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we are a happy family 为什么加a啊


we are a happy family翻译成什么句子

we are a happy family我们是一个幸福的家庭双语例句1We are a happy family where we are rick or poor.无论我们贫穷还是富有,我们是一个幸福的家庭。2We are a happy family with a tall father, short mother, litter boy too.我们是一个幸福的家庭,家里有高个子爸爸、矮个子妈妈,还有一个可爱的小男孩。

We are the happy family语法对吗?

如果特指 happy family 那么语法没问题,比如有人问你们哪个是happy family的时候就可以这样子回答。不过大多数情况都是 We are a happy family.

we are a happy family.这句话对吗


we are a happy family.are 为什么改为 have,亲请想讲一讲谢谢


哪位朋友有《we are happy family》这儿童英文歌曲

465083928 能给我发过来吗 谢写了

hidden, opaque, alpha, opacity的区别

一、alpha 液晶显示器是由一个个的像素点组成的,每个像素点都可以显示一个由RGBA颜色空间组成的一种色值。其中的A就表示透明度alpha,UIView中alpha是一个浮点值,取值范围0~1.0,表示从完全透明到完全不透明。 1、alpha会影响自己的透明度,同时也会影响subView的透明度。 2、alpha设为空之后,UIView不会从响应者链中移除,仍然可以收到event。 3、更改alpha,默认是有动画效果的,这是因为图层在Cocoa中是由Core Animation中CALayer表示的,该动画效果是CALayer的隐含动画。当然也有办法禁用此动画效果。 二、hidden 该属性为BOOL值,用来表示UIView是否隐藏,默认值是NO。 当值设为YES时: 1、当前的UIView和subview都会被隐藏,而不管subview的hidden值为多少。 2、当前UIView会从响应者链中移除,而响应者链中的下一个会成为第一响应者 三、alpha - hidden 比较 1、对subView的影响: alpha会影响subView透明度,hidden也会影响subView 2、隐藏UIView: alpha设置为0可以隐藏UIView,hidden设置为YES也可以隐藏UIVIew,效果是一样的,使用hidden性能较高。 四、opaque 该属性为BOOL值,UIView的默认值是YES,但UIButton等子类的默认值都是NO。opaque表示当前UIView是否不透明,不过搞笑的是事实上它却决定不了当前UIView是不是不透明,比如你将opaque设为NO,该UIView照样是可见的。其作用在于:给绘图系统提供一个性能优化开关。如果该值为YES,那么绘图在绘制该视图的时候把整个视图当做不透明对待。这样,绘图系统在执行绘图过程中会优化一些操作并提供系统性能;如果是设置为NO,绘图系统将其和其他内容平等对待,不去做优化操作。为了性能方面的考量,默认被置为YES(意味着优化)。 1、UIView当有背景颜色时:并且背景颜色有透明度(透明度不为1时),将opaque设置为YES性能较高。 2、UIVIew有背景颜色时:并且背景颜色的透明度为1,opaque的值不影响性能。 3、UIVIew没有背景颜色时:opaque的值不影响性能。 五、opacity - CALayer的属性 CALayer中opacity是一个浮点值,取值范围0~1.0,表示从完全透明到完全不透明。 1、opacity会影响自己的透明度,同时也会影响subLayer的透明度。 2、opacity设为空之后,CALayer不会从响应者链中移除,仍然可以收到event。 六、如何设置UIView透明,subView不透明 1、使用一张半透明的图片做背景。 这个方法可以达到要求,但是工程中应该尽量少加入资源,能不用图片的尽量不用图片。 2、使用colorWithWhite:alpha:方法 view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.f alpha:0.5]; 这也是使用比较多的方法,white后面的参数表示灰度,从0-1之间表示从黑到白的变化,alpha就是想要调整的透明度。 3、使用colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:方法 设置alpha就是想要调整的透明度。 4、在xib或者storyBoard里面对背景进行设置 [图片上传中。。。(1)] 通过对背景颜色设置图中的opacity滑块调整透明度。 5、使用colorWithAlphaComponent:方法 这是一个实例方法,一个UIColor的实例调用此方法后会返回一个带透明度的UIColor.使用方法如下: UIColor *color = [UIColor blackColor]; bgView.backgroundColor = [color colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5];

we are a happy family.这句话对吗

对让人迷惑的就是 we怎么和a ...用在一起.其实这是对的.再如We Chinese are a hardworking and brave people.

我们是快乐的一家人用英语怎么说 we are happy family 对不对?

我们是快乐的一家人We are a happy family.

we have a family 还是we are a family望各位高手详细解释

应该是 I have a family 我有一个家.或we are families 我们是一家人.


句子的意思是:它正在做什么?是现在进行时态,回答也要用现在进行时态。 回答:It is sleeping.它在睡觉。 扩展资料   双语例句:   What is it doing? It is sleeping.   它在干什么?它在睡觉。   What is it doing? It"s eating bananas.   它正在做什么?它正在吃香蕉。   And if Cola is such an effective cleaner of corroded metal, what is it doing to the inside of your stomach?   如果可乐能有效清洁金属锈斑,那么可乐对人体的`胃会产生什么影响呢?   What is it doing to him?   那些虫子做了什么?   But what is it actually doing?   但究竟为什么呢?   What is it not doing conceptually though?   可是有什么是没有做的?

What is IP address?

阅读提示 IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是一种在Internet上的给主机编址的方式,也称为网际协议地址。由32位二进制数组成,为便于使用,常以XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX形式表现,每组XXX代表小于等于255的10进制数。例如202.96.155.9。Internet中,IP地址是的。目前IP技术可能使用的IP地址最多可有约42亿个。骤看可能觉得很难会用尽,但由于早期编码上的问题,使很多编码实际上被丢空或不能使用。加上因特网的普及,使每个家庭都至少有一部电脑,连同公司的电脑,以及连接每个网络的服务器,长此下去,专家担心随着Internet的发展,将不够用。所以相应的科研组织正在研究128位的IP地址,其IP地址数量可达 3.402823669 × 1038 个,地球上的每一粒沙子都可以拥有自己的IP地址,这种新版的IP地址技术叫IPv6。 An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique number that devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard. Any participating device — including routers, computers, time-servers, internet FAX machines, and some telephones — must have its own unique address. This allows information passed onwards on behalf of the sender to indicate where to send it next, and for the receiver of the information to know that it is the intended destination. The numbers currently used in IP addresses range from to, though some of these values are reserved for specific purposes. This does not provide enough possibilities for every internet device to have its own permanent number. Subnet routing, Network Address Translation and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server all allow local networks to use the same IP addresses as other networks elsewhere though both are connected to the Internet. Devices such as network printers, web servers and email servers are often allocated static IP addresses so they can always be found. IP addresses are conceptually similar to phone numbers, except they are used in LANs (Local Area Network), WANs (Wide Area Network), or the Internet. Because the numbers are not easy for humans to remember, the Domain Name System provides a service analogous to an address book lookup called "domain name resolution" or "name resolution". Special DNS servers on the internet are dedicated to performing the translation from a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. More detail The Internet Protocol (IP) knows each logical host interface by a number, the IP address. On any given network, this number must be unique among all the host interfaces that communicate through this network. Users of the Internet are sometimes given a host name in addition to their numerical IP address by their Internet service provider. The IP addresses of users browsing the World Wide Web are used to enable communications with the server of the Web site. Also, it is usually in the header of email messages one sends. In fact, for all programs that utilize the TCP/IP protocol, the sender IP address and destination IP address are required in order to establish communications and send data. Depending on one"s Internet connection the IP address can be the same every time one connects (called a static IP address), or different every time one connects, (called a dynamic IP address). In order to use a dynamic IP address, there must exist a server which can provide the address. IP addresses are usually given out through a server service called DHCP or the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. If a static address is used, it must be manually programmed into parameters of the device"s network interface. Internet addresses are needed not only for unique enumeration of hosted interfaces, but also for routing purposes, therefore a high fraction of them are always unused or reserved. The unique nature of IP addresses makes it possible in many situations to track which computer — and by extension, which person — has sent a message or engaged in some other activity on the Internet. This information has been used by law enforcement authorities to identify criminal suspects; however dynamically-assigned IP addresses can make this difficult. IP version 4 Addressing In version 4 of the Internet protocol (IPv4), the current standard protocol for the Internet, IP addresses consist of 32 bits, which makes for 4,294,967,296 (over 4 billion) unique host interface addresses in theory. If all of these were used, that would be around one IP address per 21.3 square meters, or 70 square feet, of land. In practice, because addresses are allocated in blocks, many unused addresses are unavailable (much like unused phone numbers in a sparsely-populated area code), so that there is some pressure to extend the address range via IP version 6 (see below). IPv4 addresses are commonly expressed as a dotted quad, four octets (8 bits) separated by periods. The host known as www.wikipedia.org currently has the number 3482223596, written as in base-256: 3482223596 equals 207×2563 + 142×2562 + 131×2561 + 236×2560. (Resolving the name www.wikipedia.org to its associated number is handled by Domain Name System servers.) IPv4 addresses were originally divided into two parts: the network and the host. A later change increased that to three parts: the network, the subnetwork, and the host, in that order. However, with the advent of classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), this distinction is no longer meaningful, and the address can have an arbitrary number of levels of hierarchy. (Technically, this was already true any time after the advent of subnets, since a site could elect to have more than one level of subnetting inside a network number.) Assignment Each interface of a device is assigned, at least theoretically, a unique IP address. In practice, some interfaces may be unnumbered, and many addresses are not globally unique. The actual assignment of an address is not arbitrary. The fundamental principle of routing, that addresses encode information about a device"s location within a network, implies that an address assigned to one part of a network will not function in another part of the network. A hierarchical structure, standardized by CIDR and overseen by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and its Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), manages the assignment of Internet address worldwide. Each RIR maintains a publically searchable WHOIS database that provides information about IP address assignments; information from these databases plays a central role in numerous tools which attempt to locate IP addresses geographically. Exhaustion Some private IP address space has been allocated via RFC 1918. This means the addresses are available for any use by anyone and therefore the same RFC 1918 IP addresses can be reused. However they are not routable on the Internet. They are used extensively due to the shortage of registerable addresses. Network address translation (NAT) is required to connect those networks to the Internet. While a number of measures have been taken to conserve the limited existing IPv4 address space (such as the use of NAT and Private Addressing), the number of 32-bit IP addresses is not sufficient to accommodate the long-term growth of the Internet. For this reason, the plan is that the Internet 128-bit IPv6 addressing scheme will be adopted over the next 5 to 15 years. IP version 5 What would be considered IPv5 existed only as an experimental non-IP real time streaming protocol called ST2, described in RFC 1819. In keeping with standard UNIX release conventions, all odd-numbered versions are considered experimental, and this version was never intended to be implemented; the protocol was not abandoned. RSVP has replaced it to some degree.IP version 6 In IPv6, the new (but not yet widely deployed) standard protocol for the Internet, addresses are 128 bits wide, which, even with generous assignment of netblocks, should suffice for the foreseeable future. In theory, there would be exactly 2128, or about 3.403 × 1038 unique host interface addresses. If the earth were made entirely out of 1 cubic millimeter grains of sand, then you could give a unique address to each grain in 300 million planets the size of the earth. This large address space will be sparsely populated, which makes it possible to again encode more routing information into the addresses themselves.Addressing A version 6 address is written as eight 4-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons. For readability, addresses may be shortened in two ways. Within each colon-delimited section, leading zeroes may be truncated. Secondly, one string of zeroes (and only one) may be replaced with two colons (::). For example, all of the following addresses are equivalent: 1080:0000:0000:0000:0000:0034:0000:417A 1080:0:0:0:0:34:0:417A 1080::34:0:417A Global unicast IPv6 addresses are constructed as two parts: a 64-bit routing part followed by a 64-bit host identifier. Netblocks are specified as in the modern alternative for IPv4: network number, followed by a slash, and the number of relevant bits of the network number (in decimal). Example: 12AB::CD30:0:0:0:0/60 includes all addresses starting with 12AB00000000CD3. IPv6 has many improvements over IPv4 other than just bigger address space, including autorenumbering and mandatory support for IPsec. Further reading: Internet RFCs including RFC 791, RFC 1519 (IPv4 addresses), and RFC 2373 (IPv6 addresses).



SCC算什么 HAC才是真高富帅

两者区别就是:SCC会员大都身家过亿,HAC会员身家过百亿。 看了一个中午的郭美美与scc江智的骂战,还以为以为SCC江智、SCC-JUNYU、SCC打工仔、SCC骁骁、SCC绿公子啥的都只是SCC的边缘成员,还以为scc的存在已经很逆天,原来还有个hac。 那么,scc与HAC的异同是什么呢? SCC是全国性的超跑俱乐部,各省份都有他们的会员,入门级跑车是保时捷911和日产GTR。HAC 是SCC升级版,只有10位会员,入门级跑车是1000W以上的限量版跑车。两者区别就是:SCC会员大都身家过亿,HAC会员身家过百亿 HAC的入会标准:卡雷拉gt,最好可以是布加迪以上等豪车, HAC俱乐部成员每人身家:高达百亿 HAC 俱乐部的十名高富帅成员: 蒋鑫 上海人 27岁(小蛇小蚯蚓)蒋泉龙之子 拥有四辆千万价格豪车。 付嵩洋、付斌 唐山人(付卫东之子)兄弟俩 拥有破亿价值的豪车。 Mr.J 北京人 真实姓名不明 24岁 权贵人士家族势力庞大为人低调,原北京前门大栅栏半条街都曾是他家店面,据了解祖上一代代皇统。军统。商人都有。此人拥有多辆千万价位跑车也是合作伙伴与上关系不明。 林志颖 台湾人 39岁 著名演员。 尹喜地 重庆人 40岁(人称精彩哥) 重庆力帆。 周挺 福建人(人称挺王子)拥有4700万阿斯顿马丁one-77及其其他超跑。 李麒麟 陕西人 32岁 李宁集团大少爷。(王思聪朋友) 孙竞祖 唐山人 35岁(人称失窃的未来)拥有多辆千万价位豪车。 云南板僳头 云南人 真实姓名不明 拥有两辆千万价位豪车。好像和付嵩洋还有点关系。


导读: 帅 近期,海南三亚的海天盛宴捧红了孙静雅这个绿茶婊,也普及了什么叫SCC超跑俱乐部。 看了一个中午的郭美美与scc江智的骂战,还以为以为SCC江智、SCC-JUNYU、SCC打工仔、SCC骁骁、SCC绿公子啥的都只是SCC今日关注_关注网综合整理:帅 近期,海南三亚的海天盛宴捧红了孙静雅这个绿茶婊,也普及了什么叫SCC超跑俱乐部。 看了一个中午的郭美美与scc江智的骂战,还以为以为SCC江智、SCC-JUNYU、SCC打工仔、SCC骁骁、SCC绿公子啥的都只是SCC的边缘成员,还以为scc的存在已经很逆天,原来还有个hac。 那么,scc与HAC的异同是什么呢? SCC是全国性的超跑俱乐部,各省份都有他们的会员,入门级跑车是保时捷911和日产GTR。HAC 是SCC升级版,只有10位会员,入门级跑车是1000W以上的限量版跑车。两者区别就是:SCC会员大都身家过亿,HAC会员身家过百亿 HAC的入会标准:卡雷拉gt,最好可以是布加迪以上等豪车, HAC俱乐部成员每人身家:高达百亿 HAC 俱乐部的十名高富帅成员: 蒋鑫 上海人 27岁(小蛇小蚯蚓)蒋泉龙之子 拥有四辆千万价格豪车。 付嵩洋、付斌 唐山人(付卫东之子)兄弟俩 拥有破亿价值的豪车。 Mr.J 北京人 真实姓名不明 24岁 权贵人士家族势力庞大为人低调,原北京前门大栅栏半条街都曾是他家店面,据了解祖上一代代皇统。军统。商人都有。此人拥有多辆千万价位跑车也是合作伙伴与上关系不明。 林志颖 台湾人 39岁 著名演员。 尹喜地 重庆人 40岁(人称精彩哥) 重庆力帆。 周挺 福建人(人称挺王子)拥有4700万阿斯顿马丁one-77及其其他超跑。 李麒麟 陕西人 32岁 李宁集团大少爷。(王思聪朋友) 孙竞祖 唐山人 35岁(人称失窃的未来)拥有多辆千万价位豪车。 云南板僳头 云南人 真实姓名不明 拥有两辆千万价位豪车。好像和付嵩洋还有点关系。

范玮琪那些花儿的英文到底唱的是啥?听起来感觉歌词有错,,where have all the yo

你要是懂这个歌的话,它讲的就是那些去战场上牺牲的军人。我在澳大利亚,我们去给那些军人唱过。where have all the young men gone 是说那些年轻的男人们去哪里了。where have all the graveyards gone。那些坟墓去哪里了这个的意思是他们牺牲了,graveyard 是坟墓。

mass merchandiser是什么意思

mass merchandiser质量跟单员mass merchandiser超型市场; 例句:1.Mass Merchandiser Pharmacies Target ranks highest with an index score of 847.2.This growth does not reflect recent distribution gains of nine new items in the massmerchandiser channel


be yourself,try your best , and have fun做你自己,尽你所能,同时享受它。

新视野英语happy new year课文翻译

happy new year

hajime okano是谁

您好,请问您是想知道hajime okano是谁吗?

Pretty Handsome Awkward中文歌词翻译

kickin "出来您的梦想假期是我的人质避难进展中的工作,你流血就像你puke的同时,运行英里我谨不同,使我一提供热烈的夏季雨你流血,就像您puke的同时,运行英里嘿,你是好? (好吧) 你看漂亮的低非常可观的尴尬你觉得好? (好吧) 你看漂亮的低非常可观的尴尬您的市场价值,您的复活您的浅层的概念帮助自己,我希望你和你呛死我知道你的意思, 尼斯他妈的diguise ,所以空心拥抱烧伤你流血,就像您puke的同时,运行英里嘿,你是好? (好吧) 你看漂亮的低非常可观的尴尬你觉得好? (好吧) 你看漂亮的低非常可观的尴尬你看漂亮的低你看漂亮的低嘿,你是好? (好吧) 你看漂亮的低相当低,相当低漂亮英俊的尴尬你觉得好? 你看漂亮的低相当低,相当低(可观的尴尬) 漂亮英俊的尴尬kickin "出来相当低!

Pretty Handsome Awkward 歌词

歌曲:Pretty Handsome Awkward歌手:The UsedKickin" it outYour dream vacation is my hostage refugeA work in progress you bleedJust like you puke while running a mileI beg to differ, make me an offerWarm summer rainYou bleed just like you puke while running a mileHey, are you okay? (okay)You look pretty lowVery handsome awkwardDo you feel okay? (okay)You look pretty lowVery handsome awkwardYour market value, Your resurrectionYour shallow conceptHelp yourself, I hope you choke and you dieI know you meant it,Nice fucking diguise, so hollowEmbrace the burnyou bleed just like you puke while running a mileHey, are you okay? (okay)You look pretty lowVery handsome awkwardDo you feel okay? (okay)You look pretty lowVery handsome awkwardYou look pretty lowYou look pretty lowYour dream vacation is my hostage refugeA work in progress you bleedJust like you puke while running a mileI beg to differ, make me an offerWarm summer rainYou bleed just like you puke while running a mileHey, are you okay? (okay)You look pretty lowVery handsome awkwardDo you feel okay? (okay)You look pretty lowVery handsome awkwardHey, are you okay? (okay)You look pretty lowPretty low, pretty lowPretty handsome awkwardDo you feel okay?You look pretty lowPretty low, pretty low(handsome awkward)Pretty handsome awkwardKickin" it outPretty low!http://music.baidu.com/song/58959123

make sense后可接that从句吗

make sense后可接that从句.例如:And if God gives us those things through the Word, wouldn"t it make sense that the Word would be an important part of our lives?如果神通过他的道给我们这些,那神的话岂不该是我们生活重要的一部分才对么?make sense英[meik sens]美[mek sɛns]有意义; 理解; 讲得通; 是明智的言之有理; 合理; 合情合理

That make sense是什么意思

That makes sense这是有道理的1. 那可以理解例句:1.That makes sense doesn"t it? 挺有道理的,不是么?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

is that make sense是什么意思


Do you think what I said _____ ________(有意义)?是makes sense ?还是 make sense?

make sense 不加sDo you think what I said make sense?翻译;你认为我说的话有意义么?求采

Rihanna的《G4L》 歌词

歌曲名:G4L歌手:Rihanna专辑:Rated RRihanna - G4LI lick the gun when I"m done"Cause I know revenge is sweet, so sweetThis is a gang.Ladies bang, baby, bang.Tell me what you need? Ohh…Any motherfucker wanna disrespectPlayin" with fire funna get you wetHow it feel down there on your knees?Got these girls like a soilderTrippin", it"s goin down, down, downI"m ready to rollGirl, I"m with youIf they get you they get meCome on! Let"s go!Bitch, I"m with youIf he whip you he whip meYou know I"m downI"m down for life…loaded, reloadedLet"s go!Gangsta for life…"til the day that I dieYeah, I promise I"ll stand in highYou know that I"m there, you know we downGangsta for life…We drivin" by with them headlights offWe know where you stayKnow what you didWe don"t play that shitNigga, we don"t play, no…Everybody quiet when you did your dirtActin" like a Bitch funna get you hurtBreak your life down to the knees, ohI got these girls like a soilderTrippin", it"s going down, down, downI"m ready to rollGirl, I"m with youIf they get you they get meCome on! Let"s go!Bitch, I"m with youIf he whip you he whip meYou know I"m downI"m down for life…loaded, reloadedLet"s go!Gangsta for life…"til the day that I dieYeah, I promise I"ll stand in highYou know that I"m there, you know we downGangsta for life…Come on we ain"t done yetGot a lot to handleWe ain"t take over the world yetBoom!We a armyBetter yet a navyBetter yet crazyGuns in the airGuns in the airGuns in the airCan"t hurt us again when you come around hereWe got our guns, got our guns, got our guns, got our gunsWe got our guns in the motherfucking air, ohhI"m down for lifeGangsta for lifeI"m down for lifeGangsta for lifeYou know I"m downI"m down for life…loaded, reloadedLet"s go!Gangsta for life…"til the day that I dieYeah, I promise I"ll stand in highYou know that I"m there, you know we downGangsta for life…I lick the gun when I"m down"Cause I know revenge is sweethttp://music.baidu.com/song/525728


mechanic的意思是:技工。双语例句:1、The stereotype of the mechanic as a macho Neanderthal.把机修工描绘为粗野的男人的固定形象。2、He is nothing more than a mechanic.他不过是个机械工而已。3、My car was overhauled by a mechanic.我的车由一位机械师大修了一遍。4、Integration of photographic , mechanic and electric technologies , giving more stable performance.光 、 机、电、一体化设计, 性能更稳定。5、The mechanic found that the engine hood of the plane would not lift.机械员发现这架飞机的发动机盖揭不开了。6、The effect of the transiting mechanic of required reserve system vehicle is low.准备金制度的传导机制的作用是很低的。7、A mechanic reckoned up the cost of repairing the damage to my car.一个机修工算出了我的汽车修理费。8、After the rehearsal, the weary mechanic repaired the gears with shears and spear.排练完后,疲倦的机修工用剪刀和矛修理了齿轮装置。9、Familiar with product features and technologies for forging, casting and mechanic engineerin。熟悉铸造、锻造及机械加工的产品特点和工艺。10、File cut, cut saw is fitter mechanic school students must master basic skills.削是技工学校钳工专业学生必须掌握的基本操作技能。mechanic单词用法:automobile mechanic.汽车修理工。airline mechanic.航空公司修理工;航空公司技工。词根:mechanic.mechanical.adj. 机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;mechanically.adv. 机械地;呆板地;物理上地。派生词,mechanic.n. 技工;机修工;劳工;工匠。mechanical.adj. 机械的;机器的;呆板的;机械力的;物理上的;独家灌。mechanics.pl到n. 力学;机械部件;运转部件;机械学;工程学;细节;操作方法。Mechanic,英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“技工,机修工,人名;(英)梅凯尼克”,作形容词时意为“手工的”。

mechanically descaled 是什么意思?

mechanically 机械descaled 除去锈皮(缩小比例)

chair christmas china 这三个读音不同的是



因为,当先行词在定语从句 中作表语时,只能用that

Jan Hammer的《Oh, Yeah?》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh, Yeah?歌手:Jan Hammer专辑:Oh, Yeah?卢广仲 - Oh Yeah有话想说 又不敢说没关系我们都认识这么久一起走过 很多时候有太阳的午后没月亮的天空oh 在氧气里面看见你就像电影明星一样美丽就在这个时候你对我说我真的听到你对我说oh yeah~你说 你说 你说你喜欢我i cant i cant i cant i cant controloh 因为我也有一点心动我说 我喜欢 喜欢 喜欢听听rock n roll快跟着我一起保护地球从今以后 不用想太多 只要大声说oh yeah oh yeahoh yeah oh yeah你有话想说 又不敢说没关系我们都认识这么久一起走过 很多时候有太阳的午后没月亮的天空oh 在氧气里面看见你就像电影明星一样美丽就在这个时候你对我说我真的听到你对我说oh yeah~你说 你说 你说你喜欢我i cant i cant i cant i cant controloh 因为我也有一点心动我说 我喜欢 喜欢 喜欢听听rock n roll快跟着我一起保护地球从今以后 不用想太多 只要大声说oh yeah oh yeahoh yeah oh yeahoh yeah你说 你说 你说你喜欢我i cant i cant i cant i cant controloh 因为我也有一点心动我说 我喜欢 喜欢 喜欢 听听rock n roll快跟着我一起保护地球从今以后 不用想太多 只要大声说不用想太多 只要大声说只要大声说 oh yea yeahttp://music.baidu.com/song/7427782

警告: 不建议使用从字符串常量到‘char*’的转换 [-Wwrite-strings] 有什么隐患吗?

转载标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/haoel/archive/2006/11/19/1395358.aspx我相信,使用C/C++多年的人对下面这个字符串赋值语句都不会陌生吧。 char* p = "test";同时,我也相信,各位在使用这种语句后吃过很多苦头也不少吧?只要你想利用指针p来改变字符串的内容,你的程序都会得到一个让你颜面尽失一个内存非法操作。比如,下面的这些语句: p[0] = "s"; strcpy(p, "haoel");原因就在于,char* p = "test"; 这个声明,声明了一个指针,而这个指针指向的是全局的const内存区,const内存区当然不会让你想改就改的。所以,如果你一定要写这块内存的话,那就是一个非常严重的内存错误。另,之所以加粗“全局const内存区”,是强调一下,如果你不信的话,你可以试试下面这段代码,看看p1和p2的地址是不是一样的。 char* p1 = "anything"; char* p2 = "anything"; printf(“ p1=%x, p2=%x ”, p1, p2);我想这应该是一个众所周知的问题吧。取而代之的,应该是使用数组来做初始化声明。如:char str[] = “hello world”; 如果现在还有哪本书中的C的示例采用了使用const字符串初始化指针的这种方式,那么你就可以把那本书撕了,如果这本书是C++的书话,那么你应该把这个作者和这个出版社告上法庭,因为你不应该容忍这种学术骗子。如果你的部门的开发人员还有人写出这种代码的话,如果他是C程序员,我想你可以在打过他的屁股后告诉他下不为例,如果他是一个C++程序员的话,我想你可以怀疑他是否有资格做一个C++程序员了。 至于你问我为什么要对学C++的人那么苛刻,那是因为学过C++的人都知道C++中的const关键字的有着什么样的权力,你也应该知道C++对const有着无比的照顾和关爱,几乎所有关于C++的书都会提到const这东西。所以,如果作为一个C++的程序员来说,如果你不知道的话,那就太说不过去了。 我们知道,双引号引起来的字符串是const的,所以,在C++的世界中,你应该进行如下的声明才比较稳妥: const char *p = "test";这样,当你修改这个字符串的内容时,编译器会给你一个错误而导致你的程序编译不通过,从而不会产生运行时的内存错误。 可问题是,像C++这种对类型要求很严格的语言来说,为什么它在编译诸如char *p="test" 程序的时候不出错,甚至连个警告都没有(g++和vc++7)?难道这是他的一个bug?我想,这应该是对古老的C的一个向下兼容。因为,在C的世界中,这种用法太多了。在C++中,比如:函数的参数和异常的捕获都存在这种问题,如下所示:(因编译器而定,在gcc 3.4.3版中,下例中的异常示例不能被捕获,但VC++6中却可以被捕获) func( char* p) { } // 以这种方式调用函数func(“abc”); try { thow “exception”; } catch (char* p) { } 这些都是C++编译器默认了可以把const char* 转成 char* 的罪行,无疑会对大家是一个误导。甚至让人无所畏惧地走入其中,并自以为走入了正途。这样看来,这种向下兼容的C++标准,就显得有点误人不浅了。 不过好在,C++标准委员会早已意识到了这一点。这个C++的feature被定义为了“Deprecated Feature”,即“不被建议使用的特性”。意思就是,在将来,这种特性将被从C++中移出,于是,你目前的这种程序将无法在新的C++编译器上编译通过。对于程序的可移植性来说,我们今天所写的代码尤其要注意这些“Deprecated Feature”。 据我所知,目前C++中被列为“Deprecated Feature”如下所示(可能不准确,请大家指正)下面的这些feature都已被C++标准委员会订为废除featrue了。一、 隐晦的字符串的const转换。char *p = "test";w_char *pw = L"test"; 把一个const的字符串类型转成non-const的。包括指针和数组。二、 隐晦的类型声明。func() {} //函数的隐晦返回类型是intstatic num; //变量的隐晦类型是int 这种feature在C89中还可以使用,但在C99和C++中都被去除了。(gcc 3.4版本对于这种声明会给出编译错误,而VC++6.0会认为这是合法的程序)三、 布尔变量的累加操作。bool isConn = false;isConn++; //这个操作会把isConn变为true就目前而言,几乎所有的编译器都认可这种操作,但这种用法也是不被建议的,终有一天会被取消。四、 更改父类成员的存取权限。class B{ protected: int i;};class D : public B{ public: B::i; //这种方式可能大家很少看到。}; 对于这种语法,子类重新暴露了父类的私有成员。这会带来很大的安全性问题。目前而言,这个feature对于所有的编译器来说应该都是可以编译通过的(连个Warning都没有)。但这个feature也是要被废除的。五、 文件中域的static声明static int i;static void func() 据说,这种旧的在C中的为了实现其作用域在本文件中的feature在未来的C++中也要被取消。文章到这里应该结束了,在结束之前,让我再给大家共享一个有趣的关于const的例子(在网上看到的) const int a = 1; int *p = const_cast<int*>(&a); *p = 2; cout << “value a=”<< a << endl; cout << “value *p=” <<*p << endl; cout << “address a=” <<&a << endl; cout << “address p=” <<p << endl;这段代码输出的结果如下:value a=1value *p=2address a=0xbff1d48caddress p=0xbff1d48c地址都是一样的,可值为什么不一样呢?呵呵。这个问题看起来有点“学术味”过浓,不过是个好例子,可以让你知道C++的一些用法和一些原理。有以下几个方面大家可以考虑一下:1)const int a = 1是不是和宏有点像,会不会被编译器优化了?2)去修改一个const的值,本来应该是不对的。这可能会是向旧的C兼容。是否会让编译器产生未知行为?所以,这个示例也告诉我们,我们应该遵循C++中的const和non-const的语义,任何想要破坏这个语义的事情都会给我们带来未知的结果。



npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported ??

这个警告是提醒你har-validator 这个包现在已经没有人为它做维护了, 如果这个包内部出了问题, 没有人来修复的, 只要不出 bug 你继续用是可以的, 一旦出了 bug, 你只能自行去改它的源码了

night changes英文歌词

One Direction - Night Changesuff1f[Zayn]Going out tonight, changes into something redHer mother doesn"t like that kind of dressEverything she never had, she"s showing off[Liam]Driving too fast, moon is breaking through her hairShe"s heading for something that she won"t forgetHaving no regrets is all that she really wants[Chorus]We"re only getting older babyAnd I"ve thinking about it latelyDoes it ever drive you crazyJust how fast the night changesEverything that you"ve ever dreamed ofDisappearing when you wake upBut there"s nothing to be afraid ofEven when the night changesIt will never change me and you[Louis]Chasing here tonight, doubts around and "round her headHe"s waiting, hides behind his cigaretteHeart is beating loud, but she doesn"t want it to stop[Niall]Moving too fast, moon is lighting up her skin.She"s falling, doesn"t even know it yet.Having no regrets is all that she really wants.[Chorus]We"re only getting older babyAnd I"ve thinking about it latelyDoes it ever drive you crazyJust how fast the night changesEverything that you"ve ever dreamed ofDisappearing when you wake upBut there"s nothing to be afraid ofEven when the night changesIt will never change me and you[Zayn]Going out tonight, changes into something redHer mother doesn"t like that kind of dressReminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost[Chorus]We"re only getting older babyAnd I"ve thinking about it latelyDoes it ever drive you crazyJust how fast the night changesEverything that you"ve ever dreamed ofDisappearing when you wake upBut there"s nothing to be afraid ofEven when the night changesIt will never change, babyIt will never change, babyIt will never change me and you

单向乐队night changes歌词中文

  Going out tonight,  夜即将离去,  Changes into something red.  穿上红色的衣服  Her mother doesn"t like that kind of dress.  她妈妈不喜欢那样的裙子  Everything she never had, she"s showing off.  她却正在炫耀着那从未有过的一切  Driving too fast,  车开得很快  Moon is breaking through her hair,  月光穿过她的发梢  She"s heading for something that she won"t forget.  她正奔向着那些她将再不会忘记的  Having no regrets is all that she really wants.  毫无遗憾的因为那是她真正想要拥有的  (Chorus)  We"re getting only older baby.  亲爱的我们得到的仅仅是衰老  And i"ve been thinking about it lately.  我最近一直都在想  Does it ever drive you crazy,  这些可能有些疯狂  Just how fast the night changes?  难道就像这夜晚变化的一样快?  Everything that you"ve ever dreamed of,  那些在你梦中浮现的  Disappearing when you wake up.  却在醒来时消失殆尽  But there"s nothing to be afraid of,  但是别怕  Even when the night changes,  即使这夜改变了一切  It will never change me and you  也永远无法改变我和你  Chasing it tonight,  逃离今夜  Doubts are running around her head.  疑虑在她脑海盘旋  He"s waiting, hides behind a cigarette.  他正在等待着,小心的藏在一支香烟的后面  Heart is beating loud and she doesn"t want it to stop.  他的心跳声那么强烈,其实她一点也不想让他走远  Moving too fast,  车开的飞快  Moon is lighting up her skin.  月光洒落在她的皮肤间  She"s falling, doesn"t even know it yet.  她正坠入爱河,虽然她一点没有察觉  Having no regrets is all that she really wants.  但一定没有遗憾的,因为这一些真是她想要的  Chorus:  We"re getting only older baby.  亲爱的我们得到的仅仅是衰老  And i"ve been thinking about it lately.  我最近一直都在想  Does it ever drive you crazy,  这些可能有些疯狂  Just how fast the night changes?  难道就像这夜晚变化的一样快?  Everything that you"ve ever dreamed of,  那些在你梦中浮现的  Disappearing when you wake up.  却在醒来时消失殆尽  But there"s nothing to be afraid of,  但是别怕  Even when the night changes,  及时这夜改变了一些  It will never change me and you  也永远无法改变我和你  Going out tonight,  走出今夜  Changes into something red.  换上红色衣服  Her mother doesn"t like that kind of dress,  她妈妈一点都不喜欢那样的裙子  Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost.  提醒着她那些失去的纯真记忆  We"re getting only older baby  我们得到的仅仅是衰老  And i"ve been thinkin

disappear和die的区别,比如the habit of playing and singing are ()括号中填disappear还是die合适?

disappearing。正在消失。用于表现在。are dying意思是“快要死了”,用于表将来。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!

there is no better than 相关语法?


如何将short型存到usigned char型数组里,memcpy跟大端小端存储有没有关系?


const char *修饰的变量为什么可以通过memcpy赋值

memcpy不管你传入的指针, 只是固定的赋值.作为一个函数, 它没办法做到传入的指针的原始属性.而你在调用的时候, 又做了强制转换, 于是调用时的编译器判断也被你绕过去了.从而导致一切正常.更重要的是, new出来的空间,本身就是可以赋值的, 并没有const属性, 这个属性是你强加的, 又强行去掉, 自然就一切正常了. 如果你改成const char *str ="1234567890";这个是系统赋予的const属性, 强制memcpy也可以通过编译, 但运行就会挂掉了.PS:你目前的代码是存在越界的. const char *str = new char(20);char *ch = new char(10);小括号应该是中括号 即const char *str = new char[20];char *ch = new char[10];目前的代码 只是分配了一个字符空间, 初始化为括号里面的值.

What is the meaning of "in term of"?

以某些东西来算 以某些东西为本 以钱来算 in terms of money or in money terms e.g. You cannot measure the success of this project only in terms of profit. It also has advertising effect. 不能单以利润来衡量这计划 还要包括它的宣传效果. e.g. The essay is not bad in terms of structure but not so good in terms of content. 从结构来看这短文还算不错 但内容则很差. e.g. Though he is not rich he is very successful in terms of the friends he has. 以他朋友的来算 他是一个成功的人 One of the correct usages of "in terms of" is to express your unit in measurement e.g.We measured sales in terms of the number of units sold per year rather than in dollars taken in per year. Many people use it for defining the context however it can actually be replaced by many simpler constructs. About office hours: they"re from o to four. Concerning/Regarding office hours they"re from o to four. As concerns/regards office hours they"re from o to four. As for office hours they"re from o to four. With respect/regard to office hours they"re from o to four. extracted from The Columbia Guide to Standard American English and Language Log 就xx而言 sample: in terms of score students from Hong Kong usually stand out. 就成绩而言,来自中国香港的学生通常很出众。 in terms of freshness that restaurant is the best. 就食物的新鲜程度而言,那家餐馆是最好的。 in term of X 以X为本 how to use it 如何使用这东西

用了strcpy和memcpy运行会出问题 定义了一个char* hello[3]数组

你需要声明 char hello[3][3]; 或要声明 char *hello[3]={"12","34","56"}; 这样 hello 才有字符串存放单元。不要定义为 中文字符“一二”“三四”“五六”,中文字符 一个字至少要占2个字节,[3] 搁不下 2个中文字。 另外,你的编译器必须支持中文才行。中文编码繁杂,初学c语言者 不值得花时间 到中文上去,它们是2种学问。例子程序如下:#include <stdio.h> main(){int i;char *hello[3]={"12","34","56"};for (i=0;i<3;i++) puts(hello[i]); puts("----");strcpy(hello[2],"mm"); //改变 "56" 成 mmfor (i=0;i<3;i++) puts(hello[i]); puts("----");memcpy(hello[1],"gg",3); //改变 34 成 ggfor (i=0;i<3;i++) puts(hello[i]); puts("----");return 0; }


char array[sizeof(float)];float value=1.234;memcpy((void*)s,(void*)&value,sizeof(float));

memcpy(cschar,"x00x00x00x00",4); 中x00表示的是什么类型的数

转义符x00==0x00,语句含义:将内存地址0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 的内容拷贝4字节至变量cschar

上海海运出口拼箱和整箱的LOCAL CHARGE费用明细和标准

你这个问题太困难,要答出来给200分也值了,我给你分析下OOCL 和韩进以及COSCO的标准,你是通过货代的费用还要高一点.1. 船上集装箱装卸费、翻转费中,如使用浮吊则另计收浮吊出租费和拖轮使用费。2. 在本码头装卸滚装船装运的集装箱,如同时使用铲车进行辅助作业时,另计收机械出租费;装卸带有底盘车的集装箱,使用船方拖车进行滚上滚下作业时,按装卸包干费的基本费率的70%计收;如使用港方拖车进行滚上滚下作业时,则按基本费率计收装卸包干费。3. 集装箱翻装费:舱内翻装指不脱钩的一次移位,收一次搬移费;出舱翻装指上卸至码头前沿堆场,再从堆场回原船的全过程,收两次船上翻装费和两次场地搬移费,共计四次搬移费;堆存费按实际天数计收。4. 非标准集装箱按相应箱型加乘计收。5. 预制冷费20":225.00元,40":338.00元,45":422.50元。6. 危险品箱自6月1日至9月30日收取喷淋费,除直装危险品以及棉花和鱼粉。7. 有关对船公司的折扣按上海港务局规定的标准执行。8. 如在本协议有效期内遇国家交通部、上海港务集团费收规则及费率标准调整,则自调整之日起按新的费收规则及费率 标准执行。9. 系解缆费、供水劳务费分节假日、夜班和节假日的夜班附加费:节假日、夜班附加费按基本费率的50%计收,节假日的夜班附加费按基本费率的100%计收。TONNAGE (VSL NET TON>15,000T) RMB4.65/NET TON (30DAYS), RMB9.30/NET TON (90DAYS) PRIVILEGE RMB3.30/NET TON (30DAYS), RMB6.60/NET TON (90DAYS) HARBOUR DUE I/B RMB0.71/NET TON O/B RMB0.71/NET TON PILOTAGE INWARD (IN 10MILES) RMB0.50/NET TON OUTWARD (IN 10MILES) RMB0.50/NET TON SHIFTING (IN 10MILES) RMB0.22/NET TON OUT OF LIMITS OF OVER 10MILES RMB0.005xOVER MILES/NET TON OUT OF LIMITS OF PILOTAGE SURCHARGE RMB0.15/NET TON HOLIDAY SURCHARGE ADD 50% NIGHT SERVICE ADD 50% PICK UP PILOT SERVICE CHARGE RMB4,000.00 /TIME TUGGAGE VSL L.O.A.>220M RMB43,400.00 (AREA AT TML) (LUMPSUM) RMB48,500.00 (AREA AT GAOQIAO) (WE HAVE 5% RMB55,600.00 (AREA AT SCT,WGQ&BAOSHAN) DISCOUNT BASED 180M<VSL L.O.A.<220M RMB29,500.00 (AREA AT TML) ON THE RATE) RMB36,000.00 (AREA AT GAOQIAO) RMB42,200.00 (AREA AT SCT,WQG&BAOSHAN) QUARANTINE I/B QUARANTINE(VSL) RMB200.00 /VSL O/B QUARANTINE(VSL) RMB200.00 /VSL INSPECTION RMB267.00 /VSL EMPTY CNTR HEALTH INSPECTION RMB4.00 /D2, RMB4.00 /D4&D5&D7 EMPTY CNTR ANIMAL INSPECTION RMB4.00 /D2, RMB8.00 /D4&D5&D7 COMMUNICATION CHG AGENT COARDING,VHF RADIO AND CABLE HANDLING ETC. RMB590.00 /VSL

国际贸易中WMN CNWGQ CNSHA分别是哪几个港口的代码!


packet tracer5.0中的两个路由器使用DCE相连,怎么它提示“the cable cannot be connected to that port”


happy birthday TATU组合的

这首歌是Flipsyde乐队创作的。借用了tATu一首歌做背景音乐。这首歌的矛头直指做堕胎的准父母们。因为各种无知或者是无准备,而“谋杀”了胎儿。这么轻柔的音乐,令人想不到的内涵。。。顺便推荐Flipsyde这个乐队。目前有两张专辑《We The People》《Champion》 个人感觉不错附歌词翻译: ----------------------------------------------------- Happy Birthday (Flipsyde 反面合唱团 feat. t.A.T.u.)Happy Birthday + Make a wish生日快乐。。。来许个愿Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样Would you""ve been a little angel or an angel of sin?你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使?Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys.做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes?还是做个倔强小男孩,有著漂亮的深褐色眼睛?I payed for the murder before they determined the sex我为谋杀而祈祷,在知道他们性别以前Choosing our life over your life meant your death选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌And you never got a chance to even open your eyes你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到Sometimes I wonder as a fetus if you faught for your life?有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗?Would you have been a little genius in love with math?你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上?Would you have played in your schoolclothes and made me mad?你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我著迷?Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper?你能否更加果断,就像你的父亲Piper?Would you have made me quit smokin"" by finding one of my lighters?你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉?I wonder about your skintone and shape of your nose?我猜想著你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow?还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓?Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!Verse 2:I""ve got a millon excuses to why you died我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀Who""s to say it woulda worked, and who""s to say it wouldn""t have?谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢?I was young and strugglin"" but old enough to be your dad我年幼无知,挣扎於世,但年纪不小,够做个爹The fear of being a father has never disappeared害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过Pondering frequently while I""m zippin"" on my beer再三思量,我痛饮啤酒My vision of a family was artificial and fake我对家庭的预想,不切实际So when it came time to create I made a mistake当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错Now you""ve got a little brother maybe he""s really you?如今你有了小老弟,但其实是你吗?Maybe you really forgave us knowin"" we was confused?也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑?Maybe everytime that he smiles it""s you proudly knowin"" that your father""s doin"" the right thing now?也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确?I never tell a woman what to do with her body我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理But if she don""t love children then we can""t party如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁Happy birthday...我的愿望都是梦Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin"" to the endin"", never got to begin从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space那里的时空都无限Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin"" to the endin"", never got to begin从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space那里的时空都无限Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!

duty charges ax/tariff这三个单词都有税的意思,能不能帮我区分一下,I mix it

duty charges-海关税tax-一般的税tariff-只对进出国境或关境的货物征的税

my songs know what you did in the dark 什么意思

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark编辑中文名称我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么Fall Out Boy 2013年度全新专辑《Save Rock and Roll》主打歌。首发气势不凡,蝉联英国摇滚单曲金榜8周冠军。Be-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark暗影中要小心祈祷Can"t be sure when they"ve hit their mark很难保证他们在达成自己的愿望后会给你兑现And besides in the mean,mean time I"m just dreaming of tearing you apart在最艰辛的日子里我仅仅诅咒你被撕碎I"m in the deep details with the devil我与恶魔站在同一立场So the world can never get me on my level所以在现在这个世界我已经势不可挡I just got to get you out of the cage我想要帮你挣脱束缚I"m a young lover"s rage化为恋人的怒火Gonna need a spark to ignite用烈焰将一切化作灰烬My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么So light em up, light em up, light em up所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们I"m on fire以我的火之力So light em up, light em up, light em up所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们I"m on fire以我的火之力(In the dark, darkIn the dark, dark)Writers keep writing what they write所有的见证人都在记录这一时刻Somewhere another pretty vein just dies一处伊甸园将会毁灭I"ve got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see我已经得到的未来的惩罚,希望你不要重蹈覆辙That you"re the antidote to everything except for me你可以轻易毁灭万物,但对我没戏A constellation of tears on your lashes你热泪盈眶Burn everything you love毁灭了你所珍爱的一切Then burn the ashes直到它们化为虚无In the end everything collides到最后冲突无法避免My childhood spat back the monster that you see我的灰色童年造就了怪兽般的我My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么So light em up, light em up, light em up所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们I"m on fire以我的火之力So light em up, light em up, light em up所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们I"m on fire以我的火之力(In the dark, darkIn the dark, dark)My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么My songs know what you did in the dark我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么So light em up, light em up, light em up所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们I"m on fire以我的火之力So light em up, light em up, light em up所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们I"m on fire以我的火之力(In the dark, darkIn the dark, dark)请采纳~

马歇尔·罗森伯格(Marshall Rosenberg)

U0001f613 “All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently, those people deserve to be punished.” U0001f621 “At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled.” U0001f615“We only feel dehumanized when we get trapped in the derogatory images of other people or thoughts of wrongness about ourselves. As author and mythologist Joseph Campbell suggested, ""What will they think of me?" must be put aside for bliss." We begin to feel this bliss when messages previously experienced as critical or blaming begin to be seen for the gifts they are: opportunities to give to people who are in pain.” U0001f44d“We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.” “Words Are Windows (or They"re Walls) I feel so sentenced by your words, I feel so judged and sent away, Before I go I"ve got to know, Is that what you mean to say? Before I rise to my defense, Before I speak in hurt or fear, Before I build that wall of words, Tell me, did I really hear? Words are windows, or they"re walls, They sentence us, or set us free. When I speak and when I hear, Let the love light shine through me. There are things I need to say, Things that mean so much to me, If my words don"t make me clear, Will you help me to be free? If I seemed to put you down, If you felt I didn"t care, Try to listen through my words, To the feelings that we share. 马歇尔·卢森堡

It is high time that........怎么用

1.It is high time that the old plane be scrapped. 这架旧飞机该报废了。 2.It is high time that we put an end to this controversy . 现在的确该停止这场争论了。 3.One more point: comrades on the Standing Committee should pay close attention to building the Party. It is high time that this Party was rectified; there can be no delay. 还有一点,常委会的同志要聚精会神地抓党的建设,这个党该抓了,不抓不行了。 4.Just as parents struggle to teach their children to think ahead, to choose a future and not just drift through life, it is high time that human society as a whole learns to do the same. 正如做父母的总试图教育他们的子女不能浑噩度日,而应该向前看,选择自己的前途,整个人类社会也早该学会这样做了。 5.Through discussions, the parties concerned have unanimously agreed to the notion that it is high time to start preparatory work for the development of water resources of the Nujiang area and had no time to waste. 通过讨论,大家一致认为:怒江流域地区的发展不能再继续等待下云,应以切实可行的步伐向前推进。收藏指正 6.I think that it is high time for the United States Senate and its Members to do some real soul searching and to weigh our consciences as to the manner in which we are performing our duty to the people of America and the manner in which we are using or abusing our individual powers and privileges. 我认为,对于美国参议院及其成员来说,早已到了该这麽做的时候了:反躬自问,作良心上的自我反省,检查一下我们对美国人民的义务履行得如何,我们又是如何利用和滥用自己个人的职权和特权的。收藏指正 7.It is the first time that wrinkles have been linked with high-cholesterol levels. 这是首次将皱纹与高胆固醇联系起来。 8.In view of the present state of the market, it is generally recognized that prices will rule high for some time. 鉴于当前市况,普遍认为价格将在一段时间内维持于高水平上。 9.Result It is proved that the reliability of the device is quite high by applying instruments to detect the ultrasonogram of normal Cunkou radial artery, measuring the distance between apro-capitulum radius and akin and testing the change of inradium and vasomotion, and then to compare it with its Doppler image and that its stability is satisfactory via image analysis in different time intervals. 结果:应用仪器探测正常寸口桡动脉的声像图,测量其远桡骨小头处与皮肤之间的距离、内径、血管运动的变化,与彩色多普勒成像结果进行比较,可靠性强。 不同时段图象分析,其稳定性好。 10.It is experimentally shown that,as for the algorithm we employed the speed of image processing is evidently improved for more than 30% compared to host processing,and high-precision real-time processing of 25 frame/sec is achieved. 并在此基础上通过软件设计实现了图像的流水线并行处理,可明显提高系统处理速度; 通过实验证明,对于文中采用的算法,相比主机本系统可将图像处理速度提高30%以上,达到25帧/s的高精度实时图像处理要求。

用what、where、how、when、what place、who写篇文章


迈克尔杰克逊的 give thangks to allah 歌词

歌手名:michael jackson歌曲名:give thanks to allahwhat is and what wastake hold of your imandont givin to shaitanoh you who believeplease give thanks to AllahAllahu Ghefor Allahu RahimAllahu yuhibo el Mohsininhua Khalikhone hua Razikhonewhahoa ala kolli sheiin khadirAllah is Ghefor Allah is RahimAllah is the one who loves the Mohsininhe is a createrhe is a sistainerand he is the one who has power over allGive thanks to Allahfor the moon and the starsprays in all day fullwhat is and what wastake hold of your imandont givin to shaitanoh you who believeplease give thanks to AllahAllahu Ghefor Allahu RahimAllahu yuhibo el Mohsininhua Khalikhone hua Razikhonewhahoa ala kolli sheiin khadirAllah is Ghefor Allah is RahimAllah is the one who loves the Mohsininhe is a createrhe is a sistainerand he is the one who has power over all抱歉,没这个耐心翻译。所以只给了英文版的。

Michael Jackson的Give In To Me被翻唱成一首中文广告歌!

你。。。。真没听错????央视几台?几点播放?我也很喜欢GIVE IN TO ME。。。。。告诉我吧。。。。。。。

Michael Jackson 的Give into me的中英文歌词




以"the changes make me"为题写一篇短文

The changes make me more mature.In the past few years, great changes have taken place. As time passes and things change I"m changing also. Even though making the changes aren"t always so easy but these changes doesn"t affect me on the bad side. Instead, it makes me more mature and strong. Has the years go on people around me, things around me, and the way I see the world changes everyday. But I feel proud of myself because changing means I"m getting closer to adulthood, which mean a step closer to the future. Everything around me affects how I"m changing, and the changes are getting more and more. This changes make me be proud and see the other me in the future z

Gotta Make A Change 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Make A Change歌手:Tower Of Power专辑:Souled Out方大同 - Gotta Make A Change词曲:方大同 编曲:方大同监:Edward Chan/Charles Lee/方大同Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Let"s change the world… Let"s change the worldLet"s change the world… Let"s change the world每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家We look at the signs and we think it"s okYou"ve got death, I"ve got trouble,You"ve got grief, I"ve got painAnd the world is in vain only thinking ofgaining the things that eventually put us to shameIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you turn your back on the things that you doIt"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you realize when it"s too lateDon"t forget the world is yoursGotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...The people run dry with the games that we playIn contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fameThru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remainFor what"s left is the product of the greed from your reignIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…Listen to the tree they see everything you doLook up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a signThat everything has a reason for leavingIf you think there"s a way to change your lifethen it"s now time to say that I believehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8445697

make a change on

make a change to sth 如果发生变化,是不及物动词, The city is changing. The city has changed a lot over the years. The city has changed in population over the years. 在某方面变化用in的 。。查查字典吧 展开 作业帮用户 2017-06-21 举报

gotta make a change

gotta make a change 必须做出改变歌词Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world 每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家 We look at the signs and we think it"s ok You"ve got death, I"ve got trouble, You"ve got grief, I"ve got pain And the world is in vain only thinking of gaining the things that eventually put us to shame It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you turn your back on the things that you do It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you realize when it"s too late Don"t forget the world is yours Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... The people run dry with the games that we play In contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fame Thru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remain For what"s left is the product of the greed from your reign It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… Listen to the tree they see everything you do Look up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a sign That everything has a reason for leaving If you think there"s a way to change your life then it"s now time to say that I believe

Gotta Make a Change 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Make a Change歌手:方大同专辑:15 香港演唱会 2011方大同 - Gotta Make A Change词曲:方大同 编曲:方大同监:Edward Chan/Charles Lee/方大同Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Let"s change the world… Let"s change the worldLet"s change the world… Let"s change the world每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家We look at the signs and we think it"s okYou"ve got death, I"ve got trouble,You"ve got grief, I"ve got painAnd the world is in vain only thinking ofgaining the things that eventually put us to shameIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you turn your back on the things that you doIt"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you realize when it"s too lateDon"t forget the world is yoursGotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...The people run dry with the games that we playIn contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fameThru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remainFor what"s left is the product of the greed from your reignIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…Listen to the tree they see everything you doLook up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a signThat everything has a reason for leavingIf you think there"s a way to change your lifethen it"s now time to say that I believehttp://music.baidu.com/song/51780929


take a chance,make a change抓住机遇,做出改变。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

求 方大同 Gotta Make A Change 的中文歌词翻译~


--make me change作文100字以下

Senior Three LifeNowadaysuff0can increasing number of students come into senior three life. Now let me give you a short introduction of my last high school life.At firstuff0cit is exciting and meaningful in short. Furthermore,it makes us realise time is limited.We always stay up late to finish those so much homework.Late term,we have a large number of examinations.We make an effort to relax ourselves.For example,searching internet and paly basketball.Last but not least,We believe that our future is very beautiful and wonderful.That"s all my senior three life.All o

make sb .......change等于什么

1. make sb do sth 是“让某人做某事” eg:My mommade me clean teh room make sb/sth + adj 是“使某人或某物/某事处于某种状态” eg: Make the window open/closed 2. 上面这道题: He made the baby laugh 他让这个孩子笑了 He made the baby lau。

在越狱里面有这样一句话,里面的no hack是什么意思?




hacked phone是什么意思?



附1:我在require(dirname(__FILE__)."/allcity.php"); 前面加exit , 这个exit 就跳不到/do/hack.php中去,证明了require(dirname(__FILE__)."/allcity.php"); 里面有什么东西,对这个exit的执行有关键性的影响! 才学php一多月,很多不清楚,我google了结果是exit 只是表示退出本脚本。所以很迷惑,居然单步调试,它进入hack.php中去了。



hack//G.U. Vol.2 思念之声中的黑影驰尾如何打败?

1.找一个平原的迷宫,然后原地等上个5分钟以上,它就会在地图中某个地方出现。2.选择迷宫时第3个词选择「月影」,那么一开始它一开始就会出现在迷宫中。一般打法由于黑驰尾的能力强劲,而且永远比主角的能力强(能力随着我方等级的变化而变化),所以一定要在遇到他前使用「剣士の奥义」「骑士の切札」,觉醒使用「武獣覚醒」,推荐同伴职业为双剑士,开战前一定要存满觉醒槽,一开战立刻使用觉醒然后猛攻,如果一次不能解决它,那就用逃烟球逃跑吧……特别打法幸运アニマル「はっしば」的能力是强制敌人HP减半,这对于黑驰尾也是有效的。(可以在到达地图后用探测器看一下地图上有没有)前3回发动不能对它造成伤害,开战了直接用逃烟球逃跑,第4回开始它的HP就会减半了,等少了后就一个觉醒灭了它吧……胜利后的奖品(后两样奖品必须身上要拥有「自らの王」、「忘らるる影」、「月下の诚」,不然是拿不到的)第1次打败它名称 稀有度 装备等级 特殊效果 武器能力 DG-0(双枪) ★5 Lv101 ダブルトリガー、复讐の弾丸 物理攻击+18 第3次打败它名称 稀有度 装备等级 特殊效果 武器能力 我が分身(重铠) ★5 Lv150 存在的アナロジー、精神的アナロジー、虚构の现身 物理攻击+50、魔法+40,火属性+25、水属性+25、风属性+25、土属性+25、光属性-25、暗属性+25 名称 稀有度 装备等级 特殊效果 武器能力 影法师(装备品) ★5 Lv150 増殖する自己、饱和する自我、奔放なる友 全属性+50

求一篇以《Make The Change》为题的英语演讲稿

Make The ChangeLife always were chose all time , chose survival or death , chose continue or give up . Life is very difficult that for choose . The earth is round , human all same , all have body , all have head , all have brain , all can thinking . why some people can drive the sports car gallop on the road ? why some people can eat some food count for hundreds upon thousands dollars every time ? why some people can inhabit very beautiful and expensive house and some people almost cannot find mere place for sleep ? why Did you ask yourself any questions before like this ? the answer is not . almost all of the people never think about this , and they didn"t care about this , maybe they real like this lifestyle , maybe they life get by , maybe they already lower their head to God . What"s means succeed ? what"s means mature ? what"s means riches ? what"s means exist ? what"s means dead ? Maybe you said , only achieve our hearts desire is succeed ; your age reach at 18 years old is mature ; you think of you already have money enough is riches ; maybe you think about you can make your heart normal function is live and if your stop breath is dead . no no no , wrong theory . we survive in the world is not only to eating to sleeping , no , not like this , we need improvement ourselves , we need help the world change . I have a dream , you too , I always pursuing exceeding , I hope you too . we need change our life , we need enjoy our life .



make change当中填什么介词

make the change



做出改变应该说“make the change”还是“make a change”?

用make a change来表示做出改变。没有特指的情况,所以用a不用the。因为没有特指的情况,所以用a不用the。

make the change是什么意思

make the change做出改变

.hack G.U. TRILOGY 解压密码

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