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you must be harvey`s squeeze.squeeze不是拥挤佣金压榨的意思吗?为什么会翻译成女朋友呢?


Out of Time Man-Mick Harvey歌词

I"m walkin" out for loveI"m walkin" bad, really down like a cool breezeI"m gonna be late again driver wait for me pleaseI"m drivin" all in vain tryin" to catch this fuckin" trainTime don"t fool me no moreI throw my watch to the floor was so lazyTime don"t do it again, now I"m stressed and strainedWith my anger and pain in the subway trainNow it"s half past twoLong gone the rendezvousNow it"s half past threeTime made a fool out of meNow it"s half past fourBaby can"t you seeNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyI think it"s nineWhen clock says tenThis girl wouldn"t waitFor the out of time, out of time manTime don"t fool me no moreI throw my watch to the floor was so lazyTime don"t do it again, now I"m stressed and strainedWith my anger and pain in the subway trainNow it"s half past twoLong gone the rendezvousNow it"s half past threeTime made a fool out of meNow it"s half past fourBaby can"t you seeNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyI think it"s nineWhen clock says tenThis girl wouldn"t waitFor the out of time, out of time manNow it"s half past twoLong gone the rendezvousNow it"s half past threeTime made a fool out of meNow it"s half past fourBaby can"t you seeNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyNow it"s half past twoLong gone the rendezvousNow it"s half past threeTime made a fool out of meNow it"s half past fourBaby can"t you seeNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyNow it"s half past twoLong gone the rendezvousNow it"s half past threeTime made a fool out of meNow it"s half past fourBaby can"t you seeNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyNow it"s half past twoLong gone the rendezvousNow it"s half past threeTime made a fool out of meNow it"s half past fourBaby can"t you seeNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyNow it"s half past twoLong gone the rendezvousNow it"s half past threeTime made a fool out of meNow it"s half past fourBaby can"t you seeNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyNow it"s half past twoNow it"s half past threeNow it"s half past fourNo use in waiting no moreIt"s a timing tragedyNow it"s half past twoNow it"s half past threeRead more: Mano Negra - Out Of Time Man Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Harvey B.Mackay一段演讲的翻译原文。我已经听到吐了还是听不懂。

Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.”When Henry Ford said those words he wasn"t just talking about himself. He went belly-up several times, but never lost sight of his goal. He believed in himself and in what he was doing. In the end, he was so right.Don"t ever let anyone tell you that you can"t accomplish your goals. Who says you"re not tougher, better, harder working, smarter and more able than your competition? It doesn"t matter if they say you can"t do it. The only thing that matters is if you say it. If you believe in yourself, there"s hardly anything you can"t accomplish.Most actors fail before they succeed. Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman were both voted by their acting classmates as the “Least Likely to Succeed.” And how many of those classmates can boast an Academy Award? Woody Allen failed in both the motion picture production classes he attended in college. Lucky for him, his film audiences gave him better grades. Harrison Ford was told by movie executives that he simply didn"t have what it takes to be a star. Of course, he proved them wrong by starring in the “Star Wars” trilogy, the Indiana Jones series, and a string of movies that have grossed over $6 billion!Some of the most successful singers in history have overcome bumpy starts as well. Diana Ross and the Supremes were flops on their first nine records, but the tenth took them to the top of the charts. After only one performance, Elvis Presley was fired in 1954 by Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry, who told him, “You ain"t going nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck.” One recording company executive told The Beatles, “We don"t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.”Don"t take no for an answerWhat part of “no” didn"t these people understand? The part that said “no confidence.” They had every confidence that they could achieve and succeed.Business legends are no different. We all know about inspirational success stories like Bill Gates, Col. Harlan Sanders and R.H. Macy.But do you know about Soichiro Honda? Many of you have driven his cars, used his lawn mowers and ridden his motorcycles. Honda was turned down by Toyota Motor Corporation for a job as an engineer, so he started making scooters and finally started his own company. Honda Corporation says: “We see the world not as it is, but as it could be. We see the world through the eyes of dreamers. Because we are a company founded by a dreamer. And we are a company built on dreams.”If we want to triple our success ratio … we might have to triple our failure rate.Surround yourself with top-quality people and listen to their input. Don"t wait until it"s too late to change. Start to take the true measure of your success now.To simply ask the question, “How can I make a difference?” is to answer it, because the answer is to never let yourself stop asking the question.I"ve asked myself that question hundreds of times. Maybe thousands. And any time I feel like quitting I just look at a framed poster I have hanging in our office:He failed in business in "31. He ran as a state legislator and lost in "32. He tried business again in "33 and failed again. His sweetheart died in "35.He had a nervous breakdown in "36. He ran for state elector in "40 after he regained his health. He was defeated for Congress in "43, defeated again for Congress in "48, defeated when he ran for the Senate in "55 and defeated for vice presidency of the United States in "56. He ran for Senate again in "58 and lost.He never quit. He kept trying till the last. In 1860, this man, Abraham Lincoln, was elected president of the United States.Mackay"s Moral: You must believe if you want to achieve.这段的后面有点像。采纳后,我再找



Harvey B. Mackay是谁?


谁有Harvey Mackay 【Believe in yourself】演讲的电子版求发

Get the Job You Want Harvey B. Mackay 1 I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself. I like talking to potential salespeople, because they"re our link to customers. 2 When a recent college graduate came into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job, I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview. He said he"d read something about us somewhere. 3 Had he called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation to find out more about us? No. Had he called our suppliers? Our customers? No. 4 Had he checked with his university to see if there were any graduates working at Mackay whom he could interview? Had he asked any friends to grill him in a mock interview? Did he go to the library to find newspaper clippings on us? 5 Did he write a letter beforehand to tell us about himself, what he was doing to prepare for the interview and why he"d be right for the job? Was he planning to follow up the interview with another letter indicating his eagerness to join us? Would the letter be in our hands within 24 hours of the meeting, possibly even hand-delivered? 6 The answer to every question was the same: no. That left me with only one other question: How well prepared would this person be if he were to call on a prospective customer for us? I already knew the answer. 7 As I see it, there are four keys to getting hired: 8 1. Prepare to win. "If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference," the saying goes among musicians. "If you miss two days of practice, the critics notice the difference. If you miss three days of practice, the audience notices the difference." 9 When we watch a world-class musician or a top athlete, we don"t see the years of preparation that enabled him or her to become great. The Michael Jordans of the world have talent, yes, but they"re also the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court. The same preparation applies in every form of human endeavor. If you want the job, you have to prepare to win it. 10 When I graduated from college, the odds were good that I would have the same job for the rest of my life. And that"s how it worked out. But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Employment experts believe that today"s graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their careers. 11 That may sound like a lot of pressure. But if you"re prepared, the pressure is on the other folks -- the ones who haven"t done their homework. 12 You won"t get every job you go after. The best salespeople don"t close every sale. Michael Jordan makes barely half of his field-goal attempts. But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepared for five. And your prospects for success will be many times better. 13 2. Never stop learning. Recently I played a doubles tennis match paired with a 90-year-old. I wondered how things would work out; I shouldn"t have. We hammered our opponents 6-1, 6-1! 14 As we were switching sides to play a third set, he said to me, "Do you mind if I play the backhand court? I always like to work on my weaknesses." What a fantastic example of a person who has never stopped learning. Incidentally, we won the third set 6-1. 15 As we walked off the court, my 90-year-old partner chuckled and said, "I thought you"d like to know about my number-one ranking in doubles in the United States in my age bracket, 85 and up!" He wasn"t thinking 90; he wasn"t even thinking 85. He was thinking number one. 16 You can do the same if you work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths. To be able to compete, you"ve got to keep learning all your life. 17 3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Do you remember the four-minute mile? Athletes had been trying to do it for hundreds of years and finally decided it was physically impossible for humans. Our bone structure was all wrong, our lung power inadequate. 18 Then one human proved the experts wrong. And, miracle of miracles, six weeks after Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, John Landy beat Bannister"s time by nearly two full seconds. Since then, close to eight hundred runners have broken the four-minute mile! 19 Several years ago my daughter Mimi and I took a crack at running the New York Marathon. At the gun, 23,000 runners started -- and 21,244 finished. First place went to a Kenyan who completed the race in two hours, 11 minutes and one second. The 21,244th runner to finish was a Vietnam veteran. He did it in three days, nine hours and 37 minutes. With no legs, he covered 26.2 miles. After my daughter and I passed him in the first few minutes, we easily found more courage to finish ourselves. 20 Don"t ever let anyone tell you that you can"t accomplish your goals. Who says you"re not tougher, harder working and more able than your competition? You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline: in writing, measurable, identifiable, attainable. 21 4. Find a way to make a difference. In my opinion, the majority of New York cabdrivers are unfriendly, if not downright rude. Most of the cabs are filthy, and almost all of them sport an impenetrable, bulletproof partition. But recently I jumped into a cab at LaGuardia Airport and guess what? It was clean. There was beautiful music playing and no partition. 22 "Park Lane Hotel, please," I said to the driver. With a broad smile, he said, "Hi, my name is Wally," and he handed me a mission statement. A mission statement! It said he would get me there safely, courteously and on time. 23 As we drove off, he held up a choice of newspapers and said, "Be my guest." He told me to help myself to the fruit in the basket on the back seat. He held up a cellular phone and said, "It"s a dollar a minute if you"d like to make a call." 24 Shocked, I blurted, "How long have you been practicing this?" He answered, "Three or four years." 25 "I know this is prying." I said, "but how much extra money do you earn in tips?" 26 "Between $12,000 and $14,000 a year!" he responded proudly. 27 He doesn"t know it, but he"s my hero. He"s living proof that you can always shift the odds in your favor. 28 My mentor, Curt Carlson, is the wealthiest man in Minnesota, owner of a hotel and travel company with sales in the neighborhood of $9 billion. I had to get to a meeting in New York one day, and Curt generously offered me a ride in his jet. It happened to be a day Minnesota was hit with one of the worst snowstorms in years. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport was closed for the first time in decades. 29 Then, though the storm continued to pound us, the airport opened a runway for small craft only. As we were taxiing down it to take off, Curt turned to me and said gleefully, "Look, Harvey, no tracks in the snow!" 30 Curt Carlson, 70 years old at the time, rich beyond anyone"s dreams, could still sparkle with excitement about being first. 31 From my standpoint, that"s what it"s all about. Prepare to win. Never stop learning. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Find a way to make a difference. Then go out and make your own tracks in the snow.


























E604 《MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY》翻译:分子细胞生物学(第四版)作 者:HARVEY LODISH出 版 社:MEDIA CONNECTED出版时间:2000印刷时间:不详印 数:装 订:精装版 次:开 本:大16开页 数:1084页字 数:I S B N:品 相:八品售 价:156.00(已售)出售日期:2011-12-01







harvey和mike说的good cop,bad cop是什么意思

good cop好警察bad cop坏警察cop英-[ku0252p]美-[kɑp]释义n. 巡警,警官vt. 抓住n. (Cop)人名;(塞、捷)措普;(土)焦普







Harvey Wallbanger 歌词

歌曲名:Harvey Wallbanger歌手:Less Than Jake专辑:Greetings From Less Thank JakeHarvey Wallbanger - Less Than JakeWho-o-o-o-oah!We are recession royaltytaking Adderall to stay awakeand alcohol to fall alseepwe"re big like brothers charged to feedyour bank account meets gravityfalling backwardshere"s our last wordseverybody drinks for free!hello Harvey WallbangerSt. Jameson"s right next to meeverybody drinks for free!thank you Harvey WallbangerSt. Jameson keeps helping me"Who-o-o-o-oah!Your family tree is falling downthe future calls, you lose your housethree cheers for the down and outlet"s have a toast for living nowfly the flag for the proudfalling backwardshere"s our last words:everybody drinks for freeHello Harvey WallbangerSt. Jameson"s right next to meeverybody drinks for freethank you Harvey WallbangerSt. Jameson keeps helping meWe always free-falling backwardshere"s our last words:everybody drinks for free!hello Harvey WallbangerSt. Jameson"s right next to meeverybody drinks for free!just keep yourself numb constantlyeverybody drinks for free!everybody drinks for free yeaheverybody drinks for free on mehello Harvey WallbangerSt. Jameson"s right next to methank you Harvey WallbangerSt. Jameson keeps helping methank you stalled economyfor all of my uncertainty-End-http://music.baidu.com/song/16655579



请问Harvey英文名的含义是什么?vernon,patrick,leo and jason这几个英文名的含义分别是什么?谢谢

Harvey 军中勇士Vernon 赤杨属植物Patrick 贵族Leo (Leon) 大胆的狮子Jason 医者



harvey和mike说的good cop,bad cop是什么意思


harvey和mike说的good cop,bad cop是什么意思

没看过这个剧 不过就我看过的美剧来说 一般COP是警察口语化的表达,一般美剧会翻译成条子good cop 就是指好警察 bad cop 就是坏警察喽 经常看罪案类美剧的同学会发现,剧中人往往把警察称作cop,而很少叫成police【cop的来历】cop一词由copper而来,就是“铜”的意思,因为警察的徽章都是铜制的,所以在俚语中就能用cop来表示警察。【cop的翻译】由于cop是非正式的俚语的称谓,看起来跟港剧中的“条子”非常接近,但不同的是“条子”带有一定的贬义成分在里面,而cop一词却很中性,因而就要视说话人的语气而定,翻译成“条子”或者“警察”咯。【cop的人员组成】大家会发现美剧中往往不只是警察会被称为cop,还有诸如FBI的探员、Homeland

如何评价演员Laurence R.Harvey

听朋友说过是个儿童节目的主持人,第一次正式演出。如果是真的话,太颠覆了。不过演的是相当好。 补充一下,以下摘自百度百科:第二集中,大反派则变成了一个肥胖的失败者,扮演他的是从没有大银幕经验的劳伦斯·R·哈维(Laurence R. Harvey)——此君之前一直在小剧场和电视界扮演一些逗孩子发笑的小丑之类的角色。哈维说:“我之前就知道《人体蜈蚣》,但是没有机会看他。这是一部很受小众追捧的cult电影。所以当我的助理来问我是不是愿意出演《人体蜈蚣2》的时候,我还挺开心的。因为,这样的电影肯定会成为一种文化现象,毕竟《南方公园》都在恶搞《人体蜈蚣》了。虽然说故事的情节有些令人难以接受,但是拍摄出来之后,一定会很有观赏和娱乐性。我觉得,马丁这个角色有其存在的合理性,而且,他的兽性的爆发也很能说得通。当他的母亲扔掉他的《人体蜈蚣》收藏本的时候,我有着某种感同身受的情感。因为我的妈妈也曾经扔掉过我的DVD收藏,那都是些日本的暴力的和色情的DVD。马丁之后的有一定报复性的举动也完全能说得通。所以在看完剧本之后,我很希望能出演这部电影。汤姆·希克斯在片场是一个事事亲为的,他会指导我拍摄每一场戏,包括强奸戏。对我来说,这些都是不小的挑战,而且很有看点。”[

William Harvey 的资料

  17世纪,英国医生哈维(William Harvey,1578—1657)在前人研究的基础上,做了大量离体心脏的实验研究,指出血液在体内是循环流动的。首先,他通过实验发现,如果心室容纳的血液为56.8克,心跳每分72次,则一小时由心脏压出的血液应为245.4千克,这相当于人体重的三四倍,这样大的血量决不可能是同一时间内消化道吸收的营养物质变成的,也不可能是同一时间内静脉所储存的,由此断定血液在体内必定是循环的。其次,他用捆扎手臂的实验证明,血液是从心脏经动脉流到静脉再流回心脏的。此外,他通过解剖和活体观察,发现动物心脏就像水泵,收缩时把血液压出来,舒张时又充满了血液,指出血液循环的动力在于心脏的机械作用。  虽然哈维发现了血液循环,但限于当时的条件,他并不清楚血液是怎样由动脉流到静脉的。1661年,意大利解剖学家马尔比基(Marcello Malpighi,1628—1694)将改进了的显微镜用于解剖学研究,结果发现了毛细血管。随后,列文虎克(Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,1632—1723)又证实了毛细血管连接着动脉和静脉,从而使血液循环的理论进一步完善。  哈维的血液循环理论,彻底否定了盖仑的错误学说。哈维的工作开创了把实验方法引入生理学的先河,为近代生理学和医学的发展奠定了基础。

harvey和mike说的good cop,bad cop是什么意思




起了个英文名字叫 Harvey 但是 学校里 有中国人叫 哈瑞 哈里的 = = 会不会听起来很别扭







乔治亚州 哈维·格兰特哈维·格兰特(HarveyGrant)1965年7月4日生于乔治亚州的奥古斯塔市,是一名已退役美国NBA球员。他有个双胞胎兄弟霍勒斯·格兰特(HoraceGrant)是公牛队第一个三连冠时期的主力大前锋。

Harvey 怎么读



在Harvey Mudd College就读是怎样一番体验

1 HMC概述理工科+文理学院=Harvey Mudd虽然作为克莱蒙特五校联盟(CMC,Pomona,Pitzer,Scripps,Harvey Mudd)的成员之一,与其它四个学校紧挨着,一同坐落在南加州的克莱蒙特镇上。但Harvey Mudd校园画风非常不一样,经常被说丑萌,基本所有楼都是一只只粉褐色的块状物…Mudd建校一部分是上世纪五十年代National Defense Education Act (NDEA) 的产物,对这里的Defense就是战略防备的那个意思。建校的初衷完全就是培养科学技术人才。因此Harvey Mudd只有六个专业: Biology, Chemistry, Computer science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics加上三个联合专业:Chemistry and Biology, Computer science and Mathematics, and Mathematical Biology。很明显是一所理工科学校。不过学生也可以自己设计独立专业,或者读五校联盟(CMC,Pomona,Pitzer,Scripps,Harvey Mudd) 其他学校的专业。因为文理学院通常没有工科,专攻理工科的文理学院,Mudd恐怕是当之无愧的第一了。2 | HMC生活问:简单介绍一下Harvey Mudd的生活?答:Mudd的一天在忙碌的早晨中拉开序幕。freshmen的课往往从8点开始,他们不得不早早放弃还没做完的美梦,变成第一批占领校园的人。奔向教室的方法各不相同。除了步行和自行车之外,更酷炫的交通工具包括长度不一的滑板(longboard和skateboard)、轮子大大小小的独轮车(unicycle)、两脚分别踩在两块小板上靠扭动身体前行的漂移板(freeline) 以及不少人小时候经常玩的那种滑板车(scooter)。补充:Harvey Mudd的校园是代步工具最千奇百怪的。生为理(ji)工(xiao)学生,Harvey Mudd的人总是十分有创造力,有些人甚至会踩自己做的滑板来上学(对,做,做木工的那种做)在上学路上经常能看见松鼠在前方蹿过。作为校园里最常见(也最受欢迎)的动物,它们有时也会出现在课堂教授演示的幻灯片上,或是以4/5c出现在你的物理作业和试卷里。Shananhan Center是学校最新建成的教学楼,自从建成之后,有90%左右的课转移到了这个只有3层楼的建筑里(除了地下层)。Shananhan同时也成为了Mudd最漂亮的一栋楼,五彩的砖块、玻璃幕墙、外加楼顶种着仙人掌和其他植物的花园,这些似乎稍微弥补了校园建筑了无生气的特点(但同时也使得原先建成的那些楼更加黯然失色)。尽管站在校园里一眼望去并没有特别亮眼的风景,在脚下看不见的地方却有着独特的设计。地下四通八达的tunnels将四栋楼从暗处连通起来,不熟悉的人很容易在里面迷路。Mudd的夜晚是最美的。夜色遮盖了白天所有可能显现出的缺点,而各栋楼亮着的灯在这时候也起到了恰到好处的点缀效果。一个人走在宁静的校园里,抬头仰望星空,感觉既孤独又幸福。然而,这种表面上的宁静或许只是一种错觉。在校园的各个角落,(即使是凌晨两点)人们在忙着各种各样的事情。一些engineering major会聚在lab里写作业,时而讨论,气氛十分温馨。CS lab彻夜开放着,随时欢迎那些爱代码胜过爱睡眠的人们。Platt Center有着一排排白板以及最舒服的沙发,是开homework party和讨论project的好去处。Jay"s Place隐蔽在Platt的地下,那儿卖着重口味的Buffalo wings以及以Newton、Franklin等人命名的潜艇三明治,每晚吸引着数不胜数的人前来光临。3 | HMC学术大一:数理化生工+CS样样具全问:作为这么一个属性清奇的文理学院,Harvey Mudd的课程设置大概如何?答:Freshman year上午最典型的课程一般是math,chemistry,physics和biology,从早上八点连续着一直上到中午。这就是Mudd特有的common core。不论你最终选定什么专业,都要在大一、大二两年必修一定的math,chem,physics,bio,engineering和CS课程。文理兼备高年级学生们则将更多精力放在他们的专业上,而至少11门的人文课程(HSA program)也使他们在一定程度上做到文理兼备。尽管Mudd本身并没有HSA(humanities, social sciences, and the arts) major,整个学校也只设有一个HSA department(还悲剧地设在engineering department的楼里),但还是有一些相当有意思的课,而学生也有充分的自由在5C的其他学校的选修HSA课程。补充: 要做到文理兼修,又要做到数理化生雨露均沾,就导致了课非常非常多,课程非常紧凑的效果。所以HMC是公认的学霸校。 一门一学期的课三学分,Mudd的学生平均每学期要至少15学分才能毕业。何况很多课都有Lab, 经常晚上十二点了还听到“我去做个lab”“我考个试”这样的话。最诚挚,聪颖的教授问:那上课形式呢?教授人好吗?答:Mudd也有一些课是大型lecture的形式,但最常见的还是十几人的小课。上课氛围轻松随意,你可以随时打断教授,进行提问或者发表自己不同的见解;吃东西一般是被允许的;座位说不定也会因教授的心情在某天突然布置成一圈一圈的螺旋形。Mudd的教授是极可爱的。不论是课后一起讨论问题,又或是平日轻松愉快的闲聊,和他们说话总是充满亲切感而不会感到任何距离或压力。物理教授们会定期举办液氮冰激凌party;每周五下午,数学教授们会在department旁的露台举办math tea,和学生们喝茶聊天;也有教授会邀请学生到自己家里共进晚餐;更有甚者,会在某个星期天的下午出现在宿舍的lounge里,在众人的围观下给他的小女儿读故事,时而附上一些幽默的评论。补充: Harvey Mudd的教授有一种标志性的“对学术的纯粹热情”,并且作为文理学院的教授,又有着为人师长的那种无私指导精神。在这里学习和高三生活会有些相似,很纯粹,虚头巴脑的事情少,虚荣也少,是个很适合喜欢学术的人的环境。4 | HMC住宿宿舍:静如止水,动如脱兔在最早建成,同时也被誉为最nerdy的east dorm,人们往往喜欢坐在院子里玩桌游,或是挤在lounge里看电影。与之相邻的west dorm则要疯狂得多。酒精和派对对于那儿的人们太过普通,他们两个最大的爱好则是砸和烧。在院子正中有一个大火坑,经常能看见有人将砸烂的木头丢进去,使火焰熊熊燃烧着。他们偶尔也会在凌晨3点召集全宿舍的人偷偷潜入隔壁Scripps运回整车偷摘的柠檬,然后一顿狂砸。(Scripps:玛德智障)值得一提的是,west对面的south dorm丝毫没有被这种疯狂影响,一直以最安静的dorm著称。补充: Claremont有个公认的事实:旁边CMC是party最多的,但是Mudd是party起来最疯狂的…(甚至有Party就叫Mudd goes Mad)可能是学业压力太大了吧,科科。5 | HMC压力问:Mudd年年登上压力最大的学校榜单,真的有这么压抑吗?答:每当临近final week的时候,所有人都看起来睡眠不足的样子,尽管他们早已对一学期18学分(相当于6门课)的workload习以为常。而考试周也并不完全是紧张、严肃的。east与north dorm之间写着“noisy minutes”的横幅早早地挂了起来。晚上将近9点,当有人还在宿舍里安静复习的时候,门外突然毫无预兆地放起吵闹的音乐。两dorm之间的草地上不知何时已搭起充气城堡,east和north的人们从两边向城堡发起攻势,都意图率先占领对方的领域。这样的吵闹与疯狂来无踪也去无影,9点一到,音乐戛然而止,所有参与其中的人们也迅速散去,校园又重新恢复寂静。校方也有意减轻考试带来的压力,可根据个人情况自己决定考试时间与环境的take-home tests一直是主流形式,而学生们也都能自觉遵守honor code,不辜负这份信任。(take-home tests就是把考试带回家自己做,学生自己遵守诚信不作弊)6 | HMC就业Mudd课业难度大,量多,压力委实不小。配图看起来仿佛是一家普通的Starbucks,其实是在Mudd的一间自习室。不过大一大二所有人课都差不多,学校又小,所以大家往往和周围人关系都很亲近,这种一起奋斗的感觉是化解压力最好的武器,即使忙得飞起也很少有人感到孤独。另外毕业之后的高薪也算是给了不少人迎难而上的动力吧…Harvey Mudd绝大多数人是CS 或者Engineering 专业毕业,尤其是CS专业,毕业后往往成为职业软件工程师或者项目经理,被Google, Facebook, Microsoft等公司录取的人不在少数,因而也常年荣登毕业生起薪最高的榜单榜首。以上即是在Mudd生活、学习的一些零碎。或许你会发现这样的Mudd就是理想中的dream school,又或许它并不是你的type。而在我看来,所有的这些零碎,无论是优点或缺点,都正是Mudd最迷人所在。