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Nellie The Elephant (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Nellie The Elephant (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke Kids PartyTo BombayA travelling circus cameThey brought an intelegent elephantand Nellie was her nameOne dark nightshe slipt her iron chain, and of she ranto Hindustan and was never seen againoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpNight by night she danced to the circus bandWhen Nellie was leading the big parade she lookedso proud and grandNo more tricks for Nellie to performeThey taught her how to take a bow and she tookedto crowd by stormoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpThe head of the heard was calling far far awaythey meet one night in silver lighton the road to Mandaleyoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpBY 工藤夏子 06.08.05http://music.baidu.com/song/2859553


答:elephant用英语怎么说介绍如下:英/u02c8elu026afu0259nt/。美/u02c8elu026afu0259nt/。n.大象;象。复数: elephants。A small boy rode on the elephant"s back.一个小男孩骑在大象背上。The elephant答:elephant(大象)可以联想成“ele+fan(扇子)+t”。扇子是一种很大的东西,类似于大象的耳朵的形状,因此“elephant”可以联想为“扇子+大象+T(尾巴)”。basketball(篮球)可以将“basket”与“球”联系在一起,形成“篮答:大象在动物园里的英语是Elephants in the zoo。elephant大象,在句中作主语,用名词复数形式,表示种类,复数名词应该与are搭配,in the zoo动物园里,介词短语做表语。肯定句应该用陈述句语序,故填The elephants are in th答:关于动物的英语单词有:cat猫、dog狗、pig猪、duck鸭子、rabbit兔子、horse马、elephant大象、kangaroo袋鼠、monkey猴子、fish鱼、bird鸟、panda熊猫、bear熊、lion狮子、tiger老虎、sheep绵羊、goat山羊、cow奶牛。1、cat。读音:答:1、As the giraffe and elephant watch in horror, they look at him and ask, "Lion, why did you do this? He was merely trying to help us all!"长颈鹿和大象被吓坏了,它们看着狮子问它:“狮子,你为什么要elephant的英文的区别答:例如:elephant大象,ant是蚂蚁...二十英语是 twenty,二十一英语是 twenty one,二十三英语是 twenty three, 三十英语是thirty。 二十相关数字的记忆法是二就是two 所以二十就是twenty ,二十几就是二十加上相应的数字。三答:大象在喝水的英语:The elephant is drinking water 拓展:当大象在饥渴的时候,喝水是一件非常重要的事情。大象的体型庞大,它们需要大量的水来维持身体的各种生理活动和保持水平衡。首先,大象是非常聪明的,它们知道在哪里答:大象比熊猫重英语是Elephants are heavier than pand答:Elephant:大象。例如:Elephants are the largest land animals.(大象是最大的陆地动物。)Giraffe:长颈鹿。例如:Giraffes have long necks and legs.(长颈鹿有长长的脖子和腿。)Lion:狮子。例如:Lions are the kings 答:3、图像记忆 将单词和一个形象生动的图像联系起来,例如,把elephant和一只大象联系在一起,这样会比较容易记住这个单词。4、反复读、反复背 通过反复朗读和背诵来记住单词。这是最为基础的准确度较高的方法,也是最为普遍的


elephant的读音为/iˈlɪfənt/。大象的英文是elephant,可以音译为/iˈlɪfənt/。elephant的意思:n. 大象,是一种存在于亚洲和非洲的大型哺乳动物,是陆地上最大和最有争议的动物之一。elephant的近义词:ivory, pachyderm。elephant最早出现在古希腊语中,原意是象牙的意思,后来演变成为指大象这种动物。elephant造句:1、Elephants are known for their intelligence and memory.(大象以其智能和记忆力著称。)2、In many cultures, elephants are considered a symbol of wisdom and strength.(在许多文化中,大象被认为是智慧和力量的象征。)3、They used to hunt elephants for their ivory tusks.(他们曾经为猎取大象的象牙獠牙而猎杀大象。)大象的介绍大象是目前陆地上身体最大的哺乳动物,由于体型庞大、长相奇特,备受人们的喜爱和注目。大象是草食性动物,主要以树叶、草、树皮和水果为食。一只大象每天要摄入大约150-300千克的食物,需要不断移动寻找食物。大象的学名为“Elephantidae”,分为两种:非洲象和亚洲象,不同的品种也略有不同。大象主要分布于非洲、南亚和东南亚等地区,是濒临灭绝的珍稀动物之一。大象在一些文化中拥有神圣的地位,被认为象征着智慧和力量。



Strictly no elephants是什么意思




thai elephant day是什么意思


thai elephant day是什么意思

thai elephant day泰国大象节elephant[英][u02c8elu026afu0259nt][美][u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt]n.象,大象; 复数:elephants以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How do you eat an elephant? 你怎样吃一头大象?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



求Damien Rice专辑9中Elephant中文歌词翻译(附英文歌词)

这得到死 这得到停止 这一定躺下 别人在上面 你可能保护我不被抓住 它是更加容易戏弄 但您不可能绘大象 象她一样的安静和她也许哭泣象婴孩 和她也许哭泣得像个婴儿 和我晚了是孤独的 还有你为什么必须说谎? 我采取我是您的拐杖的它 在您的枕头盒的枕头 它是更加容易接触 还有,当您认为您时犯罪了 当您跌倒在您的膝盖? 您是否在您的图片之内坐? 而您仍然忘记微风? 如果我唱您击倒, 而她也许起来 她也许明智地紧贴到地面 我晚了是有角的 但是为什么会她采取我有角? 点这首歌曲是什么? 甚至唱歌? 你已经为什么去,是我紧随? 好的我可能把它扔出去,并且我可能居住,不用我可能做它全部您的 我能是坚强强的 告诉我,如果您要我说谎 因为这一定死 这一定停止 这一定躺下,下来 与别人一同在上面 你可能保护我别被抓住 因为戏弄是更加容易的 但您不可能使我愉快 象我一样的安静您知道这是谎言妈妈米哟,偶才高二,就这水平了

our first flag had a white elephant on it.had是什么


Our first flag had a white elephant on it中为什么要用had?

这个句子用的是一般过去式,如果是一般现在时,则是:Our first flag has a white elephant on it.

小S为什么叫elephant DEE有什么特殊意义吗


小S为什么叫elephant DEE有什么特殊意义吗

听听蔡健雅的歌 被驯服的象 小S作词

an little elephant。一只小大象。是应该用an吗


为什么是save the elephants 加the 而kill elephants不加the


The Elephant and the Spider(一) 作文

大象和蜘蛛(翻译) It was afternoon in the forest. The sun was behind the trees. The animals were quiet. They were waiting for the sun to go down. 下午的森林中,太阳已落到了树的后面。动物们安安静静,等待着太阳落下去。 There was also an old spider. Slowly she worked on a web. It was a very large web. The spider put the web between two trees. The web was silver and gold in the evening sun. The spider worked, and the sun fell. Night came. 一只老蜘蛛慢慢地在网上忙活。这是一张非常大的网,蜘蛛把网结在两棵树之间。网在落日余晖中银光光金闪闪。太阳落下去了,夜晚来了,蜘蛛还在工作。 Nearby, an old elephant was dying.He walked slowly, swinging his old trunk. The elephant slept. 附近,一只老的大象快要死了。它缓慢地走着,摇着它的老鼻子。一会儿,大象睡觉了。 In the night the spider worked. Other animals watched her.There were night birds that did not sleep. There was a snake under a tree. A little mouse looked up at the beautiful web, silver and gold in the moonlight. 夜晚,蜘蛛还在忙活。动物们看着它,夜鸟不睡觉,一条蛇在树的下面,一只小老鼠向上瞅着那美丽的、在月光下银光闪亮的网。 “Why are you working at night?” they asked. “The other spiders are sleeping.”“You can see,” said the spider. “This is going to be my most beautiful web.”“It"s very large,” said the mouse. “There are no flies that large,” said the snake. “I don"t want to catch a fly,” said the spider. “你为什么还要在晚上忙活呢?”动物们问,“别的蜘蛛都睡觉了呀。” 蜘蛛回答:“你们会发现,这可是一张最美的网。” “它非常大。”老鼠说。 “捉只苍蝇也不需要那么大的网。”蛇说。 “我并不想用它去捉苍蝇。”蜘蛛说。 There was a small black bird in a tree above the web. “So what are you going to catch in your web?” she asked. “I"m going to catch an elephant,” said the spider. 一只小黑鸟站到了网上面的树稍上,问道:“那你准备用网捉什么呢?” “我准备捉一只大象。”蜘蛛说。 All the animals laughed and laughed. The spider worked and worked. 动物们笑得情不自禁,而蜘蛛仍然忙来忙去。


I think it"s bigger than the elephant.(话说it"s=it is 不是“它的”意思)所以如果是its应该这样I think its head is bigger than the elephant.(当i指自己时要写大字)

when I see an elephant fly是哪部电影里的歌

电影 小飞象

Elephant Man&Mj Cole的《Mad Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Mad Man歌手:Elephant Man&Mj Cole专辑:Cut To The ChaseHaste the Day - Mad ManYou said it yourselfTo convalesce from empty sorrow,someone had to squealTo drive to the bottomYou said "I know."I know it"s not your faultLike wire around your bonesand you were never numb,I take it I"m a mad man,but I would never squealI never said it was no goodThe innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!Lock yourself upLike a bird in a cage, you sing but no one ever listensHow much were you paid to sell out the madman?Like a scientist or a master of designI knew exactly what I was doingAnd I heard of your diseaseAnd shots of penicillin barely kept you aliveThe innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!I am the cloneI dwell in silenceI am the cloneI dwell in silenceI am the cloneI dwell in silenceI am the cloneI dwell in silenceThe innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!The innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!http://music.baidu.com/song/7544833

求英语大神们帮忙翻译Rachael Yamagata唱的Elephants


求几个英语的短语,例如black tea,blue moon ,white elephant

black horsegreen hand




"They touch the elephant, but no one is certain."

here comes a man on a big elephant中的come为什么要加s

因为这是倒装句,主语是A man ,动词肯定要第三人称单数咯

here comes a man on a elephant怎么判断是否是倒装句


Elephant Man的《Fake Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Fake Man歌手:Elephant Man专辑:Volume中岛美嘉 - FAKE作词:中岛美嘉/宫崎歩作曲:宫崎歩编曲:宫崎歩くだらない情热を抱いて眠れぬ夜探り合う时间と时间をすり寄せる部屋取り缮う 言叶を并べてため息を烟で ごまかしている触れる指で なぞり合う心持て余すDon"t play my heart待てない戸惑う瞳の向こうに痛いほどのfake気づかぬように今は..今は.. please.. so please...今は..今は..つまらない条件を満たして夺われていく伏せた目で孤独と孤独を引き寄せる茑寂しさより 置き去りの想い静寂を彷徨い すり替えてみる渇えた声で 招き忧う体缲り返すDon"t try my heart泣けない祈りは届かなくてもいい棘を隠すfake戸惑くらい全て.. 全て..please.. so please...おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7450084


I am an elephant意思是:我是一只大象。elephant 英[ˈelɪfənt]美[ˈelɪfənt]n. 象;

用所给单词的适当形式填空:Here ( ) (come) a man on an elephant.

你好!用所给单词的适当形式填空:Here (comes ) (come) a man on an elephant

Gums&Elephant Man的《In My Life》 歌词

歌曲名:In My Life歌手:Gums&Elephant Man专辑:In My Life「In My Life」作词∶Lennon & McCartney作曲∶Lennon & McCartney歌∶井手绫香There are places I"ll rememberAll my life though some have changedSome forever not for betterSome have gone and some remainAll these places had their momentsWith lovers and friends I still can recallSome are dead and some are livingIn my life I"ve loved them allBut of all these friends and loversThere is no one compares with youAnd there memories lose their meaningWhen I think of love as something newThough I know I"ll never lose affectionfor people and things that went beforeI know I"ll often stop and think about themIn my life I"ll love you moreThough I know I"ll never lose affectionfor people and things that went beforeI know I"ll often stop and think about themIn my life I"ll love you moreIn my life I"ll love you more【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7296503

求一片英语文章 six blind men and an elephant

盲人摸象 The Blind Men and the Elephant The Blind Men and the ElephantA Hindoo Fable - by John Godfrey SaxeIIt was six men of IndostanTo learning much inclined,Who went to see the Elephant(Thought all of them were blind).That each by observationMight satisfy his mind.IIThe FIRST approached the ElephantAnd happening to fallAgainst his broad and sturdy sideAt once began to bawl:"God bless me, but the ElephantIs very like a wall!"IIIThe SECOND, feeling of the tusk,Cried "Ho! What have we hereSo very round and smooth and sharp?To me "tis mightly clearThis wonder of an ElephantIs very like a spear."IVThe THIRD approached the animal,And happening to takeThe squirming trunk within his hands,Thus boldly up and spake:"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a snake!"VThe FOURTH reached out his eager hand,And felt about the knee,"What most this wondrous beast is likeIs mightly plain, "quoth he:"Tis clear enough the ElephantIs very like a tree!"VIThe FIFTH, who chanced to touch the ear,Said: "E"en the blindest manCan tell what this resembles most,Deny the fact who can,This marvel of an ElephantIs very like a fan!"VIIThe SIXTH no sooner had begunAbout the beast to grope,Than, seizing on the swinging tailThat fell within his scope,"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a rope!"VIIIAnd so these men of IndostanDisputed loud and long,Each in his own opinionExceeding stiff and strong.Though each was partly in the rightAnd all were in the wrong.IXSo, oft in theologic warsThe disputants, I ween,Rail on in utter ignoranceOf what each other meanAnd prate about an ElephantNot one of them has seen!

its the elephant in the room是什么意思

The expression "elephant in the room" refers to a situation where something major is going on, it"s on everyone"s mind and impossible to ignore -- like an elephant in the room. But nobody talks about the "elephant" because nobody knows what to do about it. 可以说是大势所趋

I like the elephant_900字

Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some niy kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever e into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.

Elephant Man的《Jamaica》 歌词

歌曲名:Jamaica歌手:Elephant Man专辑:The Energy GodJ-A-M Jamaica I-C-A Jamaica, J-A-M Jamaica I-C-A JamaicaYu na see us walk, me say if yu nu hear we man bumbaclat talkJamaica anywe unu de, shot up yu nine ca we a represent, YU KNOJamaicans lif up yu nine,two gal inna di club and dem a hug up and a wineJamaicans lif up yu nine,I wish two man mi go hear say dem catch dey a crimeJamaicans lif up yu nine,see a boy who a teef yu weed and yu wan gun him long timeJamaicans lif up yu nine,di youth dem hungry inna di streetss o a food we hafi find,YU KNOSarg, dem a look fa we, theplace a run red nowHas a man dead, dem say yea ya dem both fi med nowIce up di flag wit di green, gold, and red nowDrop a Jamaica call a freak get a egg nowLata, me where me at, gal inna mi bed nowUnda mi kiki, me kno she hafi dead nowCock it up, put a pillow unda she head nowHear dem gal ya heart beg nowJamaicans lif up yu nine,di government start step up on crimeJamaicans lif up yu nine,how dem fi wan come tek whats rightfully mineJamaicans lif up yu nine,everybody a go rich but not di same timeJamaicans lif up yu nine,so mi tell yu if uu see black people you will find, YU KNOMi go uo di yard to dem who nah bout who dem sistingAnd di eldest one dem move become a victimLock down di clubs, fight "gainst de sound systemSeeh how dem make me rise up de black sintingDrive by, no money inna mail quintin,big black car wit all de glass dem tintedHustle 45 inna de buildin, ninja kick right up de big sintinJamaicans lif up yu nine, and rythem mek de gal dem a wineJamaicans lif up yu nine, tell de selector fi turn up de base lineJamaicans lif up yu nine,watch de gal dem pon de floor a wine dem waste lineJamaicans lif up yu nine, Jackie she a wine like she nah feel no spine YU KNOTek de dance slow girl don"t be scared to zip it up, zip it upHear wa yu tell dem say big it up, big it upHere a little facy hol a lik upDat mek me get mad, mi wan fi go beat it up, beat it upTry it and a tell me say fi live it upJackie say Elephant get mad and bust it up, bust it upBad man a come ye so fi cuse it up, cuse it upAnd de rebel hol it and cut it uphttp://music.baidu.com/song/21609214

Elephant Man的《On Line》 歌词

歌曲名:On Line歌手:Elephant Man专辑:Hard DriveOnline Brad Paisley lyricsArtist: Brad PaisleyAlbum: 5th Gear0Year: 2007Title: Online PrintCorrect by xiaoguoI work down at the Pizza PitAnd I drive an old HyundaiI still live with my mom and dadI"m 5 foot 3 and overweightI"m a scifi fanaticA mild asthmaticAnd I"ve never been to second baseBut there"s whole other meThat you need to seeGo checkout MySpace"Cause online I"m out in HollywoodI"m 6 foot 5 and I look damn goodI drive a MaseratiI"m a black-belt in karateAnd I love a good glass of wineIt turns girls on that I抦 mysteriousI tell them I don"t want nothing serious"Cause even on a slow dayI could have a three wayChat with two women at one timeI"m so much cooler onlineSo much cooler onlineWhen I get home I kiss my momAnd she fixes me a snackAnd I head down to my basement bedroomAnd fire up my MacIn real life the only time I抳e ever even been to L.AIs when I got the chance with the marching bandTo play tuba in the Rose ParadeOnline I live in MalibuI pose for Calvin Klein, I"ve been in GQI"m single and I"m richAnd I"ve got a set of six pack abs that would blow your mindIt turns girls on that I抦 mysteriousI tell them I don"t want nothing serious"Cause even on a slow dayI could have a three wayChat with two women at one timeI"m so much cooler onlineSo much cooler onlineWhen you got my kind of statsIt"s hard to get a dateLet alone a real girlfriendBut I grow another foot and I lose a bunch of weightEvery time I loginOnlineI"m out in HollywoodI"m 6 foot 5 and I look damn goodEven on a slow dayI could have a three wayChat with two women at one timeI"m so much cooler onlineYeah, I"m cooler onlineI"m so much cooler onlineYeah, I"m cooler onlineYeah, I"m cooler onlineYeah, I have see ya onlineBrad Paisley LyricsEND @_@http://music.baidu.com/song/7485986




A hundred years ago, and now the world"s different. Most people live in the cold, damp without electricity in the environment. They never go to hospital, so died badly.Nobody likes her, everyone laughed at him. People will he in cages, as animal exhibition. Until one day, a doctor, he found he was very interesting. Like a man so famous.

the elephant man 讲的是什么故事?

剧情 故事发生在十九世纪,一位英国人患有先天的毁容症,无法根治,日常生活受到很大的困扰,常常被人歧视。幸好一位好心的医生,以其高明的医术医好他,并帮他重拾信心……发布者: Mtime (2006-03-09 19:47:24) 故事讲述维多利亚时代,一名英国医生在马戏团发现了一个头部畸型的象人,受尽不人道的待遇,于是将其带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人又将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其它畸型人暗中他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。发布者: Mtime (2006-03-09 19:47:24)此片取材于真实的医疗档案,故事讲述维多利亚时代一名英国医生在马戏团发现一个头部严重畸形的象人(据说母亲怀胎时遭到大象踩踏),受尽不人道的待遇,于是将他带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其他畸形人暗中把他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。发布者: Mtime (2006-03-31 16:23:58)此片取材于真实的医疗档案,故事讲述维多利亚时代一名英国医生在马戏团发现一个头部严重畸形的象人(据说母亲怀胎时遭到大象踩踏),受尽不人道的待遇,于是将他带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其他畸形人暗中把他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。

求 The Elephant Man 英文简介……谢谢


the elephant man (象人)的主要人物有几个.都叫什么名字呢?

维多利亚时代,一名英国医生在马戏团发现了一个头部畸型的象人,受尽不人道的待遇,于是将其带回医院作研究。不料马戏班班主带人又将象人抢去,到欧洲各地巡回展出,幸得团中其它畸型人暗中他救回英国,终于使他体验到人间的温暖。 此片取材于真实的医疗档案,所以特别着重时代气氛的重现。摄影美术与化妆也均有一流水准,故事的发展流畅,演出动人,而且籍医生与群众的行为检讨了人类对 “道德”和 “正义”的标准。精彩瞬间: 影片结尾,象人已经不再是影片开始时候鲁钝痴呆的样子了,虽然形象依旧,但内心世界已经具有甚至比普通人更强烈的情感。无法象普通人一样活着,那他宁可象普通人一样死去,死亡是他和普通人一样具有的权利和尊严。 特维拉医生在展览会上,发现了一个严重畸形的人,马戏班的老板拜斯用他长得象大象的特点来招揽生意。特维拉找到拜斯,给了他些钱,借用象人来作为医学研究。 在医学界的研讨会上,特维拉把象人展示给了同行的医生们观看。然后,又把象人送还给了拜斯。一天,跟象人一起的一个小孩跑来找特维拉,请求他救助象人。原来,拜斯经常虐待象人,并凶残的打他。 特维拉强行把生病的象人,从拜斯那里带到好友卡尔的医院里的隔离病房。为了让卡尔能留下象人,特维拉教象人过正常人的生活,并教他背诵《圣经》里的句子给卡尔听。卡尔听了象人鹦鹉学舌般的诗句后,走到门外,告诉特维拉他不能留下象人。这时,房间里传出来象人虔诚而熟练的背诵《圣经》里的语句的声音,卡尔听了大受感动,答应特维拉他去说服董事会,让象人留下来。 特维拉带象人回家做客,妻子安妮没有被象人畸形的外表吓着,热情的接待了他,象人第一次感觉到了做人的尊严,他泪流满面的观看了特维拉一家的照片,并拿出了他漂亮母亲的照片给安妮看。 回到医院里,象人请求特维拉医治好他那硕大的脑袋,他想象常人一样平躺着睡觉。一位著名的舞台演员肯德夫人,被象人的事情感动,到象人的房间里看望了他,还送给象人她自己的照片,并亲吻了象人。自肯德夫人以后,很多名流都赶时髦一样来看望象人,送给他礼物,象人也陶醉其中。 在医院的董事会上,几个董事坚决不同意把象人留下来,局面僵持不下时,威尔士公主及时到来,她带来了女王感谢医院帮助象人的信件,大家最后全体举手通过了让象人留下来提议。 象人兴奋的在房间里玩弄女王送给他的化装盒时,医院里烧锅炉的人带着一伙人到象人的房间里观看他,并拿出镜子让象人看自己的长相。象人看了镜子中自己的相貌后,恐惧的尖叫起来。这伙人离开不久,拜斯到医院里带走了象人。 不久,象人在另一个地方出现在马戏班里,拜斯更加凶残的虐待象人。马戏班里的其他人,乘晚上拜斯睡觉时,悄悄的放走了关在铁笼里快要死去的象人。象人把全身蒙在一块大布下,只露出一只没有变形的眼睛,经过艰辛的旅途后,到达了特维拉所在的城市。象人下了火车不久,就被几个小孩发现并追打他。象人被人们围在角落里扯下面具后,悲愤的喊出了“我也是人”。 在警察的帮助下,象人回到特维拉那里。一天晚上,威尔士公主陪同象人到剧院看戏,在肯德夫人的带领下,人们纷纷站起向象人致敬。 当晚,象人回到医院做完窗外大教堂的模型后,拿下床上用来靠着睡觉的大枕头,平静的象正常人一样平躺着永远的睡去了。 影片向我们讲述了一个严重畸形的人,遭受到正常人不公正的对待的故事。影片中出现了各种各样的正常人,他们有名们显贵、有达官贵人、也有生活在地层的劳动阶级,这些来自不同阶层的人都有个共同的特点,他们都从畸形的象人身上获得对自己有利的东西。对象人帮助最大的特维拉医生,开始也是用象人来做医学研究。后来,被象人在苦难中也依然热爱生活的精神感动,才真心的帮助他。围绕在象人周围的人,他们虽有健全的外表,但却隐藏了一个畸形的心灵。在影片的最后,在马戏班几个帮助象人的畸形人身上,才表现了一些人性善良的一面。影片结尾,象人用付出生命的代价,换取了象常人一样睡觉的方法,表达了他想过正常人生活的最后愿望。 70年代末期,正值电影界质疑彩色胶片的长久保存问题,很多著名导演提出黑白胶片保存年限远胜于彩色胶片的看法,电影界掀起一阵黑白电影热,马丁·斯科塞斯拍摄了黑白电影《狂牛》(愤怒的公牛),而林奇则拍摄了这部《象人》。影片上映后轰动一时,虽然在奥斯卡竞争中八项提名空手而归,但法国凯撒奖最佳外语片奖和英国演艺学院最佳影片、最佳男主角的荣誉也应该让林奇满足了。

The elephant man象人

故事发生在19世纪英国,有一个人长得奇丑无比,头很大,手很粗,皮肤很恐怖,看起来像大象,于是被称为象人,被大家取笑。后来被伦敦医院的treves医生发现,医生把他带到医院治疗和看护。但这没法改变,医院也没有多余的床位免费收留他。 医院主席向泰晤士报写信求助,并获得民众支持,给象人merrick捐助了一大笔钱,这些钱可以为他在医院后面租两间房间照顾他。treves医生除了身体上照顾他,也经常和他交流,并带很多书和杂志给他阅读,同时也创造机会让异性朋友与他交流,社会是美好的,民众是善良的,很多人抽时间去帮助他,与他交流,后来英国女王也抽空跟她交流,给他寄明信片,鼓励他,帮助他,让他感受到爱与正能量。在好心人的帮助下,他还去看了戏剧表演,并且去他渴望的乡村居住了六星期,与大自然亲密接触,很开心。不幸的是,由于他头太重,回伦敦的一次睡觉中,尝试躺着睡,脖子被重重的头压窒息而过世。非常遗憾! 本故事体现了人性的美好,首先是treves医生的善良,其次是大众的爱,还有很恐怖长相的merrick背后的善良,像孩子般的心和善良,能真正打动人。

the elephant man 讲的是什么故事


什么鸟能举起重物?1、crane 2、elephant 3、bat

1 crane [krein] n.鹤;吊车,起重 elephant 是大象 bat是蝙蝠

a suitcase goes in the trunk of a car or in that of an elephant?这句话什么意思


the big elephants come from south africa大象为什么是复数?


it is an brown elephant是a还是an

it is an brown elephant是错的该用it is a brown elephantbrown不是元音读音开头的 所以用a

it is a elephant in the house是什么意思呢?

"It is the elephant in the room"这个英国谚语,直译是“房间里的大象”,实际就是形容一个明明存在的问题,却被人刻意的回避及无视的情形。例如:早期的贿选,民众担心检举会被背景很硬的政治人物各种刁难或盯上,所以对于贿选就都睁一只眼闭一只眼假装没看到;或是家暴案件,旧观念中家暴就是家务事,所以明知邻居可能有家暴问题,一些人也不敢帮忙报警。扩展资料部分英文谚语:①Curiosity killed the cat.好奇杀死猫。更早的说法是 Care killed the cat. 这里的 Care 指的是Sorry/Worry(歉意/担忧),本·琼生和莎士比亚都在剧中引用过这句话。②Never look a gift horse in the mouth.收到他人送的马时不要掰开马嘴往里看。其内在含义就是不要去窥探礼物的价值,也就是说不管收到什么样的礼物都要抱有一颗感恩的心,不要拒绝他人的好意。③You can lead a horse to water, but you can"t make it drink.牵马到河易,强马饮水难。用更通俗的话也可以说成强扭的瓜不甜。④Don"t count your chickens before they hatch.在鸡蛋孵化前不要去算有多少只鸡。也就是说不要盲目乐观、不要过早下定论。

elephant regular字体

kjvdlgbjopfjd;vkro[girpekgpiklpiofokeolvkikolrkgilkfkvklejkfkfpekfeiyguigjgutiiogggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggthgkjhssnjhjdnejfhenmnfudncyugfe fnhc,nsjfcmkmfchdmcvnehgvjemdemkgv

savanna elephant 什么意思

savanna elephant稀树草原的大象例句:1.The savanna elephant weighs between six and seven tons, roughly double the weightof the forest elephant. 草原象的体重在6吨至7吨间,大约是森林象的2倍。

1.becky likes cats and dogs.改为否定句2.the elephants

Becky doesn"t like cats or dogs.The elephants are a little smartGo to see the tiger

please say ……an elephant never forgets为什么用forgets

因为an Elephant 是名词单数 谓语动词用单三 所以是forgets

People sat that an elephant never forgets为什么大象不加s?

People sat that an elephant never forgets为什么大象不加s?答:因为是一只大象,不能加s


这句美国成语,把源自希腊俗谚的“永不忘记伤害的骆驼(The camel never forgets an injury)”替换成大象,因为大象的记忆力比骆驼更为惊人.一头驯化的工作象,可以记得至少四十个来自象夫的指令;它同时能辨认许多人、动物,以及生活的点点滴滴,即使平均寿命达五、六十年,一辈子也不会忘记它曾经遭受过的恩惠与伤害.而大象之所以有别于其它动物,就是因为它们的脑子会在有生之年继续发展,脑容量通常可以增加百分之六十五.正因为记忆力绝佳,野生象也是一种报复性极强的动物.对伤害过它的人,哪怕过了几十年它仍会记得,仇人一旦再让它遇上,必受灭顶之灾.

people say that “an elephant never forgets”什么意思


an elephant never forget为什么forget要加s?

分两个层面理解:一看时态。由never可以知道本句话为一般现在时态,句中用forget或forgets。二看主语。主语an elephant是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也应该用三单啊,forget的三单就是forgets。希望对你有帮助哦!

My memory has developed so much that like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told






the elephant is后接 hop还是 hopping?


white elephant 有什么文化含义

white elephant白色的大象white elephant[英][hwait u02c8elifu0259nt][美][hwau026at u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt]n.白象,累赘物; 复数:white elephants例句:1.Its sister ship the kuznetsov survived, but by the time the soviet union ceased to exist,the varyag was a white elephant marooned off a port in the black sea. 它的姐妹舰库兹涅佐夫仍在服役,不过当前苏联分崩离析之时,瓦良格号这一白色的庞然大物却漂泊在黑海一港口之外。

white elephant是什么意思


white elephant是什么意思

white elephantn.白象,累赘物;

white elephant是什么意思

white elephant白色的大象双语对照词典结果:white elephant[英][hwait u02c8elifu0259nt][美][hwau026at u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt]n.白象,累赘物; 复数:white elephants以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Its sister ship the kuznetsov survived, but by the time the soviet unionceased to exist, the varyag was a white elephant marooned off a portin the black sea. 它的姐妹舰库兹涅佐夫仍在服役,不过当前苏联分崩离析之时,瓦良格号这一白色的庞然大物却漂泊在黑海一港口之外。


The elephant is so big that it can"t go through the door.The elephant is too big to go through the door.It"s such a big elephant that it can"t go through the door.

African elephants are being hunted意思?

非洲大象至今天还被猎杀。African elephants are being hunted

see sth up close 的close是什么词性 eg.see an elephant up close

词性是副词意思是:凑近看某物。有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)






  an 因为elephant——["elu026afu0259nt]音标是元音开头.


回答和翻译如下 :ELEPHANT . ( 英语的大写字母 。)大象 。




大象的英文:elephant; elephant:n.象 复数: elephants 扩展资料   They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.   他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物。   The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo.   在动物园里,孩子们骑着大象走了一圈。   The African elephant is in a desperate plight.   非洲象正面临绝境。   The elephant flapped its ears.   大象拍打着双耳。   The sixth blind man went forward to feel the elephant.   第六个瞎子走上前去摸大象。   The elephant lowered its ponderous body into the river.   大象把它那笨重的身躯浸入河中。   The children looked up in wonder at the big elephant.   孩子们惊奇地昂首看那只大象。   The largest existing land animal is the elephant.   大象是现有最大的陆地动物。


elephant D.J.[u02c8elifu0259nt] K.K.[u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt] n.象, 大象不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】


英[ˈelɪfənt] 美[ˈelɪfənt]

elephant怎么读 elephant的意思

1、elephant的读音:英[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]美[u02c8elu026afu0259nt] 2、n.大象; 象; 3、[例句]A small boy rode on the elephants back.一个小男孩骑在大象背上。 4、复数:elephants


elephant英音[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]美音[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]。据史料记载,大象很早就成了人类的朋友,并能为人类提供帮助。大象非常聪明,能开辟场地,还能把死去的同伴安埋在落叶枯枝之中。大象寿命很长,一般能活到70岁左右,它在10岁到15岁性成熟,怀孕期长达22个月。大象分布极广,大约在四千万年以前,除了大洋洲和南极洲以外,各洲都有它的足迹,然而现在主要有亚洲象和非洲象两大类。其他保护措施包括管理与保护大象栖息地,并通过保护廊道,保持栖息地的连通性;管理人象冲突。改进立法和执法,改进和加强实地巡逻,监管象牙、活象和其他大象产品的贸易,更好地保护大象。2020年5月至6月,博茨瓦纳奥卡万戈三角洲,数百头大象因不明原因死亡。国家公园救援联合创始人马克·希利称这次大象死亡事件为“本世纪影响大象的最大灾难之一”。例句1、What about India — a wise, slow-moving elephant or a toothsome, ravenous tiger?那印度呢?是一只聪明但移动缓慢的大象,亦或是一只美味而又贪婪的老虎?2、Congolese civilians will hope that the elephant is persuaded to hold off for good.刚果平民也就此希望,大象已经最终被劝降住了,永远都不再打架了。3、The elephant had been snared in the thick forest spilling down the slopes of Mount Kenya.肯尼亚山坡上茂密的森林里,一头大象落入了陷阱。4、A motorcar would be a white elephant to him, because he cannot drive it.汽车对他一点用都没有,因为他不会驾驶。5、Why would I tolerate living or coexisting with an elephant that is so destructive?为什么我要容忍并和这些超具破坏性的大象共存?6、In fact, the femur of the elephant is only 100 times thicker, so it scales just as the size.事实上,大象的股骨,只是老鼠的100倍厚,缩放比例和体积大小一样。




Elephant读音为:英:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt];美:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]Elephant意思是大象。例句:1、The largest existing land animal is the elephant.大象是现有最大的陆地动物。2、The angry elephant crashed through the forest.那头愤怒的大象哗哗啦啦地跑过这片森林。扩展资料Elephant短语搭配white elephant:白象;昂贵却无用的东西。a white elephant sale:白象义卖例句:The children looked up in wonder at the white elephant孩子们惊奇地昂首看那只白象。


elephant英 [u02c8elu026afu0259nt] 美 [u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt] n.象,大象


elephant中文翻译是大象,以下是双语例句:1、A small boy rode on the elephant"s back. 一个小男孩骑在大象背上。2、The elephant smashed its way through the trees. 大象横冲直撞,闯过树丛。3、The new office block has become an expensive white elephant. 这座新办公大楼成了昂贵的摆设。4、They placed the African elephant on their endangered list. 他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物。5、The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo. 在动物园里,孩子们骑着大象走了一圈。6、The African elephant is in a desperate plight. 非洲象正面临绝境。7、A family of elephants lumbered by. 一群大象迈着缓慢而沉重的步子从旁边经过。
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