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river thames是什么意思


River thames什么意思

英国泰晤士河(流经牛津,伦敦等)The river Thames is spanned by many bridges.泰晤士河上有很多桥.The River Thames flows through London.泰晤士河流经伦敦.希望能解决您的问题。希望能解决您的问题。




Thames [temz]n. (伦敦的)泰晤士河泰晤士河(Thames)是不列颠岛上最大的河,全长二百余哩,入海处河水宽深,大船可直达伦敦,水带暗青色,Thames即是黑水的意思。例句:1. We houseboated along the Thames yesterday.我们昨天乘居住船游览了泰晤士河的沿岸风光。2. This poster sells the virtues of travel and trips on the Thames.这份海报则是在宣传泰晤士河河畔旅行的优点。

river thames怎么读

river thames读作:["ru026avu0259 temz]river thames音标:["ru026avu0259 temz]中文谐音:瑞屋儿 泰姆兹翻译:泰晤士河双语例句:London is in the south of England and it"s on the River Thames. 伦敦位于英格兰的南部,泰晤士河流经于此。

英国最著名的河为什麽叫"泰晤士河"(Thames River)?


英国最著名的河为什麽叫"泰晤士河"(Thames River)?


AMD Thames XTX 7690+全新一代高性能显卡是什么意思啊

Thames XTX 是代表了 这个显卡所用GPU的核心代号Thames(泰晤士)是主打主流系列 根据后缀不同有不同版本后缀有Pro XT XTX 性能依次提升 基本上是代表了核心频率的不同。对于7690M来说有三个版本。 用Thames XTX 核心的 7690m的代号是 7690m XT 1.HD 7690M, 725 MHz DDR3 这个卡显存是 DDR3的 是6750M卡的马甲2. HD 7690M, 600 MHz core, GDDR5 -> 6750M 这个是后来出的升级版 用GDDR5显存的 性能提升了 不过因为核心代号没变所以 这个卡还是HD6750M的马甲卡。最后出的是 3。 HD7690M XT 725 MHz core, GDDR5 -> 6770M 这个卡用的 Thames XTX 核心 核心频率是 725 是三者中最强的。用的也是GDDR5显存。是HD6770M的马甲卡。7690M 的性能仅相当于 N卡的 GT550M左右 但是7690M XT 性能比GT635M 稍好 接近于GT640M的水平3dmark11 7690M XT 1400分 而GT640M 是1700分 GT635m 是 1200分 普通版的 HD7690M 只有1100分7690M XT属于中端笔记本独立显卡,是HD7600M系列里最强的显卡。

panda about thames哪个读音不同?





Thames的发音是 /temz/。这个单词是指伦敦著名的泰晤士河,是英国最重要的河流之一,也是伦敦市区的重要地标之一。thames 的音标:/temz/发音:发音时先发/t/音,然后是辅音/m/,再接着是元音/e/,最后是辅音/z/。注意,/t/音是轻轻地发出,嘴巴不要张得太大,同时要舌尖轻触上齿龈,然后才能发出/m/音。/e/元音发音时嘴巴要张开,舌头要放平,让空气顺畅地通过口腔。最后是/z/辅音,舌头要轻轻贴住上齿龈,同时让气流顺畅通过口腔。


Thames [temz]n. 泰晤士河


Thames 英 [temz] 美 [temz] n.(伦敦)泰晤士河 泰晤士河;泰晤士;伦敦泰晤士河;泰唔士河 双语例句 1.Thames television announced a re-run of the Benny Hill Show.x09 泰晤士电视台宣布重播《班尼·希尔秀》. 2.The Thames was in spate,with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver.x09 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游. 3.Please enclose your remittance,making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology.x09 请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士河谷科技公司. 4.the turgid waters of the Thamesx09 上涨的泰晤士河水 5.The ship is now permanently moored on the Thames in London.x09 该船现在永久地停泊在伦敦泰晤士河边.


美式读音:tu025bmz英式读音:tu025bmz泰晤士河:river thames泰晤士河:thames river例句:1、It"s on the north bank of the Thames.它位于泰晤士河北岸。2、The Thames rises in the Cotswold hills.泰晤士河起源于科茨沃尔德丘陵。3、This poster sells the virtues of travel on the Thames.这张海报宣传泰晤士河上旅行的好处。4、He went to London along the Thames, the major port of the world along with Amsterdam.他沿着泰晤士河去了伦敦,那时伦敦是世界上和阿姆斯特丹齐名的主要港口。


get over 纠错克服;恢复;熬过;原谅【短语】Get over 克服get it over with 赶快把事情做妥当 ; 做完 ; 让它过去 ; 把一切都了结了get upset over sth 为某事忐忑不安Get anything over dawn 结束get it over dawn 赶快把事件做妥当Get anything over dawn 结束to get this over 听听听听听听听听听听听get-over 过杆get sb over 使某人历程through 纠错英 [θruu02d0] 美 [θru] prep. 通过;穿过;凭借adv. 彻底;从头至尾adj. 直达的;过境的;完结的across英 [u0259"kru0252s] 美 [u0259"kru0254s] prep. 穿过;横穿adv. 横过;在对面短语ACROSS MEASURE 横量 ; 横度 ; 竖质 ; 纵质BACK ACROSS 后背宽 ; 后违宽 ; 后背 ; 背面宽fall across 遇见 ; 遇到 ; 撞见 ; 碰到go across 穿过 ; 走过 ; 经过 ; 度过stumble across 偶然发现 ; 无意中发现 ; 偶尔遇到across country 越过田野 ; 不沿着大路 ; 超出原野Manage Across 和同事保持一致drop across 偶遇 ; 偶然碰上 ; 偶然遇见 ; 突然来访Across battlefields 驰骋疆场on英 [u0252n] 美 [ɑn] adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着prep. 向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候adj. 开着的;发生着的,正在进行中n. (On)人名;(日)温(姓、名);(缅、柬、印)翁

#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)是什么意思

#define 就是所谓的宏 预编译得看他管道哪里结束,也就是分局部和全局


选择[工具]--->[选项]-->默认进入启动目录的***.pro编辑状态,进入后,参照右边的说明选择要设置的项目,在[值]项目下选择所要设置的选项:比如:template_solidpart -->mmns_part_solid 缺省模板就变成公制了!下面是比较符合中国标准的设置! ! These options control text not subject to other options !drawing_text_height 3.500000text_thickness 0text_width_factor 0.850000! ! These options control views and their annotations !broken_view_offset 5.000000create_area_unfold_segmented YESdef_view_text_height 3.5def_view_text_thickness 0.000000detail_circle_line_style PHANTOMFONTdetail_view_circle ON half_view_line SYMMETRYprojection_type FIRST_ANGLEshow_total_unfold_seam YESview_note std_din view_scale_denominator 1view_scale_format ratio_colon

What is market segmentation and how to segment?


what is an insect?

an insect is a living thing with six legs, three body parts and no backbone.


SegmentedTimeline timeline = SegmentedTimeline.newMondayThroughFridayTimeline();//timeline.setStartTime(SegmentedTimeline.firstMondayAfter1900());//timeline.setBaseTimeline(timeline); try {timeline.addException(dateFormat.parse("2015-05-01").getTime()); //去掉股票停牌无交易的特殊日期 }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();}x1Axis.setTimeline(timeline);//去掉不用的时间段 包括星期六星期天

CS1.6运行出mod_loadbrushmodel: sprites/top_left.spr has wrong version number (196608 should be30)

意思你这个文件top_left.spr 版本号错误。。我不知道你是用的什么版本的和在什么平台上面打的要么就找你的朋友给你传一个这个文件放到同名文件夹里面要么就是你自己重新装一哈CS。。

I want to do a host, this is my dream I also will be so hard I think I need to exercise my

我想当名主持人,这是我的理想,并为之努力,锻炼自己的口才我喜欢与人交往,喜欢接触过的各式各样的人:我可以帮助他们自己独立完成事情我也应锻炼下自己的国语,我应该会成功 我很自信 而且相信他们也肯定对我有信心谢谢采纳

what valid host range is the IP address a part of?

答案是 E: ~子网掩码尾240化为二进制是(1111,0000)。前面24+4位已经固定, 网络号28位,主机号4位。22换成二进制是 (0001.0110 ), 0001 为固定数码,只剩后面四位来安放IP,所以最多可以有16个,然后再除去一个网络地址和一个广播地址。合法主机地址范围即是:到172.16.10.30

what is jogging?是什么意思


动词适当形式填空I wish I (be) a host of a charity show.


What do you do before swimming?

Before swimming, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself:Change into appropriate swimwear: Put on your swimsuit or swim trunks to ensure you are dressed appropriately for swimming.Apply sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying waterproof sunscreen to exposed skin, even on cloudy days.Warm up: Perform some light stretching or warm-up exercises to loosen up your muscles and prevent injuries.Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated before, during, and after swimming.Check the water conditions: Make sure the swimming pool or body of water is safe and suitable for swimming, such as checking the water temperature, depth, and any posted signs or warnings.Follow safety rules: Familiarize yourself with any safety rules or guidelines, such as swimming in designated areas, swimming with a buddy, or following lifeguard instructions.Learn swimming skills: If you are not a confident swimmer, consider taking swimming lessons or practicing basic swimming skills to ensure your safety in the water.Remember, safety should always be a priority when swimming, so take necessary precautions and follow any rules or guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.

动词适当形式填空I wish I (be) a host of a charity show.


what is the great wall?怎么回答

what is the great wall?什么是great wallGreat wall is one the most famous places of great interest.长城是最著名的名胜古迹之一。

请帮忙,想一些「英文形容词」来形容「香港」,愈多愈好,Thank you!

charming 迷人的 可爱的 attractive 有吸引力的 使人愉快的 引起兴趣的 impressive 给人深印象的 fascinating 吸引人的 迷人的 sophisticated 高度发展的 energetic 充满活力的 glittering 有魅力的 吸引人的 stunning 非常美丽的 worriedly dirty *** all convenient 我谂左甘多ja crowded *** all beautiful Dirty(air) noisy crowd many people.... 想不到,只想到几个。(沉默中)





michael baker怎么读


Michael Kors 的读音怎么念啊?

[u02c8maikl] [ku0254:s] 中文译过来就是迈克,科尔斯

michael baker怎么读



这是人名,汉语译为“迈克尔”,不过你写错了,应该是 Michael,读作 [ "mau026aku0259l],拼读时可谐音为“马艾克尔”。

michael,could you help me,please怎么读

英文原文:michael,could you help me,please英式音标:[u02c8mau026akl] [ku0259d; ku028ad] [juu02d0] [help] [miu02d0] [pliu02d0z] 美式音标:[u02c8mau026akl] [ku028ad] [ju] [hu025blp] [mi] [pliz]

michael buble怎么读

Michael 英["mau026aku0259l] 美["mau026aku0259l] n. 迈克尔(男子名); Buble 中文发音: 布勃莱;

michael baker怎么读

英文原文: michael baker 英式音标: [u02c8mau026akl] [u02c8beu026aku0259] 美式音标: [u02c8mau026akl] [u02c8beku025a]

michael monkey英语怎么读

Michael:["mau026aku0259l] (人名,首字母大写)monkey:[u02c8mu028cu014bki]



michael kors 怎么读

MICHAEL KORS(麦口 口四)迈克·科尔斯;迈克高仕;迈克.科尔斯;迈克·柯尔;迈克科尔斯


Micheal和Michael是同一个名字,没有区别。Michael 是希伯来名,音译为“米夏埃尔”,意思是“像上帝一样的人”,也用作姓氏。

michael kors怎么读

【Michael Kors】【迈克高仕】Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念


安七炫 - Happy HappyHimgyowo hullin nunmur dangshinui maumsogenne iriran obnun go gathayo kumur kursu obsojyoshwibjin anhun sesange murub kurho borin chegoge sugyo sanun go jochado himgyo wogejyoNugudunji sardabomyon myod bonshigun jwajorhage doejiyosandanun gon manmanchi anhjyo gurohjiman onurunModun gosur igo HAPPY HAPPYusobwayo gudeui sesangguder wihan nore ALWAYS FOR YOUyongwonhajyo sojunghan gudejyoSesangun marhagejyo shwibjin anhur goragohajiman he borman harthendeyo jigumi shijag ingoryogoroum kuthen hangsang hengbogi chajaojyonuguboda sojunghan gudeui hengbog ingojyoNugudunji sardabomyon hessar chorom gihoega chajaojiyosandanungon gurongojyo urjimargo irosoyo oh!Modun gosur igo HAPPY HAPPYusobwayo gudeui sesangguder wihan nore ALWAYS FOR YOUyongwonhajyo sojunghan gudejyoArjanhayo jigumi jonbuga aningorguder sarang hanun manhun saramduri guder guderur midoyoModun gosur igo HAPPY HAPPYusobwayo gudeui sesangguder wihan nore ALWAYS FOR YOUyongwonhajyo sojunghan gudejyoDangshinmanui sesang ijyo~


《HAPPY》选自MOCCA的第二张专辑《Friends》Life is just like cherriessometimes it"s afraid filed with worriesDon"t be afraidwhen things go wrong just be strongwhen thing seems up the airand every thing is so unfairand you srumble and falljust lick yourself up and singif one day you lose your way justremember one thing,my friendwhen you"re under a cloudjust visit music and sing]if one day you lose your way justremember that i"m here to staydon"t you give upkeep your chin up andbe happy!Life is just like a boowl of cherriessometimes it"s afraid filed with worriesDon"t be afraidwhen things go wrong just be strongwhen thing seems up in airand every thing is so unfairand you srumble and falljust lick yourself up and singif one day you lose your way justremember one thing,my friendwhen you"re under a cloudjust visit music and singif one day you lose your way justremember one thing,my friendwhen you"re under a cloudjust visit music and singif one day you lose your way justremember that i"m here to staydon"t you give upkeep your chin up anddon"t you give upkeep your chin up andkeep your chin up andbe happy!

Ase you MichaeI 怎么读

【Are you MichaeI】英语读音【ɑ:(r) ju "mau026aku0259l】美语读音【ɑ:r ju0259 "mau026aku0259l】

请问英文名michale和 michael有什么区别吗?请赐教!



地区性翻译吧迈克尔乔丹 广东翻译米高佐敦 科比 高比 没啥好就纠结的 口音而已

michael kors 怎么读

Michael Kors】["maiku0259l ku0254:(r)z]【迈克高仕】Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念




迈克尔 名字含义: 像上帝一样的人

Michael jackson MJ怎么读


Michael jackson MJ怎么读





Happy! 歌手 moccaLife is just like a boowl of cherriessometimes it"s afraid filed with worriesDon"t be afraidwhen things go wrong just be strongwhen thing seems up in airand every thing is so unfairand you srumble and falljust lick yourself up and singif one day you lose your way justremember one thing,my friendwhen you"re under a cloudjust visit music and singif one day you lose your way justremember that i"m here to staydon"t you give upkeep your chin up andbe happy!Life is just like a boowl of cherriessometimes it"s afraid filed with worriesDon"t be afraidwhen things go wrong just be strongwhen thing seems up in airand every thing is so unfairand you srumble and falljust lick yourself up and singif one day you lose your way justremember one thing,my friendwhen you"re under a cloudjust visit music and singif one day you lose your way justremember one thing,my friendwhen you"re under a cloudjust visit music and singif one day you lose your way justremember that i"m here to staydon"t you give upkeep your chin up anddon"t you give upkeep your chin up andkeep your chin up andbe happy!

mocca 的happy 英文歌词

Mocca 好像没有没有happy这首歌哦!

michael kors怎么读

你好,Michael: ["mau026aku0259l] 读音接近拼音:Mai koukors: 发音接近拼音:kao er si.希望能帮到你。

Are youMichael怎么读

啊 油 卖扣 ?

Michael 怎么读

迈i口mai i kou

求《自我之歌》第24首“Walt Whitman, a kosmos, of Manhattan the son”的全文翻译


求:Mocca-Happy曲谱 拜托,谢谢!

Happy new year Happy new year May we all have a vision now and then Of a world where every neighbour is a friend Happy new year Happy new year May we all have our hopes, our will to try If we don""t we might as well lay down and die You and I Seems to me now That the dreams we had before Are all dead, nothing more Than confetti on the floor It""s the end of a decade In another ten years time Who can say what we""ll find What lies waiting down the line In the end of eighty-nine... Happy new year Happy new year May we all have a vision now and then Of a world where every neighbour is a friend Happy new year Happy new year May we all have our hopes, our will to try If we don""t we might as well lay down and die You and I

mocca的《Hanya Satu》 歌词

歌曲名:Hanya Satu歌手:mocca专辑:Untuk RenaHanya satu pintaku 我只有一个愿望Tuk memandang langit biru 望着蓝天Dalam dekap seorang ibu 在母亲的怀抱里Hanya satu pintaku 我只有一个愿望Tuk bercanda dan tertawa 欢乐地说笑Di pangkuan seorang ayah 在父亲的怀抱里Apabila ini hanya sebuah mimpi 如果这只是一个梦Ku selalu berharap dan tak pernah terbangun 希望我永远都不要醒来Hanya satu pintaku 我只有一个愿望Tuk memandang langit biru 望着蓝天Di pangkuan ayah dan ibu 在父母的怀抱里Apabila ini hanya sebuah mimpi 如果这只是一个梦Ku selalu berharap dan tak pernah terbangun 希望我永远都不要醒来Hanya satu pintaku 我只有一个愿望Tuk memandang langit biru 望着蓝天Dalam dekap ayah dan ibu 在父母的怀抱里http://music.baidu.com/song/23571981



It is in 1949 China was liberated? A. when B. in which C. that D. /

It is in 1949 _______ China was liberated? A. when B. in which C. that D. /选C解析:本题考查强调句。结构是It is +被强调部分+that从句,that不可以省略。这里被强调部分是时间状语in 1949



the son has been是什么意思

the son has been儿子已经the son has been儿子已经

hang up和cut off的区别






索尼1000xm3连接电脑hands free和 stereo有什么不同

索尼1000xm3连接电脑hands free和stereo区别为:语音通话不同、编码不同、设计目的不同。一、语音通话不同1、hands free:需要使用麦克风进行语音通话的时候必须选择hands free模式。2、stereo:stereo模式下无法使用麦克风进行语音通话,只能听声音。二、编码不同1、hands free:hands free使用SBC编码,噪音多,音质较差。2、stereo:stereo使用AAC编码,噪音少,音质较好。三、设计目的不同1、hands free:hands free的设计目的是用来为打电话设计的。2、stereo:stereo的设计目的是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的。

手机耳机stereo和hand free有什么区别吗?

针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。 演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 1、针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。 2、作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。

hands free ag audio和stereo区别

品牌型号:华为MateBook D15 系统:Windows 11 Stereo是立体声,而hands free ag audio是免提ag音频。 Stereo设备在蓝牙术语中被称为“高级音频分发配置文件”("Advanced Audio Distribution Profile"),或缩写为A2DP,是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的。可以简单理解为,音质更高(相对于"Hands-free"模式) 。 Hands-free设备分别对应于“免提模式”("Hands-Free Profile",HFP)或“耳机模式”("Headset Profile",HSP)。它们都比A2DP旧,最早是用来为打电话设计的(双向单声道声音,有限的频率响应,仅针对语音优化)。免提(特别是HSP),是为了优化耳机耗电设计的。对于无线蓝牙耳机(音箱),由于物理尺寸的限制,一般电池电量非常有限,所以可以简单理解为,免提模式更省电。

stereo和hands free有什么区别?

针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。 演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 1、针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。 2、作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。

hands free ag audio和stereo区别

针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。 演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 1、针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。 2、作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。


multichannel:多通话线路的,多波段的;多道;多通路;多通道。多用来形容线路,讯息传导方式等。stereo:立体声的;有立体感的 。多用于音响,电视等可视可听等设备。

手机耳机stereo和hands free有什么区别啊?

针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。 演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 1、针对声道设计不同:stereo是针对单方向传输高质量的双声道立体声设计的;hands free ag audio是针对双向单声道声音设计的。 2、作用不同:stereo音质好,可用于播放音频文件;hands free ag audio音质差,早期用于打电话免提、优化语音。

一首英文歌里歌词是you have to me to me接着是好多啦啦啦的的是什么歌

Somebody To Love - Leighton MeesterParis, France to MichiganLondon town and through BerlinI can"t believe this place I"m inEverywhere and back againPorcelain and China dollsGive me one, I seen "em allGot my back against the wallWonder where I"ll be tomorrow?But wait, now how long could this take?It"s hard to find a mate when you"re gone before he wakesThey say it"s hard to achieveBut can"t a girl believe?Is there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveBaby girl, there you atLooking at me like a putty catWondering where that thing is atWondering where your ring is atNobody ever did it quite like thisNobody ever did it quite like youDo your hair, I bought you shoesWe can hit the town like superstars doYou want love?Then let me show you loveGive me the key to your heartI can give you what you wantWhen you"re waiting aroundAnd you"re lookin" for someoneI"ma turn you right to the way to a womanIs there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveIs there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveJe t"adore, je t"adoreMake a move, do the thingTurn around, strike a poseJe t"adore, je t"adoreMake a move, do the thingTurn around, strike a poseOoh, I like itOoh, I need itOoh, I want itHey, heyI know it"s hard to achieveBut can"t a girl believe?Is there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveIs there somebody who still believes in love?I know you"re out thereThere"s got to be somebody, I search around the worldBut I can"t seem to find somebody to loveYou say hello, I say goodbyeSomebody to loveYou say hello, I say goodbyeSomebody to loveAlright, somebody to loveOh babe, somebody to loveAlright, somebody to love



coachella elephant怎么读

Coachella [地名] [美国] 科切拉 根据汉语读就好了。elephant A丽芬特英 [u02c8elu026afu0259nt] 美 [u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt] n.象,大象

求shabop shalom的歌词

Lyrics to Shabop Shalom :Our story begins on a sunday afternoonJust between halfway tree and spanish townWhere a young boyNot yet the cock ou2019 the walk that he would soon become,Was lying on the grass and takinu2019 in the sweet and sensuous scent of hibiscusThat languidly lilted along the summer breezeIt was at this precise moment that he saw her.Her walk was soft and delicate with a thaumaturgical touchThat only a rabbiu2019s daughter could haveBefore their eyes had even metHer luminous lips had already lured him inSalvation winked with he promise of a briss held at pinnacleAnd a congregation of sages bunny hopping and chicken dancing to yiddish mentoThen their eyes linkedAn aeon blinked amharic vows were scryed upon their heartsJust to think this could all be with a frenectomy and a few words of love.My shabop shalom babyWonu2019t you shabop shalom with meUnder the old banana treeWhoa, whoaMy sweet telavivian lambu2018s breadMy heart can act as an emoliantAnd youu2019ll never ever sayGet bent!No, noTodamama todamamaTodamama todamamaTodamamaTodamama todamamaTodamama todamamaTodamamaAll the signals that iu2019m sendin iu2019ll keep sendingAnd on the constantillionth timeIu2019ll make you mineYes, i swear i willYour sweet supple breasts are golden ghettosSoft statues in stilettosTwo wise men instead of threeBlow a kiss just for meIu2019m ever in a foul moodIu2019ve gotta see you in your talmudAnd so happy in makes me(who who who who who)You wanna know whoWho wrote the book of jude?She wants to know who(who who who who who)Who wrote the dead sea scrolls?Well, i did, i didYeahYes, i did, i didI did, i didMm-hm!I did, i didHexakosioi hexekonta hex phobia can be a fun ordealI swear by solomonu2019s sealHoney, when it comes to loveThereu2019s a fire in the deep bend of my heartGivinu2019 me the heeby-geebysYou seeI know the land of wood and water isMerely fooder for the loves slaughtersAnd darling, Iu2019ve watched you cake walk to the immaculate conceptionFor far too longWalls are wailingIu2019m livicated to youAhaba rabaAhaba raba for youWeu2019re in heavenWeu2019re in heaven, itu2019s trueIu2019m in ascendingIu2019m ascending tonight with you
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