
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

how many ( )do you have?A,watchs B,watch C,watches D,watching


I have no watch的同义句


do pigs have hands为什么用do

do用在这里目的是加强语气。全句意思是:猪有手吗?重点词汇:pigs英[pu026aɡz]释义:n.猪;令人讨厌的人;贪吃的人;警官(pig的复数)。短语:Bay of Pigs猪猡湾;猪湾;古巴猪湾;猪湾事件。例句:用作名词(n.)1、A pig is a domestic animal.猪是一种家畜。2、The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm.那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。词源解说:直接源自古英语的picg,意为小猪。

how,many,pans,do,you,have ,怎么回答


Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?--Hatter中文意思是什么?


how mang spots does a ladybird have

3. Helen is looking for some tomatoes.4. How many spots does this ladybird have?

为何the Toms用have而不用has?

因为the Toms表示一家人,不止一个人,所以谓语要用对应复数的形式。

Do you have any apples?答案选择a Yes,I have. b No,tha

A 是的,我有

I now, we have raised 50.000 pounds for the poor children, ______ is quite unexpected. A.tha..

B 试题分析:前后两个句子中间没有连词,是逗号,故判断为非限制性定语从句,that和it不引导非限制性定语从句,排除AD选项。 who用来指代人, which用来指代物或者句子,而在本句中关系代词指代前面句子内容,故答案选B。句意:直到现在,我们已经为穷苦儿童筹集了50,000英镑,这真的出乎意料。【知识拓展】非限制性定语从句和并列句的区别关键看前后两个句子中间是否是逗号,是否有连词,比如:He has a daughter, who was admitted to a key university. 而He has a daughter, and she was admitted to a key university .

I have always been my single life 这句话是我一直是单身的意思吗?

Double right !^_-

“应该已经”和“本应该”的英文是什么,都是should have done? 可是我的


语法问题these people have been socializing happily every working day of their lives, give or ...


we have many great specials in our restaurant.汉语

special appear Neither nor has hasn"tyet doesn"t like either

We have ____ A.two great new specials B.two new great specials C.great two new specials


今天我们有两份新的上好的特价菜 today we have ( ) ( )( )specials. 你想要怎样的甜食

today we have (two ) (dishes )(of )specialswhat ( kind ) ( of )dessert would you like?small, medium,(or )large牛肉和洋葱的特价菜15元仅售人民币10元the ( special ) (of ) beef and onion is only RMB10 (instead of )15我们也有牛肉面,还有咖啡和热狗we ( also ) have beef noodles ( as ) (well ) (as )coffee and hot dogs.

we have some great specials中的specials什么词性?


Do you think you will have your own robot?

翻译如下:题目:Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?翻译:你认为你将会有属于自己的机器人么?正文1:When we watch movies about the future , we sometimes see robots.翻译:当我们观看关于未来的电影,我们有时会看到机器人。They are usually like human servants.翻译:它们通常是像人类的仆人。They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.翻译:他们帮助做家务,喜欢在肮脏或危险的地方工作。正文2:Today there are already robots working in factories.翻译:今天已经有机器人在工厂工作。Some can help to build cars , and they do simple jobs over and over again.翻译:一些可以帮助制造汽车,他们一遍又一遍地做着简单的工作。Fewer people will do such jobs in the future beceuse they are boring , but robots will never get bored.翻译:更少的人在未来会做这样的工作因为它们是枯燥的,但是机器人永远不会厌倦。正文3:Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.翻译:科学家们正试图使机器人看起来像人类和做与我们一样的事情。Some robots in Japan can walk and dance.翻译:日本的一些机器人能够行走和跳舞。They are fun to watch.翻译:他们是观看的乐趣。Howevery , some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.翻译:但是,一些科学家相信,虽然我们可以让机器人像人一样,但我们将会很难让他们看起来真的像人。For example , scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.翻译:例如,白人科学家杰姆斯认为机器人将永远无法醒来并且知道他们在哪里。But many scientists disagree with Mr. White . They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.翻译:但是许多科学家不同意杰姆斯.他们认为机器人在20到50年后能够像人类一样说话。正文4:Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.翻译:一些科学家相信未来会有更多的机器人。However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.翻译:然而,他们同意这可能会花费数百年的时间。These new robots will have many different shapes.翻译:这些新的机器人将有许多不同的形状。Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals.翻译:一些将会看起来像人类,其他的可能看起来像动物。In India , for example,scientists made robots that look like snakes.翻译:在印度,例如,科学家让机器人看起来像蛇。If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.翻译:如果建筑物坠落下来,里面的人,这些蛇机器人可以帮助建筑物下的人看。This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.翻译:这是不可能的20年前,但是计算机和火箭也好像是100年前是不可能的。We never know what will happen in the future!翻译:我们永远不知道未来会发生什么!一、watch1、含义:v. 注视;看守;观看;n. 手表;监视;看守;值班。2、用法watch的基本意思是“观看”“注视”,指用眼睛跟踪某物以观察到每一个动作、变化、危险迹象、机会等。引申可表示“照管”“守护,保卫”等,指明确需要警觉,做好防止危险发生的准备,强调连续性和职务性。watch用作名词时意思是“看守”,表示抽象的动作,也可指“看守者”“水手值班的一班”,旧时还可指“巡夜警察”。I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.我很少下棋,但是喜欢看。二、never1、含义:adv. 永不;绝不;从不;未曾。2、用法never作“永不,绝不”解,表示全部否定,一般指经常性的状态,不用于修饰一次性的具体动作。never一般位于系动词及助动词之后,实义动词之前; 如修饰动词不定式或分词,则要放在不定式或分词前。I will never forget your kindness.我永远忘不了你的好意。三、usually1、含义:adv. 通常;经常。2、用法usually是频度副词,意思是“常常”“习惯于”,有遵循常规的意思,其经常性约为90%。usually只能用作状语,位于实义动词之前,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,也可放在句首或句末表示强调。用于否定句时,多位于实义动词与系动词、助动词或情态动词的中间。I usually wake up early.我通常醒得很早。四、snake1、含义:n. 蛇;狡诈的人;v. 蜿蜒;拖曳。2、用法直接源自古英语的snaca,意为蛇。snake的基本意思是“蛇”,喻指“冷酷阴险的人”“虚伪的人”“卑鄙的人”。The snake coiled itself around the tree.蛇盘绕在树上。五、under1、含义:prep. 低于;在 ... 下;在 ... 内;在 ... 控制下;adv. 在昏迷中;在 ... 下;adj. 下面的;从属的;少于的。2、用法under表示静止的空间位置时,意思是“在…的正下方”“在…的下面”; 也可指在某物的脚边或底下,即“在…底下”“在…脚下”; 还可指在人身体某部位之下;有时还可引申表示“在…遮蔽〔保护〕之下”。The total is under what was expected.总数低于预计数。

do you think you will have your own robot?

翻译如下:题目:Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?翻译:你认为你将会有属于自己的机器人么?正文1:When we watch movies about the future , we sometimes see robots.翻译:当我们观看关于未来的电影,我们有时会看到机器人。They are usually like human servants.翻译:它们通常是像人类的仆人。They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.翻译:他们帮助做家务,喜欢在肮脏或危险的地方工作。正文2:Today there are already robots working in factories.翻译:今天已经有机器人在工厂工作。Some can help to build cars , and they do simple jobs over and over again.翻译:一些可以帮助制造汽车,他们一遍又一遍地做着简单的工作。Fewer people will do such jobs in the future beceuse they are boring , but robots will never get bored.翻译:更少的人在未来会做这样的工作因为它们是枯燥的,但是机器人永远不会厌倦。正文3:Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.翻译:科学家们正试图使机器人看起来像人类和做与我们一样的事情。Some robots in Japan can walk and dance.翻译:日本的一些机器人能够行走和跳舞。They are fun to watch.翻译:他们是观看的乐趣。Howevery , some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.翻译:但是,一些科学家相信,虽然我们可以让机器人像人一样,但我们将会很难让他们看起来真的像人。For example , scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.翻译:例如,白人科学家杰姆斯认为机器人将永远无法醒来并且知道他们在哪里。But many scientists disagree with Mr. White . They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.翻译:但是许多科学家不同意杰姆斯.他们认为机器人在20到50年后能够像人类一样说话。正文4:Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.翻译:一些科学家相信未来会有更多的机器人。However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.翻译:然而,他们同意这可能会花费数百年的时间。These new robots will have many different shapes.翻译:这些新的机器人将有许多不同的形状。Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals.翻译:一些将会看起来像人类,其他的可能看起来像动物。In India , for example,scientists made robots that look like snakes.翻译:在印度,例如,科学家让机器人看起来像蛇。If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.翻译:如果建筑物坠落下来,里面的人,这些蛇机器人可以帮助建筑物下的人看。This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.翻译:这是不可能的20年前,但是计算机和火箭也好像是100年前是不可能的。We never know what will happen in the future!翻译:我们永远不知道未来会发生什么!一、watch1、含义:v. 注视;看守;观看;n. 手表;监视;看守;值班。2、用法watch的基本意思是“观看”“注视”,指用眼睛跟踪某物以观察到每一个动作、变化、危险迹象、机会等。引申可表示“照管”“守护,保卫”等,指明确需要警觉,做好防止危险发生的准备,强调连续性和职务性。watch用作名词时意思是“看守”,表示抽象的动作,也可指“看守者”“水手值班的一班”,旧时还可指“巡夜警察”。I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.我很少下棋,但是喜欢看。二、never1、含义:adv. 永不;绝不;从不;未曾。2、用法never作“永不,绝不”解,表示全部否定,一般指经常性的状态,不用于修饰一次性的具体动作。never一般位于系动词及助动词之后,实义动词之前; 如修饰动词不定式或分词,则要放在不定式或分词前。I will never forget your kindness.我永远忘不了你的好意。三、usually1、含义:adv. 通常;经常。2、用法usually是频度副词,意思是“常常”“习惯于”,有遵循常规的意思,其经常性约为90%。usually只能用作状语,位于实义动词之前,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,也可放在句首或句末表示强调。用于否定句时,多位于实义动词与系动词、助动词或情态动词的中间。I usually wake up early.我通常醒得很早。四、snake1、含义:n. 蛇;狡诈的人;v. 蜿蜒;拖曳。2、用法直接源自古英语的snaca,意为蛇。snake的基本意思是“蛇”,喻指“冷酷阴险的人”“虚伪的人”“卑鄙的人”。The snake coiled itself around the tree.蛇盘绕在树上。五、under1、含义:prep. 低于;在 ... 下;在 ... 内;在 ... 控制下;adv. 在昏迷中;在 ... 下;adj. 下面的;从属的;少于的。2、用法under表示静止的空间位置时,意思是“在…的正下方”“在…的下面”; 也可指在某物的脚边或底下,即“在…底下”“在…脚下”; 还可指在人身体某部位之下;有时还可引申表示“在…遮蔽〔保护〕之下”。The total is under what was expected.总数低于预计数。

will people have robots? 是什么意思?



作为一名外科医生 死亡对我来说是家常便饭

have a stake in是什么意思


have a stake in sth.

have a stake in sth与...利害攸关

have a stake 在这句话是该怎样翻译?

have a stake in sth 与...利害攸关Each of us has a stake in the future of our country. 我们国家的未来与我们每个人都利害相关



happy week-end and have fun怎么回复对方

same to you

from11:20a.m to 1 p.mwe havealunch break怎么改一般疑问句

1.When do you have a lunch break? 2.What does Alice do at break? 3.Do you have six classes every day? No,we don"t . 6.Which man is your English teacher?

we dont have plates

platesn. 盘子(plate的复数);板材;[建] 平板


Now you can have some cakes. 或者You can have some cakes now. 你现在可以吃些蛋糕。



'Now that you are 13 yuo should have more sense of responsibility.'的中文翻译


What do yuo have on Tueday是in还是on


英语What did yuo have for brekfast的回答是什么


I have a surprise for yuo是什么意思?


have dragon boat races 我知道是赛龙舟的意思,,但我想知道这句话用了什么语


中考英语:wear,dress,put on,have on的区别

英语中表示“穿衣”的动词很多,在初中英语中我们就学习了dress, wear, put on, have on等表示“穿衣”的动词。你知道如何使用它们吗?   一、从所接宾语来看   dress 要接“人”作宾语(不接“衣”作宾语),而其余的则要接“衣”作宾语(而不接“人”作宾语)。   She dressed the baby. 她给婴儿穿衣服。   She was wearing her mother"s coat. 她穿她母亲的大衣。   Put your coat on when you go out. 出去时穿上外套。   She has a red jacket on. 她穿着一件红色的短上衣。   二、从表示动作与状态来看   wear 和 have on 通常指穿着衣服的状态,put on 通常指穿衣的动作,而 dress 既可指动作也可以指状态。如:   She wore [had on] a new dress. 她穿着一件新衣服。   Put on your clothes quickly. 赶快穿上衣服。   She is dressing herself. 她在穿衣服。   She always dresses in black. 她总是穿黑衣服。   注:dress 还通常用于被动语态。如:   The girl was poorly dressed. 这女孩衣着寒酸。   He was dressed as a woman. 他男扮女装。   三、从所使用的时态和语态来看   wear 和 have on 虽然都可表示穿衣的状态,但 wear 可用于进行时态和被动语态,而 have on 却既不可用于进行时态也不可用于被动语态。如:   He was wearing a new jacket. 他当时穿着一件新夹克。   Such clothes are not often worn nowadays. 现在那样的衣服很少有人穿了。   四、其他用法上的区别   wear 除可表示穿衣外,还可表示戴表(花、纪念章等)以及留头发或胡须等,而 dress, put on 一般不这样用。如:   He seldom wears a watch. 他很少戴表。   He wears his hair long. 他留着长发。   注:have on 有时也这样用。如:   They all had dark glasses on. 他们都戴着墨镜。

he have a towel

1.What does he have?He has a towel. 2.My sister and I have a hat.

题目:If I have a lote of money,I will...

If I have a lot of money, I will do many things. I will help the people who are poor. If they have money, they will have nice life. They can buy many things for them. Their sons or daughters can go to school. So they will be happy. So do I. I will help orphans. I think orphans are very poor. They have lost their fathers and mothers. So they are alone. If I have a lot of money, I will set up an orphanage. So the orphans can live in it happily. Of course, I will buy something for me. I will buy some books to read. So I can learn a lot of knowlege. Books can open my eyes and make me be a useful person. If I have a lot of money, I think I will be very happy.

女孩子对男孩子说Jack shall have jill什么意思


All shall be well, Jack shall have jill为什么是有情人终成眷属的意思


have sth repaired是什么意思

拿某物去修理have something done的意思是那某物被做,强调的是动作,不强调被谁做如have my hair cut就是剪头,不强调谁给剪

have repaired和get sb to repair

D 考查动词用法。get sb to do ,A是完成时,还没修呢肯定不能用完成时。to repair表示还没修,找人去修,符合这句话的语境。

have repaired 正确么?

have sth repaired好。

我的表被修理用英语翻译i have my watch____(repair)

repaired 此题考查动词短语: have sth. done 使。。。被做

he wants to have his TV repaired 为什么用 repaired

have sth done 一个语法

Mansion Student是什么意思啊。全句是Have you rented from Mansion Student before?

Mansion Student的意思是大厦学生


部分倒装因为have 是个助动词现在完成时中:have/has + done 是句子的整个谓语全部倒装是指把句子的整个谓语提前欢迎追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

have a niche in the temple of fame是什么意思

have a niche in the temple of fame留芳百世; 万古流芳; 流芳百世;

英语we have the cabbage called kale怎么翻译?


Police have found_____appears to be the lost ancient statue. A.which B.where


i have always neglected . harder at

应该选 D

At least sorting out the things she should have

was now being made 被动语态的过去进行时?make sth adj.

At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago was now being made


there have something wrong with wyl

There be 是固定句型,有什么.的意思. 后面Something是复数形式,所以要用are. 我们的教室有些问题.

have an English party是[有一个英语派对]还是[举行一个英语派对的意思?]

Have an English party.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which p

  我们唯一不得不害怕的就是害怕本身,无名的、丧失理智的,它把人转退为进所需的努力毫无根据的恐惧。长难句分析:这是罗斯福的演讲中的一句话(凸和撤退是2个动词,为什么能连用?)我懂了,退和提前都是名词,固定搭配(转换成…..转换成把…..)  《百度翻译》供你参考。

急求一篇英语作文:write a letter to a friend or relative asking for advice on problem you have


英语有词首爆破吗,have a good time。能说have a goodime吗


I have scissors为什么不用加a或者an?


Truth and roses have thorns about trem是什么意思

Truth and roses have thorns about them真理和玫瑰, 身旁都有刺

英语作文《how do you have fun 》

Features periodical `Glamour" readers" response on how to enjoy lovemaking. Includes using the ABC game in foreplay; Making love on top of petals of roses; Using nontoxic body paints to draw on private body parts.

英语all have their fancy ideas怎么翻译?

all have their fancy ideas都有自己的奇思妙想

英语语法里,虚拟语气问题,请帮忙分析一下这些 would would have 到底是什么意思,怎么理解才好?

6. i"d always have walked you to the station. 情节大概是 对方要走了,这个人这么说,然后把对方送走了,完全不理解 这个 would have 的意思。7 A: who did this , who did this?

not have a stiver 是什么意思





had Did have hasn"t do have to have 第一个是过去时态,一般过去时. 第二个一般过去时的一般疑问句,看last night昨晚,明显的表明. 第三个是一般现在时,意思是他还没有离开,他还没有走. 第四个是特殊疑问句,HOW MANY 开头的疑问句,用于现在时态. 第五个 ask to do sth 是固定搭配

what are you going to have?回答

what are you going to have?回答你将有什么?I am going to have an English partner.我将有一个英语搭档。

I have a partner to practice English with. 句尾为什么还要加一个with啊 去掉with 句子正确吗

去掉不正确,因为短语是practice sth with sb 不能把介词with省略掉

请问这句话出自哪里?全文是什么?If I have the gift of prophecy


thinner 的原级是什么 并说说原级是什么意思 big的比较级是什么 也说说 heavier的原级 have的单三形式


have no necessarily to married him有语法错误嘛?


i have got to go

I have got to go.是“我得走了。”的意思,它是英语口语中较常用的一句话。 而I have to go.是“我不得不走了。”的意思 Cause是动词,它的主语This是单数,后面因此用a而不是are,这句话的意思是“这给我造成了一个大麻烦”。

求Prinz Songz - Never Have Gone的歌词

You"re gone to my heart and pain to my chestYou got to stop my end and stop my test Comes to my peace when I"m lost planIt"s like a bullet shut up right do my bestI don"t know what to say didn"t know what to do I"m a brown man while I"m still crying about youI don"t know but don"t believe you don"t know when I see you babyyou what you what try to be what you needBut now you"re gone I let you sleep awayI try to say goodbye what you want to sayThings I love what ben best at last don"t change But cross up so close so lies goes rutineRemember reason best forgot and for some waysRemember we to share turn it to somedaysNo man no meaning to no longer I will be somethingHow was head was here to forgot somethingDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re goneI gave you more all baby you drop dearI"ll lie you here be how dare you stop dearI gave up hide not like rocketBut the here dry can"t drop itYou"re my sweeters nears hurt to breathWhat I do you real now you deal to meetNow my happiness Well that show my best to historyI try my best just to forgetting your faceAnd I try my best to forget the daysI keep on trying but can"t forget your faceCus I keep on leading cross every daysIt"s so hard when you"re love someone elseSo I sad waiting for someone-selfWaiting for you just for come on yo But I know do you want come on yoDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re goneBaby I swear I got I love youHow wish things went away with sad wordsI dream house I dream courseI picture them all of our familyAnd start we by babyIt"s a perfect magazine planHow wish it all be real stillIt"s like my heart no longer when myShe"s not my love love doesn"t exitShe make my heart-shipsSo many busy now make my heart feel so diseaseShe"s gone how wish I wasn"t lieCuz I got pains the pains are clarkSo answer my question as lieDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re goneDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re gone 这个?

have witness造句

the past few years have witnessed that the trend is lasting

请问英语 The recent years have witnessed a growing tendency that

语法上没错误。只是在语言逻辑上,growing tendency通常用于描写大的趋势,这里与主句的主语recent years是一致的。但是定语从句描述的,并不像是几年内发生大趋势。

He talked as if he ( ) the incident. A. had witnessed B.witnessed C. witness D.have witnessed


一个英语句子语法问题!The past several years have witnessed a phenomeno

语法没有什么错误,就是个别字眼需要斟酌一下,用字不要显得太学究气,要平易近人为好. universally 最好替换成 widely.另外在逻辑上有点不适当的地方,就是 for the reason 本身就是指代了前面省略号说的一大段的原因了,你这里还要引用一个that的同位语从句来继续讲这个原因做什么呢?这嘴碎的,太 wordy 啦!最后的 which 引导的非限定性定语从句还是可以接受的. 最后可以改为: The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that . ,for that reason, it is widely acknowledged that taking care of our parents is a virtue, which should be accepted, respected, appreciated and advocated.

这个句子的成分如何分析? Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.

(Recent) years 是名词作主语in recent years 才做状语

i have watnessed

不是从句,而是部分倒装.等于: I have never witnessed such considerate behaviour in a person of high birth in my life. 英语中,否定词位于句首,句子需部分倒装.

英语。Recent years have witnessed a growing social m


past 30 years have witnessed为什么用have

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