またたき)の光(ひかり)に『被一瞬的光芒』matataki no hikari ni焼(や)かれた生命(いのち)よ『所燃尽的生命啊』yakareta inochi yoまだ 闻(き)こえる『又一次听见了』mada kikoeru使(つか)い舍(す)ての鼓动(こどう)が『那被随手抛弃的心跳』tsukai sute no kodou ga风(かぜ)は运(はこ)ぶ『随风而去的是』kaze wa hakobu行(ゆ)き场(ば)もない苍(あお)の魂(たましい)『没有归处的苍蓝灵魂』yukiba mo nai ao no tamashiiねえ Mr.Lonely Heart『喂 孤独的人啊』nee Mr.Lonely Heart烟(けむり)立(た)つ惑星(ほし)では 悲(かな)しむ术(すべ)もない『在烟雾弥漫的星球中 却连悲伤的时间也没有』kemuri tatsu no hoshi dewa kanashimu sube mo naiああ 许(ゆる)されることを知(し)らないまま『啊 能被宽恕却无法得知的』aa yuru sareru koto wo shiranai mama消(き)えゆく生命(いのち)よ『渐渐消逝的生命啊』kie yuku inochi yo终(お)わりもない旅(たび)の途中(とちゅう)で 落(お)とされた『在无尽的旅途中 坠落而下的』owari mo nai tabi no tochuu de oto sareta美(うつく)しいあなたのヌケガラ『是你那凄美却没有灵魂的身躯』utsukushii anata no nukegaraねえ Mr.Lonely Heart『喂 孤独的人啊』nee Mr.Lonely Heart约束(やくそく)を交(か)わそう 破(やぶ)れないように そっと『和我交换约定吧 无法破除般的坚定』yakusoku wo kawasou yaburenai youni sottoもう何(なに)ひとつ 失(うしな)うものはない『已经不存在 可以失去的东西了』mou nani hitotsu ushinau mono wa nai锁(くさり)を外(はず)したら その足(あし)で『挣脱枷锁 只凭双腿』kusari wo hazushi tara sono ashi deねえ Mr.Lonely Heart『喂 孤独的人啊』nee Mr.Lonely Heart闭(と)ざされた瞳(ひとみ)に 今(いま)『你那紧闭的眼瞳 现在』tozasareta hitomi ni ima何(なに)が见(み)えますか『能守望着什么呢』nani ga mie masukaああ 许(ゆる)されることを知(し)らないまま『啊 能被宽恕却无法得知的』aa yuru sareru koto wo shiranai mama消(き)えゆく生命(いのち)よ『渐渐消逝的生命啊』kie yuku inochi yoゆきなさい『安息吧』yuki sanai



4-20MA +HEART 是?

4-20MA 是标准电流信号HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer),可寻址远程传感器高速通道的开放通信协议,是美国Rosement公司于1985年推出的一种用于现场智能仪表和控制室设备之间的通信协议。 HART装置提供具有相对低的带宽,适度响应时间的通信,经过10多年的发展,HART技术在国外已经十分成熟,并已成为全球智能仪表的工业标准。 HART协议采用基于Bell202标准的FSK频移键控信号,在低频的4-20mA模拟信号上叠加幅度为0.5mA的音频数字信号进行双向数字通讯,数据传输率为1.2Mbps。由于FSK信号的平均值为0,不影响传送给控制系统模拟信号的大小,保证了与现有模拟系统的兼容性。在HART协议通信中主要的变量和控制信息由4-20mA传送,在需要的情况下,另外的测量、过程参数、设备组态、校准、诊断信息通过HART协议访问。 HART通信采用的是半双工的通信方式,其特点是在现有模拟信号传输线上实现数字信号通信,属于模拟系统向数字系统转变过程中过渡性产品,因而在当前的过渡时期具有较强的市场竞争能力,得到了较快发展。HART 规定了一系列命令,按命令方式工作。它有三类命令,第一类称为通用命令,这是所有设备都理解、都执行的命令;第二类称为一般行为命令,所提供的功能可以在许多现场设备(尽管不是全部)中实现,这类命令包括最常用的的现场设备的功能库;第三类称为特殊设备命令,以便于工作在某些设备中实现特殊功能,这类命令既可以在基金会中开放使用,又可以为开发此命令的公司所独有。在一个现场设备中通常可发现同时存在这三类命令。 HART采用统一的设备描述语言DDL。现场设备开发商采用这种标准语言来描述设备特性,由HART基金会负责登记管理这些设备描述并把它们编为设备描述字典,主设备运用DDL技术来理解这些设备的特性参数而不必为这些设备开发专用接口。但由于这种模拟数字混合信号制,导致难以开发出一种能满足各公司要求的通信接口芯片。HART能利用总线供电,可满足本质安全防爆要求,并可组成由手持编程器与管理系统主机作为主设备的双主设备系统。举个实际应用的例子:HART/RS232转换器(松茂电子的SM100-A)与压力变送器通讯的指令解析 步骤1 : HART/RS232转换器与压力变送器之间的连接按说明书上两线制连接示意图进行连接,并确认连接准确无误。 步骤2: 打开HART/RS232转换器测试软件,打开串行口并连接, 进行串行口测试, HART/RS232转换器与PC机是能正常通讯。 步骤3: 按下开始检测, 这个测试软件开始自动对测试仪表进行检测,测试软件上显示仪表的ID及其他参数显示出来, 指令分析:命令格式说明如下:起始位序文 定界符 地址 命令 数据长度 校验位 结束符由于要确保待发的命令完整的发送,我们特意在标准命令格式序文前加了一个起始位"23"和在校验位后加了一个结束符"40"。1)例如:发送读取设备序号命令 23 FF FF FF FF FF 02 80 00 00 82 40命令注解如下表所示:起始位23 序文 FF FF FF FF FF 定界符02 地址80 命令00 数据长度00 校验位82 结束符40返回的命令格式如下表所示:序文定界符 地址 命令 数据长度 数据校验位返回的数据为:FF FF FF FF FF 06 80 00 0E 00 00 FE 11 0E 05 05 01 0C 08 00 5E EE 09 D5返回数据命令注解如下表所示:序文ff ff ff ff ff 定界符06 地址80 命令00 数据长度0E 数据00 00 FE 11 0E 05 05 01 0C 08 00 5E EE 09 D5这里按说明书上6.1序号命查询进行协议解析。5E EE 09 这台设备的序号 2)例如发这读设备的动态变量命令23 FF FF FF FF 82 91 0E 5E EE 09 03 00 A7 40返回信息为: FF FF FF FF FF 86 91 0E 5E EE 09 03 0B 00 00 41 8C CC 2B 0C 44 54 7E C3 2341 8C CC 2B 为当前输出电流 (IEEE 754浮点格式)0C 对应的单位44 54 7E C3 当前的压力(IEEE 754浮点格式)


eagleheart的歌词中文Stratovarius-Eagleheart 雄鹰之心[00:00.60]Stratovarius-Eagleheart 雄鹰之心[00:14.96].lrc Made by jwjness[00:23.01][00:24.42]All thru the night he is lying awake 他彻夜未眠[00:29.02]Wond"ring how much more can he take 不知道自己还能承受多少[00:33.80]Watching the walls where the shadows dance 凝望那堵黑影舞动的心墙[00:38.70]Drifting away into a trance 思绪渐渐陷入了停滞[00:43.04]And his eyes are blazing with fire 他的眼中迸发出火光[00:48.41]Dreams burnt to ashes so many times 梦想无数次地焚为灰烬[00:53.11]Highest of mountains,still he climbs 山至高处人为峰[00:57.65]Ready to fly "cause he just can"t stay 放飞自我不停留[01:02.65]Flame burning brighter with every day 那份激情越燃越旺[01:07.10]And his eyes are blazing with fire 他的眼中迸发出火光[01:11.32]Longing for the deepest desire 向往最深处的渴望[01:17.05]Heart of an eagle,he flies through the rainbow 怀着雄鹰之心,他飞越了彩虹[01:21.70]Into a new world and finds the sun 降临新的世界寻觅希望[01:26.74]Spreading his wings and above all the sorrows 展翅翱翔,凌驾一切哀伤[01:31.21]The glory of eagleheart 雄鹰之心的赞颂[01:36.02][01:55.50]Fever is burning in his veins 狂热正在他的血脉中燃烧[02:00.32]Determined with courage,breaking the chains 一鼓作气击碎桎梏[02:05.03]Back against the wall under blood red skies 天被染成腥红,已经无路可退[02:09.86]Prepared to fight until he dies 准备誓死一战[02:14.48]And his eyes are blazing with fire 他的眼中迸发出火光[02:18.94]Longing for the deepest desire 向往最深处的渴望[02:24.28]Heart of an eagle,he flies through the rainbow 怀着雄鹰之心,他飞越了彩虹[02:28.96]Into a new world and finds the sun 降临新的世界寻觅希望[02:33.90]Spreading his wings 展翅翱翔[02:35.78]Above all the sorrows 凌驾一切哀伤[02:38.53]The glory of eagleheart 雄鹰之心的赞颂[02:43.44]Heart of an eagle,he flies through the rainbow 怀着雄鹰之心,他飞越了彩虹[02:48.17]Into a new world and finds the sun 降临新的世界寻觅希望[02:53.11]Spreading his wings and above all the sorrows 展翅翱翔,凌驾一切哀伤[02:57.73]The glory of eagleheart 雄鹰之心的赞颂[03:02.59]


that canada is beautiful是听到的内容.凡是动作的对象或内容就是宾语,能带宾语的动词都是实义动词中的及物动词. 所以that canada is beautiful是宾语从句,hear在这里是实义动词. 意义上也有所不同,hear为实义动词时意思是“听到”,作系动词时意思是“听起来”. 不明白的可继续追问!


notice listen hear

listen,listen to,hear,heard,hearing的用法及区别





was heard 改被动就是把动词改成be+过去分词,这个题前面那个句子是过去时,所以被动句的be动词也用过去时

heard this. heard应该成hearding 为什么



herd [hə:d]n.兽群,牧群 vt.使集中,把…赶在一起


听 [tīng] [动]hear; listen; obey; accept;


hear没有否定前缀,,它的否定形式是didn"t hear,Prefixes indicating negation,否定前缀:在单词的词首加上一个表示相反 含义的词缀。 常见否定前缀:dis; il, im, in, ir; un; non; mis等


hear作为行为动词听见时,hear sb do sth表示“听到某人做了某事”或“经常听到某人做某事”例句:I heard him singing a song in the classroom just now. 我刚刚在教室听到了他唱歌。


过去分词是heard。hear的动词意思是:听到,听见;第三人称单数是hears;现在分词hearing;过去式和过去分词是heard.扩展知识:它的例句有:You can hear commentary on the game at halftime.你可在中场休息时听到对比赛的评论。I don"t think you"ve ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before.我想你以前从未听过多丽丝谈论自己的感情生活。短语有:hear from收到…的信;hear about听说;hear of听说过;sorry to hear that 听到…消息很难受/难过;pleasant to hear好听;同义词有:sound,learn of听到,听;听说;审理;ear,hark听见;hearing听力;hearer听者;旁听人词汇辨析:overhear,hear,listen这组词都有“听”的意思,其区别是:overhear指偶然听到,无意中听到,也指偷听。例句有:They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear.他们躲在一个小屋子里,没有人能偷听得到。listen及物动词,指有意识地倾听,强调行为的过程。Why couldn"t he listen to her?为什么他不能听她的话?Now,listen to what she"s saying.嗨,听听她在讲什么。

heard后面加动词的什么形式,为什么句子I heard the teacher talking

heard是hear的过去式heat that/about/of … 听说……hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做某事hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事I heard the teacher talking with a womam at the time. 那个时间我听到老师正在和一名女士说话。


hear of..hear about..



这句话heard是过去分词,还是过去式? 如果heard是过去分词,这句话里的heard作为表语?作状语?作定语?



heard of 听说I"ve never heard of such a thing. 我未曾听说过这样的事。hear about 听到关于……的详情 (Have you hear about Jane? ) hear of 听到……的事/话 (Have you heard of a place called "Mulu"?) hear from 得到……的消息 (Have you heard from Ann recently?)



heard 后加什么?

ahear sb do sth 听到某人做某事 。如:I heard Tom sing yesterday.hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事如:I heard Tom singing in the classroom when I came in yesterday.


I heard her sing in the next room.(改为被动语态) She (was heard to sing) in the next room. 她被我听到在隔壁唱歌. be heard to do,被听见做某事.

hear. near. dear. heard. 哪一个读音不一样?




listen 和 heard 有什么区别?

listen是听 是动作 heard 是听到 是结果

listened to和heard的区别?

listened to 是指听这个动作,具体听到什么就不管了。heard是听到,指结果。


v. 听到(hear的过去式和过去分词);闻知

hear sth done和heard sth to do啥区别

有to do?


我来给你详细 这是一个“and”连接的并列句,翻译为: 我住在机场附近,白天黑夜都能听到飞机鸣过. 从第一个谓语动词“live”就可得知:该句时态是一般现在时,“and”连接同 时态,所以后半句也是一般现在时,只不过是“passing planes”做主语,情 态动词“can”+被动语态,因为是被“I”听到. 以上分析希望对你有所帮助.


I heard that he will come.希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


前者动词原形 意为听到,后者过去式和过去分词






heard 听到

heard sb do和heard sb doing到底有什么本质区别啊(除了进行时那个因素外)13

感官动词hear, see, watch后面跟do / doing 的区别:hear /see / watch sb do常常表示听到/看到某人做了某行为的全部过程;hear / see / watch sb doing 常常不是听到/看到某人正在做(或做过)某事。e.g. 1. Yesterday I heard my sister sing the song ABC. (表示听完了整首歌。官动词表示人的感官动作,可作完全及物动词或不完全及物动词,如:sound(听见),see(看见),watch(观看),look(看),feel (感觉)




vt. 听到,听;听说;审理vi. 听;听见[ 过去式heard 过去分词heard 现在分词hearing ]hear from 收到…的信;受…的批评hear about 听说;得知hear of 听说,听说过sorry to hear that 听到…消息很难受/难过pleasant to hear 好听;入耳hear out 听完hear the call 听见呼唤;听见电话声wouldn"t hear of 不允许;不赞同更多收起词组短语:vt.听到,听;听说;审理sound, learn ofvi.听;听见ear, hark注意听,倾听;认真听She didn"t hear what I said.她根本就没听我说了些什么。听…背诵;作…的听众:He hears his students their lessons every day.他每天检查学生们的背书情况。听(音乐会、广播等):He said he was going to hear a lecture that night.他说他晚上要去听讲演。同意,允准;俯听:Your application for job has beenheard.你的求职申请获准了。

hear的过去式和过去分词到底是什么 是不





heard英语读音是:美[hu025cu02d0rd],英[hu025cu02d0d]。heard,英语单词,用作动词、名词,作动词是可以翻译为听见、听到,等等;作名词是人名;(英)赫德。短语搭配:heard of听说。never heard of it从来没听说过。听见,汉语词汇。拼音:tīng jiàn释义:指听到;听闻。形容(人)或(动物)其感官条件的信息反射(听力)。出自:元无名氏《盆儿鬼》第四折:“张千,你听见他说些甚么?”《西游记》第五七回:“行者道:有事要告菩萨善财听见一个告字,笑道:好刁嘴猴儿!”heard的用法:hear about=hear of。听到或听说…….的情况heara bout常用于肯定句中,听到......例句:I"ve just heard about his illness.我刚听说他生病的事。hear of 常用于疑问、否定句等,听说,得知某事或某人的存在。例句:I heard of him before.我以前听说过他。be heard to do被听到做某事例句:There is absolutely nothing to do there.整天待在那儿,什么事也干不了。双语例句:1、He had a hard job to make himself heard.他好不容易才使别人听见他的声音。2、The gang took flight when they heard the police car.这伙歹徒听见警车声就逃走了。3、Many"s the time I heard her use those words.我不止一次听她说过那样的话。4、This is the first I"ve heard of it!这可是我第一次听说这件事!


你好!heard 英[hu025c:d] 美[hu025c:rd] v. 听说; 听取; 听到,听见; ( hear的过去式和过去分词 ) 得知; [网络] 听到; 动词; [例句]He had heard that the trophy had been sold.他听说奖杯已经被卖掉了。




hear的读音是:英[h??(r)]。hear的读音是:英[h??(r)]。hear的例句是用作动词(v.)How did you hear about us? How did you hear about this job?你是如何得知我们的?如何得知这个工作的。hear名词:hearer;过去式:heard;过去分词:heard;现在分词:hearing;第三人称单数:hears。一、详尽释义点此查看hear的详细内容v.(动词)听,听见,听到,倾听,注意听听说,得知,闻知,获悉听取承认听陈述听审,审理,审讯,审判接到某人的信、电话等听证答应,允许二、英英释义Verb:perceive (sound) via the auditory senseget to know or become aware of, usually accidentally;"I learned that she has two grown-up children""I see that you have been promoted"examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process;"The jury had heard all the evidence""The case will be tried in California"receive a communication from someone;"We heard nothing from our son for five years"listen and pay attention;"Listen to your father""We must hear the expert before we make a decision"三、词典解释1.听见;听到When youhear a sound, you become aware of it through your ears.e.g. She heard no further sounds...她再没有听到别的声音了。e.g. The trumpet can be heard all over their house...喇叭声整栋房子都能听见。2.听,聆听(演讲、音乐等)If youhear something such as a lecture or a piece of music, you listen to it.e.g. You canhear commentary on the match in about half an hour"s time...大约半小时后就能听到这场比赛的解说了。e.g. I don"t think you"ve ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before...我想你以前从未听过多丽丝谈自己的感情生活。3.脑际响起If you say that you canhear someone saying something, you mean that you are able to imagine hearing it.e.g. Can"t you justhear John Motson now?...你脑海里现在没有响起约翰·莫特森的声音吗?e.g. "I was hot," I could stillhear Charlotte say with her delicious French accent.“我很热,”夏洛特那带有甜美法国口音的话语仍在我的脑际盘旋。4.(法官或法庭)审理(案件),听取(证词)When a judge or a court of lawhears a case, or evidence in a case, they listen to it officially in order to make a decision about it.e.g. The jury have heard evidence from defence witnesses...陪审团已经听取了辩方证人的证词。e.g. He had to wait months before his case was heard.等了数月后,他的案子才得到审理。5.接到…的信(或电话)If youhear from someone, you receive a letter or telephone call from them.hear的意思e.g. Drop us a line, it"s always great tohear from you...给我们写封短信,能收到你的信总是让人很高兴。e.g. The police are anxious tohear from anyone who may know her.警方急切地希望任何可能认识她的人打电话来。6.(辩论或讨论中)倾听(意见或情况)In a debate or discussion, if youhear from someone, you listen to them giving their opinion or information.e.g. What are you hearing from people there?你在那里都听到人们说了些什么?7.听说;得知;了解到If youhear some news or information about something, you find out about it by someone telling you, or from the radio or television.e.g. My mother heard of this school through Leslie...我母亲是从莱斯利那里知道这所学校的。e.g. ...the rumours I"ve been hearing about for years...多年来我一直听说的一些谣言8.听说(过…);(对…)有一点了解If youhave heard of something or someone, you know about them, but not in great detail.e.g. Many people haven"t heard of reflexology.很多人没听说过反射学。e.g. ...people who, maybe, had hardly heard the word till a year or two ago.那些可能直到一两年前才听说这个词的人们Do not confusehear andlisten. You usehear to talk about sounds that you are aware of because they reach your ears. You often usecan withhear.I can hear him yelling and swearing. If you want to say that someone is paying attention to something they can hear, you say that theyare listening to it.He turned on the radio and listened to the news. Note thatlisten is not followed directly by an object. You must always say that you listento something. However,listen can also be used on its own without an object.I was laughing too much to listen.不要混淆 hear 和 listen。hear 表示听见已经传到耳朵里的声音,经常与 can 连用。如:I can hear him yelling and swearing(我能听见他在大叫大骂)。短语 listen to 表示认真仔细地听,如:He turned on the radio and listened to the news(他打开收音机收听新闻)。要注意,listen 后面不能直接跟宾语,中间必须加介词 to。但 listen 也可单独使用,后面不跟宾语,如:I was laughing too much to listen(我当时笑得太厉害,根本没在听)。9.已经知道;早就听说过If you say that youhave heard somethingbefore, you mean that you are not interested in it, or do not believe it, or are not surprised about it, because you already know about it or have experienced it.e.g. Furness shrugs wearily. He has heard it all before...弗内斯疲倦地耸了耸肩。这事他早就全知道了。e.g. "How many times have I heard that before?" Merchant complained angrily.“我听过有多少次了?”麦钱特生气地抱怨道。10.“听见没有?”“你听到我的话了吗?”(要求对方注意听自己的话)If you say "Do you hear?" or "Did you hear me?" to someone, you are telling them in an angry or forceful way to pay attention to what you are saying.hear是什么意思e.g. If you don"t get out I"ll call the police. Do youhear?...如果你不出去,我就要报警了。听见没有?e.g. Leave her alone! Do youhear me?别惹她!听见了吗?11.说得对!说得好!(政治辩论或公众大会上对讲话人表示赞同的喝彩声)During political debates and public meetings, people sometimes say "Hear hear!" to express their agreement with what the speaker is saying.12.太吵了;吵死人了If you say that youcan"t hear yourself think, you are complaining and emphasizing that there is a lot of noise, and that it is disturbing you or preventing you from doing something.e.g. For God"s sake shut up. I can"thear myself think!...看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了!e.g. If you"re sitting in the front yard, you can"thear yourself think because the traffic is getting very, very bad.如果你坐在前院,就会被吵死,因为外面交通太混乱了。13.不同意;不允许If you say that youwon"t hear of someone doing something, you mean that you refuse to let them do it.e.g. I"ve always wanted to be an actor but Dad wouldn"thear of it...我一直想当个演员,但爸爸不同意。e.g. He even thought about moving from the village. But his friends wouldn"thear of it.他甚至考虑要从村子里搬出去。但他的朋友们不答应。14. you could have heard a pin drop -> see pin相关词组:hear out四、例句How did you hear about us? How did you hear about this job?你是如何得知我们的?如何得知这个工作的?Have you heard the news?你听到那消息了吗?I heard (that) he was ill.我听说他病了。We"d better hear what they have to say.我们还是听听他们要说些什么吧。I heard someone laughing.我听见有人笑。Did you hear him go out?你听到他出去了吗?He was heard to groan.有人听见他在呻吟。The court heard the evidence.法庭听取了证词.Which judge will hear the case?哪位法官(将)审理这案件?五、常用短语用作动词(v.)hear about〔of〕 (v.+prep.)同意; 允许 allow sth or doing sthhear about〔of〕 sb/sthI have never heard about such a man.我从未听说过这样一个人。We"ve been hearing quite a lot about that young tennis player lately.最近我们听到不少关于那位年轻的网球运动员的事。Have you ever heard about the movie?你听说过这部电影吗?I"ve never heard about him since that time.从那时起我就再没听到过他的消息。I"ve only just heard about his dismissal.我刚听说他被解雇了。I"ve just heard about his illness.我刚听说他生病了。We don"t know the singer, but we have heard of her.我们不认识那位歌唱家,但我们听说过她。I am very sorry to hear of your father"s illness.听说你的父亲病了,我很难过。I heard of your success with great pleasure.获悉你成功的消息,我非常高兴。Such a thing has never been heard of before.这种事情以前闻所未闻。Starting out to cross the Sahara in a saloon car, they have not been heard of.他们乘一辆大轿车出发去穿越撒哈拉沙漠,此后就音讯全无。hear about〔of〕 sb/sth v-ingI"ve never heard of anyone doing a thing like that.我从未听说有人干过这种事。You always hear about planes being delayed because of technical faults.你总能听到由于技术故障而使飞机延期起飞的事。hear sth about〔of〕 sb/sthI"ve been away for several weeks, so I haven"t heard a word about what has happened.我离开有好几个星期了,所以发生的事我一点儿都没听说过。Weeks passed, and we still heard nothing about them.好几个星期过去了,我们还没听到他们的消息。Have you heard anything of this new novel of his?你听到有人谈起过他的这本新的小说了吗?hear of sthI won"t hear of such a thing.我不同意这样的事情。The firm will not hear of such a suggestion from the workers.该公司不愿考虑工人的这种建议。I offered to pay for myself, but she wouldn"t hear of it.我要自己付账,可她就是不让。He asked his wife to put the money in the bank, but she wouldn"t hear of it.他让他妻子把钱存银行,可他妻子就是不听。hear of (sb/sb"s) v-ingThe landlord would not hear of reducing the tenant"s rent.房东拒绝考虑少收这个房客的租金。She won"t hear of his sharing in the expenses.她不让他分担费用。He would not hear of her going home alone , and insisted on going with her.他不同意她单独回家,坚持与她一起走。hear from (v.+prep.)受到(某人)责骂或警告 receive a scolding, warning, or official notice from (sb)hear from sb/sthI look forward to hearing from you in the near future.我盼望着不久收到你的信。hear sth from sthI heard it from her own lips.这是我听她亲口说的。Soon afterwards five explosions were heard from the area.此后不久从那个地方传来五次爆炸声。hear from sb that-clauseI hear from an authority that this disease is curable.我听一位权威人士说,这个病能治好。I"ve just heard from Lao Li that we"ll have a wage rise.我刚听老李说,我们的工资将调涨。I"ve just heard from Xiao Wu that we"ll start our military training tomorrow.我刚听小吴说,我们明天开始军训。hear from sb wh-clauseI heard from your teacher why you had refused to take the exam.我从你老师那里了解到你拒绝参加考试的理由。hear from sbIf you make any noise again, you"ll hear from him.如果你再吵闹,他就要批评你了。Don"t spill water on the floor, or you"ll hear from her.别把水溅在地板上,否则你们要挨她骂的。If they neglected to have dinner ready, they would hear from him.如果他们忘了把饭菜准备好,他们就会受到他的责备。hear out (v.+adv.)听完 be patient to hear the whole of what one sayshear sb/sth ? outDon"t make any decision yet.Please hear me out.先别做决定,请听我把话说完。Don"t judge me before I"ve finished my explanation; hear me out, please.在我没解释完之前,不要评论,请听我说完。Hear him out, and you"ll understand him.听他把话说完,你就会明白他的意思。The judge insisted on hearing the witness out.法官坚持要听完证人的陈述。The questioner was heard out in complete silence.大家一言不发地听完了提问者的话。hear through (v.+adv.)听完 be patient to hear the whole of what sb sayshear sb/sth ? throughBefore he has fini


heard 听到,听见( hear的过去式和过去分词 );听说;得知;听取hear 听但是还没听见 只是表示听的意思而已

G-dragon heartbreaker 歌词中文意思

中文翻译:(原创翻译,(Ay yo finally) is this what you`ve been wating for?(brand-new GD) i`m all by myself (ye) you`re my heartbreaker (DJ YG)let me tell this song 我没什么理亏的现在还有用还没死只因你而破碎的身体无法找到消失的梦的心情为你我的整个身体都飘舞有你的地方我会狂奔而去然而你一再跟我告别你说不喜欢我 为什么你厌倦的表情将你的一切告诉我 悲伤的即使那样也好 祈求给我机会你一个转身的样子讨厌你那冷冷的眼神 NOYou`re my hhhhheartbreaker 我做错了什么You`re my hhhhheartbreaker No way(No way) No way(No way)你说要离开我说无法认同我 让我好好过厌倦了 乏味了将我的爱空出来 No way每天问同样的问题 你说我变了能把可恶的嘴闭上吗说说对方是谁我现在 Out of control 独自~~~~在那个位置那里一再告别你说不喜欢我 为什么你清晰的声音将一切都表现出来 悲伤的即使那样也好 祈求给我机会你一个转身的样子讨厌你那冷冷的微笑 NOYou`re my hhhhheartbreaker 我做错了什么You`re my hhhhheartbreaker No way(No way) No way(No way)你说要离开我说无法认同我 让我好好过厌倦了 乏味了将我的爱空出来 I`m still still be there (你飘逝的第一句话)I`m still still be there (我直到现在都不安)直到现在我还是对你(现在即使是别人)I will still be there 说要永远在一起的承诺仅仅是一时的甜蜜你为什么说什么都不是hey 我是如此痛苦You`re my hhhhheartbreaker 我做错了什么You`re my hhhhheartbreaker No way(No way) No way(No way)You`re my hhhhheartbreaker You`re my hhhhheartbreaker breakerH E A R T baby~(My broaken heart)No way~ I`m out-

heard of 与heard abou去区别?

1. hear of : 听说过,听到;提起某事,直接指其对象。eg. I have never heard of him since he left. 自从他离开后,我再没听到过他的消息。 I have heard of the song. 我曾听说过这首歌。2. hear about: 听到/得知关于某人或某事的消息 比 hear of知道的更详细,具体eg. I"ve just heard about his illness. 我刚听说他生病的事。I"ve just heard about his promotion. 我刚刚听到了他被提升的事。祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)……

justin bieber heart breaker 的歌词

heart breaker - justin bieber.you broke me into piecesi don"t know what to do no morei just thought that i"d let you goyou crawled back in my lifei love you girl, but i just don"t knowi don"t wanna be hurt no more.my head keeps telling me nomy heart just says "let"s go"cause boy you"re fool in loveand don"t know who to trustmy head keeps telling me nomy heart just says "let"s go"cause boy you"re fool in loveand you don"t know who to trust.cause i don"t really knowwhat"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s rightcause i don"t really knowwhat"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right?.na-na, i don"t want you back in my lifei see the way you"ve been looking at them other guysmaking me feel like i"m not your typeand i feel you"re using me and all of it is just a liebitch i won"t be blamed, bitchbitch i won"t be blamed i see you found a rhythm so i play the same game i"m saying not to worry "bout all these others lamesso girl i just don"t know.my head keeps telling me nomy heart just says "let"s go"cause boy you"re fool in loveand don"t know who to trustmy head keeps telling me nomy heart just says "let"s go"cause boy you"re fool in loveand you don"t know who to trust.cause i don"t really knowwhat"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s rightcause i don"t really knowwhat"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right?what right i don"t know who to trust.i gave you everything that a woman needs to be and feel lovedsorry that i didn"t give you the money that comes and the cars i got treated like a star,guess that wasn"t good enoughguess i wasn"t good enoughguess i wasn"t good enoughcause you treated me like shit and that"s a thing you do too muchgirl i fell in love, seegirl i fell in loveand now that you are the onei"m tryna get rid off,you are the one i"m tryna get rid off.my head keeps telling me nomy heart just says "let"s go"cause boy you"re fool in loveand don"t know who to trustmy head keeps telling me nomy heart just says "let"s go"cause boy you"re fool in loveand you don"t know who to trust.cause i don"t really knowwhat"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s rightwhat right i don"t know who to trustcause i don"t really knowwhat"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right? what"s wrong?what"s right?what right i don"t know who to trust.


/h?:d/ v 听到,闻知(hear的过去式和过去分词)

hear sb. doing与hear sb. do怎么区分




Heartbreaker 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker歌手:Led Zeppelin专辑:Led Zeppelin 2 (Remastered)Artist: Led ZeppelinAlbum: Led Zeppelin 2Song: HeartbreakerHey fellas, have you heard the news? You know that Annie"s back in town?It won"t take long just watch and see how the fellas lay their money down.Her style is new but the face is the same as it was so long ago,But from her eyes, a different smile like that of one who knows.Well, it"s been ten years and maybe more since I first set eyes on you.The best years of my life gone by, here I am alone and blue.Some people cry and some people die by the wicked ways of love;But I"ll just keep on rollin" along with the grace of the Lord above.People talkin" all around "bout the way you left me flat,I don"t care what the people say, I know where their jive is at.One thing I do have on my mind, if you can clarify please do,It"s the way you call me by another guy"s name when I try to make love to you.I try to make love but it ain"t no use.Work so hard I couldn"t unwind, get some money saved;Abuse my love a thousand times, however hard I tried.Heartbreaker, your time has come, can"t take your evil way;Go away, Heartbreaker.http://music.baidu.com/song/1226226




heard heard[hʒd; hə:d]动词hear 的过去式.过去分词 hear hear[hIr; hiə](heard[h^d; h~:d])及物动词1 a. 听见,听到He didn"t ~ what I said.他没有听见我说的话You hear me!.正如所闻; 正是那样【同义字】listen (to) 指有意识地倾听b. 听见…<做…>I heard somebody cry out.我听见某人大叫c. 听见…<在做…>He heard branches moving as the wind grew stronger.风力增强时他听见树枝在摇动的声音A bird was heard singing.听见鸟啼声d. 听见…<被…>; 听见有人<…>She heard her name called.她听见有人唤她的名字2 a. 得知<消息等>,闻知,听到We haven"t yet heard any news of the event.关于那事件我们还没听到任何消息Nothing has been heard of him since. (.从那时起) 完全没有听到他的消息(cf. v.i. 2 c)b. (从传言) 闻知<…事>,传闻,听说I am sorry to ~ [I ~ with regret] that your mother is ill.听说你母亲生病,我真难过"He is going to resign."-"So I ~.".“他将要辞职”“我听说是这样”c. 听到… <被…之事> ,听见有人说<…事>I once heard it said that we are never so happy or unhappy as we suppose.我曾听说我们绝不会如我们所想像的那样幸福或不幸3a. 注意听,倾听Let"s ~ his explanation.让我们来听听他的解释b. 去听 <演讲、演奏等> ; 旁听,听讲~ a lecture听课c.‘法律"审问 [审理] <案件等>Which judge heard the case?.哪一位法官审理这案子?4 听取,答应 <祈愿等>Lord, ~ my prayer.主啊!请答应我的祈愿吧不及物动词1 (耳朵) 听得见He doesn"t ~ well.他的耳朵重听2a. [从…]得到消息 [联络] [from]Haven"t you heard from him since you came here?.自从你来到此地后有没有他的信息 [通电话,联络] ?b. 闻知 […的存在[事实]] [of]I"ve heard of him, but I haven"t met him.我听到他的事,但不曾见过他I have never heard of such a thing.我从未听过这样的事I have never heard of (their [them]) drinking the blood of a snake.我从未听说 过 (他们) 喝蛇血的事c. 听到 […的事] ,听到[…的]消息[of]I"ve ~d much [a lot] of him.我听到很多 (关于) 他的事(cf. v.t. 2 a)He has never been heard of since.从那时起就没有听到他的消息Have you heard of him recently?.你最近有他的消息吗?d. 听到[关于…]; 听到 […的消息] [about]Have you heard about him?.你听到关于他的事了吗?3 [用祈使语气](英)仔细听!倾听H~! H~! [.常当反语用] 倾听! 听哪! 赞成! 说得好!hear out把<某人>的话从头听到尾; 听完H~ me out听我把话讲完hear say [tell](1) 听别人说…,风闻,传闻,据说 (2) 风闻[…之事][of]I"ve heard say [tell] that he has sold his house.我听 (别人) 说他已卖掉他的房子hear to ?(美)倾听… (listen to)Let"s hear it for?(美口语)声援…,对…喝采make oneself heard(1) (因噪音等而提高声音) 使别人听得见自己的声音(2) 把自己的意见[主张]说给别人听won"t [wouldn"t] hear of [(美)to] ?不听从 [不愿考虑,不允许,不赞同] …My father won"t ~ of it.我父亲不会允许此事I won"t ~ of you [your] coming to meet me at the station.我怎么也不让你到车站来接我

求bigbang GD的《heartbreaker》的中文歌词


Heartbreaker(Fades In) 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker(Fades In)歌手:led zeppelin专辑:The Witch QueenArtist: Led ZeppelinAlbum: Led Zeppelin 2Song: HeartbreakerHey fellas, have you heard the news? You know that Annie"s back in town?It won"t take long just watch and see how the fellas lay their money down.Her style is new but the face is the same as it was so long ago,But from her eyes, a different smile like that of one who knows.Well, it"s been ten years and maybe more since I first set eyes on you.The best years of my life gone by, here I am alone and blue.Some people cry and some people die by the wicked ways of love;But I"ll just keep on rollin" along with the grace of the Lord above.People talkin" all around "bout the way you left me flat,I don"t care what the people say, I know where their jive is at.One thing I do have on my mind, if you can clarify please do,It"s the way you call me by another guy"s name when I try to make love to you.I try to make love but it ain"t no use.Work so hard I couldn"t unwind, get some money saved;Abuse my love a thousand times, however hard I tried.Heartbreaker, your time has come, can"t take your evil way;Go away, Heartbreaker.http://music.baidu.com/song/54664606


heard的意思是听。听(tīng),汉字。表示顺从,接受别人的意见,也表示用耳朵接受声音,还表示任凭,治理等意思。1.耳朵[ear]__而为穷苦愁怨之声,不啻风泉之满听矣。——清·黄宗羲《金介山诗序》马口铁罐[tin] 如:听装午餐肉;听装咖啡。亦用作听装物品的量名。通假‘厅",去声;如十厅方过四墅,耳目,间谍[detective;spy]且仁人之用十里之国,则将有百里之听。——《荀子》厅堂。古代官府办公处,后作“厅” [office]病人或至数百,听廊皆满。——《资治通鉴》大司马府听前有一老槐,甚扶疏。——《世说新语·黜免》麻将术语,当你将你手中的牌都凑成了有用的牌,只需再加上第十四张便可和牌,你就可以进入听牌的阶段。




heard是动词hear的过去式和过去分词形式。 Hear的基本含义是:“听到,听见”,常用于表示听从、听信、获知等含义。heard则表示过去曾经听到或听见过一些声音、音响、声音等等。比如,“I heard a strange noise in the room last night”,我昨晚听到了房间里的奇怪的噪音;“Have you heard about the new policy?”,你听说过新政策了吗?此外,heard也可以用于固定搭配和习语中,如:have you heard?(你知道吗?);be heard of(听说过,有所耳闻);be heard to(据说,传闻)等等。在英语中,某些动词的过去式和过去分词形式的发音与原形不同,这种现象常常称为不规则动词。Heard就是其中一个常见的不规则动词,我们需要通过大量的阅读、学习和练习来熟练掌握。


那都欧底四古里基那诺 哈吉斯马囊够 起急呀欧弄哈那 给摸内码噶及农 撒啦集攻 某恰那蛮NO位也搜啦蛮 内页某那料 你噶一嫩够西马大料哈吉吗 哭dei内给 啊你哦 图 啊你哦那没给 西他够 一遇噶 摸捏够 起急内 你破穷一 摸他够马来就苏破给黑哭来都 囧他够 ki为冷 大累都 航蹦度啦搜 尼莫苏恰噶摸 古梦憋起 西落哟内噶摸家么汗嫩迹内噶那都那刚那都 那恩 就马 汤那够 家撒囊波加够几根几根几根忒比克比克比克忒撒浪恩闭哭尅 没头噶都梦弄内噶表内大黑噶及四囊母 大梦累 桑给噶 诺布 几呀过麻黑那 米奇红家四 给苏米拖哭家里 古破塞四 啊你哦 图 啊你哦弄给尅 西他够 一遇噶 摸捏够 华康那 尼莫所地 摸他够马来就苏破给黑哭来都 囧他够 ki为冷 大累都 航蹦度啦搜 尼莫苏恰噶摸 古美苏给 米我哟 内噶摸家么汗嫩迹内噶那都那刚那都 那恩 就马 汤那够 家撒囊波加够 波本四黑内几根几根几根忒比克比克比克忒dei撒浪恩闭哭尅(表价 你 假忙gi诶)内 挤棒 Q几行诶)那七都 哭(一截那 米罗黑都)用我你 昂ki哈酱 哭 忙图穷刚内 强哭蛮 不内那过古得位 呀木果期 亚拿过那 一内给 哦不忒 内噶摸家么汗嫩迹


意思如下:做动词解释:听到(hear 的过去式和过去分词),闻知。做名词解释:(Heard)人名;(英)赫德。其实hear的基本意思是“听”,强调的是“听”的结果,即“听见”,引申还可表示“听说”“得知”,指收到某种信息。例句赏析:I heard the most heartrending screams and moans。我听到了最让人揪心的尖叫和呻吟。I thought I was hearing things yesterday,I thought I heard a cuckoo。我想昨天我出现幻听了。我以为听到了布谷鸟叫。

Heartbreaker 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker歌手:加藤ミリヤ专辑:TRUE LOVERSHeartbreaker加藤ミリヤ作词:Miliyah作曲:MiliyahMY BABY….HEARTBRAKER MY HEARTBRAKERIT""S HEARTBRAKERHEARTBRAKER MY HEARTBRAKERIT""S HEARTBRAKER堕天使みたいに飞ぶのさ悲しみに「さようなら」自由になりたいだけだ解き放つ时が来た“见ない方がいい”なんて“言わない方がいい”なんて逃げ腰は格好悪いよこれが自分のやり方なら目の前にいる神様に逆らって堕ちてもいい太阳が叫んでた今日という日がまた向かってくる悩みなんかちっぽけだったんだ伤付いた分だけやさしくなれるHEARTBRAKER MY HEARTBRAKERIT""S HEARTBRAKER 痛みわかった时にHEARTBRAKER MY HEARTBRAKERIT""S HEARTBRAKER 「孤独」とは言わせない気持ちが届かなくて君に误解ばかりされて仆も谁かを伤付けて伤付いてきたんだけど距离をはかって追い越して今更取り缮ったって君の意思认めないよ君からもう离れて“きっと会うこともない”ってこんなチャンスは二度と来ないいつまでも いつまでも救いを待ってるわけにはいかない後悔なんて役に立たない振り返ってる间に奇迹起こせるHEARTBREAKER MY HEAERTBREAKERIT""S HEARTBREAKER 爱を失くした君にHEARTBREAKER MY HEAERTBREAKERIT""S HEARTBREAKER 「孤独」を赠りたいI heal you なんのための痛みであって仆をこんなに苦しめるのはなぜ?ハートは脉打った 伤は残った 今愈やした太阳が叫んでた今日という日がまた向かってくる悩みなんかちっぽけだったんだ伤付いた分だけやさしくなれる笑ってた 泣いていた押し寄せる试练を全部受け止めよう时间だからそろそろ行かなきゃ仆は仆の手で自分救えるHEARTBRAKER MY HEARTBRAKERIT""S HEARTBRAKER 痛みわかった时にHEARTBRAKER MY HEARTBRAKERIT""S HEARTBRAKER 「孤独」とは言わせないhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53090002

Heartbreaker 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker歌手:led zeppelin专辑:Re-Led-Ed: The Best Of Dread ZeppelinArtist: Led ZeppelinAlbum: Led Zeppelin 2Song: HeartbreakerHey fellas, have you heard the news? You know that Annie"s back in town?It won"t take long just watch and see how the fellas lay their money down.Her style is new but the face is the same as it was so long ago,But from her eyes, a different smile like that of one who knows.Well, it"s been ten years and maybe more since I first set eyes on you.The best years of my life gone by, here I am alone and blue.Some people cry and some people die by the wicked ways of love;But I"ll just keep on rollin" along with the grace of the Lord above.People talkin" all around "bout the way you left me flat,I don"t care what the people say, I know where their jive is at.One thing I do have on my mind, if you can clarify please do,It"s the way you call me by another guy"s name when I try to make love to you.I try to make love but it ain"t no use.Work so hard I couldn"t unwind, get some money saved;Abuse my love a thousand times, however hard I tried.Heartbreaker, your time has come, can"t take your evil way;Go away, Heartbreaker.http://music.baidu.com/song/16289425


heard to do

Heartbreaker 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker歌手:Dionne Warwick专辑:This Is Love「HEARTBREAK」作词∶Ryohei Matsufuji/Miran:Miran作曲∶Matthew Tishler/Deanna Dellacioppa/Rodney Alejandro/Jenny Karr歌∶中森明菜駆け引きは いらつくの気づいたわ 今欲しいものに饰ってた プライドを今すぐに 脱ぎ舍てたいの悠长な优しさに no远回し焦らされて fight强情を隠しても「it"s alright... it"s alright」「Why?」Deep Deep ただの気まぐれならもう二度と逢えない situationNo No 涙さえもう出ない音もなく崩れゆくわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK不确かな 约束転がっては すり减らしてく祈ってた 爱しさは儚く 微笑むピエロ爱情の形なんて无いそんな事わかりきってるの fight情热を燃やしても「it"s over... it"s over」「Why?」Deep Deep もしもその答えが「真実」と言えるのならYes Yes 追いかけて掴んで迷わず受け止めるわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK初めから知っていたの振り返れない鼓动舍て去った理想の影 to make everything alrightHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAKHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAKDeep Deep ただの気まぐれならもう二度と逢えない situationNo No 涙さえもう出ない音もなく崩れゆくわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7422815

Heartbreaker 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker歌手:Pat Benatar专辑:Pat Benatar-The Collection「HEARTBREAK」作词∶Ryohei Matsufuji/Miran:Miran作曲∶Matthew Tishler/Deanna Dellacioppa/Rodney Alejandro/Jenny Karr歌∶中森明菜駆け引きは いらつくの気づいたわ 今欲しいものに饰ってた プライドを今すぐに 脱ぎ舍てたいの悠长な优しさに no远回し焦らされて fight强情を隠しても「it"s alright... it"s alright」「Why?」Deep Deep ただの気まぐれならもう二度と逢えない situationNo No 涙さえもう出ない音もなく崩れゆくわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK不确かな 约束転がっては すり减らしてく祈ってた 爱しさは儚く 微笑むピエロ爱情の形なんて无いそんな事わかりきってるの fight情热を燃やしても「it"s over... it"s over」「Why?」Deep Deep もしもその答えが「真実」と言えるのならYes Yes 追いかけて掴んで迷わず受け止めるわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK初めから知っていたの振り返れない鼓动舍て去った理想の影 to make everything alrightHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAKHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAKDeep Deep ただの気まぐれならもう二度と逢えない situationNo No 涙さえもう出ない音もなく崩れゆくわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2835782



heartbreaker - 贾斯汀 - 歌词Girl you don"t know how I feel Since you been away oh baby Any chance that you could take my call? If I called you today You say that you don"t wanna talk but it"s cool Been thinkin" about you all day long, hopin you"ll pick up your phone And I know that I don"t wanna lose your love oh baby, oh baby Oh girl I got a secret place that we can go Cuz I really wanna be alone Baby nobody else gotta know Just meet me later on the low Don"t tell me you"re my heartbreaker Cuz girl my heart"s breaking Don"t tell me you"re my heartbreaker Cuz girl my heart"s breaking (heartbreaker) Hey girl Girl you see me standing here, standing in the rain oh baby Any chance that you could stay right here? And never go away? You say that you don"t wanna talk but it"s cool Been thinkin" about you all day long, hopin you"ll pick up your phone And I know that I don"t wanna lose your love oh baby, oh baby Oh girl I got a secret place that we can go Cuz I really wanna be alone Baby nobody else gotta know Just meet me later on the low Don"t tell me you"re my heartbreaker Cuz girl my heart"s breaking Don"t tell me you"re my heartbreaker Cuz girl my heart"s breaking (heart is breaking) So what I"m really tryin to say is, and what I hope you understand Is despite all the imperfections of who I am I still wanna be your man I know it hasn"t been easy for us to talk with everyone being around, But this is.. this is personal, this is for me and you And I want you to know that I still love you And I know the seasons may change, But sometimes love goes from sunshine to rain But I"m under this umbrella and I"m calling your name And you know I don"t wanna lose that I still believe in us I still believe in love I still believe in us I hope you believe in love The way I believe in us You don"t see, is what you don"t see, is when I don"t sleep, I wanna talk to ya And if I had the world in my hands I"d give it all to ya I wanna know if you feelin" the way that I"m feelin" I wanna know if you feelin".. the way that I, the way that i You told me to be careful with your heart, your heart You told me to be careful with your heart, your heart Be careful with your heart

Heartbreaker (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker (Album Version)歌手:Color Me Badd专辑:C.M.B.Sophie Ellis Bextor - Heartbreak (Make Me A Dancer) / 苏菲·艾莉丝·贝克斯特 — 心碎(使我成为舞者)翻译:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队Heartbreak... Heartbreak... / 心碎... 心碎...I"ve tried to hold myself together / 我努力做到镇定自若Tried to forget you"ve gone away / 尽量忘却,你的离去The tears I"ve cried, they won"t subside / 泪的潮水,久久不退Unless the music starts to play / 除非音乐开始响起Keep it coming on and on and on / 就这样舞个不停,不停,不停Heartbreak makes me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者DJ give me the answer, answer / DJ,快为我解惑,解惑Love, stop getting me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak make me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者Keep my heart beating faster, faster / 就让心疯狂地跳着,跳着Love, stop bringing me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来I need to feel I"m getting stronger / 我需要更坚强的自我Long as I"m moving it feels true / 舞不停歇,梦就真切And with each step, I will forget / 每个舞步,助我抹除Forget all those memories of you / 抹除对你的所有回忆Keep it coming on and on and on / 就这样舞个不停,不停,不停Heartbreak makes me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者DJ give me the answer, answer / DJ,快为我解惑,解惑Love, stop getting me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak make me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者Keep my heart beating faster, faster / 就让心疯狂地跳着,跳着Love, stop bringing me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak... Heartbreak... / 心碎... 心碎...Heartbreak... Heartbreak... / 心碎... 心碎...Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak makes me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者DJ give me the answer, answer / DJ,快为我解惑,解惑Love, stop getting me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Heartbreak make me a dancer, dancer / 心碎使我成为舞者,舞者Keep my heart beating faster, faster / 就让心疯狂地跳着,跳着Love, stop bringing me down, down, down / 爱,别再令我沮丧,沮丧,沮丧Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来Do it alone, I could do it alone / 自己来,由我自己来LRC translated by Tony Chang from LK Lyrics Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/855502


Heartbreaker 令人心碎的女孩 Deceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighs 迷人的眼睛,她让我充满着欲望 She only knows how low that she can go 她只知道她的尺度有多低 She speaks the lines that can control my mind 她的甜言蜜语控制了我的思绪 Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow 无论她去哪儿,我的目光总是跟随 She blew a kiss, I swear that it was meant 她奉上一吻 Only for me, then spoke with her body 我断定那只是给我的,便过去搭讪 Her only goal is just to take control 她的目标紧紧是得到主控 And I can"t believe that I can"t tell her no 我简直不敢相信我无法拒绝 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 She plays a game with such an innocent face 她用她那张如此无辜的面孔玩着游戏 I didn"t know heartbreaking was her case 我并不知道她会让我心碎 Her actions confess and put me through the test 她的行动证明把我推向试验台 I was surprised that I was caught inside 我惊异于我内心以被她吸引了 Now she"s thinking that I will never know 现在她的想法我将永远都想不透 And she"ll keep playing until I let her go 她一直玩弄着知道我让她离去 But I hope in time that she will finally realize 我希望她最后能及时地意识到 I"m onto her game and she"ll get played the same 我已开始认真,她也该如此 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her she"s a heartbreaker 该看穿她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about you 我从未想过我要停止梦想得到你 Stop being without you 停止没有你的生活 But everyone told me so, to stop caring about you 但所有人都告诉我不要再在乎你了 And start being without you 开始没有你的生活 But I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without you 我最终一定会找到出路并开始与你无关的生活 And stop talkin" about you 停止谈论你 And what will she say? 但她说了什么? She will say I was the man that got away 她会说我是个逃避感情的男人 Rap That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her she"s a heartbreaker 该看穿她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人出自2001年专辑《Invincible》。

Heartbreaker 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreaker歌手:Sweetbox(Hey, you"re Jill right?I heard you bein" talkin" about me andTalkin" "bout how you want me and allHeh! That"s coolI know it happens, so...)Hey Spare it!Hit Me!(YeahIn the place to beCome onJyeah JyeahCome on Jill!)I Like To Break Your Heart,And Eat it Like Its HOT!When All The Girls are Chasing You,You Feel Like a God!Don"t treat Me Like Your Mother,A Star in your Drama!无人聊人 成担废物在附近(Check It!)I Really like to Break Your Heart!I Really like to Break Your Heart!I Really like to Break Your Heart!So What Do You Want Inside-Out,Don"t Try to Make me Shout!无人明白你害人 强项叫疑心平日杀尽无限女伴能别再飞吻不过今次等等 因我比你负心给那些蒙难者复仇极开心惩罚你类人 全赖斗而争无谓惹下狼来作状仍像我飞吻拥抱紧我一阵 敢去因我复生相爱因记忆一样留下伤心Time to get it Out, get it Out, Get it outTime to get it Out, get it Out, Get it outI like to break your Heart and Chew You Like A Shark.I WANT TO BE THE ONE TO CALL YA!YOUR SUCH A RETARD!Don"t take Me As Your Lover,Now Hands Off My Shoulder~无人聊人来看最後是强人I Think you Like My Body,(More Than That, More Than That)I know You Think I"m Sexy! (You"re the Best, You"re the Best)I Like to Make you Crazy! (Make it Last, Make it Last)So What Do You Want Inside-Out,Don"t Try to Make me Shout!无人明白你害人 强项叫疑心平日杀尽无限女伴能别再飞吻不过今次等等 因我比你负心给那些蒙难者复仇极开心惩罚你类人 全赖斗而争无谓惹下狼来作状仍像我飞吻拥抱紧我一阵 敢去因我复生相爱因记忆一样留下伤心Go, Go, Go, Go, Go(Come on nowLet"s Go Jill! Come on nowLet"s Go Jill!)Go, Go, Go, Go, GoLike To Be The One That Get You Down,Go, Go, Go, Go, GoI know I"m Going to be the One,So What Do You Want Inside-Out,Don"t Try To make me Shout!无人明白你害人 强项叫疑心平日杀尽无限女伴能别再飞吻不过今次等等 因我比你负心给那些蒙难者复仇极开心惩罚你类人 全赖斗而争无谓惹下狼来作状仍像我飞吻拥抱紧我一阵 敢去因我复生相爱因记忆一样留下伤心Time to get it Out, get it Out, Get it outTime to get it Out, get it Out, Get it outI Like to Break Your Heart!http://music.baidu.com/song/5863121
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