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和我的一样 我是原来右键的多运行了下注册表删除了。想恢复终于找到了 打开记事本,把下列文字复制,进去 REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshellexContextMenuHandlersNew] @="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshellexContextMenuHandlersNewcommand] @=hex(2): 然后保存为new.reg,然后双击new.reg导入注册表即可 没反应或者错误你骂我。 绝对灵验 超好用。

feet on the ground eyes on the star 是哪个学校的校训?

feet on the ground eyes on the star 仰望星空,脚踏实地。福建师范大学闽南科技学院便将“仰望星空,脚踏实地”确立为该校校训,

谁能告诉我 pride and prejudice 的 background thank you


fall to the ground是什么意思


ground , do , to ,not ,the ,fall 组句?

Do not fall to the ground.不要倒到地上。

The place where people meet to seek the highest is holy ground

The people gather together in the holy land only for guide of God.

乘坐地铁 英语怎么说?(用”underground")

take the underground


underground n. 地铁adj. 地下的, 秘密的, 地面下的adv. 在地下, 秘密地subterrane [`sʌbtəˌrєn; ˋsʌbtərєin]名词亦作 subterrain,subterrene1 洞穴; 地下室; 地窟2 ‘地质"掩盖基岩形容词=subterranean




有,意为:1、(旨在反对现存政府等的)地下组织,可数名词。He joined the underground to fight against the fascists. 他参加了地下组织与法西斯作战。2、先锋派团体,也是可数名词。




不可数travel chaos on the Underground.地铁运营混乱。he"d gone home by underground.他已乘地铁回家。




根据柯林斯英英词典,underground本身是个可数名词。它的解释是这样的:The underground in a city is the railway system in which electric trains travel below the ground in tunnels. 所以,这个underground指的是一个地下轨道交通系统,虽翻译成“地铁”,但并不特指单个的“electric train”。


underground可以说,是一个英文单词。意思是:地下的。重点词汇:underground。英[u028cndu0259'ɡrau028and]释义:adv.在地(面)下;隐蔽地,隐匿地;在地(面)下。adj.地(面)下的;秘密的,地下的;标新立异的,小众的。v.铺(电缆)于地下;;铺(电缆)于地下。短语:London Underground伦敦地铁;伦敦地铁公司;伦敦地下铁。例句:用作形容词(adj.)Listen to the Sound From Underground.听听地下的声音。Underground water that is held in the soil and in pervious rocks.土壤和能渗透的岩石中含有的地下的水。

Underground (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Underground (Album Version)歌手:harvey danger专辑:King James VersionThe Sounds - UndergroundLet us go back to the time when the undergroundWas the place where we all used to hide awayLet us go back to the streets where it all begunHow could I know, it was the last time I saw you?Seventeen and believed in just anythingCould be true, could be bad, something in betweenI recall all those lazy summer nightsAnd all I knew was the time I spent with youI could easily stay, and never come homeLooking out on the field like its never been changedThe past is a place that you can never return toEven though people say that this is where you belongI could easily stay, and never come homeLooking out on the field like its never been changedThe past is a place that you can never return toEven though people say that this is where you belongI could always try to reach youAnd it"s pumping through my veinsAnd theres nothing I can do about it(though people say that this is where you belong)Let us go back to the time when the undergroundIt used to be our place it belonged to usAnd I"d go back if I could but it"s not the sameAnd now I know, it was the last time I saw you?I could easily stay, and never come homeLooking out on the field like its never been changedThe past is a place that you can never return toEven though people say that this is where you belongI could easily stay, and never come homeLooking out on the field like its never been changedThe past is a place that you can never return toEven though people say that this is where you belongI could always try to reach youAnd it"s pumping through my veinsAnd there"s nothing I can do about itI could always try to reach youAnd it"s pumping through my veinsAnd there"s nothing I can do about itI could easily stay, and never come homeLooking out on the field like its never been changedThe past is a place that you can never return toEven though people say that this is where you belongI could always try to reach youAnd it"s pumping through my veinsAnd there"s nothing I can do about it

underground是用in 还是用on啊

on an underground

Underground 歌词

歌曲名:Underground歌手:Ben Folds Five专辑:The Best Imitation of Myself: A Retrospective [Box set]I was never cool in schoolI"m sure you don"t remember meand now its been ten yearsand I"m still wondering who to beand I"d love to mix in circlescliques and social coteries, thats mehand me my nose ring(can we be happy?)show me the mosh pit(can we be happy?)we can be happy underground(who"s got the lookswho"s got the brainswho"s got everything?)I got this pain in my heart thats all(hey youwith the long and lonely face)there"s got to be something elselet me tell you something elsethere was a girl that passed me byshe gave a smile but I was shy and I looked down, so down(don"t look down no no,go go underground)now, now there"s a place to goit"s the morning nowit"s the eveningit"s everythingI click my heelsand I"m there(undergroundundergroundoooooooooo)everything"s heavy underground(underground)you been kicked around(underground)did my friend go down here?(oooooooo)everything"s heavy undergroundwe"ll be decked in all blackslamming the pit, fantasticOfficer Friendly"s little boy"sgot a mohawkand he knows just just where coming from(it"s industrialwork it underground)get down (yeah)get down (yeah)get down yeah(undergroundundergroundoooooooooo)everything"s heavy underground(underground)you been kicked around(underground)did my friend go down here?(oooooooo)everything"s heavy undergroundwe can be happywe can be happywe can be happy underground(we can we can we can be)everythings heavy!(underground)you been kicked around(underground)did my friend go down here?(oooooooo)everything"s heavy undergroundbye bye!oh we canoh we canoh we can be(everything"s heavy underground)oh we canoh we canoh we can be(and everything"s heavy underground),(we can be happy underground)oh we canoh we canoh we can beoh we canoh we canoh we can beeverything"s heavy undergroundeverything"s happy undergroundand everything"s heavy underground



metro,subway和underground的区别? 请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来,

Metro-名词,是"METROPOLITAN"的缩写,本来的意思是"大都市",很多城市的地铁用"METRO",主要因为地铁公司的名字叫"METRO" 比如美国华盛顿DC的地铁就叫做METRO SUBWAY-名词.地铁.真正的地铁.可以地上,可以地下.虽然词的本意是"地下的路" 比如美国纽约的地铁,就是SUBWAY,因为地铁公司名字没有人记得. UNDERGROUND-形容词,地下的.仅仅是形容地铁是在地下的,车在地下的等,或者"地下工作者"都可以用这个词. 但是很多人因为偷懒,就只用UNDERGROUND来做名词,久而久之,大家都这么叫了,就变成一个大家都知道的名词了. 比如美国费城的市内有一个地铁,但是人们不叫它地铁,叫它"UNDERGROUND BUS"


"underground" 有三个音节。un-der-ground


作为“地铁”来说基本没有区别,但是后两个词还有别的意思,区别较大。意思分列如下: subway ["sbwei]n. 1. [主英国英语]1) (马路的)地下通道,地下过道2) 地下电缆(或自来水、煤气等)管道2. [美国英语]市区地铁;地铁列车[英国英语亦作 tube, underground]vi.[美国口语]乘地铁:例句: We can subway to the station. 我们可以乘地铁去车站。 Metro ["metru; mei"tru] n.[口语]地下铁道,地铁,巴黎地下铁道 n.[美国、加拿大英语]大都市;大都市地区政府;大都市的市政府 adj.大都市的;大都市市政府的 underground ["ndgraund] n. 地下,地铁,地道,秘密活动 a. 地下的,秘密的 ad. 在地下,秘密地


平时我们讨论街舞的时候,总会听到一些如underground的比赛,underground b-boy等的词语,在这里underground表示的都是地下的意思。它不是指非法的隐秘性活动,而是表示热爱跳舞的人自发聚集在一起,进行battle,一起交流进步,选出当中最棒的。这个过程中并没有太多媒体和商业等方面进行宣传,通常是在一些商场或者广场,布置简单的舞台然后爱好者们都围在一起就开始了比赛活动。 许多舞者认为,只有underground的比赛才是最公平的比赛。underground里面没有商业操作,举办者和评委都是舞者组成,比赛面对面的进行,哪个人得到观众最高的呼声就赢得胜利,所以underground是最直接的实力交流的比赛,通常也是水平最高的比赛,所以很多舞者都觉得在underground里面得到承认才是真正的实力。 但是作为演艺活动的一类,如果没有受到大众的关注和商业支持,是很难得以维持。事实上国内现在有许多非常优秀的舞者,可能因为舞团的规模或者地区的原因,他们没有办法参加一些曝光率很高的活动,没能获得名气,所以为了维持经济收入不得不放弃舞蹈从事其他行业。 街舞在中国仍未受到很大的推广,专业舞者们在经济收入上是非常困难的。如果你想获得更好的实力,就需要不断地练习不断交流,才可以在下一个比赛拿冠军得到大家的认可,但是这个过程中并没有什么经济来源,所以产生了一些商业的舞蹈演员。这部分人也是专业的舞者,但是他们较少坚持自己的风格和追求突破,会专注于表演一些符合市场需要的舞蹈作品,虽然他们很少得到圈内人士的认可,但是他们生活质量确实要比underground的舞者更好一些,并更可以以舞蹈作为可持续职业。 街舞文化一直在前进,相信只要大家一起努力,未来会有更多属于我们的市场,加油! 编辑:洋洋


看到 subway,你可能脱口而出“地铁”,只说对了一半。在美国 subway 的确代表地铁,在英国则不然,英国的 subway 是地下人行通道,美国人称之为 pedestrian crossing 。那么英国的地铁呢?-- tube, Metro 或 underground railway!摘自别处。 可见,subway 在美国是地下铁道的意思,但是在法国就是地下行人通道的意思。 Metro-名词,是"METROPOLITAN"的缩写,本来的意思是"大都市",很多城市的地铁用"METRO",主要因为地铁公司的名字叫"METRO" 比如美国华盛顿DC的地铁就叫做METRO SUBWAY-名词.地铁.真正的地铁.可以地上,可以地下.虽然词的本意是"地下的路" 比如美国纽约的地铁,就是SUBWAY,因为地铁公司名字没有人记得. UNDERGROUND-形容词,地下的.仅仅是形容地铁是在地下的,车在地下的等,或者"地下工作者"都可以用这个词. 但是很多人因为偷懒,就只用UNDERGROUND来做名词,久而久之,大家都这么叫了,就变成一个大家都知道的名词了. 比如美国费城的市内有一个地铁,但是人们不叫它地铁,叫它"UNDERGROUND BUS


underground 英[u02ccu028cndu0259"ɡrau028and] 美[u02c8u028cndu025au02ccɡrau028and] adj. 地下的;秘密的;先锋派的;隐蔽的 [例句]Many raised capital from family or underground banks.许多人从家族或地下银行融资。






underground[英][u02c8u028cndu0259grau028and][美][u02c8u028cndu0259rgrau028and]adj.地下的; 秘密的; 先锋派的; 隐蔽的; undergroundadv.在地下; 秘密地,偷偷地; n.地铁; 地下组织或活动; 地道; 地下;

谁能介绍一下 underground流派?

简单的可以说的是Jazz Hip-Hop就是Underground Hip-Hop里面的一个流派 区别就像HIPHOP里面其中一个流派是说唱一样Jazz Hip-Hop也可以说是爵士说唱 Gang Starr,Guru,The Roots,Us3这些比较老派的爵士说唱组合人物 爵士说唱因为风格问题不可以说是主流的风格所以歌手们都是比较地下 就是不出名 Common算是Jazz Hip-Hop世界里面最出名 也是唯一一个主流歌手 其实现在最好听的爵士说唱都在日本 搜索一下Nujabes这个日本DJ你就明白 下面是爵士说唱百科其实我觉得说唱可以更加简单分成两大类 “主流说唱 ”“地下说唱”(Underground Hip-Hop意思就是地下说唱) 地下说唱元素相当广泛 地下硬核响 爵士说唱 OLD SCHOOL都可以说是 就算是现在最主流风格“帮派说唱”也有 地下的流派 我都说不清楚了 简单说就是一些不太出名 不太受主流说唱音乐所接受的音乐 因为他们的歌词 曲风 方面顷向自由创作,很强烈独立性 有自己的思想 不受主流的影响 不用去适应大众口味 自己喜欢做怎样的音乐就去做 这才是真正的HIPHOP思想所在吧 ?HIPHOP不是一种潮流啊?如果你觉得HIPHOP是一种潮流 去跟随 去麻木模仿的话 你根本不能理解HIPHOP真正意义所在 我觉得现在主流说唱已经是这样 把说唱弄的变味了,NAS说的对 HIPHOP死了。建议楼主多听听地下说唱 我觉得现在真正的说唱最纯的的说唱就是地下说唱 主流说唱已经把说唱搞的完全变味 变成都是“金钱” “暴力”“ 女人”了 就像大教授Large Professor所说的 “And I do realize that now hip-hop is a form of showbiz ”


The quickest way to go round the city is by underground train. 在这个城市四处走动最快的办法就是乘坐地铁。There is an underground car park near the supermarket.这个超市附近有一个地下停车场。


说唱中underground rapper的意思为地下说唱,一般就是创作地下音乐的说唱歌手。地下说唱不同于主流商业模式,演出一般在街头、车库、酒吧等场所,传播和受众群体都限于小众。地下说唱不同于主流音乐,反映的是小众群体的价值取向,音乐形式也比较多样。

Underground 歌词

歌曲名:Underground歌手:Moist专辑:Mercedes Five And Dime6 UndergroundSneaker PimpsWhen music falls in love with movie Onetake me down6 undergroundthe ground beneath your feetlaid out lownothing to gonowhere a way to meet.i"ve got a head full of droughtdown hereso far off of losing outround hereOverground, watch this spaceI"m open to falling from grace.calm me downbring it roundtoo way high off your streeti can seelike nothing elsein meyou"re better than I wannabedon"t think "cos i understandi care,don"t think "cos i"m talkingwe"re friendsOverground, watch this spaceI"m open to falling from gracetalk me downsafe and sound,too strung up to sleepwear me outscream and shoutswear my time"s never cheapi fake my life like i"ve livedtoo much,i take whatever you"re given; not enough,Overground, watch thisspace, I"m openi fake my life like i"ve livedtoo much,i take whatever you"re given; not enough,Overground, watch thisspace, I"m opento fallingfrom grace....



underground和under the ground有什么区别?



underground是地铁。加拿大是跟着美国的,叫subway。不过蒙特利尔例外,用的是偏法语式英语的metro。欧洲很多国家地铁的英语都用metro而不是subway或tube。中国大多数城市用的是Metro或Rail Transit,至于为什么北京用Subway就不明白了。在日本,东京地下铁的翻译是TokyoMetro,其他地方(一般是市营地下铁)的翻译是subway,伦敦是underground,香港是MTR-MassTransitRailway。上海的叫metro是因为地铁使用的系统是采用巴黎那边的,所以跟着巴黎的说metro,北京的叫Subway是因为地铁使用的系统是采用美国那边的,所以跟着叫Subway,香港的叫underground是因为采用伦敦那边的,只是伦敦不是underground,而是叫tube。地铁地铁,即地下铁路的简称,原本指在地下运行的城市轨道交通系统,但随著城市轨道交通系统的发展,地铁有时会因建造环境而将部分路线铺设在高架上。地铁是沿著地下铁路系统的形式逐步发展形成的一种用电力牵引的快速大运量城市轨道交通模式。从专业角度讲,地铁与轻轨最大的区别在于小时单向最大运客量,地铁在三万人次以上,而轻轨在三万小时以下。地铁是城市交通的中坚力量,具备速度快、时间可控、环境舒适等特点,由于商办公寓承载的客群大多以年轻群体为主,出行的便利性是他们考量选择居住地的一个重要因素。从长沙市场来看,地铁覆盖区域的公寓销售表现都高于非地铁覆盖区域,成交单价和去化速度基本可以呈正比例关系,价格越高,去化速度越快。


意思查词典即可,underneath应用范围广,在…的下方都可以用,如The cat is sleeping underneath the table.或用于抽象对象Many problems are hidden underneath.而underground除地铁的含义外一般指在地面以下,如They found a way to an underground palace.(地下宫殿)






underground和subway有什么区别如下:1、词义不同。Subway是一个合成词,其中sub表示“在……下面”,在地下的道路,也就是地铁。在中国,只有少数几个城市的地铁成为subway。英式英语的用法中,subway大多指“地下过街通道”,并不一定表示地铁。Metro这个词源于法语单词métro,它作为地铁的口语化表达,完整说法是metropolitan railway,从字面上看就是城市里的铁路,来自于法语chemin de fer métropolitain。Underground的原本意思是“地下的,隐秘的,秘密的”,2、使用范围不同。Subway作为地铁名称,常见于纽约和北京等地。Metro则比较广泛使用于大都市之中。Underground在世界上,只有伦敦的地铁称之为London Underground。扩展资料:1、芝加哥地铁路线总长106.1英里,其中57.1英里为高架路线,L是“elevated”(高架)的缩写,以前常用"EL"表示,但现在人们普遍称呼它为L。2、来源于马萨诸塞湾交通局MBTA(the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority,这是运营大波士顿地区公共交通的管理机构。旗下管理的交通方式包括:地铁、轻轨、通勤铁路、巴士及轮渡,但现在人们都用“The T”来代指波士顿地铁系统。3、香港地铁叫做Mass Transit Railway,简称MTR。4、台湾地铁叫做Mass Rapid Transit,简称MRT。

emienm的underground 中英歌词

A lot of people ask meWhere the fuck I"ve been at the last few yearsShit I don"t knowBut I do know, I"m back nowHAHAHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundDre I"m down here, under the ground dig me upBroken tibias fibias, yeah fix me upSixty sluts all of "em dying from mass afixialAfter they sip piss through a Christopher Reeves sippy cupDixy cups toxins boxes of oxy padsEnough oxycotin to send a fucking ox to rehabWack job in the back with a black stocking capJacking off to a hockey mask at a boxing match(you can"t say that) yes he canI just did faggot now guess againBetter text message your next of kinTell him shits about to get extra messy especially whenI flex again and throw a fucking lesbian in wet cementSo faggoty faggoty faggoty raggedy Ann and AndyNo raggedy Andy and Andy no it can"t be, it can"t beYes it can be the fucking anti christ is back DannyIts Satan in black satin pantiesThis is Amityville calamity got damnit insanity pillsFanny pack filled with zanaxThrough every nook and crannyLookin for trannys milk and cookies spilt on my silk neglociet lookyRazor balades wit me to make you bleedCases of maboline make up lay on the table of weedSlim shady shit sounds like a fable to meUntil he jumps out the fucking toilet when you"re taking a peeHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundSix seaman samples Seventeen strands of hairFound in the back of a after the shoot at Vanity FairHannah Montana prepare to elope with a can openerAnd be cut open like cantaloupe with canopy bedsWith glad bags, yeah glad to be back"Cause last year was a tragedy that landed me smack dab in rehabFucking doctor I didn"t understand a damn what he saidI planned to relapse the second I walked out of that bitchTwo weeks in Brighton, I aint enlightenBitin" into a fucking Vicodin like I "am vikingOh, lightning strike it might be a fucking sign I need a psychicEvaluation, fuck Jason it"s Friday the nineteenthThat means it"s just a regular dayAnd this is the kind of shit I think of regularlyFucking Lesbians shouldn"t of had her legs in the wayNow she"s pregnant and gayMissing both legs and begging to stay.Here comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundTell the critics I"m back and I"m comingTo spit back an abundanceHit a fag with onionsThen split a bag of FunionsMad at me understandableCannibal shooting animalOut of a cannon and have him catapult at an adultCaptain of a cult with an elite followingTo turn Halloween back to a Trick of Treat holidayHave Micheal Myers looking like a liarSwipe his powers replace his knife with flowers and a stack of flyersHit Jason Vorheys with a fortyStuck a repository up his assAnd made him tell me a storyGave Hannibal Elector a fucking nectarineAnd sat him in the fucking fruit and vegetable section and gave him a lectureWalked up elm street with a fucking whiffle bat drewFought Freddy Krougar and Edward Scissor hands tooAnd came out with a little scratch owwLooking like I got into a fucking pillow fight with a triple fat gooseInsanity can itbe ity, where"s the humanity In havin a twist of fantasy with a arm an leg amputeeStraight jacket with 108 bracketsAnd a strap the wraps twice around my back then they latch itCut ya fuckin head off and ask where you headed off to?Get it headed off too?Medice this headaches awful, this anistetics pathetic so is the diabetic waffelAnd this prostetic arm keep crushin my hard tacoHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m undergroundHere comes the rain and thunder nowNowhere to run, to run to nowI"ve disappeared, don"t wonder howLooking for meI"m underground雷电暴雨来袭现在无处可逃。也无所遁形我瞬间消失,你想知道我怎么做到的你在找我吗?我在地下!雷电暴雨来袭现在无处可逃。也无所遁形我瞬间消失,你想知道我怎么做到的你在找我吗?我在地下!dre 我在下面,在泥土之中,把我挖出来吧我的小腿骨折了,是的,来吧我修理好吧60个婊子窒息而死在他们从克里斯托弗.里夫的鸭嘴形吸水杯里吸到尿后他的病房里到处都是一次性水杯,带着毒素的洁肤棉止痛片多到可以把一头妞送进戒毒所在我的后面有个带着黑色绒毛帽子的同性恋他一边看拳击比赛,一边冲着冰球恐怖面具自慰(他不能说这个!)是的他可以,我刚刚说了,同性恋现在再猜猜会发生什么?最好发短信给你最爱的家人告诉他们情况可能会发展到无法抑制的地步特别是当我再次炫耀我有多酷把一个女同性恋扔到还没干的水泥地上这些恶心的同性恋们。曾经破旧的的布娃娃安和安迪现在要改成安迪和安迪,不,这怎么行,不可以改当然可以这么改,因为反基督教徒但丁回来了这回可是穿着黑色丝绸内裤的恶魔撒旦这是艾米提小镇的血光之灾,去TM的精神病药片我包里装着是xanax牌安眠药我查看了无数女人的下体只是为了寻找变性人牛奶和饼干洒在我的性感内衣上,真是秀色可餐我随身携带的剃须刀可以让你流血美宝莲牌的化妆包放在一堆da麻烟丝中间slim shady?他早已经和我一起变成一个遥远的神话了直到有一天当你在小便的时候,shady会突然从马桶里跳出来!雷电暴雨来袭现在无处可逃。也无所遁形我瞬间消失,你想知道我怎么做到的你在找我吗?我在地下!雷电暴雨来袭现在无处可逃。也无所遁形我瞬间消失,你想知道我怎么做到的你在找我吗?我在地下!6份jing液取样 17缕头发在VanityFair杂志拍照现场的摄影器材车上被发现汉娜.蒙塔娜准备和占有了她的人私奔在有床幔的床上,我会像切蜜瓜般把她切开还有我的快乐小口袋,是的,我很这样子复活我很开心去年是个悲剧,我在众目睽睽下进了戒毒所去TM的医生,他说的话我一句都没听懂我计划着离开这鬼地方的第一时间就吃药我在Brighton戒毒所呆了两个星期,药瘾一丁点都没减一出戒毒所我就像野蛮的维京海盗一样狂吞维柯丁(vicodin一种止痛片)电闪雷鸣,这可能预示着将要发生什么我需要一次通灵解读未来去TM的杰森(《13号星期五》中的杀人魔)今天可是19号星期五说以在这个普通日子而不是那个变态星期五我的脑子里想的却是这样邪恶的事情这个女同性恋不应该合拢她的双腿,挡住了我进出的道路我锯掉了她的双腿,强暴了她,他现在怀了我的种居然还恳求我希望能留在我身边雷电暴雨来袭现在无处可逃。也无所遁形我瞬间消失,你想知道我怎么做到的你在找我吗?我在地下!告诉媒体的音乐评论家们,我复出了我会用绕舌反击别人到他体无完肤我要用洋葱暴打一个同性恋,知道他爆炸炸成一包炸洋葱脆片生我气了?可以理解食人魔把动物当炮弹射着玩把动物装上去枪膛瞄准并射伤别人现在邪教教主带着他的精英死党们过来了准备把万圣节边城小孩子要糖果,不给就捣蛋的节日我要让迈克迈尔斯看上去像个骗子,去除他的所有能量把他的刀换成鲜花和广告宣传单我要用啤酒瓶狂砸杰森再在他的下身插上药物栓剂再让他给我讲故事我要给Hannibal Lecter(《沉默羔羊》主角)塞一只水蜜桃让他坐在水果蔬菜中间好好给他说教他要转型成素食者我走在ELM街上,用最快的速度拔出我的球棒跟佛朗迪和剪刀手爱德华大打出手打完架自然免不了一点皮肉伤这好像我和一只超级肥鹅打了一场枕头大战(到处都是羽毛)精神失常?还是虚荣幸在捣乱?人性在哪里?当我对着切掉了胳膊和大腿的身体产生了变态的性幻想?我现在穿着有108个扣环的精神病束身服捆绑带从我背后绕两圈然后被锁环固定好把你的头砍下来然后问你你要去哪?懂了吗?落地的头能去哪?医生这个头痛真的很可怕你用在我身上的麻醉剂毫无作用就像这块低糖华夫饼一样味如嚼蜡还有,我的假胳膊行动不方便,总是弄碎我的塔克玉米卷雷电暴雨来袭现在无处可逃。也无所遁形我瞬间消失,你想知道我怎么做到的你在找我吗?我在地下!雷电暴雨来袭现在无处可逃。也无所遁形我瞬间消失,你想知道我怎么做到的你在找我吗?我在地下!


平时我们讨论街舞的时候,总会听到一些如underground的比赛,underground b-boy等的词语,在这里underground表示的都是地下的意思。它不是指非法的隐秘性活动,而是表示热爱跳舞的人自发聚集在一起,进行battle,一起交流进步,选出当中最棒的。这个过程中并没有太多媒体和商业等方面进行宣传,通常是在一些商场或者广场,布置简单的舞台然后爱好者们都围在一起就开始了比赛活动。 许多舞者认为,只有underground的比赛才是最公平的比赛。underground里面没有商业操作,举办者和评委都是舞者组成,比赛面对面的进行,哪个人得到观众最高的呼声就赢得胜利,所以underground是最直接的实力交流的比赛,通常也是水平最高的比赛,所以很多舞者都觉得在underground里面得到承认才是真正的实力。 但是作为演艺活动的一类,如果没有受到大众的关注和商业支持,是很难得以维持。事实上国内现在有许多非常优秀的舞者,可能因为舞团的规模或者地区的原因,他们没有办法参加一些曝光率很高的活动,没能获得名气,所以为了维持经济收入不得不放弃舞蹈从事其他行业。 街舞在中国仍未受到很大的推广,专业舞者们在经济收入上是非常困难的。如果你想获得更好的实力,就需要不断地练习不断交流,才可以在下一个比赛拿冠军得到大家的认可,但是这个过程中并没有什么经济来源,所以产生了一些商业的舞蹈演员。这部分人也是专业的舞者,但是他们较少坚持自己的风格和追求突破,会专注于表演一些符合市场需要的舞蹈作品,虽然他们很少得到圈内人士的认可,但是他们生活质量确实要比underground的舞者更好一些,并更可以以舞蹈作为可持续职业。 街舞文化一直在前进,相信只要大家一起努力,未来会有更多属于我们的市场,加油! 编辑:洋洋



underground loop是什么意思

平时我们讨论街舞的时候,总会听到一些如underground的比赛,underground b-boy等的词语,在这里underground表示的都是地下的意思。它不是指非法的隐秘性活动,而是表示热爱跳舞的人自发聚集在一起,进行battle,一起交流进步,选出当中最棒的。这个过程中并没有太多媒体和商业等方面进行宣传,通常是在一些商场或者广场,布置简单的舞台然后爱好者们都围在一起就开始了比赛活动。 许多舞者认为,只有underground的比赛才是最公平的比赛。underground里面没有商业操作,举办者和评委都是舞者组成,比赛面对面的进行,哪个人得到观众最高的呼声就赢得胜利,所以underground是最直接的实力交流的比赛,通常也是水平最高的比赛,所以很多舞者都觉得在underground里面得到承认才是真正的实力。 但是作为演艺活动的一类,如果没有受到大众的关注和商业支持,是很难得以维持。事实上国内现在有许多非常优秀的舞者,可能因为舞团的规模或者地区的原因,他们没有办法参加一些曝光率很高的活动,没能获得名气,所以为了维持经济收入不得不放弃舞蹈从事其他行业。 街舞在中国仍未受到很大的推广,专业舞者们在经济收入上是非常困难的。如果你想获得更好的实力,就需要不断地练习不断交流,才可以在下一个比赛拿冠军得到大家的认可,但是这个过程中并没有什么经济来源,所以产生了一些商业的舞蹈演员。这部分人也是专业的舞者,但是他们较少坚持自己的风格和追求突破,会专注于表演一些符合市场需要的舞蹈作品,虽然他们很少得到圈内人士的认可,但是他们生活质量确实要比underground的舞者更好一些,并更可以以舞蹈作为可持续职业。 街舞文化一直在前进,相信只要大家一起努力,未来会有更多属于我们的市场,加油! 编辑:洋洋

underground是用in 还是用on啊

on an underground


英国人习惯用underground而美国人喜欢metro,subway ,没什么区别,






underground 拆开来读 下面括号里的是拼音un(an 一声)dei(德儿 轻声) g(ge 一声) roun(r读er轻声 u 轻声 un读ang四声)d(读de 轻声) 只能帮到这里了 后面的 我实在想不出来怎么说给你看了


英式英语中是的。underground既可以是名词,也可以是形容词,还可以是副词。当其为名词时,意思是“地铁”,通常在英国英语中,人们会使用underground来表示地铁。当其为副词时,意思是“地下;地面下;秘密地,暗中”。当其为形容词时,意思是“地下的;秘密的;非法的”。例子:I always travel by underground.我总是乘地铁。underground的同近义词1、metrometro是个名词,它的意思是“地铁,地下铁路”,其复数形式为metros。the Metro是巴黎和华盛顿市的地铁名称。例句:The metro is efficient and spotlessly clean地铁非常快捷,而且一尘不染。2、subwaysubway是个名词,其含义为“地铁,地铁交通;(穿越马路等的)地下人行道”,其复数形式为subways。在北美英语中,通常用subway表示“地铁”,说英国英语的人指美国城市的地铁亦用subway,而指其他欧洲国家的地铁则用metro。例句如下:The extension of the subway will take several months.扩建地铁需用几个月时间。










underground[英][u02c8u028cndu0259grau028and][美][u02c8u028cndu0259rgrau028and]adj.地下的; 秘密的; 先锋派的; 隐蔽的; undergroundadv.在地下; 秘密地,偷偷地; n.地铁; 地下组织或活动; 地道; 地下; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Underground parking spaces cost as much as$ 85,000 toconstruct. 地下停车场的修建费用高达8.5万美元




underground英[ˈʌndəgraʊnd]美[ˈʌndərgraʊnd]adj.地下的; 秘密的; 先锋派的; 隐蔽的undergroundadv.在地下; 秘密地,偷偷地n.地下; 地铁; 地下组织或活动; 地道网络乘地铁; 地下室; 非主流形近词:Undergroundungroundforegroundinterground数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科百度知道新1And an underground tank can store one million seven hundred thousand liters of rainwater for air conditioning and other systems.一个地下的大水槽能够储存一百七十万公升的雨水为空气调节和其他的系统。

background intelligent transfer service 关闭这项服务有什么弊端?

Background Intelligent Transfer Service是一款系统传输进程,如果关闭这项服务那上传下载都是问题呀。

Battleground 歌词

歌曲名:Battleground歌手:The Heights专辑:The Heightsartist: Goodnight ArgentLately, this world seems kinda strangeAs my perception changedAm I losing the war?Enemies that only you could seeOr is this empathy?Tell me how hard would you fightIf everything was slipping away?Before you just layed down and diedNight falls, still darkness never comesSilence forever goneYou just keep dropping bombsOn my inner peaceYou could not be more pleasedWhere is your sympathy?Tell me how hard must I fightTo keep you from slipping away?When I"ve done everything to make this rightThere"s nothing left to saveIn the battlegroundsWe"re burning burning downIn the battlegroundsWe"re burning burning downYou"re gone, you"re goneYou"re gone, you"re goneYou"re goneGot your gun cockedNow you"re firing without thinking, oh no not youHow could you be mistaken nowSittin high on your throneAlways throwing the stonesAnd never weighing your ownTell me how hard must I fightTo keep you from slipping away?When I"ve done everything to make this rightThere"s nothing left to save yeaIn the battlegrounds (In the battlegrounds)We"re burning burning down (We"re burning down)In the battlegrounds (In the battlegrounds)We"re burning burning down (We"re burning down)Light of the sunThe damage we"ve doneThis world lingers onAnd nobody"s won yeaWhen my oldest gameWas the one I betrayedOh I"d give anythingTo take back the dayIn the battlegroundsWe"re burning burning downIn the battlegroundsWe"re burning burning down (We"re burning down)In the battlegrounds (In the battlegrounds)We"re burning burning down (We"re burning down)In the battlegrounds (We"re burning down)We"re burning burning down (We"re burning down)You"re gone, you"re goneYou"re gone, you"re goneYou"re goneYou"re gone, you"re goneYou"re gone, you"re goneYou"re gone


  ground有地面,土地; 基础; 范围; 阵地等意思,那么有关ground的 近义词 都有哪些呢?ground的常用 短语 都有哪些?下面我为大家带来ground的近义词辨析及常用短语,希望对你有所帮助!   ground近义词:   earth, clay, dirt, land, dust, soil, mud, ground   ground近义词辨析:   这些名词都有"土地,土,泥"之意。   earth 多指地表带有水分的泥土,较具体。   clay 特指潮湿时发粘,而火烤后变坚硬的泥土。   dirt 指地表的干松泥土。   land 含义笼统。指与河流、海洋相对的陆地,也指可耕种的土地。   dust 特指土壤干燥后,飞扬于空中的细微泥土。   soil 特指适宜栽种农作物或生长各 种植 物的泥土。   mud 指湿土,尤指雨后稀泥、污泥。   ground 通常指大地的表面,也可指土壤、泥土或场地。   ground的常用短语:   on the ground 在地上;当场;在决斗   to the ground 彻底地   ground someone in something 给某人在某方面打下良好基础 common ground (争论双方的)共同基础;一致之处   ground water 地下水   ground的英语例句:   1. They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground.   他们发现了一处迷宫似的地道。   2. A violent explosion seemed to jolt the whole ground.   剧烈的爆炸好像要把整个地面都掀起来。   3. The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.   这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。   4. On her own ground she knows exactly what she"s doing.   她在自己熟悉的领域里对自己的行为有十足的把握。   5. The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.   总统称并不打算部署地面部队。   6. The knife stuck in the ground at his feet.   刀扎在了他脚边的地上。   7. The scientists conducted two aerial surveys followed by two ground surveys.   科学家们在两次地面勘测后又进行了两次空中勘测。   8. Dig over any ground that is clear of crops and plants.   把没种庄稼和植物的土地都深翻一遍。   9. The elevator creaked to a halt at the ground floor.   电梯嘎吱一声停在了一层。   10. Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.   凯文总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。   11. The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows.   爆炸造成了巨大的破坏,震碎了一楼的窗户。   12. The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee.   然后那些咖啡豆被磨碎,包装好作为咖啡粉出售。   13. There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground.   各种明显的迹象显示他的观点越来越受欢迎。   14. She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.   她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。   15. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.   __右翼组织在国家政治中逐渐获得越来越广泛的支持。 ground相关 文章 : 1. ground的短语有哪些 2. ground的用法和短语例句

ground water是sci吗

Groundwater 影响因子1.947 是SCI哈

表示地下水的两个词 groundwater和underground 有什么区别?

ground water:地下水,基础;潜水 underground water:地下水;坑内水



idl 设置plot背景为白 为什么输出还是黑色,p.background

  可以用不同的颜色绘制线画图(颜色将在第83页的“IDL的颜色运用”中详细讨论。现在,只须按如下键入 TvLCT命令即可,以后将学到这个命令意味着什么。实质上,该语句表示装载了三个颜色矢量,每个矢量的三个分量分别代表颜色的三个组成部分红,绿,蓝。 该语句的三种颜色矢量分别表示碳灰、黄、绿色。)例如将颜色索引号1、2和3分别设置为碳灰,黄,绿色,键入:  IDL>TvLCT, [70,255,0], [70,255,255], [70,0,0], 1  在碳灰背景下绘黄色图,键入:  IDL>Plot, time, curve, Color=2, Background=1  如果只是想使线条成为不同的颜色,首先必须将NoData关键字打开来绘图,然后用OPlot命令(下面要讨论的)覆盖该图。例如,在碳灰色背 景上绘制黄色外框,数据用绿色显示,键入:  IDL>Plot, time, curve, Color=2, Background=1, /NoData  IDL>OPlot, time, curve, Color=3  来源:  生成彩色的PostScript输出  IDL中支持彩色的PostScript输出。要输出彩色的输出,在PostScript设备上使用 Color关键字:  Set_Plot, ‘PS"  Device, Color=1  颜色关键字的设置自动地将当前色彩表复制到 PostScript文件中。(类似于下面Set_Plot命令中的Copy关键字。)注意 PostScript设备几乎总是支持256色,通常多于在显示设备上使用的颜色数。这将影响输出。详见191页的“问题:PostScript设备拥有 比显示设备更多的颜色”  另一个自动装载色彩表的方法是在将图形设备设置为PostScript时,使用带Copy关键字的Set_Plot命令:  IDL> Set_Plot, ‘PS", /Copy  这个命令在文件被打开的第一次操作时,自动地将当前的颜色矢量复制到PostScript文件中。 注意,是显示色彩表被拷贝到PostScript文件中。通常这些色彩表的颜色数目和PostScript文件的色彩表的数目不同。详见189页的“问 题:PostScript设备使用背景与绘图颜色的区别”。  一旦设定PostScript设备为当前图形设备,可以用归一化的色彩表装载命令来装 载色彩表。例如,可以键入如下命令:  IDL> LoadCT, 5, Ncolors=200  IDL> TVLCT, [70,255],[70,255],[70,0],200  要将颜色选项关闭,可将Color关键字设为0,如下:  Device, Color=0  PostScript中的彩色图像与灰度图像  缺省情况下,PostScript设备为每一图像像素保存4位的信息。这对 16色或灰度级是足够了。如果想在PostScript输出中能有更多的颜色, Device 命令的Bits_Per Pixel关键字能设置到8位。例如,要输出一幅使用了全部256色的图像,可以如下设置设备:  IDL> image=LoadData(7)  IDL> thisDevice=!D.Name  IDL> Set_Plot, ‘PS"  IDL> Device, Color=1, Bits_Per_Pixel=8  IDL> TVSCL, image  IDL> Device, /Close_File  IDL> Set_Plot, thisDevice  真彩图像  读者的PostScript设备也许能支持24色或真彩图像。真彩图像是一个3D的数组,其中有一维是3。例如,一幅m*n的真彩图像可 以是隔像素扫描(3,m,n),也可以是隔行扫描(m,3,n),还可以是隔波段扫描(m,n,3)。  真彩图像可以以显示在显示器上的相同方式来 显示在PostScript中。就是,在TV或TVScl命令中使用True关键字,以表明真彩图像如何扫描的。确保将Bits_Per_pixel关键 字的值设为8。例如,一幅隔像素扫描真彩图像可以送到一个真彩PostScript设备上:  IDL> image3d=LoadData(16)  IDL> thisDevice=!D.Name  IDL> Set_Plot, ‘PS"  IDL> Device,, Bits_Per_Pixel=8  IDL> TV, image3d, True=1  IDL> Device, /Close_File  IDL> Set_Plot, thisDevice



groundless beliefs是说明文还是议论文?

groundless beliefs毫无根据的信仰这个题目应该以议论文来写

如何理解groundless belief?

首先按结构进行传统分析,共计25段的文章,第1段是Introduction,第2—24段属于Main Body部分,第25段则是Conclusion.首先引出话题,生活中充满了毫无根据的观点,有些言传至今或被我们奉为圭臬的观点并不是正确的。这里我们可以想到,耳熟能详的兔子爱吃胡萝卜这件事我们是从何得知的?父母口中亦或是儿时童谣?事实真就如此吗?很容易让人想到子非鱼焉知鱼之乐,我们从何而知兔子的喜好。主体部分论述了Groundless Beliefs产生的原因:首先是external /living environment,举了英国婴儿从小被德国人养育而不知其亲生父母存在的情况下,为外部生长环境所深深影响,成为一个实在的德国人的例子。第二个原因是parroting(鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧):这部分的影响同样是潜移默化的,我们无意识地、简单被动地接受那些诸如报纸广告上所传递的东西,接受那些口口相传的东西,仅是由于“everybody says so”.第三个Groundless Beliefs 的成因是Self-interest(自身利益):我们接受并坚持某些观点的原因是因为能从中有所获self-interest包括个人谋生致富方式、社会地位、事业中的利益等等。坚持这类观点能让我们有所获,同样放弃它们即有所失。第四个Groundless Beliefs的成因是Sentimental Associations(emotion connection):我们会更倾向于我们青睐之人所持的观点,而对一个人的敌对情绪往往会殃及其所持有的观点。甚至于我们对一个人不满时,会依靠攻击其所持有的观点、保持的看法来获得极大的满足感。我们审视一个观点时,并不可只凭个人好恶。Groundless Beliefs 的第五个成因是Fashion:我们的观点很大程度上受影响于某一阶段流行的事物或人,我们的观点并不会始终追随潮流变化,因为我们的思维模式是会固化的,fashion就是你曾经所追随的某个阶段的f一时的时尚。我们常常思考的代沟问题(generation gap),可能也是基于这个原因。不同时代有不同的fashion,父母思维模式固化而无法跟上如今的fashion就易产生代沟问题。这篇文章谈到了诸多Groundless Beliefs的成因(non-rational factors),可谓渗透我们的方方面面。可是总有一部分人,自然不是所有人、不是多数人,只是少数的一部分人,愿意不惜一切代价去寻找真理(in a clear and rational way).




groundless adj. 无根据的例句:Facts have proved these worries groundless.侧重原因,证据,事实irrational adj.无理性的;不合理的 n.无理数例句:The logical definition of the irrational number is rather sophisticated.侧重逻辑上的是否合乎道理,还有无理性的意思

Groundw ater in a C oral Island

IntroductionMany small coral islands exist in the Arabian Sea off the w estern coast of India. Inhabitants of these islands mostly depend upon groundw ater to meet their needs for drinking purposes. With increase in the population and developmental activities,the demand for freshw ater has also been grow ing. How ever,the fresh w ater aquifer in a small island is,generally,a fragile system occurring as a thin lens floating over saline w ater. Unregulated exploitation of groundw ater in such conditions w ould cause an irreversible deterioration of the chemical quality of groundw ater due to upconing of seaw ater. A comprehensive scheme of groundw ater exploitation consistent w ith natural constraints existing in such islands must be developed.Figure 4. 5. 1 Location map of Kavaratti island ( Lakshadw eep)Kavaratti is the island capital of a group of 36 coral islands called Lakshadweep( Figure 4. 5. 1) . The island is 1. 4 km w ide and 5. 5 km long. Additional groundw ater pumping from specially designed w ells fitted w ith radial pipes w as planned in order to establish a w ater supply scheme to meet drinking w ater requirements on the island. Before implementing this scheme,the impact of additional pumpage of groundw ater from these w ells must be quantified. For this purpose,a model w as prepared of vertical cross section along DD" ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . This model provided the safe rate of groundw ater pumping in order to limit the salinity at the w ater table to below 1000 mg / L or 2. 5% of seaw ater.Hydrogeological SettingJacob and Madhavan Pillai in 1983,Jacob and others in 1987,and Varma and others in 1989 described salient hydrogeological conditions on the island. Coral sands,corals,and coral limestone are the main w ater-bearing formations. A w ide lagoon exists on the w estern side of the island w here hard limestone forms a ridge. Exposures of hard coral limestones occur along the beaches. The topography of the island is undulating and the elevation above the mean sea level ( m. s. l. ) ranges from a few centimeters to about 6 m. The average annual rainfall is 1500 mm and occurs mostly during June to September. Minimal drainage systems and surface w ater storage exist on the island.Despite a high rate of percolation through very permeable coral sands,the net storage of fresh groundwater is meagre because a large percentage of the recharge flows out to sea as subsurface run-off. Several shallow open wells tap this scanty freshwater resource. The diameter of these wells varies from 1 m to about 6 m and the depth from less than 1 m to about 5 m near the coast. The depth to the water table ranges from 0. 5 m to about 4 m below land surface.Data from the electrical conductivity ( EC) of groundw ater indicate that the salinity of the fresh w ater zone has been progressively increasing over the last decade. Also,instead of a sharp fresh w ater-sea w ater interface,a transitional saline zone exists,created by mixing w ith the underlying saline w ater caused by the pumping of groundw ater as w ell as sea tides. The consequence has been a progressive thinning of the fresh groundw ater zone.Fluctuation of Water Table and Sea LevelThe height of the w ater table above the sea level has a significant bearing on the movement of saline w ater into the fresh w ater zone. The w ater table and sea level w ere continuously monitored for 3 w eeks during January 1995 ( Figure 4. 5. 2) . Sea level w as monitored w ithin a specially designed structure to avoid the interference due to sea w aves.The w ater table fluctuation in all the observation w ells w as correlated w ith sea tides and the magnitude of this fluctuation in the w ells is almost independent of the w ells" distance from the seashore. This implies that the influence of sea tides on the w ater table is primarily transmitted vertically except near the seashore w here the lateral flow may also be appreciable.The w ater table does not evince any long-term variation. This is corroborated by the hydrographs for several w ells in the island. Examples are w ells No. 2 and No. 5 along section DD" monitored over a period of 5 years ( Figure 4. 5. 3) . See also w ater table data for the years 1987 and 1995 for several observation w ells given in Table 4. 5. 1.Figure 4. 5. 2 Variation of w ater table ( at w ell No. 9) and sea levelFigure 4. 5. 3 Water table fluctuation ( w ith reference to mean sea level)Table 4. 5. 1 Height of water table ( in m) above mean sea level during 1987 and 1995* A negative sign implies lowering of the water table in 1995 compared to that in 1987.Hydrogeological ParametersHydrogeological parameters w ere estimated by pumping tests on four selected w ells in the coral sand aquifer ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . The duration of pumping tests w as kept short to ensure that during the pumping test the effect of tidal fluctuation on hydraulic heads remained insignificant. The w ater table w as monitored at regular intervals during both pumping and recovery phases. Typical time draw dow n and recovery curves for pumping tests at tw o locations are illustrated in Figure 4. 5. 4. The details of the pumping tests are given in Table 4. 5. 2.Figure 4. 5. 4 Time draw dow n and recovery curves for pumping testsTable 4. 5. 2 Particulars of pumping testPumping test data w ere interpreted using a numerical method w herein the follow ing field conditions w ere taken into account:1) During the initial phase of pumping,a substantial quantity of w ater is draw n from the w ell storage.2) Wells are partially penetrating and hence the upw ard flow of groundw ater through the w ell-bottom is also appreciable.3) The inflow into the w ell from the aquifer is caused by the decline of the w ater table as w ell as variation in fluid density w ith depth.Groundwater ModelingA 2-D vertical cross-section model w as constructed to simulate the hydraulic conditions and movement of the saline w ater into the fresh w ater zone. Physical FrameworkThe physical framew ork of the aquifer conforms to the geology as described for similar islands by Oberdorfer and others in 1990,Underw ood and others in 1992,and Griggs and Peterson in 1993. Hydrogeological information given by Jacob and others in 1987 w as also used. The top layer of coral sands reaches a depth of 8 m in the central region. This layer is underlain by carbonate rocks w hich may extend to the basaltic basement. The permeability of limestone formation near the shore w as assumed to be low.The follow ing numerical values of the various characteristic parameters of the model w ere adopted ( Table 4. 5. 3) :Table 4. 5. 3 Numerical values of the various characteristic parameters of the modelBoundary ConditionsAll points on the vertical lines representing the island-sea boundary w ere assigned a hydrostatic pressure exerted by the column of seaw ater above that point. The fluctuation of this pressure w ith tides w as approximated by a triangular w ave function having a periodicity of 24 h and an amplitude of 0. 9 m. The solute concentration at all the nodes along the island-sea boundary w as taken to be the same as seaw ater,i. e. ,0. 0357 kg salt per kg seaw ater. The bottom of the aquifer w as considered as a no-flow boundary w hich may be an impermeable basaltic formation.The w ater table constituted the upper boundary of the model,w hich receives natural recharge mainly during the rainy season from June to September. Different values of recharge w ere assigned to each element along the modeled section depending upon the vertical permeability for that element. Similarly,groundw ater extraction assigned to each element at the upper boundary w as varied based on the available data. Mathematical Formulation and Numerical SolutionMathematical equations describing density-dependent flow and solute transport in the aquifer may be expressed as:地下水科学专业英语and地下水科学专业英语w here v is average fluid velocity,φ is porosity of rock matrix,k is permeability of the rock matrix,μ is fluid viscosity, p is fluid pressure, ρ is fluid density, g is gravitational acceleration,Qpis fluid mass source,c is solute concentration of fluid, C*is solute concentration of fluid source,D is dispersion tensor,I is identity tensor,and Dmis apparent molecular diffusivity.Equation ( 4. 5. 1a) and Equation ( 4. 5. 1b) are based on the conservation of fluid mass, and the Equation ( 4. 5. 1c) also takes into account the solute mass balance. The computer softw are SUTRA w as used to solve these equations for a vertical 2 - D model. Suitable modifications w ere made to the computer code to incorporate the effect of tidal phenomenon, variable recharge in time,and w ater table conditions.The vertical section along DD" w as divided into 24 × 42 nodes ( Figure 4. 5. 5) . Since the salinity variation near the surface needed to be estimated accurately a close nodal spacing of 0. 2 m w as taken to a depth of 3 m. How ever,for the zone from 3 m to 10 m it w as kept as 0. 5 m,and a still coarser nodal grid w as used for zones deeper than 10 m.Figure 4. 5. 5 Nodal grid for groundw ater modeling Various input parameters used in the model w ere progressively,but slow ly,modified until a reasonable match betw een the computed and observed values of ① w ater table above the average sea level,② salinity of groundw ater at the w ater table,and ③ tidal efficiency w ere obtained. Table 4. 5. 4 gives computed and observed values of the w ater table and salinity. Figure 4. 5. 6 show s the final input parameters of the model ( KH,KVis horizontal and vertical coefficient of permeability,respectively) .Table 4. 5. 4 Average water table and salinity observed and computed ( field and model) valuesFigure 4. 5. 6 Final input parameters for groundw ater modelingFigure 4. 5. 7 Computed increase in salinity at the w ater table for different rates of pumping from w ater supply w ellResultsThe calibrated model was used to prognose the increase in the salinity of groundwater due to additional pumping at different rates from a new well at point A ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . Figure 4. 5. 7 depicts,from a number of prognostic runs,an increase in groundwater salinity with time for six pumping rates of 50000 L / d, 30000 L / d, 15000 L / d,13000 L / d,10000 L / d and 8000 L / d at this point. The total groundw ater pumpage in each case w as distributed over three periods each day. It can be seen that if the pumping from the w ell is less than 13000 L / d, the salinity of groundw ater stabilizes below 2. 5% that of seaw ater. This amount of groundw ater salinity is w ithin the permissible limits for drinking purposes. The salinity profile along the vertical section after 5 years of additional pumping of 13000 L / d is show n in Figure 4. 5. 8. The effect of additional groundw ater pumpage in the form of increased groundw ater salinity is felt in an area of 200-m radius. It is, therefore, imperative that in order to maintain an acceptable w ater quality, pumping from a single w ell in this situation should not exceed 13000 L / d and the distance betw een tw o w ells should be at least more than 400 m.Figure 4. 5. 8 Change in salinity along vertical section DD"due to additional groundwater pumpage at point ASome other measures to augment w ater supply on a small island may include rainw ater harvesting and reduction of the outflow to the sea. The techniques for rainw ater harvesting are w ell know n and are being used on the island. The outflow to the sea may be reduced if the transmissivity along the shore could be decreased. On an island w ith meagre resources,this can be conveniently achieved by drilling three row s of closely spaced 5 - cm - diameter shallow boreholes to a depth of 8 m to 10 m ( Figure 4. 5. 9a) . The boreholes may be grouted by a mixture of clay and cement. The existing 2 - D model w as used to prognose the rise in the w ater table as a result of this measure. It was seen that if the permeability of all the coastal elements ( to a depth of 8 m) is reduced from 250 m / d to 40 m / d, the w ater table w ill rise by 6 cm after 5 years ( Figure 4. 5. 9b) even after an additional pumping of 13000 L / d at the point A ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . A reduction of transmissivity all along the coast w ill,thus,help an appreciable buildup of the w ater table in the island.Figure 4. 5. 9 ( a) Three row s of boreholes to reduce transmissivity along coast. ( b) Rise in w ater table at point A in the island after construction of a subsurface damAcknowledgements The work was carried out with partial support from PWD,Kavaratti ( Lakshadweep) . The Director of NGRI has kindly permitted publication of the paper. Dr. Clifford I. Voss provided very useful inputs in modeling as did Mr. Gurunadha Rao V. V. S. and Mr. Yudhaveer K. ,scientists at NGRI. Officials of PWD,Kavaratti,provided support in the field investigations. Mr. Babu G. R. ,Mr. Chandrakumar C. and Mr. Gabriel J. assisted in the preparation of the manuscript. The authors are grateful to all of them.Words地下水科学专业英语

On our way home,I found a wallet lie on the ground.为什么用lying

find+宾语+宾语补足语。 钱包躺在地上,构成主动关系,所以用现在分词。

land, ground和earth区别

( 1 ) field ( 土地,田地 ) ,指可以耕种和种植农作物的土地。 The peasants are working in the fields . ( 2 ) ground ( 地,土地,地面 ) ,主要指大地、陆地的表面,也可以指土壤、场 地、泥土。指陆地时,土地、沙地、水泥地都可用这个词。 The little boy was lying on the ground . ( 3 ) earth ( 土,土地,泥土,地面 ) ,可用作“大地”,以别于天空。用作“地面”,以别于海、洋、大气和天空。还可用作“泥土”,以别于坚硬的岩石。earth 还可作“地球”解。如: The house is built of earth . 这房子是用土筑成的。 The earth is bigger than the moon . 地球比月亮大。 ( 4 ) land ( 土地,地面,田地 ) ,作陆地、大地讲时,是河流、海洋的相对用词。用以指土地或土壤时,着重指它的性质、用途,即可耕种的田地。如: Are you going by land or by sea ? 你走陆路或是海路 ? Fish cannot live on land . 鱼不能在陆地上生活。 He owns a lot of land , but he never works on the land . 他拥有许多土地,但他从不耕作。


( 2 ) ground ( 地,土地,地面 ) ,主要指大地、陆地的表面,也可以指土壤、场 地、泥土。指陆地时,土地、沙地、水泥地都可用这个词。 The little boy was lying on the ground . ( 3 ) earth ( 土,土地,泥土,地面 ) ,可用作“大地”,以别于天空。用作“地面”,以别于海、洋、大气和天空。还可用作“泥土”,以别于坚硬的岩石。earth 还可作“地球”解。如: The house is built of earth . 这房子是用土筑成的。 The earth is bigger than the moon . 地球比月亮大。 ( 4 ) land ( 土地,地面,田地 ) ,作陆地、大地讲时,是河流、海洋的相对用词。用以指土地或土壤时,着重指它的性质、用途,即可耕种的田地。如:

ground transportation是什么意思

  ground transportation的意思是:地面运输;地面交通  例句:  1、Joyce? I would like some information on ground transportation.   乔伊斯?我想要一些陆上交通的信息。  2、It"s 870 RMB, not including ground transportation fares between  airports anddowntown.  人民币870元,不包括市区到机场的地面交通费。  3、If we provide ground transportation for you, these Conditions of   Carriage shall notapply to such ground transportation.  如果我们也向您提供地面运输,本条件不适用于该地面运输。  4、Combined with air transportation and ground transportation, for  global customers toprovide fast, safe and timely door to door delivery service items.  结合空中运输和地面运输,为全球客户提供快速、安全和及时的门到门物品运送服务。

ground crew是什么意思

ground crew地勤人员

--- Do you know ________ girl in pink on the playground? --- Oh, yes, she is ________ honest st...

A 试题分析:句意:你知道在操场上穿粉红色衣服的那个女孩吗?噢,是的,她是个诚实的学生。她是我最好的朋友. 名词girl被介词短语in pink限定,故为特指,该用定冠词。后一空表示类别该用不定冠词,honest虽以辅音字母开头,但第一音素是元音,故该用an。所以选A。

playground, gymnasium, court这些名词的含义是什么?

Playground(操场),library(图书馆),canteen(饭堂),administration building(行政楼),office(办公室),classroom(课室),complex building(综合楼)。kindergarten(幼儿园),college(中学),university(大学),graduate(毕业),teacher(教师),classroom(教室),classmates(同学)。词义辨析playground,stadium,gymnasium,court这些名词均可表示“运动场,操场”之意。playground一般指附属于学校或公园内的活动场地,也可指游乐场或儿童游戏场地。stadium指周围有看台的露天大型运动场。gymnasium可简写为gym,指不受天气影响的室内体育馆、健身房或运动场馆。court通常指周围有围墙的专用球场。


应该是in the playground吧

求GOT7的playground歌词的中文意思以及歌词分配!谢谢各位大神啦~ 上边一个视频有歌词,


playground n 操场found v (动词find 的过去式形式),建立 元音字母组合ou在两词中读音相同[au]


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