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Groundw ater in a C oral Island

2023-07-19 14:36:37


Many small coral islands exist in the Arabian Sea off the w estern coast of India. Inhabitants of these islands mostly depend upon groundw ater to meet their needs for drinking purposes. With increase in the population and developmental activities,the demand for freshw ater has also been grow ing. How ever,the fresh w ater aquifer in a small island is,generally,a fragile system occurring as a thin lens floating over saline w ater. Unregulated exploitation of groundw ater in such conditions w ould cause an irreversible deterioration of the chemical quality of groundw ater due to upconing of seaw ater. A comprehensive scheme of groundw ater exploitation consistent w ith natural constraints existing in such islands must be developed.

Figure 4. 5. 1 Location map of Kavaratti island ( Lakshadw eep)

Kavaratti is the island capital of a group of 36 coral islands called Lakshadweep( Figure 4. 5. 1) . The island is 1. 4 km w ide and 5. 5 km long. Additional groundw ater pumping from specially designed w ells fitted w ith radial pipes w as planned in order to establish a w ater supply scheme to meet drinking w ater requirements on the island. Before implementing this scheme,the impact of additional pumpage of groundw ater from these w ells must be quantified. For this purpose,a model w as prepared of vertical cross section along DD" ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . This model provided the safe rate of groundw ater pumping in order to limit the salinity at the w ater table to below 1000 mg / L or 2. 5% of seaw ater.

Hydrogeological Setting

Jacob and Madhavan Pillai in 1983,Jacob and others in 1987,and Varma and others in 1989 described salient hydrogeological conditions on the island. Coral sands,corals,and coral limestone are the main w ater-bearing formations. A w ide lagoon exists on the w estern side of the island w here hard limestone forms a ridge. Exposures of hard coral limestones occur along the beaches. The topography of the island is undulating and the elevation above the mean sea level ( m. s. l. ) ranges from a few centimeters to about 6 m. The average annual rainfall is 1500 mm and occurs mostly during June to September. Minimal drainage systems and surface w ater storage exist on the island.

Despite a high rate of percolation through very permeable coral sands,the net storage of fresh groundwater is meagre because a large percentage of the recharge flows out to sea as subsurface run-off. Several shallow open wells tap this scanty freshwater resource. The diameter of these wells varies from 1 m to about 6 m and the depth from less than 1 m to about 5 m near the coast. The depth to the water table ranges from 0. 5 m to about 4 m below land surface.

Data from the electrical conductivity ( EC) of groundw ater indicate that the salinity of the fresh w ater zone has been progressively increasing over the last decade. Also,instead of a sharp fresh w ater-sea w ater interface,a transitional saline zone exists,created by mixing w ith the underlying saline w ater caused by the pumping of groundw ater as w ell as sea tides. The consequence has been a progressive thinning of the fresh groundw ater zone.

Fluctuation of Water Table and Sea Level

The height of the w ater table above the sea level has a significant bearing on the movement of saline w ater into the fresh w ater zone. The w ater table and sea level w ere continuously monitored for 3 w eeks during January 1995 ( Figure 4. 5. 2) . Sea level w as monitored w ithin a specially designed structure to avoid the interference due to sea w aves.

The w ater table fluctuation in all the observation w ells w as correlated w ith sea tides and the magnitude of this fluctuation in the w ells is almost independent of the w ells" distance from the seashore. This implies that the influence of sea tides on the w ater table is primarily transmitted vertically except near the seashore w here the lateral flow may also be appreciable.

The w ater table does not evince any long-term variation. This is corroborated by the hydrographs for several w ells in the island. Examples are w ells No. 2 and No. 5 along section DD" monitored over a period of 5 years ( Figure 4. 5. 3) . See also w ater table data for the years 1987 and 1995 for several observation w ells given in Table 4. 5. 1.

Figure 4. 5. 2 Variation of w ater table ( at w ell No. 9) and sea level

Figure 4. 5. 3 Water table fluctuation ( w ith reference to mean sea level)

Table 4. 5. 1 Height of water table ( in m) above mean sea level during 1987 and 1995

* A negative sign implies lowering of the water table in 1995 compared to that in 1987.

Hydrogeological Parameters

Hydrogeological parameters w ere estimated by pumping tests on four selected w ells in the coral sand aquifer ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . The duration of pumping tests w as kept short to ensure that during the pumping test the effect of tidal fluctuation on hydraulic heads remained insignificant. The w ater table w as monitored at regular intervals during both pumping and recovery phases. Typical time draw dow n and recovery curves for pumping tests at tw o locations are illustrated in Figure 4. 5. 4. The details of the pumping tests are given in Table 4. 5. 2.

Figure 4. 5. 4 Time draw dow n and recovery curves for pumping tests

Table 4. 5. 2 Particulars of pumping test

Pumping test data w ere interpreted using a numerical method w herein the follow ing field conditions w ere taken into account:

1) During the initial phase of pumping,a substantial quantity of w ater is draw n from the w ell storage.

2) Wells are partially penetrating and hence the upw ard flow of groundw ater through the w ell-bottom is also appreciable.

3) The inflow into the w ell from the aquifer is caused by the decline of the w ater table as w ell as variation in fluid density w ith depth.

Groundwater Modeling

A 2-D vertical cross-section model w as constructed to simulate the hydraulic conditions and movement of the saline w ater into the fresh w ater zone. Physical Framework

The physical framew ork of the aquifer conforms to the geology as described for similar islands by Oberdorfer and others in 1990,Underw ood and others in 1992,and Griggs and Peterson in 1993. Hydrogeological information given by Jacob and others in 1987 w as also used. The top layer of coral sands reaches a depth of 8 m in the central region. This layer is underlain by carbonate rocks w hich may extend to the basaltic basement. The permeability of limestone formation near the shore w as assumed to be low.

The follow ing numerical values of the various characteristic parameters of the model w ere adopted ( Table 4. 5. 3) :

Table 4. 5. 3 Numerical values of the various characteristic parameters of the model

Boundary Conditions

All points on the vertical lines representing the island-sea boundary w ere assigned a hydrostatic pressure exerted by the column of seaw ater above that point. The fluctuation of this pressure w ith tides w as approximated by a triangular w ave function having a periodicity of 24 h and an amplitude of 0. 9 m. The solute concentration at all the nodes along the island-sea boundary w as taken to be the same as seaw ater,i. e. ,0. 0357 kg salt per kg seaw ater. The bottom of the aquifer w as considered as a no-flow boundary w hich may be an impermeable basaltic formation.

The w ater table constituted the upper boundary of the model,w hich receives natural recharge mainly during the rainy season from June to September. Different values of recharge w ere assigned to each element along the modeled section depending upon the vertical permeability for that element. Similarly,groundw ater extraction assigned to each element at the upper boundary w as varied based on the available data. Mathematical Formulation and Numerical Solution

Mathematical equations describing density-dependent flow and solute transport in the aquifer may be expressed as:




w here v is average fluid velocity,φ is porosity of rock matrix,k is permeability of the rock matrix,μ is fluid viscosity, p is fluid pressure, ρ is fluid density, g is gravitational acceleration,Qpis fluid mass source,c is solute concentration of fluid, C*is solute concentration of fluid source,D is dispersion tensor,I is identity tensor,and Dmis apparent molecular diffusivity.

Equation ( 4. 5. 1a) and Equation ( 4. 5. 1b) are based on the conservation of fluid mass, and the Equation ( 4. 5. 1c) also takes into account the solute mass balance. The computer softw are SUTRA w as used to solve these equations for a vertical 2 - D model. Suitable modifications w ere made to the computer code to incorporate the effect of tidal phenomenon, variable recharge in time,and w ater table conditions.

The vertical section along DD" w as divided into 24 × 42 nodes ( Figure 4. 5. 5) . Since the salinity variation near the surface needed to be estimated accurately a close nodal spacing of 0. 2 m w as taken to a depth of 3 m. How ever,for the zone from 3 m to 10 m it w as kept as 0. 5 m,and a still coarser nodal grid w as used for zones deeper than 10 m.

Figure 4. 5. 5 Nodal grid for groundw ater modeling

Various input parameters used in the model w ere progressively,but slow ly,modified until a reasonable match betw een the computed and observed values of ① w ater table above the average sea level,② salinity of groundw ater at the w ater table,and ③ tidal efficiency w ere obtained. Table 4. 5. 4 gives computed and observed values of the w ater table and salinity. Figure 4. 5. 6 show s the final input parameters of the model ( KH,KVis horizontal and vertical coefficient of permeability,respectively) .

Table 4. 5. 4 Average water table and salinity observed and computed ( field and model) values

Figure 4. 5. 6 Final input parameters for groundw ater modeling

Figure 4. 5. 7 Computed increase in salinity at the w ater table for different rates of pumping from w ater supply w ell


The calibrated model was used to prognose the increase in the salinity of groundwater due to additional pumping at different rates from a new well at point A ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . Figure 4. 5. 7 depicts,from a number of prognostic runs,an increase in groundwater salinity with time for six pumping rates of 50000 L / d, 30000 L / d, 15000 L / d,13000 L / d,10000 L / d and 8000 L / d at this point. The total groundw ater pumpage in each case w as distributed over three periods each day. It can be seen that if the pumping from the w ell is less than 13000 L / d, the salinity of groundw ater stabilizes below 2. 5% that of seaw ater. This amount of groundw ater salinity is w ithin the permissible limits for drinking purposes. The salinity profile along the vertical section after 5 years of additional pumping of 13000 L / d is show n in Figure 4. 5. 8. The effect of additional groundw ater pumpage in the form of increased groundw ater salinity is felt in an area of 200-m radius. It is, therefore, imperative that in order to maintain an acceptable w ater quality, pumping from a single w ell in this situation should not exceed 13000 L / d and the distance betw een tw o w ells should be at least more than 400 m.

Figure 4. 5. 8 Change in salinity along vertical section DD"due to additional groundwater pumpage at point A

Some other measures to augment w ater supply on a small island may include rainw ater harvesting and reduction of the outflow to the sea. The techniques for rainw ater harvesting are w ell know n and are being used on the island. The outflow to the sea may be reduced if the transmissivity along the shore could be decreased. On an island w ith meagre resources,this can be conveniently achieved by drilling three row s of closely spaced 5 - cm - diameter shallow boreholes to a depth of 8 m to 10 m ( Figure 4. 5. 9a) . The boreholes may be grouted by a mixture of clay and cement. The existing 2 - D model w as used to prognose the rise in the w ater table as a result of this measure. It was seen that if the permeability of all the coastal elements ( to a depth of 8 m) is reduced from 250 m / d to 40 m / d, the w ater table w ill rise by 6 cm after 5 years ( Figure 4. 5. 9b) even after an additional pumping of 13000 L / d at the point A ( Figure 4. 5. 1) . A reduction of transmissivity all along the coast w ill,thus,help an appreciable buildup of the w ater table in the island.

Figure 4. 5. 9 ( a) Three row s of boreholes to reduce transmissivity along coast. ( b) Rise in w ater table at point A in the island after construction of a subsurface dam

Acknowledgements The work was carried out with partial support from PWD,Kavaratti ( Lakshadweep) . The Director of NGRI has kindly permitted publication of the paper. Dr. Clifford I. Voss provided very useful inputs in modeling as did Mr. Gurunadha Rao V. V. S. and Mr. Yudhaveer K. ,scientists at NGRI. Officials of PWD,Kavaratti,provided support in the field investigations. Mr. Babu G. R. ,Mr. Chandrakumar C. and Mr. Gabriel J. assisted in the preparation of the manuscript. The authors are grateful to all of them.




求助: 有关数学的英文单词

定义 definition 变量 variable 面积 area 直径 diameter 半径 radius 公式 formula 单价 unit price 范围 range 集合 aggregate 法则 rule 本金 principal 利率 interest rate 利息 interest 单利 simple interest 复利 compound interest 正数 positive number 负数 negative number 解析式 analytical form 分类讨论 classification discussion 性质 properties 奇函数 odd function 偶函数 even function 对称 symmetry
2023-07-18 23:23:315


1. 连续性周期边界(Continuity),源和目标边界上的场值相等;2. 反对称周期边界(Antiperiodicity),源和目标边界上场值符号相反;3. 弗洛奎特周期性边界(Floquet periodicity),源和目标边界上场值相差一个位相因子,位相因子由波矢和边界相对距离确定。Continuity和Antiperiodicity边界可以认为是Floquet periodicity边界在位相分别为0和π情况下的两个特例。4. 循环对称性边界(CyclicSymmetry),源和目标边界上场值相差一个位相因子,位相因子由计算域所对应的扇形角和角向模式数决定。 微纳光学领域内的光子晶体(Photonic Crystal)、表面等离子体激元(Surface Plasmon)列阵结构及超材料(Metamaterial),这几种结构均由空间上周期性重复的散射体构成,当计算透射率及能带结构时,常常可采用Floquet周期边界将结构简化。超材料能带结构计算作为压电传感器件的声表面波器件(Surface Acoustic Wave, SAW)的本征频率分析,飞机、轮船、风力发电机中的涡轮机,或是旋转电机结构往往具有旋转对称性,在进行电磁场或振动模态分析时,可采用Cyclic Symmerty类型周期性边界简化, 分子动力学模拟中周期性边界条件的引入,主要有两个目的:在粒子的运动过程中,若有一个或几个粒子跑出模型,则必有一个或几个粒子从相反的界面回到模型中,从而保证该模拟系统的粒子数恒定;计算原子间作用力的时候采取最近镜像方法,这样模型中处于边界处的原子受力就比较全面,从而消除了边界效应。这种方法在计算机分子动力学模拟中使用非常广泛。
2023-07-18 23:23:451


“between a night, the air conditioning compressor"s order form suddenly has vanished as if!”Since November 7, the home biggest air conditioning compressor production research and development enterprise sea has set up the stock (600619, SH) to serve under somebody"s banner the most core property Shanghai Hitachi electric appliance Limited company (i.e. “the Shanghai Hitachi”) an intermediate deck to describe the company like this in the fourth quarter the condition, although belongs to the off season, but originally also never so “pale”. The newspaper learned that the Shanghai Hitachi starts from November 1, some 300 person of staff troop will be cut, but in September recently staff also by collective ruling. the sea sets up the stock three quarterly reports also explicitly to explain: Since the third quarter, the Renminbi revaluation, the international market has been specially the American market slides, raw material price changes, the real estate market murky, influences and so on manpower and transportation cost rise, the air conditioning and the refrigerator profession speed-up recedes. In the near future because the international finance crisis will cause the world economics to decline, the domestic economy also cannot cultivate one"s own moral worth. This influence, the company air conditioning compressor, the refrigerator compressor service and the operating results undergo the serious challenge. the sea sets up the stock as if not to expect before this these difficult positions, have put up a factory in the counter cycle expansion, in last December, its decision constructed only one issue to invest 53,510,000 US dollars seas to set up the stock Nanchang Factory, simultaneously in July set up the sea in India to set up the stock India technology center. regarding this, the sea sets up stock Chairman Shen Jianfang as if not to be tight, he tells the newspaper, “our profession is the periodic greatly strengthened profession originally, this year was only the `periodicity " more obvious, but such time interval, we just could come to do on large scale the infrastructure.” 对的
2023-07-18 23:23:584


当蚊叮吸带有微丝蚴的患者血液时,微丝蚴随血液进行蚊胃,约经1~7小时,脱去鞘膜,穿过胃壁经血腔侵入胸肌,在胸肌内经2~4天,虫体活动减弱,缩短变粗,形似腊肠,称腊肠期幼虫。其后虫体继续发育,又变为细长,内部组织分化,其间蜕皮2次,发育为活跃的感染期丝状蚴。丝状蚴离开胸肌,又变为细长,内部组织分化,其间蜕皮2次,发育为活跃的感染期丝状蚴。丝状蚴离开胸肌,进入蚊血腔,其中大多数到达蚊的下唇,当蚊再次叮人吸血时,幼虫自蚊下唇逸出,经吸血伤口或正常皮肤侵入人体。在蚊体寄生阶段,幼虫仅进行发育并无增殖。微丝蚴侵入蚊体后很多在胃内即可被消灭,有的可随蚊的排泄物排出,最后能形成感染期幼虫而到达蚊下唇者为数不多。微丝蚴对蚊体也有一定影响,如机械损害,吸取蚊体营养等。患者血液中微丝蚴密度较高,可使已感染的蚊死亡率增高。故有人认为微丝蚴在血液中的密度须达到15条/20mm³血以上时,才能使蚊受染,多于100条/20mm³时,常可致蚊死亡。微丝蚴在蚊体内发育所需的时间,与温度和湿度有关。最适合的温度为20~30℃,相对湿度为75%~90%。在此温、湿度条件下,班氏微丝蚴在易感蚊体内约需10~14天发育成感染期丝状蚴,马来微丝蚴则需6~6.5天。温度高于35℃或低于10℃,则不利于丝虫幼虫在蚊体的发育。感染期丝状蚴入侵人体时,也需较高的温、湿度。 感染期丝状蚴进入人体后的具体移行途径,至今尚未完全清楚。一般认为,幼虫可迅速侵入附近的淋巴管,再移行至大淋巴管及淋巴结,幼虫在此再经2次蜕皮发育为成虫。雌雄成虫常互相缠绕在一起,以淋巴液为食。成虫交配后,雌虫产出微丝蚴,微丝蚴可停留在淋巴系统内,但大多随淋巴液进入血循环。自感染期幼虫侵入人体至发育为成虫产生微丝蚴所需的时间,过去认为班氏丝虫约需1年,但检查患者淋巴结组织,最早于感染后3个月即可查到成虫。据我国学者用周期型马来丝虫丝状蚴人工感染长爪沙鼠的观察,雌虫于接种后57天即发育成熟,63天在鼠腹腔液中可查见微丝蚴。两种丝虫成虫寄生于人体淋巴系统的部位有所不同。班氏丝虫除寄生于浅部淋巴系统外,多寄生于深部淋巴系统中,主要见于下肢、阴囊、精索、腹股沟、腹腔、肾盂等处。马来丝虫多寄生于上、下肢浅部淋巴系统,以下肢为多见。此外两种丝虫均可有异位寄生,如眼前房、乳房、肺、脾、心包等处,以班氏丝虫较多见。微丝蚴除可在外周血液发现外,也有在乳糜尿,乳糜胸腔积液、心包积液和骨髓内等查到的报道。两种丝虫成虫的寿命一般为4~10年,个别可长达40年。微丝蚴的寿命一般约为2~3个月,有人认为可活2年以上。在实验动物体内微丝蚴可活9个月以上,在体外4℃下可活6周。人是班氏丝虫唯一的终宿主。但国内外学者用班氏丝虫的感染期幼虫人工感染黑脊叶猴、银叶猴及恒河猴后,均可检获到成虫及微丝蚴。Cross(1973)应用台湾猴作人工感染实验,结果可在猴体发育为成虫,且在末梢血液中检获微丝蚴。马来丝虫除寄生于人体外,还能在多种脊椎动物体内发育成熟。在国外,能自然感染亚周期型马来丝虫的动物,有长尾猴、黑叶猴、群叶猴和叶猴,以及家猫、豹猫、野猫、狸猫、麝猫、穿山甲等,其中叶猴感染率可达70%。它们所引起的森林动物丝虫病,为重要的动物源疾病,可发生动物至人的传播。国内于70年代用周期型马来丝虫接种长爪沙鼠获得成功,建立了动物模型。接种后第57天,雌虫发育成熟,第60和90天可分别在沙鼠腹腔液和外周血液检到微丝蚴。此外,实验证明周期型马来丝虫可在人与恒河猴间相互感染,在恒河猴与长爪沙鼠间亦可相互感染,提示我国似乎亦存在动物传染源的可能性。人感染丝虫主要是由蚊叮剌吸血经皮肤感染的。在丝虫病动物模型研究中,发现感染期幼虫经口感染亦能成功;还发现从落入水中的死蚊体逸出的感染期幼虫经口或皮肤接种沙鼠均可获成功,提示可能还有其他的感染途径。根据微丝蚴在外周血液中出现的时间,可将班氏丝虫和马来丝虫分为夜现周期型和亚周期型。周期型的微丝蚴在人体外周血液中的出现有一定的周期性,一般为夜多昼少,它们白天滞留在肺毛细血管中,夜晚则出现于外周血液,这种现象称夜现周期性(nocturnal  periodicity)。两种微丝蚴在外周血液中出现的高峰时间略有不同,班氏微丝蚴为晚上10时至次晨2时,马来微丝蚴为晚上8时至次晨4时。世界上流行的丝虫大多具有明显的夜现周期性,但少数地区其周期性可不明显,有些地区的患者无论昼夜均可查到微丝蚴,未见明显高峰。班丝虫还有昼现亚周期型。此外,感染度低者其高峰期也相对地推迟。关于微丝蚴夜现周期性的机制至今尚未阐明。有人认为与宿主的中枢神经系统、特别是迷走神经的兴奋、抑制有关。如果丝虫感染者换成夜间工作白天睡眠,经过一段时间后,末梢血液中微丝蚴的出现规律就会颠倒过来,以中午为最多。这是提示微丝蚴的周期性与宿主中枢神经系统的兴奋、抑制有关。进一步的实验证明,注射抑制迷走神经的阿托品,会使血中的微丝蚴减少,反之注射兴奋迷走神经的毛果芸香碱或乙酰胆碱,血中微丝蚴就会增多。人在睡眠时,迷走神经的兴奋度增高,使内脏毛细血管扩张,因此微丝蚴就易从肺毛细血管移行到周期血循环;反之,在人清醒时,迷走神经兴奋度减弱,内脏毛细血管收缩,微丝蚴就不能进入外周血液。也有人认为微丝蚴的夜现周期性与宿主肺血氧含量有关,当夜晚给患者吸氧时,可导致外周血中微丝蚴密度下降;而在白天给低氧时,密度就可升高。进一步的实验证明,控制微丝蚴聚集在肺内的有效刺激不是那里氧压的绝对水平,而是肺动脉内静脉血和肺静脉内的动物血两者间的氧张力之差。当氧张力差在7.3kPa(55mmHg)或更高时,微丝蚴聚集于肺血管内;差异下降到接近5.9kPa(44mmHg)或更低时,微丝蚴则移行至外周血液。国外学者还发现夜现周期性与微丝蚴体内的自发荧光有关。夜现周期性明显的微丝蚴不经染色即可见到弥漫的自发荧光及大量荧光颗粒,而周期性不明显的则体内荧光颗粒较少,有些无周期性及昼现周期性的虫种则无荧光颗粒。上述资料表明,微丝蚴的周期性与宿主的因素有关,也和微丝蚴自身的生物学特点有关。总之,周期性现象产生的原因是复杂的,这是寄生虫与宿主长期互相适应的结果,进一步阐明其机制仍有待深入探讨。此外,国外学者在观察丝虫病人及动物模型中,均发现外周血液中的微丝蚴还具有季节周期性,夏、秋季的密度高于冬、春季,与蚊媒活动季节相吻合,这在流行病学调查中值得注意。
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  Alevel化学包含物理化学、无机化学、有机化学三部分。  1、物理化学部分  物理化学部分包括:原子结构物质数量、黏结、热力学、动力学、化学平衡、勒夏泰尔原理和钾c、氧化、还原和氧化还原方程式、热力学、速率方程、平衡常数p对于同质系统、电极电位和电化学电池、酸和碱。  2、无机化学部分  无机化学部分包括:元素周期表、碱土金属、第7(17)族,卤素、周期3元素及其氧化物的性质、过渡金属、水溶液中离子的反应。  3、有机化学部分  有机化学部分包括:有机化学导论、烷类、卤代烷烃、烯属烃、醇类、有机分析、光学异构、醛和酮、羧酸及其行生物、芳香化学、胺类、聚合物、氨基酸、蛋白质和DNA、有机合成、核磁共振光谱学、层析法。
2023-07-18 23:25:232

求教: 如何修改SAP的Posting Period?

2023-07-18 23:25:423


World Sleep Day 这个是它的英文由来哈“world sleep date” origin to enhance the people to the sleep important understanding, the international mental hygiene and the neuroscience foundation has sponsored the global sleep and the health plan initiated a global activity - - “the world sleep date”, and places it every year spring the first day - - on March 21. “the world sleep date” decides in every year"s on March 21, because of the spring the first day, the season transformation"s periodicity and sleep"s day and nights rule is closely linked alternately with ours daily life. According to the World Health Organization carries on the investigation to 14 national 25916 in the basic unit medical service seeing a doctor"s patient, discovered that has 27% people to have the sleep question. The vigilance is very big to quality of life"s negative influence, but quite many patients have not obtained the reasonable diagnosis and the treatment. “the world sleep date” is a person for the hypothesis day, this day"s hypothesis, is not the human who lets the world lays down the work in this day, all goes to sleep safely, when the human who lets the world attention all should sleep cannot have a good sleep thought. The scientists tell us. This group of people are a substantial number, approximately some 20%-30% adults contract the vigilance.
2023-07-18 23:25:511


Group IVA consists of a nonmetal, carbon, two metalloids, silicon and germanium, and two metals, tin and lead. Each of these elements forms some compounds with formulas which indicate that four other atoms are present per group IVA atom, as, for example, carbon tetrachloride, GCl4. The group IVB metals —titanium, zirconium, and hafnium —also forms compounds in which each group IVB atom is combined with four other atoms; these compounds are nonelectrolytes when pure.第四主族包括非金属碳、两种半金属硅和锗、两种金属锡和铅。这些元素可以和其它元素形成一些一比四的化合物,例如,四氯化碳CCl4。第四副族金属钛、锆、铪在形成化合物时,同样是每个原子与四个其它原子结合。这些化合物在纯态时为非电解质。 The elements of group V A include three nonmetals — nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic—and two metals — antimony and bismuth. Although compounds with the formulas N2O5, PCl5, and AsCl5 exist, none of them is ionic. These elements do form compounds-nitrides, phosphides, and arsenides — in which ions having charges of minus three occur. The elements of group VB are all metals. These elements form such a variety of different compounds that their characteristics are not easily generalized.第五主族包括三种非金属---氮磷砷,两种金属锑和铋。N2O5, PCl5, AsCl5这样的化合物虽然存在,但它们都不是离子化合物。氮磷砷容易形成的是氮化物、磷化物和砷化物,在这些化合物中,氮磷砷均呈现为负三价离子。第五副族均为金属元素,它们形成的化合物极为庞杂,其性质难以简单归纳。 With the exception of polonium, the elements of group VIA are typical nonmetals. They are sometimes known, as the, chalcogens, from the Greek word meaning "ash formers". In their binary compounds with metals they exist as ions having a charge of 2-. The elements of group ⅦA are all nonmetals and are known as the halogens. from the Greek term meaning "salt formers.” They are the most reactive nonmetals and are capable of reacting with practically all the metals and with most nonmetals, including each other. The elements of groups ⅥB, ⅦB, and VIIIB are all metals. They form such a wide Variety of compounds that it is not practical at this point to present any examples as being typical of the behavior of the respective groups. 除了钋以外,第六主族的元素都是典型的非金属。有时它们也可称为硫属元素(chalcogens),chalcogens这个词来源于希腊语“可以形成灰的东西”。在与金属的二元化合物中,它们以负二价离子的形式存在。第七主族的元素均为非金属,也称为卤素(Halogens)。Halogens一词来源于希腊语“可以形成盐的东西”。它们是最活泼的非金属,可以和所有金属以及大部分非金属反应。卤素之间也可相互反应。第六、七、八副族元素均为金属。它们形成的化合物也极为庞杂,在本书目前阶段想要提出一些典型实例来说明各族的性质是不切实际的。 The periodicity of chemical behavior is illustrated by the fact that. excluding the first period, each period begins with a very reactive metal. Successive element along the period show decreasing metallic character, eventually becoming nonmetals, and finally, in group ⅦA, a very reactive nonmetal is found. Each period ends with a member of the noble gas family.元素化学性质的周期性可说明如下:除第一周期外,每一周期都以很活泼的金属开始,沿着该周期向右元素的金属性逐步减弱,到后来就变为非金属,最终我们在周期表上看到的是第七主族的活泼非金属。每一周期最末尾的元素构成了稀有气体族。
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absolute geometry绝对几何(学)affine (differential) geometry仿射(微分)几何(学)algebraic geometry代数几何(学)always safe geometry【核】恒安全几何条件analytic(al) geometry解析几何analytical geometry of three dimensions立体[空间, 三维]解析几何学astral geometry星形几何bad geometry【核】不利几何条件beam geometry波束几何形状cascade geometry叶栅几何参数cell geometry电解槽的几何形状chamber geometry燃烧室几何形状circle geometry圆几何学colour geometry色几何(学)combinatorial geometry组合几何学complex (analytic) geometry复(解析)几何(学)conformal differential geometry保形微分几何学constructive geometry作图几何学continuous geometry连续几何counting geometry计数几何条件crossed-beam geometry交叉波束几何cylindrical geometry圆柱几何体demonstrative geometry论证几何学descriptive geometry画法几何detector geometry检测器几何形状device geometry器件几何图形differential geometry微分几何double elliptic geometry二重椭圆几何elementary geometry初等几何(学)elliptic non-Euclidean geometry椭园型非欧几何学enumerative geometry枚举几何(学)equiaffine geometry等仿射几何equiform geometry相似几何(学)Euclidean geometry欧几里得几何favourable geometry【原物】有利几何条件finite geometry有限几何(学)finite dimensional projective geometry有限维射影几何(学)fluid geometry【地质】流体几何条件formal geometry形式几何four dimensional geometry四维几何(学)general affine differential geometry一般仿射微分几何(学)global differential geometry整体微分几何good geometry良好几何条件graphoanalytic geometry图解分析几何(学)higher geometry高等几何(学)hyperbolic (non-Euclidean) geometry双曲型(非欧)几何学hypersphere geometry超球面几何学image geometry图象几何(形状)infinitesimal geometry微分几何(学)infrared scan geometry红外扫描几何(学)integral geometry积分几何学intrinsic geometry内蕴几何学intrinsic differential geometry内在微分几何invariant geometry不变几何(学)inversion geometry反演几何(学)line geometry线素几何学Lobachevski geometry罗巴切夫斯基几何metric geometry度量几何学metric differential geometry初等微分几何(学)mirror geometry磁镜几何modern geometry近世几何(学)molecular geometry分子几何学natural geometry自然几何(学)network geometry网络几何non-Riemannian geometry非黎曼几何optimum geometry最佳几何尺寸orthogonal geometry正交几何parabolic geometry抛物几何(学)partial geometry部分几何perspective geometry透视几何picture geometry图象几何形状plane coformal geometry平面保形几何学point geometry点素几何学pole-zero geometry极零点几何分布poor geometry不良几何条件projective geometry投影几何quasi-elliptic geometry拟椭圆几何[学]random geometry不规则几何形状, 任意几何形状real geometry实素几何学reducible continuous geometry可约的连续几何relative(differential) geometry相对(微分)几何学Riemann"s non-Euclidean geometry黎曼非欧几何学ring geometry环几何safe geometry【原物】安全几何条件scattering geometry散射几何条件similar geometry相似几何solid geometry立体几何(学)space geometry空间几何学sphere geometry球几何学surface geometry表面几何图形synthetic(projective) geometry综合(射影)几何(学)tensor geometry张量几何tool geometry刀具几何形状topological differential geometry拓扑微分几何(学)track geometry磁迹几何形状two-dimensional geometry二维几何unitary geometry酉几何geometry of affine connection仿射联络几何学geometry of direction方向几何(学)geometry of iteration迭代法的几何geometry of lattices格的几何学geometry of linear displacement线性位移的几何geometry of mapping保角变换的几何关系geometry of nets网络几何(学)geometry of paths路线几何(学)geometry of position位置几何(学)geometry of random fields随机场几何geometry of the group manifold群流形几何学
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2023-07-18 23:28:172


如下:夜现周期性(nocturnal periodicity)指的是微丝蚴在外周血液中表现为夜多昼少的现象。微丝蚴白天滞留在肺毛细血管中,夜间出现在外周血液。微丝蚴的夜现周期性与中枢神经系统的兴奋、抑制有关。由于微丝蚴具有夜现周期性,抽取血标本最好是在夜间10时至凌晨2时之间患者熟睡时为宜。如果在白天检查,患者应口服海群生2-6mg/kg体重,于服後30-60分钟间采血检查。此法可用于夜间取血不方便者,但对低度感染者易漏诊。 夜现高峰时间:班氏丝虫为晚上10:00~次日02:00;马来丝虫为晚上8:00~次日04:00。丝虫病由哪些原因导致的?丝虫病的发病和病变主要由成虫及传染期幼虫引起。传染期幼虫经蚊叮咬侵入人体后,在淋巴系统内发育成为成虫。当雌雄虫体交配后,雌虫即产生微丝蚴,成丝状活动。微丝蚴自淋巴系统进入血液循环,一般白天藏匿于肺的微血管内,夜间进入周围血液循环,具有明显的夜周期性。通常马来微丝蚴为晚8时至次晨4时,斑氏微丝蚴为夜晚10时至次晨2时。
2023-07-18 23:28:281


管理会计作为现代会计的分支之一,产生于本世纪20~30年代,形成于本世纪40~50年代,主要侧重于信息的积累、对比、分析和解释,用来帮助企业管理*预测前景、参与决策、规划未来、控制和评价各责任单位的经济活动。由于管理会计起步较晚,较财务会计已成熟的理论相比,管理会计理论还远未形成体系。而作为其理论基础之一的管理会计原则,中外学术界对其还很少进行探讨。而且由于其本身的服务对象、外部环境及内部条件的灵活性、多样性,很少形成广泛的业务原则。因而到目前为止,对管理会计原则还未形成统一定论。 管理会计原则是指导管理会计工作的规范,是对管理会计工作提出的要求,应具广泛的适用性及指导作用。1974年,美国会计学会(AAA)提出了八类管理会计信息的质量特征,虽然没有得到世界范围的普遍公认,但非常有借鉴意义。我国管理会计学者李天民教授又为管理会计原则构建了科学的理论结构。笔者现借鉴国内外学者的研究成果,对其具体内容作浅显论述。 管理会计的本质是一种全局性的,以决策性会计为主体的经济管理活动。其总目标是提供相应管理信息,协助管理*做出有关改进经营管理,提高经济效益和社会效益的决策。管理会计为管理*提供的管理信息,总是尽可能运用财务会计系统所提供的资料,并对其进行加工、改进和延伸,使他们能更有效地服务于企业内部管理。除此之外,适应现代管理的要求,管理会计也把提供的信息内容扩展到企业外部,如环境、政策、竞争对手等。但既然管理会计的主要信息来源是财务会计信息,二者在某种程度上是同源而分流的,我们不妨借鉴财务会计原则的体系,即把管理会计原则总分为基本假设和指导性原则。指导性原则又具体分为决策有用性原则、提供信息的约束原则及针对用户的质量原则。 一、基本假设 (一)会计主体(accountingentity) 它是管理会计对象运行的空间范围的规定。由于管理会计主要是向企业内部各级责任单位提供有选择的、部分的、特定的管理信息,因此,管理会计的主体,可以是整个企业,但更多的是各级责任单位。 (二)持续经营(goingconcern) 它是对管理会计对象运行的基本方式的规定。即企业或各级责任单位的生产经营和筹资投资等活动将无限期地延续下去,从而相应的管理会计方法能保持稳定、有效。 (三)会计分期(accountingperiodicity) 它是对管理会计运行的时间范围的规定,即把企业持续不断的生产经营活动和筹资投资活动,划分为一定的期间,以便及时提供有用的管理信息。相对财务会计而言,由于管理会计的工作重点主要是为企业内部管理人员服务,提供相应信息以协助其进行经营管理活动,而不是定期对外提供强制、规范的会计信息,故时间跨度可以灵活选择。特别是随着知识经济的到来,战略管理会计的推行,企业对会计信息的需求将朝着多层次、多元化方向发展。不同的管理主体有不同的时间需求,从年、季、月发展到周、日,甚至随时提供。 (四)货币的时间价值 由于管理会计职能的多样性导致其除应用货币作为计量单位外,还要广泛采用其他非货币计量单位,例如标准实物单位、质量综合计量单位、创新程度、市场占有率等等。而且在长期投资和筹资决策中绝不能假设币值不变,因为货币在不同时间的价值是不相等的。总的说来,货币计量和币值不变假设对管理会计均不适用。取而代之的是在投资、筹资中都必须考虑的重要前提———货币时间价值,以便使决策更为科学、合理。 (五)效益化目标 管理会计的总目标,就是为改善企业经营管理,提高经济效益和社会效益服务。为此,企业管理*在预测前景、参与决策、规划未来、控制和评价经营业绩的过程中,必须始终以经济效益和社会效益是否提高作为基本标准。 二、指导性原则 (一)决策有用性原则。这一原则分为首要质量特征和次要质量特征两个层次 1.首要质量特征 (1)相关性原则。要求在收集、加工处理、提供信息时,要充分考虑信息用户的需求以达到决策有用性。 一项管理会计信息如对信息用户决策没有帮助,则不具相关性。相关性原则有以下两层涵义: A.及时性:管理会计提供的信息应能够及时满足经营管理决策的需要。它包括及时将产生的信息资料进行处理和及时报送给信息用户。 B.适应性:是指从基本数据得到的信息对企业决策过程的满足程度及协调程度。 (2)可靠性原则。是指确保管理会计信息能免于错误及偏差,并能忠实反映它意欲反映的现象或状况的质量。信息如不可靠,不仅无助于决策,而且还可能造成错误的决策。因此可靠性也构成信息的主要质量。一项管理会计信息是否可靠。可就其四个组成因素加以衡量: A.客观性:强调管理会计信息能客观反映现存状况或对未来做出客观的预测。这一原则要求信息的来源,即用于生成信息的资料应客观、真实、准确,同时要客观选择处理方法。 B.可核性:是指由独立的不同个人分别采用相同的计量方法,对同一事项加以计量,能得出相同的结果。 C.中立性:指管理会计信息对不同的信息用户的影响都是没有偏见的(公平的)。在信息中如果掺杂着计量人员的个人兴趣,就不可能有中立的计量。因而中立性原则要求管理人员站在一个客观的位置上,在处理和提供信息时不能掺入个人的偏见和主观意愿。 2.次要质量特征 (1)一贯性原则。是指对信息的加工处理方法应保持一贯,便于不同期间信息可比。 (2)可比性原则。是指能使信息用户从两组经济信息中区别其异同的质量特征。当经济情况相同时,会计信息能显示相同的情况;反之,当经济情况不同时,会计信息亦能反映其差异。 一贯性与可比性原则相对于管理会计而言,在长期决策和短期决策中的重要性是不同的。一项长期决策要依靠各式各样的未经加工的信息和不重复出现的情况。如长期投资决策,可能由于内部强调的一贯、可比而使决策受到不适当的阻碍。因而在长期决策中,这两项原则并不重要。然而在短期规划和业绩评价方面,则要较多地依靠仔细加工的信息和重复出现的情况,从而更要求一贯、可比。 (二)提供信息的约束原则 1.成本效益原则。指提供管理会计信息带来的效益高于需要花费的成本。只有这样取得的信息才有价值。然而这一原则中的成本效益的衡量方式还有待商榷。它们可能扩散得极为广泛,从信息用户到整个企业乃至企业客户、投资者、消费者等等,从而难以准确衡量。 2.重要性原则。指管理会计信息对管理者做出决策或对责任单位进行业绩评价等将会构成重要影响。它可以从定性、定量两个不同角度进行分析确定。这一原则与成本效益原则是不可分的。为降低信息成本,必须遵循重要性原则进行信息处理。 3.民主性原则。进行各项决策分析和编制预算时,应遵循目标管理的原则,实行参与制的民主管理方式,即走群众路线。以企业员工为中心,相信职工的自我控制和自我管理的能力,充分发挥员工的潜力和主观能动性。 4.灵活性原则。这一原则包括诸多方面: (1)基本数据和信息分类的多样性以及方法的灵活性,以适用不同的信息用户及不同决策的需要。 (2)信息来源的多渠道性。管理会计信息既有来源于企业内部的财务会计资料及其他内部信息,也有来源于企业外部的诸如政策、环境、竞争对手的信息。 (3)提供内部信息时选用规则的灵活性。管理会计信息无强制性规则,企业可以根据需要灵活提供。 5.稳健性原则。指管理会计人员在处理及提供信息时应保持必要的谨慎,充分估计可能发生的损失;但对可能获得的收益则不要过于乐观估计,以免因过于乐观给企业造成损失。 (三)针对用户的质量原则 1.可理解性原则。是指信息用户对传送的信息能弄清楚的能力。可理解性是决策者和决策有用性原则的连接点。管理会计人员应尽可能使会计资料易于被人理解,而信息用户也应设法提高自身的理解使用能力,以使会计信息发挥的功能。 2.可接受性原则。是指信息用户对已出现问题的说明与计量标准的认可程度。由于管理会计的信息种类和计量方法具多样性、灵活性、复杂性的特点,只有与这种信息相关的属性被用户接受,才是有价值的。而如果用户难以接受,则会是信息成本的浪费,而效益为零。 3.激励性原则。是指信息用户与组织之间为保证“目标一致性”所做出的努力。具体说,就是对企业的全体信息用户乃至每个员工实施激励措施,营造有利于全员参与的管理环境,对我们所希望的行为要予以积极引导,不断激发员工的积极性、主动性、能动性,减少由于信息不对称和道德冒险给企业带来的不利因素,做到企业与管理者,管理者与员工之间目标一致,以实现企业经营目标。
2023-07-18 23:28:431


月周期生物周期术语指与月的周期相对应的生物周期活动。也称太阴周期。月的公转周期为29.5日,在海岸可见到以14.8日为周期的大小潮。中文名:月周期外文名:lunar periodicity联系:月亮类别:生物术语
2023-07-18 23:29:021

要写一篇英文的简爱的影评 是BBC06年的 急求

声明以下不是我写的.请参考:"Never before have I watched characters with such passion, or felt that I truly knew a character personally. I experienced every moment of happiness, heartache, belonging and fear which Ruth Wilson portrayed so fantastically as Jane. A true credit to the acting profession, I hope to see many more outstanding performances by her. Equally, the ever unpredictable Edward Rochester"s character shone through perfectly due to the never ending talent of Toby Stephens. This is undoubtedly the best period drama to date. I look forward to the DVD and hopefully a few BAFTAs.""Having never previously seen an adaptation of Jane Eyre, or read the novel, I find myself wishing for Sunday evening to arrive so I can see the next episode. However I equally don"t want to see an end to a truly wonderful drama. This episode was fantastic - from finding out that Jane had an uncle, to her confession of love to Rochester, and vice versa, to the revelation of another wife, it was all beautifully done. When Rochester was explaining the story of how he had come to marry, it was very easy to feel compassion for him.""I had thought Ruth Wilson"s performance slightly dominated this adaptation. However, this episode saw Toby Stephens really shine. He was absolutely superb, going from schemer to giddy lover to despairing self-loathing man. I"ve thoroughly enjoyed this adaptation, mainly because of the great actors and the chemistry between them. This has risen above any minor quibbles in details being left out. Sunday nights have never been so good." "I"m a purist when it comes to Jane Eyre, my favourite novel, and I"m disappointed at the modernisation of almost all of the dialogue, which in the original is moving and humorous in places. Having said that, I"m enjoying the episodes. I like the cast and it can be appreciated for its own sake. Toby Stephens is the right age to play Rochester and has captured his charm and wit, as well as his rougher side. Ruth Wilson is an excellent Jane, except that she isn"t outspoken enough - her character has been muted. However, I look forward to the next episode, when I expect the romance will become more intense.""Having seen all previous adaptations of Jane Eyre, I was sceptical that a new and innovative "take" on the story could be achieved. However, I was mistaken. The new version is vibrant and shows the characters much more in synch with the text than all other versions. The casting is also inspired - Toby (despite the critics) and Ruth are excellent and extremely well matched.""I"m really enjoying this version, although I agree with some viewers that the script is a tad dumbed down and misses some of the subtlety of the novel. The relationship between Jane and Rochester is believable, they really do connect despite their different backgrounds. I"ve always disliked previous Rochesters who have been played as bellowing brutes. Toby Stephens is tortured, sarcastic, self-pitying, charming and as real as the Rochester in the book. I thought the mad wife was a little too pretty. In the book she"s lost her looks and is fairly hideous. Perhaps a little more mad snarling wouldn"t have gone amiss."
2023-07-18 23:29:123


2023-07-18 23:30:091

申请牛津 没有报名mat怎么办

2023-07-18 23:30:172

2023-07-18 23:31:133


2023-07-18 23:31:453


2023-07-18 23:32:083


China is the most serious natural disasters in the world, one of the few countries. But China has a long history of natural disaster not only harm, scope, and has high rate of outbreaks of seasonal, stage, sustainability, periodic and alternant sex and the outbreak of features. Therefore the country needs the system of natural disaster relief system, but also because of natural disaster relief commonweal characteristic of the public, and makes the national financial expenditure in natural disaster relief is foundational status. Therefore the fiscal expenditure on science is China"s economy mechanism and mode of harmonious development of society and the major issue.Therefore, the author first theoretically discussed natural disaster relief and the relationship between financial expenditure, and explained the mechanism of fiscal expenditure on natural disaster relief, why is the key reason, then from the perspective of fiscal expenditure in China in recent years, the natural disaster relief situation of fiscal expenditure of data analysis results, sums up our natural disasters in aid of fiscal expenditure of the problems exposed shortcomings, and compared with the United States, Japan and Turkey"s natural disaster relief, summarized the situation of fiscal expenditure in western countries in the aspect of successful experiences and inspiration, aims to put forward based on actual financial support of natural disaster relief, and relief system beneficial measures in the government responsibility on how to achieve fiscal expenditure.
2023-07-18 23:32:165


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2023-07-18 23:32:591


2023-07-18 23:33:092

Accounting Entity Assumption是什么意思

2023-07-18 23:33:183


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2023-07-18 23:33:342


数学 mathematics, maths(bre), math(ame) 公理 axiom 定理 theorem 计算 calculation 运算 operation 证明 prove 假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题 proposition 算术 arithmetic 加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数 augend, summand 加数 addend 和 sum 减 minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数 minuend 减数 subtrahend 差 remainder 乘 times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数 multiplicand, faciend 乘数 multiplicator 积 product 除 divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数 dividend 除数 divisor 商 quotient 等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于 is greater than 小于 is lesser than 大于等于 is equal or greater than 小于等于 is equal or lesser than 运算符 operator 数字 digit 数 number 自然数 natural number 整数 integer 小数 decimal 小数点 decimal point 分数 fraction 分子 numerator 分母 denominator 比 ratio 正 positive 负 negative 零 null, zero, nought, nil 十进制 decimal system 二进制 binary system 十六进制 hexadecimal system 权 weight, significance 进位 carry 截尾 truncation 四舍五入 round 下舍入 round down 上舍入 round up 有效数字 significant digit 无效数字 insignificant digit 代数 algebra 公式 formula, formulae(pl.) 单项式 monomial 多项式 polynomial, multinomial 系数 coefficient 未知数 unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,方程式 equation 一次方程 simple equation 二次方程 quadratic equation 三次方程 cubic equation 四次方程 quartic equation 不等式 inequation 阶乘 factorial 对数 logarithm 指数,幂 exponent 乘方 power 二次方,平方 square 三次方,立方 cube 四次方 the power of four, the fourth power n次方 the power of n, the nth power 开方 evolution, extraction 二次方根,平方根 square root 三次方根,立方根 cube root 四次方根 the root of four, the fourth root n次方根 the root of n, the nth root 集合 aggregate 元素 element 空集 void 子集 subset 交集 intersection 并集 union 补集 complement 映射 mapping 函数 function 定义域 domain, field of definition 值域 range 常量 constant 变量 variable 单调性 monotonicity 奇偶性 parity 周期性 periodicity 图象 image 数列,级数 series 微积分 calculus 微分 differential 导数 derivative 极限 limit 无穷大 infinite(a.) infinity(n.) 无穷小 infinitesimal 积分 integral 定积分 definite integral 不定积分 indefinite integral 有理数 rational number 无理数 irrational number 实数 real number 虚数 imaginary number 复数 complex number 矩阵 matrix 行列式 determinant 几何 geometry 点 point 线 line 面 plane 体 solid 线段 segment 射线 radial 平行 parallel 相交 intersect 角 angle 角度 degree 弧度 radian 锐角 acute angle 直角 right angle 钝角 obtuse angle 平角 straight angle 周角 perigon 底 base 边 side 高 height 三角形 triangle 锐角三角形 acute triangle 直角三角形 right triangle 直角边 leg 斜边 hypotenuse 勾股定理 pythagorean theorem 钝角三角形 obtuse triangle 不等边三角形 scalene triangle 等腰三角形 isosceles triangle 等边三角形 equilateral triangle 四边形 quadrilateral 平行四边形 parallelogram 矩形 rectangle 长 length 宽 width 菱形 rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.), diamond 正方形 square 梯形 trapezoid 直角梯形 right trapezoid 等腰梯形 isosceles trapezoid 五边形 pentagon 六边形 hexagon 七边形 heptagon 八边形 octagon 九边形 enneagon 十边形 decagon 十一边形 hendecagon 十二边形 dodecagon 多边形 polygon 正多边形 equilateral polygon 圆 circle 圆心 centre(bre), center(ame) 半径 radius 直径 diameter 圆周率 pi 弧 arc 半圆 semicircle 扇形 sector 环 ring 椭圆 ellipse 圆周 circumference 周长 perimeter 面积 area 轨迹 locus, loca(pl.) 相似 similar 全等 congruent 四面体 tetrahedron 五面体 pentahedron 六面体 hexahedron 平行六面体 parallelepiped 立方体 cube 七面体 heptahedron 八面体 octahedron 九面体 enneahedron 十面体 decahedron 十一面体 hendecahedron 十二面体 dodecahedron 二十面体 icosahedron 多面体 polyhedron 棱锥 pyramid 棱柱 prism 棱台 frustum of a prism 旋转 rotation 轴 axis 圆锥 cone 圆柱 cylinder 圆台 frustum of a cone 球 sphere 半球 hemisphere 底面 undersurface 表面积 surface area 体积 volume 空间 space 坐标系 coordinates 坐标轴 x-axis, y-axis, z-axis 横坐标 x-coordinate 纵坐标 y-coordinate 原点 origin 双曲线 hyperbola 抛物线 parabola 三角 trigonometry 正弦 sine 余弦 cosine 正切 tangent 余切 cotangent 正割 secant 余割 cosecant 反正弦 arc sine 反余弦 arc cosine 反正切 arc tangent 反余切 arc cotangent 反正割 arc secant 反余割 arc cosecant 相位 phase 周期 period 振幅 amplitude 内心 incentre(bre), incenter(ame) 外心 excentre(bre), excenter(ame) 旁心 escentre(bre), escenter(ame) 垂心 orthocentre(bre), orthocenter(ame) 重心 barycentre(bre), barycenter(ame) 内切圆 inscribed circle 外切圆 circumcircle 统计 statistics 平均数 average 加权平均数 weighted average 方差 variance 标准差 root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation 比例 propotion 百分比 percent 百分点 percentage 百分位数 percentile 排列 permutation 组合 combination 概率,或然率 probability 分布 distribution 正态分布 normal distribution 非正态分布 abnormal distribution 图表 graph 条形统计图 bar graph 柱形统计图 histogram 折线统计图 broken line graph
2023-07-18 23:33:571


positivenegativeprime numberconjugatereal numberrational numberirrational
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潮汐周期 tidal Periodicity 对应于潮汐的生物周期活动。在海岸可以见到一般潮的涨落为12.4小时的周期。而最大潮和最小潮的潮期大约为半月(14.8日)。与此相对应的生物活动周期称为潮汐周期。特别是与后者相对应的周期多称为月周期或半月周期。
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2023-07-18 23:34:252


The Big Chillby Kirk A. MaaschDuring the past billion years, the Earth"s climate has fluctuated between warm periods - sometimes even completely ice-free - and cold periods, when glaciers scoured the continents. The cold periods - or ice ages - are times when the entire Earth experiences notably colder climatic conditions. During an ice age, the polar regions are cold, there are large differences in temperature from the equator to the pole, and large, continental-size glaciers can cover enormous regions of the earth.Ever since the Pre-Cambrian (600 million years ago), ice ages have occurred at widely spaced intervals of geologic time - approximately 200 million years - lasting for millions, or even tens of millions of years. For the Cenozoic period, which began about 70 million years ago and continues today, evidence derived from marine sediments provide a detailed, and fairly continuous, record for climate change. This record indicates decreasing deep-water temperature, along with the build-up of continental ice sheets. Much of this deep-water cooling occurred in three major steps about 36, 15 and 3 million years ago - the most recent of which continues today. During the present ice age, glaciers have advanced and retreated over 20 times, often blanketing North America with ice. Our climate today is actually a warm interval between these many periods of glaciation. The most recent period of glaciation, which many people think of as the "Ice Age", was at its height approximately 20,000 years ago. Although the exact causes for ice ages, and the glacial cycles within them, have not been proven, they are most likely the result of a complicated dynamic interaction between such things as solar output, distance of the Earth from the sun, position and height of the continents, ocean circulation, and the composition of the atmosphere.Climatic Cooling from 60 million years ago to present dayBetween 52 and 57 million years ago, the Earth was relatively warm. Tropical conditions actually extended all the way into the mid-latitudes (around northern Spain or the central United States for example), polar regions experienced temperate climates, and the difference in temperature between the equator and pole was much smaller than it is today. Indeed it was so warm that trees grew in both the Arctic and Antarctic, and alligators lived in Ellesmere Island at 78 degrees North. But this warm period, called the Eocene, was followed by a long cooling trend. Between 52 and 36 million years ago, ice caps developed in East Antarctica, reaching down to sea level in some places. Close to Antarctica, the temperature of the water near the surface dropped to between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius. Between 36 and 20 million years ago the earth experienced the first of three major cooling steps. At this time a continental-scale temperate ice sheet emerged in East Antarctica. Meanwhile, in North America, the mean annual air temperature dropped by approximately 12 degrees Celsius. Between 20 and 16 million years ago, there was a brief respite from the big chill, but this was followed by a second major cooling period so intense that by 7 million years ago southeastern Greenland was completely covered with glaciers, and by 5-6 million years ago, the glaciers were creeping into Scandinavia and the northern Pacific region. The Earth was once more released from the grip of the big chill between 5 and 3 million years ago, when the sea was much warmer around North America and the Antarctic than it is today. Warm-weather plants grew in Northern Europe where today they cannot survive, and trees grew in Iceland, Greenland, and Canada as far north as 82 degrees North.We are still in the midst of the third major cooling period that began around 3 million years ago, and its effect can be seen around the world, perhaps even in the development of our own species. Around 2 and a half million years ago, tundra-like conditions took over north-central Europe. Soon thereafter, the once-humid environment of Central China was replaced by harsh continental steppe. And in sub-Saharan Africa, arid and open grasslands expanded, replacing more wooded, wetter environments. Many paleontologists believe that this environmental change is linked to the evolution of humankind. Possible Explanations for the Past 60 Million Years of CoolingClimate change on ultra-long time scales (tens of millions of years) are more than likely connected to plate tectonics. Plate motions lead to cycles of ocean basin growth and destruction, known as Wilson cycles, involving continental rifting, seafloor-spreading, subduction, and collision. Several explanations of the latest cooling trend that involve a climate-tectonic connection are summarized below.Geographic Distribution and Size of ContinentsThrough the course of a Wilson cycle continents collide and split apart, mountains are uplifted and eroded, and ocean basins open and close. The re-distribution and changing size and elevation of continental land masses may have caused climate change on long time scales. Computer climate models have shown that the climate is very sensitive to changing geography. It is unlikely, however, that these large variations in the Earth"s geography were the primary cause of the latest long-term cooling trend as they fail to decrease temperatures on a global scale.Likewise, changing topography cannot, by itself, explain this cooling trend. Computer model experiments performed to test the climate"s sensitivity to mountains and high plateaus show that plateau uplift in Tibet and western North America has a small effect on global temperature but cannot explain the magnitude of the cooling trend. Plateau uplift does, however, have a significant impact on climate, including the diversion of North Hemisphere westerly winds and intensification of monsoonal circulation.Geometry of Ocean BasinsAnother theory explaining these changes in climate involves the opening and closing of gateways for the flow of ocean currents. This theory suggests that the redistribution of heat on the planet by changing ocean circulation can isolate polar regions, cause the growth of ice sheets and sea ice, and increase temperature differences between the equator and the poles.Ocean modeling experiments suggest that the ocean could not have carried enough heat to the poles to maintain the early warm climates. But atmospheric climate modeling experiments show that even if the ocean did transport enough heat up to the coast of Antarctica to maintain sea surface temperatures at 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, the interior conditions would still be much colder - and this is contrary to the geologic record. It is possible, however, that changes in heat transport caused by variations in ocean gateways may have played a significant role in cooling trends over the last 60 million years, and, in particular, may help explain some of the relatively sudden cooling events. Atmospheric Carbon DioxideChanges in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are a strong candidate to explain the overall pattern of climatic change. Carbon dioxide influences the mean global temperature through the greenhouse effect. The globally averaged surface temperature for the Earth is approximately 15 degrees Celsius, and this is due largely to the greenhouse effect. Solar radiation entering earth"s atmosphere is predominantly short wave, while heat radiated from the Earth"s surface is long wave. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and other trace gases in the Earth"s atmosphere absorb this long wave radiation. Because the Earth does not allow this long wave radiation to leave, the solar energy is trapped and the net effect is to warm the Earth. If not for the presence of an atmosphere, the surface temperature on earth would be well below the freezing point of water.Through a million year period, the average amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is affected by four fluxes: flux of carbon due to (1) metamorphic degassing, (2) weathering of organic carbon, (3) weathering of silicates, (4) burial of organic carbon. Degassing reactions associated with volcanic activity and the combining of organic carbon with oxygen release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Conversely, the burial of organic matter removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Plate collisions disrupt these carbon fluxes in a variety of ways, some tending to elevate and some tending to lower the atmospheric carbon dioxide level. It has been suggested that the Eocene, the early warm trend 55 million years ago, was caused by elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and that a subsequent decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide led to the cooling trend over the past 52 million years. One mechanism proposed as a cause of this decrease in carbon dioxide is that mountain uplift lead to enhanced weathering of silicate rocks, and thus removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.In addition, the collision of India and Asia led to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas. While topography may not be enough to explain the cooling trends, another mechanism may account for changing climate. The uplift may have caused both an increase in the global rate of chemical erosion, as well as erode fresh minerals that are rapidly transported to lower elevations, which are warmer and moister and allow chemical weathering to happen more efficiently. Through these mechanisms, then, it has been hypothesized that the tectonically driven uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas is the prime cause of the post-Eocene cooling trend.Kirk A. Maasch is a professor at the University of Maine, in the Department of Geological Sciences.
2023-07-18 23:34:331


(1) Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Design and analysis of high-capacity associative memories based on a class of discrete-time recurrent neural networks,”IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1525-1536, 2008.(2) Zhigang Zeng, Pei Yu and Xiaoxin Liao, “A new comparison method for stability theory of differential systems with time-varying delays,” International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, Vol.18, No. 1, pp. 169-186, 2008.(3)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Pattern memory analysis base on stability theory of cellular neural networks,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.32, No.1, pp.112-121, 2008.(4)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Analysis and design of associative memories based on recurrent neural networks with linear saturation activation functions and time-varying delays,” Neural Computation, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 2149-2182, 2007.(5)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Global exponential stability of recurrent neural networks with time- varying delays in the presence of strong external stimuli,” Neural Networks, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1528-1537, 2006.(6)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Multiperiodicity of discrete-time delayed neural networks evoked by periodic external inputs,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, (Regular Papers), Vol. 17, No.5, pp. 1141-1151,2006.(7)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Improved conditions for global exponential stability of recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, (Regular Papers), Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 623-635,2006.(8)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Complete stability of cellular neural networks with time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 944-955,2006.(9)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang, “Multiperiodicity and exponential attractivity evoked by periodic external inputs in delayed cellular neural networks,” Neural Computation, Vol. 18, No.4, pp.848-870, 2006.(10)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Global stability of a general class of discrete-time recurrent neural networks,” Neural Processing Letters, Vol.22, No.1, pp.33-47, 2005.(11)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang and Xiaoxin Liao, “Global asymptotic stability and global exponential stability of neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, Vol.52, No.3, pp.168-173, 2005.(12)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Memory pattern analysis of cellular neural network,” Physics Letters A, Vol.342, No.1-2, pp.114–128, 2005.(13)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang and Xiaoxin Liao, “Stability analysis of delayed cellular neural networks described using cloning templates,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers. Vol.51, No.11, pp.2313-2324, 2004.(14)Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zengfu Wang, “Attractability and location of equilibrium point of cellular neural networks with time-varying delays,” International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp.337-345, 2004.(15)Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang and Xiaoxin Liao, “Global exponential stability of neural networks with time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.50, No.10, pp.1353-1358, 2003.
2023-07-18 23:34:511


可以试试脚本安装praat脚本安装方法praat脚本安装方法1.打开PRAAT,录制一个声音文件,方法如下:点击,选择下拉菜单第一个RecordMonoSound,点击随便录音,然后点旁边的stop停止,再点右下部的savetolist进行保存,则出现。点击右边中间部位的Periodicity,选to pitch 点 ok,点右边的edit进行编辑。点左上角file选项卡,打开open editor script,选择传给您的FO文件(下载到那个路径需自行寻找)。选择左上角file,选择add to menu,在打开的窗口中command—栏后填写FO,点ok.重启PRAAT即可在音高编辑界面file使用该脚本。Praat语音学软件,原名Praat: doing phonetics by computer,通常简称Praat,是一款跨平台的多功能语音学专业软件,主要用于对数字化的语音信号进行分析、标注、处理及合成等实验,同时生成各种语图和文字报表。
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在自然条件下气温是呈周期性变化的,许多生物适应温度的某种节律性变化,并通过遗传成为其生物学特性。这一现象称为(植物的)温周期现象(thertnoperiodism或thermoperiodicity of growth)。温周期对花卉植物的影响:昼夜的温度变化对花卉植物影响较大,在植物生长的适宜温度下,温差越大,对花卉植物的生长发育越有利。白天的温度高,有利于光合作用,夜晚的温度低减少了呼吸作用对养分的消耗,净积累较多,花卉枝叶茂盛,繁花似锦。
2023-07-18 23:35:241


The MWC can operate with as few as p = 2N channels and with a sampling rate fs = 1/T > B on each channel,so that it approaches the minimal rate of 2NB. Advanced configurations enable additional hardware savings bycollapsing the number of branches p by a factor of q at the expense of increasing the sampling rate of each channelby the same factor [109]. The choice of periodic functions pi(t) is flexible: The highest Dirac frequency needsto exceed fmax. In principle, any periodic function with high-speed transitions within the period T can satisfythis requirement. One possible choice for pi(t) is a sign-alternating function, with M = 2L + 1 sign intervalswithin the period T [109, 161]. Imperfect sign alternations are allowed as long as periodicity is maintained [9].This property is crucial since precise sign alternations at high speeds are extremely difficult to maintain, whereassimple hardware wirings ensure that pi(t) = pi(t + Tp) for every t 2 R. The waveforms pi(t) need low mutualcorrelation in order to capture different mixtures of the spectrum. Popular binary patterns, e.g., the Gold or Kasamisequences, are especially suitable for the MWC [161]. Another important practical design aspect is that the lowpassfilter h(t) does not have to be ideal. A nonflat frequency response can be compensated for in the digital domain,using the algorithm developed in [162].
2023-07-18 23:35:391


无论传染病或慢性病,其流行过程均随时间的推移而不断变化。时间是研究疾病分布的重要指标之一。时间单位依病种而异。例如细菌性或化学性食物中毒,可用小时为时间单位;肺结核或肿瘤则常以5年或10年作为时间单位,以显示其长期变异。观察疾病动态时,应注意诊断标准和诊断技术改进的因素。时间分布分为下列四种类型:(一)短期波动(rapid fluctuation)有时也称时点流行或爆发。疾病在一集体或固定人群中,短时间内发病数突然增多,称为短期波动。常见因食物或水源被污染而发生的食物中毒、伤寒等。多因许多人在短期接触同一致病因子而引起。发病高峰与该病的常见潜伏期基本一致,故可从发病高峰推算出暴露时间,从而找出某病短期波动的原因。短期波动与爆发的区别在于爆发常用于少量人群,而短期波动常用于较大数量的人群。三间分布(二)季节性(seasonality)有些疾病尤其是传染病的发病率呈现每年在一定季节内升高的现象,称为季节性。疾病呈现季节性变化的原因很复杂,受各种气候条件、媒介昆虫、人群的风俗习惯、生产条件等因素影响。但许多现象尚未得到确切解释。传染病的季节性表现得较明显。例如在我国北方,流行性乙型脑炎有严格的季节性,仅发病于5-11月,高峰在7-9月(见图14-1)。肠道传染病一年四季均有发病,季节性高峰为夏秋季。呼吸道传染病季节性高峰一般多在冬春季。例如在我国北方,流行性脑脊髓膜炎发病高峰在1-4月。有些慢性传染病,如肺结核、丝虫病等,因潜伏期长,多无明显的季节性。有些非传染病也呈现季节性。如克山病在东北、西北地区多发生于冬季;而在西南一些地区多发生于夏季,其原因尚不完全清楚。通过季节性研究可探讨流行因素,并为制订防制对策提供依据。三间分布(三)周期性(periodicity)某些传染病相隔若干年发生一次流行,并且有规律性的现象,称为疾病的周期性。呈现周期性流行的疾病主要是呼吸道传染病。例如流行性感冒从历史上看,一般每隔10-15年流行一次。流行性脑脊髓膜炎约7-9年流行一次。周期性是可以改变和消灭的。例如,麻疹疫苗推广前,在大、中城市几乎隔一年发生一次流行。自1965年推广麻疹疫苗接种后,我国的麻疹发病率显著降低,周期性已不存在。(四)长期变动(secular change)长期变动是指在一个相当长的时间内,通常为几年或几十年,或更长的时间内,疾病的感染类型、病原体种类及宿主随着人类生活条件改变、医疗技术进步和自然条件的变化而发生显著变化。例如,猩红热在1750-1800年间,是严重的传染病,以后转为缓和,至1840年又变为凶恶之病,其死亡率是近年的数百倍。近百余年来,世界各地猩红热的发病率和死亡率均明显下降,临床上轻型和不典型病例所占的比重增多。二十世纪六十年代初以来,特别是实行计划免疫后,麻疹、白喉、脊髓灰质炎的流行情况发生了很大变化。非传染病如恶性肿瘤、心血管疾病等慢性病在死因中顺位上升。这类慢性病的波动只有长期观察才能明显看出。各种肿瘤的发病率或死亡率的长期变动趋势不同。例如,美国1930年以来男性肺癌死亡率有明显上升趋势,胃癌死亡率则逐年下降。
2023-07-18 23:35:461


2023-07-18 23:35:346

谁有星际争霸The Hunters富矿版和Lost Temple地图?

没什么好说的,给我邮箱,我马上发给你,各种版本的富矿HUNTER和LOST TEMPLE
2023-07-18 23:35:373

求一首歌 歌词里面好像有 oh baby baby 快快快快快快 让我们一起爱爱爱爱爱爱?

周杰伦,mine mine
2023-07-18 23:35:384


2023-07-18 23:35:392


2023-07-18 23:35:394

telephone怎么读 telephone读法

1、telephone英[u02c8telu026afu0259u028an]美[u02c8telu026afou028an]。 2、n.电话; 电话机; (电话机的)话筒,受话器; 3、v.给某人打电话; 4、[例句]The new system interfaces with existing telephone equipment.新系统与现有的电话设备相连接。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:telephones 复数:telephones 现在分词:telephoning 过去式:telephoned 过去分词:telephoned。
2023-07-18 23:35:311


1,打开ones刻录软件,打开后可以在ones刻录软件的界面上看到有“复制光盘”、“音频光盘”、“数据光盘”等等功能。因为我们需要刻录数据,所以这里选择“数据光盘”。2,软件跳转到刻录“数据光盘”的第一步,就是导入数据,这里可以把你需要刻录的数据全选然后直接拖入到“数据光盘”的空白框框内,也可以点击“文件”菜单里的导入文件功能。3,把文件导入之后,我们就要选择刻录盘的方式,一般现在使用DVD比较多,主要是DVD有存储空间大的特点,也更为实用、耐用,小编使用的也是DVD,所以在这里选择"DVD刻录方式"。4,然后在"DVD刻录方式"中选择“DVD Incremental-Open”模式,意思是多刻模式打开,下次可以继续刻录数据到该盘中。虽然光盘可能多次刻录,但在此建议,一般的DVD刻录盘刻录不要超过4次,因为多次刻录后,光盘肯定会存在问题,甚者报废,所以此功能慎用。刻录速度可以设置慢点,不要设置太大,这样对光盘没有好处哦。其它保持默认就可以了。5,一切准备就绪后,右下角的“刻录”按钮也被点亮了,表示可以刻录了,我们检查没问题了,点击“刻录”。6,等待刻录完成后,ones刻录软件会提示刻录完成,而电脑光驱也会自动弹出光盘,此时表示刻录成功了。ones刻录软件都是比较傻瓜化的,多用就熟悉了
2023-07-18 23:35:291


1、对照翻译两者都是电话,但是二者还是有区别的。 2、Telephone:n.电话; 电话机; (电话机的)话筒; 受话器;vt.& vi.以电话传送(消息),给(某人)打电话; 用电话与(某人)交谈; Phone:n.电话; 听筒; (发声或使用声音的)工具; 说某种语言的;vt.& vi.打电话(给某人); 3、phone可与别的词构成复合词. telephone例句:May I have your telephone number?我可以记下您的电话号码吗?Talked to him on the telephone?和他在电话上聊过吗?
2023-07-18 23:35:251

lost temple地图 NE在上方点位这么英雄刚出来就解决掉家旁边的那个黑胖子?

2023-07-18 23:35:223