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这很容易哦,去bing上一搜索,what are you going to be,when you grow up大把大把都是老外写过的作文,这可是美国小孩最常见的作文题之一,好多小孩都写想做总统的。虽然教你作弊不是太好。。。




I really want him to come someday. When I grow up, I"ll walk on the moon. How can I get there from the bookstore?


《How to Grow Up and Rule the World》(Incomprehensible, Vordak T.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:7gfq书名:How to Grow Up and Rule the World作者:Incomprehensible, Vordak T.出版年份:2010-8页数:208内容简介:Slip on your acid-free gloves, make sure you have a duplicate copy of How to Grow Up and Rule the World (just in case something should happen to this one) and try to follow along as the incomparable, superior-in-all-ways Vordak the Incomprehensible teaches you a thing or two about villainy. Now you, too, can try (and fail) to attain Vordak"s level of infamy.From selecting the most dastardly name, to choosing the ideal henchmen, to engaging in witty repartee with disgustingly chipper superheroes, experienced supervillain Vordak the Incomprehensible guides readers step-by-step toward the ultimate goal of world domination (from his parents" basement in Trenton, New Jersey).With chapter titles like "Bringing Out the Evil" and "Building a Top-Notch Evil Organization," numerous bold illustrations, and detailed quizzes to assess your level of dastardliness, this book provides everything necessary to rise above the masses, and then rub your ascent in their faces.In return for this wealth of knowledge, Vordak requests nothing more than an honored place in the evil regime of he who achieves control of the world. (And, of course, the opportunity to assume command, should things not work out.)


修饰动词应该用副词 happily Let them grow up happily.


Now I have grown up, that is no longer the boy, now I can help my mother do housework, help father work. I will do my best to become an excellent student, learned how to powerful and self-reliance. I want to face life with a smile, I think to glory. I gradually began to learn how to hunt for dream, I have to be independent, I grew up.


要把do改成doesgrow 变为grow s:What does he (she) want to be when he (she) grows up ?

英语作文what will do,ifyou growup?

when I was a child, my hobby was drawing.different people have different becoming a costume designer was a dream in my little heart growing slowly ereryday. In my opinion,a person living in the world,would be a thing for him to do.he will be doing a good job.without the thing,his life was incomplete.for me, becoming a costume designer is the thing.when I grow up ,I will trying hard to do it.


What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大时想做什么?What doWhat does he /she want to be when he/she grows up?What do they want to be when they grow up?注意人称和时态的一致性。


When I grow up 当我长大时


意思是当他们长大后。grow up 成长


buy your flowers and grow up买你的花然后长大


语法上来说不缺成分(主谓结构)。但要根据语境保证语义完整。grow up为不及物动词词组,不加宾语。一般现在时态中,应改为grows up. 若为过去时态应改为grew up。I want to be a doctor when I grow up.长大后我想当医生。



You have tolearntogrowup是什么意思?

learn to growup的中文翻译 learn to growup 学会长大


判断成分要根据完整的句子来判断。如果句子类似于以下例句,则现在分词短语(learning---walls)作状语。Most kids grow up learning they cannot draw on the walls.大多数孩子在成长过程中都知道不能在墙上画画。




grows hilling双写l relaxed 松懈的 自在的 exciting healthy Doing ;us strong


Who help me grow me?I think it"s me that help myself.Nowadays, with only one child in most families, parents do whatever they can to satisfy the child"s needs and even do for him what should be done by himself. Consequently, the child is unable to look after himself without his parents" presence. Too much care from parents deprives children of chances to grow strong by conquering obstacles. Just as a saying goes, “Flowers from a greenhouse can never withstand a storm”.If I were a parent, I would first keep him well informed that life is never easy and that he should be ready to face any difficulties. Besides, I would expose him to the hardships in life instead of protecting him from difficulties, providing them with chances to fight for his bright future by conquering challenges.


1.生日蛋糕的目的就是为了庆生,有心意即可。2.蛋糕除了可以写字,也可以在外形上有所不同。3.蛋糕上的字,可以是祝福的话,也可以是过生日人的名字,happy birthday 就很不错




  learn to growup的中文翻译  learn to growup  学会长大

l will to be a teacher when my growup怎么改为疑问句?

改为疑问句是:Will you be a teacher when you grow up?(你长大后会当老师吗?)


when she grows up 当她长大时


growup长大,成人,崛起grownup长大成人grown是grow的过去分词形式,所以表示的意思是已长大的,grownup是指已经长大了,长成了[英] [u02c8hu025blθi][美] [u02c8hu025blθi]adj.健康的[例句]feeling fit and healthy.感觉身体良好和健康。[变形]比较级:healthier最高级:healthiest。


正确:C hope to do sth.(正确);hope do sth.(错误)(由此可以排除A) 又when you grow up...体现将来时,故选C.(即I hope后面接了一个宾语从句).


古入 啊pe(pe第三声)


成长的意义1. 成长的定义成长是指从出生到成熟的一个过程。这个过程中,我们会遇到很多的挑战和困难,但也会收获很多的喜悦和成功。在成长的道路上,我们不断地学习和探索,从而逐渐成为一个独立、自信、成熟的人。2. 成长的必要性成长是必要的,因为它是我们人类所共同经历的一个过程。在成长的过程中,我们会学会如何与他人相处、如何处理问题、如何自我保护等等。这些技能和知识会伴随我们终身,在我们的个人和职业生涯中应用得到。3. 成长的障碍成长的过程充满了挑战和困难。有时,我们会遇到自己无法解决的问题,有时,我们会用错误的方式去面对生活。这些都会成为我们成长的障碍。但是,我们必须敢于面对这些障碍,积极地去寻找解决问题的方法,从而更好地成长。4. 成长的重要因素成长的重要因素包括环境、家庭、学校、朋友、成就等等。我们的成长环境对我们的成长起着至关重要的作用。在成长环境中,我们需要拥有一些关键的因素,如自由、安全、支持、尊重等等,才能够更好地成长。5. 如何促进成长要促进自己的成长,我们需要注重自我反思,不断学习和探索,勇于面对挑战和困难,建立良好的人际关系,并在成就中不断提升自我。同时,我们也需要保持积极的心态,不断寻找激励和动力,从而让自己不断成长。6. 成长的意义成长的意义在于让我们不断地成为一个更好的人。在成长的道路上,我们不仅会获得技能和知识,更会接触到不同的人和事物,懂得尊重和关爱,建立良好的人际关系,从而让自己和周围的人都成为更好的人。7. 总结成长是一个漫长而充满挑战的过程,但这个过程中我们会不断学习和成长,到最后成为一个独立、自信、成熟的人,活出一个充实、幸福的生活。成长是一个无限的过程,我们需要不断地努力追求和成长,从而成为更好的自己。